Mil icetv Tooou:-5. N EW ARIONAL OF FALL AND WINTER.' G 0 OD S The undersigned has Podreturned from Phihotel ., phi.* and New Vork with the lar,gest, and most Magnin. coat stock '44 go of lover bra :ht. to Carlisle, widen fr. and beauty are unparalleled. 'The Ladles aro particularlylnVited" to examine our • • varied, and rplemild stock of • DRESS CIHV .. ODS;• - •" consisting of Plain Silks. Fancy de., of every 'do. scription. Bayadere and Fig'd.'o,l, elegant Velvet Pop, lAA bah P 1111,11,1111.1 fancy. - - FRESOII - ,MEftiNVES, The' largest stock went of the • ..Eantern Mick. • • 0 ISIIIIIOI.IIS. Plain and figured, all II net DerAIIION - pialuanti.figured. • 111.5WL se S. - A very largo airtufalirof la, Mocha's, Jacquard; Menke:. and Mourning Shawls of every quaFty. varloty, and price. • PLANNELS;IVidte, Fancy and all wool 'plaid Flan. neln. VALBNIIAS. Plaid and 13ayadcro, at astonishingly low figures. . MUSIANS..Over.IO,OOO yds., trout 'the most eels. ' batted 'thantifteturers in the U. 5., • at all prices; both . white and unbleached. • . I.I'NENS. A large stock or every. deseription, Table • Cloths, Napkins, ail,: for Shirting, from the best menu. factureyft In Ireland. .MS. A very largo assortment. •-' .t,III,IOt)ES. A,, msorltuent 0101641 m of over2o,- 000 vile.. and al prices to suit the times . 'fill it ‘IINOS. A vory handsome and well selected lot of." Ladies' Ore-s Trimmings," to suit every variety of of dress gfibds. GLOVE.. libk (hustle,, Silk anti 'Cotton Cloven for • Ladies end children. • MOURNIN , 4 1111001. Mack French ‘ierinoes, Meek Cashmeres, all %Vied Poletinen, Fite& Uc rAlties, Cohurgs. and every variety of mourning goods for dress, crapes, Veils. Collars, kr...4e. „It( it BONS. We would 4,11 the attention ape Lodien • 'to our large stock of well selected ribbons. 0 IiNTLIONIN'S Chitho.rosi,heeiTs, Satinets, Velyeteensalid (34;rds; over 10,000 yds. of Satinets at very low prices., ' "CARPI:TS. •A,large and well ontOet.ed stack of Carpetn of every description of over 6,000 yards. II ANOV lan OLOVIiS. The tar tamed and well known ilannyer Gloves, ore only sold by me. as I ani the niVy . autheriied agent Inr ihe sale of them in tills county. ' just received cklll pairs of them. My Sterebiat the Old Stand, in Hanover St., nearly . opposite the Post GIHCe. Give us a call and examine- our stork.' Carlisle, Oct: 5, 1859 , NI4:IS. VALb ,GOODB.—: • . LEfDICII &S'AWYEIt, At their now Store East Main street, two doorsbelow .111ortin's Hotel. respectfully announce to the public • that they have received from tho beet importing and jobbing houses cf New York-null Philadelphia, the Mr • gest - and best selected stock of - • FALL AND IN INTER DRY-GOODS. ever 'offered in Carlisle, pmbineing all kinds ainflinall ties of DRESS GOODS, (latest Paris stylus,) SHAWLS of every description, Cloth Mantillas in Every Variety, -FURS, fresh and direct- from the nionnfacturers. -Mourning Dress floods, in all their ruleties, Men', and boys' elothsandCassimers,-Men's drawers and undershirts..ho• story of all .kluds, suited fon the season, Alexander's Culebra ted . • Kid Gloves, to exery shade and: number, Hoop . • skirts lianover Ducks gloves • • rurrant.o • EMBROIDERIES, -- RIBBONS, imcEss TRIMMINGS, and a complete assortment of all other binds of Dry tioods. Wee 111 ho making constant addalons to our stoelt during the reason. • • LEIDLCII k qAWY.EIt. October 5, '5l/.. .• BETTER BAR ATNS THAN EV ER . CHEA P CLOTHING d'Y SHOE STORE • I..leonarit's Corner Carlisle. • (laving discovered that small profltshnd quick sales • is tin, true principle of success in business, I llama de telmined to eller etilldletle.Nnducementn than over to • : purchasers. 01 311:IN_And Myra e! kVA; ac,-WIVNTIFiIa . I have dust opened n large and complete apartment - tromprising - tirer Coats: - Freck - l'oatrg - SackfontsTitaglan , Business Coats de,. &e_ Pantaloons. rehts, Shirts Un der Shirts, Drawers, ?donkeys, limicry. Mores, Sus penders, stocks. neckties, collars and Ilandlierchlet's ALSO; t ea of the best and most selectassortmonts of Kip, tiruloed and Calf Ilpots, Brodrans, ll alters, Jolter. son's (bum Shoes &c., over brobght to this market, fo. luau Fe boys. women Fe children, and at remarkably low prices. For women and children I have the best of homemade, and make up to order on .the shoitost no face. ~,Alin, A lino stock of - NT-S AND- C for men and boys at very low *prices, Also. Trunks, Tres-011ln Ilaga tulwelleki; &c. at very low prices. - CONIB Or CONE _ I will La happy to see you and make you glad wit) geed liargaita. 9,W. SMILEY. October 5; '59.-3m. SECOND GREAT ARRIVAL SECOND GREAT ARMY AI, OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING OF FALL AND ‘VINTER CLOTHING EXPRESSLY FOR TIER EXPRESSLY FOR TILE CUM BERLAND COUNTY FAIR -- CUMBERLAND COUNTY FAIR AT 'I'IIE•CIII:AI' CLOT lIING STORE AT TitE CIII:AP monumr From,: NEAR THE MARKET HOUSE. • NEAIt THE MARKET ROUSE. •...• Bei - 4311(1;1in fl^d 16 t their great advantage by gluing me a call, as selling goods et Now York Wholesale Prices. ASIIED WEIL, Succossor'to Steiner & 800 Oct. 6, 1850 ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER 000DS. • , Thu subscriber having juid. returned trom . Philadel- Oda, anannuces to his customers and the *Ale gen erally, that he ham now one'ot the bust litocks of Goods evoi,offered in this market, embracing every variety of G REAT READY MADE CLOTHING, and Piece Goods, which - will he made to ordri. or Oold by the yard. among which plow .articles may be men tioned, via: • Fine block twilled French, blue, green. brown, drub and claret Cloths; l'eterabanni, litigant Fur Centings, Mohair , and Beaver, tine French Black Doeskin, silk-mixed plitin and fancy Cassimeres of every style and quality, line Silk and Plush, Satin, Groan ' dine, fancy Cassituere and plain Doeskin Vestings. Also a very large and handsome assortment of plain and fan cy Cravats, Stocks, Napoleon Ties, Rue quality, Chinese - Silk and Linen Pocket liandkeichlefs; fancy and plain Collars, Suspenders, and knit' Hose of every descriptlcn Also a very largo assortment of TRUNKS. We call ' particular attention to our large and extra quillty •of English solo leather Trunks, Valises, and a large vitae tY of Carpet and 011 Cloth Rags, kc.; a large lot of extra made Umbrellas. all 'of which will 1,0 sold at the lowest prices. Call and examine foryoursolves at the old stand In North Hanover street, opposite the American Muse. • -. 0 1, 1 ,LIVIMISTON. Sept. 28, 1819.-3 m. NORTH HANOVER STREET • CONFECTIONERY, . CARLISLE PA. Whole ale Rates Reduced $2 per: 100 11A. . Tho attention of Country Merchants and the public generally Is Invited to u largo assortment of ' CHOICE CANDIES, manufactured of .the .best material and warranted to mntalo no poison In their colors, which will be sold o Wholesale or Metall at 14w rates at the old stand of • P. ALIO N E (}11.1.11 ST lIANOVErt' BEST, CARLISLE, Pay A few doors North of thri'esrlisle Deposit Bank. Just received a large assortment of FRESH FRUITS AND NUTS' the latest Importations', aonslatlng of . . Ompges, - . •.: Lemons, Raisins, ' - Prunes . Figs, - . Dates, Damming, Pine Apples, Almonds, Filberts, • Cream Nuts, ..., CoebliiNuts, &0., 11 of which will be sold at low rates.NAlso, a large as asthma of ... TOYS AND FANOY GOODS of every variety. ;Alsooll the best brands of • ' /AGARS AND.TODACCO, • - • of American and German manufacture. The subscriber returns thanks for the liberal patron• go bestowed on him by the public, and solleits a core in nonce of their favors. Remember tpe Old Stand oc P. AIONYER, North Hanover Street. Car Halo, June 18, '5B FIAT AND CAP • EMPORIUMr-s, . . ... .L I.I."CALLIO 3 CO., successors to Wm. IL Trout nuld announce to- their customers and the publh morally that they have just received from PhiWel his, alargo and elegant' stock of goods, in their line of nsluoss of every variety, style and qualitY. llThey have on hands splendid musortmenkof . - HATS AND CAPS, , .._ ...