Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 20, 1859, Image 1
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'ationZ , -qIATfTERED , , . •. . . 1: Money Is rebelved every day, and in any 'amount, -A __ergo or small. .., . 2- Five per rent interest is paid for money froin.the day it isltuttn.. • • , ' 3. The money Is always paid hack In GOLD, whenever, 't Is calied'ilfr, and without nOtice. " ' " 4. Money le o.weed tram Exectitors,Admlnistratate, Guardlims sad ISTIMr's who 'desire, to have. it Ina piece' otpertect eafety, and whore intermit-can lie- obtaided • • -for it. , , . . . The money recalled from depositors is invested in real mists, mortgages, dniund routs, and such other first clasq securities as the Charter directs. itfouisEvery day Shini.O.tlll.o 'O'clock; And on Mond yAand Thursdays till 0 'o'clock in the nvenlng, ' BBN.I4EIt; President. • . ROBERT SEPT-MOE, -Vice President. WM. J. REED, Secretary:' DIRECTORS. •. IfenrrlLTlonner, Ed ward ,L.. Carter, Robert Selfridge, Samuel K. Ashton, C: L. alunns, - H OFF Nrulnuf Street, South NE_W S O,R E aziro - Nrgualf STRU', lIARIMSBURG.. SI E. E E T S I O, INSTRUCTION DOM, . . MUSICAL MERCHANDISE GEN.EktALLY, 311 , 10DRONkt.i • GUITARS„ • 111:y.NS, Map 11, 59 -I 4 AltdE SPRING ARRIVAL FROM NEW YORK AND FILMADELPIIIA ELEG - ANT - NEW GOOD - Si __AT - A. W. BEIN:TZ'S STORE. Sidendtdaterk onsesi Black Dross Silks—Magnlflcent Styles Pettey Dress Silks:. • . RICH!'RAREII ELEGANT II I • French- Youlani Silks, Chinese Silks, Satin and - Striped Barmen, Vednneies, Duration, heautiful new printed Challien, French printed .1.1 co• netts, very handsome English 111-11. .• Hants. very handsome Fronels • ilrilliants, English French sk American prints, Scotch, • ' French and Domestic . • Uinghams, , • net Ribbonn and • Dross Tilmmlugs, Shawls in 'every . variety, I Silk, Crape, Cashmere, • st . /cc. mbrolderies, very low. coca. • • prising Callars - SleeveiVlouricings, Inge, Veils, tee. Carpntings and Oil Cloths.' Vonitian, Ingrain three Sly, Drussells, Cotton se, 'an d H e mp . Druggees and Floor 011 Cloths all widths. LINEN GOODS. • A. complete assortment embracing all the most celehnt• tad Marks • -• Gloves and foolery for La- • Ales, 111 lift os and Children, great variety of kid, silk and cotton Gloves, La- ' dies elegant twisted Silk 11111tsSe. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS, -bleached and unbleached Skirtings, bleach. • . rod and unbleached Shootings, -Woollen and Cotton Flannels, •Corsnt, Jeans, Tickings, Cotton: • • odes, Sattinette, Tweeds,Cotton and Linen Diapers, Table Covers, bleached and brown Drillings, and an_ endlena variety of ' • other articles. In feet, this stock .. of goods is very extensive, tho . trough and complete, ing been purchased • with a groat deal ofeare, we feel confident we ran please any one who will favor us with a call. AU candid parsons who have patronised us , heretofore, will admit that no have sold the best bar: gains ever purchased in Carlisle. We can assure our friends and all lovers of cheap goods, that we are as well prepared as ever to offer superior inducements for their patronage. A. W. BENTZ. • South Ilanovor'Stroet, opposito tho Pont Office, Carlisle, May 4,18.5 D. SOMETIIINGIVEW: AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT .9 SEEP:STORE. M. D. STRICKLER le -lIRCITILER, Ilavejust opened, In tho room formerly occupied by Shryock, Taylor A: Smith, Zug's new building, Main street, two doors east of the market house, a Mtge me sortment of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS and fer tilizers, which they aro prTparod to eell'on the most reasonablo terms: " Rho stock embriWtm PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, HAR ROWS, HAY, STRAW AND FODUER.OUTTERS, REAPERS, MOWERS.- .DRILLS, CRAHLES,! SOFTIIES, CORN_ SHELLERS,. FORKS, ,SHOVELB, noes, RAKES. PBUNING , . KNIVES, WHETSTONF.S rot Mow. - - - ere, and every otherarticie, no. ~, smeary for farm use. , Halley also intend keeping in addition. a full omit moat of CEDAR and WILLOW WAVE, 'lncluding Spain'sipatent Churn, Brooms, .11rutihes, Butter-work-, era, MAW-Forms, Prints, Ladles, flutter Tube, Bowls, Arc— . ___ • Also, Fruit, Oarden and Flower Seeds; Seed Potatoes, of the beet varieties. They are constantly making ad. ditions to their stock; and will use eyeTy.roxertion to supply the ruts of the agrlcultuniFeommunlty, They have also tho agency Ter EVANS & WATSON'S • SAL.AtIANDER. SAFES. , . . . , , :Orders left at Ilm 'store for. fruit end twnsmental Trees, Flowers and' fertilizers, will he atlenfid to promptly. M.D.I3TRICIELEIt & BRO.. . April 20, 1059- , 0 - , .. . To ' 3 llll . want to buy a. good Piano, jkir or illelodeent , If so, artiY.ll6tet yoneallrSn.John' illniem 7 For Ire can sairtito , tioatent fintsbedi:bent made; purest tuned and lowent-Pticed Hurttunuilatthak cab be bad lu this part or the onuntryi l fl Hatillgtr). long time In the buninotabiitter,tuyiselr-,on hic Inf A. good judge of Instruments, And, wlll.notanikinft luMen wont that In not nret.rate. , F an App teinlvliigUlarge, lot of Melodeons from Bostorh whir:bruin. be Been at A. 11. thring'e furniture' rooms, rihinlo will null cheap-, et than any other man bi, thecoutitrY• • • - For recominandatiooPf tollandee'e them. All instriintonta warratited and -kept, in repair. • Hall and examine my, lustromsnts before ,purghtinbair,ol l ie' wbote, end you will be natintind that II cAnnoll.the beet and abetment. ', ~ JOHN H. To be found at the honed Of Jacob Ittreenr, IV; • High 'Ad May 4,109 HAT AND 'CAP 61 1 0/It., " NORTH UAN01788.8i8661, 2TaliAr WAIB4 USA! or J. P.'l.TNa a 80N. • A full assortment just received; to trlslch.coootant addltlonsmill he made of city as 7911 as home manuftio• t , ,n The stock !lo s MOLESKIN, J !: , BEAVER _.. SIL T , of all' etylsO and colors, from the, chesPeit to the hest , quality. STRAWHATS. lardevoriety,ofall inked and styles, tddithhr. . leak L neat assortment of child drone' Wand etre.* hats,!, • . . ' n AL$O, 31Ekl i S, ANti CIIILMORCEI axis, .. embracing eveiy - kind now worn, bottr'Pitilti-ead'iliess Cope, to whlqh,the attoolfintor the public le reepeetful. .DON'T 1 1 DIUM 0rn1i510,,AFT11.201•1 1 3,19...,. • .•• i• gAle VO4TOT.tS,,—.7.4llsti red • a large temortmogs 4. • 1r.,: Elajatorp:' flal!ays, wimp, Rakes, Forka, &a , 4waper thin over, at ~, . -May 96, 1E59, _ 1140AXV.M 8 . ' •••—:--..—.