.. , . - '"S II E KIRI , ' S ,5...A.4.ES ~ . . . reunderwrlts - of-VendllonlExpounalssued" ' '', VALCARLE• FARM FQR•,• SAI.III I s ` .( '' ° -•-• • c b - --out ,of the Court of Comulon liens of um inland cowl . ty nod igi we directed, I will expos. to public sale et the .• • .• - Tliii" undersigned offers at pirate ealellhat vain• tiolirt tteuse.ll, the . lorougli oft6irllele, of/ FRIPAT, the, • • obis Farm, belonging. t 9,the 'Mrs of E. funeanan, deeM, I 191 - 11 any of /ingest. A.. 1 1... 1850. at 10 o'clock, A. M., the el, anted In !Nevado , founsblp;. Cumbei laird Counly; ',. follusslug deserlbe'd Ben) Bendel," to nit: " - ":. ... . • and bou..ded by the leo& of 1.1, Bkayman, J. Elrf l Yl .A.led of Oround. slim& in tho "borough'ef. earllll and others, ' containing " - ~\ •• • containing 81 feet In front and 24 feet lu•Opttr. mere. "baunded on' the east han olles l r na t • . • 164 ACRES; 101 PERCH . E.S,,— - t r y t n e . th,Manoyer Street, on the norlb tly '• ant. " l ' il t : • , ;.'-.11.11T. end on,tho_soitl h_by..l6tUrWm..lll-111ddle'A bars . of wlilCll, snout 164 nriiiil it - 11111 - trAtatenr - cultivai len ther6jlv °reeled a three story pinstered - STI , NII" nod the balm ce,fs•covered„wlth Tlruher suilicluut fur 1 "" ^ g : 11.11.1811, a tun "st6ry.briek back: hul dlion'brlek Stable,' the use of tin Form. . Thu Davos moulds consist of a substun - ' • lee boon and other out houFee Nelzed And' taken lb tki o , .. • • socutlnn and to be Fold As the property of' Booneville • •-,1" J. Bluffer.. " IVcatherboarded Ilfanaion 'lloute, re: , I i( ' fad 8 ..!•, BEM aieuilthuditemiltg. E BTO?IEiiNANT novel', a lirgo,BANK ItAIINI; CORN AHJE D Senate.-- !lousy' nil other neeeesery out buildings.. There • are tor ELLS Of good water, one at the Fromm thrkl °Vier, the Barn; thin tWO APPLE ORCHARD. of cholco,l frail. and ft POACH ORCHARD. The fence:oWe 1u good or I der; about 300 panel,. of new pontand rah, And board fence havltiginst been put op There 111 besides n greet. quantity of excellent-yellow Mellott - growing on Abe. farm : tioneu 1000 pont s'are ready.to-ho cut ; about twice 7-'llitnittnbar.,-squired-to-Placeiliti outlet propartyttnilor ' and wad rostra . I -.2ILE.YOEIELPOS_III_OHOPIatteIaALOtEhE , C OII(4O g I . IIII Ot 10 bnuntled - orrone pideby-Itoand-bne-running water !rower& of thellolde. It In within one mile from the. Carlisle end Ilerrlebtlrg Turnplke."• The -• Bridges at ilryebo'n and Rupp'e Mills. render it ofeney' ACCOSE at ell times, It commands the beat grab) market In- Ihr eounty, -being oiliTtOne Mlle from. he. nferceald Mills. three hnin Mechanicsburg' and seven from Ilan riallurtb . 'the Ball, In of fleet rote quelliy f onnsistlng of e rich . BLACK, SLATO, very easy to till, ard exceedingly reit.- • Me will productive In its yield. 6.2 t a ;mod and desirable Form, the above property le worthy of the attention of those wiehing to pundinse Persons desiring to makoluctiter Inquiry, will Musts° . address. or call on the undersigned. at hie r oddenco in • Carlisle. Carlisle. ,Aug. 10.1800 Alr-IiAIIPM E•OF 7 -Y 11 • - DT:SIRAII3LF. ~ BUILDING UGT§. FOR SALE. • The Undersigned will 'offer at private sal, the.whole, or in lots to twit purchasers, or that desirable property. sltuato on the north side of South I,4freet extended, within a short distance of Diel lotAn Collego and yhe limpry St. Al Church. .Thu lot contains aere,"le. In a neighborlims) that . is imprUVlng rapidly, ber of gnu residences having recently been built In the . modiste vicinity. 'Tito street Is graded, and the water user toirroporty. , DiVuniled on tho , east by a 30 foot lo 6 , lottging to S. B.*:+mith, and On the north and - wg by property of J. it. Darker, Esq. It would hen good location for n Female Seminary, or for a Privet° residence. affording Sufficient mom for pleas. tire grounds and garden. If not sold by V.° 3d of September. the lots will then be olbolut at - pnblic sato, at the Court Douse, At 10 o!. clock, A. M., divided intoo handsomo- building lots of 30 foot each. In front, and extending in depth from 300 to 367 feet. Tho lots In respect to their location and nine, are the most eligible buildhig lon for • -. PRIFA-TE - RESJ.DKNCE'S, - that hrtyo heon offered for somolime, mid such an op• portunity to seeure pleasant homes mitt' not sonfLoccur again. Drafts may ho Aeon at the Auction Boom of WAIL Uottld S Son.• - ' The title is unflisputable,nnti a rctoomnble portion Of the purchanto inonoy May roman at interest in the • property. . - - For further information apple to • EDEN:DICK MATTE, - Attorney hOlief for • . . • SAMUEL S. SSIEfli; . • • t 01101014.1 FARM AT PUBLIC SA lie sold at Public Sale. on the pre. Tolaes, on THURSDAY, the 14th day of SEP*(7II . 1859, at, 1 o'clock, I'. M., a. • V AJ. U A E .VAR 11,1 nitunte in Nennian tnornatilp.eninnheriend County.' Pa. about 63,4 milee east of Shippensburg. nonr the '• Th lipringe,” nod, Ito of.lneksont ills, on_the Moot .ehle of the Walnut 11.414..1[0nd, Jate tho property o Samnel-Caldwell. deceased. containing - • 18.2 At 121.19 and-60 PERCIIES. There is plenty Of gond Timber on the promisee to the ono of the Farm. The'greator port of tine land I'. however cleared, :nod In a good state of cultivation: and Is naturally of- ao excellent quality. ' Apparonfly —there-etne1e,...g00d...4.1.144 . 