• , Nebitine — s - . I. L..,•,.........L.._-__--. ,_..,: • • . DR. - - ML A NE'S . " . t,' ' 4l/173 ' 1771 ‘ )A ' .1 :. , . ~ ~,,w-sTo.IOI., A .N.D.NE 1 V GY ' ~ . . . CELEBRATED. - - . - - • , I , • . .p , ... Ati dt• re..hrfilne Ills , v .lisawll4l 7 .ement,. r • • . •- t , , Ilbar:tl palmaapo-wltlylt lids ben extglith4V . VE RM. .IF- 15 G. h ttnil 9 rsi g uett Ot ? urd call •altontion to, lb,' ' • has j,V,t pa:olienttLl Ws exten,:i'va assoi-ta t !' ' r_........_ __ - . -LP , i— .-., PILLS - 0 - . , ......_____,. ..,,,s ~.,‘„,y...„-0.,.,„..ti1t, t.llllOl ' .ar. -7 4 Ilui 1 - l iablie s q u IN, I:11 T! thy pLILIP. /try a call and • • ' . , • exult a Ntpeli or goal,: wh l i-h, ,-,, , .1,0, solely , --... . . I :tila t;xt,,o t. will dt7l%. eoplostithr, ',Au g illpart . . . I. brae, ' as, „.. e ...„, '' ' • ' - beg leive to c'dl alb. ittch . • !,.,‘A , r ik , :,;,;.t_riaNtall.. eptrou -' , y , i_ 7 , . -,- ..,...,..,ip,,,,,„ of TEA. Plp'.; w .ppa nd t Z ,101 l of 'the 'Trade, and -more • 2,,ni LI...Tr itil , l.) 1.Iokt•Ig, S;ir ~,,, 'raid,. oil. A 1 1 , : -L---- , ------.L,,- , —,— ....,..„ ~..........._.......___. ~________........N...L3.)0,4 , 1 , ,_:5,uj,yh0.y, p,,.t y..n 1 ti. ! ta . ...11„„„ p „,, _ . especlany..tpe rnysicians •of the 1 mohts..A;. ,, v. \ nrk ft. , a.i .I. , rillpht ,, y , - _ .....--". • . ,,,, OP- own, 1 Tup.Piili, split. l'oas-, Hominy, -----country„ -- - • -- -t.1 . --rnost--ponu.--__ , ---_- fci'twO - of- 1 e mi...6,,..-t,-,„,,,,.-:q.-, , ,, 1...-1,,,, (.1.,,,1at, Extrari o• ~,„- . • Coir•-o,"1-eli, P(11411:111' :11. •ttille;TratF., ..,1,11111 , :Hid Lek. ---IKrrefitediell-OwlbefOre--thE pantie. - - -h;" . ... IA - ", '41 , :c:1•II:Viu pant fliV.l l o_hr.all.C... nil 4, . - . . - ' • - - - . •-' ' --. ' . We refer to . Oluis.lllsLtine's tclebraltil VerAlinge and Liver '• We do-pot recommend them as univetsaf Cure-alls ; -but, simply for what theii- mime purports, viz.: • THE- VERMIFITGI.4], .For expelling. WormS froni the human System.• It has most been ..adrriinistered• with the most satis 7 • 'factory results to .vations . Animals subject to• Worms. • : '1 THE LIVER PILLS,' For theeure-of LIVER COMPLAINTS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK .1-Igno-AcriE•, &re. In Cases of .. FEVER AND AGUE • preparatory to or, after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. AS .specifics' for the above men tioned diSeases, they arc Unrivaled; ; ' and never known to fail.when.ad ininistercd In-accordance-with the.:- directions. & •-• 'H _ II .";,'Pbcir unpreceddnteel. popularity • has induced the proprietors, • FLEMIN'G. PITTSBURGH, PA. .tO dispose of their. Drug_busineS4 in which they have been succeSs . fully engaged' for the . last Twenty Years, and they will now - give their undivided - lime * and , : attention to• their manuficture And being termined .that br. M'Lane's Cele brated Verrnifuie aid Liver Pills shall continue to, occupy the - 1 . i . g1)- pOsition they : now hold - among the great remedies of. the day, they will continue to spare ne'tter time , nor expense in procUr . ing' the Best' .and Purest material, , and cork . pound - diem in tireT-Agess-r-Thuough manner. Address all orders Icy YLEMING MUM -Pitlslntrgli,.Pa. .I'. S. Dt.IIIITH 11110 1 . 1/1,11.1:1(14 IMbrilla . 60111 I tllf`r4 ii rot., V. ill Ito WI . ,i-,1, toil takr • 711111/ lort6' ,IPT.oi prerored Flemny Bro. ,14. To lino `e ti toying to glst Ulna a trfikl, we 011 lie - ward Per HUM. paid. In 11113 port of 010 11111471. Storrs. cue km of lot. to LIS,. three-rount.po-tago Minnow, or olio fiat of ` . ...TN, fir foavt un•nt thrrrvorut Huttoin,: All from Canada must, be ttecoinlyinleil-by hrruly counts vutru. 1 , ; . (t G 8 IV L L NEW MEDICAL SALT, - ItEA 'lllk 1 , 01,1,(111 . 1./ Iit.IITIFICATI:iI•TO Till silioacy of this meillsh, l 5 isrlionmfm,) Forth" lo,t year: 1 hare to,. tom, Sr 14,111/10 wllls Inthintiltotor. , ~,,,,, n0i1 . 111,/ err, in 11,0 01111 11114111li 1111111 cold 1, 0a1.111.1 . 111. 11 . 111,11 I lvolild IM relleViOl for a lr title, only to la• at. task e d again 11l the I .l pring. Ail my ,jOII,IS Ofilild so ell 111111 1,0 rosy sore, attended t lin 01051 motto pain, Ay feet, shooltfors, und.hands troubled me Most, no 111111.11 511 that I cloth' scarcely walk, and ohm,' al:- ways reillairildatoillfailial il, dressily. 1 / 1 111.1lgildS l//Ito I Won!! try over s t hills I sotild hear of, In the hopo of finding a cure. I also tried 1,4,1 - al 1011 110 • - thing Faadie Ito help 10 0 the leost in the world. A.ltout two /916..W1ni1f yams :ono I was 0.1,1....1 no usual. aiul 1111 Ilona! tried tiverylllins to set rid of but to no pos, 1 livid growing 000 s, and finally 11,1 to girr 115 and Hilly in the 11011,0 where 111 as confined:a/ant four weeks. t line my fart bwellod. and were so Sore that 7 could not stand on them or get on my hoots, and lily hoods swelled to dire their 11,01111 M. 0.. In Col, I mos 11, ell allimarallee, and 1.0fli•l, tldally Wit,' lip. .110011 this Itu,rmy parents. ' who ',side ill )lidos, ser...t fot . to ruum Lane. I 10011 1, 111111 alts rmy arrival colonials red iri log :tooth, 'wordy, lispin,e to hp mired. but ro tho sanie as all others. Ccir wars,:: h had not been able In dress ntysolf Or ralss,my hand to illy hand, and sulleritor 1110 St 1 01erin•liting.11.1111 all the CllllO. Ono dnc Illy nil her 1,1110 In nit 11 a par, in 5,1,10), 15110 5 • tuli . ertl . sed Salt, fill• Inlhuuum tury Dl•eossq only, Old ssalitvil 1110 to read Dec What, 1 Ills: 011 01 it 1 read nt,u 1:11101011 at It, pro• 1101111014 11 a 111101)01g. and t:0111 111111 that 1 had 11,11 liumbossial enough. Ile kept urging me. aliil lit Ines .141 1 rnntJJlut try it, aml Illw..uld writs to Ilr, giving 111n1 51 de,seription litYillio,aso, hr 11 null par the oCpeliss, Of souls , . I could not lin use sown an Or for nod ,1,51 E for 0110 bi.n. it None In thin $1,151111, hilt soy filth Slat 1101 IncreaSild,llll.l I 111 . 11glied at the 1,11,1 t,f no small a dos° doll.; Inv ally good, and told lay wife that I believed In, C. 111141 11114 Salt loth humbugs.— lloWersr, I connui.nced osins It and the rosoli, 111,1 . 11,t1 . 3' il , t0111 , 11111!,. I could hardly remain it myself. I slept sinnolly al) night. whirli I had not done for a 1011 g 01110. and I nwukr in the morning, strolls., as it 11111y .. ,:e0n1, I 10115 entirely fres Irian pain. I had then lahen but one dosn.and bathed freely beforei,sill4 to had. That morning I folt!so nen that I baldly knew how to contain myself. 111111 Went (101 , 11 ' SL:11r/4 0011 10111 the 111111 n how well I fell, and from that day - to this I have not sulrertal one moment's pain or lull an attack of tarn dreaded enemy, Rheumatism: I and per. , •lesfly leen and hearty, mid wherever 1 111115 n i•ln.lic.o renainitnend It. A friend of 1111110, residing in lirooklvn Is now trying IL for a bad cant., and so Ihr it Is,workingudinirably. - This is a limirkdory. but I hare tilld all the fasts, which 1 van — bring . nooses to substantiate if neeessitry; and . will again bay that In IN BA Gl', a sure curs may he d !be all Inflammatory diseases,. and would " urge all *lto - are titillated to give. it a tidal. OEO. Jr. DU CAN', N0..117 Wall Strio:t, Now Yen Whoa It Is rementhertel that the :111 , ,DICAL SALT- Ie ns in all otluir Inflammatory lll,easrs as in Rheumatism, (see descriptive eireularq it will at once Ito aeon that - it- ie . a most valuable . remedy; Surely those thus afflicted will toil in their. own condition and in.the tides shimmer, vough to induce them to give the MEDICAL. SALT a taint. Price, Ono Dollar. Chronic Package, $2 50. , • • .••• 0. TAYI.9It.& ' •-• Oen. Agents, 902 llodt St., ybil. ' Thi, New Medical Salt is far salo by dieige - ls. ally. Give it a trial. - (July 13, VIE MOST EXTRAORDINARY BOOR'. 