El . . • . • s Climax . , June 28. 1.850, tkticti hi hereby kitten 'that an .altpMotion will be made to the Leith(Tatum of Pennsylvania/Alta next • meeting for the Incorporation of a Bank of with discount and deposit privileges, ~to be located in the borou.th of Carbide. Cumberland County, l'eon'a.', to be Called. The hook of Carnet. with a capital of one hut • deed thousand dollars. with ihti right to 'lncrease the dental° Oleo hundred tbourond dollara. - ~ . . • . OIGNED4 , . • • • • WILLIAM RM. ' ." JofiN B. PARKER, Tilos. PAtiol7; ' lonii.Niius.g, .. • BENJ. HITLER, J%., Erocm .1431110. ' RICHARD WOODs, ClinisTlAN LTATIIIII. ;IVILLIiiIi BENTS, JollE C. STERRETT, , ...___ A. li..Bllnne.c,. ..:IV.m. N.:ltuskmu., ..,.. .. JOUR C. UUNLAPi .. JOSEPH D. HALBERT, ROBERT links, JoliN OURLAP, • JAMIM HoFFER, ROBERT lINORT, . U. A. S•rurkarori, • Itonpar Wipw, Sown. Ont:Asorti, Gi.co • W. StiEnrut, ' ' .JACOB K. Namur, REZLI..NziaLLT. 4!"")-21A -Y. 59.=.40....,_--.•_._—,-. ---_-.—__.,---,......,-,.. OTICE.—~oLice is-=hereby gives --.Nthat application will be made to the next Legit, 'atom of itenne)-Itanta, to alter the charter'Ot the Car. - - -ilatelitimet-ifaltkt,l2fignitttibet-houutgll.44-43arlianr - Cumberland ceunty, so Sc confer - on - said bank the• rights nod privilege, of a bank of Issue, and to change ••• its mum In the caciiale. Hank ; also to -Ittcrettee • , t ,pirai of said bank /which la, at present - sevontty-two thotorand dollar, ' with miillego of increasing the scone , under Ito - preamit - elmrter, to one hundred theurnand,). to two hundred and fifty thousand dollaiw.. • • - • • - Wt M. BEETEM, Cashier =I - pRESERVING JARS, SUGARS, , .. • . •• - IllitsW:inn b air tight,'(Stone•is pateht,) tbr Preserving fruit-A,: in the yellow sizes, are offered to the public by the propriettirs.2a t ta Jar 'that will commend' Itself, requlrjug no eemezl is self sielltig, the rientestdmist . • simplaand easily:ma, aged Jar made. and feeling con fident pilau once used will he preferred to any other. - • ~ ... • I'lltlrill JAW', • . . together with a variety or other, good Preserving Jars, . are fir Sale at tho store of the subscriber. where may' ' ,i aloe bo found a larke and general assortment of ! • • • • ' P/I.Ksll_ii ILOiltill11:9,-- 7 of the various qualities, including a seaseriable and tine • • siilectl,in of the bestand finest gradertof , •• ' • Itill ITN; 'AND 'MOWN SIM ARS, • .. . suitable for preserving. We feel thapktul for the grin-. croon eupport heretofore extended to ultninh trust thug . -'-'we may merit the continued favors of our Mende - and ' customers. Our greatest ellials shall be made to please . In the quality of tun article sold, as .well asdn price. Carlisle. June 29,1559. J. V. BOY.. S9II.IETIIING- EXTRA. , • PECK'S, PATENT THRESIIINO-MACIIINE AND LIODSP, P , ilVl , ;ll, with all We latest improvements.— Wallah:ad to thraah,and clean go bushels per hour. trritittLEß - & --- nito. - • -- , . . - • . .• ' .-, Agent for Cumbaifill Bounty. CarlDle, June 20, 185 U. j 4 1 .1.0U1t AND FEED,—The subscri. 1: born have now on hand, and intend keeping varie ty-or Floun . and-Beed,to-which the' public. hi invited— . All articlesivarranted. B.IIIICKLER & 11110., June 29, „Pirlinle, Pa. . GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT TIIE LADIEIS' RESORT/ • BENT ./, ' S ;S T 0 B, E According to nor pro:lice in the last few wool. s of the we hive reduced the prices °reticle...moo and varied ROO( of Irate gOOll9 to ouch points.. will Insure rapids:flog.. Regardless of profit we are 'determined to 801 l then off. . - ROBES AND DOUBLE' SKIRTS, Organdy Lawns, tirenadeans..Challles. to. ' 'PreHard Silk of very low figitres, Silk Mantillas at reduced prima. Plain .81lk Mantillas very low in price, yrench Lace Mantillas. • Cimillly_Jatchntillas,iiilnutn—Roints.The • whole or my stork to n na , offering at reduced prices., preparatory to the close of thevraton. All lask Is the attention of the ladies. (live me rt nail, as 1 . fear/vale t:led we can suit any ono both as to style and pricer. . " A. W. BENTZ. • hine29,lBsh. . • 79D_ ANNIVERSARY' OF THE e) BELLES LETTBES SOCIETY. • . Tbo 73d annivoriirr of the Belles Lettres Soriaty of Dlekilsou Canada, n ill be held in Emory M. E. Ch unit, 'Carlisle on M9VDAY..IIi/X I I th. at fl o'clock, ; P. M. The public ore respectfully Inrited,to attend. ' - • . CqXXISTKE; I • T. J. .MCCANTS, 'lanai E. flri.o , . . Gco. CTRIA (10010, .18., . .1. E. A. IVArsotr, I'. S. Livragarotr, H. A. Callao, Chairman. •Jdtre 29, 1959. . - r i ATII. A TNIATEItSA-ItY OF' TWO, - f - NJ ' 'UNION PH I LOSOPMCA I. SOCI t711r.. e - Th. 70th nunlyer.tr.y of the Trolonl'ldlomophlr SO. cletv or °twit onon.Colleim, will be. held lo the wiry -31. ii. - Church, ouTUESDA-Y ; JULY - 17, nt 8 Delo , P.- ..,_ imam iIVIRS 8. MO!.,TROE, ,P.. PARK 1N11617,t F. B. `BEuttus A. G. Coom, Ta69._llL. GEo...R.GARNM, - - I. LESTER SUlPLEr;ChniiliMli. 14,` Juno tt, 1859 re• • AIRGAINS I B.I.RGAINS I ! r , dust received. and for sale at rodUced.pric a l`lar:olot, of superior all k Duster char thin and rferarit. Laco Tuatillas. Napoleon ilareges; Lawns hi {treat variety, Del/lilies, Chintzes Brilliants. Calicoes A full line of Embroideries from auction, at less than city prices:: Lace Illtts,•Sun Umbrellas . • I)luglas'& Sherwood'a unequalled Skirts, direct from the tsclory. Sullabla flit—childtgi; misses and Inlien . ;wear. Hosiery of every descripticAT, Please call at LEfDICII & SAWI:Eit'S New Store. ®1 July D. 18(9. 'GREAT MOWING° LA TIIREB DAYS CAMPAIGN, • 9tty WI hp and 111.11 of Juno, 1859. Wintenack's New Jersey Triumphant. AHoardof sl.oou woe o ff ered by thu spat In the Peleuock boo ll.vvomer for, any Coothlood Nlachlhe that could beat It In all IL, ',luta of excellebee, and that a Mo Admit Mal would take place at Chambersburst tOMMINININfIrI eupted by several parties, and at the time appointed for tlie tidal they were on hand and ready to contest the The competitors were It ussey's, Iluckeye.AVoed'ii . , Mow.) , fanny. and . .Vinitonack's, all ready to give bat. tie to the champion, (Pennock). They wore tested first In heavy doyen grass, which stowed them up In their Irua,light; then in light standing grass it was soon evident that the contest lay between the Manny and Whiteuank Mictattles; and that the Pennock was un; skilled In the arts of was. On Friday, at Noe,'lle, Cu stbarland Valley, the contest was renewed before a gathering of at leant six hundred persons. principally practical orators and c.ntinued o. Saturday near Car lisle. At these , trlals the colegmitirawere Mrl7.ltualck, ,'n teiney'ic:ltiten'ir.ffliiiiintu Iluehe)e. frojnrnfilldegy - e7 Manny's. and White:lade:l,(lo l'olineek). At Newville • committee of Alva were ..pinointed Ak judges of the medic 'of the respective machines,' The columittee were practical fartner4 not owning, nor interested, di rectly or indirectly, in ally machine. The clover was quite green dud mostly :landing. and might be called good grass. There was some tied mowing, but the great attraction of the day wee the , ippearanca of the Whitonack Machine, drawn by , one horse the entire length of the field. cutting a bwath full five feet. (by measure). as smooth and le, el as a go .r. The horse walked through with perfect ease. not PO much as open. ing his hostilln. 'The same was retwated, 'horse carrying the driver on the saddle, and an attendant aft - theOriverls seat: two men whose pint weight was not less than three hundred and fifty pounds. This per foranance gave the final blow; nil were Satisfied. The saute machine was exhibited on Saturday. ht with one horse, cutting sixeswaths, measuring thirty feet in width. The work was admitted to be as good as the best done n the geld. The following dispatch shows* the result-of the trial at Newrille.. - - VICTORY. • Jose lath. WM. • Bass 81ni—According to request I reply and an noure the fact that we hare met the enemy and. they two ours. The .I.iink• of Reapers has tort his crown and become the aulOect. of the Yankee blade:- The decision of thb -Judges Is RN fellows:—The Noir Jersey and Manny Machines' are initially moritoriouk In doing the work. The_Xew Jersey without a parralei for eaao of draught. So say they all. ItespectfullY S. & Tire NOW - J0t . ..) , Machine Is tor sale by . • BORK II kRR ETSON & CO.. Mechanicsburg. . •.1 JOIL , I PLANK. Carlisle. SNYDER & KNETTLE, " } Neerville: . r —JOH ~, N LAUGIILIN, . ' • .. 