IJ -n A llt-pYg . --)I1 A ilr-DATL_ILAII. E il,..l3ntehelor'r . . • , UItIOINAL AND. DST IN TUN WORLD: . . . . . All others km mem imitations, end should be avoided • you wish to eseSpo ridicule. • - GRAY. It ED, Olt ItUtiTYJIAIIt Dyed - Instantly to .. ' beautiful -and naturtil Brown or Black, without too limit Injury i(i . thite or If..klit. - ' FirrEEN 3INVAIo9 AND DIPLOMAS have tom, •. nwartied to Wm. A. liateliteor slime 1859. and neer NO,- . OW!applications Intro liven made' to the Hair of his pie tram of his famous Dye. W.V. : A. ,I(I4ITCyW PILOS !LAIR DYN, produce I color not r arbe,distlimuihed from natursuil is warranted . ,• not to iluilre in the least, huiveveg it niny be ion - tinned. end the lii offsets nf 'Bail Dye remedied; Oa, ftlnimitiViimnitegilfor Life by this Ppliindld Dye. , • Miitle, , sold DOS - tithed (it ii private rooms) nt the Wilt Yaelork, 233 Broadway, New York. Sold In all cities slid WV/. Or tIIC United States by bruvists and Fancy liooPei Deniers. lit Tl... . the illumine has tile name and address upon a steel platteagrarlug on four oils of each Itoi. of _ -- WILBIA - 11 - A,DA - Tal BLOB,' • 2.13 Broadway, New York. .. • • . elnld by . prugrlsto In Carlisle. ' W :fifeitelreireiVltiFiliWtou kes an rents all. They are elegant, light, eaey and darn ble. Fitting - to: ii - oharm—no — turning up . behlnel—nn shrinking °ltlidhadA; Indeed, thlpilivflie:only"Estoli , Ilehsnent where those things .1411/ properly understood and reed°, '233 itroadany, Yew York... nev.17,58-,ly DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EX ; PPACTOILLIu nl diseases Intl imitation more or less predominates-now "7.43.ta11ay intliopmatlon strikes . st.the root of disease- . ' benrc and iiiimaillaidcpre. 3ingical Pain Ex -tractor, and nothing else - will allay .11111mi:dation et • once. mil make a certifln cur., , • • , MACICAIi PAIN EXTICACTOIL will cure thn'Olowliic among a great oitalocue of diseasee: hums, Scalds Cots. Clindos. Sore Nip),lea. Corns,-lion - lons. Itruises. ' Stralns, Bites, Poison, Chilblains, Mlles, Scrofula. Ulcerii, Peter Sores, Felons. Eat-echo, Piles, 13( .Ep.it. Clout. SwWllagn. Itheumatlsui, Scald Mad, Salt Itheum, !Wiliness. Erysipelas. ningwerm, Battiest 4 Itch.firnall Po <, Measles. lunch. kc., he. To wan/ it linty appear incriolo i litni that no ninny eases shoold be reached one article; •such an Idoe mill 'vanish when reflection points-to the fact, that the. pub. IF n of Incriallitiorits,alieb.and -every.. one aptlyluuc a perfect tb Its opposite disorder. Ualluye Iltigical Pain Extractor in its Weds h, huld ral, bac+ use the time le sport . between disease and a poriumont cure: and I , iamn extractor, as it draws all. diaue•u out of the elected part. having nature as perfect a 115 bUrOrlf the illjUry. It ojareely neveawry to say that no hom,. work 'shop. or manufactory gonad be one mu• mesa without It. . No P.llll rot tr.ictor la genuine °niers the hex has upou • It a steel plat• engraving, with Ihu nail., of Ilene:) , Nl3llullant ore, Bar salqay.all_tlut._Drptritists_ and< patent_ruedicine deal47lTiroxiehat the Unifed States and Canadss. l'clnelpal Depot, 166 elkainbuts St., Now hurt. e. F. CIIACK • . [From tho Wheeling TIM Ffi and GAZE:TV:I Tioamii it oily seam •trittigo to many who hay o not aeon ileyot there id 06 &mkt f , l Chu fart. that lirof. Wood'. flair liraiorativo will change grey hair to Ha original color, and Oa 0011 It to nom on beads. • ntireiy -° bald, and .;- n Mix applications keep it from trilling off. There, woo n time when persons %rho had lost their heir were en:mottled to wear wigs or du itiffOntt ounce the - .111 t, 01 -OPd. WlNllr&Taliknthertl in IlUtlougt.r any lie• coach y of WigN or grey bairn. CAUTHlN.—unworn of worthless linitationo, no seserni are olrundy In the market. ea'le.l by different names. Use none unlos.i the words thioessor Wood a.linir iffirotivo. helot. et, Louis, No.. omit .New York.) ore blown In th b..ttlei. Sold by all Druffilstii and INtent Medicine Dealers. Moe by all t•'nney nod Tidiet goods dealer,. Inn the United i:tetes and I:mind:ix. 4e Nattuts. . , . CAR LIST. v...pirtonuen• • ',Reported 'Weekly • for Ilse Herald by • Woodward a. . 4 hllllll,ll ,FL , .171t dilpt vane, per*.t.bl 710. • Eitra. 110 do. , do. RYE 11H EAT pee.lov.hel 1(L: 11 du • do. 1:1CF: 110: COON , ITS" (1101 F ) do. 1:4,11'1:W4/.1M vsgi:o do SPIt I NI: - ii,Vlll.4tY do. W Nrrdi 14A'o.i.EY do. A. DIAII K EVES ELIII'R • - total ttIMILIIIVO of any shippin, d, , rotkod. hot there to 110 dlspunitiOn-ot, ilk° parbotholders to accept Ittweo gyn.. • - tattoo,. the rale• are roof., tt to the wants of the • boom tra o. at 46 00 4a tbl. hie I.ound old stock super fine: $", fill for fresh ground, and $5 25 to 51 . 1 i f 5. for an tra and fancy iota, accorillur to quality tool fiC.IIIIePW The receipts: otilye Flour ate lhilitt d. but thereto little or no demand for It. IV° quote at VW, urn Meal Is dull at sll for Pennsylvania, . • With -lucre:ism' rectditts 01 IV.oknT, nod a falling off In the-dentankl, prices. hare ilk Mord 5c 'al bush. Eaten of 450oa.$00ti boalkels prime sontliern and Tenney nut at $1 280'1 NO, moStly at $1 2a, nod semi lots of white at $1 turf.. 1.13. Itv° Is to moderate request. end further ratio of r.no,tai.iwis now Pennsylvania' were male at Ti,,,. Coes In-In fair resilient and pricer are ,Lady: sales of 1000 bushels yellow at Vic, is k torn, 011 . 8 lire to moderate request. and 2200 bushels sold at . 87140 lae -e for old Pennsylvania, end :11c for new Delaware. • . ldtr ages. • 1 ,- 013 t110 . 1 7 t11 Inst.. b• the Vor. A. Babb. ?Ir. HENRY 6N %DELL to Mho: cATIIAILINE FOK , ' On'the nth by gAnn, Mr. JOIE( YOUNO, to Mks 'ELLEN 111.1811. ,)f4.t.inkt county, On the woo ddy,•by Jim mune, Mr. lIENY'SPROUT, Cn Mht MARY .1. It 1;1.1.1.:Y. On the lath nt July Inet. Mr. J. D. IV ILLOCOIIIIY, or Carlisle, to Mb... 11 DIE }ADIS ' Arz- Tho h.ving Leon published in tire. 'ne•nin forni in our piper moon teLkln Ritter, we npubllsli It with. Ilio unmes or the !viler. correctly glans. , On the Nth Inst., nt Ilnyinulurn llotul. by the Rev. Kreuter, Mr. PItANCIS 11. ,ON, to Mien LYDIA eounty, -„, c a q.s, Cm gat urilnyb he _Ell, to York,fPn., Eno.. age.] about Ii years. tin Monday morning the Dili lust., lu thin borough, PETER IV E1131.E.1'. 10 the 79111 .leor of his age. Ile WOO auntie° of North Miihlinton . township, but for the list thirty years n reniiialli 01 thin borough. ,mil thrbughout It long life. by lure the reputation of a worthy citizen honest 'luau. On Thursdry evonlng last Mrs. JANE A. RAM; MAN, of thin borough. In the 60th ynor of hor Neat fititiertienuttF, 'PEA CLI E Itti 11' NT.- charge ol 2. s E cho D ols, In Dirk loson.T.i.rnship undlorllnd eouoty. during the redo. log Winter. !,n whom noun] will Logien.. Ap plicant, xlll ideal for uxemhmlion at tho 'Stolle Tay ern' Srhool House. on the 2:111 day or August, at nine tiolo:lt, A. M. By order or tho' Hoard A. COOVIiii, Seet'y. mum N OTtlili We the no HU. mans or Dickinson and•WeFt l'ettnelr.ronvlt Townehli e. het:ovine that the Q^rlrnrtlnn 14" toirlo to Injut Inns to thr of the fartnin4l4ontouttitr. take Lill. meth. od t• Inform tIITNN MIS AND SiNtItT•IMp:N. that WO wilt not permit bunters to trespass upon our prtnit, either to .I t birds or other name—but color. e the law :welted thtm In all rents • Henry Lion, James M. Holston; (iistrge I, Una. John . Lindsey, Genre., Line. Benrref . .Corithers, Charles %V. %Veneer, I 'ti. • ' on. M. Caredliars, ii.. 1., •itlionds, myy 1'.1411, , ,_- eter Hitner,, !miry Carl. A nitrate li n !slop, Adorn Wolf,. • James I. IhMitsvii, ' Andrew , li. Yonne. MOO) Old Newennier, John Urent.s.ll, . .7,10,4 arathors, Charles Lee, Alfred FeLee, , Bilgieski Lee, T,& 11. Lee. • - John gisliburn. Jr., • George Kissinger. Emanuel Line. Bantus) Kenyon, J. Ilotdorf, henry Bushman. Samuel Stuart, Jr, Fanin! ,cstuart. Sr., ,Osinuel Orelloolll, Aug. 17. 184.9-2iir. /fn. F.lllett. • ' lirorre Lino. Jr, David 1.1,10. Jr, Thom I Pr, sr / John Dully,. " Lurid MO, AM: RICAN HOUz,E, -liortlt,#l93.overl s reet.. Carlisle, Pa. • Mr IV .KLIN E , Elroprletor., Q -. l'Mo House hoe In‘n refitted ton euktiur etylo,Ond le now (Ton fur the acconmodialon or Hoarders ' • • • :nod Travelers. _ . Al 0 DERAT F. R MS. - ESCULENT `TABLING ATTACHED irAANTi, T Th .etaKl• CULTURAI. SOCIETY • EXIIIIIITION.—The Ninth 'Annual Exhibitleii of the Penueylvanin State Ai iquitural Society, will be held at Powulten. Philadelphia, on Tuesday. Wedneed..N., Thursday and Friday, the 27th. 23th, 2gth lend . 