01 TUB MU Res' t edition of 10,000 sold in ~;ix weeks. ENTITLED "BOYHOOD'S PERILS AND MANIIPOD'S .COSSt. PUBLISHED BY•DIL S. PANCOAST, Spring Garden street, Philadrilphia, Pa., and for sale, by all booksellers This Is a hook of 925 pages, 12.in0., boned in eiptb,wlth nine lithographic plates, :ant In L 011,1114, for li:fronts, F guardians and. yuuni{ men. Every yoking man NOII vlslias to tnaintaiii hia health and nianhiM and have n luttlthy progeny, should i read this book. tome of 11. Atatounints are really aslotinding, and havo never Liu Toro apposred in Print. Price sl,' By mail $1.113. lOW TN PRESS AND It 4DY Valt. DELIVEItrIN A YEW DAYS, A GREAT W 0111: FOR '1111; I,Atims, ~_.• , . . _ by, tlio same author, entitled LADIES' MEDICAL GUIDE, 'AND MARRIAGE FRIEND' , This is work of nearly G'lo pages,,licautifully bound cloth nud contains over 100 splendid and curiena on. groviogn. •It given a eelligitgg description of t h e Mlle, ,•turn and function of tin reproductive organs of the fo• male, showing how:married ladles may Intro or at old largo fitmilles. Also. a cool plote Idstory of liermagllrcl• 11,/th_mbwlth_entiOns_plateenhowlng_hath_seyo4 untte ' It fling given;young' Indlea in 'selecting ri husband, pointing out the found. of so much urthuypt M.O/'after marriage, rind the Influence it 'exerts on the offspring. ' The work ohm glies the fty 'Niue and "treatment- of all fomalo disallow!, so that ovary remelt:pay Int Ilerown . • 'no last nlntpter is. dovoted-tO, tltUTPliet, giv,ine the receipts for costnotieii at present In mu by the nobility '9. l .T e renco; England. and f tussia, for beautifying thesniii IBM , t ooth', And for Tema ring foul andprenerrlng a sweet boon obtained ii*,greot expo) , so. fly Until MTh, or eight , additional post age stamps. 600 y copies hart, already boon tirdpro.-- Thoso wishing' a copy of the first. edition. should send 'Mob' ordors wlthOutoloi nY. Voinploto doticription of tint trcirlt seoProspeetos, ,which will Rio Bout pu receipt of ono latter swop... AGENTS WANTED in overy town In.thq•Didoh, .1,4b00,/sooly zt - qttalPy br,6og:ik.A. • A... 4 iwautl(ul. twurrii q, 74; 1 d 11 . 1, r qtss, qtpuoiL, t, t9lll Ew therit Vinkro,, grolt and 11.1 a nlerafi t c. -6r lAril porrti.ppry for the toile!. • Fttllll'S t I itrititlid:,:l;cat!litts Isl . ?tans, Malttittp, Crap• Via-rift:4 dry dupl.., eiti:dty, alattnals o ' 11.rogit,; I tdittnA4 , ( fi ii j . . e . m i , T , 1 .1 T .. ;!: 4 .,, ; .,,, 1 ,, 1; ; 1:;' , .1: ; •n:; , ... 4, ..:;;; ,.. : 1 •1 1 , tnil., •I/ ,= —, keyi 3Srattdit•d. dark mid palit, iti:dlott 1:. • . Sltt.yry l'og:tiatlttyla, lii.•gvr. Catawba :ti _rt:?, ;A.. and . 31mwal, IV 1,11.41 In ' r:llW.:lna lint • tier. ' ~ , ,,tcli It Ilislwy, Ifollaml nitl,-, itni I,t.ht:itlnol 1 FISII• .AND :4,11.1'. ' • . , Adqrir '4.0(4; 111 . LA kf IV, int•llidlli!, liyoll.'s culrbrAtocl lawils for Iravaila; . Notoselir or coal iii. also l , paran, Mo. Llra.tool. Coal (111, Ituralng i r iultl. rprrut ant Star Caildivs. CEl).llt-IVA 13:E ' ' DI/Or trim, letter ;old note 'paver. .Witloe tfipN, pain CM! , Ct.ttnn and and halt ~••1 st ,, h of Ill"vdt,i, Inclll.lkng the well known 113nott, 1 o short., 10/4 stock eoloprl4r4 thiw.r flint is ,•,11.11. fim. in hir. Ituo riNuts.l:),.ss..aw4 13tre:tr,d, . $ lll 1,, to rondo ! . ,uiire salin.::irtion to Lis et‘s;oner,.' . Oef . t:d -31..1..eti tit; ul all hhid% tal:,!it la "..•• • • . - ri•FALBERT'S.P.AIIiI4 G . 1100E11 r; _a....L QUI:IMSWAIq: AND VARIETY 6TOICE, Vbr(h. fr.q - Crorno• o'o4'e Eirldic-Srmare, ,ppo ,;I,e the C'arlixle . l), , ,,Nit 11,1)1;,\. .1. D. 11.1.1,11E1U f. 141.01: goo+, nil+ 111SO11010W 10 1, .fllll al, 1 , 01111110 O.IIIIIOIP 'llllllll fly 110 0111111101 al,' e V 01'y 1:11 ii t i,rrt t•Ti- FAMILY .GROCFRIES, NI , hill it quallt) rind price CA X' E A 2' A larzo stmt of Chinn, (Ha. and Qdn , diunvare. o !dna. and hea utiful dealgna, and etol,rd,jug every grade, of [VICO. llu !s Fm.:: AutsT hi luill7le lur .10Nrie celubri 4 ,4, ILti.OAL OIL LAMPSI.' KEROSIiNE 0 ono of Lino greatoi,t,fliveovorlea of Ihp pombiothg olleaptioss, safely and inpreartal light. Coal 111 :opt .. 1;tolps constantly an hand. I-Inn public aro pp. quoted to: CI 3111 i UNIIIIIIII, .. • 1) . - N. 1%. Co) nor rublie B.l.tre rliKli, ilet. 27, -':es. HUNG • Alllll VAL OP FR —DI , C:S. FANCY CcoVS, EMI= S. 11'. 11.1 V S.AISTICK Ign , revelvvil from therit) and I: now openin,t to wlllolt tteNIN., the nttinltloli of his !nr,1,1 On. publiv. lli. a,.1.111,..nt 111 t Hue 'UT...a in v nint .I,nm, qt.i llnth o, wuony and.pried.7of tin• ati rvlt, r.nuncl 1111 , larrould Lu hnrot.r.ll , lk. to ennmeraiv , _ 011 , . 'variety of fancy :Irani., orth e snr,t umiultdte 11111 , 11 sn, l'apnd Madv-Goo,, and'rdrolain ink,t,dl4..z and tray,, , I v,dl:t.oll and d . (1 1 '9 Hwy ic;M:i • — 7 - 1 , 311 , 3' with sewim; litntrultluntr, "•_ )1111111a10,. iii V, cry varildy, gold was and 1 14 iIS, Plllll'y paper I‘ol:dds. l'aidittdies, and a largelq..riety.ir Fancy . ntallon oryi - Mott" seal, snd Find pur,s, • I: uliev'ridlu; Whips, elegantly fiished, Ladies' fine • • Peril/me nisliets am; II 11:.lies of 'very kind ny l'eriinos of the'raidrnli instruments. an it liin7.ls and at all prims, 1, - ;other , ritil A 1 11111.1111,, 1 00 varirty of artirlr,.rleg ~,4 it and Fol. hkh hr invites s l .moi 110.010.1011. • 1111,e•AtellSiVe and lip74:lllt L , lloetloll of • tho various raigll,ll ; rind Anti.riran, rirhlp elnlre16111n1P01:1111.11, V.. lip, ;I.r:onward ..t Seltool Books ;111.1:;:r.honj sta/jouapp is and enniprkea ovorytlilng• 1,1;11 In l;. . I In' ' , l.' , Ito alt.rt esinet; In rail the par tharlar attention or muniiks to 1114 Plegarat asmr ument, r. t' • • L A )1. S from thl• estahlishmenls "rpm . notitN, Ar and others of Pliihal,lphia, comairl.-thir every r.ty Parlor. Clonal., and study Lnmpa , fir horning el hard, Sperm or Ellierial oil; also Milli', velelir Icerosene or Coal Oil Lai:Ts, together with Flow.er Vs -Panay l , cleens, assortment lii this line is equaled in the boronglr. Also. t 1. 1!:MIT?`, siteli a.. Oranges. I,IIIOIIM. Fi;rl4. Ind Novtlllll,.. l 7 inn,. Pine Apple., No. fg;:t I'l9S.lll.l r —NlPP;;;—Pltt.rfl,liVP.l) FICUI'I%-', Mrs: MEAT,. PICKLES, &e.. In every variety and at till et, all of whitlo aro pure and fresh 14114 . 11 of -1,111 be r 14)1,111.1y rot,ll/I.lttied to It.ie /'fiend, /ti, FV , Al.llllhr, 111 , ,y1i) inc Iu tilt. line of Pitney with many ot article, naelnl to Iliill , el,4.perS 101101 nits P ublic aro rorially int /tell to rail and eAtlllible. ()Id ; 4 1:11/ nearly oppo:•Itu the 11,11,1: :Nltrtat Hanover tttot et. EIIiMISM Jr O.S P 11. IT. STEEL• „ r SV-5t W TC 11-111AKF,11. Fo A I(r llANovut sTioxr, A few door; South (!I (hr .11olexe. eppplied ni3 self nil)/ a large essorlinent of 3heteihtht, &v., F am i., prep . / ell to relefle all hinds of 11'e , elie. , , Clocite,Jewctry, Ay. on the - most reasonablY'temos, that lily he entrust. d In toy 11/01711/g bY strict, attention to 11 . 11,1f1e. be 110 to ceri•t WILII It 111101111.1.111 re 01 Pm Llir hats one;e. A Doe assortment of .IESVEIA4Y. sat,ll on Unties' 111...4 1'11.111141 Ear Drops, (1.141 mot t';nneo; Missed Breast Bias and r Drops, Ilex awl f; Bhe. el( size, 110111 Chnim Droll°, Dieted (limbo:, Wit Lorkets.GuartD, Alm', it hug,, end Coe tisserlinent of I/ 013 11.• ILI (I 1. IL 'lt N Also, a lino lot of Silver Delathell 7.ev, um! 1,e1.11,,. ‘Vzallies. mot a gt.fal plated uwl Stoo.l Sperl orlon. all ut whio• win im sold how. A Flare of polillv pat ro re.peotiolly .JUti. U. 'Ciarlislo,'.loly y • " OffiiltrifOrle - 1/dildb FAMILY GROCERY AND • TEA Just r(11, 1 1V011111111111 NON, it fresh and ,well as tertad a‘sortinent or Itio, Java and Mara. eadhu (Ares, Roasted Coffee. Crushed Pulveriged Sugars. Refined and blown Sugars, superidi ' Syrup 'Mr,lasNes, Orleans (lotting) M. a 1. 0 1, 115. Spices of ever, variety— ' • pure only; Starch y Farina and Chordal e . Thied•drold, t:/ies:ip and . . Cracker:, 111111.14agv, SaleratAiaad Soda, Cieinn Tartar had as. sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TVAS,- - A. flue aqsarlaient In l'itakage, and la hulk—ax well 34 all other artiala Ilelonaing to the at 1t.., and late reduced juices. ' Jill'. EBY, ore*" I -blll Paper Hangings ! Paper Hangings COME AN)) SEE OW) • • .• CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. • CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS.., • AND:OUR •FINE.GLAZED PAPlilt HANGINGS. 'PINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. • FINE GLAZED PAPER 'HANGINGS. FINE GLAZED I'API;;4 HANGINGS. - AND ALS() OUIL **l RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS. -. RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS.' . RICH GILT PA PER HANGINGS. RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS.• And W I NIMIV PAPEItS of varinim colors We frith to Informihe publir that our nteek of Paper Hangings, is he lar . geat and most varied assoitmenb over opened in earlisle,'and that too (Il: Nulling at prices that will atilt tivhybody, at •11.11 IN INNE & North Hanover dt , Carlisle, n•here - you Cu,, he furnished at all times with FleAll Paints. OH, t•aruinh, &0., of tho host quality and at Um limed prises. 1npr.6.1659.. • NEWSTUCK BOOTS, SHOES, .1011 N. litVINB, having token the' /druid, on the ,Lnorth east corner of the Square, moonily occupied by .1. B. Keller; would' remieetfully Inform the citizens In loirii and' country, that he litta Juet returned frontehH ndelphln with a 11011/ arid' thielrithle iietioitraent orgOode In hie line, oompilsing 011NTLEMIlN'S FINE CALF DI MSS BOOTS, Kit' Ito., lAMBS' 3101111000 AND 1,10.11 11001'S, KID $1.11.1 , 1111S AND LASTINO 'IIIIIS, allsSES' AND 0111LDRIiNS' 1100'1'5 AND GA I. "1!•41115, In *rent variety, Boys' and l'outlen Boots and Alrogann. Illon's and hop , ' , • . . .. • •• . . .•. HATS AND CAPS; . . , of 'ovary 'deaarlidinn, and a ganeral at sortinon t, of straw goads.' flin stoltk has‘boun Relechal with great faro,and • will. bo ,aohl at : is. Tory Ruud'. advanen on city wholesale forgottho clonit,''cornor, opposlte JOLLY Apr.b, 1850, „ MMi= OEM S. W. 11.1VEHSTici Nov. 8, :.R, h their Customers, for the very liberal patronage extol• ded to them, and would respectfully inform the public that they continue to ma nurat tiro CUSTOMER Mork, at their olttstand. od .tiorth Unilever street, two doors almve the drug store of S. W. Haver/dick. WitiCa number of first rate' workmen employed and fiellities for securing the best stock to ha found in the market, they in. , prepared to make, tip every descriptbin of BOOTS AN.I SIICES, for ladies and gentlemen's lit the most fashionala. style, And of Armingstrli Our teria is and workman. hip. . Many years of practical experience In the business both bore and in Philadelphia jutittfies them in saying, that they are able to insure full satisfaction to all those who may leave thole orders. , April '2l, 1838, tf. • ' O." TAYLOR. • IQE.LLS! BELLS! I BELLS ! of the best makes. for sale cheap, the lhurtwaru Store of J. P. I.VNE tic SON; ,h 1 y 18.165,01. tiiiitlFlTiffCcfdfk , HATS, . • I mported Mediterranean seed Islie . at just . _ teeelved thud fir Falu by • rirt. oW$-LOT . 5.7 T . ik , ee I.:tilable Town ots, tw gale chum, for cluth. , Vor further hifornitt 'ott'apply. at ' - ' .1011N' r, LYNI SSON'S,• • , May I,S, 18119—'2111 • - , North liorinver'st, , • • 5/11.1ble. prime New, No. 1 .Herring, e \J;fo r . just reerfved, and Arlo at, priors to suit. 11 tittles at • • • - , 'HALBERTS. „Jttil A;k'(J.lllilS, JEWELRY, :A NI) ry RialavvAlthA T coNLylvs nW ostsbusio.st etood, West h i et., nimrly oppopile the cuinkerlond Volley Bonk. . . .1 havejust recedved n new , essortment'of matches, • Olfelry: . lll.lttlitons !diver ware, &r, in ndilitiou to my. namier . stook to. whi,di I loviteXtliiriatalithn, of ; tjae puldier- Thease.ortnient 011111111C?S lb., • gold nod silver levilo watillop:ttni.thaf ' „....„..n .1111 0,101 C:1,1 10, gold Antihero foi g ....1.). •§-1, .1..11,.$ .. 0 0„,,ti,..., ,tha , ii vvr I,e- , . E a oft. and gnarlier watches of evai Nee .. 1.. ,- . , 4!.!:if.. i r duty In style ofd_ prier.. . Also Ito, gull 3fedailions. Breastpins for - Rollos and Genliemen of in'ery otutlity. pattern Mid polve. Gold. fe,l„._ ; vesl - .112yk1in . .1 nerketain.rr..ilald,bracelets. linger - riems ‘ cull , peve-buttons. creFses,' ritarn., 5.e.,..te. Gold and sliver thimbles, silver nod plated hotter knives, lints. table, te..."gall,rind,m itstard spoons -of-o'vel'y-varletT. — A - largo -assortnieht a.m./a, 'OIIYO/ -- - : - .7..• - •,..,. -- ',..^ .... and Oo,erAt EpitlOß, to Stilt all nt:..) . " - t...,:: ,111111 ig6t, to which in.e ins lip special at ten .......:._ ..A . flop lot of 0101.11 I'I,INS froirT'fiirliT,Friffairt , t,r; nielia - eleteitsoa,---anry-1.-NO,-sii,,er,aluf-paarl...4rd-r-asi . , ~ .4,1, “ , ,, ,.. ~,,, on. hrocriel.s,.. Avatell-d.h.N) • • '.. -,, - --, .31antle Clorl:s and a vat iay tirarifriet: mix. • . ,. ' --- ' ...11,,, , ,ke pt . ', .I.ovpYry p,i.tai.di,hlkotn....mhi..di pl _ I will soil low, for eat-h.' Ali articlessvai. ~._..,• Noted ho be Ivl,lll they-n ro represent..e. - ..-.-s 4 -- hirtlehlar . attention. paid as usual 'to ' - 2 Z.., wxrcit 1:P.P.1:11;1NO and all work,. war: : .1 - ranted. . . . if;57.1 741.1: OLD FRIENDS; and the public gov.rally are Insitt , d to call and examine my Stiock Or 4,0, • • • cflociaiis, =EI • QUEENSWAII E, 1.1,1“.1s, Freph Can Fruits, Ni'add and Willow W lii p.n. and Ell:slim., Ilun, Fruits, Fish. Sall. and yarit.,:ty nt lier,gon).lB utd. neeePs.uy tr eumni.rair. - . • . 1...y0 doors 1 , 44 of Ithoads' IVirehouso, I,formorly John (I. I no. a roll and 0.111111;0 lily good. , and prkes,- CEtIi.IIS ap5,....,44!( . .r btoro. outshitt .o flutter. EztiN Snip. rags, llet•Rwax,pri,tl rrult, I.tit,lll 111 oxeltangt, t,lr good.. = pRESERVINCI: JARS, -SUGARS t ;Less ;Tarn. ale - tight. (Stem a patent.) Pre presert too fruit Ae.. tit the videon niia.s. are (411. led to the pulp` 6l' the 1 ietl`rc. Its a Jar that tvill cointnentl ritt,t.. is tell sea line, the 11111li.St. Riot sityple 1111,1 Jar nettle. and feelltitt rnir relent v. lieu oary 13 , 41 Sin Is. Itteferretrtri any t,tl.r".• _TILESI; J.% together with n VAriely Of tatter ghod l'rernrving aro Ihr Gale at ttn; sh re or the , t h,erit. er . oheru j,ap aim) hU roUriii a Iltrgi, and general go.s.allnent • • II FiCE'M cIit(ICENES. .nr_tltoNarlidasqualitins..lncluding.nscas,rtableatullitte_ selertfon ui ilw b,•,4 and finest ;:rath, or 11131= MOND salt:llde for prolasrvlng. feel•tlialicuulfor the gsn• ills support hereta.ors extended to IMMO] trust u• any merit the rout WIWI] timers Of Our 11 - 4,114 S and rustono•rs. Our greats st ellosts rhall IPA matt• tnpl••nsa in—the-quality ~r the nrtat•la sold; as well as In wire. • Carlisle • duns i, 15515. •.1 W. Ell 4t Minn - I/ • • • ,fe- Pearheal PLUMBER arid (7,1 S FirrEl2,, - 'in the baseTnent 11 - the if, B. Church'', • „Vain Street, Carlisle, . . , Load told Iron Pipes," , Iron 'HlilliF, Ily,tialas. u f.,t, , Ati1 , , , . brut A. Cllid Shower Batts,' . . It litilert,, . . Water Closets. - IVasl, Ibbcills. • purr, and, I.lfl l'lmps, - I lkytlrAtili,. 1: 8 ,,, A , 5.,.. II 1141ruu, IVel'il Tuber, - .1.11,1, , vAry ti, , ,ript bp, or reel, allot Titling., re ga , , Own.. ~,,Ur Ao. ,-Aperior coolsit,,., tangy, 1Lea1,,,,,,,1 A fi x t me, put up ill ebnitil,,. ~t, l rt, am! d A 1111,,,, , .. 1/2, , , I I,lTire, ii, thoomi,st Ilthaelli MIISIO. -In flnitel l a , r,l , a A - or ,, 111 1111 r Hun at bny rates :Ma W:111.1”till. 4? h . 0 , 11111 ry I, orl: and .101,b11,;.; prAmptly atlebtled 1.;,. Mar. I:3, IS;•9.—ly / 1 . GA O (I E; it 1 E 611al Mitt :Vtarl.erel S1111110;1, Lt• Fish iiiiiiiiMiliii=a2M Cili;OFo 411 d Crackers fall 1,, 11.1 Flllll., • Preeserv,, and dclltus twar efired liebfatitl 1111111'R, ❑rthaupplvpf LIQUORS, Oils, Vi • T N. N i r i l .t .q\ "l\ ‘ ' I T A C I N i I :. I t . I \ t . t I I rr o irr o bilsjort rorolvtol a pow mot o or Cloths. 5111.4110 Crlll.4lllere.S. for sl,ring nod soo,o tvoa r. etiobroellig FANCY CASSIMEItI:S. BROWN AND WIMP FANCY STD /PES_AND PLAIN .1 lam: surlily. of spring And summer coating. and n.t.in no ding. ).1:IVU l'irri ill. 1,1140 1111 lir navasore nod 1411 r1,1F1,11111,111 tonns. ./2. - j- Orders Inttended to prooliitly, and the (Min all e'nements warrnotet.l,or no sale. 5. 