Jietu itOuertiviltatt.: . . .4,.. t T p(3l-IbiAtsl'S' NEwTHOTOGRAPII . AND, vqs: . - -1.-4 AIIIBROT.YPE GALLERY. 1 ' • - ' . ' • ' - 0. L LOCIL MAN; from rblladolphla, takeepleseurt to - . • ' Invite Clio ladles and gentleoien of Carllelo and 'dein!. Cy, toads - mimics over Mr. C. Inhofe timely Solo, . Where be bilifdparod to make Ainbeetypeso rhot,Co • ;creole, plain, in water colors and Jeuitlle; Life ohs . - - Photograpbe In oil; tvorytypes, de...lii n superlon.din. _ nor. Ahibrotypee or lleguerreotypee of deceeeo per ' sone enler,led to any, eleuqup to life sloe in oll,•equel to, - -these'nuide from lire, . . . ~ ' PIMA° call whetheryou desire pictures pr not,. ' . " • Caillelo, dune 8, i860.4t* • AIA Stilt Y. , D • **IT TT ON, , 111 ipailto., Ho., .34.5 Q: Ann: Manufooturors of yC , , . INTS4ND COLONS; OI .Te., ,ALMR. 4 I.tAD Z • Important brifogllsh;Yrenclrand German - Artists' , colors In oil and water, Wltufor & Newton's tubc-•ritid Take - colors, Ordain's ilLithutriatleAl and . • pars, Stereoscopes. Stereoscopic Vows, &c. ,„ The -partioular_attentlon.of-,Palntere,..Deeleis-And ---,--- ottfore, , lo-eallod , tothoalowpatentmethott.of putting-up ,• - Lead Anil - Zinc Points In motalic Cmm;nfwhlch 3lnsury & Wtlit in aro the ooln proprietors. " . These Cans aro Intended by,the gmnitgrto obylatie the dlNeulty herotoforu exhitifig,itiputtlng up of Lend And Zinc 'ln' email' kegs. All' 'cm:smilers of point err weir° that the ioo on btad'And Zinc put op In' small • Noirden fickngen, in ,from tient° ten per cold., And. In •• Many cits.Vi muchrutore, owing to the absorption of the oil, and the Zonsefitionl hordoulug.ol the paint Against the woodtif tiny 'nothing of thu additionel labor ra• - inived , to mix paint ready fir use, nfier - ,lt .has become • hard In - the - keg., The loos of the - keif-too. Is a considu-- ratiOn which' should not bu Mot Flaht of. The patont • Coo na'nutynbilates Waif difliculfles. but in addition • theretif furnished the committer wit! , n ',trona And POII• vdnlentpalnC'pot, dart of width to use the point. which • . lArtlono worth more than' the difference of cost butwuen • . Chileans And kegs. • Thu. Cans aru peckiteirr saw timid. in strong cases or • boxes. which r intain gin lbs meta. that to 8 14 lb. Cairo, or 4.50 - 11 b Caps. nod they may ho Aohily shipped by roil road or iitlviwise to any port of the United States. Circulars, mitoliting cuts 'with full ilescriptlrnb. Font mail on Ai lication. •-• Latino I, 1859, "F A R S 0.11 3' WIIITEN..I6IC'S NEW .IFat.EY REAPER.& MOWER. .• . . , • We respectfully call the attention of ,FOrimers to this justly celebrated, achine. it bus been in use the last sheen yens,ond wherever introduced has become a . eorite nanchitte. Some monnufacturers and agents head their circulars with Syracuse first oremlunn machline.nH We (lid not !Attend that Wel, but hove taken, first pre mittom Over both of them in a number of trials sill. . I hat time. We might boast numerous first premium', over all the ,meat popular 1114Cilirlf`A now in use. but what are large starles worth to forme;sl We sell our omen( nes upon. their real merits, and ask formers to ex cainlim them before-purchasing. -We-wan:nit our_rno-_ chines to work well ()oth in grass or grain,light or hese) , noodling or fallen„ nest or dry. Au-exldbltlodwoi take place at an early day, duo notice of which vall be given, sold exhibition to take place InenrCinrlbile. Also; An exhibition of the Millie kind of machine. near_ lechanlcSburg. Where we re. aped folly invite formers and ell others to attend and examine far. thentselves. Machines May be seen by rolling on thebillowing noined.gentlemon who are agents for the sale of sold machines. JOAN PLANIC. or STRICKLER it - . BRO.; Carlisle, JOBS, 0 aItItETSON CO., Merbonicsbtirg. • smrpEti g KNETLET, Nee/dine. , SMITH Ar. CO:, Shippensburg. • - THOS.- S.- .W I I TENACK, It EESE,...."OOLILD Si' SAVE, I.!roprinors. ',Tonal, 1859. FOR ONE DAT! • STAND , DOWN . •THE HALL ! ! mAKE ROOM FOR TILE ' • LONGEST TRAIN OF ARABIAN HORSES EVER DRIVEN IN AMERICA! YANKEE ROBINSON'S ' DOUBLE .olloM, =I . THEATItiII _The only eStalillitunoni. Alus.ktlitLiti_theAtultl Over 150 men and horses are employol with this main moth concern. • SIX LADY hIRFORSIIMS , . - AND FIVE . CLOWNS! . i /itD - The spacious Pavillon, erected on an entirely new plan, will accommodate . .. Near 3,000 Perrone! No that the visitor rim hero a fair .vlow . of the Stage nod king l'orforiwini on. Look Out for the great moral Dram's, entitled DAYS OF '76: For particulars, sell pictorial and descriptive EXIIIIT AT Carlisle Saturday. June 11. " • PerturinaliceS afli moon and night. Doors open at 2 and T o'clock, P. M. ADMITI'ANCE 25 CENTS. No balfprice. ;NY REMEMBER 'V* • The day and dace. so you do not confound any other concern with this Mammoth e:stablishotent. • "wArr FOR TIIE WAOONV , Drama:at night only. Juno I. 1859-2 t. COURT- PROCLAMATION.— - wli.e. 1.114 i Hon. J.VItES If. Gila 11AM, 1.11111. dent Jud Ale of the several Courts of Common Nene nit the counties of Cumberland. Perri hid Juniata. and justice of the several Courts of Oyer atiefterminer a n d thmeral Jail Delivery In said counties, anti lion. Sot Vet WOODHURN and lion. M. Commis, Judires of the Court of Over and Terminer nod Dotterel Jail Delivery for the trial of ell capital and other offenders, In the said county of Cumberland. by their precepts to um dl rooted, dated tint 11th of April, ISA have ordered the Court of Dyer and Terminer and lienelml Jail Delivery to ho holden at ,CARLISLE, on tho 4th MONDAY VII August, 1150, (being the 22nd thy,) at 10 o'clock In the • - forenoon, to continue two WOOIIK. ,10.17101 l 18 ItEREBY 01V tolihe Coroner, Jun tires of the Petro and ConntabTes of the sold county of Cuttibrilittal, that they 'ire by (ho told pre , o.pt tom• otanded to be than and there In their proper pecans, with their rolls, records, inquisition s, eatunia rend all other retnembrancon. to du thole, thi..4s which to thole officer appertain to ho done, and all those that are bound by recogolntores, to' , proneruto