5311211 &0./.."Shippelleiburg, '' • ... C. STAUFFER, Chnutbersburs. • 13ARGAINS! BARGAINS!! SAVE • YOUR MONEY! By calling at the SLOAI next 10 Kline's lintel, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, where you con buy goods at saving of twenty five per cent.. as the subscri or .t dui termlned to Sell.hls large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN.DitY—GOODS , without reserve tit cost or city plies. • Bleached and unbleached hurtles at city pricoa. • Pillow cans Muslin and Shootings at cite prices Apron and Furniture Cliecks at city prises. , • Tient a and Pettit Stripa at city prices. • Cotton, Linen and WuOhnl Cable Cloths, at •city,, Prices. ' • • . Domestic, Lancaster and Manchester Gingham, at • city prices.. • • , The boot Calicoes at Wets and the rest at. city prices. • Lawns, colored and black. at city price . • . Lovella Cloth and Duhatnes at city prices. Borezeit and Ponces nisturo at city prices. - Mouslln du Latnes, plain aud . ligured. at city prices. Challis and Darege 'Alps at city prices. Silk Poplins and Alpacas at city prices. Pirtisols and Umbrellas at cit 'prices. • Stella,-printed and plain Shawls at city itrices. Fine embmiderel Collars at City pekes, • Linen Cambria Itandkurch elk at city prices. • • Skeleton and.other Skirls at city, prices. • Swiss Muslin, Cam' •ric and,famett at city prices. Black anti colored Sinks at dity prices.. • .• Black, illue. Great, and Drown Cloth at city prices. morin,l'eaSsitnartigittnity:prlceit:T— -' Kentucky Jeons and Cassinettant city prices Plain and striped cotton Pants Stag at cif/prices and.twilled4Anen at city prices. . ••• White and colored Flannels at city prices lloserles anti Gloves at tier prises. •• Trunks and Carpot Dugs at citrprices.. Country merchants will -it welt Ity calling, as they will tire esoetutes. snd . Any onn'irho wishes to commence bOninesa here, will PURR Memel( by buying the entire stock, ono of Om bust stands in•town. .• • • 'So every ottoyau make money by calling at •-•"' S. L Lit VI'S. Carlisle, June 71,1859. • • • • SALE.. - Ono of Noff - 's new 'pat. ,••• ant Magfinto.-Eledtrlc IllatitinOs, for family use, adapted to proveht Ord care - oormaisaess. rheumatism, dyspepsia. ' • dereaty-live poet of GUM Ilene with nozzle, in ports :or whole. 12310 of Co Ca-patent itevoireta,leitimm nearly new. with all thu tatitioi -These articles ere all li. good order. but . 10 (le tileit, and will he Fold low. :Apply to'lleraid . • JO*, 29, .109—/1 THE SECRET INFIPII I pta OF O.IITH PUBLINAD, 131W1q.,'05T11 . - 1 , A•Tew ' words on the rationalclrpatmfmt, without a mi Vieletr, of Spermatorrhen. o,lovil 'weakness, Noctut• , ttslons, Genital and Nervous debility,Premature I deco of the syntem, Impotency, and Imp odimonto to Marriage generally. • ny P: DE tyncr; lie D . . . . . he importanto Met that the ninny altinni corn plelluts, ortglnatlng In the imprudence add roll ode of -youth,mny- bo•essily removed without meditin , in In* this small tract clearly dciponslmted; and , die entirely( new and highly successful treatlnimt, on adopted by the author, fully explained, by-mean!' of which everyone in °nailed to cure himself perfectly and at the very, leant possible rentAhereby avoiding all the advertised non-. trumn'of the day.. , . Sent to nny,,n4drentr gratlr, and post free in a sealed enrelope hx,reudttifig (post paldytwo frontage stamps to Dn. B. DINDANIIY, 88 East 3let St., New York City. Jun 9 15,13.t9=1.m....,...--_,-..—...,...,------ .., • QCHOOL TAX OF 1859.—,The tax -k--y-okrcitizchd-ortlie'lloio'lliti of Carlisle, ire hereby notified' that the Treasurer of the School District or saldboviiugh will attend afthe County Court' Doom Seem tulpatuaLraLnilicey TII Ults DA Y, THE. 28th me JULY rierx, between the hours of 0 and 12 In the- forenoon; and. 2 6 o'clott In the afternoon of said day, - for the - pur- pose of collecting and. receiving tbo BCIIOOI, TAXES assessed for the present year. , On nil taxes paid on or bete, that date, a deduction will 1w mode of - ...Pr . ' FIVE ?ER C 11 , ;NT. Are-Pers o na wishing to pay . their texas in the tr.rant time, may, do so. by calling on the Treasurer at bin Store Doom, In Marion Ilall " building.• J. W. EBY, Treasurer.. Carlisle, June 8,1050., • • A- GrUCTILTURAL SOCIETY OF CUMIIKiILAND COUNTY FALL MEETIis7G,' 1856, The Fall meeting and exhibition trf the Cumberland County Agricialtural Boeluty,•wIll be held oh their own :Fair Gr6und, I'M WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and Fill- DAY, th'e 12th, 13th and 14th am:Tom:Bow: Tho ground of the society will be greatly lmpegved, so that -411-articles-for-exhibition-will-brouoder-rever,and - the i diaplay is expected to be ttueß larger than ever before. 'By order of the Society, , . 1• • , DAN'L. S.' CROFT, Bee'y. • Jun 6 8;1859. • • • • I.Y 0 F G SLATE.-The 'undei.- I.lb,migned hoe beeirrippolnted agent' for the sale of It,tuNifiti SLATE' and has now and will constantly Roil) on •hand a full supply to meet the demands of. builders and others Those In want of n supeilor arti cle would do well to call at the Lumber and Cord Yard, near the Gas House. Juno 8, 1859. , JACOB SllllO3l. _FALMERS,LOOK TOSUPPORTYOVITIN TERMS, AND Home Induatryb p y kiireliasin • TILE BEST SIBINED ;tREAPERI&-tMOWER • IN TIIIC. MARKET. lIITSEY'RPATM:NT 34it911.'S IH • • This Reaper will cut all kindk of 'tangled or lodged Grain or Grass. wet or dry. haring decided advantages over any other Jimmy and Mower presented to the forming conukhnity: . - Ist. It box an arrangement by scenes of Segment Boxes, aPthe Mentor-Wheel Shaft, by which the plat form eau be raised or lowered ten Inches, and remain lore!, thereby - oliviating the necessity of 'shoving' the Grain up bill when cutting low or rinse to the ground ;- 1 it also Obviates the necessity of having - the Platform in• clined back when cutting high. preventing tall Grate, such as-itye, from passing MT behind.before enough has heon cut to make n Sheaf of sufficient site. By this ar rangement the aunts. ran be made to approach the -Grain,-inoltned-dpwards - to - prevent Gunn - from running into the grqund, where the ground is uneven, ,or they may be turned downward so as to gather the Grain_or Orson-otT -the -ground;- where - Win very flat. This arrangement In very • immwtant, as it allows the Operator to approach the Ordin or (Gess with the Goer& in such d position ea to enable him to cut It whether standing or lying down. and do - the work-well. -- 2nd. It has a Center-Wheel in front of the Machine, which removes the weight entirely note the hot,* nook. being outside of the' ongue, leaves but very little side draught. 3d The Moeter•Wheel travels close to the standing Grass In_mowing, and, by menus of the Track Clearer, does not run over the mown Grass, leaving it lying up loose to dry readily. •Ith.' Fre Reaping, it has it Circular Platform from, whirls the (train can bo titiown oil at. the side by one man. which is-of gnat edventege in cutting Gaits or • othergrain that may be too green tnbind when rut. sth. This Machine Is touch stronger and much - lighter than any other one' °domino the public. Tho reason of its strength is, that. the essential parts ate made of wrought Iron. / , _ • lte W(IA)It WS ft MOwer le Six_llluousn A NIL _Tr, Mart rouNes. The )Isehine nan whole emobilles just what is desirable: light weight, easydreught, strength, dorabli fly, and 9,Eieriorwork, both as a Mower ,nnd, Renner. , Below We give a few of the many names, for referenre, of men that have used our make of Reaper, but without our Improvement for 1859. ..._,._ .' The following are names of men, li'ving in Lancaster counCy who liev,b - bought _ amid used - Reapers of our make: _ . John Frey. . • Elks Eby, ' George Jeyser, ' Jacob Eagle, Jacob Grabill, ' Benj. Musser, G. Wolkenninth, John Grabill,. Daniel Miller, Ahem. - Hershey, Thoines Stacks. Putin Himley, 'John Rohrer, Christian-Missloy..losepli Souders,. David Roland, J Lononocker, P. Risser. (Lebanon Joseph Nielsley, Jacob Snyder, County),_. John Shank, Sem. Urnloiter, Joseph Nlssloy, Jacob stootTer dI. IV-Niggle', Idartin - Musserr, Ab'ut,.Strickler. S. Itleksecter, W. Robinson, (Lob- James N„Sheets, David (less, . anon County),. Abraham 'Engle, M. 11. Musser, Daniel Balmer, Michael Muvser, David Engle, • John ileitj. 