1=4:41.UARRY opened on - thu premix., Thu bulldlnga are a neat and con. ventral • Brick Dwelling Ile use, n good Brink Born, Wagon Shed, Corn '"!! Crib: Sc.; nine. a Tenant lion., Stahleo ll a,., a Well of good and 'never•falllng water near the door of the Moisloni qlso no Spring near the Tenant House, ..Thre Ia 111110 011 UP , farm a thriving Orchard of choice Fruit. Thu Norm adjoins lands of James Kyle. The -heirs or I harks (lathe , , deed., Jllentl'Bmern. David Demuth, and others: The location Is very desirable - Persona wishing to slow the above described proper ty, can do /10;1111d Cllll have all necessary information, by application to the undersigned who . , reside in the immediate vicinity. The terms which win be einuniable, will be made known on the day of 14110 by DAVID CALDWELL, .DAVID DEMUTH, Executors' of Samuel Caldwell, deed A Iljf 10.18594. 15 A DM IN ISTR ATOR'S 'A very deßtrable Faro; will be olTored at public .On B:II7'URP.4I: September 1859. • on the premiser , no the Walnut (loam road. two tulles west of Cen treville. aril about one-half mile east of Eyelet's Worn. Enid Farm romaine about 22 ACRES AND 140 PEDCIIIN OF LIMESTONE LAND, adjoining lends of James Moore and other... The Im. provementa are a WEATWILIOARDLD LOG IL,USE, $llO. Nit A5lll DARN, a gent WELL of wider near t h e house, an excellent Orchard of choire-trult, etc. Also, at the .two time and,pinee, wilt be sold the HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE. Also, tine fresh Milk Cow, a lot of Locust Posts, a lot of 'fire Iron. Drain Fan. Ac , An. Salo to commence at le o'clock, A. M., when terms will be made known by ANDREW' MILLED, Adm'r of henry Miller, dep'd " Autz.10,1859.4 e.r Ara- Any person whchine to sea the proirrty, ran do co by ealling et the premises. . ~ A ll3l AT PRIVATE SALE.-I.orated in South 311 d. L. • diatom t. , .0 nobip, Cuniberlabd eotinty. . about 2;4 in!len south east'of Carlisle, • .101, consisthig of 457 acres of . HIGHLY IMPROVED LINIESTONE LAND, with good buildings, au Orchard of %oho Fruit, and a Well of neres.faillog water. For further particulars apply either personally' or by letter to the subscriber, at Mechanicsburg, I's. 311C11.(b1. - FRI ESE:— ...10g10,1860-IP. o' • " Ilanieburg Weekly Telegraph," publish 4 times 'and rood 1,111 to this offlee.• WHO IS THE _OWNER? Throo entray lIMPERP two years old, wore taken up at Plainfield, on ‘londay, tho Bth Ind.. one is nearly white, one white and lirown spotted. • and Um other is nearly a brown. Thr owner is hrroby notitied•tn mine for 44-- ward, prove property, pay charges and take them SWSJ otherwise Ihoy will be sold according to law. DAVID DIFFENDAL. A ug:I0,1850-3t. CIIA3kM.I3ERSBUBG FEMALE • SEMINARY. 'The reputation of this institution is now fully estutr Ilshod. and Ito SUCCIIRII us a first elms Surnlmtry placed, beyond doubt. Pupils will find in tho bourdin: Ire partment,. horn, comforts. parental sups!, lido nand moral lotluence. •ln tha educational dupartmont or compllatied teachers, thorough Instruction • and sure means ot advancautent. CprTENTS OF CATALOGUE JUST ISSUED. , Trustees; References; Teachers; Pupils In attend since the year past. 08; Conroe of Study: Graduation; ropenscs: Location; Mental and Moral Training; Tr.s.. 'ZINO:VIALS from Hon. Ono. Chumbors. 11.8. Schnuck, D. D. and otheni, In rowan( to the recent annttat (mantilla Dons; trout the Chambersburg press; and from James W. Alexander, D. IL. of New York, and other. For a catalogue address Bey. HENRY 'REEVES, A. M. Chambershurg, Ea. AuOOlM9 •kk. re6' - ,/ • ; firAsait4t7:- -itt•rm4 ••• tOI r - 7 17'A GOOD BUSINESS CHANCE!! . •e°6O.PER 'AION,TH AND ALL EXPENSES PAlD—Agent. wanted in era ' rj town and county throuabduo tits Ceiba]; Staten to -engage in a light and 'easy - tinniness, iii - which the 'bore Profit may certainly. be realised. For portico. lore address with stamp, . , .... ' - • Pio. 21 Grand street, Jersey City, N.. 1,. Aug.lo:6o. .. , - , - , J AND: AT PRINATII: SALE; The undereigned as attorney in fact for Johnson lartith.otalonnm.toWnehl.P.C l llßbs tialllkee.UPS4Allt eel! at private eale,• . , • • • FIFTY OR sixTy Apnr.s, • of the beet quality of Iftnasfone laud to said tovrnehlp, b e ing a pars of the farm on which Mr. Martin now ro. sides: Of the part for sale, all is cleared audio a high pieta H of cultii"atlotibut'alieut tenncras which is (*Tenni with , • •••!-It. TIIIIIVINO YOUPIP TIMBER. • . , Mrs. Martin will Join In a deed to: the purchaser:,, l'eraens tbmiruus of further' Inf9rlfiationr Will 411 up on Mr. Martin, residing on the promises. or ou,the !tub scriber residing In the borough of Carlisle. • Jotimt . !Wg. 3, 1669-tr WANTI4D. r . Fourteen , "'competent' V I....TE,AcltEßS_TrAntddhu_td_ke thargt . di. Net - schnld-ht - N.lttt - I‘llddleton: - Exarnindtidd-Wahol County Buportutdndodt;'on thd 18th !anti 8, Wily"! tdodd'lthutel;dt D o'clock. A. JoUN ex;iazit'; Aug. O. 18E,.U-at _ • ALSO' 'A Lot of ground, situate In !the borough of Carlisle, containing 00 act In !iota and 1)0 feet In depth.; more or leh. hounded-on north. by 'leen street, on the noutl).by au alley, on the west hi .James L'd3llo, and on the need' by. Bedford street. haring thereon erected a Uri) story 'FRAME 110VAll, !mon kitchen, frame wagaia, maker shop nod Anon, ktable. :eland end taken In. ox• ecullen and to be sold ea tho gropuriY of George Wetzel. — At Ortirltinittlinte hf.n Mntne)Aliitrgt-Ftel bore-tow nettle:. etunbertuid_coun ty,con ta I 01ng.68 feet ln:front_and_lbil taetJn rlopth, bo the Immo more or leen, &mulled on the wont by peblicattrkt. on — ttiatlerth by a ltt ni 'Win. Shentler, on the cent by hirer alloy. and on t h e eolith be tt; lot et D. it J. Erb; hexing thereon erected a two story ItitA 1101I4E. 