Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 17, 1859, Image 1

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• ;-1 • .
PUblished rui• the Prolirietot,
ly WILLIAM 'M. POitTilte. '
S V . 1 .- I? U D
1. Malley is received evnry day, and' in Any amount,
S Fly.• per cold interest is pall for money from the
tiny it is put in.
1. is 31",,1VR pil.iloseif In unix; wriVnever
t 1.4 rii i r.r. mul witiout. notion. ." • - •
t. Thome is reeeivel Irony Oxecators.Adralnistrators,
Utter II I/11, and others who desire to huh• It hr n place
eeroiet stiety, end where lo.:eiest can be obtained
fur it.
•sp muncy recut ed from daph's , tora. to invested in
rcal rqate. 111 trkt,u,s, ground ronill. nod such ullwr
first class er:•urillcs nv Qhc elmrt,,Alecc:s.
. .
"Leari—EveryiLly creel Lill 5 o'clock. fled
on Montt ay. and Th la ',Ways till R laa, the evtint tag.
111i5ItY Presilont.
ROB ssz sEltrltliail , VI •e•Preadtaut
. , .
Henry L. Benner, F. Cerroll Brewster,
Edward I...(7erter, , Joseph IS. l'arr.V.,.
Itu.pert..Solfrble; Franck Lee,
Santitel K.. Ashton,. : Joeeph Yorker.
C. b. 31nuns, Henry DliTentierfo'
OFFIO - 1: ' •
Jralatit-Sfr'erl, Snullt-Ifrt:4l Corner of; Third,
171111,1DELPIII.1. .• •
Apr CA
NT E w m tj s S.T O• It +1
11 co. tt:l MARKET STREET, IIARRIS111 . 1118:_,
S- 11 E E - T• lit U S Y C,
• • • INSTRUCTION 110669,
• •
M El ! fita:ONS, .
0M1T.% RS,
M.Lv 11,
A ,Ficum NEW YOltic, AND PHI LAUELiqI lA,
, E I. E ll A ,N T •N E W CL(LOILLS
Azr-A..-xv-.-13/.•_valz>s -S TO I,LE____.2—.
. , . .Spluudidoto It 01 new Black Dress Stlfis—Magnithent 1
Styles Fancy. Dress Silks. - - . ,
.. 11 ICI 1! RARE 1 ! EI.E(I.INT II 1
' lilol ell Foulard Silks, Chinese Silks, Satin and •
Striped ittreges. Valenclas;Dit canes, la.tittlful
new ',Hated Chillier: Fi eliell'pri laud .lacer'
mitt, very handsome linglinh Bal.
I brats, ° oryi hattilsonie French'
' - . Brilliants. English Frill & .
. American prints, Scotch,
_• .
French and Domestic
- • '
. . . • , • t.linghams, • •
• Bonnets, Ben. •
. • - - net Ribbons and
c Drees Tr i m wings, . ^
~- Shawls In every VIII lety, '
' . ' ' Shill, Crape. Stella. Caslnere, . ,
&e. Embroideries, very low. coin.
prising etollarstileuves Financings. Cott'-
Mugs. Vells..te. Carpetings and 1/11 Cloths.
V ;.dins, Ingrain, three Ply. Brussells. Cotton
and 1I n.p_Airtig.tets and Flour Oil Clutha ell widths.
- l',l :NEN GOODS. •
< . A complete assortment einlimeting all the mkt culebin
ted marks Gloves and
!tindery for La.
. • dies. - :d Iss it i and . .
Children. great variety of -
kid, silk and cotton (rhinos, La.
dies elemint twisted Silk tlitts.,ke. '
hleaelned and unbleached Skirtings bleach.
od and unbleached sheetings IV4rollen and
Cotton Flannels. Coreet,• deans Tielnks, Cotton
ad...., Sattin4tts. 'Tweeds, Cotton rind Linen
( Mailers, Table Covens. blenched and brown
Drillines, rind an endless tarlety of
other artistes. In fret, this stock -
e • of gl'eals Is very extensive, tho
rough and vomillete• hay
. - hut- lmkti porch:mod •
. wi Ih If , g'ittit deal •
of care, We. feel -
. .
COLlfillelli WO ran 'draw any onevvhn will favor us wills .
0 All rahtlid persons wan 1111, Imtrmulzed us will admit that' we have sold the bra bar
gahr•ovor lln,hasod In Carlislo. %%0 fan IU.FUTO our.
&kook :rod all lovers of cheap goods. that we arc as
is 41 prip.tred 0. ever taitolTer superior Inducements fur
their patronage.
ENT% -
South Ilniinver Streeteriplii4et . he n Post ti
Carll.le. 'tar 4, 'MIL
. sominrourNiu NEW!
.„ EtlD - S7 - 01tL.
just °yelled, in the mom formerly occupied by
filtryuel;, Tavinr m F.mith, Zug's now building, Muhl
, street. two tit., cast of the inarliet 11011$0 hoe° or-
P win tilletit of Aillt ICELTURA I, IMPI,EME!IITS and ter
. tHlzer, whirh they ere prep.trud to sell on the west
real...liable terms.
The sleek ombraoes PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, LIAR
lINI VIsS, witFaiyroNES for Mow
ers, out ON cry other article, no.
res.ary for thrm use.
They also intend keeping in addition, a full assort.
went of CEDAR end WILLOW WA ltE, Including
Se.sin's icili.nt Churn, Blooms, Brushes,
yrs. Butter Feints,. Prints, 'Ladles, Butter Tubs,
Bowl,, As.
A 151.,. Fruit:Garden and Flower Semis: Semi, Potatoes,
of the best varletio,. They tile constnutly Waking ad
ditions le their stork, rind will use every exertion to
supply the runts of the agricultural community,
They have .tis.l the a...leney for EVANS 'WATSON'S
Orders left at the store for fruit and ornamental
Trees. Flowers and fertilizers, will be attended to
prinnptlp. Jl. 11.
Avril 1a.195 . 0.—1y •
1 1 1,0 YOU wade to buy a good Piano,
If go, why don't you call on John
' It. ultnew t For Ito can eell tho neatest finished. hest
Math). pure,t tuned and lowest plead illStrulllent that
.111 h•+ had in this part of the country. Unclog been It
long tiara in the business. 1 'flatter myself on being n
, ti,44g00 I judyo of Instruments, and will nut sell an instru.
mutt that is not tirntrate. lam now receiving a large
lot of Mpiodeons Irma Boston, which call LP soon et Mr.
A. B. Euchre hu•nitur: meats. which I will sell cheap.
er than any )41)er untu in the amntry.
For raeninniandatinnsot nay Pianos, call and see them.
All instruments warranted and kept in repair. Call
and examine 0)y inst.nutnutts before ittrchasing else-,
whore, and you will he eatisticd thell 1 can sellthe heal
and.eltexpest. JOHN li.
To his found at the house of Jacob Rheum, W. nigh St.
May 4. 1.611
wing sronn OP J. P. Lyxr. 4 sox.
, A full lusnriatoniThint .inCeived. to which cow:Leant
addlliuli. will Ire :undo °Cation well as Loam mourn.
tore. Thontock now comprifien
' .
