Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 29, 1859, Image 2
gaff: !D, 'Ckgril4E, PA. Weditsday, .11910. 29, 1859 ' - ' 4- PEOPLV,r;SfiATE - TICK# - T.' - FOIt.,AUDITOR THOMAS E. COCHRAN; • of York Cost74-'''''' -- FOR SURVEYOR - GE , NERALv , - - Gem-WILLIAM ILICLiM of Berko-County "POLITICAL'. . . . The Mende of Judge Douglas in the 'city of s M'cialtinglowareliispossession of-the-following letter, 'explaining his position on the subject of the , presideney; and of -which they have . . permitledn'aopy to belelten for publication.: WASIIINGTO . N, Tune 22, lBfi9. . • . '.My }pear. Sir c I have .received our letter s inqatiring whether my -friends are 'at- liberty to present my name to the Charleston conven tion for the presidential nomination.. Before this questionian`be finallY: - determined it will be necessary' to understand fitslinctlY upon what issues the.cauvass is •.to be conducted. If. es I have full faith they Win,alie demo . critic pitrty - shaltdeteiedipe in the , presiden- • tial election 0f.1860 to adhere' to, the princi . plea embodied , in - the coati:trot - Oise measures of AEA. and- ratified. by -the people in the Presidential election.of 1.862 ; and reaffirmed • Wthe Kansas and Nebraska act of - 1854 ; and , incorporatedlitto the'-Cincintiati platform - of -1856; as exponededby Mr. Buchanan, in his letter accepting the nomination;and: . approv. ed by the people ih his'election. in that event •piy friends will be. at libeVty - to present my name to the convention, if they : see proper, to , do so: • If, - :on the contrary, it shall become the policy of the democratic party, which . ..l cannot anticipate, to repudiate' these time ' honored principles, on which we -have achiev- • : ed so many patriotic triumphs, and in lieu of • them the'eonventien shall interpolate into the creed.. of_” such new issues as the revival - of the- African slave trade, or a ceri gressional- slave code for the Territories; ' or the doctrine that the constitution of the United States either .establishes ,or prohibits slavery in the - . Territories, beyond the power of 'the people - legally to control it, as - other noperty—Lit is due to candor to say, that' in .such an event, I could not accept the nomi nation . answer will be'deemed sufficiently . explicit, I am-very-respectfully,-your friend, • [Signed] S. A. DOUGLAS. - .141. 'Door. Esq., 'Dubuque, lowa. The 051186E1W° - n, at Washington t ithe . • of the Administration, reviews ;Judge Don-. • glace letter at length, and regards it as a de- . claration.ef his purpose to oppose the 110M1- - bee Of the Charleston convention. P Iptlon of Foreigners • Our, democratic 'friends have made so much ado about the new provision in the Constitu,. lien of Massachusetts, requiring naturalized 'citizens hereafter to reside in 'the State two years, .before 'they. shall be entitled to vote,- that it may be well to' inquire what limit re cord•ia pu that subject; .At this same time, we do not wish to ho un derstood as in favor of that provision; we eon eider jt-unjust_toward foreikn_born _reeident and uncalled for by any,exigeney of the times;. knit we . protest against the American Republi _. eau party of PCnnsylvatiia, being lteldrespon • slide for the acts of (ho - Citizens of another • State, unkss the - "rule . works lioth'_wayit-!' • The_,Wa lingtin Reporter speaking on Cis • subject sass ;' The Demberats seem to forget that the State of South carolina - -a State that never swerves in its devotion to thdDemocratic cause—three years ago adopted a law hi reference to natu ralization, precisely similar. Indeed, if we are not mistaken, the.„Massachusetts amendment is almost a literal copy of the South Carolina enactment. • Butthis is not the only, case that should shut the mouths of democrats in regard to proscrip tion Not mafirscars ago, A Convention was chosen in New Hampshire to revise and amend the Constitution of that State. Tilt Democra cy had control of that body by a decided ma jority, and .although a strong memorial came in from all parts of the State, asking that the clauses which denied the right of suffragelo Catholics, should be stricken out—itlthougli the Whig'members exerted themselves to have the restriction removed, the Democratic ma jority voted to retain it, and to deny to every Catholic, either native or, foreign born; the right of voting in the State Or New Ilanipshire ! 'Here was proscription, not only on account of birth-place,'hut on account of religious belief, and that tIVI) by the very party that now cries out against the Massachusetts amendment. So far then as State legislation in regard to for eigners. is concerned Abe Republicans and —Democrats may at least play quits. But let. us see what sort of a record our Democratic friends have upon this question in ' a national point of view. Who does not re member the action of the Democratic majority in the United States Senate, in the case of the. Act authorizing the 'people of Minnesota to form a State constitution, preparato.7 . to ad mission into the Union ? In that instance, two thirds of the .Democratic members voted to deprive Persons of foreign birth, then resi dent in Minnesota,. of the right of suffrage, which, under previous acts 9f. Congress and the Territorial Legislature, they had already Anjoyed.. • This is certainly a greater outrage upon the rights of foreigners than the Massa . ebuzetta enactment, for it in no way interferes with'the rights of suffrage enjoyed .by those now resident in the State, but only prescri bes a new .rule 'for those 'coming hireafter ..whettikeiy,lho attempt of a Democratic United States Senate was to rob .foreign . rcsidente of, Minnesota.. of 'a right already rested. With this record staring our Democratic friends in ~..--tihifface.":we think it hardly becomes them to . ' make complaintligainst the Republicans party of the nation because of the action of the state _ of idassachuiette.. SLIPPING{ ott Iloations.—The details brotight by recent arrivals, of the sanguinary battle of Magenta, must be sufficiently ltorribie to satisfy the most tragic disposition. The mini the_combatants,_and_the__Blaughter_on_ both aides, make it the most importrint battle fought in Europe, since the days of Napoleon I. As might, be expected the Austrians refuse to acknowledge theinselies beaten, and some of the Englieh papers endeavor to make it, ap- pear, that the French meta reverse: But the . march of thii Weiler eagles is onwsrd, and unless the war, should be stopped by' British ,diplomacy; Austria rule in.ltaly,' will soon be stiong the "things that were." Austria, sin , . Sic handed, never has been, and probably never,wiU be equal to !he French. . BrAviair ix A NprintrAk. r -FrancisHutshel, 'the porter on bo'ard the steamer -Marion, was arrested at Charleston on Wednesdyi 22 inst. Just before the departure pf the•vessel for'New York.. He had attempted tot.abduot a slave, "rho was found hidden in Nuisitc;rs roam. " MORE 81110111 AILOAT e 7 The siMinishiP Ful toa, from Nevi„York on Saturday laet, for Southanipton and Havre, with 180 passen gers and $1,000,000 inapeoie. The steitin. ship Cityof Manchester also sailed for Livor ' pool with 110. passengers and *76,000 in ape , . TM* MSTORIO story started by the Oswego . ralladiqns p ttuit inetorio atone immuguriag 'Mum 70feet lu dfaMoter; had 'fillon in Oswego. ,coitaiy; N.