' . ' . D,R...M 9 L .. 4NE'7' - = - VERMIFUGE, EASE LIVER PILLS. 11 VVE beg leave 'to call the atten tion of the Trade, and mote specially the Pliys~cru` i's of 7111 e remedies before.heptdifie. We ilef4-to . • ' • • • 14;. - Chas. 111a . ne's Celebratea. . . . , Verniifug.;c itild.Liver-Pills.. , i i • Wcc o not recommend them ..: Is. 0 .Univer a .cuse-alls, Ln. t• simply fo • what rth 'ir name pmlio , vrz ---- • THE. VEIOIII4'.U.GE, , . For expelling I)77 . rns . the human. system. _lt has also, been administercd with the most .satis factory results to various Animals ,;subjectitO Worms., • THE 1 . 4 IV.E re PILLS For the cure:OILIYEICCOMPLAI NTS, all I_ILIO US DEAANGI'MENTS;SIck .HEAD-ACH , cases of FEVER 'AND AGUE, preparatory to or_ after taking Qui nine,- -they almost invariably:make a. speedy and permanent cure. ..As specifics • for the above Men,. tionea diseases; they.are Unrivaled, and' never 'known to. fail when, ad -ministered in accordancO4ith•=the directions., ' • • • Their nprecedentpd . popularity has induced the proprietors, A • I'LEMING BROTHERS, Prrrsnoßcul, PA, • to disppse of their .Drug :business, hitve• -been- success • , frilly-engaged for •the last 'Twenty Years, and they will now give their • A l ldivided. time and attention to • their manufitcture. And being de-, termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele- bratecl.Verihifilio. b e . and .Liver Pills shall eontintie' to occupy'tlle high pution they "now hold. among the b °Telt remedi , lg of ,the day, they . _ •g, „ WI . li:Cl/11f inC/C,to • spare neither time nor elense in procuring the. Best and 1- i- rest material, and .. coin icin in the most thorough. rri, i!(.k i - r - - - i .c. s all 6di Cis•to iiie , FLEIIING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. P. :3: — 1). al,•t + - awl' libi% •.irbin3 oi•l , rllter- r, , ,,. , Iliel , than Flataiii, Ilia,. will lii. %V 11 In SI rile Th. Ir I.hl. IN ile•thwtly. awl /of,. ',am lu/ in% ...111,,,, , , 7,1,,,,1 by I •'ie.i.ll lb , . r•Ft.. ) 4 , 1 , 1e: Pd. 'Pa Oman lei3birg In, rhe them le rrl a b a, will ll•raitril i••••• mail. pest paid. t•• nay part of 110! liallial .e , tor••s. Plli, 111, 1.1 13114 r,,,. I UT!, llree•••••••111 pa.•liird• elaili'ps. or ono I ill! I , f Veriniture tar Raub,. th,••••• lit el.ini:••: All iii!lves 11,111 Call:II-ILL must be accothp.inii./ by twynlyciAlt.l extra. •• . • .‘ • • • William P. Lynch, I'LIILLIEIi and GAS FITTER, ol• iLt E. Clinecli, Valle . Sired; radish' Imn Pipes, Iron Sink . g, I,l 3 lrains. - - Bath Tubs., lint eal4l:-lalver hat Path Boilers, .W:1 ter. 114.,..a5.. Wash Ihr.las. Fore° and I.ifti•ataia4., Hydraulic Barns, .te - 'Wra'r.l,aa IVerti And every deseriptlon of and fittiti far gas. steam. Wit tl.l . e , ulsolor making. rannel,". - fusflers and gas fistui es pot up in churches. stores and (1 (22111n2,.. at short, male, in the most modern e431e . . All nlattn Ids and wort , in uur !hie at Jew rates sod warranted Country , ol . llltild .111111iing protliptly attended to. • Mar. 2t, 1;!(:,2—ls T „„cLut•nlsc WOUT.II AG.IIN • Let The l'eople Know That they,havoltllst reeeived and aro daily resulting a lino largo :dos;, SPRING AND su,mmEit cuyriiixa, .1..1. 4 in the I,st, latest and ititatt f.hionaltlo style. Their as• t, Intent or faney and plain 01,1111,0 anti. Cashateret. hue cloth Cu:.?,-. Cants, ratio runt s ilk Vests, am stzporior to tiny ever pro:Tided to the people of (lutist,. rt, Anil, as as -11 l os .tin:i f_luryo vnib•ty of Casslnett. t tit nslty Jean. 