'Srlsoid and taken In execution and ho nold uS the property of Jaunts Cline. . . . . • ALSO,' A Lot of Gmund,,situate In Shfromanstown. Lower Al., Inn tntomillp, hounded on the not by propurtv,ofilirs. Coldor, on tho coot by othrr property of tVAL Shop, or. the north try Main idre..t, and on the mouth by Oak' •Alloy, containing 411 foot fir front and 200 rock In depth, noire or loss, haring them. erected A cow and shall story frame MUSE, kitchen and.kable. A LSO • • .. . ..• , •A. tot of Ground,ititato ly liblremanseiAwn, ho rated on the east broth eifiqierty of W. 14 Shoop,'' ti tlio west - by - atralley% - o - tho - norttrity Nolo - street 7 ind - nn tom snuth r by link Hoy, cent/00'4;05 feet In f outond 200 feet In dopth, lure or less: . • A LSO. -1, - .. • 'A Let of Ornund. situate 10 Shiremanstown bounded on tlio east by 1..1.1.f bowls Esolionbauoli, on the istlyt by Qtlier property of W. H. Shoop. 'containing ./3 fuot.ln front and ii6.l foot in depth. mono or less. .• - JOIIN K Executor • A LSO, '.„. • SeTirn Lots of Orouhd, situate In .Shlmotnstomn. and bounded on the east by. propdly of John on the weft, by, property of John Rupp's helm, on the north by Serend Street, and oti the south by other pro. pray of MD...Shoop, cunt:doing 280 feet to front nod 20U 'feet to depth, more or lose. • • ALSO, . • A Lot of Ground, situate In Shiremanstown. bounded on the east .by other property of W.l). Shoop..on the west by property Of Levi Merkel, on the .north by W. D. Shoop, ~ nd on the south by property ofiltury hear fog. containing about 2 acre& more, or lobe. Seized and taken In execution and to boeold as the properly of Will 111111 11. Shoop. Three Tfits of ground, situate In Ilogoentnw•n, Sl'Yer Loring township: bounded on the nost by property of Jacob litstott. on no.w.t kg, perinea). of — Joseph Fink, on the North by the liorrisburg and Carlisle turnpike, on tre smith by nn olley. eontoluitr, rnrh 40 feet II; • (Ma iv. 180 feet In dent h,,Anore or I(.4r...honing thereon erected n two story'double N• AMK 11011$1.:. and ‘VngoduanUer shop, - antrfroine Cabinet maker kb - op: - A ALSO; • Two lots of grdund. situate In flognestowtf, Hirer _Spring township. boonded on4lllo,enat by properey of Win. Fink, on the resat by property of4ohn Loy. out the north by property rf ficoetto Hoffman, and on south b IW4urnpikes. containing earh 42 feet In front and Din foot in depth, none nr less, haring thereon erected a from. blackainitit shop. Saloon nod tak ° S ext.:lo tion and to be fold as the propel ty ot John Kama A LSO, • ily virtue of a writ .of Hort Vacias Issued nut of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county and it, Inn oirurted, I ri 111 ux polo to public t‘ale at the same time and-place, the ("Boeing - Real Estate: A Lot of Ground. situate In the - hnrough - nf - Newille, containing 30 feet In front and Inn Pet In depth. more or less, bounded on the cost by Min street. on the west by lot of.lactit, Swoyer. on the north by Vigil St.. and on the south by Church alley, having' thereon erected too two starry BRICK liptiSt S. four one 111111 half story offices, and frame 11 - alehouse Seised and taken in execution and to be sold us the-pet of Baniuel Bear. . A 1/ot'of Ground, situate In Newton tarlldlip. Cumber. land county, containing 46.leet in front and II,) tact in depth, unbolt or 119.1, bounded (.11.tile north ly property of.lohn Murphy. Esq., on the north by lot of Mrs. Ann Davidson, for the onsteby Ittilleonit street. nod on on, .west by an alloy, S. teed and tnker, In exe'ratlon nod to he sold on the prOpertv of-d. D. Collmigh. Aproll to, be ,olit bymin.. , ROBERT :11ei'AliTNEt Flinrlff. In Conditions: On nil ninourds over tire-hundred .dollifrOifty dollars are to ire paid ellen the propertf Is stricken off, nod twenty floe dollars on all amounts un• der lire hundred dollnrs. Sheriff 'et Oillre, Carlisle, 21411, ono. r l O Blt I D GI.E 13 UIL I) F. It S, The Commissioners of Yorks and Cumberland aunties. will tut to 'the lowest proposals, on the 17th day of Atiltust, A If., HSU. at the bow.° of lienjentin .Clay, at Bridgeport... the control:U — ter building a woomis intibul.: of or Yellow Bs - ruches creek, at Conver's 31111, in York and cline berland.countles• The bridge to be of the following dimensions, viz :,T+, coo. tale hi leugth UM feet In the clear, from tine tiittment to. the other, mud In feet wide in tile 'choir, with two abutments each 12 feet thick at the bottom. with no bal• tared wall of one Inch to the foot on the three sides of each abutment; the uhutimmt to he 1k feet high Ingo the battier of the clerk. to the. third lion from ichirli the weedeu arches ern to be started mud to tended acne.. said creek from 0110 abutment to the other; and to he single floored with three inch white oak plank, and raised in the centre 12 inches • the sides. and gable emis of said bridge to be of sulliclent beiglith to admit covered lir hay wagons Ir pass through this Nolllo. The bridge le to he closely _went het I warded wins hor 11,111 pine boards, well lapped. 