Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 28, 1859, Image 3

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To A N R'l 'C 8
- Great Sho*l
TlllloltEili . 81101V:will glue ugraud Exhibit - 10
.aftprnnon and ovonlug,
At teurl!sle; Salm:day, b0t..1.0;. 0511
• Performanco at half/met 2 'and bag peat 7, P. 21.
TWA reduction, 1.419 than it Lae hitherto bean, pi
made uniform In order to afford the public tho only op.
portuulty they will over have of cooing the greatett of
. Those iv-EU Mao nevei caw him, should-see him now,
Before ho matzos hishtet end farewell howl
This estsblishlnent returns thanks' for the generous
patronage which has already been so frequently be..
• stowed while under its ',melons managemont, and In
gratified to say, that while the series of entertainments
are ntultiplied to almost an Incredible number, Re new
're%talees of Artiste and appointments aro undoubtedly
orthe test and moot judicious selectlon---eachartist be.
lag himself a Star—the whole forming a ILLIANT
• Every attractive feature known to the my days of
the (lane Snow, will still eharacteristo Its 4istelneg. r -,
Thu distinguished HUMORIST,'
• 1) A N I (1 E ,
Ja- Will Positively Aphoar at every Performance, ,•
and to add to the effect of each he will lecture and give
.• appropriate commentaries upon the topics of the day.
To Illustrate the graceful and ',mid studios of the new
school of Lady Equestrianism, Dreg Data Mae - will
appear orr.herftWorite RACER,' DANIEL WESTER,
- and tho Milk White Steed,- BURRY.
Another intereating feature of the exhibition Is the
Remarkable Trained' Animals 1
Reduced from theirPsilvawildness to the docility char
acterlslng tialdvxtle favorites of their species. -
Tho nogh.N. BRO I RGIVISI Messrs. John Murray and
George Gotland; Imacilitit returned from their foreign
tour crowned with laurels, and will appear in their
classienna striking grouping, poses :Intl tableaux.
Thu Irresistible JULIAN KENT, will present his far
clCsi Interludes end pecullaroddities.,- - • -" -
MlS$ ESTELLA DARCIAT, the much admired juvor
ulleuquestrionne find charming; vocalist. .
THOMAS CAN II AM; leader of the Keystone Band—
unequalled as Chef d'Orchestra—since the dejoin ofJu.
Den and Musaid. - ' . -
OSITIES consists of the • .
RHINOCEROS, " Gen. Putnam !"
Olt, UNICORN Or VIE-11111LE.
Which, in all times,'" has been cansidered untamable."
Dr. Livingstone, the great African taplOier,
this opinion. lint this animal ho turned looseinto
the aroma, and perform incredible feats• ' proving, by Its
tame submission, and whet could mot Is dune in' the
past, is accomplished.'
The Dancing Elephant, Lana Rookh;
Another instance of animal sagacity, rendered graceful
by training; she will positivoly WALIC TILE
• The 00 AVON SYRIA, in hilra m rious feats.
Thu various Breeds of Horses will excite special at
lention. .
••• • .
The performance will op en with a cavalcade, entitled
Who le not Dead. •
The various reports to the contrary notwithetnii - ding,
will perPirm those wonderful acts, whitih, to believe,
must be soon.
lie;Arllerican Mustn't, EUREKA, or the Wild Deo
. non of the Rancho.
LOY MARI/ARE - I', whose superior beauty and muscular
development, and Imposing action nro exhibited by the
expert Kentuckian, CHARLES HERD,
SIX Darks Daces. together In the arena, under the
control of Jails 11. MURRAY. .
itEIIECCI and ItAcuet.. guided by tlo skilful youtl
PETE . and BARNEY Burn, are the only anlmain of the
kind that min.perferm all that Ic claimed them. It hae
cost Mr. Rice year's of trainlng, and a rigid emirs° of dia.
donne, to bring them to their pre.sont condition. They
are the great Comics of the age. •
—TIIE C RAND CAVALCADE, consisting of tho entire
retinue of the establishment, and the Animals GREAT
DEN, drawn by twenty black Pennsylvania Horses, will
enter tow n about 10 o'cloek,.A. M., accompanied by the
KEYSTONE BRASS BAND, lad by tho elqulslte bugler,
a0p.28.'59. ' 0. 11. CASTLE; Agent.
cas,Thia rdnipahy fill Mao exhibit at HARRISBURG
Friday, Soptembi r 30th, YORK, Monday,' Ortobnr 3d.
- 7
The subscriber having just returned from Philndoi.
phis, announces to his customers and the pdblic gen•
erally,.that he bas now ono of the best stocks of Goods
over °germ! In thin market, embracing every variety of
and Piece Goods, which will be made to order, or soßi
by the yard, among which a few articles may be men
tioned, viz
Fine black twilled French, blue-black blue, green.
brown, drab and claret Cloths; Petersham, Russia
Fur Coatings, Mohair and Beaver, One French Black
.Doeskin, silk-mixed plain and fancy Cassimeres of every
style end quality, line Silk and Plush, Satin, Grena
dine. fancy Cassimere and plain Lndskin Vesting,. Also
a very large and handsome assortment of plain and fan
cy Cravats, Steaks . , Napoloonifies, One quality, Chinese
Silk and Linen Pocket Hand erchiefs, fancy and plain
COlars, Suspenders, and tial Thula of ovary descripticu
/Also q,very large assorimpla of TRUNKS. We call
Pmilcultilta4eplion to our large and extra quality of
Bngllsh sale loither Trunks, Valises, and a large varie
ty of Carpet and Gil Cioth lingo, &c.; a large lot of extra
made Umbrellaglcf . which will be sold at the lowest
pass. Call and mine for yourselves at the old stand
ln North Ilanover s t, opposite the American House.
Sept. 28, 1120.-3 m.
ir.—The Petition of W. A. Mullin, W.'II. Keith, A P.
Mullin, Alfred Mann Jacob Hate, Wm. A. Linthurst,
Lovi Stough, Wm. Alexander, S. N. Invert, Matthew
Moore, Augustus It. Eglx:rt, &a.; setting forth, that
they with other citizens of this Commonwealth, have
associated as a Congregation for the purposoof worship
ping Almighty Clod; aocording to the faith and dlscip-
Ilre of the Methodist Episcopal Church. of the United
Staterrat - Paportownzin-the-countraforesaWand-are
now desirous to bo Incorpondedagreeably to the provi
sions of ap Act of Assembly of the 15th Oetober,lB.lo, Scr •
Now to wit 224 August, 1859: It is ordered that the
within writing be tiled In the Wilco of the Prothonotary
and the notice of the application thereinwentained be
published in one Newspaper published In the Borough
of Carlisle for three weeks prior to the nab 4 , m of the
P. QUIGLEy, Prath'y
Sept. 28, 1850.-3 t
rro THE AFFLICTED.—I will war
_L rant to cure all Cancers, Corns, Bunions or Warta,
with my SIAUNETIO. SALM made of herbs, It will
ektract the root. and perfect a cure . If any person
doubts It, let them call on me and I will cure them
Address No. 6, Landreth Street, below Race, and be
tween 12th and lath, Philadelphia. • . '
. .
Sep. 28,1850.
NOTICTII.—:-We the undereimed -eiti
zone of North Middleton Township, hereby notify
ail persons haviim their Lands advertised in mid town-
Mil p. prohibiting the hunting of Birde,and other genie,
not to trespass upon our Mountain - Ladd! or Farris, fOr
the purpose of eon Eel;sti GRAPES, CIIESTNUTB,
SIIELLBA it KS, &e. ,we also prohibit them from SHOOT
ING or KILLING GAME of any description, as we are
determined to enforce the lawagainst'all euell'persons
John Wilson, • . JacobTiutshall, • .
Emanuel Sphar, . _ Leonard Clutehall,
David Sphar, '-. . Abner Crain,
• Sam% Wirt, • -• Wm. H. Crain, ' .
Daniel Jacobs. . .Joseph Zeigler,
John Common; Elias BrownewelL
George Brindle, -- . ' John Clouser.'_,.. -
George Shisler, Daniel Wilson,
James Blendenin, - J. Ii Kant, . •
William Bellwood, Jacob Zeigler,
' George S. Clark, David. Brindle,
Jam. Clark,. ' Geo. W. Jarylis, -^
J. P. Brindle, John Shatter.
Sept. 28, IBA _ . .
Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers in '
or every deseription.--Also, BUFFALO ROBES, FUR.
No. 818 51Altii ET Street, (above Eighth, sou4palde,)
IVholeaalt — and Retail.
NI N.—storokeeporn will do troll to give us a cat!, as
they :tin find the largest assortment by far to select
from Itt'ibh City, and at Manufacturers' Prices.
Sept. 28, 11350 - -Itnirs.• •
. .
torrrrot - thirtnistitutionywlll dmmunco on'thi act
of OCTOBER next. Tho Yolloniug aro thn auljoutitnf
the locturen: • • - .
Hon. Ci EOllOl , l 811ARSWOOD—Pvrsons, Pomona Prop
Art y,mott Nlercontllp.l.ftw t ,
i'rof. P. 514 A Lb—Evidence..
Pl4;f. E. taißithqi.niii.alt,--Equity and
.Ever 7 taut le wadi; .risidee 'this Inetitutlon • eta:
Dialler* the purptitie It, bee tn , rlow ,
fiequentlyvtud'earkflitlyitittnillied,,legnl gueettene are
liscuseed,. and 'exerclees. in. wrltlug form part of the
:ouree. Cy the, rule. of the COurle, the time oectiPled•
%owe; hitrouted equlvelentitirlftiednurpesee to adieu entitling to adinleslon to the .bar,,And. when
nimitted.ttithe Court below. •A graduate of this In .
