.•.. le El II - CELEBRATE!? "Y,E.R-MJF(J.:G.E .A. NT> > -LIVER PILLS. AT E beg - leave r to call . the atfen . . ,tion of the Trade,-and more especially • the rihysicians off the country, to - swo of th i p most popu- Jar remedies 'now before the public. We refer to AMIN, one 0,0 Vernaifuge:aiitrLivex Pills: - we do not yecommorta — them as universal Cure-alls, but simply for whit their name purports, viz.: • • THE VERMIFUGE, For expelling Worms from the hiiman system. , It has.als%4en administered, with the most" 'tis "factory results to' various Animals subject-to Worrn4. THE LIVER PILLS; • For the cure of Liv ER CODIPLAINtS, all BILIOUS DERANGEMENTS, SICK HEAD-ACHE; &C; - In cases of - ,FEVER AND_ AGLT_E,, preparatory to or after taking Qui : nine, they almost invariably. make a speedy and permanent cure. As,specifics for the above men ,- tionedWseases, they are Unrivaled, and never known to fail when ad ministered. in accordance ilith" the directions - Their unprecedented popularity has induced the proprietors, FLEMING BROTHERS; PITTSBURGH, PA. o dispose of their Drug business; in which they have been success fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and they will now give their undiVided time and Attention to their,mantifacture. And being/de; terinined that Dr. M'Lane's brated Vermifuge and, Liver pins - continue to. occupy the high position they now _hold among the great, remedies of the' day, they - will continue to • spare neither time nor expensr • - -- , wing, the Best and Pure: - com pound them torough -manner., to ENING 81103. Pittsburgh, Pa. P.B. Dealers and Physicians ordering from others Ilion Fleming Div., will do well to write their orders .dittitictly, And tots neme but Dr. APLouea, prepared by Fleming Bros. Pittsburgh. Pa'. To those wishing to give them A trial; we will forward per mall. post paid, to Any part of the United States, -one box of Pills for" twelve three-cent postage stamps, or one vial of Verinlfuge for fintrteen threeeant stamps. "All orders from Canada must titcompanted by twenty cents extra. . • William .P. Lynch; Practical PLUIIIE.h'I2 and GAS FITTER, in the baaiment•of the R.. E. Church, Main Street, Lead 'and Iron Pipes, Hydrants, - UNA Cold Shower Baths, Water Closets, • POMP and Lift Pumps, Wro't Iron Wei'd Tubes, 'And every description of corks, and fittings for gas, steam, water. &e. Superior cookbig ranges, heaternand gas fixtures put up in .ehurefies, stores and dwellings, at abort notice, It the most modern style. All materi als and work In our line at low rates and warranted. iIQ-Coun try wptrk and Jobbing promptly attended to. Afar. 23, 1859—,..13, ,T \[is it,NNAR 111 E MAIIKNT. HOUSE. WOULD AGAIN Let The People Know. That they have Just received and are daily recelvlng a Inn large stock of • SPRING AND suximr,n, CLOTHING, madenip In the best, latest and most fashionable style. ' • Thelv ass.,rtment of fancy and plain Conitnere and Coehmeret, tine binck cloth Coats, rants, satin and silk ;Ifests, are superior to any ever presented to the pimple of Ovvlifde or vicfnity, as well as their large variety of Caw:matt: Kentucky Jinn, Twied; Italian cloth; Alpic. ca. and all aorta of, linen coats, pants and vents. togeth• or with a well Relented stock of lIENTLIIMEN'S FUR. NIS GING GOODS, such as white and fancy Shirts, neck ;Ind pocket handkerchiefs, Cravntn, Tlea, Undei Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Socks,Sunpenders, be., In short, every thing else to dress up It ii a well established fact that STEINERS, ° can and do sell , a little Cheaper than ally ClOthing Store in Carlisle or vicinity. We Moved:no ailvine ONE and ALL to Mill at Steiner's cheap clothing store, boron they make their purchases, an theynce always willing and pleased to elMiv their goods. Reinember near the Market house, Apr. 13, 1859. STNINISIL 111108, k Co. TRON RAILINGA—grota--Railing for XCemotary enclosures, public and private ground. and 'gardens, made to order at the CarilsbeiFoundry. Our stack. of Railing, Verandah end Bracket pattorns eom.' prima a large variety of new and elegant designs which toe public are invited to call end examine. - Orders for rooting and putting up Bailing will be promptly execu ted at eatiefactory prices. tki An entirely new TEN HOUSE STEAM ENGINE and BOILER now on band, warranted to be of the but mike, and will be sold at a bargain for cub or on abort time EGAIIDNER & CO. UMBEELAND VALLEY INSTITUTE C .)ISCIIIANIOI3BUItO, PA. A. F. iil l llllN, A. 8., PItIDICIPAL, and teacher of Illittlleniatles and Modorn Languages. THOMAS S. REESE, Aaxistaut Principal and triather.of Ankleut Languages and 11110.111rEllgiith. L.AL fIAVERSTICE, Aaslstant In the English De partment. ." Thie Institution having passed Into now hands, will be reopened as a Male School only, on Thursday, the 24 day or September nest. It Is the design of the present proprietors to make It a strictly firat.class Boarding ; School, for training and fitting. boys and young men either for college or business. An efficleot corps of In. etc/eters has been organized; whom personal interests are identified with the success or the institution, and who will spare no palms to make lrworthy of the cond. dance and patronage of the public. The llulidings of sle theinstitute a rea , and well arranged , fur the no. tommodatiou of abo t ninety Warders, and all laudable Rum abroad are ex acted to board with the teachera.-- They:will thua e oy thebeneltof constant instruction .- and supervision.. Mechanicsburg I. Situated 11 . 1 tEOcentre or: the beau. Mful Otuaborlend Valley, nine miles from Harrisburg, laid is easy of ACedint by Railroad from Philadelphla,Bal. - *Amore, &e. No lornticn. could be more eligible for an sees. , -none more healthy or attractive for such a school. - ; Pupils .from Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and intermidiate points, taking the morning train, will reach MechaulesbUrg by 2 o'olock, P. M. As It to the datarminatton of the Principal and ble • Assistant" to place the Institute on a permanent and elevated.baeis; .with 'avert' aPplication requisite for. superior success, - .they appeal with confidence to all who bare sone toed. , . Thescholastie year will be divided Into two sesaions • • of, twenty•two weelo each, OF /lot beginning on the Fret • Thursday of September, eall ending on the first . Wednesday of February; the 11130011 d 150/451011 beginning on the brat Thursday of February, and ending on the On Wednesday of July • , • , : . , Talt,l4o. Tuition, Itowni furnished, •„' and Fuel per &melon; • 181 00 Day scholars be received at $lO, ,$l2; and $ll5, ao• aonlitiss• to - their adutocemenV • , Itlo'estra charges for ancient and. modern languages . , ~ • ~ •;.,,- Taunt per session payable ball . In advance. per re, .Itbair InformatiOn apply to Mullin k Reese, Proprietary, $ Mean ;marshal's, P. -, ' * . , . Apr .. , . 6;1869. , :,, •• - - -*WOOD - AND WILLOW WARR.- It A . 8 K.RTS . — , ,fitirketi Travelling, and Fancy, of 'attlnattiriry viriety; , d6DAh W ABB—Tubs, Buckets, • llteasurtil, Painted Bneketei Keeler's - Netts, Led Verde" Brusbei. arid a large stocker Rich's'! celebrated' .clktro Nr9nUte , (sokronly by. , the subscriber) and all ether Ja .ecasitatz ponce ' artloles—alwayn"at ,the limed au l.. ...tepllak‘ Nei 10: '641: A „,,, pitboco :LEATHER.- - 41.fiiihis, ~ .. .. . , •-•-• siorimmt . or *mar Leather, Islulage end Mad tar Met Trois, anti a full anorknent Shoe Ant JQUN P. LYNN ciso Silver an. aa. a . ,1 , thr: ` „ , T ,3 4.-C113 111 41-0.111. 2 14-.4 1 4 saart.apd Cu Spoons. At NAUGLE k CO.'S Gold Hint Dig bane, Eight tlny Levers; Gold Hunt ing Case, Duylext , Oold purl . till,gl2s 4 ;anle c re o ?,. ,B Dagley'a best, • quallti , of B old Pencils; Ditto Gold 'Pertatid Sliver Holders, • . If you want to hove your Watches put In good re. potr and warranted, take them to N /WOLF. &CO 'a • 'lt you want to get a Cheap Clock, you can get it At NAUGLE .10. , 13 ' It yqu went your Silver ware neatly roarlosd at short notice, call 'At NAUGLE & COM ; All goods warranted as represented; or the money re funded; ..'" 