• - , . • r . . .. • . - ..... ,7,1- - ... 7 '45-'l. 'il . :'---.- 1 -7 jihm_ , ___7 - - -- -.• . „-- : ,_: . ~• " k '--„.--._ :.• -: , -- 41 - " A' . N, - ''''. - u , --- A k-I_---,,, _---12?E - c-_-- • - ''- , ' ------ i-- ' --.: , , '' - '-' - ' 74 - -, - ; 42:z-f--2. •, • . _ --___ _ . _ • --- -'-- ._ -- - --- - •-r- ' . • ,--• c i ,,-;,,- b-,, _...,,, : - ,__ - .. I C . - ---' ---::. • 7,-_. • _ , __ .., .= .0 2 •••• ' - • 11, - - a . * e_. . " . u•gd - • '---.•' _ _ • . •Ril _ .. . ___ . .....„ _ --- __.._._- -—• • -'-'-'---• .•••••-- ' SP :‘ 41. 1 . '., .. ::: \' ' ' A ' Z ' 4-'•• fi11,. :., • : : ' Sar: ' '' C'''s Dl4 . 4.. ;41. ''''. o • ,•_-_-_, , -=__.,„ r , , - i i••• - - --. - • - ' - ' 1, ----' ''''. 7 -- - ,--• .: : '-'-:.'-. 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Published for 1118 Proprletoi, lity-wILLIArtir 111..pOITE1t." EMEM SAVING FUND CORTNItED •D)' STATF:,DF pENNSYrXANIA. RULES 1. 3loner la rardlyed uiwry day, and in any amount, r , Hrn par rent inturest monoy from Ow &iv it is put in. • :1. 1 . 11.1 monoy is always pill.barit in Goi.o, t e Mud fr, awl svitillut notice. • I. linnow Is reptivol frolic lixenuenrg.'ArllliinlstratnrA, 1111 tr.ilairr and °filers wlr, des'. In live it in to pinta of p, ..ea safety. ..I where illteraCt• eau bo nbt•llued for it. C. 'flit to nref rural ml from (lop (slicers is.ru;rsta.l in 1,1.1 r , tqte. .21.0111.1 rants. lout such ulhrr !fret 11,4,0,1; Plan an thp 0114 rt 111 rev's. ' 4 I. r1.11:11 9 till f, n't•loek. and / On VS no 1 till s wa, Ik ill li" °vilin.. Itr:VitY 1,. lIENSI , .It, It SKIMItlIAII,; Vice Presll9nt. IV \I.J. It EI:11, Secretary. . rt•.'" I.)IIIEFTORS. F. Carroll lirovr•ter, ,fO,llll IL Parry, Francis I.T. Jure!,ll . Yorke, floury Dille,Werner: t 3 1;'; • Ir,•y6 Corner pf 'Pltird, '• • Ilrmp_L 111.1)111,, 1.;,j w.inj 1, . earter, llolrrwt Sul trl.l;n, IC. 1 , 410;1, - G. 1,. • -OFF. PIIILAD IMRE= W li II 0 It . I) L'.o. lllsritrxr. s II EE DI V S TO C INSTRIIei lON Dogi,s,_ itu MEIif,'!IANDI6IiEN 1:1tA MEM 21E1,01)1'4/NS, . VIOLINS, Al3/11, 59 AUGF, SPRING ARRIVAL 1 . „ 4 FItIJM NEW YORE AND PIIILWELPIIIA, 1.1 E G.A NT NE IV 0 0 IY,S • A 'l' A'. W. 13111N'IsZ'S 5T011.17.1. .S1110;1.11,1 thick of new Illaelt Bress BSlks—Vngnilia of Paney Dress 1110111 1ZA.111,111 IMED4NTI4I, French ' , collard `ftlllts, Chinese Silks, Satin and - Stripiul hareges, Valenelas, Dm:alley. leant.' rat. nen...Printed Challies::Ermuif 110110, very handsome English Brit , - Danis,' very handsome French • .11ritliants. I:11011 AI French _. Amerli,an prints,' Sentelt, French Mill 1/01114.,410 • • — lllnglmmg,' Bonnets, lion _ net Bildfons - and • Break . , rI m things, • SIMMS la every Silk, Crape, ROA, Canbillere, Ac•• Embroideries, Very low, el/1 , 1• • . _ prisiagqollars:3leisiter Itlounetngs, I &e. - Carpetings aild 011 Cloths, Venii him. 1 ognitil, three PIA Brussells, Cotton and Ilemp Druggists and Floor 011 Cloth., nil widths. •• LINEN 0001,8. • 1 A c on:mete assortment I . tabractiag all the mast And marks GloYe.i. and . • hosiery fur I,a• _dies,_ nd Children. great variety, of allit and rotten Gloves. 1,0- . - diem ele.tairt twisted 8111 t II lin,Sc. DO‘II,STIO AND STAPLE llthillit• Idelehed and unbleached Skirtings blearh nd unbl e ached I.Alectings. W'oothal and ton Flaunels, Corset,' :leans lfielAngs, Cotton% S:11.1111 , 41 1, 'l'l;let COllOl, null 1,111011 1/1:11)1.rs, T:1114 .. , Covers, blenched Andl.rown Ifrillinget, and an endless"variety of other articles. In fret, this stork of goods is eery ; 0X1...11111.., tho rough and complete, hav• been purchased with a great deal ofeare, wr 14•411 ' • confident no can please any one whn will raver us whir rah. All candid person will, have parno, 17,41 us 11,•reforore. will adtolt thin tree have sold the I,cilt liar - gitillg o.‘',.ll . l)ll.ltvlianull In Carlisle. We can 41•81111.2Alr Dien& and all lovers of cheap 'goods, that we aids as well ',reputed an ever to offer superior haducellion to for their pa (11/11:1g0. A. W. 111::,"17, Sonth Ilanover Street, opposite the Post iltilee; Carii-k..3lav 4, 1N59. NORIE ; r111ING NEIV: I•VG - Intrf.TETtrlCM4 LJi rt-r-=T SEED STORE M. B. STJICB LER BROTH 1:11, II .pvued, - tjan ream formerly occupimt I,y Fitmovt, Zwg't: arty Luilliu". )loin strm.t nru do nw mm;" th“ market it !arm, a• tmmit of tHIiICULi'UIt.II.' , INA:NI I..NTS mid irr tligynro prepared to tell un tllO 1111• a 1,,..11111,11! t 1.1.1118. e(r1;11 .}TORS. 11011' , . 8 CRAW .AN 1,11.1)1)Elt . . Ill:APKIt M /IVER. 4. 1/1111;1,S. OItADLES, s.'V CUES.. 0011 N HA. ItA Kr. 9 All UN lAU li NI VI S. With: rsToNEs Sro Mow , urn. Hall eer , r,r Othe.,llliVilf He. rek...nry for farm ire. Thvy 'llls Ititead lieunlag la ndditloit, n roll n+-not moat of 11:1)A It nod WILLOW IV.VIE. inrhniLig So.tla's pnt , nt Churn. llrnntus, 'trashes. Hotter w..rk• ors. Ilu , ter nit one, Prlale; Lattice, butter 'r u be, Bowls, e.,-. Ake. reolt florillin and FlawerSeols: Seed I'r:bailee, of ho hest v Thov 'aro ennstim niiiLliex lii their otnek, and in - 111 use (ivory inertial to soppl v the Withl,,x the norieulturnl conininoll v. They hive An tlm gooney for EVANS k IVATSON'B SAI:ANIANDER SAFES • Orders 'left al tlto store for fruit end novolloll6o Truro. Mon ers nod feallNers. will he e tlemlvd to promptly. ill. B STIII BLEB It LISt). Auril 20, Intl-15' . Do YOU' want, to buy a good• Piano, , Th nfiduout If so, why don't pm roll on .11111 n 11. illunnn / For he can sell tho neatest finished. la,t, undo. purest tuned and lowest priced Instrument that cm ha had'ln this part of the country. 11:1V111 , .. boon, I, log,. time the business. I Req.' myself ms bole;; good Judea of Instruments. and will not sell an instru. munt tint Is not first.rato. lam now receiving a larce lot millelodeons from iloston,,,rhich pan be seen at Mr. A. It. FAvims.'S furnityre rooms. rideh-1 10111 Fell cheap. er them ally other ill the country. For rerommendathms or my Pianos, call and See them. AIl initrument4 warranted and kept in emir. Call and 0':<1111111111 My lestrum nle Were •purchasing elsc where, and you will he satisfied that 1 ran sell the best end cheapest. 301 IN 11. ItItHEM. To be foetid at the hods., of Jacob Eileen], IV. High St. May .1. 1,59 11AT AND CAP STORE. - • -- - AT K4141..1i1t 'S OLD•STAND, Nonra - ittln. sTRF.F.T. NnItI.Y-OPPOHITF. TIIE HARD.. I'AISE UNDUE DP J. P..I.TNE & BON. . .. _A full itsmOrtm'ont_just 'rocclvc4l,°to which c , lll4tßni: naditi,,va whit Jul made of city us woll'as Immo, man u lin t 'lra. Thu stock new comprises • . ' . . _ • . ' MOLESKIN, - *.