-. .'' " f-,.. ,',;,',. I f r:i:. ' ; ',, “ t 2 guLT.,s)l'l.3.F,t,lB4l..istils , ;(l • Farm flelle;o? the bold 'Malcaa, for ma oligavAt h*rdwareililto - ra - or, . ::: - ,LI: - LYN - aws" 1 . i 5 0 ,6 9.. , ~c cr ~ #Ol-11 49 050 r st-.,,,. rill() W,N,LOTS -L , T 0 reiValuatilr Tdivi • J. Lots, for sale ;boa!, stir sash;,,,Voc,liiiittor:pdpftlal ta,,,,..1 1 ,p1y ot , , , ,y01421 , ,te,+ ,, •47 , . , soN 0, . i , mo.isptesofr4so- , , voith,*.bo7o 3 .,sy -' ' .. R.O B',T 631ri P m Y! MULES The Cellist° Herald JOB ,PRINTINO OFF/CF ln the end most completeestablishment In the county. roe good Presses. and a genoral yorlety.of material JO fur plain and Fancywork_otevery kind. enables uo to do ant, Printing ab the shortest notice and on the mest reasonable terms. Parsons In want of Bills, Blank!' or anj•thing in ,the Jobbing will find it to Ohs interest to give us a call. F. Carroll Breweter, , Joseph B. Parry, Francis Lee, • Joseph Yorles, DiffoudgrlTer. ICE: IVral Cortthr of Third, The following Ode, written by JOhn McCur dy, Esq., of Shipponabbrg, was read at the recent celebration of our National Antriver 'eary, at that place. .Let the heart of each freeman Aaron high withpotion To-day, o'er the deeds that gave Ilheit.y birth And pledge to defend, with unflagging devotion, The Goddess that mien o'er this gem of the earth. Still cherish the sphirthat prompted our fathom - Aeronathehroad waters from laidage to gee, And the true hearts around ue that : liberty gathers, ever protect tills fair land•.of the free. L-:•- Albion boasts of her power and her glory, __And points with delight to her deeds and her fame; And hiStory chronicles !lode's brilliant story, ~ • ' 'FLUTES,'pp •, ACCOEDEQNS, 0. C. B. CARTBIL. I . lhil'ilSangs with 'such mottle around horprouti name; But far to the tv'estward, Columbia rlsos, With antis stretched across every 060.01 and.soa, Hockoning hither tho patriot who prizes • A home In hoebosom—a grave 'monget her froo. for broad rolling rivet* her plains and her mountains; Now glad with the songs - of the bravo end the free; nor dells where her cottages dwell by . her fountains, Fair Freedoin, forever, are wedded to thee; Nor shall over those or theie dells he invaded lly foot of a despot, whihrfreornen are true, Nor thy ear that In glory has rison,be Ahadad, Till time to this earth bide a final Jb Lot him who despthide, whento peers with keen vision, For lute tho future, but turn back his eye; And the deeds of our fathers who floor brooked derision - Will teach lam that liberty never can die. -4yrhile the bright spirit that guards it may slumber, . Awhile may its all desolate, be; itle . tirant may throated, but ne'er *III encumber Thy march, fair Columbia, for thou wilt-he free. BrigliSarn the hopes that n6w clustor around I.hoo: And green Is the lantern* garlands thy brow ; • Though galling thu chains that in Infancy bonsai thou, Yet, linerly smilingly guards o'er thou now; On thu Noll whom it sprung, them arourms to defend It And hearts that will never ItaiAltar profane,-- Hearts that In sunshino anal gloom will comtnond And shield it furovor from tyranny's chain. • Thy daughters who bloom, as the rose in Its beauty, When dock'd In bright spangles of glittering deW, Will train up our youth, at thy Altar, to duty, And build up a nation of patriots truo. Move on, then, Columbia—the pathway before thee, let brighter than nation e'er trod in befori,' And tho star of thy destiny now shining o'er thee; Iflumee with its radiance earth's fe.rthest shore. TO I. L. O. BY PRO?. 0. C. 111 NNETT From. the Valley of the Charlotte to Saratoga There are no , such trees anywhere also as in that woody region—the high hills of thick aboriginal forest-gloom, along the - vale of the" alternately sun-lighted and shaded Charlotte. I muse 'neatli those summer shades, and hoar no wad but those of the eternally, unbroken past. But did you ever engage in the pas times of a mountain village—and see, and hear, and feel the purity and the strength of the innate love of country and of horne,peou liar to.tlie noble simplicity of its people P.-, , Such greetings and - dam& as are common to them to celebrate, aro to me of a most touch ing interest. The otherLday I visited Green wood Cemetery, on Longisland, that splen did city .of the dead ; but all the costly mar bles, monuments, obelisks, statues, burial halls andvmartt•tombs made no such impres• simi cfn Vii3i spirit as the bill that was covered °Vey with little greed .mounds, oloee side by ' side—the graves of the innocents—children, whose parents were - too poor to purchase them a burying place•-here lay in that free field. with here and there a little white headstone, but nearly all with no stone to mark their place of rest—all as one slept there, their lit le arms folded upon their bosom there, and lit go wings folded over their spirit-shoulders in heaven I Some parents wished to give some sign; so they had placed the playthings of the little one upon its grave--:look hero and there and see these.simple memorials of their love. and you will have hard effort,if you keep . the' tear-drop from the eye. I never fleas 'or rend of rural gala-days without emotion—it is not that' I enjoy such in thd way of merry making, but there comes over me an exceeding tide of feeling, as I con template the honest and earnest hearts en gaged there—l never hear the little song I'm to bo Queen of the May, Mother, • Tin to be Queen of the May," without calling Up o all its associations in, En glish life, and Using strong force to keep down ' the:choking and tearful emotion :singing in duces upon me=but I See•before me the little • .girl crowned by loving hands and a tender mo ther with proud tear-bedimmed eynslookini on: $o that, all- thatpertains •• childhood's babbling in life, .their Mire "hopes and , jays-and - their future; ig 'another sphere— and, as . 'ooinoident with,l4li feelings, I inter est myself in 'the rural dsys of,:resrand .re joioing. common to evert/10 ; not the yotpg ' only. but the .old. Thtr celebration , •-of the • Fourth of. July-in a- Mountain-village called " Tito noundlog alatteof Atte 210,iumrolidt rang I Vith the sethenas or . the free." • - artnivareary of the national Independemior ; came -to that high-mountain altitude with-froat upon; its wing,—but the.day_ weleft. t . a milder. 'atmosphere -breathed warmly 'through , tlie ttideB the more prominentpeaka of the Cat.. skills lay in their soft blue shade and wttresmy ,haze,witit rolling-clouds,- lay along the irregu, Mr. horizon. We , .passed orer.the , Kaatsberg t the principal transvertte.spur,of the' Oatakills,.. on which is a small but. heautiiUl , - Thence we4lesoondmi into thi valley of.the Cobie9rrlll; , on the bankal of .:tho, stream.Of :that name Is 1 - lowe'reMrS j - Inio which visitois h - fiiie'litiffetreted to thedistenehilte'dventeiiitfi l 'OO 4Cjiliit4dfi'aptiiy'whioh • leeks diiwn, tition ' , the ' After thief ive'peeeett: 'over a' third hpfir,`Oalle'd like. t6ir'of whioh:Albati V ftFtl:thelittlioif T --.