11. Musser, J. Deatnenderfor: C. W. Manley, Ben titter. CERTIFICATES. HAVO-TWP., LANCARM:keO., PA.. April, 109. Masse..llainit Duos.: Thu Iteapingand Mowing Ma chine I purchased from you Inst harvest I tun perfectly satisfl.l with, and can cheerfully recommend it to-the use of sly neighboring Farmers, as being the most prac tical machine that has over come under my native. I thlult_i am wey acquainted with nearly all the Itealdng and Mowing machines now in use. Thu ease with which one can adjust tlnv Platform to cut any desirable height, while the machine is In operation, cannot fall to meet the approbation of the fanning public. I am much Rimmed with the manner in which it nerfbrans its work. It acts with great dispatch., and is Invaluable for cutting lodged (drain nod limns I feel satisfied that I can cut from Id to 12 acres of Orme or tirafn per day with your machine. where the Ural!, or amiss may bo so badly lodged as to vendee - difficult to cut by any other pe.coss. I have great confidence in its durability and usefulness asbeing a - iSbor saving machine, and take pleasure hi recommending it to the consideration of any neighboring farmers; several of whom came to see its operation in my field, and all concur with me in the above recommendation. . Mosses. Msase Duos f Having used °neer your Reap• log and 3low,Jug machines •not harvest In taking off harvest, Itialf..rds mu plerearie in-. rticoniumudlng its general two to the farming community. I can cut.. - 10 or 12 acres per day with .00, tend neither Injure man nor beast, It do•.e Its work admirably, while Its situ. plicity cannot he excelled in adjusting the 'Platform to any desirable height. lam satisfied that it must bn durable,-as I have taken elf 0110 large harvest, Nab In grain and grass, and also my cloverseed, and, as yet. the machine Ix but soy little worn. I link:fore take great pleasure In recommending Its general use as heing the most practicable, simple, and most durable saving tow chine, for which it Is illtolld,i, now in use. Yours truly, GEORUE" KEISER. Itavuo-vivr., LAIICANTER CO., Pe. ' April, -„.Messits. Mutest Mos.: The grain and grass Cutter Mat I. purchased from you, the Mat harvest, line fully realized lily expectations. 1 cut nil my grain and grass with said machine when badly down, especially the grain, and made more good work tile saute time. than could be done with the same amount of labor In any other way. I can do more work-with the same money, with more ease, and do better work titan can be done, possibly by hand. I have every confidence that the 1.114e111110 will do everything you recommend It to do; turd theretbre take gretit pleasure Inn °commending It to my 'neighboring farmers and others, as being a good, durable and gructicableltistr saving marine. RANIO-TWP., LANOAATER Co, PA.. April. 1859. • IMmkts. Mthsit Lino,: :etre, 1 do herohy certify that havintripnrchasod and used, through tho. last .hartext, tumor the Reapers, with Morales Improvement, from you,. bave.found it to perform all that it wax roe ommouded to do, le - fallen". well us standing grain; I tot so well. pleased with It that; OH long as I follow farming, I would nut. he without ono; and would roc onunend• it to mr.nolghhers Ito the host blooper and Mower now in Lanriater county. • Yours truly, „, JOHN ROHRER. Jund 22. 11159-3 t Neon MT. Tot, LANO.TTO CO., PA.. April, 1859. I do heruhy testify that I purchased out, of yourlteap• log and Mowing machines laid harvent. I have found It E, perform vial that it was recommended to do In fallen an well on strindliln grain...lo%m no well ploood with , It. Out I will eliourfully, recounnend It to my neigh• bore its the hell Reaper and Mdwer thnt has been Intro. diced In Lancantur county. .11MIN NISdLIIY. Manufactured by J. B. MAlRlill .s CO„ Lewletiurd, Union county, and MARSH BROS., Mt. Joy, Limeaster county, Pa. LW The !above-machines ran ho had or the following agents: W3l. NIORRISON, Cornell, ; ADDISON, .ITUT. ENHOTII A BRO., Shlppenshorg; It...UNMAN A: SON Mechanlrshurg ; or at their shop at Mount Joy.' JunoiS,lStO-4w. PEN NSYLVA ,\ IA HOTEL CORNER OF HANOVER. AN.D.LOUTIIER STREETS, ONE SQUARE NORTIt OF TUN COURT HOUSE, The aubscribo'r takes this Method or informing hie tad cuittomers and the travelling 'community at , large that he has given Ulla !Mum a th ,, rouilliCepalr, and ban re. fitted It up equal ttt any In town. life table in airtny supplied With he boot the market will afford •ffis bar in furnished with choice liquor. The stabling is 'arm with a goOd yard attacked, and under the rare elan attentlve ootler. • Boarders and, travelers accommodated on the most reasonable terms. Thitnkful Tor the patronage hereto fore extend d be hopro by stria attention to business tembrit a.ountiuuctucentthegaine.._,S___ „„ . • it. it Uff unua if. iroptlettri. • CaritateAune 22 t 10611—Stn • . . 4ate.11,14 • I'ICk.S, . 111 ILL , WICKS. ---- tit nanortiiinnt of John Harris' celebrated new Pm MILL PICKS, Just received at th • Agricultural litunledinnt store o of Al. 11, BThIOKILER I 1115(1. 1 111 e Pinhi are superior to any now made, and are warranted; if Huns, /2, 1859. . _ RISIi LINENS.-:-Just received 'rote, .4.Vow York a large nuortirterit of I rlehl.tnene, of re. Oerlor quality. from 26 to 7t,!! cents. per. yard, at' the Cheap Store of , J. A. Jr , , M i n l e X tll l l: r l t e i r ll t S li S e re A n t j e l t 'a yl r i e n'nl 2l ::r r y t;t e i tt l Ta i n t' cen be sum et the Qteelp stern or • . r • • J. A. umitipti, Jr. • Af AOK EItEJ. No E-2,4r. 8. just 7M ail Nal ftyr faie'ltm ^ itAwavrs. CM = ==3E=t==ti =II =ECM Yours truly, = M=MINIE iiii .\ -- CH11 . 4.P ., A The euherlbers 180;0 df diftorOld Chinitnut and Bolt lowest Nur., Ali LUMBER, BOARDI • rv` Pn • • ling, Plastbring • lug and Weathorboai • ticlo that belongs to • Also, a prime lot? to hiA inches in • we can furnish saw, slinrtonntica and on 'Wu havirrontont tihich we will "dolit• --LYititNBIYAL•I•IIYi •.• LUKE FIDDLER, TiIt:PORTON, EOM quality ofif .Linzeburnee4 --ttlinyrifir Ming In town. • Yard East llnd of Un „, May 11, 1964. SPRING - ARRIVAL FRESH . DREGS. FANCY GOODS, FRUIT, kND . 611FEtVION'ARY. S. It:MILYKRATICK has Just received from theelty and ie uerir4ening'n splendid display rif FANCY GOOD., to whieb.he desires to 'tall the *attention'of his friends and the public. Ills assortment In this line cannot be surpassed In novelty and elegance. and both In quality and price of the articles. iannot fail to please purchasers. Itcwould lie Impossible to enumerate his • • , FANCY GOODS, , • which crimprineevery virility of fancy article of the most exquisite finish' ouch as. • 'Papier Macho Goode.; Elegant alabaster and porcolnln Ink-stande and traps. ' Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell -card cases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets. 'Fancy Work Boxed, with Sewing instruments, .„ Pert 3lonnales, of every l'arietty, Gold pans and ponelts,sEtincy fiaper weights, • • Papisteries, and aJtwke vs riuty of ladies' Fancy station ery. Niritt'o seals antrwafera, Silk and bead purses, ' Ladies' riding ‘whipsrelegantly finished, - faun& fine cutlen , ' • Perfume baskets and bags, • ilrushes of eyery kind for the toilet, ' Roussel's Perfumes - of the varieue kinds, • " Musical instruments, of nil kinds and rit all mires, together with nn innumerable variety - of articlenelegant it finished end suitable for holiday presents, to which lie invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of • 111.1UKfi, rrt comprising the various English and Americai' Works, richly embelished POETICAL WORKS, ,te.. Ills assortment at &lido' Rooks and School Stationary In also complete, and comprises everything used in,flol• - "lake l en, id" the Sehoriln. - 'lle also desires , to call the pat... - Wider attrint lon of Families to his elegant assortment • • LAMPS, Arc., from the extensive establlithinefits of Cornolrus, Archer and othrire of Philadelphia, comprising every style of - Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard. Sperm err Etherlal 'nil i• also !WOW'S celebrated 'Kerosene or Coal Oil Lamps, togother with Flrivrer Veee Fanny Screens, Ac. Ills essortMent In thin line, is tin. equated in the borough. Also, "FRUITS, such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, 'Raisins. ,Nstet trines, Prunes, Pine Apples,fire. FANCY CON FEE', TIONARY-- , N UT'S—PRP:SERV ED •FRUITS, MIN • ED st HAT, PICICLES, every verieti 'arid etallprl• eon. all of which are pure and. fresh such as ran be con fidently-recommended to his friends. Ills stocketubractis -everything In the 11110 of fancy . Goods, with ninny ~thee articles use' ul to housekeepers which the public aro es pecially Invited to call And examine. Ramember the Old Stand, nearly opposite tho Bank on _Northdlanover street. - - o • S. Wi.IIAVERSTICK. . Slay • • .I‘ir ASURY AND" JTOII, Fulton St”.4tncl 50 Appt . St., N E,W YORK, . • Manufacturers of IV4 . IITE.LEAD, c, PA I NTti AND COLlitff, OILS, TARN , - Importers of English, Prench and German • Artists' Ma. terlais, 11111 colors In oil and water, Witmor k Cute, and rake colors,' Drunken Mathetnatli.al anti Draughtsmen's Instruments. Drawing and Tracink pore, Stereoscopes. ffiereoseople \'mwe. ' kr. . The rlin lar atttzti.Tcfl'dttrsienlersa n. ors.s t iostlo‘,.o,Luet z o,inf / ratim.up Lead anti Zinc Paints in nietalic l'ans, of which Masury 'At Whit m are the soloproprletors„ - Tlitso Cans aro intended by the. Inventor to obviate 'the difficulty heretofore existing In putting up of 1.0.;ad and Zinc in lastall kegs. All co hunters of paint are aw trti that tire lonw on la.att and-Zinc put up . IA small yroodon packages. Is from five to ten - per cent., anti in many cases much more, owing to the" absortdion of the oil, and the consequent hardening ut the paint against the wood—to say nothing of the additional 'Alen. re quired to mix paint ready ffir time. after. it hurtle.