_LDR.NI7.Lkba I S ,CELEBRA : rE. D' VER - MIFLT_Cr, A. 7.31? " LIVER PILL, WE beg leave , to call the, len , " Lion of the Teade,a more especially 'the' Pliysjciak of' the . country, to two of -fhe most popu lar-remedies pow-before-the_public— __W.e...r.efer.lP Ilr—Cluis-1111,auiLlacbra Vermifuge and Liver Pills. . We do not recommend them as Univer.sal Cure-ails,; but simply for what 'their name purports, THE YE RAI U GE, For eXpelling •WOrms. frOm the . _ human system. .It has also been administered with the most satis , factory results to Various :Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, • For the cure of LIVER COMPLAINTS, ° all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD:ACHE, &c. cases of . •• FEVER AND AGUE _ 'preparatory to or after taking Qui nine,tliey„almost invariablrmake -- ----ksEesdy and permanent cure. -- As specifics .for the above men timed diseases, they are Unrivaled, "and-never -knoWn-to-fail--when-ad • ministered in accordance with the directions: • Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, • FLEMING BROTHERS, PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispose of their' Drug business, in which they have , been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, - and they will now give their undivided time and -attention to their manufacture. And being de- . terniined that 'Dr. M'Lane i s, Cele brated Vermifuge and Liver shall continue to occupy the high position they now hold among the great remedies of the day, they will continue to spare neither time nor. expense in 'firocuring the Ilest. and Purest material; and corn ' pound_themin_the n - Kt Thorougl manner. Address all orders to FUMING BROS. l'illsbnrgh, Pa. P.S. Dealers, and Physieinne ordering twin others than Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders distinctly, rind take none bat Dr: ArLone's, prepared by .Plenting,prol. Pittsburgh. Ps. ,To tla., wishing 'to Om iFwm • fofward per mail. post paid. to any part of the United States, ono box of Pills ilfie twelve threetent -postage stamps. or 011 C vial of Nermlfuge for lonrteerrthrei,ent stamps: All orders fiord Canada must Ye Accompanied by twenty Cents extra. , William •P. .Lynch, Practical PLUMBER and ("As FITTER, in the basement of the M. 'E. Church, Main Street, Cacklle:- , . ,Lead and Iron Pipes, Hydrants, Ilot & Cold Shower Baths, Water Closets, Force and Lift Pumps, Wro't Iron Wed Tubes, And every description of cocks and fittings for gna steam, water. hr. Superior cooking ranges. heaters and gas fixtures put up in churches, stores and dwellings: at short noting In the most modern style. All materi als and work in our lino at low rates and warranted. Country work and Jobb lug promptly attended to. Mar. 23i 1851-1 y BY EXPRESS—:A: large assortment at Meetlllas of tho latest style, and very cheap, can be seen at the Cheap store of ' • J. A. lIUMRICII, Jr. IRON RAILING ;=lron Railing for _Leemetery eneloaures,pnblicandprivate grounds and gardens, made to order at, the Carlisle Foundry. 'Our stock of hailing, Verandah nod Bracket patterns cow. prises a largo variety of now and elegant designs which the public aro Invited to call and esnmlne. Orders resting and Putting up Railing will be promptly exert, ted at !satisfactory prices. 104.. An entirely new TEN lIORSE.§TEAM ENOINE and BOILER now. on hoed, warmittedltt be of the'best 'make, and will le sold aka lirgaln for ash or on Aunt time F.GARDNER In CO, CUMBERLAND VALLEY INSTITUTE MEcirAncisiiuno, PA. A. I+. MULLIN, A. 8., PRINCIPAL. and teacher o Mathematics and Modern Languages. THOMAS S. BRUM, 'A.D., Assistant Pilneipni and teacher of Ancient Languages and Higher }Mulish. HAVERSPICK, Assishibt in the English De. ,partment. • This Institution having passed into new Itands,4lll be reopened as a Male School only, on Thursday, the 2d day of SepteMts.. next. It is the design of the present proprietors to make it a strictly first-class Boarding School, fur training 'and fitting boys and young mon either for college or busineas. "Au efficient corps of In structors has been organized, Whose personal interdsls are-Identified with the success of the Institution, and who will silk, no pains to make it worthy of the confi dence and patnmage of the public. .The Buildings-or the Institute are ample, and well arranged for the ac commodation of about ninety boarders, and all students from abroad are expected to hoard With the teachers.— Theis Will thus enjoy thebenefit of constant instruction and supervision. - Mechanicsburg is situated in the centre of the beau ilfnl Cuteberland Valley, sties miles from •Ilarrisburg, , and is easy of access by Railroad from Philarielphiallal• thnore, lie. No location could be more eligible for etc eess—none more healthy or attractive for such a school. • Pupils from Washington, Raltimore, Philadelphia and Intermediate points, taking the morning train, will reach' Mechanicsburg by 2 o'olock, P. N. As it is the determinatiomet the. Principal and his Assistants le, •.-place the Imktitute one permanent and elevated basis, with every application requisite for superior success, 1' they appeal with confidence to all who have sons to ed ,c sate. . The scholastic year will be divided Into two sessions of .twenty two weeks each, the first beginning on the lint Thursday of September, and ending on the first Wednesday of February.;-the second cession beginning on the first Thursday of February, and ending on the first Wednesday of July TERMS. '' Board, Washing, Tuition, Bhouss furnished. . and Fuel per Session, - - $Ol 00 Do , scholars will be received at $lO, $l2, and $l5, ac cording to their advancement. No extra charges for ancient and modern languagee or vocal music. Terms per session payable half In advance. 1 , 61 fur. their Information apply to )Mullin & Reese, Proprietors, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Apr. 6,1850. , VRE . SERVING JARS; SUGARS, lase Jars, air tight, (Stone's patent,) for presenting trait, &r., nt tho 'various sins/ are offered to the public by the proprietors, an a Jar tboewill commend itself, requiring no cement, is self sealing, the neatest, most simpleandnaelly managed Jar made, and feeling con. Went when pile° used will be preferred to any other. Tir FISH Jain , . . - together with a variety of other good Preserving Jars, are for sate at the store of the suberilsw, where may also be found a large and general assortment of . •••. FRESH . • of the various qualities, Including,a neasmable and flue selectleu . of the best and finest•grailis of " • • WHITE AND DROWN SUU ARS, aultable for preserving. We feel thankful for the pm *rotas support heretofore extended to ue. and trust the: - we mayunorit the continued favors of our friends and elaseciment. Oar great_cst efforts shall be made to pismui Id th elnalltrottnii articin raid, its well sn In ` prfca. • Carlisle, June 29.1869. , • J. W. EllY. ypouß AND - FE:ED.—The pubottri: ban barn now on band, and Intend kooplng am lei of Incur and seed, to whirl) the public In In All artlclerwarrantad. • B'TIIII,3SLER & . 11110, ;lane 29,1859. • eau : -.Yost rooalvtd • • kris assortment of nay. kleistors, Pulleys, IS. Rakes, Fmk., &c chesper than ever, at • nay At, 1669. , li. BAXTONM. DELLS+ 'BELLS H - BELLS 11- - viiik sok or the beet malces.'for sale cheap, at 11e 11 01:759. 8 " 1 1 : . 14 ' ,0 1,52,1, • •WTT.E.7O77Oi7rt NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS , After returning his nck edOments for 'the very liberal patmnego which tins beet tended to him.• the. undersigned would call attention the:ftrst,:that be • has just reopened his extensive assortment of fondly • • ' GR • .CC..... ERiE.S . . . . 