-Y/turns out, to be a" boom kluge number of.pereous - were drawn thaw from eniy to find ihemetdiai iwitiatr -gat ^ • . . =CI In the laic war in the Crimea; and the pree 'mit- war In Italy, freqttent mention' is 'made of thatimitionvif the . Friich •troope,- known 'ae Zoisav#,:for their. 'irresistable daring.aild gal-' lant y . The 'desoriiition of HAM, by Capt: Geo.'4l. Medlellen, late .Cavalry," will; he ironed interesting,, Capt. - 81001ellarrwat`onty, of the - viimeri - ;sentla—tlie- Crimea, by thelBear'etary .Of War, in . 1856 to observe the Etit'opean mode ttrwarfare. He speaks of the , Zoutiveti as follows • • . "The dregs of! the Zouave is of the Arab pattern ; the cap is a lose fig,:or skulfcgp, of scarlet felt, ivith'a tassel ; a turban is worn over Phis in full dross ; a cloth vest and loose .jacket,_which-Aeave , the. , Meek,unitmumberad by collar, stock or cravat;' cover the' upper -PVE-Ofttatebittlod,X.t.anflAlle.Wirkg.Mr=aritt. of the arms ; the soarlerpants are of thelbose, Oriental pattern, and are tucked finder-gar tera like those of the foot'rifies of, the guard; the overcoat fit a loose cloak with a . hood; the (Masseurs wear a similar one. The men say that_this_dressis the most cimVonientliiossi ble,.and prefer it.tdany. other. • . • . "The Zbuaves are All French.; they are Se lected from among: the.old' cempaignors. for their, fine physique: and tried courage, and have :certainly proved: that :they aro, vrttat their -- apimitranco would indicate, most .reckless, .80U-reborn, and complete infantry that Europe can produce.- • . • . ...With his graceful4ftess, soldierly bearing And-vigilant attitude, Vie; Zouave, at an out post is the beau ideal Of a soldier:- ," They neglect no opportunity of, adding, to their personbl comforts ; if there is a stream: in the vicinity„ the partymarching on picket is sure to bo amplj , supplied with fishingrods, &c., if anythifig ie to be had, the Zouitvedare quite'cfmtain to obfain it. ' "Their movemerts pre :the most light and graceful I have ever seen; the stride is long,' but ,fhe foe!, seems scarcely to touch the ground, and tho' march is . apparently made With Out effort:-or fatigue: • " The step of the foot rifles is shorter and .quicker, and not so easy and graceful., • "the impression produced by the appear ance of these two corps is very different ;Vie rifles look like active, energetic little fellows, who would find their 'best field as skirmish ers t -but the-,Eouaved have, combined"with all the activity and energy of the others, that solid ensemble and reckless, dare-devil indi -viduality which would-render-diem alike .for midable-when attacking in mass or in defend ing-a position in the most, des-PM-hand-to— hand encounter.' Of all the _troops that 'have ever seen, I. - should,esteem it the' great, est honor to•assist in - defeating - the Zonaves.' The grenadiers of guard, aro all large men and a fineAdokifig, soldierly set, • . "'The voltigeurs aro entail,' active men, but larger than the'rifles. -They aro light Wan . -try." Later News fropEarape. The arrival of the staamei Bremen, on the 2Gth just , brings us news from Europe to the pe.British filinisfr7 hos rosigneffin conse quence of the want of confidence , resolution in the House of Commons. Loi'd Palmerston is:the new Premier, and Lord John Bussel_the 'Secretary of Foreign' Affairs.• . The hitest intelligence from the seat of is 'that the Austrians have evacuated Piacenza .Pavia. Lodi; Bologna, and Anooria. The cit adel and fortifications at Piacenza were first blown up. • • It is rumored that Ihe Emperor Napoleon will soon returnl9.,Franeet, leaving Martihal Pellissier as commander in Chief. In evacneding Piacenza, the Austrians left behind their provisions, ammunition and. can non. The Anstriane quitted Bologna on the 11th for _Modena. The Frenoh troops passed the river Adda without striking a blow.. ~ Gen. Garibaldi find !occupied Beiiamo, and repulsed an Austrian force, 1600 Strong, who were marching-against him_froni Brescia. _ VANNXA, May 12.-An. official belletin* states that Gen: - Benetieek again attacked Melegnamo on the oth, resulting in the loss of two orThree hundred. " - - The total Austrian dont at Palestro, -May 81st, was - 16 officers, 616 men killed, among whom-one .getteral; and 23 officers and 878 men wounded ; 6" olfters and 794 men tuise ifig: Garibaldi'sroorps threatens the soutliern . 'Tyyol from Val Canonica"and Bagsline. , It was reported yesterday that 'the Frpnch fleet In the-Adriatic had received poweiful"re:' inforoements, ,and it was expected .that the landing of troops would soon be attempted on the 'coast between Venice and Trieste. It was not generally known where General Gyulai's •headquarters were, brit they were probably at Mantua. , . PARIS, June 12.—The following is a sum mary of the proclamation of the Emperor at Milan; e to the Italians: The Emperor protests that he has not made war in order to increase, the territory of France. He desires to, render on of the most beau tiful parts of Europe free. sv6 • He says: My army will place not obstacle to the free manifestations of the legitimate wishes of Italians. Universal suffrage has given freedom to France, why should it not•to Italy. The Emperor line proclaimed that ho is not in Italy with a prebonceived system to dispos sess the sovereigns, and not to impose on the Italians his own will. .• The Austrians have evacuated all the Statei of the, Church, including Ferrara, ' • The Austrian dorrespondenoi says that the Austrians at Molegnano yielded only to— cidedly superior force, and retired uppursued in perfect order. .• r The Emperor of Austria, it ie gib!, takes command of his troops in person, acting on the defensive. ...The Austrian headquarters are now proba bly at Mantua. . . IiENCLATORS IN INDIANA.—The citizens of Greene county, Indiana, in consequence :of the recent murder of a German named Dep pa, the circulation of unusual quiintities of counterfeit money, and the presence of a large nutaber of sus icious characters, have d s ii. ,Organized; a band "Regulators," and passed a long seri s of 'resolutions,- among them the following: •Re4ived,.That Stephen Seaggs, with all his goods and elltttels, leave the State of Indiana within tour days, and that he'shut up his grocery immediately, and . that he shall not sell, give away ; or suffer spirituous liquors to be- drank: about his house; and that if any mischief or.private injury be done_ in the neighborhood before he leaves; -his hide shall pay the 'penalty. . Resolved, That Joiteph Ellis,. with all his goods and chattels, leave t -- i SiEfe.Of Indi ana within ten days; and that if any private injury or mischief be done in the neighbor hood, prior to his leaving, be shell be, held responsible for the same.. ' Resolved,That George Burton, with all his goods and chattels, leave the State of In. (liana withtn ton days.; and that if any•pri vate injury or mischief be done in the neigh borhood, prior to his leaving,-he shall be held responsible for the same. . • ''• • • Re.,olvecli That Win. Fields, with all his goods and chattels, leave the State of Indi ana within fifteen days. . Resolved, That . Wai..,Grote immediately close up his grocery; so far as respects the sale of spirituous-liquors, and that he shall notiell, give away, or suffer any liquor drank in or 'about his house.. . " - Resolved, That' Joseph Smith, of Fairplay leave the State oflndiena within fifteen'days, no . more ,to be Seen in the neighbothood; . • . , DaAmu Or Dn. , J. D. P. HANK :,- WO learn from, the Virginia Star, that' J. 11.!'P. Manki-died•atlifergentewn Va. on the-16 lest: in 80th year' °fills age, Dr. 