Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 27, 1859, Image 3

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• Si .11E RIFF . 'B •S..A"L ES.
Ity onier ofstintley'Wrlta of Vondltlent Exponos Issued
. • out.of the Court or Cmninou Cumbel laud coot,
ood to me dirj•cte, I —Il ...‘p?•se utlie sale at.the
• toilet Ito., d l
ot p oil FROM', lAu
lilt]) day of A ocoet A. 1..., i FLO. at l 0 o'clock. A. M., the
rllad to 1 E•latt, to talk:
o A Lot .4 Grimed sliu ti lo borowslier (W 1,4,
• chntaloltor fuel ,rolt e
mol 2.1 trot depi honor,
or lu ss. b under] al, the rent by Mr alloy. 014 the tr. lit
" lly 'both llanoyer :greet on - the noel h. by lot oft!. lu
holt nod the south b. lot of Wm. M. Itlddle's
ihet rm. erected a three story plasteretroN I.
. :usl', a.tor.t •hr telt, bark butt 111.1. hri. stable.
fiqr I.usu lout her nut t, elseo. N. Ned nI d tnlo . nin
arrrutbm nod to tin sold its Oho piapert3 of Benlmvllle
• .1. Ii leiter. •
• . - ALSO.
• A I.nt orfIrnund:F11111111 Ur tiro borru'gb
flirt In front and 111' , fart In ‘l,•pth. 'non.
ul•10-1: Innmdrd on OW 11•I'ana stive.t. On 01'
Fount by an allay. on the ; west b , .lamea.Cali . and oo A !kll frau., kltchen;fraino wagon
• malt, (9 Top and frame t.table. taken In-ox
t. • - ALSO,
. „
"A. 1,01 of4irnnlnl. aJtnataln-WormloyaburZ.
•• Wm' toariohln. Cornball/Ind county, c.ditalningslB foot
frinalind 153) fort In daptlt. hr the steno more or lons.
bonntl..d nn tin. west 13y a ptilollestrok.'on We north by
14. t n. Sln•alfrr, nn the emit by Liver alley. Willi
Oil Oil south in a lot. of D. & .1. Erb, having.therooli .
arortad n t kory FRAME taken
- lu ..xacution -and-to-be sold - ati tho - property of.-Jainqa
A tot of Ground, 'situate In SiiironfanstoWn. Lower Al.
len totvtudtlp. hounded on, the intit(,,,hy properly of Mitt
Colder. lin the west by other property of IV. I). :Thorp.
on, We earth by 31Mo stre.t. and OIL the south I,y I
alley, containing 40 feat lii front and 200 feet Itt depth,
film ot'leso. hating thereon tweeted n one and a.balf
story trauto‘lloUt34 kitchen and stable.,,
A Lot of Ground, situate I , Shiremanstown, hounded
on the east by haw, Property of W. I). Shoot , . on the
we,,E . by an alley:on tiy,,lineilibf MOH street. awl on
tun mull lv Ilali a lleyymintrilning 00 feet in trout and
depth ,'dare 4 less.
A Lit of Ornutel..nittetto In Sbleentanstorrn. bounded
- e k the... e: ezt t n ; 1. t of Lukris Eaellenban,:ll. on the went
pr.•perty n r w. feet In
froth. and 11:III - tat In depth wore or lux. ' •..
e a•l LSO,
Per. 1, 1 1. s of firound sitita to In Slll , enntnetrosn. stud
east ley nreperlyaf•.l./fin
an time west by peope-ty of John itnpret; belrs, on lbo
north by See mind riron t. mid ell fir aortth by other pro
perty of W D. Shoop. coil talninws2l,o tort in front and
:1'..10 feet In depth, more or Ire,..
LSO, •
• A lea (Wound. situate Slarenutortown, bounded
on tllO wait by other ty 14' W. D. ;hoop. on the
.wust bY property of ',NI' %krata. on 1110 110111141 y W.
.1). Shoop, nti on thy south by propotty of !bury Zo•tr
in,q•ontainfoit abAnt arr., noire or lesl. Svizi4l
ml ta , ,en in exernt bin and to ho sold as the provrly
n.f I)..Sbnop., . .
- . ALSO, - - -
• -
• 1
Throe I. , ttA of.kroont.T. lingtlesLawli• Sl're
Lm hn; tibete.:lllp, letutaile.l on the east by prnpertie or
.leer t, on the west le properte ..f Joseph
till the Nio tit by the liorrlsburg - noti :turnpike.
and tilt tl 0 south by nlynlloy. entititininr, earliAti. feet
be front tin 1511 foot lit a.••• 11., Tun., or less hating
thinnni ereeted a two story double 1 , 110118 E,
and IV tigonuntlier shop.
Two hds of 1..,01111ii; iltorito In Itotmeslawn. Filter'
Spring towu=hip liounili••I mm tic, east - by prnmiroy of
WOI, Flln k. 'flit m.4E1;1;01100 ty.ofiiiih rh,
imirth by pr%.10 f ii 1.1113,11 11. ifuton, and on theioo.l4lt
my the I nroplice., L roittiolnui !eel. In and ,
2.lllceiit. more or Irma,, 11OVille tlier.ll crrrtnd
a frame binrksmitlr shnp.:tad a fi,llllO, cabinet maker
shop lo exeentliiti and to • lie si•hl lie
the property of John Liam, '•
By viriun of r Acrd of Flirt Boring rood nut of .
Court it coun ty Surd ti
1111111 . 1!de•li, I will opptnooto politic coin nt 0111 , 111/1,
lime nod place. Ono 1111:owing Real Konto -
A Lot of iir.l.lll nicuatot to the borouvp of Vewßß,
coot iitoing I'•..r iri .1,141.-•1110111
or 11 , 58. b ' Ivll the P. 124, by :lalit—street, on Li l o
wort hyniot ..f .I,l;.llSwoynr. mr Ito uorth by St..
and 'll . l OP ii'lab by I'hily. , ll lovii.t then'
u.1.%.1...t0ry !MICK I h,GA[i`. four nn , :outs
froino ‘Vrtrolv , nsi , .Seiztql and
..._l,o.4.:i_in_exireukivi. awl t..t_httsniti nti t6n prt puny. of
' ammo] Sear—
. •
Lot nt rits.;mol. Pit itate in Nosy ton.toii 11 , 1111 i. Ctim4er.
11,1 oin IV, contnitattir 45 wet in (mot and IVO lot In
&nth. leqei. 1.1 . 00,1 th”, 1110 lh hy- pr,p,rty
nt'.l•duo Murphy: on. III.• n 01111) hVlllt or MI s.
.nt the st I.v .
rih by 1111 alley toil 4:01 - 4:11.. in in mid. itt4 n and
to ho sul.l thy nnurty 11. 4:44.4,14;11.
Ity irtn , of a trill of Is.rari lined out fit' -the
comaCoonno,t Illeaq CurnhertAnd eount v and to
Ili.. .Creel - IA I 4 . 01 estioso to poll- i tsilo thu sinus
limo and place tho rol having Real t
A 1 tout. several trai•tdi.
ate Isinz.a•oi thoo IVO of Comber!. 3..1.
.1.1:1,111. Miff y.wk. tt. .1 whirly Aro mild and known by
the name of he i• Iron being composed
pertly of the °stair if whirl) 'lied oil Cue .Ir. tiled
ni oil :11111 p. 1.11, 4,f I:111114 1111,1111.411 by his ooporoolor
i no 1 00r..w00, „1 . bk .111; rml
taloiou elaht thousand nit hundred arres l v (110 A:111119
1110.0 or less. II:Irina: there.- enoved a COMM 11111..
N lar ro two star, hr rk honer, blacksmith shop,
trpolitel . ..hop (lrist Mill. taw li ii,...ail th,ren
•ht,ge hook Pilot a lame nottihrl:4o tenant howls, nod
ottoo out hull lints. and IN•1111.! (111. wino tract or lam!
which )I.try Flue, the ezoorottrlx or the said Michael tier,
Jr. chorrajolool. by her deed dated the I wenly third nt
ti p..riue hundred:it'd fifty.
tilt 0,41 Zinn , IIIVOV 1111 , 0I the sabl.Peter Cue.
bit heirs and:160:11N. by viitus of the power, vested ht
her lov thy m 1 I of the roolollllcharl 1 , 40 r: Jr.. doe'd.. ns ono
mot by bald Orel' sovlllolo Is reroriled in the aterorderktl
trik.•, in on.l Ow sib! volt Ito 0u00...rh..i, to
Record Il .lilt B. vol. id. taus-1'29. will nore fully nod at
)arena Nor St•lzeol soil token lorooxerutlon milt to lir.
sold as the property of Peter 1 , limo And all to la• ovoid
by our. • 110111,117 MerAIIT.NLY. ShrrllT.
(IV). COlllll' On 11,11 nolouots over Ilre hundred
dollars, fifty dollars aro to he raid Nolll.ll III" prollertY Is
Etrioltlin oft and tovehtv five dollArs ou nll nlllOllll tE.1.111-
1.1, tier hundred 1.11! 1 / 1 1P.
Sheriff's Carlisle. :I
.1111 y . 25th. f a •
A, N 1) F • A IZ I\[ ,
- '
ON TUESDAY. Um flth of Sllpti•mbor no t. tilk 11.1-
lowing desefibed Iteal Ent rte, f•lrufsto about
rreqt of Carlisle, on the Conutleguinut rentinouly
known as 0
ff it i , nt no r
roolf. A oew and stilmtanti...l dint has been put - In - dn.
ring the fait swetner.,Tiiiii - f. In a I.l..nter. now :sod
Saw , 01111.01 w Intl tor not a llh r....ll.llfiaLun-Aihvyr
attaritedd enfineeted witli MITI.
r in connection it ith said 31111. about ti er tl, arn n . of
land will be sold with two tenant houses, thereon
Thu 1 , trot contains Mont' 200 acres. principally of
Black 'late and Bottom Land. about 33 of -.which. are
covered with thriving young timber. . .
The improvement% inn a FRAME,
AV 1: AT ItEll BOA It IWO 11 017 O F:, a . ".„ ~.,
11 \NK 111 (IN, nod other convenient ,t t , ~ n ..
~.. ,
out bothitop. 'rho Fencer are In good .., ig ,,,' . ,:itrri:,
order. A thriving 3 flung, orchard '... . - ..,..
and other fruit trees. c•insistlo . of pears ye:row:N. net.
chin. &c. Also a line well or ant o. slid a sprint. Tile
lend Is Inn good state of rut tisation. about 3000 bush
• els of Liam having been put en within the lost 3 years.