1 ' • - • . • . in his new store-room. on the south- act corner Of the public square, where the public are invited to call and examine a stock of goods which, In elegance. variety and extent. will defy comoetition;. comprising it, part 1-lat: lump, crushed and broivn 'sugar., ; - ,lava. Igo and roasted Coffee E , ety vs- .,,,:, ~I ~ , rfety and.quality of 'f.gA. Spices, (ground -- tk - i rr: " ' and um.,mlund,) Pickels. Silures; Table Oil. i ll 1, . . Now Orleans, .Sugarhouse and Trinidad ~. isrsll/ - Molasses; New York and Philadelphisrlyr ups. Cheisireard(ll; - TerroNilig - splitPear,llomin • , Mincemeat, earn Starch, , Parina, Chocolate, Extract o, ..... , Coffoorolinedalgar.,qt.rgitanr.7.9.alllgAMUit•-. .ing soda. .Tobac c o of the most Invert te brands, ant , tim --itin±atqualit-y-titScgarer.--Alsorbeetttifut-essortment .r 8rit...! 4 . Were, plain ,and g.Adband China Ware, Glass, Queens. Steno and,-Earthern Ware, in groat rm. , riety. and on elegant lot .of,k'ancy goalie, precis - IMT; perfumery. for the toilet. . . . . FRUITS! Including Peaches In cans, Irifsins, - Cren berries, dry apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lemons, - . Arr. , , d.c. . - „,,.. ( ..m.,..,, LIQUORS: Wholosnto mot retail, emi1(4) , , , , , :yb7,..7‘,a- ; =7.‘id0i,d10",..,.T., - ,h.-. 7 IN Sherry Port. Madorig.Gioger;entowa "...:.•• and Shigerkt Wino:: In car.kti and bot floe, Seotett V. hiskoy, Rolland (tin, and Srheidant Schnapps.' A large stock of LAMPS, Including llyett's celebrated lamps 'for burning Kerosene or coal nll, also Sperni, Pino, Lard and Coal Oil, liurnlng Flaid. Sperm and Star Candles. ,CEDAR-WARE AND BROOM'S. BrudieQ,' Ropes, .3.lope. , Saips. Door.mats,• IraitcrS, Lonking,glasses, tine letter and note paper, Willow Ware . , paiukesl buckets, &o. . 6 " . o,tto'n yard ercsillen Ilose, and half 'll4se, and a full stock Of Woven, including the well known Hanover Buck '4,toves. • In short, 11111FteCk comprises everything that is called for In Ills line of business. and no efforts will be spared to milder entire satisfaction to his customers. . • C. INIIOFF. Carlisle, Oct. 27, 1959c1y.: tkie- Meirketing of all . Ichnietalren in 'exchange In ITALBERT'qFAMILY GROCERY, . A - oral-Ire:lt Corner of the Public Sittare, oppo site the Carlisle Deposit ..1. B. HALBERT has again replenished hls sto^k_p plods. His assort mint. Is now full and .:onapiete,ainfint which may bo enumerated every variet.T of fresh FAMILY GROCERIES, ' A large stock olThlna, Glass and Qucensware, ninon. and lomtiful ilFiXos; and entbraclanr overy grado•or Vico Ibis SOLE Ascot In Carlisle for JOEFS'celebrated KEROSENE OR COAL OIL LAMPS, ..• • , ono of the greatest dlscov4ies of the age, combining rleammjs, - eafety and increased light; 'Coal 11i1 and Lamps constantly on hand, which. the public 111 . 0 re. quested to: ill and examine. • 4,2 - PRING - AlUt VALr OF 711tES ^1 DRUGS. FANCY GOODS, FRUIT, • S. W. lIAVERSTICK has just received from•the Cal Mill to BOW opening a splendid dis p lay of PANCY 60011: , , to which he desires to call the attention of Ida friends and the public. Ills assortment In this line cannot ho surpassed in novelt and elegance. • and both In quality and price of the articles. cannot fail to please purchasers. It would be. impossible to enumerate his /Y4ANCY GOODS, which compri.ovory verietyof faucynalcle of the most elpinisitc liui h such rm. REIMMEMEMI Imlies' riding 'ships, elegantly finished, Ladies' ti entierS;. • Perfume baskets and hags, lirushespf every kind for the tnilrt, Roussel's Perfumes of the various kinds, Mir.ical instruments. .01 nll.Umls and et all prices, together with an innumerable variety idartieleselegant. ly finished and suitable for holiday presents, to which ho invites special attention. Also, au extensive and elegant collection of • comprising the various' English and American Works, richly embellshed POETICAL woRKe, &c.. &c. Ilis assortment of School nooks and School Stationary Is also complete. and compriscii eierythlng used In ol logo and the Schools. Ile also desires to call, the par ticular atteni ion of Families to bin elegant asitortment of „ Iron Sinks, Itnth Tubs, • Wash Basins, Hydraulic Hams, &c from the extensive establishments of •Cornellus, Archer and others of Philadelphia,. comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lahms for burning either lard. Sperm or Etherial ell; also DYOTT'S celebrated Kerosene or CRal Oil Lamps, together with Flower Vasty. Nancy Screens, Ac. ills assortment in this line Is , uu• equaled In the borough. Also; ' FRUITS, such as Ontnges." Lemons. Figs, Raisins, Neal rines, Prunes, Pine Apples. Ac. FANCY CON FLC TIONAKY—NUTS—PRESEIt VED FRUITS, MIN ED- M EAT, PICKLF..9, Ac.. In every varieby end at all pri ces, all of which are pure and fresh such assns be con fidently recommended to his friends. Ills stockembracas everything in4ho line of Fancy Good, s, with many othei articles pseful to housekeepers which die public are ex. pecially fl, hl,d tocall and examine. Sommelier the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover ittreet. • S. W. 4VERSTICK. ___ 43 A It G C l i t - T I n N ED S uc ! T l I ON 1N ptil t. BARGAINS! S AT OGILBY'S CHEAP STORE. I am now autling MT my entire stock of Summer Goods, at lower prices than any store in the county. Elegant Summer Silks. Florege Itches. Summer Pep. • lion, Orgoody lawns, ebonies, Silk Moonlit., Sus •r Scarfs ' Schintillas, GrenadinetVlavellas, Ac. El egos t worked Collars awl Untiersleeres, at prices to, defy com petition. 'Calicoes, Oingbams and lawns, at lower pri• • u Mitts very low., trarpetiteis cheaper titan can be had elsewhere. White and colored Brilliants. at unusually low prices. A. farce assortment of ,Moslius, 'fickings, Checks, Cotton and Linen Pants Stulf,,much under price. NOW is the time for purchasers t 6 get great bargains. whilst elm stock is new. full and complete and 1 am determined to run it off without regard to m k t. Re— member the New Start, Ilautillon's corner, opposite the. Railroad depot. etiA3.O4lll.llV. N. B.—Bolds and Shoes selling below oast to close the business. [July 13. '59. July '21,185h j . 0 S E P H' U. STE E.L , .. 4 lage WA TC 11-MA KER, SOUTH HANoVEU STREET,. Having supplied Myself with a large assortment of Watch Materials, Glasses, Ac., I am new prepared to' repair all kinds of Watches. Clocks, Jewelry..te., on the must reasonable terms, that may be entrust, d to uiy rare, Boning by strict uttentionto ttiAiness to be fa cored with a liberal share of public patronage. . A fine tusertment of JEWELRY. such as Ladies' Breast fins and Ear Drops, Gold and. Cameo; Misses' Breast Pins and Ear Drops. Box and Glass Pins all sizes, field Chain Hooka. Plated Chains, Gilt Lockets. Guards,. Heys, Ac. Also, a largaand 7 firte assortment of GOLD 1!1NCIElt 11 . .010 , • all of 'Filial will be sold low. A share of publte patron age is re.peetfully oollelted. JOS. U. sTELL. Carlisle, July 13, 1859-1 r cc alailioev " • F AMLLY. GROCERY AND TEA STORE. • " — Just resolved and In store, a fresh and well so- . - tested assortment of It hr ' Java and Mora. exibo Coffee, Roasted Coffee. Crushed . .. . Pulverized Sugars. Refined and , • , other brown" Sugars, superior- ' Syrup Molasses, Orleans . (baking) Molasses. • , 1 Spices of every variety— pure only; Starch, Farina and . Chocolate. Maccaroul, Chen. and . • Crackers, Tapioca, and Sago, • Indigo,. ' . Saleratus and Soda; Cream Tartar and ss• sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Sta. • TEAS.