'flank was. a ,kraduate 'of Diekinson 'College and . Radio() niediolne at. the NationalUplversity;;lyashieg • Duliek the war betivden Ruiala and the al.'', lied armiee,of„Pngland,4"eanoe and Turkey,' De. Hank meet Buroile, ae bearer Of de ! , spatohes to ilie'Runiau goverpment; laid' re: ciehizeteeton'aa Surgeon'lwthelteesiee: Ho afterw'ardsilavelle'd tliie h ghturope and Palestine,. pad .rettir,natilto 'the Uetfell:Statee in the gwe Lk hi,was, en • the menegeteent'it th li e onaptcirm Owsle!,4tosilinv., . , •Prom taptornliiL; •The steamship Mosei Taylop:arrived:from californiaon the 26th inst. wjth 600 passen; gera and over-two millions in gold. - • •-• The, new's is of lifilo iniportnnec). 1 , The goid, yield i was most promising. The late viet , weather,-,Vhd the disappearance of the large Amount- Of,snow iwthe mountains .was very favorable to the miners. , 7 - Tholiedealltrfrent - Fraxer , rivervelttore eneoaraginvihan these lelegraPted 'from' New Orleatui ; The-express companies had sent to thiliferpist during the past month $195,000 gold dust,ifictit least 'half as much more was taken away lin' the - hands ,of passengers.- This is considered a large yield ,for the,few miners, at, work; The great - dra*- back_iytheitven( e (provisiOnsapd ale necerk : Barrimplebients ,to workqbe taiiterr. - The MYARackaniAketupensuregt_to.....reniady. these defects. Roads ; aro being opened, and every facility for the successful working of the mines,and the beds of the rives are being adopted. Fourteen.'notorious convicts recently es. coped from the ,California .State prison. A: among themit was Joseph . A: Stetrit. a native of Virginia, only twenty-four years. of age, who was senteneed 'for fifteen year's former- der ; Thomas Lawrence; a sniler,and native of Tenesylvania ; William. Scott, a.native of . Ken.tucky, sentenced to fourteen years ; John F,Livingstyn; a native - pf New York, for five, .yeers ; James Garvin, sentenced to twenty years rS. D. Thompson, sentenced for ten. years;' Alexis Orlinski, sentenced for fifteen years.. Stdrrit and Scott • Were afterwards capturedmin San--Francisco. ! • ' • An Indian boy who_wes ,arrested on the charge of setting fire 'to the house of Col. Stevenson; at Red Muff; therehycausink . the Areath of bars. Stevenson and three' children; and sira. firoic end two. children." ! , He was taken 'from his place of confinement on the 21st. and hung by the Vigilantes. _ Further accounts of the murders by. the Mojave Indians state that endong.the killed was a German family, by the name of Bert. Der, from Illibbis t _but latterly from - .Kansas city, and ,father, mother, three daughters and two- boys. Mr. Brown who was superintending the cutting of Homo tim ber at the time, was literally filled with ar rows' atul died almost immediately. The fightiasted. three_ hours.,.._lLis_supposed_ tn. be a party' of the . same Mejaves_who_fired into Lieut.. Beal's camp on the 28th.utt; The emigrant families who escaped are very pro fuse in, their thanks to Lieut. -Beale, who they state, Jinni enabled them, to get safely to California. .The Indians numbered 70111'er 800. ' • .1 The Apaches ate very troublesothe in SO. flora, and have recently committed a number of outrages. :.- --., . - _.__. . - - Letters from -Utah,- in the' California—p a- 'pers. Speak of a rebellious feeling there: which threatens to break-out into open hos tilities. (---- . 4.. .., Mlts, PARTINOTON AND IKE—lt seems we are to have•book by Mrs. Partington, whose •'sayings and doings," have occupied so large"a portion of the public papers. The to bo called "linittihg workin web of many textureS,'! and is soon tote published in Boston, by-Brown, Taggart & Chase. '.The following conversation on the subject is said to have taken place, betwOon the vene rable dame and a prying neighbor: . • "SO,you are coming before the public again,"' said The inquisitor, looking into llii.e.,rarting ton'ti little low window, arwliich the dame was knitting, She pondered his Words a moment before replying,- "1 am not a publican,'l she said - at length, ; "and though Ileaven knows we are done of us not, too good, the publicans are best, ,and that's,gospel truth." "I mean," said the qnbrist, "that you haven new work on the catpet,!.! "Not on.the.carpet, exactly"' 'replied . she, • "but something that's cognac le it—knitting-work!" "Crewel l" be pefsisted in- inquiring. ."No," was. Ike response; "there isn't nothing cruel tit it, like a satyr, to wrangle likebaibell arrow ; it will be pleasant to take,' like a lucubration for a parched tongue, and will mate people happy. But there'ino knowing who will be governor till after election, and whether a book .goes well or tiol..depends upOu ,tho number thltt„ buys it." The in q uisitor moved.' along, and Mrs. P. kept on with her knitting. , SWOOPING APPA . lll.,—.BeVerld contradictory reports havkbeen in circulation relative to a shooting affray in Chambersburg, we give the following correct version from the Tranacrt.• "On Saturday night bail, after decent bed time, our quiet borough'wns startled by the report that a man had been shot; ea.-repair ing to the scene, a Inger beer liooe, at the extreme North end of Main greet, a young man named McLaughlin was found weltering in his blood. lie had been shot in the neck, by a pistol in the hands of some person—sup posed to be another young man named Glenn, who gave himself .up into the custody. of oiir efficient sheriff who was attracted to the scene of blood, soon after the shooting, by the Rounds proceeding from the riotous party,. as well as the pistol shots. The cause of the • difficulty appears to be all about a "wimmin." Anon', er party of our fast young men were endeav oring to take the "attractive Miss" from the man Glenn, when he bred upon. them, not, however, wain they attacked him with stones —as he alleges. McLaughlin was hissompan ion, and if Glenn shot him it was an accident. iffeLaughlin• is n plasterer by trade, and is a native of Gettysburg—he is something getter, though dangerously wroundetL . Glenn is a steno cutter or marble-worker by trade, and a 'native of Baltinwre. lie is now in jail. An Unfaithful Wife Killed by her Husband. 'PITTSBURG, June 25.