-_ .... . .. --- . ' s of all descriptlons, from the commorcWool the= s tineid' FUR' AND 'BILK • 'antr at `prices tat must Suit every one who has an eye to getting the •orthoftls money. The'stock Includes, - tiOLESKIN, OABdIMINIZ, DRAY= A FELT - RATS, , 'every style and coldr and s unsurPastod for' LIMIT CM DURABILITY AND FINISH: by those of any her cetabllohment in the country . 111EN'b. BIDDY and CHILDREN'S . II&TB and OAAS; every eterlptlirn - CMUttiffitry They respectfully Invite all the old patrons and an Any new once as possible, to give them a call. J. IL CAW.° A CO. Apr.27,lPLtl-1y . QAIWAINS BARGAINS l 1 .' ur. . • , NNW' FALL AND WINTER. 00bDS: lit be opened this week, au extensive .essortm ant of legant clad New Style Dry• Goods, which will be 'ealg' t at very low, figuree.. The, public Is respectrully,lm to call ard examlee torthemselves. ' 'Sept. 28; 188. ' . . rLIK REOIf.IVED, % lot of Straw nod Cutter#, at the Agricultural .8 E 1 of ' 111 . .. B. OTRICIKLEIt pitoolo, July 1.859: NOTTCE.- CAILLISLE, ,Jsion'2B,lBs2. NOttco is bereity given that an application mill ho math to tho I,llsl:aura of. l'etatioylvanda at Ito next meeting for the Incorporation of a Da* Of Issue, wit 14 digeount and deposit urictlegeS.' to ho located in Thu boroulh of Carllalo y funlterlandOnuoty, papa'ai., to ho rn lied, The, flank of Carilidu:"'witli a capital at one II on. droll Mensal.] dol!ars, ivith the right to Increase the same td Ulm hundred thousand dollars. - . e , .1. WILLIAM Ken, • JOHN IL' PARKER,. .. • Toos. SAXTON, • Jons Nome, .4 :BEN.T. 'Omen, .In., • Moen Youno, .JBOLIAILD WOtlini, . . CHRIETIAN STAT3IOI, WILLIAM BLITZ, . JOHN C. STERRETT, A. B. SuAnre,• , Wm..N. ltutnee_c, - ' " JOHN C. DUNLAP, JORERII IX lIALIIERT, .• HOBERT OIVEN, , joifs DuniNr,' " " ---- 3 - san3'ffnfrenn, ---- Itunenn ,, N lo on e . , M A,i STUROLoN, lIORERT WILSON, , SA MEL CIREARoN, •050 W.SneArr.n, , • inc. IC. NEJSLLT, BENJ. *ISLET.. ' Juno 29, 1059 7 13ur - • • .. VoncE.—Notice is hereby given. L that opal icatbM - will be =dojo the next Legis. lature of Pennsylvania, O titter, the charter of the Car. lisle D e posrr Bank, located in the_ borough of Carlisle, Cumberland ceunty,ao no to confer on said bank the rights and privilege, of a bank of Issue, and to change its name to. the Carlisle Bank ; also to increasu: the capital of said-tank (which in at present seventy-two theusand drillers, with privllogoi of Increasing the same under its present rteirter, to one hundred thottaandO to two hundred and fifty thousand dam, • • W. MI 11gETEM. Cashlei June 29, isra—rim . _ • •- ESTATE NOTlChl—Letters of Ad -, ration' on the estate of Thomas W. Barbour, Woof Monroe township, der'd.. have been hinted by tae Register of Cumberland County. to the subscriber, residing in the satueldwnship. All persons indebted to the estate are fehuested to 'make liumediate pay went, and those, having claims to present them far settlement to WILLI A 51' BA it BOUR. After. of Thos. W. 13arbour, dee'd. '59.-6te STATE NOTICE. Letters testa: westary on the i:rt.te of. ehtmlon Into of DiNinsen TrunShip. der'd, loom been wont.' to' the subscriber.. residing in tilos:min township.. All persons Indebted ti said Estate. aro requestsd to make immediate payment, and. those having- rialand manes against the estate will preseot them without delay, to' A. W. BENTZ Sopt. 21, 1859-6 t COUItT PROCLAMATION.- WiirAr.l3 the - lion. JAMES 11.111tAIIAyl, frost. dent Judge of the several Courts of (701919011 Pleas of the counties of quntberland. Perry and Juniata, and usticaof the seventiCourtsbr tiMlTermitter arid General stall Delivery in said _counties,. and lion. Soil. 9EL WOODBURN and Iron. M. Cacao:4, , Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery Mr the trial of all capital end other offenders, in the said county of Cumberland. by their twee... 14140 me di• meted, dated Cm 22d of August, Mit, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terntiner and General to be holden at CARLISLE, on the second MONDAY of Nofember. 1.',59. (being the 14th day,) stilt o'clock in the forenoon, to continue two weeks. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Coroner, JlM tires of the fence and Constables of time said county of Cumberlift,d, that they nro by the said precept com manded to he then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and all other remembrances. to do those thing's which to their slitter, appertain to be done, And all those that are bound . by recognirances. to prosecute nuninal the pr senors iatitrtrnr , then,slodl4oin„the_jell_of said county, EEC to be there to prosecut6 them us - Ilarbii , just, 'Simmer's OEFlet, 1 Carlisle, Sept. 11, 18:0. • f NUTIC L.- - - ' • Wo the'underslgnpil ritS zoosof Mathison owl \Vest Polumborough Townsbipr, behoving Unit the destruetlon.of. birds Is illilltlolln to tho Interest of the forming (011110UnliV. take this moth. ed• to IntOrm.OUNNt;lol AND SPOIefotNIHN, that. wo will not permit hunters to trespass upon Our premises, either to Minot birds or.ot her' gainebut will _enforce tho law against them iii nil alines. • Henry Line, Jam'es 31. Balkan, George L. Line. John ... Lindsay, -Cogrgtt-lAtit , ,—. lleorgo C. Carothers, Charles W... Weaver, J.. 31. C. 0 .111611, Ja.h Rhoads, 1 . enry Paul, .. Peter Rance, Henry Carl, Andrew Hairston, Adam Weir: . James A. Davidson; Andrew 11. Young, Samuel Newcomer, John Grease°, Josiah Carothers, Charles L.O, Alfred F. Lee, 816oeski Ltc, 13M22 John Fixtiburn;Jr., George KlNFlnger. Y.lnanuel Samuel Kenyon, J. 110.dorf. Ilenrp Ituahman, Samuel Stuart, jr., Samuel Stuart, or., Samw.l Orenoon, Aug. 17, 180-2 m. . NOT - ICE TO SPORTSMEN. —We tho undersigned citizens of North NI illdieton Township, believing that the dektruction of birds is in• jurlous to the farming commuoity, take this method to inform Gunners and Sportsmen, that we will not permit hunters to trespass spill our premises, either to shoot birds or othergame, — but wilt ettforco the law against them. Also, those or us living along the Letort Spring, give notice that we will allow nu FISHING on our promises. Ell Bear, Jesse Ithuhl, Samuel Rear, . J. E. Cobb,e Joseph F. Porter, A. ilocker, Sand. S. Troup, W. D. Wonderlich, John Stouffer, David Kutz, Wm. Bell, . • Jacob Etats, . • Meson Olndfolter. 0 Daniel Kuta, Henry Snyder, Jacob Witmer, .Nouns Albright, - .1, K. Messermnith, Jacob Albright, A. McDowell, 'Jacob It. N 'slop ' Geo. Kutz, , • Simon Tobias, • John illatifelter Peter Stock, Justus Ilinzerling, Ream Kemper, A. Seblrublor, I=OE2 MIME John 11. Paul, Ellax llttrtmettl, A. llettrlck, Philip Zeigler, Itoburtllengy, Sept 7,1859 NOTICE TO SPORTSMEN. We the underigned' 4.llizens of South Middleton. North Middleton and Sliceri.lprlng Townships, I r a order to prevent the entire destruction of Birds and other game, which we coMitier a benefit as well as an orita ment to . ohr properties, caution all persons against shooting or hunting on our grounds, as we will enforce the law agettut all offentiers. Daniel hehman, Bantu] Holier, William Bents, tempt Eppley, • Philip lieeketnaker, • John Baker:, Samuel WlHiatus, 'Peter Trestle, John Buttorf, lilies Brennemen, A. & B..lPittner, Harry Brenneman, John 51111er, Augustus Pogue, Jacob Horner, Solomon J. J . Myers, Jacob Strickler, ' John liartsler, David Rlngwalt, !slum Brenneman, Thos. U. Culbertson, Sep. 7, 1854-50 NOTICE::- . 