.., • • . . • .. . • . . ~ ... , . • ... . , _ . . _ . . , . , . , . . . • ' _ ,__•,. . , _, ... ~ . ~ ~, . . ~. . • • , - • , •• .. . . . • ; ,----, • ..-.,, -. , 1 .-„-±_-_, _,-,- .. :„:,. „-_,_____,,._ ,--,,,4 , "., --„ .-., . 11., , ••„,_-_-, • . __-!,,, ..: -,r :: • -- . 7 -• .' :. • , E-7- =-- . -.--*---, 'A •MA - , ' A - 25' t'l _ir • - . ._. , • . . : ~.,_. , ~.. - --.„-- - E.- V ii ----- 4 • . - • . . . • . ' • . lshed for the Proprietor, 't By WILLIAM M. PORTEIt. ' ZustitO's -,ectrils• °ODOR ARMSTRONG has reov ed hie office, to the South meet corner of if:mover it °infra et whore he m maybe consulted at any hewer the day or night.Dr.'A. line had thirty years experience Is the pt , AselOr, the lest tenyfyiblch_have - beertddi. led - te the study and practice of: tionueopathia erne.:Slay 20, '1,70m. ' ' CP. „11U.NIRICH,' Attorndy at Law. 00- Office on . ' brdith Thum& street, tt few. doorit south of glass' noted. All business entrusted to him 'will by promptly attended to. • TApril 15. T AW. NOTICE. - REMOVAL. W. 1.4 M.' 'PENROSE has removed his office In rear, a the court ;louse, whore he will-promptly attend to all Wetness entrusted to Mtn. ' August 19, 1807. IrAW OFFICE.-LEMUEL:VODD lim "rostmod tho practice of the Law. Office in tlentre Square, west side, near the .First Presbyterian • Church.. .April 8,1857. . 1 AR..' SB. KIEFFER Offioviri :North . ..., ILmover stront two doors froni Afilole& Bon's ro. ()Oleo-hours, mom particularlylrom 7 to 0 o'clock A.,11., owl from sto 7 o'clock, I'. M. • _ . - FI R. GEORGE S. SEA - I_,FEMIT, DENTIST, from the Bel , • . ma 'Llmare College of Dente' Surgery. at the resldesce of his motherpEaet Loathe' street; three doors below Bedford. • March 19,1856—tf. .. • VV. -- HAVERSTICK;' Ditggist, * ' North Hanover Street, Carlisle. , * Physician's proscriptions carefully compounded A fullUupply of fresh drugs and chemicals. DR. C. NEFT'respe,ut - fully informs the ladles and gentlemen • -"". of Carlisle, and vicinity, that he has re. .numed the practice oftlentintry, and is prepared toper. form all operation* nn the teeth and i gums, belonging _to his profession.. insert full sett of tooth-von - gold or silver, with single gum teeth, or Mocks, no they may prefer. Terms moderat4. to suit the times Mee tit'lligh street, directly opposite the Cumber land Valley Mille *a„. Cir. N. will be In Newville the lest ten days of every month. \ . • Jan. 20. 1068-Iy. Sclutti Itanriver streot,lr next door to the y ost Omen. • - • • . •tott. 17111 be absent from Carlisle the het ten der; of [mug. I, '6% GEO: W. - D. !Ate Demonetretor of ripten , lve Dentistry hi th 6 •=t-IritT Colleg e of nlgrACry.. Office atlosresluence, oprosite Marlon h eIL, West Main etreet, Carlisle, Pane -Nov: 31,1657. PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL. CORNER OF lIANOVER ASP LOUTHEICSTREETS, ,ONE SQUARE NORTH OF TILE COURT HOUSE, CARLISLE, PA,. ' - The subscriber takes this method of informing his old customers•tind-the-travelling-commuttity-at-larger that _he has given , this house n thorough repair, and has re fitted it up equal to any in town. Ijis table is tawny supplied with ho best the market 'will afford.. Ills bar is furnished with choice liquors. The stabling Is large with a good yard attached, and endow the care of an attentive ostler. lloseders and traieleitr necommoditted : on the most reasonable terms. Thankful for the patronage hereto loieeitteud-d ho hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the same. P. AIIGIIINBALIOII, Proprietor. • earliele. June 22, 1859-3 m JOHNSON "HOUSE,' : '• Cor. of Chambers. 