—JI fine assortment in package's, c az.,„ and le bulk—as well as all other articles belonging to the budness 7 all at the lowest t 1 q and late reduced prices. . ~ J. W. Elf. arlisle, Nov. 3, .'6B. .. „ WATO I IES,' JEWELRY, AND SILVER-WARLAT CONLYN'S old established Stand, Wont Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland %alloy Batik. have Just received a new assortment of watches, ewelry. minialltong sliver ware, &r.. in addition to my ormer stock to which I invite the attention of the public, Thanarortiocut embracers r e r gold and sliver lever watches, Hunting add open rase do ;gold Anchors for Ladies and flontlemon and /diver Lee piece and (Nadler we trims of every Ca- riety lit style and price — ' — Also ntingold Medallion,. Ilressdidna for Ladles 'and dent lemon of every iturilltypittern and price. Pold fob, seal , oath and near chains. Geld bracelets, fiDger rings, etilf t. 1104 elude, PitinVn bUttol/14, crosses, alarms, •Ar., (kid and sliver thimbles, silver and plated butter kulyes, forke, fable, tea, salt and mustard spoons A of every variety, largo nesortpient of gold, silver sod (+mamma epootarlos, to suit all -. ,%•.".ages to riiith we invite special atom Dud tot _ hf (101,1) PENS Axon the host makers, lieetiotle mom, &MY Islam elor and pearl card, coma, gold mid eortinion_Jorarolots, Watch dodos, • Alkali, Clock, and a satiety of artiolvi UMW ky ally kept In Jewelrkestablishinents, w blob _ I will Pell iteit_lbrruili. Ail ornate. vow r o be what I my are rep/reedited, Fortinular tbli len veld — nio timed to WATCH. AUP4IItINO ateVall 'work win , rooted. TROMMI CIONLYN. Dee. 53.1t167.1 New ectobi,_ FISH AND SALT, QUEENSWARE AND VARIETY STORE, which in quality and price CAN'T 1 E BEAT JOS. I). lIALBPItT, N.V. Corner, of Pula,.. .:ionare CArlislo, Oct. Ti, '56. • I= Elegidh K hamster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, . Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases,. - Ladies' Fancy liasllets, Fancy Work Jinxes, with sowing Instruments,. Port Moon:des, of every variety. : r., Gold pens and pencils, Panel.' paper weights,' . Papoteries, and a large Vr.riety of ladles' Fancy station LAMPS, Ac., If.y 25. 1859 A few ilc;ors South,of the Court Ifortae _Qtiin_ 2% rntu crncni 1: - --j 1t ccUancous,:-- COGGS,WEI.I4'S NEW MEDICAL SALM, ' READ TIME FOLLOWING CERTIFiCATES TO lOW efileacy of thiamedicinejo infituninatery diseases. ' ' it For thelashwelvo yearn 1 have been More or less troubled with Intl:nitwit tory Itheumatine. commencing early in the spring, and lasting natal cold weather eel - in, when I would be relieved, tor.rt'while, only.to,le. at. tacked 'again in the Spring. All my Jot ate would tot all and be very Mere, attended with Ake must acute pale. My foot, shoeldern, arms, and hands tronbled n.onnelt,. so much pa that I "mkt searcely:ivalli,•and almost al ways required u4lotance in dr.:ening. • During this Limn I went.' try every thing,l sould.hear of, in the hope•of, fiudiag a cure. I also tried invent] pliysiciatio. but no thing agernel to help.ine tho least in the world. About two and a half years ago I was attacked an:unual. and a•usuaLtriettevorything-togetzld of..l4.butto.noinis pose. 1 kept-growing worse, and finally hod to give up an a!riy In the house where 1 ono confined about !bur , lv . gtrisittrtinyfoit - swelledreintlarmwfwvonwwillnt'. .1 5D1A.0.1.t..tti11i,!!0P_111.9.T..,91. go t o n IIY. - ..PSt•st.s.ll q_l_°,,r bands ravlled co twice their ustmo rho. 111 fad. I was to all appearance% and bollel, totally 'used up. About -this time my parents, who reside ill Maine. sett for mu ''to tome home., I went, and, aft.' my arrival contmet ated trying another remedy, hoping to be cured, but, re suiting the auntie Its all others. For vveeka I had not. beertable La dress nonelfor mine gay hand to my head; and Offering the utoPt excruciating pain-all the time; One day my father came in with it paper in which wary, advertised Dr. Coggswell's Medical Salt lie hllanime. tory Diveases only, and wanted me ttread and' owl what I thought or st. I_ read and.len• rent at it. pro.' nouncedit a humbug, and told lahn that I linti-lmen huntbuggea enough Ile kept me, :MA at last said. I cold but try it, and if I would write to Dr. c.. giving him ti - dereriptiMV of my dieooeo, be would pay_ tlid expense. Of course I could not refuse Roth All of for Mill sent for an,, box. It, came In duo season, lint my faith was 1101 increased, and I laughed at the idea of on small it dote doing tune any good: and told my wile that I believed ,Or. C. and his Salt both humbugs,— flowerer, I comitioneed - using^ it- and the result woo perfectly astonishing 1 could hardly realize it pi esell'. - I slept soundly all ne-lthWy j tkli I had not done for n alum,longalum, std when II - awoken's/Clio morning strange as it may seem, I seas entirely ram front pain. 1 NM then ,tation but one dose. and bathed freely beforegolng to be d. That morning I felt so well that I baldly knew how to 'contain myself. end 'went tihwn stalls end told the folks how well I felt, and from t.) at day to this I 041) Mire not suffered one moment's pain . r had an a ttlleh .oftny once dreaded enemy. BL atisid, I net per. Petty well and hearty, and where er I have a elionee I .recommend it A friend of mine, residing Ir. Brooklyn is now trying It for a bad mono. nor:dole rbeninntiOnt, and so limit in ivorking admirably. This is a long story. but I have told ell the facts, which I mil bring wit, MOSS. to suleitantiate if neceosary: and will again nay that In the MENCAL SALT, a sure cure may be found "for all inflammatory diseases, and would urge all who are afflicted to give it a trial. - • . . (IEO. 11. DUNCAN. -- • --1 , 70,-.li'7.Al'nll..StreetoXiot.Nt/rlt.„. When it in rarrienthered that the MEDICAL. SAIN is as offline:ions in nil other Inflammatory dinners 118111 Rheumatism, (see descriptive elrenlars) it will at once Ire peen that it Is a lost v 011,014 reihmly. Surely those thus afflicted will And in their own condition and in the 01en . .. ntatefflonts. ennuth to induce them 'to civil the ME DI CA I, SA LT stain ;..• t . - Pricp, Ono Dollar. Chronic Package;s2 50. • - n C. TAYLOR .0 CO., . . Oen. Agents, 202 Dock St.. Chiled'a. . The New Medical Salt in for solo by tirtmcists caner. ally. Goo it a trial. „ [.llly 13, '5ll-Mn 1 / 1 - A S lir _ND NV fl T 0"N , 111 Fulton St, and 5 , 0.. Ann St, NEW YOR . K, • • 'Manufacturers of `•,A.n NVIIITE LEAD, ZINC PAINTS AND COLORS, OILS • • . ETC , • Importers of English, Fretedi and Ilmenan Artists' Me terials, One ',piers 111011 and 'water, Winsor Newton's tube and 'cake colors. -Drunken Mathematical and Draughtattion's I tostruntetts. Drawing and .Trating pers.ftereoseopes. Dtereoncopic Mows, hi. The perffeiilar attetitFin - br others, is called to tint new patent method of potting up Lesd and Zinc Paints in metalic Cans,- of which 31asur3 hit in lire the sole proprietors. _These Palle are Intended by the inventor to obviate. the difileulty heretofore existing In 111011 g up of Lend and 'lnc In smell lugs. Allll{4lllloM of paint ire aware that the Inca ell and 'doe pint nip In solidi wooden toeckages. In from live to ten - por sent., and In Many .01000 nsueli more, owing to the altsorntion of the oil, and the consequent hitrotening et the paint oteninst - thh wroodtfl . say-nothing of-the additional labor re quired to mix paint reedy for une, after It Ilan beconne, bard in the keg. 'laid lon.s - of - the ke,r, - torr, is a cm-mid,- ration 'whirl, should not.lai, lent shalt of, line patent (lAN lIWC - 1111 y ohilates these dNliruilirs. but In addition, .thereto furnishes the Consumer with ti Atone aitd cone venient paint pot. out of whielt to ere thh paint. Whlell In alone worth none tliat, the difference of cent between the cans and kegs. Thu Cons are peeked In .IIN dont. In ntrong canon or boxes. which contain 1)011,0 comb. that ,ms 8 25 lb. _ or 4 501 h. Cons. nod they may be sofely shipped by roll raid nr , ntlierwise to any pia of the United Stoles. rioTTEirgriralintrlTZT.ari~ sent - by molt on epplicatlon., !Juno 1.1859.