.titutlou can practice at ouce In the Fevre= Court.
Who Introductory lecture will. be delivered ow. NM
MY, - Septeutheringh, nt 11 o'cleck, p. 31., tit the niunt .
peture room'. by' the 11od:Peiftgethereitood.','
Sept. 21, 1859, - ' • • .
WitEREI4B, in andlly an eta' of 4.l4e.Oeficial
numbly of the CounnantrUalth ofl'enneylvanla, entitled.
I an , " Act .rohahig to the 'elections. of..tbis Oputmoti.
urealt ilassod the 24 day of 4uly, , A, D. ISA it is made
the duty of the Sheriff of every count) , within this
Commonwealth give,luffillo notice of the lienbral
Electious, and in Unoh notice to onemerute:
l.°Tho oaken: to be erected. ' • • •
2.l:esignatulheplaco nt which thri election is to be held'
•60,11"1'. OuoAit'eN EY, high 3lwrtlf of the county in
Odffiberland, do hereby' make knorin and give this pub
'lle notice-to thu electoninf the. county, of Cumberland, •
that on TUESDAY, thu 11th day of October next, an
• oetlon 'wilt be hold at "the sevcintl election didtrleto us
ablished bylaw in•sald county, at' which time they'
will vote by ballot for the sovonal officers hereinafter"
named, vie: . .
ONE l'EltdON for Auditor Oimend of tho Common.
ONE PERSON for tfurveyor .
. oeneral of the Common ,
weelth.of.Ponneylvapi. • •
covt , mitsoN loroprosent tho,Couritien or Cumber.
laud, L'errylunlatil end . Ml Iu hi the Bonnie of
Ponnsylvania.. , "' •
TWOTAlRSONFLtoaropresent_the_countles_of-Cumber l
— Tina and parry in the House. of Representatives of
, Pennsylvania. •
1:INE PERSON for Teasurer of Cumberland County.
'ONE PERSON for Commissioner of Oumborland County:.
ONE PERSON for District Attorney of Cumberland
County: • • • "
ONIIPERSOIsfor Director y of the Poor of Cuicerland
cc County. .
• ONE PtlifflON for Coroner of Cumberland Coun
ONE PERSON for Auditor of Cumberland County.
ONE PERSON for Surveyor of Cumborland County.
The said olection will lto held throughout the county
as follovis a • ~ • ~
Tho election In the election district composed of ithe
borough' of °artist° and the townships of Meth Middle
tosi,outh Middlettiti, Lower Dickinson and 'Lower
Frankford, will be held at tho Court House ho' the her.
ough of Carlisle.. ' •
The election in the election district composed of Low.
or West Pennsbovugh tbernship, Will be held at the
North School House in Plainfield.
Tho election In thenloction district composed of ell
• ver Sorbet:township, will be hold at tht public house of •
Jacob Otstott, in Hogentown in said township;
.Tho .election In tho election district composed of
Hantpdon township, will ho held at the houso formerly
occupied by Usury Ilickernell, in said township.
Thd election In the election district composed of the
township of Upper Allen, will be held at tho public
house occupied by John rloid, In Shopherdttown, . '
The election tho elect m district composed of the
'township of Lower Allen, ill•be held at the „wagon.
maker eitup•ofJonas Ilunchbarger, on Slate 11111.
Tho election in•tho election dist Act composed of East •
PO n nsborough township, will be hold at the. house
now occupied by B. Clay, at the West end of thallarris.
burg Bridge: •
Tito °Notion in the election district composed of Now
Cumberland, will be hold at the house formerly kept
by Wro. 11. Rohl, in the Voi-ouglEof Now Cumberland.
•• The election I n idle election district composed of the
Iliwough of Mechanicsburg, will be held at the public
houso of James Meloy; in said borough.
Thu election. in the el ction 'district composed of
Moon, townsdip, will be held at. the • public house of
Moses Ligget, In Churchtmln, In said township. •
• The elootion le the election district composed of Up
per Dickinson township. will be hobo at. the house for
occupied by Henry B. Stone, in said township.
Thu Om :410%W the election district composed , of the
borough of Nowville, and townships of Mifflin. Upper
Frankford, Upper West. Penusboni; and that part of
Newton township notipcluded in the Leesburg election
•heldiat the - east er.d the Public
&trot 1191i(80c - i
Thu 'election in the election ,district composed of
Hopewell township , will be beta at the Now Brick
School Housu, in Nowborg, In said township. '
The oloction In the election district composed of the
borrough of Sliippensburg, Shipponsburg township and
that part of Soutteinipton to; ushlp not Included in
tho Leesburg election district, will be held at tLe
Council House In the borough of Shlpponsburg.
Tho election in the election district composed of that'
part of Sonthampton township, not the
Shippoimburg district, - will. bo.held at the house for
occupied by William•Maxwelltln Leekhurg.
,Tho election in the election district composed 4.that
partial' Newton township; not included in the Newville
diattict ; will be held at the Schoolhouse, in Jackson
That: every Num], except Justices of the Petted who
shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust
under the United States or of this State, or anycity or
Incorporated district, whether n commissioned officer or
ntherwisn, a sulandinate officer or agent, who Is or shall
bo employod.under tho logislatlve, exocutive, or judb.
ciary departments of this State, or the United States,
or of any city oe of tiny incorporated district; and also
that any Mombor of Congress or of the State Legisla
ture, and of the Select or llonnmon Council of any city,
or commissioner of any Incorporated dintrictiris by, law
Incapable of holding or exercising at the WHIM time the
office or appointment ofjudgo, inspector or clerk of any
electionn of this Commonwealth, end that no Inspector.
judge. or other officer of such election shall be' oligiblo
to be there voted for. • -
And the said act Of Assembly, entitled an .act rela
ting to the electionsof this Commonwealth, passed Jul:,
2, 1856, further provides Us 10110W1i, to wit:
`That the Inspectors nod Judges shall meet, nt the
place appointed for holding the elections of the, district
to which they respectively belong, before nine o'clock
in the morning of the Second. Tuesday in ,October, end
each of said inspectors shait'appoint one clerk, - who
shall be a qualified voter of said district.
In case the person who shadily.° received the sec
ond 'highest number of votes f o r Inspector shall not at
tod on the day of the election, then the person who
Anil have received the second highest number of votes
at tho next preceding election, shall net as Inspector in
his place. And in moo the person who .shall have re
ceived tho highest number of votes for inspector
nut attend, the-person °looted Judge shall appoint an-
Inspector in his place; and in ease the person elected_
judge shreihnot attend, that'll° Inspector who receiv
ed the highest number of votes shall appoint ajpdge in
his place, or If any vacancy shall continue Iu -the board
for thu space of ono hour otter the time fixed by law for
thd Opening of the election, the qualified voters of the
township,' ward or district for which such officer shall
have been elected, present ut the place of election, shall
elect one of their number tts fill such vacancy. '
— "lt - shall be the duty of the several assessors of each
district to attend at the place of holding every general,
special, or township election,' during the whole thne
said election Is klipt open, for the purpose of giving in
formation to the inspectors and judges when called on,
in relation to the right of any person assessed by them
to vote at such election, or such other matters in eels-
Um, to the aascsamoots of voters as the said . inspectors
or either of them shall from time to time requirb. '
"No person shall be permitted to vote ninny election
as aforesaid, other than q white freermin of the age of
twenty•ony•ears or more; who snail have resided in the
Stale at least one year, and in the election -district
where-be offers his vote at twat ten days immediately
preceding such election, and within two years paid a
State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at,
least ten days before the election. Bute diked Orate'
United States who has previously been a qualified voter
of - this State, and removed therefrom and returned, and
who shall have resided in the election district and paid
taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after resid
ing In thia State six months: • Provided, That the
white freemes,..citicons of the United States, between
tr enty-one and twenty-0 o years, who have resided In
an election district aS aforesaid, Shall 10, entitled te
vote although - they shall not have paid taxes.
"No person shall be permitted to vote whoie name to
not contained in the list of taxable Inhabitants fur.
niched by the Connisstoners, unless First, he produce
a receipt for the payment within two years of a Slate
or county tax aysessed agreeably to the Constitution,
;magic° satisfactory evidence, either on his oath or af
firmation, or the oath or affirnuttion of another, that he
has paid such a tax, or ou failure to produce a receipt
shnii.moke oath to the payment thereof, • Second, if he
claim aright to vote by being an elector betiveen the
~age of twenty-one and twenty-two years, he shall de
pose on oath or affirmation that he has resided in this
State'rit least one year next before his application, and
niche such proof of residence in the district as to roqulr
edby this net, and that he does verily beilbve. from the
account given him, that he is of the age aforesaid, and,
_auch_Oher evidence as is roeuimiJoy_tids act, where.
upon the name of the person thntTial - nittra' to vote
shall be Inserted in the alphabetical list by the inspec
tors, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the
word "tax," VII,' shall be admitted to vote by reason
of having paid tax; or the word "ago," if he shall ho
admitted to vote by reason, of such age, shall be called
out to the clerks, who shall make the like notes on the
lists of voters kept by,,them.