4Ve tlia - iindefsiltned " eiti eons of North kliddloton Township. hereby, notify al persons having their Lgpje advertised In said town. Ship. prohibiting the huntl neer Birds and - tither ocune,,, not to trespass upon our Mountain Lands or Farms, for the purpose of GATII Kill NO GRAPES, (2,HIMTNTJTS, Sit ELLEARKS, Sm., we alsoprohiblt them frpm SHOOT ING or KILLING Al AME of auy description, as we are, determined to enforce the law,against all such po roan John Wilson, Jamb 0 utslisH, Emanuel Sphai., Leonard Outshali, • David Sphar, ~ ' Abner Crain, Sain'i. Wirt,' Wm. H. Crain, Daniel Jacobs, Joseph Zeigler, John Cornman, „ Elias lgrownewell, Georg'eßaludie, George Meer,_ John Clouser, Daniel Wilson, James Cle'ndenin, J. Ii East,. • William Ileuwood, - Jacob Zeigler': , George S. Clark, David Dandier:Av.. ' James Clark, . . Goo. W. Jacobi, J. I'. Brindle, -' John Shatter. . • Sept. 280850. . . PROTHOOTAY'S NOTICE.—IN THE COURT OP COMMON . i . N.RAS OP CUMORRLAND Cow vir.—The Petition of w. 4,Blyllin, 14.11. Keith, A I Mullin, Alfred Moore, Jacob Tats, Wet. A. Llnthurat Levi Stough, Wm. Alexander, S. N.. Liven, .81atthes Moore, Augustus It. Egbert, dm. setting forth, the, 'they with other.citisons of this Commonwealth, liar associated nen Congregation for the porpoise of worsilli ping Almighty God,,aocoriling to the faith and JIM] line of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of thr Uniti ' `States: at Paperlown, lu the county aforesaid, and a, now desirous to be Incorporated agreeably to the prof :dons of an Act of Atiaerubly of the 15t O ctober, 11140, Now to wit 224 August, 1850: It ordered that th within filed in the office o epothonotai and the notice of the application therein On tabled Newspaper published In the iloroug of Carllsleler three weeks priorto the neat term-of ti . .phuil. BY THE count.' . P. QUIGLEY, Prolh'y . , Sept. i2 8,1855.-It. • , DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SIIIP.—Tho firm of lIUM. k IMAVDT,. dolt businefetint'hurchtowir. - CaififfeatiMlCOdiitYTPATl thleiley been direolvedhy mutual radiant. All the: tingled anima eignimit the mid firm will wristlet the: tolearmlfull for.rettfement. • • 'ISAAC II ULU . BRANDT. Sept. 8, 1858 - N.- O.' The widerstened *III continuo bushieme abbetand In Churehtown, where ha will bo, thank& (or a sharp of public patronage. 8 . 00.14. leb-a« S 0 0 : je t r l d l w ‘V l„) l e, t p p a I 11 . 7; 1 Ilia !q e u tl b 4 s c ° ll V lv e r . ... r ; •• ,• Ihformatent that Will lend tq the arrant aid co. ' ,l e mon of the perpon or' perebna, who Bred hie the* the 17th lent. . „ • ~, , 11ENRX i1Y111113; Carliele;,Septi 21 ' . gegai Jto!ice. .TOGN T. GREEN, ADAM COOVER, Executoro 11011;T. McCAIITNEY, Sheriff. naval r \o xmger, • • . 14,1 tE4 ,10 3 11, 1 /0., "Salim l'efror, Million Mack, Irl ...111eli r . Hunry Bear, • David Line, Daniel I'. hoover, John Young,_ , _ rimy M. Washinnod John EMMA; vorge LIU 0. Jr.. Dark! lAne, Jr., John Huston, _ Thonanti 1,1'.1 S r .,. • John avia Daff ,t y l .- Ijoin/ 1.1 " F liudolph buini John Illnrl<. Jr., John Black. er., Jnrol, Mye., rn, All ninny Fishbu J.'& D. PAUL ECM= E2= . Davit! Wolf, John Wolf, • Jacob Weary, • Jacob Lay, Samuel Weary, Amon Waidloy. John Molter, George, Garner, John Hoover, Ulrich Strickler, Yraderick Bethnal Hoffer, Timothy Flemming, Peter Albright, Frederick‘ligefrits, Thos. U. Chambers. E 18 0 . HULL go a t_ estate Sales. vLUA BLE • IfE A.L ESTATE AT P U..113'L S . A L E • On TiIURSOAY ! ill° 12n il( - 1 day of OCTOBER, 1869, . . 1.. c. sold at public •ale. en the premises. In 1010141 n: nmi plV.ilip. t o o,lerhald -hut y, one half mile south 'Ol 641. 1.14 i. ego Carlisle and Shlppensbnig, follinvlng described REAL ESTA . late the property of JohnstonVllliot -.Abbot - 21$ Acre 8 of Choi& vhich will he sold In one •tract, or Iluty• best suit purchasers. The . large BRICK HOUSE AND BAN' BARN, Wagoi*Shed, Corn Cribs. - au uthei out buildings. Aloe IIItICK , NOUSErand Saiiillllll. all. 1 Vrod'reFili'firifit'rifitrty - 075F-:-.Ttrefd" elinverAitloT -, colLot-isister.notin/ • , 1614 Breechos Creek runs through la. '•' There are several' LIMESTONE QI - farm, of good quality for building pr . binning. About 35 or 40 acres of the *hole choice timber, Ot portion of which is and the balance is elearedlind in a ' vation. , • • Thu property le bounded — by law ,Jacob M. Tritt, John. llestein. Andrew A. Miller, and others. Persons desirous of examining the proVerty lee fore the day of sale, will call Nino thirsubscrib. re, rasa d Inc near the premixes. Sale tn, otinnenre at 11 o'clock„ A. M., when terms will he mode known by JOUST T. 0 1tt111744-- ADAM CNOVEIt, ltiecutors of Johnston Williamson, dac'd, EMCEE! • ATALU ABLE TOWN :PROPERTY. VV Foic SAUL—The undersignoil offers for tele -the property situ now °coup es.'on the corner of high and Bedford streets, °origin° Ileiser's LIMO, Catllslo. Thin property-measures 61 feet on high, and 240 on Bedford streut,Ao an alley: The Improvements aro a large' stonti.plastored DWELLING 1101.18 E, fronting ms iligh street, a good brick • , "17. BACK BUII,PINO, fronting on lied. ford street, with Stable, Carringo • llouso. Wood !Immo, Wash House, die: .lfr A well 'Of good water' near the &air id the yard, and also a /Astern, The garden Is Ina high state 'of cultivation, and cmjiilns it number of choice fruit trees. This prop,- erty calculated fur any kind of business, arid lo also a pleasant place of resldetire.• If riot sold at private sale, borne %YOH:if:SIM Y, the lath day of November, It will on that I try ha atiermrat public SZI le, at the Court House, at I o'clock in tho afternoon of said My, Terms made known by • • - Carlisle, Oct. 5,1850. = pniVATE SALE OF The'sullecribet'• IiQW rilTers eitenuraging IMlLlcomunts -- trythesetflitilltmt menus. who desire to get a cheap antt desirable home in one of the most healthy and enter , prising places In the State: Three PaPerNlllls pear - at - hand, end the last lately erected.-In new he successful operation for the manufacture of fine paper, In which ov - 1011 hands; node and female, are employed. Besides t. nt the base of the South Mountain,. noted watering place, being unusually patronized, Adds materially to the pocuojary Intel-fds of the people generally. . - The following described property Is fidjiMlNiNend tended as no addition to - thu Springs, nod the beautiful village of d'apertown : . *- 40 TOWN'IrOTS are-now iu the market. located 'on the east and west sides of the Baltimore and Hanover turnpike, f miles smith of Carlisle. The lots are an average of 40 feet in front And NO feet In InfrAth. The bountiful stream, MMlllinill:Cruek, Bows. past' n portion of them. Also. ETON F NJ A NL.SLO - N — ITOLTSE; ---- . ...I, • .---... ang ono acre - of grin m d. canton, and ihp4.7.-...„ .. , yard. fruit tree,: In a ad:nice. This k, ,r •, 1 -zri, ,Loose rentable 11, rooms, with large —........._ basement kitchen, well of water at the door. nod acknowledged to he a very del lialtful lo ration for a private residence. • Also, a two-story ' - ° WEATIIERBOA It DED -FE A-3I E lIOUSE, t..,,,,.; and lot. with a Slaughter 'Joule thereon !t0" ... , erected. being a good locallen fon a ,"•, , ...4 .• i lot i y i \u t r .i ..-111 s i t s , ;la q 71 nem having been a ,0%.,,,•••.:•.•,:„ neas 31tati ' d 1 -' 0; at:l c e . l l l — all o i r e. ' ' ' ll l 2 l , buc}. Wee ACRES F MOUNTAIN LAND . 3 .. well timbe'red with pine and oak, within miles or the iibeve•proper ty, Inning jy.,.‘111?