ill DR. NITANE's ; 'I ) J r i l CELEBRATED :I . 7 ERniF C. G E Iffa LIV - ER - PILES - AVE begileave,to call the att, tidn of the Trade, and' - especially ,the •:PhysicianS of' the country, to two ' . of the most popu , • lar ternediei" now : before the ,publkc. • Jr. Chas; DlPLanc's •Celebrated r VprritifTsge -- ,o. r nizt - Eiv - Wei:to:not lecOMmend:' thein aS UniverSal •Ctire 7 alls, .1)0 ,"simply for • • what. their, name.. purports; viz:: • , .VERAILITGE, • • ' For WOrms from • the. ' human • :systeni . . It has also been : administered with the most •:satis ' ffaeiciry results. to various Animals subject to Worms:. THE LIVER PILLS, -•- • For the cure of LIVER .Com PLAINT; , • all BILIOUS DiRADIOEMEN- TSB .HEAD-ACHE, &C. In - cases - z GUE • . preparatory to or after taking Qui . :nine, they ahhOst invariably .niake a speedy and permanent cure... . m _;' As - specifics : for the. above e! tioneddiseases4hey are Unrivaled, and npier, know T h. ' , tl;2 fail when ad , : ministered in accordance 'with 'the directions. .7: • Their uriprecedentt popularity . has induced the proprietOrs, • • FLESIING BROMERS, • PITTSBURGH, PA. to dispOse. of 'their Drug business, in - which' . they, have been success fully engaged fcir the last-Twenty ,Years; and t they will now give their undivided. time and attention to their manufacture. And being de, ned __ that = Dr. ,M'Lane's. brated Vermifuge .and Liver .Pills shall continue to. oecupy.the high, position they 'now ,hold ainOrt..„the , great remedies of ..the day,,' they will continue to spare, neither time • nor expense •in procuring the Best and • Pureit . material; and_ com pound them in the,l'most•Thorough manner: Address - all orders' • ' FLEMING.. BROS.. Plitsbargh, Pa. • , P.B. Dealers and Plivilichtini:,ordering film others than Fleming Bros., will do well to write their orders distinctly, and take stone lad Dr. il'Lene'r, prepared ty Fleming Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. • To those wishing to giro theme trial, we Will forward per mail, postpaid, to any part'of the United States, ono box of Pills for twelve three-cent postage stamps, or ono viol of Winding° for fourteen three-cent stamps... Al) orders from Canada must be accompanied by.twenty cents extra. • William P. Lynch,,' • Practical - P.1;0111ER and GAS FITTER, — in'theltsement - The - M. -- E: Church, Main-Street, Carlisle. Lead and Troia Pipes, Hydrants, Hot L Odd Shower Bathe, Water Closets, Force nod Lift Pumps, :Wren Iron' Went Fubeit, `''Atid every description of cocks and fittings for gas, iteam, water,dtc. Superior cook,lng ranges, hostersand gas fixtures,put uf, lo.churches. stores and dwellings, at short notice, in the most modern style. All materi als will work in our line nt low rates and lwarranted. • /lir country' . wdrk and Jobbing prom itly Attended to. ?der. 23, 1859-Iy,' T HE CLOTHING STORE NEAR Tin: - MARKET 'HOUSE WOULD AGAIN Let The People Know That they have just received and are daily receiving a False large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, made up in the host, latest and moot fashionable style. Their as,wttaiont of fancy and plain Cassimere and Cashmeret, tine black cloth Coate, Pants, satin and silk Vests, are superior to any ever presented to the people of Carlisle or vicinity, as welVas their - large variety of Cassinett, Kentucky, Jean, Tweed, Italian cloth,Alpac • ca. and all sorts of linen Mats, pants andvebts,ogeth er with rt well selected stock of GENTLEMEN'S FUR NISHING GOODS, such at; white and fancy Shirts. neck and pocket handkerchiefs, Cravats, Tim, Under Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Socks, Suspenders, Lc, itr short, every' thing else todress up - Il is a well established fact that STEVERS, can and do sell a little Cheaper than any. Clothing Store in Carlisle or vicinity. We therefore advise ONE, and ALL to call 'at Steiner's cheap clothing store, before they make their purchases, an they aronlways willing and pleased to show their' goods. Remember-near the Market homer"' Apr. 13, 1859. . . STEINEII. RIMS. A Co. IRUN RAILING 1-Ir(qi -;-, for me t oetu re it ,itbllc and plva!! , grounds and •,..“arrtUrer, and pm... gardens, made to order at the Carlisle koundry. Our stock of Hailing, Verandah and. Biscket patterns coin. prises a large variety of new and elegant designs which toe public are invited to call and examine. Orders for tasting and putting up nailing will be promptly execu ted at eatisfebtory prices. ipt. An entirely new TEN MORSE STEAM. ENGINE and BOILER. now on hand, warranted to be of the best make, and will be sold at a bargain for cash or on short time .F.GAIIDNER & CO nIIMBERLAND -- VALLEY INSTITUTE Mr.cunxiosuona, PA. A.V. MULLIN, A. D., PRINCIPAL, and teacher of Mathematics and Modern Languages. THOMAS. S. lIEESE, A. IL,,,..Assilitaut Principal and teacher of:Ancient Languages and Higher English. L. id. lIAVERSTICK, Asslsta* in tho English De partment. , • This Irffititution having passed into new hands, will bp 'reopened as a Male School only, on Thursday, the 2d day of September next. It is the design of the present proprietors to make It a strictly firstolass Boarding Schooli for tmlitilig--and--fitting -boys-and-young men either for college or business. Au efficient corps of In. structors has boon organised,lvhose personal Interests are identified with the success of the Institution, and who will spare no palm; to make It worthy of the condi . dance and patronage of the public. The Buildings of the Institute are ample, and well arranged fur the am . .ocannodation of about ninety boarders, and all students • Prom 'abroad aro exported to board with the triachers.— " They will thus enjoy theben'efit of constant inetruclion and supervision: ' 'Mechanicsburg Is situated In tho centre of the beam -• tiful Cumberland Valley, nine miles from Harrisburg, and it early of access by Railroad from Philedelphia,Bab • timore,' Att. No location could be more eligible for us. case—none more healthy or attractive for such a schoril. Pupils-from Weishington, Baltimore, Philadelphia And Internaddiate points, taking -the -morning. train, will reach Mrichanicsburg by 2 o'olock,. - P. Al. As It Is the determination of the Principal end his Assistants to 'place the Institute on a permanent and elevated heels, with ,very, application requiting for superior success, ttieg.oopetil with confidence to all who have sone to ed. • The scholastic year will be divided into two missions -of 'Patent''' twit weeks each; the first beginning ou the first Thursday of September. and ending on the first' Wednesday of February; the second session beginning ' on the first Thursday of February, and ending on the . Ara WednesdayofJuly , - TERAIS. • ' Board, Waaldtur, Tuition, Booms furnished, and Fuel por Session, „ 481 00 • ' Dayxebolara y/111, be reeelrednt $lO, $l2, And $l5, no , • No extra charges for a'nelent and modern lanivagea or vocal Tfinne per soislou payable half la advanco.. Pot far. Cher information apply to Mullin ik Ream, Pr,oprletors, Meahaniceburg, Pa. . - , 00D. AND WiL'LUVP WARN:- ' BASKETS 7 -M erkel , Titivating, and Benny, of ' altansCirery varlet. ' CEDAR WARE—Tuba, Buckets, Measures, Pelln,,Pa nted.Bilekets, Keeler'i 'Matta, lied.' Cordo, Urpabes, and a large stock or" Rich's" celebrated coin Poems, (dobtonly by the subscriber) end cal other, r.,.'f:ratogsary house articles—alnsys the lowest Anti 'prleep—fe'r sale by: Nov .'t 1Y.!88Y... . _ , . . . „ g4t .. Rob(lo ..,14EATIElER.