'the whole el 'the work of soul bridge to he mofed with maid end stillieleitt, pine shim glen; said roiling to extend at each end lit tort over the heel of the arch or top of the abuthients. and on each side of the brldre over the weft thorbout dine 2 feet: - Tim abutments are to be hunt on firm foundations, to be approved of by the Commissioners. the whole of the t , n u e s m w ork 0.. r and t.ol,4l c iti t i e t4 tt from largo theli u d im b e n i i , d n i stone, t i a l l i , li t e . 'neut. The . fillim i ; shall COURIgt Ji earth mid stone. :lid \ re he au wiled with wing walls On each side five feyt thick et im two abutments, a ith it battered of one limb to thelttit. to the top of the tilling, and to extend In that mantihr on tho two extreme elder of t lin In 111.. e, untibthe tilling and walling shall meet the needs, wish en ascent not excering an angle of four &queen alma tint, (eon the road to the brid.m, with curtain wailsof _ ititlicient length and thicknet.s. and covered with bre oil stones well secured. The woodwork on the out 11101 hr side of the bridge is to bo whitewashed with two coals of dun, :file undortaker to famish all inaterialsnt d ' give sueli'sectirity an the Commbsioners may n yobs, fur the taithful purr oinanee of the werkutenthip. and the permanency could bridge for and during the tot in of SOVHII years, said bridge it ht, be built on th e ~,,ne plan as the one over the LittleCenowa).o, at Newinan's 31111. The Commissioners alit also at the same Else and 0111., receive protit,sals for builditut n sTosE 111111)0E on the 61U110 site. el the following dimtmslons, viz: to . contalifliFiettglit Inn feet-from ono - abutnient - to - the other, and 16 foot side io Oho clear. The two stint. meats each to IRIS taut thick at the bottom, with a battered wall of ono Inch to tiro foot MI three shies of ouch abottoont, ho hi Idgo to lie built with [hire arches 4.1 e contra arch to Ix.Bl feet long and lm feet 4 Tnthrf high - lo the - clear; thirlirti - Outer arched to be en •11 28 feet 6 inches long and 9 feet 6 inches high in the clear. .'tile Abutments between the arches are to 1). 6 feet thick, and to rise 8 inches alms° low water mark, before thin arches start. Tho side or curtain walls are to be 3 toot high above the filling and to extend no far AP the wing walls, and to ba n veered with broad stone coping. clamped. The wing wells on each fide to be feet thick at the abutments, with It battering of I inch to the foot to the hop of the filling:and to extend as far no stay be necessary to sitoport . tho filling or embank ment. The masonry is alt to be pointed. The filling to consist ofoarth And stonu, and to ho 1 foot thick on the crown of the cqntro arch, and the grade not to ex ceed fooc.degrees until it.meette the bed of the road.— The contractors to furnish all the. materials and glee ,ecusl ty for the faithful performence.nf Um contract, and the permanency of the bridge Tor time limn of isven years. .1. WOO fi l Mt F:11. P. MEISENIIELTEII, Commissioners of York County. ' • ' A NDit KW •liEltit. 3IKGAW • Commissioners of Cumberland County. July 27, 1859-31 • • W Y .ATCHES, JEW E I.RY AN DJ' - " ' 8 1 I. V: t: It ' W A It- E T . . We would respectfully infant) our -IV . friends, patrons and thu public gen• ~., .;4; 1 1y, that we have Just. 11011111 i our V WATCIL JEWELRY RILVEIt AND PLATED WARN: EBTAIILL9II - ' . WPNT, at No. 622 Mirket St. where i* 1' , .. , . .. . •.::.§,,. 40 . ..1fer wholesale and retell, the lowest cash prices, a largo and -very cholcastock of every description of good, usttally kept in a Ilrel clam, Jewelry Store. We hope by untiring efforts .to arcommodate and Igease not only to retain all our former patrons, but merit and secure tt large wesslon to the same. NVery description of Diamond Work and other Jewel ry, made to order et short notice.• • gar All goods warranted to be es represented. AV. Particular attention given to the repairing at Watches `lnd Jewelry of every description. BTAUFFIIII A HADLEY. ' No. 812 Market Street. • N. 11.—W0.w,111 continue o'br Old store, No. 148 North Second Street. for a short time only. ' Only 27, 1800-3 m ,• . . pRIVATE 'SALE • . • • JI I . ; -• ' • • ,•'.. ;'.• - ', •:REM. 'ESTATE. Tho subscriber offers at' private sale the biome end • lot of ground now occupied by blot situated -.".."- on Pomfret . street in,,tbei.sultugh_or Carlisle, ''''' 34 ' --- r,r — d — iii — eitWor ilin - lihnory q 11. Church. , mw•g t , a e door . . • • . ' The lot contains 02 feet In hunt, and 120 feet In depth. The house Is nearly now, roomy and cone,. niont;and'ls a very, desirably residence. fintnndlato Is•ssetsion•can be Oven,' l , , '' DAVID 81 4 eIlliETT. Cerlisie, July 2 , 108 , 51:07-3t, :•': .. ' '''' • 10 - 0 - 11 7 :1VE:NY.::::- 7if lie - rinlii c - r i tie r . • tun for rent a email thrall story hrirk • Home. situated on Penn 8f.., lu the .. . ,l, "i ' borough of Carlisle: 'Pot:further per. . „ .- --- - ' .ticithre and terms .higitiro ofd. -& D. • .....-ar, : Rhoads or •on, the prondeee: Poen& -i .._,..; .. , .. 'doh glyee Immediately; 0 • . • • • • • ,o,Eo i , p. MYERS. • July .27,N159,4t poNNETs,II.I, Juil received from flew( York end Philidolidilsok; ,iorgo jot.of noir Striolli)NNlSTd, PLAtS, and ~era raLiOnoids fur 12%st rltnvnf • the elicep store of , • ,Apyll.2o, 1859. ' . • .