—About 9 5 4 61iick lavt night, policeman Richard Jones, killed'his wife by stabbing her several times and then shooting her,, mutilating her body in a shock ing mariner:_ He immediately surrendered himself to the public authorities, alleging that he had committed the deed while she was in, the act of adultry with, a butcher named Mentzer.... It is said that Mentzer was also shot; and had fallen into the4iver, the affair having ta ken place tiler Monongahela bridge.. Rumors that Mentzer' was seen this morning unhurt Sick confirmation, . 4 , Mr. Jones' wife had been a notorious pros , titute, under tile name of Mary Delaney, an.' had served a two years' imprisonment in the State prison for stabbing a man; Mr. Jones has highly respectable conneo tions: • —. CIIABED BY WOLVER.-A parts of young men, who were out on a trouting near the waters of _Big Run, In Antzon's Gap of the Shade mountains, about five miles. from MeAlistersville, wore chased by U,pack of wolves, and were forced to '!,cut and run" for their lives.• • AOr an exciting chase, for a mile and a half, the opeti country was.gained, and the .iyolves abandoned the pursuit. At one • time the foremost t. ',wolf was not more than 50 pirds In the rear Of the young men." An exchange, speaking of the affair; says: "The cause the attraction is alleged to be; and doubtless was, 'tits fast of their hay. ing the grouitd.haokle," used for,ontioing the finny tribeirom thetr_native element, ukt 'arated with asafinti4. In .tbeiri piscatorial exorcises, such as re•bititing,thrir. hooks; they managed to drop soMe of the highly perfumed Worms on the ground,\AtAidhilie wolves scant ing, started them in the direction, of the.ooh ertoenrwho,''to.eseapethe-fury•or thelmvage: monster, fled in an opposite coursq." Served them :right, Fellows that'would at tempt •to 'fool trout into' their baskets by raeatis.oresufietida, deserve to, be , chased situriki as melt, as waives. , „ , Lieutenint•colonelltritteSdetiiotthe IT. 0„ Army,. Oita (lilts *tied .Capt. Todd, "Of the earns service.' iirere at Itlerley's Hotel, Lou'. don; at the liegietting et this mouth,' Brienee, Esq.; hile Uttiteri'Sratee.lifiniitter 'at Qctesteetitiople wee also in ',London at that fitae•zr''' • . goitu - tll4 iron* alattiii: A :BA'xs oit•le6UE. - It-will be,seen 'by a referentro„bur : , advertisine columns, th4nOtice been: g iven ,' by two separate :parties, `,btiention - te%apply:terthe next Legislature,, fur:a .• -Think of= Issue,. and. we -,olleer,%,*:l464tbattine_ortither - cifibese - ap• plicetliins itill be innicessful.. . Eyery:beSine'siMan admits the urgent .ne c ssity ofea Bank of issue at Ca*lisle, for the ull devalopnient)of the agricultural, mann• featuring ,ond.tiercantile interest 'of' this county. is true. oar banking ,institutions - havelteretefore-stpilied:nsafe-Mtd - --relittlfle curryncyl but, why shOulitte:pcoplehere i be forced to. depend forkAbeir currency Ot' the paper of distant bank's, when by a em mon.: effert,`TheyMay secure a bank Mime' at hotne,' . centriiiied By met, whose wealth, characteriandinfluenceore_ so well known as to command' cOrifidence, vrithout any mis givings as to tip solvency of the bank, or the prudeneecif-its management ? The .character,...:ef the gentlemen o• whose nettles :lA - . attached to these applications t afforA a•sufHCient-gttararitee of their ability to' conduct an institution of this kind :With .profit to the - stochholdera, and advantage to the coinnstinity, and as the mind.s'of the no, ple are 'now'ronsed to the importance.of this' suhjeet, let them press it on 'the attention ';.3 - f the next Legislature, with suchfoice and in fluence, as will secure an object,so justly due to the position and population of the county, , and so necessary to'mect the rapid increase of her tattiness relations. , THE . POLIO ScgoOtti.—The annua examination .oftbe : public Schools, closed yes terdriy. Na^togret that other engagements prevented us frtim attending those eiereises, so plermunt and interesting to parents arocell as pupils. - TertiorroW evening,, the High Schools will give an exhibition in Education itall;_in Dec lamation, aminsition and other exercises, with vocal and instrumental music, at the close of which Diplomas will be awarded, and the sclioolidismiesed-tor the vacation. The citizens of 'oWn h lasting debt of gratitude to the Board of School Directors, Who, at the e.tpenlie of time, and responsibility .are doing se much for the youth of etii• !?or ough, Without fee or-reward. _ YOUNG . AMERICA.—CoI. Vedder, of Philadelphia, has now on exhibition,:in Maim street., •opposite the Road Of ce,tho great est specimen of "Young Ameriea"now living: Ile is a littk? .boy, Mx years of .age, and n natio of Beaver county in this State. From' his firms -across - - the - breast, ho measures 32 inehes,•and 56 inches around thk; chest; his limbs and. thereat:of his body aro in propor tion, with theenception of his glands and feet. which aro about the' average size of boytt of that, ago-. .11184ecight is over 206 pounds. ' Ile enjoys good health, is very playful and quite intelligent, His mother, who bi a lady 'of -ordinary size; accompanies him. He is certainly nyery grcatcuriosity, and well wor: thy a visit. . ••:. afSr'A. young woman, named Kitnor, formerly a -- resident . of this - place, died sutl 'denly-in-York:lionie tie - weeks ago ; and . her romains.wera brought loiter friends in , Car lisle,forinterment: In consequenoo of several reports in circulstion, as to the,cause of her death ) het-faker : induced coroner McClellan to hold an ingu&firi , ber. Accordingll'her 'body wan ettle'r ap, pnd bryught to tile jail yitrol,Vhoreit4o-iitortan 'examination was made by Dra.'lfOritaan ami,Zitser. No marks of violence Were found on her persen,nor any evidence `of depth from other than natural causes. -We understand however, that the stomach has been reserved for further exami nation. '• • THE FANTASTIC PARADE.—One of the most miserable abortions of the kind we hare ever seen, 'ulna the Fantastic Parade of Saturday last; they fairly liurlesqued a bur lesque. Formerly those plrades were got up as a caricature of the explodeamilitia system, at that time considered by some as the bul wark, and by 'others as the 9 bull-work" of Pennsylvania. gut not! they have lost semblance of a mclitary,display, and have be como.nn irregular squad of mounted mounte banks. The Cavalcade of Saturday, looked liken party-of escaped lunatics un*a pie-niq excursion, and we advise them, unless they can getup sometlAing better, to consider the fantastic game asinbout." played 4Tft OF JUL. Ne fin* that the birth-day of our Natldnal, Independence is not to be passed entirely without notice by our citizens. Mr.? Light, of Lebanon, announ ces that ho will intLlce a Balloon Ascension on the afternoon of the 4th, and in the evening we' are to have a brilliant display of SreWorks. We hope the committee, who have chorea of the fireworks, will give our citizens due no tice of the time and place, so Omit all who wish', may have an opportunity orwitnessing the display. • sCF.LEBRATION. OF .THE 4th AT ME CHANIFSBUDO.