--.---7-.,T.- 7 1 -.Ay--i-Wa-P 3 ---M-a-7,r--QM-7-:-.--V4114:-=.:W . 1).,.jP:-Mt . ---.OM-AO-41M- ; :- . -': .-,------'-'-' l.-7-t---i: TERNS OF PUBLICATION r • The OARLIEIL)11 iigRkLD le published weekly on a large sheet containing-twenty eight columns, and furnished to subscribers at $1.50 '; paid strictly in• 'advance ; $1.75 Itpald within the year; or $2 in air casos'*han payment Is delayed 'Until otter the expiratio e'er the year. No subscriptions received for alms; period than sia months, and node discontinued until all arroarages are irslti, unless at the option of the publisher.. Papers'. east to subacrlbors living out •of Cumberlaud county mei be paid for imadyance. or the payment assumed by some responsible person living In CuMberiand cone. "s ty. Those terms-will be rigidly adhered 'to In MI. eases: •. , , • ADVERTISIMITENTB, . Advert'cements will be charged $l.OO per. square of twelve linee.for.threo:lasartione,_and 25 mate for each cubccquentdasertion. adiertilitaidgii.liffera—fhiii-- twelve lines considered as a Aviary. ••• • ' Advertistweenis inserted before Marriages and deaths 8 rents per line for first insertion, and 4 cents per line for eubsequent insertions. Conununications on sul. Pets of Unified or individual intoroet will be rhargid & cents per line. The Proprietor will not be responsi. blo in damages for errors in Advertisements, Obitliary notices or Marriages not exceeding fled lines, will be inserted without charge. • JOB PRINTING 16artirril. _ For the llereld. rAnzxtoun LETTERS NUMBER-18 et', fifteen 'Miles - distant,' are 'clearly visible over a rioh tract of canntry--4ieyond the riy dr may ,bo seen the high-lands of 'western Massachusetts and the dim outline of the green Mountains in Vermont. :This day I mused tufwe passed along, "L, the 4ale of I'infittontha, . : . In the groan and afloat valley,'.' t oLlliawathiati renown. • On leaVing Albany., the next -niopting, the , moat striking feature in the seenerf on the runic, vra the falls of the'Colioes, near Water ford,. where the Mohawk precipitates itself seventy foot between banks steep and rooky, rising to an ole'vtion of one hundred foot from the bettor the rivdr. At this Baden Baden of. America, - wii-epont -a Taw-days—by- Saratoisala- Fountains. • • ' Sankroaa Smunosl2th July, 1850, . -For the Herald. Iles Poetry Passed from Among Us I The fact that no• Poet of the present age has reached the towering height of Milton, Shake poste and Byron. has Ibil to the supposition that the muse of Poetry had taken her flight with the genius that inspired and called forth her charms !. B , • But let us - pause for a moment to conteni plate the subject. Nature, the. great source, the fountain from which•the true Poet 'drinks hisinspiration, remains unchanged. Her vast storehouse is still tho repository of all that is grand and beautiful, • . The towering mountain *Rill bathos its proud head in the-sunlight of heaven, the peaocful landscape smiles in beauty, the foam wreathed cataract leaps to its rocky home and the laughing rivulet wanders through flowing meads and fertile vales, reflecting npon its clear bosom the image of the changing sky! Jern-ualoclrs 1.110 . phr.tals4 fLilie 'east, to usher in her oar of splendors, and night , un rolls her sable mantle and sprinkles it with stars ! The. liiTcrpitte-rears-its-nrms_to the mountain blast and the modest violet sleeps in 'the valley. The •- and the lightning- spend- their-biolence;_itnd _gentle zephyrs murmur through- the wood and make sweet harmony -with song of birds and breath efflowers.-Na,ttire has Jost: none of—her. charms, but 'where is the master spirit,that; can recall her hidden mysteries 1 - • The chords of Homer' and St.ppho's lyre still vibrato upon the est., but who shall gather up the scattered strains and blend them in ono grand harmony ! Yet, Poetry has an influence upon all our relationi in life and presides over our thoughts and actions. So long as spring. is robed in beauty, summer dmiked_with flowers add autumn orownedwiCh fruifs; will our spirits renal) and animate oitr breast. The Poetry.of the Past is not lost:, but is incorporated with the Tresent life, in vesting it with a lisle of glorious recollections! Italy, crushed and trampled upon for:ages, has not lost all of the sacred fire thtit lighted up her altars, and. ;dill bows with deep devo tion at the shrine of Tasso, - 11 - orace and Vir gil! Greece now 'classic by. the &this of her Poets and. Philosophers, fondly cherishes eb.. try relic of herlormer.greatness and through her acadoinie grobes and ivied ruins " Old Homer's spirit lingers still." Germany, wrapped in her mystic mantle of legendary lore, looks along- • her beatttitlit: Rhino, • ond loves to celebrate the numbers that havebeen uttered in its praise.. Switzeiland, with her rugged rugged Alps 101114 , 0 ring glacier's,. warms al Use recital of her early history and the name and deeds,of her brave deliverer, inspires her with new and thrilling emotions! - not confined to . any age or clime, but is fell alike in'the ice-bouttd region 4 of the north, as is,tha vine clad cottage of the sunny south. ThiNtrue Poet draws inspiration front all things and to lihn, the Book of nature is writ ten 'in bright and living characters! trho blush of the rose, the ripple of the stream, the sighing of the winds - antl all the voices of nature, mingle with the music of liis soul and inspires him with their divine harmony. ..But what is that mystic power which is not tam fined to tho hells of wealth and station, but is felt in the home. of the wretched and lowly, gilding the dark cloud of sorrow and lighting up a fire,upon the ashes of a desolate heart! Is it. not the divine spirit breathing through our nature and affording us a glimpse of the beantifill beyond? Oh, let tie cherish they heavenly breath ings,that lift us shove the.groveling scenes of earth and waft us to the realms-of eternity ! The divine spirit of Poetry has' riot djvar-tod and although the shrine. has b'eem - insecrated by rude hands, who could not interpret her hiddect melodies, yet the sweet songs of the "favored few" who, etilJ delight to celebrate her praise, find aivarm response in every true heart. The Poot who has received the divinaspark from Heaven can never die! Selfishness and envy may for a time obscure the itistVe,of his genius, but it 'will riso brighter and more ex alted from the flame. Bo encouraged then, 0 thou, who hath felt the bicathings of this spit:Wand - know that 'every thought inspired by genius and virtue, will live On whOn earth and its foundations shall . liavo,passed away. A SISTICIC 1.1 N—, one Saturday evening, fatigued by his long journey, a. wagoner, with his sow