• The above pi operV, will be said sepotrate or totether,
as may suit the int/chnser. Postkrsion of the 310 1
Property will be given et nay l lined sired after t e sale.
Persons desirous of examining , t Ito - property.-nr -oh
ining further inform:Wel concerning tile Rustle, may
np Is to than 0.), (111 thin pre:al:ter, or to A. L. Spells
lot, Heal l• state Agt.. Carl de '
Sale to conitnettiw at I 0'..1e.:k. P. 31., on the premisi.s.
when tern.. will be made known by
. I'lll I.ll' ZEIGLER.
, ....„„' 7 -'
ID .Elk IA :§T4ll ' P, ~A' l llt Li/ Al 1;'•
kt, • S A L E•. : -
qubserlbor oR rn nt prly rtu N:110 a valitable tract
of 'land, .Ituat d lu I.nw,r tt•wunhlp nbout f.ur
(ram Ib•buru, on the road leading to Ilarrleiborg,
20' ACIt E ,
flora or lero. acme or which Is reared nud Inn 111;•11
eto to Or cu n1'111.1311. 11.114 the 14111111 CD I,lVrrrd O 111, gild
r eott enhoo o to notrket, renders it a it/ •
sirtarie loom I n for it Finall Politer. •
Pert.ele4vishing ttP, kW the pretolges can do rug
applying to the subset i kr, on the tarot.
.T 1650,
16. 1 .(111001, TAX OF 1559.—'111(3 tax
10 aide citizens oft Borough of endisle. aro horei
notitietl that the Trt.twurer of the Sellout
.I)lstriet 01
raid borough, trill attend at the County Cutut ammo,
(Cominl+sioners' Inco) nn
"rtiuttst!Ay, Trim 2...Q111 or JULY NEXT.
"bkVourrllto-Innarg of J pn¢ 12 In the forelmon, and
nod ft n'elool; In Cho aftertnaiii'nf 14,1 day. for pur.
poPto and 'evolving tho Wilt/tit TA.Vlc..'
nases,old f r the profiont year. On nll taxes 'pia on ..1
that duto,n deduotinn will Ito made of
413" Pormoo: wishing to tiny. their to I , F. iu the. r3llll I
Elmo, may do so, by c llihly on tho Treasurer. nt Lis
Store ltionn, In "Anion Hull" W 111,1114.... .
J. ‘V. BUY, Tronsurar. ,
Carlisle, Juno 9, 1950,
• („:041:e.-
ga.*Mj• fik4_,
• %CM' h FREED,
- - - All, .11111.1V:T- KTILKET, 'PHIL •
.1. gc 11110AVS,
0557 , 1.tre arthle Li Ibbla va Dap t AIL ILIFk,t et..
Dail), at 4 o•eleet,
L.etta ilkellela, Daily. at 7.fieLock, A %I. • halt Oa 16. r title !Abe shoul ! bo morko4
I'. Daily trolght Lino, awl Bout In by 4 o'clonk.o,-,,
. .
1 - 118TILI,E1tY FOR • :SALE Of •
morr , Distill-ry .nt Mhldlnaos, in not
ord.r nntl rosily Orr opernt.ntS Mut location -loan ad
vlist eta lit one Mid dOts Inducumonta to Woo wit
do;riro t • root • Tering moderate, fairtlll.t;
tilr4 Iltair,tht - • this Whoop or LO t.hah.B k.a ni
• '• ' ' 314t,0r4t
' •
„ „
gitia estilte
. , ..... ,
1, 1 oli u 1..,' .N.-. 1) ... j , ,' l):11: N IVA y.
Apu.BLI',G SALE: ..
oN ‘i.EnyEsDo. AlltiUST 31, IRA . Lint under
sued. executor .@ 'annul Marlin, deed., wl.l exit°.
t. plialic,l4.o. ' DO the orotobnt, all. the Intdebt of said
. ot b,nt, (I,lllng one hall,) lit that valuitbk property,
known no the r .
1... -b T 0 It T. F 0 it 0 ii . —
situate. In tbn of earllslo. hounded ent (ho north
by Illalt street, On the east by the Otort opring. ' no the
~, o a lot of Ounrge. Ilendol.nd on to it est tor
in.opt4ty.of dneob hug.' Also. It largo (Si of bar and
a..rap.l. on. forgo 10010. a 4111001y -of t'oal..te..
Also. on thu saint. day..ori the prentlFes. 0 Let of,
- (hound situate In the borough of carlb.le. botindiTd on
tiro north by North street. 11.1 Omit:ton by a lot of nary
- 01Inbtro, on the a 4101.1.1) . Lucius Tilley, and 011 the weft
-11-8-j0t,+.f1ek . A. , N01.141.,-.ool..tailliagPiart 1,, felint. and
2io 1u depth hiv na thereon erected a fin gu 1
-- ,
togethor.with all he flthires. efdiwunirrnLcont on { - _:.
wine, turilin_.: lathe, drill prune. circular SIIWP, ilattUrtlS•
- . .
. .
S Ile. to conmeilec At the Forxe. tit 10 o'clock. A..M.,.
vllleu terms will hrniede InnoWit by. . .
0 40110 E BRINDLE. - - •..
- Ex'r. of Honig. Martin, dec'd. ..
.litl3 , 20. 1050. - ' —.. ' ~
. . .
I )1111'ATE:SAL L . .
OF • . ,
j_ . ..
• . , • - REAL - ESTATE. '
The sobserther now offers .noteintrarzing Inducements
It tlWatu'of l'inited means. who desire to get a cheap and
it•sirable lentti't 00 one of the most. health, and euter.•
•prislng,places la the Slats. Throe Vapor Al Ills near at .
iquti, and the last lately'ereeted, lit new In successful ,
oparation for the ttunnufartnire nit' fine paper; Inn win ell
over 109„hautts, male 1111111•0 1 / 1 111, a revnplo) ed. 11,Itles
Alt. Ilelly Springs. nt the Ina,e of the South lir.untaln, '
a naritil waterlim pined, isting-uhasuallY 1. 31 • 0017 •" 1 .
040 materially to the pecuniary Interests of the people ,
.generally. .
The following described,properiy - ltratiJaavw l- i , thd In` - `"
tended as an 'adrli:len inn tine r , prings7 anti also to trio
boatififtitVillage tal'iettettrtn -- • '''- • / -
4 0 • T nWV N. I. (1 TS
I * -- t / 1 / */ thin
are no 4_,, In the tuar.te.. .ewtos. 011 toot iol•f// •
Atll/r. or tho . wail,. eel oo.if ilanorer tempi ,e, fn tulles
f oath n,f,t'arljsle. Thu bon: are an as eragil or-10 Out In
front and 215 eel. 111 len,th. The ben,utifttl sir. mit t '
Alonotain Creel:, IIIIWK post, 11 portion of them. 'Also.
the large ..• . • •
• " . / STONE. AIAN.4ION itnusm,
- 4 , _') , , aunt 0110 nen, of around: eartiton,,and
.:.:' yard. fruit tocsin abundace . lids
1 1 ,4 ~ 1101180 collthillS I I rolytt, „'lli large
t s a
td„,.9.. basemnt, Ititdnen, o.qo ot wore,. „t.
the „„.„....o,Bo,„ , oledoet to -be „ n eey nlellat fel in •
c.frion fire pi ivate residence. Also, in twin-story - , ,
WilA1'111:IIIIIIAND ED FitA)IE 1111thiE, '• '
, .
.. ...,i and lot. with ter 'house thereon „
1 er....ted: 1/0111./ a golgeoidlee:tlot fur a
, g.. : : .a• i . 1 ~. butcher—this busittel-s having been
.. , .i • 'cf, profitably established—Or II wool 1/llst
' •• • , , ar:/ti Maud fora mechanic. Also,
o• •_.v.gocia:s OF AIOI.IST AIN LAND,
• , .
well timbered niith pine and nal:. within
2 , , miles Of the . 1018/V0 property, haying . 0 , 4 / 2 .5...01
g• Un water 110,//4/1 for a saw hill. , . 7rA,.
Ti n , t.,.,,, 0 . ill-bo manTe_nveraerotnetno• - • -
.da Linz and
harwatas nuI.Y in".. ,,
p. eted e•peo Illy in the building lots, to • '
fost-r bully hoot enti.rprit,e. , q
!grass 11•141 . 1.1.1/ nr sec. in/. Personally, nt Alt. Holly.
Sprines. t'untherland el:11111.) . / l'a
July 20,'69-•- tI% .. . , . A LIMED . 31000 E. .
- --
11 . Ir I 3 L I. C - S A.L E • ,
ll,' vir tue of lb e , Powers enntaltned in the 0 ill of.
3 nx-Nal bey. dec ti;. et )Rita,townodnip 1 - will n, pose .
F o on thepretalse , n, on FRIDAY. :11;(1lIST
2eiln. Isro.l at I I n;;•Ionot. A Al.. at the 11121104011 In. use
O• 11l
11 f , U41111 /11.4../1,0•1. In the township Of 311111114 111) eat
510 111/, ..,-i or Now, in.:. tunr il
000 log estate:
( ..0
No. I. The Orin in the t.. 11 it.n.vt,lnip, adjoining lands ,
of I sa, Whisk, David Whinier, John 11 - hider'laud
oe4;.:n• I. 111/11, rwit.ninlng 1 N _
1 2 8 A C -It 0 S--, '
I 'err • or less ;dont Inn urns of winch also cleared and •
.110/Irt• VIIII/11111011 3.1,1 the 1,4,14 /IV 1 , 1 ~/. 0 , 4 11 Om) bin 1.11. -
• - In_theretur ere,ted a 1 . ;••U littliSi•l, .
', lt
.4, 1, --.: 1,4 It:u. : and weed ' ppb. I rcin o d,—
~.,i ~ 1 never I 11-, s•r••,tin .., watt, runs
It. t thr , awin th • farm w WO, s fro,d , c n,,,d
_ = .l_,..k _
.... ..: , , ...Oen 'man o' said • . .-
n b.,. \ :,,:te 1 cooteltnitu aln.nto 7. %ere- ...p.),4 „.. ., , Th -' : 1
. ail wit it IA O t .Oretl1111.11•11.1•4 1., ,V,,,, r 0.„.4
1 ,1 , // , / 1 ,/,••// g 1• 4 1 lipple. 01./.11.11. • ' 1 f.' 1 16 / 4 • i
WWI II 1/ •,( 11/.IIFO-1111.1--1.,:-.14,,, st .... 7 „-
thee ..„, and runni••u mat, on it. ' -- -
." .. 3. 1 I,:net it nentlyt tin la:ol 1, t, ~..le town
I. tp. AI mho :thud. two mil, ir_lll the in•Loi it •I F 1.0./.11 •
ill•MS• 11114 11011 ode Intvfl to .4901 nwthsr. . r I ooh of
thenn 0 ttin timber n it contains a hout 91 seri., .