agalost the prlsonors that aro or then shall' Ito In the jail of said enmity, are to be thorn to piosecutn'thent as shall be Just. 110117. McCAIITNEY, Shpri(f. SqEntry's QtriCEl Carllslo, June 1, 1859. tI TORN WYETII, Esp., letuisa_Douglatts. Mary Mr- Framds Wyeth, Charles k Wyeth. Louls Wyeth. Douglass Wyeth, doh ndlondel, Gee. Bendel, Bernard Bendel, Samuel Model, Elisabeth S. MIL Sarah Elliott, William Watcher. Joseph Watcher, Hannah Watcher, Rebecca Watcher. George Watcher, Iyot. Kline. ,Geo. Weaver, Charles Weaver, James Ca rothers, Rebecca Carothers, Elizabeth Carothers, and Louisa Carothers. • Writ De Partitione Paden ' de. in the Common Pleas of Cumberland' County. ' The detendantawllltece thin writ of partition on th, an i bet on Pomfret Strout by Pomfret Mont, West by Church Alley,'and haat by the nth day of Jelly, 1859. of • .' ROM Sheriff 's Oflice,'Caritelo,"l • • Juno I, 113159:•-6w notice that I will execute o preteleas, to nit A Rouse I Carlisle. bounded moth !Idyl.' Sterrett. north ho leo. !Nodal, on gATUIWAY t SI o'clock, A. U ' McCARTNEY, Sheriff. - J. J. BENDER, M. D.; • liomompathle Physician, . • SUCCHSSOR TO DR. J.' K. KNUTH, twilit; per madly locatetln Carlisle ' (dere pro fessionel, ser vices to the.. citizens of, the town and in the practice of .the branchus of his' profession.— Office In South ":Reimer Street.- formerly occupied by Dr. Smith, where he may be consulted at when not professionally engaged. Jung 1,1869-6 m N. B.—Allow me tO . Ditrodure my frlerii. Dr. I..): Dander, a graduate of the' liomrcepathle College of Pa.. In Philadelphia, and a• man of Acknhwledged medics skill.. He will sucated Dr. J. K. Einith In my strap, as I cannot disengagn myself from my present situatlon. • DR. M. PitIESE, Mechanicsburg, Pa. June 1,1850-2 t p- H•IL A D' b. P 'II I A ANDatnADING • • R 'A OAp SUSOI,EIt AIittAMMIENT, "APR I L 18, 180. • • Two passenger trains leave Harrisburg dilly, dare excepted,) at. 8,00 A. At, and 2.45 P. Ala for Phila. delpida, arriving there at 12.50 n o on and Returning, 'nava. Philadelphia at 1.30 A. AL, and 3.30 . 31.; arriving stlfairishurg at 12.40 noon and 3.26 P.. , • Foam:. To Philadelphia, Alli:ViCare. $3.25; „.same.trall4,l2lo.,. • ~ Pareeto Reading. $l.OO and VA. - , At 'Reading. connect with trains Ibr Pottsville, Idluert Title, Tamaqua, ,CatwetianitY Four trains leave tenting for Philadelphia daily, at 05 A. 'AI MR A. Ai., 12,30 noon cud 6.00 P. AI, • ' Leave Philadelphia' ibilteAding`dt 7.30'A. R.; 1.33 P. F AL. mid 4:45.P ~AL y, ; Tares from Reading to Philadelphle4l.7s and VAIL The morning train 13oiu liarrialniwomneetit at. . Reading with up train for, .11:11keelnitrri,PittskiivIrifil Ynr through tlckoteand o%berlnformatioti apply to , . "! J. J. CIAN)Y., , Stay 11., 79. - chropriterait. 0,,P I N m - t i t u ? i P y S I.I , M•MR 111R5.43. A. liurroN, . , • . . . Will mien ori Friday , May 27th; a largo sofTsplepdid va duty of fonoy,Noapolittin r Crtipe; !Elk Amyl Etre* .... ... 0 - ' '•, • - - , o p Di..N El'9 -, •' . . T oftho very latent summer ashion, which foeit7le• eit" race and bettittki_conu . u surpassed In city or ,coun . . . , iti o • ''- EiROMER FLATS, ,• ' , APAEIT 'HATS IN 'ALL STYLES, Ribbons,- French Flowers; Bras "Cope, Bead .wiel="" Press's, bridal wreaths, Mantillas, embroider. dories, Sc., he. . • ..- , . . . ",Thankful for - past favors she respectfully 11.TILOS the ladies to call and see the largest and most , beautiful an. sortment Of Bounetweird Allifittery goods Is Carlisle, which are offered nt smell profit". Store, on. North Wart Over street a few doors above:Leonard's corner. • N. 11.—Nopolitan. and fltrii,w Bonnets bleached and pressed In the heel mariner.' .• . , May 25. 1554 . z-.3t : . • . "TV - 11 - 7 — B - 11 - IT — IsT Uri 11 Kr 9:IP .110Le3 E4ll,o___L-, Which, accordhig to their excellent qualities have been -acknowledged by the most celebrated 'pliyaciana ad s . DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY OF--THE• STOSIACH, „.CARDIALOIA, Alno, recommended no n'prtip ' hylatlc egeinst . suStni.R. COMPLAINTS, 'lc. Thin remedy tit the'same thus has a very agregable taste. and will be taken as pleasantly Efeblldren as by women. . . .... Principal Deptit, N E. ear. sth and''- ' . • Vine Ste, Philadelphia. . . . . And sold by all Druggists In Carlisle, and throughout the Sinful .. ~ May 25, 180,4t* ''''' ' . _ . viitqwo ic S REWQR KS ! • • 4th JULY, 1880. . • Thesubscrlber IS now receiving from the Fertory a full and complete Assortment of Fireworks The stock Is largerdißrilfir‘variety greater than that of any,other house in the United States, and comprises • . Candles, 9 ./Zeir rasdluppera,_l , lo,l & 2. from Ito 15 Bails. pine wheels, N....172 - 2r3: Chasers. No. I & 2. Flower Pins, 4 sizes • Scroll Wheels. . - Triangles, No -- 1 &2. ' Saxon Wheels. Vew - Trlatigles, - 4 sizes. - 54ii.int Stara.. ": Triangles, colored Suns. Nines.'4 sines, . Torpedoes. Caprices, No. I& 2. Rockets, 4 sizes. • • Chinese Penny Rockets. Double - headers. Fire" Cracklits,• to make a Chinese tioniendous report. r Punk, Or .losstlek, - Pulling Crackers. • &c., &e. Also, a great variety of Fancy colored Works, for presto and public exhibitions, from $5O to $5OO, fur nisbed and warranted to givii Salistiction. All works carefully packed and forwarded. A pplimatian should be made as earlyitl the season as possible. ' to • - .10S EP' h B. DDSS' Eli. ' Principal Fireworks Depot,lls South Wharves, tilay 1009—St Philadelphia. A NFAV.AND 111.;AUTIFUL_AATIebE . The Oriental Elastic Spring Bed • (11.0111!iPON'N PATENT.) • . The attention of boueekeepero to eidled to this new and • krautiful inventioe:. The Spring tienering now become an Indleileneabl article In every house. no:Account of Its acknowledged suarlorityprer fasilloned•lay,l; ft only_ramains foln. determinul which of the many kinds.olTer.d for sale. is the bojt, c•heapest, mold simple In - construction, most elastic, moat durable, and glees the greatest ease and comfort. -- • . , • TILE ORIENTAL SPRING : PXCOhI these qualities. and possesses Alicia not belonging to—in fact. nol clnlnied by any other Spring - 13sdinatio: spplled toan.rbedsiend inn few 111111 utes. and Is slso adapted to cradles, cribs, berths in - stosnibosts. ships. &c. . • . The loops contain Ingredients which krip It EN. TIMELY FILM PROM VERMIN. ' Deice .FROIN i. 50 TO $.5.50. - e • Denlerx supnlletton Mend terms.. Agents wanted.