4141t10 .71" JUL,. " F AMILY GROCERY AND TEA ...... STORK.. , , Just reroived and In store, a fresh and well se. leeted assortment of Rio, Java and Man, ' calbo Coffee, Boasted Coffee. Crushed • Pulverized 'Sugars. Refined and • • , other brown Sugars, superior - Syrup' Molasses ' ,Orleans - (baking) Mola s Nos. ' . Spleen of every varibty-L ' '. pure only; Starch, Perin% and Chocolate.' Macrareni, Cheese end - Crackeri, Tapioca and Sago, Indigo, - Baleratne and Soda, Cream tartar and ae• - - sorted Pickles, alustard'add Coriander Peed. - TEAS.—A ei3o Neoitinent , ln Packages, :. 7, ...7 and It .bulk—as welKas all othor artlsles 0114 p , belonging to the buJiness—all at the lowest and late reduced prices. . J. W. Ell Y. - arlislo, Rot . 3, '3B. - -. . • • ._A-It-O..IVILA_T I (1 19_A...1....5_AL1tt, fa a remedy not to be excelled for the relief and cure of those maladies incident to the Summer Season, viz:. .Diarrhoca, Dysentery. Cholera or Choleraliforbus.Vol:lsl. iting. Acidity of the Stomach, etc. Ito excellent Carminative power., pleasant taste and ~ soothing influence, renders it a valuable medicine In Infantile diseases, peculiar to the becond summer, viz: Cholera Infantunt, etc It has a - reinvigorating end tonic 'influence on tlio, System, allaying inflamation 'where it exists in the stomach ,and bowels—and on trial will be found indispensible to the well being'of every family. It will be found fut well adapted to adults as children.—Tar it. Preparvd only'by A. ESNNWEIN, Dispenalmc Chemist, N. W. Con Muth and Poplar etc., Philadelphia. cy,.. Price 2.5 cents per bottle. Sold by 17. J. Kieffer, and S. W. Ilaverstrok; Carlisle; Miller A Sen. Jackson. villa; illegal *l - lorritig, Meebaniburg, and by drug slate and torekeepent generally. ' [ma 251.11-1 y Iron Sias; , B ath Tubs, Bath Bolters; Wash Basins, • Hydraulic Rams, &e. IVATC H ES, JEWELRY,' AND BUN Nit-WAIthAT CONLYN'S old established StandOVent Main Bt., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. ' 1 have Just received a now lissortmoni of watches, ewalry; medallions. silver ware, he., in addition ormer stock to which I Invite the attention of .the public, The assortment embrace. flue ' gold and silver lever watches, Hunting 40 . IN and open moo do., gold Anchors for Ladies and Gentlemen and Silver Le pines and Quartior watches of every va- 4 /. - 4 slaty in style and price. Also finqgold Medallions. Breast-pins for Ladies and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Gold fob, vest. curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets, finger rings, cuff-pins, elude, sleevwbuttons, creases, charms, he., kc. Gold and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, tea. salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A 'large assortment of gold, Alves eleand common spectacles, to suit all ages to which we Invite special :Men. A Roe lot of GOLD PENS from-the best makers, rpectacl&cases, fancy Nixes, kilver and pearl card Wine, gold and common bracelets, watch chains, Mantle Clocks and a.miriety of articles usu. • _ , ally kept In Jewelry establishments, which I will sell low for cash.. All articles war• ranted to be what they are represented. 4.• Particular attention paid as usual 'to -•• J. 'WATCH REPAIRING and all work war. ranted. Dee. 29, 1R57..1 3Y OLD -FRIENDS; and the public c 0 r g enerally 3 1 ere Invited to call mad examine my I co GROCERIES,' ' . -; j '' CHINA, . . • . . GLASS AND - - QUEENSWARE,' Plckeis, ?reserves, Fresh Can Fruits, Spices, Wood and Willow Ware, Ropes and Brushes, Oils, FrUlts, Fish, Salt, and a large variety of other goads not necessary to enumerate. Store Room two doors east of Almada' Warehouse (termerly John 0. Williams's) Give me a call and examine my pale and prices, intend to sell as cheap as any other atore outside o Plaits&lphl. Butter, Eggs, Soap, Rage, Deeswai, Dried Inuit, taken In exchange for good'. Jul z pa, 2858. I Callisle,coct, 27,'68, pll IL A- - -IYrE 11 I. - -A AND READING ILAILRO * A D BUMMER ARRANGEMENT, Arm 18, 185 U. Two passenger trains leave Harrisburg daily, (Sun. days excepted,) at 8.00 A. M and 2.0 P. M.. for Phila. arriving Olen, at 22.00 neon and 7.40 P. al. ltetueniug,' leave rhiladolphia at 7.30 A.M., and 3.30 P. M., arriving ac Harrisburg dt 12.40 noon. and 8.23 P FAllfs : To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cani.s3.26;.No. 2 (in same train.) $276. • Fares o.lterding.lld $1.30. At Reading, connect with trains for Pottnille, )11Lers villa, Tamaqua, Catawhisa. , de.. , . Four trains learn tending fur Philadelphia daily, at 6 A. 31, 10.10 A. 31., 12.30 noon and 6.06 P. 51. Leave Phlladoiphla for Heading at 7.30 A. 51.,160 M., 11.80 P. 81., and 4.75 P. Fares from Heading to Philadelphia. *1.76 and $146. The morning. train from Harrisburg connects at Reading 'teltb,,up train for, Wilkesbarrei Pittston and Ilcrmiton. - • . For through tickets end other information apply to • „ J. J. CLY.Dh, May 11, '53. ; , General Agent. . INSURANCE.-,THE ALLEN .6 AND' mAST PONNBIIOI2O DIDTDAL 'ruts IN ANOE COMPANY Of Cuinberland county, Bloom>. rated by all act of Auembly, Is now fully orgardzod, end openstion'under - the management of the following commissioners, via: Daniel Dailey, Willlam • It. Borgne, Michael Conklin, .'J r , F~lcilolberger „ Chtielfan . Stay/nap, John C. Dun : lAN Jacob- U. Coover, Lewis .11yet, .8. Eberly, Banja min li. 'Moser, J. Brandt, Joseph 'Wickersham; 'Aloaandet Cath cart. . :. , , The tates'of insurance 'wail' low - and favtrgble as any 'Company of the kind ip the State: . ...Persona plaiting to • - become menaboraare invited to make application tg the agentaof the company, who Inv tir watt - Anon them at any time. . • ' WM. R. 00II0A8, President. OIIIIISTIAN'STAYMAN, , Vice.PresIdent. ' I,BWIB lIYEII, Secretary. '. MICHAEL 06011/IIN, Treasurer: M*tagers.4Vm.lt. Gorges,. L. Byer, Christian 'May ' man, bf.'Coeklin, J. 0. Dunlap, R. ,Martin, D. Daily, J. ll.i2oriven.Alex, Cathcart, J. WiCkurshato, J:Pdchelber- . . Cheryi,T. 'CUMBERLAND COUNTT.—John, 'Sherrick; Allen . Henry •Zearing, Shirendimetown ; Sarduel Woodburn Dickinson t . Henry Bowman, Churebtown; Mode Dar eth, South Middleton ; Samuel 'Graham, W. Penne `'Niro% •coover, litechanicebnig; J. W. Coeklin, 'lchepherdstoan D. Conver, Shephenhitoirri ; Sax. ton, Silver Spring; Bent Itareistlek, Silver Spring; Charles•Balt Wilde Johb aarthle, YOItK,COUNTy.—ew. Loovert.Peter Woh ford,'Franklln.; Jac gillflth, 'arritigton ; F .• Dear 'dor* Washingtorif' D. Matter, Newburg ; 8. , Clerk, Mitsburg. : • DAUPHIN CO 3 —pouter Lochmati, Herrlelirg., khonberit at' the' company having policies about to es, cluihvffie theareneired by - atkirt . 'applicatioti to• •. • e • ( 4 . 7 7707 : of Dried M4f.11,114 extra augargeu:ed • .• dried itiu bNTZ. ote, ONI • - .4.,214 • . . '4Ncix)' TUST t:BORA:Yr:D. OPININGI 10 ',AT NAGOVER 6143 01.1114 P JEWELRY:STORE, • Maiq.,Sti•eft, "Cardiate, Pa. , . 'A hew, Buy' of • • • W Mhos Jewe lry 811- • gra d'Platott it a bliti we li,vtte a nt:- tehtiou.:. , • yott:_yrapt : so-• ';' , —loot from dim torgoat. : ' stook ofelocks, Watch. .2p es, Jewelry Eill!er and . - PllttixiWarb , IttOrlisle call - . At fIAUGLE - it Go'l3. We have a large, almortmorit of Gold and Bllior Runt log and Open Idaso Watches to suit all FtillelOf and Pocket', At .NAUGLEA CO.'S Flne — ttpd ()heap Jawelry'of every style and queillty In setts or by the place as wanted, At NAUGLE & COAI . .. . . . • . . „ . kin° Pearl, Lain, Coral, Gamii::,, Goldstone, Mosale k rici;.. routine Monkey, Jet Box and ekes setts cheap • '? - ,At NAUGLE & COJlii_ ._ •. ' • Diamond Breastpinennd ng s, Finger N i' AUGLE & Go.'B , ' At NAUGLE & C 0.