. . . MQLESKIS,H. --.BEAVEIC&-,---`
I .
llATB '''
• .
of all styles and colors, fpm ' tho cheapeit to the Item
' quality. eiTitAlV !IMPS. A arm 3 variety of all pi Dos,
—anti Atyles7DeJeher - ulth - a.iund - assorritelfiror
drew' . fur and straw bats:- •
• A 1.3:), A.ND OAPS::
embrucitel,every kind now worn, loth Plain and Dr.,.
Caps, to which the attention of the public is respectful
• , y invited. DJN T ST Kell.LElt'll 01.1.1 STAND.
April 7d, 1859.. - 4
.t:JL, a hip aisortmuut of tiny ,Elovittors,
• Itnpa.. [takes, P,,rka. ace r ohuapor thau.ovur. at '
' ttAXTON'R..
.' ; p 11:1...1.',S ! ..13, PA, LS 11 '
..._,.., J. F.„i4,..1.411.1„,y.t.h.- ~ .ker,tiir-imo e he4, at
the Ilarthrtirulitore of ~ ~" 4. P.,1NN..1.: &SON, -."
..Mqy 18.11ifi., ~ . - 7,... .., ! gortb..lfitilorer at:,
~. _, ...
• farAti:tit:chttiti rtittitorliifoip,
• .110 nit , . at:,:.":. JOILN" , I!.;LY:sIit 8 , . Iv§,,, '
• Zany L851,,2m ,Nottlt, t.bitiot cr.
• ' '
t nal
R. GEORG-14::- S. SPA
4YT• rT, FtiTIQT, f Tin the Hal
- -R ental Surgery".
yo, the residence of Ids mothiir,Enst Louthoi
street. three doors below. Bedford.
Mtkreh •
I) 11. J. 0. 'respect
/ • fully Informs the ladles and gentlemen
of Carlisle. nod vicinity. that he has
stu»ed tilt, practloo of Dentistry, and it pi•epAroti to per
form all operations oil the teeth and gums, holongini
to his protecsion. 11, wl,ll insert full sots of tooth - on
gold or silver, N 1 fill sin ale gum tooth, or idoci,s, no they
tom; prof r. Terms modontte. to suit tho times
(Mice in HMI street, directly opposite the Cumber-
label Caller Dank -
' 'forL„. Dr, N. will be in Nenville the last ton dap, of
every Ineptly,
1)(1. S
South Jlannyer aittvnt, 4 , 0“..." e
next dour to thy PoHt
Oflite. • '
. .
Irs,. Will he 4.0 , 11 from. Carlisle tho lekt too
each tnea . lll. lona.
II: CA Ell.
G1:0. w. NE i DiCi E, D.. D. s,._.
fAte I).nooNt n ,(7.< of ,, pvtt Ivo Dent IFtry to the
- Mailroom -- Cal legs - -of- -
- c
... - ... 1 0 - (47 , Ltito_ .11,31 i T e I.M
a t t trfery.
1 is mltletten,
. .
oproslte )Ittrilit Wit, it est. 31.1111 street, Carlisle,' Man
Nov. 11, 1557. ( .
ONE SQUARE NORTIf UB Tap: coutry hou6E, •
0..1111,15L E, PA.
mairseribm; takes this method a infarming his rid
customer,. awl lraTelling community all that
he lies given I hi,. !muse a therough eurair, and-Inns re
titled it nit opml,to /ny .
Ills tablets al w:iy,supplied le 7 st tine market
will alford..lllg.kiil4 furnished with Oicrivallrinia,
The,togq %kith n gum a yard atlaciled, and
under the - care or an ettnntive iietltr. . ' •
Boarders and travelers neeonunodukal OH the tonsi
l...110)10 toms. Thankful fot the • patroniige hereto.
fon , extend - alio hopes be strict attention to busineba
to merit a continuance of the mini,
Thin pert ref oar sib Is untotu Illy complete consist
leg of Crape; Silk. Stella. in -all' the Variety ~e,r.hilderi
and q..uetting Shawls, men and silk from the
eeletifittast emporium itf (trod h •101pinsl. Nutt York.—
• Sun Enthral litS. Showerets and .Pitrasols 'oT the newest
et. WHIT , : II 1./Di.CIE ALI; KINDS. Entbroidelien
B A N K E l . S , In full sott.i. Colbvo. i.louges.wailisitt bands, !ilium:lnes,
0,1:111rs sail lisserthists; giro arrllt tarn to shoe
Norti Western Land and Calerling Agents. I 'weevil of our had., and ladles will find a very full as
: sertineut.
ParticuiarAtite,tion paid to lite business of non-rest- • HOOPED SKIRTS,
dents, such buyin.; and stilling Real Estate,
I """ i rnittrsiM the impanew skirt supportes. new ar,
maims on real estato sootrities. Paying fax. HIM
tido. A fu.l line of .I.lo,lVor'sa LIJ iiloyes, imported
looking after the gOllrrOtiolerent 6f 11011-rehltirO LH. and Stewart. \ ear hash. Mitt, cloves and
I:eft:renew; given if required.
. gauntlet,. In ever variety. Also.-a largo stock of the
noweAt sty lox of wen's and bay's spriag eas.iluteres - ,'
9hwuapolix, Minnesota. hhaek elorits and aeshnerus. HOS' lillY of even dos.
eripti•ol.:i t this ip trtinant et:insult 11101 , line lawn ta
ken t • sleet ills Varioll4 .klails and sizes suitable fir
I,tilies. Misses. Euro and CillitirrliA-wrar. In fart our
,COA 011IbrOCOS evelithing kept In a first class dry
gem Is :tor,
11 trios purchased for (.3%11 slid ninth our selections
"amin4 ti` , leiot houses In the
deli, of Sew Vinik,abil Philadelphia. we aro prepared to
idler superior 110 ueenients to buyers. All we ask In an
of IKu• stuwk,l',ell,ro pureliaslng elsewhere,
for w bleb f near e ust ill I'eol very grateful.
1559. tEI A SAWYER.
g) ]sly: D N& 11 E'N't.YE'N - II A 1: 1:;
TO THE PUBLIC.—The ndersign
rrl baa g ,rot know:: :ts a writor. would offal his
1.1,1 V. to all tocinirbia Idlarary aid. 110 will li.rolsh, Oration. tisso i'roFr•ntati4n 1.11111,011,111
rep, Linos for Albums. AtitiladeS—preparti
Par tho Ih Gen Ilbihrarien.;utd write Poetry upon aily
suNtigt Addrchs ti, o.t. paid) . • .
Feb. 17, Ih.)
) JAL EST A:l' 13 AGENCY, E-
All Err, (MN VEYANUEIt AND VENIIIt, laps re.
muted his Nets (piles on Mall] street. 011e.d0Or Wehi
Or the Ountherlautl )'alloy Rail Load Dole t.
Ile Is now permanently located. and has on hang met
for sale a very largo amount of Heal Estate, eon:timing
oljorins. 01 all sl"iess, improved and uhltuProved.
Properiks. Town Property of over• description, Itulld•
log bits. almi, IVestern Lands and TIM 111410. Ito will
give his at tention, .ts heretofore to the Negotialing of
Loans. \Veiling 01 Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, Contraela,
add Snivelling . generally. - --
Oct. 2d.
- I'A: 444
The Subscriber hayi i; SUccA.saed — ll. Burkhold e r In
the nountgetnent or. this popular Hotel,' bogs lune° to
assure the ttarelllug public as well not the citizens In
town and county, that no pains. will be spared on his
part. to maintain tint eh:trader which this house loos
enjoyed 011 Iwo, ea a first chaos Hotel.