11AN1C1 Apr. 27, - - 1859. 500 - PAIR TRACE CHAINS, to .y,.. , rlinont. of BUTT CHAINS, BREAST CHAINS, HALTER CHAINS, LOG CHAINS, Ff enAINS, • TONGUE CHAINS, COW CHAINS, SPREADS, Ac. Ac. reel , iVeal at the elleall 113.1 ,, are store of March 10, 11. SAXTON 00 It4) 1 11 ( 211 ROS H . All'il2:lllllllrl,l::lll3scOrt;'n‘eNittrnot STEEL, SIIEET IRON; • IIOOP IRON; RIVETS, BOLTS, NUTTS, • • ANVILS, VICES, . FILES, -- RASPS.' . • SCREW/ PI.ATE:3, BLACKSNIITII BELLOIVI:j, st roroiretl tool for sale cheaper thin ever. nit . 11111.11 . 10. Irsp. III:NRY SAXTON'S A G ItICULTURAL DIPLEMENI 11. AND MACHINE SHOD.. ~ . . ON WEST LOUTHER Sl*4El% Atm 7 InfrZ. tha residence of 11..1. %RAT, and Im —. ediate)) . In rear or tho.tiwoo Eogh, .L'' 4 1-t, mow,. , ls ' , .. 1 '....g.r . ; The subFrlber desires to Inform Ito farmers, and the public generally, that ho is now man u 6 nAtniog, and has eentautly on hand , - nETs cumucAnn Verller and dpaner, Also, Ho, premium llorst , rower 'Threahlug Mn. Inc, with vibrating to.paratnrs attached. gliellers, Straw Culters,'teo., N. 11. Irons and materials always on hand for tha to 'r of Reapers and )lowers, Threshing iilnelilnes 'kW t Ural implemptits of all kinds, -wh Irl w 111 to at - I.led to promptly and an reasimahle terms .1. 21111:A11131.-i,1'ronkietor. A.. 1, ICUT7. , Foreuuto Apr.. 27, 1859—Cul TRUN RAILING !—lrou Railing for lyetnetery enclosures, publ leand private grounds and gardens, Made to order at the Carlisle Foundry. (tub stock pf italling,"Verandah am? Bracket patterns eon, pricap„d we variety of new and elegant designs Which too NoVlte are Invited to call and examine. Orders gor raking and putting upltailing trill be promptly execs• tad at satisfactory prices. . • ff s e.irvg An entirely, new TEN HORSE STEAM 'i'..NOINE and..ll , loll,Elt non• on hand, warranted to be of the best inn he, and 4111 Le sold at a bargain for cash be on shot I POOT. AND SII . OEMAKING.-J 6r. 'PAYIAII, rtittink theit , sinceio tlniqUe lu STIIJCKLER & . Jlm, Main Arcot Fret. 7. 1850. lie~tp Job Priaitig cloite here ii - ',II33I.I3ENLAND INSTITU'r ' NECi(A:7,iCSUUIIO PA. , • A. 11, J'II.I.IWII'AL, and tew:Jwr al 31aillemaOrs and Modern Lungnagra. . . . T.11031A5.8. 1:10:91:, A. D., AesistAtit Principal null teacher nf Aucicnt Languages am! Iligbur 1,14: MIL 'L. 31. IIAVLItSTICK, Assistant .in the English Do paitment. . This iniLit Olen hneing passed into new Ilan tY. f wit he reopeileNEl Mohr School only, on Th l orstlay, I,llu • . 'day of Septentav next,- the design of the pre-mil proprioteH °to niekti' lt , a . strietly.lirst-elats, B ea rdi n g S.elmoli 6 fOr'trainitig - and fitting Lalys-and-youlut-itieit either ler renege or busities. .An efticienejorps of I ti• stPructors has beell'011:11111.014 whose personiti Inca identified with tie success of the.l nstitntion, and will Spar 6 iiiitifirth tnaflificiirerf tiY - Ortfitirolf frt dente anti patronage of the public. - 'The Ilulldiors of the Instituto.Ntrti ample; rind well arranged for the no. ...c . . ..nnodatlisin of atllut ninety boarders. and all gt Intents firm a' road aro e , ipa4 - 1711 . 'ffrbtarrtf , w1Hritio-leiteltera. us - Efuortheireneftioteonatant_ : :and sAtper_vition,:" Meomniebburg . islAtnated fir.thifeetttra nf: the'bran-- lifrd-Quinimrintid.Pitliuy t nhto : tuilea. froinjtarrisldirg, , and is easy lirllerel. by Railroad foam Philadelphia. Col Could Le ee,a-1111111.1 rerae,liealt by or attractive tOrstieh it school. Pepin, from, Washington, liartitimre, IdilladelpLia and infermediato points. tithing Ihu meaning train, nit . roach ,31celianicsburt; by 2 o'olork. •P. 'AI, As It 10 tilt. 'determination of tin Principal-and bin placetbe l to-titute on a permanent ;tint elm with .overy application requisite for superior ; they appeal with confidence to all pito have sons to HI i Ti,, scholastic year will la. nibs bled intl•t n o sessbals. of twenty two weeks each, the first beginning on Ibr first Tinirndity. of September, and' r a tify g no the fist Wed nr,,day Verona ry •, the 1114 - 011(1 out lhn first h0tE.,1,,y or Farroby, nod ending „ n 11„• Weditc.Tlay of July TIIO3I,IS . CUSLYNt Roan], Tuition, Items forulshed. nutl 1:1:01 per F.ession: - . $Bl CO ray soh. loot will 11,3 . m:civet! ht $lll, $l2, and ;It; a 'rortling 10 their advaucenniait.• No extra charges for ineletd and nnalern lmi untlet or vocal music % To: too per session payableltalf iu ativanm. • I , t fur their Innull:ltdOli apply to ahlllu & *eh anienhurk Pa. Apr. 0,1:44r, I= IRVING FEMALE • COLLEGE,' . 31ECIIANIC:111.1liG, PA. • This Institution, deshme,l 11,f lb.• eriurat ton n(Yottng. Indus. has been Ip t,pmstion tau yet:rs a Ith ningt'gratifyin.f. results. It Is now establi,hed. rm a lola linsis, nod itfi palhorpg, :theaty extends urcr sev,al SW es. ll Is:locate.* I•n C1111111e113111.1 Volley Ila l'a,vren Ilsrrlslturg mot Carlini'.; most tar• Ipe aunt t, ,utihll !nitan of the valley. awl in In close pro:lilty to one of the most mural, Inalllty, and terpi I%lng (onus in the State. --• It IA ...Doti al. and airy Sfutlonta Irtivitwr . 1 - NraPiTi Inl , Srit; Cr' PIMA Qittjdi i:i In 1 L F'ffiririt train for IlairiFlturg, will arrive at I'd relatnicsburg, lu tittle akr Ilittut•r. The edifice is largo 1111 , 1 commodious. • surrounded by th , thio veintelas. and will accoutmad,,,,, I.:lnters. In Its construction, it ronil Ines all the moth en Ititprovetnents for the pi emotion of lien/th. comthrt and convenience. In these tespects p4sicians 'pronounce it anti valturl. The chnnthersnn• large and neatly furnished— East, bas its register for heat and vett tilatlrm OnlY two st telents occupy the same room. Tire Earth rooms are at all times Ftggdlid x lt6 war:nand cold whirr., The grounds are ample. and well arranged for 11,11!-• anon. and the'varlonv catlstitenie exercises so est.sn. tial to heal It, graceful movement and 'symmetry el firms. The Fgenlty or I,strttetion fe ellltivzit and 'exyerl ertrud. In the Celto:tilte lt , norttnett the. emirs(' of of tit/3 : is of a 10411 mote. ov,mi,rehereting all the boNert tog to - n C! Polite nod Chet:Al:to Cduvnl ttt. I it.the 14 eirtratury Depart4.tt pupils I,i 1,1,0 ram r 1 . 1 111111;1111riv.d.111 lormichtis •lOrnthlr the lasi. al th,rmigh Ftnllish rd Ural ',site, 110 n) the lot IVedilesl3y 01 St , pt..,ol.er to the :1011 1 of .I:o3oary. . . Soctad otl'el.ruary to tlo: 11,1, dulynnd Sugust. T1:10.19 ptr: OF PA? DV.I NCI:: Furni,hvil I,' moos, CM= Ttlltiou—efille'phte ilvpat Uncut 1., pant •• = '• •• " Firk i•srra ....11a.r,; . e for .Ancient -- 31 - treir , = - PErnirAt - rd - tittihrr V.al laNt., log and other Or Balite:lLA Br: at LIB. tirtl:ll rat, T0:AA...10 1)1.10...d at rite priro , e. C. - Jur/her, parlleti)ars 110 - . .I.• U. MA HIATT, A. )1 Pr =I IIUYEITS I=E! At IlllyfT MEM 92232163 - - 11:2.z. :3 11 S rElvs..ar...l .." smarm/Inv.' 'The. u•pntalLm of Ibis institution Is non rEy. as a Lest elass`'PlAtiition beyolel 4140,E. ii. 114 ill the hoarilinr. db partment, home eeinforts, parental Lui , ervlsiOn ae plural Intlnepee. In the educational Jrparuneut C 011111161114 to tehcr,c Illurongh Instrdetion f and stir means ol . rlAanceniont. COfTENTS OF CATALOGUE JUST ISSUED. EIMME Trustees; Iteceretweii; WarlierF; atte inn.° ti.ict. 0'4 . ; I.'utirsti of stud,; Voi•atlon ; Nent.ll nod Montt ' Tywilkt.il: (tom lion. lien. ClotniLers. It. S. Si•ln.cek ‘,01..N, in regard to the recent tninual exiiliii Huns '• front tho ; and from Jo. IY. Alexander. IL D.. of New York, nit t othrrs. The next f 0,44011 .111111ellee Sel.6lllber•Titi For n .talogue adjures E=! OF IENNSYVANI:I7. MEDICAL DEPARTMILN'I' NiNtry.routtril SLsziom \l7 LLidll GIBSON, 31. D., Elum Itus Professor of Sur. gory. tuum..r.teusox, M.l) . Prof...or of I nstjl ute Med lei ne. tan. it. 'A 31. IL, Professor of Throey and Praet ion nt Medlnte.' Ilona 1.. 