---.' . . „ . ' • DEA,TEIt A - ..., t - CASSNERE, -FELT FIATS, .44golylog mitt . orifort, from the - nlionpatt to tho bos( ~, gna rly., NT NA W 111.-V-V. A lures rarlot y of all in !n, 1.1 Rtyloo twothor ,vith ,a nuat !golt,rtioolit4 childchildl.oto ii . o . - for ond'ii UAW hots. A VD, SINN'S, DIY6' AND 63111DItEN'S CAPS. o}obrachlitßYPl7.lstn B - poNofrOottPLOth Plohl and Dross NOON to_whiolutheAttowlotuotthoptiblla--hhrooloiettol , .1,), 3u vl , od. DON'T EURO ET,K ELLNIt'S OLD STAND: - ' Corlinlo. April •:..q, 188)). • . . • - . I3APPAL—The • Mouit, Holly Paper Ji- • Giummy, Lave noirc on Mind 'and aro prepared t manufacture to order all variance of lino Writing and Ledger paper._ - Address • - BAWL K1011.'0;101 . , . -3thuttt,.lpily tiprings, Pa. . N0v:10, , 0‘. , -Ont . . It JiLE VATO 11S.--jtist recoiViA ,assortingut of:ltuy.laurnwrs, hop, Hakim Corks; ,drel clvapm than over, /44) O. • ' . . .. . . . ~: '..) Farm 1.108, of ,tiar IRO' uttall: for'..ti'alo cheap, a; t11.11.11S ! 'B E (41,8:1 .. . BILLS •I ! IL 0. liilrdWlire.StOrP ,Of :.! '. J. l','LYNK'lig MON: . ' ' gay' ld, IliDif: '. • •'• . ' , , North Itttu6tiit., 1 - 1()CTOR, AIt)I , STROWMI rewor k „Red 111,i °Mee to the • South west, corner, 'llanovei . .k. l'om fret 4 1r heF - liti - May be consulted at an) hatirof the. day be iti ; ht. Dr. A. has had th i rty years .-e;xperlence In the prormigion, the last ten of which hare won deco toil to ,the ortnly aml‘s,rartleu of Ilemempatllle mud]. lee. Maififi, ':•7om. , • - . 1- \TV46 :-----1 1 .'C • L.. .t. _1 IU fi.—rHOS. 'M. 131nDli•E _/' eontin eon the firartlee of the law, In the 01110., formerly omnpled by lily father, Wm. M: Diddle, list , And more ,l'ltiltly, by the law firm of Penrose & Diddle, new dlsnorred. ' ....... •,, Company., , 1iee..21, ':.74 . Nation al SAt''ETY. TR USt ___,__,, • {1 • P.. II UACRIC 11, Attorney at Law. ..t. „fa-0111N! on. North Ifilni - Tver saoi, it few lierlill 911.0i1.0i1i13.A' iiotdl.• All buslims entrugtml to him will I, L,yonnilly tato:Weil to. ' . . [Arirll It ANV NOTICE.- It M. PENROSE lam removed Ilk Wile° in. rear ii•_ lip will promptly attoicl to all rostoi to him., = . . r A.W . QFFICE.—LIi3IUEL TODD a j h:‘q ,s‘r.,A(hot pliel. 'FY of tlto linty . Offire in i'votri , tititittrit..tvit\ side, near tho first Priisbyterlan Church .. . _ . Awn . S. 1157. \ . 1 • ' R . Si-B. Fit Office in I.'t forth \ tJ f llatinver street Llc. o unite from Arnold ,t S o n , ,, -.tore. Inllen lioltr, more particularly from 7 to 0 o'clock A—M.:rind irtini 7 to 7 o'clock, I. M. ...., ti.+7.1%, g fit 1(1 11'1'. DENTlS'f:froni the Hal •. . • tine,9e Calico. of Dental Surgery. T. ,-.ollloe at the re , idim . ee of his mother, I;mA Louth°, tdreet. three dfa1,,,:11,1111V KOdiOrd,.., 1111,:il P.1.1 - ,5C.--if. ''' ' ... ... -......_. t ~. 718. W. 11A V E RSTRe N; Druggist, y , Norl h lfenavyr Street, CarJlsle. r . .. - • physiwi t.i's prOcerlptlonx rat erallv compounded tNH . i .ply of fremh .huge and chemicals. - J. C. NishF re,peet - I IhfQr . r4 the hullos end gontlenren 1--r.'of Carl isle,..antl-.oonlty. flint he hits re. surne.l th, or 1,•131•1 , of Da,.11 ;lad la p 11.111 1 .4 ta 11 . 1 a all gal - 11114 bell/114.01 . 14 Jlo will Insert full sots of troth , on 1 , 0 1,1.0 e nil ve . r. slth;le guru teeth. or bloehM, on they -loan pri•l,. Ter,. 11,0%,40. • Tri.4ll street,. Iretly•opposlte the Cumber. I.lnLl,Yallev !hint: . • E'0,..14.. N. 0. , 111., loe In Newlin° tho lost ten (toys of every month. lin. I EERIE 11 Ull'S, I) it .1. C. LO f 1 S ,301011 IlAtlneer street, next thfor to the l',e+t AccuicpEONF, e O C. IL CA _ Will lie 'from Carlisle the lest ion flayif of rack P un a Ih. . ! Hug. 1, `;is, G! O; - w.. NE11)1011, D. P. tmip Dm!IQ/ptyalin. of opelativoDolillFtry Loth,' ' I i I ) altlio! . 0 C o ll ege . of irfct ‘ 0 ." 11 -1 1. 1 ,; h it i t tr Ifl ' , 9 4' r V eto - bli T ii•o, ,opro,f6 , 'llarl ,, lt o 31,1111 btreut, - Citrll,4 l e, Nov. It, 1,••• - '7 . . ' • • ---• LC-;y" v:110'; itE . DucED. STATES UNION HOTEL, (100-Ar. ,008 illiirlcvt Bt., pbove hiX4ll, 1.1111,A1) . 1:11.1 . A,1 A. Eli __. , __. (;. W. lIINKLI% P - ropriotor. ._ '11:11 31 .S:—$. 1 - 2 :P-Pol'4 1 .Y• - - . juIVMS. ..._.... _ 1) E E D F. &I N .1 , 1;INT. DE N iI.-_.A..L.L, .L.) ... -BANKERS„ .. _ , An / 1 , 1/rta , d r eslern Lund and Canceling Agents. Partin'lor ntlunilon paid to I InA inislnomg of notv-roNI- • dents, Ml,di as buying awl selling fled/ EAtslo,lomang ninl).v on rent ast ttesp..hrit awl looking . a (tor interest of nun-residents. lieforenet, Gh on iJ requii u•t. Addres , , DEEM; It MEND INTTALL, .slinnosota, v ISs4—ly !'• 1 '1'(Ll: PUBLIC.—The Ittldersio- .61 writer. would \offer hiss Foridrus roviiriti.: Literary 111,1. lie . will Banish Addirto.es, ilrati•an, Essays Presootatjen speeches NMI riphi,..lA/11 . 4 AtTOStit . B—prertra matte fir the Prosq-111,1tivit104. wild write Poetry 1111011 AI y “0,1,• c t. A. 1,13 ..CO dlobt paid) FINLEY .1011,,)Stii. Pei,. 17, 1855.' Baltimore, 31(1, • 1) E IST T-1 , 1. AGENCY, • RE IL, 110 VAL —.t. I, SPONSLER, REAL EIITA'rE All •T, OEN VEN! NCER AND &111 VIINER, has rto mve n ' to lin: Noiv trilled on )lain 'Arcot. ono door west In' the Cumberland Volley hull head hert. Iln I, now permanently located. and has on hand And fie 4.11(.3 very lards, anentot or Itcal 6.4:tntq, of Far., of all slaw, Improved and 111111111/I . OV Prop Idles I, Property or every description, Bond. Ind hot, a 1..., the.tern Lind,, dinl Town Lots. Ila will give hi, •tt (1 . 11111111, I , etofnre to . the Negotratlng 01 I nd of Itdotiv. Alortgages, Wills, Contracts, and Sc7lYeni In; concllally. (lot. 11` - A - 511IN1'ON 7101'I L, NORTH WEST OF VUDIAO SQUARE, The subs:l.o4.Mo/ vi rig suet:polo,' 11. llorkludder . in tho 111.1113,,11int Or this poinilar flay', I tigs lenvai to A s i ans, the ns as the rllitrns In. t o, 11 and isdnity. t lint no !loins nil' ho'srlyed on his o it, to maintain tin• filar:icier tills house has hdlg. :is a !lost ,'lass i.vim di pin lucid of I Le nialiieldo Inlntedlnte super• vision and y ten tip paid' t" . time c,rotort or his :musty flaring Leon recently unhirgoil It Is anent the ly,t V1•111111.1.ii .11N 11..tUIS ill 161.0, 1,1111.) rogaril to to valiti, it is 'Sinn, hir, I o any. .i 1 tiSIIT ItL%SS,. l'arhslu Apr 4o 1. bill—Jut • \V. C. 41 - SEEM AT roll sin - AT I.AW AND 01:SEMAL AGENT. ..11innesofa. k.al 14.t.it.• and r.oviirities. Negotiate loam,, , pay I.a•ate laett ,ni•14111,. I:prer t.O the seemberm 1.3 Voinity Bar, and to all promiiient (41. zee, Ilf Ca 1 . 1 l'a. IAII4-ci•,h-Iy. • SIMON P. II h IC- Ni en\ Pennsylvania. G. I: Conic, Ithoolo • N YDE PA.RLAND, AND COOK., . Etnakero.and Dealers In Real Estate, ~ Juno 3,1857.