4., & College Tlade, • ' . NEW 'YORK.' - TEIt t IIIS-4150 PER DAY. . J. R. BUBUItU6, Proprietor,, L'ati of the " Johtson ifouse," ,Cleveland, 0. aug.31.'59-3¢l. TVISSOLUTION. OF :PARTNER SIIIP.—Tho firm of BULL & BRANDT, doing buslnerol In Churchtmln. Cumberland County, Ihk.. has thin day been aissolsedby mutual consent. All thoso having claims against the wild firm will , present them to Isaac Bull Mr settlement Sept. 8, 1859. N. U. The underairßed will eentinnebuslness at the old stand In Churchtownl ..where thanlful for a share of public patronage. Sept. 14, 1854-13 t. .11. NEWSIIAAI, ATTORN EY •.AT LAW. Mee with Wm. li. Miller, Esq., South Ibinorer Street, opposite the Volunteer Mice. CerHole, Sep, 8,1859. geb- FARE REDUCED. -ea STATES UNION HOTEL, 606 & 608 Market St., above sixth, PUILADEGPAIA r : " a tl y .. W. lIIIIKLE, Proigo o tz : TER3IS:—.I 25 .REAL ESTATE AGENCY, RE MOVAL-A. L SPONSLER, REAL ESTATE M i n, CON VEYANCEIt AND SCRIVENER, bee re moved to hie New Office on Main street, one door west of the Cumberland Valley Rail Road Depot. lie Is now permanently located. and has on hand sod for sale a vary large amount of Real Estate, consisting of Farms, of all sizes, improved, and unimproved. Mill Proportion. Town Property of every 'description, Build. lug Lots, also, Western Lauds and Town Lots. give his attention, no heretofore to .the Negotiating of Loans, Writing of Deeds,- Mortgagee, Wills, Contracts, and Scriventng generally. , Oct. 28, 11157.—tf. , . W. 0. RHE EIYI, ATTOIINEY-ArNANT-Alib-OEFEBAL-AGENT Hinlteapolis, . Minneaola TATILL give sptirlill "Attention to collections through VT nut the btate,"make Investments, buy and net , Real' Estate and securities. Negotiate loans, - pay taxe locate land warrants, &c., &r. Refer to the members o the Cumborlaod County liar, and to allprmnlneot cwt fens of Carllslp, Pa. LAug4l,ll-Iy. AMERICAN HOUSE ; North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa. . W. IL LINE , Proprietor. Thls house has been refitted In a super:lor stylo, and le now open for the necornmodation of Boarders end -Travelers, on MOD RATE TERMS. EXCELLENT STABLING ATTACHED. Q U " . RIND STONES.-150 Grind Stones of all sloes just t .. oielved at .IL BANTON'S dos. Fly Nets, of all collies, Linen, Cotton , and, Twlne, - Chesper than the cheapest, at 11, RAXTON'S. Slay 25,18t0. ~ . FARM . BELLS,Just received ,the largest and cheapest ansortmentin the county and warranted not to crack, at the cheap hardware pf May 25,1859. BArl:IN. iIIB..STItICKLEIt & llIt0.; have . the agency of Wl.lttomchn's Patent Apple par• og and Coring machine,' whirl., for the purism., In. tended, le perfection Itself... Also for sale, beat quality ' of bags by tits dozen, well made and of good material. , • ' ' ' ILL:. STRICKLER...4 Dllo.t 'oarlile. JUly 27.180. „ M i ps direst.. - ' W: . A.OR A N G.141.1%1T, T On and after Monday, tad • May, IR% •itin sub. scriber will run a Dally Train of Cars, betireett' ' • . ClAlll4Bhlt 'AtIiY,IIII;ADELPIIIA, • •"' kfearlble . every morning and Philadelphia every .evening. All goods left at the. FREtaIIr'DEPOT of Peacok, fell & liINOIIMAN. Nor. 808. mud Ste Market 'greet, trail° delleerealn.garllale.the _ • e ,, J. AV. lIENUERSON, , - Wert high Street, Carlisle, Pa., May 26,'69 • A_) EA 0 11-S I`,OAI lIS „. 0 cents pet. bushel will tie paid Ibr Tea . ebatoties de- Mend at"tha Agricultural Setc,re or ' • ' '.•• id, B. 13T.RIOKLPR & 1111,0. Sep. 14, L-T-UBT--RECJIIIVED,--a-1134-of-Strai a .4 tp Hay,OuLttra, at tiie apteulturgif Stono Pt • - STUICHLEit .a 'parlinle; Juti la? , 1 1ffer f s`Patilui, Na9!