DR, m LANf S CEL,EBR.ATE.IS' VERMIFUGE A"•147..3) LIVER' FILLS. WE, ,beg leave to call the aften . tion, of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the mo --lar-rernedies- ;low- befiiie- the ,putilic. - _ • We refer to. . •. • 'Verna fuge . and Livet. Pills: We d 6 not-recomnend -thei l as universal Cure - alls, but simply for • what their name purports;•vi?....: - .. THE TERATIFITGE., • For 'expelling- Worms. from the human System. It, has also, been administered with the most . ,satis , factory'results to various., Animals 'subject to Worms. - • THE' LIVED '1 3 1 . 14L5;" • : .Vorthe cure of EP. COM PLAINTS, alll3ll,l6nsiffEßANctm Erirrs;•Sicx.• HEA R-ACH &c. • 'cas . es ‘of - FEVER AND: , • preparatory to or after takingQui . nine; they almost invariably make a speedy and 'permanent cure. . 1 As • specifics for the' above men tioned diseases, they are Unrivaled; • and never known to fail when ad _ vininiStered in accordance, with the directions.. - • - Their unprecedented Poptilarity . has induced-the-proprietors,- . • FLEMINb BROTHERS, • • PITTSBURGH, PA. • .Y 0 dispose_of:their—Drhg_b_usiness,_. --- in which they have been 'success-•' fUlly engaged 'for the -last Twenty Years,.and they will now giv.e. then; ...f....unclivided._time,....and,:,attentioni. to. their manufacture. And being de termined. that Dr. M'Lane's Cele ' brated Vermifuge. and Liver Pills • : shall Continue to. occupy the . high. position they snow hold among.the great remedies -of the, day, they • will continue fo spare neitheir time nor expense' in procming. the Best and Purest , material,. and . com pound them in the most ;borough manner. Address . all order - S. to - FLEMING- EROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. • eleinne_ordering_fi than Fleming . .1.1r05.,•. will do well to .write tligir, orders iind take none beet Dr. 31'Leine's. prepared by • - Fleming Bra. Pillsbeergle. Pa. To tliosolvixliing to giro them- a trial, We 'will forward per mail. post paid, to any part.of-tlio-United-Statee r .one_ox-of-11111.-for. twelve__ • three-cent postage taatops, or ono vial of Vernilfuge for fourteen tliree-rent stamps. All villein from awhile must - be aceeinpanicar by twenty ewe ' William P. Lynch, Practical PLUMBER ,and GAS FIT • ' in the basement of the M..E. Church, . Main Street; Carlisle. Lead and Iron pipes, h of A. Cold Shower Batbs, Water Closets, ' Force and LI ft Pumps, Ilro% Iron Weld Tubes, And every description of cocks and fittings for gas. steam, Water, A.c. Superior cooking ranges, hentersand gas fixtures put up in churches, stores and dwellings, /At short notice, in the most modern style. All mated / Ms and work in our lino at low rates and warranted. Aar Country werkimd Jobbing promptly attended to. Slam. 2t, 113511=-1y BE CLOTHING STORE NEAti THE MARKET HOUSE.. WORLD AGAIN Let The People Know , . That they boos just recelved-aud ate dully rocolvfog a lino largo stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOYIIING, made up in the best, latest and most ftudilonahle style. Their ass,rtment of fancy and pinln'Cnesimere and Cashmeret, tine black cloth Coats, Pants, satin and silk Vests, are superior to any over presented to the people. of Carlisle or vicinity, an well as their large variety of Cassinett, Kentucky Jean, Tweed, Italiansloili, ea. andkli sorts of linen coats, patits'and rests. togeth er With a well selected stock of UItSTLEMIN'S SU it- NISIIING GOODS, such as white and Miley Shirts, neck and pocket handkedchielk, Craviits, 1 ies, Under Shirts, Drawers, Cella., Socks, Suspemiers, dm., in short, every thing sloe to dress up • • It is'a •well estahlished fact that STEINEES, gall anddo sell a little Cheaper than any Clothing Store in Carlisle or vicinity. We therefore adelse ONE and ALL to call at Steiner' cheap clothing store, before they wake their purchases, ac they ere always willing knit pleased to show thel goods. Retneinber near the Market house. Apr.l3, ISBI, STEINER. BROS. & Co. Youth and Manhood. nr7 Just published, the leAth.•Thousend • IL-af,or: and Dallied in a sealed envelope, to any '1 r . :474 address; poet paid, on receipt .of three • stamps. • Medical Essay on the physical exhaustion 07(11 decay of the ,franie, caused by ? self-abuse, ' infection, and the injurious consequences of • Mercury. •DyR. J. Culuerwell,lll. D., meet her °lithe Boyd College of SitiYebits, t S•c, SPrirmatorrh,en S licti or _m_seons, Genital and Nervous Debility: Impotency, Loss of Energy, De pression el ROI its. Timidity, Disease of the'sexual or. .gene. impedt to marriage, are promptly and effectually °muted by the author's novel and most successful In e' of treatment, by means of which the invalid can regain pristine health without having re. courso to dangerous and ezpenstye medicines. , [From the London Lancet.] --the - best treatLef ever written on a ktiliWif, Importance to all, well worthy the anther's exalted rep utation. Address the publishers J. C. KLINE & Co. ' Ist Ave lino. corner 19th street. Post Box 4986, New York city. &far. 23, 1859-3 ms TAON BAILING 1-Ircilr—Wing for j_Cemetery enclosures, publ lc and privit ligroun de and gardens, made to-order at the Carlisle Foundry,' Our stock of Railing, Verandah and Bracket patterns rem• prises a large variety-of new and elegant designs which toe public are Invited to call and examine. Orders fur rusting and putting up Bailing will be promptly execu ted at satisfactory prices. • Virlt. An entirely new TEN,IIORSE STEAM ENGINE and BOILER now on band, warranted to be of the beet make, and will be sold at a bargain fur cash or.on abort time F,GARDNER ES' CO. FRESH . G.ROCERIP. Have, re. ... , calved at the New Store of the subscriber, a large additional - stock' of all Muds of Groceries, fresh and ( .ALSCILn large and complete 'eupply . ' rs r's,ro . 'of. FOREIGN 'AND. DPMESTIO LIQ•• , r2r,(11)• GOBS, consisting-orrery fine okl.Eog ' 7 = nac Brandy, of plod, Costilikm & Co'n ', - '''----- . 11111 n'intoge of 1855, from .11.• S.• Bonded '• : 7.7 -.\ ‘v . Warehonsec line old Port Maderla, , , , ~ M uscat.. Claret And Geldrick. & -Co". celebrated Chem; pagne Wines, pure Holland Oin, Stoughton -Sitters - very flue old Bye, Bourbon and dimiongahein Whiskies' ;Rum, iihorry and Blackbeery Brandy, &c., at low prices ' by .Ta. . WM. BENBENT?' ntlf.llBso . .' .. • . . - - - --.. _. . . . ••400 AND,. WILLOW • BASKETStparkel, Tn, and- geAyllo "ilrilOWeedry'verleti.: - ClMATOVARE="rubs;l l Wegets, Painted Buchan, Keeler's Matti, 'Bed .. Cords, Ilruebos.wed a large stack of cal ebre -Coro Uremia,- (sold - only by the subscriber) end all other meeessary bousw artieles—always at tha lowest cash pricesi4or Hale by Carlisle, Nov.lo, '5B, : , -.1510R-SALE-OR-RENT. The two-story Drick House on n t o b w elleitn ui r a l . t4forz: .4612ne.urch end oJerk; trotrere4for rale or rent, ' : !s. .. from tbq Ist of..itprit Aria • ;} . l 1.;,11 Apply to , PAttgER. • Nat, • • iuroppaqcrimATusit.- 7 .. - ; di,fpll as, ,n•Wtt m ri:!l 4-116 ; i ttatil ler ' L r t g a w g int d orlai l t 'miasmasap oraltatasa.v..:;-. {. , • imam. rat,sal.saNi • , o r ,„ $7 , , NerCh Llaroior Otreek. ' %fa., 4 ,;'•.;LA-1.•• .;• ; • ' JUST R I CH ME . to,. AND: OPENING , 14111111fE A Co.'S CUPAP' nwinity.swpgigi . • - • Xtieri.Slee.44..Cartiste; Fite: • • ,A sriplay of -- "'itehos, Jewelry. Sil• 'mad Plated Ware: which we j nrite 3tion.' • - If you want from the largest !ek orCleelcs..Wateh. Jewelry, Sliverand ~tid wore in Carlisle II • .! ' NAIMLE & cO'H. • e, , nth a large assortniAnt or (Uhl and SllvOr Hunt. Ing. and_ Open_ CalugiValches to Ault all. Fanclen and TT — PotdiAlTc • Yin's - lind-"C,henti Jewelry of, everyotylli andoquallty -In,net,ta oe by: Gip plOgnae wanted. ••- • . 