The terms •-f sale 0111,11 will be easy „11l be no vie on - the day of sale by - .
I '
.In - ITS SI ELLINtI Ell. . ,
Es•t• of .lohn vet: ley dee'd- •
on the Kill.. him Oa T.-got o.• : , per.nual property -
.rionsi.tiew of .1 horse beyfwal c' ws: legs, hineep, beili,aild '
"L'entlitF,,, - Will be Pad by‘the widow.
..luir 20. ISf:9 ,
. .
3tli ' . 1:1, 4 7r13 - .1.1..
. .
. . . i t i, 3 \ j, I , , ,st ATE
Th , h...kimgned ghsi.;,,,, qof Pet, F. Ego w 111 ..If, _
at ',oldie do on t. u inowni •fi. I% liiiloi cant Or rarllFlu;
n, 'I'I .. the it day Svptunther. 1459,
. .
llotween 4 and 504 tierve of iViileli arc cleared turd'ult•,
Jru a high state of vulth at lon,
Thi. Is motor the loot properlieS In Volitts,iVa In and
offers fatillth.s. nn0x14.11.41 for 411 lilnds of manilla, tut .
log purposps., The Isnprowentents consist 1u part of .a
~':.'..- P610.11 , 1. -- FURNACE - A5ll - Clll4l''M 11, 1,,'
with 4 run of stones, a largo Two Story
/4 1 1‘ . . - - 7 ' . \
i .....
111,4424 :
811 1.-C K II OUS. E ,
iv fr to,ol,,u,ith Shop. Carpenter. Shop,
. 4 - Slily Mill. 0.0 illlll`lB, Vim, large
linuYe. corn cribs And other out build.
lugs. also a lenge number ul
T N A'N T II 0 V S 11 S. .
The water flower on this 'mote cannot ho burp:ls.4.d.
ro po, nine pa It does the levers of I he Sedum <
and the Yellow Ifreorioli • 'reek. glrlite. an ample supply
or power at all Iliac, and seations—ltaviug 13 fens
he.ol and
A larzeitortlon of the laud Is covered with Cheatnut
thole, which eould.h3 sold out In small lota to 'neat
ad vannnte.
Terms: F per ten t. of tiol porellAse money to Id
when the property Ic stricken oar. noe bor.,. the Ist of
October Pusninn. wlion„the died s ill bu tellreled and amen. The balance In bra 01510
paynielit.. , with Intel" et.
For for. her wirtleularsltoldresa .lac. It. SION) Ikt rat ,
11410 l'eter F lain or the tuld.•rigned .
Springs Post 1.113 ca. Clioa.orl:111.1.VOZ 0, "
• CIIIIIoTIAN 11E1111,
.July 13,.89—ts Irsisuera.
. . . .
~. OF
The nul•+crlliier Idler,. at prh•nte snle the I 1111 l me and
4----.. lot nI gr.mod :tow occupied Ily him ',II anted
C -2 11 Olt Pomfret street I Diu I ()rough of Carlisle,
1 , .....4. 3 I . ew doors e 204 of lb Fnuory SI. -E. Church.
•-•,.. .• The lot enntmiiti 3221 et o fruit. nod 1 . 20 feet
In depth. The louse Is nearly le v. roomy nod 'eon,
n1..111.111111 ic•n yore denlrable r Worn, hjonedlato
((proem:lon can ho given. DAVID STEURI:Tr:
earlDle, July 211, 1850-4 t
11011 EST EA 1 / FOR $lO ;
r • "A IIi . OTESTEAD 1 , 011 fl 001
— I O. HOMES MAIM FOR Weiland over. idt noted on
and nen Rappahnnimek Illvil, above and below Fred.
erieksburg. to I IrAnia. .
A new town. vaned liarahanneek, has repo Illy been
laid out, In Culpeper enmity, In the in . dist of the (told'
Iteg.ion of Virginia. surroninted by mines and mining
e.,mr k nies: and halms and town . lots In Mil:mato di't I
Sis;ll, , or Olives. can new be h.rfOr a .• mere t011g," to
indoor s”ttlemont. In this desirable regir... $ll4 Min
A orlh of land to hi be divided amonot purehasers or
Oren foray Its op Iptiumnepl to 00,0 p on and make Im
provements. and the laud is 4/rtha la , It jtolproValliP
quell tins. Many hove already settled mid mires of
tit Irrp aro MOM, (limit arlaiag. hound. In, tilt! to to FOR.
p trewor, rto be had la fromUM to eiVellly 110110 a
per acre, payal he lit lalS3 . Iplarter yearly i3 , oailliellit,
fines Mks a (Ii in II res lie given:
• 11 - 4'. A gim i s are wanted eve where to kilt these hals;
liberal induremenis will be %en. .
For.partleulars, add twit
E, BAUDER. Lend .4 gen t,.
July 20, 1859. Port I:n, al. In,
r 1 1111. ; Examination Teachers for the
lau die neheola ;,1 tidaillurand e•.unty, will be •
July 20 at 1 n't , l..ek, P. M.
' Anti. 1, .1-
Shipp -11W top. 2, 1
Shippenill.un; a• a, 1a• ‘•
south., anpton, "d,. 9 " A 'II.
Newton. • " b.' 0 •
Pllyer Sprln.,, a. 0, 9 " "
Wo-t 0, 9 "
FraelilOrd, a. 10, 10 a. "
1111111 n. " 11. 10 +a aa
Hopewell, . " "
Bost Pen taboo'. • " 13„
New Cumberland.- " 15, a•
Monroe. ' Itl, " A. 31.
South 311,141..t0n, " 17.
North Middleton, " 19, •
114111 don. ' l9, • " P. M. ;
Lipner " 25. , 'a. a.
The Dirorttirs will/19point the plum: of meeting
make the nevelonry unnotiements
Puoetwil attuudain.e In Itxpeand.
11:131'1,„ 8111 MS, Co Supt.
lil t 119 0-41 - • .
i:;chl),:olg. In South
tl thin,t on township. Cumherlnnd county. dui lop Ulu
,Appilennts owe,. tin uxenninathin Popert-wti
house. on wmtecsiwi. the 17th duy of August
nest, nt o'clock, A. M. •Ily order of Limo 11, n rd.
JuSIAII secey.
• July, 20, 1009-4,..- •
T 13 A. C II Elt IV ANTE D .-
k School Tenobor for a suasion of live months,
tonnuoneing ale art tbo let ntOeto.ber, is wanted at Now
'timberland.. Applicatba snide peroonally or
•,y latter to JACOB CARPENTER. ,
Pree of t h e beard.
It. 7.1 aarta, - Paa'y. •
Now Cumberland..7unn '29. 1959-2 m .
116:ird - (kr t•zelloid
Oliectorn• of Silvio t3prlon oipd to
opbty Ittltteen trorltern for tho ongoing Ft4;o”, to
iiittrai salaries xlll Ito paid. tti will
tenet nt Ilittnenttinin -for tinottnation. on rot util.oy, the
nth of Au.uot. • • J. C. - ECK '
Jill), 27, 1&A-2t' .
F , X' UTO N Jiettortj
- • a ....stftitipntary nufloctlie "WD) of. CitAULisi
jote or the, bortio4llort`orliiiiii. hove hook Witted to, the
untlershmrd Eicooutors' named tlillti=hrtho 'Hugh:
tor of .:,iiiiittorland County. All 'persons !loving. °lithos
iI4OI net I ho ostoto will pririont thOnt liar settlonteuLlual •
Meow indebted will intik° lanutllatq pityntoill to L.
Tt.1:1; Esq.
h RUN Slel) MIA _
. •
.;.xEouToies .Tio.E - •
lestamoutaryorilli the ,'lll of Unman Keller late
01 tn.. ugh of Carli-le deed. here tens irsued to
ho underalxned I , :m.cutors named therein. melding in
said bbrongh, by tun Iteginter 01 eutilLerland county.
All porrofin indebted to 1110 , 44tate are notified to to•lso
immedlito payment. hut Mono having claims to pre./
said them for nettlyment to . t
.1:111'.' A..
1859—et "
1 of - d - -.
ulloistrOt Inn thn potato of Ilory Wearer latent
tho on'wou4ll of lucre Immo .ssuel by the.
lids or of th.pnberlang county to the suborrlloir
ding salt b nou,eit. All; persons Intlobtrd -ore re•
111.1,101 i t • 111:0,11 {III all! poymout Oh& l_iv lug_
clams to premont thoto Ibt oottlemoot ' ,
%Adel% Alitry Nriivor,. de'e'd.__
July 13. 11359.--r-t • •
l i ix.Kouyot N
t'S . 0TT.(31.-- Letters
Lost tolotttar3l with , 11u hill of Saoluol )14trtIti.
1:tto nl tlo,b,rott•zlt of OttrliPlo. Itavtt Iwo igsued
I,v t ~ ccuinborland 61ttti,ty. Co tho sulNerl,
lio. tlwroln nnumd. rout 11114 In Monroe townFlilp. All
pyrtion. lioleb;e.l aro rovoßted to Lonnie paynlont,•nild
t huxo h ide4 elaints to prosont. thou, for nottleolont to
July 13. '
'par:A . l(9.oll . p
1 . )i 15 1..6 8) a (L 1
0r,,r0 0.:1 . 6119. , :b . 0tw001i-Shr . Dut
this day dissolved by uw t eoasuo.t. 'rho Loupe of
tIiirMUFVIII ha - Rath:l by,lmnGs - ltran,ti = t - Int - ttilirrt l 4 -
Ara o s t rum; h I loiho.. nol t lot vi .44. -of I,lta li raw our
Stho Shrool hau 411.0 a Optical., of th , hooks,
whor.:.l.ot ileolont e;to to,la at th04)1.1 t,,,d. MI
p.Trsonti in,leht.ol to Fahl lino, will p1.11:1, call au& riot-
OD l hnlr Inmodiatoly, and, naolno no
~mote poonent thou for Net thquolt. All accalints
not 50tt1...1 liv Om lot ou,d. will ho put
into Owis nil the proper tallror o•
•en .1 ACOII 111 111111.
July 20,,
I 1.1 dune 28, -IFFU
Nude° is hereby elven that nu el,pilen:ion will <he
niude to the I,,:hlaturo Ven.iselvauht at. Its 'toot
sneellou ineerruutien 1/3111i. lir Issue, IVith
mnt, nod oler sit grit Iles. in 6u leentel iu lie Ctlowriatel.'ohnly. I'4.llll'u , to I/o
'oiled. Th.. 11 • III11 (If l'.l I,le. WILII II of hitu
thult.-41,11 ulth the tl,ht to. fuerease the
S:/1110 lo Llltso hundred tl,uqaTicl dulls, n.