".In all cases where the name of the person claiming
to vote's found do the list furnished by the Commis.
airmen; and assessor• or his right to vote; Whether found
. thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified citizen,
rishall be the duty of the inspectors to examine such
peson on oath as to his qualifications, and if he claims
to have resided within the State for one yrer or more
his oath shall be sufficient proof thereof, but. shell
make proof by at least one competent witness, who
shall be a qualified elector, that he liks• resided n the
district foe-more than ten days next Immediately pro.
ceding such election', and aura also himself swear that
his bona fideresidence4n pursuance of his'lawful
lug. is in Said-district, and that I e did not remove Into
said district for the purpose of voting therein.•
, t Every permits qualified an aforesaid, and who shall
make duo proof, if required, of the residence and pay
ment of taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to veto in
the township, ward,'or district in which ho shall reaide
tt,lf any person olutil prevent or attempt to prevent
any officer of any election under this from - holding
such electirld, or use or threaten any violence to any
snob officer, ler shall interrupt or improperly interfere
with him in the execution Cl his duty, or shall block
up the window, or avenue to any • window where the
same matt ,boholling, or shall riotously disturb the
peace at ouch election, or shall use any inthnidallug
threats, force or violence, with design to Influence un
duly or oventwo any elector, or to prevent him Mau vo-•
Eng or to restrain the freedom of choice, such persons
op conviction shall be 'fined In any sum not exceeding
Bee hundred dollars, and imprisoned for any time not
less than three nor more than twelve months, and if it
shall ta) shown to Count, where the trial of such offence
shall be had, that the purser so offending was :not a
resident ef the city, ward, district or' township where
the offence wile committed, and not entitled to vote
therein, then on conviction he shell be sentenced to
pay fine of not less than one hundred nor more than
one thousand dollars. and be imprisoned not Ices than
nix menthe nor more than two years. • •
" If any person or noncom, Anil make any bet or NW
ger-upnu the result of any election within the Com
monwealth. or sbaltotTer to make any such bet or we
ger, either by verbal proclamation thereof, or by any
written or printed advertiseutout, challenge or invite
any person to matte such bet or wager, upon conviction
thereof he or they shallfirteit nsatl pay three times the
amount FO bet or to balk—
tt If any person not by law qualified, Audi finudu•
lontly vote at any election of this Commonwealth, or.
being otherwise qualified shall vote, out or his' proper
'district; or If any person knowing the want of such
codifications, shall aid or procure such person to vote,
the person offending shall, on . conviction be fined in
any sum not exceeding two hundred dollars; and be
imprisoned for any term, not exceeding three mouths.
If any. porson.shall vote at more than One election
district, or otherwise fraudulently veto more than once
on tho Raoul day, or shall fraudulently told and delider
to the inspector two tickets together, with the intent
Illegally to vote; or shell protore another to 'do so, he
or they offending. shall on Conviction be lined in city
sum notion' than . fiftv nor slot., than tiro hundred
dollars. and jai Imprisoned ter apy•torns, not loss than
three nor more than twelve .months. •
Prfany parson not qualified to. vole In tblaCouimon•
wealth atreenbly to law, (except the eons or -quailhmi
eltisene,) shalt appear at any place of election for the
purso of lotluencing- the cltisons.qunlificti to ,vole,
ho shall on conyletiolllbribit and' pay any sum Opt ,es•
oeodingono Itundred_dullareforev_ery.ouchnffilmsblhd.
belOapatotrietlfaiiitlY term not axmodlostthreonumtlis'.
Agreesbly to the proretslotitior thdaisttyiereit.eertitin'
.of the field net,'overy.Ooneral andtpiechil.P.loction Shall
hnopened.betweed the homier. eight' and' ten in the
forenoon, and eholteontlosur Without loterrilptlon. or!
•lii.lonrnment.untlistesen-Vottleit in the evenion-when
the,pollnshallbO closed;; , ' - , .
And the Pstg.'s or the' reepiettyn, dialrietti alb reattid
are, y tea atdd ant Sessulred to timet at the Court Homo
in thodmrough of Carlisle, on the tWhi 4 day, after the
•eleetion4being Friday,. thtalith died ;lobos, then
andthero to peribrps the thlngeleits Ire] o ens by law.:
• The return Judges' of the • inepresentatl district,'
. will' meet at'Carlislerat the time fixed by law.' -
Given under my. band, at Callao, this • 171 h day nr
, r • ROBERT hIcCIARTNiY, Sheriff',
~by a...a ucc~ n
LLuA adw t e~i to ~6to
aifick kiticese
UDITOR'S' 'NOTICg.r . - I, N4),ticis' is
, hereby gliet, tliat'the account of Jos. C"....1100
••• ter. AdralulatrAtor or Jacob h',lloffer. has• been
. . - - -- rotSnlttito the undersigned alien kottol, td distribute
the balance In his hand's:: - •
Illarinver Street: OPPP 4I • . ° th.
, • l•wIll therelbrettinot the titicite'ait my deice, on North
Volintenr Mice, on SAT•.
UItDAY, thatat day of 012(10Be1g.,1850, at 10 o'clock,
'to,recelee'Stie clejsos and patron' the lutice: assigned'
-1 ,- • lI.~NES9BtIAM, Auditor.
'NtiTIO.I4‘4,- lie.undeil
- signed Auditor, appointedhy the Orphans' Court
of Cumberland county, to maki distribution of thb hal.
ance In the hands ofJaines S. Colwell, Sig.. Admini6- .
trator of °Abdol dec'd.,, among , the heirs, or
those legally entitled , to It, gives notice that he will.
attend to that duty, it his office, In the borough of Cnr-.
ilsieLenlyndnes.4y,yhn 12 1: flay_of-OctOber,._4D.
1859, when and where all parties IntorestodAtirp boieby
.notilled to attend If they think proper.
Carlisle, Bed. 4,'50-It. '
IL. alined Auditor, appointed by thb Orphan& Court
'of Cumberland County, to make distribution of flio'
balanco in the hands ofJameifB..Colwell, Esq., 'Admit—
istrator of kirs. , Elimbeth' O'Brian, dec'd„, among tho '
heini, or (bolo legally entitled to it; given notice that
ho will attend to that duty at his office, in tlie Borough
of Carlisle, on Wednesday; the 'l2th dny of October,
,1850'whowand whom all parties interested, are,
herebynotified to attend if thoy think propor, • ot,
A. 11..i381AR88, Auditor.
Carlisio, - Sep. 7, •
N 0 T.I C .—:-The annual' election for,
oMceol and Managers of the Cumberland Valley
Road Company, will be held at the Company's OE
Sae, In Chambersburg, between the hours , of 10 A. M.,
and 4E. M., on MONDAY, the 3d icy of October next.
E. 111. DIDDLE, Secretory.
8;p. 7,1859-3 t
" . N OTIOE. - • • • •
• Cenust.E, June 28, 1859.
• Notice Is hereby- given that en application will" be
made to the Legislature of Pennsylvania et its next
• , meeting for • the ineorpoeotion ore- Bank of Josue, with
• discount end deposit privileges, to "he located in the
borough of Carlisle, Cumberland County; Ponn'a., to bit
called, The Dank of Carlisle. with a capital of one hun.
.;.dred thousand dollars, with the right to increase tho
same to thme hundred thousand dollars. r •
(810N1 D)
A. D. SHARA, WM. N. Mamma.,
• &wet. ling.ipm. GEO. W. SHEAPER,
Juno 29, 1859-6 m
OTICK:Nailei3 is hereby
givenlthat application will be made to the next Log's.
lature of Pennsylvania, to alter the charter et the Car.
lisle Deposit Bank, located lu the bdrough of Carlisle,
Cumberland county, so as to confer on said batik the
rights and privileges of n bank of Issue, andlo change
its name to the Carlisle Dank; also to Increase the
capital of said_bank (whisk Is-at-present_seventy•two
thousand dollars, with privilege of Increasing the same
under its, present charter, to one hundred thounand i )
to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.
W. fit..l.lEETHill, Cubism.
Juno 20, 1659—thu
STATE NOT E.—Letters of . Ad
ilnlstratlon on the estate of Thomas W. 11;rbour,
ate of Monroe township, deed.. have been Issued by
the Register of Cumberland County. to the subscriber, -
residing in the same township.: till persona Indebted
to the estate are requested to. make immediate pay.
Mem, and theta
. haeirfg t present them (or
settlement to
Adm'r. of Thos.. W. Barbour, deed.
Sept. 14, ,59.—Ots _
signed, appointed Auditor by the Court, of Com
mon Pleas, of Cumberland county, to morolial and dß
tribute amongst the creditors of the firm of BEAD &
COBAIRIII, of the Borough of Newvllle, the belanco In
hands of John Waggoner, assignee of the firm of the
acid Bear & Cohaugh, gives notice that ho will attend
to that duty at bls office in the Borough of Carlisle, on
Thursday, the 13th day of October, A. D., 1859. when
and where all persons Inning claims against said firm,
are requested to presout them duly authenticated.
W11..1. 8118:A1tElt, '
Catlisle, Sept. 21, '59-31..
TA, STATE NcYTICE.:: Letters testa
mentary on the Estate or Johnstori Wilillainson,
late of Dickinson Township, deed.,, have been granted
to the aubseribers, residing in the same township. Alt
persons indebted to mid Estate; requestod to Make
Immediate payment, and those having.elaims and do
mends against the estate will present them without
delay-to '
. .
. .