'At NAUGLE & CO.'S . • . Sliver ainl,PlSted Walters, Cake. Frult, Sugar, and •• r,d • Baskets„ Silver,, Table, Tea, Crown\ Sugar, Salt, siert And Crean. Spoons, • At NAUGLE B,c' CO.'S , . FliFe - Peatt, - Latyn;CoralTettmeo, 0 oldntone. Moaalc, Fl. routine Slosalc, Jutktox.'etid Ulaea ietts'ehetrp - At NALTUJAIA ' Gold HuntimgCase, Eight Day Lovers; Gold Mint, lug Crop, Duplex; Gold limiting. Chronometers. ' _ At NAUGME& CO.' . flagley's jenit quAllty of Gold Pollens; -Mite. Gold Pone And Silver:Holders, , ' • At NAUGLE & CO.'S , . , Sliver And Plated Ten Pet tn.'. ilebsets, CAA, Toast Racks, Pitchers, Urne, Tiireens,Mes Bolls,. , • At NAUGLE & CO.'S . . . • "Gold Beak, Vest. Curb, Fob, and Chatialnlli Cold 'Bracelets, Lockets,. Thimbles. Crosses, Charnis, • • • . • At NAIJOLE & CO.'S • .V.French_Tima_Pleces-to ran three and four-i'venkili-- At NAUGLE d: CO.'S Gold Slonve,-Vest, Collar, and Shirt fitudenfoill styles • ' and quality,- 'Ai' NONA: & CO.'S Plated liorke; Spminsi knives, Napkin Rinks, Silver Thimbles, Shields, At NAUGLE AM.'S • Yluttnan, Accordeons, Musty litoxoti—a fine variety, At NATALE & CO,'S Ladles' Fdrtmonalcc, Pearl and 'Mather, Plain and Fancy Travelling Bags, very trice styles, cheap At NAUOLE A CO.'S If you wont to have your:Watches put to good ro pair and warranted, take thorn to ' NAUGLE & CO'S , , If you want to gat a Choap Clock, you can got it At NAUGLE & CO:8 It' you-want-your SLlvor itaatly-markmi at abort. ngtlce, call AtNAUOLE it CO.'S All Roods irarranted as represented, or the money re• funded,_. • 4,, remMY:..G,ROCErtY, AND TEA sToitt:. • JuSt, i'eeeltad and la store, a fresh and well se•, • _ 'acted atlitOrtnient of Rio, Java and Mara , • • - Who Coffee, Roasted Coffee. Crushed • • ••••••••.-----Puliterizert - Sugarst7ltelintl - ithd •-••• ' - (Aber brown Sugdra,.lttipertor • • . Syrup Molasses (Manna - _ (baking) M o coo. 'Spices of every variety- - . pure only; Starch, Farina and' Chocolate. Macearoni, .Cilease and Crackers, - Tapioca and Fag, Indigo„ Salerattis and Soda. Cream Tartar nod ' sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TEAS.-A fine assortment 'ln Packages,' • sr . r . r and ir bulk-ns tte nil other - artieleA „ belonging to the lnistinesh-alrat the-lowest f •,,t and late reduced prices,. AHEAD OP - COM PETITION ! A 3 1.11. infX.OF 0001) TEA Bolt 51. ' - EMPIRE CITY TEA WAREHOUSE, Eutabilallte7ll43,s. 81 CAYII A RIN svic,urr,l•l Frw YORK. • - , • VOSE & • IMPORTERS. 'Wholesale and liken Dealers 10 cholera Coffee, : 4 ugur Splcelb. - and All articles —_ ,suelly-JcepLbYJiroLs _ Our stock in admitted by all to be the largest arid best selected in the elly.- Welinport our own goods, end buy for mash. whlah onabieelis to,sell at mil prie that no other house In the city lit our lino of boob • tires can compete with us,' Dealere and.others pan .mt • isfy themselves attic truth of this tlenertion, by giving . 1)e a call. • code ehipped free ,oe. .. char •e 3 tunny CI ny part of the, city. . tygo_lteutetnber_thelll catherine• et.. Joining Brooke' Bro's Clothing Sae. l:rintr3ol3l-3in. n , Iron Sinks, Datk Tubs, Bath Butlers, Width-Basins, ilydrauliC Rams, he m R UID . E , • WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. vI;I:t; /. . The Focret Chia to' Ootrtshlp, Love i'S/g!loli4;fi.. and Marriage ; with .",., .....-, dent id. Youth, Maturity and Old Age, ,41.., ~..,_---, ~"v,. a.....,-.: —being:lights and shades of Married tis -41\ `.. - f.P.t.:. Life Its Joys and Sorrows, ]lopes. (2 di. , t„ A.,...tt; ' ~' sikatick,st. Years and Disappointments. Let all 'er, 7‘,..,'':" , married penpletir those coutouplating • ..': ti`" marriage nod havlog the least Wiped]. wont to married life, read this hook. Let e ell ,young - man mid woman In Ike land rend this honk. foiL 'of PLATES. and diseloses secrets that every one should know; a little knowledge at first may save a world of ttutible in ate^ life, , ' . Pond fora copy (entslitg 25 cents) to .„-,., .. • . DR. IYSI. 'MONO, No. 410-SPRUCE ST > IIEET, PHILADELPHIA.- Apr. 27, 1659—1 y . • . . . T/ ATCIIES,• 1) :AN D . tal I 1 1 a 7 d Stand, West Main St., nearly opposite the Cu/3 . ll*de nd Valley Bank. have jest received a now assortment epf watches. 'ewelry.‘metiailions. silver ware, &c.. In addition to my armor stock to which I invite tho attention of the public, The assortment embraces MIA gold and sliver lover watches, hunting and spun rasa do., gold Anchors Sir Ladles and Gentlemen and Oliver Le pines and.Quartier watches of every vs/ riety In style and price. Also fine gold Medallions. breast-pine for Ladles and • Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Gold PM, vest. curb and neck chains. Gold t n ulets, finger rings, cull-pins, studs, sleoviebuttons. Cron to, charms. &c., Ate. Gold and silver thimbles, slyer and 'plated butter knives, forks, table, tea, salt acs mustard spoons of every ... variety. A large assortment Of gold, silver ,ittitBtiand common spectacles, to suit all ages to which we invite sftcial atte. IA line lot of GOLD PENS front the lmst makers, spectacle cases, fancy boxes, silver end pearl card cases, gold and common bracelets, watch chains, • Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles tutu, v . 1 ally kept lu Jewelry establishments, whlett I will sell low for cash,, All articles war. 1-14": ranted to be what they are represented. Particular attention paid as usual to WATCH ..iIIEPAIRINO and all work war, ranted. M W Y OLFRIENDS, ancl.the:public generally aro Invited to call and'examlnetny attic . of Ircitt • GROCERIES, , • CHINA, • GLASS AND - • • QUEIPNSIVARE PlciliacYreserves, Weititati Fruits ' Spices, Wood end Willow Ware, .Ropee • and Brushes,. ells, Fruits, Fish, salt, and a large variety of other goods not necessary to enumerate. Store Boom two dimwi t east of Rhoads' Warehouse (formerly John 0. Wlllinins'e.) • • • Give ma a mill and examine my good. and 'prices, Intend to soli as cheap as any other store outside •Ehliadelphla. Butter, Eggs, Soap, Rags, Beeswax, Dried Fruit, &c., Mahon in exchange for goods, AIONVING,AND REAPING x • MACHINE AGENCY, 688 Market street, PhilSdelphia. Where- Farmer* may secistu; judge I"9r therneelyee, between • • SIX,7 July 21,165 •• OF THE BEST . ' CCMBINED MACHINES . . NOW IN USE! Alta purchase ilia Machine of their choice. EMLBN & I'ASSMOStit, 0.13 Market St., Phlla. •' • Fish !'llsh !I. Fisk: . MACKEREL, ,SHAD, in,barrele, halt and quarter barrels. Fresh Grocerleai: liquere,•&e., at the lowest cash prices. :• • Bacon, Shoulders, ilamt, Butter, ligga, Taltott, Beet. . wax, and Itags,taken lu exchange.tur goods, at the cheap grocery or WM, BENTZ. Apr. tom. • ASSI GLASSII• PAINTSI G rims and qualityy, .with a large stock of Neb . PAINTS, all colors. Oils. Varnishes, Be., Cement in large or small wiaolltles, at low figures at' - JOHN P. LYNE .• Malt Hanover Street. 12151722 k! Alias t NAILS ke g ibeet ....-1- I ,, o ualltyliedls.'--We-are-prepared to sell Nails' of, of, the very beet quality at the very loWest price. Pensons want of wills afid - bulldlnic cunterlelli would do': well to call : bele/a puma:tub* elsewhere. • • 'J. P.LSNB.k 80N.' '1 1 .eb.2.7858. , North ileuever Street: • 'at —' GLAgS...