30t5 doe of September next. On the let September. the Secretary will remove to the ileums of the rhiladelphia - Seei.dy for the prontetten of Agriculture,' No. rtlii ~;tut Street, Philadelphia, where Nook of Entry f r the lichlbition.will be opened. ' • ' • • ' betters adPreesed to' the 13xOnorAnf, at lianiabura. or CitaftLlO K. KNOtA liustleton, will meal altlatten. Coil till let liapteelber. • • . • • . A, O. /IEISTBIIi Secretary,, pONNS: 41;07,1859. . - , ,i..}...41 . for earrial on all the Rail 11”..4: 1 n:$11. rf **hr. In and In . tree of obarre. • MEI upilerslitsird AP9.lvlrrot of U. II KlvlTor. will rlfer at-public- on Till 131:911A V, ,eptumbt.r 18..9, clintnl9ll9: 1110 ACItEs OF LI.IEsTONE LAND. - 5.25 SEM I 2.0 all unto oil the l'oor House Rood, one hat tnl e e.tt or farnilti In n Mgh otatu cultirpti , n. And under good (tee.. The ilepro.oloolite .1,004 ofn lnrgetcw 111111 K bunt In. tta der. n Itnnk linen. COttege Temint lloute, At. dr. One °r m. 1...101%.! I)! ti,com,t)_, <— 11,4,4 ronle Ito p . m; orty; mill) be sold 'curl aornu n Whole to:Nult purtinutero• Any por: clobirleg to lo,rolleee,ll(priinto sole ptiot thus day of ptsl.lle tat.. Van' do tot: , ~ . Iter,ous wishing to view the po perk are requotted to call upon either or the Ilndelek:111 , 11 r4idifig lu Car- Hide, or upon liieder' , .n the premise, , W. It _ tt Astdr.t.e.'s. 600 2.00 I I E I{.l S" A L By enter of •undry writ/. of Venditioul Expduanitsoed out 1.1 the Court of Counoon ! leas oft;u3ll ,,, tlatul c•alin ty and t P or diIIPIPLIPPI, I % ill exp.., to 'pnblic Fole at tll/1 Court ti.ntro In the borough of C orlkle, nu FainAi, the Mb day of August. A. 1... ISMI. at lu cielock. A. M., the folloutnK deSallletl Steel Naztute, to wit: A 1,..4 lirmtnd. IdluatiFillffn;roug t oar o. containing 31 feet 111 frond'. and •24 feet in depth. inere or lem bouudedlon the gnat b 3 our nffey. ml thn west by South tinnm or Street. on the north by dot of V. In hoff. and 1.11 the soul h by lot 1 - 11,1.1In'shr Ire, hieing thereon erected a three story platlored Sr •N 11 , 11;04, a two, awry brlgh—back—hubdlng.•briek Icyrute other, out. boutex Seized and [alien In • ex nutlet: arr&•to be hold AS the property of Ilt , nnovllle J. Jileffey. . ALSO. . A lint of hiround. all nat• In the boreintrh of rnellsle t containing ptt feet in front nod I IP tort In depth. noire or I.•n hounded nti the• north by Penn street. on the tomtit by an alley. on dm went hi James Collin, nod on th e cant •beet • Intrittif trei•titil n two gory FIt.UI frown Lltchvn, frnloe'n .amt 111t11{,. hop and frauu• stable. rcimid and Olken lit ex• ectitlon . nud to be roll ne the properly of littorgelVettnel. • A 1.60: ,A Lot of 1./ennui!, mltnetc In {V01 . .]1.1) . 0,041 1 1 %. bor.' tonneltio, Cumberland moody, in 111/111.1111 . t . hS 1134. in trout and IA feet In depth, be the sante 111.11 e or lecs, .! Mounded tot the si tog by a public p.treet. on the north by lot 14 ;Wm. Shettlier, on tho cant by Kiser all e y. and H on the eoutit by a' tot of It. Erb, having thereon ererteda rno storY FI:AMIiIII.I.'BE. belted and !liken lu execution and to be mold' um the property of James CI11u•. A Lot oftiround. date in Flalreninn4own. tower Al• len tOWI eLh. Inruuded on the tair.t by pit/potty ot Ales 'Colder.. Ult.) west by °the; proporty Cl W. I). shoop. t. tbe not ill by Midi. sir°. t. :tint on the Arttlth by 'Rh onntAlningtti foot In front 111:112ott feet In depth, morn 11:o lug till!renillereaMi nllllO Mild at half story Irmo HOU:AL And titablo Al.Sk A Lot of around, situsto I t Hdremenstown, hotthded on the east by other properly or Iv. It. .hop, on Iho west by nu tilley. 4", the north he Multi .14pret. eliii.On he molt. he eot.t7dUrtg, u.es feet to depth, lust or 11,n. A LSO. A Lot of Ground. Rittlittli In Shll,lllllllooTlll.l,ollllded 011 by lit of Look Esehetiktutat. tot the west by other pn,pert. of W.A.Shoop. contaltolug U 3 feet lu trout Aud Y 34 het In difioth. wore or Imo, Reran Lida of ttround, situate Pa Shlromanatown. and bounded on the east by property . of .1..1111 lboydy•liell, on thn Woe by grope-ty of John RupplY hpirs,llll the north by Sono.' btraet.llll,i 1.11 the VOW II by Dium pid.-; pprty a D Shoop run tailing 2SO foot front and' 200 feat It; depth, more nr iron. ALSO. A Lot of Orntutrl. rituato In Shlrroinstorrit. hounded on the ratt by othor proporty td W. ft. r hoop. on th e wont hr property or Intel NlerLl.l. on thr untlt br W. thrhoop, ud orr the tooth -lin,proper ty of !Ivory %ear hilt, rootrtinind about 8;4 ac t rble. nowt, or less, t , rlr.rtl and fitkett In eXIICII , IOIIIIiId to be ;odd an the pr operty of irilliatrittt.:sltoop. ALSO, 'nu,. Lott of ground. nit unto In Ilingueatown. SI nor I.nritut township. bounded of, tin, twin by pronortY of . •1ne0t..41401t..00 tits ,rout by prorerty Joseph nu limo N , ltth by the Harrisburg and turnpike. and on t 1 o south by an alloy-. containing earl] 411 rept lo front ono liio fect s ip dp•dh, more or Iran. hating thereon erected-1 ton story double F.' .4 311: fltiliSE. and %Vagoitruakor shop, and frame Cabinet maker shop. • A LS( • Two' Into of •eround, citonte In Ilognestown, Miner Spring township, bounded on the east by _properey of Wm, Fink. on the west by property efielar I.ny. on the north by property t f tieorge If..liman, nod or the south by the turnpike. contalnlmc eitelC44 feet In front and 240 feet in depth. more or loos, having thereon erected a frame blacksmith shop. `niece and taken in exert:- tlen and to be o•Id as the prone, ty ofJohn Kern■ Robert I; rea,on, J 4.1111 Dunbar, Da ld rni •Jolip Eppley, • 1 4 .31nuel Willie... Meek, Diorld Ilelstoe, ..hustes D. lireeson. Henry Dear, • David or.. Daniel I' .1/01111 ==ar!!!=ti!! • .. • . • Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county and to we .iirected, I will okptsio to public tale at the tame time and place, the following heel &date: A Lot of tiround. sit.te in the bormigh of Newille, containing 30 feet to front and lt) font in depth. morn. or teen, bounded on the east by Main street. on the wont by lot, of.terob :twofer. on the north by High St.. and on the south by Church Itllhx, baying thereof, erected two two story 11111 CK 'MUSES. four one and a half dory odic., and frame Warehousc , Seized and taken In execution 'and to .be sold ua the pn party of !Samuel Bear. John tulolph Ih.hburn, John Z. Paul. Jnhu Adam 111.thhuru, J, , bn Niter, • John Mark". nr., JllCl.llslye.v, Anthony Fighburn, J. & 1). Paul., A Lot of Omund,Atuate In Newton Mwuntilp. Cumber land eon oty, GOlllnining 46 fentlir 'to t and 160 feet iu depth, more or less, bounded on the unrt..h by property of Joh it ylurpby, End., :ay. ti, south by lot of Mrs. Ann Ilivldson, on the enst by Railroad street. and on the west by an alley. Sized and taken In ex:mutton nod to ho sold on the properly of .1. 11. Cobao).M. And nll to be sold by me. HOBERT MerAIITNEY. dmdlllnnit :• On all nu:omits over five hundred dollnrs. fifty dollars are to be paid when the property Is striekon if. and twenty flvo dollars on all amounts um dyr floe hundreddollars. s'"• blierllT'm Office, enrllide, .1111 Y 6th, 16511. J F .O . NT The subscriber - lan Itir rent a 'mall throo sOu_lTlck. • " ' ---- Ifothwolttnited on 'sun Ft.. In the borough of Carnal°. • For furth-r ps r • - tleuirra and term, Inqulru,ol .1. k • ; yo-r. Rhoads or on the prointoro. rotmels • - slon Oren Immediately. " GEO. P. 31YE143.: Ju1y.27,11+69=4t . . . WHO 18 THE OWNER? . • r r Three astray , nurse. ' two • years old, were tal: - .41.up et P 14116.14, 'E , ' -. ~ on %londay, the Bth Mk.. one hi nearly J7- 4 101c , a white, oue white and brown - spotted ; b iimp l and the ether le nearly a•browh. 'tin .., L .,, . 4 .. owner hatureby [Willed So (IMO r.r. - 7' - ward, prove property, pky themes and take theiitttWay, otherwise they will be sold atwording to law. :. ' • DAVID-DIITENDAL; Aug.10,1R39-3k lkir A I{ .E liNa.4. 7 4.1 t 3; just ne.lrrel nnd 4.: fide low H A LH gwri. ,l," it. NUSI:3IA KAU: ,_......_____-_-... -- - ' r ORIVAILDING—AN-D.—oO3i-Mls- 1 + , • VION (MUSE: ~ , : .. ~ ,31 A I . .v L 0 V )11, • 1,.. iii,„lF 11 . Vla ; 'COAL:: PL. - ASTER - i kND-SIAET. 