= hard In the keg., Thu lasso( the keg,-too. is a conslde , ' ration•whlch should- not beAtott--abffit,of,-- - ,The patent Cte not only obviates Wet.) difficulties but In addition thereto furnishes the consumer - with a Aron. , and con• content paint pot. nut of which to use the paint. which is alone worth m-ore than.the difference of coat between the cane and liege. • . Thu Owns are packed In silw dust. in strong ixia#Ar boxes. which contain You let. each that is Fl Y 5 lb. One, or 4 60 lb. Cans. and they may be Willy shipped 1 mil road or °Mamie° to ally pet of the United ffittlego' Circulars. containing. cuts with foil &seriatim), font by mull' on application.' iI June 1, 1869....4440,.. LOCI - DIAN'S NEW PtIOTOGIMI'II ANII , AMBROTYPIL C. L LOCII A front Phllaildplila. takes pleasurr to Invite the ladles and gentlemen, of Carlisle and richtl ty, to his rooms, over Mr. 'C. InholT's itrocely Store hi►ev,he Is prepared to make Authrotypes; Photo graphs, plain. In water colors and {mallet Life ids. Photographs In oil: I vorytypes, in a superior man nor. Ambrotypes or Daguerreotypes of deecaved pe sons enlarged to any situ. up to life sloe In oil, equal t. tifiTsii maple from life. . ' Piepfl call whether you desire pictures or not. Cafifsle, June S. 18511-40 ' ?In. N .NTS B I I URAND I would inform the citizens of Cumberland and cur roundlng,countles, that I can and will sell.. • PRINCE & Co'S. 131 PROVED 3IELODCONA, on terms as reasonable, as any person dare sell the . un imprbied Instruments of nther establishments. - The Pri uco Meltalegns have the renown of being the best in the world. A - The instruments can be seen at 11. F. Eberly's, Mn. chanicsburg, W D. A. NNtgle's Carlisle. and at the roSidelico of thin Stibxeribut. near New Kingittan, Pa. See Prince's advertisenetat to another COI coup. For circulars or other Information, address • .1. A. II CAGY, Near New Kingston, Cumb. co., Pa. May 18, 1850-Bm. B U-Y WAMSUTTA-PRI.NTS. -.. Ti r } , nro tho best Oalgt?;o e t y ofrorocL to thopublir e WHOLESALE AGENTS, , • ° DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG, db . CO., NEW YOUK April 20,1850-4 m 4UST PUIILIS•IISUq New Method for the Piano torte 1I CIIARLEOBE : Opusti 1100. Price Bound In Cloth, A good instruction book for the Plano has long been wanting, nod Mr. Charles limbo has perliirmed the la bor, lit getting this quo up in tl 111001 nallitrabla nod satisfactory manner. It will prove itself to be one of the moot valuable guides In tha - Instruction of the art of julnying thu Piano. Considorlug the authors well known clipacity, and 100 and' unremitting dtivotliiit to the teak of ninnies tary teaching, wu have stromi reason to hope that the public arc uow"to bu furnished with a thorough. syste matic, progressive, and entertaining method for the Piano. " We can confidently recommend ft to teachers and pupils as better adapted to OP. purposes of eletucutary nstruction than any others with wolch .tve are ac• quitintcd. Thu plan pursued In this work is substantially the same as that developed lit ifilentiorirs , mothoil or teach: hag languages. It commences with the slinpicid eirs meats. The progress made will be gradual, so that ev mry stop will ho perfectly nod ho rendered of positive value to the pupil, Every difficult) is met with singly. and after thorough-analysis, overcome by ' , practice. This method will, undoubtedly, proVideteachere with a well digested. progressive, and entertaining plan by which a sound and care.* knowledge of the art of may fittaNuired with comparatively little labor, undjn go short Irspace of thus as will al_ mosi sown Incinalble to those wild have confined them selves to sumo of the tedious systems hen etotire In use. this work contains ton engraved firututt, Illustrating thedliforent positions or the hands and fingers, and al -en a likeness of the author lie typographical accuraCy and appearance have never been equalled In any musical work that has heretofore been leaned from the probe lu thin orally other country. Copies will be sent by well, free of maltase. on there. ceint of the marked price. ICE & Publlithers, 722 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. June 22, 1850-2 t. `rIEAL ESTATE FOR S A4E. - That deslnable rosldende on U. h Street,.recently occupied by (ion. W. Mme, deed . and now by Imldlch , at, Sawyer, le olTered Tor mild at a rearranable price. The property ennoble of a -- , 111 LE- WO it Y_,Bll I C K_llo USE, - • 1.4.44: 1 „..„-- —and-a-trio artery - back•bulldlng. The front dwelliug le ahead entirely now abed up oath modern improvements, heated by la furnace, and having water and gee In front and back. • Ana business location It la unsurpassed: having boon fitted ymapall occupied am a mere for the last four y ears , and' eapially well adapted for a private residence. bao log so almigned:as to be coolly changed. There is a floe garden and stable attached. Possession will be given o the first of Aprll.nex Land the terms made easy to 'suit purchasers. Per portico. lore apply to . • 11 A.' 15T1.111011014. ' ELIZA HUNS% Wilde. Juba 22, 1469-3 t N. building jot, adjoining, with a front of . 28 feet, running hack 240 feet, to en 4114, and having thereon erected a tereentory brick, bone°, to atliio offered fur sale. e . . TOWNIOTS —Three valuable Town bts..lo - srdnear for canb: • For (urther Informs• tlon apply et • JOlll , l 11; LYNN & Hlfarbli 1889z4o: • • NO* Urgooer at. Cloths and Cal , llmeres a new eifyili and very cheap particularly for hoy'e wear. • ' CARPETING/I. • • A large amok of elegant hemp. and rag Carpoting,..bought from the lenges' car pet house in New York. The etylea aro new. and hand. rune.quality viry Impeder, anlh.pricei•uncommonly low. White and colon d mattingi ill widths and prices LOOKING GLASSER. Rosewood, Mahogany and Walnut framed' Looking Glasseti in great variety mod low Ogres. .llavtng selecteirmy gondol with great care from the besi boners In Now York and Philadelphia,', I am pre. pared to offer great bargains M all Irt want of handsome good and chimp dry goods. • Thanking my old friends and suntomera for their'llb eral support, I would respoctMllY solicit them - end all others to give men call-before punbasing elnewheri,— Our mottoisequick mien and abort profits... • , 4 Apr:l3, 1 85 9 . ' MIAS, . NON Is TIIE.TIME .FO 'BAR GAINS! LARGE AND EX'!FENOIVE AliltlyAlf OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS: At the New Store, corner of N. liatove: & Lonther sta The undersigned returns Umtata for the pact...nage bestowed upon him by,thioubllcian,l at the .4111/6 time, 'respectfully announces thnt ho has Just returned from Philadelphia, and Is now opening,* new lot of spring & summer DRY GOODS. and GIMP:MKS, consisting in part as follows. and which he Is determined to sell at the lowest cash prices. Silks, Ducal Cloth., (Mettles, Alpacas. Delainea,De lieges. Lusters, 'Poplins, Lawns, Ranges, Brilliants, Skirting, French and gretch Bing. Prints i ,ol6Yes, lioslery, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Ac. • • t - SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, AJEattIVIA' I . ..n1 . 4 • I of every Calletrand rputlity. -- Simple and Domestic Thy (Mods., Cloths, Cassliner°. Vesting, Flannels, Nlus• line, Ticklugs..Stripes, Checks. Calicoes, Csttfmteles, Linens. Meetings, Denims. Nenksens. Drills , Marseilles Quilts, colored and white mullet Chain. - , Parasols and Unthrellse. Also, a large and splendid assortment of BONN STS, lIATS, CAPS, HOOTS and SHOES. A suptwler lot or fresh 11110081111111 S, Teas. Collao, Sugar. Molasses. like. Spires, Sc. finning selected my entire stuck with the greatest care. ned the lowest cash prices, I-can assure my friends and the puldlc generally. 