-400 boxes 619 sq 0 ;•1,3r.6rei eLe9ll,'singleiekild doi4 . XI bie XNIL Y thIeIi;BA XTOIFS. Astrecifiett, • ' Idiir:ll3oBls9:' ‘. • ;,: , _r - ~ I }iwitand ours sugar c l uid lieuip;arted Fruit,sre Jr 48 by • , • WM: 11„NTZ, Nttti At - 11AUOLk - 4cOM Dlamond.Broantpine and lquiteringir • At N417(41..}1.4.00.'S At. NAOMI • CO.'S Paccar's Plat want bargains aro Invited to call • . At tiAUOLtt & CO.'S Cur; 11E119, Apr. 27, 1869 arilsic, Nov. 3,•!58 THOMAS CONLYN. Dec. 2.1,1857.1 Calntl°, Oct. 27, ,fiq Apr. 1859-361 Oct. ri, '5B :::iiiiiliCiiiiiiU,'.. NI.A. , C 11..T.'N'E ' 8' ii . 0 P .;-- ii== s All l r 3 =' :11,1111 , 11k1Z.,,.-...... • • kiflet Main fared,. cAlllaDl7 — ^ -Thlffti3trnAvii - entA4lntimenctlirintrAn•Orimpleteur ,f ; der and 'fitipplied - trltlilbb bent machinery - Tor eft eint Ong: worts In every, department: The' .buildlno;f; hire aka beon greatly enlarged thin nbrlng : and.stockCd with.tho' newest, and — most Improved tools fur Um manufacture! of ' DOORS WINDOW FRAMES, SASH, • • • , , • - Sinitic:is', Minds, kieuldlngs, ',Docketn nod ell :other. kin& _uf.Curponter. worrky Wo incite Builders; Car. pontoon and othorn.tcseall and examine our7aeiliflenfar; , doing .thin 'descrlptlon of work.. The bent Mateelnin used and volcon as tier as nt any other entahllninnen t lu ‘ the County or elnewliere. • ' • . STEAM ENGIN BEIM ILT TO 01 - IDER. , • and.ropaired as horetotbre.• Engines harp hewn recent , : ly built far.W. 111.11enderson Son, in line borough. it. Bryson & Co: Allen townehip,.Ahl A iiratiniti.. New , villa; Shade At Wetzel, North Middleton; .tiiird ot.mra,, at who.o establishment they may ho aeon In daily op. eratlon.and to whom no can refer lot evidence of their . superiority. • . ItOisl AND BRAS 2 CASTINGS. . • of every description, from the smallest to the heaviest pieces, executed at short notice for every Itind,of mat ehinery. . A largo variety of mill cant, lige new on Mind Two skillful Pattern makers constantly employed... ROARING promptly attended 'to Qv Paper Mills. Dntillerlos. grist Allils,-FaVtorlea, lie.. Turning: nd .E i ffhaildlGEffidles, •• THRESHING HAOHINES AND IHORSE,yOIVERS,' . , . . .. such ns. Devil GoUr Four llorss.Powers, Horizontal Gear 'Four and Two llorso PoWers. Corn Bbbliors,. Crushers, Iron Jtollers. 'trough 'castings, and other ni ticles for (Miners, on , hand or promptly rondo to order, • BUItIikN CABS BUILT, . and repaired. Our 'facilities for building Cars are now more complete Ulan' heretofore and enables us to fur. visit them to transporters on ithe rail vied on acme°. dating terms and made of the best matet•inle. Orders solicited and entire satisfaction guaranteol. The long experience in the bualness.of the npnior partner of the firm, nod the completeness of "our ma chinery In every 'wench of the estublislimerit: waters nt us in assuring the beet work,, to all who favor tin tvl th their orders. Tito continued patronage of ,iur uld friends and the public is redpectfully solicited. .Flay EC, '57 7 .I.y. • OABDIV BR A Co. _ . • oTT , s, s .,„ ; tt irs itbove iCighth, • 13:31359 C. OTT, Aai N. - FM — STn -1: S - OF - SPRINQ — A - ND -Su?mll ,a MULLIN'S, -on-West-Main_accutoplolciiselecilua,Elshionslile_ gends.+uapresbly -for gcntielnen's west, consisting .1 very sancrlor - SIDE BAERED CASSIMERES PL - AIS. - ` _y C BROWN, AND iVIIITTIIIxit if . (SLACK AND wit mf'SuxTurc \;" • -FANCY- STRIFES, AND mixTpitEg:' . SOLID (''LAIN COLORS. " ; • BOY'S' STYLES POR COATS - 81. PANTS. GENTS' SPRING &I SUMMER COATINGS ARM LLES -A ND,SI LK -VESTINGS— • FANCY cLoTims. -EERY DESCIUDTION. FINE BLACK CLOTHS. - BEST BLACK DOESKINS. MEDIUM QUALITY' BLACK CASIMERES. 'IL MUI.LIN, (successor to T. 11. Sidles.) Apr. 20, "1.859. LIVERY STABLll7;.—llaving ppr. ellased from It. Noneninker his LIVERY IiP TABLISIIMENE, I will he always ready to aecommo. Ante t h e public with HORSES, CA It• ip* - 77 - MAGES, IttltilllES. and every other at' II tido in toy line. 'ply strict attention la business and a desire to please. the subscriber Lopes to receive a Mend share of public patronage. •• 0 IIiiNDEL. N. D. Omnibusses on hand to supply those who may be In need of them. - - Nov. 25, 15571 - OTATDEb —POTATOES. - • The imbscriber Is In the receipt weekly, of all the mimyarieties of pot-does, either fiefamily use, or for seed, which he offers to the public at rrasimaith‘prices hie hoe constantly on hand, black. blue and while mercers, nod other varieties, warranted-Id good quality. For sale by WILLIAM ASKEW, • 'Log's newlittildings, opposite the market hence. or. 11, ISSII-2nt I.IOOT AND S 110EMAK ING.—J 1./ & O. TAYLOR, return their since'e thanks to their Customera, for the very liberal manumit:window dod to them, and would respectluily inform the public that they continuesto manufacture CUSTOXIEIi Wolk. at their old stand. on North Hanover street, two doers above the drug store of S. W. Haveratick. With a number of liisvfate workmen eniployed nod facilities for securing the hest stock to be found in the market, they ate prepared to make up every description of BOUTS A ND SI I OhS, for tallies and gentlemen's wear, In the most fashionable style, and-Of WAR/Inn:II ma _tqriltho l l4o)lo4o , P.blP. Many years or practical experience In the - bushienii both hero and in Philadelphia Justifies them in saying, that they amiable to Insure full satisfactiew to all those who limy leave their orders. , , April 21, WA if. , .1. A: O. TAY/Alt. %' ~'~' pnicE .IEDU(I,E..II ONE HALF 1! NEW _MEDICAL SALT FOR INFTIA.MMATOR'y DISEASES TRY IT ONLY ONE. DOLLAR! 'CHRONIC PACKROE $2.50. • 053 r. SEE ADVERTIEFIMENT: 4 1-A OK---A-Criki-N—'l4) -- All TRADE I I \ ThesubScriber respectfully inibrms the public goner ally, that he has resumed the manufacturing of BOOTS AND BMOCS, In West Main street, a few doors west of 1. the Railroad office, and basing a good assortment of Leather, Morocco and ,Trimmings, and engaged• comp , . tent workmen, ho Is prepared to make up •to measure, every dtWcription of work in his line. lie has also received fronwPhiladelphist a well selected stock of Bums AND StiOES,•comprliting every Variety for Spring Bad Summer wear, which ho Offers at low prices. . Gentlemen's fine French Calf Boots, • •• • do. . Galters,•Oxfurd Ties and Brogans, ! ' Ladles Getters, Boots, Buskins, Slippers and Ties, with a largo variety of Boys, Misses and Uhildrerut Gai ters, lots, etc.. etc. Purchasers era requested to 'call and example his stock. ROBERT MOORE. Clutha; April Yl, 18.58.' WM. BENTZ. A MERICAN- yin* re. FA_ caved the agency for the sale of the Aniuriret Watch, from the Uostou Witch Compeu3, we would :epectfully Inform our old frlandliand the public pence ally, that we haves tine nesortment uow opening and, ready for sale in gold and silver ensue and very line styles, and withYegard to time they. oat be heat, to prove that fact It is only necessary to give them a trial. Persons in want of a correct timepiece, are respectfully : Invited to call d see our watches. W, NAUGLE & CO.: May 4, '69. , Mehl &vet; Carliele, Pa. TOBACC $ , AND. SEGAIIS. The finest qualltieo of 'Lump; lalst; • Caiendlob. and at ler allowing . Tobacco's '' r SkigAlifl- , Fine imparted • Ifavana and COW Parana; alga cboleelaandsof &mantle -manufarture.4.4yorhburg. Phliadelpbbi,and liiiiomoni ;.Cut aid Dry Tobaceo.' .our friends .cannot Iliii bell. , .plaaxed by examining for themselves.. - ; 4iov. 10, 'pa. - . J. W. EBY. . . . _. • - , Presh Arrival, WE take this "method of Informing our , frionda and übteniers uonsrally that we will open on ilaturday,a flue assortment of . -.