-,A full its ., ..:.! , . iorfaient bf , Nroiooon'LiOtlier, thilagn ;Ind 131 , nd t . ~ ogs, pt.; NOE Tinge; and rull , atir , tinel!t sh o e . It 1.-.,1.. ' lw o pst , lip a, f in .. kip4ll.. . ,i - riN' '‘i TArNi 4 - 'BON, ' • ' .'-' :•. t;' - , ;i' l , '. ~. . , ' ',, • .". ,4) • No . 0h Moore!. Shoat. Fino and Chimp .TeivelrY bf ail° and 'quality 1 - 1 - 51 - a - tti - nrty'rha - placalnrawatal.. . ' 8c NAUGLE - CO - .43 . 81hrer—KOLPI:sted—I'Vtarn,Calcd4angat,-an alligVed; Cream Str - ntry.Ealti • Hied and craan. • ~ A t,NAUCIP'p d CO.'S, Fine Pearl.latra.l'oraqaineir,Geldidarie,lilaiedijle: routine iiosaic, Jot liox and Glaos.eottaabeari . • - - 'At NAUOI.I , I k Co.iB • Onld Nark, Yost: Curb, tint, , and 'Clintlalti Chains, Gold Bracelets, Lockets, Thimbles. Croseen,Chernut, • , •; At Is:A.IIO,LE t . .'French Tinto Pieces to rußiltreo and font' weeks, • . • .• At, NM/Glatt AVG.'S ' Gold Sleeve, Vest, Collar, and Shirt' /Buds of all styles and_gnallty, A tislAUo LEA CO.'S Flutinnar•Accordoons, Music Boxes—n fine variety, • . • At NAUGLF, h CO.'S Ladles' Portmonaida. Poll and Walter, Plain and Fancy Travelling Bags, very r Ire atylea, cheap • . ~ At NAUGLE k CO.'S • if you want to have. your liatchns put In good re pair and warranted, take thorn to • v NAUGLE & CC'S Ti' you %root your Spot...lntro ritatlymoarked at.short uotleoTcall— 'At NAtitiLE,A All goods warranted as rnpresented, or the funded, " •IPIAROANIVIIgLit, IAMILY G.loolittY AND SOILF . Just received A mid in store, a fresh and wol leeted assortulent of Rio, Java and Mn, canto Coffee, Mutated Coffee, Crash.' ' -Pulverized Sugars, Relined and. '.' • other brown Sugars, superior ' Syrup Molasses Orleans - , ~ (baking) .110 ill NPe s. . • -splees 'of nvery variety - Truro only; Starch; Sarin: Land' Chocolate, Macaroni; CIICIINO" and Crnekeenr - Tapioca-and SagoF Indigo . saleuo,us and Suds,-rearp-Tartar-and-, __sups& Pickles, Mustard and' Coriander ' TKAS...II: flue assortment' in ' l4ll Erg r ... ,I _and in bulk—ne well 'llli all other article, i Z. •:, n l, , e , l d ou t ing o re t il eal ' p u r l i + c i e n s t:sa--alt et 'the lowest . - 1 . A BEAD OF COMPETITION!— ..ti. Ji.;l 0F..1/001) TEA you si. L'MPIRE gPlAyillA WAREHOUSE, • ' • ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Cllll o Tea, Coffee, Sugar. Spices; and all rttcles ' usually kept by first °foi+ gre qua. • Our stock is achtfitted by all to . bo t lorgeq And best seleeted In the oily. We Import olr own goods. 1111111 bay for rash. Alib rambles I. to se 17,t such pric oti that no In the city in mir line of buSI: nessaan.competo with us.;_imalers and .others can-sat isfy themselves of the truth of Ulla as,ortieu, by giving us call. . • • . - Cloods chipped free'of charge, to any part of the city. 1E9... Remember the -No., Ell Catherine St. Joining Brooks' llre's Clothing Store.. " [mar3o's9-Bm. ion Sinks, Bath Tubs, Bath Boilers,. Wash Basins, Hydraulic Hams, .ke ARR I N AE.G By U.I D E, 111 A WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. • • The secret elue to Courtship; Love . ; !; : \l2l, and Marriage ; with the diseases incl. dent to Youth, Maturity and Old Age, —being lights and" shades of Married Life, its Joys and Sorrows, Mopes, 'I I P\V 1 1. 1: ‘ ,Tic i dl d eM 1) )1 1 4.. '8 4 1 t i S m n eTn t' t . enn i L t li n n il SW_ marriage . and having the least impedl ß . mont to married lIPo, mot this book. Lot every young man and woman in the land read this book. It is full of PLATES, ynd discloses secrete that every one should know; a little knowledge at tirst may save n world of trouble in aft, life Scud for a copy (enclosing 25 rents) to , — DR. WM. YOUNG, No. 410 SPRUCE STREET, Apr.. 27, 1859;-1 y • -NvAT()fiES, JEWELRY, AND SILVERWARLAT CONLYN'S old (fitabllshed Stand, Went Main St., noarly opposite tho Ciihiburland Valley Bank. I have Just rocolvod a new assortment of 'catches, owelry. medallions. silver ware, &c., In addition to my ocular stock to which 1 invito thu ntiontlon of 'tho public, The assortinont embraces fine gold and silver lever watches', hunting . , and opon moo do., gold Afirbora for Ladles and Goutlemon and Rilvor Lo- Ines - nud Quartier watches of every vs. slaty in style and price. --Also fine gold.Modallinns-Breast.pluslor Ladles. and. Oen neaten of every quality, patterti and price. Gold fob, vest. curb and neck chains: Gold ra , elets, finger rings, cultpins, studs, sloovo.buttons, croeus, charms, add silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, lurks, table, tea, salt and mustard spootis of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver and common spectacles, to suit all ages to which we Invite special atton .. tlon. • A fine lot of GOLD PENS from tho best makers, spectacle cases, fancy boxes, sliver and pearl cord cases, gold and common bracelets, watch chains, • Mantle Clocks and n variety of articles mot- e • ally kept in Jewelry establishments, which i • Aft o. I will sell low for cash. All articles Near .l - ranted to be what they arot-reprosonted. • Particular attontlon paid as usuol to . 7,- . 40 • WATCII REPAIRING and all work war- • • ranted. July 2L1858 Dec, 23, 1857.1 yY OLD . I.FRIENDS,.and the public generally are Invited to Call" and examine my stock of fresh . GROCERIES, , • , GLASS AN QUF.ENSIVARE, Pickets, Preserves, Pilaf Can Fru, Spices, Wood and Willow Ware,itopen Brushes, 011s,Frults, Fish, Salt, and a largo variety of other goods not necessary to enumerate. Store Item two doers oast Ithorwle Warohouse (formerly John O. • ' Iva me a call and mud no my. goods, and prices, I Intend to sell no cheap as any other etorg_outsldo o Sutter, Eggs, Seep, Rags, Beeswax, Rniod Fruit, ac.., takon In exchaugeTor Foods. Calllsle, Oct. 27, '5B, MOWIN , ( , - , 1 1 AND AR GENCY BAPINO ACHINE 6BB Itaric - et aired,. Philadelphia. Where Farmers may sue and.judgo fur themselves, between SlY • ' _OF THE BEST „.. COAIBINED MACHINES , . NOW IN USE! And purchase the ➢lpghlno of theft choke. =LEN fc PASS:S(OIUL Apr. 6,1.1360-3 m 633 Market St., Phila. Fish! • • •• HERRING, MACKEREL, 6LlAtie In'Larrels, halt and, gitarter barrels. Fresh Gracerlesi linnars, to., at the lowest cash prices. Dunn, Shatilderi, blauq, Dalai, ;Eggs, Tallow; -11ees-' rens, and Itagg; talcon In oathange ter. goods, at the grocery of • . :r Li L:4l S S L RI 1 'PAINTS ! ‘3! PAINTS!! A full annuitant of°lase of all shwe 'and gfaiilltk,'Salth Chiligli"Steclr - orfresh" PAINTS; - all colors. 0118,1rernlehes,,i Cement In largo or small quantities, at lbw Spires at - MIN P. LYNN .& North Hanover Street. Oct. 27,'28 • AILS 1' .11A.111 0 $ 1 1-:-.L:•1900 kegs:best I Aiiallty Nail!: We are .prepared to sell Nails el the'sdry. best qualltlentrtlie" very lowest price... Persons In want of nails end mstorlals would do well tonall before purehitsing elsewhere. - .•J. P. LINE SON, • • Feb,S,lB6B. • ;, • Nortb Hanover. Street. . ( - V ASS, ,4311/ASS.SOO" boxes. 14108 • N.di quido and double thick,guit re AX~Ogived i 5 14 6 0; • , ANBRY: WRTlPiag...of.;Drfej Door anti iixtrit ougar itirod H d P anprr, aiieru or rule by' .Nero Oboni3s: UST, if . E . CHISED:E.A.ND,OI 3 . I I 3 . NIN' AT j4AIJS/1.11 & G 929 011EAP,JEWELRY,STOI • • ", large'.eliPPV ‘ 'etches, Jewelry... nod: Plated Arai tillttLithiealtas don, t yew want to from "the IMg otOloclrs.tVatr letvelry o dllveral :F ! civrar. In carll ~ .NALIOLTI & cp , A. , . . We have zt !ergo nesortmnut a Cold Mid Silver hunt , leg, and. Opeo—Caso Watellee to suit .alt.Fenelee and Pockets, At .i4AuatE Dlatiiood Broastpinsond NltiKor ngo, .