11..4.01:, 3f. D.. Professor of Obstetrics :Ind the of Women and Children. linen C.a.soN, M. D., Professor of Mate, la A. dies and Pluormary. M. D., Professi,r of inctnislry. I.,Ern Luna'. 3f. 11., Pndessor of Anatomy. lII.NNY 11, ream,. Si. K. 1..11,54 01 Surgery. MILLINNI llt vr , M. 1/, 1/..lllollSlNtlor of A uatornyi",.. The Lertun.s of the fieFsiou tr ill begin on tliti'Seeond Monday 0;0, toter, and chew ou the latter Clinical Instructive) is gi, en throughout - Um nessims, iss the 31edlc.s1 Hall by Use Pt ofessors, and nt the Peism. sylvisoln nod other Hospitals. • The ilh'Seidiolflitiorns, under ,the sof.orlntendeme of Um troll-a n ms 4rl Anatomy and the Dtmonstr,st iar , are opou fn m the mi. die 4d' Sept mote r. ' Tho Hoe sa for operative eurgery and the Applicatien of Itandages. dr., Is open early 115 sopl rosin r nod 11sroulsout. the reseloll, Under the supervfsion of the Professor of Surgery. eiurglcal Demonstrator. C. S. rledier, 31. 11. Peesibr the Lectures (each Professor $l5), $lO5 3I at rienslatCuu Fee hid once holy), 5 I iraduatlon Fer, 50 It. E. I(UGERS, M. D., Dean of thi Medical Carol ty. ./UulverAtyllulldfog F. B. DICK, in nitor, UnlreraDry P. S. Board may ha had at fr,m S2.CO to $6 per week July 1:1, 1659- :(m. . s4lircellnitcutt~: JAS. 31. SI A SO.\ 11131 ER. 1,1:1S1.$ MASON 11131 ER N 1 CONFECTIONERY ! Ni?,W .F 111,4 AND NEW cy.OODS Q:I.I!COTHER, Rain St.; opposite the Cnmberldnd Valley Bank in Trout's Sew Building. and nth . ' Piper's Book Store. WOULD tuost respectfully ano'Unce to the citizens of Carlisle iirat vicinits•.`that .ilicy,linvo just tenets ed front Thilidelphini a - new "supply ' Confectiaueries. .Frult,.;'ti. - tos and Toys. which t hay are prepay ell to soil WHOLESALE N ItETAIL, ut the lowest CASH towns. lly strict tat toil ion to 'lnuit neEs and a' &Ore to pletn , e, uo hoperituWyerve a liberal shirr of 'attaining°. Carlisle, A 1/1:21, ltigo-Snt: TAP - CUES, JEWItILEY AND I L V 1: It W A It It , We would,rlspretfully Inform 001 ' frlends, patens and 4114111411411 e gee entity, that we have just opened 0111 NEW WATCH, .IEII Mat EILVI.:IC AND PLATED WARE ESTABLISH. MENT,Ut :,,0.022 Market St., w hero offer wholesale and retail. at the lowest easii 14rIVes, a large and very wo stock. of overt' descrlpthoi or goods usually kept . a first class Jewelry Store. Wn hope by untyptr .ritfurts to ~am44141144t0 and please not only to retAFE - all" )sliTTortner pat rons,, but inerlt and secure to large -' ItereSslon to the ' • • Every description of 01:}111011d Work and othorJewer. 1 7, made to order nt rhea notice. ' &a- A lEgoode warranted to be . ait represented.' l'artleular attention given to the repairing of Watches and Jewelry of every description. • STAUFFER & HARLEY, NO. 022 Market St'reot, N. It.—We will continue our Old .tom, No. 141 i North Second Street. for a short tUgo only. ' . July 27, 185II—aut • T. ADA! WEBSTER CO: - y A \ July 21, 18,8 Improved Tight Stitoh Sewing Kaohinp, AM) M'ANUPAG4II.II4%I , Aro antodfit'illetrnutuirkablOstiqlicley atidst.rciigth. They do a - gniater range of ,work— mot thq.ll.tdttut to the ite , tvtest-,and in a njure_eattsfactory_utanoor_tiut, any other tonelttne.; •• • • ' • They bTIIOII, 111t11.11,IND; anny,Etrithout tutlttptt-,minitA pAnight o n_yetlic--ttnd melee mt lock ethchlethie'ou both Aden of the work, widel - ' ' Pima inennino these befn•epurehasing, and seamy Ole abeapest by buying the pest. ..J.re• On exidbOlan, and for sale at • Mrs. R. A. Rey, 'nolds's.llaguerieen /kanns,43ad dpor west of Oy. Zitser's • Carlisle;..dag. 240559-w. N. IL MASON HAyING. REAL 'ESTATE 'FOR 2,5AL143, • - • r. 'v Alt L.>! Y. S 'l' AR 9) ' a very desirable edvurtJeing Medina, • Advertisements . van tie ordered I hroindi die •!.IIIII1ALD," or rent th tho undersigned. : • ' • - d. M. Mihi.tilt, 1 . July . ti7,l6sD,:int* • . : ' Norville Pa. • • . T.? IBIS 111=1E11=21111 Itur.II.I:NILY 1:1:1:VES, A. 3 ChatubviMiur,,, Fish! Fish ! ! Fish ! 11 HERRING, Al ACICEIREL, SHAD, In barrels, lull( and quartos barrolt , "FrestiOrocorlos, liquors, ft,., of tho lowest east, prlcos; Baron Shenthiers, Mow, Hotter, Hoes. taken in .. uxellAiligu, for goods, at the cheap g web. of • 1V31.• BENTZ. 1859. • PATENT Eor TESTING the various kinds of • - GOLD -- -AND. SILVER • •COINS. • It is admitted by all to be tho most 'whet thing of ittikluti over offered to tho•Publie: It is so small that it eau be earl led lu the pocket without ally inconvenience: ' Every MERCHANT ntauid have it! Every SHOPKEEPER should harnit I I Every NIECHANIC 'Mould Ludo RH I • • • • livery MAN in Ilustneart should have it! I /Mt- A warrantee goes with every one that !d sold, PRI"03; 0.Y.U7D01,1.7,47 — r ~. Pest Paid, to any part ofthe Ilulted•Sßited.' • AGENT-SWAN-TED.. „Au Agent wanted in every County in tlio Unitai Stays, to whom a liberal dipeottutvvlll be 'node.. . ; Address . litZil Supt.:loBs9, . . rf LASS, GLABS.-506 blies GlnFti k - JIT of all slue, Elilloo dud doublo thick, Juld. received AC. " • , 1 1BNITY I(ittr. 111.:1850, 'T. l .2tBts. just A l lt;!L r ili - 1 1 41!! ) ;1 HALBERTS: • , . . • Carlisle Poimdrv, -f --; t 014,,V.4;ift .tp NI A Q 11-IN I' ----to-4V' II ' CAR AND SAM-FACTORY, - . • This extensive _establishment Is non- In Contplate nr thi'r and suppli e d viitli'Lliellest Mtn:binary fir oxecutinv nark in every department. The ImildingS ai.so , slannunnuallysonlaLmtl,thhi.spriitg and sns•lned ty tUi the a- nor st and _ most . _DaryAS,-- 7 ,VIN110 1 .1"-VILA=E: SAM,' -r .ShuMerS; Minds:" 31Inddlligs, Bogs , Brad and ot lotr Muds of (!:.rpenter worrk. Inilto Builders, l'uTC pent,. and others to e:d I and examine our find Iltles lijr doing tills des:eriplion of work. The hoot Mattli.A; used and prices us Ice+ us at any fli.llpr eStabilSl3lll,oll.l4 . ll C0.1711t 44..11.1111:u. • . EN(:IN 1;11fET TO (11:Dbp.: na•rco.lired an lo•rotollire• ihosloi.s lingo hcen iy built for 117. M. I londerSoll Fan. 111.1617 horougliF liry, , on .1, Co. A 11,,, tos, nt.hip. Mil A ltrother,. elite. : 4 1ride & AVoty.el. North Middleten. gind at who.,, establiOnnent they may be 'soon In daily op. oral.), nd to w hron Ire van rorcr for evidence of thclr superiority. • n: ON .M:1) BRAS:i.OASTING*; °revery tlesvtlption. (NMI 'the smallest to the heaviest nieces, eNecutril at short nothm her every kind of ma• ehlnery, 'A lli r;.m variety of mill castings now on hand Teo skillful Pattern makers const:.ntly employed.— EPAItIING promptly' attended to f0 r ,) , ,,p 0r iti lot Mills, Factories. Sc., Turning and )1111,f=plinlies, 4:c. done tn the best ttyla, --a gACII.IZ . 7I:S AND 'HORSE POWERS, 7 „ 4.1 such iiii l' - I , llenr. l'otir lies., Pow,"a erstnrlzonldil fear l'il r a lot Two iiol,o PO,l NT, Curl! 1:11e11..1 . 1+, CrllShr B.lrOli 1:011V11 4 . /101/A1 ivl,t.iligA a,, 1 0ti,,,,•,,, Helen fl, fanners, nil band Or pruinidly 11 . 1.111 to 01,10 r buyno: t::Agg and rept:red. Our facilities for building Cart; are now virtilitte to than keretolore_ttutt_ehalllca _t0.,11117/ r i.ch then, to (r.insnorturs an the rail road On noroillo• ,JAjog. tor., and "I' the hrbt Ina terial4. Orders solictted and entire ,`disfirtion - The boo; exporience in the InOtllless of the SOON . Tart: wr of rut, ;Id- the ,complc t orour 'Um chioery in ..Verj•'brati4 , 4 rir (710 e,tri? , ll,llin Pk' Worr,lnt its in .f,ettrim, the stork to On Netlill farms 00 Wills thole 01 , 101 . g. I'llo,(110 hilted patronage of otir old friends nod Iho 111114 k is revectfr.lly tolielted. - - .May % . ..7 -0 3'. tt.I.ItItNIM. & Co. • - —PRINCE - CO"' I:111'1161' EI)...PATENT :MELODEON. ~,41'111.: (WEST I;z3TABLISIIMENT /n- ;UNITI;11 TITEA, ING TWO HUNDRED :stiA, and l'iishing lOU IN6TII ENT I'llll 111 their Iteventlmprovinnt.nt.R.--the Uivlded Syell',.Organ, Melodeon, &e, (The Divided Smill . ;./1111 only obtained lu .11'01N:100ns of our litilziliteture.) GEO. A..PPLINCE'& CO. ' Manufacturers, linfihlo, Naw to Ic 1V,1101,1:SA I,l:Poyr ==M . 1V1101,1:1;ALE MharilFon: toll; )1.1 , g.; IS'. F. CoMara. Vlll , lunall. 