* .- - • SPOING MILLINARY ;G r OODS . • opiateat titria; • • • , ' t Ladkea a re Fe , InTlied 'aia examine go. Also, two 'or threo ladles .woutod to kern the „MARGARET DUKE, • • - ' ' MARY Er - AIIGINDAEGEL ' South meat cornet of Hanciver'atid•Louther eta. I m 3LAcKsmrills'; OA, 4:441.0,4ci0 Mat tit, 410,11E4 itou" Mines, reeelalag for sale by • ' Augakt MIYTMAY, .fltf A\ 3113 EL•No le -4.868' juie rKtilj luaikior We low it ,"UALBEIRTIi.! PHILADELITIA. A . 'T. OTT. P6OPRILTOII itlf6iiThiii,ixiti T. J. ojrAitAst; ..i, I..ItIeIMMVELIt, S. M. DAVIDSON alt 11 AM ; Ivl 1•31)01V ELLIA CO ;- I . qi. L ..oAiiiiiii: , .“iiii . '4iikTiTs, .. .• • . .: .' , .....;: - ./i'eavorazori4..f.ilij,',Nits nfis,'„Perrilory, . 2 .4 10(7 - . ILL', buy ,"-8611 i .: tiliiii 'lncan'lnnds in • y Y• ~, Hannan and' Nottra'slcti Tertitorles, town and 'Weiterp.3lliiintithinty,iiiid.sell lands, loan sold Invest kidney.- bitY:titid Solt dr. , lte.:iitiolfifokniottott respecting - tlth country, and do ' a getievar ni.utiey /1,111111058. - ' ~ 'John B.trytttein, Esti., Cornett), PA. . ' .. Out. M. Ileckemi,totinttyep ..." .• ' -... • , . . I i0n..1. 11. Oraliant,"' ' " '' th. ' Her; Brennentnit'A Co., , Dankers;Harllsle."• Win. hl:lllenderson, - 1.".5q., Ontlisle: ' , . ltetotto Satidertiont'Esh.,.j.incastes. Pa. . ' ' ,•• . Dr. John 'Ai AST; AD C., Newville, Pa:. . ) • - .11:m.S. Cobeati; Esti, .."' . 4, "•• • , . - -tlLM:....Dlarle-,9..Co.,ltanknotabllodelphla ' ' ... . 1 inarorZtthkilir4Hherliirdn.A. . , Ilenty,ltalnari'ls Eons, Merchants. Dalthriore. •.- t' ili, L-..l3laki4Mith.",Clishler3lhicauttlaltank, -„ Nurs..Y.Ork."" Snyiliii It'llTatitiric..ll.4lll{Shitii - Aiteiltic 311fiiiiiiiiiiIITII, Mintiotott,tr, Territory. -. .• t • - t ' ' • IVni. Itlitinie.'llsg., 'Attorney. avid Leal EstntoAgent, ' Sterling, 111 ' ' '-' "' - ' 11.. W. :thanes:Kati,. Henry city, 111. ' ' . ...` . hx•Oov. 'Jogs& ]fluter. Cuinborland county, Ph, , h: M'. Clark es'ed.". litink.rth Phlladelnld... r ' Um. Polloch."llarrlsbut§, Pa: • .. --'--Merch is,4B6i,L-4;:;.--- • D:.V.ALLY . tVJ• Itol2 OHS - • WILLiAIt HER, • • • " MELCHOM MINN,E3IAN, 110D2. C. STERRETT, • JOHN DUNLOP, limnattu . • , - Jam B:ISTFOSETT,- JOHHJi. DUNLVP. 11. A. Strunorone -This Banff, doting business In the name of lirrOlren, 'Milian' A...C0:, Is tow. rolly Prepared to-do 'a 'general Honking' lltisfuess with promptness and fidelity. ' Money received on deposit and paid back on demand without notiOis. 'lnterest paid on special deposits— Per• tificateti of treposit hearing IntereSt at the rote of live per cent.- will be Waled for as 'short aperiod as four months. Interest -on all certlficaten-wilt cense arnim turity, provided, however, that If saldlrerObeatesnro renewed at, any time thereafter forninithei given pu• _riod._they_shaillear_timoamexatoof interest up to the time of renewal.. • Partlrulltv attention paid to the col• faction of notes, drafts, checks, A.c.,'M any part of the Outbid Stain, or'Calindn. ' ittnnittances;minie to England; Ireland, °Oho Conti .• tient. The faithful and cnnildential exteution of all -Orders entrusted tolltent.inay-he relied upon. • They call tht. attention 'of Farmers. Mechnnies and tall ethers who desire a safe depository' for their nettles. • to the uudenlable fact, that the proprientra of title thank I ale INDIVINVALLY liable to the °stout of their °Mates fin all the Deposits, and other 'obligations of Her, Broome man & Co. _ They have recenify removed Into their nen MO, lug House directly opposite, their former. stand. In Wept Main' Street, II few doors east of the Railroad Vetted., where they will at ell times be pleased to give any in. ' l'ornintlon desired In regard to money matters in gene ral:' Open for husinees from 9 o'clock In the morning until 4 o'clock In the evening. 11. A. STURJEON, Cashier. Ctirlisie r May.9A.lB67- • • A. 73: EWING'S FURNI - TURE , WARE-RO9MS, 14%9 - , West High trees, Carlisle, Pa (Premium awarded at the Cumberland. County ~~ . ..., Thoaubscrlber halt pat received the null hplendid ..astatkunant ~t'articlem In his line, over brought to thil. place-0110i 'he Is7detarinined to sell at prices that do , ly competition. .. - . . Parlor, - . • ehanxber, • - . ••••Dltillig-roomp FURNITURE. , Kitchen and , -Office ".•• Embracing orrery article...used by lions° and Hotel keepers, of the most appioYild and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture-lit Fail, !venal( n and .Camp Chairs 3lattrasses, OM frames. pictures, dc.. Sc. . Puthintsern areal:quested to call and examine his stoels—at kin_extenxlvii ware.tymns, West Slide stle'et. North elfin. ' - • , A.E. 11111INtr, - 44- Particulni• et tetdion plvenas lesual to funerals; , mdofffnm. town athl"countryTiittended-tn-promptly 3nd en M 01.111.0,.. leans. ' 4111,---E.--- Carlisle, May 12, 1,b58.-13-. --- . , . (--..-11-111A.-SAiDPLE-A.N.D_IIA.I3.NEISS • ; I STABbitill NI ENT. . ~ ' - ' . HORSE OOLLARS,IIORSE COLLARS. WhoLesale had Retail. • The subscriber respectinily,announres, ti, his friends and tho public, that lie Is none man '''''',,...._ °Picturing, and keeps constantly on ;\ %\ \ , -- .4ii i naid. a full: i iwol:linedit td i ttad . dies, ' ''''. 11\ \ II , - L',"Tilrt:vi:. b," I t'rTp.' r2"."..11"'L .(' Ilillt f ' e re tran a e bi' L l e 6 f r o 'll r:pu P r i c e ll ' s " sh e i: ll tt i . 1 p ere. , ~,!\ ~ ' lie is alto prepared to Ms ilcture - all Kinds ot ilosa, for the use oi. in. A gine and lions Companies, aaarrant • r: , ...to be perfect or no bale, and equal, If not superlorito city make, . Thankful fur post favors, lie hopes to merit a contlie wince by strict attention to orders. and fair, prices. 7 . 1 - • I'llll.ll' UHLER, a •Main Street siechardenburg. . . . . Mar. 0, IRMI-3ni • S - 'PAGE ROUTE.- Li The subscriber has started a trl weekly' line 01 Btages between Carlisle nod' lanidisburg„ leaving Car• lisle ovary Monday, Wednesday and Friday, inlutedi "ntely on the arrival of the nitern(kin train of ears front •the,east. Returning, leaves Landisburg at 000 A. M.. ever? Tuesday. Wednesday' and Saturday. and arrives nt Carlisle at 1.00 P. M., via. Perry County' Warta Springs, Sherniansdale, St erret t'a Gap nod Carlisle Sul pier Spriataa. On and afer dune the Mb. the Ilne will to run daily for the accommodation of passengers going Lo tile Springs.' - Fare to the several pinta as follows: • ' Carlisle to Sulphur Springs, • $0 50 Sterrett's Gap, • " Eliermansdale, . . Perry County Warta Springs, . . 00 Landiaburg, . , . . . . . 1 Oil RETURNING. ' taindlsburg to Warm Springs, . . . • $(1 25 " Shermansdale, . . . . . 20 ' • Slerrett's (Imp, . . . . 74 Sulplmr Springs, 1 00 • " Cariboo, . 1 00 The above lino will regularly carry the MAIL to and rr" lTh i n h = " a l tl i rsttVe ' d l a t g .STA 11 fnini 'width I am at all times ready to furnish horses and car dirges to thins) who Will favor me with Choir patronage. most reasonable toms and in the very best style - maylolBsB. - 'oacontiE IIIINDEL. 1859. . 500 PAIR TRACE CHAINS, with n lame assOrl meat of BUTT CHAINS, . •• • BREAST CHAINS, 'HALTER - CHAINS,' LOG CHAINS, • •• FIFTH CHAINS, • ' TONGUE CHAINS, COW CHAINS, 'SPI(EADS. &c. &a. Just recSived at the cheapilardware store of Illarch IS. 1859. 11. SAICION.— , 11111 .