•AtIAB ,OQILBY. Bbli.l,prime New'. :' . l juitlOooloit‘and Nr sa,tv at . picot' to' . tut t Abe .11A4P2*. A LSO, ALSO, BED ~hat., de4irables, - IMilubit 10,0, Nala•streat. aajaltilaa the store at • fmhfiati a Etiwiefi, • .'llf trrAlk 7 tO'fbit dfipetts at24o. There . , ol'adAV•On; Ora of .11;1'10 a taa;l' 141 •• 1r mtgry briaa : dwelllna witalvaanars•an. larno l, tql4:a.,•k.rf elc Stable at.itjk and ota 04AL.! poi/logo Ow Oven- or oonoookttr.wo , ;tat-nod plies Lwitb anal, ta;, aablyi,lllls9: EITIJOREOIT. .• XtiO,,, i3 O.oii!t r :i..Sajcs•. - - 14: Q,R.G E 21: N F 0 1J i'' . :pb',l'3...t"i ix , S.A. ;-E ON tV,EDNKSDATi- ?Malin 81, DWI. the Under:. /thumb executoruf deed:, trill expose' to public sale. on-the BrinnlstBl, all the Interest of oakd deerlei.4(Velog onulialL) in 'that valuable property. situate 16 the boroit.:4oreiribOe, hohnded&iilliellOttly by Illah ntreet,ini can cast by the Lel ort during. oh the Routh bra lot 'of (Wig! Made', and; on the rest nu property of:Jacob ,Zug. Also: a largo . lot of her and scrap iron, forgo toolit et quantity of Coal, &c. ' Also, nl a - the 'same day, on thp' promises. a Let of Ground. situate in the borough of Carlisle,' bounded on the north by North street, pm the rept by a 101 of Mary Million', on the south by Lomat alley, and on the trust 'by a lot of John Noble. containing 60 feet In front and 210 In depth hai ng ttfurecin erected a Argo . YOUNDItY . ABiIt -MACHINE SIIOV . together' with all the lin turas; cmbrucing n steam an, turning la t e,'d rill press, circulnr en yrs, - ottorn s• --- Shl!iltrtammenceAttille-Forgo..m. -10-o'clock, A t-M4- whon-terme-wfill/r surtatr-kpontrby ° • fIEOIIOI6 ItHIND,LE. ' E:F2r-Tof'Sam'lz6Partiordoe'd;-- July 10 MD pitiyAls , 4 .. §44E . ; RE AL ESTATE . . . . . The anbscribor•nnti' Offers Oneouraging Inducomentn to these of IlinHAI Ineinti, who deslte to get a cheap and dsnirablo home In one of the meet healthy and enter prising place, Li the State. Three Paper. Aunt, near•et• hand, and the last latelli'erected, In new in suerennful, operation for the niientitartun. Elf fine paper. In wh.ch over 100 hands, male and fotnab;, era employ. iieltiLiG6 Mt. Finny Springs, at the bate of .the tlouilli , lountaln, I ti ir•noted waterlog . plethe, being ununually termized, adds materially to the pecuniary luteronts or mpedple generally. / .. • __The.t o llowing.deserlbed-nroperty-In adjacent,. end in tended as nil eddition to the Spriugty and alnd to the beautiful 'village of Papertown: ! • t - • • ••,;!,, . ' 40 'TOWN I,O•TS- . • . are now In the market, located tin the east mid went Mails of the Italtlionre and /fanny, turnpike, it nines kouth.ofAb'irlinle. The kiln acq no everamiAt 40 feet In oOnt and 200 feet In length. The. Ininutiful ntram,• Mountnin Creek,linwi pent a portion of them. Alen. the large , STONE MANSION 1101.151 i, ' and onegtere of ground, unrden, and yard. fruit trees in abundance, This .ra-r. bowel eantalon 14 • rooms, with large basement kitchen, wall of water at the doer. nothaganowledged to be a • nary delightful to ration fora private residence. Also. wtsowstory • WEATIIERIIOANDED FltAnE 116 USE, • • •• • ' and lot. with n Slaughter house tlioronn l a- erurled. balm; a, good local 100 fur a I,kf r. . butchor—thls buslarra having bran ` ,.. 2 1 ''. Profitably established-4.r. a gairl'busl; .!•.;.,, .. .f neva stand for a illeilballie. ALSO, 04:1 31,11 t ES OF MI IU NTAIN LAND, . well timbered. with.plue and oak, within_ . of filo above pr,nporty, baving• gee water power for a ...aw 'rho very necommo• t .. ••• (lath, nd great barga.nn may be ex• pret .ospocidlly In the building lets, lo font, indivinual enterprise. -- • Please addree or tree nu' peraonally t at Mt. UMW Spriw,a,_Cumberland euunty;.Pa. - - ,July 2.0, ';3o—tf. • ALFItED 'MOORE. 13 1.113 C S A LE ; I fty vines of the powers contained In Iho 11l of John Nolzloy, of %Min township. I will I.xiimiti to public PliP on •Clio promixo., on FRIDAY. Allollo'll - at 11 o'clock, A. M... at tho .mansion house of Elio Fold iltwo.wod. in the township of Mifflin, about six utiles wo•t of Sowv111#; tho 'sal notate: No.. I. Theinrin'ln,flio arid tqirissliip, adjoining iambi' of Isaac Whlshir, Its vl.l IThislor, John Whlplor and George Loudly, eontaining 1 2 8 -A 0 - II E S - moro or lops. about 100 :wren of winch aro rleired an.l l unilur cultivation and' the .roxiolno In :mod timberhav •' Cher:non ereclod is [Jai 111 MAK. t t .Los Barthand good Apple Orchard.— nil; 71 A never falling siren!n of watt,. runs re. , thr , no:ll 'farm whirls Word good ,p.ado,,A• Marna 01. said " docna,ind rontslqlng Omni 70 Xeres, . nll - - wld -Is is cleared nod cult t fed and has, loud oeeltnrd s . Ml 4. with, Int-house clot -lug 11nro thereon, and runnlsg venter on It. No. :I. A Inset of utountaln land In the .4,05 town ship, sltuntontiont two miles from tinv aloes serlhed Enrols. inn: . mnleolated to stipply hither or hot h of tholnwrltti flintier: it contains ntriut 01 neros. • . • The turnm.d eel° which will bu env will be nude known one 0 en Vz'r c or John SR deed. On thn name Any tho 'Net/does porsnnal property enneigling of: Imre, .uverel Ahnop, bode and budding. will.bo sold by tin NAIOI.FX. July 20,1859 SALE OF VALUABLE, • REAL ESTATE The underelgned nesipeeiCnt.. Peter Y. Egn :.111 nQer et pn!olle sale on •e pretoleen..l l ;,6 tulles °apt of Celli:de, nn 'Mummy, the let any of Septeinher.lBL9, , .