•.- - 7 -
.-- • — lrim., ,m, ici3i,- -- . . - 1.1 - MiN ,11, - . l.trucEiti •
, • 1 1111).• PAXTON, ' /MIN NOlli.E. '
71ENJ..1.11VL',It. in, ENOCH Yql.iNtl:
811,1 \ 1111 W 0 11,P, efillISTI lN• tT (TM (N,
WILLI 4, ii. 11,151 Z .101(5 0. 47,,tut
, nrr,
'A 11. Sit 1(u•::, Wn.• N. 11.uksr.1.1:.
. .101111 0, I/U,Lp!, . i111t,...1.11_11..11,111E11i,
. -
ItOIIEILT 411V1iN, .10118 MINIM.
.1%51 '4 r,
11. A: Si ung , n:l, 111miir
• S 17111;Virt GEO W• KA rnit,
.110 NkISL:A% NL!OLLY.
June 2D, —6lll
Xr()TIt!E: ' is hely : by: ,give((
11i3ett. to . 610 !lONA t o ,so-
13Liiiii cal..,num °it, chi, or,ovr of liiii"ear
the h mee.:ll
l'umbrrinn.lomqty...eo nn t • confer ua ;Ala lii k the
eLhte end ~ , Y:1 1.111( 1nc1. , . unit tieiltl.l4•l
its mini , In the Verli4le Mink : te hieream the
or ~141 kmit in it
dollar., with ~e o .ll.•; te t the :cone
ender tel one 11 , V.1 1 , .11 tlt in Ana.)
VI tun 11.141.0/ 0114 lift.y. ,
11 . 11. 114111'1111. ' eblet
June 21. •
U , !• . - 11 3 11ILYDELI'1111
• ' [)11 1..1a311.,: : :7. •
Nt`4l:l . l FOU.II 5,,10N.(W9-110,)
NV191,1201 G 1133 )N. 11: U., - Einet Itur P kfrse of Sur
vkiel v :l, I lA:C9v. `I. D. Proro+4 faNtituto
ul.O 11 %% trot` M. U. ProftlsJi.. of f Iv:
M b.. Profes., of I .ll,stetinT: And thu
I • ,Di,,,t‘es of vVotoon And , bildren
.1100P11 tl 1,01, 31, D.. Plo,ooo roY Mak:Ha Motlii,),‘ and
ellkorniouf. •
1t0n...r.c 12. Itoor'll M.l), Pro ocgor of Chemistry,
ni,Lll,_l . .l,,Profs•tor or All34NilY
- I 11010 II •Miril. M. LI.. Profo..r of '‘tr,r,ory,- •
Iluot, v
. 1100000 rotor of Aontoipy.
. -
file hectares of the Sottd nt .111 he ;In on the Se L eoud
, lutodAy or detober atol oltrtos on IE6 lttt of Nittrelt.
.. .
'CI 11A I tudrunlon IV ;Iv •n 01 ,
111;linut the tiegtchnt
In iit 411eal Mil. by the Profesmtrit, add nt -flit,
I' notylrattla and otion• ll , ,tpitthi
Ting Db,e..tin; do:otot, under the superintendence of
~ 'ht l'r drtet .r nt Anat•onv ;toil the Dentoiottratnr. tire
~,,t, en.frona the nild.lte of Sento:libel. '
It'lie therm for hierative :•Foirgery WO the Applielltioll
or II oul.t.px. &n,. I: open enriy 1,1 :.$.01.1111) , Ir and
t p.mpthrout, till, , j , gßi.ll, Iliaur ti.S.I.IPUrYkii/104:_kkl.
l'etili...r of Surzery. ...
5ur,10:11 I winourtrator. C. S liklinp. 51 D.
Poo , : for I lin I,..etures pittili - 1 7 1,45 ,- .55Tri.15), $lO5
ilatrh•iilution Filo timid once only), 5
Imiduatio.i For. .30
It. E. dt.itt, rate, 11. D.,•firaii Ur th.. Mo,livid Farolty.
' • - Univer.iity Building.
F. B. DlCic..lliiiii . oiTtinir . erclty Building:.
....4.tii.4 it .Ar I iii•iv he and of iv:. 50 to .!, 4 1 per iro-k,
.litly 18. 1555.—:-.511. t.
) A 8 ! L,NI !
1.) iti:DucTiox IN Al'
I flat now off my ninths steel: or Summer
lea or prices that• any store In the conoty.
tilt SUOMI.' SiC s, ILirege 10.1.e5. Dlllllllll' ; l op..
Ilan, Or.utody Lawns. Ch titles, Sill, NI:LIAM:is summer
1,1, ends, dr. 1;logal t
orite.l Collars nod Under/V1..., at prim., to defy clan.
petition I'lll,•ues, tlinghaael ii s ud Lawos.,at lower pri
limn over sold in t'arlislo.' Summer Gloves and
Intl.: very-low. Carpetinas Cheaper th.lll can be
White fluid unusually
iroW prices. A lar:e assortment of llnsllns.
Cotton and Linen Points Stull% niuell under
elan Is tilt. time for purchasers to get bargains
atiuls! the staal, Is new 11111 and cempll , ta and 1 alit
to min it Id witimilt. ornate w ant.. , Br=
Ile Now Store, Ilanditon'elcorner. opposita the
•11.1frad depst,/ (41A5...111.11Y.
It, —Hoots and Shoes selling. below cost Nieto., the
pitEsEitviNG .1.1 . 1673,
.:Pus Jars. nir tight. (rqone'e patent.) fur praser, Inv
Cie vuloun "4/...M. are onerti.l to iho public
by the proprietors. as. a Jar that will commend itself.
requirl• g uu cmgeht, In .nelt sygllgg, the ountest. mist
r.bnplu nod o wily in mare& Jra urnie. and fueling eon.
flaunt whoa aura uNe.l bo preferred to airy other.
' TII ESP: .laltS.Q
togsther with a 11,1,-6 Of tabor goad Pres.:lry
are fa. sale at ilia storo of 11a. subaggibor, whe , y
found a largo and generul assortment of
Fit 4 11 linth'EnlES,
of Lilo quailtips. Ine)udlogn sees sable and fine
g-lecti in of th•• 1,1"4 and finest omit,: of
.ulltalflo for presprrlng. thankful for no, g•n•
rfoua support beret, ore rxf ended to us. and trust thii.
.va may merit the erailiffuetl t 1 .11 1 .14 of our friends and
••11xt , ittiorp, !)Ur area test alf.frts Huth b. tondo to tins.
in stun unalitv i.f thy artlrla sold. as wolt'as In privet.
C:vvllslo. .luau!U. Isr,o J. W. EBY.
111,01 J UL AN I) - F 14.1 i subsuri
hers havo ot.t. on 61,1.11111 i lofrotkkoopittz varle
tc of Plour - moi which thupublli. Is luclted.
LII articles warranted. 0.11 Sr IMO.,
Juno 29, 1559; Ca 11101,4;
YOIJ T II .1 NI/ MA'I'L.I 'l' Y
./tha• vuIII.IIMIEI., OItATIS. 25ry llt, P.ND:
A for words on the rail oul treatoteot.
....Hein. of ipermutio rhea. or lovai
Hlnissions.tleolt Ner,ous Preorttuto
Reny 01 the syrtooi, I nip Jitney, nod Impediments Jr:
lage goneroliv.
lII' It. DE LANEY, M. D.
'I he infra:int fad'hat thin many alarming:coin
plainta, nrlainatlng in fin, noprinteneo and tallitude of
„mall. :nay I. earily renloved wlth , nt mndleine. Iv
ihlx small tract dearly demons: rated : and the nil In•ly
or and Wahly sinseesaful 4e:tin:ant, ns adopted by the
nut Min fully um plained, by mealla which every one In
enal•lnd to run , himself lealeetiv and at On very least:
,frialbla cost. thereby avoiding all the advertised now
tram °l'M° day: • •
Sent to any address guar, and post free to a Feeler)
envelope by relating (plat paid) two pootago stamno to
Dif. It. DI.: t tN I. 88 East,.l.llst bt., New York City.
Juno 16.1859-3 et
I:I• t
North-West Corner of the Public ;;quore, oppo
site the Carlisle Deposit Bank. • .
I .1. ti. it ‘l,llOltT full , . again roplenlshod his stock o
Thsls.__ itie n.surl sti.of is now full a hd_7ampletu, sumps
which may ho oftuuttruto.l overy stirletl of fresh •
which In gnslltl and price
C - lir, • B 7;,'
lamp stock 'Weldon, Ilbinsuud Queensware; of new
and beautiful designs, and embracing evyll grade oh
t.- -lie is SOU: AUPT in earlit . le tor. was' 'celebrated •
, .
ono of tho•greatimt dl.c.Overlep..of the age, combining
,ehoninoss, safety emit increorril light. -Cool Oil and
Lamps conionntly on Mind, which the public Ofe 'no
nuosted tot tit laud ninth.).
-N. W. Corner of Publl.l INtutro.
0ctc27,158. ,
-QOM fall IN (3 - • , ' •
I lUIiSt ^)WI-:14 with ell the. latent Improvem«nte— «
• Wariuqted tqibreFli 4ad ch, o,:
m ro !mm pee tinur:•
• • • .
- • .leufit Pa. Cueiburlalid county.
Cerlle)e; Ju4o 29,16516 _ " .• _
D u-o S Iry s
alrivacy• of this utedlelnd in idlitunmeted diseases, •
For tho last twelve years I Dave been - more of lees
troubled with' Inflammatory ithoutuatiton, commencing
-early In the spring, and hutting until cold weather set
lit, when I would bo relieved fora wlille. only at
tacked again in the Spring, All my joints. would sta(ll
and he very sore, attended with the „Most Route pal
Ily foot, shoolders, arum, nail hands troubled Most,
:so much ye that I could scarcely walk, and almost al-
Ways requiced assistants. in dressing. Diming this time
ereni I try everything I c tuld hoar of. in the hope of
finding a cam. I also tried several physicians. but no ,
thing seuii,ol to bell. lee tile least in the world. About
two and It half years ago t was attacked as usual and
s weal tried everything to get rid of it, but tw pur
poss."l - kept growing,worso, and finally had to give up
and stay in the house where I 1.1113 confined about four
Wi olio. Thiftloto my roa 8,40110,1. and were so sore that
could not stand on thou, or get on my boots, and' my.