% Silver end Plated TM Slit tx.' ' finhlets, Cups, Toast Recite, Pitchers, Urne, Tureens, Tex Oelio - At NAIJOLE & CO.'§ ' Cold Neck, Veet, Curb, yob, and 'Chatlain Mani; Gold Bracelets, Lockets, Thimbles, Crosses, Charms, At NAUOLBqk CO.'B Prench dime Pieces td run three and tour weeks, At NAUGLE & CO.'t3 Gold Sleeve, Vest, C,ollar, and Shirt, Studer/fall 'styles and quality, At NAUGLE & CO.'S 'Plated Yorks, Bpoons,d(olves, , Napkin Rings, Sliver Thlmbica,'Shletds,, - At - NAUGLE& - 00.'8— . Pintluen, Atcordounrt, Musk Boxort—a fins variety, - At NAUGLE A CO.'S Ladies' PoyAmenities, Piaui !and Lenthrr, Phan 'nod . . Fttocy Trarellifigllngs, vary uirt ntylua, cheep At NAUGLE & CO.'S -Parson,. that want bargains ars iiiyUrat At N Arid LE . 4 C0."9 Carlisle, Apr. 27, MP. READ .READI.I RE A . , EsENwErs,s THOdAB ObNLYN AGENTS 11°K ;.' ,0' 'o' G 'o' S . NV • E 1.4:: L' ' ;15 . . , NEW MEDICAiL SALT, i , 4 , .0 RA IIA M, •J. Is, MoDOWELL, B. M. DA VI DBON MoI)9IVELL & CO,' ' ' • , • , , . • _ . t,. . i,.,- 43%AlfRiAgm, BEAD TIM. FOLLOWING OEitTILHOATE.B TOTIIk. t , ',,, ._ , , ...., • L LAND' 'AGLIVIII. • . efficacy of this medicine in .innaminatßelt.lisemses., - k „ ; ',. Lovenworth C ity ~ Rafting T artilors,. ~ For the last twitive yeah' I have bsidi.inore.or - les. 'troubled with infficutantery.fthouinatlsubcommeneleit . ! Nausea and Robinette' Torela, lowa and early•inlhe spring, and' latitipgynittl • cold s weathelee - WILL b.uy, a ollowd: locate landain. he, when I Would be relleved'for a while', only tithe at y nuy el d yell drAfts, give information respecting ,i w iV o il n at e atie 4 Missouri, buy and sell lamp, loan and loved "tacked again bitten Bprinfro-All iny.jelnte,would"" the coticitry, do a generat agency business. - :and •be very tarty, attended WU' the. mostrietate.palei , , • •-•' RNWERNNOEB., joy feat, shoulders, arins,'add Lauda troubledque Moot . , lain B. Brat lui., firllsle,l'ex. " .' /co co l i no that. I.could warmly wait, and !OM" fO '' ' Win. litalle air, • n ' ways ectuiredasaletanceitidressing. cpuring Ude time, 4 ,,,.. J. IL o r m i g, i , .II . 1 IT 0 1 1 Itry.everything I eetilet•boaref. intim hope oi' : Audio a ante, I also tried several ' physittianee, but no -, Wm. Ill: Henderson, Nag., Carlisle: ' -thing ennui to helielne the least% the world: 'About Kew, Brennerean A Co., Bankere, Carlisle, •-•• ..- . ' Jeorge Bandemen, Nso., Lancaster. Pa. * ,two an a half years egad was attacked els mutat and ..lir. John A. Ahl, N. 0, Natrville, Pa. ',.. • cis "fate tried everything to get rid erg, butte, no T . ! wm. , 5.e .,.., E ,,,, ~. _ . pose. I kept griming worse, and finally h.dicigire'up , and May In the lionise where 1 was contineditbout cum • E.• W. Clark & Co., Ilankorn, Philadelphia, Mon. Michael Cookiln, tihaphordntown, Pa. . weeks. Tblb.tlmo my feet evrelled, dud pwreso_sorp thnt r ' , limey Neiman & Hone, tilemhatita, Baltimore.l ectuld not atandson them or get titt my boots, and my , M. L. Illake:E.a., Cashier Mercantile Bank, New York. , hands sloped to twice their usual also. fin fact; IMO Uq&Or & al'Earlano,.lloal Notate Agents, Miunacipolls, to eillatipearancea and belied, totallyNemed up . , About • , m inHv k am T0mt. ,, r ,, , tills time ay,, parent., Who reside in,Mreine, sent forme . Win. Kilgore, Esq. Aitorney' and Neal Notate Agent, ' • • ..' .• .. , . WylLaner inylandriel , common. . s. c m . ced,trying another route. y, holialetelb - e curvy; Mitre ~,,,,,; mueoa a ako lo nmeg ir y ir7-7. . , _,..._.., saitaaf tacriawar.tw -, ,a1=1 - 00m - ForworacrialcaoF, i t x .0.„ 4 „,,, r a ahoo •Cumberland eountyvhl.-- • - .been able to drone myselfOrMihm my boa to ,my hem, :• E. .11'. Clark k Co., Rim rot Philadelphia'. 'and suffering the moot 'ilitertfulailng paln all the time .. dov. Pollock, C o., , Pa. . • One day my father came In with a paper in Which Wee : March -alverthed Dr. Coggswell'a Medical Salt, for.liinamma. . , lB, M . 1,1 I • . • . tory. Llamas only, and wanted me to read and see , --....t..........---,—.,---4-.- .. - .. viliat Irhought of It I read and laughed - at it. pro. C1, 1 1%113E11 ifiA NI) VALLEY BANK. nounced It, h; humbug, and told him that I had boon , humbugged anough...llo , kopt urging me, and at last 1) - . ' /1(01' 8 1E1'0K , - geld I could but tfy ity and if I would write to Dr.& t; Wlittait 1100, . Id ELOHOM flettresitsw, , giving - hlm a description: of My dimmer, ho would plu I 'Cour. C, brertamm . ; don't OnritAv, the expense. Of course I could not refuse suchbre of .. Ilsousate Biomes, Jelin H. Bon. • for mid sent fur 01o00X. It come in dun seism, but. Oita C. DUNI", . ' 11. A. Stualexer. ely faith was not In mooed, awl. I laughed at the idea Thla Dank, doing hunittoss In the nano of ICur,,jfren of so small a dose doing me coy good. and told my wife ',,,,.. 0 & ,co,, is now fully prepared to do a general that I believed De. C. oral his Halt both hurithumi.- banking Bushiung will' promptness and fidelity. However, I commenced mtug it and the result, was Money received on deposit and paid book undememl perfectly astonfohing. Mould hardly Poetise It mrsw/f without notice, Jntereet petition special deposits. Car- I slept soundly nll night, which I had lope for.a ..tilicaton of deposit bearing Interest et the rate a live long time, and when I awoke In the morel trimge per cont, will be hewed for as alma a period as four ,1 as, it matteenVl war entirely - free-from In.--1 lead Minitlii. - Intereatron all - cortlficatewwlll - cease - at man then taken hut ono doso, and bathed freely , beforo going turity. Brorldad, however, that if said cm:Hecate* are to bed. That morning { felt so well that 1 hardly knew renewed •at any time thereafter for another given pa. how,trotiontaln myself. end wont down stoics and told clod, they WWI beer the game rate of interest up to the the folks how well,l felt, and from that day to thia I -woe of renewal. Particular attention paid to the cob hare not suffered hoe moment's pain or bad en attack !action of notes, thafis.thecks, ifie., In any pert of the my once dreaded enemy, Rheumatism, 1 elm per• ;United Mathes or Caned's. factly well and hearty. and wherever I hove a thance I,' Remittances made to Englanli, Ireland, or, he Ctintl wommend it A friend of mine, residing in Brooklyn-1 I tient The faithful and conedontlal execution of all is now trying It fore bad rano. neuralgic rheumatism. orders entrusted to them, may be relied upon. and BO Wit IleYferklne admirably. This is allang story,Thei call the attention- of Farmers, Mechanics and _but I bare told all the facts. whirl' I can bring wit !donors who dm:fres safe depository for their menet mews to substantiate If neeeggaryt.; And will again gay to the undeniable feet, that the proprietors of this Bank that in the M NDICA I. BALT, a wire cure may be found i - iiritylothryttAi i labia to the extent ok their estates ter ror sll lonsmowliorY dl•ea•e•, mid would urg e ull who all the Depossts, and other obligations of Ker, Brenner are allikted to give it a trial. man & C o. lb p' .H.DU• : N. ' 'they have recently removed into their new Banking • • No. 117 Wal lit ow York. . Musa directly opposite their former stand, In West • When It iv remembered that INDIOALU3ALT Main Street, a few doors oast of the Railroad Depot, IF as effieacious in all other Indarnmatoiy diseases no in 'where they will sit all times be pleased to give any In. 'ftheumatlem: (see deoeriptlve circulars)it will at once fennietlon „ closlred in regard to money matter. In gene. be seen that it hi a moot valuehle remedy,' Surely rel.,, those.thus afflicted will find In their own condition Open for liminess from 9 o'clock in the mond,* uul ' and In the shove statements. enough to induce them 4 o'clock in the craning. ‘r . . . to give the MEDICAL BALta total. •' ' . .it. A, STUR3II.ON, Cashier. . ° Price, One Dollar. Chronic Package, $2 50. • D O. TALOA - ii - 00.; - --. ' .oon. Agents. 