111,4 I will do align my power to-make toy establishment: l known as the amid 'Quarters for Illtrgains." Those •win, wish to purchase will find it to their ads:Ml.lnm to will and esaminB my itockhefore p9rehrtalrig sowhere • .Str - 4 , - I will pay the highest market price for flutter, Egoi. Soap mail Dried Prulf.' A pr.,27, 18511. . .1. A. Jr. " ll° IC E MOWER AND:REAPER- The suloo , riher Jo also agent for .the sale of tn,, Byrn uSe Fir t Premium Buckeye Mower, with which u sue •useful Moping attachnuo4 is now furnished - BEtIMIM=2=I . 'We take pleasure In calling the attention of larritori i r i i t r ipitarkeyo )tower and neaper.„,which‘ltan in' its tpluint practical working during the1141..0. no fully sustained the IleOglon of the much aTiused Sy. mune Committee. Ita euccess . bin been coinplete.— Over one thousand have built and 'sold and lie pritielpal of the double hinge,. Jointed anti folding. , bar. which iielongn'to thin machine excinsively, stoma nently established en the title one for t'tt permed. Nio,v ern, we elth confidence refertaany or all of the our eloutern alba Buckeye for 'the prooSof the alms, fnut - many of whom have been received the intuit flattering thuonials. The demand the pant se istitCwrixfar you uLgiur ability-to supply; and we , rust that orders, will be fitrwiirded . early the coining season, W.f. none tatty lie 111.14•Inted. To the on rtionirliitt a combined machine we tecetinnend with 'confidence .nur heaping attachment : we furnish a rear oi - sitlit - deliferY• • - -51a.,,ufakured•byl•idge T. Cope it don, Westchester,' Brandt. Agent far the vale-of-the.name. or --.. - &Alwyn' (of, illay 11, !:A-2m Agriculturaltitore. Carihdo, M . A N_ r A • iIANNrsi_COMIIINS.D - REAPER AND MOWER, • . WITII WOODS' INIPRCIVENIENT, I. °item' to the Farmers et Cumberland county fr the coming harvest, on the wend arrommodatlnkterms. The complete sucrose achlevell by this machine at this great Nntional field trial, at Ayracuoo. in 11157. over some twenty competitors Mal its unbounded success In this and adjoining counties for the last three harvests. In spite of flans and enerretio oeitlon, should not 'Wives doubt in the mind of antif.riner, whirl, mnrhino to buy. flatly person should hc.stiver still helms doubt we wood ask him to take a Manny Machine and try it 'elan{( with any of the other machines nifored to the puolir OS combined machines, and fter n fair trial re, turn the worst amid keep and pay for till, non he colloid eyed best." J. A it? 18 1 .1 1, iNtl, *Rt. at Carlisle. W.. 1. CA3III , ,RON, blechassicsieg. June 1,1859-6 t • RES GROCERIES! AT S. C. IIUYETT'S . sh • p ad and 3lnckerol different grades, IIUYETT'S. Salmon, Seale Flab and White Floh, Codfish, Salt and Pickled Honing, , At HUY ETT'S. Cheetje end Crackers can be bad Dried k'rwt.. Prese,rvas and Jelllea. At hurErrs SUM Cured Beef and hums, • A flesh supply of LIQUORS, - • At lIUVETT'S 01le, White Load, 1) RATT S P_A TL N. T 1111! AND OItAIN 'This Rake has taken the Mot i'noniumn at Nino lit forent exhibitions. The nubile are already aware that this Rake Is unrivalled in any market, and is atitultted, by entry person that ham seen it wnrk. (and who hes seen other different work.) to ho the vet y Mod eke now In use. It Iminr an Independent cast steel tooth with a cleaner attached. Th., large number sold the last year. and the efforts of different parties to claim the right to soil, and others representing ttirire t • be the wmun patent iv Of Itself a most convincing proof of Its sureriority. liver five hundred hire I rep sold In Lanca%ter.wmtity alone. tVt, have now p.Rtil supply on hand to accommodate other caunties. guarat,Vce to every purchaser an Indisputable right to sell the said. rake The following area few persons dl whom tee nee for in this county and York. ash/trim: purchased and used the saute: CUMIIERLAND COUNTY—J. S. Ifoqver, David .lork. Gut shall k M'. Ilrandt..ll. Bryson. W. M. Watts. O. Briotilt, .1. lleltzlloovor, P. .. go. P. 11....e116111. Zook Shoofror. C. llortalor.• I. lionj. Puffer, ilonuas 14'1'noto v . Brother • • Yank honor, S. lokt. LOW'S Presnoll, I. Prosser, Abr Smith. W. Fiore. Benj.:l9+l;ler' Henry St rohnt,.l. A. Wilson• 11. C. llouser,.l. zilont, I'. Mongol M. Trnstot, .1. Brandt. •• I'. • For sato by 0 W. BILANDT, and STRICKI,EIt Varlitile, Penn's $2 50 nett 3 00 nett May 11, '59:-2nl • • RAINCRADLES:—Gregio's N . Jr. Plaulea. Minor's. Smith's and ilaralwisol'a rook., on hand arid for sale. ht the maker's pricus. with a large asmirtment of Srythei, Fork•, Hakes,- &.. at thu Hard ware acre of J. I'. hYNE h. SON, May 18, 1859. ' ' North Hanover st. I" . "RAND FLORAL FAIR BY 4116 k-A EMPIREIIOOKIr, LADDER CO;, Tim Empire honk A Ladder Comnany, returning their sincere thanks to the ritistos for the favors con furred on them, intend holdug a FLORAL NAIR at ' Xll7 0 TION HALL, commencing July :Id, and Closing Jul, Oth, in which the kind cooperation of the ladies in respectfully soh°. ited—our ohjeet being to secure funds for the purp , co of erecting a TRUCK lIGUSE. A few moments devoted to the making of such arti cles no your Ingenuity may suggest, will be thankfully received nn behalf of the ESlPillii:lluOK A LADDER COMPANY by Vory.Rospectfully , Yours,' • S. KEEPERS, 0. F. LEIDIO. F. DINKLE, ' E. K. SPANGLER. • J. RODSItTfh S. 3IARTIN, J. A. DLAIR, T. M. MOORE,- - 0. S. AlUilitAlf, J. R. PAItIS, Chairman of Com. tygt. Articles for the Fair can be left . with either of the above Committee June. 10, 1800. WILL OPEN . on Saturdaya y„..y complete assortment of Bummer thesis, selected 'with greet cure to moat the rants of the season and trade, embra . rlnf all kinds of goods, Dry Goode In all thole vedette's. Lane andellk Slautlllem, Buli Embrellax, Paraeole.lace Slltts Hooped DUMP Men's and'lloys' • Wear. In feet everithing suited for the demands of the buylnK community: please call end see for yourselves, at • LEIDIOII A SAWYER'IIs.New !Store, May IR, 1859. . East Maln street. • (, - 10_139JJ.Np.—JR4Ipooived — triarge kJ assortment of ' ' Double Barrel tune, , • , Single .4 , • . , Single and Double 'Pistols, Revolvers, . , --••• 1 . , Game Bags, . • Powder Flasks, Shut pouebes,. . . s Powder. - . . shot, • - : Cape,• •.„ •'' ' 'Wade, & o.,at • trav 26, IND. ' • ' .11. BNXTON'B.' . - ‘ll - I.SS 11. ~.SEARS,' PHYSICIAN,. itt. will vidt Carllslo Pioresidonaily, on ' V4IDA y and dATUdDAY, Int aild 2d ; • Offirant Nlottlb's . ' [ Apr. 27, UAL g i icj 1 riatiiog dune here. - p~~ q ICE 62303321 Int= MEMO ME= ri Y 001) THINGS.—Just received by _Jr the subscriber. the following: FRESH S'OMATOES, in Cans. Peaches, . . • " Salmon, • " Lobsters, . • Pickled Lobsters, Seder's, Sellatlit, Sap Sago Cheese, Pins Apples. Virgin 011 of Aix, for the table, Tomato. •'Datsup, Walnut do., Mushroom du., Worcestershire Sauce, French Olives, do. stuffed with' Anchovies, Pickles, Raisins. Dates, Figs, Prunes, Oranges end Lent., one, Vine llama: Dried Beer.Grocerles Queensware,Flne • Liquors, Flab, all at the lowest cosh prices, at the'chesp store er. , • WAL•IIIINTZ. . May 18, 1859. - ;4 ,1,1 , . t1141t14t1 4 .S • QUERNIMAIiE Alb VA . MATT STORE', •rth-West Corner of the Public Square, oppo site the Carlisle Deposit Bank. • . . Efvlllll.llEnT hat, :mato raplenkhed Ma stork o le. ❑iaaaeortment iv now fun and vumplate: among eh may.be,onumerated every varlet! of fresh . . FAMILY aItQCEICIEs, which in qualltS • nnd pace CAN , T .I.IL O BEAT'.::. • .. large Mock of China, chase ainiNneabinvare, of new beautiful Maligns, and embracing every grade or Jig Scmg,AtitsTlCarilsiSlorJolsvi%celabmted-- _KERPSE.NEL,64,.COAL_OIL__,LANE'i,_ . of the greatest discoveries of the age combining mipikles,-safete_and-incremeed-ilgiA,,p!eil s _Cill_-aaci = _- mps constantly on hand, wads the public are re• stetfloritt-aud examine." . • . 105. D lIALIO 4 IIT, N. W. COruer of Public Squnro. Ttrnlc, Oct. 27 'bB. 113 ER subsgrilier's !having puicbased a large tract of pine timber and saw.mille, on the West branch of the Susque. Imiina river; have opened out a lumber yard at. 'MEG I II AN ICBBURG, • • . ou the ra corner7of - Allen and High streets, near thd at mill of &Idle, Eberly de Co., and also one AT GREASONVILLI3,. • where we will'be able to sell lumber at Finch. Me that will be to the interest of builders and .othera to call and see us before buying elsewhere. Our advantages vier other dealers are Um our lumber deco not pans through the bands of one two or more specu lators before we get it. and that will ensbld ua to sell lumber cheaper than sly others can sell at these places. We will nlne wholesale lumber from, our' Ilarrhiburg ' yard. and will deliver lumber at any, point along the Cumberland Valley, Railroad. If desired, builders can have lumber sawed suitable for any else orbillding, or ' forother Purposes, by furnishishing us with their or. • deco in FOll6llll. SHAFFNER, OREASON k CO. ,Apra, IS, . . 