1 • rho subscriber , . having tilimi thi , y nrobrjvii.i.th ~,,,11..,' fixtures of.Wili.'ll -31nrnty'sitrsli known e 4 ithlishium.t. 1/1"'"W/1/ 4 11 i g h street, ..p;ionitelni•kinSine Co' A., w, old 1-Torm the pid.liellint thoy ti n y ",,r,,,,, d i,,,, a ~,,,,.,,,I . ; Ft., Will din,: /1114 Commission unto,. N. ' „,, hi g hesconirLet pact, will ht. al ' ir,Ylmii3Ornio and Pioduee 1.1 .11 ' Ilion • They tannin, fireplmlto,•tro I iiroductd ntork to Philmlelphlo niiii Um tl*rit, et Le lowegt•Oks, with safety nuidenputrb. .. .. . . PL.C.StP.R. AisilitliALT.kopt consLintl,r on hnud, *ad , FLOUR Ani'Pk.ED at wholesale' or rehills. - . ,., ~Contof all hinds. onibraclng tYKKN'tii VA I,f,Fit, . I - . LURE 14111 LEO, , , SLINBUICy — WIIITE - A£ll ' ' ' . .„ • ” LOCUST CLAP, Liihebtittier' , S Mit,Blailkiiiiiffi i ii: -- ' 7 " . . . .., \.. - coNi , Alitri vq,P,14145.-• ' ' . . .• HE'P'l'. UNDER. COVER; . nod duliseird 1111 toritti port of thin town,' , ~.. ..' MEEK= MEM EARLY & NONEMAKER Aug. 17, IBM) Cili;c2an .. - TH E •SE.BSCIIII3.IIIIIS wish to employ an active relinhie ninn I. 4.13.111 , eci1un th; State to ltaVul And tal.e order's for ' • o SEGAIIS AND' TOE AOCC, by Nntni44.. pity n rotty irko $BO - 0 .r pery, , saynble ttn.nthly. For Pa .pier and petttentsrs moldy to, or iddres?. Itteloning ntnmp for return poi:ingot, CARY k SMITII, Tohnerettints, " ' Aug.Th'Lfh :112 Lrnil Street, Sew Y. rk. T_TOUS'E Al T AT PILLII-21T LE.- 1 Tho nubseriber offers et: private saip.'n HOUSE and LOT OF 171:U1):Cirtilt sin towilfltip. near the turnpike. n. thl:e nod it half east of Mount hock. The House . is Fratele. IVentherbearded. twit storien In height. and con• training floe rooler and kitrlleti. with watit.h..use, amid ep, ern ~tt,,ebed,. Ti o , I t eoutninn ACji*4 .5 the tort it land, hills n 11111,1 y er.jilolll/ Fruit. and harittlyterottfill thereon n FRAME 5T.111144 Wagon- Sited, and other out PerFunnslvirtnltur tin Pitt.. the proi.ertY Pill to en, by relking on .Irfeot. Itinch, on the prenliren. or on the nub , erilher. rerloing neer Nevrville - . , . - 17E0 li VAVID4(I:, ... . . Aug.l7.tBlll)-tr. / . 0 I !l l 2 l e l l ‘ ,l N ln S o ' rde ( :c ( 4 ) t i l ' i l' • plot B ns A 'l L 'i i r 4 r :: t . , of (1 9 111• 133 herhind coaoty• I did rrlt nt l'ublje Solt. Oil the !weird. nek, nt 1 o'click, I'. M.. im SATUiII/A Y. the lit h tiny of Shi'f t.MßEltolext. The folhoOng tleserlleck lien' . f.x. Into. - thnt rortnin trnct of land Altintodnea} Mnildel d -on the State hond. In Wont Penosionmph Township. and Into the pnmerly of William P: Lindsay. deer: wed, hounded omit., in thrhy lands of,lobw F r „, sr the wont and north fonds of' Mnrynret For ws. d thn cant by Inn& pl3tarenret Forbes and John Ilnithar, , CONTAINING AIIOUTILI ACRES; and luring thereon' erected a two story • FRAME DWELLIVI 1101'SE, •••• its tt I. Vilma Bar Ihp 111 r out buildlogs Them in a 1..• MI thin lrot tltya Young lir chard of (Mai, h .Tr,o, - • ..*A44 aid. nee will he given Is I d terqui Rind° known da) of gale SAM ITEr, Olt I: ‘S,N, - • Adminixtr3tor of Win. 1 ind,ey.- A ug.17,.18511-I. VA LU A BLE FA BM .'I 4 ATE OK PUBLIC SALE IMISBEES! ESE MEI ME MEI :,:::'Xii -- ii1 : 1-760'ilft:l1S,ales .• • • . • F 0:11 (I E AN D: E.ktl N D' It Y... VALITARLE• FAIN. Piiii'..liALE! . . •. . . • ' - P. LA . C, S A LE' ... .. • - ..The'unelersigned Weis at pt tratiasealni that gain. ••• .. ._. . . .. ~ . . Able Farm. belonging to the Iletragf E. StitYrotan, deed, - ON' IVEDVESDAY, ,A1101.11.11.i8i, ISA the under• sit anted in-Hampden Too what .Ctimbariftted County strited executor 01 . minuet Merlini !teed., will expose ! and houbded 'by the lends of 1.1. ;Marton, J. lib7rly, A. me .lie a . ..won the piontlses, nil thee' Interest of said and others, containing. tocJeol, '144.4 Ohl* Ha II.! I . I hot yealuabla pro;;Sterty ' • • ' 'Filli, .i as Lire - ' _ 164 AM 7101 - PERCHES . . 1 1 . p; Toit .T - .0 0 "It - 0 E,• .1 of which, about 1 re In a high state ,orcultivation ; situkto In the borouth of Earlisle, bognded on the north r and th 'l. wd. ' "'''" In r vere& with Timber • sufficient •for by-II igh street, on the east by the Letert Spring. on the south ily a lot of- lieerge ( tendril , and on the west ate the use of the Firm. .• Thu improl agents naint of a xnbstan . property of Jnagh Eug. Also, a large lot of - bor.:Mil ' ila i ' . .. ... . • . scrap lion forge tools. n quantity of Coal, ate. . 11"rafherboarden , . ion House, ,I: . _.. Also, on the same day, on the premises. a Lot of a STONE TENANT 110 ' E &large BANK !' I ' Oretunal. situate in the bomugh of Carlisic..bpunded oh HAHN, (7.110(.(1M1410 . OM Sion, Seeing - ' the north by North street. nn, n nkit by e to o r Nary Ilwass, and nll et • _Ross ry out buildings; There (Minors, on the south by Locust alley, lane, on the west hie te lot of John Noble, cntattillling_frnicetin_front and _ aratwo Moon mar ws. , one , eat the Mouse : tirs , 2 i.; litkepth hay ng thereon erected n large ' ' ' Mthergt -thn-llar two - 1 , growing ate the fruit. and n Nom Otte ,Thn lances ars IroOod or .. ireMINDRY ASO MACHINE SHOP - der; about 300 panels of new post and roll, and..board iticilitil v ititlralilliaillitiaratcettiltraiiing aliegion fenttl'h Y lwri ns ""M" "P' t ' l.lwrelrb""l "K reat' l gine, eurning bathe, drill prose. circular maws: pattirme! 4 '.'n'tikY " "”" 104 4 , """ w '' ° "" &,,,. ; Ism; some IMO, pole ate ready to be cut ; .bout twice ---, Stile to commence at n Forge:at - 10 o'clock. A. 31.-,- the number oequired to piece Cho etitirorapertyhneler when terms wlll-be made imam by -pis.'. „a • , .' . , . o and roll fence: EOllOO BEI NOV. . *, . he Emma Ilex In one of the loops ofibeConnaloguinst Ex'r. of Saint Mtertiti, decd. . tick, Ita bonneted on one stile by itctonl hue running . water in several of the fields. It is 'within one mile .L. front the: Carlisle; ' anel Ilarriethurg . Turretiike, Ttie ._ Bridges u'e and Rupp:s Mills. render it of eany • access at all times. - . - It - conthinitda the hart grain.market. In the county, being only one mile from the :aforesnid 11111 x. taros (ram Olnchaolt'sburg - rend siren from liar rlsburg, • ~. . Theh MI. Is of Bre trate quality, consisting of a' rich BLACK SI. eiTI.,, very cloy to till, andexceedingly reita• ble and productive In its yield. As et.good and desirable Earn, the shalve•propertY Is worthy of the attontion or those wishing to purchase Persons desiring to make further Inquiry, will please address, or call on the undersigned, at his r videos* In Carlisle._ . . Ju1y.20.1859. pluv-ATASALE OF " • REAL ESTATE. ' The sebscriber now offeri encouraging induCements •to those of limited mans. who de ire to get a cheap and doshuble home In one of the most healthy and enter. prising places la the Slats. .Three Paper near at hood, and the last 'lately erected. is now In successful operation. for thentanufarture' of fine paper. In wh eh over Ina hands, male and festal", are employed. Ilesldes 31t. Holly Sprlngs,litithe lose of the t4lnth tiounirdo, a noted venturing place._ being unusually patronised,' adds Materially to the'pecunlary lutereste of thepeophi The i,dloarlng described property In adjacent, and in• tendtel . atran - addit lon - to - the - Opringtc - and - also - tirthe beautiful villmte of oapertown • d 0 -T,er \ N T 8 rn now Irttln• Inlrket. lnc+d+•d on the etot and weld . 41,1,..,, of thu I'llolll.lre and. l!ataltver turnpike, A miles iouthnt Carl Is 6. Thu lots are an averaga of 40 feat In front and 200 feel. InJongth. The beautiful steam; Mountain Creek, lumen poet -a portlon of thuin, Alen. tie largo - STONE MANSION HMIS% t. „ . "::' • ' '' ' 'l and ono arra of ground. garden, and , s _' 3 - ard, fruit trees liraltundatiee: — This" bodge gut:dna I 4 o eeitlt lame "•iSM,,, moan, e . .... 1,:,...,,nt hitcho,,, a ell of watt. -at. the door., tool acknowletigeA,to.he a t ery dellghtful In .tlOll rOr in private re.,14.1r4.4i; Also. a twt ...tory IVEATIIiIItfh:iARDED FRAME HOUSE, and lot. alt.), a Slaughter hod., tlioroon Orerted. baling ,a 'good. inention far a hut.eller—this ht, , lttess having' bean amtitAbly estaltihdo,l--or a g.ael busk nuns standtfor a .11131.11411 k. Also, li.iTAcnEs OV.,)IOUNTA IN [AND, • , Y~ ~s'^". 77 w~'uj~. itlite andoak. 234 influx of the above property, litteitor ‘2,-,t•Z• gout water power ler Axaw mill. , • Tho terve will he totide very WTO , IIIIIO. _ • doting And Oren( I.ert.taltin may let eted.eetelel.tlly In rho log Idlttg lax, to fostlr iteltrinual ottterprlee. Nett.. tt , Wrees o e me pereennlly, At )11. /1011 Y Srrill,S. Cumberland evuoty, P.I. M=M f) U . -13 d 8 A 17 7 1 J us virtue tho thn 3,111 of l ":7lshn Sal ley. arc s a.. of Minim tolsvnehlit. expoxe. 