202 Dock St- rhilad'a. ` The New a alt Is fur sale by druggists goner ally. Ola t a trial. [July 13, '49-4m - ,oriys . • • HAtitOtittjjtust, lartrOfit., above Eighth, I'IIILADELPIIIA. : : • - O. OTT, AGENT. - T. err, rt.einoiten .1 . . V I It 'Sr ST'ABLE:—llaving purr, - KJ chased from J.- B. Nonemaker bin LIVEIIi HP. TAIII,IBIISIENE, I.nlll he always ready to accouimo. date the ptiblic—Wlth-110118E8,-.0A21- W . AGES, BUBO Itligdintl every:other ar. fi j aft r l't lei° In my Ilpc. By strict MOM lon.lo business and abeam. to plesee, the subscriber/tope.. 10 receives liberal share of public patninag.r. • a EOROE BENDEL. N. O. Omnlbusses on hand to supply those who may be,lrt need of them. O. 11. Nov, 25, 1857.) • • . OOT, • AND SHOMIAICING.-3 . hi O. TAYLOR, return their slitAtte thanks Is t sir Customers, for the very liberal patronage ealett• ded to them, and would respoctfully littoral' the public that the) continue to manufacture CUSTOMER Work, at their ol,tl stand, on North Remover street, two doers above the drug store of S. W. Ilaverstick. • With a number of firstrate workmen employed and facilities for eecuriug the best stock to be found In the market, they are prepared to make up every description of BOOTS AND 81101. S, for ladles end gentlemen's wear, In the most fashionable style,,Audef n - asseavio ma twists and workmant hip. Many years of practical experience In the business both here and In Philadelphia Justifies them in saying, that they areablo to Insure full tAtlstactien to all thorn who may leave their orders. Apell 21, 1858, tf. • J..& G. TAYLOR. AMERICAN WATCH.—Having re calved the agency (or the sale pf the Amurlent trout the 'Roston 'Watch Comp:toy, wo would ri • sportfully luforak our old friends aid the public gene, •ally, that vie haven flue assortment now opening and ready for sale. in gold and silver Mies and very tine styles, and with regard to time they nun be beat, to _prove that fact It le only nceemenry to give them a trial. Persona In want of a correct tline.pleco, are reevedrully Invited to call and use our watches. W. 1), A. NATIOIX & CO. May 4, '69. Main Street, Carlisle, Pa. otTOBACCO AND SEOABS. The finest qualities of Lump, Twist, Cavondbib, ring icr 'cliewhig 'Tobacco's :WHARF—Moe irhportra Havana and Cuba Sugars, also choice brands of domestic manufacture. Lynchburyt.Thlladelphla and Baltimore Cut and Dry Tobacco. Our friends capnot fall bull. pleased by ezaminiug for themselves. Nov. 10, J. W. ZDY. Fresh Arrival,' 'ill -tat sr-r— -s inettiod of 'lnforming our friends and customers frenrrally that wo will opea,on Saturday, a flue unsortmunt •' SPRING MILLINARY GOODS, of latest style. Ladles are respectfully invited to tall and cumine our stock. Alp., two or three India wanted to loom the business. • MARGARET DUKE, • MARY E. AULIIIMIAUGII. South west corner of Ilanover 'and Louther :tr. p Mar, 10,1850. MEESE/ COURT - PROCLAMATION.- Wimitess the lion. JAMES IL GRAHAM, Prosi. dent Judge of the several Courts of Common .Pleas 01 the ccuntlea of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in field counties, and lion. SAN• DLL WOODIJURN and Ilon. M. Coceun, Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Umtata' Jolt Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, In the . said county Or Cumberland. by their precepts tome dl. rented: dated tlOr 11th of April; 1850, havuordered the - Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, to be holden et CARLISLE, on titre tith MONDAY 01 August, 1.850, (being the 22nd day,) at 10 o'clock In the• forenoon, to continue two weak& NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to thd Coroner, Jun. tires of the Peace and Constables of the said county of Cuktberlabd, that they are by the said precept •corat ntanded to be thon and there in their proper. .persone,. with their rolls, records, inquinitiot a, ekatahmtions and all other retriembratres, to do Mud/ ',Mud& which to their Mikes appertain to be done, and all those that are bound by recognivancen, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be hr. the jail of said county, are t t. be there to prosecute the m ~ an shall be . just. ROUT. McCARTNNY faterlif. 9 , ltßliFes Onus, June 1, 1859. AGRICULTURAL • SOOIETY .01P 'CUMBERLAND COUNTY. AP:gat... MEETIN6, 1859: Tile Fall meeting and exhibition of the Cumberland County Agricultural Society, will be held on their own Fair Ground, on WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY 'end Fill. DAY, the 121.11, lath and 14tb of OCTODER, 1899.. Tliii ground of the SocletyFkill be greatly improved, .90 that all articles for exhibition will be under-cover, end. tbi. display Is expected to be much larger , than ever before,' Ey order of the Society.; • DAN'L. S. CROFT, Sec'y. Juno 0.1409 PICKS.' MILL PICKS,,, IILL",PICKS.'-1 ' An assortment ot 'Jo MILL Beide celebrated 'new paten STILL PI/01E84M received at tb I Agricultural Implement store of . , , N. IL STRIOKLER•S lIRO. 'the Picks are imparter to any now made. and are warraoted; - . ,_ . . .. ' - . , -,- ttube 22i ,I 1109.: tßlStit tli',l4B, •, —just-i-eaovpa_fr ‘ t Naroi York aiarge assortment of Irteh lAnene, parlor quality,. from 26 to 76 cents per. yard,. ettbe Cheap titon? or " .. J. A.' 111J3tR10117; Jr. • AI/48 . ! ;NAILS 1900*egs lest quallty-Halle. We are prepa red to sell Nadi , of ;the yery best quality at am very niest juice. PO,BOllll ln went nfnalle and building plata ale .riouldjdo . l9.l:l , 4 f •C4llb9ibra 74chuing Web. 2,1130, 13.144CICSMITAS'':C 'L . : 4, 10.000 :trts.b.i,oransuonouicold, tipotostinyesintcatie t : ,emen • Mines: receiving and 114 Bale by •,f • 4, 4erv 4 d -1857 . '-• •• W.8.,118021 . 1Air • G . R . ":O#ADLES: „ lot'lot'A.4l andifferepP,sniikel. with lilillytk• atid Aqierloit! .1172.hpsi 159. elliand and, for soh. !Nap, at ' 11.116(ttlat3t0u8.„ Ca;11s113, May .20:186i A. B. EWING'S • FURNITURE WARE-ROODIS, 18 West High treel, farilile s Pa. (Premium awarded . at the Cumberland County Agricultural Fair • of 180 .) • The subscriber has. juot received the moat splendid assdrtmout of trtlcles In his line; over brought to this place—which ho is determined to soil at prices that do fy competition, •,,, - Chum Par irtv vr t. . • - Chum, .., • Dining-room, FURNITURE. Kitchen and ~ . 11rubrupitc.cvery article used by Itotise and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also COttaite furniture-1n Kett& reception and ,Camp- Cliche, MattrasSes, Jilt frames, pictures, &c., &e. - ---, Purchasers. are requested to call and examine his .storl..st_hla.extenalva..YzAmstemun,...M.tint_Atii , _ t•rtei , , North side. A. H. ENVIIiii. . . . .a.a- Particular a tteutlon alooo ns usual to funerals; orders from town and country, ottonded to promptly on mfoirrato tern.. Carlisle, May 1.1,1658.-Iy. • . .N.EIV SI: AGE-. ROUTE.- The subscriber has atarted a tli•weekli line of tiges between Carlisle and Landisburg, leaving Car- Ilahr every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, luunedl• ately on the arrival, of the afternoon train or ears from the east. Iteturning., leaven Landlablittrat 11 00 A. fd., every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday, and arrives at Carlisle at 1.00 I'. IL, via. Perry County Warm Hidings, Sherniansdale ' Slerrett's Gap and Carlisle Elul hbur Springs. On and afor June the 161 h, aniline will o runtdally for the iteccanisiodation or passengers going to the.Sprlngs. Fart, to the several potato as follows: ' .41 . 141firieHO'BUIpbFirpprings, . ,11;',"r".?,,tdu,g 1 ; : fizami trg j unty Warm opr . goo RETURNING Landisburg to Warm Springs, " • Shermansdate, Sterrett'. Cap, Sulphur Eprings, 1 On' " Carlisle, . 