Each department wI I under his Immediate snpor
vision and cooly attention paid to tlio comfort of bin
clients Haring been recently enlarged It in ono of the
most commodious Hotels In ton p, while In regard to lo
runty, it is superior lu any. • HENRY (IL t Ss.
Carlisle, Apr 20, 15C11-3ni
Tr i l lrjgi e 'etinl
t'dl) % tiib i l 4e ti'tb :ott tLeTtati. Nukoinestno.ruy utr
Root Estate and seourities.Negotiate loans, pay taxec,
101,1 ill land warran is, Os., ,
Refer to thn mondalrs u
tlte Cumberland County Dar, and to ull prondnent.cltl•
zoos of Corns!. ta.L I,Augi'sB-Iy.
..Sition P. SNYDER, Min.
W. K. gerAltiANll . , Pennsylvania.
L. I: Co,oe' Rhode lulnud.
54 , 1" . .1) E - INITARLAND, AND
Beaker's and Dealers In Real Estate,
Minnesota Territory:
Juno 3,1857.—1 y.
'6.outh Ilan6volt.Etroot, ustjololog tho Court Holm,
':arllxlu~ Pa JOHN IcANNON. •
pa-Matt Conch •leavom dally fee Popertown, Peters
Arg, York Aprion out ItaJovor trout this Mum.
N AV ARIt A N M 11N T .
scriber 1:111 0 4 r n il d n a i r i u gnirl' d at 2 or Ci ll' Xl.Je l t B :l 9 l;n th""
leav I r_iit Carlisle every znoroluF andltke!plila
- a - Jaen. • . 7"
Al! goo& loft nt the FlINI1111:1' DEPOT.of Peacock,
Zell k lIINCIIIIAN, NoV. SOS and Fl I Market street,
)rill bu.dollrered In Carlyle the next day. •. • •
Went Mall Street, Corglide,
514 y ^25.!&D
• •
GRENT)SI'ON N5.—,1511 - ariiid Stonek
Itf all sizes jwit remixed, ar' 11. SAXTON'S. ..
ou dozy Fly Nuts, of all colors: binoll. Cotiolrund
Twin., eiledporov, oc t cheapest, at 11. AAXTON'S.
Nay 26, WS. '• • . ..
f. 4 I ATINI. leoeiyed. the
L . 1.14,..c /to rhmtpuar timorcui.nt the county end
erdrraoltel not to crock. 4 the chontrhonlware of
May 25, 1858.. - ,11.11AXTOX
QCitT ITFA AN I) S NATHS. —l5O doz
io‘sboh - oili k nd Atiatlis. ThO laruoit boot atlO'clmipefit.
• ma:limit:l I t,lit. coiiqty;.,livltralili and rotal Qiist Ili :
,solved at • . , • 11. :SAXTAWS. '
• , NA) , 25,186 .. ', -, .'. . • ',.. : 7 '. ,T.,:, , : r.- , !'"i',,,,:...,1.. '
IT .
ttuin eft
• .
• " 0
33tisintss' El,-ari)
11()CTOR ARMSTRONGhps yetnav- •
.1 70,t his office to the.,.501,11 west Omer of !taperer A:
I'o ll'UelybolipuSulted Many houiot the
day or eight. Dr. A. has lied 6hbi ty, years ekperieuce
In the profession. Lhe last ton telybich hove JeOff deco.
led-to the study and practice of Ileinccopathic utedlN
eine. May 20, . ' .
i ~ . q ) . ERN RIC A ttbrifer •
at I,frsf. 4
1. I •0111 co on North Hanover stress, ti few doors
south of Mass' Hotel. 'All business entrusted to him
will be„promptly attended [April 15..
-I_,/ 51. PENIIOSSI has reamed his ofdeo.fn rear n
the iiturt atm, whore he will promptly attend to all
business entrusted to him. , ,
August ' , •
. ,
•J tins resumed the Imo:tie° of the Law. Ofileu 1.11
Polar° Square, west side, near the First Presbyterian
April 8, 1857.
R. S. B; ICIEF 'ER Office in North
nanny, street two doors from Arnold k
store. 0111 co hours, more particularly from 7 to 0 o'clock
A. 31., sod from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. 11.'
./S. W. TIA.VEItBIkG r K, Druggist',
North 16m over Street, Carlisle.
i'llysielln't:yroseriptions carefully rohipoundell
A full slit.ply of fresh drugs and chemicals.
P. AUG. 513.1C011, Priiprletori
_Carlisle. June 2'2, 11i.7.9-3m .
abo & 608 .111n.rke4 SI., abovo atm 11,
• • G. W. HINKLE. Pro; letor
TERMS:—*I . 26 twr day. . Judirldi
,lulu 21,1853-1 y
FINLEY .1i lIINSo . N.
Ilitltlnwre. )111
Minneapolis, Minnesota
fine .1.1Q11,4 p at
v..; •
r •
New Oaks-_---.
• • •
e. "NEW (1014/S, NEW.,OOODS
.• AT OGIJACY'S. NEW . STORE, ' • ' •
. . . . .
Yolv °polling theNtirgost end cheapest stock of Spring.
old Summer4loodll over brought to Cumberland county
' . . . ' LADIES' DRESS (1001.15. ' ".. • ' .
A largo' lino of .elegant Sillm. Challim, lleroge IMbes.
'oil de Cheviot., Opera Clink, Oriental Lustre, l'lnld
~ , ,plins Caladonla Cloth, Lovelies, Satin: Plaid Ducats,
%.1. intim, Cloth. brunch Chintz, du Lalue, travOling
tress goOds. Organdy_ Lawns &e.
in Immense lot-of elegant Collars, Understeeves, Hand.
,orcitials. Plouneings Int:Mimes. Edgings, dc..' direct
`n'om the •nrgest Importing haulm in Now York.
'I birgo tuoiortirlotof Crape, Stella and Thybet Shawls
vet.); cheall ' . ,
. •-•..54. • LACE .AN ) SILK MANTILLAS:. •1 ..
Mark Yells. and all k nds of Mourning goods, in great
variety. Shorty...l'e patont Ileoped Skirls. `Ain Sup. '
porte:retardson's Linens, •A lexandor's Rid Moves,
tiotli:rour till iitplirteY'lliiiiiilllitT4 VIVI I ETTIOSI - Ell - 17
% full assortment of hullos', Merit's. Misses', And Mops'
rinse, very low..
. .
Cheek, Ad . .; all kinds ihd prices.
Cptimotwi Chssinioresn new supply and very cheap
particularly for toy's wear.
' '' OAR PETIIVIS. ~ •
. .
A lm gt, stock of odorant .imperial. ingrain. Yonltlan,'
hemp, tool rag Earplog. bought. from tin Infgent car
pot loam., in Now Y. k. The styles aro now and band.
tome..ardity very. stiperlor.,and..ll4tes 111101111119iLly
low. White and'eolon il mattings MI widths and prices
linsownrd, %laltogany and %Valuta.. framed Looking
illossos in great Vol loty And low 'prices.
llovtng solected my' goods with great care from the
heel iInIISWI to New York and Philadelphia, f nun pro.
pave] . to niter great bargains to MI In want of handsome
good and cheap dry goods. '
Thanking my old friends and sustothors for their ills
oral support, I would resperthilly solicit them and nil
alive tft.d. MO .1 cull relics purchasing olsowhors,--,
Our mounts. Illicit salon and short profits.