11,1 An FRIDAY., AUGUST '2.ot 6. 1 1, 5 1 1. nt 11 &Meek, A. 31.. at the znenelon bowie the R.l . Crtieleolso.l. in thn enwnelilp . 1111111 n, nbout - A'f - 1' itillen wo4 or inv. 111.. ihn following .col .'Cho farm In will torrivililli,oll.joilling lamb! or Whisler. lb vii Whlslor, John Whittler a nd George 1,3111114, ronfmlniog ' ' 1 2 8 A C. dl E li, - are or ie.s. 1114 , 11 L Inn acroa of which ara elearnd and 2=M3=2=itlZEMEra lo Uhl ooa brecladn loro . 110 USE, , '2 , 1 .x Ilarn.andwal A f0i„,4, 1 • orettard . 4:ti:114 % n.:ver faili•nt grr..al d . water Nun 1 igl . ' , I't lt the aarat a Mob , afford good it a.adt 14. S. , ... ~. ..11/ /011 E ral o , said' d2.:tsr,l vnatilulol ah.. 7.0 Arra, ' ~, Zso^, • all .11 alii It in Oaaroil au vultiva - r t i "•,• - led and .lorea gwd apple ~ , Itard 3 ,,' , A`ith , 1,4: (blow and Log, Ilan) Own! ot. nod run 'dug wat, nu It. • '.'io ' ~~t;. Eta= %hip. Anil t , • about town miles from Cho ahotn d willed hum, non; well rile.• lolled to supply either or both of thorn , with ; it von tin, robtout PI rirroF. ""Tlroliori)Toroit sale "w ,4 111 "erucy'cilll bo"nr.cdo known in the docy of sods , by .101,1 V )11:13.1Nfi FIR. -.-•. dee'd Tr, ,00 0 ncoo /lay rho l'oociontoorlool prtronourci prooperry vow:looting of II horm , sitcom c ocx:hogx, sheep; hods and lolling, will ton• sond by the wioloocc. Xll,l %AltliTll NAIGLEV. July 9to. I tiflit SALE UT VAI. LT A 131.4.;, • • -. REAL ESTATE. • The undersigned moMeneer of Potor F. Eita wlll offer tit pnblle loth, on toe premixes.. 414 m bra want of Carlsle; on 'Thornily. lii. Istday of September. TS.SV, . TUE CAEnISGE IRON .WIEC ES ESTATE. CONTAIN. INO Atiorr woo ACRES 110 IASI), '' • r Ile:wenn 4 and :,00;eres of whirl, are elenred end un• er 4 WA stele of culti,etton. Tht. Is nne , lf the hest properties In l'ennarlre blend ,iror,, Ih, illllea. naea•rlled fur ell kinds of mnnnfnt•Lur ug purpases. hnp•oroments e 01.11.4 in pert of A P1)131 i. FUIINACM AND CIIII*T 3111.1., • Ith 4 run of stout's, a large two St,fry, :")., II It IC K' 11.0 SE , tr:Mitinelcsinftli Shop, eart.entor Shop, ! 4 1LO . Mill. CO3l 11011•041, thi.0.13 WV, It • A N-K 13 A It N n, GrONI 110100. corn !vit. - and other TICCOMIIry out build. Ingo. also a litrgo a umber of •N A N T ri S E.V Thvt water nower no this est ito cannot i n hurpassed, comb 1,11,7 to, it d.,es thn walxrts of thu Iluilill,t spring. nod tho Yellow Itreoehes givinn no ample supply of Ts.wor at all times and neasuus,-baving RI foot of hood and foil. A how, pottiot of the loud In ascend. with Chestnut tinthert.jrY,l could let sold small lots to great ndror,te. Tern per cent. of the!purrhnse looney to he poll when the property In strirken oft urge half on the let of October eniudna. when the deed trill bu dellreird end p0....10n enteri. Ttie lialetneu 'ln two equal nunu.4h payments with Interest. Nor fort her int rtleulnili nditreAs .Inn. It. tinilth nt ear• o r pater V. Fur. or the undersigned at Bolling Sprlow, Post Unice, Culobarkilil co. • 111 , . 1 / 4 IJAMIN IthUtIIAN, • CllitlaTlAN, Ithitlt, • A asigneen, FEM mr~¢ VALUABLE i‘1.(11,1 - , PROPERTY • 1) ,- F A R :I‘E' ,AT PUBLICSALE ON TIIP,SDIY,. the dth of September next, Ilia (f -lowing described Hind Ei.tite. situate about ;I4 miles west of carlislo on the Conodogninet Creek,counnouly known as e AYS' h Grf.it or Merchant Mill is of stone recently erected. to d contains -4 run of ,mit& Atm,. is M P s orn Kiln attached The 777 water p , wer id one of the best on the crew,' A 111.1 V and substinstill dais has been put In .1u• ring the wlt 51510 mor. I hole lea PI ister. CI it er 01551 saw 11 id.(the latter new. and a Ills a .. . Johnston Wheel" :Witched,' ei0111.1,1,1 Wins the Cfrist'M In eidineCtlnc soil tilll. about 11 or Ii acres of lend ;lei aid tiro tenant houses, therrtiu ere. led. Tine F iron contains about 200 corn principally of Illnek •lain and Ib•tt•mn hand. /dant 60 of which. are • covered with thriving young timber, _The lan proventen aro a .F 11.1318 WI. Vfli lilt BOAItOSII ILO S , n •.suv It %NH II 411:g, and other. couvennieW ennui butidimm. The Pence!, tiro In nro•at ss: Oar: • order. .1 thriving young orcluTl - and other fruit 'recs. c . onsistiu of {tears peacues, •Incr. • also at fine mull of water and a spring. The land la la a g•eal stet., of ..ultliation. about 6uno bush els of Llano having been put on within the last 3 years, •fine alone pi operty.will be sold separate or together, as may cull the purchaser. Posseesion of the MII Property 0111 ha given. tray tireedesirad after 1' sale. Persons deriroun of aNamiiiing the property. nr nh tat clog further Information concerning the same, may unpin t n the owner on the premises, or to .1. L, Spoon for, Real $ state Act.. Carlisle Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. 1..1114 on the preinline. When temne w1:1 La mado kuowu 1.1111,1 P zdaLEn. July 27. 11159-2 t. DE AFr ESTATE AT . PRIVATE Li ) . SAL. E.. subacribrr nft,s at oily ItO sate a TA liable tract' of land. sltuat• d In Low, Minn township. about • f+ur miles from I.lrburu, ou t h e road loadlOg to Harrisburg, rontal Ong ' more or lean, lit amen of which Is cleared and In a high etate of cultivation. and the balance cared silthgood thuh..r lie COlMetilenCo to market, renders It e de• nimble location fora email farmer.., - • . •Persons wishing to view the promisee; eon' do so by opplyriog to the subset 'her, on the adjoining farm. AMOS 'allhiur. I= 'HOMESTEAD FOR. $10; A HOMES'rEAD 'l , DR'$lOO; A ao, HOMESTEADS FOR .fluOUand over, situated on and near. Rappahannock River, above and below Fred orlokmburg, Vlrepda, A new town. called Rapahannock. has recn 'i tly been laid out, In Culpeper county, in the midst of the Gold Region of Virginia. surrounded by mines and mining. companies: and finina and town lots in alternate dleb pions or charm can now be had for a mero sang," to induce settlement lu thin' desirable region. +l6 .0110 = worth of_iandis.toini-dliblod—emougat-purelinse're er given may as an inducement to rosin on and make • provements. and the land In of the most improve: qualities. hiany,haro already settled and scores f others are coining. Good 'arming land. In tracts toe it •pnrcitmerir Coo ho hod at from ten to lwouty dollar, per acre, payalde In easy quarter yearly instalments. .Unqueationable titles will in all mows be giant. .Ka' Agents nre'wented ereywhere Mien these hinds:- liberal Inducementa will be Oven, • • For particulars, addrese July 20, 11350, F O It .8 b des i ruble I . building lot in Mel u street. adjoining the store of 11,11cli 8 Sawyer, - rontaining a (mit of 22 feet, to thedepth 4210. Thorn • erected on .part lot a two: • W ; story brick dwelling with cohere on. •-•*- terneatb, and a brink stable at the an'. of I. e ot. Privilege :ten o t o.n of wounding we. Ural:ulnae pipes with adjoining building, Apox to • Jnly , 27, 1 , 70. ' • 11. STORC42ON. =1 20 Aelt EB. A,' . I)A.UDER t •Laud Agent; • Port 110)1,11, Va trat-estatt Its _F_ . _ ' • ' JOHN K EITAYM Carlisle. Aug. 10, 180: Exegutnr. CIIOIOI4I — FA - 11 - 1 -- A - P — PU - gIiEC SALE.—WIII he nold.M. Public Pilau. on tiny pre• minen, ma 111UltSDAY,Abecllioth day or BETTEIIIIIiIt, .1859, of I drLKk, P. M., n • .v-Ar,trAll E FA.RIM, Monte In Norrt)n townellip..Cuml.erland County. Pe.. ■lout 614 mileeeamt of Slapprneburg. near I be ""three eprlngpe. end the vilbrze of .inekocorille, on the south Bide or the Walnut nottour Rona, lato:the property of Sens uol deconeed. rontninlng I $2 ACRES maid 69 PERCHES. • There Is plenty of gond Timber On ells promisee for the use of the Form. The greater port of the land is however cleared. and; in a good state of cultivation; and is naturally or an excellent othlity," Apperontly there can be tvgooe LIMES'fONE QUAlkitY opened on the premises. Tho,buildi ens a neat and con. , ' veniout k • " • . B ?kJ mprlling Ilouar, . A good lie Bern, Wagon Ohed, .t. 6 . . 4 4 1 . 4 .••••• _afro-a-Tenant ilouse: - Stablei - ke. - , - r Well of good an, nevenfalling water 'near the door of the Men on,. also ,Spring near the Tenant Rouen. There is alen ott.tho farm a thriving ,Oroberdrof ,choice Fruit, The IF Ina WijOIAN lands of Jamul Kyle. the heir, of harks %Nur. deed., Jacob Beavers. David Demuth. and others. The location le very desirable Pere°ne wishing to view the above, described prnPer. ty, ran do 010, end can have all necessary Information, by application to the undersigned who reside In the immediate vicinitv. . _ The tannic which will he roneonable . ,;: will be made known on the day of wile by DAVID c)anwead.