1 00 The - Above lino Will regularly carry tho MAILJo and from the several points above Indicated. •. • have a/so a well stocked LIVI,IIY F7.411L11, from which 1 am at ail times ready to furnish horses anAtar - Hanes to those who will-favor mo with their patronage, on the moot reasonable terms and in the very best style. may 19113158. OEOILOIi BENDEL. 1859: .600 PAIR TRACE CHAINS, with a large ngsortment of . • BUTT CHAINS, . • BREAST CHAINS, , • • •lIAL'I'ER CHAINS, LOG CHAINS, • • • FIFTH CHAINS, TONQ'UE CHAINS, . •' ' COW CHAINS, • SPREADS, &c. 810. Jual received at the cheap Hardirrtrastore of ' March 16,1866. 11.8AXTON .1 . Aml,ilthlllsltrart.A.N,,tDof 0 0 ROLLED TONS , @ Nll. STEEL, ." SHEET IRON, - t HOOP IRON, ,- • RIVETS, • u • -BOLTS, ' ~ NUTTS, V ' ' W-ASBERS, . ANVILS, . VICES, ; _ - ' • • FILES, _._ 1.. . RASPS; 1 SCREW PLATES, BLACKSMITH BELLOWS, &.c. Jut: rec . elved and for. sale cheaper then ever, at' • March 16, MU. 'ISNOT SAXTON'S. -,' . • AGRICULTURAL • IMPLEMENT 2 • AND MACIII.N, Rllolb,, ON WEST LOUTIIER STREET, above the residence of Dr. J. Zitser, and kn. ~,:e . l ' Mill PRIFR 'utediately in rear of the Union Engine : . :;. : -: ..t..t.. """ : - .. if-n T u Zeubacriber destree to Inform the Waters, and the public generally, that he la now maw "irracturlng, and has constantly on band . . CM:MUTED Clover Huller and Cleaner. Alen, the premium Horsepower and Throbbing Ma c4ltte,.with vibrating separatOre attached. Corn Shullers, Straw Outteref ec. - N. B. Irons and materials always on band for the re• pair of ,Reapers and 3lowers,' Threshing 111aebinen and apeteultural Implements of all kind., whisk will be at _egged to'peomptip and on reasonable terms J. ABRAIUNS, Proprietor. KILITZ, 'Foreman.. Ayr.2l, 1350—an . • • ..... ....... ;11-. nANTOIL, atEnonANT TAILOR, i WEST MAIN STREET;(opposlto the Railroad o se,) has bird received a new and elogant - assortment oeClotha. Silks and Caselmeres, for Spring and Summer • wear; embracing •,• • . . • ; . ,BANDY OASSIVIEUES: • • - .DROWN AND WHITE MIXTURES, 4 •'.-- FANCY - STRIPES' AND , , , :.,-• ''. - MAIN COORS. „ , ', • find sage aping and summer coating, silk And lIMIn vesting. tine black clothe and Doeskins, all of which hearlil make up tolmeasure in fashionable style, and On reasonable terms. a.. ,• . •, • . _ . ' q, 1r Orders /Minded to preceptly, - and . the fitting of all Lgarmenta e. warranted, or no , le. N. LIANTOIi. ' ' -Apr.'27; DM.' -' ' ~ ' • ' 1:4 3 R G Azi eE' " • • • , AT B. 0. 1111YETT'S . pl i ed and Meclierel of different griglep, • • • , - Cedffshi Balt:and Picitedlierring: ; • • ; At nulrr.,oB. Cheese And bracken' can be bed 33 F 10, Prverres and '.1e111;;A: 1n1 Y 8278 BOesr:eared AtltgicETT'S At 11 - 131 , Er'S 4 itels.suiply of LiQUOIO3,' qine.Wbite bOAd &n, „ • , - • - r• " • , HUYETIM Br ' y ot : m E ma X ii p o lt a lF i l ib SS e Fate A ot - itt la y l e g , e a :ll . o:ll:l oh ttl p. t. tag be seen 'et e Clisekotore of . RI:Ilona . , 3r. New No. 1:1-1Oriin0; ' moved, alai to t ',tides to oolt.o. t • , UALDVITS. - 111ifelltwolis. Carlisle Foundr fl I pl . E .Sll OP, . .1 . CAR:AND BASII FACTORY, Rad M n Strout, CARIASI,I: • Thie extensive establishment in now in Complete or. der and suppifed With the beet machinery forexecuting work, Itilwery department: Vise buildings hare also been matly•ealarged tide spring and stocked with the naLaud—tundUltillUdAdialkAr-kbraIMPILIitICDA, lam BOORS, WINLIOW•aIa4I.MbIB,-BASIL--• • - Shutter& Blinds,. blouldlntia,BrOlects and - all other kin& of Caypantar worrk:••••N‘To Invite Builders. Can warms and othern to call and exanalna our flicilltion Air doing thin dkvcrlptlon of trork. The Kent Material's uncil and [Oren an bw al at any other•establisbnibta In thb County or eliinwhera.• • , • •rt • BT/SAM ENOINBS BUILT TO ' • • mild repaired nn MirMofore. Nn Ines hove been rerrent• ly bulit for WI M. Henderson .& Fon, in lids borough: - li, Ilrywnvh Co. Allen townnhip, Ahl fr: lirothericNew. & Wetzel, North' , Middleton ends ot.own, nt onubliniltnent they may . im neon in day op enstion. and to whom we ran refer for evident° of their suportorlty.. . I/lON AND./MAS CASTINGS. • • of every description, from the snialleet to the fienxited plumi, executed nt ehort Doti, for every kind of we thinory,- , -A-lerge.voriety-ornilit reiXtinge-ndw-on bond Two Alllful Pattern mallow ronetnntly employed.—' promptly nttendcd. to Tor Paper Minx Distilleries, Orbitl tile, Factnrieti. kc: Turning and Fitting Mill Spindles,- f:c. done iu tito beet ktylo, ' TIMEBIIING MACTIINES AND GORSE POWERS.. omit all Buell Gear 'Four llorsa Powern,• Iloriznntnl Gear Four and Two IlorsC Tower., Corn:. Sbellsrs, Crushers, Iron Rollers. Plough castings, and other on tides for farmer., on bend or promptly made to order BURDEN CARS BUILT; and "repdkcd. —Our facilities for, building Cars are-nom more comgete_thenheretotorkand- enehlos -to fur. cish them to transporters on the rill road onacepr doting terms and made of the hest materiels. Or em solicited . aini entiro setisfection g uarenteei. Thu long experience In the MIMI.ss of the senior partner of the tiroh and the completeness of our Ma' chlnery in every branch of the establishment warrant us In assuring the hest work to all who favor us with their orders. Thu con.,lnued patronage of our old friends and the public Is respectfully solicited: Itlay aAltiniPlt & Co: IMPROVED PATENT MELODEON . THE OLDEST ESTABLISHMENT In the UNITED .STATES,EM PLOYINO TWO HUNDRED MEN, and Finlehing EIOIITY INSTRUMENTS PER "WEER.• ' - Combining nil their Recent Improvements—the Divided Ewell, Organ, Mdlocteon, dr., At,. (The Dlildad Swell con only to obtained In Molodoiing • ofpur Monularturo.) • 1859 GEO, PRINCE & Manufacturers,. Butrhjo,'New York 110 LESA LE DEPOT 87 Fulton at. N. Y., 'llO Lake Chicago, Ilt WII6LESALE AGENTS—UnseaI! & Ittebordeow, iton ton t Mews.; W. P. Colburn. 0.4 Telmer et Weber, Pt. Louls, Mo.; Ph,-P. ;Volein, New Orletunb Frqm the lime Jourpnl. Aplit 3, 180.7. The Mehideous manufactured by Prince &Co., and for sale et 67 Fulton street, are the hest In the world We have tried them, and therefore speak undeistand legly or their merits. They are afforded at n very Mod: orate cost. • • =I Four octave Melodeon, extending from C to C....... 45 Four and n haltoetnre, • do.. • Cto V •.• FAY Fiver Octavo Melodeon, do. 1' to F Vivo octave, double reed, d'. Fto .5' 150 ORd AN' MELODEON Tao Banks of keys; Fire Sets of Reeds, Mg Stops One and u Half Oetare..Peot Pedals, Ono Sot of Reeds, In Pedal 'Bess Independent PRICES OF PIANO CABER 7-M Five Octavo 31olodeou r ptondlug from I, to F. $lO5 Biz Octuve :11olodeou, do. . F tr.* 4do Five Octavo doublo reed. do. Fto F....—. VW Five paove;,Two Banks of Kgys Our feel/111e? for manufacturing are perftet, and fioni our loug'experienee io the, intsines7l, having finished and mid over TIVCNTI'III 0 viotsol) ft1i..1,014.