- - - TUNKITAIfIVIEITEIY4 - NIY 1,1., NJ ROLLED 1R0N. 7 -With a large assortment of STEEL. • • • SHEET IRON. '"' iliopp IRON, • RIVETS, • BOLTS,,, NETTS, ' 'WASHERS,' ANVILS, • VICES,- ' • FILES, , • RASPS: • • • SCREW PLATES,. ....I.ILAORSMITH BELLOWS, &o "AtZtei A GaICULTURAL.;IMPLEMENT A AND MACHINE SHOP. ON.WEST LOUTHER STREET, abase - tint resldenre of , Dr. J. Zltzer, and lop AR! Fallß .nuidlutqy Jmrear of. t Union Englne • ' ix- • .kflhe subscriber d I s to Inform the thruternreml , the nubile generally' that he Is now mom, ftrturibg, Itud'has ennstantly i nnjand . t , • • Allis)ha premium llorsii•rowir. awl ThFuehlog Mn 'cbln•ol4ll.ylbrating neparatorf attachgd., Corn Shull6rs, Stntw Cutters, te. tonterlaliatwaia band - fir - Ma ire;. 'palr,Of Moweire, Thrusting Machines' and agelanitnotl Implotnintre . ,brolllclann, which will be a at, • 94! .. tt t9PrOmptlY,,,Tit linJ.TkugabliVlq,nirtoirrietne._ .NClTZ,"Poreirtem,, 2T;'lBs4.stnn ' • - .. , 11 , A1 5 1TC11; • Mmicuiti47 ,„ : Iylisw MAIN STREET, (opposite the hillroad oeyhea.lind,reselsed a. new.and• elegant assartenetor niotwalllnfaud Cassfmeres;ihr Spring and Summer. wear, enibiaelsi• ,•-; • • • 2 • : ,PANOVBASSI AIERES:• •: lII{OWN :' ANDp WHITE ".11IXTURE8, •' , : • ' • STRIPES - ANL! COLORL-' '• • • -• • • L ,' - A lin* Variety of spring and litimmer coatlag.'ellk 'and saga 'Testing:Sas Week clothe and TioeskinP 4 01 'of hiNill) make up toaneaintre In Sudilonsible style, 'and "on,leitOttable terme. '• 7. , '' ••' • • '."46/I+9rdlisii Attended to proniptlj,''and. the fitting 'et. OrmoutN. o wattented e er no'sale, • ' "; • • • ' • . g;0 , AbVprne ,: 4Cii . NO:t HeFtin 110)**' prune a 0 for sal, sgt, prices , tblit tbe . . . . .. , •litil:. SbwiiiiiiinciOil. • THE 'LARGEST CHAIR AND - .t •itultNFrintr.}.lslomaramimwr TIIF, 'UNION . .Nathiot's Gay Street.WarOtoome,_ Extendin j r i:ont Gag - to Fredtr'ick Street, - having • 96 feel front; 170-feel dap, and 6 itorks high. BALTTmOP,E, MD., . . IVlierti if , kept nit; eye oil I awl, or mink tionnler. eve. y style, or Fr itch TET.E.A TEllin, in Plunh, thin iloths orilrocatelle.- Fren,M lull ,Stfiff and Medallion, Parlor , ' ARM' NIAMS In Mill (lair, Cloth, or Moe/della. • . French Full Stull Carved PARI.OIIICIIAptS,.in sots with Plush. Mk. or lima:Melia, SOFAS; hair! reach Mahogany and . Walnut- Parlor CII A 111 S, in nail, Cloth or Muth. • Milli, INC Cll AI lit”--vorlotis deslingn hole, Cloth and Plush. Stull Spring I.OUNOtS—Ji large 'assortment always .on: hand, many pattern Made or 'covt.red . with any goods ta order., . ' ' CII AMBER SlilTS—in Walnut • complete, from $3. • CANE CHAIRS and Hooking do...;the largest aFsar went ready-mado IS the Untt,,a Staten—frtan $l2 a doz . en op. • Dar Jim., Office and Utidug CHAIRS, Oak, WM nut or Mahogany: with Cane, Wood or Etuffed.Seats— an assortment embraelhg over 50 dozen. ' 11 toil Seat CHAIRS and SETTEES and llOCitiNti CI I A I 101 l dozen. • Feat ber Ilydx.. llair and Ilusk.3lattresFes of every va riety.. Also, all kinds of Vint and Frames for booking Glosses, MATLIJOT & SUN. 25 Not lb any Street, neer Fajotte ntreet. A lig 4'; FL PRINCE & CO.'S IMPItOVED PATENT MELODEON THE 01,11EST'ESTABLISIIM ENT In iIn(UNITED STATES, EMPLOYINO TWO HUNDRED ' MEN, and -Finishing EIGHT V-INSTEUM ENTS • PEIL-WEEIi..-- , Combining all their Recent Imprnyement—•the Div ided • Swell; Organ, Melodeon, de., (Theinvided - Sirell - enn - only - btrobtalneilin Melodeinfe bf our Manufacture.) GEO. ilintINCE 8 CO. - 111alinfocturare, Buffalo, New York wironcskLß . baoT 1859 81 Fla itlll 81.•h ' ..1'.,. - 790 bake -Chicago, ill - 114101;ESXLE - AClENTlttiggell ton, F:Colburn. Cincinnati. l'nlnier 'WORT, St. p9lliil, Mo. Ph. P. Wndeln, Now Orleans.: the Jounir.A The Melodeons manufactured -by Prince & Ro„ and fia• sale at 87 Fulton street; are the best In the world We hate tried them. and therefore speak understand tingly Of their merits: They are offal ded ut a very mod orate cost. • , • FAICES OF POIVE;pILE INSTRUMENTS. Four oetu o 31i.10100n, amtmoling from C to C.....-; 41 Four and n hall octave, 'du. Cto F CO Otto Cotme :%lelinleoU. - do. - Oho ootuve, doublo rev!), ...d0: FtoF '• 11M =I 1 4 Two Midis of Key& Five Seta of heeds, Mglit O II One and a If f leta . ve Foot Pedala, One Sot of Reed. In Baas Independent . • PIaCES OF PIANO CASED ' .Fire,f/etore Melodeon, extending from F to F Six i - Ceinve Melodeon do , F to Five Oetave double reed. do. Fto F_....... F 1.6 (move, Two Banks of Kept 100 Our foullitie. for manufacturing are perfret, rtml from our long o.operience Inc the 1.111..i11et.F. haling fluhhecl and ',old stivt ' 'NTY.TIVO MELODE I _u...,;l,..neleel_mu titc_^,f_ghjng_sqislarlhth„_ . - All .11eltele, .01 one 111111101110 U.!. either sold iv 11s. I - or dealers I alai Ultrltot the 'Jutted States nr Canallint 11r1,11...1111 . TIP to to perfect In el'ery reNpeet. end should I any. rts airs fn ,necetwar) - beftire the Po Wll4lOll of m..• yeat.frtatt_the. dattt.ellenle_vie.ltd d.ssurselica..rrady..ltrui Illlng to make .the satue,trce of rge,-provided• the Injury caused by accident. or design,' 1iF.1)..A. - I.IIINCE - A CO. Agents for the onto tif nu r may he tonsil In all the princiyal and• towns hi [he butted Plater tout ranadas.• . Agentx /it Carl Islo J..A, II EMI Al News Ille—W. 11, LINN. ImpylUlGB 71 CLUB 11 0 GIN 4re 'l_4( s~~~. . —.4 ••• 3s''''''',s'teA.:*,*.-•wr. ' .›,•:,.•• __,_.,- ' - il' ria ' r g: - V11; 11 ' 1, 1V1 l' 1)11 a-V1 ' ,I" -_-_ , i87.--- '74% 0 , t o • ,__ C OE tii:lol4." • .0 ,",a`" A large assortment of superior Pianos. from the hes' llortmt and New 'York makers, together with exeellon .4seend.h.ant Plapps, conti.tal4.!X liar sale. NO. 86 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG Also. Mason A. lininlln's Modellodeons, Orgult.Me ladeons, and None On gatelintnioniums. taken in part payment for new ones. PIANO TUNING OR REPAIRING, With all Stringed and Wind Instruments, will receive prompt attention from Mr..lolll`i VIAS7.Y H. who hat no buperior.in_thin.depart moot, ittult.f.motof the _moss reliable Tuners in the United States. 0. C. R. CARTIIR. pI Lv..,:..,'l✓iJ Os: GOLD MEDAL PREMIUM PIANO FORTES! • WILLIAM MNAME & MANUFACTURERS or .GRAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES, Nos. 1,3, 5, and 7, North Eutaw. street, Opposite the Eutaw Ilonae, And at our NEW SALE -11.0 207 Baltimore erect, bilieien Charles - and -- Light streets. hese celebrated PIANOS have, at different FnICE, , veral am resolve Years..been awarded the highest pre. /Mums for excellence over all competition. They have also been pronounced by S. Thalberg, .the Wert Mehra. tad pianist In the world, and other distinguished artists, Including Mr. Strakosch,' &c., &c., to be equal, If not nu porter, to any In this country. have constantly on hand at our extensive Ware rooms an above, the largest assortment of tine PIANO FORTES to be found In thia city. which we will sett. whitienale and retail, on lheliaistliberal terms to suit the times. In'every cite." are guarantee our Pianos to give entire eatiskaction.- *1 Constantly on hand n• tine nasortment mmLo: imris of thu befit-makes. nt prices from 1145 to $2.110. diwaya for sale n large oumber of necond•haud. PIANOS:at .priCiairaTtinic from $75 to • A.. planes exchanged; hired and tuned. - • WILLIAM . KNAItg....k co. July 21, 1858. CHICK ERING &, SONS . ... ' . 3.lftrilitcql‘rorn of, 4 " .°11.-Q 41 ; , cl : ( C,rir D). , ') , . UIRLUHT T . :lie ~... : ~., . - im l va t,l4 .( 4110,,:,,,4°4' '' -FORTES , , • • • . • • 1807 qfiettrtit.4"lre?l ...Aatide/phia.