-1 p - , outh !letterer Street, adjolulug the Court Mouse, 'lethal°, Pa JOIIN . :Ih oprleter. tre Mail ('curl: leaves daily for Pepertown, Peters .rg, York ipritc.ze Rol Ila.mver from this Mum,. \V RANGEM E,N T L. On and after Monday, 231 Mny, 18M1, thd sub. scriber will run a Daily TraiDef - Care, between OADLISI.C. AN* PHILADELPHIA, leaving Carlisle every interning and Phlinduiplila every nvenking. All goods lift at the PIIIIII.IIIT DEPOIP of rano:laic, Zell A: Nos. SOY? and S.l) larkel, street, will be dolly red In Carlisle the next day. .1. W. 'II WS EitSON, May 11:1, 'West Utah Siroot, Carlisle, Pa. LoTicii;:=-LaNr.s or administration ou tho estate of. Pr. P C. Cordaer, bite of - tbo bar ough of 4:n01cl, horn bow grantvd by tie flow sten. of Cu litborh nd molt ty, to tin tiodemigned. Those" moving elation ,vlll 'revolt thorn. :mil Mon, Indebted ittfilce payment to JOIIN GREGO; ~Julio I, lf,sll—tit • Admittbittntor.. CI RIJN U ST9 N ES.-151l Grind S tuna Tor nit ozos just reeolvea nt 11. bA3ItIN . S. tat I,IIIZ Fly Note, of all colors, Lfnou. Cotton and Twine, cheaper than the cheapest, •nt It, SAXTON'.9. May '4,), 1c59. „ • ' WI S fecowed the larv..4 and cite:ll,o4 tosnrtutlmt' 4 lt tlidcntinty and witranteti not to cr,talt, uE thtttteirlitgll . 4.4to ttf ,May 23, MU. c o T: 111. .L AN 1) S NA. 1 1 1, 18 .-150 dui: la Sej , thes and gnaths. i'llo lurgost host and ebonprst , I,ortment II the county, Iv holubali , and retail, JUNI. ra. elv.itlq r . ' . ' ''' 11. HAYTUN'S. May :21, Ista. •. .. • • ). • • O fjYEL .KEEPERS. AND DE,A.14 7 ),Ittuurally.siippliuil wILIt fluty ,I IQUIIIiF3-a4't thitti city plus, att thp bow and clump Ciminry of • large .of tosk, , F. with Etwllsit "foul A meth:tin, • I;,.thos. nu hand 11.0.1tt.c Kilo cheap, at •• • • ;‘„,tl , 41istoess...EarM CAIMISLE, PA MINNEAPOLIS, • Itlionesein Territory FRANKLIN HOUSE Lo2gl sY, 15 1 I === TEItMS OF 'PUBLICATION TIIO CA81.1814: HERALD is published weekly on a large _Meet containing' twenty eight columns, and furnished to subscribefs at .$1.50 I :paid strictly In 'advance; 1115 if paid within the year; or V in all cases , when eayment la delayed until after the explratio t of tine year. • No subseriptiona received for a lemli period than , 13c months, and none discontimied until all arrearsges tre paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Pgpers mot to subscribers Icing out of-Cumberland county must no paid for ht advanve. or the payment Akan - intent ny.sonneresponsible person Ming in Cumberland comp. ;y. m These terms will ndhured In all Once. : . .• A lIVIiIittISEIVIENTS; Advertisements will he charged . sl.oo per •square nt twelvelog for tin .e Insi rtions. and cents foreaelt inlisequent insertion. All advertisements of loss than twelve Ours consider.' as a square. • . s ' • Advertisements. inserted before Marria7.cs and deaths . eouts_nedinefili• • first Insertion. and•t.oents-pacr-line or subsequent _inseVtion, (:;!e,muunlyetious_ sill,. a jes - nf litaited IMllvldnal Inherent will he charged ennui per lino. The Pronvietor will not be responsl• .110 In daIIIZIXIN fit error,: in ativertlmements:' Obituary notices or Marrialog nut exceeding flen_litiuc, will be .•-.. inserted without charge =I 'l`lle*Carlkle paralol .1011 I.IIINTINiI OFFICE In the 111M1.14 and mogerompleteenlabllslimentln therourity• novo, rood l'resses..and a general variety of material 4uitml for plairMorti Vaney work °revery kind ennbl• s to Joaoi , i'dotirM at the slior . t , t tinder fled n Ilio most •reasonabla tennis. Vern :4M in want of 11111 s. Illaolts or ant - tlt,lng 6a OM Jobbing lan.,, will man it tin rill° Interest to give us a call. •• • ~Sgrtlrll,l For that Herald. (N./11 . (4lttniati:ll/1. DAVID RAI)Nplt, COOVE,R, LATE OF N ('lt i;,,1;:91.11:CI: AND A Nelr.NT I..INOUA gEs4lN"luviN6 rz-miLE tofu T, 2 , ll:cioisweuulm, PA' . . OMIT APRIL.S.- Insetll44l t,,lior.to whop lu , wawrieatest—llis nllll 11. thin liiany friellll2l iu whysu rail; “Till 1 , 1,11 will xi,o to toll Thwv‘s,lll4 1.110 p.m:retest vowl I'hat'uver - 10014.1 wait how., 1)V DILI, A. SMITH I was slittnr:cotl n Elal,led knoll _ Ofn loevzy morn In April I inn, . :Thinking the Mlllp of a mn.01,00 stroll -411011, of it pleaßant rhyme. ".- ' The yonog g r ave on'the t.unny slope, lannbitr,r, to einlynye,of Day, iVitoso first Imam, liko a ',far of limpe r On filo tremulous river day my +l2 , nom lielnlint . Ft ihn wild bee ntrung-, --- • Alit! &Inn 'whore iho waters - meet • The mercy nitietc-birtl suing. • ' r My heart was singing with the birds— . • My . thoughts wcre'ranthllng in the delta, _ .Where - frolle witida were chanting words Sweet.as,the chinuCef Over the mountain,whosn rhu - othlne, .Noca. dimly 1.000, in dhdanee-lay, Low whispers (011p0 of ONE 1 knew, ln n irall.cy_.f„r I would I had heard wino pleatont thing As I not that morn on Met:grassy knoll ; I would that never thu raven's wing thy of the soul._ , . 1 l'Ao words that worn borne unto mina ear, / o r Wero 01111111.11.4 a9the raven's croak ; ~,,I And I /1111.0 lost one that, to too, won dear, And ANOTHEICS /AIM t 6 broke! " 111 4 —'• lolls dead 1"—so Fold Limy to me— 'Tile loved tool Ili° loving no mow ‘ll meet; Not 'lleatli • Ito .hale 01 Um mountain tree—. In tiro ca ley` I= Thu beautiful bath pum d frum'eartlf— The plum:, the gifted. thn goalie ono; Full align yearnings—, ealth of I'ol4ll— lint, as clothe Summer sun— • Gonol.hi thi;ll obit of his ninnhood'm pride— Gone: froln 1.111, 'luny who loved 6illl Ifs sivet.,. w Itt•ro his f ots.i.pr widered In his own delr nft Ivo dell. Apo rent —NVIIII'II tlio white daluy Ant% early uravo:—a,,,l, plant ye (hero 1.111es:211.1 s,ueet toroet•nt. note, And, Aulamuthon fair. • Fop 0, 'twerp inert tlngood 4110111 d sleep 'lb no kindly wattled by gentle epee; And. flowers. earth slaps, do vigils keep, , AP :ingek in Paradise. Fr i4ud of my soul l—no [lino thou.lu.u.4. 'Us Al I hove; • But, 1. boyond tho hillier shoro., • Not Ilu'tso ILmr ueetl'st In crave. Yet, when hush!. thy lowly couch The blonds that love thee sontothues gather, :tvouelt grlyf offriand for brother. ' 414, Agirll breezes, softly blow -- And Aplll bloiisrus, lightly ',hell Abovo blot, your piu•a flakes of snow gatilt:ure fur ho dead! • Farewell l--the harp that 4reihne sang For) bee, the strain legs sad and tearful, I would not on the willow link Without ono echo, cheerlul., And, If n lffa dorotcdv di To othor't iveal—lo Uod, and WWI; If, to ho nigh ht Duty's cap— If manly, um uhuod's Thou, 0 my friend! wo will not grim.