0.; Palmer ‘4. •l Veber, lb .;=l P. IVerlein, New Orl6aas. Fr0i,, , 011! II The Vi' ;It ar,lnufiwiared by Prince A: Co., and finr rob. at. SI Full.:: t.treet, are 11,01,4 In the world (11,11111'M. :1101 1111 . 1 . d..rP Fire:lll 1111111.1,LIMi• nr.tiwir merits. 'l'll4 are afforded at a very 1110 a• eidte ant.. !Tiers or roß;r.titLE iNsTitumu:Nr. rottr cetae. Melo.loon., extending from C to C. ...... 45 45 tWor dod n I:Ir./lave, do. Cto r to 1,,, ,. /tetnt./.01..1..de0n. do.- Flo I , 'if, 11/ , netuve, doul.le reed, /to. - Vto t' 180 M ELODEAN. T.'s; Winks liovs, live of Itoedq, I:lght,S tops Ono mot :1 ,thdr , m,iifr-root Polak, 01.0 t. , el of iteothi, 111 1.0 tttt it— Itidorenflon. C 3511 _____ • PIIIC'ES OF PIANO CASED • Plve Octave tvndlult from P tor Six ilotave 3101,,0vun. 4.,• • F t o p srune dutible F to•F nvuooelove, 8... ks r,f Kips Our farilltlot for los nurse! urlng are porfeet, and front our Inn, etperionee In the it 1,111,,, having lin/thed sod 'told over TWEVI,Y•TWO mt:LonE. l/M 4 , its; feel ronthlent of ph luv.n:itisliu•LGrq. All Nlolo.leons nl lair nom tiladtfors Other told by us, Jrsr 11cts In :an% Olt of the UnitiAl4,lols.s or Canadat, o r .. want vt kt is to iWl. l• Yrel . t. in every rispiTt. and should ssy rrp.t4s be nerustaryd 2 Atire oxplntlion Or 0110 tilt liAte Or mu1,111.11‘11,e1,,S re:joiS• a.) 1011111 C bs duko the some free or cilargp, provided tilt I njurtv Is not eanted.by accident or design. CO( A:I:PINCE', 4. CO. Agents per the sslo of oni )Melodeons may Isis round in all the prlnrlpal chits and towns In the United-States and Clan:Was. A gent, nt rlltilo Anil lilttgr.ton J. A. II HAIIY At Nu., IL LINN. [linyltrAß 4 ' 1 1.11E INS tJItANCE. - ALLEN AND•IIAi , V PENNSIIO;tO MUTUAL Fill l , : IN sin/ANTI,: CoMPANY of:Cumberland 'county, Weenie. rated by an pet orA,sembly. now fully iirgatilzi dond In operation under the. management vi the yollbwlng matithediiners, Daniel Raley, William .11. Gorges, Michael Cocklin, J. lilrholLoi ger, Chrktian Stayman, Jolla C. Dun lap, laroli li. Cimver. Lewis flyer, S. Eberly, Ikeda. "thin If. 311Nser. .1. Brandt, Jriseidt IVichershaul, CaCheart. Tie rates of ito,aranee are /allow and fact rabic us any Compaiiy of the kind in the State. Corsoos wishing to Ibloonioillicililiors are lardedto MAO application to the a tooth of the rumpxny, it lie aro willing to II iiit'upon theta at nay thou. WM. It. Chinni AS, President. CHM ST . .tYMAN. Ciro President. •. unv MICHAEL COCICLIN, Treasureis r IIVI:lt, Secretary. , Nlanagers,—Win It. liorgas. I.o . llyee. Chrktltie Stay 31. C00k110..1. P. fitoflap, IL 31artle. •111Ile, .1 ll.Cnover. Alex. extbk.Xrt., J. Wlykershent,J. Eieheiber ger, S. Eberly, .1. Drxellt. MEM • CUMB C. 4 )UNTY.— John Sherriek, Allen , 11;nr1' %oaring:, ShireinnoNtown; Sainnel Woodburn UL'kiuson; liento Ilnn•man, C'hurrbtonn ; Mode Grit Ilth, South 311 , 141elon; Samuel Chnhant, W. Penny 1) - ‘ro; Samuel Cover, Aleehaniesburg: .1. IV. Cnelilln, Sherhordstown; 11. Cover, Shenliertistown : .1 'll. 'ax• ton, Silver Spring: Ben . ). Havel stick. Silver Spilni“ Charles Ikal . Cal : John liver, Carlisle. VOll It COUNTY, IV. S. PiciAng, Dover; Peter Wol• ford, Frniklin .1,1E:0,1111th. NVarring!on;..J. F. Pear Washington; U. Jtutter; Noirburg; C. C. Clark, VllllNl2o, 7 llouscr Lbe , :Slombers of the complby having: policlonabout to ex , Aire, cot barn thorn nmewea by nbitabg applleatlob to anylnt tho Agents. • April '2(l. JNO. IL C11111:Ctf. & EBERLY STnIM SAW MILL LUMBER YARD, , 'NEW CUMBERLAND, P,A.. 411 kinds of LUMBER, • Lumber delivered of any point areenible by Ila at the shortest notice. B,UILDING TIMBER .OF ALL FIZES AND LENGTHS CUT TO ORDER MAy.25.1k,9-tf O. LASS! GLASS!! PAINTS! x pAIXTS I! A fun gsoament 4 pf iliass of all slaw al quality, ~clip a largo ota•k . of fresh PAINTS, all dors. tills, Camout In large or small Ll:tonnes, at low figures at , JOAN I'. tYNE k SON, North llarioitor Street Oct. 27, '55 rliAl6 , ] NOTICE —Just, received at fIL Keller's, North Hanover Street, a complete assort= thenp.of lloya' Straw, and I,eghorn Alro, Chlldren's Pane,* Has, which will be Fuld et a low /Wire. fJunels,'s9. 'BICKNELL, Mix 1160, Philadelphia, l'a CU ALBERLAN TA • o HOWL'S , ! 141 alter ItiONe . AY; APRIL nu. 11,511, hissongel Tralu• will run .Ibllowlis (Sundays essupted :) • !Amy., Curio bburg, .• Shipplue..burg, • wet' Norrilfri. • 2Carllt. s'lieuilanksburg, A rrlva-al-llarrlsbure, Leasu '• • 0.11 " 1.3 s Tratuti leave If/M.1;71;41w for I`lllladeliilllo. via POIIII . II iLlnr011li; IMO 7.:0,A.•31,. nod7loanal,.. f.lO, 31. leading, via Lubanini Valley 41-Ittii4 at and 2.35 P. M. For Baltfluore. 130, A. M and 1,00, noon, For T1 , V01 . - ton not wiiiinnutport; ';‘t,—.1.60, - and I', M. Train on*Danplil a It . .t:bo. P. M. ' NOTICE TO: PASS EN11111:0 : t all SfatiOTlN NV hero Tiekots oro sold. rlz: :Chanthersburg, Slapiago..bniv, Carlisle, )leehiudesliur and Harrisburg, a redithtlon of 'TEN CENTS on eaPh ttdcetsrlll bu made to alitVosen• *ire that provide thennialves avith Ticktds before en terlnti the Care. O.X. 1.11.1,1, Super'i Railroad ()Mee, ClMlsllierst.urg,l 0 - Apr. ti, 1511..' . . CI AELJ E'AN 1) I i 1111,A1)111,1'.111. A pop E a . 7 - ) DAILY iPItEIGIIT LINR. . - nf4111 , 4 loave tip, Dopot 811-11arlot nt 4 &plod:. 1.. 11. • l.cove Carllslo, ot. 7 o'clock. A M. lionati In toodc , l Cop . 01/. Moo should lk. marked C. A: . Uallg Urcbtlit I.lno, and soot lo by 4 o'clock. 3119,2 A, I) II .I A. D [I I A AND Itl:ADIX11 . It A I 1. li. 0 A 13 • • • - : fiUMMEIt ADRANIINIENI', App.n.lB, 1859, Two payseng4T trains leave Ilarilsburg daily, (t'un days excepted.) at .N.OO A. 31, and 2..15 1'..31.. fur darbial; arriving there at 12.5(1 nvon and 7.41)1'. 31. -- itcrliening, leave Philadelphia at 7.30 A. 31 , and 3.:10 P. 31., arriving•ul I larrlsburg at 12.40 uouu and .25 Min 14iihnfolidila, No:1 Caro. $3.23 ; No.' 2 (h 'Fame train.) $2.10. Fnreo ng. $l.OO and-il1.:10. At !leading. oonnoilt with trailis Mr Pot tamil oAlluore. Ville, Talllllllllll, CHUM Poor trains leavo Ileadlin; for .Philadolphin daily, a' OA. 31 - .10.18 A.-31 4 12.:10 noon and 5Am :11. Loom, Philadelphia ; for flooding at 7.20 A.. 114 1.1:0 P I.,';.110 1' 11., and 4,-IS P. M. boron fermi Reading to 19,11 dolphin. $1,73 and .:41 15. morning train rrolo Itarri,borg a alnoets al c•alling with up tridit for_ Wilkosnarro. Pith.,ton:au, :ration. • For throu.:ll,llclietH and other Information :ipthy to .1. .1. - General Agent. May 11, 'lg. Ev S A (1E , B (YU 'l' E The noloscriber.bas ntartett - Itll I weekly Ilse of Stages between Carlisle end Laseiisburg. leaving Car• Oslo every Solidity, Wednesday and — Pr/day, iannetli• ately on Lilo nrelsal of the alternoon train or rays tram the cant. Pt:turning, leaves hainlisbnot at, 800 A. every Tuesday. I Viqnestlay and tSatairday, and arrives at Carlisle at I.on P. 31., via. leery Cgmoty 11 arm Shernonsdala, Sti . ret (lap and Carlivle Sol phni :Sprints. On and ;ger June the lbtll , the line will bo run dldly far the aixonninolation of passengers going to the Springs. - .Fate lit I iluseeral points HS irol/01,VN: ' Sterrett'.,, Gigs, Shertnansdalu, . . . . . " Perry County Warn) Springs, " Lindh:burg IBU Landisl.firg to ll'firte Springs, .• . .. . ...SO 2 Herrett's Ger, -. . . .•• . . 7. . •• Sulphur iipPingP , ' ,10 •• Carll,o„ ' ' , I 0 I 'ha.alforailne_trlll_tegularly.eatry_lhe-11,111.-te-af f from the I.oeoral points above Indicated'.' 1 have also a v.Oll stnehed LIVLILY S"'.1111.1:, (Kin frh/elf I out at all HIM'S ready to 111 rofsh horses and ear .rivers to those Vrho will laver me %Ulf their patronage on the most reasonable forms and In the very best style -. may.lolBll3. . 