— Send for a Circular. ULAIEII A . CU.. ProprieVora. lieneral Depot 285 Canal Street, near Broadway, N. [n0ty25,'59.1-.3in• C ISLE AND PHILADELPHIA 4E4 t 7 t4 rgiip ablk REIGHT 1. I . FRED, It . ll - O . ltE ED;-:-p•-• . __ 8/1. At ARKETA SUM, PIM ADELPIIIt“ ' .. . • _ . .. J. & D. RHOADS; MAIN ATJIIET, COUMILL,. P.A. • _ .04"- - Cara of thlalne leavd Dm Repot:811 Market at., Daily, at 4 o'clock. I'. MA. . -, _ Leave Carllalc, Daily: at 7 o'clock. A M. tiooda Intended for 11110 Lino kbould be marked C. .A I'. Dolly Freight Una, and mut In by 4 o'clock. 31ny25, 18511. , . • •READ !•READ ! ! REAECI 1 ! • ‘ , ..ESDNWISIN'S • • BALSAM. le a reillid be — eitelled - forthe-rellefandoure of those malad es incident to the Summer Season, vra Manhunt, Dysentery. Cholera or Cholera Morbid:Nom. 'Ling. Acidity Of the Stomach, etc. Its excellent Carminative powers, pleasant taste and soothing Influence, rendere it a valuable medicine In Infantile diseases, peculiar to the second sunnier, Ott Cholera Infautuni. etc. 11 hks a reinvigorating and tonic influence on the system, allaying Inflamation where it -exists to the stomach and bowels—and on trial will be found indlSpensible to the well being of every 'family. It will be found as well adapted to adults as children.--Ttur IT. Prepared only by. A. ESENWHIN, Dlspensina7ClieMist. N. W. Cor. Ninth and Poplar sta., Philadelphia. kßPrice 2L cents per bottle.• Sold by II J. Kieffer, and S. W. llaverstich, Carlisle: yllller & Son, Jackson ville; Illegal & !furring. Mechanicsburg, and by drug gists and storekeepers genemity. [ma3 2.5•&11—1y jr , A IV, E S R,. Wll AV E S CABINET AND • CHAIR MANUFACTDRY, NORTH HANOVER STRELT. CARLISLE, PA: -- - Baring been engaged hi the business for over twenty yearn ho would return thanks to Ills customers add frit tads, for the liberal emouragetnent extended to him In yeses enne Fy, and further assures than that no lilac will bo spared, to giro full satisfaction to all who may favor him with a roll. MIA IRS AND FURNITURE, of every 'deseripti.aat constantly on hand, or mado to order. Warranted to late" the lest quality, of thn In mat vtyle, well littisited,`And sofa at the lowest possible prives Iflr cash. Ile also continues business as an UNDERTA KER.— Reedy anode Coffins. Metallic or otherwise. Inept con. stoutly on hand and funerals promptly attended to persona* In town or coutatry„nu...,the most reasonable terms. --- JAMES It. WEAVER. May 25, 1/10-Iy. 4 ,, ."ll.—Turdf,propertles situate in Church town. Cumb. county, are. tiffcred for sale on easy terms. Apply-as nbeve.• "in J. U. W. riIIAGG - ART AND FARR'S IMPROVED DOUBLE THREADED Family Sewing Machines. PRICE FROM 830 toll). f These mitchines have been pronounced by all who have examined thernito be the simplest -double thread. ed Mechine In use. in performance. they are equal to any of the high priced Machines._ The stitch is aiming and elastic, and will neither unravel nor :drag the goods -when wANhed. They are unquestionably the CHEAPEST'AND REST FAMILY 3IACIIINE In the'market, arid are now offered to the citizens of Carlisle will, nbundant evidence of their superiority' over all other machines. The public are Invited tone!l nud'emsmine for themselves at Marlon Hell, where the Machines aro on exhibition. Hewing Machine silks, cotton and linen threads of all sizes and colons kept on hand and for tune. , ' Carlisle, May 20, 4859—1 w • ~1 1 11,E ' INSURANCE. —TUE ALLEN -1 AND EAST PENNSIIOItO MUTUAI, NIUE IN SU LANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, Inetypo. rated by an act of Assembly, Is now fully organiudond In operation under the management of the following commissioners, via; Daniel Dailey, William N. Gorges, Michael Cockilie, .1. Elchelborger, Christian Stayman, John C. Dun. Imp, Jacob li. Coover, .Lewls Myer, O. Eberly, Benja min 11. Mower, .1. Drandt;' Joseph Wickersham, A lesandel Cathcart. The rates of insurance are as low and &Torah'', as any Company of the kindin the State. Persons wishing to become members ore invited to snake application to the agents of the company, who are willing . t e wait upon them.at any time. • '1511:11..0s1116 AS, President. OLIPISTIAN STAYNIAN. Vice Prealdent. " • LEWIS 11YElt, Secretary. MICHAEL COCIELTN, TreasUrer. 3[6ns:tem.—Wm R. Dorgan, L Ryer., Christian Stay man, M. Cockliu. J r . 0. Dunlap, It. alattin, D. Rally, J. It.Cuover, Mar. Cathcart, J. Il'ickeraham, J. Ilicheitier. ger; S.'Eberly; J, Brandt. AGENTS CUMBERLAND COUNTY. —Job n Ebert:di, Allen . Henry %oaring, Bhlromanatown; Samuel • Woodburn: Dickinson; henry Bowman, Cburcbtown a . Urlf , ERB, South Middleton • Samuel Ontbam, M. eons. boro'' Samuel Conner, slochanlcabnut; J. W. Cockllo, Bhaphordstown• D. lloover, Bhophordatiorn; J 0, Sax ton, Silver . spring; Di* Unrattglok, 911rer Elating ; Charles Ball, Carlisle t John IlYer;Carllole. • YORK COUNTY.—W. B. Pe king. Dnitte: " Peter Mol Ai ford, Franklln Jar.rlMth - ,".Warrluaton t' J.' K - Doar. 'dna. Washington; D. Rutter, Newburg:, It: C. Clark, ' -• • CO.llouxerA Lochmatrilarrlahurgr -- Members of the company having peliciesabout to ex pire, can have them renewed ny making application.to any of lho Agent.. , • • • April 20;1859. 2,'•' ; ( .2" 13 El GROCERIk9I - AT 8.0. IIUYETT'S ,Aped nod Ilnoksiolnt Imon, Scale fish ant!