—The citizens of Mechanicsburg intend to celebrate the coming 4th of July; with 'a military and 6ivio procession and a pub lic dinner. Sol t companies have been in vited from a ' 'co, including the "Old Soldiers Assoointion" of Harrisburg. The arrangements are . in the hands of an efficient' committee, and we have no doubt they will get up a brilliant:oelebreition. • SUDDEN DEATu.-4 gentlem a n n amed Jelin.Jaques, died 'suddenly , of, apoplexy, at Glasn's Hotel, on Thursday evening last, Mr. Jaques, was about o 0 'years of age4pative of New York State, and of somewhat in temperate habits; lie was well known'to many of our citizens as the owner ,of an 'extensive 44: of land inz Western Virginia. • Limn . FAIN—We.' learn from tho Itlect!aniasburg :Tharnat,, that the Fair held in that place, for the benefit of the Trinity Luthe ran church; has been 'profitable fat , beyond thotr•expectationa, iktul, every thing Passed off with entire satiefacfion. .• . ' • , • SALE Or REAL Esnierg.—We. halm JuOieqrnt4.o4,ogr.frionit'VO•Adiol)l%. to. sold Ida l a rge and highly , improved farm situ ated on thB Conodogninet creek; known aa the Ringwalt Forth, containing 800 acres, to - 111 r. ',Moot, Grove, of VVeit rencieboronghtownship, for 8175' #cre-422;000; NORTfe:: MIDDI*TON, A =AI?. gen .•• . • ‘lonuii, loft our liOolc*lro4 of clover,. one oOrhiel;',-Fnenouroi:ll,feet 8 inches, ,8110 othere . .speraging 5 foot:7 filches: ,o!.her,royrnol4p:Oan - biiiit this; song it along.' ME 'BANKS CLOSED.--In'tioeordance with the.utival dustom, the Carlhale Deposit .Dank and the Cumberland :Pitney Bank will both be closed, on the 4th . of July. ' •.• As it is unusual for tjto'Banks tot be olostit two days frysuOcSasion, peraints who -hay, 'notes maturing about that time, - Will tiuthe' a note on't." Ping to the Tribune, ,Irom,!4l.tohislih; girts the result of observations oh farm ing' on hie line of route. We quote: . • ' In Chicago, ho says, the country was, never 'no liars of food for man or beast. , , Flofir is higher, and wheat and cork, scareiily , lower than in New • York and, Liverpool. Vats • are 'n early - tha sautt - Thousandirof out the prairie Stiles have died this spring' re - Chia& thousand barrels. •Dt.lllinois,..lowa and Mis souri, whole .nnighborhoods nie' destitute of bread, 80 'the. means to purchase it.. 'At Quincy,. however, 268 miles from 'Chicago the farmers are resolved to lOok starvation in the" face, and are busy . . putting-ig t grain. and lowa they are doing.their iittormost to grow more . giain than ever. They. are, however, out of money and out of credit, 'and in-'debt, and hardly - ado to keep the sheriff from the door.' Despite the bard times Illinois .is' growing. New blocks are being erected ift her cities, and new.bulldings in the. :villages. .Cultivation is generally extended-- a great deal of work being pone by oxen. The State ia rich. coal—far. more so than any other Stale, but she locks 'timber, which is obtained chiefly from Michigan and Wiscon ? •.. W: Peterson, briither-in.lati pf the Into H0n...1 M.. Clayton, died at his esl dence in Guelph, Canada West; on Sunday, the 12th inst., in the 66111. year of his :Mr. Peterson was formerly editor of the 'Chris. Jima Circidar, a 14ligious paper published in Wilmington several years ago.' He. was well known and much respected by many of our citizens. He had held the 'responsible posi• tion of Register of Crown• Lands in Canada West, for'moie than fittern years, and by his unwavering rectitude and punctuality had retalned_unimpared-the confidence and regard of'-the--government- and -of hiti fellow-citi- zena. • I r' Mr. Peterson was, some years ago, a -resi due. of Carlisle; and it is but a- . Taw months since he' was here on a visit to some old friends. • A MAN' KILLED.—On Wednesday list, an accident, which resulted in the loss of life, took place oii the Penn'ti. railituid near New port. A coati named H. Nipple, 78 yenta of. lige, residing about a mile. above .Newpm, while'crossing the track, in going from his, house to the barth.was . nut down gy the lo comotive and instantly The accident occurred 'about 4 o'clock on Wednesday af ternoon as the fast line was going westward.' There is a 'curve litthat place, and nantities of wood piled up aloft Ii r which pro ventathe engineer from seein,gylipple. 'VAR,IETIES• Soniebody.atcounts for Western hospitali ty by, enying that whePdhouses are so far apart as in that part of the country a .stranger is as welsame nUn newspaper, and is-commonly Used as ono. The moment be arrives lie is put in press,' and whatis.more. kept there till all the news' that has happened In the' last str.montha is thoroughly squeezed out of Lim,-and bottled up fiir future use. A man that tuna a good murder story could travel from one end of Indiana to.the' otheeviitliont - a'sixpence. ' A man named- Onts was recently arrested for btaiing his wife and children. On being sentenced to imprisonment; the brute remark ed that it was very hard a man was not al lowed to thrash his own oats. Pity some body did not thrash him. •' Mae. Slincxxs.—The Utica Heraldceports that Mrs. Dana E Sickles has taken rooms for the season at the Clifford. Springs Hotel. and that she will resist any application of her husband for a divorce, and will furnish prpof of infidelity on his part which will prevent any decree in hie favor. Mr. Henry Buehler, an esteente l itizen of Harrisburg, died at. his residerge on the 22d 'inst. He was for many years a director of the' Harrisburg & Lancaster Railroad, and was prominent in the important coal enter prises in,Dauphin county. • Winan's experiment steamship sunk nt her' wharf, Baltimore. in consequence of a work man neglecting to close a supply pipe. Steam fire engines were engaged in pumping her out. SUICIDE IN PRISON.— A worthless German, named George Leine, committed suicide in the Berke county prison. Pa., on Wednesday af ternoon last, by banging himself in his cell with some carpet strips.' Leise lived in a shanty on the Neversing, in the vicinity of Heiner's Spring, and was noted for bad con duct generally. , Ile was committed to prison for threatening the life of the Ilon. J. Pringle Jones. An Inquest was held by the coroner, Linda verdict..raturned in accordance with. the 'fable: The deceased was interred in the prison cemetery. TUE 'ROYAL A TiTACIONI6TB.—Louis Napoleon Was born April 2d: 1808, and is .now 51 years of ago. • Victor Emmanuel IL ' the 'Sardinian King, was born March 14, 1820, and is 89 years of age, FranciuJoseph I.,.the Emperor of Auelria, is 29 years of ago, having been born Aug. 18,1880. •• The DeForest Prize Medal of the value of $lOO, given to that member of the Senior class of Yale College who shall wAto and pro nounce an English Oration in the best' nein, ner.,was awarded on Friday to Mr. Robert A. Stiles, son of Rev. J. 0. Stiles. •D. D.: of New Haven: Subject: "John Calvin and his Doctrines, and their influence upon Civil Li 'berty.", The Philadelphia Enquirer says: Rem• bront Peale'and Thomas Sully,., the eminent Philidelphia artists, aro engaged in painting each other's portrait., Mr. Joseph Harrison, a wealthy and liberal gentleman of this oity, 'originated this enterprise, and 'has commie atoned each of the venerable artists to do this service for the other. Mr Peale has recent ly entered upon his 82d year, and month The Albany Journal says that Ex-Presi dent Van Buren was in the' Stare catttal to day, looking as youthful as 'he did twenty years ago. Mr. Van Buren is reaping in his old age, the fruits of a well-regulated .early life. President Buchanan will. make his annual visit to, his favorite .summer retreatoinr Bed ford Springs, abriut the middle of July, where be will abide for about tiro weeks. Ind few days he will go to the Soldier's Home; to es cape the beat of Washington, until ootober.