• . ILE CARLISLE IRON WORE'S ESTATE. CONTAIN INU MOUT 9000 ACRES CV LAND. Hot ween , t and,Lo4.l arras of which are cleared and un• der n high slate of cultivation. • Thl+ I nnouf thu bust properties In Pennsviva In and offdrs Knexeellod for all kinds of manufnetur Ingepurposes. The itopnwumunts consist in part of VOIRIE.FeItNACE AND OIRIT4ILI; with 4 ruit'of stones, a largo Two Story - , BRICK ROUSE,_. • g r e l ßlacksmith Shop, Carpenter Shop, f" • "` Cool itou.“, throo largo! M=EM3I .7 rain house, corn cribs and other necessary out build. logs also a large number of TENANT' II 0 111 BEfl. . The water newer on this estate cannot be surtiabsed. `comb ning en it dons the vier of the Bolling Springs and the Yellow Breeches ''reek, giving an ample supply ~f power st all times and seasons—having 13 font of lend and fall. A large portion of the land Is covered with Chestnut timber. which could he sold out in small lots to great .advantage.' " Terms: k per cent. of the purchase money to be paid' when the property is stricken off, ono hair..., the let ei Volwr cunning. when the'dced will he delivered and noc.oacdon diven,—The two—oitial annual. payments with interest. • •" For further particulars address Jas. It. Smith at Car. lisle: or Peter F.itger or the undersigned at Bulling 4 ncluga Poet Office, Cumberland co. ItCN,IA %UN KAUFMAN, " CHRISTIAN HERR, July 13; ,50—ts A eslgneen. v - • 11 A 13 L V .Mllaa PROPERTY ANDF R M , A.T PUBLIC SA-LE.. ON TUESDAY, tho Cth of Et.Optemboi next, the fol lowing described heal Estate, situate about 334 miler west of Carlisle, on the Cbooklogulbut Creek, counnunly_ k nown as (LAYS' • Thu Grist or Merchant Milliner stone irtwontly erected. at d colitalns 4 run of ..ton„, with Corti Kiln attached The Irtur wer la one of the best on the mIEA new sod substantial dam has boon put in du. eg,the MA summer. There is R fluster. Cinvor and AZ/P . :4111,4110 latter n end with it "Johnston 11 heel” herbed,) concocted with the Orlet 31111. In connection with said Mill. stand, G or ft acrrs of and will ho sold with two tenant houses, thereon wasted. The Eurrn containe aletut 200 acres. principally Black :late and llottnni Land„shout DO of which, are covered with thriving young timber, • Thu Improvements ore a 1 , 11 A Nlll . V HATUERROARDED SE, a ~ BANK ill RN, and other convenient• ml buildings, The Fosses aro in good ir k ,. tar ardor. A thriving young other.fruitAreol!, Cs ll4l 4 l f.t ofpearo, Pte.:nos, •nio, ries, Ao. Also o line well of vettec and A spring. The Laud is Ina glad state of rultl, talon. About 5000 bush. its of Limo having been put on within the lost 2 yearn. The slave property will ho sold separate or together, in may suit the purchnler. POPRYSSIOII of the Sill 'nicely will be given nt any time &sired after t..e sale. Persons Eledrous of examining the property, or oh niniug further information concerning the same, may .pplv th,Lowner on the promises, or to A. It. Bpens er, Real latch,, Agt., Carlisle Sale to - comm ons° et 1 o'clock, P.N., on the premises, claim torero will ha made known by, Pith L 1 P, ZEIOLEIL July 27, 1859:—St , . r rnk a i a EAI.,:.ESTATE AT PitiVATE R ,The substalba'r otters at' priv Ito sale a valuable tract 11f Atilitrdin Lower Mien township, about tour Ow Lisburn, on the road leading to Harrisburg, cotatalolog , , . . . 2 oy)t ., : E s ; inure or less,ll2 times otriblclr.do cleared and In a high state,orcult i sation;agd,the balance icy/tired with good timbrr Itti 'convenience • tilinarkei,* renders It a do. 'sired° Meadow( fit a small timer. Persons wlsbinrtoriew the premises can do so by applyingld thq eutismiber, on the adjoining firm. AMOd eIIELLY. .Tuty 27. 1859. t HUM ES'IhA I) FOR- $10; • • • • • A lIGNESTEAD FOTV2100; %Ise, 1105IE81KADS FOIL 5 luialund over. situated on and nem Rappahannock River, above and below da Fred erialudntrq, le Ylecli. • ' • 'A - new town. called itapahannocic, boo recently been hild-out, in Culpeper county. In the midst of the Gold Region of :Virginia. rurrounthet by mince and tokulng eunpanles: and farms pod town lots,ln 'alternate diet. sins or shnres,"can. Dowd.. had for a niece song," to indube Settlement in this desirable region. 2104,01 M worth of laud le to bo„ vided ' amongst. purchasers or,. given away aim'. Inducement to erflllo nit MOVIMake provemenis. and tint land is of the Anent improvable quellties. 'lntty.have already. settled and mores of 01hers are eriniine. Good harming lend. In tracts moult putoltsciers. con be bad at- froin.'-ten-ta-twenly 2 dollars per ,ht easy quarter yearly instalments., 11Inquestinnable will wall alsll/1 be given,. SAG - Agents are wanted meg where to sell theeelaudir, liberal.lnducements will be given. , ' • , •• Foe partloularti addtess , . , , E, GADDER, Laud Agent: • JulylBll. • • • . • .Port, '• ' IC:COUTOA SL'--NOT-IfiE- tem 'teetauteetarY Under the will . Of: 011ie tsp., nos ut the horougit of Carlisle; have becti • leaUed to tho ..undorsigued Exeautori. tanned thorin—hY.thitinoule• • tor ,ot cumberland County. : All persons he -• egainat the &tate will present thornier sett .those indebted • Will mike immediate' pal Toddy Iteu, Petil4f):tOlic'te;A:i.,:,,. LKONAMD IC WOODIIU 2048L9-6t. A 1 XEI U TOW S 'NOTICE 1 - testamentaryi with thn WIII ofopot 01 therberoogh of Carlole; dedd.. honest 'tho undersigned likrentore named .therel laid borongli,,by thollegleter of (lumber All persons indebted to the entatenre nol Immmllnte onyment.And thone having mot thew fin settlement to " ' .1.. RI JOHN-A. HMI 'Extern. °Moo, Kr Au1y,13,1800-6t ' • ESTATE NOTIdE.