- . Whltit F4h, AL lIUYJtTPB ` At UY Trik• Codileb, Balt ntutPlekled Herring, .Cbaose and Crackers can be had Dried Nrud , Preearyanind Jetllex. ' • 11U.YRAT'S. Sugar Cured Maraud 11amo, . • • .. A4IIUYEII°S. Fuppl'y 011,,19.11itis UM, • . swiTuro.,( - ,•-• . • . yramF,; STUD', • Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling ISlth,,worited Fluor ' • lug and Weatherboarding,. Pint and Rails; and every ar , tido that belongs to 1-LUdi DER YARD. - Also; a rimelot of .walnut, cherry and poplar, from % 1.644 inches in thickncru. littOlng Qua of our own we mu furnish sawed lumber and - all other kinds at short notice and on reasonable' tame:- . : • . We have constantly on band,all kinds of Family Coal ' , which we will deliver clean to any..pait of the borough. LIKENS VALL • EY • Broken Egg, Stove an Nut , LUKE VIDDLEK, .• • TREVORTON, - f.Blookaniiih's Cdat, always on band Which anY__3l ' Yard Last end of the Ilo ' ro . u . g i ti ll , t o ß ptl i slte i tt E V it as - t4orks. 1950.. S . cIPRING---ARRIVAt 'OF FRESH ky, DRUGS. FANCY GOODS, FRUIT, AND ' CONFECPIONARY. • . • , S. W. IIAYERSTICK has jiast received froth the city and Is fitittopening aspiendid display of FANCYGOODS, to which he desires to call the attention of Ills friends ' and the public....llls&saortment in this line cannot be surpassed in novelty and elegalce, and both In quality and price of the articles, cannot fall to please purchasers. It would he impossible to enumerate his FANCY' GOODS, • which colatirlseevery variety of finacyarticlp of the most ... • _ such as. . • Papier•Mache Goods. Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink-stands and tray& 'Fancy ivory.'pearl and shelf card cases, Ladles' Fancy Baskets, , • • 'Fancy 'Work Boxes, with sewing Instruments, ' 'Port Monnales c of every variety,. Gold penis an 1 penrlle, Pansy paper weighte. Papeteries, and ■ large va.riety of ladle.' Fancy station. 3lett; gents and frifCßTAillf LadlieeriAlßsTirliitia, - erigantly•finisheq, Ladies' She ,cutler), - • • Perfume lcutkets and bags, — iftrusheirofererrkindlnethatollet. - - - Roussel's Perfumes of the callow. Made, • Musical instruments, ,of all Ovid& and at all prices, together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant ly finished and suitable for holiday presents, to which he ifivites'special attention. •• Also, an extensive and elegant collection of cam rising the various English and American Works, richly embellshed POETICAL WolitKe dm. kr. , If. assortment of School Books and School Stationary. Is also complete. and comprises everything used in Col• lege and the Schools. lie also desires to 'call the par- Muter_ attention otFaMilleg t9.6lr..elOgantligBol . llDitit Of LAMP 6 p, Ac.; • from the extensive establishcnenta of Cornyllus, Archer and 'others of Philadelphia, comprining &Cory style of Parlor. Chanaber and study Lampe, for burning.•elther 'Lord. Spero) or 'Etherial oil; also ,DYOTTD Celebrated Kerooene or Coal Oil Jampv,logether with Flower Yeats &Teens, Ac. Illvannortment In thin line In un equaled in the tarotigh. Also, ' FRUITS; such -no Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raising; _ Nectarines, Prunes, Plne Apples. to. FANCY CONFEC' TIONARY—NUTS—PRESERVED FRUITS, MIN• ED NEAT, PICKLES,, Ac.. in every'variety and'at all prl een. all of which, ere re and fresh such afician fidently Secornmentled to ids Blonde. Jfln ntockenibraces everything In the line of Fancy Goods, with many other _articles useful to housekeepers which the public are'en, •pecially invited to call and examine.. • ... • , • lianuember the Old Stand, noarly,opposlte the Bank on . •' North Hanover street. Nq_25.&59 _. = STEAM SAW. MILL. All kintAs of lumberdelivereil nt any point aerennlble at the nhorteot notice. , BUILDING TIMBER WM OF APL .51Z,E9 AND LENGTHS all' TO (OLDER: . Ira, , 26, issio—cr . - , • CU NS GUNS.—Just rebeisied it - large r,issurtment of - -„. Double Barrel guns, . .. Single .• tt . ' Single and Double Pistols, - ,Resolvers, ' ' . i - Game Bags. • . ' . • Powder Flasks, '. - Shot Pouches, -, ,• Powder. • , Shot. . Caps. '. . May 25, 1850 E STATE NOTlCE.—Letfers of ad. 1 . j ministration on the estate °rime, Young. lots of Monroe township, Cumberland county. hare been teen. ed by the register of said county to the subscribbr, re• siding near Carlisle. Those indebted are refit voted to make Immediate payment. and those having claims to present them for settlement to ENOCH YOUN'i. . May U. 1839-13 t Adner. riloWN LOTS —Three valuable Town Lots. for sale cheap for cash. For further informs. tion apply at JOHN P. MINE & May 18, 11159-2 m North Hanger at. R Stisr RA DLE 8— —Gregor's ‘_fi Plank's. Miller's. Stialth's and Ilernheiscre make, on hand and for rode.at the maker's prime, with r. lnrgr assortment of Scythes, Pork-, hakes. &., at the (lard: ware Sttrenf • . J. P. LYN): & SUN, May 18, 1859. North Ilannver st. 1, 4 1 X !U TO le S NOTICE Letters testamentary under the will of Dr. Jacob Sawyer, late of the leimugh 0: Catliale, deed, hove beewinsued from thulteglster's tare of Cumb,lsnd c..unty, to the euh.cribers. residing in said borough. , All persons In. debted to the ratuto are - required to make Immediate payment, and those haring claims to present them (or settlement 31 ARV SAWYER. W. C. SAWYER, Ex're. 8183 , 18,1859-4 WILL BE OPEN on Saturday_ a complete assortment of Summer Mods, amected with greet care to meet the .anti of the season and trade, embracing all kinds of made, Dry Mods in all their varieties. lace and silk 'Umatilla& Sun Umbrellas , Parasols, Lace Mitlr. limped Skirte, 3len'n and Boys; w.e. In fact everything gulled for the demands of the buying community. Please call and gee fur yourselves, at LEIDICII k SAWYEIrS New Store,. 'East Main street. May IS. 11,459 fl 001) T.HINGS.