•- •• note:dig In store s iarde 'Moak Of gill . . beinflltd sod ur quailed instrument*. dlideled In &troy , erlet,'y of et e. It prices vaolag trete 'WS -10 .$ 10 " 1 - we h." , be n' awarded Own and &tea clam 3ltdain at th" differentaxalbitiene. lir thin countty,apd Europe, for enerior,tuanyfeatiliept. ,k,liberali.diseeknf made to ti clwgi and 'aeniinaeles 'of learning. Descriptive In +Wiled catalognea lent to lins iddrem. Jul/ 21 S .P. 1414- 17 • - • • ' ' el= - ' %,,c. ? Awik,:ymi,ms : I • . • . . '., .0, , A A'J TIO .N, , ' • .-.- ' haute and yrodern will be •oo their:Fruard null. Impunea upon by a counturfeteef Moree'n Indian ilk, alined A., Lt. Afonfe All genuine Indian ile have Um name and , ihynature of ..4.4.- While on each box. . follSW tho luruntor_of aloltahYß INDIAN a't' PILLS, has ipeut thd greator,part of his ilfr Mpg, 1,,,ing r VIOIO4 Europa; Asia spa Mars, 'os North:America—Las spent •throo yoors among Maus of our WeAtern countijit eeo In his ant; toiridluiLliuotallisLwaroArst,liscorerell.—ly aprt-nrafrfir-rstablinir-therfact-thet-hr tabu! from ITITITITITY — OrTIII. n I I—tf,;,l bealth-nu4.llo.4lepgiloil-vvon.ti.ilfp.vinti ho. various passngew &come • chiggialjand do iiperfert harmony with thu difforrnt humdrum' )4; - tho - blood - lows - Its - action-,; becomes. thick, ' and dimmed': thou Causing- OP pains, 4 sick. distress of every name; our strength our health we are deprived of. and If nature le not assisted Iu tlinYwhig off the stagnant humors, the blooftwill become 'choked and 'tease to act,' and thus' our light of litif *III forever be loown out. .flow lon portant' thou that we should keep the 'various .passages • of the body 'free nod mien. :And how ph stint to us that wif have It in our puive'r.tti put a medlri unlit your reach. nainoly..:fferse's Indian hoot Pills, manufactured frommiarits and roots which grow around the Inman. ,1.11.111011f1 cliffs 10 Nature's garden, for the heal eh and re. - - Covell - of diseased man: - Ons of the roots fr r ein Which' there Pills .nro made Is a Sudorific, which opens the pores of the skin, and assists Natilre In, throning out the ithee parts of the corruption within. !rho second IS. it Plant which fa an Esuectorant, that opens, find un clogs the passage to the lungs, and th tiff; his soothing Inanneri perthriti its duty by throwing on phlegm, ands other humors from lungs by copious ipitting Thethlid h Diuretle. which gives ease arid doulde strength_ In the kidneys : thus encouraged; they drtiv.largi amounts. of impurity (non the blood(avilich is then thrown' out bountifully by the urinary or water passage, and *bleb coulitnot have been discharged In any titherway. ' The : fouilli is a Cathartic. and accompanies the .other erties the Ms while engaged in purifying • the. blood; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass belie other outlets. are thief taken ,up and: con. . voyed oil In great quantities by the bowels. ' • ' the above, it I; shown that Pr. Horse's Indian • Root Pills not only enter the Stomach.. flat become milted with the blood, for they hind tray to every part, ' and completely rout out and ClO3lll/0 the cyst tun from all impurity, and the life' of the body, which is the, blood. becomes perfectly healthy: conseßmintly ail 'kleknes4 nod pain is drive') from the systeuff for they cannot remain when the body !mollifies so pure and clear. ' 'file reason why people aro so' distressed when sick, and why 14) many die, is because, they do not get a niedicine.which will pass io the afflicted parts, .and ' which will omen the natural passages for the disease to be - east out; house.:; largo quantity of food and tither matter Is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are. • .literally overflowing with the corrupted moss; thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation, constantly nifx _log with the bli,od, which throws the corriipteittnattet. .-through every 'vein and artery, until life is taken from the body by.diAease. Hr. Morse's PIUS have added to themselvesvictory upon victory, by restorieg ilhe sick ' happiness. Yes,. thoussnds who have been racked or tormented with . sickness' pain rend anguish, and whose feeble frames,. Mies lawn scorched il l y the burnhne elements of raging fever, and who have een brought, as it were, within a stet of the Aleut grave. now Amid ready to testify that tliey mould have been numbered with the dead,' had it 1114 Loon fortills great and wonderful medicine, Morse's ;Indian Hoot Pills. After one or two doses had twin to 'ken, they were astonished, and nbso.utely surprised, in witnessing•their chit/iling effect's. Not only - do they -- glteinimediate ease . -and -'et - taker away-all sickness, pain end anguishi but they MISS go to work at the foundation of the disease, which:lll'l4.ol Thera.- . Core. it eflll'be shown, especially by those sobs use these thly ffilrao - Toliauso foul - ffilellY, - tlrartikearil —that deadly enemy—will take its flight, and the flush . . . . of youth and ',nay will again return. and the Frei. poet of a long au/ happy life.wlll . cherish and brighten . your days. . . . Cm:rtes.—Beware ore counterfeit sla:Ved A. 11. Moore, All genuine hove the 11111110 of A. J. WilirtAti-Co. on each box/ Also t' signature of Aid. White & Co. - All - otticrs are spurleu . A.. 1 WI IJTiI Sole Proprietfir, . No 10 VI - mahout Street; New York. 11c. Morsc'S Indian Root Pills are cold by all dealets In; Medleints. ' - Agents are wanted in every town, Tillage and hamlet In the land. Parties desiring the agency will addresses above for terms, • • • - Prier, 25'eents per box, fire boxes be serif on ra- MIA of St, i s stage paid. [julta . :4f, tAir- For pnto in,Crirlb.le by S. W. Ilaserstiek. JIOES DISEASE OE I GIZjAIE__II4 _ IMPURPIN OF TUE BLOOD? This Is a quiVation or viloThnportnure, and one whicli has never been satistecteelly dihpored of Icy the prole, tilti7ll7(7 - 417.TOTliitliiiitte—tliirriffillFa-it fig the MoriTlind therelere licetnes originate in it—. but modern bilellrt, M . S. that' Ili i111”110.1 have their origination de both the solfds anti fluids of the- hotly. preiwoulerete,- howeer, to a lived fact, -and toodliarikilt. least LA o , thirtin of the His that human liesh,la heir to, : - have thelrrourec iii en , PUKE STATE - OF TILE' BLOOD I /kit, for bode - Tice. Witte long catalogue, such is Scrofu la. 'Eater, • Ilartoor's Uch," Pimples, Mottles. Eryslpo lan. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, discharges from the Ear, Fever Sores, or Irruptive diseases of any hind.,—These are as remained by well known medical lawn to arise twin had blood —while the highest medical authorities declare that meet fevers originate in the panne manner, end • more particularly Typhoid and scarlet—the former be moan intereal, and the latter an external Irruptive dlaoasa; and In all persona attacked Iy these ma , adien, the blood la found to be tithe , coagulated, or of a dark . unhealthy color. • 'Co ward off a teem" maJorilaedlseases;es well as to cure a number which have. wdy seined upon the sys tem, It In ueeessafria — PERIFY THE BLOOD., Lindsey's Improved Blood Searcher does notoelalm•to boa ~} fir olory disease known, but the proprietors claim for It toe power not only of dr/01111:g out au 111111111 . 