John, drove his team into good range, and determined to pass the Sabbath, enjoying re, Benson of Ivor ship with the good folks of the village. When the time for worship arrived, John *as set to watch the team, while the wagon er went hi with the 'crowd. The Preacher had hardly announced the subject thefore the old man •fell asleep. He sat against the partition; in the ceetre•of the body slip; just obr against him, separated only by the very low partition, sat a fleShy lt?tly who was all absorbed in the 'sermon. Struggling hard with her fotilings;'and being unable to control them any longer, she burst out with 'a loud Scream, which roused the old men, who but half atialie f thrust his Arm around her waist, and.cries,,very Soothingly;. • Wo, Nance ! wo, Nance, Here John,' calling. his son, !cat ; the bellyband, and loose the breeching, quack, or she'll tear everything t'o piceee, It was all the,wetc o_c! TPlTYlittt the ale. ter forgot. to shout, the,reacher lost the threMi of hie diseotilie;:and the Meeting pre. maturely came to.: atr endf deeply:mortified, the old man skulked -away,- determined not to go to meeting again until he could .1E eiv his senses. by rematuiteawake. • THE LIFE OF INSEOTS.-SOIIIO one says t 'lnsects must , generally leinl a truly . jovial 'life. Think 'what it taunt' be to lodge in ''a lily. Imagine' a 'Paine° 'Of ivory et...pearl, with-pillars of eilver.anlaapitalis'otgoldiall : exhaling perfunio as' never arose.from human censer._ .Faney, again the fuu of tueltibg yourself up fdr the . night in the fold Of &rose, the g(ifitle Meta of a summer's air,;,Mnd.notbing ,to;do:witen you miyake -but to ,urnalit', yintreelf. dew drop and rOlr. , LP 7 4 1 )4 gat Y49F,P9d.9l4eiT Who, woUld'ut o.lAurniNg.?, • , The Rey.'1iff:1A.44.4.:, - Wmi , truire - eminent in hie di )! for :the immagitti lion thin the (nice °Chin/pea; At one time lie warproltehiag. Olt I . .‘',AiLititetil,.'of Angell - ow Pe roritt fiuddpaly,,. o bagYPAlT., , l 'heir i-whisperM—allie ehougeloffene started ithii,dianoni,. who entitlitatiw,. .frein maodi and Ifeekt4.,-110 04).4 nein . thetbeye . the f. 16 . 41.014 i m 14,1 but • w1101:414.0a ifuelPtChehilikaft'i '" CARIIISL,,, PA WEDNESDAY ti .. .WASHINGTON - AT - gOIINT VERNON [An interesting ebnpterfrom the new and conelndlng volume of " The Life' t lyeahingtoir from the press er ''d. Pe . His ;official' ` Career - being,' terminated, Washim 9 gon set off 'fp" Mount Vernon,• fie. ecitypained'by Mrs. Washington, her grand. daughter; ;Miss • Nejly „Coatis; and :George Washington _Lia,Pnyette„ with his ,p repei*rs. - or the enthusiastiii:', deiption manitested tow_af'd him whereverhe passed, he takes the following brief andNiliarecteristic ...notice : '" The attentions-we mat:With on our journey _were_ry__flattering,.. and to. some, - wlt ose minds are-differently formed from mine, would have been kighly, relished; bill, I avoided, in iivery, initaecir where I had'aily previous notice of thii intention,. and could.: by earnest entreathisi,prevail, all parade'and escorts." • He is at length at - Meant Vernon, that ha. von of - repose to which he bed so bite% turned a wishful eye, throtighout hiii . ngltated and anxiouslife,and.where he trusted to pass r quietly 'and serenely the remainder of,his duys.-Ale finds-himself,--however,- " in the sitsiatiprof"e: new belAinuer ;_ almost_ every things'about him required considerable re• pairsotifd a house is,imreediately to be built for the reception •and safe keeping of his military, civil and private papers. " Ina words" writeKbe,." Imin already surrounded' by joiners, masons and painters, and such is my dnxietytto_ho but of thel:' lialids, that' I, have% icarcely a room to put a friend into; or _to sit in myself, Without, the music of hare.• mers.and the odoriferous scent of paint." Still ho is at Mount Vernon, and as, the spring_opens . , the_init haandes a ir_th e ', ecnt d, H try-exert their sweetening influence. - In a letteeto his friend{ Oiivur Wolcott, whOLas Secretarrof the - Treasuryovho was still- abt• ing an. ".the great theatre," --he. adverts-,biit, briefly, to- public affairs. - , "For .myself." athiS lie,. exultingly i - , " 'Miring:ln - in - a taid'e' from the • broad walks Of political into the narrow paths of private' life,•l shall fertile it with these whose duty it into consider sub. jocts of this snit, and; as every good citizen ought to do, conform to what.sonVor the rul ing powers shall decide,. To make, and sell a little flour annually,- to repair houses go; Fin.. fast to - ruin, to build one for the security. of' my .papers of a public nature, and •to amuse nayself in agricultural' and rural , per. suits, will constitute employment for the few years I have .to ,remain on , this terrestrial globe. If, also,- I criuhl now and then meet the friends I esteem, it would. fill the meas .ure and add zest to ray enjoyments ; but,- if over this happens, it Must be under my.own. vine and fig-tree, lee I do not think it proba• ble that I shall go boyondAwanty miles frOiti thein." i, .. And again, to another friend .he indqlges in. pleasing aptiorpations ; ." Retired 'from ' noise myself rind the reSponsibility . attached to public employment:4 - 0y - hOurS Will-glide smoothly on. My bestviishes; hoirever,...for. Pie, prosperity' of nu ,Ountry will always _have ttleitrat_place'l i • :thoughts ~; while 4 14 'to repair (lairs an emultiirate My faiMis, Which require. close ttention, will occupy the fear years, perhaps days, I may be a so journer here, its I am ,npw in the sixty•firth year' of my peregrinatioh through life.*' , A, letter to his friend James McHenry, Secretary of War, furnishes a.picture of his ti every day life. "I am indebted to you," writes he, " for Several unacknowledged let ters ; but never mind that; go on as if 'you had answers. You are at the source of in• formation, and can fiAnaany things to re-, late, while I have nothag to say that could either intbrm or amilse a Secretary of War in Philadelphia. I might tell him that I. ' begin my diurnal course with the sun; that, if my hirelings are not in their places at that time, I send them messages of sorrow for their indisposition; that, having put these wheels in motion, I examine the state of,; ,hings,farther i the t the more they . mre probed, the deeper I find the wounds which ti r my. uildings have sustained, by a absence and neglect of eight years ; that, y the time. I have accomplished these ma ers, break. fast ;(a little after seven o 'clogk, ab out, , the time I presume you are takidg leave of "Mrs. Mcllenry). is ready; that, this being over, I mount my horse and ride round my farms, which employs the until it is time to dress ' for 'dinner, at which I rarely