'fvretal, Italian cloth, .11par en.and nil s n la or ijur;; Flat: 11111 i toget It or with a sell rol , p..' stook of EN'S Cl' It- NISIIING r athß such white and Unto . Sdth tt,nrolt and tarshet Itator.etrltiont, ('tat tits. 'I 1., Under tddrts, tluspentlent,,:c, In short, every I Mug else to ,lee •.. It is a trail c.tahtis ( ll - t1 fact Mat. STELVERS, Call Mal tin 5 , 11 t Clattpea Malt 011 . 11 Clothiny Stisre Carliqe or vicinity. We therer f r aud ALL. In call at Steiner:n cheep r'ittlltit, - g store, helnro they matte their parehases, i.e they ore always a illint; and pleased to straw thole goods, notnaini or neat the 31arltot Apt, :ITEM:it. ll RtlF, it Co. IRON .P .Railing for Vrmtl , •F v 11,!. 1 , 11141,11 d Twivato gr o unds one, gorileos. 1:1 ile lo or,l, :it the Carll.ki l , oundry. Our -stelt of Vert lololt .kracket patterns eon, prise:4:i !aro, 1,1 -Iv of new anti ehrgaut iletions xldrh tnr publi, to van and esitmlne. ()rack, for rostlott and up !toiling will. be promptly OXCell ted nt sat F.l t pri eolmtd , , new TEN ITIniSP: STEAM•ENCtINE alai ,h. 4 on hand, warranted to Ito of tile best" make, ml'm ill 1.3 s.•ld at 0 I.ar,,nin for each or Ji;'sbort time F.G.titl)NEtt I; CO. ~ :Inly 21,1825. CUMBEE LANE VALLEt INSTITUTE MECHANICSBURG,.PA. A. v.:%lindAN, PRINCIPAL. 0.13,1 teacher of Malhotnatirs and Langunges. T11031A, ,, A. 11.. Asgi,t•int Principal and tentiler Of 1,11g11,141, (1:11.1 L. )L .I,46lA:int in„lho English Do parttnent. This lnxillul run havim; passed into new hands, will be reopened a•: a 'lab. otlly, on Tlitirstlay, the 2.1 day of `ep tends, neict. 1110 the design of the present proprietor.; to ore, it a strictly llrst.class Boarding. School, roc ttaining fitting lion and vonthr men either f r business. corps in. btruetor.; It is brut organized. whose personal interests 'era Identified with the suceoss of the Institution, and who hill ,pare nto pUlt, to make it weythy of the cmdi• deuce and patreint,,c or t.o, oomio. Thu Buildings of the Institute aro attiple,und tacit arnint;etf for rho sc rummed:loonel' about ninety boarders. and all staniduts from a' , roatl ere expected to board with the teachers.— They will thus en)aythebenelit of coustant insituct ton and.su peer • Meelegliehberg 1,8 'situated In the centre or the beau. tlful Cumberland Valley, nine miles from Harrisburg, - and is easy of access lip Itatirdad Prone Phlladelphia,ltab Hoare, 4.e. No location Could he more eligible foe ile eegy—,nonie more bealltp• or attractive Pw such a school. Pupils from U'asitington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Intermediate p• , lnts„tabtng the utorningslintin, will reacklicelianiodnarg by 2 o'olooli, P. It. 'As It is the deterihitott lon of the Principal and his Jusistants to placer the Institute .at a permanent and ideVatei basis, with every I:1101,1th. requisite for superior success, they appeal with coot:dense to all who Lone .1115 to cd• urn to. • • Thu sidiolastie pent will to divided lute two sessions or twenty two wurks raeh, the trot beginning on the trot Thurs:loy of r , ertteniber;and ending on the first Wedne,day ui retro ry : the seenitt session beginning on• the liral. l'ilorsday or l'etrtuy,' Bud nudtng on Ulu Drat, Wednesday blJuly • r lEEE Board, 'Washing. Tuition, !towns furnished, and FuelVer Session, - . stil 00 sls,.fte cording to their advancement. . . No extra):llargos for_anclautand ...modern•lang,uagen or vocal mule. • , . . . Tema per saysleil payable half In advance. - Far fur !her Anima. thin apply to, Mullln .1.; Reece, Fshprtutors . , 2dechanl.burg, Fa. OOD.AN D WILLOW WA It E.