„ ge! water power fora saw - '• The terms will made very nerommo; • ,Intiow = ntut-ttrunt-Intrgnin. ne. L y 110 . peeted,esperially in the building lots, to roster Wahines' enterprise.. Please address or sea me pei . sonally, nt Mt. Holly. Springs, Cumberland county, Pa. July .20, • f VALUABLE CHESTNUT TIMBER LANDS FULL SALK '--- On TiIURSSAY-,- Novembot 3,.1859, the undernlnned will Nell nt publlo Hale, On t h e above daY, at the Steno Tn%erh, In Dickinson Township, Trumbe.iland county, nt II o'clioelc, -- A. M. of time day, .. TEN TRACTS OF CIIESTNOT TIMBER LAND. .varying in quantities front fourteen to ninety acres, and ono tract of thirty two acres, portions of the "Cum becloud " Estate, the property of 'Dr. -Win. C. ChemberS. dee'd. Pions of the lots to he offered for will be attartith to the hand-hills at the Stone Tavern; and at the mill on the estate. Terms of the sale to token per cent. of tie purchase money of each tract to be paid. Or secured on the prop oily being struck down to tine purchaser: ens third of the balance of the purchase money to Le paid on the Ist of April, MO. and the balance In trio equal annual 'payments thereafter, with interval, and secured upon the premises. The titles to the properties Is undoubted. SAMUEL HEPBURN, Sep 14, 1559. Attorney fur the Misses Chouibers. VALUABLE . FARM FOR SALE I . . The ..... tersigned Were at pilvato sale, that rain. Able Form, ladongli • to the II ei r?of li. Stnyman, deed, situated ill 113111pdell . ' e:" Cued. land County, and bounded by the lauds o C. Slayman,' 3.lllyerly, and others, enntainlin; 164 ACRES, 101-PERCIIES, of which, about 154 are In n high state of cultivatien and the balance Is covered with Timber sufficient for Om use of tip Farm. The impravetbents consist of a substan tlal Ireathergarded Musician Ilouce, • 11,1:ill "a STONE TENANT HOUSE, a largo BANK El . BARN, CORN.CIIIIIi. WAGON SHED, SPIHNO -and all other necessary out buildings. " ere ire two IYr:us of good water, ono at him il. u, the other at the Barn; also two APPLE ORCHARDS of choice fruit, and n Nue; ORCHARD. The fences are in good or. der; about 300 panels of new post nod rail, and board fence havingJuet been put up. There is boobies a great quantity of excellent yellow locust growing on the firer; sumo 1500 poses are ready int be cut ; about twice the number required to place tho entire property under post and rail fence. The Farm lies in one of the loops of the Comulogninet Crock, is bounded on one side by it, and has running water in several of the Bolds. It it within ono mile from the Carnet° and Harrisburg Turnpike. The Bridges at lirman's and , RuPp's Mills, render it, of easy accuse at all times. It commands the beat grain market In the county, being only one mile from the aforesaid Mills. three from Mechanicsburg and seven from liar. Hobe,. Tho'SOl I. Is of II rot.rate quality, correlating of n rich BLACK. SLATE. very easy In till, and exceedingly ri;11e• hie and productive in Its yield. AN a good nod derirable Form, the above property Is wort* of the attention of those wishing to purchase. Persons desiring to make further inquiry, will pieties addreso, or mil on the undemigned, at-his ruddento in Carlisle. ' JOAN K. STAYMAN, Carlisle. A ug.l6, 45 9 : ' Executnr. LAND 'AT PUBLIC SALE, The undersigned attornerin fact for Johnson hlnrtin of ..... roe Cuinlicrlind county, will sell al p i lie silei on the premises. on FRIDAY, the 21st day o.' Jatolair next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., a tract of land. • Containing &3 Acres and 19 Perches, o' Limestone Land of the first quallty•and in a high emu Of cultivation, it being part of the firm on which Mr. -Martin. now lives.- -The. .actual ed. r on!the_ public road loading from Churchtown in - Mechanics burg. it la all cleared except about 10 acres • • which is covered thriving Y 0 U N acres,, ‘. TIMBER, sufficient.f4 building and lone lag the farm. The till° is tedlsputable. •• ' ••••"- • Tonne made known on the day of sale. Any person&Militia of viewing theproperty; or of further information can inqulro of Sir. Martin on the promises. or the undersigned In JOSEPH CULVER., • Sept. 21, 1859-ts.. A HOMESTEAD . FOR 810; -- A 110AIRATEAD FOR $100; ' A au, 1103IIISTEADS FOR 91000 and over; situated on and near Rappahannock Itiverolxivi and below Fred. •erickstiurg, in A new town, called Rapahannock, htis recently been Mild out, in Culpeper comity. In the undid of the field .4tegien of Virginia, surrouniled by minus and mining companies; and fauns and awn lots In alternate divl.' alone or shares. can now hu had for a " mere,song," to Induce settlement in this desirable region: *164,900 Worth of land is to be divided amongst purchasers or given away as as Inducement to come on and make Int• prevenient& and the land Is of the most improvable qualities. Idany have. already settled 'and scores' of others are coming. flood tanning land, In tracts to suit purchasers. can be had, at from ten to twenty dollars per acre, payable in easy quarter yearly Instalments. Unquestionable titles will in all cases be glvea. , //fir Agents are wanted (Ivey vshere toad' these landir, liberal inducements will be ginha.' • • For pe• Oculars, address . . E. BAUDER Laud Agent, July 1850. Port Royal, Vs; HOUSE AND LOT AT • .PI}IVATE The subscriber offers at privatu .sale, a 171 HOUSE and LOT OF OROUND„altuate in gra Dickinson township, near the turnpike, it mile nhd a half east of Mount illicit. The Heusi, is a Frame, Wcatherhearded, two stories In height, and con. Wiling five mine and kitchen, with wash•house and cistern attached. The lot contains TWO ACMES of the best quality of land, with a variety of choice Frult,and, 'having erected thereon a FRAME STABLE, Wagon. Shed, and other nut buildings. ' — p, - ;r:symovishirnr - to - elsor - thar proVetkrceili — doTici - liy , cAlllng on Jacob Dlbek, on no premlbes, or on the elib• scriber, resbilnk near Newtille. . ORO. G. DAVIDSON: Ang.l7,lBP-tf: • FOR SALE.-- A:, lot of groundon. Dlckinson.Alley, between kittand Went atreete, to the Hetet" of the late .Wm..D, Sityninur, containing in front slaty feet;'and in deptli,one hur , dre I itnd twenty feet. The soil In rich, haying been cultivated an a vegetable gardep' for a merles of,yeam Bald lid vitamins one . of the finest Houses In the •borough, with carriage honed; stabling, and hay left. To anyone wishing an' inveatinent;, the above Int of fate auperlor Inducements. For turnis of sale apply to SPONtILItIi; 'Sept. 28, 1435[1-at , Roll:eta a Agent. .204.117aney Psinting done here. MBERLAND U E S Three and a half EaAi:av:Chr.,!.le MIDDLESEX STATION, on C. V. E. R. • is close to the Nirsery. . . Tho pinprletoi of tho above Nunterloa, would call ;Uto attontlodnf all who wish to plant trous,lo his prose& stock Gt.,: • • • F.VTI.TAND.ORNAMENTAL TREES PLANqV vmEs, Sc., km, comprising as Completn,st collection of fruits, of every class, as is to be timid-An the spate. 'And' constituting mainly, such sorts an•ltlx .teen years of impatience, and careful oisierva than, /ivel' proven the very Lout for our , loxtlity. This tattt.r clause is quits too atinch overlooked by Cho inexpeth enced. thrbugh their anxiety to gather new things from other quathws, regardless of the probabilities of de. caption, through dealing with strangers; or parties of whose reputAtion andlcorroctuess they (save no know!. edge; and wish, If evon holiest and careful: 11.0 mit the opportunity end oxperienth to know what in bust adapt-' oI to this section 'of tint State. lie would rail especial attention to his ostensive Mooted' healthy young apple Croon for this Autumn planting, which aro,Yery fine. AM. NOTE, lot. All selections for orchards left to the thole° of the Proprietor. AV II bownrnurtod Cruet. name and coinbinu tiro most 'valuable fruits for Utopian to he nlanted. 