1thiS of the bl. set. but by the-hlallful combination of well known vegetable remedies. it wittenre all diseases mixing/Am deranged state of the liver, drive out dyspepsia, and give renewed time and vigor to the [Armen+. That the Ilwee SEUICIILIt is all that is claimed for it, the proprie. tors Cllll produce It Is only a few years slime it was discovered, and yet It Ima grown into Audi A business that a large laboratory loot been built exprost,P, for tts manufacture—a large number of tuna employed in putting It up, And Atli' rite SUPPLY DOES NOT EQUAL THE' DEMAND 1 We ask any candid Man, could thin he 1.0. If the Mod. Iclnu did not pessose am, the virtues claimed for The Prop dors Intro hundreds of certificates from men of and slandliig In the community, show log what the ustidielne It doing daily fur the suffering who has ever wed. the Blood Searcher whether rell was e‘perleneed. Lot the allliefed givejt n trial—a single bottle wil convince the most akepiiral of Its ellieavy. tt„ll'Por sale in Carlisle by S. W. Ilaversflek, S. El Mott., and 11..1. Kieffer; •I,Cauffnuni A Son, Merhanies burg; ilesweller h Zook, AShepherdstown ; Joshua Coln Ilogkown; Jarob Simmons. Cross lloads;,Eurta..t Ise, Shiremanstown; A. M. 1.01,11rh, 11051ev springs; Mary W. Kissel, Churebtown ; Edward 'James, West 11111 J. C. Pasnauvlit A Rm., Oak, ills; Shoemaker h Nowburg; IVtn. Brattou,:Newville; J. Hood A Co.. Springfield; Russell h Dice. Dfekin.on ;Alit:bland & Warhinger .Ineksoviville; Wm. Clark A Co.. Lees Roads; Wm. 11. Eekles, Sporting . 11111; D. Denlinger IVhiteltell; .1. C. Altlek,Shippem,burg; all of Cumber land county, Pa. LINDSEY & LEMON. Proprietors, 0027';,5. • 110111da3sburg, Pa. A.FII-I,IcITED READ!!". PIIILADELPIUA MEDICAL 110USE—Eitabilsh. • eil,twenty.two years' ago by Dr. KINKELIN, corner of Third and Union Streids, Philadelphia, Pa. TWENTY-TWO YEARS' • Experience lies .•rendered Dr.' K. a most successful practill •ner in the cure of all diseases of a' private na: tun.; manhood's debility, as an impediment to.xnar. Map; nervous and blinittil infirmities, disease of the shin, and those arising from abuse of mercury.;__ TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Thoro is an evil habit sometimes indulged In by boys, in selltaide, often griming up with them to nini.bood: and which, If not reformed In due time. net only heeds serious obstacles to rinitrimonlai happiness: but gives rise to a series of protracted.- insidnous and devastating affections. . Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences until they fled the nor voha system shatturcd, feel strange and unaccountable senteit oils, and vaguefesi , ii of the mind. (see pages 27, 29, 29, of Dr it's book Cu Self-Preservation.") . The unfortunate thus affected becomes:feeble. in time bin to lobes with accustomed vigor, or to apply his mind to study ; his step in tardy and eak; lie in dull, Irresolute, and engages even In his sports with less en• eig.y then usual. 11 he emancipate himself before the practice haadone Its worst, and enter undrinioity,Liki marring° is unfruib ful. and his sense tells him that _this is canned-by' his early lollies. Three are-considerations which should awaken the attention of all who are similarly • situated.- . • -REMEMBER; • He who places himself : under Dr. EINKELIN'S t seat ineut;.may religiously confide in his honor on a gentle man, and rely upon the assuranre that the secrets of Dr. Ws patients wilt never be disclosed. Young Man—let' no' talso modesty doter yow.trOrit Making your'ease known to one, WllO, from - education and respectability ran cert..inly liefriond'yori: Dr El KE LIN'S residence boa been for the last Ewen ty•two years at the N. W. Corner of TIIIILD'AND UNION STREETS. Philadelphia, Pa. ' ' •' • "!,' • PATIENTS AT A'DISTANCF . _ Can havO (by attiring their ewe explicitly, together with all th eir. eymirrome.,.per letter, euclopilig a,remlthince) Dr. medicine, appropriated Wcrordingly. • _ _ Forwarded. to_aity, • pnrclinited-Statesand, Packed securelltur,DAYlA(latir CURIOSITY, , ity or gxpresa.• , • . • READ ! YOUTII"ApID,I%IAIVILOOTH ! Uretrut urts- Death- Kliikelln. Letters containing !hit value In 'damp , ' trill ensure - wl - copyi per return of milli., ••--- • • • GRATIS! GRATIS !1. GRATIS !! I • • " A FEES GIFT TO ALL. - MISERY RELIEVED. Acurc , s, guide," a new and regular work, fill or valuable advice and loopresaiva warning, alike calculat . ad to present years cf misery:, and nave thousands of lines, is distributed without rhargo,' and' forwarded 14- ' mall, pre•pald to any, Post in the United States, on ro• relying an order enclosing two postage stomps,'.....• dec.116,11358-IY. , I • FARMERS tind stoo ralsere.—The'ecibierlber' glll keep . for'the itigketni, at Ix fartn; 134 nines wont-of.the thraplke, on the Tel.' :low Breech.. Creek, 'ln - Lower :Dleklunen Abwnehlp, nithersoeth orCerllele, TIInim , BLKBAT .1)10118,and• 'Two 1101t8Efl, and Invites the attentlon'otall, , "teinte tie4orete: • . , ; ??Frillicit• °.7l~~.~ir'~e. I=l El= =I . • . 1,11.: 0 - 1% - All -II A i•-:i 01, -1 A ,Tj, .0 N/ . i_ . 'P II ILA DE 1..D.11 I A ' A Benevolent Inetit,utdon; established 'by speriablen downnott Mr the relief of tire sick and dist, mined, .. •• afflicted, with-Ti, ulent and Dpithaule diseases. • . The IP MARI/ASSOCIATION, in , low of the awful destruction of human life, caused bv. Sexual dibenses, *and,ttle deceptions practised upon thous Pollinate vic• this cif: melt diseases by Quacks, tow ertil yearn; ago di. ' - reeled- thetr.-Cobsulting eurgeon, nn 0 1 4'11 A hrl'A 111,,R ACT worthy of their name. to olatit a Dispensary for the trialmout of- title elate of disomeNin all I heir hln e • 'end to give MEDICAL ADVICE tIItATIS, to ell who' ripply by letter, veltif - ii description* of their conditions lime, occupation. habits of life.Ae and in-eaten 'of ex (route poverty, to FUJINISII EDICINIS FREE OF, / j CII AMIE. It bt needlessto d that the Association t oiontands the highest bled) skiff of the ago, awd will , ! furnish the mutt ettprove-d todertdireettneut. 'I he Ditectiwe ot the Associtt: low, in their Annual Dew 1 'Poll'uToti OW , tHe.ttnent'ufftleVitLlDlseidesoltsPivotthe • - j Ilighent satittinetlon,w . ltbithe,succets . uhich hes attend l*edthi Inborn' I,l_llle'l to tiltitig_gnyg.tfunin_jbe_curo_et StawmatorelaVa..ireinlitartVealtnesn. Impotence, Goner ' rliTt.tviliVid7FypliltliTthw - vietretferwiment or Fel .0 ,use, • kl•'" , ”1111.1.1011•!.!•l'lll,ila,i.tttl:Cy..11.L.L.a.l• •'•••'ePIAL4 , IOr-Ltile,-- . Ilillillitlll'y ' ar. ' ' ..: • . The Directors, on a review of the pimt, feel ensured Abet their labors in this spier° of bene,ittlent effort, have been of great benefit to the afilleted.cesPet lally'Vo the young, 'and 'they have -resolved to tlitvote them• selves. whir renewed zeal, to' this vert ithnortaitt but; much, despised muse. - , , _. r- , . Just puldislimbby the Association, a Deport on. toper. ' matorrlaen, or Ldfainal Yeah ness. the Viee.of Ourthiam'.--,. ' lfriddetlithin or I,Ttlf-Abusei and other' Dinettes nrthe Sexual Orgens,.by the Cdosulting Surgeon, Which will lie mutt by 1 / 1 3ii t (in a sealed filter envelope ' ) bit EN MI CHAUD:IE, on receipt vi TWO sTA VIPS for postage Giber liotairts and Trans on the 'attire and treatment of ~,,,,,,,,,,i. o enges; diet, de.. are constantly. being publish edfor gratuitous distribblien, and will be sent to the ' afflicted. Matte of the new Mmettlea nod Methods of - treatment encore red Our the last year, are of great valor.. . - , . .. ' Address.for Report', or trealmmt, Dr. 01IODGE It, I CALII.tUN, Consulting Surgenia, finedrd Asamdation. No. 2 SoUth,Nint h Street, Philadelphia, Pa: • , ' •By order of the Directorn.,; . ' '' .'" • .., ' EZRA 1../. :11.1tARTIVIiLL, Prestd.ntcw ODO. FAIRCHILD, hocretary. , , . , • . - Dec.16,18:18.