-3 m. TII) 51()ST EXTRAORDINARY BOOK OF Tit}; AGE First edition of 10,000 sold in six iciik's; • ENTITLED "BOYIIbo7I'S~I'LIr rL AND ,)IANIIOOII'S CURSE PUBLISHED BY DR-S7PANCOAST, 916 Spring Gargrn street, Philadelphia, Pa., and ' for sale by all booksellers. • This In a book of 25 pages,l2m3., bound in cloth,with nine lithographic plates. and. intended for moth-, guardians and young molt. Every young num Wishes ho maintain his health and manhood, and have a healthy progeny, should road this hook. Some et the statements are really astounding. and have never to fore appeared in print. Price gh, By mail ;1.15. NOW IN . PRESS ' AlTh READY R.Rt DELIVERY IN A FEW lure, AOREAT WORK FOR THE LADIES, by the same author, entitled LADIES' MEDICAL GUIDE, AND'MARRIVE FRIEND This Is s work of nearly 6111' pages. beautifully bound in cloth sod contains over lOU splendid slid gravings. It gives n complete description of the sl rue tine and function of the reprodul•tiog 11(1211115 Of the fe. male, showing' how married ladles may have or avebt lark'e families. Also. a complete hishey of liermaphro. ditism, with curious plates showing loth sexes in It also givei advice . to young ladles to selecting d husband, pointing out the rause of so much inthappl liers after marriage,"and the Influence it exerts ou the offspring. The work also gives the symptoms and treatment of all female diseases. so that every female may bo heroics physician.. : • ' The last chapter is devoted to the Toilet. giving the receipts for comneiles lit present In nice by the nobility of France. England and Russia for 11,11°111y ing theskin ' for removing foul an pret.erving MVP.. breath. They have been obtained at green expel se. • Prire .41.50. Hy mall $1.74. or eight nolditiohal poet • .ago ntnolpn. - ROO coples.ghave slriadrhoen ordered.-- Those wishing n copy of the first edition should semi their orders withunt.delay. , For complete descriptbin of the wait see Prospectus. which will he cent on receipt of ono letter stomp. AU ENTs WANTED in every town in the Pinion. Fob. In, ISO—ly jp II IL . AI) E L I' I AND BEADING , • It A - I 0 A I) Arm 1.8;1859. Two' passenger trains bears Harrisburg dolly, (Sum days excepted,) at 0.00 A. M , and 2.45 P. Si.. for Phila. dolphin, ltrriviug there at 12.00 noon and 7.40 P. 31. Returning, leave Plilladejpilla at, 7.30 3.31.. and 3.30 P. 31., arriving at Harrisburg at 12.40 noon and 8:25 P 31. FAMIES i To Philadelphia, No. 1 Caig. $3.25; No. 2 (lo saute tralu.) $2711. Fares to Reading. $1.60 and At 'tending. connec t with traludfur Pottsv il le, 31luera . vil tile Tmmuon, Cutawhqs,, dd, Four traina leave Reading fur Philadelphia dally., at A. M , 10.111 A. 51. 12.30 noun and 8.00 P. M. • Leave Philadelphia fur Rending at 7.30 A. M., 1.30 I'. 54, 3.30 P. M., nod 4.45 I'. M. A Fares from Reading to Philadelphia, $1.75 an ill 45. . . The morning train from Harrisburg connects at Reading with up train for Wllkumbarru. Pitt6tou and Scranton. For through tickets and other Information apply, o J. 3. CINDY:, Goliural Agent. :tl4y 11, 'O. • PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CON PANY, OFFICE NORTH EAST CORNER OF 81) and Dock alreet4. Philadelphia. • ACCUMULATED" CAPITAL 5715,00. Charter Perpetual. DANIEL S. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E STAKES, %lee President. Jolla I#.llossea, The undersigned, having been appointed the AGENT for the above Company, for Cumberland county, would call att.ntion to 1.110 peculiar advantages of the MUTUAL {,tea INSURANMWIIIOI gives It a diclded preference Over any other Mode adopted: There being no alai khoiders, the pndits are Melded among•tbe'policy holders, and appropriated to reducing the annual payments, thus making each one interested, equally with the Trustees, in adding to the business of the souipany. • The y premium may be paid quarterly, semiannually, or annually, so that persons of limited means can In sure for a greater amount. than they could where the whole premium is required to be paid cash. Circulars with lull particulate - an he had on applica• tion to the pubperlbor, at his office, Main etreettnear the Railroad depot. A. L. SPONSLRIL Real Estate Agent and Conveyanker. Carlisle, Mar 21, 1851.10ra r I Y OLD FRIENDS, and the p i ebiio pillorirnee.7. 4- .ar° l- !'d . GROCERIES; •• , CLASS AND QUEENSWARE. Plokola, Preserves. Fresh Cali Fruity, Spices, WOO' and Willow, Ware, Ropes and Brushes, Oils„ Fruits, Fruits, 'Fish, Salt. and a large variety of other goods not necessary to enumerate. Slots Itoom two doors east; of Rhoads' IVarehouss (formeriy,lqhn O. . Give uni a call and examine my goods and prices, 1. Intend to Fell as eltaaas any other store oulaido PhilaifelPhin.. • Butter, Eggs, Soap, ilags,,lleeswax, Dried Fruit, go.; v,,riken'in exchange for goods. . • WM. BRNTZ. .Callisle,Oct..7l. '6B. . • . . . . . CJI LAS t S, GLAB4-500 boas Glass kJ aril elm , tingle a double Midi, J net received at , . ~, . HENRY IBAXTON'B. Hai. lo,jelp., ,-.. .. .. , :.• •.. -. .; THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH A:NI). I‘LAI TURI TY • __ JUST PUBLISIEETi, GRATIS, 25TH novaiwn: the rational treatment, without medicine, of Spormatorrlien. or Neal wesknessrMielm. nal Oeultsi and Nervous debility, Premature decoy of the systerit, Impotency, and Impediments to Marriage generally. •'- RY , • It. LANEY, M. I). •• , , . . . Important laid that the Many alarming com plaints, originating ill the Imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed without medleine,ds In thin small tract clearly otemonst ratd rand the entirely nuns and highly successful treatment, as adopted by tlii, .auther. fullY explained, by means of.which every one Is ,gnatied to cure himself perfectly and at the. very least ,possible cost, thereby uvular* all the adtertlsed nos trumsof the day. • • Sant 'to any address gratis, land poet free In a sealed enrolcipe by remitting (post mild) two Ostagn stamps to . . . . June 15,1859-3ni rittblßEitl:A*l)- - V*llitEY-13* . NK: -,-PROPRIKTORS, lirmt.fAm Rorer. C...517.111tE1T, Ittemon 'WooDs.. 11. A. Siunyzott. 1p 4,110 =l= This Dank, doing business In t.he name',.. eter , Drew emu & Co., is mow fully prepared to don general honking liusinos4 with promptness and fidelity. Money received on dement and paid back on demand without . notice:. Interest paid on special deposits. Cer: Illicates of deposit' booting interest at the rata of five per_ cont. will be issued( for as, sfift a .period . tom' tatifiths, ihteresh on all certificates will Cease at nue Clarity. provided, however, two.. If said certificates ore renewed at any time thereafter for another. ghen pe Hod. they shall henna:Sewnu rate of interest up to the, time of -ronewal..- Particular attention paid to the col.' Isetion of notes, drafts. checks, Le., in any port of the United Stales or Ululating. IleutittanVes made to England, Ireland, or' ho Conti taint The - faithful and confidential' execution of all orders eittrnsted to them,.may be relied upon. Thai cell the attention of locators, Mechanics anti all i titers who tesire n sofa depeki tory for their manes to the undeniable fact. tint the proprietors of this - Danl. ono INDIV/11W.I.LY liable to the exteet of their estates foe till thgllepostts, and other obligotion*lier, Bromine man -.tz Co. ' , , • They hove recently removed into their new Booking, House directly opposite their termer stand, in •Wcst• Main Street, a few dbors - cost or the Helium(' Depot. 'whore they will at all times be pleased to g.iVe any•iit• formation desired in regard to money matters la gonO Open for business' from 0 o'clock in the morning uuJil 4 o'clock in the corning.' 11. A. STU11.11::01 4 ;, Cushier. Carlisle, May 29.1857. A. ,13. EWING'S FURNITU R L—W A It 13-100111,9- - • • _ t'st l " l- 7 --- - • 11559 - 185° 44re West High tree!, Carlisle, Pa (l!retniunt dtrarilill at the Cum la-rtand Coiinl -- Agricultural Fair of 1807:)• . . . The subscriber had just reeelvs& the.most splend arsortinont of articles In his line. ever brmmlit to ti place—which he Is determined to soli nt prices that d— i). competition, , Parlor,. - ' Chamber,. Dining-1.13nm, i FtIIiNITURE Higi:KlC 11 ntitf Einbraciw every Kahle used by. Nouse nod llot liospars, of the oust Approved arch , lAsilloroble,lerl; and finish. Isolndio,: also Cottage turnituro In sot u and Camp Chairs. MattrAsens, dill from, 'dames, &A., &e. l'undasors are requested to rail 11141 fCallaillt! 