miss seeing strange faces, .eome, as they'say, out of 're , upset to me. Pray,yould not th 3 word en riosity answer as well.? And how different ;this is from having,a few social.friends at a cheerful board I , The weal time for sitting at table, a walls, and tea bring' me, within the dawn of candle light . ; previous to which,' if not prevented by company, I - resolve that, air soon as the ' glimmering: taper, supplies. the place of the-grfiktluminary, I willletirn , to my writing table and acknowledge the letters I have received; bet when the lights are brought I feel tired and disinclined to engage in this work, conceiving• that , the next night will delta we 11... Vie„hext night comes, and withit the sarkkerture for post ponement, and so on. - Baying given you the history of a day, it will ,serve for a year,t and,'.l am persuaded, you will not renutre a second edition, of it.. But it may strike you, that in this detail - no mention is inadn of any portion of time 'allotted for reading. - The remark would be'' just, .for I have not looked into a book since :1.. came home; nor shall I - be'able• to;der it until I have, die chargedray,workmen ; probably not, before the nights grow longer, when possibly I iniky he looking in Noonday Book." ' - ' In his solitary rides about Mount 'Vernon and ' , its' woodlands,. fond and. melancholy It.houghtayould occasionally, Elatifiall.tlMrlit,!Cl*. airy as his Mind reverted to pastimes,' and rly associates . Ina 'letter to Mrs; iiir flue,t now in England, ini writes: '' '''''' ' • ! Ai It Is a rilatterof sore - regret whet'f iicast My oyes Inward Belvoitr, ‘Which' I often.. do, to reflect that the foriner• inhabitants. .ofit,, with' whom Wo -lived iti , such , harmony ,anti frien,dslip,, do' longnr ' reside there,, and ' 016 mine only Can be vioweilds the meMentbia of former pleasures." „WithAis view he bethought lint riif bie nephew?. Lawrenee ''Lowis, the same - who gained favor witirbirn by voliinteeriaginthO Western r expedition, ; , and :ticdonspanying 1 0eneral Knox int::aid•o•earnp;-?Maccord ingly afirireased 'a ;fetter to f hue ~ in :which lib writes; ‘,‘lV.ltenever it. is? convenient; to . you :to.tnak,e ,this . place. your'.ho,the, 1'.8411 be, glad fpeo T you. , .t-:— , :--t:-.---Aa,-,-bOthHyoni tatititratid'rare in the deeline'oflife,'and' re :vier liviini'habits, especially in -bur liiiliit' of rising MulfgoingAii: hed, 'I. requica soma person. (fit. 'ttlisl;:propei.) .to, of RV' trouble of entertaining company, particularly . , cf,.nights,%Op.,W,i4 nty. itte'lmation . tCret;re. (aid unitie s . reverted. ti - y;,,sqy ;paitibidt& coin PiMlya ihiiiays , '46retirp,l)' etaior! tro he'd',' or to. my study ; soon , after candid-light. in: Atililngaltbse duties:(whitth , ltoqiiMlitydbligeS oral t,O;heintry.,!oti,eol4tanY) 9.0 7 1 . 19 Y: kaft,lNTA' *CIfiIdITISINT t il 6. /V.W a 999.P 1 a1 ) .1° s e,trPb,"t: .i In codeequiince;:q6.,.. ,a,,,,,,„, ; Law.., reApe Alliiiidrifortlio ','lloatifec itteck`elihniiit irittinte l idoliiit:'Fveilsoli - j r tlie r t. - PTticik . fatl. 'thia,:tifrie:liionge*d VattObtionif:j.f/W,gqinin well Air far grayeo.s4 /rim!, oll4tiiiaphynneid; kr :-.YonPg. company..' O,lle.,gSA p*,pic.4l4l! wa,4 145,0 .I , lmiltpiteti,Aii y .ii.tra,.,yiritOingtoas ilylit il:ditgliterr'iltcti . With ,'. ha' 4.Vollidr olditirvr tp:.estifi, Pit *it Volita*. ~...,?av:::l'.. I.a . e t;,:, : ,V.1.. ~. :Ca , :i 4.91 1 :'. I t! , 3 rtbezor,;! . 4 . M_LYIO., 1859. the -General at their father's 'death; Where they:were quite children, and brondt,up by him with 'the most affeetionate care. He ' was fond of children, especially, girls; as to, boys, with' all hip - spirit', of cormaind,' he found them at time someWhat.immanageable. remit griverni mew would he:saY, -but''Can'' , not govern boys. •MisS'Nelly had grown up under the spacial ajte of her grandmother, to`k Whom she was - devotedly attached,' alai was particular in eaftircing:herutservairce-ofall her lesspni, as well as instructing her in the. tirt';of housekeeping. She Was a great fa- Tbrite with, the General ; whom, as we have before•observed, shmcielighted with her gay whims *rind sPrightlyisallia•-..A, Overecun-_ ing his habitual gravity, and 646611g1dm' into a hearty laugh. - • . - She was now maturing into n. jovely and at traotive woman, and the attention she reoeiv-. ed began to awaken some solicitude in the General's mind. This is evinced in a half sportive letter of advice written to•her during . a temporary absence •from. Mount Vernon, when 'she was about to make her fastappear anaeln a ball at Georgetown. -It is curious is a speoimen of Washington's counsel in love matters. It- would appear that Miss Nelly, to -- solieitutle, - hod - already; in' her -- , :correiponeenee,-professed_tt•a-perfect-apat.hy--- toward the youth of the. proseht day and a determination never to give herself is mo ment's undaSinOsi on account of any'of them." Washington doubted tho firmness and constan cy of her.resolves. • " Men and women;" writes he, " feet, the same inclination toward each other now that they - have, always done, and which they will continue io do; until there is a new order of things; and you,' as others have done,. may find that the plosions of your sex is easier raised' than allayed. Do not, therefore, boast too soon, or to strongly of your ~Usonsntiitity.. * * * Love is' said to be an htv,,oluntary passion and it is therefore that it dAnnot be resisted. This is true in: part only, for like all things else - , when nour ished and Supplied plentifully with 'aliment, . it 1° rapidin_itit prograsa;_but_let these_ho •withdravrnandit way be - stiflod in its - birtli, - or much stinted in its growth ; * - 4 * Al ; though fre - oattoot avoid first impressions, we may assuredly place theta under guard. *• * When the fire is : beginning to kindle and' your heart grow warm, propound this question to it. thits 'invader? Havo• I a competent knowledge of him? Is he a man of•gOod character? A man of sense ?:•-• For, be assured, a sensible woman can never be happy• with a fool. What' has been his - :walk in life ? , *- * * Is his fortune euf fieient,to.raaintain -me-in the. manner I have - been-accustomed to live, and as my,sisters do live? - And is ho one to' whom my frieiniscan - hard 'reasonable objection ? If all these intorrogiteries catubelttisfactorily•answered, therB will remain but ono more to be asked ; that,' however, is an important ore, . Have IL sufficient ground to conclude that his affee tiotiS are engage 1 by ins ? Without this the . heart •of sensibility will Struggle: . against a, passion that is not reciprocated. • 2... The. Sego counsels_ of Mashington.and_the suseeptablo feelings of Miss Golly were soon lirclught to the test - by the residence•of Law row Lewis at Mount Vernon. A timhutentfor ore his part, or per haps already existed,•'anrivrtii'itieligthetted by daily intercourse. It was,fadorably ad by. hislumle. Whether it was fully recip rocated was uncertain. A formidable rival of Lewis appeared in the young Carroll of Car• ration who had just returned from Europe, adorned with the graces of foreign travel, and whose 'visit was countenanced by Mrs: IVashl .These werOttnong the poetic days of Mount Vernon', i:dien its halls echoed the tread of lovers. They wore halcyon ,dcyys with Miss Golly, as she herself declared. in after years, to a lady from whom we have the. story: "I was young and romantic then," said she. "and fond of wandering alone by moonlight indite woods of Mount Vernon.