-ly , - " ' , 'ALL'S GALVANIC: OIL - 11 .I.IIF.PAREI• 011101NA1.1.1 PIZOF. H. 'IL VALL, • - /, , l),Tintrll l of die - College of Sari/eons., Purl:, . Is now ciiThred to thii pytille for the Cure of all Sore :11111 Pulnfnl Dlmen.em; toe inntnnce—Pain on , Sorenr.4s in ~ n ny Vert 01 the Ithemontision Pain hi the Hack, I lirenst or Sitter. Reeled lireasix. Noontide. " , litirnr, Sprains, Headache, Cramp In the Stomach, orally other , liixrntr [hot to Iola; It PAINFUL, and it to only Over this Onto. of 'ohinensCN we 6111111 . n Pt,IiFEUT plc 'l'OlßT. We nay iumitively to our patron,' we t.no re 4 stove the sufferer 1.10 timen out of DI U. , We nould just nay to the plJdir, Prof. llu You wax 25.3 earn IR bring ing this IDltlitelllo to tll6 ruperlority It hen over nil oth , ern. .nrA,. Prlee M) rents per' bt,ttle, 3:1!.:i per rent. off to lin trine. , ply All order, must be miaref.,ed to . •. J. D. STONERODJE, Solo A'gt for IL S. Lewistown. Mlffiln-county, ME :MEDICAL •FOlt INFIAMNATODY DISEASES Oaar E mil 1-y! t .: i, C , 1 d X , 14 . 7 i ll i V n l l4 3 L a l: r 7 . m ir j ; y ll 6 ' , :14:1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 V SALT ,IL. u,ono It 1 aim and nemnplishes but one thing, to wit: _ 10 4 WI/IKEA INFLAmmlcronv mem, whareyer be ite form or lovality. Thin It does by equalizing the circuit,. /lon, thereby removing the nolo cause of Intlamma ..... . tibn. ' -..... Illi P.UNI A WM, N FAIR A 1.(I IA , Ileadarh ~ Pits, Ferrara, Inflamed Throltk . Lunge mid I.ldirrJLEvfnale:l/Igolqrs, - Erfalpilas, rot l'lourNY I Pthenn, Iryapapsla— l'onereal Diseases; tivut, Scrofula, Canker, and all other fnruas of In thnoniatlo,Wara easily aufiatted by tha - licr - 3lndiral . Salt. rplIN NEW :ALT,curo.all 1,1 E" 0 doo4 todcs-,no morn. no less lze arterialelr circulation ; renownl,removing , ro t . m . the sy Es . L'IlT Ull E 9 have tried the 'virtue's of the New 'Atedical Salt. thUpgh but lately.dieepvered and F4lilt rod ur Wituoaa the teathrioutals slid certill- Mattes of cure. .... • . , A Li, who hese usial l it acknowledge a benlfit from J•••• it. An miunintancei of ours war cured of a` se. sere moo Of Neuralgia lu less than a week —Norway (Me.) Advertiser: . YOUR invaluable Media no, Is no ''. l.hllllllng, in 1 0 nil , rose, nil the promises which you made for it. A fewdoses also- relloVed my-mother of a rush of ral b... to the head. J. P. DILLINGHAM, Phila. - - 14 INFLOIMATORY rhosnuatisin was my mnminint. The firrtiviellage - ilid Mc iiiiiViiffectualiy, as not An .veidiAti of rheumatism is left. • ---- Ali. DUNCAN, 'New -York. . CiaT know It id good for Ithainnatism. removing -It in a taw hours. rain now trying it for Sarnfula and •• Lava already'recolvoltbanefit. S. LESSIO, • - - rttl6llt7Rif:Aiiehiggliftrtr.iitlidisiiitihitTaiirn7Tii ".. teu days the p ain wen gene. . . A:. ._ . , T. It": FIT,ZSIION.S, M.D. l'Un. . . . . ra WE speak by the book. ye tried it: it , has • • complete control over inflonnuation.—Jaclirwii• rri • villa (Va.) Newt_ Canker, Itheumal lain, and Neural. gla have beemcured by it.---JelTersouville at_Democrat. ! • . LMANY more would toatifr , If necessary. Descripe tivo -Circula rs , with lertlinoniola May be eb• Mined from tiny Druggist who hap ,this valuable madicinee for Ale. O ANT: Prioo,'One) F 4 TIM New Elliott, an , *here. oin i .ever the Herald". Is .. atm a patent psi medicine, but the prescription of an eminent phy . e 1 Vllllll, nu ono Phoul4 fall to try the New Medical Snit. Por testitionlials gee circular. April 6, 19tf1—t3m THE MOST EXTRAORDINARY 1300 K OF TUE AGE Kral edition of 10.000 aold in aix week*. ENT,ITLED. "BOYI - 100D'S PERILS AT ANIMOD'S CURSE PU 13 LIS ED BY' DR. S. PANCOA ST 916 Sp;iny gardenereet, Philadelphia, Pa., and for sale by all booksellers. This n book.of 225 palms, 12m'., bound in rioth,with nine lithographic pintas. and intended for parents, guardians and young men. livery young mau who winhen to maintain bin health and manhood, and have n healthy pro4eny, should road thin book. Some of the statements are really astounding. and. have never be. turn n14).1111.41 in print. Price $l, IV mall $1.15. NOW IN PRESS AND- READY IP,)it DEIi,TVER'i TN A FEW LAYS, ;GREAT WORK FOR rim LADIES; by the same author, entitled LADIES'. MEDICAL GUIDE, • . : AND MARRIAGE FRIEND This Is a work of nearly GOO pages, beautifully bound In cloth, and contains over 100 splendid and enrieuseti• grayings. It given n corapietb description of the_striiet tutu and function of the reprodUciive organs of the fe male, showing how married ladles may hare or amid large families. Abo: a - complete history of Ilermaphro: ditisni, with curlew; platen showing both sexeklu one. It aim; gives athlete 'young. Indies In Selecting 'a husband, poliiting out the cause of so cinch I.llilleppl neon utter marriage, and the' influence it exerts on the ' The work also gives the syruptoins and treatment of all female diseases, no that every fnm;ln may be hero*u .physician. The bud chapter Is devoted to the Toilet. giving the receipts ter cosinettes at present In use by the nobility' of France. England and Russia, for beautifying theskln hair. teeth. and for mothering flu' andpreserving a sweet breath. They have been obtained at great expo. so. Prier .1.1.80. By mall WO, or eight additional post, ago stamps. 8000 cupleß have already been ordered.— 'those wishing n ropy of the first edition should send I heir orders without For campleto ilie , eription Of the work Bee Prospectus, which will be Mat on receipt of one letter stamp. AU ENV. WANTED in every townhi the Union. Feb.lo, 1050—ly • • , T, { . E ,M. 0 V A L.- • , „kw, \ W.M. lIIMMONS, Formerly of 564.1Imadway. New York, wishee to in. form Ida old ,usloulers and the public generally, that ho hna removed to,the NEW AND SPACIOUS ROOMS, 637 Broallivii, where ho will kiep a largo assortment of • - MILLINERY AND MILLINERY GOODS,; which will heiv il ld wlmiepale and 'retail. at th e lowed poasible cash p see:_ t. ' IYM. SIMSIONF, IT Broadway, (up staire) New loth. , 3tiy 4, 1810-6 - Paper , Hangingil Paper Hangings . 001E' ANUS SEE OUR • ' • ' CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. • CHEAP PAPER, HANGINGS. •GIIEAP PAPER' HANGINGS: • . FINE'GLAZED PAPER' HANGINGS. • FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS,' -- - ' -- FINE - GLAZED - PAPER - HANGINGS. ' FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. • , AND ALSOYOUN. RICH GILTPAPER. HANGINGS. - ----RICII-0-1-LT—RAPERAIANGINGS. • RICH GILT PAPER HANGINGS.. ' • RICH GILT:PAPER HANGINGS. And WINDOW 'PA pm pe,oloun orders 'We wish to Informtho:pilblie that ear stork of Paper rintigings, Is the largest and most varied nasertmetit over opened in Carlisle, and that we are galling at prievathat wpl suit 'everybody, al RAIN P.'I,I7NE At NON'S, •• • • , • , North Hanover St, Carlisle, where you ra n ha RirniabeVatall. ;lino! with No ash Oil, VaroishOo, of the Twat quality and at the lowest prima. ,•• • . '• • OR The w4i• Htit) • • • 1 . I • • • • • U ' • House ps Bsuth.llaniiver Strert,lnto tbiassldesse of..lllrs. Aun POWIrs, Is • , sflursd'turllsot.r Issursrllekle poses*. • . "-- - .../rlyile;,, , pr. 13, ;:leasii;clPrintii; -d -.N., ° ll4O !Fe., EM $2 50 co., udd a. SEES