11E01n11.1 III:SLIM. ; . C. TINSHEETOPPR, EI AND SHEET IRON • 'ALAN I.J_FA ( : '1 0 R Y. The subscriber tidies this mei Led of Informing bar frientle:tml the ptiblicrth7d,''she still continues the manufacture of all kinds of work, In Copper, Tin and Sheet Own. Tier :doves HIV selected from the mOst ap• proved styles, The Cooking Stoves for their qualities as cooks u nt il bakers cannot be surpassed, among which are the well know it, ()lobe, Nnblo Cook, Fanny Purrs. ter, liovernor, Penn. 111111 till new favorite, Prairie Flower, combining all the tested imprut 131110111.3, in tact the Lest and cheapest stool, ever tittered to the public.' Tim Lwtrobo Stove, ur parlor heater, lammed, for warming .two: titre° or h'tir riming, pot up to'ordor, Le.. sides a largo assortment. of Parlor Radiators and Wilco 4 s ‘ t. il o d et i . l l4 . . i s l i l , l i t. l l , C r lii N S 0 I . t ki r D h U o C t , li , li v h . ” :, ,, i , s i i l , l! ,, :i , i k i a l l o N o G e in this lino would do well to ea I at the old stand before contracting - elsewhere, ail 1 1 1 01 do tormine&to do N% oil: fir lower !hall the present titles. I hoowtor solo and keep cOlistallt IV OD 111111d,M1 01011 E. I 'Seidell Tip Humor, Wax Tapers. plain and fancy Class Olohes, this Fixtures, Wrought Imp 'lithos, Hydrants, • Lead Pipit, limn Moe, Shower Baths, Rath Tubs, th. 4 ; r . flow Raslns, Marble Basin tops, &e. My wOrkmen are competent and reliable. All work wet ranted hold for workmanship mid material, I challenge competition. , 4.%). A few good Cook Stoves with tollllo buit.thle for parlors on hand, which I will sell at vest. Slay 4, lisll. .-" MARY M. MORRIS. XCELS EU It. P 1.0 T U It E S j A. It. III:NWOOD would respectfully Intbrin Ile eitkons of Carlisle and virility that helms taken room. In 'hugs now building, east corner of 3larket Square whene he is at all tines ready htVake AMBHOTVPE,S In the latest and ;nest approved srf Pleto,res taken In rainy stud eloudy..weather nv well as fear, and sat usfartlon given M . 1111 0111111.eg nuado. •Portu. and Da• guerreoty pea copied.. ..tihulature Pictures 3u1.0u flue Lockets he., in Anuhrotype, 41aubrotypes warranted to stand the test of time, beta or water. Ladles nod Gentlemen aro cordially invite d to r at oxp.tninc slowlmens. Prices from 23rts. to $lO. A. It. lIENWOOD. ann. 27, 187,t1.-13;.1 Artist. MEM UNS GUINS.—Just reecived.a large , Cklssortmont of Double Barrel Guns, Single 4. .. Single and Double Pistols, Revelvei.s,. Gam Bags, Powder Flasks, Shot rouehes, Powder, ' Shot, • Caps, 11ads, 8;,e., at SAXTON'S. constantly on hand May , 1559. I - 1 V Elt STABLE.—Having pur -1 domed from J. It. Nonotonhor his LIVEitY TAIII.ISIIMENE, I tvill ho always really to accOmmo ,nt, dote tho public with HORSES, CA It AOES, I ES. and every other tilifTiVgmo - lick in my line. Ity strict Atte:hien basilicas and a desire to please, I be subscriber hopes receive a liberal share of public' patronage. • • U MIME lIENDEL. N . .. Lt. 4. bumlbusges on hood to supply thism who niny ho In need of thorn. Nov. 26, 18L7.1 O 0 N G SLATE.The . unden: 'slims' has been appolotgar 'gaunt for the sale of ItOoFIZSU SLATE end lots new and hill constag.tl keep on hand a fiat supply to meet tIM demands of bulldogs and othegs. Those In want of a superior toll clu would de well to the Lumber and Coal Yore, near the Ills !louse. Juno 8, 1850. • JACOB stilton. VOW..IS THE TIME FOR 13AR- Ii GAINS! L.tR(IH AND ENVENSIVE ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, At the Now Stun., cornor of N, lianovoo Louther ots., Thu undersigned returns thanks Rh., the patronage bestowed upon him hy the public, and at - thus:ono thou . respectfully 8111301111Clai that ho has Just...returned front Philadelphia. and iffriVre opening a new lot of Spring el; summer DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, consisting in part an follos. and- which ho is. dOtOrMillOd to null at, tho lowest high prices. Ms, Ducal Cloths; chat., Alpacas, Miims. De Bow, Lustres, Poplins, 141n155, Barnes, Brilliants, Shirting, French and Scotch. cling. hums, Prints, GlSmos, Hosiery, Collars, Handkerchiefs, .te., 4c. nr every. variety and quality. Staple and Doinevi le Di y Goods. • Cloths, Casslmeres, Vestillgs, Flannels, Alias. Una; Tlcklnge, Staines, Cheeks, Calicoes, Cadtonallee, Linens, Shootings, Denims, Nankeen:l. Drills, Alarsell les Quilts, colored and. white carpet Chain; c. Parasols and Umbrellas. Also, a large and - splendid assortment of BONNET'S,. CAPS. 1100'hi and .SIMES. A superior lot of fresh CRC/CHM US, Teas, Coffee, Sligar. Molasses. Mob, Spices, ke . jlaVillg selected 'lily entire thir cfreateerFAeunVeatill'irldirliiiiish I can assure my friends and the public generally, that -I will do all In my rower to make my 'establishment , known tialthe /load Quarters fur ilargaine.".. Those who 'wish to purchase 'Will firth it to their advantage to call and examine my stock before purcluwingelsewhere• Jar I will pay therhighest market price for Butter,, liggefltags; Soap and Dried Fruit. Apr. 2i, 1559. • ' .1. A. lIUMRICII:',Jv. .—SIOAIIIIT.RING N'ESV IN, Alt T— 1..00111il AN'S Ambrotypes amlieautiful - and ktesp. • LOOll5ldN'S Plain Photographs are line as steel platq. •L0C1151?..N'4 colored Photographs are sisurpassable. Iln not neglect the opportunity of securing a fine,. faithful and diem, likeness.' Arabrotypes of a superior: quallty,'Ore'mado as clieap.si In any Gallery town. Carlisle, Aug. 111, 19f,0-49. • . . SUMMER '4 ..(.;I:tI?:E.N.P. P - 7.:; 1 1g "'n f, r.rr.-6,-- _POR.. I I I 4IItISIiUIG. • fit Train.' 2d'irnin 6.10... t. M. . lunr 11 6.40 ' 630 43.4:3 2.45 4, i. 4 . 44 :, .15' 4, " 45 --- ran crrAmpgirsnuitar MIMI NH E.1;1,,, WA it D A; VHF; 7iD, 811 3111.1Ci:T P1111,1P1:1.P111.1 J. k 1). 1:110A DS, 11.11:1 I...TREET, CART.Isix, PA. it ri El UN NO BRAWLS AND :krANTILLAS, MEM lil`tEß 0,0 E, .0 'NEVER DLIALITATM; 1 T 18 Coll PriI.7NDED I . :Yrt HE IX I , IIOM (3 ti MS; a . . hija Leconte an eqal.llshe ' d l'avt. a tqaptlard Alvd/oh ' known ang.iipprovial by .', all I hat IPPIVO 1114,1 Pind 10 now t i. sed ,tol 4 k ltli nenntiotiro In thoilkennet• ro . n 1.1 1 .. 1i it: ..... P ln pyp•ppupon,nd t .d ' It has cored thousinals Z 'within the last t , pairs 11 tin bad gll'en up 1' . c ... . .611 Inkpra 10 yeller, .t nnitinl'Ottif trisetnialted CI loot tintattes foray poma slini slaw.- ' . . • I liedose roust hernial) . : 4'l l . 1;t1 to the tattler:hoe or the ' lndtrldrtal taking...AO 1 t, and 111111,0 ~,,1 plinplititiefl as to act gen• • ;34 fitly 0,, the 14„0,. Let the ..likati s nli CI ',pan. italnilinilt itull poi ht t 110 We of 11 111 "., [Liver . lak,Ogoxv tor, gi,v - it silt core ;R i Li, er " Ciatitattlifis t 111 I • etta - trttacka. -- Ityspepslai I . or tt-h rontr-Dlarrhi.thi. Stir Mer Complaints, lipsOn- , P tery,.Drojoty.lieur ;tell adz, - Ilahltual t'iistive-: , ,RPF, : Cholle. 'Choler tiaiikiii, 111Orlts. Chet , Irina kith,' Flatulotic .1 into dive, Paton le wt. I.ON, 111111 linty be nip( si let , nrolly.an,an :or try FA 311 1.]', MEM :t 17 31771 t-nlii. nioniehe:tat4 tliiillTair, /.4111 tostirs.) in two finites, if two or thr toasponnfills an.,111 -C.VP...arkt!'lll.TlAtd.' taiii . n7" --- " , ' - , 7 , . All, who tine H. 1 . 11 . 1 . 11p . 1 . 11 P. 11.. 3.:A' 1'..11 i."l .2.' JIIX \VATiqt Wlylf TI. INVIIiOIVATt )11, - AND h j 'SWALLOW 110T11 T tlrf 110% Price One Donut. peenottfe. . • ALSO.- - . SA N P 0 It -• • FAMILY CA T -IJ A it , T c:PILLS, •• Pure i' - 'gclahle Ex r . air..light, a ENE ' The Fent:ly CaLhartl, tit (Nth le whkell the hie preeti•,• - thou .71i0 coeetnotly th.se who lel fo long us- IsOLtion I,ll'u hde hod urecl 'toe to phieu of ell. Prefe,Mon w,jl thartliv,act Ant tlllferehl 'the Pan*Hy Ca. with duo roleromal to heyn con] lent nde.l dm, eht vegetal, , eoxtrnel, part cpt Cher rkllmentary_ mai, in all r:lees alwre as Inaangonents of the Pnlns In Cho Back no& an& eprern,...i.er the wllllll freqw9itly, long clun.e I 4 einiat on of sold over I lendatha, nr IVt•lght In tory InFeasep, Worms In Mumma-U: 0m a Arrant Lonny Al Isa..iar.,4 to - a / 1 1,41 otn•Io mention to Mk ad, -• Price 'nth (Aver Invigorator a • retailed by Drog.riAts gene LIN MO, in all the largo S. T. IV. S •'• Ilnuillueturer And Pp - priutor,, 3.15 Broadway, Ncw York. • lune 15, Ib5U. Li '' YARD ASSOCIATION I Ir A It Ef. I' /I / A Benevolent Institution, estublished by kpeelal en dew nient f o r the rellend the sick and distressed, • -afflicted with Virulent and Enidentie Tint 111AVAB11 AS:t 7 OCIATIbIt;, iti view of fl, awful destruction of boo.. life, round 'hy'Sexual 'diseases, 111111 tin deerptinus plarti,eq 1111011 Ihu 1111fOrrUIII110.11, 01. 