„ - ONti, we feet confident of giving, satisfaction. All Melo:icons of our umpulacture, either sold by us. or dealers in.an.t part of tint United Stoles or Catutdat.., are wstintaTED to bit perfect in Derry retval. and should any repairs be •neressary before. i,he expiration of One 'year from the ditto of sale we hold ourselves ready and willing tutnaka.the mole bee of charge, provided tlo. Injury is not caused by accident or design. CO. A. & CO, Agents for the seta of our Tdelodeonantay be foundin all thettprincipal citiesaud towns in tho United States and Cattktß. • Agents at Carlisle and Kingston J. A. !MACY. Al Newville—W. It. LINN. inutylteAß. *0 60 75 CIIIICK BRING St fiONS. AinnutoCturers of Ell nstantly in store a large stock of our beautiful end ur quailed Instruments finished in every variety of at a. vt prices varying from $175 to $lOOO. —We have ben awarded 38 Gun and Sitent first sines Medals at the different exhibitions In this eountiy and Europe, for superior manufacture. A liberal discount made to the clergy and seminaries pf learning. Descriptive IN lustruted eatalegnes sent to nay address. Daly dl, 1856—ty SPRING ARRIVAL OF • FRESH DRUUS. FANCY UOODS, FRUIT, 0 CON'FECTIONA It Y. S. W: HAVERSTICK hits just received from the nits and la nose °paining a splondiddispiny of FANCY G(N)US, to which he desires to call the attention-of_his_frienda and the public. Ills assortment In this line cannot be surpasseo in novelty and elegance. and both in quality and prlrr or the articles, cannot fall to please purchasers. It would be impossible to enumerate bla FANCY 0001)5, which comprise every variety of fancy article of the meal eIqUIRICOIIIIII , II such as. Papier Macho thmds. • Elegint alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy ivory, pearl and shall card canon, Ladles' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with 'sewing instrumeuts, Port Ylannitios. of (ivory variety, . • Gold pour and poncils, Fancy paper weights, Papatories, and a large.vtriety of ladies' Fancy station cry. . Motto nerds and wafers, Slik'and bead-purses, Ladles' riding whips, elegantly finished, Ladles' fine cutler ), u ' Perfme baskets and begs, . . Brushes orevery kind for the toilet, „. i C RouFors Perfumes of irarloun kinds, klusical Instruments, of all kinds and at all prime, together with an innu amble variety of articles elegant ly finished and sultah for holiday presents , - to chid, be invites special 'Wen . Also, an extensive and el pt collection , of ; .. - - ' BOUNN, comprising the various English and Arnericar. Works, richly ombelished POETWAL WORKtt, Re.. the. . , Ills essorcment al School Books and School Stationary is also complete. and Comprises everything used in Col lege and the Scltotds. lie also desires to call the par ticular" iittenlion'br Palrifilexto his 'elegant assortment of , . LA MY 9, &c., from the extensive establishments of Cornetlug, Archer and others of Philndelphia, comprieing every style of Perlor, Chamber sod study Lamps, fee burning either bard, Sperm or 'Rhoda' oil also LWOW'S celebrated Kerosene or Cool 011 lamps, together with Flower Vales Fancy Reredos', Ac. His assortment la this line is us. equaled In the borough. Also, • ' FRUITS, such as °mum. Lemons. Figs, liaishra, Nertsrinee, Prunes, Pine Apples, Ac. FA NCY,L'ONFRO TIONARY—NUTS—PRESERVED FRUITS, MN ED MEAT, ricicum, /to.. In every variety and at all pri son, all of lihich are pure end fresh such as can be con fidently recommended to,bliftiends.llisatookembreces everything In the Hui. of Fancy OoodeOrith marlyother articles %lapilli to housekeeperq whiCh,the public" are ea. pecially invitedlncesil 11T10.1324Mitle:' • , •' • Remember the Old Mond,. nosqy Opposite ...he Bail!. on • S. *, jiA . VERSTION. • • • . •. _ ,• G 1 A S.S - S.l;',' PA NTS ! ›PAINT.9 ! A full Iw/summit efitilairi • _altlizes and quality, with a large stock' of tresh ' , PAINTS, all Worm ODs, Varnishes, &c., Cement .in large or email rinardities,'at low figures at , JOHN P. LYNN A SON, North Hanover Street, Oct 27,'28 E L OR — AND LI IIV II DUO ° EtiIE .'SI NTSI : I would intern the citlienri of Cumberland and our rounding counties, that I earl And will sell • PRINCE & CO'S. IMPROVED 'MELODEONS, ,on terms es reasonable, as any portion dare soli the no. Improved Instrumerits of other entablislimenis:• • • The Prince Melodeons have the renown of beirig.,the 'best In the world. - 1 • /,-Tholnetrumente can_ he..eeen_et, ohanicsbnrg, W. D. A.. Naugle's: Carlisle. and at the tasidence of.tbe inibocriber, near New Kingston, PA. 'doe Plinee's edvertimment In another roluinn. For circulars or other Information, addreso J. A. URAOY, . ' • ' ' Near New Kingeton, Comb. co., Pa; May 18, 18W—Stna,. • -., lAKE received nt 1 liiitiOver.Streot;ek coinpleto eJauwt- Mont el NION INoyer' Straw. emil•Leghono Mildren's ;Lo gold a a low agnro.' • - ' - rJukrel6. bpi sh ' • 11EktILINQ,; igibpßEt e , Bar4*; - ;' elo hermit!, belt' ant ittnetei 11= . 1tA tIl a u t i 41 ,n e , ro i r a lt u it F, caLq t o o rt r e . , Bees ' wax ) en 4 Itege.leheo , in . Oletliagil*for ~soode.:at !the „cheap grocery or • • ' WJI: O.I6)NTZ: ~!- A pr."l,lll/50., • Leave, litirrlsburg r 8.01.1 A. Al •Jlechanleaburg R. 43 . - , Trains leave Ilarriaburg foC l'iiiindelphin, via Pann'a --;- athwattrtir2V3o7ll.os , ollo 4.6olWWldlWeif.l4 7 4o.ntuLaMZ __ P. m. By Ite.vdlng..via Lobanon .Valley ltall Rand at N.W. k 31., and 2.13 P. AC . . . - Per. ilaitimere. 3'20, A. 5r and 1.00, noon. . For Traver. ton anll. Williamsport. at 1.00, P. 31.,. and 8.30, 1'.61, . Traln.on Dauphin !toad at 2.00, I'., 31. .. NOTICIeTH I'AiISENGERS: At all Stations where -- Ticketa are Gold, viz: tallitrateroblov, Shipfiemdmig, ~ Carlisle, Mechanicsburg end Harrisburg. a reduction of TON MINTS on each Ticket will be rondo to all Passer gars hint provide thoinselime with Tickets beforh w tering tho Cars,' • • I, I X CB LS I.OR - PICTURES . ~A A. It. 11 I.:Ai WO O D would respectfully Inform tto Mamba of Carlisle and vicinity that hu has taken ram.. In 7,110 now building, east crorner of Market Suture wheirche is at all Limos ready-to-take'-Altilltin-YlittEi in the latest and must approved style. ricturos taken In rainy Anil cloudy weather as ‘ well as clear. And at. tot - action given Or en, chargea made.' Portraits and Da. .guerrootypen copied. Alinbituro, rfetbres taboo foS Lockets &c., InAmbrotype. 4mbrntypes warninted to stand the toot of time, beta _or eater.' • • - " ' - , [Adios and s p e cs are cordial! Invite d . te, in and examine specimenT, Prices from 2.letn. to $lO. A. R. lIEN WOOD. .Tan. 2,7.'1858.-4. 1 , , • `•. .1 ' Artist. In his new store-roorn, on the south east turner of the public square, where tins public are invited to call nod semolina it,steek of goals whi9b, In elegance, variety and soloist, will defy compel HMO ; comprising in part loaf, hoop,. crushed and brown sugars, „ • Jess, lila and 'roasted Coffee Every ea. L . also .1 riety and quality orTNA. Spleen. (ground and ungomind,) Pickets, Fences, Table OW New Orleans,' Sugarhouse trod Trinidad' Ilti / Molasses; New York and ijithdelphin t 4 yr. ' up, elmaelle,Maearoul. Vermenilli• spilt peas, Hominy, — Mincemeat, earn:Starch . , Farina; ehncolate; - Ex tinet - ti, • Coffee, refined sugar at reduced rates, washing and bob- L ing sods, - Tob3et, or the most favorite brads, and the fluent_ quality ot Segura. Also, in beautiful tissortindint Ilrilannin . Ware, plain and g -Id band China Ware, (MOS, Q11.4111P. Stone and Eatthern Ware,' in great vu• 'misty. and nit elegant let of Fancy'pnnps, extracts end perfumery for the toilet. ERVEN rltieludlng - Peachink - In'eamk - ItalaluST Crain berries, dry apples; citron, almonds, oranges,. Ismaili, GRAND. SQUARE AND UPRIGHT • • Carllnto, Oct. 27, 1852J-ly. : 4 ` c•lftGrt•lorkoting of ttll kludo token to exchangeto • to PIANO ° FORTES, /reel, Philadelphia This io a book of 22$ pages, 12ma., bound In cloth.wlth tilne lithographic plates. mad Intended for parents, guardians and, young men. Every young man who wishes to maintain his health and manhood, and have • healthy progeny, should read this hOok. Some of the statements are really astounding. and have never be. tore appeared In print. Price $l, Ey mail *LI& NOSE IN PRESS, AND READY PON DELIVERY IN A FEW DAYS, A OREAT WORK FOR TIIE LADIES, by the'same author, entitled QUIDE, AND' MARRIAGE FRIEND . . This is a work of nearly 600 pages, bestutifplly bound in cloth -and contains over 100 iulentlid and curious en. graving.. Valves a complete description of the steme. Lure and function of the mproductive organs of theta. male, showing how married ladies may bare or avoid largo fatuities. Abe. a complete history of Ilerrutiphro. with curious plates showing both sexes in one. It also gives advice to young ladies in selecting a husband, pointing out the cause of so much ilithappl teas after marriage, cud 'the influence it exerti on the offspring.. The work also gives the syniptoms and treatment of all-female diseases, so that every female may be berowu physician.' • ' • The Mat chapter is devoted to. the Toilet, giving the ,receipts feerostnetirs at present In Aso by the nobility ofFrance, England and Russia for beautilAng . the skin hair, teeth. and for removing foul and preserving a sweet breath. • They have been obtained at great rape. so. Price $1.50. Jig mail $1.15. or eight additional post aistamps. 