14,101,. at his A . .qetisl% 0 ware-rooms, Nest 31/du FEI Pi North Sill,. A.IL 411 p articular Attention given as tmotil to funeral ordersfroUrlown rOuntry; at tended to_ prourri cud Oli moderate ter ms. , . , .. • EIVBTA G E' - lir-b UT E , NT. suta,criber has-started it trl weekly line Stages between Carlisle and latmlisburg leaelni: Cn 11,10 every Monday, 11 edue,day and Friday, haunt Moly on the arrival of the al ternoon train of cars fro the east. Rattly:lllW lea . ves Landishurg at 0/0 A. 5 every Tuesday, Weattesday and Saturday. and aerie ,at..-Carlisle at, 1.00 P, 31.. via. Terry County •War - Springs, Shermatudale, Sterrett's Gap and Carlisle Sn phur Springs. Oil and afer June thultolt, the line WI 'ha run daily for tho accommodation of pm,settgers gull to the Springs: —Fare tot htrFeveral pbinternalbilowsl---------'--- Cavils'', to Sulphur Springs, . . . Sterrett's (bp, . . . . . • " Elterwins.inier- . . . Perry County Warm Springs, • " 1.311c1114,,urg, . . . . ICETURNINO. • Laudislinrg to Warm Springs, . . . . . E D Shone:tab& le, . . . I blerrett's (low .•. . . . Etlnl.tr SiirloWs , 1 .•• 4 1 1 The above true will legularly tarry the MAIL to ae Ann the several wants above hollented., I hove also a well sleeked 1,11 . 1.1tY STATILE. fret . vhich I stn at all tittles ready to furnish horses and eat heron to tfise who will favor me with their warbling. in the t reasonable tertesund In the very best styl mayn't S5B. OEOIIU E lIEN DEL. • 11 8 5 9-• 500 PAIR TRACE•CIIAINS, I lb a Mean aura, talent of .. . BUTT CHAINS, ..lIREAST CHAINS, HALTER. CHAIRS, LOG CHAINS, PIFTII CHAINS, TONGUE CHAINS, COW CHAINS, • - SPREADS, &c.-&e. Just received nt tutu cheap Ilardanro store of March 1559. . lI:SAXTON 0 n TONS 11 AMMERED . AND ItuixED .11ION.—WItlt a largo assortment STEEL. . • SHEET IRON RIVETS, BOLTS, . - .2 NUTT'S, , ‘VASIIERS, . ANVILS, • VICES, ..EdV,,S., / ' • B.ASPS-i:. •• . - - ;":'''' SCREW' ULAVES,' ' • , -BLACESMITII BELLOWS, Szx Just received and for sale cheaper tin n ever, at March 10, SAWN'S A Gme U LTUII A L • IMPLEMENT AND MACIIINE•SIIOP. ON WEST LOUTIIER . STREET, alms, the residonre or Dr. J. Zltzer. nod Im •••• niediately In rep of the Union Engine subserllter desires to Inform the tartuerF, and the public generally. that ho Is note man uNcturing, and has constantly, on band REM'S CELEBRATED • Clover Huller and Clean6r. _ Also, Ow premium Horse-I - mar and Threshing chino; with vibrating separators attached. ~ Corn Shelters, Straw Cutters, or. N. B. Irons and unitOrlala always on hand for Iho ry pair of Reapers !mil Mowers, Threshing Machinea and agricultural implenionta Si all !chins, which will by.„,at., coded to promptly and on reasonaidd taints . • J. ABU:I4IIMS, PrOpriotor. A.. 7. KUTZ, Foreman. . • Apr. 27, 1852—bra • *ANT TAILOR, JIA'NTCIT,I3 4, I WEStMAIN STREET, (opiaiirito the Railroad otter,) harduerrecelved a new and elegantrassorttnent of Clothe: Silks and Casshneres, for Spring and Summer wear, embracing FANCY CASSIMERES. BROWN AND WIIITE MIXTURES, • FANCY STRIPES AND t • PLAIN COLORS. A large variety of spring and summer coating. sill; andrunin vesting, fine black cloths and Doeskins, all 01 which he will make - up to mealier° In fashionable style, and on reasonable tonna. . . . . .OC4- Ordurtrattandod to promptly, and do fitting of all garmonts warranted, or no attio. N. lIANTCIL Apr. 27,1859. - • • - • I:4 "RES GROCERIES! - 'AT 8. C. IIUYETTII Shad and Mackerel of different grades, ' At HUYETT'S Salmon, Scale Fink and Wbito Mb, At HUY ETT'S • Code eh, Salt and pickled Herring, Al ItUYETT'S. Cheese and Crackers can ho had A IIUYETT'II .Driod Frutt, Preeerirea and Jellies, " • At lIIIYETT'I3 Sugar Cured Hoof nod llama, . • • At IItrYJNITT'S A li esti supply of LIQUORS, At 1113YETT:9 01le, Mato Lead. &c, IO,N.TETS, RIBBONS & F,LOWERS 1.3 Jusl reeelyed (rein Now York mind Philadelphia, a large lot pr new ntylo lIONNF,TB, FLATS. end 1100118. Also, n large aseortmont of .uleuant Ribbons and Finn. ors. • Donnas fur 19X et the cheap stare of April 20. MM. • 011A8. 0011,11 Y. ' CLO.MY,THINO ,EXTRA: ... . pniriiiiiinEsulNa o 3l4olllNE AND 1101t9E•POWElt, wlth.gll the Wag Impnivements.- IVarianted to thrash and clean BO bushels per hour. ' " • STltletiLtllt &. . = Agent for•Cumbayland county. -- • - Juno 20.1859. • ' r r~.l3blB; prinie ' Nevi, Nci,' 1 . Herring, Ytu. just recielired, sod for ale at prices to sult , the at . • • HALBEItTfi. GAR ANS SASII FACTORY, East, Muhl Street, OARIASI.E; -- IrCouip"tetii Ur dor and supplied with the hest email noq fur executtrge . , beim, greatly enlarged Ibis spring end stocked with the —newest,ted--irmst-impreted-toler-ft-the-,puttrmtnetdre- of . DOORS, WINDOW FRAMI!9p-SABII, JOHN DUNLAP, • ' JOHN B. STEREETT, • Shntloro.l:Rndn, Mnultilhgs: Brackets kW nil other. kinds or Carpenter worrk. R • e Invite Builders, Cur• penters'auti others to call anti examine our facilities tbr —doing_ thin description of work. 'rhe boot Materials used ands prices 1113 kw as at any other establishment In • tho County or olsawhern. • • STEAM. ENOINES•IIUIT.T.TO ORDER. • . end repaired utilnfretolittre. Engines have Igt'en recent. t ly built for - W. DL liendersron .t Son, ib Ibis borough, It. Bryson & Co. Allen township, Ald tr. ilrothers.New- Ville, 'Shade. k. Wetzel, Nitrth Middleton, and :otaers, It wheat, etitublishment they may be seen In daily opt enition.and to whom no ran refer for evidence of their . superiority. ' • •. IltON AND MUSE CASTINGS.. of twiny dexeriptlnn, from - the stun lick,, to the heavies pleas, executed at short notice Inr every kind of ma. .blurry. A limit, variety of millrnxtl num now on hand :two skillful Pattern tankers constantly employed.— , II EPAIII NO promptly attended to for Paper Mills. Oilst Mills, Factorlys, 4te. Turning and :Fitting Mill Spindles, ec. done in .the best style. ' • TultEsiiiNa MACHINES AND HORSE rthyrnts. emit as 'Bevil Gear Four Morse Powers: Horizontal Gear Four and Two I Powers. Corn Shelters, Crushers, 1 roll 'toilers: Plough castings, and other ni• tides fir farmers, on ba l nd orpromptly outdo to order • BURDEN CjhlS BUILT ) , . and repa:red. .Ourfaellities for building Cars are-now' more comploteillan heretofore and enables tin to fur l:loll them to trammorters on the rail road on (wren& dating terms and made of dim hest materials. Orders solloited and entire satisfaction guaranteed'. The bun; experience in the business of the senior .6 partner of the firth, and the completeness of our nun ofAhe establishmeot, warrant us in assuring the he st with their orders.. The f•on.inued patrdnage,of our,old friends and the public is reepectfully solicited. - May tic, F. GARDNER & Co. - PRINCE & IMPROV PATENT - I DEON.. ,• • Viril,or,ousT ESTABLISHMENT in the UNITE STATES., EMPLOYING Two HUNDRED MEN, MI Plnl,blng EIGHTY INSTRUMENTS PER WEEK. Combining all their Recenkimprovi;ments—tho lllvid Swell, Organ, Melodeon, .4r., Sr. ' (Tho'blrlded con only be obtahnnl In Molodooom of our Manufacture.) • GEO. A. PRINCE 1k Manufacturers, Buffalo, NOw York EMI WHOLESA LE DEPOy: 57 Fulton la. h:.l'., 110 mrrst. Clamp 0, 172 WIIOLESAI.E AGENTS—ltus:lall & - Itlrbnr&on. Lau,Altisti,i W. F. Colburn; elfidnuntl. 0.; Palmer k. Wvber, Louis, Nri.7..;-14171.. The_ Nielt,dooott niannfurtimoi by Mace fi Cn.. and for sale at Fultna street, are the best, In the world We base tried thpist, and theretore speak understand nt their merits. They aro afforded at n eery mod orate cost. ' Your orta}a Milodoon, extending from, C to 0.,..... * 46 Four 11.11,1 n ball' octave, du. ' Cto F (44 —, VIC.) Oettive - Maloderm. do. 1 to F 75 _Five octave, double reed, do. IMo F 130 • °ROAN MELODEON. • Two Banks or - kayo. Five Sets of Heeds, Ell.rfit StopF. One and a [falf Octave Foot l'ednlfi, One Set of needs, In l'e of Bass Independent s3:>o Five °day...Melodeon, extMiding from N to F 'Six Octave Melodeon, do. F. to F 130 Fief. octave double reed. do. • Fto P'..•....... 