° That On earth's lop the heat] reposes; Fur thou to die u•as. but to lieu— Thy 1.41,11 lod up through ruses. `And we aro sure thou diirst not wait Long, erode. , a We the shining portal, And smiling, through the mystic gat(' " Was ushered iu—thu Immortal! IVoll hatb the Pout 'old and ouog Slevi, Mathes twht•broptur; knows not Destbt" All, virtuous (totals bare after tongue— Nor pass with oar last breath. Our brother sleep.+—a geutlo,eleop— Sweet Steen! soft pillowod on thy bosom Entth I nut in bonds thou (hist hint hoop—, -, r ,blnr-wilt-n-boon ruins° htm: - •,.' • * Then.vhilst thou giowest grasses green, And gatherest buds iota blooms for htm, And sprinkleet dews is MIL lavish sheen The Illy•cup to brim— Something. amid the whiterstintes— &Seething still bright shout him kebp, Thst,mbilst, It tells ofull repose; • • Solemn, and Feciul in; • yet , A•Ftgtinnco roundidm •light sucli'nsin lire ha irnre— , Sonipthing that RIII bynontory bring Back—And, 11m lontypstore,, What shall St 1,0- 7 nlnt, 0411 {t ha - 0 ttaeli the wintla rttro molodym, Tint, whilst 7,, pF.4lranfi; 11'0'11 doom' IL of Cliet11,1481„. 'And so tb'O;ugli xong Iu will look .And tkO in solidlio Romotlint4 Como to ns,LivenroPof a 'crown— . • •'.. lcotoninallny,witit • . . Ala TROD: 11110 #loirerl xo early iort • Of olittitt 11113:denr to thou, ' :11144 . 111'k Pon on tOr#roon Ourtlitott tido =1,3 irP(ll-1216. • • • • -VABISEL - 7C elE:nam • ItEDlsT . EoA j r;•=3l3l;r6 - , • Ido not weave 'mournful teeurh—' -Yet, troulti-T-glre Not wino to yield the misein4 Iretiguie Davit tiititeoo lioty'deatti'f, Yet, tied honrtl thorn Is Jny In pier— "ik llow sweet betimes to At tiOd; talk Of those we've loved :‘-ble stay was brief— . Ilrief—b ut,' how bright 111 4 ;k1111;.1 b' •' ' • - Vlint plosroot memories trillprroad • • , • • bb s peaceful festipg:Placei Thg sim to oliiidowed by tbbilima— Still, glimpses or hlfi fuei;'• , : . 6. , • • livee Yet:,.-11T111, 0, boynO: The far hnrhon's.libo nt. , know be wanders robed Apd, wuwnod, • And breatleb n prayerlbr 001, • • • And In Andin ILo hill of othrree lives , • Ile lives and spe,:ddi: —Muth I:',. , whitt thy blighttsl Tin: Won—Tilt: on.tvi; SURVII43. And Y olTsp ling a his C 0. .-.- - flow much ye.zuhu, him I flow ye lulu The fire—the .00tfall op the eftilr, , -;" . 1141.2 cheerful mile of Wel The Word nfrourngeLtlie reproof, Firm ; yet how kind withal ho wns ; From duty lie lit'er stood nlced, ----Nor-frowned without n citurs Ills 'O9 is silent Ills place Ig VaeonVet And whon the bell to Audi edjie ' Ile answers dot A word. lal;e dead ?—Penth. ix notAenth To all won,—no, they do but dlo 'Who uselyas livo,—whosorecr . catit lireptb. Dot)* g.t.vo to 1110 . Our brotllur sloops . —hu In nut t i t, I know' trio. lii yourllearni 3 , 0 pear AHIIOI -. 111 J. 1.01,1,1111, To on to Imowledgo are. , • Arid ,11011 Ito after times, afar. ;. --- From the old haunts %there loth have] struyed, mind hhu nn your guiding star— And whore ha's lowly laid IVhat (lure that April breezosl3ow— .. When the young.loot In on thO . wootl, And whlhnero koal.soJt, Ovoet:ntul low, Prom 'out thO . -Volen.s of birds and rdu rut tiring rills, And hunt of In4dallli ibe Wingi When 01 ' 6 bland etherde,w, And slotuta up.Bprlng oyo will not forget 11111O,—yo - . ll in soinetluips 'dolt Idol, anti on Ills preen gravArop Om tribute freo— Teorn—fortlio absent hest, for thh tirry—,let hint rest— ' Our Minn], our brLtlicr—ktinp hip*, Goal Oh, friends, believe it for,tho Lest, • And kiss the elnisterilix r6dl • • "For Cho Heral4. • FAMILIAR. LITATVERS DY Pllol+. C. C. DEWETT NUMBEILL•II:4 B'xnset on thb NortlLltitr. t e Tt the Inn w ii it .'63lnat mtorn . ing—herp..l had addrestted thStughls on the'`Ottittire of geniusby the study 21 pa hum. That institution is knitted: utnong the western ranges of the Catskill nod rather` pjelltrestutely reminded me of the location of the monastery on, the great St Bernard. • The fillliriS(3 as seen from thWrnitts of the Parthenon at Athens is glorious, as a glowing sky over Mount Ityt•nell us, with hero and there ti brilliant golden cloud that hangs like a balshed diadem of "kings harbario23-and so indefinite in point that you are • unable lb decide exactly where the sun will appear, tit the edge of its radiant s hield gilds ranges, rucks, and ruins. And magnificent is the sunset in the tainy season, where -erbe land triads from floods of palm; And mmnto Ingres, and fields of halm Illow e'er the Ilaytlen seas"— masses or ourob,otm,thimull cloud, roll up fire•fingers ns the rain scenes to cease for tltk sun to go down, which sinking amid cloud-splendors of the greatest inagn • tinkt,lito, rain fur the nigh; begins tig,ain I had, the day before of which I writ een on that mount wlie . nco spring ihe waters of the three great rivers; the Vela wace, the Sus: yieltanna, and-the lindsolk•or '0:.T.0 - Ah River." It is on this river that so notch has .occurred to render its associations of r nature roman tic in the highest degree_ Who has not heard of the white-winged Hudson," whose eHtls erar seem like rest archangels inoylng slow, o'er some ethos_ iel way." . • 11111 . What legends imve given their majestic in terest to 'its •' mountain strand"— who can recount its mystical wonders.-1 have stood On some rock in busy contemplation of its 'varied interests when the steam music*lill 'organ played by steam—from the steamer Glenn Cove: or " 'would come upon the. breeze miles sway, '• singing the measure of some old Fong" with clearness -and softness lair it Mune front the sky above itnd • • • "Hang ivlidlp swoop o'er dale and hill." It bad been a rainy day ; I had noticed the red clouds and rainboW of morning and knew that our sweep over the Catskill would be a wet one. But no we reached that northern verge that overlooks thrtu t church-spire, and wood-land for tiftiMiles, the sun shone out with' a watery disc and the scene before me was of the higbest acrialmagnifieence. The wpm clouds lay along the eastern horizon, their dark lower edge co blended with the shades of Massachusetts' mountain distances that you could not distinguish betrteen mute lain and cloud, save at long iorovide •by a inint lightning glimmer here and there; while the tipper edge Of the clouds had wreathed themselves by currents land tempest•breatlt into ninny a fantastic fold of variegated light and•shade. ' . , The sun shone brightly as the stenine'r 44 Catskill" bore us from its moorings at six 'o'clock that evening. On eVery side except the west, the sky was limped over with heavy et:lases of cloud—in the west the clear sky was dazzlingly brilliant.; and sun, 