— . . , y ' merclaS--4Uarlcol, Travelling; and Vancy, of almost every variety.. CEDAR WAlttl--Tuba, Sockets, ted Buckets, Keoler's Matto. Bad , Cords, Urtislics• and a large stock of Mali's" celebrated Corn illsietus, (so)d only by. the subscriber) and all other necessary.' house nrtielee—adweys nt,the :lowe'qt r cash prices—fir rale by .'• Carl* Nov.lo 'LS. - i 9- itoi t ia 9 nPo? " iTiil Moreem aill E e ; r lt• iiniti ‘ gx B- Il f n U a l f i t; Aats,dtoOt, -Trees,' nultnlull assortment Shoo Hitt and tindingo of all kinds. • ' • ••• • • • - 'JOHN P. LYNE & /40N, Oit!'24 • ' Noith Itaboyei Street, . . Nctu efi T ,lATS RE IV ED Xg I OPENING NU E &CO.'S CilßA'l , 3 Ell'fildiY :3TIJILE, . ' Maiit S'lrect Carli.lle,,lll. • • , ,_,,,, 4,. . , - , ~ Igirge supply of ..4fr; . 1 , , , -- (7,'.74:1 ~, NI, atrinn,i, Jifreiry. Sil• i - a - • ~ :::.1,',1,1P - 71:',:\ . ver and _mom i ..7; , i t 1_,...---.,? tt, whirh we Invite at,. f r ili . 'L'ji K) 1,1%.,41,1;, ,- ,,,,. tention. . .. ir 01, \‘,. ,.:,,,k; :,,v,l_ l . If put want to on. '- - - - i1..N.....,,:e .. !" - = ,7 '''''„, , , y 1 y `Y.,F,' . 461',iert. trot. .emsst rf t .. - ,,,,C1•07 , ,Ri O t t '4 , 11:?it- , '"siqel: illeincli , s. Watch. .... izrar l i ~1 , ..,;:\; R - , .,-..,,4-,, _es, Jewelry, iver and , '-• :"1••'•:'..•,-- •.qf , ".- --, Plated ware 1 n Carlisle - ,- ...41 1 - , ,1. -r ;. ' call .". ~ -'.2..- -.. ..,_--„,' At NAUGLE .0 CO'S. Wo Lira a largo assortmont Of Gold and Silver Hoot. lag 'nod Open „Case ll'ablios to mar all Fancies rind . ' 'Fine and Chop 3,31,t1ry or nverY.kylo and %Imply In sotto 0114 the p i ece ag wanted. 'Ai NAUOLII & CO.'S • • • STlrer and Plated AV:IR...wk. Cake. 1 , 141 t, Bnl_lar, 111111 fd Saskets. Silver, Table, Tea, Cream, Sugar, Salt, and Crain. t'lloollB. . . Pin., Powc). fet.V.l.Cor.ll, C3 l / 1 0.01 001.1Stane.Mnsale, rdtt t 31ohate, Jet Mx_ and Mang set to elteap " At ZiAtltt CO.'S • • •• • . Diamond Breastpins anti Fingerings, • • - - ArNA liii LP: & C0.'.5 • • • - Gold looting Case, Eight I/ay Levers; . Gold Hunt- Ing Case f ,llitillexltiold Hunting. Chronometers, At • liagley's best quality of Gold l'onells; , Ditto Mold ['ens awl Holder:, v , _ . _, • At NAUGLE4 CO.'S Silv•tir and Plated I'o3 Setif.. o , •idetp, Cops, Tonsil, Itachs, Pitchers, Urns, Tureens. Tv:1,111 , 11s, . •. At - NA VOLE .4: CO.'S ' — (10111 Nerk. Ye:it. Curl, Fob,'nnd Chatlain ChainF, (11,14 lhartletft, Lockets. Thimble. Crt.s..E. Chart.. French Tinto Pleceodo run three and four u eel., ' • ..: . ,7" - -,:_ At NA GUM.: & CO.'S thdd Sleeve, Vest, COW., and Shirt Studs of allkyle and iwdlity, . At NA I/GLEk CO.'S ' Phtetl 9orkt. Spoons, knit es, Napkin Rings, Silvio) t NAUGLE k CO.'S ' .I ° iul.lll3,,"Aceordenns Mushr One variety , --- ACNATIII.I: . Portnionalec. Pearl and Leath,, and Fancy Travelling lla2n, vUry riee sli9rs, (111,11, • . At NA COM: h CO.'S If you wait to Mire roar iVatehea put in good re pair and warranted. take them to NATIO Li: I. CO '3 If you want to got a Cheapyloeic, vl.ll ran cot it • , At NAIJCILIC.t if :•ou want your Myer vat a neatly marked at shot I . • • All w At NADI el , th,s, ariantal .represouti4l, or tl:" ' 11111.n0y . ro fon - NAC(II.I n CO.'S Persmca that Want baTgalits rail- • Carllslr, A F r. 27; I '450. • . " .11.1111:ff0.1' Eff..11.17, ' 7 1 4 7A3111.17 GROCERY' AND - .TEA . sTonn. • • • Ju.t.,,,1re4 and in ,Tore. 1:o.ha,11 VII PC _ 101,1 11 , 4.1 Intent 0! - ettarr, Critelied POlVl , rizod Indined her I-row r:onarr, stip, i rr Mica-re. orleans :Time Indy : 4ateh t no Ina and. rhor.dale., Marra:old, time...! and CrfiekerN. 