[hands swelled-to.twice.thelrAllinal sine . In /net I was
to all appaarances'and belief, totally uaud'tilf"7tbaut".
thishituatny_parents..who_aside In NMI sett forme - ,
- 17, - ititilivfitnnfv.-41-svensratothAfttr_my_arriYal commen7
cud trent; anothrorremedy, hoping cured:lint 1 - 17 - 1
suiting the same as all. others . For works I had me t
been ablgto dross myself er raise my. hand to lay head,
acid suffering the most ex eructating pain all the time.
one day int father clone In with n paper in whleb—was
advertised De. llemswell's Mutlleal Pit. Inflamma
tory I/1. moms only, and wanted one to read and see
- what 1 - thought of It- read and laughed .nt it, pro;
• nounded Ina lit,fitibug. and - told kiln that I had been:
hutultuggeti.mufigh lie kept urging con. and nt hint
said I conl but try it, and if I would write to .11r.
giving him description tor ffly disease. he .wnuld pay
the expense. If.COUITO I could lint refire such au '
for nod aunt f, no It came In duo season, but
• ray frith was not e cooed. and I laughed at the Idea
of tin meal' a ddsedoltur me any good. and told tiny Wife
that I believed Dr. C. and his Salt both
llowover. I commenced tilting It and .tbe moult woe
peribetki.mteulsblng .1 mould hardly wallas it nmself.
I 'slept soandly all, night. which I had lint done for_4
ling thin,. and when :I awoke in theAniwning strange
no It nay noon, I MIS entirely free from pm, I h o d
diteh situp hut one them. and 11.ttifed freely befOre going
to'bo,l. That morning I felt so well flint 'Hardly knew
how•to contain myself and woot down stairs end told
the folks bon well I felt. and &mu that day t tfiltrT
Mom not stoTered one moment's pain or itml an attack
rf mV owe dreaded anent, Illiannottlsat am per
holy 111,1 heart v. and wherever I have a eltsnce I
gar anmen , l It - A frioinhot urine residing it. nroOlilV3l
Is hinge trVI , I7 It fir n hid rags i neural le rheumatism,
an d gu, fir II le erlrki,iii ),11,111111 1 / I y. nag lsn long St4V,
'but I have told all the Gists. which .1 car brin g wit.
nosooo to totioit urti its Ir.novoss:try : and will actin
that In.tho III7IIOA It SA LT. a sins, tiara May la, found
for all Inflammatory diseases. and would, urge 'all who
ice afflicted to give It a trial.
' No:117 Wall stt'oet. New York.•
When it la remembered that,elle A&DDIflAft: SALT
Is'as clllo,rlous In all other In11:111111111 , 0t , diseases nsfy
1111011" , 11tISIII (1 , 13.9 Iji.¢l.l,lVe circulars) It v.. 111 at once
In, seer, that II is a most valuable remedy. Sur. ly
newt , thus enlisted will find In _their own condition
and ie to e ;Li, ,vll statetne 01 . 1 , 111:11 to induce them
tO glee Oil 511 lIICA SA I,T a . •
'Frio, Ono Do11nr: Chroniq Paokago,.B2 50.
c. TAVL)t
. Duek-fq.
Medical SAL Is fur s.tlo l'y drugulststrouer
ally. Give It splal. (July 18,'59-Gm
imuu..-vANcy Ih PHIS, Fla: IT, , ,
• A DA) /'S il*A11:10S A ItY.. "
9. IV. I(AV nits' iat has }list received from the Mt)
and Is now opening a splendid display of FA NfIV
to whirl he desires An call the attention of his friends
and tto. puldlc. Ills asshrtment Inthis Hoe cannot be
suriessueo In - novel and elegance. and ),,thin q malty
a•,l prie , of the articles. ranted. to please purchasers.-
' Wen' be Impossible to enumerate his
. .
which eninpriseeyery variety of fancy article of the most
exquisite finish such as.
- Papier-Maybe Duels. s, .. -
Elegant al.tbaster and porcelain I olt.stands and trays.
• Fancy Ivory. pearl and shell card cases, .
Ladles' Fancy' Baskets.
Fancy Work Unvus, wltb sewing Instruments,
Port Mommies. of every variety, .
ilebtpens and pencils. Oancy paper weights,
Papateries, and n largest rioty of ladles' Fancy station
Motto m ils add wafers. SUM and heed purses; _
Ladies' riding whips, eleg(Lnsly finished, LailAs' *lw
,qat. , erY. r . 2 • .
- Perfume baskets and, bags, •
Brushes of every kind for the toilet,
Ittnissel'cArtumes of the various kinds ;
11n4val instriuninits. of all itindtc . and - at all prices,
begether with an innumerable variefY of artictoselegant•
Is finlshelfand suitable for holiday presents, to •hich
he Iltsites special attention,
_ Also; all extensive and elegant collection of
. .
,-,mprising the various IN:rlitili and America'," Works,
richly - unibellsbed POErICA I, W. DI( itr. &r..
Ills ttisortMent "al Selcool Books - an dliehool Stationary is
also complete. and etlillprba.S ovorythllig used in Cal
lemt and tin Sehoeht. lie also desires to rail the par.
tieular atteni lull If Families Co his eitVant assortment
i' .
L A M l' 8 , &c., . - •
- • _
front the exten , ivo estabilihmonts of Cornelius', Archer
and others of l'lllladelphia. comprising every style nt
Parlor. Chamber an s. liitudy Lamps.. for burning eltime
litrd.t 4 porn or 11therlal nth, also DIriVITS celebrated
lil,rosetto Or Coal .lip Lamps, together With Flower yawl
Fancy Screens, As. Ille assortment I 4 this line In un
equaled In the borough.
~, Also.
. r
FRIIIT. 4 . such an Oranges. _Lemons. Fl! jrll,Palsitts,•
Niel trines, Prunes.l.ine Apples. &e,,&e,, VA >k.' A* CON PEC
'CltriAltY.-41/TA—C.ltS.Shat VII:ll VIM ES, MIN ED
q I.lAl', I'ICKLES, As.. In every rarlt,ti , and et all, Prl
ee.v. all ff whhit arepore . ttral fresh, such as ran he con
fidently resontoamoled [olds Nandi. Ills .t. , cke311,r.n.0,
overvtill•nt In the lino I.l' Fancy floods: with many ethos
artielel useful to s imusekeepers which lho public are es
peciailv Invite,' to roll and examine,
Itumenther.-t he 9111 Stand,mearly opposite tho Bank en
'North I leftover street,
May 25. 1859 .
A-1 A'S IT It Y .1N W T T.O N ,
if . 111 Fulton Si., and 50 . Ann St.,
C S' Yo Il l { ,
3fitunfacturere of
LEAD : 7,L , D i : lsz P ili l i N ti T , S;A r N e D COL TS, OILS,
I teportorm of Ihnalolt. Fronrh and German Artists' Ma•
crick, line c dorm In oil and wator, Winkor & Newton's
tube nod mke colors. lirushok 1 - ntlietodtiral and
Drait.. , ,ltt.onott's I ostt untects. Drawing and fraying in
perA, tltenoe•eope... Steroo,opie Vleet. A . , •
The psrtkular attention of l'aintorli,lbialers nod
ittiters. b, yelled to the now patina method of putting up
......,1, ,
bond nod %dor Paints In outtalk. Mans, elf which Masure
S.: Milt . tr the aoloproprifhoro., ___,.
The, CA 4 amlotoodo.l by the Inventor to nil late
the dlftleu beret dire otrlotlng In putting up of Lead
mind 1,/sic in stfiall hugs.. All 1 . 0 outliers df paint ore
11 , (lint 1110 loot ell Land Ind Zinc put up in small
wunion p tokoges. is fro in flee to ten per rout., and In
litany •A 1,0•• 'ninth more, 0,1•1 1 / 4 to the aliporotion of tint,
oil, and tho c.tozoquent In triloolo r T ot the patent otqalitot
the witod—to say nothltig - of the additional Inthlr re
glared to info pat ot rowtv tor 0.,.. rifer it Inns become
hard In the ke.r. Thu liemor the ken. too. Is a conold
.ratlon whl.:11 filtatilil not tai last Ithllt o f 'rho ra.noi
Cts not only oltelntes thy,. illfficullios but hr addition
turret,, fli eo l,,hes the oStiminter witt a stoop and OM
Volliellt UNlllt. out of w111..11 to Wit the pant. which
is al..° qor tn.., than the difference of cost between
tit,. NM.: tled OAS., -
•The Celle are packed In maw dust. In .stmnn eases or
hokum. width elittalit '2lll Ilis ea di that is it 25 it,, Cans,
or I ;,I) lh, '`errs, eed they nor,' tin sonde shipped lifrall
Veld or otherwise to :toy p trt of the United ...tales.
Cirvularo, cont.tiolitA cuts with fall deportation, Pont
li l y in.til our application, IJune 1,1851 k—lint. ..
J (.) S E P -11 U. S T ,
sour!' llANtrn,lt sricver,
A few doom South of thePoUrt !louse.
Having supplied myself with a O'ilte assortment of,
Watch llaleilals, Ohs MP. dr., I a/11'110ff preparml to
rel.; r all hind., of Watches. Clocks, Jewelry. ac.. on the
tii od, reasonable Orion, that may he entrust d in my
care I,i , strict attention to Iruslittota,to be•fs
leered with a nasal shim of nubile patron:l,re.
A 800 ~,octilmot of .1/.IW 141,1tY such as .Ladlep .
Breast Pins and Ear Di ups. Quid :end Cameo, Misses'
Breast Pins and Ear Drops Ilex and (Bass this all sizes'
U .1.1 Chain llooks. Plated Chninn Uilt I.4l;ets._Utiards
Keys, Sc. Also, n.-lar,v. and 800 as.., Imm tof -
01, 0 - 1 6. 1 N 11 It It I 8 ,
xII of ,vlll..lkjyta..inf - 5 . .4,1 low. A plutre•of publlrpntran
sgo io rewaillly eullrit 01. . JOS. U. lieft:r.l..
Curlisli...lul) 13, 16b9--IY •
!arlisie White Sulphur Springs.
VI cumi..itiJAN t,...u.54T,
Thl4 favorltu [Lod thslii.moblu IVistpring Place. plo.*
. .
antly I,ated near tho base of the. Muni mountain, (our
utiles from Carlisle. nosy open for visitors. The
.4waters of theme :1 4 pringo aro highly impregnated nigh
minenda. and fur drinking and bathing are MdaurPaa
sod buy hilly sulphur Sprinea in the euuhtry.
buidlingo are well — ventilated and are surreundmi :by
12U3 foot of bnlcoolei. 'Vhe scenery 13 of the erandest
kind. and the geeommodltlotie for the oekorntl ,n,
health and cointhrt of the visitors are unexceptionable.