4 .. Sept. 21,1850-Gt. • - .}.?xeclitoria
tl WUERZAD the lion. JANES If:GRAHAM, Presi
dent Judge of DM 'several Courts of Comm:in Pleas of
the countias of Cnntberland, Perry and Juniata, and
Justice of the several Courts otOyer and TerMinfir and
General Jail Delivery In sold counties, end lion. Son
net WOODDURN and lion. 31. COCILLIN, Judges of Om
Court of Oyer and Terming and General Jell Delivery
for the trial-of nil capital and other offenders, it. the
said county of Cumberland. by their precepts to me di
rected, dated the T2d of August, 1858, have ordered the
Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery
to be holden at CARLISLE, on the serval MONDAY of
' November, 1859, (being the tithßay,) at 10 o'clockin the
forenoon, to continue two weeks.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Coroner, Jam.
tires of the Peace and Constables of the mid county of
Cumberland; that they, are by the mid precept com.
mended to be then and there In their proper persons,
with their rolls, records, Inguisltloos, examinations
and all other remembrances, to do those things which
lo their officer appertain to ho done, and all those that
are bound by recogrdeances, to prosecute against the
prisoners that are or then shall be In the jail of said
county, are to be there to prosecute them. as shall be
Carllsle, Sept. 14,1859.
• We the undersigned citi.
sem of Dickinson and West Ponnsborough Townships,
believing that the destruction of .birds le injurious to
the interest of the farming community, take this meth.
od to Inform GUNNERS AND SPORTSMEN, that wo
will not permit hunters to trespass upon our premises,
either to eliout birds or other galno--but will enforce
the law against thtm in all cases.
Henry Line, Jeremiah Noilkingar,
James M. Ralston, Robert Oteatton,
George L. Line.' ' John Dunbar, '
John F. Lindsey, . David Fry,
George Line, John Eppley,
George'C. Carothers, P. Gibbons,
Charles W. IVraver, itomuel Pelfer ,
Jacob 'Rhoads, _ . 'David Ralston,
Henry Paul, , James D. GreaJbn,
Peter Illtner, Henry Bear,
Henry Carl,_ David Line, sr.,
Andrew Italion, Daniel P.'Hoover, ~
Adam Wolf, John Young,
James A. Davidson, - Jewel] Si. Washmood,
Andra'w 11. Young. John Elliott,
Samuel Newcomer, ' George 14ne.jr„ "
John °reason, . 1 David Line, Jr., ,
'Josiah Carothers, 'John Huston,
Charles Lee, . " Thomas Lee, sr.,
Alfred F. Lee, John Duffy, , , ,
Siboeskl Lee, . • David Black, DP
T. A 11. Lem-- - John Plouch,
John Fishburn, Jr./ Rudolph Fishburn,
George Kissinger, John S. Paul, .
Emanuel Line, • John Black, jr.,
Samuel Kenyon, • Adorn Eistiburn,.
J. Dotdorf,.John Peter,"
Henry Bushman,, , ,, John Black. sr., .
Samuel Stuart, jr., Jacob,:llyers,
SanitiaStuart, or., Alithony Fishbuitt,
Simms! Greason, - • J. Si D. Paul.
Aug. 17, 109-2m* '
the underalaned citizens of North Middleton
sbiti, believing that tho,deatruction of birds is in.
Jurloun to ti,, farming conimunity, take this method
to inform Gunners and Sportsmen, t ha t we
will not permit bunters to trespass upon our premises,
either to shoot birds or other game, but will enforce
the lawAgalust them.
Also, those of us living along tbd Letort Bring, give
notice that we will allow no loldlliNO on our promisee.
ER Bear, . Jesse Rhuhl,
13amual Bear, - J. E. Coble • ,
Joseph F. Porter, A. 11°0(.4?
Sarni. 8. Troup, ' W. D. Wonderitch,
Jdhu Stauffer, , David Kati, -
Win. Bell, Jacob Kuts, '
Mons °ladle!ter. Daniel Kuts.•
floury Snyder, Jacob Witmer, •
Jousis Albright, , ..J, K. 31emeraiith.
Jacob Albright, - A.lllcDowell,
Jamb R. Nisley, '
. Ono. Ku l a; - ,
Simon Tobias, John Olndfelter,
Peter. Stock, - • ' • Justus ilinserling,
Ruben Kemper, • A. Schlrubler,
Wm. Natcher, - Jacob Hartman,
W. M. Funk, . Parallel Itottmah, '
John It. Paul, David Wolf,'
Elias Itartman, , John WOW,
.., , Jacob Wcarh, .. '
Philip Zeigler, Jacob Lay,
Robert Llano, Samuel Weary, ' ..
.- t t. • •
Arno WalVoy, • .
B144:7;1851 ' . ' •
. .
. the undersigned Milieus of Month 'Middleton,
North Middleton and Silver Spring:Townships, itv order
•to prevent the entire destruction of 131kte and other
-tame, which wo consider patient at well as an orna
ment th our properties, caution all persons against
ahootling or bunting on- our grounds, an WO
; ; Win enforce the law agaluet all olTehtleny r ,
Winn:a Dents, °berg° hupley,
Urekemaker, : John Baker, ;
• ikutuel . l'eter*Trontle,'
John lintarf, -- • " - -
a a t. Witmer, • ' ferry prennetuaty '
' 'John Miller. John !ticker, •
Augustus :Pogue, . Oeorge °new!, •
-Jacob. Itornot,••-• ' -
Solomon Sites, • •
J... 1. *ore. ••
Jiwoh madder, • Betuuel.floffer, •, •
:John'iterttior. . Timothy lenimlng,
David itiugwelty • Yetim.4ll
' 'Frederick ligerrlio;
-ThoO. U. - nod. U. embore,:: "
.ttop.4, 18004. t. • • . , .
, .
BEWARD:- . 4 a
lie 'bciyi ~ro•
gild bithq nionsirll.4 , 6llir
-( 4100 .
a y I.florinotton - that will hullo Oho arrest- and icon.
..cletl.t of the partionur persolibi whh Let hla. Shop en
„the orglug alba tali pteK•
• Ultiffkr 2dltisAta.
' Qi:lafry lapilli IEOI
• gilit,t'sfoic salcs.
By virtue of an order or the ClitharialalinVb, of Cum.
borland Ciludityo.lll be sold at'publiersidd - on'.the
raises, onAIIUitS.DAY, J.10.20th day 'itr, tgrTE3fliZß
mutt, at l 0 o'clock, A. 111., aihtholollowing described
'teal biaMitor,..the property of therindru Poter,Lohn,
end: situate. 'North liiiddleton township,'
bounded and described as follows i.oti the north by 'the.
Nor* Mountain, on the east by David. Zeigler's. hoihrb .
,on the south by )r. V. W. Dafe, and .Ou 'tbb west
John Barley and John Lobo, • -
•.. .
;'' ' Containini about. 2.68 Acres, ' •
-There being two sets of iroprovenieuto on this trsek
aloud. it wlll divide to advardage and-will bo sold ass
whole or in parts tb suit purchasers. Ist, .: . :,. ~,
contalnipg tiLeut.loo ac s, ))1' ivhlebrtbeut 40 agree are
i - luytovumeu'
• -
bullditais:Ao. There is a good Spring •, •1,2
ofuvater and running atreatnond twobrchards of a Rio
fruit trees on this tract.
2d.-This tract Contains about 60 acres`, has a. twat.
ry 1:1141111* Bank Barn, Thero pied'
,Orchard, also a Well of water and, running • stream , oll .
ft:detract: Thlels all deal'. land, iad a'Wect of NOUN-.
TAIN LAND, of 10 cr tame acres, 'lll bas Old wlth:it If
ad. A tract of abolif 66 acres o tikfliiloll 619171VA1N,
LAND. This will he offeredin ears tracts.
Attondante will bo given'aud lame mada knolvn .on•
day of sale hy the 'undarsignor&ardlanaorthO minor
Childreri of Puter.Lehn„dec'd., and the other - heirs; will
join in the sale and eunvoyauco so as to give the .pun
chasers the entire title. , ' •
Aug. 21, 1850-t. s.
,e.AttorneY In fact of Jacob . Newcomer, AIRY ap
polnted,by power of. attorney, I will expose' to public
sale, on the premium, ,Poln_Kthe rerldenee of John Fry
neer, In' Fishing Creek: 'Valley, Rye Tocinehlp, Parry
County, on SATURDAY, the let Ray .of OCTQRSII.IB69,
at 10 o'clock, A. '
All that Farm on vihfch the said John Nrynoor llves,
bounded by Alex. Hartman, Joseph Hyslogor, Jacob
,3lyers and others, „ • , 2 . .
more or less, all of which is cleared,'
and having a two-story. WEATHER-
BOARDED HOUSE, and a good Log - ;•2„ ;
Barn, with excellent water at. the
door, &thrifty young ORCHARD, and
in a good state of cultivation. Fishing.
Creek runs through this Form and waters it conipletely.
another Farm, near toathetabove, bounded by
Jacob Ealiehuan,.John Kohn., Matthias Singer, and
more or less, about .forty acres of which are cleared,
fenced and well cultivated, and having a newjtwo-story
'FRAME HOUSE, and Log Barn thereon erected; Nish•
lag Creek* also the boundary of this farm In par
Also, a tract of laud in the same township, ndjoining
Robert Bryson, John Clandonln,
,Davi4 Troudeshleld,
and others,
more or less ' haying a.double geared noir
. 81114 MILL,
theon eructed, with aietrcular saw, propelled by the
waiters of Mountain Crook, which has.upwards of twuri
ty feet of head and.falh. .
/Also, a heavy timbered tract of WOODLAND. in the
same township, bounded by Robert, Dunn, Jacob BlM
mons, Peter Barnhart and others, containing Forty.
three - Acresi,moro - Or less."
Also. another tract - of CHESTNUT TINDER LAND,
In the same township, bounded by John Youth, John
Creamer, Francis Idle, and'others, containing seventren
Acres, more or less.