150 Five ()clove, TWO Hanks of Keys a 200 Our for noinufecturhtg are perfect, and front our long eNterience In.Qle busine,s, having finished nd - sold over TM' TY''l'WO THOUSA I) 'MEIAJD we feel confident of giving - • AR-Meloticons of .our manufacture, either sold by us, 11====4ZSZEZI art WARR V 571 1, to to perfect hi every respeet,and should __any-repairs year front the date of sale we hold ourselves ready and willling to make the same free of charge, provided the I nyury is not caused by accident Or detilgti, I:0. A. PRINCE k CO. • Agents for the sale of nut 'Melodeons inny lie foninllii the W11.1(111111 CHIOS - Mid towns In the United States and esividas.. Agents at Carilhlo And Kingston J. A.IIEAGY. Al Nesvvllle—W. R. LINN. funal'6B. 1 0tH INSURANCE.-ThE ALtiN ..Ni) EAST PENNSHORO 31UT4111, FIRE IN :31itANCE COMPANY of Clnabtirland county. Incorpo• rite.' by an net of Assonibly, it now fully organked,and la operation under ttru management 61 Alio following connulnslonort . , biz: - . • Daniel liailoy, William It. ilormts, Michael Cockiin J.-- Eichelborger, Christian Stayman, John C. Dun lan, Jacoh 11. Coover, Cumin Ilyer, S. Eberly, Bahia akin It. Masse r, J. Brandt, Joaeph Wickersham A loxandm Cathcart. 'Cho raten oflneurance aro as low nod caw rablo an any Company id' the hind In the State. Perhomi wishing to became member, ' are Invited to make application to the agents of the company, who are willing to Walt upon them ht ally time. WM. R. CORO AS. Pros Wont. CHRISTIAN STAYHAN. Vivo Pro,thlont. J.EIVIS !HER, Secebtary. Tretuturer. -51:intlgt.r4.-ll'm IL. Tiorgas,.l, llyrr. Clirli4lan Slay nlnn, M. Covklln. J. 0. Dullhip, It. Mirth], D. Dolly', .1 If.enover, Alt.. Cathcart, .1. hi leltermlutm, .1. Elt.licibur gtw, S. !norly,.T. !Dmn. • CUMBERLAND COUXTY.— John Sherrieit, Allen , honey Shireinnostown; Samuel AVoodburn Dickinson floury Bowman, Churelitown ; Modo tirlf ,11th, South 11Plillolon; Fninuel. Drab:tin, W. Penns boro'; Saniuul Coover,"Meclionirsloirg; J. AV. Cocklin, ithephor&town; D. Coornr, Shopheilbitown ; .1 0. sax tor. Sliver Benj. Ilnrm atirk. Silver, Spring: Churl's I'm lido • John liver :`nrllsh•. YORK COUNTY.-IC. S. Picking; Dover; Pater Wol ford, Franklin; Joe, GrDiltit, Warrington; J. F. Dear &HT. Washiagton; D. Ituttur, Newburg; It. .C. Clark. - Dillsbura DA UPUIN CO.—Hower A Lachman. liarrisburg. Members Of the company having, pollOcsallout to ex• piro. hem renewed fly making application to anyof Iho Agoura. April '2O, MO. 'J NO. B. CIEURCIL • C. EISERLY. gitußcu &-KBERLY. STENM- 4 SASV MILL - : • L o AND . • LUMBER YARD, NEW CUNIBEItLAND, PA. All lOnda of . LUMBER, • conatantly on hand. Lumbetfdelivered at any i'adnt accessiblu My Railroad, ut ttio shortest notice. BUILDING TIMBER-- . 'OF ALL SIZES AND LENoms CUT TO ORDER. May no t ri LASS! .GLASS!!' PAINTS! k_fi PA LNTS !! A full ass,unent of Ohm of all slog! and quality, with a large stock of fresh PAINTS, el colors. Oils, Varnishes, J., Cement in large or Sl* quantltiell, at low figures at JOHN P. LYNN'S SON, North Him Over Street rilliN2 ARE NOTICE—Just re6olvpd at Keller's, North Hanover Street, a complete assort -1613 of Mon'ir and Boys' Straw and Leghorn Hate.— Also, Children's Fancy Hats, which will be'sold at a low figuro. DuuslVs9. M'ACTUNIEL, In barrels4alf and quarter barrels. Fresh On:merles, liquors, &e., at the lowest can. prices. ' Bacon, Shoulders, Hams, Butter, Eggs,"rallow, Bees. 113 i and Mtge, takeu In esehauge for goods, at the ch r of WM. REST'!.. Apr. ( - 1 RAIL' CRADLES.— Virgo lot' of dliforent makes. with English and American Scythes, on hand and for sale cheap, at May 25, 1859. 11. AA NTON'S., IT4T AND CAI' JplPdinuig„ • .1. O. C 41.1. 1 -0 & CO.. successors • to Win. li. Trouti 'would announce to their' customers and the publi• 3enerillly that thug bave.just received from lildladol; phis, a largo and olegant stuck. of goods, In their line of business of every variety, style and quality. They have on hand a,ifpleudid ... • • assortment of FIAT ANDO2c.PS • ' • of all descriptions, lbom the common Wool to the finest FUN AND „SILK. HATS; and-at prices . tlint must suit every one who has en eye to gating the worth of his 1,11e . 11.0y. The. stock includes, 2101.E5K171, tIASSDIENII, DE AVER t FELT nATs, of every style and corms dad uriiiipasic,rl for L 101 1 .2 .- . NESS. DURABILITY ;AND EINISN: by those of nay establlshinent In - the country. ' 'MEN'S, BOYS' and CI lI LIIII EN'S- HATS, and - CAAS, °revery description constantly on haUd. , They respectfully Invite - the old pationnAnd ae many new ones as possible, t¢ give thorn wean. . • • '.l - . - .0. - CALLIO & CO.-- " Apr. 27,1851441 y.. 7 • • • =! NIQK•i 1U LNoI-2.&3.•just - ro A. oelyed endto[ - QALDBRTB. i tliscellancous, MAU [UNE - SHOT', = PRICES .OF PORT . ABLE I STRU3I ENTS OF PIANO CASED AC/I.NT., Fish ! Fish ! ! Fish ! ! 1' nlistellantous. UMBERLAYD VALLEY R. qUll.liE ß A RRA NoEMEN • .117 OlSMliiiq. CHANGE - OP HOURS • - -- nil niterAtoNDAl, APRIL 11th 1859, Passonget 'rains will run nn follows: (: . 3undays excepted :) }ign .- .. .... , . Ist Tralli. 24 Train ' e.elinmlwrsburg, 6.10. A. M.` 1.00 P. ,4 Shipponehurg. 6AO' ... 1..52 '. 'Now vill, - - - 6.10 .‘ • 204 '• • " ' 11,411 , .7.10 ' Arrlra itt, llarrloburg, • - 71.45 FCip, CII AMBER SltUlto - "Tel 't rain. L'eare ifarrisliurg ,B.bu A. 31 O 1.20 lb - 31: , Carlisle • •.. 0.24 • a • 2.84 81iippUnsburg, . '1024 ." „.. 3.38':'• Arrive at Chambersburg, .10.51.. ". - • 408, " Trains leave for P . hiladul . phia;tla at 2.30, 0.05, Abe 7.50. A. 31., and 1,10 and 3,60, AI. ily Gadlng,.trtu Lebanon 'Vall4-11,411 Road at 8.011, A. 31., and 2.35 I '. ' " For, 11althm.re. a 1(1,' A. 31 nail 1.00, noon. ror TrPver ton and Willlane.port, at 1.00,4'. 31., and 8.30, I'. 31. 'Crain nn Dauplirn ”t - p.ou, I'. 31. • • 786T1C1i TO PASS 1'..3(1 011 F.: t all Statiouu 'fleketq are - 0814, 'viz: ChanOlotsburg; -- 81111.penshurg. Carlisi43lechanlrsburtz and Ilarrlsi urii. it reduction of TEN 00,310 on Oath lrieket Alit be made 101111 Possen., gers that prnc Itle themselves twit), Tiuketu before. en• taring the Cars. . ' . • • • - " Railrroad 001 •0. C l izThersburg, , C ARL , IS . I4I ANI) PrILLAPELIIIIII rfrg4. T .gd% t,3,1 • re. .1-7, D tIL.Y IP 11: VG II T I N 11: PEED, ilauu,c vICB0), 1:111 tRIZET .1. k D. ):111./A MAIN CAULIg.:r. P!. raVA or this Lino leave SIT Irk s t.. adl~, nt 1 n'rlovlc. I. 31. 1.(.51 Carll.4t!: I/Airy, at 7 ti,-100, .A Oomishitetile.l Gar this Lino siiotilir bp in.,rkedtde . Daily Freight :Ind sent In 1.) 4 o'clock. 31:1 v 2t7. 16:)9. • COPPER TIN VNO Sll EET ITION 'ALAN UFA( U 0 The sub,crlber Loh,. tbi, moo Carl of imori ling her friends awl the public. that she. coattail., the - nutiwiliteloro of all Owls of wca lc, in Copper, Tin mud Sheet Iron. tier Bloven are selr,tell from the, most bhp. proved'r.tyles. Tho'CoAing Stoves for their qualities -as cooks nod hakstifi cannot he surpassed. among-, hirit aro the well known illobe,'Noble ninny.rerresi ter, Oovernor, Penn, !hid the new Po mite, Prairie law..r. combining all Lilo tested Improvement, in fart the boot and eheapeht store ever enered to the public. The 11,4trobc :Coto, or parlor, lisatcr,ritoproviid, for warming two. limo or four, roonis, put up to order, Le sides a hrge assortment of l'ai'hr Radiators and Oleo A - stoVes. PRACES REDUCED. on PLUMBING F and (1A1.3 P11"l'INCI. These WhOldi.ll wen k done lb in this lino would d. , well to on I at tie old Stand before Conte,thot O ~ sewhere. , A , „,, ,1,.. to rT pined to do work far lower than the percent rates. lbave for solo and keett.toustan't ly on liand [be patent 'ldyll 'rip humor, IV/IX Mil,. plain 1111 d fancy OWe 0101,4:11,4 Flottlreo, 1Y isllolt lren Tubes. hydrants, Lead Pipe, (lien Hose. !tower Rai he, IlAtli Tube, Over. flow lllslus, Mar • hose.' tops. /lc. My it Orkusen are competent atnerellable. All work wat•rantell and for WOrklllall,bli, and Illnieritil. 