— Grabdmannna thought it !wrong and •untsafe,• and scolded and coaxed mo into a promise that I would notTwander into the woods again unacconipanied. But I was missing one even ing andiwas brought home from the interdio • Led wood, to the drawing-room where the gen. - oral was'oralking up and down with his hands behind him, as was his wont: Grandmamma, seated in her great arm-chair, opened a se !pro reproof." Poor Miss Nally was reminded of her pro mise, and taxed with her delinquency.. She know that she had done wrong—admitted her fault, and ..essayed no excuse; but, nrifen there was a slight pause, moved turetire from the rosin.. She was just 'shutting the door when she over heard the General attempting in a low voice, to intercede in her behalf.—_ • "My dear," obsi3rvifil " I would say no more—perhaps-she was not 410ne." Ills intercession stopped, MiseNelly in her retreat. She re-opened,the.cloor and advan ced up . .to the. General with a firm step:— Sir,"said she, "you brOught- me up to speak the truth, and when I told.grandmatu • ma, d was alone,, I hope you believed I was doge." ' The General mado one of his Most magnan imous bows. "My child," replied, " I beg your pardon." We will anticipate _date's, and observe '-that- . ihe rdmaritio episode of Miss Nelly Custis'ter- -- mutated to the General's satisfaction; she be. came the nappy wife of LaWrence Lewis, as will be recorded in a ;1 arly: in the 'twin - Inn, Washington had Wan "-• rqlieved from his oonstentsclioitude about the fortunes of La Fayette. Letters resolved by .. George IV. La Fayette fraM', his, friends in Namburg,informed, the youth that his father anefittitily had been liberated from • Olmutz ' and were on their way to. Paris, with the in. ' Motion of embarking for America. George was,disposed to sail for France immediately, ;eager to embrace Isis parents and sistertrin: • t4o first moments of their release. _ IVoshing,. tOnJtfrgoll him to defer his departure until he ' should receive lettersfrom tho prisoners Ahem- •• selyss,:„lest they should cross the ocean in dif. fernot direetions at the same time,and pass each:ether, velitch:would be a great'hock t o ---, boils - paities.: _Oeorge,:' however,: was 'not to: •.' be:persuafloklind.'"l•ctould not withhold my , • assent," writes Washington, !'to the gratifi cations of his wishes to fly to the artos of those whom ho holds.mosi dear." • • , Gotirgo • awl :his :tutor,-Mr.. Festel, sailed ~:• from Nor,Yerk,on- the 26th October. Wash. ingten writes , from Mouni:Vernen to La Fay ette: This lettei, I' hope and expect', Will bo' pretiented to you: - by-your•son, who is highly: •• .deseiving of:such:parents as you and your . amiaple fi lady, , • _,.., ~_ , , _ , ~ . . ::. , ' it Aq 9f1001,at43, much bolter ; than , I can deieribe, my participation in, youintitferings,' MY' soltoithde !hi your kelief,:the'raehsures I • !adopted, though inedreattial,, M faejlitate your, liberation : from-an. quitte r !: and( cruel impris,on,. I ment,, and the joy l'experieneed . at the inane 1 of lyf actidniplislitnent, , Fehell - histen,lhere- i:: '1 l'f ;le; to-diusgrattilate you, and: bea , ssured:that., L lotiq can do„, in: With.moro • tiordialityi.-with. ; ; orn; sineerit,y, of-with-greater affection on ,t q restoration 'of that. liberty ; which your life inlitlii'Yett to the enjOytnent:of t: :• ifillinpo'fj muiy. add ; ::to - the uninterrupted,f, , your:estates; and Ihe , con tidenim :l O tiY4/ 1 *** 1 41 1 7,17j ; , -,_. ~ ~,,, i ~.,,, ~,,. ; Tht atali,l4, which , eyidoite• W.-'Lar•rayett, it, aa'reci4 MI-Of theltbeiation britio'pilenneris, •.:•' 4' , l9liii tit i Tliati 7 OetilatUi*'::lt • - •,:dhl,,not . .takes:•,, InttO . until titel9l,li..Of'Sfiptetaberyner4pLit ~.,_ 'tfir-f ni" - f77Mroffing :teoptknf,;: - Fai)suarttlfat,,l I tajlappy,mestingtookplacizlietwetni Georg ' aniriziefainilY; filkiiiilfe.fettrllisidillii:the ~ eirlifficitiOrifyieldthieltflibltitainf c : , :7 4 ' •.'::; ":1:; , • , ,.:a . 7 .„1...:.u.1u,.• v . ;:ff•u . -. .... , , ~. :11 :i.•.:, : :, .; : - ;1;. , latitimlitaic,*;iiiiitigkv.4ool:.ajr, 2 ,i ffig3l/441144 , 4 :..:,::.,..1 , ' , 1'.5 . './Z . '3i :)`,:.: . : -. .:1 c.;,, 4 , ....1:4 . -.... 6 '-' .:."Yes-I know it," said heir husband.fitircely. "It-isAlte-evil-fruit of an evil seed- And who sowed the seed? a hau'd . With- . out a-liehrt. Who beeeine a sharer of my for-. tune, but. gavo me no'siiare in her • simpathy ? Who/devoted rite' to :the life of a loving, unlov ed husband'? Nay, do at. weep and clasp -Your_hands, end sigh-anct sob-with :such-des.' peration of impatience, for I say nothing_ you do not deserve to hear:" -- "Very welt." said Kate. "I o not say your reproaches are undeserved.tit...grant: ing lam the cold deceitful thinryo all me 1 44_0 you- know this state of Stings cannot- continue. "Yes, I know it." ' ' • • "Well ?" Mr. Wellington's ' crow gathered darkly— And When the time arrived When Kato was , l e ds. oyes :tried with scorn. , flashed with determination—his lips take that all-important• step of Which, she ...."Lhave made-up myt h in saidhe;---"that had.oftOn.speke so. lightly - =when - she - she - was ''''- we should not live together any longer. Ism demonstrate to her friends how much of her - .tired-of- being called'the husband of the splen heart was in the worth( :We. have just quoted. 011Irs. Wellington. I will move in my air- - • At the anchabting age of eighteen she•had ole • you will shine in yours'. I will place no - - many suitors ; but as she never. gave ' ft serious - res;raint on your actions'," nor shall you. on thought to more than two, we will follow-her mine, - iv e I ,:it h bi ; f ree - . . . example, and discarding rill. Others, except "But,the world!" shrieked - paor Kate, tram-•' ' those favoredones, ones, consider - their relative' olaints. , ____,./ "Th bling." • . 