The terms, which will be made envy to the purchaser
will be made known on the day of -
411Ny. in tact of Jacob Newcomor. .
Aug. 24, 1850-t. a.
Perry Fredinan and Democrat Insort till sale and
liargo thla Alm
The eubscrtber now oilers encouraging inducements
to those of limited means, who desire to get a cheap and
dealralile home in one of The most healthy and enter
priaing'pliicox in the Staik Three Paper Mills near at
hand, and the blot lately: erected, Is now In succesaful
.operation for the manufacture of fine paper, in which
over 1011 luting, male and female, are employed. Belittles
Mt. holly Springe, at the base of the South Mountain,
a nbted waiering &place, - belt* unusually -patronized,
adds materially to the pecunlaryinteresta of the people
-- I, Pheloilowing-deacribed - propertylwadjareat, mod In ,
'tended as an addlllon to the Springs, and also — to7pwr
beautiful village of Papertown:
are now In the market, located on the east and west
sides of the lialtithore and Hanover turnpike, L milen
south of Carlisle. The lots are an average 0( 40 feet in
front and 200 feet in 'length. The beautiful stream,
itiouttaluCreek, flows pant a portion . of theca. Also,
the large - • "
• .
and ono acre of ground, garden, nod
.• w yard. fruit trees in abundance. This
: house contains 14 TOM% with large
• ••••- basement kitchen, well of water at
the deer,•and acknowledged to ben very delightful lo
cation for a private residence. Also, alwovntory •
and lot, if o rl n h c e thoroon
butcher—thls business , haying been
profitably established—or a good bust
nuns stand fur a :Dachau's. Also,
well timbered with ping:and oak, within
2% miles of the obese property, baying
good water power for a NM Min.
'the terms will be made very aseommm • •
dating, and great„bargnins nifty be ex
ported, esperlelly in the bpildingloterto
fester indivinual enterprlie.
Memo address or 000 me personally, at. Mt. Holly
Springs, Cumberland • county, Pa.
" July 20, I,4—tf • 41
E • - ,
Cri THURSDAY, October 0, 1850.
' Dy virtue of thmlast will end testament of George
Kraht, deceased, late of Franklin township, I will ox.
pose to public sale on the promises late the residence of
'the said deceased, a tract of land In said township,
bounded by David 001 and the pubhe road from Car.
lisle to M'Clure's grip, about'five miles from Carlisle,
containing about 30 acres, haidng thbreou erected a •
• 111 •
1.00 BARN, Spring House and other
Improvements. Also a fine Tan.yard is erevted on the
land with a large neve - if:tiling Spring of running welter,
and all the necessary buildings and vats for carrying on
the tanning business, which has boon carried on up to
this time. .
ALSO, at the same time and place a FARM which
adjoins the above tract and Leonard Mlnlch, containing
about 10Q acres, having a good
with a fine YOUNG APPLE ORCHARD thereon, with
1 of never failitirwateratthedeorhorovateithar
erected on this tract another excellent two story STUNK
..110USD and Blackentith's Shop which will be sold with
the farm.
ALSO, at the same time and place, n lot of ground
,adjoining the above farm, containing About two and a
half acres, with a Frame Rough-cast Plastered HOUSE,
lc 'Stable thereon erected and a well of water in the
All the above described lands have Peen well limed
aosl under good post fence and are in a high state of
ALSO; a tract of Mountain. Lend in the same town
ship, ndjaining lanie.of George Shatubaugh, John D.
Snyder, and others. containing about 50 acres. This
will be divided and sold In 10 acre Lot. It Iles near the
M'Clure's Onp road.
On the same day I will sell, at the mansion house, a
lot °reliant 30 cords of BARK fortanning purtmses.
I will alsosell on Friday the 7th of October, 1850, at
tl o'clock. A. M. at the Court House, In Carlisle, a'
House and Lot oefiround In the said borough In which
Sohn Faller now lives and keeps store, containing 3l
feet In front an South Hanover street and 140 In
depth on Chapel alley. There Is erected on the front
of the mid lot a
and on the alloy n two story MUSE, part brick and Port
atone. The tonna will be easy and made known on
the day of sato by
.Executor of George Konkt. deceased.
Dept, 14.1859. s.
.431 n Thursday, October oth, 11350.
1Y virtue of an 'order of the Court of Common
Pleas of Cumberland County, will expose tir , Publio
Salo on the premises, at the Manakin.-
.at 11
onele. A. M., on ooid, day, the following' described
heal . Estate, and well known Farm of Peter Zimmer ,
'man, situate in Lowey Allen Township' Cumberland
County, about 2 miles west of New Cumberland, and
about 1 mile east of Milltown.
No. I. The Mansion Firm, containing 117 Acre!, and
.81'Perches, bo the 6111310 mom or lees, of good.
about 00 acres era cleared and undec . ,good state' of cub
tivation, and the residue in Timber. The improde
Monts consist pre substantial' '
BTONIi DWIILLING 11011811, 1 ,
Bark Barn, Wagon Shed; Corn Cribs,
Wash House, with an arched cellar
underneath, and all other necessary '-
out-buildings; alsoe well of water al.-the door, and a:
never-falling Spring of good water about slaty rode from
the housdn, hich has sufdelant fall dad can with little
expanse, by laying pipes, bo conveyed to the second ate-,
ry of the house, to the barn or any other place pin wink
to hive which adds one thousand dollarpAO any
Farm. A leo a largo APPLY. 011.01 IA BD with choice *Ult..
No. 2. Containing 84 Actin' and 70 Perches, more or
tens,' the same being - divided off the Hanlon Farm,
There are no Improvonents on this tract, but a beauti.
"MI situation to place them On, about BO Acres are cleared
and In at high state of cultivation, and the residue In ex.
cellont timber. ' There are quarries or the beet kind, or
limestone on this trod for building purposes, aloe envoy
al springs or water.' It joins Mad with lrobort , ltosa,.
Christian Zintincninin and lying right Ina bonito( the'
Yellow:Breathe:l Ctreki *here Pall tvlll,generolly
goodondproductivo loud, if alto tiffordatt good situatlou
for et Saw Mill or any other factory, its* the creek: has a
fall to get eullicient water power. Ali this braid, In bath,.
traatalma.boan.llmea_nyatAithlnAhalatlast yeara;• It
will be mild tho iyholei or in part, miabovaaot forth
to suit purchasers,
Any person wishing to invest money hi heal' listittO:
will findikto their advantage - tole and axanilne
themselyee, and gait nn %manual zinnerman, ro.siding,
on hold fern, who will TPA all the twoosiciryinftwina..
tithc. — Thaluttintlinc is td coilalmost any clr
anatomical... •11 0 tltlamlll gdad au6the,torms will
be made known 01111itiday'Or laid tIY ' •
-.•. • • • •.• • •AMUICI4IOIIIII4II', , .
Comnlittee of rctur Zimmerman, ffh
Atimi 81;1090.
, AMC,. et the sante time and Diem, sold Oilmen
propirty, toutlrttug or Bede end: I.lo.lding,
Kitchen. 'Wasson intim!: 1'00;10v° anitvles(Cloalt,
riding Midi% Am,
o and timber. of, 011 nit Reticles mil
mentioned.' . • .
- gttax sinti
t ` ciiits:
.AA • ; r _ • rni EFIAL..E.STATE.
• .virtue of an order orthe Oh pilaus! Court of•Ctim•
;beriend county. under proceedings In peril{ I°l:directed
to us to sell a portion of the Boni Helot° of George Siugl• .
Serriate of the Borough of tiochunierdurg. dee'd, we
- expose to ealoon the prundscs, ori• WEDNIPDAY,
• 01.1T9BElt, 6thilSs9..thatwu tumble MI LIST CLASS
- , ;..L ' FARM; ' • . -
contahling.l94'AcrOs and 29 Porches, climate in rann'roe,
township, Cumberland couiity, bounded by, lands' of •
'Oeo. Alyere, Joshitalilyera' In.lta, Dr; t'.'"ll, long, Jacob ,
Blnhop, Daniol Markley and John Doruhangh, haring --
thereon - erected 1111nd-rote ttvolitory - •;..4 • " - .. -•
0 ....
-FRAME" DWELLINO, A Logo-and ' , --"" ' ".•
coinmodloun Rank •Ilarif, and..other ~.:
tmeensaiylt•billldlugs.—.4lneleunlio '•'. 1.16 - 4 '...,
-two (aeon° t,iiella 'of- 'never falling ,,
water, Anil iTo thriving &chortle of choice 'lrint. . 2 lie
-whole-la-inder-flrst-nitofenener - aindinit-highitate-of--
- cultivation. . • , .. , ,
Alsoon, - FRlDAY,Octatior,7, 1959, will be cold on the ,
„premises; the , fellowlngnleecribed-proPertler: • ' ----•---- __ -
'-A Lot o 'Grountralluate Id the borough of bleChaii- '.
lialinrg,•bolinded by the , 0.."1> Railroad on' the north, ' '
-other proper* of decedent on the east, Strairberry alley - '
on the ilbuth. nod Dr. Int'Dayrott the weal, containing
202% feet along the raliroadeott the east 77% - feet,.on•
Strawberry alley 297 feet, and on the went 70feet, 'hay. .
• 'thereon', erected 'a Two-titer
. '• HOTEL, a large 'Stable, no.
' other necessary out buildings. '.