• • BUDRING.—The Germantown Telegraph reminds us that this is the period for ." bud ding" fruit traes.. Alter July it Hill be too late. The Cherry - especially is edsily propa. gated by budding, and many whb failed to graft the pear - in the spring resort to this substitute. Indeed, during the last two years eherry k grafting hi this neighborhood has af most entirely failed, from .what cause we do not, know. The President. it is stated, will make hie annual, risit to his summer retreat, the Betli, Trird . SPrings, about tfiit'middle of he will abide. for nbent two weeks. - In aline days he will go to the Soldier's Botha, to es cape the heat of Washington, until Qctober. . Cllolll3lNcl I'd /AOARATALLEI 'ON A TWllir Rom' --Blondln, the celebrated tight-rope perfor-. mer, is to try to arose Niagara 'Falls, , Just in front of the,great Heise Shoe Fall, on.a tight rope; Sixteen hundred feet in length„ and six inches in eircunference, which has been pier- Ohasettexpressly; limits now being inspected.' the tent 'will tyke placein about' two weeks. .The crossing hoe be effected front ,the lower enikof peat Island to a point hs 'Canada, I ;*-!' .--The London Timei Makes -a happy .allusipS. to-the United States 'Minister, describlit . g . the opening of Parliament, and is satisfrort.- ' ly personal': 4 •21.11• the apace, allowed to eDi plomatio Corps is,full; afid blazes at: every, point'itith rihands; stars and Orders Of every kind . Conspicuous "strong them all, :DOHS . ..plain 'evening (Iris's and snow-white -Intirae - the American Mlnister, 'Mr. Dallas, d striking type, if '®e May so, call him, of tine simple iu St hulking' of the:great Depultlic 414' -. 1 AS old' nitin who Said Ant a entered the Meelmnios' and Farmers' Bank,it Albany,"New York, on Monday last, and de.' minded $lO,OOO, which he claims-watt justly due hini, having . hpen stolen-from under Niag nra Falls, in 1809., and threatring,' if the money was not immediateTy f rthcoming to' entire,DrltishAtm_jc_get 441- the point of the.bayonci. Ile wasinsane, fififirciliftiV-Baptntit -Jerome BonaptaW' ftecol Baltimore) was attbe battle of Monte — lino in command of a pelelon of mounted Chasseurs d' .Afrique: tielielonged to the scouting service of General Forey's div.•M - ---- - - -- 111101.111D11 REOTYPES;—In -beauty' and _du . rablilky, no " Sun drawn" picture equals a gooddaguer, ' ' riiotxpei . this ii, the opinion expressed by the landing PhotoaraphicJournale of the day, both .I,merican and English; these army be obtiined at the rooms of Sirs. ' Itep,n&iii, lAuther Street, two deonfweat Or Ilanover. ' Carlisle, June 116 ISO9- 7 tf - {lV; 4 o;kkllkk DR. • HOOFLAND'S GERMAN- BITTERS, DR. HOOF'. AND'S BALSAMIC ',CORDIAL, The great standark medicinei of the present age, have, acquired their great popularity only through years of trial. Unbounded.' satisfac , lion is rendered by them in all cases; and the people have pronounced them worthy. . Complaint, -Dyspepsia; Jamoilce; Debility of. tbe v .Neryotts System, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a' disordered liver-or weakness of the stoniaelCanii:digestive orgcms, are speeddiandpermanenilycared by the.GERMAN BITTERS. The Balaamlo Cordial has acquirsd a reputktion surpassing that of any similar pre• paraliop'exlant. II will citreorrrpour the most Were and ighg , stuacliny - Cough, Cold, or Bronchitis, In• fluent!, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, anci.has performed the niost astonishing ewes ever knoWn of : Confirmed Consumption. Ajcw doses icill also at once cheek and cure the most severe Dlatrrhqm4roceeding from COLD IN THE BOWELS.. Theie medicines are prepared by pr. C. M. JAcKsoN & Co., No. 418 Arch Simi,' Phila. lielphia,' Pa., and are 804 by druggists and cledleri in medicines- everywhere, at 74 yenta per . boale. The signature of C. JAOICBOX seal be on the outside wrapper of egeh Issthe,-Almanac published annually by the proprietors, called EVIIITDODY'S ALDIANAO, • you will find testimony and commendatory notices ficui all parts Uf the country. Thus ' Alma `r are given away by all our agents.' or - riuTO by S. Elliott, S. W. Haye,tit.Car. lisle. IMPORTANT TO PEDIALESI . . DR. CIIEESEMAN'S PILLS.. prepared by Cornelius L. Cheenrinan, 11. - D., New York City. The combination • of ingredhinbrin these Pille are the result of a long and -_catenalvopractica They are. mild in._ theirr. operation ~ and certain in 'correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruntioni, removing all obstructions. whether from ...cold or, otherwiee, headache, pain its the side, paipltat of the heart, whites - , all nervons affections, h • • Yics fatigue, pain id the-bark and limbs, Ac., distu ed sleep • which arise Dorn interruptions of nature. • • • Ti) SIARRIED LADIES. Dr. Cheeseman's Pills age invaluable, an they will bring on the Monthly period with regularity' Ladle, who have been disappointed In • the two of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cheeseman'a Pills doing all that they rinurteni do. ' WErranted purely vegetably, and Dee from anything injurious. Explicit directions, which should be read; accompany melt box. Primsl. Sent by mail on en dosing $1 to any authorized agent. Sold by-one Drug . gist in sorry town in the United States. It. IL lIUTCIIINGS, General Agent for, the United Staten, 105 Chambers St., New York, to which all wholesale orders should be addressed. DANN WERT & PINNEY, Wholesale and Retail Agents. Itarrifiburg, Pa. IL J. KIEFFEII, Carlisle, Pa. k FARREL, HERRING Sr. Pgitept Champion Sate Late Fire .nt Dubuque • lowa DIJOUQUE, Jan. 7, 1859. flentti , : I em requested by 51r. T. A. C. C,ochrane, . thin place, to any to you that on the morning of the 4th Instant, shut 3 o'clock, blest ore took fire, and the entire stock of kcoude sae' destroyed. The heat became so suddenly intense that none of,tho made could bly be saved; but fortunntely bin hooka and papers which were In one of your Champion Safes, were all preserved perfectly. And well they may be called Champion, for during the whole conflagration there wee ' ono incessant pouring of flame - directly upon the safe which coaained them. And stlll, - upon opening it,the inside wait found to be scarcely warm, while the outside was moat aeVerely_scorched. Yburs truly, N. A. 51cC5,U1tE. W- Herring's Patent Champion Fire end Burglir.Proof Safes. with Hall'. Patent Powder Proof Locks, afford the' greatest security of any safe In the world. Alm Sidebbanl and Parlor Bares, of elegant workmanship and -- finish. for plate, &c. - _ lAttltEla HERRING & CO., have removed fmm 34 Walnut street, le their new store, No. 629 Chestnut et., (Jayne's Ifs 11,) where the largest assortment. of Safes to the world eon ho fOund. FARREL, III:RHINO & CO, 629sChestnut street, (Javne's llall,) Yhlladaph w.. Mar. 16, 1859. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS Nature, In her great laboratorrhan stored tome remo dy adapted to every disease which "flesh le heir to."— But It requires the havestigailpn and research of the philosopher to discover this remedy. Such researchand Investigation has efuereeded in diecoreriugh remedy for that most afflicldve dispensation, the DYSPEPSIA: {Or all Its lesser nod numerous cello; and It nly be sat y asserted that until the appearance of the Oxyge nated Bitters, a ease of nyspepsie cured, was a rare ex— perienecin medical practice. Now nyder the influence Of those Bitters the rule is to ctur, the rare exception, failure to cure. Bead the following, which the subscri— ber requeeta us to publish for the benefit of the athlete Asi Obdurato,Case of Dyspepsia Cured by the Oxygenated Bitters The following from a gentlomau well known In ibe region-In whiqh hu Moe ought to satisfy all those of Milo faith: 5 - ITatasfowit, 1:1..1. 0 .1nly 28, 1858. S. W. Forme & Co., lloston—fflas : Nine yeais since I was attacked by the curse of all disuses, Dyspepsia,— which so afflicted me as to cause great oppression, full ness, and bloating of the bowels iidinediately after eat ing, accompanied with terrible pains in the stomach, often occasioning raisers, vondting, acidity, end head- Acbe, together withgeneral debility and sufferlyg, al. together rendering life a burthen. After baiting tried every known remedy without ef fect,' and despairing of aver regaining my ittpt health', I was induced to make use of the Oxygenated - Bitters, the good effects of which were immediately vialble on my health and uetenr. Before tieing a *hole lx&tie I Van entirely cured; and I • feel a pleasure in inducing all like sufferers as myself to make Ilse of this remarkable 'remedy. • - THEO. CALDWELL. Pekparad by BETH W. BOWL) k 00., Beaton, and for. Jule by Samuel Elliott and S. W. IlaYeretick, Carpals; Ira Day, klechaulusburg; Kilts& Wise, Shiremanatoun B. O. Wild, Nerryille:, Shoemaker &Jilliott, Newburg:, J. O. Altick, Bbippeneburg• and 'by appointed agents And dealers In medicine al l the country:, IiFLApws,.WORM„SPECIFIc ...1 PREP/NED IIY FL011NG.13613. 'di— The fidioning, (rem d ruetorner. idiom; the de mend which Ode greet, medicine ban crested irberever It bee been Introduced: , • Bt.[mono, Tloge co, Pa, Nerch 80,1850 111zsans:Pummo Eittott.-:flentletnen—ln cot Equence rot the greatounsutuption your..tiVonn.riPecitin't4trt this placeand vicinity, we have entirely exhausted our _stock: it eatiould feel obliged by your forwarding, via 'Corning, N. Y... 20 dos, with your MD, oa.the receipt of which we Will remit you the owner. , 'From the wonderful:effects of mid ' , Specific" lu the neighborbowl, there could be: eoleaunuelly a - large quantity, if to be baalarbalpaalo epd retail) from some lecal•ageut..: you would ocimpensatii a person for trouble lend expense of vending, .1 think I could make tO'your suivantagelo do - . , : • .1 , • 'Yount reepectfully, . • W3l.`-`,ll. MALLORY, . •. Der . Donna, 4W . Vurchaseriwill be careful tonsk for Dr. IDLaue's.' Celebrated'Venulfugronanitfactured by Fleming itroti4, of Pittsburr, Pa. :All uthor Verutiftiger In, Minparleon. are worthless. Di. IrLana's genuine Vermiuge,elio his celebrated Liver Pille,'Can now be had at all respectable rug stone. None genuine Without theanature of DYE—HAUL i1Y.1311,0111 , 'Win.' A. 'Batchelor's noir -Dye, ilEst IN TUB IVORLDI . _ . 'All others are pre iniitationsi and should be gioldati yon.Ulsli to ' Dago ridicule. • ' ~. GitAlivltßD Olt BUSTY NAIR Dyed instantly to.U. -beautlful And. "upturn!. Brown or Black, without .the leant Atijhry to Heir or Skirl. • " " -919TliEN 6IEDAI,B , AND 0191.031 AS hove - been, awarded to Wm: Ai Batchelor elute 1999; and over ,130,.. • 900 appileationsitavebeen made to the Nair of Jib pa. trona of lale &mons Dye. " , • . ': • not ttibirdistinguiphed from .nature,.aud Is warranted bot.Ao injurolu the.leaat,bovrover. long it may. hmeon, Boned, alid.thaill: ell' Dye remedied; the Hair luvlgorahid Tor Ltfe - by this Splendid' Dye. Made, sord'or applltel (11 9 private rodnea)pt the . Wig, Factory, 233 ilmedwaY,Now York. ' ~ • • Sold in all' cities and towne of thm.Battg Stolen, by Druggists and Haney floods Dealers, " per. The Genuine has the name and address oflen a, steel plate engraving on four sides of each Box. of „ • ~ • ' . 'WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR, , ''.' '-- ' . .- " 243 ilfllkdlllaY -New:York _ ......_—__ lr• Sold by Drugrists in Carlisle. -: ',4.0.1E111.-4- l lrdatatakeinest.-W.lBa..tutd4ou , - k 4, llurtlasani., — Ttry - nrelegant - Flightmwrarninunt.- t , hie, •Nittiole to a charm—no, turning - behind—no shrinking elf the head; indeed, this is t only Estalw lishment where those thing's am proper y ,underSl.oo4 and made. • 203 Broadway, Row York. n0r1i,6841 DICIL!EIOF INNEN TlOiliS . . • - . TVS know of no Invention Of modern times that do- • • maw laTiestinedlo _occupy_a_hlglige. niche._ in.-the t' Inple of fame, than the dimovery or Invention of 'the 'Vegetable or Epileptic Pills.for curing Epilepsy, or FOP Ing SIM, Spatula. Cramps. and all .toe curious motile -eationa I.f ,nervous.olmase. Dr. Seth S.. Hence, of 108 Baltimore St., Baltimore, lid., the inventor, lasertainly. . entitled to the best %claims of nil the benevelent•portion of mankind. Who expoilence a pleasure by the eller lailon • of liumau -suffering , When Dr. Mom first prepared,.., Ahem Pills. ho intended thorn' Ninety for Fits, Cramp' 1 and ,Spasanis; but sUbseqUent experience natisfsetorily proved to - Elul; that in Addition, to their , - remar kable. mnatimi properties In this clam of diseasen, they exert ed n perfect contiel over the entire nerioua system.