0---. e world will admire you the same—and If this worn any other than a trite story, I what more-do you desire ?" asked her hue should certainly use an artist's privilege, and. baud, bitterly. -"This marriage of hapds and' aim to product an effect .by making a strong not of hearts is mockery." - We haie played ' contrast bottieen the two favored individuals. the - farce long enough. Few understand the •• If I could - have my own way, ono should bon true meaning of the terms husband and wife; poor genius tindsordething• Of a hero, the oth. but do you knoW,what they.should mean 1, Do or a wealthy fool and somewhat of a 'knave,. you feel that the only ' true union is that of But the truth is—our poor genius was riot love_and_sympathy ? Then enough_of this - , much of a genius—not very poor either. lie . mummery , Farewell. Igo to consult friend! I was by profession a teacher of mush', and he - about: the terms of separation.—Noy, do not . :mold live very coinfertable.by_the_exerciso--tromblemnd-cryand-nling-toMtendw=ridill -1 thereof without the most distant hope, how- he liberal to you. - ,As much of my - fortune - ever; of Over attaining to wealth. Moreover shall be yours 'as you desire." ' '' - • Francis Minot • possessed excelloht qualities, ,Hopushed her from him. She foll.upoh. the • which entitled him to be. called. by-elderly sofa . . From a heart torn with anguish she people, a "fine character," by his com'paitions Shrieked-Mould: . a noble, good follow,,the -ladies gene, "Frank - !Frank I why did I send you - from rAlly,- a:!..-tiarling." —., .. tue! Why was I blind until sight brought me. - , . Kato could net help - loving Mr. Frank, and' misery." , . he knew it.'' Ile-Was certain she preferred hie. Sho'laY upon the Sfa sobbing and weeping , 1 society even to that of Mr. Wellington, Whom passionately. Gradually her grief appeared alone he saw fit to honor with the appolibtion to exhaust, itself, her breathing became calm ; of rival. • ' _ , . . hor eyes and cheeks dry.; _ her head lay peace._ __This Mr. Wellington, (his companions -called - fully on her arm, over which swept her dish him Dulte,') was no idiot or hump-back, as I evelled tresses—until, with a start, she cried: could have wished hint to be, in order to make :IFaank ! oh. FrankoPme beat !" • - a good stori,„...on.the contrary-he-wai a man- - Afore," - said - a - soft voice by heriide:• of sense, good looks,,and fine Manners, and She raised up her head. •*She opened her as and there was nothing of the knave shout him •', tonished eyes. Frank. was standing before - as I Could ever ascertain. . •'' , ' her. .: . Besides this, his income was sufficient-to' "You have been asleep," he It•aid, ' smiling' enable him to. live.stiperbly. Ago, he was .kindly: considered twit or three degrees, handsomer, "Asleep to - . . . than-Mr. F, Minot. . .•-- -!' .- , • , "And dreaming, too, I should say, net' : Therefore, the only thing - on--which-Frank :pleasantly,leither." - .. had to - depend; ' was the ' power he possessed " Dreaming!" murmured .- Kate, "and is it over lll,to's sympathies • and affections. The all a dream.?" .- • . . "Duke;" although just the man for her in. "I hope so," replied• Frank, taking her hioid every sense.: dming :blessed , with a fortune ;. —"You could not mean to send me away froth good •Idoks .ind•tcommOn..'sense,-had , amt. ,- you so cruelly,- I knew. 'So I:waited m'yOur' I been able to draw these out: - andthe 'aniiable father's study, whdre I havobeen talking liith conceited 11fr. Frank was not 'willing to be. him all of an hour. • I Caine baoleto plead my • Hove that showeuld suffor•niere worldly eon- cause once more,'and found you here whero.J sidenttiorkto control the aspirations of her .left .) ; 011 , asl ee p..., I; • heart. "Oh, what'dhorrible dream!" murmured However, end 'day, he pressed her to do- Kate, rubbing her eyes. "It was so like a Clare his fate, when she said to hint with a terrible reality, that I shudder to think of it. sigh : , [ thought I was married I" "Oh, Frank, lam sorry we ever met." --- "And would that be so horyible t" asked ' "Sorry I"• , . . Frank. -"I hope then you did not dream you "Yes: for we, must part now." - were married to me!" . "Part!" repeated Frank, turning pale. It ' "No, I thought I gave my hand without my .., was evident he had not expected this. • ' heart." ....__ "Yes—yes," .said Kate casting down, her "Then, if you t give me your hind, it would • head :with another piteous sigh. not be without your heart." .Frank sat by her side; he placed his arm "No, Frank,' i said Kite, her bright eyeis around her waist, without heeding her feeble beaming happily through hertears, "and here resistance ; he lowered his voice, and talked it is." to her :Mail she, proud Kate—wept, wept bit- And soon there was a real marriagenot'a' terly. • 'splendid but a happy one—followed by a life "Kate." said he. then with a burst of' pas- ' ' of love and contentment, and so ends the eery akin, "I know you love me, but you are proud Of Kate-Yale's marriage. ambitious, selfish I • Now, if you would have I me leave you, - Mirthe wordanZyti:" ' "Go—go," murmured Kate feebly. "Have you decideitpored Frank. • , •I have." "Then, love, farewell!" He took nor hand„, gazed a moment tender ly and sorrowfully-into her beautiful, tearful face, and then clasped her to his boSom. She permited the embrace. She even gale wIV - 19 the impulse, and twined - her arms a round his neck; but in a•moment-her resolu tion came to her aid, and see pushedbitairom ,her with a sigh. - . ~.. "Shall I go?", he articulated. A feeble yes fell-from her lips—and an in stant later, :she , was. lying on the sofa, sob bing and weeping alone. • To tear the tenacious root of love out of her heart hadeost her.moro thaw :die could have. 1 anti nfi difitedtko certaint of a golden life p fixury provdd lint a peer consolation it seemed, forlthe sacrifice she had made.- . She layleng upon the sofa, rimy,, sobbing and weeping...mtssionately.' • 'Gradually her grief appeared to- exhaust herself, her tears' coased,to. flow, and at, longth• her eyes and cheeks were dry. Her head was pillotved on her arm : and her face was ' half hidden in a flood of boaqtifubourls.. ,• ' .- . The :struggle . was over. The agony was past.—She saw Mr. Wellinglen eider, anti Hee 'cheerfully to meet hire. His mentors pleased her-- r his station• and, fortnne, .fatelneted her more.. He offered her iris hand—she accepted It. -Alias sealed the engagejleat— was 1 , not suoliM kiss as Fri9K :had given her, and lahe could, scarcely repress a sigh. There waq..a magnificent :wedding. Splon- I ,idly attired, dam:ling the eye with her beauty ' , Hots. adorned.. with _everything around ,her swimming in the eltarittedatntespheee of fairy. land, Kate 'gage her-hand to the man her am bition—not -her 1M:e.....1iad chosen. • • Biat„certainlY.:anibition , could not 'have made.a.better choice... :Already. she saw her.