Apr. 13,.15P10. CHAS. 001 LEY.
The Oriental Elastic Spring Bed
Tho attention ot bougokonrers is rallel 0 this now and
beautiful in ventlo.
:rbe sprin. 4 110.1 having nosy becnine no Indispensable
In every house. uu 'neeount or 11% gli,Ll,lTril , thri'd
sperlorltvVer . 111.;(1111171.111oniel lied: it wily r.mrtins
o „100 dotermllgol theolany 41uds oltei'erl for
sale. .0 Wok pest, efietro.o., nloAtlsimple in eongtrucllon•
most elaqtic.ln,sl (ImMble, and gives the greatdSt. ease
•nod comfort. .
yuE ORI E\TA r, ;;IPRI . ND lIED,
eseela In all 0 , •., putlltles.lind ros...Fsex abors not
iwionglu.; to—in fact; 111fIrchintimrby any other Sprkg
.lied made, , It (O be :inpiloa to anv bedstead In a few
minutes. and is alsl.4.l:iptikd to entrileS, Cribs, burqui in
sty:l,ll6 , l:as. shill, ,to. ... .
'Clio hop-emit:On In xredlvnti which will hoop it no
Tillar,/11EJ.T.31 Von MI ',;.
PRIC; Pit OM sl,ZW•rii $5;50
~"~~ ~GI"d~FT~
ki , uvral bopot IS3 Canal btreat, nom.
' Dna} 25;5
F itt, '
----(-At-ilteit , -;I;o--Siore, East Main street,)
Have just received iron New York and - Plilladelphia tiny
.Mont cmnpletu and varied assn. tment .nt DRY thitilhi
ever lan,' In Caribde. tifibraring everything that Is.
MM. nand rare r In ,tyle and tooture, Snell no FANCY,
Si uts, in all the minion coital; barred, .tripod, alma,
and 111,11 ore ' On 4tripetland bayadcre, Mack Silks
Foulards or new desivis. Norco and hlWiloyelieti at the
leteet l'aris styles'. sttin striped the citorre cloths,
French challis American teletna. Organdy lawns, dark
and light groiinds and beautilul designs• Travelling
dress g,s~ds or Om 110Wett Mahe Alen. e roll otoek or
mourohoz dress golds, to which We Ins Ito particular
A crorillivz to our praAlee In the last few freaks of the
Kr 40,11, we hare reduce% dill prices olourianuonse and
varied stool: of &aim goods to such points as will insure
rapid wiles. Rezardless of profit we are determined
bell thou off. i • •
Org indr L,V114, tirenaduans.
Prellaid 'Silk t very low fipire , , :11nntillas at
reduced prices. Plain Sint Mantillas very low In price,
French Loco
Chantilly Lace • Mantillas, Talmo, Points, Ac. The
whole of nay story„l4 , tilw niTurlii.t at ..reduced prices,
Itreparatory to lho clew of tkei,rat.on. All lash Is the
ntt ration of the ladles. Illya mu a call, no I feel satis
fied wn can suit any ono both as to style and price,.
• • Jund '29, 1859.
At the New Star, opener of N., llnnov, .4 Loather ate
Thu undersigned returns thanks for the patmnago
Wit;lowed upon hint by the imblic, and at theatnno thee
respectfully announces that he has just returned front
Philadelphia. midis nifty openinv. a new lot of spring
summer 1)ItY (10111)5 and It i•oteleting In
part as follows, and Which ho s dotenninoll to soil nt
the rash prices. Silks• l h n•tl Clutha, Choilles,
Alpacas /olalnoa. Lust,s, Poplins, LainP,
Brilliants, Skirting. French and Scotch. fitng•
hauls, Prints, 01,,i . e5, Hosiery, Collars, ilandlairchlefs,
every variety and quality. Staple and Domestic Day
Goods. Cloths, Casslalores.•Vestings. Flannels, Itas
lins, Tirklngs, - Stripes. Cheeks, Calicoes, Cottonaaes,
Linens, Sheet hags, Denims. 111/ileilllN, Mills, Marseilles
Quilts. colored and white cornet Chula). •c. Parasols
and Umbrellas. Also, a large and splendid assortment
superior lot or fresh GROCERIES, Teas, Coffee. Sugar,
Molaspeu Klee. Spices, kr. Having selected my entire
stock with'llle greatest care. nod the lowest cash prices,
ran assure my friends and the nubile generally. that
I still do all in any primer to noun my establishment
known as the 6 . dead Quarters fur Bargains." Those
who wish to paircluou will find It to their advantage to
call and examine nay stock before purchasingelsewhere.
72;3.1 nill pay the highest - market price fur Butter,
Egos, Rags, Swap anal Dried Fruit,
r. 27, TRIAL. .1. A. Jr.
.A. M S• li.. W KAT R S
• •
.0 A II 1,11 , 1 T
No Ma 114.1i0VEIL STI:LLT. CUMULI:, P.
!loving been' ougaged In thu ImaMoss for ()vim tAtentj,
rears ho would 'thturn thanka to his custdmorel and
frit nda, fob thu !Moroi onegnragonsunt pxlended th blm
In yen,w gone I.y. 'and 'fat her agonrea them that no
poinanvlll -birgrotrot: to - giro - MU aall4acllMAsttrtilVwlW
in•ty favo'r him wlih a call
of every description enlist/1;31y on hood, or made to
ordor.', Warranted to level -the hest quality, of tha la
4.1 d style, well finished, and sale at the lowest possible
lie else continues business as an Elt'al(Eß,
ready — mailo Collins. -31ittallic Or otherwise.' Isenreon•
tuatly ou hand and funerals promptly attended to
nominally In town qr conntry,mi the moat reasonable
31Itty' 23, IdsU—•lp
N. IL—Two propert,lo4 Atuutq in 011 urchiorn,
coloi,y, aro gligred Itir lo on ropy turning. Apply se
illt nienOy pitr
hid cmiitg wlllrl4, - Tor Abu pu n'
of btkiit, by thu 'dozed, .well•malli , mid lot good niaterlal.
• . , M. lb
27. i 11139, Mnin s4oet.;,
• .t • •
y • Agiteultlimrsiore.of
1.40306 - J tily I§llD, . • ; •
"And lie buried Min' In n vullny Sit the' land of Most,
o°or minium Betbpip.; hut', o ,mein linoweih of his
Eepuichro hntd this duy."—pstrr. ?Exiiv. 0.
• :By ntountalti„.
• On this side Jordan's yrat'e t
• Ticat 'rah In the land orldottbt°:
, •. • Iltiorotles a lonelfgrare. ;
Matto mart tlng - thareaptileh:rei" --
' Andeo men sitetje o'er: ;.•
' For the angels of God ut.ttarnedithe sod,
And laid the dead man therti.•: .. • '
- That wax the randest'futieral
.That ever passed on`enrth
.• lint no man hoard the trainpltdg t
Or Sa tr . the (Fain .go forth, r
Ndlslesily as the daylight • . 4
And the erinison stritak r on ocean's slink
Grows Into the great
I • Noiselessly as tho spring thug •
- Her erown'of verdtire
Aug till-tlutlygou on nil tho hllba' -.• , •
Open theltilliousanit leat'es4-
So f without stibild of musio
- Or voliie of theta that wiipt.'.7-• -•-•,•
- d-iwwfwon thn ntoinititincrown , •—• S:-
grosegrocession swept.