8000 copies bate already been ordered.— ry,so wishing. a copy of the Net edition should send fli r ordure withoitt delay, • For complete description of the work see Prospectus, : which will be sent on receipt of one letter atamp. AGENTS' W NTNI) in every town in the Unicfh. Feb. 16,1850-47 • raper Hangings Paper Hangings CORE AND 810. - OUR CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. CHEAP PAPERAIANGINGB, CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. • • AND OUR PINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. PINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. = PINE GLAZED PAPER lIANGINGS,- -- • • FINE GLAZED PAYER HANGINGS. • AND ALSO OUR ' RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS. RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS. RICH GILT PAPER. HANGINGS. , RICH GILT PAPER II ANGINGS. And WINDOW, PAPY.RS of various colors We Wish to . Inform the public that our stock of Paper Hangings, Is the largest and moat railed assortment over opcntd In tarllsle, and that , we are selling at prima that willsult, eturybody, at JOIIN P. LYNN a *WWII f. North Ilanoror Pt , Car Isle, _Where lon ran tat fOrnlahed st times oats Flesh Palnts. OIL arnish, so, ot the best quallty'ond at UM lowan plees. faP".1859, a ct L ASS. • GL4SS..4-500 •titi4o9 (INA - ore! 4Ouble thlek:justi*lttrlll ' '1 HENRY EIATi. VALLEY R. Br.-- ' I 4 9VA OMR ARitAN' G RHEA'. • • • Virfi ffitwistip - ; - 1.417.'".1... • . . . 011ANO): OF. 110Olc31 •a and attar MONDAY, APRIL 11th , 18tiL PAtrenge *ginr will run tut follows: . (Sintdays nxreptudz) • . ..- - .. .. Yon lIARRISIiURG , . . • • ' ," ' let _•.l,,esive Chianieers'bueg, . 4.10 r i M n. 1,00 I'. 1 Slappeitirliarg,. . oA:M, M . -- ' Teal • 1.82 . .° . Newvllle . • ' 0110 " 2.04, • ' ~ ". Carlisle. ' . .0.4.1 0 ,2.48 1 ° Mechanicsburg; 7.10 a Aisle° at Llarrlsbura. . 1.1.41 " - ~'0,46 6 , . - • /011 ciaMutlytimulto —' - 11:19=13 9:20 9.61' " ' t , • Carlislo, • -• Ipripponsburg. . 10.24 Arrive At Chamberaburg, 10.54 0. N. LULL, Super' .Raßroad 0111,'.,, Chamborbburif, • Apr. 0,1550. • .•- r.ll l 0 - LADLES VISITIN 0- • NEW • -I . TAYLOR'S LA LOON, • 365 & 367' BROthWAL CORNIIR Or FRANKLIN 57REET, la the moat I'3olll - limb% resort (or Ladies in New. York, bring mont &nimbly Incnted In the principal thorough fare, and surrounded by the best ntoresln the city. 7'nyior'n Saloon lacelobrated all over the world for the magnificent splendor of Its decorationn. - on well an for the quelliy of the fare: and 1.11&,541e In 'vrilleh It in served, which cannot be earliest 'by even thla lemma - Parisian Cooke: The Saloon ie con nertett Wifh the- - , 1' TRIINATIONAL HOTEL, whichhan n Splendid Ladle.' Parlor fronting on Brood , 'way. an.: commanding an ONI:IitiLIVe.VIOLV of that world Fell( a, , ._promunitthr. The best evidence of tlie•popu• larlty •.. fiY/net. Saloon Is that it Is dully thronged by visitors ante every part of the Union. J nifty IVO:41ml' 417'T.E.V.7/OX I NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS After roturnlnv his nektinwledgementa fin' the very bona patronage which hoe been extended to hltn, 'the undersigned would call attention to the feel that be has Just rwepewed bikestensive assortment of family ~~~ERIES' . LIQUORS: Wholesale and retell, ral, .ea:lnniclng ennirnonand old Ilya Wide ( , 7(7 -- -7 L F ,s, 111,::: , r 1 , , '1Vt fi .';47,A.7[11..gr`, ° C,fet,";.,," ~4 . ~. nod :1111stait Wines In cro..ke and bat, t les, nenten , n blakey, Holland Ulu, and • Scheid:an ,Schimppe. .' • _ . • , . . . FISH AND SALT. ... A l+tarn rtack of I, Ait I'S, Including DOWN celebrated lamps for hunting Smosene or root oil, 11110 Sperm, Pine. Lard and Cnal Oil, ihnnlng Fluid, Sperm and Star Candi. CEDAR-WARR AND BROOMS-- Druohoe, hopes, Mow, Foltot, • Doontnata, Walters, Looklng.glaaxes, fine totter and note paper, iVillow Ware, pniutad buckets, Cotton and woollen Hose, and-half Home, and a full stock of Moves, Ineudlug "Um well known Honorer Buck kiloton. To'short. his stork commis,s everything ibid . /BmM./ ihr.lu his line et business, soil, on efforts will IT swell to render entire setislitction to his customers. C. INIIORF. JNO. D. CHURCH. C. EBERLY ICHURCH & EBERIAr. .STEAM SAW MILL ° AND LUMBER YARD, NEW CUMBERLAND; PA AU kinds of = • E R , • constantly on hand. Limber OtSivered at any point acaeKolbln by Roilrond at tbo shortcut notliFo. nutLD OF ALL SIZES AND LENOTIIS CUT TO ORDER. Slay 25,1850—tf THE MOST EXTRAOItDINAItX'IIOQK OF THE AMC First 'edition .of 10 000 ,old in soir week, 17=1 303YHOOLYS PERILS • AND iAIAN.IIOOTYS.CURSE PUBLISHED .BY DR. S.• PANCDASt 016 Spring Garden street, Philadelphia, Pa., and for sale by all booksellers. ". • ..~- ~.alieoic~i~es: SANFO - RD 9 S INVIGORATOIt NEysit. DHDI LITATES ' . IT ...- ' ---- ' —''---. A,. IS COMPOU ED ENTIREIX FROM LUMP, and ban become an es bllshed 'tact. nStandard•Medicine known end atipmved ,y _,...* all that bare. tined it, li st\ and Is now resorted p = with ronlidtmee In all thediseasett for *bleb It ^. is recommended It beeturedthonsalide Z within the 'last two years who heti given upc_ all hopes of relief, as the humorous unsblicitod !NI c e rtth c atuv In my pusses. elm pithy,. . The dose must beads'''. 01 ' Of the individual taking kir gleantitheias to act gen. Mg . 1,4 t the dictates .of 0 ynu in the use of the ..,. gar, aid It UM' MLitt. 4.7 one attacks. Dyspepsia. sol near Complaints, Hymen- t..,_ ech." Habitual costivp 7 I/ Cholera Morbus,Oholore „1. Juandice t female wealt 1 -4 auccesefully no an ortil- Pt DihiLit will chie Sick - .' 1 ggillit - w,truty pt. teaspoontieo. tieve -pot,. rakish CM! 1.20 P. M I.R. .. Ein BE . 'svbe use It are In It. favor. • ' a ir ATHItIfTIIff, IN VlflollAV4t, AND 0.F.11/.Eft. • . Price Oue— . per Bottii3: . A LSO. SANFORifo'S FAMILY CATHARTIC MI, 'ainuoutuuto Tutor • Piire Vogatiazile'Exiracia, and put up inGlaga Cases, air tight, and will liAtop in any cli-. mate. . Family-Cathartic. Live Cathartic which the hie practien morn then The 'constantly In thote ha,ve long no inaction which rill give bee induced ma to - plat° anti. 'the l'infeenion veil thartice act nn ilifferent The Pnanily Ge• with due reirrence to fact, been ctimpounglel purestmegetah'wextrarte part of the elhnenturY wife lb all cares where a es Deranuementq of the PAIIIR In the Beck and hunt Soreness over the cold. whlrh freonently g long course Purer, Lose Palmation of :old over Headache or weight In tory Diseases, Wotan; in Rheumatism, a groat ninny diseases to which (1116 49Fientionin.tbls,p11 Price • The Liver Invlgoratot• a retailed by Druggists gong the Trade In all the large' S. T. - W. Si 336 II r owalvk Junuls;-1t156, , ITOW I ARD A A'.SOO.IATIO ; N .‘ ` A Benevolent Inatitution, ostablinhed Nimbi' en' dunrmont for the.rellefnf the Fick and distressed; atlileted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases., The HOWARD in_view of the awful destructiOn of human life, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate r Of such diseases by Queeks,:several yenta ago reeled their Consulting I.lurgeou,as a Cl/MUTABLE AcT worthy of their Hauls, to open u blepensary for the treatment of this class of diseanen, In all their forme bIItATIB, to all who • apply by letter, with in description of their conditions (age, orctipstion, Iniblta of life, Ac.,) nod in cask of ex• trams poverty, to 11/11NIS/1 MEDICINIO CIIMUIE, It needless to add that the Association coutroundslim highest Medical skill of the ago, and will -- furnish.the most a ppro, iiroodern treatment. — Thug/lief-tors - of the A ssechilloo; In /heir port upon the treatment of Sexual In:waxer, express the M.A.