2nd: No inferior trees, or unhealthy stock, sent out under class of good trees. • *d. All t.rees fur parties who cahoot call at the nur sery, and wish thou sent vie Railway, Will be selected with on much care, as lithe purchaser wortypseatint.and •tho trees packed so as to carry safely to any point on the Railroad, for *Welt a light charge will be made. •dth.. It is not the loivost price, or the largest land uncertain to grow) trees he strlveuto road, but correct. noes and healthy trees, are the two points he pre - dessert to V -- 'CAUTION..Ist. Beware of reports, and listen not to the reports that the nursery In closed, the stock reduc ed and stroll and nuch"articles ale not to lie had us it "now stands on nearly-forty-acres. closoly,..planted,_roa.. tainlng near half a of trees and plants, In reel,. sus stages of growth, Including all the most' reliable articles, old:l,nd now, an fast as brought Into, notice. Many of the now thinits are, held under toot, until their on/tittles have been sufficiently proven to warrant their • farther diaseinination. REAL ESTATE . • . 2nd. Think not.that nil trees represented to be from Matra's. ore from thnObridierland Nurseries; tot some persolin have already been mlstoken, by supposlng that bemuse the trees were from DLLLpn. they, c•mo from hero; when in fact they mine from other gitiirters. 3rd. No piirioM or party hi authorized to, soli from this Nursery, withoht a WRITTEN Aurnonrfr I'ooo TUC PR(IPRIETOR. Catalogues noting the main stock will be furnished on receipt et WO, three vett postake gonna. Orders solicited, with an earnest desire to render jus. . Address, ' E rE it JUDGE WATTS, - JUDOS It, M. ITENSEItSON, LEMUEL TflnD, • w. IL MiLttit. Oct. I. 1539-4 t. LES TER'S LOCK STITCH • SEWING Tho great favor-which attendetitlw Introdurt bESTEIi:S . SEWING MACHINE Issullielont evidence of their i surveron.74 - OVER ALI; .0711Elai I= THICK AND THIN WORK, .bulng morn slinplo than other 31.1611NY:8, and losa Ilablo to • TQQET , OUT OF ORDER. They Will STITCH, HEM, THIN AND GATHER. They make Yam? Lack stieh,hoth sides alike, Sales-Room,' 163 BaltimiT St., BALTIMORE, AID: • Oot r.,1860. A. p. EWING'S • , FURNITUftIi•,WIIIIB7Rt,OIIIS, . 1 - O P - s i ;1 11 1) 18'59 - - - {Vest High Oflisle, Pa (Premium warded at the Cumberland County Agricultural Fair of 1857.) . The subscriber has just reeelvdd thl; most splendid assortment of articles in his line, eeer brought to this place—which he is determined to soil at prices that de Ip competition. • . Pn. 10 5 ... Oltantbe s "ts Dining" oom, FURNITURE. Kitchen sand (Mice Embracing every article used by !louse and lintel keepers, of the most approved nod deride nod finish. Including also Cottage furniture, In setts, rereption and Camp Chairs, blattrnietes, Gilt frames, pictures, Ac., Purchasers are requested to call and examine his stock, at his extensive wnlr•rtaims, West Main street, North aide. A. II: EWING. &V- Particular attention given an usual to funerals;, orders (rein town mid country, attended to promptly and tin moderate, tonna. A. It. E Carlisle, Slay 12, 1858.—1 y. J ~DIE S lt . W RtlY E 11, 'S CABINET • , AND.. 4 " 7. " -- '''.- • CHAIR M A NIJF,ACTOItY, NORTII, STRUM, CARLISLE, PA. Having boon engaged to the ltunlintew for trtfitqweney yearn be would return thanks to his custome4 and .frlends, for the liberal encouragement extended to him In yearn gone by, and further ensures them that no pales will ,be spared, to give full satlnfactlon to all who may favor him with a call. CllAlitS AND FUIINITUREv . •• . . Of every dcieription constantly my hand, or made td order. Warranted to be of the beet itiollty, of the la. ~lettLstylv, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible pricfis tor cash.' • Ito also continues business as an UNDERTAKER.— Ready made Coffins, Metallie or otherwise. kept con stantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally in town or country, on the most reascliable terms. ~JAMES • May 25.1854-Iy. N. B. Two properties situate In Cburcbtnir n, &nib. county, are offered for sale on-easy terms. Apply as above. . _ : It. W. HAT. AND CAP STORE. AT KELLER'S OLD STAND, NORTH IIANOVER•ETREET. NEARLY OPPOSITE THE HARD , WARE STORE OF J. P. LYNX i 800. A full assortment just received, 'to which coustnnt additions will be made of city as well as howe umuufao•, tare. The stock now comprises &IbMOLEBBII4,. " DEAVER &' 041381 MERE, BELT ,IIiTS, of all ntylee and eolorn, from the cheapest to the beet quality. STRAW lIATS. A large variety of all pi hes and styles, together with a neat assortment of child. .drone' fur and straw bate. . ALSO, MEN'S, BIYS' AND 011ILMINN18DAPS, embracing every kind now worn, poth Plain and Drell Caps, to which the attention of the tiublic le respectful iy DON'T Foitop,T If,DLLEWEI_ OLD STAND; Carlisle. April 20, 1869. , FIST GREAT ARRIV.AL -FALL & WINTER CLOTHING:: The euhaerlbor-hasJuat returned (iota life Yatelern Cltlesovlth a large and wol. selected etock'of FALL AND 'WINTER OLD - MING, . GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, arc., isblch pa can soil at such pricca, as - to astonish Ilia NATIVEB. '' . . Raving taken particular pains to'scisct . g.onds eapecial• IT adapted fur this market, Edam assure hie customers, that 4Aay 'era. • a WELT. AND FAEINIONAPLY MADE. . ' -: Buren will find it to their Intertet to examine Ida • etock, as ho has determlued to evil-upon themottoo - rk3.llOmerober the old Littind, near the Market Bole . . , "ABllEit WIJII4 ihmennor to Steiner .1 MON Carliale,fileto. 14, 1860 " • -" •• • ' F • AR24.. 'recolyed largest and Cheapest eeeortineUt In• the county and warrentqA,tiot to . crecl4 at the cheep hardware of • May 2 . 5,1859.• lt, ff AXTON. • • listeihrtom. .1)1VID MILLER,. Jic, Cutnborlitud Nurseries. Carlisle, PI MEM Carlisle Pn PriCe Op; and Upwards; FOR .HOTS WARRANTED ONE YEAR Musitiess lcktrits. A - (3Ak6.Da..,TNO.- K. .Sotriu,, ..LA_ 81,041011 y announces. to his -old frit nds ur 6lrmor . patrons, , that lie has rutornod from his Foil warteinlour: with his health greatly 'lttintoved, has remnant his prattle° h. Carliste: NV hen nut pr, fosAinally engaged, lie unit be found at the t• Washint r Gm foto'," MT. 11. (11.stora,N, IV. Corner of the t 4 quara. Carlisle, Bapt. 25, 1859-ttl 1 - 10 OTOS: Alt 31 SYRON G has remov ,red lAN otko to tie South ioeet eornor of Hanover • Pomfret sit whore lie may be committal at any hourot the _dAy or night. Dr. A. has hail thirty' ynara • oxperience lu thii pinTOMlOWthcrinnt-ten.of_Whichamyuallen do-o• tett to the study, and practibi of libtareopallihrtiirdi: , fay 20; 'Wm. ''' r • - I , :arcrmirrcri - , on North 'llsnoior kraut, it few doors ob-Or ess - turtrusted ^to illtu wlll‘bo,prentptly attended to. 1,101115. ASV. NOTICE. _ PIINfIOSP; into reinerod hls °Mee' In rear o - the*Court Houk!, where ho will ptomptly'attend to all bind nessientrosted to him. • • ' August 19, 1867. • • ~, ANT OFFICE.—LEMUEL • TODD j Ins resumed, the practice. of the taw. Mee In Centro Square, west side, near the First Presbyterian Church. '.' . . ~,, ,April 8, MT. - . . 7 1 , • T\R. S: B. KIEFFER Office in North ILFllanever street, tho doors • from Arnold k Smell 'am Office hours, More Tortlcularly from 7 td 9 o'clock A. M., end from 6 to 7 o'clock, I'. Id. , •ri t,,,,... irllt. ] GEO RGE ..S.FiEA JILVILIGIIT, DENTI . ST, from the Hal. tluiore &logo of Dental Surgery.' .13.-01116,nt.t tie residOnee of his mother, East, Louthel MIII34EIIO° doors belorinedfOrd. • . . • Mare), .10,1856—tf. " ^.. , S. W. FIAVERSTIOK, Druggist, North IlanuvOrStroot z Cnrllelp. , Physic:latex presthiptlunsearefully ocoupoundod A full supply of fresh drugs tuul chmulcals. '.• DR. J. C. ,N EFT' respeet }l4444 fullyinforme the ladlee and gentlemen vicinity. that he has re• mimed the Practlro of Dentistry. and Is proored to per. form oration!. nothe tooth and gums, belonging s piolossion. lie ivlli Insert full mole of teeth on Id or silver, roll h single gum tooth. or blocks. no they way prefer. Terms moiler:lto. to suit the thane I)flire In High- string, dlrectl,y opposite the Cumber, lend Valley Bank.. tmy Dr. N. will - la In Notav elm last - tim slay of ovary month. . .lam. ^_U. I'lsB-Iy*, • .Plt-r:C.L00314 South Hanover -street, • next door to the Post • 7 . , - 0,..1V111 be absent from Carlisle the hist tai, dap of 'es. W. NEU/fell, D. D. S.:— v* : A tottt.Dentenstrator of ',matt. Dentistry to the ttmora .one g o of t e L Ici'rg : ry Ofleet his r;idenre, nproslte Marlon Ilan, nest Main street, Carlisle, Peep Nov. 11.1857. • JO.IINS.ON 11 0 ITS , Chambers & College Place,- " NEW YO 'T&:8818--$150 PER * DAV. • • - L Ol6 of the " J 9 , 1 . 