Ferrhance tho bold old eagle,
Qn gray Br timerea height,
Out of his rocky eyrie
LOokrd on the wOniirousalght.
Ferehanee tho lion, stalking„ -
&111 shame that Milton - eft spot
For bead a tid,bird bar,e nom atrirheard
- That Which man knoweth hot,
But when the Warrior dieth,
dTe •
comrades in the
With onus reversed and math:4 drum
Follow the funeral car. •
Thorrhow the Jetliners taken,,, - " •
They tell ilk IyttAION iron, .
And after him lead his inesterleas steed,
While pools the nil,, uto pun,
Amid the noblest of the I:md
.3len ley the sage to rent, , •
And Oyu the bard itnhonoreci:plaeo
- :With toclly marldo.dreNsed.—.---
In the groat mineter transept,
Where lights like glories fall, •A '
And the sweet chair sings, and:the organ rings
Along the emblazoned wall:
This wan the bravest warrior
-- 7 ---- Thet - nverhuckled sword;.. This thelnost gilled poet "•, -
That ever breathed a ivard; . '
And never eitrth's philosopher:
Traced with his gulden
•' On thd . denthless lingo truth tudfso sago
An h, wrote down fer tea. ;r*
And had ho nut high honor}
the hill lido for Ills poll ;
To 110 In sluto.whlle angels:nal;
tyledr stare for laiers tall ;
dark rock pines, like ti!sslng plumes,
Over his bier to wave; • • •
Awl there ain,liatul,:,in that body laud,
•-To lay Idol In the grave.
. In lied deep grave, without a name,
WheneoPetunelliitcd , clay . i«..•
' trek again—lost trthidrims thought!—
And stand glory wrapped around
On the hills lie never trod,', •• •
And speak or the strife that woo our life
t With the Incarnate Snit of Clod.
01 lonely tomb in'filottlis land, •
Q! dark Ilethpeor'n hill. •
Speak to those curious longs' of
And teach them to ho
Clod bath his mysteries of groco— •
Ways that Co cannot loll; :7 4
Ito hides them deep. like the b - ecret sleep
Of Win he loved se well.
For the Herald
.TO - L. L. H.
NU M . 13 E —l7. •
" ioke Leman Iles by Chinon's
A thousand fent in depth below,
Its mossy waters meet and ttow;.
Thqs..muolt-the fathodenne Was sent
From Chlllou's snow-white battlement."
While in Buffalo, one afternoon, I visited
the prison. It stands where Lake Erie's
breezes and bright green waves from afar, send
in a free and joyous harmony.
" llnng flowers to lbe captive's lonely eel
--,- bring flowers, mil; flowers,"
that,have bloomed, in the free glad/ node,
'mid notes of bir'd and blue glancing Streams
ogeoeintb 11'0141 bring him joy .once
more. 1 was ip Mataaclufseus whew the law
of imprisonment for debt was repelled --and
there was. in 0110 town, man set at liberly.
11110 had been. imprisoned for a smell awount.
and whose brow had not been fanned - by_the
western breeze for daily yeurs! Oh, how he,
inhaled the free, 'free air again!
As I stood in the yard of the pimp by the
lake, whence a broad view of its bounding
billows is seen, I could, not but think that:
their wild and foamy piny must be answered
back by ibnee.a prisoned poem.: A- prisomin
a city—a prikon on a plain, may- have stir
roundings that visible, shall excite little elevat
ed emotion to the prisoner:—the castellated
prisons of mountains have excited op-lifting
tonal ions—hut how much more free and wild
MINI he the emotion excited by the sight. ,of
ceaseless waves and a boundless horizonl—
It may be thought that little of poetry or
Hentitemit can live in a- hardened prisonei:.'s
Itearl--perliaps not, but it is at least,pledsing
to imagine that all the instincts and higher,
faculties have not fledtlint !bell& of nature
has not quite - gone out—:thiti theimpillseennd
atancifitions of the' springtime of life, when
the spirit was new and freshly endowed from
the Creator, must still live somewhere in the
great deeps of its infinitolife- that the beau
tiful lessons frotel mothers, however lowly,
of childhood however obsoure,tio live and must
reeve the; soul with mighty power, even amid
.tierk temptation and the lewestdegraded state
of human existence. And then they are not
alli.hy, any mean's, theiliardened wretches we
too often imagine,—no, freshfrom the fields—
fir fields, of nature anti of high, Minion notion, J
many,—oh! too Many of them have come!
I saw hero in this pri4On many a young face.
, whose intellect and heart, Or once : 9ll,VA May
Thii,iirtii having ffeiribTa - kiii - 16 - liiiiiiiice,' sireipW
and fell in hero l, -How skillful , .was their:
workmanship ! ,surelyin , such natures must
be a spark of the soul Nino—hod I not known
It was a prison, I should supposed' them in
'buity — tratleeTuel - biteritrelibps ittiitty . ii: .
time,, But a row : of.'. stut-bonnets. hanging
near whoro the weavers Were at work,:nifeeted
, me More than' air.' I have seen woman and
' loved her, as 'wife, mother Weld eiSter-:have
seen-her devoted love and - hibor. in , the room,
'of titaness, of deprivation and of dentli;—ltave
admired:ll , 4.. it; -Any eud , every .spliere=lMl
Women msprisoner I • oh, •I minnot,yet_yitild her
•ifp;' - '4Veti'llieniiioifit".titekti 'thin.:liefilieti;
speak. Of iichoollinoses. in .'frett and: fliKofl
mountaindmetes-,4 will:16400 thern , there V
UL'iriciN' Hausa,. (C. 'w.) ; ill/40A .Faris,.
' , .Augps ...3,,, VA. .._ ' • ~, ..
• •froir:Tbe;, testimony , th use 414 o dou bt
' tliPr
n .
[oerrefilitautenee Of the Ilerald,
'July 21ith,• l 809:
Estron.:—Since my last, I have •
tea the tomb of WaShington • Takingdhe caxs
at the Camden' Station; in Baltimore," wet
'soon borne ed - the oitS , of "magnilleent.distan
ces " ..In great haste I was takento the steam
er; Thoinna.Colyor ; and scarcely•lted my feet,
touched the deck, before the signal was given
for her departure. 'I found quite a largti
party aboard 'from diffbreet sections.: of the
ea" of America.'
' AS I 'sat this morning, rousing,' upon the
character of 'Washington, whose cherished.
home, and Mouldering remains I was on my
limy to see, I irbe frequontly amused at the
remarks of some of the passengers around ate.
To transfer "them to paper: .'would be a Pleas- *
ant task for me,. but perhaps not very profit
blo to your readers.
rabic church, in whichrashington was accus
tomed to worship. was soon passed by on
gallant little steamer. A fez/ miles further, -
and she stepped at. Fort Washington, erected
some 27 or 28. years At this point,
nearlrall, oboe :0 availed-themselves of an op
portunity afforded by the courteous Captain,
to Nigh the fdrtrees. Ilere wo Moo -found
large pleasure Pfty from tilts surrounding
-country, enjoying quite a lively pie nic."•When
the bell sounded to call 'us. back to the Bout,
this party joined ours, and with tine spirits we
'started for the sabred grounds so fraught with
intcresting circumstances:
Often have I seen Mt. 'Vernon, when gliding
over the beautiful waters of theTto ovine. Nev
er did I pass it Wjthout taking my lint in hand
and gazing with interest upon it. But.. tb-•
day, when the elerinir.reached the spot, and
- commenced - atop - guar tolling of her bell, it
produced a class of yeelinds of the most itn;
presssive character. As I atepped from the
deck to the wharf, the Captain announced that
we would have two hours and a half to enjoy
ourselves, : .