'and sky, and eloud.were orgaitizing their full force for it display of form, light, shade, 'and color - eel: - dem witnessed by mortal-sense. I felt aware of all this.aud "prepared.for action." • And it, was to ,be intensified in intermit by holding its grand 44 carnival'', directly over the great est height and deepest " clove""of the Cats kills, which' two extrems ol depth and attitude must. enhanCe much the harmony end gran ' dour of the effect.. , A large .bar of murky . bronze6loml, narrow with silvery edges, ex tending itself 'o%ier .iher face' of the .sun and. .ataing the olear.slty_ot. the,occidenty-from-tlie polar bear to the south, all nature seemed to and the great exhibition began I .First, all over the minith,.eltending half. way down wayd to the went and reflected north word, eoei otoPiouth wee ono 'great heaving cloud, With -up turned 'otliett like wova kith creslu olf taaaLandepray..4tntl , .,.seemet,tts if ocean with all. 118 .svil(l-breakoKs from, (Weil, tonely'slaire hail 'gathered itself into one great ~,pnetty.•oCa- : yorld of; , ItrOugh the ,heaventi ;pest;: During DAring Otis, .play . the-omit vas the : muttering, 'storm that' passed oil,there-=to the • limmed by cloud and distance could .be leek ;;ate :flighlpn~s;ti Imt. , ,.ditelf , !Mountaitilpittf;af time lludsop : 'r : oo4.hOyee44,:lifelk; oy,O . the ieacud ill' s seoTpChelD:Oltiei4::tiork.,l)eneeizii;', CI SESIES22I EIMER] but,lighted by .. gleaming lightninds whose far orthiMiler could. not be :heard' by II !A while of this cloud were ascending and,bright- Art . feliery'eoltinins; the View-'of '.which would )ind you.of, the day when - the heavens shall be "rolled together as a ;croll ;" around the . basmitf these columns of •• tire. Mingled with smoke," 'were large, billowy .nittsses;:tiriged with the setting sun. Meanwhile the narrow bars of cloud in the west. had increased to five in ;minimr and stretched across the west like the belts ordupitemor the golden zone about the robe of d une. .And thol4lt ili t he Baltic w m ave•asses were seen above 4 '..l , lll hey were softened soineWloit and Were of •n polo gold, chonging till the! seem ed,lilto.the. fair locks of angeht "liong on the lirowsdf morn and eve." • Just then Mirited: the centrp of the sunset over th_e_h_igh.es44toinibf_the_Cotskills.-- ' It seetned os if.Goa.the. t ruttier lyncl. lixrtl Iris glorious .thrque there upon I linC:'everlast ing" mountain anal as , if the glory of rho Omni sphere, radiated from beyond rho foot-falls of .attgeis could he hoard passing and rd-int,Airig in slim halls of tho' cloudy mountain, and up and down tho.elonil-btair• way of heavenand ns if the laces of ;bode partetl looked fo,rtli happy through the gorge.: sits clouds. that surrounded the , glorious throne! • . The boat provied on—the. the sky kept elningjug : -and now; that deeP kiujivu as the " h.y befOre ns 1 0tne. 'Aden, elfect,Lall seemed eonjoiked'to render the ffeelle one that should lie impressed r upon my memory forever. Immediately - through the " Clove"—where receding range on range is, 15(20), tic seem ether heavens to burst on the sight through the nebula of 011-4 t lienry'purple cloud closed in the pro spective on either hand 111111 1.1610 W,. while through the centre and above glowed the clear evening sky ; this cloud hid Ilse ` sun behind ilshcll Curvy IRO. COV.C.Ved.-it,(111ly-81) id old add to the effect of this seeming cloud- • Portal of the •• land of .the", !wreath.) . " The memory of my mother 110 W come deeply over. me—for slictatight toe to love themumetand there she hit's gone:, 117)w tilany ifnies togellier: -. )Te - nua - • loused ever it); transitions till - its list lingering ' light • inged the pale,..rory..cluuds , above, the- -- star of evening. • - On either side of that purple clowl,:f have • mentioned:l ninered - 1 ettuld see ' aittitl its ruby . qleam, now-and then, likti the electric light of ' the evening of a healed day, flitting forms of . - angels; suchjus lead the Thild'ot nat,tire . when hetdies, to see the ghwies v of tile universe : a hove glowed u cloud of einerald,changine to every rain-how 106 , -ronitl tune tie if it (mold eclip , e all before -it, came on - the - ":clo:sing ' scene. " 'l'he'Cat.okill, et tluit distance. blii.,ll - :in .summer- rich russet in auttimit—.. purple . bright Minor)), dark at eve, with their outimes: :: now - sharpcninv.im Ilse leovl`lll[lg light looked grimly on- then„„shot up bright , lays: the heavens were /111 . 11giOW ditli the re. flex light 7 -the lvalers below were like WI - RCS or gold. fringed with the foato-of latnr-cone glittered in the light.---"My heart could nareely beat; f sank beneath emotion unutterable. till - twilight. COMC to my . va toile Mantled with the cool shadow of even;ng lay on - the shore lieforo . me, "-Where heath-cud 'fern .were waving t " SWIWI Ix tllO . lllSStiTy of her lonelier.. And MI tldnpry ou•n tier dim di, lolly." Nsw Yottli City, June. 1869. • -COUSIN JOIIN. I •Nly gracious Ilm.nsh, it' you ain't amight to behold: Land sakes. child, 'where bocci yiut been all the toornisug.? 1111.0 we've most thine dinuer.,and there :11111' /ICI hill lit to eat, I don't believe. We've jin.:t ate tip the last el' diem berry pies. 'tut, my sakes, elti,hl, you took as iF.you'd hod berries enough tor one spell—your !sleuth and hands in all black ;with ..!,ent now ' •. Aunt A134.1is tongue, if possible a tyore.un tiring menilser than even her ever hands 1141 it haveynn on in ;111 1111i1111•11111,1Cd !lOW for an hour longer, had not the etwrent of her ideas been cheek, th I,y it turn it, startling and sudden that the emiversationsd tide (4(.1 ill,Wol it: 1 / 1 1:11iti 1111 d in one —bless my soul l'; of ',nob fulness and energy, that it scow ti o have ex 11;.ust ell her wel),springs of language and put it temporary stop to the torrent of words The cause 0111,0 iliterritioiell was. simply Ibis. fir,t beheld me, 01011-. stained and berry•staint-d, heated, tired and hungry. her motherly compassion for my con-, 'Mimi made her, hoe the monicnit forgot'sl of everything but my wants following Iho direction or uly eyes, lice own ITSIINI 1111011 nu nppalltion which tilled me with dismay; nod toady toy cheeks . 