111;l1M 11010C,''..CleVe1and, 'aug 31.719-4 m. AIL S 111 A , . A TT. ORNEY -AT 61, AIN . offtee Alt} n. 11. )tiller, South Ilawover,Slreet, oppoUto the Volunteer Office, ,• Carlisle, SeiCH. 1839. "Me' I , A R E RE 1) 111) STATES IhNION • Boilut,, - noa_muir_ko,s_t.,-abo_v_v_o_ohs _ 1111111 G.' Proprietor. 9.6 Ter day. ju:lirsB T AGENCY=, lOVA L.—A. t, SPONPLIiIt, REAL ESTATE. At Err, C ni A NC ANW Pt`itl Les re-" 1.11014t0 his' New 011 ice on Main street, one door west of the Cumberland Pallor hall Rood Depot. lie is now permort tly located. and has M :t t heria - ME , for sale every largo amount of Real Estate, en:l,ll4Elin.; of Warms, of all Ms., it and' unimproved, MIII Properties. Town Proirerty of every. description, Build• Dig hots, also; Westrn hands nod Town Lots. lie will - give Ids attention, an heretofore in the 'Negetlatrog nl Loans. Writing ol' Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, - oOitraets, and Serivonlng uotierally. Oct. 28, lti:l7.—if. W. c. RHEEM ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL'AOENT. Minnrarulitr o Mipnemthr giro t 1 1 ,: s 1 , t s r t l u,•nto, lil y uud .all iteal Estate and securities. Negotiate loans. pay tale-, locate land warranis. Are., k,. linter to the members o the Cumberland County liar, and to all prominent 'iti , tens of Verliale, Pe. tig.j'Wi—ly. AMERICAN - HOUSE,, • North Hanover &root.. Carlisle, pa. . W. KLINE, Proprietor. 7 - Tut Muse has been refitted In a superior style, and Is now upon fur the accommodation of Boarders • rind Travelers, on e " • MODERATE EXCELLENT STABLING ATTACHED. 1 - 10 YOU want to buy a good Piano, I_,/ or Melodeon? If go, why dint yon call on John 11. Rheum? For he can sell the neatest finished. best node, purest tuned and lowest priced Instrument that can be had In tide pert of the country. Having been a long thou in the business. I flatter myself on being filtjttltE,t;litso In rlit r uAli: r lt i t e s . , t o tt largo • lot or m”tpd.....frnn, lloalon, whielt ran be seen at Mr. A. Ii.PVIMA'M furniture ref nu, nhich 1 will sell cheap. er then any other nom In the country. For recommendatlone of toy FIMMOM, call end one them. All Inmtruntentsr Warrouted nod kept in repair. Call and exenthleatty—lustruntotts before purchnsing tier,.. where, and you wilt he satisfied that I ran sell the bust end cheapest. , Jt.IIIN It. It 11E To be found at the lions° of ittcohltheent, W. High St. ' 31ny 4. 1,69 h: 1V - .1 l; S T. 0 It N NO. 93 MARKFA v STRERT,HARRI,SBURG. _ " 0 gi E T ni•ji is 1 6, IN6TRUC I lON IIDoKB, MUSICAL MERCHANDISE GENERALLY, • PIANOS; ,-, • .• MELODEONS, GUITARS, FLUTES, • • ' ACCORDEONS, he. 11, 69. C. C. B. CA RTBIL I.IIIIBE KLA N 1) VALLLI 13.AAN K lJ vitopiarroits. WILLIAMMEICHOIR RANNEMAN, - 120111'; C;SaikAlif,'" JOliginiALAY,"' RICHARD WORDS. JOHN S. &TERCETS, JOHN C. RUNLVP, li. A. SnAuEptt.. This Bank, doing business In the num of Her, Brim annum & Co., is now fully prepared to do a gentral Banking Business with promptness and 'fidelity. Money received on deposit and paid back on demand without notice. Interest paid on special deposits. Cer nitrates of deposit hearing Interest at the rate of live par cent. will be Issued ler as short tv period as four thonths. Interest on all certificates will (wee at ma. turity, provided, howeeer, that If said certificates era renewed at any time thereafter for another given ye rlod, they shall bear the same rate of interest up to the time reuewal. particular `attention paid to the col !action of notes, drafts, checks, &c., In any part of the United States or Caundase Itetnittances made to England, Ireland, or the Conti nent. The faithful and confidential execution of All orders entrusted to them, may be relied upon. • • 'They call tie attention of Furthers, Mechanics and nil raters who desire a safe depository for their n am es, to the undeniable fact, that the proprieters of tVelli Bank me INDIVIDUALLY liable to the extent of their en amen for all the Depossts,ind other obligations of Ker., Brenner' man & Co 11'*.AVR They hive recently removed into their new Banking House directly oppoelto their !bluer eland, in West Main Street, a few d,ofdet4iiet or the Railroad Depot, where theyvintnitsOlilitles , belgerineal to pile any formation dpgroil Di regard to .mptiv: ,rtnattore to gene. ml. Open for.Mtltlnem from 9 o'clock In tb4Dtorning null 4 o'clock it' the evening. . • • • . If. A. STUROTION, Caahhfr. Carlisle, May 20.1857. T HE pArkis.NANTILLA. . • AND ofioAk•Empon-lunt, ; A: 708 WIESTNVY Strcet, ahovc Seventh, • PHI' ADIMPHIA. ' _• • The subecribers Invite the littention'OLtenise, to that. 'tonic of E legnut, Flow nOliktiq of which,be lug a specleity, they ere enabled to offut•tyk• most coin pinto nesortmone In the city.' They nin open in. the emcee of Feptemt6ll, and Onto her, their- leteonernoes consisting of • 1351141011iiiiiED VELVItiT CLOAKS,. HANDSOME BEAVER CLOAKS, OPERA .CLOAKS, An., Ant,, ...••. atld de„patie epeoitnens Of lime ManttfnettWe, will the' added, to their Stock EVERY MORNING THRouGzr Tit ESE4SON. • PROCI,T,OI2. & I'mpcirOrs nud Illauuteiettiree CLOAKS' AND MANTILL'A'S No. 7a, CIIESTNUy tinrook, &Mono P . 11.1VA.. Augiint 31. WO, • 3 mon. IngirLa, sts; Boot, aml MU annortment gigeltlEt and Ondinge 'of aU Mac*. JOHN' P. LYNE & SON, ' Nad' lisknovkr Btrest. Oct. 27,'68. , 'ED. -CIA = cr gloat. the• Old Business.. .• AND ()UAL YAILI). v,O 4 east of Cc.riinie. In the Immediate . a J` • duty at the Gee House. have entered Into 'Partnership, and cs ,C„,,je. the rid stand of :thrum it Hoffer. . • ~:•••.; , rit all times, LUMBER and COAL 'qualities • 4.•• .•4> B • kind. • P • • STUFF, ^ • 5-"'SGLES.. WORKED FLOORING. • —POSTS.. ' • - —• . • And in that every kind nr.Lumber Usually found In 0. elell Mocked• As we run our own Para. - we arc imakicd to furnish hills of Lumber of any requioed'iongth, aQ theqthortest possible Um. Our Flooring,AVeathei boarding, .44 . c., Is always housed, and.can be furnished dry. • , ' CP AL, (Under Cover.) ••'N. , •Ptltal , %rill be Awed to'furni.4h Coal for family use,. •ele.tif andulry, 0(411 Sizes and qualities, among which will be found, - LYKENS VALLEY.. LUKE FIDDLER. • - • , ,SUNBORY WHITE ASH: TREVORTON. • • LOCUST MOUNTAIN. L088ERY(...40. • And to our Lime • buining friends and to Blacksmiths, wo.yould say, we han and will furnish an 'cheap Os the cliimpestund of hest quality. Tile senior partner will be on the yard art usual' to attend to those who may favor,us with -n continuance of their patronage. Thankful forpast: favors, hi, solicits a NMI tinuanci, of thole custom at the old yard.. • ' We have a large stock on-hand or Lumber aml Coal, and are contin&vily receiving additions,-which 'we will sell as low as any otheryard iii the borough. Don't fall to call at the old yard near the (ins JACOB SIIROM, • -- ROBERT M. BLACK. . • . . N. 111.—A duplicate of the hooks of Simnel A alas, are In my hands; those Indebted can call or, the suh scriber at the old yard.and pay to JACOB elltto3l,' July 27.155(1.k1. .