1.1...101 liktllt.h by tiotteks, several yearn ago di roiled their Consulting Sur/4(,11,as CIIAIIITA 81,13 ACT worthy 01 their name, to open n Dispensary for_the treatment of this emil, of ,Il,.•nmwio all their tor ttoo and to give 31E1/1(IA1. ADVICE (11tAltIS, to all who aphly by letterovith n tli.serivtion of thoir,eololitio. (age, oveupatlen.lut bits of lint, AT:) and In COI, of ex ttetne poverty;-to ELDICINES TREE ol! CHARGE. It Is needless to add that the Association ettutinands the highest, Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the tizobt approvt d modern treatment. Thu Birectors or the Association, in their Annual he. port upon thetretttinent of Sexual - Ml:eases, expritsS the highest satisfitetion with the sutteess width has tif..tend oil the 1:1101.11 of the Consulting Surgeon In the cure of Sperinatorrhtea, Seminal Weakness, Impotenre. i 1.01,1.7100 t, SyphillF t tltn Vice of Ointhism ttr Self te-.4111410Pd0r-11.11q1kultitee,f-tlut stnne,ltialf-fdr-the ensuing year, --so - 5 . The Itireeters, enthe review of pabt feel aFsured Unit their buboes in this 'sphere of 'benevolent effort, haveav been of great benefit 'to the hlllieled, especially to yv and they lotie resolved to Jlevote them. selves. with renewed zeal, to Ode very Important but "much.despimat caur.e. Just pUbilsbed by the Assoelatlon.a Report on Spin , inaturritrea,-orlieminal-WealChess. afinanisth, 31144'1101,10m% or Feb t o t Luse, and other. Disolses of Hid Se.xlEll Oa., by the Consuting Sugeon, u leh will be sent b y Mall, (In 21 sealed letter l envelop r eo FR b EP, OF VII - Alttrlc. - on receipt TWO sTA 31PSIr postage Other Reports ;mil Tracts on the nature and I reatimmt of sexual dißennes, diet, he., ore constantly.hei Mr publish. ed for.gratullos nod will be sot to the Minded. Some u of. the tiolT remedies mid. me n thods of treatment discovered during the last year, are of great value. Address, Ibr llopnit or I. reattunitt,' 'Dr. (11:011(11', 11, CALHOUN, Consulting n Su ;eon llownrd Af.soclation. No. 2 south Muth Str4t, Illindelphia. Pa. By Order of tlte•Direetors. ' 1.:Z11A D. lIESILINVELL, ProsldPut GEO': ADICIIILD, Seerotaryi • • Det...0,1855.—.1y UNE=EMI I LA DELPHIA MEDICAL MUSE—Est/0d lsh• I t)veitty.two years' ago by Dr. corucr of lird and Union Streets. Philadelphia, . , ' TIVEN'rY-TWO YEARS' Experience lute renderpd Dr. K. a mast sureensful praelithn'er In t 110 rum Wall ollsva,vs nfa , private Ira turn; suanlinotri. debility.as an impediment td inar ri.igu; nervous and sexual Infirmities, diseasu of thp skin, rind those arising from fthm., 0f,,,, , ,,, ry. TA K E.PA ItTICULAIINOTICE There 'son evil WO sometimes Indulged In by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to nur.htiod; and which, if nut reformed In due time, tint only begets 50111111 , 10bAtraelOS to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise ton series of protracted, Insidious and devastating • affectlons. ' Fi;i4; , l 11177770 who give way to this 111,ttivittlItt rttet.lCO lire aware of the consequences until they find the ner vous system ohattertif; feel strange and tIOACCIIIII/tOI4O 00110111 ens, and vogii*alf: Of the 111111 d. (Pell.llllgCS 28, 29, of Dr, book on '• Sell-Pveservatlon.") fha unfortu Nilo thus affect ed•begemes feeble, Is tins. ble to falmr withaccustomed vigor, or to apply his mind to Study N i hiA sten'lS dy'and slosh; to Is dull, irresolute, and engtua.4ls,sports with Jess en• cagy than usual. If ho einancipatnlmoalf before the practice hno done Its worst, and enter matrimony, hio num loge is uniruit• rub and his sense tells Mtn that this is gamed by his elnly lolling. Theseare considerations n Well should awaken the attention of all who ore similarly situated. ,REMEMBER, '• • • Ile who places himself under Dr. KINKELIN'S treat: ment, may religiously confide In his honor as a gentle moo', and tely upon the assurance that the secrets of Dr. Ws patients Will never be disclosed., Young Man—let no false modesty - deter you from tnaking your rood known to one, who, from education and respectability tan cortAnly befriend you. esidence IMP b fur the'last twen• ty.two years KIKELIN'S at the r N. W. Corner of T i lt Ill)AND UN/QN STREETS, Philadelphia, Pa. ' PATIENTS AT A DISTANOP Can have (by stating their ease ex pileltly, ttietheriritil II tbelr spiiptolll, per K'tler, eneloslou:alremlttance; Dr. K's medicine. epproprleted nerord.ogly. Forwarded to aoy part of the United States. sob peeked secure from DAMAGE or CURIOSITY, by .MeII or Express. READ! 'YOUTH AND 11ANROOD!! A vigorbun 1.111, or n Pronnituro Death. icitikelin on • Self - Preserratibn—rlllll';2s Cents... Let tern containing that ruluo tll stainno, still ensute a copy, per return or GRATIS!' RATIS ! GRA TIS ! ! ' A'FREE 011°F TO ALL. MISERY' }CET, I EYED. " Nature's Guido," a new,and popular woik, full n 1 'aluable ode leo and lanpressHe warning, aIIMo ealeulat to prevent rues of tobery,.and save thousands al lore, is distributed without elvolie, and forwarded by nail. proledd to any l'es , in the United States, on rte eivind an order enclosing two pootugo stamps. - dec.15,1868-Iy. ' arty" DR lIAMP'rON'S COMPOUND DIU-' 'Elle P 1 LLS, aro highly reentunimuletl lw eutineu I lw,sieltuts, its it slob, eel tlin, !TONI notll,.perntuttent ti . e for Grave', Strictures 1111 d all other dileuses or tie. top:went of 6rtito bladder antl-kkineys. Price Fifty nts per box , Mt... 7. T. ItAIIPTeIN & CO.. N 0.405 'Spruce ctreet;q'hiludelphia Also, Proprietors and Bleu u lecturers of Dr. Ilainpton's Anti-Rheumatic :fixture, , 4 • .lialicated Cough Sprup, The Great' Desideratum or Hair Reetorer Aug. 243859. • T RUSSES! - 1311 . ACES SUI'T'OR; TERS!!! • • - . C. H. NEEDLEd.. • s. 09rnor Twelfth , 3. ance Strotitir lIILADELPII4•I. • • Wadies] Adjuster of Rupture Trussea and Merbnni cal Remedies. llae Constantly 00 band whelp, Rieekod - lieuulne French trusses. gases Ceppleto assortment of .• , Ulu I (4,4 American. Including celebrated Whiles Patopt Lover Trues, believed by the best author Ries tc be superior to• anylet Invented: English and Anul- • . tan hupporteii and Bolts. Shoulder Braves, Suspensory Rindages, Self Injecting Syringe's. adapted to both con. • es, In. neat portobiu rasps, French TesearlesrUrinal Bags xifanil lot.tsirs4l.24l l 7.oll.l,L2nfteLprnsupt_g_......,_ ten nn. • . " • , • - AuaifelN, •. - • . ly, 14 - - At - - $T 14% R1CKL . &:1311.9. have au. the agency of Whittetherelnl'atept ' epple par., Ing Mut Coring undebtoe, which, for the purpose I n . tonded, in perfection Itself. Al it for nate, heat-quality bap by the dozen, well tondo nod of ;toed '•• ' ' ll..l3lltlClibElt k Oho., ltrlt 40, dAly 4i. 1,151. stroot• tilier's Patent Washing Nachine just ilneared by • . .• • - Dl. B. STRIOKI.}.III'.t Biro 0(3-ThIe le,tlesldedly 015 7190.31thline In use, • Sept; 7. '59. • • . aono, 3liebtaries El ing heir testimo =I acts, null p a t: up in Gin nd heel) iu Mud!. lyll lsn gouir n l but 'an nno proprietor Inns used OD . t 'snotty „fears. reusing dennionol . Iron PokedUS, PHIS nod tlneaa 0 4. i n regard to their us( (thew sstlHlu the real •nni PiLi 1 1;noa that tlllferlattl , litortlona of lb,. bowels. ; 2 )L Startle rill hal It Lis - sell er.ul Llthhe. wit tt Yl X l t '' ai4 v ,7l7l e tt. l : 3 Ot ' l l ey t e l r ' ,„„‘„, caltal-ataNtrot. good no; nab:title is orottetl.suel " SkOrilltt. vtm” 1.11111 114Lnh , I.oy. from sudden cif attgleettl, end: lit a Gr Iti o d ze tl t y l I e itt a sti l , t s 7tg• tto re head, all l(thildroti or • Adultot ‘ O4 / 'Portlier of !Ito lad 1 - d ort.lseniont, Door, I to 3. • ud Family ('M !utak •111111} ant.l.cold wholunlo tow.. fiord, 111. , D.,