--Just received by the elibeerlber. the following: FRESH TOMATOES, In Cans. Peaches,_• ‘' • Salmon, Lobster., Pickled Lobsters, Sardine., Oellallet, Sap Sago Cheese, Plan Apples, Virgin Oil' of AI., for the table, Tonuitoe !Catsup, Walnut, do., Myeehnioni do:, 'Worcestershire Sauce, French Olives, do. staffed with Anchovies,— Pickles, Robins. Dater, Figs. Prunes, Orange. end Lein. nn., Flue Hams. Dried Beef.Orocerles Queenaware,Flne Liquor., Fish, all at the lowest cash price...l the cheep rtc)ro of WM. BENTZ. May 18, 1859. • M-ELODEON.SII GRAND INDUCEMENTS!. I would inform she citizens of CuMberland And sue. rounding counties, that I can and will sell PRINCE & Colt. IMPROVED MELODEONS, on terms as reasonable, as any, person dare sell the on. improves] instruments !lather establishments. ' 'the Prince Stelodoons have the rcuttwn.ot being the best In the World. The instruments can be seen 1441. F. Eberly'n, Me. chnnlcsberg, W. D. A. Naugle's. , Carlisle, and at the residenceof the subscriber, near New Kingston, Pa. Foe Prince l! advertisement In another column; For circulars or other information, address .1. A. lIEAOi . Near New Kingston, Cutub. co., Pa. May 180859—Ems A, TT'S PAT - N•T P HAY AND GRAIN RAKE. Thbe flake has taken the Flint Premiums at Nine dlt ferent exhibitions. The nubile are already aware that this Rake Is Unrivalled In any market, and is admitted by every person that has seen It work, (and who has seen other different machlutm work,) to be the rely beet t aka now Mint an independent cast steel tootle with a cleaner attached. The large number sold the last year, Mid the efforlc of different parties to claim the right to soil, and others representing theirs t be the same patent is of itself a moot convincing proof ref its interiority. Over live hundred have been sold in . Lancaster county alone. . We have now a full supply on hold to accommodate othwi . unties. - WI guarantee to every purchaser an indisputa le right -to' mil the said rake The following area few persons to whom wit re. (Ar i l., this County and York, as having purchased and need the same : • CUIIIeaILEAD COUNTY-‘,I. 8. Hoover, David Clark, Gob Akan /k-381/ owa n. Jos . 11 randl, - IL - BrysocccW, - - - 31.-IVatto;- U. Brandt, .I.l3elistioover, P. F.. Ego, P; Doschbill, Zook 'Shaeffer. C. ilarcsier, L Coffer, Benj. relfer„Thomaa Holtman'. 4 Trogo t Brother. Iroaa Covarer-Aacrld &mew, 8. Hoke. Lewin Pressen, 1. Pmesir, Abe Sialth. W. Fiore. Boor. Strickler. Ileory Strohm, J. A. Wilson, If. C. House ~J: Bloat, P. Menges, 31. Trowel, J. Brandt. • ' War tale by 13. W. MUNDT, 'and. ' STRICHLER'A. Otto.. kmag..gor •• • - 'Caplale;Ticoien, .W A 11l Sl2l T TAT PRINTS,•• They Are the hest OALICOES yet offered to the pubile • ter the money. ;• : : I : • : .CittbflEit ARMSTRONG .& CO • • L • NEW — YORK • ••;_4 aprusaciebg-4 0 ' • "4 Al ItUYETTIC BC= AS*IIVE*O. • . Oh EA P . C 0.% fi: • A NI); ..-' b1if.3.1 BE It • - _ . , S ,ti, The subseellets hive slowon timid . 2.80,000 .-SHJNGIX4 '..; of deferent klndsindNuellti. White ploe, hooka, ,Chestnut sod Osk, ail . of-which they.wlll sell to. the ,lowest figures, Also, alliklods of seasoned LUMBER, BOARPS, MEE =MI = CHURCH & EBERLY LUMBER YARD, NEW CUMBERLAND, PA LUM.B.EIt, cOnmtantly ou hand &C., "'" 11. SAXTON'S BUY • VDIVSTOIiE AND NEW' GOODS Arceireturpion lils .: aetinowleUerh'etato for-,the veiy llbnraf pritronage.which hes been . extended to him, the undersigned would ',m ill aftention . lo 'the hot- that bo !adjust neopened his extowilve*9rttnata of farnily.: In hienew store-rood:On the soutiptutet teener' of tile •pnbile square, where the - public:are Invited to . call and examine a stock of goods elegance, variety. and extent. will defy, In part loaf, lump,' crushed rind browMosuguro; , Itlo and roasted Coffee;' Evory.,Vm• ' • , ribty and quality of TRA. spices, Tgroutut 6 .• and ungmund,) Flake's, Sauces, Table‘Oill p t • Now 'Orleans, Sugerhouse -and _Trinidad a kfulessesplieXicro . ups. Cheese,..Maceronl,_FormeollM_spllkpeas,ifiqr,i n y, Mincemeat, corn Starch, - Extract .o. Coffee, refined eugur_ai_mificcid_iuten,_washing,andimk, illirtifida: = Totcieco ofthe most favorite brands, and the . finest quality of Sugars. , . Also, a, bonutiful Assortment -of lirflannta -- Ware;eplain - and - g , ld - band -. Chinit - Were, Glasspiineens, Stoneend- Eartheni - IVaraiTin - groeFili." tiny, and en elegant let of Iteney.goape, 'extracts, and pilrfumery for the millet. , FRUITS:. incJihildg Penehee.ln • Mtns,--Raieinsi cnth. - berrien . ,..dry 'apples, citron; almonds, oranges, lemons,' ._msnrss_, • LIQUORS' 'Wholesale and retail, (tir si li4l emits/icing common and old Itye L Nlble - hey, Umodlea, dark •ant pale, I,(V)_ Sherryflort. hladetia, ,C and Muscat VI lute in raake and . , Wee, Scotch Whiskey, irogniad G in, 'and fieheidapi. Schnapps. • • - A Isrge stock ortAMPS, including Dyntre colobrotATl lettnins din. burning iternsone or coal oil, also . Spann, Pine, Lard and Coal all, Burning dporm and Star Candice. - g • • , • ' CBDAR-WARE .ANp BROOMS. Brarhes; hopes, Mopp% Bomps, Door.oiats,..Wititorw Lonklng.glawo. tine letter . • end notepOpor, Were, painted bucket,,, &c.' • • • • .• - - Cotlowand:woollerrifoond•kflt rIW - mi; and aful stock of °fovea, including tko.wel) known .11anovo Buck kilos•on. ' • - • . . .. 'fp short , his stock comprises everything that Is pilled 'Nalll Melillo of business, and no efforts w,lll be spared, to render /milli, satisfaction tp i tils cuitemers. . C. INIIOFP. Carlisle, 0ct."27,\1t58-I.x. , ... • &IP Markethig Of all kludic4ken* In eichange fo .goods. . .PARGAINS! - BARGAINS! 1 NM GOODS, ;VRIV GOODS • AT 00 I LBY'S NEIV STORE, Now opening the largest and ebeapese stock of Spring and Sunitner Goode ever brought to Cunaberlatid county VA DIES' DitERS GOODS, - A large line of elegant Piths, Ch,Oiiei, Berege Rbbos. Poll de Cheiler, Opera Cloth,. Oriental Lustre, Plaid Poplins, Calodonla Cloth, Lavelle., Satin. Plaid Ducels, Polo noire. Cloth, French Chintz, de Lains, travelling• dress goody, Organdy Lawns, &e. EMBRODERIRS. - An Immense lot of elegant Collars, thilllerslooves, 'fond kerehlufs, Flounrlngs, Insirtlngi,'Erlglngs, so.. dlree from tho lorgust Importing house In New York. ' • WAWLS, SHAWLS, BRAWLS, A large assortmentbr Crape, Stella and Thybet Sands very cheep LI( !6iN.TILLAS- ..' • - . . ... lIIA Yells, and all Whig or Mourning goods, In gr.. variety. Sherwood's' patent Ilaopod Skirt. ' Skirt Sup. porters. Richardson's Moeda, Alexander's Bid Gime,• both from the importer Gauntlet's &-Wilt's 111)811:1.17 A full assorlinent of Ladlui', Gent'a. Minor.', and Boys' floor, very low. — e inCti gs.ca irxst , A; LllN§;llotakiiiS Cheek, &c., all kinds and prices. • IN= Clod), nod Casaimeren a noir euppty aud - vitry cheap particularly for lary'li wear. . • A huge crock of elegant Imperial. Ingrain, Vomiting], hemp, and rag Carpeting, bought from the largest 4car pet-house in New York.. The styles are new and hand some. quality tern superior, and prices uncommonly low. White and color, d mattinge all widths. and prices LOOKING GLASSES. • • Roseword, Mahogany and Walnut framed Looking (llama in great variety and low privet.. Ilartng selected rey, goods with-great care from the hest houses In Newwfork and - Philadelphia. am. 