;!aliq tcines. , A4',.LAY•TE's CELEiRATED EMI ;V,;E:`,kMl - .F. -1 (j:OS LIVER P ILIS:• rE beg leave to. call.thd'attenz ticini of the Trade, and more ''' pecially , the l!hysicians of- the CL - minit*, to two'Of the most popu :Ad' rerrtedies now before the public.' .. --- -e-- 4 1 1 -.SWrqfOjig- ---,--- 1::` , --- --•=::-± Di. Chu's. 11I'Laiie's Celebrated ' Verillif.Uge' and Lii'rer Pills. . f!..p;' , We do not recommend them as .. universal Cure-alls, but simply r ' what heir- name purports c vrz. :- - - ! '' I THE VERMIPTIG-E, 'For expelling Worms from the - human, system. It liai also -been 'administered with . the most sgis factory results to various , Animal.s subject to. Worms. ~ ' • THE — LIVER PILLS, For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, ' AIBILIOUS . DERANGEMENTS, SICK ' HEA D-AdH a . , - &c. Incases of • * FEVER AND AGUE • . y t „ . . tn pr_cparatoro or : atter,taking y-. .nine,, they' 'almost .invariably:Make ; a , speedy and permanent cute. As specifics.,for the above . men f:tiencd-diseases,-they-are.-Unrivaled-- .'and never known, to : fail when ad ininistered io accor aoce with 'the directions. - • ° Their Unprecedented . popUlarity, has' induced?th 2 e prkprletors, . M IsTG F '' • • • PI4.SIiURG dispose ,Of their D'rng business, in, winch they hav,e - been : . success fully 'engaged for\the last Twenty. Years, and • they will . now eve their undiVided time acid attention ..to their manufacture. ' :And. being de terMiried 'that Dr.. M'Lane's *.orated Verrnifute Pills continue to , Occupy the. high . position they now hOldli among °the, ~..great. Temediei.. 'I Will continue to spare neither time nor . expens& in procuring the Test and_. Purest Material,. and Com pound them in: the. Most thorough manner: . Address'all orders to : FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh,o'fa. Dealers. and rhysiciatna' ordering. , Vent' °therm .than Fleming Bros., will do well toaxrrite their orders 'distinctly, and take pone Dr. APLanes, prepared by Fleming Brat Pittsburgh, Pa. To those wishing to glso - them a 11141, we will forward-per-mall, post paid, to any 'part of the Uoltea States, ono' box of Pills for, twelve throat-cent - postage stamps, or ono vial of Tatrinlfuga 162 _—.lbortoon threottent stamps. :All orders from Canada must be acatinpanied by twenty cents extra.' .17) C .G 'NV IL L S • • NEW MEDICAL SALT, 1(DA10114 FOL'IIIIVINO et It 101 CA ' ES TO TIIE eillory of this medicine Idd iplltiinnotory'' Denies. tweivorrat ha .It been dnor, or less • troublutl WRAY I ollacpui toyjj,ll,,Onctiroct. commencing • . early In the spring, and lasting until' cold weather But , ipt.wlirdpvkwould'he•reller Tirdlle;•onlylo ho t &eked again in, tho Sprin c, tilyipilntalvintld swell • - Viid.litiiMrk•soni,littolnd ISM"' alkte pain. My feet, shoulders, arms, and hands troubled me most, ariyViet'l k ul t rittis l ieVgititfaA4 ,' PjiVT4 l tlrti ' , l l;; I would cry everythipgllectutilDhear of, in the hood, of findiug a cure.' - I also tried several physicians, but no. ..thlog seemed to, help,matho leant in thoworld..':' About two acid a hillf years ago I was attacked as usual. and das 'What tried erdirything gebrittkif it,' but to no pur. pose., I kept growlug worso, /to foully hod to gi as up and Stay 'WO° house where I wadi imfillni,d'aismt four :weeks, •this Ulna my foolawellcid,adidartwo SO NOM that I could not stand on, them or' get on my hoots, and my lands swelleilto twice thoir Usual clew ifs faetd•l was to all appearances and belief, totally used up. About stbituMme my parents, who epalitAinllnied,, Huai Yur me to coma home. I 'wehrOcdl,after, My arrival rundown. ced trying another romedyclhrdping to be re suiting SiIe•SSUIO an all others, A..f.; o r becks I lied not been ableei il treisannyselfrie'ratedm 'Mod to coy head, and suffering the most excruciating phi all Ike tine. ..One day my. father camo in• with stcpaper in wldiclh was advertised Dr. Coggswell's Medical. 684, for Inllamma. • iorrDisnases only; and waked me to tend slid see . what I thought or it,. read , and laughud at it, Imo nOrinced it a hinfibug, curt told hind Mimi, I. had boon humbugged enough. - Ho 'kept 'urging nie, Riot at last said I could but try'lt, and jf I._would viritato her. 0., ogiving him a description-"orthrdiseated; he would pay , the expense. Of courso,l conk/not. ,rolUso each 011 M. feraidd sent for one box, It came in dun season, but , mg faith War not increased,'And 'I laughed at•the idea of so cstal' a dos° doing coo, any good, and told my wife that I believed Di , . O. an lib Salt both humbugs.— Moreover, I cotatnen n eed using it and the .result was pBrfeetly'astonishirig." I could hardly realise it isivsolf. I slopt'auundly. all might, Which • I,had nbtdone for a long time, and when,/ awoke in the Morning, strange as it may seem, r was 'ontirely free from pain. I had thep taken but one dose, and bathed freely before going tai bed. That scorning I felt so well that I hardly know how to contain myself, and went down stairs end told the folks how ITOII./PPOSnd -fraWahlit,".4Sy to this S have niiVhistrered'inie , tribbdrit.ldsktifnieltad an attack •, of my once 'clyeaded• eqemyolirrounatlion. am per ' fectly Well and hearty, and Wherever I have richenco I reConuend itecAlfrldwill of mine, restdingin Itrooltlvn Is now trying,lt for a bad rase of neuralgia rheumatism, and BO far It in workrukedudinblr: Thiel Is a long story, hut,/ have told all the facts, ;which. I , can. bring w • hones autstantlito if necessary; 'and willagallc Soy _ono in thaMEDIOAD SALTO% sure' cure may be mind ,for all hillatnmatory diseases, and would urge all who atuaffileted tb give It'd trial. . ono. g. DUNCAN, • ' ' • N 0.117 Wall Street, New York. • Whenlt to remembered that the MEDICAL SALT In to,olileaciorth In all other InLittusnatory diseases as in Ithotinatlem, (see descriptive 11 - mutant) It will at once