- . _ MEW COAL AND LUMBER YARD II The subAerlberm have thin day entered into part. nurship to trade in COAL AND LUMBER, .IVo will have ion - slatly on hAllol u d furillfill to 7irder ail kinds and quality of,easolloot ' • , 11011111 . ,5, savrowar, • FrtAmß sTuk • • s Paling. Plastering Lath . , Shlngling Lath, worked 1 1 1000. lug and Weatherboarding, Posts :tad nails, and every ar tick that helonga to In LUMBER, YAW All kinds of Shingles, le wit: Whitopine, 76;infoV and Oak, of different qualitita. flaying cars if our own we can Walsh bills to order of any length -and i , lao at the shortest entice and on the most term. Our worked board., will he kept under cover to that they can lel famished dry at all times. We have ronstantly on hand all kinds of Fluidly. Coal under rover. which are will deliver delta to any part I. the borough. To wit I,VICENS VALLNY, lAMB rlpm,En, Broken, Egg, Stove mvl Nu vitEvoitTos, LOCUST NI (JUNTA] Dollll.llll'. which we pledge ourselvei torell at the lowest prices llo,t quality of 'r ' r • , Ante Jurner s awl IltireConitle+Cerrl, al wnyn on liked whlrh we will sell nt the lowest figure Ihrt.l west nide of U rannonr,SelmnOlnln Street. A liSI:STI(UNO--&—HOFFER. July 20,1858. I UMBER YARD',;,—The subscribers L. 4 having. puirluveda largo tract of -pino timber laud mod saw mills, omtlm west branch of the Susquo- Lnuua rlverniare opened.nut a lumber rird at • 11113CIIANICSiSURG, on tho railroad, corner of Allen' trod 1111411 stream, near the xt&nu saw mill of Seidl% Eberly Sc Co., and also one AT GREASONVILLE, • wlieTrifii - Wifilre - Able to setililiiiVer puck prices that will bo to the interest of builders nod others to call, and see us botbre buying oisewhere._ Our advantages over other dealers are than oylutnjor doe 4 not pass through I'm halals of one two'or more specu lators before we,get It, - and Ms t.wlll enable -us to nel) lumber cheapei than any others can sell at those plark IVe will also whole,do lumber front our Harrisburg yard, and willileilver lumber at any point. along the Cumberialfa \Wiley Railroad: if desired:builder's can have lumber MOMd suitable for ally size of 111111,1111 g, or for 'other purposes, by furnishislijpg us with their or , tiers lu season. SHAFFNER, ()REASON it C 0... April, IJ, 18,59-1 y • E ARRANGEMENT: LI. On and after Monday, 2..1d May, 1850, the sub. neither will run a Dally Train of Cars, between CARLISLE AND PIIIIADELPIIIA, leaving Carllsle every morning and Philndelphia every pentane,. All goods left - nt the FREUIIIT DEPOT Of Peacock, Zell& lIINCIIMAN, No.. 808 and 810 Market street, will he delivered in Carlisle the next day. M. It UN ;May 'OO. West. High Street, Cnrltnlo, Pn. NEW. COAL YA It D aT VIE I\i.tir END OP CARLISLE. The subscriber would respectfully call the attention of lAmoburners and the citizens of Carlisle, and the surrounding country genemily, to his NEW 0)A YARD, attached to his Ware House, on West High where ho will keep constantly on hand a large supply cf Ills best quality of COM., to wit: Lykona Valley, Luke Fiddler, Pino Grove and Troyer. ion, Broken, Egg and Nut Coal—screened and dry coal, which ho pledged himself to sell at the lowest possible prices. Bost quality of Limehurner's and Blacksmith's Contalways on hand., .44. All orders left at the Ware House, or . st bis roe demo In Noah llanover• street. will be promptly tended to. April 14, 'sh=-ti. J. W. HENDERSON. F ORWARDING AND • COMMIS §iox IlousE. '''''bENEILAL IIEALItt 114/ . PLOVR, SALT AND PILASTER. The subscriber would respectfully inform tho eitzens of Carlisle nod vicinity, that ho has trailed the largeand 011111111 1 / 1 1i0UM warehouse of JAcOll 1111.11E51, and having rop.dred and fitted tip the Mrs in ioperior manner, he is prepared to do freighting of all kinds, to or fnun all points, south, East or IVest. All goods ordorod to BURK & REYNOLDS, 812 Market Street, Philadelphia; or to COOVFII._&_KRA.U_SER, 203 NOrth Street; Baltintore,:,--- . , will ho pro'mptly delivered In Carlisle: . Thu highest market prim paid for all kilids of grain. Don't forget the old stood, corner of Main and ilrest Streettl,,. JOS. RITN lilt,. Jr. Aug. 31. 1859.-Iy. Successor to Jacob Rheum. N. B. Rost quality of ,OUlt, for family use, kept constantly In sacks or barro ar sale -wholesale dr r , tall. JOHN EAELY. ' -J. H. NOREMAKER.. r ORWARDING AND* atIMMIS NON HOUSE. . FLOW-It-*ND WE-ED, CJOAL ' PLASTER AND SALT. The subscrlberwitav=Xon the warehouse, cars and fixtures of Wm. 11. 'Murray's well known eslabilshmont, on West high striad, opposite Dickinson College, would inform the public that they have entered into a general Forwarding and .Commission business. The' highest market price will be paid for Flour, Utile and Pnuluce nt;all kinds. ' They arm abuiprepared to freight produce, and stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the lowoatratee, with safety and despatch. - PLASTER AND SALT kopt constantly on-hand, and FLOUR AND FEED at wholesale or retail. Coal of all kinds. embracing LYKEN'S VALLEY,. LUKE FIDDLER, . SUNBURY WRITE WI, k • LOCUST OAP, Limeburner's . and Blacksmith's =1 KEPT UNDER • COVER, and delivered dry to any port or the town. ki - AItLY 8 NONESIAKER Aug. 17,1819. • • • ricio •T HE rant to cure all Cancers, Corns, Bunions or Warts. wit my MAGNETIC SALVE. made of herbs. It wi I extract the root; and perfect a cure. If any prowl' doubts It, let thlnu • call on mo and I will cure the)) gratis. Address No. 0, Landreth Street, below Race, and b. : tweet' 12th and 13th, Philadelphia. M. W. TAYLOR. 50p.28, 1850. ~ F . II it al . F U 1-1,--,S II - F:U R S I! 1 . 411 RA & i'IIONPSON, .:, Innoreers, Manufactiiers and Dealers In I LADIES' and CIIILDRENS'. FANCY FORS, of every desorlptia; Also, BUFFALO ROBES,"FUI ''RED otoyEs, and COLLARS, ... • No. 818 MARRST. Street, (above Eighth, south aide,) - . ' PIIILAD.ELPRIA. . . Inalesale ' and Haack? --Ni.D.--Stgrakcfpora will do well tdlilve us anal!, I. ' 'they:l4li find the largest assortmentby (hi to:y eele !roof In the Clty,Andlnt Idenqacturers' Prim'. seg. 28, 1865.-.lmosi • • . ... ,- , ' L BLANK STORE, N. • 28; A 7 'pant Berea; phuadowa, tSTAI3LISIIED, I O 1881, . • . . _ •, .. - The - subsitbars rengeotfullicall be attenDbliOf ti‘ .6umorout. . SIIDRIFRS, PROTIIONOTARIEB, • LAWYERS, MP ' ' • OISTEAThS, AND OTlllarib, . . ..ti their large stock °fix* 'titan, tome, which .an 0 parlance of nearly 30 Years enables them to primer with great accuracy of form and neatness of Style. 0 , dors sollclted, A printed Ilat of our Blanks wllthe tot warded, 00 appllcol,on, free of charge - • JOUN . . • -. s . .' 230 Dock aired, Philada. Sept. 28, 1350 .-Imo. , . - , .•-. • . • hi . . . , . POES, DI pi:ASE, ORIGINATE 'IV. IMPURITY. OF THE 111.000 • ' sle a question of vital importance. and one which has never been satlalitatorily dial:wised of by the proles sore who tearh the. healing 'art. Soule maintain—and especially the old school l'hyeiclanstbnt life.lives-iri the blood, and therefore all, diseases originate in it— but modern science lavers that ailments have their origination le both the solids and iluldii,of the -body: . i het the latter preponderate, however, Is a fixed. fact, lid medical skill' bas clearly .demonstrated that of ,Sig twmthirds of the Ills that human flesh. la -heir to, have tllelr source [Man - " . -.- , • IMPU.RII . STATE OF .TIIE , BLOOD I . . Is, for,lnstanee, In the iohg cahtiogue, Mich ma Scrota' i• Barber's Itch," Pimples,. Blotches, Eryalpe las, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, discharges from the Ear, Fever Berea, orirruptive diseases of •uny kind.—These are as ermined by well known medical laws toilrise Mat bad blood' — while - the - highest.