Also. Two Lots of .Ground, situate
. 111 said borough, bounded on the north
by the'o. V. Railroad, on. One" ant and. wont by other
property,of.decedent, and on the noutlf by Strawberry
alloy, containing respectively 20 feet .4- inches, and 20
feet•O inches In front, and 09 feet 8 Inches In 1:14p1W
having thereon erected 1110 BRICK DWELLINOS,
with the nt emery out buildings. •
Alio. two Lots of OrouOd,' situate In said borough,
bounded -on the north by the C: V. Itailmad. on the eavt
•Aby tho. Union Church lot, -on the itrullt. by Strawberry'
alley, and on the Went by other property of decedent,
containing respectively" 21134.feut and-20% &ado-front,.
and 70 feet 11) inches in depth, having - thereon eructer,t
TWO BltiOK DWELLINGS, with out bulldlitign.
Also, a Lot at Ground,. situate In Bald borough;
bounded on the south by Locust street, 25 feet ; on the
,past by ry-lot of SelffeCt's, 104 feet 6 Inches, on the Perth
by Stouffer's alley; 26 foot, and on the west by a lot of
I'. Cooor, 403 feet 6 .nches, busing thereon erected a
BRICK DWELLING;&c. • • , . •
Also, aLot of Ilmund sltunteln sold bormigh, bound
ed on the east by Market street. 26 foot 8 Inches, on the
south by Stouffer's alloy, Au feet 6 Inches, on the west
by Dr. J, 11, Herring, 2Oeleot 13 Inches, on the north by
Wm Mull, 60 feet C. Inches, havlng thumps.' erected a'
Also a Lot of Ground situate In cold borough, bonne
ed on the north by Omen Lane, on the east by a lot of
Catharine &broil. on the e,iuth by Samuel
lain, and on the west by other lands of decedent, eon—
taßllng 1 acre and 58 perches neat measure. -
Also, a Lot of Ground situate In sald horough.bound
s-ed on the north by Groan Lane, on the east by other
.property of doutdent and Samuel Chamberlain on the
south lty.a lot of L. Shutt and the lloguestown road,
containing 1 acre and 71 Perches, neat measure.
T mugs OF SALE.—The widow's thirds to 'remain In
:each property, during her life. secured by recognisances,•
in the Orphann' Court;-Ong half of the residue of the
purchase money to be paid on the let of April, 1800.
w on doedaWill be delivered atid.pOsseattiou given. and
, tzemaluder on the Ist of April, 1801, without inter—
en' be secured by recoanizances In the Orphans'
. Court, th approved security. :ale to commence each
day at 10 :'clock, A. M.
. Administrators of georgoSingisor, dec'd.
7.,1859-t o. r •
I will sell nt public, folle;on the premises, situated in
Silver Spring Township; Cumberland County, on the
Trindie Spring rood, six nilles east of Carlisle, and three
miles wont of Mechanicsburg, on THURSDAY, the 6th
of OCTOBER,. 1859, the following described farms' and
tracts of Timber JAnd. . ,
No. I.' Thu MANSION rmor, containing ithout , lso
APres of first rate Litnestone Lan d,. of villa /Mout lb'
acres aro rood Timber Land, the residue la In it high
state of cultivation. Tito' Improve-
merits are a Two-story 0T 0 N Et - 20-1
DWELLINO II 0 US 11, with a good
well nf'water with pump atdoor. tho • ,
A large Ihiiir Barp„ , ,,COrri Crib, and ti
other necessary ouPbuildings. Also a good orchard of- •
Choice Fruit. • • . - •
. ,
'No. 2. A Farni,.ailfolning the above, Of about 210
Acres—also Ilrot rate Limeiltone band—of which about
00 acres are choice Timber Land; the- liaison:, is fine
productive land, a high state of cultivation. Thq
Improvement,' are a two- they FRAME HOUSE, hank
ra Corn Crib, he , with a well of water convent.
ent ; also all orchard of cholm fruit.
• -No. 3. This tract rontainn about 100 Acres--85 o
Clear land, and about 16, of, Timber Land. This, t et
adjoin. tho Other two and will make a very deals lo
No 4. The STEAM SAW MILL, with 20hmse pow
Engine, and 50 acres of Land-30 acres of "which tire
choice heavy Timber Land. This Saw Mill la in the
midst - of a largo laidy of the heaviest Timber Land In -
the county, and in capable of doing a large bovines— •
Tho"Tinibar Land, containing about 100 Acresovill, if
deaired by purchasers, be sold In separate tracts.
Sale to continence of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, when -
attendance will be given and Terms made known by
Carltslo, 50p..14, '.
On Friday, the 7 th„of October, A..D., 1859,
• CO3DIENCING ' AT 10 O'CLOCK, A.,,m. •
In pursuance of on, order of the Orphans' Court of
Cumberland County, to ino directed, will, be sold at
Public sole on thu promises; about tiro unties mug nf
Shlppennburg, Cumbechuid County, l'n., on the south
ride ottlio %lout lliottonsarnild; between the rillnges
of Lo l Osburg and Jacksonville, and fluor Parks' tavern,
Thu following described
late tlaproperty of Abraham Seaver, dec'd., to wit:
(about 100 acres thereof are Mountain,) divided
into live or more traria, but will be mold el titer the whole
together, or in Lots es may best suit purchasers.
The Impiniements are a
LOG 1101/£Ol9 &C. t•- •
A large portion of the land is coy •
erod with thriving Chestnut, Pl ne, Oak and other' tim
ber. A part however is cleared 'and fenced. . A large
portion of the whole will make good fahn land when
cleared, and is susceptible of a high state of improve
most • There in an excellent stream or water thereon.
Also an ORE MANIC, containing a good quality of
Iron Ore. which is being worked, being near the Iron
Works, the ore is valuable.
Vila property Is bounded by lands of hr •W. W. No:
vtn, Schoch, Soon It Co.; Burhanan's;Helrs,. John Run.
sell. D. Foreman, J. Washlnger, Parks, Clever and others.
The terms. which are reasonable,.will barnacle Known
On the day of sale by —i
Administrator of Abraham Seaver, dee'd.
Sop. 7, IS5OOt is.
The under/4mA Afferent private sale, that vain.
Lido Farm, belonging to the Mks of E. Shipman, dec'd,
situated in Hampden Township, Cumberland County,
and bouoded by the Muds of C. Shipman, J. Eberly,
164 ACRES, 101 PERCHES, •
of which, about 154 are in a high state of cultivation
and the balance Is covered. with Timber 'eufflcient for
thO use of the Farm.
The. improvements consist of a eubetan • •
tied • •
Ircallierboarderi .Man s ion Ilouee, OP •••• I
liAliNoCone.estas, 'WAGON SHED, SPRING -
HOUSE, end all othor necesnary. out.buildings. Thom+
are two Watts of good water, one at the House. the
.other at the Barn; also two APPLE ORCHARDS of choke
fruit, and a PEACH ORCHARD. Thu fences are In good or.
der;' about 300 panels of new poet and rail, and board
(once havingJutit been put up. There is besides a great
quantity of excellent yellow locust growing on the.
farm; 8010'01300 posts arfPreadv to be cut ; about twleo
the number requirod to place the entire property under
poet and rail Ane.
The Farm Hoe In one of the loops of the Conod' ogulnet
Creek, is bounded on one side by it, .and hoe running
water in mayoral of the fields. It is within ono mita
frbm .the Carlisle .and Hafrielturg Turnpike. The "
Bridges; at-limbo:l's and Itupp's Mille render it of cony
gecese at all Mmes. It commends the beet grain market
In the county, being only one mile from the aforenald
Milk, throe front Muchantcsburg and eovuu fVom Har
risburg. •
The BOIL is of'flrst.rate quality, &misting of a rich
BLACK MATE very easy to till, mod oxcoedlngly rails.
ble and productive in tie yield. ' •
An a good and desirable farm, the above property Is
worthy of the attention tf those - fl thitig to purchase. •
Person!! desiring to make further I qttiry, will please
address, or call on the undertlgned; at his rvidonce In
Carlisle, Aug. 10,1850. Exoeutnr.'
- PUtitAl SALO.
Will be offered at public male on the promisee, adjoining
Papertown, Cumberlend County, on Eaturday the let of
October next, a tract of land
baying thereon erected a good . • • •
1) WEBLINO 110 US , ~.• tit .
Stable ac., 'and will tie sold entire o n In
lute 5e1,121a7 best suit the purtimem , .' 0136 he loran WV , -
temilvo water power to elm attached to this property,
which may be secured entire, 135 t purchase on the mhos
et Mountain Creek.
AL3O, at the same time and place itletnt mountain.
lend situated near Papartown, containing 20 ACRES,
ALSO, two tiulldingleta In the village of Paportown,
which will bestir: on the promisee, after the Bale of the
other , mopertlea., •• •
Persons 'wishing to ohm %lie proncity, beforethe day
of sale tun do so by calling on Wail% 11,0SIDAIR111,
who renidca th e'flrat.named tract. "
Sale to cottunernm 01113'i:took P. It, when terms, which,
Will bo reasonable, will be made known by
BLlZAtliff II lIIINN.Ift%
Blecutrle of Jasper Bennett, deed.
. .
1 11
underolitood attorney - In met tbrJolooloon Moretti
. to
Todowohip, cumtiorlsal county. ,will soil at
tiab teiteloothAltworowlson, ottlitlDAY, thlist 'day.
of Ootobor, anal, at 1. o'clock ;- Winos of land;
• " .tolitainftli BO 'derv? afjdlo Aro l li • • -
dila:teak:no tabd of .tho Ithit ottialiy and to a high.
atm otoohmattak, It baloa roll olfitdu.lNno pp; toblek
Ids.sfitt;tin; ofor,lives.' Trio laid la oltwilted told Om
itubild'rootlTlritiollititOio; Chttochtotoololtabbahlar •
ham, - to le all :glared oat opt aka:y.olo tostshb „.. . •.• • ‘
:Ohlahla;aavortivolth thrirlog Y 0 v Ita 1 .. .