• • • '• ACNAUOLE & CO.'S , • Gold Hunting Case, - Piglit:Day Lovers ; •Ijold Hunt . - log Case, Duplex; Gold llilntlna, ChrodotdaearX, ,',• • - • At HADOLH,t 01).1 , . ,•, „ Dagley'd best quality of Gold , Poirellai Ditto Gold Pons and Sliver Holders, At Nnuovs CO .% - Silver and Plated Teri satc. ()Milks, .Cups, .Toist Racks, Pitchers . , Urns, Tureens, Tea nets, . At NAUGLE & ... At NATIO LEA COM., Plated . Yorks, Sjioons,'ltnlveS; Napkin Rings", ,Silver Thimbles, If you want to got a Cheap Clock, you.Oan got It • • At NAUGLE it CO.'S At NAUGLE It • Parsons that want bargains aro Invited to cal 'At NAUGLE a barlialn, Apr. 27, 1820. arlld o, Noi. 3, klkinfillialed 1835: 81 cA..rnmuf*: smknr, :;:Inv yonn VOSE 'JOYCE, . TIIOIAI3 CONLYN . . .1 .4. 1,„ 'MACHINE .•SILD.P, '. • CAR AND: SASIfIgi.CTOIIV," East Man 'Street, CARLISLE. mina extenalronatablitlnnentla 110 W In Campleto °PI hrLailLunieLlinoriLforeaetattirm- Work ayary'depatttnent.. The Ininglinga 'have 'also beehlirSatly enlarged this sluinkand stocked mittrtlie neireat and' rueettrajhaved, ‘ toold for tho tnaditlheture. • , SitlAtters Blhadn,,Moulditign, Br:wicks' and all other oeCtirisititer irosrit. We Invite Builders, Car -tei 611 mittincittnitio udr facilities (Mr .dolnic thin -.description of work. • The best iltlittirlalei used and prices an kw' as at any other estnblishment hi . .thuCtionlyor riblacthefe. ' •' ; '; ' 'STEAM GNOINBS' itpl LT TO 01:101illi, and rePalred as liMetotore. itlnkinell'haVe, helm recent ly butilt, tor 'W. M. thindOrnon & Son; In this lioronghi, It. Bryson Sz Co. Allen township, Ahl A Brothern. New. vino, Slinde North Middleton, and utliersi: at whom sntabllshment they ;Piny he keen In dally.op , erAtlon.and to whom Ira can refer for evidence oftiMir supeCiOrlty-.° •'" ' • • IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS. • . , . of every description, from tiro smallest to the heaviest' pieces, executed at abort notice tor °Vary kind of ma. cilinery. A largo variety of mill castings now on bond Two skillful Pattern coliStgutly-Omployt;ll. IMPARING promptly attended to for Popov Mills. DigtilleCies, Grist 'Mills, Factoring, Ac. Turning,and Fitting 51111 Spindles, Ao r Mono (ho best style. • • f'. TDDMITIN 4 G MACHINES AND 11ORSE•POWINIS. • Such. Four Omii....Enitt.liorsa—Pairera,Llforigoittau thair ;r and Two Ilona) Payers.' Corn Crushers, iron Boilers: Plough 'castings, and Other at , ticks for farmers, cut hand or promptly =dodo °t ter., . •- ' • BURDEN CABS BUILT, . . • end repa!red. il facilities for building Cars ore nn* inoro rompletO l* llian beretofora and onaliii.s nrer , f•it ilSh.thent tio transporters on the roll road on neon dntink terios and 'undo of tha best 1111161 . 10 a. Oil ors solicited and entire satisfaction gunranteel. • ... . . . . . . . .. The long experience in the businea of the armlet , partner of the firm, and time completeness ,of our Ina chinery In every branch of the , ustablisbmoot warrant us; In Assuilmc the best ii•ork 'to all wlaciavor WI with their °Nem.. The continued patronap.o of our old friends and the public hrtampoctfully solid ted. Nay 2C,. '67-e- 1 s: . Y. OA ItDS.i•lit fc To. • • • OTT'S Tit — .lllS.ricct. St., nbove Llghth, • MEM C. OTT, .AUENT. NEW- STYLvS - 01' SPRING AND sumcino. 00011.5==-Just opened nt MULLIN'it, on test Main Street, a Owlet] selection of fashionable goods, expressly for gent:l3,llol'a *Tar, consisting of very 'superior SIDE BAERED CASSIMERES. BLACK" AND WIIITE'PLAIDS. BROWN AND WRITE MIXTURES. * IILACK AND WHITE MIXTURES. FANCY STRIPES, AND MIXTURES. SOLID) PLAINCOLORS. BOYS' -- STYEES - - - FOlt - COATS - & - c , ANTS -- -CENTS' SPRING' &-SUMME&COATINGS. 'MARSEILLES AND SILK - VESTINGsN FANCY CLOTHES. EVERY, DESCRIPTION. FINE BLACK own's. BEST BLACK DOESKINS.' . • MEDIUM QUALITY BLACK CASIMERES. , • , • . D. MULLIN, (suctessortn T. 11. Mies.) dtpr. 20, 10. • a , 'V E Y STABLE.—llaving pur r clotsed from J. It. Nonen o iker his LIVERY EF TA- LISIDIENE, I will be Always ready to accommo date the public wII.IOIOBSES, WAGES, Ill;00 tEr.zWlll every other nr. Itleleln toy line. By strict attention to business and n desire to please, the sule.erl her hopes to receive n liberal share of public pat roomm. 01:01t0E N. B. oultand to supply those who may be in need of them. 0. It. Nov. 25, 1857.] • TOOT AND SHOEAIAKING.—J d O. TAILOR, return their Fiume thanks le their Customers, for the very liberal patronage CO I on• dud to them, and would respectfully Inform the public that they continue to manufint urn , CUSTOMER Work,. at their bid stand. on North Ilenover street, two doing, above the drug store of S. W. Ilaverstick. With a number of first rate workmen employed and facilities fekr securing the best stock to be found in the market, thtny ore prepared to make up every description of BOOTS AND SILO ES, Ibr ladies and gentlemen's wear, in the most thshionable style, and of WARRENTIIII nia. Urfa is and workmant hip. Many years of practical experience In the business both Inure and in Philadelphia Justifies them In saying, that they are nide to Insure full satisfinet len to all those who may leave their orders. — April 21, ins, tf. • pinch' REDUCED ONE HALF NEW MEDICAL SALT eon INFLAMIVIATOILY DISEASES • TRY •IT! 'ONLY ONE•DdLLARI CHRONIC I%ICISIOE s2.bO. • . SEE ADVERTISEMENT. —RI AMERICAN WAToll.—Having re. celled thir agency for the sole of the Antorirnt IA etch, from the Boston Watch Company, wtwould re. spectrally inform Mir old friends and the public genet , ally, that we lama fine assortment now opening and rosily for sale. In gdld, nail silver eases and very line styles, and with regard to Onto they can't be bent, to wove that fact It is only necessary to give them a trial. Parsons in want of a correct timepiece, aro respectfully united to call and bee our watches. W. O. A. NAUGLE & CO. Maln Street, Carlltdo, Ca. May A, '59. 'TOBACCO AND SEQABS. - TIIO finest qualities of Lump; Twist. Cavendish, and er chewing Tobacco's SELIAIIB—Fine imported Havana and Cuba Segura, also choice brands of domestic minnfaaturo. 'LinClibirritz Philadelphia - and • Baltimore.' Cut and Dry Tobacco. Our friends cannot flail beio✓' pleased by examining for themselves. NovjU, 'SB. • .WAL I!ENTZ WE take this method of Informing ours tqpilds - nnd customers generally that we will open on SatOday, a line assortment of . SPRING MILLINARY p_ocps, of latest style. "Ladles are, respectfully Invited to call and-examine Our stock. , Kr. Also, two or three ladle, wanted' todearn the bustuen. MARGARET 'DUKE, .•' • MARY E. AULIIIINBAUOII. ' !orner of Hanover and' LoGther° 84. SOW Ma . the Hon. JAMES IL ORAWOL ProSl' dent Judge _thunovural.Courts of...Common_Pleas of the ccuntles of Ousnholand, ferry and Juniata] and' Justice of the gerund Courts of Oyer and Torednet and "Mineral Jail Delivery In said_countlus,.and ea. 