4 XCELS.IIOIt'PICTUAES A. ,•tainrWrit.V.T.",? l :l7l.% ) ll7.ll3".7ta i k'etr uj og".. In Zug 's now building, east corner of Market Sonsre, whet.. he Is at all Dines ready to take AMBOTYPE In the latest and most approved style: Pictufres taken •In rainy and cloudy weAther no well as clear., and sot. Mfaction given or no charges chaste. Portraits and Do. guerreotypes copied. Miniature Pictures taken for Lockets Ac., in Ambrotype. A mbrotypes wet Tit n tett to stand the toot of tl ra k bete or water. (Adler and aentlemen are cordially inelte'd to ra dud exatrilnespochnenff. l'Acon from 25rtn. to $lO. A..R. lIENWOOD. rt32M=i PA.INT AND,OILS.—.IO,OOO pounds of White Mad. tryb a largo assorttneAuf OILS, •'J WHITE ZINC, ... ^ VARNISHES, • COLORED ZINO; TURPENTINE, FIRE PROOF PAINT, FLORENCE WHITE, RED LEAD, JAPAN,.. GITIIARGE, WHITING RIM . PAINT BRUSIIES.&c. And - all r °lora dry and Also, all colors In tubes :Just revived at the idiesp . hardware store of Mar. 111, • _ HENRY SAXTON.' 91 Ø LAD' . B'S V.I. S I T : .IN G • NEW YOIIIC. • • • - TAYLOR'S LALOON, 1.• 305 lc 307,11notHWAY:CORNIIR Or FRANKLIN STREET,-.." , 4 1: the most ftsbionablo resort for Ladles InNeivl i frrk, being most desirably twat...ails the principal thorough% fare. and surrounded by the - best stores in the city ; ''fityrneriSitloornscillulinded all over the world for the madithicont:splendor.of its decorations. Ao well as for the quality of C 1,,, fare, and the style In which 'lt is served. which Cannot be excelled by oven the famous l'arislau Cook, The Saloon le connected with the • THIINATIONAL 110111., whiph il pn n Splendid Ladles' Parlor fronting on -Broad way .11, anrinninding nn extenrive view of that world ran urn - oromenade. The begt"ovilence of the lope• larley aylorn Saloon lo that it la daily thronged by vhdtora .non every part of the Union. Juanyll,7.9-4hn. (11TAIBEItt.ANl).:VALLEY It. It.- - SoLuER ARRAIVORVEAVT. rig. l4*- - ••■••.tw 444... - ' CiIANOO - 01 0 - Du and alter MONDAY. Arnit 11th 1959, Panaanier ,Trular will run al:follows: Sunda a oar:: .tod IkARItIB,I3URG , Ist Train. 214 Trai n Chambersburg. ' 5.10 A. M. 1.00 P. 11 -8111111,ennblirg. 5.40 " I '-• 111 -' 1.32 11 Newville, - 0.10 - ' " 2.04 " Carlisle. • , 043 " 2.45 -4' .Meehaniribunt. - 7,10 -" 3:15 Arrive at ilarrisbunt. 7.45 " 3.45 " YO t CIIAMIINIISBURO let Tnnin. Leave Ilarrlstirrig 8.00 A.M Mechanicsburg 8.43 Carlisle, , 0.20 " Newellle, 9.84 • " 3.08 ' Siiippensburg, 10.24' " 3.38 A rave tit Chain bernburg, 10.64 " 4.08 " Trains leave Harrisburg. fir Philadelphia. via Penn'a Ball n'ettl. • at. 2.30, 0.05, and 7.50.A.51.. and 110 and 3,50, 1 , , 11. Ily via Lebanon Valley Halt Bond at 8.00. A. M., and 2.3.7 r. 31. For Baltimore. 8220, A. 31 and 1.00, noon. For Tr.ver tn and Wlllianieport. at 1.00, P. M., and 8.30, P.. 31. Frain on Dauphin limn( at 2.00, P. M. NOTICI T.) I'AssE:vaEltl4: At an Stations where 'Pickets era sold, vis: Citatubersburg, Shippenshurg, Carlisle, llochhilicsburg and Harrisburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be nindo to all kasSen. item that provide thounselVes with Tickete_befoie en taring the Cars. 0. N. LULfeSuper't Railroad oMeo, Chrimboraburg, Apr. ti. 180. OITTEXTIOX: NTEW STORE AND NEW GOODS • After returnilllr his arknowledgements .for the very liberal patronage which has bran extended to hint. the untlerf.lototl would rail attention to the fel that ha has Junt ru.opened his exten4re assortment of family wacE, In tile new store-roan. on tlie matth.east corner of this public square, where the NAM are Invlted.to .11 . a tul examine e stock of made wKich, In elegance, variety 'end s r.9ctont. will doircompetltron; comprinins lu - part 1 otf,.7Tirthi,, crushed and brown sugars, lava. Ilia and ,ronstod Colteis Every va. rlety and quality of TEA: Spices. (ground .„.,"'"' r and ungr.,und.) Pickets: Saw., Table till. N. New „Orleans, Sitgarbonse and Trinidad ,31.31thises; New York and Philadelphia Syr cheese, Macaroni. Yortnecilll, split Pens; Hominy,- . ‘1 incentent:enrit Starch. Farina, Chocolate, Extract o. Coffee, relinedaugar at reduced rates. washing and bak ing soda. Tobacco of the must favorite brands, and the fl u est quallry of Sega.. A'ao, a beautiful assortment Itrltatinin Ware, plain and g •Id.bandi China Ware, Glans, Queens. Stone and Kartheru Ware, in great va, duty. and an elegant Int of , Fancy .naps, extracts and perfumery for the toilet. FiIUITR: Including Poaches in cans, Raisins, Cum. - berries, dry apples, :41tron, almonds, oranges, lemons, • . LiQuoitß: Wholexale' and retail, embrnelng minim and old Rye Whl.. key, Brandies. dark nod mile, Lisbon Sherry Port. Maderia, 0 h•ger, Catawba "nd Muscat Wines In casks andbot• thaden Mlllskey, Holland Oln, and Scheid/Lin Schnapps. FISH A.ND SALT ' A isrge stock of LAIIPB, including Dyntt's celebrated ampa for burning Keinsene or 'cist'l - ell, also Sperm, 'lna, Lard and Coal Oil, horning Fluid. Sporn and tar Candles • • CEDAR.WA RE. OND BROOMS. Brinks& hopes, Mopps, Bnaos, Doormats, Waiters, , Looking.ginsaelt fide letter and note paper, Willow Ware. painted buckets, dc. Cotton and WOOllOll Hose, and half Hose, and a full stock of ❑loves; Including the Well known Hanover Buck 'Pores. . In shirt. stock comptiseii everything that Istalled Itithe hlr line et huvinens and no °gene will be Freund to rends} entire satletingien to his customers. ' C. 1N 1101 T. . . Carlisle. Oct. 27, 18511-Iy. • Nip Nltirkotlng of all kin& Wien .In exchange goods. . JNO. D. 'aIiFRIMI. CHURCH & EBERLY STEAM - SAW MILL AM) LUMBER YARD, NEW CUMBERLAND, PA All kinds of LUMBER, constintlron hind Lumber delivered at any point accessible by Railroad, at the shortest notice. 'II.TIL,DINEPTI.S4 BEIM OF.ALL_SIZES.AND LENOTLIS.OUT TO OILDEIL Ater 22V59—tt . - • 'IA Ick) , NOTION.I,--Just • received, at Nortl4.llenover Street, ft complete 'assort— ment or Mon's and Boys' Brew sod , Leghoin Also" vbiklreiet; Eanoy. llata r which , will be sold a k a , falesonack ~. _>-~ ll= t iScefauloiis: • NORIA.I HAN ON kit STREET •• . CONFEC TIONERY, A- 1 CONFEO . CARLISLE •P A. ... - . Wholesale Rates geduced . $2 per 100 lbaL, • . The attention of Country Merchants and the public Fejtoreilly is Invited to a large aseortnient or . . • ' alitll4'E' .CANDIES,. • . menufiictured orthe beet materiel 'and warranted to' contain no pawn In their colors, which will be sold' Wholesale or Retail' at low rates nt the old stand of ~ .. P. noir Y Eft, - - NORTII HANOVER STRUT, CARIASAN, PA., • • A few doors Mirth o e rellli Dapoelt Dfl t . received-erlargerassorttinont - of FRESH FRUITS AND NUTS • Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Prunes Figs, 4 . • . • Dates, • Banannss,' Pine Apples, Almonds, - • • Filberls, • Cream Nuts; " Comia Nuts, &c., ; . all cif which will be sold at low rates. Also, aJarge as. sollmoult of " • TOY? AND FANCY GOODS . • , of every . variety. Alga, all the beet brands of . SEGARS:AN_D Ton4cdb, • of American and German manufacture. • . ylninubscribor retorm thanks for the liberal patron age bestowed on him by tho,.pnbliei and eloileits a cion tlnuance of their favors.' Remember the Old Stand of ' P. MONTER, North MI:10W Street. Cahillle, June 16,,58 F IRST OPENING of the SEASON NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! • • • •L E I 9 1 1 -4 C &. AWYE , • (At theirs New Store, Ea# Main dreet,) User:just. received from Now York and Philadelphia tip; most complete, and 'varied assortment of DRY GOODS ever offered in Carlisle. Embracing everything that Is new and rare in style and texture, earl. as FANCY, SILKS, In all the various coluril. barred, striped, chefie, and Windom Pisin.,strlped and bayadere, Black Silks Foulards of now 'designs, barge anff.ffawri robes of, the latest Paris stiles. hatld striped: de ehavre cloths, Preach . challis American delnlus,•Organdy lawns, dark and light grounds and - beautiful designs. Travelling dress goods of the Wetrest make Also, a full stock or Mourning.dress goods, to which we Invite particular attention. SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SHAWLS This port of our stunk Is unusually complete consist log of Crape,. Silk. Stella, In all: :the variety of eloolue and qualities. Mourning Shawls, lace and silk from the celebrated emporium of itrod o k Oulpins. New' York.— Sun Umbrellas. Showerets and Parasols of the newest styles. Will ITN GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Embroldoi les in full setts, Collars, Sheers, worked bends, flouncing , odelugs and insortings. We give groat rare to this branch of our troth', and !adios will fitici very full as sortniont . .. lIOOPED SKIRTS, • IMI3 , . of the latest linprovements, skirt supporters, a new ar ticle. A full line of Alexander's kid gloves, imported and sold by Stewart, - New York. Mitts.