/it!C just "gcel*P4 . IL Esinimbt,i4 • ikarThheis dectdodlY the bees hied 4 ne I° ~ :-.... . • N E'W S'T 0. C K.. . • BOOTS, ". ... . • ' • • •_'------._ __SHOES, ' • ' • . . , • •. • •••• HATS, • • . •• •- • . ' - .. . • -CAPS. JOIMIRVINE, having taken the stand, on the -north east corner of the Square, recently occupied-by .1. B. Keller, would respectfully inform the citizens-Id town and country, that he ban just returned Balm Phil. adelphia witha new and desirable assortment of goods in Ida lino, coinplising GENTLEMEN'S FINE, CALF DRESS BOOTS, KIP 110.; LADIES' IIIORItOCO AND (KAT 41007'5,1{1D SLIPPERS AND LASTING. GAI. TEDS, MISSES' AND CM - WRENS' BOOTS AND GAI TERS, In great variety. Boys' and' Youth's Roots and Brogans. Men's and boys' ' ' - --' . _NAPS AND CAPS, • . • of every description, and a general araortment of straw goods. The stock hail been selected with great (mamma will be sold at a very small advance on city wholesale prices. . • ' . . . •IIEeN. Don't forget the cheap corner, opposite the ller. aid MSc. ' - . ' . JOHN IRVINE,. Carlisle, Apr. 13, IBM ATOW„.:IS Mg : : TIME FOR ,BAR -1_1( °Atm! LADOE AND EXTENSIVE ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SPLNIER GOODS, At the New Store, corner of N. Unilever & , .I..outher eta The undersigned returns thanks for the .pntronege bestowed upon him by oho public, and nf the vane time: - respectfully announces that be boa just returned from Philadelphia. and is now opening n now lot of spring Fiummer PRY GOODS and GIItOCERIBS, consisting in • part an follOws, and which ,he le determined to sell at the lowest rash Prices... Silks Ducal Cloth fi Chaillos; Alpacas, Detainee. Do Rages, ' Lustros, Poplifts,' Lawns, 'lamps, Brilliants, Skirting, French and Scotch Ging hams, Printei, Gloves, Hosiery,. Collars, Handkerchiefs, &c., Ac. of every variety and quality. Staple and Domestic Dry Goods. Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestinge, Flannels, .Alus line, Ticking.; Stripes, Checks, Calicoes, Cottonades, Linens, Shootings, Donints,Nankeens,-DrilhOlarseilles Quilts, colored and white carpet 'Chain, c. l'oraeolo and Umbrellas: Also, Vargo and splendid assortment "of BONNETS; 11ATS, -- CA FS, BOOTS:and 5110 ES. superior lot-of fresh, IROCERIES. Tens, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Spices, se. Having selected my entire stock with the greatest care, nod I he lowest cash:prices, I ran assure my friends and the public ganernlly, that 1 wiliqlo all in my power tq make my establishment knnwu es the "Stead Quarters for liargainp." Those who wish to purchase will* find it to their advantage to call and 0411111i110 my stock before pultehaslimelsewbore. tra- 1 will pay the highest market price for Butter,. Eggs, liege, Soap and Dried Fruit. . &pr. 27; 1859. • J. A. uumiumr. Jr. WEA'VER'S• CABINET AND - CHAIR MANUFACTORY, • NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. • boon engaged In the buolnkess for over twenty yearn ho would return thanks to his customers and Mendel, for the liberal encouragement tix tended to him In years cone by, and further asonree them that no pains will be spared, to give full sattofactlon to all who ' may favor him with a call. OfIAIRS.AND FORRITURR; of Ovary description constantly on hand, or made to ordor. 'Warranted to be of tho best quality, of the test - styln, - widlfintshedi andooltbutthe fewest possible -prima for cash. Ile also continuos business nenn UNDEitTAKEIL— heady mode Collins, Metallic or 'otherwise. kept con. stoutly on hand And funerals promptly attended to parsonally In town or country, on the most rompe:do terms. . WEAVER May 26,1864-Iy. N. B.