„ DAvin•DEmuTn. • Executors' of Samuel. Caldwell, dec'd. Aug lil.lBsfi-t. a. • \ . - A .031INISTRATO1t'8 SALE.- A very deNirable r arm will ho offered at.publie On S97'URUAY, SrpieTler . l3, 1858. no the premises., en the Walnut tlrtttom rood. two mile,. went fit Centreville. 11.1 i alamrotte.half of gyeter's tavern. SAId Farm entitelue about 22 ACRES AM) 140 OF I ESTONE LAND, -. adjoining lands of intnee'Mt.oru and other,. The ith on...lents are a WKATIIKRUOMIDND__ , • LOG • 11. .USE ..e....7P 4 • F11.1311:11Allli, a no I WF.f.f. of water near the noune, an excellent , , rvlinril of choice truki, At. - Abn. at !he woe time and place, will be wild the, '1101,!-SICIIOLD AND KIICIIHN Alec, nee fresh 3lllk Cnw. a lot of Loctint Poqn; a lot of Tiro ten. Graln•Fnn, de , • - -• , 8.1i0411,A . 111111.11V0 nt 10 n'elneki• A. af.. when terme, -- will ho uncle li,nown ANDREW 51ILLEIt; ; Aduer of Henrys:lllller, dedd. Aut.lo,ttip.-t ttFir Any potport x'lFltipt; to ece the property, can do i!r, by veiling et the prvtulten. H AVE A HOME Or YOHE OWN ? DESIRABLE . • • buiLuisu LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned will offer at privatemle. the whole, or in lots to Ault purchaerra, of that delkirahla property. eituate on the mirth able of. South 'street extended, Within a short distance of Diet 'neon (toilette and the Y.w'ry M. E.. eh Tlta.lot. Vitt/41034 arrest. It is to a neighborhood that Is Imputing rapidly:a number ..r Bde residlorrea haviog recently been bUllt, in the lin. medlat.e.eleinity. The street le gradedoand 'the water mains run' near to the Property. It le bounded on, the east by a 30 feet lot lAdonging to 8. B.lttnitli, and on the north and went by'property of I. 11. Parker, Eery It would hr s ,and 10,,,ti0n for a Female 2 4 .entillary,,or for a private resitinoce. Affording suflicionLyxn . for plgas ure ground. , nod garden. If not sold by ti.e 3d of F.eptembor, the lots will than be'olued at nubile sale, at the Court - House, at 10 re: .dork, A. M.. divided into 0 bandsoine building lets of 30 feet each. in front, and extending In depth tro:4 300 to 307 feet.. • The, letnlo rentnwt to thulr location nod nine, are the taunt eligible building lota for PR IVA,TE R ESID PATES, that hare been offered for some time. and ouch an op. portuolty to rentre pleament W.es may not noon Occur a..otht. !traria may be seen at the Auction Hoorn of A•m. Mold h son. 'rho title lot utolloputahle, end et resennable portion of the purchn.n money may roman at Intereot in the property. • For Enr/Isur Infornmtlon oppir to Fit WATTS. . _ • Attornny In facCfor SAMUEL N. SMITH . - - - " • . earikle, A55..1.10,1 , A0 . 1 1 ARM AT, PRIVATE. ..— , . 0 1 SA 111:.—Located In South Mld• ..` -I, I Ileton t...ww.hip,eutuberinsi msty. .. . -.......,,,, • about 2 , .: su'le,roulls °apt of Carnal, • .v- 4 kir ' ,!. ...-2-11..T..., , .... ..ostbintiolr nt ta ~,..., of HIGHLY IMPROVED LIMESTONE LAND, with good building, an Orchard of Choice Fruit, and a Well of never.felliox water. For further thirtirulara'npply either perannalli nr by letter to thuanberriber, at Meehanleaburg. l.r. ~ AIICIIAEL ritIESE. Aug 10,1E59-4t 4 •• lln rl.Lurq lA'nokly Telegraph," tiwei tint! rolul bill to this oftico. IF AND AT PREVATIMALE...i llte undersigned am attorney in facef4 Johnson Nlat tin: or Monroe township, Cumberland county, wilt tell ot private Fain - , •• FIFTY Olt SIXTY ACRES, I iir the best quality or 'lmelda:rut lend In said townahlp. bring aTart of the,hirui On which Mr. Slartln now re. sides. Of the part for sale, all hl neared and Ina high state of cultivation but about ten acres which is covered with .031.;„ THRIVING YOUNG Mrs. Martin will join in a deed to the Persoun deslroue of further Information, svlli call up on 3lr. Martin, residing on, the pretuls.s. or.oll the sub scriber residing In the borough of Car. Aug. 8, 1859—tf AN TATCILES, L JI: W E I LRY AND: ' We would respectfully Inform our . friends, petrouw id tho public got erallr, that weddittrwpst opened our NI t WATCH. sItM 111.1t1 SILVER ' .T P j et .. t 4 T N I U A) . f•l sAi r l lc F .,l l ;, A , L . ' 12 1 ; we ulfer wholesale And retail. et the /invest Muth prices, a large and very choice stock of every description of good. usually kept In a first clans Jewelry Store. We hope by untiring efforts to accommodate and please not only ftt.retain al) our former patron., but moaneda secure large ameterridirrto the mms. Every description of Diamond Work and othertlewel• ry, made to order al short notice.. . . .. . - 14- All goods werrented to be . e reprerented. •*. Particular ottentlon glven n to the repairing of Watchoe mud Jewelry of every dracrhillon. ' STAUFFER & IlAh LET. No. 822 Market dtrort, Phllarlir . N.-11.-IVe will ointinne our Old otore, No. 148 North Second Street. for a Alert time only. . Judy 27 - , 181859--3n,3 , N IV BOOTS, A SHOES, • HATS, CAPS .1011 - N littl'lNE, hacklc taken the stand, on the north twit corner of the &inure. resyntly-occuphid-hf:l. D. Keller,• wmpd reopectftillylieform the citizens In town and country. that he has jug. returned from Phil adelphla with a now and deelrable aesortnient of geode In 'LW line. comprising GENTLEMEN'S FINE CALF DRESS BOOTS, KIP DO., LADIES' MORIMICO AND GOAT HOOTS. KID SLIPPERS AND - LASTING GAL TEES, .11184.ES' AND OIIILDERNS' BOOTS AND GAI.. TiSßSOnlrreat Tartety - , - Boyi' - iind - Tolith'illii6to and Drbgane. Men'., and boys' • HATS AND CAPS, -, •••:` of every description, and a general ersortnientnt straw goods. The stock has Isten selected wlth.grest rarcelid will be sold at s very small Advance on city wholesale prices. • . . na,. Den!t forget the cheep . corner, opposite the Fier old °nice.. JOHN IRVINE, Carlisle,•Arr. 18. 1850. ' " ~ . large int of superior Silk Dusterd. dbentilla and Prenrh ace' Napoleon 'Earegee, 'Lawns in great Delaines..ol3inteee, CAlirors. -A full line of Embroideries from .eurtion, at, lam than city prices. lacy Mitts, Sow • Douglas ,k Shorsrdwre unequalled fliiirti;dlrdef freer the fectorv...ffulleble Ow. chill, on. mlasee and lediee' wear. iloodarrof gierfddsariptlOn.. PlO/1101, will at ' ,ixtraqfp, N ow .4144m0i Atjaß •:' ~i#n=.~:~~u~rctsFm~n~~~; B - 2 . • • • 411 T A. .1' it, IN; T . They are the brat CA L1C411:9 yet offecuct• to the pubUe • " . ' fur the money. IVIIIOLKAALE Aar,iTIES, DEFOREST, ARMSTAONG, - 4 CO.. -.• ' NEW 1 : 011.K . . April 98.1860—am 1VIA81.1111( AND W g B.42lN:stun Mt, and - 60 Ann Stql . • • linportlnt 01' AI :Id Norman A Moine Mot. _ o c.doriairalriniirnataf; - WiiiiCdrrNri*tini'a — : tuba and cake' cnlnre itrunhes .3lntlietnntiral and.' Dmuirntainon'n Inrtruinonts_Drawitig and Tracing Va. `perA,'Starmimoves:Sttirtviiropic Views. le. - . - - - The .particular attention of linimmtersi,' Dealers end others. Is called, to the neir:patentmetitod•of putting up Lend and V ac l'ainte In met:file Cans. of which Memory & Whit m dre.theaole proprietors. • These Cans ere intoodel by-time inventor to 'obviate ' the difliciilty heietaifere existing in putting up o f Lend _and_Zlnc Irt L etnajl_ kegs. All rim minim of.pifint are aware tdeft the loss on Lent and Zinc put up In. small, wooden packages, Is from (brute ten per cent., and In many came =shiners.; owing to the absoretioh of the ' oil, and the consequent hardening um the paint against the wood—to nay nothing of the additional limber re• quired to inlx'paint ready for Ilse. after It, has become hard In the keg. - The loss of tie. beg. too.-hi a considmo ration which should not be lost sisht of. The potent' CAN not only obviates these dtglcutt les. but in addition thereto furnishes the i,vmnsumer with n saran', nod eon. renient paint Pot. out of which to nee the paint. which is Mono worth more thnor the 411Terenedef cost between the vans and huge. • The Dann are pacltedin saw drat. in simng_reses_pr_ cotitalmo2oollms 25 lb. Cane; or 4 fill lb. tiamis..nmid they may be safely Ai pped by rail • road inr otherelse.to unread of the United Ntaloo. ' Circulars• containing cuts with full description, sent - by mail on npnlicetion. ' Pune 1, 1859.—iim. TTNI4II,SITY:OF PENNSYVANIA, PHILADELPHIA . • ✓q'ILLTA3I 13111 SON. 31. V., Emeritus Professor of Sur • gerv. 8A311.113. - .1 CIVION, 31. D, Profeasor or iogituto Medicine. GLO II M OOP, M. D., Profenaor of Thony and Practice of Nlndlcloo. Iluon•L. Minor,. 