'Women"; and Hun. M. COCKLIH, Judges of the - Court of Oyer and Turminor andkhlneral Jail Delivery 'kidthe trial of all capital and other offenders, he the 'kid county of Cumberland, by their precepts to me dl. rected, dated the 11th of April, 1805, have ordered the Court of Dyer and Terrnlnur enS amend .toil Delivery to bo,holdun at CARLISLE, on the 4th 510,151/A,I :of August, 1850, (being the 22mIday,) at 10 o'oleck lu the foruneun ' to'continup tecirMbe: • NOTIOS AS lIEREDY GIVEN, to the Coroner, Juik' .ticesof the Peace end-CouStables of the F4la_cmuttr of Cumberland, that they .are by the sold precept conk, mended to ho then and there in their 'eloper per.mnsi, with their rolls, records, inquisltiors, examinations and all other remembrances, to do those , things "which lo their officer appertain to be done, and all those that 'are bound'hy recognlsances, to prosecute agatnst•the prisoners that are or then shalt be. in the Jail 'of said county, are to be there to, proseegtu them , as shall .be SIcQAMTNEY, Shoritf.. Carlisle, June 1, 186[1. . ' : 4 108 SALE : OR RENT r -Tho two-story Brick llouso on Lou. arl '''' tiler stroot; near . the Gannon It - Mono- _ od church, nod now occuplod by Mr. . • , Chas. Clark.,,fs offered ftw sato or rent, M '.,..,!-,- fro w Atit t Alt 91"AprIl next -, [ , ott. o,lBsP—ff , AppWe r o• •',. it ' ' , 'JNQ. B.' tiAIIITER. • ..• ' , • lic:fr = T. OF. PROPMETOII S 0:-TAYLOR- Fresh Arrival, , iPt5:.1,ig, , ,0i.0.*(00 , 1 - T. J. GBA.11;115i411.:1).111o1011 • ELL,- • E.II.DAVIDOOI4- • • • , , 04/11 - IAftI •• 'IIIODOWELLe & . •/, ••,1,11814E1141:L; .411111!AGENis, ei)ll i :lind.,l6eate y M:eattio'lillkliourl, bug lintl'Hull lattds,'lds hut.nt . 44,buyAnk.i.4.llL..46,ll.4.4;ty,thztoypot ntul don geiturel'agoncy,bp " • • ItIFEEDEDED.. , Jollti , lll'Dstilfolti I:sq.. carlisli, •, ' • ' • Icei,.llroonolatno • &. Cc.; Dankein:Dpi'llelo. it. Id. Ileddnrsotl,' Esq.; ens:lsle. 0 nr& Soutlerson;l:sq.', Lnticanter. In. dolin'A;!Ahl„.3l. Wto. S. Coboan,-.Esq.; ' -• • • " IV.•Clark.l2Co., Ilitokors,PhilnOulphis lion.lllfeltel Cecilia, Shepherdstowo, P • llenry llulnian & Eons, Mot-Oto* s. Dultlt 11'. 1 t. Linke; 114q.;'eniltlor 31ordnoillo Ent • -£nyder-kitl.Varirrrre:ltsni - Estntn - Agetty 1111titiossuta TorritOryt,' , ' ,Woo 1111goso; Enq„ , Att,Ornox, stud Eon' ' • kitorllng; 111., =7lfijtesFit Co--eV:10 RY[IM. ,ii, i ..,.: r - „ 'Ger: Panda, Ilarrlglaug; ' tfarPh P. M7.-7- 1 3'.!..; 7 • • • ' eIiTAIBEIILAND VALLEY '.I3AN ritominvrults. . • „ -WILLIAM -Kan, - • ' ,• MELellellt .iIr.NME3f AN, , • lIOIIT. C. 81131,IIETT, , JOHN •ItlcJiAnn'woolg,•• • .. .3olllN's. STEIiEF,TT; . " Joan C. 1)1,1I11.7, „ STURGEON. Lu.vinesa In tho name cl 4iir; Dren unman &•. Co., Innate fully•prepared to do sa, general flanking Business within:ineptness and fidelity; lifonorrecelved Orr depoelt and paid knelt 01.'0111'41W iilthord mace: , Ititef•est paid on special deposits. ' Cer fineattooor deposit britirinninterest at the' retool' five ligt e ndly - Avill 'be issued ter as' short n period an four months.. intoresteon all certitica,ten will refute at ma turity, provided: however; that. If sold certllivates are reneged at any titan thereafter fee another' given pm and, they ghat' bear the dame rat ;ti of ititeret•t•ini to the time or rejoin/a. Portieular attention paid' to the col lodion Of noted, drafts, chocks, Sc., in .any pad or the United Status fir Cantata. . -•. . , • -nituncenteadu talinglprid4reland,nr_he Conti tient, faithful - nod exteutiou of nil orders entilisted to timer, may he relied upon. - They Nall° Ate:lt:on -of Formers,illeellanies -and all (tilers who denno n sat, deprislory fon their nainea, to the undeniable feel, that rile proprieto r s of this nook ale !minim:A 1.1. Y liable to ilia extent of I heir estates for all Clio Deiislas, anti oilier .obligatione of Her, Brenue• roan & Co. • • • .• •. They Imo recently removed into their nen limiting 'louse directlyopposite - their former shind,- In Weft Main Street, a few doors east of the Railroad Depot, where they will at all times ho pleased to.glve any In formation desired in regard to money matters In gene• .opon for businees item 0 o'clock In the morning uu 111 4 o'clock I n.the evening. - • If. A. If.ft/ II .LEON, Cashier. Carlisle, May 20. 1807 - -n; -EVVING'S F 11 RN I T (JUL! .41,,A.tE-.10.0.1115, ,- . 10 1859 irr' West High. tree!, .Carl Pa (Preniiataawardcg at th . le. Cyfitherland 'county • Fairl/'=1 857'.)-' • - The subscriber has just reedy.] the most splendid eSsorttusht of articles in his Line. ever brought to this place. which ho Is prices Clint de. ly competition.. ' • • •• Parlor, Chamber, - 1 ... • . Dining-room, FURNITURE. - " JCR('flon and . . • 011Ipo " • , ' Embraeing every article used by House and IloteF keeper a, of the moat approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In Putts. reception And Camp Chairs, Mattresses; stilt frames, , - Purchasers ere requested to cell and examine his stork, et his extensive were-usans, - ,lyest Mein street, • North side. ,bra` Particular s,t,t,entbin given'ns usual teldhernis; orders fro th town 'dud country;uttonded to promptly -end on moderate thrum. • 4 Carlisle, May 12, • PLE - A ND I.T.AIINESS • ESTAIIIASIIMENT. HORSE CQLLARS, 'HORSE. COLLARS. .• - 11 - ho/caa/ u tand'Retail. -- ..Thifltibßribor - Tmpectfully annouiices -10-bis friends mad ilia public, that ho is now nuns , utladarlag, and.keeps constantly on •baud, a lull lato , rinie t ii , t Saddles, \ln gouir 'l ou uud ` al, which Iw is prcpnrcd to sell on reasonable terms Pleaso call and ' I , ll\l Woo purchasing else ' Ito is ulvapropared to manufacture ' all Kinds of Ilatu, far OM natl.( En & glum and IloseCtunpatileit, warrant. td bo perfect or no sale, , and equal, if not superlor,to city make. Thankful for past favore, lye Wipes to merit a contln ualSe by strict attention to orafte , irtill fair prices. PHILIP UHLER, - Main Slreut mecilatilchburg. - Mar. 9, 1059-3 m NE \V STAGE Thrsubscriber has started a tri r weehly line of Stages leuween Carlisle and • handisburg. leaving Car• lisle livery Monday, Wedneminy "and Friday, immetti• ably on the arrival of the afternoon train of rats from the,east. Returning, leaves Landlthurg nt 8 Oil A. Si., every Tuesday, Wednesday nod Saturday, and arrives at Carlisle at UM I'. Si., via. ,Perry County Warn, Springs, Shermansdale,,Sterreit's Rap nod Carlini° Sul pbur Springs. On and nice Jußh the 16th, tha line 'viii be run tinily for the accounnedullon p , assengentgoing eto the Faro to the se w several points asiellos: - Carlisle to Sylphur Springs, • $0 50 0 Sterrett's flap, • ........ 75 Shermansdale, . 57 " Perry County Warm Springs, . . 1 00 • " Laudisburg, . . . . . . I 00 =I Landisburg to Warm Springs, . . . . . , $0 25 Hiermancdolo, o . . 50 Sterrett's Gap, ' . . • 75 , Sulphur 0 .... . 1 0 " Carlitce, . . . . . . . . .1- 100 The above lino will I egularly carry the MAIL to and from thedeveral pointeehovo indicated: I havo anon well stocked, LI Vl.lll* FTAIILIL from which I ant at all times ready' to furnish horst# mid ear tinges to these who will favor me with their patronage, on the most reasonable terms oral In the very hest style. may)01858. • OCOlitll, lIENDEL. 1859. 600 PAIR TRACE CHAINS, 'with n lirsiressort moot of BUTT CHAINS, , . BREAST CHAINS, • HALTER CHAINS, LOG CHAINS; FIFTH CHAINS, TONGUE CHAINS, COW CHAINS, SJIREADS,;Ro. &o. Just received at the cheep Hardware store or • Metelt.l6, 1859. - H. SA XTON 100 no l L' O lA N D S ueoN li A ir / Ya E l!r t g o E D so;t A marof • STEEL, SKEET IRO* 11,00 P IRON, - • • 'RIVETS, BOLTS, • N UTTS, • - WAS HERSi---: ANVILS, VICES, FILES, • - RASPS, SCREW PLATES, • - • BLACKSIIII-BET7LO - IVS,!