111111 S3lllll no and :"..da. (*recta I.lrlar'and as• PiehleA, )lustlrd and Coriantb , r :red. 1.n11:--aa' NI ell nw 1111 other :trtiele. ;Icing in the Ludnet.s--:dl L ist lale prices. • .1. W. EllY. rlilde, Ve. . . . - - . _Lty: NEW HOOK ill.- 1V111.1.1,111i l'Ott,tiG, 111.1) • - .11/13 SA` I.et • 1 ""I.M 11 ' boo; with the All-t•nm•N fry, dent in vent', '4:amity nod Ohl awl 31,,eried idre, .li'•?s F(11 . 1 . 01114, 11011,, • • F0:0, 1112;1 111.0p001111.11110110. 1.01 all •,•111:114 I.llool,ol,f,mpl u th, 1 •1•%•Vg" Chu limstinipoll non 1 . 01 tuareietl read this Lot ,'ten' want: 11 1. 1/W. land rratl this IA •li. At Is full 1 . 1.A1,1, nn,t 111,,10 , 1: F 1 0 , 41,1 11110 1 ,1 11411110 ku,vvlolgo at lii,t'unay MVO /1 Wlll.lll tread,: in nit, . :"..114 frn ropy_(ancoslng 25.cer!ts) to ' Dn. W.l. YOUN6, - No. 416 SPRUCE STREET, .4rl,X)El,l'll.lA r , Apr. 27,15'59 —ly ......, _ . * IXT 1TC,111: - ..J1WELIIY; ' ANI) ~ , qi INER- VAIIItAT CONLYN'S oil 04611,1 1 Stsoti, lVest Alain St., neatly opposite the Coml.:lntid l'alley Ilsok. • • . . . . I have Jost received A II ev: assortment of watehes. ytrelty. metialionts. oilier mare; .Se.. In addition to thy muter steel: to which .1 invite the Otto nti..n of the' iodate. Atte assortment embraces floe r....--. • j gold end silver let er watches. Hunting 2;4 , 31 1;1open vas, do , gold Anchors for j:j , 111 0 !Adios :mil gentlemen and Silver Let A. .7:...,,S pines and Quart ier wa tc hen of every vteaVt+....z.,--j.;: rietv in style and price. Also tine gold Metialifons. Breast pins for Lodi. s' tytti (holden,. of every quality, Pattern tool price 1;01,1 fob, vest. emit anti creek chains. gold let :vie . linger .rings, eta-Pins, studs, sleertehuttons. croon -s elvolos, .to., 1,-. Mold and silver thimbles, solver an I plated. Lotter little,. forks, table: tea, salt anti mustard ttpnons of every vatietY. A large aysortittent td* kohl. sil've CO(11111011 Sirvet:lo4 . F. to Stilt C. - agvs to wldcL wo illtite special Alton. tioni A fino lot of (1(111) I'ENS from tip, brut makers, , perfoolo ra,s, limn ver i a tend Nara ct,es, gold mu t common brarelotr, tratrb - :11'alitlo tint 1 l ' arloty of nrticles 11,11• ally kept In Jewelry eilatlislaneols, will low flo' . ca,th. All artivloslwa, ranted to be what they or, rbraesented. tatention pia to 1,431 to 'WATCH ItEPAIItISU and all work woe ran tot. Dee. 23, /fi57.1/ t - OLD FRI ENDS, and the public II generally are in‘ited to call and examine my stork or lrehh • , UROCMcIES'," CM SA, =I QUCENSNVA II C., llokel3, PreFerveg. l'resli Can Fruit.;, Spices. WINO Nod Itopem 11111 , 1:eg, Salt, and a largo variety anther goods not nec.•so;y t.• oniaeralo. ,tole It , .40 tau -or Ith.:td,' (carnally .1‘11:1 I. ‘11111ana:S.) 111 re 1110 a 1,1:1 and exalaino Illy gnotl, and .111 , 14'..5. I 'lntend In st.ll as cheap as ally other stare 4.llaslilu 1.1.11,111e11.111.1. Batter, F.Tax, Reap, Bags, Beeswax, Dried Fruit, taken in exchange tar goods. Calllsle, Oct. n. •• • II 1 L A I) Fl L I" II A '0'1) 11P 1111 NC RAIL ROAD r-mv SUMMER AItIt.INIII.:3IiNT, • APHIL SS , 1859. Two paesenger trains leave llorrislotr,