31. D., Profonaor of Obstotrics and tails Dlnear.us of Woman etnd Childrpu. - ' • J 081 3 ,11 Caner 1, 31. D., Prolepaor of 31sterla Dipdlcp and q Pharmacy. - ' . .-- ... RODEAT C. 1100000 N. D, Pro omaor of Chemhstry. , .1.)0E1.11 LEIDY. N. 6., Protexaor of A motousy. , • " 116nY lb.r.xpru, , l,D.. Prnfossor of , urgery. - WlLLtam 11Fa . r, 31. D, Demonstrator of Anatomy. , Thu Lid ttros nreh e Suptlo3l will begin nn the Second Mouthy of ,ictober nod elm, on the lot of Istreh. Clinical Instrudtlen in given throughout the sexeltin, In tan stedlcal Hell, by the Professore, and at the Penneylverths.and other llmmltele.. The 1./Wonting Rooms. under Um superintendence of the Profespor of Anatomy and the Demduatrator, are Open from the mlddlo,pf September, ' The Room for Operative Surgery and !kin Application of flandogea. dc.. lit open early In September:and throughout the Scallion, under the atipervielon of the Pro!mtor of Surgery. ' Surgical itemonatrainr. S nigh , * 31 D. • Fee for the•ll,,turea (each l'n.fesenllls), $lO5 Matriculation Wee (paid once otily), • tiraduntlon Wee, • 1, 30 It. E. 001.1KDS, M. D., Daaj.kor ti, Medical Vacuity. Univerilty F. 0. DICK, Janitor. N. S. Board may la tuid at from $2 59 to $6 per weak, .luly 13, 1819-3 m TILE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AN 1): 111 A r.y li,lt Y JUST PUBLISHED, GBATIS, Yhrn ' ~l'uoru nn --- lt - fevr — vitirile — du - AllaYrntlidTtl'ti4faeitt: without medicine of'Sjo . rnottniThen-or.loen) - wee-knasa. Noel er-• on SF an 011/1, (Jena...lend Nervous debility, Premntitru I - • ~ ..1.111. Ili I ho system, Impotency, and InspediMents to . . . - ",7frinie . generally. • ItY 11. DE hANEY, M. D. The Important fact that the nisitynlermingl.om plain..s, originating in the Imp...dunce and.solit ode of youth; may - blreaslty - einnov.ed' without medicine, la In - this small tenet clearly demonstrated; and ti,, entirely now and highly successful treatment. es adopted by the author. fully expinined. by means of whirl. every one is enal.led to our.. himself Perfectly Mill flu the very tenet' peedhle cost. thereby ivolding all the advertised nos trums of the day. :lent to any Address mar, and poet free In'a sealed, envelop.. by remitting (pont paid) two montage Malmo% to Dn. It. DE N EY. 14§..,Itteit Stet St., York City, JuAtitl 6, I 851.1—;Int • DISTILLERY FOR SALE OR ItEST,AA new filatllle6 at.3llddlrsea: In good order and ready for vileratlon. The location. la an ad sentagioun one and offers Inducement,. to time, who, drake En rent Terms moderate. For ferthor parthli• lora log*o at this office, or' to 'Chas. R.' Peoria., at _ July 1,11569-45 . . . .. . ' ••••:1, / , 20 r;.:. , - ~.. '.: • 1 4 . art5.. 7 1. 4 -"t".-...-.1'.!..i. , J. 41,: r f !:,::`,....:;._ .1" . ..- •• A 0008 BUSINESS CIIIANCEr: .$ 114 60 FlV l lllN l. Bl . . 3 .4 l l ° 'A N „: ll . l kgen t tit N ett l „ ) ted A l„ i ec i e! r, and rdunty throm.hout tin, United States to engage In a light and easy business, In %bush the above pndit may certainly be tealized. For partigu. Jars address with stamp, Pr. O. PIINI.PS DROWN, N 0.21 Grand street, Jersey City, N. J, Au1r.10,'69. . Ili( ()ROCCO L EAT E R.-- A -full de. aortinoot of Morocco Lvat.llor. I.lniug, and Illud loi,. Luta. Ilnot 'frees, and a full asaortmout fi.huo lillt and fladlogn of all kluds. JOHN I`. °rt. la, '6B. North lla Witt, troy? EXEt :U1 OEB' NOTION. Let tern - toritatilentory under tho will of CIIMILiti I..te of the loorouAli ut Cnrllslu. hove Iwo, Wood to the undorithord Exueutoro' Inwood do-Ht.-by the Regis. tor of Cuitile•rlood County. All porno. hovliws rlaluw noolost I he et•tote told preoent theft tor Pett lenient, and tlg,a Indebted will woke Ituutedloto popueut to L. Todd. July, 20, lbf.o-Gt. 'S NOTICE; •- 7 Letters testamentary, with the will oftleorge ) Keller. late of the borough of Carlisle deed.. lists been ironed to Ilia undersigned Executors named therein, residing in 'said borough, by •the Register of Cumberland county. All persons Indebted to the estate are notified to inske immediate payrneut. and those hating .claims to pre sent them for,settlement to lIKNRY L. HELLER, JOIIN A. KELLER. Emirs. of Liao. Keller, deed. July 1:1. 185a—Ot . ESTATE NOTlCE.—butteh of Ad tui ad ration on the estate of Mary Weaver later( the borough of Carlisle, deed.. have boot) owed be the Ilegle.er of Cumberland county to the 1%01..14.61)er resi ding In maid 'lrgotglt. All prreons Indebted are re• quested to make hnutedlate payment cud thou.. booing claims to present them for settlement to I.IIILII. WEAVER, Adm'r. of Nary Weaver, don't!. July 13. IFso—lit JOSEPA CULVI}t I XECUTOR'S NOTICE. Lehem h testamentary with s h e well Into of the borough Ofenrlbgle. de • ..,-Ittase been issued by tho lieLilatur of Cumberland en ly, to the subscri• her. therein II mood. resl•linu In Munroe township. All pensuns Istaltsb.nd are requested to make payment, and those harluit dolma to present them for settlement to DUMAN. Eer. =II ISSOLUTION:- The partnership . heretofore existing between Shrum £ Hoffer, was t a day dissolted by mutual consent. The hooks of the trio will be settled by James Hoffer at the office of Annetromr. & Bider, nest lot west of the Grammar School. Jacob Shrom has also a duplicate ofthe'booke, where settlemuntvan be made At the old ,`tend. All persons' indebted to said firm will please call and Net tle thole accounts immediately, and those haring ea 7 enunts will presont them fur settlement. All accounts not settled by the let day of October next. will be put auto the hands of the proper officer for collection. JACOB Sit ROM, JAMES HOFFER. „July 20, 1859. .................... —... N -trrik,E._. . , , . OARIBLE, JUDI, 28, 1859. Notice ii hereby \given that an apiAlcation will be made to the Leglsiaturo of l'ennsylvanki at Ite next tneetink for the Inionporation of a Bank al Isom., with' discount-and deposit prlvilogek to be located In the. borough of Carlisle, Cumberland County, Penn's., to he called. The Bank of Carlisle. with a capital of on. bun dred thousand dollar.. with the right to, lacrosse the same to thise hundred thousand dollars. _ . , (SIGNED.) - . WILLIAM Kra, Jorr•D. iinies, Trawl. PArrox, Joe; None. BEN/. OWLIS, Jr., : 'ENOCH YOUrkL, . RICHARD WOCIDA, CHSIATIAN HCATNIN. WILLIAM RCNTL. .10114 C. qTriourr, •••• A. H. I).ADP DOYLAPr ,„,_ .19..4Pu (1: HiLOCILT, BODNAR . JOHN DuNLAP, • J.kadrA HOPPER, fltonntT Mooine,..- ' 11, A. STUROIX)N, ROBERT WILADH, ORKAIRIN, • Oxo W. SllCArilt, •. JACon K. Nriaticr, 11111.1. SIIALLT.' June 29,1899—Um MO'rIC11.1: ..'.:N(.ltiete is hereby given . Unit oPPllcatlnn will be made to the IlfMt'llAtitit', lature of Plllllllllyharlill, to alter-the charter of the Car hale Dewed( Dank, located In'tbe borough of Carllale, • Cumlo (land county, SO ai to 0011111 r, lin weld bank the rights and privilege( era hank of flume; and to (hang. ' Ite nom, fo 'the Hankt mho to Incroaer. the; ealdleLor odd . fo ri k (whlph • for at 'preeent ear entpt wo thleaud Jailers* gill, prlellogo or I nenteklim the. SaMa _ 'uti firth( "prrient rherter: to one hundrnd.thnuaaud.)' ,to two hundred and.liftx thnuaand .• : , . %V. 11..1fRE'rlitt, (feebler 1, i nue-20,190—bm Da.lesinOyTPrintiugiionehere. N K 15' Y O ILK Nainitacturers of • MEDICAL DEPAItT)IBNT NIXETT-YOURTII SZBSION,(I SD-60.) ;lead 310ice.6 LEON HD K. BELL. tytithuistlics Laocutors - s . ,r; tont. • • , •:•- t till at the Ohl••ttusiness. • ',"--- • • Lt.1.4133.81,- - -- .CoA;AiRD. . On the Italiroed i . e ms, of Aisle: toielminedlate - vicinity i e thus lionise. • . ... , The anima there have entered into Partnership and are dying business at the rid stand of Shrotn A linger.. where villi le found, at all thnes,:l.l.lM 8 Elt and OVA I. in all their varieties and qualitien - V. . . BOARDS . of every, kind. SCANTLING.; .EIVANIE.BTUFF. • . . BIIINGLES. - • • ' LATHS WORKED FLO D IIING . PALING. • • RAILS. St.o:' yell stocknd Y.rd. - • As wo,run our own Cars. We are enabled to furnish bilk id Lumberer any' requinej lenrth• el the shortest possible tine. • Our Plooring.