•01 ' .11.124 Torolltad and for salo ohea* Cu,, ever, nt larch 16, 1850; . • 1113NRY SAXTON'S. ,„ A'GItICULITURAL MPL)3IIIENT AND MACHINE SHOP. - • ' lli ON WEST LWUTHEN STREET, above the residenro of Dr. J. Zitzer, and Im• 1144 in rear Of LUG Union Engine House • " • rail% WW l '. • • ' • • Ihe " subscriber desires to Inform (ho fartnerar and the public generally, that he de now mad: uPtetdr,ing, and has constantly on band , '.". REIF'S CELEBRAVD • • , C l llrcer huller .ffitetleaner..4i, Aln, the premium linrse•Poiver' and ,Threldllng Md. chluip;mlch vibrating separators attached. - ;Corn Shelters, Straw•Cutfera, he, Ni - Trawl and 'un s ubtle always' on s hun for the re• pair OPltilipore and PlOutwit.' Thumbing Muldnes'aud aprieniturdinnplonients of all kinds, sehi s e s h will be at. ended to 'promptly and on roasonable terms' • • S J. ABRAIIIMS, Proprietor. • Apr..17::1861-111 - • • .:•,HANTCH; .:MmiouAivrLon, j 'WEST MAIN STREW,. (Mmocite, the Railroad .pmee,).basjust received a. now. and elegant assort Meet Of°lothe. Mike anitCamircree; fur Spring and Bummer mrearoirubraeing " • „ - PANOY:O/111811itEREB,' ' ' . . • 4130WN AND • . FANCY.' STRIPER' AND ' • PLAIN . 001.011 R. • : AlterglF.4aribty: ori ! ipilpg and - bummor - eoating. And Ntlig i'elklug.rflue 'black clothe and Deeekinn i all of ridatithe wlll mako'up to memierrOn thabionableUtyle, aielon:reitionablortertoP ' .•' • „,93r.061ura'cittepdad to prouiptly b and tinifitting of All eitirMente warren:o,od, or p0m1?...“'„,'44. IYAIQ7OIi..• . _ ~ 'il 43b1e. - ''prime',l%, , Tew' 1510. , 1. lkorring, kof ,Ittat ria49,lq4and for ealu at prices tO 104 She t mow •,... • ,$, , • yint.intwro. - Q~i~~: ~~~' rrii~ , emcnis~:~ • rrEtil -LARGEST CHAIR aIsTD L FtIIIPITTURN: EBTABLISIIMEr - 11s1: THE ILINI6II. ' itithiot's' Griy - StreeftWaiediciiiraF4 - 7 I,xtendihy - Yrorn Fr - e - dirri - ek - Stfeet;laviq 40 feet front, 170 fivt.drep, ,and 6 stories . • ~. ••• • • , Where IF kept alvtaySolil and, or made' to order, 'eve. , style.or TETE.A.EETES, Hair liothx or Brocatelle. ' • " " Franca Pull ;toff 'and MedAlllon, Parlor 'CIIAIItS In f'lu'sh, Ilalr, Cloth, or Moe:acne. French Full Stuff Curved 'PARI,OIt CHAIRS, In sets with'Elush. flair. Fr Preen Celle.. :SOSAS; half French 14labonani And Will nut.• Parlor CHAIRS. In Hair, ClAth lie riupti.- itocE I St; CII AI llS,—yarlous designe, In Hair, Cloth 'And 'Mush, Stull Spring LOUNGES—ft large asfartrnolit, always ,on hand, or any pattern muds or ' covereditlth 'any .goods to order. • • •.• CHAMBEIt SUIT S—la Walnut, complete, Trom $ , 31' 1:1AN,E Booklim . 'do.—the largett asset molt reavb•made In the - United Stales—from $l2 n doz. Per ltoonr, °Mee and Pining CHAERS, In Oak, Web nut or Mahogany, a Itt, Calle, IVecal or. Stuffed Seatel—_ an'assortmen t ellIIM11 . 11;g over fin dr'ren. Word' Seat CHAIRS mat SETTEES. and ROCKING Cud lily—ovel t e l dozen. Feather Pods. link and nook 3lntftesoes Of oiory AIFU. la MIA'S (4611 t. 1111(t 1111111 FrameCie I.oOkfog 0111FACS, A. MATIITOT A: SON, 25 North Coy Etriet, near Fayette street MEE ' PRINCE AD CO.'S IMPROVED PATENT MELODEON TILE OLDEST ESTABLISHMENT "in • the UNITED STATES, - EMPLOYINO TWO lIUNDRED MEN, and FinDbing'EMllTY INSTRUMENTS PER WEEK. Combliilng - all - thelriteeent improvements—the Ithld Swell; Organ, Melodeon, e. (The Divldol Swell can only 1w obtained In IVelodcotis' of Our Manufacture.) GEO. A. PRINCE .& CO. • • Manufacturers, Butpdo, Njew York AvitptEsA imror 1859 87 11. Ir., .110 Lake al, Chicago, 111. 'WIIOI,ESALIi AG ENTS—ltusgell k Illef;nrdson, 'ton, 31a5g.3. - 6'. - F. Cullum", .Cineln mitt. o.;' -Palmer & Weber, St. Louis, Mi . ). ; ph. P. {Yeti°ln, New Orleanx. = The tlebalcouß manufactured by Mere ti Co., and lbr Fide at Ni Fulton street, art the bold la the world We hnto I rktl them, tool therefore Fprndt unlerstatol. !ugly of their merits. They are alfm ded at a/yery mod crate - rest: . 1( PRICES OF PORTABLE INSTRUMENTS . Fo r octet vo.3ltdodroo„extontlinir from, C to C. • 45 Fut rand a half ertave, do. • C'to I , Ill) nv !Oetave_Meloileun.— do. Fto F. 75 Fivo octavo, &tale reed, du. F to 1..: .. Lill ..True ]tanks of Keys, Vivo Sets of •IleedN; Fight Sfope - Ono and it Half Octave Foot Pedals, One Set of needs. In Petal Ilues,lndependent *MO • - PRICES OF PIANO CASED ' Five OcenTe Melodeon, extending from F bi F $11) Six (Mtn e Melodenn, do. F to F 1:' Five Octave double reed. do. ;), to ....... Five °clove, Too Bunks of Keys Our facilLtiOi for manuferfuring are perfect, and from our long in the lousiness. having finished and solcL,i - over TWENTY•TIS 0 TimuSNND 51E1.01 . ./f ONS, wtTeelronlident givingsittisfaction. All Meloloons 01 sour man Wart ore, either sold by us. or dealers in any part of the United Ponta nor Canadas. arewAnaki4En to he Verfect in es ery rerpert. and should any repairs lie- necessary before isle endsation of one year from the datenfralo we hold ourselveroready..and willing to 111111,.0 the same nee of charge,-provided the in jury . ls not caused by accident a r design. . • - . 111:0. A. PRINCE & cp. , niiiifs for the sate 'of cur Melodeons may he foundld sll_lhe principal cities and towns In the United States. .and_Canadas., • Agent,. at, nullslo o, King4ton J. A.IIE/al Y. - - - At NOW it. LINN. inutyliati • CLU &-. e r iTAX 8 ./10 4 0: - ' ..;: 4 lTtr.aiti'S.. 1 4.,...,.f0 -14) , ) : 44 '.-rl--6- 1: . . • . 4 ;., 44'. ...........E1Yo•-•----- i . ' 0 4'. • .. I'' , 4 ' / 4"C E.T11.1 °3 . • Vs'*\s"'• 4/• , ,, J. , h, , ~" \‘'..,;.`' . s..._______ 1 / 4/ , ' Uh. /," , t.. o• ' a 1, 1 " 0 , . • a., ••'• ,".. fling vn id ,4 “,,,, 6 0:" • '' ' ''''frinc 'm l lll'lol' .''''" - - _, NEW PIANO STORE A large assortment of superior Pianos, from the Ines` Dustin) and Now Yorkmtt.ers, together with eneellon second.hond rhinos, constantly fur sale. NO. 86 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG Also, Mason Al Hamlin's Model Molodeons, Orgmi.kle lodeons, nod Now Or gnu•llnrotoolumn. Old Pianos Odom 111 part paymout for new ones, PIANO TUNING OR REPAIRING, IVlth nil Stringed nod Wind instrumobta, will receive pinnipt nttontion from 31v. JOHN I"rAL 4 ZYK, who het uh ouporinriu_this department, nod is one of the .moss rellohlo Tuners W the United Stales. e0p.22,'5H-Iy. 0. C.ll. CARTEIt. PIMA 0 S.: .P. 114.4 OS!). GOLD MEDAL PREMIUM' • PIANO FORTES I ----WILLIA-111 , -KNABE,SL. C0.,- MANUFACTUREitS op GRAND- AND • SQUARE PIANO-FORTES, • Nos. 1,3, 6, and 7, tyorth Eutaw street, \ -.. Opposite the Eutaw House, A Id nt our NIIIV -SALES-11.Q OM, 07 Baltimore street, &lama Charles ' • awl Light sireets. ~.• . ~„ hew celebrated PIANOS have, at dl forum Pairs, for I oral lillvellfisivo years, Leon awareled the blabmtiire. adonis for excellence over all competition. They have alsd been pronounred by'S. Thalbora, the most celebra. nod pianist in the world, and other Matiuguished artists, Including Mr. Stralteseb, &c., &e., to bp equal, If not sup perior' to any in this country. . Wohave constantly on hand at our extensive Ware• rooms as above, the largPst assortment of line PIANO FORTItS to be timid Inlthis 'city. which WO tutu] sell. wholesale and retail, pit 'the most liberal terms to suit the times. , . . , In every case we guarantee our Pianos tq give entire satisfaction. • - AMP Constantly on hand A line assortment r r 'MELO DEONS of the best Makers. at prices front $45 to $2OO. w3J. Always for said a largo - number of second.hand PIANOS, at prices ranglag from $75 - WIMP. . &VSTarn:is exchanged, hired and tuned. i• : „.r. .' ' - • - - WILLIAM KNAPE & co. July 21; 1858, ,' , , ''. '. '. ''' . ~IIICKEIIE G & SORB. ND: SQUARE AND • UPRIGHT' •.