11,i11111011ge competition. • Itlii- .t fen' yowl Cook titoiT , Thffiti tomw suitable fur pnrlfirs on-linudovhich-1-3 , i11....41111.aLc4ft, . ,7 May 4, Pita • 3IA li 'V M: MOR P a . - - IF - IXCELSLOR PICTU•RES . •J A. It. LIEN w ) N it) would - re..potfully Inform tk citizens of earilide and vicinity that he has taken room. in Yoga new building. east earlier vt Market :, ,, quare where he la at all times ready to tote AM kiItOTYPE:S In the'latest and most appraised style. Pictures taken In rainy aivreloudy, weather 00 0 1.41 no 'clear. and sit i.faction gletr_nr no ebarges made. portrait: ,and guerreoty pee' copied. Minkiture Pictures taken el. Lockets Ac., in Mobil type. A inbmtypes Vl,lll,nted td stand the test of time, hula or water. Lariletc Gentlencrp are roritially ti nito d to c and exaraineqporinions. Print from 2r)ots, to 4110. SIIME=I rt. UN G UNS,—Just - rbeeived a• large kjassbrtinerit, or . ' • Double Barrel Guns, iuglo •• •• . • • Bingld and D ouble Pistols, . . `Gnaw •," • Powder Flasks, • Sirift Putrehes; — . -Powder. %Vatla, &Q., at IL SAXTON'S Mav 25, 1E39 Paper . Hangings ! Paper Hangings • • conk: AND SEE OUR CHEAP PAPER, HANGINGS. ' CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. AND OUR FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. FINE GLAZED PAPEWHANGINGS. : FINE GLAZED PAPER — HANGINGS. FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. .s,ND ouR • RICH GILT PAPER. HANGINGS. RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS. RICH GILT PAN-At-HANGINGS. RICH GILT PAPER HANGHWS. And WINDOW PAPERS of various colors We wish to Inform the public that our. steel, of Paper Hangings, Is the largest and most tat led asset latent t.her opened in Carlisle, and that we goat...lllllg at pikes J hat will suit everybody, at 41.111 N P. !NNE & North Banat or St , Carlisle, where you run be furnished at all times w Ith Flesh Paints. Oil, Varnish, Sr, of the first quality Ina] at the lowegt.prices. k- > I V E l ' STA BLE.—llaving pm , J chnsed fro m .. IL Notion/oc, , his Id VERY E. 4 T, BLISIIMENE.I ill hu al,ays ready to nccumnm• , a e , tll,i public• with 110118 ES, CAR .DUO011.:5. Itud even. other ar• tido In my line. Ilynitrict ntieullon 1. bui,luebs:lnd u.desiyurto jilunse r tbu sub.:ll3er hupes.lo revolve a liberal shun. of public putrovulgi, ~,,,, ...... 0 EOROII Ill•INIW.L. • N. B. Omulbusses on buul•Vo supply those sr ho ma: be in need of them. t 0. 11. =BM I)our AND SIIOEIIAKING.-J ) & U. TAY LOH, return their Fillo4o tilletlk X to their Customers, for the very liberal pationage eaten. dad to them, and would renpeettully inform the public 'that they otntinue to tuanntaolure CUSTO)IEII Work, at their old stnod, on North' lice over strea, two doors above the drug store Of :C. W. ilaverstick. With a number of firnt rote workmen employed and facilities for ceenring`thlnest stock to ho timed in the market. they ate prepared to make up every deserlption of BOOTS AND SIIOBS, for hulles and gentlemen's wear, in .the most lashiodable And of WAIMENTLD wa • tells Is and workma Many years of practical experience In the business both heremmi c hClPUMlnlphlajustllies them In saying, that they are ably to insure fun sotisftctloo to all tinkle 'who may leave their prdet P. - April:ll,lMS, tf , ' J. &G. TAYLOR.. rrOBACCO AND SEGAIIS. The fineo qunlitte• of Lupin. Twist. Cavendish, and other, eheniag Tobacco'a Alt:—Fillo Imported Havana and'Cuba 6ennr., also choice laands of domestic. manufu•turn I.yr ehluirg. and Baltimore Cut nod .Dry Tobacco. .Our, friends cannot fhil bolo plen•nd by examining for themselves. Nov. 10. • J. ll*. EBY. A GRICULTUR AL - SOCIETY OF • CUMBEIMAND (10.11NTti. MEETING, 'lB5O EZEI The Fall meeting and exhibition of the Cumberland County Agricultural Society, mlll be held on their nun Fair Ground, on WEDNESDAY, Tin RSDAY and Fitl• 'DAY, the 18th, 18th and 14th of OCTOBER, ISM - Thu 'ground of the I.4oclety will be greatly Improved, BO that all °Melee for exhibition mill be under rover, and tlie diepley is expected to Ito much larger than ever before. By order of the Society. DAN'L. S. CROFT, Sac'y. June 141114 m ,- RICKS, MIL!, PICKS. An assortent of John Harris' celebrated now patchl MILL PICKS, just received at tit. Addeoßural implement store of M. it. STH.ICKIAIt Ji 11110. The Plelis are superior to any now male. AiUll are Wurnilltud., i Juno 22, 109.. • RISH LINENS.—Just received Prom A. Now Yersk a large assortment of 61till Linens, of su• puller quality. from 25 .to 73 cents per.•yarti, at tho eltorip,Btorobf - —l. A. MINIUM, Jr. • INAILS ! NAILSII-1000.Itegs best eiuitrUalitaa"pr6p red to sell Nails el the irx,tetqallv Ttheviryleweet mice. Sereona In want of nails notl building inatoriali would do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. .11e. LYNN & SON. Feb. 2,1858, .* , North Hanover Street. - D Lscuzsiurrilw co..A. .-109.Q0 Lir Bushels of Bituminous Cook from the celebrate/ mines, refolvimpaud for solo by outwit 5.1867. - W. it., MURRAY PVItSONS SHAVING REAL - ESTATE FOR SALE "T.llllO VALLEY 9TAA It?? a very deelroblo "ad vortielng• modittim"dcertisrmentn and bo ordered tbroughlho "•11EltALD," or sent to the. undersigned. ' J. 31'. HILLER, July, 27, 1859-3 th • ' • " Nerreplo. Ea. , . . . I UST :it 14.:(j..1t11V E Li; a lot tit Straw and Hay Cuttvra, at ttio Agricultural Gore 11110 Carliale, July '1,9„ 1869, • r POR . D I- S LIV NNTG It A, T IT IS COMPOUNDED 'ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, and '• hel - bettotne an establislfed l'act, a btandrud Medicine known and ephrOved by... all that have used It. • and is ,1101,,t moiled-lel CO-I with- :confidence In all o.db:suites foi a id-lt,lti Is recommended' • , It hat cured tittl4pndS4 IV I within: the last two , years who htal,gl veil up t_ all t hopes of relief, as the numerous shin shun , . - - 41 I t ... ' ' . • -.. - The dose must ite.adep- ted to the temperament t• 'of the IndivldUalstPising _., It, nod` used in - such quantities as to act gen.' WI tly on the bowels. Let- tilt, dictates of : 'your Judgin en t guide yen In the use of the ~. Liver Invigora- , I or, and It will elan: c o ? , Liver Comma intit. in 111• ous attacks, Dynpepia, I op -' Christie Diarihnett, gum mer - Centplaints, 1 , ),i- en, I 0, ' tcry. Dropsy, Nour :Rum_ .....i.t4 ) .....„_„iilltivrt—tVstrr,• -.. - - - t neseq -- Chelicr—pholorsr— Cholera Moritus.Chttlra t„,41_1 I u tan I unt , Flatulence, Juand ce, Female weak- , _ nessettrand may be used IMMO?. ily On .ntp . ord . i- , firtint!ttlhY — ltthArl= --- tr• ,CINE., twill euresl4- - • .t_lictiache,*(ts thousands' 'can tent fy.)ln to qnty g minutes, if tine Or darna it t,t t ugaio Cuffs are taboo O, at commencemont vi lb WI • " - -7 g 2 1 "... Wl5 345 ~ Allho uso It ap? I to - In Di w fever. - MIX WATER IN THE 41( IMOUTH 'WITH THE M iNVURATInis AND -Q - SWAT4OW BUTU-TO— °ETHER. Price One pellet per.Botille. ' • . ' , .... I,l*. '-',-, ALSO-- - ' ' : : ,-- SAN P-O,R-D l ' S - ' ' CAT IT A It ,C IePOI Pare Vurelftlile - INtr Cafies, stir tight. a • it nit:. • The Fatally Cathartic Isg general hut fie— tive Cathartic which the -• proprietor ban used In fix practise more than 02 twettf3 years. Tito constantly in— ..retislng demand front tlnst. Sol, have long Its, MR .ed the Pills and the sat isfaction whirl, all ciao IQ in , regard or their use, has Induced me to Ware Illyur Within th 0•111101 of all. I=l The Profession 'well 114 4 1:now that different Ca-. thartire net on nilicrent (portions of the how el, 1 he ...Fatuity . Ca- thart lc . box, with due referent(' to(Chia - well e!ivibl 'e llted,. fact, been compoundet hoe shirty et the purest vegetab , eektracts 'which net alike nn every part or the affinentaty el, and are geed and safe In all cares where a up 10db:it - tic is nefded.such ex DerAllgrAlitilltS AV the IStoninett, Sleepiness, Pains sin the nark and'Lnlue. Co,,tlvenens, Vain and Serenl.s over the NO Iwhole,hody,front sudden .euld, whirl: frequently, 111111 .1f neglected, end In long rouree Fes et, Lobs E. L Ap7itAilo, A Creeping m Sei tion. of - -old - us - . I tlib — totly; - itest.nsaness, lhaninche or wetght In 41 Ithelteinl, all Inlibmnot• tory Discalegi, Wornet,ln (Children nr Mops, Itheinnatktu, a greet W Purities (litho Dime] and nuuty dlheaseslti w filch - MAI Is heir, too nuntur mute mention In' this adverthe:tnent. Dose, I to 3, - - 30 Cents, —. Thn Libor Invigorater and fatally Cathartic - phis era retailed by Druggists generally, and 'sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. ^ , • T. W. Sanford , 1 11. D., - • - 513nufact urer and Proprietor, , ' • ~•35 Broadway, Now York. June 15, I 615 P. 0. N. LULL, Supct't O.