'pre- pared to olTer great bargains to all-in-walitof handsome good and cheap dry goods. Thanking ply old friends and sustomers for their I lb. end support. I would- respoctiully solicit them and Ail others to give me a call before purchasing el nowhere.— Our motto is, quick sates and short profits. Apr. 19, 1859. ' • ettno. oatrmvs CIUMBERLAND . VALLEY -INSTITUTE . • ....,,.. .- • - • , = - -Av-Y,MiltitAil, ' .C - 14 - PRINCIP - Air.. --- tind 'e• her o "Mathematics and Modern !Aug -tinges; • THIMIAU . S. RDESB, A. D., AlSSlStAntryluclpal an teacher of Ancient Languages and nigher Engliall.. L. M. lIAVERBTIDK, Analstant In the Englieb D partment. • Thin Institution having peened into new hat' e, will be reopened as a Male Scheel only. on T 6 ay, held day of September neat." It is the design of the present proprietors to make It a strictly firat•clans Bearding tihtrol, for training and fitting boys and youirg men either for college or business. An efficient corps of In• structorn Ice been organized, whose pentane' interests are identified with the success of the Institution, and who will opera no Moe to make It worthy of the confi derma and patmunge , of the public. Thu Buildings ol the Instltutn nreample, and wall arranged fir the ar• counno4istlon of about ninety boarders. and all student,. from a' road are expected to board . with the teachers.— They will flue enjoy the benefit of constant. Instil action nod atm.:Melon. Mechanicsburg in situated in the centroof the beau. Will Cumberland Volley, nine miles from Harrisburg, and In easy of access by ilalim l from Phlindelphia,Bal• "tlinpre, go No location could be more eligible for ac race—none more healthy or attractive for such a school Pupils from Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Intermediate points, taking the morning train, will reach Mechanicsburg In, 2 o'elock. P. M. ' As Min the determinntimybf the Principal and his Assistants to ;Artie the l,otituto on a permanent and elevated basis. with every application requinito for superior success. they appeal with cheilideuce to all who have eons toed. acme. -The scholastic year will be Mr bled Into two semint;it of twentytwo weeks each, the tirsi beginning on the first Thursday of September, and ending oro , the first trednesday of February: the second session beginning on the firal Thursday of February, and raiding on 'the first Wednesday of July , TRIMS. board, Washing, Tuition, Moms furnished, and Yuri per Session, - - 1181 00 Day scholars will tai received at $lO, $l2, and $lB, or cording to their advancement. No extra charges for ancient and modem language. or vocal music. Terms per smslon payable half In advance. Not fur Mgr Information apply to Mullin dt Deese, proprietors, MuchanirsbUrg, l'a. Apr. 0,1819. • IVOW IS THE TIME FOR BAR. 11 GAINS! LARUE AND EXTENSIVE ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Alt-th - rilgeu. Store, corner of N..llnnovo• k Louthor at The undersigned' returns thanks for the patronage bestowed upon idm by the public, and itt the woo time respectfully announces that he has just returned from • Phlladelphia, and is now openlng.a mew lot or spring A. summer DRY BOOBS and GROCERIES, coneiPting In part oc follows, and which he 10 determined to roll at the lowest cash prices. Silks, Dace) Cloths,. Alpacas, Delalnes. De Beggs: Lustres... Poplins, Lawns, llarages, Brilliants, Skirting, French and Scotch Ding. hams, Prints', Gloves, Hosiery, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Ac., &c. • SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, of every variety and quality. Staple and Domestic My Goods. Cloths, Cassimercn, Vestings, Flannels, Mao line, Tickings, Stripes. Checks, Calicoes, Cottonaden, Linens, Shootings, Denials, Nankeens. Drills, Marseilles Quilts, colored and white carpet Chain, to. Parasols and Umbrella,'. Alm, a large and splendid assortment of BONNETS, lIATS, CAPS, ROM and SHOES, A imperial. lot ' , Mesh GROCrIitIES, Tens, Coffee, Sugar, 3101113FEA. Rice, Spices, no. Having selected my entire stock with the greatest care.'ned rho lowest cash prices, 1 con assure my friends and the public generally, that I will do all in my power to make my reltablishment known an tho dead Quarters for ilargilinn." Thom who wish to purchase will find It to theleadvantage tq call and examine my stock Wore purchnslagehiewhere. ' fa-1 will pay the highest market price for Clutter, Egos, Sega. Soap and Dried Fruit.. Apr. 27, 11350. .1. A. 1111111111011. Jr. "BUCKEYE" • MOWE.4.4ND .REAPER The subscriber Is also agent for the MIS of the Byrn emus Fir.t Premium Buckeye Mower, with which a ado stable' Itraptnotraeltusent Is dor/ tarnished. AMMAN h MILLER'S PATENT We take pleasure in calling the s attentletret farmers to our buckeye Mower and gasper, width' , triumphant practical working during the last harvest. so fully sustained the decision of the much abused Sy racuse Committee. Its sumer, has, been txunplete.— Over one 'thousand have bee h built' and 'sold, anti the principal of ,the double,• binge, Jointed and._ folding bar, which belongs to this tnachine exclusively, permit• nently established an the true one for the pertest Mow. ere,•ere.with ennildeniie retiti to anti or, all. of the pur chasers of the iiuckeye for the prootor the above, from many orwhom have. been received the -most. flatteringtestininniala. The demand the past eeoeon'wes fkr ho, yond our ability to supply; and an [runt that ordeni will be forwarded early, the coming season, that none , may be disappointed. To three requiring combined machine we recommend 'with coutbience our_Reaping `attichariut; we turnistia rear or side Salivary. Manufactured by Edge T. Cope .4 Son, Westelietter,- . -0.