A s •I was walking slowly up the path,.
ing to the tomb, a gentlemen of commanding
apt o trance. remarked to me. that he planted
his test upon (lib soil or the Old D.nninion for
the tirot thee to•day. 1 replied, that lab leas
fort duet e in touching the proud Slate of Vie--
ginia, at a point where her soil was so pre-
Mons. • This led to if long conversation upon •
tiro elutfa6igr Hite, who was •' first in war
first is peace. and first in the hearts of his
countrymen. •
In a few moments, I stood uncovered, in
I' ', a
front of the - Vrlla which contoiite the •dttvViif
Washington. ;1t was a solennOtour —an hour
which - l - shall - never forgerwhflst - ntemory en
dures,. I - have roahted through 'cemeteries,
containing the remains of great arid ruse
in decorating and beautifying 'which, attists
have taxed their utmost skill s and wealth,has
lavished„ ,its treasure§ ;, but never. has my
whole nature been so stirred as whilst gazing
upon the plain, sitnple tomb of Washington.
After spending - a brief time at the tomb, we
Narieil-for the•mansion, which of courso,_is
Very ancient looking .building 1 was sur 7
prieed to, Lind that we could have access to
only, two rooms, which were used as parlors.
by Wtishington. In these rooms. we observ
ed 'aeveral hid - pictures, looking glass, And a •
pair of silver eligAllicicti: In the Hall, we
also noticed scapq,picLot es of interest,' and over .
one of the dem% Image the key of the Bastile.
WashimitloOrsprglatle-rveits , attrilmngin a : po-•
sitiou to bo.vieweit,by.
. .
its surrounding scenery. The grounds of Mt.
Vernon are very 'pretty. • In` the rear of the
mildiug, inn lovely garden,. but in rather bad
repair. Indeed the visitors seemed disposed
to complain of the present occupant of Mt.
Vernon for the extreme carelessness manitbs
ted by him in regard to the grounds at large.
The object• of greatest interest' to myself was
the old tomb. which so long contained the
Mortal 'lust of Washington. I crawled into it
and 'picked up a fragment of the venerable
structure for preservation.
The neevnult, in which Washington's re- ,
onnim.iuul those of Mrs: illashingt on repose,
is it plain. but neat structure. In, front is a
largeirou, gate. Iletween . 17/1110m - id the por-.
lion of the vault,' containing the bodies, are
two sarcOphngi, of while Marble. with the
simple incription. George Washington, and•
Alart ha Washington Ott the left of the tomb
is it kilain marble shaft, erected in memory of
the vOtues of John Augustine, son of (Arbon
and Hannah Lee Washington. and nephew of
I.lu4rod Washington. Llo died Junoll6, - 1832 ...
aged 43 years. On the right is a shag, with
an inscription, setting forth the virtues of ,
Itushrod Washington. Associate „lanitice of the 2
'Supreme Court of the United &ANL There
are 'also shafts in honor of Mrs. M. E. A Con
rad. wife .of Charles M. Conrad, daughter of
Lawrence and Eleanor P. Lentim, and grand
niece of George Washington: of Eleanor Parke
Lewis. grand dnughter of
,Mrs. Washington,
nnil adopted'daughter of General Washington.
She was reared tinder the roof of \lt. Version,
and was remarkabh3lor the beauty of her per
son, 'and the superiority of her mind. 1 have
been particular about mentioning these 1111171C8;
thinking it might lie' of interest to those of
your readers who have never ' been favored
Mt.'Vernon. ,
On our retiiim. an we passed up the river,
the city of Wnshington spread itself to our
view in gr .nd proportions The Caritol,with
i s massive marble'-walls, rested oinjestionlly •
ngainst the bosom of the sky, nod called to
mina many departedonealwhose voicesin ricb-
Of - elikipieiipelitiO - Otien Vcen heard
within its walls
• After a very poor dinner; at the 'celebrated
Brown's !tote!. in company with my travelling
companion. and n young friend from
more, I took the and by 8 o'clock I again
found . myselt in the "monumental city."
"Cousin• John, how did your wife hurt her
back so? I declare it nitiketf me feel awfully
to see what a great hump she's got a growing
since ohm, cum away trout Connecticut." With
that, cousin John looked at her, and larfcd q ,
little, but I could see he didn't'feel just right;
and arter• a mink ho said, sez he, "Hush.
cousin, you must not. speak Bo loud ; it's true
Mary has put on rather 100 much bustle, but
it's the fusion you Bee." 1 looked round, .and. t. ..
as true us you there warn't a gal- in the,
room that her hack tiatioking out jest'
the - same way. Such'a set of
critters •I never did pUt my eyed . 6.1 land yit.
' they,allitood about, a smiling, add a
to the tellows,as ifnothing ailed t h eta.
..thingst_....l.l2eVenneezi set,of.folksdressed-out
so touch and so 'awfully stunk up as they
werd.. Soma of thelals had their
linir.' - and some 'had- flowers "or' gold - Chains
twisted'-among . curlS,''and I didn'tsee
-one there thatwatmtdresied'
and'eutitie, as orink turilould be. As' for the
men, I: thought I -should have •haivAittnied•;
rightoute lurfin Love° some of 'em. There
woe one 'chop talking to.llliss Beebe, with his
hair ported frotothe top of Mahood down ;soh
side am! it. hung down behind, all
ovnibiacoat , collarlike ti youfiggars'justbe 7
fore Op.:begins O.- wear a comb; and, there',
.W.11#.170. h4l l oloA,ittiniiy, EquOic r ouoop. up- - !- - '
per lip right under hisipse,'.like a cat's W.4i47: •
kers' When she 'begins' to 'get' btr
,back till.• .
.E . very i o' e. s'polte,tbo_htir,,:,kinder"'-rik;ali :y
and if.vott about
felipw.eraA overth, lookqot
Sez it.wouldn't,be fuW,to,Bee that, '
try' etit.,''f, If lie thiilin!f!get'fils• victuals
g¢lrtl up i' -button: , othair'.- he• , ifinsVkifeiv
itw'l Ili :
"Ivtialf pita was with . ycur9notker..."
• Such was the excininatioit of lir times; tired
looking wontamiMphe'snntenpti a bit - of choice
-work from a little hand, ,and - , then .rudely
pushing the child from her side,ltlM left theroom.
Itrivas not , beautiful creature, that little
wan child, with gold ringlets and soft deep
blue eyes.. Is:either was her. coniplexionAtk_
cling, nor he'r'ckeeks round and finisbed•witlf
rich 'blown. She was only phiin-looking
child, whom nobody ever Called sweet flaunts
and gave loving kisses to, save 14- sainteil
mother over whose ashes the mould gathered
!now, ,
Quietly OHL...little one moved away--but -
great.-gasping sobs sivelled- her bcisetn, and
she breathed hard as if it were a misery and
weariness to - breathe - at - nil.
wish I was with my nether-6h ! don't
I wish I was with my mother !" slie said,
again and again; boldig her little hands tightly
clenched upon her bre ,- It. "If I was, only up
there," she sobbed pi' - -my head wouldn't
bent so, and my eye red and aching
Olt! God, take me- me up 'there with
My mother." .