1z Ine redder than the July 01111,11m1 done before, blushing first at, the thought of my nppearanee 111111 then more and more with Amine that I short d have bluched at all, till the tears fairly started to my eyes front very vexation. And the source or all this'disturbanee was neither more nor less Ilan liNpitlier loyulsome and well (11T9SCLI young stnin N wlio out at the disiner-mble finb.hing, the labb nitre of ;mot hut mente'd berry ple c und lielween the - mouthfuls taking-a cool and Impartial survey or myEetr. Hod it 1 aught judge fi:kno the hall' smile flint lurked in the euratee.ot Ills eyes, forming a not, too-valuable esthnate of sti), , ,,,personal Mime- I have no vanitP i l'eel sore that ; but no girl could help feeling vexed to'nOie her first appearance - before a person WhOtt! FL°. 11111111mA talked about for the last three Wlikts as I badAlr. Hampton (I knew atiAe glance it was he.) looking as I did then, my N N dress muddy,and wet, and tofu by Me Moro, lily hair half faileti down, my face heated, And word! of till, toy lips and recut . blue as indigo from the berries 1 had been eating all morn- Cousin John stood looking on, silent as usual, but I believe in his heart not sorry to see mo looking my ugliest before thestranger. However, I felt grateful to him for Putting an end to the embarrassing mm° by catQing . Mr. Hampton off with him to the marshes As soon as they were gone I ran 'Noy own room 'and had a good cry— I had been siieh a - fool. , I might at beast have explained. how, I got toy dross so wet and dirty ; that it) trying' to take a.stiovter way home, I bad crated the brook, and :Sipping oil' one of the .stepping stones, fell iettt the water. Ito I never think of anything at the right tiluov and any explit nation, afterward only makes one appear ridi -I,culous:— It was no indication of vanity, cer tainly. that I tried 'OH that night to Audio my-'' soli look as well ns possible; and if I did spend more limo than tiSlial In persuading iNe-ry.per verse earl stay tajts proper place, it. was '• surely no more Chair was • required to remove,. rho unfaii iinpro,dsions 'of 'lbw morning. 1,. dreaded meeting them- again, so 1 waited ; , till tea,was all ready, and then quietly Alipping. into the room was introduced ad we sat down • at the table. There was nothing in Mr: llatpp tou-p-tut -revive-my . 0 *sin John gave - nie h comibal look' which made tint feel vexed. all the Sonic . • person's looks speak so plainly I lint they'secat to h two. tie need of words tit oxpress theniselvos • . ' and Aotr•iiii Jolla iuevidetitly of than opinion, if ond May jibiga from kin sparing Use . o' the,' orgaitd Uf speeith, " that fine especially. f remember': 'for') 'daya,togother, i( would tienin to ine.. ha, • -hardly spoko ,ten words. but would, Sit,'thero' heat•ing every-word we: saki, 'and ,comnienls In his •UiVti Mind. ..112is s 'a - vary voking:.way; 'and used tci *rained) that I daresay d must. have .appeared, 'Very -dilly and awkWard,'..l3ut naverseomokeouseioas of it,atall;;lntwaittled,' rivay,',denye non)," ease It-) ght tobef xcry:Wr O idtiz, -- ; • - WM . . I uSed4o-wondol., when cousin John-had ' -- Thelr.lNt - nforning, lifter.lircnk6isf , detain, said so niuelcto nte . of.Nlr..llanipton being his .I`ohn asked ete I , ,would.ride with him again. ' friend in 'College,.lLitil Such tkgeed,felloW, the• 1 consent - 0T of course_feeling a little.SurpriS4 `be not seem to enjoy his' visit more. It *.ed, for he always devoted'Tilt morningd to. could norbe envy ;'for though Mr Hampton work.• tuiner.phieliorse's bead - down - flu; was certainly more elegant ip dress and HOMO mill road ; and — after a few common , pines r e .: - little matters; no one could ever be _a more -marks-about the beauty.of the morning and true gentleman than eeusin John,.even in his the scenery he ,sank into entire silence, but overalls and , birth boots;, besides, of 'course. this was not soynitsual with hint .ad to (licittit' . he must have hea glad 'that we all liked. his tuiy speculation with regtird to its cause. friend. Whatever might. have been. the cause ' When we Caine to the fallen: tree'we sat , the fact-was' Hat all the ,time Mr. !tampion. doWn ns before and then cousin John begin . ". staid at , ttittfarm cousin Jelin seemed to have to speak.. • take tra vow of silence, and just from common 1 "Annie." said he—in such a strange, forced' civility , I Was 4 eltlized to exert • myself to sip-'voice that it frightened me: that_Lhad edfyn,_ plyThiddeficiendies aSTar as I could.- andito! ded him in some way—" Annie." he went on, all id my power to-entertain his guest. which witli,a little hesitation, ."1 havemade a pro_ wasnot by tiny means a„ difficult, task, • for I ,Mi4e, itufferlatten_a_chttrgeWhichlsrdifiOulltii— never..stCw. ny--eneLM ore -inclitlettirybeTimi - set or Ingre willing to do his share in pleasing oth ers One lovely morning ins we sat at breakfast (on emit-Irene:a at the titi•in ) aunt Myra 'pro posed lii-us to rideover to the old sow-mill-=a place which, dignified by soroe'nente- worthy, or its beautieS, might have led some romantic tomartst many a mikput or their way, and have become a centre of attraction to all the seek ers of the picturesque throughout, the Country. • Atint.-Nlyiat:s proposal met a ready accep tance ft omits all. ,(swap oide,or t hose brig)] t, diyeety,....eximilara.ting.,tnornit4,l-s when -it -seems. easier' to do anything thou to siddown•quietly within tlo,ors,'so we were soon mbutited omit, such horses as the farm could furnish nod cantering along all three abreast ; but 90011 WO turned into one of those lovely little weed- . 'roads, where the trees meet, overhead; and our ' horses feet mode no sound oil the soft carpet , of pine leavemrthat Itfy thick on ditim ground. The road was too narrow for three Iffirtmes,and cousin loimii said he would tide (l to show 1117 the way; but I•ti - ifhpose Ito remembered that I- already knew.it;ni he was 00011 ant of sight. • I' v We tried . to 'overtake him, but Mr. 'lamp- I ton's horse was either tired or v ry lazy', for be could not. nail hits go ffiste ,than a walk. So it. was a Wog tune before e reached the mill; and we furl a great deal or - conversation 1113% the way. -- ')li;. - Ilffi - lipton tallied nffinit country life I lii: said' lie was I it'CLI Pr Ole city, country life and-thought Of •ffity ing--Itimliselr a firm - diem where in the country, and imerestingliinmell - in agrieult mire. I stiggesteml4lint hi a neigh bffiliond like 010'n he Would find great lock of society ;Ault he soul,. surrounded by such beautifol naure, he shouldnever want more - saciety thmin - I hat of• one or t wo friends, and if he -wlin mitre lie was going to say I do not knoW ; limiest mitt hat moment toy horse gay- % it sudden solid:awl Continued' to pratmettnomi ittnip.for fiv - e - initiates so that Ali- "fliii - opton was arraill I should be throWim,. and tried to 'persuade me. Wheo ,Nelly -no last stood still enouglid'or site tmi dismoont, to let him ridelier while [,took old Ben_ But I was confident •I Could Man -igenit tle-Nelly, and 'indeed, lord he rest of the ridishe wasps gentle .as a lamb. But lie Hampton's - plan of farming:lire was not mentioned agent. . When we arrive:( it the mill, there was COlO4ll .10110'S linnie,bni its rider was nowhere , vi - sild'e,--111e.called. him, but received-no an--- swer, so we sirmilled,ffif to the waterfall, and there tie fditittl hint :lining on a rock, throw ing pebbles into the water Ile Vas so deeply eagressed inilds abserbifg occupation that - - - he did not look up mail we spoke to him, and The Wind is from tilt; northeast, au ashen - " then I theught-he seemed rather out of tee,-.. gray scud sweeps close overhead, the general per. dhough Ido nor , know what could 11) " . ,`",t" exelarpation is; , I it feels like. snopr." Soon . 