—Ternpmpertlen situate in Chuielitnwn,Cumb. county, are offered for sale on easy terms. Apply as above. .1. It. W. - HA-T-AND- CAP STORE. ATICELLER , 'S OLDSTAND, Mita nANovra., ream, NEARLY OPPOSITB PUB WAD wane BTOAB OP J. P. "LTNE at BON. A full assortment Just received, to *Lich constant additions:will be made of city as well as home manilla°. tuts. - .TRe stock now comprises . r MOLESKIN, BEAVER A CASSIMERE, FELT RATS, . of all styles and colors, from the cheapes o the best quality. STRAW BATS. A large variety clan pi ices and styles. together with a neat assortment of child drens' far and straw hate. , . .. 'ISAAC LEVI BRANDT. ALSO, ALEN'S, BITS' AND CIIILI9IiEN'6 GAPS, embracing every hind tiow worn, both Plain and Dress Caps, to which the attention of tile public is respectful. ly invited. DON'T FORGET KELLER'S OLD STAND. Carlisle. April 20, 1859. r • • EIT3MMI FIST •GR EAT ARRIVAI —OF— FALL & WINTER CLOTHING. The subscriber has Just returned from the Eastern Cities,, with ajar& sod vreit aulected stock of. ~ FALL` AND WINTER CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, . TRUNK'S, CARPET BAGS, 'UMBRELLAS, Ac., which he can sell at such prides, as to astonish the NATivEA. Having taken particular pains to select goods espVcinl /y adopted for this market, he cad assure his customers, that they are • , . WELL AND _FASHIONABLY MADE. Buryers will find it to their IniCrtst to examine his stock, as he has datermined to sell upon the motto of "SMALL, PROFITS." I;9 Remember the old Stand, near the Market House. • !MIER WIELt Successor to Steintir.d: Bros. Carlisle, Sep.l4, 1669,, JOSEPH FUSSELL,. No. 2 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Ai-Manufacturer of suporlcr quality of , • „ Umbrellas & Parasols, • ' • -- Ilse now in his stock - the moat - complete assortment, embracing many new styles, soma of which can be found In 110 other estah'ishment, and which he Is prepared to offer to OAST I AND MORT TIME purchasers, at very satisfactory prices:. ~tYyptember 7, 1819. lm. • THE .PARIS MANTIId.A. AND CLOAK EMPORIUM, , .No. 708 CHESTNUT Street, a . bove"Seventh, - PHILADELPHIA. . The subscriber's invite the attention of LADIES, to their -tech of Elegant Garments, of which be leg a specialty, they are enabled to offer the most com plate assortment In the city. They will open in the copra° of geptember and Octo• her, their IMPORTATIONS consisting of • EMBROIDERED VELVET CLOAKS, HANDSOME HEAVER CLOAKS, OPERA CLOAKS, &c., ne., and desant specimens of home illanufacture, mill he added to their Stock EVERY ADORNING THROUGH THKSEASON. J. W. intovion,& co. Importers and illevinfactureo of CLOAKS AND . MANTILLAS No.loB, 011138TNUT Btrest, (abotrolth.,) 2111L'A. August 31, 1860. , ' 3 mos. UNIVERSITY- OF. PENNSYVANIA, u , PHILADELPHIA MEDWAL DEPARTMENT. iiINETVFOURTit BARRON (186049.) WILLIAMLOIBBON, M. D. Emeritus li P rofelsor of Sur gory. •-•, • , SAMIEG JseaeoN,4l. D., ProfSsaor of Inntitut2 Medicine; Ow. 0..W00n, M. D., Vrofessor of Theory and Predict( or Medicine. Iluati L. Bows, N. D., Professor of Obstetrics and the 'Diseases of Woman and Children. ' . . . JOBSP/POARBON, Dl. D.,' Prose of filetorlit Mellen and Pininuncy.' , ' , ROBES! B. - }loaning. M. D.; Prorosser.nr Chemistry. ' Joann' tan!. Al:ti Ntofeeenr of Anatomy. 614111 t -, • 11 11. Stair'', I. D., Yinfuhisor of Surgery. ' WILLIAM HUNT, M. D.,'Denionalrator of Anatomy: . ' , t . The Licturea OftbkSeanion will begin on the Second Monday of October, add'closo on the let of Mara, , • , 'Clinical Inetruction is given througheuetheaeasion, In the Vedlcal Ilnll by the Prefeetefen„endtat the yerk_,, aYlviiiilaind - Ofber Ilpaplialen , • , • - The (Weeding Room,' under the auperintendence of the Peofeesera of Anatomy and the, Defuonetrator, are open front the Inlddlent September. - •-• The Room fir Operative Surgery and of Bandages, .6.e., la open • early in September and - throughout - the - SeealoniundoritirCeirtrettraliin — rthlf Srolesateof Surgery. • • r• - •' ' • • ...Surgical Demonstrator, 0,43. Manor,' hh DJ refill for, the I.ecttfres (each-Prefeasor4lh),!