Coed fare, pled-ant drives; 11 no mittic.l,llllards, bait ling
saloon and other Vamps. and all :ItllllllloololltX usu•
olio found at Witterthif places an he enjoyod
Visitors IsavtifrPtinallelphinor Daltlincue ju the morn.
Ina train nt rive et the Springsat 3 o'clock, P. 51 Daily
mail. For further information address '
i Carlisle Sprlugs, Pa.
July 13, 1859-2 to
.lost received and for sale at reduced prices, n
large lot of superior Silk Duster,. ebentilla and Frouch
I nee Montßias. Napoleon Ramses, Lawne in great
variety, Delaines, Chintzes Brilliant. Caliente A full
line of Embroideries Porn auction, at fete than city
prim. lace Mitts. Sun 'Umbrellas
D mutes & filutrwood`s unequalled Sklar'. direct from
tin; faciory. lOultablo for citildr,nonisnes nod
wear. !Ilosiery of every - description,- Newt° -
id:161011 & SAWYER'S' New Store, Main st.
July 11. 18611. -
.AltV EST ' 11.0)1}1 —The annuill
'' ‘ - - i liArvoit . Homo .mcoling-rif ina - relilbel nd a
Mainty Agricultural gociety , will he held on thei;o a wn
grounda. or Saturday..luly Seen. at 11 o'clock, A, M.—
. 11 the Farniora of the cough. nra cordlnlly Invited, to
in glrhig•thanke, And rejoicing tar the most hour
tiful linerci.t. 1). 8. awn, Seey.
- --.lnly-20: lara).-2t . . _.. .
, bas
at his residence on North PIM streatorhore he will he
happy. te see all his friends who may wish to enjoy tills
lu tury during thejmneuer season.
F unllles mid -parties supplied - tit Omit notice. with
pure cream by the ginsilty r tlavorsll to suit the taste.
• Carlisle July- 20, Ifib9 , 4t • .
JUST 111 , ;(11 , :IV,F,1),: 9 hit II Sim:l - mid
"Um Av.i9C1111•99•111 :4 4 /,
• $13:11,:1i•Li441,4 BRIT •
, 0 4ilis 1 o.?!* 1513140' , • - • r
u s t ne ss
kfad his omen tothe South west corner of llancrverkSi
Pomfret 00 whore he may brim:magi fed at . any hour°, the -
day or night. Dr. A.-Ims had thirtS , yearn experienie
In the profession, the last ton of Which have aeon do m.
ted to the study am' practice of Ifornceoliathie
eine. May 20, '67l3nt
• .
P. HUAI MIL. Attorney at Law.
r , — )f 3f i ll as ciai w th o lortl a l l anover street, a few dom -.-
e •
c un ./
will he promptly attended tt
. - usiness entrusted to Mtn
, , [April 15.
. -
!- A\ t NOTICE' ..-- REMOVAL.....—. N.
Tj M. PINIIOBII has removed hls ollire• in rear o
the ilourt blouse. where he will promptly attend to all
business entrusteillo him.
August 10, 1857.
1 4 has resumed thb pnretlre of the Lim. MI6 in
Centre Square, west stile, near the NITA Prealif Whin '
. i April lb V1M . .."
t'. D'
1t7:3713; - fel - E - F . PIIR - Office , ift-"-North
/Hanover street two doors fopm Arnold A 'Son's
sill, Unice hem% kilirepurtleularly . froin 7to 9 V.Clircli—
'A. M.. and from 6.t0 7 o'clock, V. 31.
; • ^
1 - 11,. GEORGE S. SEA,
juritiollT, DENTIST, from the - Bab
thnore Cellegi, of Dental Surgery.
ts.,olllce at the residence of his Mother, East Leuthin -
street. three doors below Mlford.
March 'lO, 1858—tf. ' •
S. -W. HAVERSI'ICK,- Druggist,
.North Hanover, Sfreet y
Physicisn's prescriOlonscatefully compounded
full supply of fresh drugs and 'chemicals. .
. - ll It. J. 0. .NEFF respeat- . •
1. - fully informs tho ladles and gentlemen
• a _Of_Carliale..end_Vleittity.thethehas met
sumed,tho pnictine of Dentistry. and, Is net ,
oreeoll_marAthigs on Itto . tima,
to his pfotereent. Ile will Insert-full eels
gold or :diver. with single gum Meth, or Mom.
I may pramr. Terris rim-Prato to suit the times
OM,. lif street, directly opposite . the Cumber
land 'faller Bank • . ,
Dr. N. wilt he lu Newrillo- the lest ten ddyn, of
every month. . .
den 2o 1.4
Dtt. LO 0311 S
SOIIIII llnonve( stredt:
ntrct door tt , the NAV
Office. •
pd). \VIII ho nbstrd: front Carlisle the lost ten Jaye of
each mouth. aug• 1.
(31.E0.•W. NEII)ICII, D. 1). , - S.--
hit o . Demonstrator of ' , pet wive Dent itttry tattle
~ ... .„,..... ..,-. ,, e i Baltimore Collego.
, of
~._ " ...Wa ft • -Den te I Surgery
'- .. . illrr.t. - • °Mee at Litt re,ldence,
citrosite Mari to ilast, nest 3ltain groat, Carllale, Nu
_ Nor-141857. _ i
C.A R - P A .
The aultsrriber takes khin method of informing hitiold
custotpern and the travelling rommuttitY at large that'
he ban given 'thin Willne a thorough repair, and bar e•
fitted It up equal to any In town.
Ills table In alway aupplied with be beet the marke
Will afford Ills Star in Inemleited_ With choice liquors.
--The ~tattling is lar.m-with U good Card attached, and--
under the flue of an attentive tettler.
_lftlrdre and traveler.. n.eotntriodated et the most'
rentamalgi terton."- , that, ful 010 - PO lon r-hereto.
fore extend d Ito. hopes by striet - attention to tininess
to merit a centinuftnee of thlt sem.
P. A IttlitlN BAUOII, Proprietor.
Carlini°. .lunt. 22, 1829-3 m
FAI(1.1 - REDUCED. '
606 az, 068111ivrItet St., n'bove
6, We MN KLF:,-PrOptligoizL_..:
TERMS:—SI 25 per day. ju:lo'sB.
. .
North ll'estern Landnnd Collecting Agents.
Particular attention paid to - the La atnessor ncal/al. -
dents, such to huyin4 and olli,ig 14.1 I , ,tato, lon log
runny on real estate saruritlea, t'ayln razes and
lookhaf after the gellailillutereat 01 . '40a-residents.
Ittireceneea glvers tf_reqa frost.•
Address, IMBUE Ft MEN D E:;:lrX0,;" -
Mihneapolls, 31Inneaota.
Jul,. 21,185a1y
Vilo T FIE PUBLIC.—The d e rsign
edining rrnll known as a writer. would offer his
er ,t e oa to all rotuliiim Literary aid. Ile will- Banish
Addresses, Orations, Essays Presentation speerbrs and
replies, for ,Allotuns, oqles—prepare matter
For the Press—Obituaries. and write Poet!! upon any
suldect Addresi (post paid)
— Feb. 17. 185 S. - Baltimore, Md.
E A T., 'l O .. ST AT 17, AGENCY, 11.0-
moved to Juts New OfOre on Main street. our door west
of the Cumberland Valley Roll !load Drp..t....
Ile Is now permanently located. and has on hand and
for sale is very. large annum tel Real list ate, consisting
of Farms. of all skes, Improved and unimproved. alai
Properties. Town Property of every description, Wild.
log Lots. nl,, Western Lands and Town Lots. Ito will
give his at...ration, is heretofore to the Negotiating of
Loans., Writ lair of Deds. Mortgages, Wills, Contracts,
and &frivolling generally.
tie?. 28. I Rs7.—tf.
Tho subscriluir having succeeded 11. Burkholder In
the lonlingeincot of tills popular Rotel, liege leave to
wieure the C /*veiling public no well no the citizens In
town and county. that no pains will he spared 4111 Ills
pelt. to maintain the character which thin Lou. ban long. ns n fret 11010.
Each litOOrlllolo, WI 1 be under his Immediate super
vii.lon !Old lively nteention Ivdd to the eonitort of his
,uests [laving been recently enlarged It ik once( the
most couninell on llptels in town, while in recArd to lo
(milts. it is DENBY Oh tSS.
liarli%V Apr :W. 1.21:0-8in
NV: — C . : RHEEM •
.11inneapoli.1, ifinne4ota.
WILL /fee speeini a•tontion to colloetionfi through
.41It 11111 : 4 4.1t0 mn4u investmonts. buy- nod Fell
:vat :'.St:lti• /111.1 Sovitrltlvs: - Nointinto loans, Pry tnno-,
loud Hofer to the 1111•111 1 / 1 •31 ,
the Culitherinnil County Itor, and to nil prominent eitl.
tens of enrlisi.; Pa.
.91310 ' N SNYDE:r., Ohio.
W, li. McI4AICLI3II.
L. L. COOK; Rhoda
Bankers and Dealers In tteal Estate,
MINN 1A VOLI S, . • •
Inneento Territory
.hino 3,1357.—1 y
. .. .
. . '
. Honorer Street, .ail,loinlng tie ConY lio use,
"arl I,lu, Pa . JOllll lIANI , OV.
- • • Proprietor
.. „1
may` Mall , earl leaves dolly for Pnpertown. Peters
.rg, York 4 priogr on I ilsaaver firm thin (louse. •
...,, .
- TEW AllltA Na E :11 N T
nn and after lonlirty. 2:kl 'May, 18W; the sub
serlberwill run a -Daily Tutin of Care; hetween....
leaving Carlisle every morning end Philadelphia every
All weals left at the FltEltiliT DEPOT of Veered:,
7.e1l A lIINCIIII AN, No.. Snit and sl 1 Market street,
will ho delivered in Catrilslo the next day.
Muse =5,'59: .
„West High Street, Carlisle, Pa.
cl RIND STONES.—::ISO Wind Stones
Toe all Ozes Just received at 11. SAXTON'S.
odoz Fly Nets. of all colors, Linen. Cotton and
Twioo cheapeethan the cheapest, at 11, g A XTON!S. •
May 25, WO. . .
FARM BELLS received the
hugest and cheapest assortment In the county and
warranted not to crack, 4 the cheap hardware of.. •
May 25,1869, 11. SAXTON.
Scythes and Suaths. Tim largest best and cheapiut
assortment to tho county, wholesale and rotall,Just re
ceived at 11. SAXTuN'S.
May 25, 1859.
CRS generally supplied with fine LIQUORS' at
less t en city prices, at the new and cheap Grocery of
Jan. 19,1859. WM. BENTZ.