-N.arandt,-Agent-rtir s -flusalaottbitaatue.- STRICKLEIt !nom En, Wray 11 ,' 59 -2m Agricultural !More, Carlisle Par , N N,Y T AII.E A'D; • IKANNY'd V,O3IBINED • WITII WOODS' 'IMPROVE NT,. te r isirenet to the Partnere of Clung:W*lnd County, fai. 4bo Corning harvest, on ~the unite! accommodating termit+— The complote swamis nth - laved. bye thin machine et 'the Nntloual Field Ariel. et -dyraause, in 1867; over ;some twenty competitors:snit Ito unboundOd enema In thkand adjoining pountles tor the last threeniervostus iii spite or tierce and •enorietle opposition; dmb' no ipavea doiiht,ln the mind oranzfiguker,.whiel; machine to,buy. , lf any person stkuld4towirrer ba ln doubt: we would ask him to teklistidannY Meehlnelind try 'it along with -any of the '9ther otrerrd te.tbo 'mown, conihitio'd'machinee,:atid , dter n - Air on, turn the'worst and keep and pty' for the One he pe tt elds eyed best... ,J. AltHElTltON(J;AsVseemilele., IV'. J. gAmpnpN-, meotocikre; .•. • • • „...-_;;, b i 1)1 ...:. 0000. GRAGE ~ S FISH .AND.SALT. CA RITTINGS Trains learn llarrlaburg fir Philadelphia. rla Penn'n Railroad, at 2.30, 0.06, and T.50.A. M., and 110 ant 13,60, P. M. By Reading, via Lebanon Valley Rail Road 3 . 6 5.00, A. M., and 2.35 P. M. For ilaltlmere. 320, - A. el and 1.00, coon. Per Traver. ton and Milllnmeport,:, at 100, P. M., end 8.30, P. Al. Train on Dauphin Road nt 2.00, P. M. NOTICE TO PASSKNOEHS: At all Stations where Ticket's are zold,:via: ,Ohemberelbgrg, Shipperinburgi Corneae, bleehanleibUrg and Harrisburg, a reduction or .TEN CENTS on oach.Ticket will be made to all Pasoan. gore that provide •themselves with Tickets before en tering the Cars, .0. N. LULL, Stipa . r't • ASSIGNEE .NOTlCE.— Notice is ' hereby Oren', that Peter F. lige, ot..tietitbi:lllM tutrtiehlP. Cumberland counlye hes .tnadu an as . slgnmeorto the subscriber of all hie eatate. - reahnernon. • al and mixed, for the benefit yr hiscrediters. All persons indebted to. the eetate, are required to make horeadiatO r .... .paimeiit, and those haring' claims to present them Ibr— zettlement,to- BrINJASIIN KAUNMAN, 0111118TIAN 11E1114 • • South Middlutontwp.iA . , • • , designees • June 1,1858-4 t . -1 • , ••t . ' • .AY a large impartment of Ilay• ISluyature,; Raltp tape, Katmai Parke, dt . e , themier than, ever, at s • . ',10) 2a; . " : SANTON'I3,. e .pELtasi - BELLS 11 .BELLS'! 1 . 1 L• nr..boii;or,th.;bt•ehulc'ee.'Po'i%ruilaeheep,ak llardware Stoop pt. LYNX& $014,,. ' Nay 1141859. • • • North fleneverit... . . 4 PENN AIUTUA.L.LIFE INSUhANCE • , COMPANY. , e OFFICE NORTHBAST CORNEA OF 8D - and Dock alreets, Philadelphia: • • ACCUMULATED' cAplirAL i 716,0110. ,Charter. Peipetual. • DA.kllgl.ll. MILLER, President. ---t SAMUEL E STOKES, Vice President, itY Joint W. Ma/cm „ . The underalgriod, having, been appointed the AGENT . for the above Company, for Cumberland county, would call attention to the peculiar advantages of the Movoei. LIEN INSURANCE which gives It a decided preference over any other mode adopted. There being no stockholders, the profits are divided amonetho pone bolder. and Appropriated to reducing the •annual payments, thus ' making each ono Interested. egfrhlly with the Trustees, - ' in adding to the busineas of the company. The premium may be paid quarterly, semi.annually, or annually. so that persona of limited nieces can In sure fora greater amount, than they could where the -whole premium is-required to.ho paid cash. iroular_ - with.full - partien/arivrat-berlfinttniffprk="— shoo to_thU subscribevot hls, office, Man street. near the Railroad depot. A. L. SPQNSLER,— -- --- Ileal - EntatirAgelit7tWaVenveyancer. Carlisle, Mar 23, 1850-11 m F, • • • WHOLESALE AND DETAIL. P. DEORAAF, 'B7 - 110W0,1111",(Wbolonalo. Ware — Rouse.) and • OD CHRYSTIEBT 1 (hetallEitoro.) N. V. Nl . 'here found the largest and most extensive . as ' SostmOnt In the city. ' . 1 . 2111., of sg_c_•Retalled4a-Wholeinje- Pilcer at, the flowora—eitora. ' All.Nurniture guarinteed ai(repreaented.' One bum dred and fifty Wanda conntantli employed In manutac. Luring. All Mock laid lu for ski". CABIL It comprlami, ' • , 11919EVOOD, )lAI,OOANY . AND WALNUT TA.RLpR:FTIRNITUME, n procndo, prOcntelhi. Waffle,. Ptuah nntijfair Cloth Rosewood, Mahogany and Enamelled c:H A MBEW In nate, from twenty to ono hundred and 41ftY 'dollars grtiarvitriety. 'A large monrtment of Gilt and Mahogany MIRRORS. Spring nod Curled Ilifr MATTBANSES * PATENT Premium SOFA BEDSTEADS, with Springand Hair Mattrintses attached, &a. ' • • , • DTBAiIBCIATD AND HOTELS FURNISHED. Dealers will find it tolliefr intarest to give ue a call inar.30,1859-3m.• • ALBERT'S FADiILY GROCERY, I QUEENSWARE AND VARIETY STORE, • North-IVest Corner of the Publie,Sguare, oppo. , ' • site, the - Carlisle Deposit Bank. J: D. TIALBItItT has again replenished his stock o goods—llls assortment IS now-full and emnplete f among may tarenumerutrid every variety of fresh FAMILY ' GROC 4 F RTES, which fa quality "nail price CAN'T BE B-E.A T "Aleige stock ft hinn, Glass and Queenswilre, of new and beautiful deeigns t and embracing every grade. of price: lie le Some Mercy In Carlinie for JONES' celebrated ' KEROSENE OR COAL OIL LAMPS, one of the grentest - dbictwetlee•or the - lige con:adding cheapness, misty and Increased not. Coal Oil and Lamps .constantly. on band, which the public are, Ts. quested twill end examine. . . JOB. D lIALI3gIiT, • 'N. W. Cower of Dublin Eitjuare. • Carlisle, Oct. 27, '613. . • . f B LIZIDS AND SHADE S ,, " • . 7, _Cheap for Cinch B. 'WILLIAMS, ....No. 16 North Sixth .street, 18 the tkargest manufacturer of Window Minds, AND DEALER IN WINDOW ,SIIADES, Of every variety. Ile in the originator of all new styles and Ints'a fine stock to ho Cold ikt•lreclumd priers, ----- Huff, and all dater colors of linen shades} trimmings, fixtures, km. . - ••• . Store shades painted to order. to, J. W. Invites, citizens_ of this county to call before purchasing. and - ns.ures thorn Loran soil a bot• ter article for tile money thou any other establishment in the United States- --- _ Mer. 23,1860-3 m • ..f-,U31.1311111, YAlll).