_,rN - 31,03.! liintrieuletion Vie (v 1140141) - -• 6- Graduation Pee ,• - • ; ' 80' • , 11.001K118 2 MD., Dean olthe htedlcal,lhteulty. • , University U. DICK, ,Thi3iter, Unieerlity'poildlng, • S.' Board may be hod at frolli'll . , l .Bo to 01 , 9' ..11111 Wilf-Stn. •-•,' • f, ',„, -- New766013.7.4. BIIAWLS'AND MANTipt.).lB, PHILADELPHIA, y ~..~.._."" - ~ ci6 PAQMSI N'o2 MEM •;.,,,._,__ : . : ,.._CAM-A,-. 3 --_O-N.-E__'!,T.E-411=8-59.- -L!i_i_ •TERMW OF_PUBLrcATION:•• • The 0ART.181.2 ilettscnis published weekly On a large ;beet containing twenty eight columns, and furnished to' Kubscribars at $ll,O 1 :paid Strictly In advance: $1.75 if paid within the year; or $2 in all cases when payment - is delayed until after Lho exPlratio iof the fear, No Subscriptions received fur a leas period than_ six months, and nono discontin lied until 'all arrearages ,y.inmaitl;nniess at the option oat's publisher. Papers omit to subscribers living, out of. Cumberland county moat be'paiti for inndimuce, or the payment assumed by 's/dm yespousible parson living in Cumberland coun ty. Those terms will be wigldly adhered .to in all i , ADVERTISEMENTS, AdvertisementS will 14' charged $l.OO, per square of twelve linos for three insertions, anti 25 cents for each tulisequent Insertion. advertisements of less than twelve lines considered se a elquair. - - • Adtertisement's insetted before Marrlitgen and deaths fi &mist - ir line fur first ineertion,•and 4 cents Per line for subsequent Insertions. Communicatinue on sub. loots of limited or individual interest will he charged 3 coats per line; , The Proprietor 'will not, be responsl bin in damages for errors in advectlenmonta,. Obituary notices or Marriages not exceeding five be inserted without charge., JOB PRINTING The Carlinlo IforaidlOß PItINTING OFFICE Is the largest and most ennipinfe establishment in thocounty. Three good Presses. and a guneral variety of mitterint suited-for plain and'Fithey work of every kind. enables us to do Joh Printing at, the shortest notice and on the 'most Vomonahle toting. Persona An Avant of BMA,- illanki or anything in the Jobbing lin.s will find it to Alio interest to triVo.ll9 a rail. • f INIJOIT ;. has' been 'appointed sole v agottt. for Carlisle, for tho solo of Dr. F.:lfirm yrwir's • r ,R. pecilic Homeopathic. Remedies comprising the following Hsi of medicinesi:,, No. I. FEVER Pmts.—For Foyer, Congestion, and In Damnation of oil kinds. No 2. Won* Pmts.—For Worm Fever, Wor m Collo Wetting the bad. N0..3. lisnr's Pmts.—For Collo. Crying, Teothifig, Wakofulness, and Nervousness of Adults. No, 4. DSARnurn PILO( For Diarrhea, Cholera Infam tun. and ..furamer 0 mplalnt. 5, Drsimrsny 'Pmts.—For Colic, Cripings, Boon tor y, or Bloody Flux.. , No. 0. Comm PILLIC—For Coughs, Colds, Iloarsoneas; Influenza, and Soro Throat. . N 0.7 .Tuo'rnactle Ph.t.s.—For Toothache, Ilcd.ache, and Neuralgia. No.B IICADACIIE Pmts.—For Deadaches,Vertlio Mat, and Fullness of the Head. No. 0 DYBPEPSIA PILLS.— For Weak and Deranged Stomach, Constipation, Liver and Kidney Complaint. No. lU, CROUP Puts.—For Croup, Margo Cough, Dad Breathing. • No.ll Sati Shunt Plus,—For Erysipelas, Eruptions. Pimples in tho.Faco. , . : — Nii:l2: — lttremrcrw — Prax - -For" Palo: Litimifes - , -- or Soreness In the Cheat, Bark, Loine. or Limbs, • . A.—For Aver end Avv, Chill Fev4. Dumb •Agne• old. mlsmannial Agues,, bad effects of, Agues treated -with Injurious