--L'utte) httetratimrvirftitrestatu of 31n. 3 , 3 lturborom4h - of Carliale - dec'it -inve•lSlt)m Itogli.er of Ounnboriami .mittuty to the, io dies Pt said borongli.! AR 'persons • Indol - qu'uored tii - rnalie - lineiffdtato payment and - claims to present them for settlement to ' • PM t:IP WEAVER. ' AMR's. of Mary Wearer, deed, July 13; 1856—Rt.. , ..1' ixEctrr.oß's NOTICE testimentary with the will of Samuel Martin, late of tho borough or Cnrllelo. dec'd., have been lectied I,y' the Reglntoner Cumberland• county, to the sultscid; been therein milled. melding in Monne, township. 'All porsonF ludeb.od ore yeguested to make paymenti•iind those having Claims to present them for settlement to . QYOIIUL^ BRINDLE, tit'r . July . 18, 1859—,11t* • p d ISSOLUTiON: —_Tile n e panorship . heretofore existing tweerr•Shrowi IleiTer;:wan t s ay 'disigittryd by mutual consent. •The• beide, of the firm will beeettied by .lames ItelTer et the Otto of Armstrong & littler; next lot west. of [ho Umminar • School. • Jacob Shred, has also a duplicate of the hoeks, "where settlynnint•cen be made at the oil mend.: PAI L portions indebted to PAU firm will plums cell and' et: tie their accounts Immediately. nod- those Modes au founts will pretrecit them for settlegneht. All amen eta not enttled icy the tat day_ of _October next. will bitAmt,' Into the hands elf the proper officer • for collection. - - JACOB Bilfto4,, J A NIBS HUNNEtt. July 20, Ispo. • NUTIUE - . • • cAua n,, dUne t!8 , too. ; Nollco to hereby given that an application *IAN, Made to the Leith - datum of Pennsylvania at its ;next COCOA Nuteolei a e surteunicof • . ' • TOYS AN FANCY _ GOODS , -. every iarletr: leofall - the best brands of - • of American And (torsi:Lan manufacture. • • • • The aubscrlbor raturni t lhanke for UM-liberal panic age bestowed on him by the. public, and aollelte a mei tinuanco of thillr farina. Remember the Old Stand of P. MONYEIt,' Nokh Iltanoier Stmt. Cirllolo.,?une 10, '5B OPENING of the SEASON. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! I.DIC!I&.E3AWYII3.Ii,, (tit their New Store, East Main street,) 'Have Just received from New-York and Philadelphia flu— most complete, and varied ittssortMent, of. DRY GOODS ever efforts' in 'Carilide. Embracing evorythlog,that le 'new. and rare In otyle - and tosture.,auch - u PANOY, 'Mai% In all the various colors, barred. striped, chew,. doff bayadote. Plain. striped acid bayadere, Ohmic Bllka foulards of now designs, barge and lawn robes of the , . Intent Pails etylesp rags' •etrlped de abort.° dabs, grouch challis American delaine, Organdy lawns, dark and light, grounds and beautiful donlir,ne. • Travelling drams goods ot - tho - noweat mak° , Alscrot - fall stock - of Mourning dross goods, to which wo Write particular attention. BRAWLS, SHAWLS, eviAwLs. . . This part of our stuAlt unusualycomplote consist log of Crape, Silk, Stella, - in all the Parlety of . shades end qfialltlenr- Mourning Shawls, lace and el% from the celolnated emporium of Bred o & dolphin, New York.,— Sun Umbrellas. Showerets and Par:Wain of the newest stylus. %VIRTU. 000D8 OP ALL KINDS, Plmbrolderiee 'When jolts, Mars, Shoves.' worked blinds, tionuoinge, edgings and insortlnge. We give great care to this brooch of our trade, and ladles will find a Tory full es sortmont... •• HOOPED SKIRTS, . of the latest Improvements, skirt supporters, a new an • tirim,---A full- lino-of--Alfisander's kid doves imported-- and sold- by Stewart, Now York. - Mitts. gloves and gauntlets In ever' , variety.,-Also.'• a- lane -stock of the - noweet styles of men's and boy's spring casslmeree, black cloths and cassimeres. lIOSIERY of every' dew • crlptiop. in thin dspartmept nominal care has been ta• ken to elect tba various kinds and elves satiable fur . Ladles, Hisses,- Boyn,sand Child/was wear. In fact our ' stock embraces everything kept In a drat clam goods store. Having purchased for rash 'and made our selectlo4 among the best importing and Jabbing houses cities of New York and Philadelphia. we afro prepared to offer superior inencoments to buyers. All we ask Is as examination of our stock before • purcixaslnis elsewhere, for which favor we will feel very grateful. Apr. 0, 1800. . LEIDICIII & SAWYER. HALBERT'S FAMILY GROCERY, QUEEN/WARE AND VARIETY STORE, Prordi-West Corner , of the Public Square; oppo• ~site the Carlisle Deposit Bank. J. D. HALBERT hap again replenished his stock o goods. Ills assortment Is now full and romp)ete , among which may be enumerated every variety of fresh which in quitlity and price' CAN'_T_B_K_BkAT A large stock or Chinw, Mese and Queensrare, of new and beautiful' dentin/el . and embracing every grade of price. • • - He is Sots AOLICT In Carllele for Jones!. lebratid _R4_149801. Ciit Cd'AL AMPS, • . . . ~ontroftthe remand dliedv,eriesf_the_age sombinini Cheapness, safety and Increneed light. C oal 011 and Lamps constantly on band, which the public are re- • quested for ill and examine. JOB. D. lIALIII I RT, N. NY:Corueurot—Pdblic Square. Carl We, Oct. 27, '6B. p ARGAI NSF BARGA INS! - • "GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT OQILBY'S CHEAP STORE. • - I am now selling off my entire stack - of - Sumtewr -- Goode, at lower prices than any store In the county., Elegant Summer Silks, Barege Robes, Summer Pop-. lies, Organdy Lawns, Chailles,.Slik :dentine', Summer Scarfs, SclilhEllllo. - Gronailinee, Layelles, &cc , Elegant worked Collars and Undersleeree. at prices tollety tom-. petltho. ,calicoes, Glnghema and lawns, et lower pri ces that ever soldhi CArlisle.