• • FORTEO ret,'.F~Jtilddeiphdl/ ~ • ; _.,...wintiktn tn.., a WO itoth of our heehtifutend lir:o44dt Instruments lintshed,,, inr Ono , ' variety of. sp:fe, tit Prlciis,'verying•frour.:sll6 6 tcrsloo... , We have. bo n itirortiVit'3B:Gotti mitt Sumuhtlyst class Medels ttni'dilTurefitniitilbitiointri this country and, .Vurope, for superior maneteeture: A liberal Madura' made to the clingy sod .sonitouu tou of learning. .Doticriptirie fy .luStnited ;agave feck!..te surstdOss. July Ifi6i3 7 ly, f y --•.- I=l =I 'hTeinufliciurers of ~R icin .:, ro4wVaikv-$ " ' o l r N - /1"010- -- I • '''.`ifireliTilitriiitrifrilderi will ho on theit 7 linard .00t helmet:mkt upon by a counterfeit of Mornefe Indian Root, Pills, signed /bore. All genuine Indian Root PUb boo. ti e. 6111120 And signature of WAlle /I Cis. on each boa. • . D : motesp.,,' thi, Inventor of 'MORSE'S . ROOT' PILLS; haw' spent the preater pert of his life in traveling, having,vlsited Earupe;Asia and Aft ica,Us hell Its North America—has spent three yenta among the Indians of our AYesterti eon ittry,it vms In his IVIL; Unit the Indian Root were, first: discovered,' •Ifr Mllorso was the Scot man to clitablisli,the' fact ihitt al, lise.sus ark° front IMPURITY OP TUE ULOOD—thal Mr-etrungthrivaltlkand-liftsbapetoloabupott-thltendisti %Vito the 'various passages become (dogged, and do Jot act In perfect flannelly With the different Junctions .-' ,- aftheitadvahttlitoq&lattes ,, ite.tctiont-hecontert-thirki.-! ccirrupted and diseased: thus ‘ citr . i ng oil fßr@tdcre fintqf,.ntolif_nittneeßt_ nit assisted in tlrowing oft the stagnunt humors ' this ___ldootLwill_become 'choked feud cease_to act, - and thus- . ouglight oflhe ,tvin_ Rimer lie bumf, out. How. Int• portent thou that,Wdisitould keep,the various passages of the body free Mid mien. And how pleaktut to us that we have It In our power to puts medicine inyour . reach, nottnely,•lflorse's Indian Root Pillsountalifactured From plants and roots which grow :wound the tnoun. Gummi; cliffs In Nature's garden, for the health and re; covory of dilteescd.uunt. One of. the refits front .which these Pills are made is ft Sudorific, which opium the pores of the skin, and assists Nature in throwing out the liner parts of the corruption within. The smco»d is , a plant which is nu Expectorant, that opens and on ; clogs the passage to the lungs, and thus, in a soothing manner, perform its duty by.tiirowiug oil phlegm, and other humors from lungs by copious spitting. The thud is a Sittrolic. which gives ease and. double strength to the,kldneys thus encouraged, they 'draw large amounts of impurity from,the blood, Wilich is than thrnwn nut farountifully by the urinary or water passage, and which• 1 could not have been diseharged iu any other way.,The l'out tL is a Cathartic, and ucconipattleB the other prop. miles Of the 'Pills while engaged In purifying' the _ _blood ;_thc.coarser-particies of-impurity-which-cannot— pass by the other cutlets, nre 'thus token tip and con: vowed off in great quantities by the bowels. • From the above:, it is shown alit Ur. Morse's Indian hurt Pills not only enter the stomach. but• lawmen nutted with the blood, for they find way to every part, and completely rout out and cleanse the syaicm I'oool all impurity, and the life of the body, which is the • blood, becomos perfectly healthy: conse.ruontly all sickness and pain Is driven fromr the system, for they ' cannot reunite when the body 1,011,111C8 so pure and clear. The reason why people are _so distressed when sick, and why eq , ninny die, Is because they do mot got a medicine which will pass to the afilleted parts, and which-will open the natural passages for,. the disease to Lo root nut; hence, a large ottnntity,ql toed null other coal ter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are ogerllowing with the corrupted mass; thus; . undergoing disagreeable 6,rmentation, constantly roux-' ' :firg with the blood, which throws the corrupted matter througKovery veht.andarterv, life.l%.taken from.. the body day 111;1,,R.. . Moron's ift 1,1,0 have added to theinsolves . vlctory upon virtory, LS' restoring millions of thti sick to blooming health and happiness': Yes, thoureends who hare been rarkettui tormented with elektiess, pain and tinguish, unit' whose feeble frames have befin scorched by the burning, eVntents of raging c fever, rind who have ,been brought, as it were, Within a step of the silent grave, - now stand rignii to testify that they would have been numbered wllti,lhn devil, had it not been for this great and wonderful medieine, Morse's Indian Soot - Pills. After one or two doses had been to ken, they were astonished,lllld nbsoattely surprised, in witnessing their charming tarts.. Not only; de they vedinmediate ease rind strength, at.d take.uway all, Siakness, palm and anguish, but they note gri to - work at the foundattnn of the disease, which is blood. There fore, it will be shown, espeelally by those who use these Pills, t h at thoy . will no C 1.1 0 ,0 111111 nitrify. Mint; disease —that deadly enemy—will take its and the Ouch of youth and beauty will again return, nod thorprow pert of n long nut happy life o 111 cl: et Itill and brighten year days. • _ • " C.l CI lON.—llewnro lif ti counterfeit nt uerl A. 11. Moorct:. All genuine hove the mune of A. d . 1 1 .11,00 & Co. lln' each liox. Akio t - Fignature of A, .1.)1' hite . 7; Co. Mt (Aberdare epurbitt\ ; • :A.,1 :WHITE Sole Proprietor, • No-10 Pourtlaint - §treet, NOW YQO(. 11..VorFe's Indian Root Mlle are Fold by-all dealing In Medicines. • • . Agents Ore wonted In every town, village And hamlet In the land. -- PArtlOs desh•lng the agunoy w 111 addresses almt?for tern.. Price 'V, coats per box, five boxes will be tent on re ceipt of $l,lO stage paid. ' (jobB'Oß. • 4 ,- *- For Sale In Carlisle by S. W. Ifaverstlek. ' TAOES 1/I,'IASE 0111GINATE 1311.111 TY OF TIM BLOOD • a• 'VW is nquestlon fl vital importance, mid ono which _low never been salls•heturily disposed of by the profes sors who teach the healing art. • Some nolintain—and ' erpecially,.tho old school Physielans—that lOU lives Iti the Mood; and therefore all ilse'ases originate 111 it— bat modern seholee avers- thatallmouts have •their orMitintfunloqa,Cll the solhis anal fluids of the body. That the fatter . prepondenite, however, a fixed fart, - and Medici' skill Ism Overly demonstrated that at least to mttairds Ii ilia ills that human tterli as heir to, barn thelrsouree lu am -•- . . . 'IMPURE STATE OF !' lustaued_ loug.catalogue..suelt am-Scrofu la, 'fetteC, ° Barber's Hell," Pimples, If - Mt:lies, Eryslpe las. Ulcers, Salt 'Rheum, tlfseloargeg from the liar, Fever Sores, or Irruptive diseases of any kintl.