*Weathet boarding, Am, al wayi housed. and can be furbished dry. •y. 0 A I. - (Valid r Co • veY.) - • loispared to (urn! Coal for - fatuity une,' clean and dry; f all sites and q alines, among. which will he found. LYKENS VALLEY. LUKE FIDDLER.. • „. . - SUNBURY : WHITE ABU: • TREVORTON. • • • LOCUST MOUNTAIN. LOBBEItY, &et And to dni'lLimte burning friends and to Blacklmiths, we would nay. wo can slid 'tit furnish Es cheap as the rheapast andel best quality. The renior partner will ho on the yard ne usual to attend to, thone who may favor u with a cntitiounton - El their pstrotinge;--Tbankfulln past - favorsghemutirits a 'mull:lumina rf their custom at ho old yard.' We haven large stuck on hand umber and Coal. and are continually resolving additinba, which we will sell as low en any (Mow yardin the Wreath. • Don't fall to call at the old yard near the thirJlouse. ' JACOB DI I ROM: , • s • ROBERT M. filyACK:''- - N. 1.1.=--A duplicate of the hooka of. Shrum A . !toilet are to my hands; thlitu Indebted' can roll on the sub ,. 1 scriber at the old yard and pay to JACOB SIIIIO.II. • July LI. 1859. • NNEIV 'UALAND LUMBER YARD The Pul.cribers hove thls day entered Into pert nerxhlp to trade In' "7 'I C A ' L AND LUMBER, We will have constantly on hand and furnish to order all.kliis and quality of seasoned ' LUMBER, • • ~BDARDS, A. • • SCANTLING, ' . . • • • FRAME STUFFY. Paling."Pla - tLrinkLath, Shingling Lath, worked Flocr• . ing and Weatherboarding. Poet It and Italie, and every ar tide that helenge to a LUMBER YARD. All kinds of ithlugleWt, to wit: Whitepine, Ifendoek, and Oak, of d , fferent qualities. Having Cant of our own we can furnish bills to order of any length and size at the shortest notice and un the most reaeonable terfor. ' Our worked hoordi - will be kept under cover en that they can be furnished dry at all tlmerb • We have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Cool under rover: which we will deliver clean to any port of the.borough. To wit: LYKENS VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, • TIIEVOIITON, • LOCUST Mo tiNTA 1,11111ERY.., which we pledge ourselves to cell at the lowest priers Beet quality of • .•linteAsirner's and 'Mai:Unities Owl, Ilro!ten, Egg, Stove suit Not do. do. do. always ou . horu.l wlilrh aro will moll at the lowoat flguei Yard4ont . elde tl" . atnan A l i r t AVAr t l iz Zal:S i t i r o oi l l xi,. July 20, 1859. LUMBER YARD:--The subscribers Wring purchneed a large trout of pine timber lend and saw mills, on the west branch of the Susque. henna river, have opened oat a lumber., and at . MECHAVICSBURG on the railroad, corner of Allen and lllgh streets, near the steam Raw mill of Selel/o, Eberly & Co., and Moo one AT_GREASONVILLE, near Plainfield, ',Share we will be able to sell lumber at snob pries* that wilt bo to the Interest of builders end athers to call nod ate us before-buying• elsewherer'' our advantages over other deplore aro this: our lumber does not-pees through the hands nt one Iwo or ✓tore specs• !alma before we get_lt.._arid thi4_wlll enable an to sell lumber cheaper than any others can sell at these places. We will also wholesale lumber from our liarrhiburi yard, and will fielivor !unitisr at any glint along the Cuttiborland Valley Railroad. if desired. builders can havelumbaraaw4il suitable A.rany site ofbuilding, or fur other purpose', bi fdrniebishiric us with their or. dent In season.- SHAVVNEIt, ()REASON 1" CO: 13, COAL 1 'COAL ! ' . • . - ~ NV MM. 31 VRIt A Y, respectfully banning ith friends and the pu• ' 7 „ . ....„,... ..,.., bile In general, that he . .01.:\if ...__ ..... . ' in receiving and will , ... e .!Edairklll# contain tly keep on hand, - - ' -.. -a - ----. . UNDER CoVEit,• LY K ENS VALLEY— Broken Egg and NIB. LUKE FIDDLER —Broken, Egg and Store. , W ILK ESI t A IL R E —Ltiinp .and Broken. TREVOR. VON & INEGROVE —Broken .3. Egg - Also. be ril.unallty ••I.011191‘." and °Broad top" Mack: atitith'e cant" all of which- he will sell at reasonable pi+ con Thankful for the patroonge heretofore en liberally received be asks a continuance of the tam. . Cool Yard at the ..b.l 'amid, nu the. railroad. nearly appetite Dickinson College. {Apr. 13, 1069. I - 13rEbUltNERS!- C 0 A L.- 2,00 t -LA TINS of Lyketts Valley-Nut Coal. a euierlor 0.: Ho. receiving and fur sale by Anoint S. 1037 - W. U. MURRAY VEW COAL YA RD— .4.• 1 St 'EDE 'FUT END or cantata. The sulaterlher would reApertfully, cell the attention of I.llnburnete and thi , attune of Cat Rale, and the surrounding country generally, to hla NI.W COA I. YAW), nit:wiled to bin Ware'lloune, on went High st„ where-he will keep contently on hand a large !Ripply cf the not quality of Cita 1., to Wit: Lynne %alley. Luke Fiddler, rise Clove and Traver-- ton, Broken. Egg and Nut Cowl—erreetted and dry MIL whhh hu pledget hitnelf to gen at th e io,reat popinollo nice.. Rent quality of thneburner'n and Illackniulth's Coal always on hand. *re All orders left at the Warn llonae, nr at bin reel donee In booth If:mover attoeti will be pronptly et tended to. April It 'oo—ti: .1. W. HENDERSON. iUisccl~ancous. COP.MItAND ERT IRON MANUFA(:TORY. The subscriber takes this mel hmi of intbrming her friends and LIPP public. that mho 'still continues the manor:tante* ofall kinds of work. In Copper,•Tin and Shoot-Iron. Her Stoves aro unlined from the mom op proved styles. The Cooking Stoves, for Iheir qualities no rooks 41.11/AOM cannot be surpassed, among whirl, are the well known Globe, Noble Cook. Fanny Form , . ter,- tiovernor, Penn, and the new favorite, Prairie Flower, mubinlng all the tested improVements, In tact the best and cheapest stove ever offered to the mild', - The Lstrobe Stove,_or parlor heater, improved, for warming two. litre, or fcur rooms.put up tuorder, Le- Wes a largeasyortment of Par!or Radiators and office I stores. PRICES REDUCED. on PLVMSING ate tari l,k. ; AS FI'ETINO.Those The who wish work done .' I\ In thi Ina would do well to ca I at the al •• • eland b fore enntraeting elsewherh. es IMA de• termlned to do ork far lower than the present rates. I hays for sale and keep constant I v.on hand the patent Scotch Tip Burner. Wax Tapers. plain and fdocy Olsen Globes, the Fixtures. Wrought Iron Tubes. Hydrants, Lead Pipe, Ourn Hose. Shower Baths, Rath Tube, Over. flow Easing, Marble fiesta tops. Sc. My'workuien are competent and rellalde. All work warranted and for workmanablp and material, I challenge competition. a- A few good Cook Slower with S pouse suitable for parlors on hand, which 1 .111 sell at cost. May 4, 1659. ' MARY M. morning. Carlisle White -- nitiliihur Springs,, CUMBIUMAND COUNTY, PA. • This favorite and fashlOnable Watering Place. pleas. 'anti) located near the base of the Blue mountain, Nur miles from earliste, Pa., IS now open for visitor.. The waters orthese Springs are ht hi Impregnated with minerals, and for'dritilting and bathing are not surpan lord by any `Sulphur Spring. In the country. The buildintes are well ventilated and are surrounded by MO feet of balconies. The scenery is of the grandpa kind. and the liennimoditione fel. the 1 'creation , health and eo:Vert of the visitors are unektreptlooshle. thud Eire. ploa.ant driven, fine runalcadllianis, bowling saloon and otherlratnes, and:all the amusements usu. . . ally fauna at Watering placencan pe eninya,l here.— Viaßom leaving Philadel phi tor lialtinnale In the morn. log train arrive at the Spring, at 3 n•eloak, P. M. Daily wail. For further.information inhireau ' OWSS, CLBNDkNIX & CO., .Iruip - 13, 1950—:mCarlisle Springs, Ps C ARLISLE AND PHILA. DELPH Nig • : fie: DAILY pitzioliT-Ecars. PIO WARD 4 PIIKED, _ )811 itkRiCIST NITREZT, PRILIDLLPIIA: ' • • • J. A D. RHOADS. • •• • AAP Ity CARLULXj PA. /Er. 1 . 161114 this Line leavethe Depot. 811-Mark at Dally r atA - Leave Carlllllo. Daily. at T o'clock: A • M. OtKods Intended for, this .14ie should be• marked C. A P. Dank Freight Llde, and sent In by .1 o'clock. ' May 28, 1839. . . PERSONS I-lAVIN 3r, REAL -ESTATE - FOR 'SALE,• - . . . ... '' .. uTII El V4 . 111e PI V '8:71. A .it." . a eery dealrabhe advertlping reedhim" Adrertlerments can be'ortterea through the •• lItCttAl.D.” or Font to the undersigned. ~- • -. • . '', • .J. M. -7411.i.P.11.'r. ' , Jul: 27, 180-8 m •• • , . .• .. ,Nervllles, Pa. - , . . . - .. ,- • ' C 4 OMETILING . ' EkTliii: ''' ' ''' 'O. .I . V.ON'S.PATNNT . TDRIINIIIMA-nAcurvit. AND IF miiN.D.AVElti4filth ell the latest'. linproireenffitr.,- tireneetedP .thratle rut! clean al lawthuoi p.' hour.:, ' IMI 4 IOI{LEIi .4.. PRO .. Ageet, f • orSuptbr .o puadt) al/. Cartlekoluo•29.lB69. ' - ... '. '•• ' • .. I_!_~ebu~. ~(~uo~s. N ORTH A"N.O V - 11 It •., .00SPECTIONEIty, • • . A It L.l B L E.' Wholesale - Rates Deduced $2 peit'loo 16e. 