-medical-authoritlei:dedare that most foram originate In thi tame manner, and more.particularly_Typhold-and-scarlet —the former -be ing milli ternriciiiid disease; and In all'persons attacked by them maladies; thubloodlk Piurid-to_be.lther_.mtgulatlsdriar--oPa-derrk= unhealthy color.. • , . To ward off n large mnjorlty of diseases; na well as to aura a number which have already seized upon the eye tom, it Is necessary to - ttirdsey'a Improidd IllodcP Searcher does not claim to boa UNIVER§AL PANACEA for every disease known; but the proprietors claim for it the power net only of draining out mi . ' impurities el the bided, but by the aklllful combination dwell known vegetable reniedles. it will cure all diseases arlslng from a deranged state of th a. liver, drive out dyspepsia, and give renewed tone and vigor to the Stomach. That the liboou SZARCIIEP, 19 all thatqs claimed for It, the proprin . tors eau produce " " 833=2 It la only n few yearn since it wan ,dlacorered, and yet it brio grown Into such a boob nosy theta large laboratory Imo bean built. expressly. for Ito manufacture—a Mtge number of man employed In putting It up and atoll the It Up, anti N 1.... SUPPLY EOE - I . i , l'OT EQUAL THE lIEMAND I ' Wa as tc any candid man, could this beau, IPtho Med Icing did notltossesq ALT, the virtues claimed for 10 Tho Proprietors , have hundreds- of. cortificatch from Mon of probity .and standing in the- community, show ing what the medicine Ia Aoing doily for tho • Stiffering ASK ANY PERSON who has ever used the Blood Searcher whether sell .was experienced. Let tho afflicted We leittriala single bottle Wil convince the most skeptical of Its calvary. vta. For nabo In Carlisle by S. ,W.' Haverstlek, S. El Holt, andll. J. KloiTer • Kauffniut & Son, Mechanics burg; Ooswellor & Book, Efflopherdstown ; Joshua Culp Minnow n ; Jacob Simmons, Cross blonds; Kurtz & .Wise, Shirelnanstown; A. M. Leidlch, Boiling Fprings; Mary W. Kissel, Churchtown ; Edward-James, West Hill; J. C. Fasnaught & Pro., Oakville; Shoemaker & Elliott, Newburg; Wm. Bratton, Newvllle; J. Hood & Co., Springfield; Russell &Jac°, Dlckinum Highland Washinger ' Jacksunvllle; Wm. Clark & C 0.,. Lees Roads; Wm. 11. Miles, Sportink D. Donlinger Whits Hall ;"J. D. Altlek,Shippensburgi allot Cumber land, county, Da. • LINDSEY' & LEMON, Proprietors, Clan ~ .. DR. 11.0011/111D'S SERBIAN. BITTERS, AND - • DIL MOOVLA.NIVS BALSAMIC -• • , .. - CORDIAL, ~_. . , The great standard medicines- of (he present , only through - - age, haveacquired their great popularity y years of trial. Unbounded eatisfac tion is rendered by them in all cases; and the people have pronounced them worthy. •. • Liver Complaint,-Dyspepsia, Jaundice; Debility ophe Nervous System, • Diseases of the Kidneys, . "and all diseases arising froni a disordered weakness of the stomach and digestive organs, are speedily add permanetitlycuredhy the GERMAN BITTERS -• The Balsatnio Cordial hour acquired a reputation Surpassing that any -similar pie:- paration extant. It Will cure, WITHOUT PAIL; - the most levere,and long-standing _L_Catigh,_CoM,_or_laarsenees,—Eronattitia,lne_ Manua, Qronp, Pneamonia i lnoipisiit -j - ' ' • Ronatimption, and has performed the most astonishing cures ever known of " ..` Confirmed Coninuiiption.— - • - A -few doses will: also at once cheek and cure the most severe Dittrrhcaa'proceecitn, - from COLD IN THE BOWELS. These medicines are prepared by Dr. 0. K - JAC/EDON & CO., No. 418 Arch Street, Ph . aa- . • -delphia,. Pa., and are sold by druggists .add dealers in medicines everywhere, at 7f. cento7._ per bottle. The signature of C. M. nozsos . will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle. In the Almanac published annually by the projmktors, carted EVERYBODY'S ALMANAC, you. will find testimony and commendatory notices from all parte of Ow country. Tittle Almanacs are given away by all our agents. For salo by S., Elliot, SS. W • Haversack Car lisle. IN 1101? it"been appointed sole • agent for Carlini°, for the eale or Dr. F. Uua• Punt. Y's Specific; Homeopathic Remedies, compriniug ilia followlog lint of modicinmi No. 1. Fsvrn PIT.l.3.—For Favor, Congestion. find In fismination of nil kinds. .No 2. Wypxl Pru.s.—For Worm - Toyer, Worm (clic, Welting the bed. , No.'s.liany's Put.a.—Vor Colic. Crying, Teething, Wakeful nags. and Nurvouenees or Adults. • No. 4. DlVtßilltA Pats -For Diarrhea, Chola, a Intan. Unit. and •iummer Cr inplalnt. No. 6, DVIENTERY l'imx.—For Colic, Oriplogn, Dyson tory, or Bloody Flux. No. 6: Couau Pitta.—For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Influenza. and Sore Throat. N 0.7 TOOTHACHE Pau.—For Toothache, Fece.ache, anti Neuralgia. No.B Madamllea, Tortlgo anti FuMiele, of the hood. . . . . . :10. ti flysrenir, Pmts.— For Wenk and • Deranged Stomach, Com.titition, Myer and Kidney Complaint. No. In. CROUP Pmts.—For Croup, 'loam Cough; Dad Breathing. No.ll - SALT - Blinn Mtge—For Beysipclas, Eruptions, PlOplo.t in the Face. flp. 12: CIIdUMATIO Pats.—For Pohl. Looniness, or Soreness In the Chest, Book; Loins. or Limbs. A;--For Fevor and Aguo. Chill Foyer. Dumb Ague, old. mismanaged Agnes, bad efforts of Agtlea treated with Injurious drown. • P.—Kor Pilos,illind or Blooding. Internal or External. W Whooping Cough, abatlr g its violence and shortening its count,. • PRICE •- - Canon of 20 Vials lu Turkoy linn,cco and Book, Canna 0(20 Vials and Book. . • - Cases of 16 Boxes and limk, • 2 Cases of 0 Boxes and Bonk, • ,Single numbertel Boxes, with direction, 26 eta. lettered Boxes, with dinwitonn, ,50 eta. . iliV.These 61edielues by the cast or shinlo box,lire sent to any pat, of tho country; - fino of chore, on ro• coipt of the prlco. Aildross, • • Aux. ul. 1650-Im. READ ! READ I READ • .ESENWEINIS • • . AROMATIC BALSAM: le a remedy not to bri excelled for the relief and cure of those maladies incident to the Summer SeIIROU, till: Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Cholera or Cholera Morims, Vom iting, Aridity of the Stomach, etc. Its excellent Carminative powers, pleasant taste rind. soothing influence, renders It a valuable medicine In Infantile diseases, peculiar tlrthliteecond summer, via: Cholera Infantum, etc. It has a reinvigorating and tonic. Influence on the eystom;,wilaylng inflarnation where it exists in the stomach eirid , bowels—and on trial will be found indlspensible to the well being of every, family. It will ho found as well adapted to adults as children.—Twv rt. Prepared only by • • A. ESENWElN,,Disponsing Chemist, N. W. Cor. Ninth and Poplar eta., Philadelphia. OM. Price 2S,,cents per bottle. Sold by D.. J. Kieffer, and S. W. IJavoratick, Carlisle; Miller & Son, Jackson vllle; Riegel d Herring, Mechanicsburg, and by drug gists and storekeepere generally. [may2sl9-17 U NIVERSITY - OF PENNSYLVANIA • . LAW DEPARTMENT. • PRILADELPLIIA. A term of this Institution, will commence on the ad of 00TOBEReneat. Che following are the euldecte of the lectures: . ...... lion. clEoltOlt 811ABSWOOD—Pereog Personal Prop• arty, and Mercantilo Law, Prof P. McOALL- 2 .Evldeoce. . •?--. ~ , . Prof. E..SPENOER MILLER —Egulty 'ana Jurleprta• •' dance. . Everreffert le made M render this` Inatitution' cleat for the purpose it has In view. The students are frequently and carefuily examine4,.legal questions are discussed, and exercises in writing form part of the course. iiy the rules of the Courts, the time ocappled here, is treated se equivalent; for mostpurproes to rote atudy, in entitling to admission to the bar; and when admitted to the Court below. A graduate of this In atitution can practice at once in the Supreme Court. 'The Introductory lecture will be delivered on FRI DAY, September 30th'. at 8 o'clock; P. M., at the nettsh lecture room. by the Hen. George Shorewood. Sept. 21, 1859. SEPIPVUSSELL:: : No: NI NORTH FOURTH STREET; • PHILADET : ,PfIIA, tfir4fanlifhaturer of mips.dcr.quality of trmbrollas-folF4lnisolls, - . - . Has now In his stoek,the mod complete essoitment, , mbr . chitc ma ny newetylea, some of which dab* round In - no other establishment, and which he to prepared to m ` ' offer to OAI3II AND BEOET TIME pureluusers,.at eere.%). --.,,,. eatisfestory prices:, ,• , ', . . . , Septet:Fiber 7, 11369:.1m,' . . ~ ~ ~... . : ..,. ~ , . - I.IY BXPRE,'SS‘-A, large ,assortnient latest otile, end very cheap, cal, beacon at the Chespjitere of . uwouoira, C. INIIOFP. Car Mlle. Pet