—Theso aro Rs cerhilned lay wolf-known mediral lam, to arise limn bad the highestmedical" authorities deMare that ..most foyers ; originate in. the faints Mariner, and more partleuldrly Typhoid and scarlet—the former ho- lug an Internal, and the latter an external IrruptiVe disease; and In all persons attacked by these• maaadles, the blood Is found to be either coagulated, or of a, dark color. • f To_ward off, a large majority of diseases, as Roil as to ' ALM: a number which have already seined upuMthe syl. tent, It Is necessary to PURIFY THE BLOOD. Lindsey's Improved Illood F.earcher does not claim to be a UNIVERSAL; PANACEA • • for every 'disease known, but 'the proprietors claim for It the power-not only of &Miriam nut an Impurities of the blood, but by the skillful eombination of well known vegettade-remectles. It will Cairo 1111,I1seases arising from deranged state of the liver, drive' out dispripsia, and give renewed tone and v Igor to the strutted'. That the litva SrAaraut is all that is claimed for It, the prupric. tork'can produce THE PROOF. • I t .1s only a few years nines it was discovered, and yet It has inovn into such a business that a largo laboratory has beefrbullt expressly, for its manufacture—a large number of lieu employed in putting it up, and still the SUPPLY. DOES NOT EQUAL THE DEMAND! We ask any candid HMI, could this i.e so, if the Med. lane possess ALL the virtues claimed for it I Tho Props letory Imo.) hundreds of certificates from .men of probity and standing in the community, show ':ing what the medicine is doing daily. for the suffering the • ASK ANY PERSON nho has ever mod the Blood Seareiter ich9thor roll Was experienced... • Let the afflicted give it n trial—it single bottle toil convince the most skeptical of its efficacy. M c For sale in Carlisle by S. W. Haverstlek, S. El Hutt, and D. J. Kieffer; ICauffmah Sett, illuelmnics twig Cloaweller & Zook: . SheidterditoW n•, Joshua Cele 110m:town; Jacob Simmons, Cross Roads; Kurtz & Shiremanstown; A. M. Leldieli, Ilolltio cprings; Mary IV. Kissel, Churcbtoivn; Edward. James, 'West 11111; J. C. Fasnaught & Bro., Shoemaker & Elliott. Newburg; Wm. Bretton, Newville; J. 11,,,,d Co.. Springfield ; Russell & Iffee, Dickinson; Highland & Jacksonville; Wm: Clark & Co:, Lees. Roads; Wm. 11. Eckles, Sporting 11111; 11...Donlinger Whit, HMI; .1.0. Altick c ponsburg; all of Cumber 'lend county, Pa. LINDSEY EMON, Proprietors, OetTPsa. • Hollidaysburg, Pa. AFFLICTED READ!!! PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE—Estriblish• ed twentptwo ye, s' ago by Dr. KINKELIN, corpr-of Third and Union Etreets, Plain&lpida. Pa. TWENTY-TWO YEARS' • Experlen . re has rendered Dr. K. a mrpt successful piartitl“ner In the cure of all diceaffes ern private nn; turn; ananhood's no ininediment to mar riage ; nervous and sexual Infirmities,' disease of the akin, and those arising ;roux abuse of mercury. - TAkE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There Is an evil 'MLR sometimes Indulged in by boys, I,lm,plitudo, often growing up with' them to mawhood ; and' which, if nut reformed in duo time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but glees rise ton series of protracted, Imitluous and devastating adBWrtions: Vowel those who give way to this pernlelos practice ore imam of the Consonitencek umtll they Mid the nor vows system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable ,semott 0110, - alffl - NAgtustentrot thUonklud: (Sea - pages - 2i, -- 20, 20, of 1M B's book ou " t 4 ell-llrisorvatlon.") The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, Is una• ble to labor with accustomed vigor, or to apply Ills mind to study ; his step Is tsrdy and neck; he Is dull, irresolute, tint engagnivevenln his Spoitti with less en• togyam2,.,9stial, . • 11 he'einanci pate bluffialf before the practice Ens done Ito worst, and enter matrimony, lets marriage is unfrult , het, and his muse tells him that this is caused by bin eat ly 10111014. These are consideratione which should awalteu the attention of all who are similarly haunted. REMEMBER, • Ito who places himself under Dr. KINNELINS treat ment, may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle man, and rely upon the assuraneo that the secrets of Dr. It's patients will disclosed. Young Man—let no false modesty deter you from makidg your case known to erne, who, from education and respect:Ability urn cert.inly befriend your. • • Pr residence has beon for the last twon ty.two years n the N. W. Corner of 'MED AND UNION STIMMITS, Ph iladelphia, . PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE , - Can have thy atatiog their ease , together with all their symptoms, per letter, enclosing n romittunco) Dr. K's niediethe, appropriated accordingly, Forwarded to any part of the - United States, and Packed secula tram DAMAGE or ,CURIOSITY, by :Mall or Express.' • • READ! YOUTILAND MANHOOD! I Kinkolln. on ~B clt`cruFaFvhZicli=V n ip^., Lefton; containing that value In sbunps, will Inman a ropy, per return of GRATIS!' GRATIS•II GRATIS N I , •.A FRSEXIIFT MISERY 'RELIEVED.' , 0.4 Work, full of , alitm caleolst P 1 Pave thourandi. of isrpe, end 'fortivitriled' She United Statep, pn re tig.two postage stamps. ' - ",Nature's Gnide,". a nose and , pet Ipablo adetco and horned ,u sej takto'pnivenbyeare :t.f.ruicery, lives is distributed eritliou: — ' pro-paid4oany:'Poi catelun an order euclr dec.16,, . 4)17T • • 1:10.N :FAR' MERS ticid-Sto9k .e ra $13r8.--4110 slacietlber {illl kciVior se:ristin; ti . 1. term, 1,1 miles west of the turnpike, Dreschrs cresk,in Lower Dickinson ...toiroshlP,. o . nines south ofDarnsio, TDB ELECI,ti , P.P JACKS; and -Ito; toitsts,Spa in,yitcit.tlic attnnann, crop , " ...Varna Miima& • LISTED P . I r OlirA RD ASSO.O A,TJON lIIr. "A ' Dlir.P 111 A; ••• A,,l3eunvoleht luetltutlen, natabllsluel by 'gimlet on downidn't !be the teller of the sink and distressed, • afillefed with Virulent Ana Epidemic diseases. t ;Tile 1 1011ARIYASt106.01014, in view of the &Ilan/ destruction of Altmann' life, muted by 'tome' dieenten, andtthe iler:iptlons palletised upoipthe untert unary y le timapf emelt dteetufetv by Quattka,/severaryeers age" di. ,rooted flint r, ,Consulting burgeon., as a „Obi !IT A BLit ;ACT ileir:tftin,i; to ow ICa liiNfeniory for the ~tveatmemt,ol'4ll-I.—elass tot , tilrenreal ftatelbtital-r--4,me , 'Mud to give MEDICAL ALIA lib tjlc.%TlS, to all who apply by letter, filth n ieee lotion of tbeir•eentlltlana (nge, oectirattion, habits Of HIV, .t e„) and In 6008 of ex.- Amine poverty, -to.ll.llftslittil IfILLEICINES 1 , 11131i.(4' CHARGE. It is needless to add that the A.socintion eptemande the hlgheat Median] kill of the ago, nod will furnish the most appiovt d 'modern treatment. ' 'lite Directoril of, the Aamelid lon, In their -A noun! Ito pert upon the tretttnent of flexile' Diaetmes, express the highest safiarnetion with' Cho success w4it:llllas attend ed the labors of the filmsetting Surgeon in the t'eure of Nerniattirebont, BencinallVealtneas. Itepoteitee, (loner- Omen', (fleet, 83 , 0)111'6 the, vice of Onanibm or geli , niam . s -41%..iwilAril4u'—e,caut4tteenee-of4helovorm peen ler tint. ensuing year., , - „ The Directors, on a review, of, the past, feel ns . sured tbat.thelr.laboatin tole imbue_,elTort, havmhean=ofitreiChenellt , to4dii-ailllotiefs-eSpeealir-t o the young, nod. , thev ,lave resolved to devote C. . • • mirtameoue u ZOO ,to 01110 Important'. Ut much - desulsodsamm,.. • dust publtsited by the Association, a 'deport on Spot , _maturate. ' ovdeminal. Weakness. the Vice of Onaniam, .hinsturlait Im) or belt-Abuse, end other Discuses of _tha Sexual Organi, the Consulting duration, Nadal will be aunt by mail, (in a sealed letter envelope,) FIRES) OF CII A itall, on receipt of TWO S'fA NYS fur postage Other Reports nod Treas. oil the maitre and treatment of sexual diseases, diet,`&e.. are eolistantly being publish ed for gfatultous dlstributlon,Lind will he sent to the • afflicted.. Some of the tom remedies and 'Methods of treatment discovered during the last year, arc of Brent value. • . , Addrerirrfor, Report or treathiont, Dr: GEORGE R, CAIAIOUN, Commßing Surgeon, Howard Asseetation. N0,,2 South Ninth Street, Plilladelphin, order °Lao Director, • EZRA.D. HEARTWELL, Preiddimt CM. FAIRCHILD, Seeretary. Dec.15',1858.