\V_A RA) ASSO CI T TON LAI/ F. PIII ,‘ A Benevolent InEtltuti, , n, estublls'lncl .by special en domnent for the Pellet of Web essed, .r t =4==l The litOVAltD ASSOCIATION. la slew of the awful destruction of litninta life, enticed hy Sexual diseases, anti the deerptiote practised upon Ilirnlifortunate vie tints of such diseases 0 Quacks, several years ago di - restedr - thoir — CMlMilfingWritillA RITA ntn AC'r worthy of .their Mute, tool.ma a hispensiryfor the treatment of this claw of diseases, their tbrine Altt tCI tiItATIS, to all who alsply by lettim,‘lvith a description of their conditimm (age, occupation. habits of life. dc..) atollTt• cIISCS of tt,t• t rotor, poVurty, to NIJIiNiSII AIM/IMES FREE OF ell Altu H. It •needless to add that the Association rinanntads the highest Medical still or the age. nod a 11l furnish the mast nom ov. d toodorn treatment. The-Directors pf the AWO !ado., 111 their Annual Tio. port upon the treatment. of Sexual hibeases, - expreiiithe highest anti:42.lton with the success a filch has-attend ed the labors of the con,.nitin g Surgeon in lice Care 01 81tortillitarrlitett, SOndlnd Impotence., rho,. (I loot, S 3 pldile , 010 vh a I trOnitri Ittni Or S - I . ll l mbuttd, At, • nod Order a cootiti untie. of the same plan for the ensuing year. • • A. R. HEN WOOD. Art.ll.l - The Direr Tors, no a review of the moot, feel assured, that their labors in this spbera of hellevolenc effort, have been of great henefit to, the :iffi . leled. especially to the young, taut lUev Inoviv resolved lo — devnto them. With 1•1•111,11O1 zci,l, to this very hopohnut but 111111OIA01 , 11hilli cause.• .Inst !midi:Med by the Assnelatiou, a Report on Pifer. mat orrlnen. or Fend ear 11't aktfess. ale_thee of 31asturlaftiolf or:elf-Abuse, unit other hirtastat of tilt! .Fexual Organs, Ivy the Conmtl Ulm Burgeon, which trill be bent try mill. h realt4l letter envelope,) FREE Ult CHAIR/ reeelot ot gostign Either Rep, aod •g t -art., nn the, ' trot fire and treat tillellt of FOXUllll,lilt:e.i.g, diet, .hr.. ate constantly being intitlish ed for to Atilt°. flie.tril utiom and in Ito sent to thf) afflicted. Some.of the bOll . !enfants and mothoda of treatment 111mm:teal dm log the last ear, are of great values___ AddrogA, for Report or teen uv.Ut, -- Dr. IiEOIIOE CALHOUN, Counulthu: Houard Absoclatk.o. Nn. 2 South Mulli'St root, Plaolelphlt., Pa. 11y order of the Direvtors. • • EZRA 1). HEARTWELL, Preshlrut OEOI 4 IVC1111,1). S6..;?Jtary. , MEN=M PIMA DI:1,1'111A 3IEDICAL !IOUS; E-I , ,Tablia,. :ed t.rrnty.t wo 3 ears' ngo I,y Dr. KIN coiner of Third and Union Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. , TWENTY-91110 YEARS' Espodence boo rendered I'r. It. a no st Furcessfui pract RI nUr •In the cure of nil diseases of II prhato nn; tore; oun.hoad's debillt. as an hourdineout to ,ous and exual Infirmities, dissese of the mar ( rhea; ne shin, and those nri log nom abuse of mercury. TAKE P;tETICCILA NOTICE. 'filen) blink evil habil sometimes Indulged In by bop. In solitude. ortengrus,ing up with Meru to in/v.1.0; Mitt Wllll . ll, 110 t reformed In due tingll. limit 11111 y begets serlousn,bstaele4 to inntrbient Int linppluern, but gives rise ton series of glob - m.od, Itn.iduous and devastutiug allectioup. Few or those who give way to this 'monitions practice /Ire aware of the connequeneo, until they lied the ner vous sp.tent chiffon tl, loot' strange nud U1111‘,1141 611.10, setn.at oex, and vatzue loins of the mind.(Ore pages 27, 28, 20, of Dr honk on "Fell-I , ekurestion.") The hhcortu,ha. thus atiorted baronies feeble, is none Lie to labor with, avenstoincd vigor. •or to apply his stud to study; his step is (.8, ily and a ; lie Is dull, irresolute. and engages et en in his sports a tth Tess en. et gy than unlink ltd. and his scum , tells him that this is caused by Ids ' , ally :ollles. These-aro considerations which should aWaken the attention of all who are 6411,1140 y situated: lie wholdarea hinipdf ei n i Dr. I:INIiELIN'S 'Crest. meet, reey ellgionsly rmdldn ill the honor as n gentle• 1111111. anti Illy Will that the nerets of w s patipit, n lit never he disclosed. Young Man—lot no also tdodehty deter you from making younease to line, also, Irvin education and respeetahlllty nit rert..ioly befriend you; I:r re;•idelico bae tqwit for fl; Net Oven tv.two years at the N. W. Corner of l'111111) AND UNION TItEETS. Po. • - PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE• Can hare (by stating their eIISO nxpllclUy, together with *all their'sy 1111110111 N. pet. letter, enchadlnt a remittance) Or. K's medicine. appropriated accordinglx. Forwarded to,orly part of the Unitect•tates. And packed secure Iran DIN3IAGE or CURIOSEEI, by Mail or Express. -READ! YOUTH AND MANHOOD!! A vigorous We or n Premature Death, Kink°lin on • - Self-Preservation—Only 26 Cents. tors containing that value in stamps, will ensure A Miy, per return of moil. GRATIS! GRATIS ! ! GRATIS!!: 0.4 P A FREE GIFT TO ALL. ' MISERY 'RELIEVED. " Nature's Guide," a new and popular work, full of •aluablo advice and Impressive warning, ailliewalculat d to prevent years of misery, and save thousands of Ives, is distributed without (huge. end forwarded by' nail, prtspald to any past In the United et.a., on ro oirino an order endoslug tut - , postage Mahal.. d0c.15,1658-Iy. OO.D THINGS.-=Just received by , or the silbserlber. tbo following: • IitESII TOM ATOES,.in Cans. l'eael}es, " Salmon, .• I,bsterx Pickled Lnbiters, Sardines, Sap Sago - Cheat'', Pim , A playHp Virgin Oil nt Alx,.fur the table, Tomato° Walnut do., Mushronni do.. Woreestembire Sauce, Brenda Olives, do. stuffed with Anehovl“,•—• Pickles, Raisins. Dates, Figs, Prunes, Oranges snd Leni• nns..Flue limns. Dried Beef. Orocerlea Queonsware.Fine Lig taws, Fish, all at the lowest cash prices. nt the cheap store of WM, lIENTZ. May 18, 1859. • Carlisle White Sulphur Springs, CUMBERLAND yuuNTY, PA. favorite and fashion/fl u'Skittering Place, pleas antly locatial near the base of the Blue mountain, four miles from Carlisle, Pa., Is now opep Mr visitors. The waters oPthesti Springs are highlii impregnated wills 'minerals, and for drink Inetind imating ale not surpas• 'sett by any Sulphur Sprittys in 'the rriuntry. The buildings are well ventilated and are surrounded by 12(111 foot of balconies. -Thu scenery is of the grandest hind. and, the accetnntraistions for the recreation,. health and comfort of the N loiters are unexceptinoable. Omni fare. pin a...int strives, fine music. billiards, bowline saloon and other genies, and all the amusemeitts usu ally found at -Waterlog plates ran be enjoyed ben , — isi tors leasing Philadelphia or Balthnose In the morn-, J , Yg traltiarriya at thoSpri agent ft o'cloca ? P.l.- . .. MAIL For Maher Infortnatiou aildreiti • - OWEN, CLENONNIN di CO., - • • ' Carlisle Sprlngs,\Pa. Tilly 12 , 185 1 11--2 m . 00F1 N G SUATE.—The under . IL, signed ban teen aptanoted aannt.-,tor the aale o hut/VINO HATE and has tit.... and will constantl ° keen on band a full extpply to meet Thu &monde Mindere andnthurn. -- Those In,Whoter -a euperlor. nr _ ale would do well to eall at thit„,Lumbor and Cool Yar near tho Gan'llouse, June 8, 1859. - VERY FINDARTICLE =of Dried Peet nut extra sager cured Haw, th ird I r, MU. BENT? " lents4ll, . • Ntehicines. NEVER -DEDI LiTATES gluing their tetitintoliy MEE • • vaem . neis; and iif . nri in (Mee nd will keep itcany.,pli- bot,.ro the prnetlee has clone - HEMEMBIH, aneoll SIMON