-gloves and gauntlets In ever t variety. Also. a large stock of the newest style's of men's and boy'n spring cinisitueres, black cloths and cassimeres. HOSIERY of every des. criptien. In this department unusual care has been to 'ken to elect the yttrium; kinds :and sizes suitable fir Ladies,-31Isses, Boys and Childrens wear. -In fact our 'stock embraces everything kept In a first class dry goods store. . flaying purchased for cash slid made our selections among the best- importing and- jobbing -houses- In-the Hiles of New York and fitilladelphia.Ayenre prepared to oiler superior InAurements to buyers. All we ask is on examinstion.of Our shirk before' purchasing elsewhere, for which ftvor we will Nei very grateful. A 6 1659. • & SAWYER. N .s T 0 01.1.0 BOOTS, • HATS, .10IIN IRVINE„ - having taken the stand, on the north east cornet; of the Square, terenily occuplod by..l. it. Heller, would respoctfully Inform the ritiSons In Invwu and country, that he has juntYeturned from Phil adelphla with a now and desirable aSsortment of goods In Ills line, conspllsing GENTLEMEN'S FINE CA IX DRESS BOOTS, NIP DO., LADIES' MORROCO AND GOAT BOOTS, KID SLIPPERS ANWLASTINO . GAI• TEAS, MISSES' AND. CEDILDRENS . AND.GAI: TEES, In great variety, Myst' and' Yontlia BOots and Brogaop.• Mono and boys' ... HATS AND Cir.% of every description, and a general:assortment of Straw goods. The stock has boon selected withgreat remand willhe sold at a vcry . small advance on city wholesale prlcgs. tt3. Don't forget the cheap corner, opposite the Her ald office, JOHN Carlisle, - Apr.13;1851), - - - WM.% 31 UR RA, Y , • •, , --= , respectfully—lnforms . hie friends and the pu -7 -, • .:y..1 .. . , blic in general, that he ,-- A P., 1 —... • - Is receiving and will , . '. ' S' w i mp ri . constantly keep ou hand UN , • , DER COVER, LYKEN. VALEY—Broken. Egg-and-Nut. LUKE FlDDLER—Broken:Egg and Stove. , W ILKESISARRE—Lump and Broken. .. TIigVORTON &PINEGROVE—Broken d• Egg Also. best quality "Lemon." and "Ilmad.top" Black smith's coal. all of which he; will sell at reasonable pri ces. Thankful for the patronage heretofore no liberally received he asks a con tinusam, of thet same: , .'• Coal Yard. at the old statMoti the railroad, nearly opposite Dickinson College. ' [A pr. 13, 1859. 2cl Train 1.20 P. M 1.66 2.34 .VIEBURNE RS' CO. A L TONS of Lykes's Valley Nut Coed, a L . Vorlor e, receiving and for Wu by 4r August 5, 1857 , W W. IL 5111ERA9 riOPPER v TIN AND SHEET IRON V, MANUFACTORY. The subscriber takes this nieflioll of Informing bar friends and the public, that she still continues the manufacture of all kinds of work, in Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron. Ifer Stoves are selected-front the moat op. proved styles, The Cooking Stovei fur their qualities as cooks and bakers cannot be surpassed, among which aro the wall known Globe, Noble Cook . Fanny Forres ter,Governor, Penn, and the new favorite, Prairie Flower. combining all the tested improvements, in fact the host and cheapest stove 'ever offered to the public. The ',strobe Stove, or parlor heater, Improved, fir worming two. three or feur rocitos,'Fint up to order, be sides a large assortnomt 'of Pallor itadlatoro and office 1 stoves. PRICES REDUCED. on PLUMBING ; and GAS FITTING. Thosewho wish wink done 1-bh In this line would do well to ea I at the old stand before contracting elsewhere, as I am de termined to do work far lower than the present rates. I have for sate andlteep imnstantiv on hand the patent *etch Tip Burner, Wax Tapers, plain and fancy Glass Globes, Clas'Fixtures, Wrought Iron Tubes. Hydrants, Load Pipe, Gum Hose. ShoweF Baths, Both Tube, Oven flow Basins, klarble Basin tops. Sc. My workmen are competent and reliable. All work 'warranted and fur workmanship and material, I challenge competition. IQ- A few gond Cook Stoves with some suitable for parlors on hand, which .1 will sell at out. . May 4, 1855. MARY M. MORRIS. FIAT AND CAP EMPORIUM.- .1. O. CALLIO & CO.. successors to Wm. II: Trout would announce to their customers and the pubil: cenerally that they have just received from Philadel• Aix, a large and elegant stock of goods, in their line of bukiness of every variety, style and quality. ~,,Thre,ymehua, of HATS hand a splendid . . HAiTS AND CAPS, • . of all deecrlptions, fmm the common Wobl to the finestllt AND SILK HATS; and at micas that mast !Mit every , owe who has an eye to getting the worth of bin money: $ - Theatock Includes, • MOLL SHIN, CASSIMEIttI, BEAVER A FELT HATS, °r every style and color and unsurpamod for LIGHT NESS. DURABILITY AND Milli: by those of any other ostabllshment In the country .• MRN`b. BOYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS- and GAAS, • if every description constantly 00 hand. Thoy respectfullyjnolte • all the old patrons.and as many now ones as possible, to give them a call. J. U. CALLAO A Co. Apr. 27, 1859-1 y 'DONN ETS, RIBBONS& FLOWERS. j Just received from New York and Philadelphia, a largo lot of new style Dew NETS, FLATS, and 1100113. Also, a large assortment of elegem! Ribbons and Flow ers. Bonnets for 12% at the cheap k toro or April 20, 1850. MIAS. 001LBY. N EWA AT TU C K weer I LD L OP CA Y RLIBLE. It 1)". The subscriber would respectfully call the attention of Limeburners and the citizens of Carlisle, and lhe surrounding country generally, to hie NEW COAL YARD, attached to his Ware House, on West Iligh at,, where he - will keep 'constantly on hand a large supply cf the best quality of COAL; lo arlt:f• Lyketis valley, Luke Fiddler, Pine . Grove and - Trevor. ton, Uroken, Egg and Nut Coal—screened and dry coal, which he pledgee himself to sell at the loziest possible prince. Beat quality of Limeburner's and Blacksmith's Coal always on and. air All orders left at the Ware 'Hornet or at his reel dance in •Noith Hanover street, will be promptly at tended to. • April 1.1, 'sB—tf. J. W. lIENDEREIDN. larMl33 ;. FARMERIS „ OB CUMBER ND COUNTY, WRITEN,AOKII SEW JERSEY REAPER & MOWER. . We respectfully call the attention of Farmers to this Justly celebrated machine, it has beep In ur the laid seven years,and wherever Introduced has become a fa -.- machine—Some, map ufact ore rs and, agents head their rlreulars with Syracuse first prendain We did not attend that trial, but have -taken first pre, miums over both of them in a number, of trials since that. time. We might boast numerous first.premiuno., over, all the most popular machines now, In use. but whatnro large dories worth to Armors? We sell our machines upon their real merits, and ask farmers to °al amine them before purchasing. We Warrant our ma chines to work well both in geese or grain,light or heavy mending or fallen, wet or dry. • An exhibition will take. place at 'an early day, due notice of which will be given, mid exhibition toAtaka -plane near '.Carlisle. Also, an exhibition of.'llbe same kind of machine near Mechanlcebarg., . Where we' re-,• ' spectfullY invite lament and all others to attend' and examine for themselves.. Machines may be seen by calling On the f o llowing-named gentlemen who are agents for thneale of said machines. • : JOHN MAN& or ST aIiNCLIM, carnal*: • TWIN; GI ARRISTSON A (104srderhaniesbUrg. , FIN YDSit A KNETbeklieWollie. . SMITH .fic .00.; Shippensblwit' THOS._ s.murittriok. I.lEnSN'.99.lllo7A.4lll4 l ., , ropriateare. ' ;nu* 1.1666... • • . • CAPS COAL! COAL! S,A.NFORD 9 S LIVER IN.V.IG"OR.ATO•II NEVER DEDILITATES. , , • I T 18 COIMPOtiNDISD ENTIRELY4*3I GUMS and has become en 'established fact. a Standard Bledielne, known end approved by - • all - that have need it, and Is now restarted to IX with mentldencejw.am. the diseases for whiiilll- Q. leideeinniended It hen el:multiform:llldd . whilln the last two years who had given up r., all hopes of roller, es the until/wadi unsolicited ri certificates in mypossee slots sheer, _. . • Al The dose Must be adap• - " , i ted to the tempemme , t i of the Indtviduel taking . it, and •used-itt •• euih, quantities es to Act gen-. . tly on' the boWels, Lot 'Abe dictates. of von; judgment guide you -in the Weg of the .„,, Liver iirrigoriti. •tor, and it wilt cure' (up Liver Complaints. Bill!. . i attacks. Illyegetde, ... Chronic Dlarrhbea,Bdm ,tues_Compraltdai-Dyien t . -,.. - .7_- - tery4Dropsy,floutEtuna nth, • Habitual Costfte, pl•' need. Cholit; .oolefta, L'nolern Morb 9,Cholera . , o te t infantum'i, Flainliece, ,Ittandice r -- Fe ale-Weak - l"'" - 'upriser - ma, drm - ify bdolmill successfully a an ordl• nary FAMILY MEDI.. CINII. i t wil cutest& • ' lieddlimlle.