CRAI)LES.-- -A large lot o,
_ill different makes. with gliCh and American '
Scythe& ou hand and Sir sale cheap, at
"May 25,1859. IT. SAXTON'S." .
1,, .0 D•
. li3 0 N S ! I
I would Inform the citizens of Cumberland and our.
rounding Cinintles, that I can and will sell •
on terms es revealable, as any perseri dare sell - the un
improved Instruments Mother establishments. - •
• - The t'rineo Melodeons have the renown of being the
best in the world.
The instruments rain be seen at R. F. Eberly's, Mr•;1
.clutidesherp, W. D.- A,. Naugle'x Corlisle, and
the residence of ilia subscriber, near New Kingston, Pa.
See Prince's advertisinnonl in another column. • '
For circulars or ether inforthition, address
• A. ;MAIM, • ,
Near NOWKlngston r Cumb. nu, Pa:
-51sY18, 180773 my • • • •
) Jos , riiceivoll from lieW Yoikannitt PhiladelphlA,
iatg.."4l 'style and:11001F
;iseo - rt tni , t' el hrrnd - Flo w
bra: ~ttnroet~, rw , P21414 store of " •
,Apf . 111),.1664, ' ' ORA& (./611BY.
Climber, $5, •,
The auhacribera - have ills day on tered Into"part.
norship to trado in. • . •
C O A-L 41.'1 , 1 D• 0.7 M B 11. It
Wo will llama en notantly on hnnS and furnialt W order
iUI , kinds nod quality of atnia?ned
. .
• .
' , . • ' ' FRAME . STUFF.
.. .
Paling, Plastering"Ltith; Shifigling Lath,' worked 'Flom
Ng. and Weatherboarding. Posts and Balls, and ovary nr•
tie le that belongs to a LUMBER YARD. .
All kinds tif Shingles, to wit t Whitepine; Hemlock.
and Only of &daunt qualities. Having earn or our
own we can furnish Mlle to order of any length and
PiZO at the shortest notice end - all the, most 'immune',le.
terns. Our worked hoards will ho kept under toter no .
tied they can int furnislied dry at all Omen.
We have cunstnntlyi on hand all kinds of Faintly (teal ,
'under cover. which wo will deliver clean to any part of
- TRIEVORTON,.. ---- 7 - -
- unTrimr --
which we pledge ourselves to Nell at the lowest
. prlced
•Dest quality of
• • Limebterner'a and "Blacksinith's Coal,
.always on hand whirl, we will sell nt the lowest figure
Yard west elde al Ur:9l3lmm Fehool, Main street,
July = 20, 1850,
1U31.13 ER YARD.—The substiribers
J having purchneed teleran tract of pine timber
land and sew mills, on the- went !wand] of the Bosom.
banes river, have opiineelout n lumber yard at
on-thisi.railivenl, corner of. Allen rinti-1111th_atreete,.ncar
the atedui ante 1011 of & Co., end elan one
• near Plainfield, where we will be able to sell lumber at ,
others to call and coo u• bofre buying elsewhere. Our
advantnees over other healers aro .the' our lumber does
not pas. throw:lt the hands of one two Sr more spent.
latorslefore we get it. Old that will enobl uc to ROI
. iutlibof cheaper than any others call sell at these places:
Ws will also whole,ale loather from 'ur Ilarrisborg
yard. nod will deliver lumber fit any politt along. the
Comberland•Valley Railroad. If desired, builders can
have lumber sawed suitable for • nny size of butlding, or
furpther purpobus, by furnishishiliz us with their or.
doll In season. OREASON it CO.
April, 13, 1859,,,1y
- -
, . WM.IL I U7I3tAY,
relspectfully, • 'lnforms
hit Mende end the pu.
• rig/ -.; general. that lie
At" rereiving and will
4s , I * cati d t , tittly keep on
LUKE I , lUD E Eyg and Slave.
WILKES it A It RE —Lump and Brako.
T ItE volt roN St PIN EG V :-Brdrerit - Egy
Also. best quality "lintrrin.7. and" flock.
smith's coal:all of which he will sell at reasonable pri•
cm 'Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally
received he asks a continuance of the sane. . '
Coal Yard. at the old stand, nu the railroad, nearly
opposite Dickinsomeollege. [Apr.l3,
LLNIEBUItNERS' CO A T.4.-r--2,outf
TONS of fivlceits Valley Nut Coal. Asuperlof *t
de. receiving and for sale by
Aitgust 5, 1.857 . W. It. MIIItRAT
• Rtill6o6lll.
N . l) . V E STREET'
117olesalc Rates Reduced s'2-per 1
1 1 00 lbs.
Thu attention of Country tibircbauls and tho public
gUnSiall s y Is lUvliddlo - alarguassortinont - nf
Manufactured of the best material and warranted. to.
routain no poison_ ii their colors, which will ho sold
Wholesale or Retail at low rates nt the old stand of
• P..' MONTER,
A few - doors North of thoCorlislo Deposit Dank.
Just received a largo assortment of •
o tho bloat importations, consisting of
' Oranges; Lemons,
Raisins, Prunes -. •
Figs. • Dates,
Mummies, •Itine Apples,
Almonds, ' Filberts,
Cream Note, ~ ~ . - _CocouNuts, !mu
all of which still be sold st low rates. Also, a- large-so
seamen t of
of every variety. Also, all the best brands of
of American and German manufacture.
Thu subscriber returns thanks for the literal patron•
ago bestowed on him by thu public. and solicits a con
tinuance of their favors. Remember the Old Stand of
Carlisle. lure 111, '5B. North ilanoverF)reet. s
.L.Ngtv (1)0081 NEW GOODS!
D I C• II & SAW ,
(At their Nor' Store, East Main .virri(,)
iiiav,•juq received frhm Vow York nod Philadelphia the
most ,onplete and varied assortment of DRY 0 1.105
ever offered in Carlisle. Embracing everything that is
new .and rare In rule and texture. such as FANCY.
SILKS, lo all the various colors barred. I.tripetl.•ehem,
and bayalere. Pl tin striped mod bayadge. Black 8111,
Foulards nfnywileslAns. tArge and lawn inbes - of the
latest Paris styles. satin striped de hone clothe
French challis Anierican,lelains. Organdy lawns, dark
and light grounds and heautilul,designs. Travelling
dress itoods of the. newost make Alm.a fell stock of
Niourning dress go do, to which we invite particular
This part of oor stook Is uousulilly complete consist
ing of Craps„ Silk, Stella. in all the variety of ;hales
loud 41,11.10 itreg. )11111:11i114 Shawls, Imo and silk from the
celebrated emporium of (trod o A ouipin, Nov Yo r k.—
Sun Umbrellas. Showerets and Parasols of Iho newest,
sN lore Iti iiiTEl4O.lO5 OP ALI, KINDS. gmbriedeties
in full sett, Collars. Shaves. worked band., Bondi:logs,
edzllizs nod losertigsgs. IV., Ova great earl, to /his
braneb of our trad, , and ladles will find a very full as
goat:tont, •
of thn latest Improvemunts. akh k snpportora. a now Or ,
ticlo. A full lino of AloKandOr's kid zlovos, Imported
and-sold by 9towart. Now' York. Mitts. 'Ulm.. and
ganntret• In erer • Tarloty. Also, a largo stuck elf,tho
m.,rust iiLVIUP and bay'a apring..cAsqiinero..,
Mack cloths and cagslmoros. of ever. dna
Option. In this Ispirt.nant unusual care hoe been ts.
ken to elect the various kinds and alses suitable fit
Ladles, aliases. Boys and Children!, wear. In fact 1.111
stock embraces everything kept in a first class dry
goods store.
I lavin4 purchased for cail, and made our solectioos
among tine best Importing and jabblii.; houSes' in the
dales of New York and Philadelphia. we ate prepared to
offer superior lovlucements to buyers. All we,asl, Is so
examination of our stock.bellire purelinsing elsewhere.
for which fiver wq trill feel very arateful.
Apr. 6, 1859. LEIDICII & SAWYER.
. --- 1_ l''t
BOOTSI ' • •
i- -
JOIN IRVINE, having taken the stand, en the
north cot corner (tithe Square, recently (Tanted by.J.
11. Keller, would respectfully Inform the citizens In
town and country, that he has just returned from Phil.
adelphia with a new and desirable assorttnent Month,
In his Hue. comprising GENTLEMEN'S SINE CALF
TEItS, In great variety, Boys' and liouth's Boots and
Brogans. Men's and boys' .
or evory description. and a general arsoriment of straw
gmNis. Tho stock has been selected with great care.end
will be sold-at a very small advance on city wholesale
tn. Don't forget the cheap corder, opposite the Her
Carlisle, Apr. 13, 1859.
. .
.11.'0. CAUTO & CO., sucressoie to Wm. IT. T ' roul
would announco to their customers tni the publh
?enorally that thoy haVe gist received rem l'hiladol ,
phia. a lame and elegant stuck of goods, n their lino of
business of every variety, style and quell ty.
, They haro on hand a splend d
assortment of
of all descriptions, from the common Wool
to'Abe finest Mil AND BILK HAM and at prices
that must suit every ono who has mime 'to setting the
worth of his money. The stock lacl'udss, •
of every style and color and uthrurpaared Alr LIGHT
other establlnhmont In the country -
of every description constantly on hand.
They respectfully Invite all the old patrons and'aa
many new cam as possible, to glee them a call. - -
J. 0. GALLI° VO.
. .
Apr. 27, 1569—1 y
WA MS.O T T A.. P -
They ore the beat CALICOES yet ofrered II the pbblre
for the money. ,
April 20,160-4 m
.• •
FOR SALE.-:-4)i)o Nefrs new pat
.ir exit Magneto-Electric Machines, for 'family use,
ildspted.teprefent and cur* nervausuest,rhettenatism,
dyspepila, &e. , L
Seventy-five Feet et Plum Hose with nozzle, in psrls
'or whole: line of Col's. patent Revolstisp a altisen,ilse,
newly, new. with all fixtures.. - ,
:.Thtem i.
• .
-- articles ore-i-li,-good tie used,
i t pd %For t. owt.
.Apply'lo Llars.l4'olso*.
. JunrolB*-1t - • • "..
Broken, Egg, Stove end
---- do
I Iool' ED SIC I ItTS;
'Now nimnitiittio largost and cheitpoet stock - of Brring'
and SameniT 0 obp otor brought, to OnWierlandcoupty
'A largelloo. elegant„.Ellks, Chnlllen, Hemp Robe&
poll do, s sltonll.,r, Own Cloth, Orlgotill.Lustre, PlAld
l'opllni,7ool4.loula Cloth, Laval Inai'Sedln: Plaid Duces,
1.01, 0040. (.11,10 : Fogel Clanta, de Pane, travelling
dna. pods, Orkautrilldier um, An.