1 vexed him .11OWever,• We all sat down town ii-.,1 he tlaltes.begin i 0 descend ;or first' leisurely er 0 little while to rest, mid the ewer rush- and few; then 'swiller'; and finally faster, . I ing over the gremit stones in its bed so noisy, _ , titter, Before an hour,' , % the earth is covered . - Mid 'withal so musical, thmffit was tie wander with a white mantle, composed of 'millions on ' tor: till grew silent as we sat there listening to millions of little crystals, each as, perfect of it. At last( Mr. Itifmnion started up. saying its hind as a diamond, and each in ifself, if that lie wi:;ffied to once the course of the brook you will only look, as beautiful Take- up ", hi} ;her tali. he was,convinced We should timid it one, It omits in your hand; it is gone See beautiful enough to repay IN tor the walk I ;that. oilier, on the ve,y top of a snow-drift, could not refuse to go with . Itim,..especially as ii , :ening , , gm:like. in the sunshine, 'A it. was his last day witlf its ;his visit had mil- , virile ago. it. wait vapor. floating in the sky ; ready extended dor Im , yond its int coded limits, ' before that. it WOS.a drop of sea-water; to-' and to•ntorrow hr must. certainly leave "•''') mot row it will be fluid again, and mingling So tve went, without cotisin John, who, rather i , wind, the ocean. Examine its shape. It is ungraciously I t bought'. declined to accompany like a tiny star, cut in Var-rara marble. Yet mi- o IN he pretext of being tired ; though how sculptor, our oven hipidist; could ever riva l it m a an who. eon a syt he (ram sunrise to No marble is line cuougli to fabricate it. . ' tat sunset could be tired after fin eight miles tide subtle power 10. nature has made this' snow- - I Aid nor know. , ' flake so different in appeal-apes from the rain- There was a grassy path alon g the border Jiro)), 'yet substantially the sante ? 1110 very - ! of.the bawd:--u renutatu..,perhaps, from its boys in a telegraph office will tell you,it. was , I working Boys, ''nl.ll,,n in winter, ions were magnetismn. Yes! it is, iiii,M,• as yet. almost, . drag4eml thrum to, the saw null-but encroach-„,,,,,, wn ~,,,,..ent, Ito motive power by which 1 e ,l u p o n by the hushes and 30111 1 g rues, the ,Y e , en d "17glit t ljo , g ” messages to our frit nits, cart-road Wilt; narrowed to 0 1001'0 footpath. which helps to crystalize alike the diamond at ! We wandered on and out, every inro.of..the the bottom of the oboe, and the snow-fluke , ' brook showing mis new and more enticing glimp- high up in the heavens. • . , '_acs of heauly mud lending. us farther !hall O:C. The whole subject of crystals is beautiful should hove gone,,,,i ill tit . length I felt really . bc3 , on - d imagination. it is crystailizstion and . tired, "' arils"arils" g lad ' detour tut .• \ , i '''' lia "', l). crystallization alone, which draws the line be- - l a ud : , proposal that we should sit :mown on the ••fween the diamond that flashiut on a lady's fin- ~ trunk oft tree which heal fallen-partly over gee end the charcoal that. smuts a kitchenthe itrook. mind ' l est. The woods were Inn of tffititl. -Sandstone and . granite, limestone and '. , tilaCk-buries, ries, and, making a basket. Of soine : marble have their essential difference in crys- r leaves, he went ell', nod soon brought it back t 1 lonization. Ono tins been formed in the hi 'to ine.full of berries. "I ant almost as much boratory of nature, by the slow deposit of of an expert in this branch of woodcraft as matter held in solution in primeval sea's ) , the Miss Annie herself," said he, with a smile other by particle on particle. also Uhd . in so- • whiell showed very well he had not, forgotten I lution,arranging itself in the pi ecision of col our first, meeting: 10111 I took courage then to i Ldiers at a review. Nit architect ever built tell Min something of time annoyance I felt at . more regularly than ,nature, when consti uct my absurd appearance on that day. "First I lag even the smallest. crystals. Plants • and impressions,..yon know," I said, 'vac sm --- o - ilTett i anilnia . a grow by excessive developments ; in-. - ffidelible.'' "They are. indeed," he said. crease by assimilation Ihrongli chemical "haute did I think, when -you . 01110.0(1 - aunt changes; but crystals are equally perfect in Ilyra's door-way, and stopped short, 'blush: their earliest stages, antl enlarge only by no ing Ind; a wild rose-bud, how time whole course' nyelion. , yet, cry. M , stills, lute till ether created , o f- " "Me r 'Y l" sev e amed I, "there goes to -Y timings, die in timeioes abound with skele- handkerchief lido the water. Please catch it; • tons of cryStals. Crystals dither in shape-ns there - it's slopped by that stone!" and not' . ,there for Ml'. 119111pton's assistance, ten- the microscope reveals-almost as touch as- nce, I l plants themselves. Yet flue same substances : °lied it toyself,umml brought it, dripping to the . 