-ly . • •• .NEW'MEDICAL SALT. - , '"),• FOIL INFLAMMATORY DISEASES ONLY. , lt. COOCISWELL'S NEW MEDICAL SALT, lit. strati of being a remedy fur nil ills. low buc ono alto, and accomplishes but. one thing, to 'wit : P r INFLAMMATORY DISLA/ik mitatecer be Its form or locality. This it doer by equallthnc the circa's -04 , tic., thm M aby removing tho solo u,. of Inllauint don. rfi P lIEIIMATISSI, NELIRA TAIT A, Dead:mho, Ole, ...Colds, Fevers. Inttonsil Throat, Lungs, and birer, Nemole Digeases, Ery/f'poles, Droorhitis, .11 Pleurisy, Asthma; Dyspepsia, Venereal Dlteases, I. r 9 (lout; rerofula,'Caliker, and all other tbrms pf 11)- Ilammatlon are easily subdued by lire New Med lion I v Cltalt. EEcure-aII,NW MEDICAL SA WE, is no but HO' TD does Just what It elalma to do—no Tutors. no lets —equallres_cireulation by removing , front the eye. is 4 tent all arterial and venonsobstruetlons. .._. ..._.4..• ULTITTID ES have, tried tho virtues of tim Ken Medical Snit. though but lately discovered and Ti ll . ntro t c e ed. u. Witnons the testimonials and certiti- A LI. who have used It neknowle ge a benent From It.. A a 11,11.111111i:IIICU of ours was cured of, a en• vero case of Neuralgia In lose than a week—Norway (Me.) Advertiser. ' - . TOUR Invalunblo 3fedlcino,Js nobly fulfilling, In my (Two, nil thii promises which .you pod. ihr A (ow tinsus absi relived my mother nY n rush of bIOOdAO ills hoed: Rli."0111;LIMIIA31, TNFLOIMATbItY rhountntism wns my complain!. lhr•flrrt parkage gild the work ere - dually, an not a vefitigu of rhemmltisni In Infh • O. 11. DUNCAN, New York... T know It In good for Ithonmatlsm, removing It In a few hour. lam imp , trying It for Srrofulaaml .11ave already received Imneflt. S. I.ESSI(.I, Redding. • f t,.. ,t for Alieui of tho abdominal aorta. In ton days tho pain*. eoi.e. ^ T. W. FITZSIMONS, M. P. r a TIVE speak by the boo:. We tried 'lt., it has emplote control over lullammation.—Jacki.on ' • 01119 (Va.) Sew Era. • 1 . .. - ... ttIIONCIIIII,9, Canker, lihautnaltart, anilNeural, .-• gin Iniva bean squad by it.--..leffersonvili o (Ind.) ollentorrat. ______ •. . t-IV( Aiilnnore would teatifr, if nerericary. Deacrip. •..... Hoe Circulars, with iestimoniala tinny be ob.. tallied front any Druggist who __ 11. this irtluablis . - tundidirmrate.for re. .. - AO , ~., • . .. rylv, coa sy 'yr, 1.- , s -, - v. AMIPLoGIsTic SALT. ' ..,,,, . V . id Prioe,no Dollar: Chronic r,ackago, $2 bli: ' , ~ D - C. TAWI.9It. .0 C 1.1., ' .....:'. , _.,,,. 1 Gen. Agents, 202 Dock St., Philad'a. •. 0 4 1 1 1111: !Sew Medlcitl flan is for sal! in CarEste 1 ... 11 Elliott, anti by all enterprising druggists whore. oit, erre o Herald" Is rend. As It in not a potent Pat modiclue,,but, thupreecrlptlon ot an eminent pity -Arlan, no one should fail to - try the Nov Metlical Salt. For testluo sea 'circular. IGLU-011 'THE SIOST EXTRAORDINARY ROOK OF TILE AGE First edition of 10,000 sold in six weeks. ENTITLED . "BOYHOOD'S PERILS PUBLISIIED BY,DR. S. PANCOAST, 916 Spring Oardeh street, Philadelphia, Pa., and .for sale by all booksellers. This Is a book of . 225 pages, 12n0., bound hi eloth,with niuM lithographic plates, and intended for „parents, guardians and young men. Every young man who wishes to maintain his health and manhood, and have a healthy progeny, shuuld'rend thlsimok. home of the statements are really estotanding, and bane never to- fore appeared in print. Price $l, By mail $1.15, NOW IN nESS, AND It EADYJ'OIt DELIVE,ItY IN A HEW DAIS, A (MEAT WOW. HOD TILE LADIES, by the same minter, entitled LADIES' MEDICAL GUIDE; ' • AND MARRIAGE FRIEND This le a work of nearly 600 pages, hes utly bound In cloth, and contains over 100 splendid and curious en gravings. it gives n complete description of the struc ture and function .of the reproductive organs of the re. Mole, showing hoW,,married ladles may have Or avoid large thorllles. a complete history of lierinsphro ditism, with curious plater, showing both coxes in one.. It also gives advice to young ladles In selecting - a husband, pointing nut the rouse of so crock unimppl= RCM after marriage, and the Influence It exerts on thu offspring. . - Tire work Alen gives the sympt mils andtreatment of arternale discuses, so that every female they be her own physician. .The last elrepter Is devoted to 'the Toilet, giving the receipts fur cos:11141es at present In use by the nobility (11Fr/ince, England and Russia 111 r beautifyinirthe skin hair, teetb.snd for removing foul and prrecrvinga sweet breath. They have Leon obtained at greatexpor se, Price $1.50. Ito mail $1.15. or eight additional post age stamps. 8000 copies have already been ordered.— Those wishing a copy ante first edition should send their orders without delay. For'complete description of the work see prospectus, which Mil he sent on receipt of one letter stamp,' AGENTS 'WANTED in every town in the Union. Feb. 10, 1850—ly Paper Hangings ! Paper-illangings COME AND SEE OUR ll CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. AND,OUR YINE . GLAMD PAPER HANGINGS. - FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. FIN} GLAZED PAPER 'LANG [NOS. FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. AND ALSCroUIt GILT PAPER HANGINGS. ' RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS. RICH GI LT PA - PER - 1 VA - NOM:S. RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS. And WINDow PAPERS of various colors We wish to Inform the public that our stock of Paper hangings, is the largest and most varied assortment ever opened In Carlisle, and that we are selling at prices that will suit everybody, at JOHN North It:mower St,, Carliale, • where you ran ba furnished at all limos with Fresh Paints, OIL Tarnish, Ac, of tho lost quality and at the lowest prices. Lapr.6.lBsU. Fo p, , ltNT.—Tlio, two story Brick: i , Hahne on Smith Hanover qt. t 1 . ' ....• ,• ~ . the residence of llrs. A on ' PoTer ' s a . t l . o -,-,...,. •:• ...... 2.- - 1 , 0i1 , , , i , re , l Ph liens. In . iiiirdiate posses= 0 .. hi. , 1,1 , 11111. , ii 20 - I`.. . • ~.. j ; ! JAS. 1. AIMEE. =......- 7 .7.1_`...f. , "" Carlisle, Apr. 13,'59. PENN MMIUTIJAL LI.FE INSURANcE . „. .. . . , CO3IPANT. .' • . . „. . . OFFICE 1V011.771 . EAST CORNED QPBD • and Dock'elvets, Philadelphia. , ACCUNIULATED:"OAPiTAL $716,000. . ' •-- .. •. : ' ' Chatter' Perpetual. D VIE I. S. MlLLltlt..Sreal dont. ' ,„...-1 ' • .: . SA3II ti.hi 3TttlS;,Vicu'l'res iden ' t. 3 912X , !4N9ni ;.'9: ' .r--eed ,c, hu rtoderslgnsd, oaring altanren fi...; . Ailiiiiti' — ' forth° above,Company, for Cumberland county, would -I\ i. call attention to the millar advontagea of thu lnuruat. .Ctrs 1 rfaurtaaos which iron It a decided pronounce over 'any other triode, adupto ' Thorn being no stockholders.. the pridits are, divided among thb policy IMldonklld, appropillited to 'reduclug the annual paymentir“tbrb making each ono Interested, equally wlthtlio Trusters, in adding Witte bueiness of thu company. ',. - : , . The premium - mayite' paid'quartorly, semlannunlly,, .or ahnuallyroo that portions of limited nionna can' In cure for tioreater amount, than they could where tho whqlo premium to required to bo paid cash. , . :-, , • . 'Clreulars with full particulars ran ,letillad rufapplicre:' Opole -the subscriber, et, his ollare:' Main otreeh near :the Railroad depot..• .. - , .A. L. SPONSLER, - - ' r: ' ,' - : ', Real Retain 'Agout sad Conveyancer. ,Carlbilo:Uni. 23,1859—inn'' .. . : MEM 1 - 3X,ACItSIVITEIS' 0 9 .t=lo6llo " Bushel ealebraiei mmpn" Ykiffiett. reColviuWand . 8410. - bv •' niusi 6i1,867; " ' . • • ;19. D. M11R114177. - MANHOOD'S CURSE: a .