Tlmiltgs sadlatont tar buildintand hoe- '• 1• .• , •
Isaitta aro: , - Who dila to ..tadisouts4l6. ;: , e
.!, Tortneinada,huovro on ths .qt sate, !•- ; ; • , .
. , . , .. , . , , •
Any person dotgraus of ago:alma tha prop:nth or of.
;futohor information tan inquhm.tir ktrvalartia;tia lho•
PrgilllOCl.M iho au:beluga:a la card: Ta.:::..::••
Nils altllll •.• • •.,
• . , .. r ,
.' , -; ..• 40111WIr 0171:VNI{.--:
;0.1 0
geat -est*
VATI Olt PI3I3ItIO'PAE;' . .
ci li. 13; Molter, wi't
offer: ,
cif D. tit patina salts. on "THUOBDAli,lispiputimi
185Iyet arm ; itootalplng -
. _
situation the Poor House Road, one - linlanKkleast
Carlisle. The farm le in a high State of cultivirtfon,rur
under good fences. The improvements
consist of n largo now BRICK- HOUSE; •
built MI re , dorn stile. a Derek Barn, -
new Cottage Tenant 110UPO; &C., &C.
One of the finest Springs in the Bounty . i
rises near - tho 'house. This pr,erty
wiltbe sofd in pads or as a whole, to suit r iurcbaser
Any pertain desiring to purchassnt private sale prior I
the day of public/ale can do ea!,
Persons wishing to view the 'propertrare Mquesti
to call upon either of the undersigned, residing in Ca
W. W. DALE, .
11 D. KIEFFER, .
~a~lt- d85~.—.
On TQDItBOAY,• November.% 1850, the underslane
will sell at public sale, on the above dpy, at the Bton
Tavern, in Dlcklneon Townshlp,Ousdbedland count,,)
'at 11 o'clock, A. M: of that day, •
',varying:in. quantities from 'fOurtmeml - to • ninety. acres
and one tract of thirtytwo urea; portions of the •'Cum
berland, bun "- r.state, tho property, of Dr. Wm. C
Chambore, dec'd. Plans of We lots to.f be ,offered fo
eilli.Mi•attiiehid to the hand•bille at the fiton.
Tavern, and at the mill on tho estate. • ' ,
. Terms of the ealo to be tau per cent, of the purchas
money of each tract to be piild. or secured on the Prof
arty being strunk down to the purchaserf unethird o
the balance of purchase money to be paid on thei
let of Apr 11,4860, and-the balance in two equal auntie(
payments thereaft . or t !ith lutepat t Rud secured uponi
'the twercilsev - •
Tile tition to the proportion le undoubted.
Sep. 14. 1859. Attorney for the Misses Ohembore.
St- tool.
Hill at ,the Old Beelines.
Qn the Rani-bad, east Mem-lisle, In the immediate
jiiinity of the Gee Ilona°.
ThO subscribers have entered Into Partnership, and
are doing business at the old stand or Shrom A Hoffer,
where will be found, at all time., LUMBEIt and QOM,
In all their varieties and qualities. ,-‘)
• t
• L
BOARDS of every kind. ," •
And In fact every kind of Lumber usually found IA
well stocked Yard.
As we run our own Cars, we are enabled to furnish
bills or Lumber of any required length, nt the shortest
possible time.' Our Flooring, Wenthei boarding, &e., to
always housed, and can be furnished dry.
C 0 A 'L
:No!pains will be spared to furnish Coal Tor family 'mei
clash and dry, of all sives and qualities,. among which
will ho found,
• LOBBERY, &o.
• .
And to our Limo burning friends and to Blacksmiths,
'we would ray, we can and will furnish as - cheap an the
cheapest and of bold quality.
The senior partner will be oni• the yard as usuaLtq
attend_ to thou' who may with a continuance
of their patronage. Thankful for - pant favors, he solicits
a continuance of their eustomnt the old-yard. . .
We have a large filo& on hand of Lumber and Coal.
and are continually receiving additions, which's'', will
sell as low as any other yard In the borough. • •
Don't WI to call at the old yard neaithit Gas Komp.
N; 8.--A duplicate of the books of 13hrom k Boffin:,
aro In my hands;' thoso indebted • can call on tho sub.
- Scriber at the old yard and pay to JACOB 8111t031.
I Jul ..r1T11459:-
II no Rubserlimn have this day entered WU; part
nership to - lrndo In
We will have constantly on hand and furnish tonrder
all kinds and quality of seasoned
1,11.1113E1t, •
- - •
, .
Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, worked Floor
ing and Weatherboarding, Poste and Rails, and every ar•
title that belongs to a LUMBER YARD,
Vl.kinds of - Shiuglea, io wit; Whitepine, Hemlock;
and Oak, of dillerent quintal!. - Having Cars of our
own we can furnish bllls to order of any length and
sine at the vhorteat notice and on the moot reasonable
tonne. Cur worked board.] will be kept under cover en
that they can be furnished dry at all times.
We havolwmilantly on hand all Muds or Family Coal
under cover. whlch,we will deliver clean to any part of
the borough.. To wit :
LYKENS VALLEY, Broken, Egg, Stove and Nut
do. do
which wo pledpoursolves to sell at the lowest pries*
Best quality of
Limeburner's and Blacksmith's
ways on hand which we will sell at the lowest figure
Yard west side of Grammar School, Main street.
'Jtily 20,1869
lUMBER YARD.—Tha subscribers
J having purchased a large tract of pine timber
land and saw mills, on the west branch of the Susque.
Inman river, have opened, out a limber rads&
on the railroad, corner of. Allen and High streets, near
the steam saw mill of Seidl°, Eberly & Co., and also one
near Plainfield, Where we will be able to sell lumber at
such melees that will be to the Interest of builders and
others to call and see us before buying elsewhere. Our
advantages over other dealers; are that our ituntent does
not pass through the handh'of ono Iwo or more Frwn:
tritons bistro we get It, and that will enable un to cell
lumber cheaper than any others cam - toll at these'places.
We will also wholcsalcrlumbor from our Harrisburg
yard, and will deliver lumber at any point along the
Cumberland Valley Railroad. If desired, builders can
have lumber !awed suitable for any else of building, or
IbrotherpurposesTby - furnishiehing - Iffr - with - theiron
dors In season. SHAW/MEE, GREABON & CO.
April, 13, 11360—1 y
)7.11W COA.I. YARD
, AT Tall 'MT ZOO OY
he subscriber,would respectfully call the attention
of Mint:burners and the citizens .of Carlinle, and the
surrounding' country genorall,r, to hie NEW COAT.
YARD, attached to hie Ware House, on Wed, High et.,
where, he will keep conetantly on hand a large supply
of the beat quality of COAL , to wit:
' Lykens 'Valley, Luke Niddler, Pine Ocoee and Treier•
ton, Broken, Egg'and Nut Coal—screened and dry coal,
which he pledgee himself to Bell at the lowest pomiblu
prices. Bost quality of Llineburner's and Blacksmith'.
Coal always on hand.
Kr. All ordore left et the Ware !louse, or at his reel.
dance In North Ilanover street, will be promptly at.
April 14, '6B—tt. 3. W. lIENDERRON.
4:foamed Conitooption.
A few doges will atee ae oneeohich and
cure the most severe March= proceeding
from Corm lit cell Downs. *
These median.. are Prepaied by Dr. C. M.
itClitanfl & Co., No. 418 Arch &rot, PAO&
rleWia,.. Pa, and are eo/d by drugyiete and
dadera in medicinal eadrywhere, at 76 cents
per bottle. The tionature qf :miaow
will be on the out.* wrapper qf each bottle. •
in the A/maria . published annually by the
proprietor., caged EVIII4IIODVII, MAUNA% -
you will find testimony and corm eentlatory
r • notieuftict aU part. of the country. nue
The eubscriber would respectfully infirm the dhow, I . Almanac/ are given away by all our-gob:
of Carlisle and vicinity, the% he hes leaded the large end
cooltoodlous warehouse of JACOB EBBEN, anchhering I. For sale by 8. Elliot, tB. W linverstick Car.
repaired and fitted up the care Inn euperlor MR111301 . , Ho e ._ • -
he is prepared to do freighting of all hinds, to or front I
all points, South, last or Weet. All groode ordered to
BURIC .11.18YD1OLD8i .••
812 Market afreet, Philadelphia; or to
• COOVEII 4 . 111141188 R,
208 North Rtreet,.l.laitimorc,.
will be promptly deliVered In Cerllelo.
Thirbigheet merket,priee pald for ell kinds of min.
Don't fbrget the old Mond, earner of Mein end West
Streets: . • • •
JOS. ItlrrNEll, Jr, •
Aug., 01.1869.-Iy. Buccecsor to Jacob Rheum,
• &Ur Best quality or 'LOUR, for &rally use, kept
constantly In racks or barrels, tee sale wholetutle or re.
.10I1N lOAItLY. J. It. 'NONIIMAREtt.
610 N 110t11111.
The subeatibirs hating taken the warehoune, care and'datum. Wui. D. Alarm's well known esithliehineut,
on Welt iltah.etreetoppoeite blektneuntollegit; Would
intbrai the publie that they have entered Into spheral
forwardingand Conionitelon husineee.. .