'always crystalize in the same forms, at, least shore upon ()to '0)41 of a long stick under time saute etinditions, so that we may say • Being roused to animation o hy this little in- antler are tribes and races of crystals, with •sci . tlent., 1 found myself-qoite sufficiently re• t'ypicaliihapes, exactly as of MOIL frothed to walk hackle then 11, which we did Crystallization is Portal through ell nature. at iivery brislr•pace. havidyg DO occasion now . There is not a substance which, when allowed- : .to loitersift admiration ,of the -scenery whiel*- limli free Movement of its . part holes, does not ' wits no longer new to. its. , ' ' 1 exhibit a frequency. to crystalize. Witter, at a. ..... We found dimotsin-John just where we had , low temperature, crystalizes into ice. Metals, .: left him; and I, vat , down Whim and grave him 'slowly cooled after melting, crystallize. The an discount of the beauties IM lied missed; and way gses, escaut as teseep, be iminl'e hhimproinise fo'follow the brook up-with made so eva ar n tificially sol i d ce l lo crystallize, Our -- I"rilimselr'o ne.t'Wm•ethk 116.e ' Mi% liiiim P . (children eat..crysitillizmul sugmie--,-under the ~. ton, looking at ids watch, - remarked that we ' name of rock candy, and we ourselves use it had barely time to roach linineffietore dinner, I, , loaf, toe crystallized * in s/lother, form. and aunt 'Alyea, might. be anxions,if we gyre m in w hut is glass but a • crystal 1 The sizes of • late; so we ,mounted and rode home IVe I i crystals vary infinitely. were all tired and silent-hungry perh a ps, too Sochi to be recognized, except undonend- The afternoon I spent in my own rooni." - Af- croscope; and there is one at :linen, weigh : - terdea we werm3all iu the garden ; epttsinJohn:„.ng nea i nearly nine hundred pounds. The White , seized with an'imotiinely fit of industry, .dilli- Mutt mains of 'New' Ilainpshire. are a vast ag- gently, weeding. the strawberry bed, and l',. gregation of cnystals. 'Tito Itlanimoth Cave in -- perhaps inspired by emulation. trying to train Kent uelsy is arrefloriiiiiiiminiuseum or crystals.. ' , up a climbing rose. Some of the branches As yet,'lM - Wever, with.all our knowledge, we ~ were too high forme, and Mr. Ilampt on beg : . god ro be . allowed t assist are coniparatively ignorant -of the Jaws of , o le ' I C ' • '-' • '--I have been rather it follow . most of crystallization. ' , Under them we see atom ar range itself .4 sociai mystic!, myriad forms; • my life,' said Ito; ;but. I Mean to reform; and we diseover. also that, not only magnetism, perhaps you will give me ,my first lesson in butwlight amid heat exercise an intluenee in miserulness.-If yoit know.-how much pleasure crystallizationthermiNnur , inrmation' it gives.me to be obi° to do oven a little thing 'substantially stops. • The sciebee of crystal for - • you, and to feel hint lam earning-' lization is almost a sealed hook. •Its rnigliti- /Z "A• dollar a day,"-said I. - ' - - est Curio,iitiett 'l4ilflie, like the virpti N islands , , ,,,,, , , ' • Ile took MO notice of my ieipertinedit_ . Ker i ., thit sti a . c i f i n. ..b afern . the .. thr nt . enni ,, tii ., , . , , itie , . ruption;" • Ife. - didnot - sliem to, hear itTiliougl ing the perseverance' of home fortunate s he slopped short in: what he was saying, and plover.-Selected. - alirtiptly exclaimed :• • • •• - . . • . . . • 7lMiss Anna I nurstreaVedlibfarm early to- :. .,- . !. . . . . . morrow inoriiingd.doe early ,t.O , --Lupo It, see Success NOT ALW . AYS ITAP . i.INESEO'..=II I O often ;• 7ou. "I have .spent.,/j01421 Lilo SIX. happiest see itn"old, weatlair :beaten, t who•'never, . T l a '' l . i s.linew ''. weekS ofmty Life::, '-I never, know, what life ' had any success in his life,,wdoawt Y..,., . ~. 3 'hi beffiefore and now. that-'; -.: -'-: , -, ' more,nrid accothplielaid 1630 than kiam,sociatear • The conclusion of this sentence . wits sud- ' -who took the quartz and dirt• - of tho - interprieo;: - !. deal. , (int 'off by the'triotit 'furious •ontbrerik'.of '. while they' took. the gold; and yet, idold :ego- '.' . ~ , .. -barking itiacracklingeolnimined. accompanied lie is the happier man-all his lifulongliewas , : , by • distraefell ones of ' "flamialti llannala 17 tliolhappier man F r '‘ ITO:1mA as tan - of ho'rio,'o4 . reiiin allot 'Nlyra,..l ruslie'd'io her aSilst shoe, 'tficy.,ol . .dusire,:and,greetl•, 'and amidst, all Alliroi, !And.ancoeodod.iil capturing and carrying off imisfoytune, anddhese rn ksiert.on . dlT,7 l ,.*-9 ,1 .. 6138 ..1;11' ' 'in ,- diagi:aoe thus oitt* . of; tho'•disturbupso,'n ', he: lies b r ad that fyindin lund wlncl., on ap "and., ~,, .viSiiiitis ailla tairibr';wbo laid fou'ad iionolneana : carried,, 1/10'liemil Abovo'n . ll. troohloarand tined' s,'•'• ismf getting:int md,i . h o laaill:4"yardoliid - : Ina king•!their:,riorld-Avitle,•.wateps bore. lii,th .: .tipliko'lliit 11'4,' .. . lifttl these Uniting' tto'bituds Of fj , tuoi; ducks.' old ark.!!i) . ;94oh° 4c 1 "49L... , 1t Aisastlkodo l l!;l.% . A..___:.. iniallliirkSYS. - - -- 7. - ::•" - ?fr:', .=':"T'' - • •• - 7 - :, - that Savo - not , *, . _ ,• , . -, ; . : , .., , ,,v_. : , 1 . , . .viv , -4-f r ,3 , -.-.. '..,,,,,:.( ::,,,,, 1 • . - 4.01 50 per annum an advance_:_:. .. . .. execute. I must sfleak to you upon a mutter i where.a;lldreperson's intervention is embar-' lrassing, and I had - better speak nt once, dint I•may. keep my word more honorably;-11amp-,„ : ton:wished very much to see you again before' lie witiri away; he hod .inuch to say to you that . he felt unwilling to write; be ; tried. to ~say it ••• yesterday, but woo illiqrrulited. In 'short ~ (and here cousin John's manner grew Tatilit. i than ever cold andtsevere)—in short, lie loves• , yOwand•wishes to, make you his Wife . ; but felt so much discoinnged by soinetfring in. 'your manner yesterday, that he dares not see you - again or write to yu outf,til • I can give' hint some hope of such an answer as he wish--:- I ea. - I ought, in justice,to hitn, to say . that I havea great, :respept for • his. character and talents;' nd think S he would make you very 1 kappy if—you love hint." Com. John stopped, waithig for- my an ewer, but none,came. • "I ninst 7 writo.to him, Annie," said he, '•what shrill I say?" Still. no answer , till at laSt it dame, innviolent, Ir.. • "repressible sobs—nci 'tears, only those clinking • sobs. • "Angivhat is the nutter ? - - Itly dear' Annie, win lave I said? ' Dear, dear little- Annie L.: i ly- oten• Annie! Then 'came the , tears—a ft.ll flood—but, they were wept on his lirtiii4, and his hand wiped the, away: : . . I do not know what answer Cousin John, wrote in Hr. Hampton•, but after all, I do not thiinklie could have been unhappyverylong, for he had onlykpewn 5 1"iiliVitYS hived - the , country ; and Cousin John Iltinks under- aunt Myra's training I shall make the best" of farmer's wives—cer- • vainly the happiest. • nunxtr.rry Bobold the modest blooming flower, Among the gt ass near yonder bower; Bright on .it's - breast the silvery Adds lustre to its snow like Lug. See Low• it, hatiAS. ifs moded hold, Scarce lifted fromitslowlybed ; And iditspgrs to the curs of }Muth, ThiS . :leSson of itnportant truth, Whate'er your parts 'or vytues ba, 0. cultivate humility! • Ileunobetrusire, retired : Seek to IM useful, not admired.''__ CURIOSITIES IN CRYSTALS. =I M OM