, •
' . EttaitOriElkllCS. . 1
An immense 'ant elegoni.Collern,Undereleoveiolland
' kerchlofe, Flounrines. tneirtings, Edginge, dc... direct
Jruin-tho largest Importing house in New York.
BRAWLS, SltetttiLS, SHAWLS, • • • •
A largo nacortineslof Crape, Stella and Tbybet Shawls ,
very cheap, •
Slack Veils. and all kinds of Mourning goals; In giesi
vArtety. Shertrooire patent 1101 pelf Shirts:. Skirt. Sup-
Rath Rom the Imparter. . Gauntlet's ft
Atoll asnoltmoot of Ludloo', Oent's, Moine, mid Boys'
Chuck, &c., all.kindiltnd r prlcua.
Clutha and (laselmeraa µ rie‘d supply and very cheap
particularly for, boy's wear. .
. CARPETING'S. • ' --- .
X Mtge monk of elegant Imperial, ingrain, Vonftinw,
hemp, and rag Carpeting, hou,dit from tho Jargon car
pet house lu Note York. The etyloe aft; now and'hnnd•
one. quality. von' iguperlnr, anT:Prices:uricomuionly
11 hits and.eolowd tnattirigs all widths' and pricer
ilnaeone , d,hogail and Walnut framed Looking
Glasnee Ot crept variety and low prices.
Jlovtng solected tat , erode with goat care !rem the
beet 'entree in Now York and Philadelphia.' I ath prth
pirad trrolfergrontbarttalne to nil In want of banderole:
it and cheap dry goods. .
. Thanking thy old frbthtle and enetomern for their lib-
T,,ral - ortpport. Ithould - respantlttlbreollclt- them-and-all—
Mere to giro me n elll beforo purelinelng elsewhere.-- •
Apr. 13, 185 D. . CHAP. OGILBY.
A VAV A 11!:. , 1tYr I , UT, • A
The Oriental Elastic . Spying Bed
attantldml liniinalinnpnrs in eniloa td Ibis new and
bagutiful lnvontloa. ,
Thn Spring nod having now banortm an Indlepensoble
niticlo In avow Inusn on necount of Ito ncknowledged
, finenrcority over lite old flethionnd it only ramming
to which of tint mony Mode olier.d for
sole. is thn host, chnopost. most ',lntel,' in conetruction,
mortvinvtle, most .durable and gives the greatest ease
nod Comfort.
TUB OftrENTAL .91.11iNG BED,
excels In all those qualities. iptd passe.os others not
below:l,4o—ln fact. not any otllor Sprint
11-4 outdo. - it ewe 6o nppllq.l to onto bedstead lh a few
onlautt.m..and la alto RIJN nd In runes, crib*, beetle la
Ftll:lMlNPlili. Ship,. Ste.
MO loops o.totaln la:redlents which will keep It EN.
TIRGLY FRtE room ' 7
. -
Denl.ra supolled on liberal Wm, Atrente wanted.—
Send for-a-Cirrular...._._ __III,IIFBI & CJ., ProprWorn.
Uenoral Dopot 295 Canal street., near Broadway, N. Y.
•• . [mey2s,'6o-3m
1..). •
Ity calling at the Store next to Kline's Hotel, North
Ilanaver Street, Cdrilsie, where you can buy goods at a
s3,lngi)ttiventy Ilve - per cent.; an the subscri' or is - der
termined to moll his largo and well &elected stock of
without reverse at cost or city prices, •••..
Bleached end nribleachod.Niuslins at city price:.
• case Muslin and Shootings at city prices. -
Apron and FurnlturuChockm at,city prices.
- 'firkin a and-Penit Stripes at city prices.
' Cotton, Linen and Woolen ruble Clothe, it city
Domestic, Lancaster and 9fanchester Gingham; at
city prices. •
Tho best Calle - 14R at lOctdand the rest at city prices.
. Lawns, colored, at city islces.
Lavelle Cloth and Dubergee at clty.prlces. - -
- .I.lareges-and-Ponsee.ilixture at city prices.-___
-gelatin de 'Alines, plain and figured, at city prices.
, _Chsllis and Bare', do Laines at city prices.:.
k ameAlpacas at LID'S. prices.
Parrisidsiand Umbrellasitt clic prices.
printed and plain Shawls at city prices.
Vine entbrolderEel Collars at city.priere.
Linen Cambric Ilandknrch eta at city prices. .
Skeleton and other Skirts at city prices.
Swiss Muslin, Cambric and Jaconett at city pries..
Black and colored Silica at city prices.
Black-, Blue. Green and Drown Cloth at city price::
s•imeres. and Minim, Cassimeres at city_priees.
Kentucky Jeans and Croislnetts at city prices:
Plain and striped cotton Pants &tiff at city prices.
Plain and twilled Linen at city prices.
White and colored Flannels at city prices.
Resort. and Gloves at - clic prices. '
Trunks and Carpet Bum ni_ettY prices.
Conn tryinerchants will All well by
sore expenses, and any one who wishes. to commence
,INsiruts here, will securnhinmelf by buying the entire
'dsk, 0110 of the best stands iii town., • ,-
• So every one can make money by calling at ,
Carlisle, June 22,1809, •
According to our practice in tho last re* Weeks of the
sionion, wo barn reduced the prices of our immense and
varlod stock of dress goods to such points as will insure
rapid wino. itogardlePs of profit we are determined to
poll them (ilk
Orovildv LlWllS,Oronlideans. Challies. de.
Frollard-Alk at very low fl pure. 411; Mantillas at
reduced prices. Elkin Silk Mantillas vary low in price,
French Lace Mantillas. • 4
Chantilly Liteo Mantillas, Talmas, Points. &c. The
whale of my stock la 11 , 1. 01101'1114 at reduced prices,
preparatory to the close of the season. All lash is the
attention of the ladies. Give me a call, as 1 feel antis
d.:.l inc can suit any one both as to style and prices.
A. W. BENTZ..,.
~fund 29, MU.
At. Now Stfiro, corner jlf Vonore' & Louthor sto.
The undersigned retuins thanks for the patronage
bestowed upon him by the Public.and at the same time
respectfully announces that he has Just returned from
Philadelphia, and 111 now opening a new lot of spring &
summer DRY IiOODS and GROCER! lid. consisting in
lent as follows. and which he is Ito t or:31 In ed to sell at
Molt...est rash primes. .: 4 1145, local (loth., Charnel',
Alpacas, Delaines. lie fmstres, Poplins, fawns,
Mirages. Itrllliauts, Sl.irtln,4. french and ,eotelt
hams, Prints, (hove,. Hosiery, e4!lere, Ilnndkerchlefs,
&e., &c.
or e'Ve'ry variety and quality. Staple and Domestic Dry
(I,mnde. Cloths, Cassimeres. - Ventlutts. - Flannels, , Mute
Tlckings. Stripes. Chocks._ollicnon, , _Clttithaties,
Linens. Sheetinv. Doubt& D an keens, Drills, 'Marseilles
colored and white :carpet Chain. r. l'amsois
atilt Umbrellas: Alen, a large and splendid assortment
of ' lIATS, CAPS, BoOTS and SHOES. A
~s uperlor lot nt• fresh GROCERIES. Tens, Coffee, Baikal',"
Mai... Rico, Spices. an. paving selected my 'entire
snwk with the greatest care. wed the lowest cash prices,
I ran assure my friends and the pultito generally. that
I will do :till in my power to make my establishment
known es tho '• dead Quarters l'r Bargains... Those
who Gish to purchase will find It to their advantage to
call And esumine my . stook befortf nurchasingetsewhere.
dB, I will pay the highest market price for Butter,
Eggs, (tags, Soap and Dried Fruit.
Apr. 27, Ifibit. .1. A. lIUNIR Ictr,Jr.
I - A 111 E S R. WE . AVER'B
ilsrtng been engaged In the bush&Ss for over twenty
years ho would return thanks to' his customers, and
friends, for the liberal encourimMnplit extended, to him
in years Eg,loo by, and further assures them that no
pains will ho spared, to give CLIIIBIaiRfaCLIOII to all who
limy favor him with a call.
CllAlltS AND VURNITUIth, • °
of every description conktantly on hand, iirinade to
order. •Warmntod to be of the best qutility, of the la
lest style, well finished,. and sold at the lowest possible
prices for cash. .
lie also continues business as an 13NDHRTAXER.—
Ready made Cofflos. Metallic or otherwise... Opt con.
atsntly on bend and funerals promptly' attended to
porsnually In town:or country, on the most reasonable
May. '25. 180-Iy.
N. ft.—Two proper Elea situate In Chdrchtown,Clumb.
county, aro offered for sale on easy terms. Apply u
3. lt. W.
GIJN S GUNS.—Just,received a large
assortment of
Double Barrel Guus,
Single and Double Pistols,
Game Bags,
. Powder Flasks,
Shut Pouches,
• Wads; &0., at
May 25,1859
TlMitubscriber taken this method of Informing her
friends. atid the public, that rho still contiquei the.,
manufacture of all kinds of work, in Copper, Tie and
Sheet Iron. liar Moves are selected from the moat ep•
iirevadktylenl - qhbAkielcing - Stovea - Tor their gnelttiea
or conks ropthakere cannot ho surpassed, among which
are - tile well known Globe, Noble Coolk. Fenny'Forrei
ter, Governor, Penn. and the new favorite, Prairie
Flower, combining all the:tested improvements, la fact
the beet and cheapest stove ever offered to. the public.
The Lvtrobe Rove, or parlor Mater, Improved. fbr
warming two, three or. fur moan, put up to order, be..
aides q large assortment Of Parlor Radiators and office
• - end GAS FITTING. 'fbose who wish woikdone,
In this line would do well to'carl 'at the old
' stand before contracting else'where, ea lam de.
'terinlned to do work far timer than theprosent rates.
I' Woo' for sale and keep iioustantiv on hand the patent
Scotch Tip Berner, \Tan Tapifre, pints and fancy. Glare
co u bajles Fixtures, IFrought Iron Tubes. hydrants,
Lead Pim Gum nose; ,khewer Aube, Troth Tobe x Orer•
flow lineinx,Norble .Poole 'tops, do: Illy workmen are
iXdlinetent sea .rellable, - All '.work' werrentet and for
werkmeneblpAnd niaterial,,Tetudiengordintltitlon.
,prate, as AtkilLetenox:inltable Ibr, -
porlore on hang, which 3.111, spli coot ; • ' '
4,;/0007. MARVA. imam..