- Bummer Gimes end Mitts racy. low. • Carpetinga cheaper than -oan...be had 0130111mm White and colored Brilliants, at unusually low prlees. A .large. assortment or Muslins, 'Ticking', Chocks, Cotton and ,Linen "Pants Stuff, mueh under prier. ' • - • .... Now it the time fo purchasers to get groat berg:dn., whilet the stock Is new. full and complete. and I am determined to run it off without regard to coat. Re. member she Now Store, Ilauallton's confer, opposite the Rellread depot. . CUAS. OGILBY. N.D.—Baits and Shoes selling below cost to close the buelness. '[July 13, '69. HAT_ ANI)._()AP J. IL, CALM & CO.; sticcessorn to Win. 11. Trout' would announce to their matomers and thepubile . generally that they have gust received from PhiIWO: . ph la, alma and elegant laud( of goods, in their line of business of every variety, style and quality. They hare on hood a splendid _ assortment of HATS AND CAPS, . . . . • • •• . . -of all descriptions, !rem the common Heel - • *to the .firiest FUIt AND SILK UATd; and at prime that moat suit every one who hae an eye tootling the worth of big money. The Wick includes, MOLESKIN, 13 &UNRRA' BEAVER & FELT HATS, , • of every style auoLgolor and unsurpacoed for LIGHT NESS, DURABILUSY AND FINISII : dy those of any: other establishment In the country. • MEN'S. BOYS and CUMMINS'S BATS and CAAS, of every lescrititionoonstantly on hand, They respectfully Invite all the old patrons and u A many new ones as pOsslble, to give them a call. . J. G. CALLIO & CO . . ' Apr. 27, labil—ly I=l NEW STOCK. BOOTS, • CAPS. JOANhavinalsken the stand, 'on Hie north east corner of the Sq re, recently occupied by .1. B. Keller,. would respectfully Inform the citizen, in town and country, that he has Just returned from Phil. adelphia with a new and desirable assortment of geode in his line, comptising GENTLEMEN'S FINE (au. DRESS BOOTS; KIP DO., LADIES' MOBROOO AND GOAT BOOTS, KID SLIPPERS AND LASTING GAIL TEItS, MISSES' AND CHILDUENS' BOOTS ANDOAI, TENS, In great '''''''''' Boys' and Youth's Boots and Brogans. Men's and hops'. HATS AND CAPS, of every description, and a general amrtment of straw goods. The stock has been selected with great care,and will be sold at a very small advance on city wholesale prices. ea. Don't forget the cheap corner, opposite the Her ald office. JOHN IRVINE. • Carlisle, Apr. 13,1859. AR( AINS ! BARGAINg Juat received, and foi sale at reduced prices, • large lot orsuperfor Silk Dusters, Shantllla and French I ace Mantillas. Napoleon Uaregee,Lawns Is great variety, Delaines, Chintsee. Brilliant.. Calicoes. A full lion of Embroideries from auction, at less than city prides. , Lace Slitte r Sun Umbrellas. Douglas A Sherwood'a unequalled Skirts, direct from the factory. • Sultablsormeilddren,,,misses and ladles' wear. hosiery of everfeFacriptlon. Pleat. cell at SAWYER'S New Stonb, Main M. July 0, 1859. „ RESERVING JARS, SUGARS, lass Jars, air tight, (Stone's petent,) for preserving bolt, tie., ng the various also; are offered to the public hr the proprietors, as a Jar that will commend itself, requirtrg mlesmant,4B — self sestina, the neatest, racist simple and easily managed Jar made, and feeling eon. tident when onee used will be preferred to any other. • - TITIidIi . .JARY. • . •. tngether with a Tarloty of other Wood Reserving Jars, are for sale at the state of the subscriber, wheressay also be (band a large andletieral assortment of FRESH OROCERIEf3, of the rations qualities, including a seasenableandflns selection of the beuitand finest grAdes of • WHITE AND DROWN BOOMS, - . suitable for preserving. We feel thauktal for the on, immix eupport heretofore extended to us. and trust that we may merit the continued faros of oar Mends and cuetooters. Our greatest efforts shell be made Al ed. to In the quelity of toe article sold, as well Carlisle, June 29. 1859.• , • j . 0 - 3 - 141 - P 111 - souiu BANOy Kit ,:sf :lirt ".. friflTS 2 .4otithN . the. •Ourj 914.8 e .•Ifseintsupplied myself with a large 'assortment Of Watch b Mortals, Glosses,..te., I am 'now • preparad to 'repair an Odds of Watches, Cloaks; Jewelry. to.; oath* totz ‘ t reasonable terms, that may be entruststlis'my r loping by exist attention to buslnesa to be fla. rem twith a liberal share of .publie patrorutga ' A fine assortmont of JEWELRY, such. Deceit RIME and Ear Drops, Gold Atd; , Elixds' Eneut Plus and tar Drops. Box and-Olivia Rlwafl,las ;' .tiold Man nobo; witted Obalua, piit LotketOWSlN • • Xpys,'em., pito, "lad fine atworteemt of, , iN . ~,... . ,- . . all ot !hide will 'NI sold lo*.' -*share of pabllopiitton. op Is re.potfully.solleltedl , .' •'- • , -JOS. CI: , STEEL. .._ Carlisle, July '13;180- , : lr .' -- - , 41 - .''''T . ~ • - • . u• ton' Mai uciii 'On bend, Anil Ilitoridkihiliii#',' ty of Flour And Feed,.tollidell Abe WHO At UM . • :MI articles warranted: ; :....,, lardeiii.Eß44lol4lli. ".., . J mu) 20.1860. • • . ~„: ~. : ,:.r. , .... Cirllirtiai.-. BEGait4 AND TOBACCO, FAMILY GROCERIES, 8110E9, _ 04T8, 1E35E1