-Never was uttered
a ittl —it- watt • answer ,
* * *
`Mother says it yet sick Rini can't do
nothing, you'd bet ,o 'bed. §he says
you inusn't eat - no - supper,'because. sick folks
ought not to cat anything She- nays. it's
light enough to see.without a candle
Vim] reerving tills message orphan Mary
groped her way Ail-thigh the long. dark pus
sage, and, entering a small and poor roont
threw herself on the bed.
ller strength was exhangerby The livery
tasks that Had been impotriA upon her during
the day; add her bead ached fit/violently that
it seemed to her that, it shook with the pain.
She bad almost, sobbed herself to sleep,
when a dittle figure stole in, holding in one
Muni a slice of nicely buttered bread, aurl, in
the other a feeble light
•• Mary." it said, •• Mary Ann, the girl, told
me ~that- -y ou had gone tolled sick, wiLliont
any supper Ain't you hungry Ilere's
something,for you to eat."
Mary sprang wildly up, her eyes - glittering
and 'a crimson cubic on her cheek. '
. _ .
. Fever was coursing through her veins; she
was a Moment Vowildered, and razed around
heil so sirangely that the little .figure shrank
hack further in.the gloom.
• " Oh! I wish toy masher sons alive," she
ed-soleninly,--Elly,youL-doultit now
! how I couldn't eat it, kite nidded as
the.child strkiched'auk.its..litile_ntre'ring.
feel as-if- Imever anything again,
something is going round-inside my heart as
it' F was dying.",
What - makes' you think so?" asked the
little girl, coming nearer and litying her hand
upon Nary's, "how queer and, white you
"Aunt told ma to-night," said .the sick
child, " that she wished I was with my moth
er; aildc.then I prayed to OW that he wohld
take me to heavenand-, 7 1 think he.will;, to
night may tat "
"Oh Mary!" exclaimed Elmn, bursting into
tears and sobbing asil her heart would break,
I'm sorry 1 struck you yestefalay and we've
all been cross fo you. and, it made - mojclal
bad;),4 1 ..Mary don't spy you ,11.1%) going to
diOnUnai 4 ll Mk : lse:goys* to,you,uo die
Mary.' DO/aat ibis, piece Or bread:"
The child Shook her. head. "'Aunt didn't
Mean to ho cross, I guess, 'or say what made
me feel so bad," said Mary, in a weak voice.
l• I do 't feel a bit had about it now, though
I tbii t m ut ktmost broke then. Anti
you was so kind to. think of Inc,' too, dear. 111
tell of it. be sure, in heaven, and God will blems
you, I know he will. • And yoh're cold and
shivering, while, I am, oh!—all burning up.
You must go to the fire again, only help ma I
undress, because may be ant& won't like it if
I sleep in these clothes Good night—stop,
kiss me, DM, may •be I'll never' kiss you
Ella Slopped and impulsively flung her arms'
about-Mary's neck. It,felt .burning_ hot—so`
did, her lips and her breath ;
but when the
child told in the warm' . kitchen that Mary
thought she should die that night, her mot tier
laughed derisively, saying, " that. the child
must be broken of such nervous notions."—
If site had came to her sooner, she would have
made something of her—but sister with her
refined notions had utterly ruined her, adding,_l
•l I rather think she'll come in to her breek•
fast in the morning; we shan't saveany
on IfiTir dying this year." -
Slowly the sad hours crept along, end twelve
had long ago struck from ,he old clock in the
earner, when little Mary sprang, again from
her troubled sleelL The men shone in full
and white.; its light struck out all the'little
objects of interest on the dark wall— hire In
s portrait —a dingy p . ortrait, and. a high
b (eked chair with a white sheet thrown over
it. She wasiu a raging fever, and on the
very verge of delirium. She threw aside the
coverlid that tiniest scorched her and the
keen night airs tied to be grateful to her.
Site had waked frt a dream— a gleiltnis
dream of heaven, to an L4.4m,t1 her iQot her.
Site had - heard. silvery.sceents, sweetlyNihig-
Lig. out ,from some beautiful golden arch:
--Come little Mary, come where your mother
And'whero is my mother ?" she thought.
closing her eyes fir a moment ; ~ she culled
me ; I ours ly beard her, I - saw her • Where
shall I go to find my mother? tell nte, dear
Another moment:, she had flung her'long
black hair Lack from her eyes•rsought the
door, and was Bono. Nona sow her in her
flight, satve The kindly moon that looked down
pityingly. The frost glittered on hedges and
the trees shook their lifeless branches over
her-head. Many a watcher satin the pleas
ant cottages— seine of joy, some of grief, but
they knew not that the motherless child fled
almost on the Wings of the wind; post timely
joy and 'sorrow, past warm and pleasant chil
dren snugly sleeping, with their arms twined
around each other'specks. , -pospoving, living
parents—that poor motherless child Hying to
the cold bed in the church-yard.
' Her feet . left'prints in,the frozen dew, she
felt not the but with her wildly bright
eyes ineakitind the shining stars that: glittered
between ha-and the haven she sought. The
church yard 'we gainek she glided by, found
the little cross 'ars it the cm tance,hrl passed
that.' In her night rtzhes, gliding among the
grey heatistontum,m she loOked like is spectre, ,
wan and white.
• ,At length' she found the cptit where last she
"lithritiCEE the - liFeW — of her , gentle mother :up
turned to. the pale
, There she sank, down as she shouted, I
have come, mother;" and then she would
gaze and'listen:- crimson fever spots
Presently she, fancied that she was again in
Lee ehildhood'S home, and sweetly and., loy
ingly 'she bilked - with her mother, twining hbV
arms as if about her, neck, imploring id plain..
live accents that she ivtiuld not leave
The lightest breeze made lter frnmo'tremble
now, for the fever of deliriuni was passini.3,
away, though not the fancy - that-she was in
o:tt ;orrk, denri , Stilb - sliOlial4ble . ci
the, of childish things; and feeling w eary, mur-
Mitred th 0.46 Would ge'to bbd. •
' itimidd - have been iv:touching :sight„
iiiiiii - tiytheAolirtrossi to see that motherless;
.o,bild.put her the : iittioZtitubeet3 coltrgratie,
kcar, her intiriatM„ ticiaor - pdrobed
fniutly and "tili)Od 010 t, titetiter';:'
ghtnigaitig: to sleep; , stow, -and if I:diedieforeq.
avakes I ploy the 7Lord;my soul to
, 1 -$l-50 -per „.
.1 $2 po. if itiOtp.awdinr.adiance
fervent prayer,
All vas confusion in the family- where Or
in Mary, had suffered so - nitich
bravely , Tee - children went, , dbobt .weeping
—the father. had .gone o• tbb crier's,: Mit
meanwhile two men came to .the cottage bear
itig,the body of the dead child.
Horror-stricken, the oonseience-smitten
matt who had treated her. Lender charge thus
harshly, Moved hurriedly away from the !Me
,budy muttered foithd—founa—
Mond hi. the death 'sleep Found with her
little hands clasped—her limbs stiff--her lips
tilood — Kerifeart_still---Found-and.dend.
:The children, presSed ahoathe little 'white ;
form with bitter grief-rbutt he parents stood
aloof. beneeforth,th know Mo pence.