& satisfactiou with the microw width has attend• ed the labors 91' the Consulting Surgeon in tliti 'cure of Sermatorriona, Seminal Wee/mess. 'moot/nee, Gonor rhoea", Meet, /Syphilis, the rice of (Maoism or, .`..elfabuse, Ac. and order a continuance of the seine plan for the rustling year. -- Tlferlitrrieterrimn - n'toyle Nr - or the—piitrfl,iTifAiitried— that their labels to tide sphere of benevolent effort, 1161,11 been of greet benefit to the afilleted,--espschd/y to - the young, and, they hare resolved to devote Leon entree. with renewed seal, to thin very Important but much despised cause. • Just published by the Assorin Mon. a henna en Spar materrhree, or Setuitibl Weakness.- the - Vire - oftinantsm, elasturbatlon or Felf•Abusr, nod other Disttatq, of the Sexual Organs' by tho Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by 131111, (id a senledlet ter envelope,) FREE OS CHAIM on rOceipt of 'fir OliTt1:111'8 lSr postege Other Reports and Tracts on Ilk natute and. treatment of . sexual diseases, diet, dr., are constantly being publish ed for gratuitous distribution. and whdt be sent, to the afflicted. kime of the now reniedleit and mptbods of treatment discovered during the last yob., are of great value. Addrean, for Report - or treatniant, Dr. GI:OMM CALHOUN, Connulting Surgeon Howard MFACilltio.ll. No. :1 South Muth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ey order of the Directors. , EZRA I.), HEAETWELL, Preslthnt GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretory. Dec.15,18158,4y EFLICTED REA-D!!! PIIILADELPIIIA MEDICAL 11011SE—Entablish ed tw•ntytwo years' ago by Dr. KIN ISELIN, corner of Third and Union Streets. Phlistlelplitn, Pn. • TWENTY-TWO. YEARS'' raperiatice .hne rendered hr. K. a moot successful practiti nor lathe cure of all dineases of a. private na: lure; manhood's debility, an an inipadim'eut to mar riage; nervous and sezuni dfacase of the skin, and those arising loom abuse of mercury. TAKE PAItTICULAR. NOTWIT. There is an evil habit sometimes Indulged in by hope, in aolittnie, often growing up with them to niaahoo4 and which, If not reformed In duo time, not only beget pelicae obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but giveb rise to a series of protracted, lublituous and devastating, alTections. Few of thoso.who give way to this pernleions.practice are aware of the consequence/I until they find the ner. sous system shettertd, feel strange and unsecountable comma one, and vague tem It of the nand, (flee Pages '7l, 28, 29, of 1)r K'e book on o tFelt-Freeervetion.") The unfortunate thus affected Incomes feeble,.ls Una ble to 'labor with seeuetomed vigor, or to apply Ills mind to study; his step Is t Irdy and seek vim to dull. irresolute, and engages even iu his sports with lee. on. 'l l2 -l AtiiTil l atebitimeirbellSre - ttreprectlee bets done its worst, mi d enter matrimony, Lis marriage II; unfruit ful. and AIR senre tells him that this Is caused by his sally tales. 'These are considerations Which should awaken the attention of all who are Motherly situated. --REMEMBER wbo p' moot, nun luan, and Dr. K'. Iu I Young tunking yc and rec Took Dr KIK! tY479.3''..11 ISM! • .T A DISTANCF Can have (by stating their ease explicitly, together 1. Ith all - their symptoms, per latter, enclosing a remittance) "Dr. K's medicine, appropriated accordingly. Forwarded to any ,rpart of the United States, and pocked sc - eure from PASIAtik: or CURIOSITY, by-Mall . , or Exprooo. • . • - AND MANHOOD!! A vigorous, Life or n Premature Depth, Allikelln on Bolt'-Preservation—Only 2b Cents. Letters containing that value in Stanips, will ensure a copy, per return_of mail. GRATIS! GRATIS!! GRATIS!!! A PllBB (1117 IV ALL - • MISERY RELIEVED. " Niiture's Guide." a new and popular• work, Mll of valuable advice. and Impressive warning, alike calcuiat ed to pro' ent years t f misery, and save thousands, of lives, is distributed without charge, end forwarded by mall, pro-paid'in any Poe in the United Stites, on re ceiving an order enclosing two poStage stamps. dec.15,1858-.ly, PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO3IPANY, • OFFICE NORTH EAST CORNER OF 8D . .and• Dock streets; Philadelphia., ACCUMULATED CAPITAL' Charter Perpetual. DANIELS. MILLER, President.. -• SAMUEL E STOKES, Vice President. Jorge N. Ilensuot..Oec'y. The adorslgned,'liaring been appolut,ed the AGENT. for the above Company, for Cumberland county, would call attention to the peculiar advantages of the 3/OTUAL Una licsitasnox , which gives it a decided preference over any other mode adopted... There being nu steekholderc. the profits are divided among JIM policy riders, and spproprlated to • reducing Chacnnual pay nents, thou malting each one interested, equally with t Id Trtinees, to addidg ‘ to the business of thu comfAny. ' ..The..Preindurn may be paid quarterly, eemtanutially, or annually, 60 that peplum' br limited means can lo— cum fora greater amount, than they could littera the whole premium Is required to be Paid cash. Circulars with lull particulars can be bad on spillint tion to-the - subscribe it at - hie- entre:ll4in. street, near • -- the ItalirOadOwpot. , ..A. L, SPONSLEII, Real Estate Agent Pod Conveyancer. Afar 241859--tini ' 'reprgvoll: )35 i3r outeTriher, the fallowing: • 7 • FRESLITOSIATONS, lu Canis • " Nestles, '' , . • Lebsters;' Pickled lhobsters,,Sardlites, Oelletin. Sot. (1)‘ -- , - ei me „„, 'pin', Apple s. Virgin 011 6: . Mx. for the, teble,Tomntoe 'hateinp iy a tuut. dd.; 111istireem-- 'Wercesterehlre . sonc „,,,,,, m otoniiit;. - do. naffed - with' Anehovleo—, -PlOkleme Rabies; Latee, Floe. Prunes, Orangee s o d . L em , Ono, Fine Rams, Dried Dee - rOrnceries Querneware•Fine -Liquor*, Fish,. ell at the each pricee. at the che.sp etere L d,:t-,, , 101. BittNTZ. If") " , _. ..,'..4 . _. 9-.0.-V -LX-G., SLATL-, - The un'det. 1i0n.4 6p - -beeti appOluted 'agent for. the sale of ,tc !NG Bfal`P.l'and baa now' and will epnstitraly 'lierP. on band a full aupilly to, meet tha drma. da o 1 44.flisina.aodatbera.,-Tbointla rant ofitatiparior 4rtt • eta wubld At) watt t0.^4 1 at the L.!uti)?pf ati,a r ff,4l Var. Deaf tbaffiallbbiak ' ~,`. ,' • ' :. •," ' ..•,' ,', Join 64, Ittd9: , . • -.TAcon eilutoi. • _. . • E ted to the temperamtut It, bud • weltin Ruth . tly on tho bowels, your. *judgment 'golds Liver. Invigoria• liver CoMplelme. Dillt. ' Chronic Mar. - twn. Sum tot . y. - DrOpt!y,EnurAtum U.... • elndlc. Cholert,. Infontum, Flatulence, rumen., and may be mud . nail " FAN) LY 61.8111.- lioadasbedeui thnutands= Minutes, Ulmo ec three tt counoucemout orth,, giving 4kelr, -tastiniony. MOUTH' WITH TUB SWALLOW., ItOTII TO- iCULIs tr,gonend-hutue---- proprietor 1183 used In' t booty yOars. proashur &mond 'from 'ed the Pllln nod t he'sat lin regard to Wok olio, thous •ottblu the reach knot; that different portfonn of ihi• bowel.. if/Artie ' hot,' thin well extliblinhed IMIZIIIBIIIII=I which act nlike:nn miry ranal. mid are good and Cathartic it, ueeded,sech dinmarh s "Shierilnerir, (Aim CoAimless, Pahl wholobody.froyn sudden llhl If nagleitrtl, end In a Appetite, n Creeping the body, Iteatlessness, Mt...heed, all Inlihmtna ,., 'Children or Adults, Purifier of eta Mond and Bosh is heir, too owner rertlatnlutt, Dose;.l cents. nd nanny Cathartic Pills to orally, And sold : wholesale by towns. M; D.,•' uf4turer mid Proprietor, Vorks lder Dr: KINKELIN'S trek,- ifide In ble houoynd'a gentle. ISsUrealco that the secrets of e• be disclosed. tLe modesty - deter you-teem to one, Om, from education t duly befriend you. ce has been for the last Oren. ,corner of THIRD AND UNION e. t . •