— He was then Induced to try them In games of Neuralgia, Tie heloreux, Nervous Headache, •Palpitalion of the •". Heart. Incipient Paralmix, Hysterlai' Muscular Debility . and a host of Mbar diseases springing from a luck Of nervous energy, In all of which hie Antielpatione were . crowned with the most sanguine SUCCORS reitiona at a distance; by writing and sending A remittance to Dr: Hance min hove the medicine forwarded to their post ' office Address he paying the postage. lime prices are for a• single boz,S3, two bones. $5, or $O4 per dozen.. UV" have given his eddress :they, • 1tnaY2.5;169 ' PALLEY'S biAIiICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR: In el diseases inflammation more or leen predominaten—no* An allay Inflammation strikes at the root of Macao,- _hence and.ithmediate cure. Dalley'n Magical tractor, and nothing else. will allay inflammation at ° nee, and make a certain cure. PAIAJEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure the followin; among a' great catalogue or diseases: • Burns, Scalds, Cuts: Chafes, Sore Corns, Bun lons, Brulnes, Strains, Bites, Polnon, Chilblains, Biles, Scrofdin, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Felonn,. Ear-ache, Piles Screlgyen, Gout, Swellings, Rheumatism, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, llaldnens, Erysipelas, itingwortn, Barbera Itch. Small Pox, Measles ' Ranh, etc., &c. • To name it may appearincredulous that so reany_d len - ranee sbnieltUtai reached 'by one article; much an idea will vanish when rolleetten points to the fact, that the lairs is a -omblentlon of Ingredinente, each and every ono apt lying a perfect antldtite to Its oppoolte dinorder. • Dallort, Magical Pain Extractorin its efTecta is magi cal, bet:tune the time In abortligween disease and a permanent cure: and Ms an exlmctor, as It drawn all filming out orthe.alected part, having nature s, , perfect beforees O m injury. Ills scarcelynecennaryto say that no house, work shop, or manufactory should he ono mu wont without it. : No Pahl Extractor lx genuine unless the box has upon It e steel plat• eugrevlng, with the news of. Ileury Valley, Manufacturer. ' • For sale by all the Druggists And patent medicine dealers thromilioutthe UniieibStates And Canadas. Principal Depot, 106 Chambers Sb, - Neir n0v.17,'68-Iy. C. F. CIIACC. TO FA ItßigltS Vincitura Larma.—The iinderaigned„'is now jnwpaied to furnish, in any quantities, from 100 to 1000 acres, or more, good farming and growing lands,: in Randolph and adJacont COUIiCiON In western Virginia, within 12 or 15 hours of Baltimore, and 24 of Now Yolk. •- ' Tile land is fortlieiumil. wolf- timbered, the climate very healthy, and so Mild thaLsbesp can ho ordinarily 4vilitered with very little feeding, find whore a cow can be 'rattled ea cheap as a ehlegen in New England. They will 1, odd chodp, nod on easy trims, or exchanged for improved property, or good merchandise. Address, with P. 0. stamp, U. Franklin Clark, 118 Walnut fittept,Pliiiadelphia. [may25,185.9. toe adds CARLISLE , PRODUCE - ISARICET. Reported weekly for the - Wergild hy-- IVoodward & Schmidt. • • FLoun 9uperfiuo, per'bbl.' • $ 6,60 do. 'lstra, do. 6,75 do: Family. do. 7,00 RYE • - • do. • 4,25 Plum •WHEAT pet bushel 1,65 RED do . do. . 1,55 Ms., 00. Coax • do, . CLovlznstso do 'TIMOTIIYSEED do. SPRING, BARLEY do. WINTER BARLEY, - do. iarxiages. On the lith Inst., by Ilea, I. N. Kaye, Mr..l. O. ELL.( TT, to !line MARY STRICKLER, all of thin county: r On the ldtlaintl.,by . tho Rev. J. It. Reiner, Mr. A. ff. HENDRICKS, of Chlppeunburg, to Miss MARY JAIIE SHEETS, of Adams ed On the 9th loot, by Rev. J. Lloyd. Rev. It. S. WWII,. LIAMB, of Newillle. to Miss EMMA M.. COItSON, of Linden, Lycmplng co. - On the 21st toot., at Glees' hotel, by the Rey. A. If. Kremer, Mr. SAMUEL SIIAEYER, tattling CATHARINE lilt ESN ER, both of Good Hope, this county. . On the 23d Wet., et 01114 hotel, by the name. Mr..l. WARNER, to Allen SOPHIA WAtIOUNER, both of Perry county., ptat4s. On the 19th Inst Southatupto n toirnehlp;i. JACOB OTT, Sr , aged 75 years, 9 month. and 7 days. On the 13th Inst., In Nail Middleton tirp., ANNA MA MIA HET OUTSHALL, aired 5 years and 23 days. In Dickinson township, on tho 24th Ink., after a short Illness, Mr. GEOROE LEE In the filet year of hie On Sunday eveuing last, Mr. §.:,4.31UNL MARTIN, of this borough, aged about 60 yeaW., New inuertiemnts TEACIIER WANTED.- 11_ A &boat Teacher fora session of fire montint,,,/ commencing nbitut the lat'of October, le wanted at New ' Cumberland. Applitatlan son be made personally or by letter to • JACOB CARPENTER, .„ Pres. of the beard. R. MARTIN, Fee]. ~ New Cumberland, Ju n e 20, 1851)-2m TaRH STONE TAVERN TO RENT. That well known Tavern stand situated on .the 1 nut Bottom road, seven mitts west of.Carllsle. The present occupant having purchased a farm in the west and being desirous of moving out, would give possession at any time. For further particulars apply , JOHNSTON MOORE, / Carlisle, Pa. Juno p, 18b9 NHOT/OE.— CARLISLE, Juno 28, 1869; ' Notice le hereby given that en application will 'be made to the Legislature or Pennsylvania et its next meeting for the incorporation eta dank of issue, with discount end deposit privileges, to be located in the borough of Carlisle, Cumberland County, Ponn'a., to be called, The Lank of Carlisle. with a capital of one him. dred thousand doPars, with the right to Increase the sante to tinge h undred tbousand dollars, (SIGNED.) IVILLIASI HER, T11( " ii -- PAXTON BENJ. Givun, Jet., .E.Noen Venn.; Blames) WOODS, CIISIETIAN STATIftlf, WILLIAM DENTE, JOHN C. STLRBETT, A. B. 811ARPL, WM. N. Itnessix, JOHN C. DUNLAP, JOSEPH D. ilmarar, Itouaixr givm, Joium DoNLAA,'' JAMS'S lIOTVER, ROBERT MOOHO,_ _ BAMOLI. OILEAISON. . O E O . W. SHKATtRa JACOB IC. NXISLIT, DENS. IV/MOUT. June 29, 1859-6 m • . O ature i NOTlCE.' Notice is hereby given that application will be rode to the next Lettis , of retinsylsauta, to alter the cliarter of the Car. 'Hale Depot& bank, located In tho borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, 60 as US confer on said hank the rights and privileges of a bank of issue, and to change its name to tho • Carlisle 'Bank : also to increase the capital of said Lank (which is at present aasentptwo thousand dollinve with privilege of increasing the same under its present charter, to one hundred thousand,) to tub hundred lead fifty thousand dollars. , •aW. M. UEETJEM, Cashier. June 29. 1850-13 m 12) • RESERVING JARS, SUGARS, c:. • . las s s Jars, air. , tight, (klone's patent,) for preserving fruit, itc.,..ot the various sixes. enrolfered th the pubilo by the proprietor., as a Jar that will commend' itself, requiring no cement, is self sealing, the. neatest, moot simple ancLeastly managed Jar made, and feeling eon : fldent when once treed will be preferr ed to any other, • • . • THESE JAR'S.' together with e variety of other good Presorting Jars, are f,,tr sale at the store of the subscriber, where may also be Shand a large and genentl assortwent of • .. FRESH 01100NDIES, of the rarinuaqualities, Ineluding it seasonable and aloe selection of the beet and finest grades of ,:0 . ,...,,4 4 ..": - , 1 • WIDTH AND 111lOWN flUltAllgi . e - .-' I!: ' • 7 'eultablefer . pihotritlitg.7We — feillhailkttitnir tthiferil - support heretlforo extended to tn. end tenet that we may merit' the continued farors of our Mends and, customers, Our greatest efforts shall be made toplease •in the que i \ty of toe arttele solo, he well as lin:nice. Carliele, June, b1b.1469. - • . . . J,..11r; EDlr...' . .QOMETRING:EXTRA. PEON'S PATNNTtIIRNSIIING.IIAOIIINE AND 111,ItS P }wEl ', with all the leteet improvoniente:— W,mintedlo thisth add (gnu PO buebein per hour. -„- ' ' BTIDOtiLIiI6 & 11110, Agent for cumberlaininiunty. LOUR AND F subsori-• . bete haYe puM , ou hapd , andlntendkeeplor,irle..' ty Orlllour and teed; to which the , public le Iniltek. 7 ., .U 1 milers warten4 . ed. '.611i4414,1i ' June Wilto. • ± 'Ceziteht ?a t ••. 4.60 2,00 JOHN D. P161C617, Joux