(als thonsinde ,can testify.) ' Otwenty 1 minutes!, If two, or three "iteaspnontuli aro takim nt•deblarienetiblent oftfre ' .attack, All who use It are Igg, glting ibCir tostitirony In Ifs favor. MIXIVATEMIN THE hil 3101IT/1 IVITIF TUB .INY.IIIOItApR,—AND : ' I Q- SW-ALLOIY -- BOTII To:.1-. . . GETILER. . Price One Dollar per.fidttifild - • "- --- - .ALEO."-- • . • , . SANFO - R.D'S . ~ FAMILY, CATHARTIC PILLS, .0031POUNDLD taox Pure Vegetable Eitraets, and put, up in Glass •-,. Cases, air tight, and willkelip in any di , mato, •.. 'Pill lea general but ar:L • proprietor has used in Zi twenty years. r r dl te n fie n demand h e 14 in regard to their use, • m / them within the reach. • :I !know that different Ca• rportlone of the bowele . ithiurtio Ptii has, Ithig well established • from .e" variety of the ' El which art alike on every mo canal, and are good-and lasi Cathartic to needad,such !Slotherh, Sieepinees, mq Loins, enstivaned, Pain • WI. I whole body, from sudden if neglected, end. in a r ,,,,Ar tra t.lte ite a .t 'preeping ,10 the hrail, , all Ingli i ra n m em a% Children or Adults, V'Purifier of the Dined and flesh le heir, too nuinar • ertiesmant. Dose, Ito S. 30.Ceiitgr, ThS Family Cathartic tire Cathartic which the his pfectice more than Thu •. constantly in— th,go who have long ns• Infection .which all glOo has induced mu to place or nil. The Profession well thartics Oct on different yThe Ca. with duo reference to filet, been compounded purest vegetable extracts part of the alimentary safe in all races where a IS Derangements of the Paine In tho_ Back and and Soreness over the. cold. which frequently, long course Foyer, Lose Setmtion of cold over Headache or vretght In tory DIPM.S, Worms In Ilhoumatism, a great many diseases to 'which °lnto mention in thin eta Pro3e . . The Liter Invigorator al retailed by Drugxlate gear the Trade to all the large s.-T. w. 8; Ind Family Cathartic Pills are "wally, and sold wholesale by towns. • _ ford, lit D:, iinicinvoi• and Proprlotor, • 335 Drondav Juno 15, 1659. . ay, New York. A NEW AND BNAUTIFUL Atrrigr.E. The . 'Oriental Elastic. Spring Bed. (ninimsow's PATENT.) The attention of housek oepern la called Jo this new and beautiful Invention. The Sprit* fled having now become an ludispanalgio article In every house, on account of its acknowledged 'Kuperlority over the old fashioned hod; it only Vaulting to he determined 'Which Of the many kinds offerrd for awl. in the best, clieapeet, mod niniple In construction, most elastic, moat durable; and gives the greatest ease andmastfort. • TIN ORIENTAL SPRING no, , excels In all these qualities. and possesses othorment, belonging to—in fact, not claimed by any other d ntr Red made. It can be appl led' to, any bedstead i lbw minutes. and hodeo adeptedto cradles, cribs,' s` ; ln Ide:ultimate. ships, kg. The loops contain Ingre which will t ens TIRELT FREE FROM VERMIN RrfAIL PRIER FROM *UR 1015 Walsh supplied on liberal terms. A. . is wanted.— Send for a Circular. - MAIER k - CO ' ps • rt. -- .General' Depot 255 Canal street,iwar .fi• • C lARLISLE ANR,PH • D -x 'Ala DAILY - 4PREIGIIT LINE. " FREED, WARD & FICEED, „ha . 811 MAIM? iTREES, PIIILUMLPI7II, • . _J. & D..11110AD9, • MAIN avant CARLIBLE,• PA. ar Cars of thla•Llne leave tho Depot 811 Market it..• Dally,-at-tro'clock. P. M. Leave Carnal.", Daily, at. 7 o'clock, A 11. - - Don& IntoodeL I,r this Lbw should bo marked C. P. Daily Freight Liao, and sent lu by 4 o'clock. • ,May 21, 1889. READ ! READ - ! ! READ !I 1 - • . ESENWEIN'S • ARODIVATIC BALSAIO. Ts a remedy not to be excelled for the relief and cure a those maladies incident to the Summer Season, yin: Dleirrhces, Dysentery. Cholera nr Cholera Morbue, Vom iting. Acidity of the Stomach, etc. Its excellent Carminative powern, pleasant taste sae soothing influence, ',wider" It a valuable medicine In Infantile diseases, peculiar to the second summer, via : Cholera Infantum, etc It has a reinvigorating and tonlo influence on the system. allaying Inflamatlon whore it exist. in the stomach and bowels—and on trial will be found indispensible to the well being of revery family. It will be founA as well adapted to adpliif as chil dren.—Tax IT. J'repared only by A. ESENWEIN, Dispensing. Chemist, . W. Con: Ninth and Poplar ste., Philadelphia. wah. Price 2.4cnnts per bottle. Sold by D. J. Kieffer, and S. W. ilavKfiftlck, Carlisle; Miller & Son, Jackson. „villa; Siegal .4 Ilerrlug„4legbaulcaburg, and by drug. - gists and storekeepers generally. [ma) 2.5'59—1y jAMES....R. W.XXVEIt'S 111111 'CABIN V ET' A ii AND - -' . SI A N 137 1 1 1 C it T 0 WY. NORTU /1000VER STREET. CARLISLE, PA. .„... Having been engaged in the business for over tor y years he would return thanks to hla customers od friends, for the liberal encouragement extended to b in years done by, and further assures them that no pains will be spared, to give fulfsatiefactlon to all who may favor him with a call, • CllAllts AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand: . or made to order. IVarranted to be of ,the best quality, of the la test style, well finished, and sold at, the lowest possible prlcelt for cash. . . . • lie Also continues business as an UNDERTAKER.L. Ready made Coffins. Metallic or otherwise. kept con stantly on ..hand And funerals promptly attended to personally in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. - JAMES IL WEAVER. May 25, 1859—1 y N. B.—Two properties Situate In Churchtown,Cumb. unty, are offerod for sslo on easy terms. Apply u above. J. It. W. VIM INSURANCE.—TnE ALLEN' • AND EAST PENNSBOIIO MUTUAL FIRE IN RANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, theory°• rated by an act of Assembly, is now fully organiud i and in operation under the management of the following commissioners, vip& Danloi . lam It. Gorgaa, Michael Cockily, Eichelborger, Christian Staywan, John C. Dun lap; Jacob H. Coover,: •Lowis Myer, 8. Eberly, Benja min' 11. Mosser, J. Brandt, Joseph Wickersham, Alexandra Cathcart. The rates of insurance are as low and favcrable a. any Company of the kind In the State. Persons wishing to become members are Invited to make application to the agents of the company, who are willing to welt upon them at any time. WM. R. OORGAS, President. • CHRISTIAN STAYAIAN. The President. • . LEWIS RYER, Secretary. MICHAEL COCKLIN, Treamurer. • • • • Managers.—Wan It. Gorges, Lc-Hybl:Wirt/alum Stay man, M. Cocklin. J, C. Dunlap. it. Martin, D. Bally, J. ll.Cooier, Atria. Cathcart, J. Wickersham, J. Elchelber• ger, S. Eberly, J.. Brandt. MX@ CUMBERLAND COUNTY. —John Sheniek; Allen Henry Rearing, Shiremaustown ; Samuel Woodburn Dickinson; Henry Bowman, Churchtown ; Mode Grit' oth, South Middleton ,• Samuel Gralbani, W. Penns* boro'„Bamuel Coover, Slechan lesbarg ;• J. W. Cocklin, shepherdstonn; D. Coover, Shepherdstown; .1. O. Sax ton, Silver Spring; Beni. Havel stick, Silver Spring; Charles Bell, Carlisle; John Flyer, Carlisle. YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Picking, Dover: Peter Wol. ford, Franklin ; Jae. Griffith, Warrington; .1. F. Dear dorIT. Washington; D. Rutter, Newburg;. Clark, Dillsburg. -DAUPIIIN CO.—Rouser & Lochman, Harrisburg. Members of the company having policies about to ex pi re, can have them renewed by making applicationio' any of the Agents. • April 20, 1800. • TOLIN..„WYETII, ElOh. r VB ' • Louisa Douglass. Mary Me- Maley, Francis Wyeth, Charlet! A. Wyeth. Louie Wyeth. Douglass. Wyeth, John feudal, Geo. Headel. Bernard Handel. Samuel Handel, Elisabeth S. Hill. thinib Elliott, William' Hatcher 'Joseph Hatcher, Hannah; Hatcher, Rebecca Blather, George Hatcher, Wm. Kline, .Geo. Weaver, Charles Weaver/James Ca rothers,BetweeaCarothers, Elizabeth Carothers, and . Louisa Carothers. •-• The defendants will take this writ of partition on •th • an 1 Lot on Pomfret Street I by Pomfret Street, west by Church Alley, and east by r the oth day of July, 18E44a „,. ROB' Sheriff 's Office, Carlisle,l • - June 1859.—0 w writ Di 'PartlDonit ;Weird; In the 00b3112011 i/111/41 of cumberland County.. notes that I will exicioto premisok, to wit: 'knouts in Corneae. bounded 'oduth David ' Morcott; north' by t ea. itendel,ou t4Tl:qtl)Alt t 9 o'clock, A. M 'T. 31cCIAltTNEY, ASSIGASSIGNEE• ,'NOTICE.-- Notice' is . • efieby given; that Peter A..13,ge, of South MIS NEE township, Cumberland rowdy, lute made an arr-* ebrament tetbesubeeriber of all Idneetate, real Ireton rd and mixed, lbr the benetlt rlblieredlters. All persons Indebted tare* estate, are required to make Immediate` payment, and tboan,luteltur elabne tiipreaent ibeM Mr settlement, le 11101.1ABIIN KAUFMAN, . • 011111141611•11 BR &nib Middleton trrp'.,-