"I wish yeti was with your,mother!"' Oh
hittv'those thrilling, Words rang through her
Brain: Dear lamb ! she. was-with her mother
—nb more to bear wrong and . ‘ hisult.. , ;
the e h
Ipirch-yard lieriltient. spirit went up;
awl 'i t woe - •eva '.pressed_from,
her beart t lb l'Ella,.do
you know
I brlng'fresit showers for the thirsty flower,
From the roan a inljlie streams),
I bear thilftrsh . eile tiir the leaves when laid • •
• In their noonday drea ms.
From my >rh,gi; , •
are takenthe_ticitis that.wakort
The swee. birds everyone.
Whim rocked to rest on . thelr niother's treMit,
As she danced about the sun.
I wio'hi tine Hall at the lashing hall,
And whiten the green-plains under;
And- then again I dissolve it In rain, •
And laugh as I pass In thu•nder.
irk. Di.. Manning of the-----Theologieal
!Seminary, although somewhat eccentrie, is ,
I also one .of the , noblest and . most devotedly
i pitmsOf men, and the - C9IIII.ItICNS - number of
anecdotes told it him, present some singular
compounds of piety and eccentricity. It was
Ibis iliVill'ilible . custom assn- h Civ.rpen
his daily class recitations mid lectures y, in ,•
yoking the Divine . blessing on his labors, and
on those committed to his charge --
~ - -
,i The Doctor po,sessed a lymph:li ic tempera
, meal, and was prone to indulge in what Ile
1 termed -, 9. - ifc - ifory sinful habit of sleeping in
!the day-time." On one occasion the class met
!as - usual, °tithe ringing pf Ihe hell, at. the re
citation-room:and nfter - rwaiting a reasonable--
tint, for Adm without his making lily appear
ance, dhuniss•ed themselvts • . The very next
Alay_after this occurrence-thector—was-a---
gain ...overtaken in his fault," lint managed
I.I I Mt ad-the class Were retiring. Begging them
I to remain, they r'eadily jissentekandl he wor..',
rthy Doctor at once,commenced by n arcing a
Clean breast of his heinous offense:
. .
"lirekhren." said he.. wiping the perspira
tion frem•his forehead and_the tears front his
eyes, .•I
O we you an apology for this unwar-
I rantable neglect of my duty fawned you.
Pi:Med . :ln so responsible a situation as I am,
when I reileet,..upon•my short comings and the
manlier in which I discharge the trust confi,
ded to nie. I tuft overwhelmed with mortifiea- .
tion, regret, and
.seif.nceusation: - Yesterday
(us .usual, during this warm and oppressive
wenthar) I had fallen asleep immy study,aud
therefore 'failed to meet you—ithe ringing, of
the bell not waking me ;, and to thfy I have .
rEpented•the-p•Aperionco_sfyesterdy. •• • J:n
corely ask Elio forgiveness of vial , inattlivery
one. of yen,. But - the truth iti z •ltretlt.ritt;' , ?that
riiliOrable'oolleioreliorohri.ns . no hotter than,
an old wool but with a lamb's tail in-it. Let
nx prey "
Any one who has ever Seen a lamb "draw
ing nourishment from the maternal fount," as
Nlicawber would say, will appreciate the fe
licity of the comparison. ••
llt Our city was for. sonic years enligh
tened by the presence of a young minister who
meant exceedingly -well, and did pretty well.
A congregation in a Western city learning of
his lame, and having no shepherd, incited
our Mr. X- to assume the vacant crook,
deputing to carry their offer a much respect
ed deacon, commonly called, in abbreviation
or his first-name, Epaphras, Uncle'Emfus."
Uncib Ilinfus came, • told his errand, and
caused a churith Meeting to be held that he
might lay the case of his own distant church
hefore it. The pathetic appeal with which he
opened his business was this:
My brethren, I have come from a long
distance to MY before you the condition of our
church in the wilderness. We read in holy
Writ that, upon a certain occasion, our Lord
directml two of his disciples to go into.a cer
tain village, saying unto them, "Straightway
ye shall find an ass tted - Noose him and bring
'dill unto 'My brethren, among you we
have found nie ass tied. Permit me to loose
4tu, and lead him away And if you ask, as
of old, why I do it ? in like manner I answer.
"The Lord'hath need of him."
—They let Uncle Evans untie the ass and lead
hint away.
"My grandfather was for some vears'n sher- •
iff and justice in the • land' the 'bloc laws,'
moil have. heard a number of amusing 4an
vedittes.from his experieuee. Here is one.
imiiden lady of advanced yea rn and ex, •
ceedingly. cuuseientinus was railed upon to
give evidence iu. a ease. ut 'assault and bat
tery?' Betsy was' - duly sworn. 'Did l'ou see
Smith afflict; Juloisoar 'Llielieve I did'
Wel!, but you know whether You situ 'hint
was-ittanding_just opposite, and I believe I '
say Smith strike Johnson. My grandfather
thought he would fry.' 'Betsy,'. said be; stern...,
Iv, 'say right up and dovin whether you saw
hint or not." Well, Squire C—, right up
and down, I believe did!'"
Air A young lady once .hinted to a gen•
demon that, her thimble 'MI6 worn ot,t, aind
asked what reward'she merited for her in.
dustry. lie sent her an answeriu the shape
urn. thimble, on—whielt,tlici following . lines
were efigrkved:. '
"1 send you a ;tillable for flogers nimble,
'Which I hope will Ilt whorl you try It;
It will last you Mug, It; It's halfas strong
As thu blot you gave me to buy '
ne n , Deacon Jones has tilways!' . beMi re
markable for his meekness and! nnifterm pro-.
piety of conduct, On the decasion Of a
.•militia muster the spirit of the dity...pyodu! -
cell such an influence on the worthypeaconikik:
r' and'';
attracted the attention of the paston,,t;
sonni of the biethren,' The' Pasto'r
ed . bis astonishment, anclasked- the ,
capes:, ',4":
Why, Pastor ,' replied . the Destesil,:t, , hip .
ace I've been. ~ instant, in season Arid oui,"Cf, - ;
season, serving the Lord for the
Years, and I thought (Ina, just for
take a day to • myself." n''
Tel,taludS_,that, she , is_not. in the' . -
net road, tci gain the approation:K:llM', `ntit i r.; .-
gels, and she, may not hear you; patience but even: follow,
her. yo~ir , ndvice ; gj, g ,y
litd~ to bet
in ,ali,'her methods. togan. the .
of. Ippn., ittici,a)to,will pyrettio,n4 youx advice,aii
but the, adviser, with scorn and vengeatmee , Aa.t .
Go n tlerti titi•'• d",. 7 laid, dne/
shdwintin,•"here,.yon!. tnive thet.Aliskniaceitttit
pailitib A.; Cif iii' th . ity•Mon'trD Ditriitto
i e l - ean easitidistidguished , frotirtholion,
• 12y,,thogree*entton;Wnhkei!altItliP44..
Ap,p,ok7ii - getilEXP: : 1 41(77tkigti - ,KnAt•it:V4
said,, 4009 d 40 K 64.0 ' , - , M 4 ' i q a ir ivv / 4
It'fijPßibtilvt'l 4 . 4 . 4 i l ol:fS l- 91t/k ei•Val4 •
tihitt rta 4.41 tirtgetiuice-cregni siaqt. •
•• Att•• '4l 1441 .1-4(
NO. 48.