The highs/ Market price will be pato; flour, Unto
And ['MUM Muni • • a
They dreldBl3 propared ireight produce and cloak
to Philadelphia and ilaithnore, at the loweetrateno with
eadity and denpatch.
• PLASTIIIi: AND 9AI,M kept Conelantly on hand, and
AND PliTll3. et whokeate Or retail. ' • • •
Cloak of r ellkinda!ihnbretlitil '' • •
IVlLlittirl VAUNT, . . •
leuXl9-NADnrailt,..: - ... • ,
r . • sUNattAy •
ibiniebetneelAnd Blltikemith's
torterenri.iren 'fate '' • •
and delivered dry to any pert town. .
, t .:10telf .•
Aug. 1,01111%!
- Alt
- EXP MISS A lAtip . itmlurtluent
pi Mantillas of the Unlit etyiovas vary illopp,
aan c Han spits Olisap stun of _
uVlkilaull• Jr.
TRVISGI- .PEMALE. voutaa; _
This Institvitlinti designed tb liberal education
of Young Ladles, has been in opendlon.two,'kesrs with '
the, meet gratifying results,. At IS-new established. ors '
aO M b 'lld l ;and ItaP.lrtwago eaten& over
revered States..
It is located em the CumberlandiVallty Railroad WQ. '
may between Harrisburg , aid Carllele. in the moat fiop
tile and bcinutititt portion of the valley; atidi is In close' '
proximity to' cine of the Most morai k heidthg, and en.
terpriling'townir in tbe Stateli •
' It is central, and :easy, of access. Students leaving
Washington, Baltimore or Philadelphia In the morning. .
train forlianisburg, will' girdle at Micheinlaibmg In
time for dinner. '
The edifice Is large end Cortilaulione, surrounded by
doable verandak And will aceommoditto about one MM. •
dmd boarders. tufts anistructionflt combined; all the
modern improvements for the promotion of health,
coinfoit and conveidenee,:in.them respects
- prondnnte i t The ehambers are large and '
neatly furnished. Ea' eh has ite.register for heat'and
ventilation Only_tworitUdatitenceupy theaanteritiom-'--
• - rinTi - tathrroortus are at elltimes supplied with min:nand
cold water-, • •
The grounds aro . ample; and well arranged for rams:. • •
,ation, and the various calisthenic exercises —so assn:' - P:
tial to health; 'graeoful movement 'and symmetrii of
; . The Faculty of instruct ion Id 'efficient and- expert,
enced. - :
In the Collegiate Department the course of,atudy Ie
of a high grade, comprehandingall the subjects belong.
leg. to a Classical, Polite and Christian Educallidt.
In the Preparatory Department pupils will , he fare.
fully instructed In those, branches forming the bash; of
it thorough English education.
Smstorfe.—Firsi Session, from the Ist ;Wednesday of •
September to tho•BOth otJanuarsi.' - • ' •
Sedond Session, from the let ofFebruary to the let of
July. . •
'Vacation diuringJuly and August: , .
Boarding, Washingriurnished RuonN, Fnel„c l
and Light. . . . . • $OO °.
Tultlen=—Colleglatepepartment. A . • 20 00.
No extra charge for Ancient Languages.
Medic—Plan6 and Guitar. .. . . . 20 90
Vocal Musle. . . . . . . ' 200.
Modern Languages, . . . . . . 10 00
at the us
l`Mtg, Drawing and other ' Ornamental Branches
uaes. •
Text•books furnished at city pities..
For further pirticulara address,
Rey. A. G. MARLATT, A. 51.,`
Aug. 2. 1859. • . PreddetiL
his is a question of vital Importance, addo n e which
has never been satierlotorily disposed of .by the proles
sors who teach the healing art. Some maintain—ant
lispeclaily the old school Physicians;—that life livel In
the blood, and therefore ell disaisen originate In it=
but modern„selence acerb that, aliments have their
oihrinatiodin bothlthe solids and fluids of the body.
That the hatter preponderate, Bowater, lea fixed bet,
and medical skill. has clearly demonstrated that at
least two-third, of the Ills that human Seek Is heir. to,
•have their source in an -•• •
As, for Instance,' In the long catalogue. such as &rota
la, Tetter,;" Barber's Itch," Pimples, Blotches, Eryidpe
las, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, discharges from the Ear, Fever
Bores, or Irruptive diseases 9 r, spy kind.—These are as
certained by yell known medical laws to arße thin bed
blood—White the highest medical authorities declare
that most fevers •ariginate In the same manner, and
more particularly. Typhoid and scarlet—the former, be
log an internal, and the latter an external irruptive
disetme and In all persons attacked by these maladies,
the blo od is found to beeithetpciagulated, or of a dark
unhealthy color.
, .
To ward Mtn large majority of dismae ,s asw ell as to
cure a number which have already selskil‘pon the cyc
temp it le necessary to
Llndsey's Improved Blood Searcher does not claim to
be a
for every discus! known, Rut the proprietors claim- hi
It the powdenot only or draining out ad impurities' of
the blood;but by the .kintpl combination of well known
vegetable remedies. it will cure all disarms arising front
a deranged state of the liver, drive out dyspepsia, and
give renewed tone and vigor to the stomach. That the
Onion BiARCIIIER in all that in claimed for It, tbeproprie
tore eau produee • •
THE PROOF. . . .
It is only s fow years since it was discovered, and yet
It has grown Into ouch a business that a large laboratory , -
has boon built expressly for its manufietur6—‘a large
number of men employed In putting it up, and still the
We ask ahy candid man could thi" be so, litho-Med—
lane did - not posses" ALL the virtues claimed for It 1 "
The Proprietors have hundred" of certificate' from
men of probity and standing In the • community, show
lug what the medicine Is doing daily for the buffering
ho-has-ever-used-tho-Blood-fleamber-whether-rel k - 7 -
was experienced. -
Let the afflicted give It a trial—a single bottle wit
convince the Moat skeptical of Its efficacy.
' F6uliale In Carlisle by 8. W. Haverellek, S. El
Holt,. and B. J. Kieffer; Kauffman A Son, Mechanics
burg; (lomieller & Zook, Shephertletown ; Joshua Culp
liogetown; Jacob Simmons, Cross Roads; Kurt: A •
Wise, Shiremanstown ;A. M. Leldich, - Boiling Springs; •
Mary W. Kissel, Churebtown; Edward James, West
11111; J. C. Fasnaught & Bro., Oakville • Shoemaker &,
Elliott, Newburg; WM. Bretton, Newville; J. hood
Co., Springfield Ruissell & Dice; Diskinson ;.Ilighland
& Washinger Jacksonville; Wm. Clark & C 0.,• Lees
Roads; Wm. 11. Ecklee, Spiting IOU; D. Denlinger
Whita ; J. C. Altick, 8
...ppetisburg; all of Camber
land county, Pa.
LINDSEY & LEMON, Proprietors,
Ilollldayaburg, Pa.
The great standard medicines of Ms present
age, have acquired their great popularity only
through years'of trial. Unbounded satisfac
tion is rendered by them in alt men; and the
people have pronounced them worthy.
Meer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, •
Debility of the Nervosa Systeni t
Menses of the Kidneys,
and s al/ diseases arising from a dieord;ral,
liver or weakness qf the stomach and Amato -
organs, are speedily and permanently cured by .
The Balsamlo Cordial has acquired o
reputation surpassing that of ady, similar pre.
paration Want. It will cure, WiTioUT 1114
thimast \ sevre and long-standing , •
Cough, cold, or Iloareenesa, konehirls, In.
finenzuh - tionewlrsommanin, - -Inelldent---
and has perform( the most astonishing nowt • -
ever known • •
• . TENTING the ',Mous Idndiof
to admitted by Milk be the most perfect thing of
its kind area °tiered:to thy Public,
it Joao smell that It eau he carried In the pocket
without any Inconvenience.. •
Every MERCHANT should hese Itl
Evel SHOPKEEPER should hese it l I
; .kser,r MECHANIC should hare it I II
. heery MAN in 9uelneoe should hare ill It
SW A warrantee pie with every One that to Bold.
• Poet kold,to anrnart or the Nulled Stated..
• ' AGENTS WANTED.,::-• . .
An Agent wanted in every Count,y in the United
Mato, to whom a liberal discount will bemadec. t.
Address •
11U1140, Philadelphia,
egpl 21,11110.
otorMOTTO+.. 4 To:THILL180112," ,
oe' s * , CiltAN
D V.A.lft: gi ll ' il
• ititiotatios HALL.
• , epeetfully announce to tho eltleenir of 001111 0,
all peteeel 04611151 the ems during the - ,•',
' rAtTottlotxpx ANA 00pNTY, Ij'Ap;',
ihifiliiii,lll held ii Vile in Kiiiiii liar, for UM OW
c r h a tclas i t: l !l,f i tti ll .d Is Ilmiliyitint - UltirObl
• •• The 0 Union „
Inksl hle s epnn l inilly : O f:ete;id
thet theule,to the ladle. foefeenetnteue
to Inn.Ydndeofthelflrenen, orthetWinnrni •
• '
a ••
our first Yale held IWO leeynellkeih
_ attlelet letended Ibr Ins /Ink ekolll4 , tient: to
needs 6,16111 on the teeridedgene Stn. - mut* •
DM Wog one permit' teem .141kkaglit MO phi's,.
Ileltote, Int eentl, , To 40 1 - 111 1 $ Of.-Ine etWitelli' CPAS
,8, Alnitnei_ -•-• • • I. l hilltiM , - 11
~rif. MI HDAN ',, - • .,c ELick
i , t -
• ,
01Mi % :i• , -
Otillii 0
lt i A nt
' .
, .