'I • • The attention of Country 31erchanta• and the genpErdly le Invited to a leme assortment of cireicE ruannfortured • of ti r best material and Warranted to I .o llt4in no polSori . in their colors, which will .be•sold Wholesale or Retail at low rates at the did 'Wand of •" • • rv .o2° NY•Srt!tt NOATII HANOVER 8711,34., OAHL,IBLZ, PA.,' • .A few . dorirs :forth of the Carnet° pepealt flank. - • Just received a large,anvortment ni„ , • ' FR RS!! FRUITS AND Nuys .n_the-InLceLLnportstloue,_eoesiitit, of :. ~_ _ . MEI Orange", • Lemons, ' Pruno• Banannai,• Pine App - Almond*. . ' .• • VI114014!- , Cream Nuts, COtOn Nub, fe.; — " nil of Witleh will be'sdld at low 'atom ! Alio, a largo as sortuienbof, • • . TOYS AND FANfCTGOODB ' — of every variety. Aim, all the best brands of. - " ' SEGA ItS A ND' I'OBACCO, . , ' of American and Garman mannbetura. The subscriber returns thinks for the liberal patrol. ege bait...l.d on him by the public. end sollcitileems. nominee of their faTors. Remember the Old Stand of ' P. MONTER. North lisnorer Staajor .Cron o. Jut 16, '5B • f AT AND CAP EM •i . ". CALM() k CO., sucressom 'to Wm. IT. Treint would igniunt9co to their customers and tbs , pulalls generally Clint they huve-Juid: received from Pbiladel• ninl_elimaiit_stuck!.orpoods,lnitiolvltne or. Miniume of every - verloty t stylo end q nail ty. ' • - They how on Imuda splendid ' Issortinent of I • II A:TS AN DIJAPS • •. .'_ of ell descriptions, fnim' the common Wool to the finest NUE AND NILE HATS; and et mina that Must null every one who ha's en eye to getting the worth of his 'mulch , The stock Includes, BEAVER. & FELT HATO, of every style and coins and unsurinuoyid for LIGHT NESS, DURABILITY, AND. VIN1.111.:•by those of any other establishment In the country. . GUYS' 111111 CH I LI/ R EN'S II ATS and CAM); of every *gestation constantly on hand. 'They respectfully invite all the, old patmns and N many new ovum as possible, to give them Apr. 27, Ikk2-1.7 pRESERViNG JARS, SUGARS, Ohms Jaye. air tight, (ittone's patent,) for preserving frolt, be.. ot the various alies„,ern..olTered to the public by the proprietors, as a Jar that will commend itself, requiring no cement, Is self sealing, the neatest, MOSS eimple cod eerily managed Jar made, and fouling con fident when once used will be preferred to any other. THEeID JAW', together with e variety of other good P log Jim, are fir sale at the store of. the eubacriber, where may . "Igo be found a large and general assortureuto Pk Dill of the varioua qualities, Including a seasonable and fine selection of the beet and finest grades of WIIITK AND BROWN IMO ADS, suitable for preserving.. We feel thankful for the gen erous support heretolbre extended to us, and trust that we tnny merit the continued favors of out friend, and cuetomers. Our greatest efforts shall be made topless*. In the qtrillty of the articlesold, as well at In price. enellsle, June VAMP J., W. MIT. 08ticaVand IRVING FEMALE COLLEGE, MECHANIC...BURG, PA. This Institution, designed (or the liberal education or Yining ladies, has Gamin eiwratlott two years With the moot gnitltylng results. it Is now established on a lista basis, Old Its patrorage already ,exteltds over ir It la located(in the&mbar:laud Valley Biliroad sold • I- aybetween Harrisburg and Carlisle. in the most ter• tile mud beautiful pot thin of the_ valley, and Is In slim proximity to one of thii most mend; healthy, and 11111, terprlning tnyrns In the State. ,It is central, and - easy or IIeCBSS. Stllliintl leaving Washington, Baltimore, or Philadelphia In thernernlng train for Harrisburg, will arrive at -Mochinicsburg In time liii-dhinse. The edifice is 'large and commodious, smrrounded by_ & mile verandai. and will acecirrinWilateabont'o ri ti butt -tired bmiriltini. — In its Collstritetion, it combiner all the modern Improvements ti)r the promutitmoLbealt.h o comfort and COUTNllletleo.. liothese respe.chr physicians pronounce it unrivalled. The ehathberearo large and - neatly furncalted. raeb has Ito register for beat and ventilation Only two id udents occupy the same room. Thii loath rooms moat all Omit; auppiledmith warm and -cold water. . The gr'hunda are ample. and well arranged for tea•-- atlon, andlhe various 'callethenle OXIDTCIPOS -00 coma• tial M health, graceful movemehi -- and, kfmmetry of form. • The Faculty of listr.uctlan 1w oltlcfontc and; •apart. In the Colleg,l Donartmenl the alunnli at study la nra hi. 411 grade, caw pruhandlng all Chncubjne...bilott. log La a Cla.leal• tO and Clitlsl.lan Edueatinn. 'I. the Prilpnratory Dupartiuntit puplis.wi , l bears. fully Inntruutrd In' tliur branebne lormlus th! .. 14,1144: a tivirfittich nduceatiou. SUSIONA.—Firnt 86204011. from the •1111,WedneedstY of September tii tile:Mb ot. h ell usry. itircnirSesideu,Truto the let of February tti th*let of July, , . Versalull, during July and August. - , TEEMS I'F.lt SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS, PA3A3III IN ADVANCE. • Hoarding. Washing, Furnished Rooms, Fuel and Light. Tultion—iullegisir. Department. . Preparatory •'• . . !, First Claw., NI extra charge for Aueleut Languages. %We—Piano and Guitar. . . . . • . . 20.00 'Vocal %l ale.. . . . . . . . . , . . 2.00 )10.1etn Language., . . . . . . 10 00 Painting, Drawing and other Ornamoutal.lintur.hea • at the usual rates ..raxt•oooSo furnish-71 at city prices. For further particulars addreax, • Ilea.. A. D. MARLA= A'. M.. Preeldent. IF,E=C! ftzlA.a ERSBURG rILZSALII 1 - 7 ammusr.axtv: The reputation of this institution le now fully seta. Ilebud. and Its Nuee.s me n first class tleminary placed huvond doubt. Pupils will 'find In the hoarding de parttnent, home: comforts, parental supervision. and I influence. In the eduentional department se en s tupliehett teachers. thorough Instruction, and aura weans of advnnrement. CONTENTS OTTATALOOUE JIIST ISSUED Trunterc Deference.; Teacher.; Pupil. in attend. "ore the year part. U 8; llouree of :Andy ; Graduation Expunger; Location; !dental nod Moral Training; Tag. rimeame: !rout lion. Deo. Chap; hem D. S. Aebneek, D.. and "there, In regat/I to the recent annual exatedado tIntol; from the Ohnenbentbuiw Preogy)gtl,from Jame* W. Alexander, U . U.. of Now York ; atilaDthent. For a catalogue addreas Rev. HENRY it EF.VES, A. 31. _lghstuberaburg, Pa. ' Auglo.lB',o r l ll E Ex am i n atio n of Teachers for the IPublic Schools of - Cumberland county, will be bell no follows: Newrille. o July 29. at 1 o'clock, P. M. -, Mechanicsburg,. Aug. 1, 1 .. W. Silippl , ll,l.lltg t•lp., ... 4, 1 ~ "• . Shlopenshurg bor., 4 ' 11, 1 " " • Southampton, ° .' _ '4, 0" AM. Newton, 01 6 , 9_ • Gil It ' Silver Spring, 4 . 0, 9 " " 4, West Pennsboa . 4 ,' 9, 9 .. 4 .. •Franktord,. ‘' 19, 10 . " • . ' Mifflin, . " - 11. 10 . 1 .- • - Hopewell, .. 12, 11 • East Pennshoro 4 . ~ 4 . 13, 9 . 1 , 4 . • New Cumberland, ' " 1:. ' 1 ".'P. NI • :ileums. - " 10, i 9 4 .. A.M. South Middleton, 4 ` 11, 9, 4 . ... North :Middleton, 4 . ..' 19, 9. . 4 'Hampden, " 19, .1 - . 4 P. M. Lower Alien, a. 20, - 9 . A. M. Dickinson, .. 23, 51... 4 4 , Upper Allen. •• 25, .11 4 . 1 . • The Directors will appoint the places 91 meeting sell make the necessary arrangements. , , Punctual attendance is expected. DAN'L.- SHELL*, cp:Sup . t. July 13,1859—1 t ; , _ . lECEIPTS and ", 7 .E H XPENDITURES 1, o di.) 31 31 0 N SCHOOLS OF, CARLISLE, FOR THE WEAR ENDING JUNE. 1, 1050 MEM'. " • Reed on tax of 'SR, by treasurer, Qft. " from collector, - ' 1,019 06' " rout of Edueatlop • 96 RS " tuition of notereoldents, 19 00' " Hato appropriation, 4011 99 !NM 43 Teachers` salaries, • ASSIO 00 lnel.lental expenses. Including niessengsr, ' • oil, printing, cleaning, to., de. - ,MS SS Repairs. materials, de, . . Mit OA Val mud wood. 1133 02 Intereat on school debt, • - - - .240 10 ilsnt,l2ll 00 k Henry Myers on sedouut ofzew building, An 00 ..;t . • , • 06,001. 10 , ' . . . 'The foregoing exhibite • rorreet itatement of the 0. ' Ilene's' emulation of the arhool department of Carllele,, • for the actionl year ending let J. Mb% .: - - ' , Oy crow of the Beard,' E. CnIMMAN.. "..4,... „... linattetal eery. MEM • ,, TEACIIIIILS WANTED.— , 1 • .18 teachers to take ehormi4l6 schools;ln &with ° llidlletnn township. Cumberland county. Marin, the • on.utuk *lnter. - ticirkeimilt , erigt itaßolei - opybv stung.---. , -- Appllmints will meelror examination .tithe Popprtairn school home. on WEDNESDAY. the 17tliday of Augturt next. at 9 ecirck, 'M M. By order ,of the Board.. JOSIAH ItilinllEßT, Beet% July. 2 0 ,1819-41. - , • • • ' " - - • iI A 0 11' IV A .1!?..-T A Same! Tea ,, her . lbr, a- e.wdou - ar Ave 1 1 1 "ith4