-, , 'self surrounded by a. 'magnificent court, of: 'which showits.the aoknowledged and admitted queen. „The , favere.of fortune were showered inlet, the'inhooh - find glassy 'wave, of acharm- i , ed life. • • :,- : ', . . wanting in the whole' oirale of . her'existanee. lo'nticirik it, and made it bright with happiness. But'she was not hing .discevering 'that there was 'something irt , Her friende" were numerous, her husband l tohdct , kind , and loving ; bUt the attentions and affections Ceuld not 'fill her heart. She had orico'felVits 'chord 'and, 'AyMptittly' moved by a skilfeLtoticit,..shOhad knoWn the hdaven • and now they were Silent;LnintiOnle'ss; intiffled;:nw as to speak in silks and.tiatins: These chords were still and soundless .;..her . heart ,was dead —none..the .booause hy a golden. shot, having. known And felt, the life of eynspa-t ,thy in itt. tinomutoled: by \ ofAusur..Y!, sbert,tß .became magnificently ntisr. erableptiplendidly.unhappy,.4, fl :LThen , tielninge.becameiapptirent to' her hue:, ,hand:,:, fie mould .606.yemaitt long,blind to,the .fact that his.hivemt not retnrned,;': Hi) sought lieilanitientof those , whosagfiety might lead him to ctottet.the ;sorrow Audi detipsmof hit , seal:: tl his shallow: jn e, iheweyer, , :,was un oatisfailtoryi: andAnipelledhY..a.jmWerfalietilf- - 'ingliv!lcive. , l4 went. fitatiay wrolkliia,beart by a strange fire. . -. • = Kato saw.,„in themidst of a gor rifeue desolation, burning with , tithirstuiteart-• itibli,,b'y,'Oetdaf t i reanis,'! h it id itiqu 4i4)oll4Witli 4 ii tbau 4 l t l ef# 4l 4 4 :o 4l4 oo• 4 4 l . 4 4 ei l ie r •, . , 4.. 4' 4' 4, 4 IC•tr 44' P. 44, 'KATE Y4.I4ES. • , • "If ever I marry," late Tale tiledtcsay', half in jest and ball in earnest, "the . ppy 'man,•-or unhappy man, if you please/h a. hal shall be a person possessed of these three qisli lioations : zfirst,. a - fortune ; tmeond; good looks. and third, , eornmen sense. "I mention tise fortune first becancte I think it the most nedful And doCirable qualifiSation of ,the marrying ii fool, or a •man whose :ugliness I should be ashamed of,•still I think to talk souse foi tho one, and:shine for the other with Plenty Of money, would' he preferable ,to living ob scure with a handsome intelleOtwil man—to -whom•neonomy- might be-necessary."--- - I do not know how Much' of this sentiment oAme from -Katots heart.• She undoubtedly indulged in lofty . ideas of Station. and style— for her education in the duties and aims of lifi•had been deficient, or rather erroneous;. but that she was capable• of deeper, better feeling, none ever doubted who ho n verbbtained even a partial glimpse of her true woman's na ture. ' • ME $ll. tfp per - animinn fel si.dyanee- - She.reprotiched her hUsband for deserting her thus, and ho answered hey with angry and desperate- taunts of deception, .and a total lack of love;'whieh smote her conscience "You do not : care for me," ho • said,. ', , then Why tto you eopfiNin-that I bestow elitifrhoTe' the have met with coldness?" • !Tut it is wrong—sinful'," Kate remonstra ted. ' TuirsToLEN SEORET • e mean distinction between iron and steel is that oneholds earbonor the matter of char coal, whereas, the other ctaes not'. The amount of carbon is trieial,and is imparted by heating harslet..a long period together, surrounded by powdered broken charcoal in a box. Hav ing regard‘then, re, this operation, it seems natural enough that the outer portion of each bar should become more completely "declined" • (if I may be altolved .to coin an expreisiye, word,) than the internal portions.—How steel of this sort, though perfectly 'good for many purposes, is objectionable for others: - To give an example : it ia by. no Means good for the _manufacture of watch springs; nevertheless before theinvention,of oast steel to which-the -- - readers attention is to bo (limited, watch springs had to be made of it. • There lived at. Attereliffe, near Sheffield, • 064 the -yoar-1760,' a watchmaker - named •• • - Huntsman. lie was - very satisfied with thaquality of steel Ow' L springs were made in kis day, and aself the task of thinking out the eat eriority. Mr. Huntsmen correctly inf• .t the im- - perfection of such watch Springs as camp 4 his way was referable to the fact,of the irreg* i'ateelineation". of the metal of their Tirana facthre. "If;" -thought he, "I can. melt • • pima') of steel and'east it into ingots, the coin- ,• • • positiOn of bro . -hitter should be regular and • homogeneous." tie tried, lie succeeded. The , fame of Huntsman's steel • became widely spread, but the ~diseoverer took care. not.„to • esignata it by the name of cast steel, under hiehlt is familiarly . known.. That was his • ecret. . • . About the year 1779,, a largo manufactory of this pool:liar, steel was established , at titter • elide. The process was wrapt in secresy by.. , every moans which' the inventor could corn= • mend. None but workmen of credit and char; actor were. engaged,.and they were forbidden . to disclose. the, seorets of the a stringent form of oath.-At last. Hunt's ee-, • ererwas stolen in the following manner: One night in Midwinter, as the tall ohimney'of.AW teroliffe steel works belched- forth-its smoke, giving promise.of 4 rooring,fire,.whieh might seem reasonable lodging,a mon knocked at. the doot:',#l4l Huntmon's factory.: It,was a bitter " night ; •the.subli fell' fait,. the Wind howled across__ :the:armor ; nothing then 'could • have been more pat:trot .than.thie. tlredrwayferer should seek a warm.t"eorner.whera be, might lay his head. He knocked, and. the 'docir was oponed,L,vivorkman_prt.sentelhimself i tthem- 1 . the wayfarer addressing, 'humblY .begged mission. - , • , . "No admission here, except on-business." The reader,rnoy•well.fanoy how this,intinia- • , tion fell upon the traveller's' ear oti such"axt inoleinerit night. But the' WOrktnini, seiniting thelraieller over, and diecovering' nothing .. . auspicious abont hint, grantod . the requestand Feigning,pk htt,compleitelr w orn, out.• with ; cold ; and fatigue, , the wayftwer'Satik - Upon. th'a ;Boot' thf . the VernfOifahlelsehn7, and Soori'ati.*: . peered to have gone to Sleep, To go to sleep ('however, was far from hisintention ; the tray t littleJdunks,, - TilegEgfi PleAß , ,Pfc..t,•!!Ktle ! !catd l oFP 11 b;4 5 a,fri4 1 ::. :thee e•Chred , Co sec.. edir: work men" ette ' :horeafateel 'than. illacrti'. Caiolbtes;lnita:_ndthienormous - tong liquid cotifents - ininivinoutd,-iiir.Jiuntsman's factere.Jlo nell 49A+ ang.)4.roitcOdlocleseti.:Ak4 wakliet . lBl 2 4l,4 . " n• Q' `NO' - 44;