—The subscribers ha.i n land and saw mills, on the went branch of tbo Sumner. Minuet 41 , 01 y-bays opened out a lumber sard at MECHANICSEiURG,. • • • on the Tailwind, corner of Allen and High streets, near the atom aim_ mill of 80Idle, Mierly d Co., and also ona —AT 0311.11ASONN ILLE, • ' near I titield, where we will be able to sell lumber as, • such pile that will ho to the Interest of builders and others to ca nd eee us before buying elnewhere. Our advantages ore her dealers are thai. our lumber dons .not peso through thajnuidn of due Iwo or more specu: later, before we get It:Nau l d „ l t nit 1111 enable us to sell lumber cheaper than aty hors can sell at thee.. places. We Wlll aloe whole,•ala luu her from our Harrisburg, yard, and will deliver lumbar eit•t.n ... ny point along the Cumbmlaud Valley liallmnd.. If dcal.builtlers ran . harm lumber sawed nultahle for ally fliZ buildlrar, or for other purposes, by Jurnishlahing us w their or. d ot e In season. SHAFFNER, OREASUN .• CO. pril, 13, 1859—1 y 1 - 1. 4 XC ELSIOR PICT U R ill A. It. lIENWOOD wottld rendetfully Infoim thi citizens of earlinle and vicinity that helms taken moo., in Zug's now building, cant corner of Market Square, whore he In at all times ready , to take AMBROTYPES In tho latent and most approved style. Pictures taken In rainy and cloudy weather on well on clear. and sat isfaction given or no chamos made. Portraits and Da. guerrootypes copied. Miniature Pictures taken for Lockets &c., In Ambrotype. AtubmtypetNerrahted to stand the tent of time, beta or water. Ladlcanod Gentlemen are cordially Invite d to-cn nod camminc apechuena. . Prices from 23cte. to $lO. A. R. IIgNWOOD. You. 27, 1858.-Ir. , Artist.. PAINT AND OILS.-10,000 pounds of White Lead, with a large ad, of 40 OILS, WHITEIINC, ' . VARNISHES, ''''''' COLORED ZINC, TURPENTINE, FIRE PROOF PAINT, JAPAN, • • FLORENCE WHITE, LITHARGE, ' RED LEAD, • ''UTTY, .' ' WHITING, GLUE, PAINT BRUSHES. 84, And all'colors dry and In ell. Alen, all colors In tubes :-'. Just received nt the cheap hardware store or . ' Mar. 16, MO. , HENRY SAXTON. TO LADIES VISITIN :vats YOR K. • TAYLOR'S LALOON, r. 30 & 957 DROADWAF, CORrillft OF FRANIELIN STRUT. • In the most fashionable resort for Ladlekin New York, • being most denirablylocated In thv principal thorough faro, and Uurronnded by the best stores In the city. Taylor's Saloon Is celebrated all seer theworld for the magnificent splendor or Its •decoratlons. no well as for the quality of the fore, and the style in which It Is served. which cannot be osevllod by even the famous Parisian Cooks The Salami,: connected with the INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, whirp ban a Splendid Ladles' Parlor fronting on Bread. way, commandlugan exteurive view of that World rem wren-promenade. The best evidence of the poit. Inrity Taylor's Saloon Is that It is daily thronged by visitor* ,rum every part of the Union, lumyll;s9-3m. - CUMBERLAND VALLEY SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MT' .P M i r2ETA ••• TALC • CHAtitift .OP, HODRS I .. • . On and after MONDAY, APRIL 11th 180, Pareanger Trahtetern run as follown:' (Sundays uaropted* • . ... • FOR HARRISBURG. . • let Train: 23 Train Leave Chamborsburg, .6.10 A. M. 1.00 P. M " Shipponsbnrg, • 6.40 " 1.32 Newvtile, 0.10 " 2.04 " Carlisle. 6.43 . " 2.46 . " Mechanicsburg, ,7.10 " 3.10 Arrive at Harrisburg, 7.46 " 3.46 " FOR CHAIIBEBEIBUIIO, let Train Leave Harrisburg ' , 8.00 A. 61 " Mechanicsburg 8.43 , " ' , Carlisle, , 9.20 " Newville, . 9.64 " " Shippenebtm 10,24 Arrive at Uhambersburg, 10.64 " • • . 'VORT.II 4 •H A (Ylr- 1 STREET , • doNitanoviar,. I . Fholesrile Rates .Re41E54152404409 lb's. -whe atteAlepOCountetrehannti' the 'public generellrifififitecl - ne ie a to alarge assortment of -:- • CH&O.R.:OANDIRS,- • 1 .roanuartured(Of the beet usaiterial — aVit warranted to contain no pO Son in their•eolors, which will be sold Wholesale orlietail at loin rates at the old stand of • . P. 1110NYEIN.; • NORM 11A2.11;i4B.STRZST, CARLIIIIEN, PA., . A Al* doors North of the Carlisle Deposit Dank.. • Just received a lentil assortment of • . FRESH. FRUITS AND NUTS • .cr - ttrelatestlittiliferktedirrffilsistiug7b • '- .. Raisins, • - Prunes • Floe, .: . ' . - . , Dates, '. i r 1111411IIRMI ' ' . . 141111 - AppioS, hallibb,nds,!' • Filboila, ' ' --,Cream-Nuts; '' -7-.:Cakoti-Nais,,ke,-,------ lof which will bo sol A -at low rates, Also, a largo as amm ma, of • . ,• • - ' of eery' variety. Also; all the but .brandis of SEGARS AND TOBACCO, • of Ailed= and German manufacture. The subscriber return', theinks for the_ iberal- patnin -Ke.bestrilv,od on him - by the . public, and aelicßs a-'son tint - mace of their favors.' Remember the Old Stand of . Carlisle, lona 15, P. MONYER, North Ilanovet Street. VIRST OPENING of the SEASON NEW 000081 NEW GOODS! LEIDICH & SAWYER, (At their Nero Stor'e, Ea4t Main strept,),. Rave just received fiom New York and Philadelphia tho most cemplete and varied assortment of DRY 0001/9 ever offered In Carlisle._ Embracing everything that k new and rare in. atylo. and. texture, such .as„ , PANCY,, SILKS,,in all the 'various colors barred, striped, chime, a nd' l nYebro , _Pliin. , stripodand-bayaderd, - Illitek - SII P'MTlCards °Pum designs, barge arid lawn. robos of the latest Paris styles, satin striped do etievre cloths, Fren - ch challis American Mains, Orgehdy lawns, dark And light grounds and beautiful 'designs. ' Travelling dress goods of, the newest make Also, a full stook or Mourning . dress goods,, to which 'we in i std particular attention, • SHAWLS, SHAWLS, SIIAWLS.. Thin part of our stank in unusually complete consist' log of Crape, Silk, Stella, In all the variety of shades end qualities.. Mourning Shawls, lace and silk from the celebrated emporium of Bred a & llulpins, New York.•;-- Sun Umbi.ellatt. Showerets nod Parasols of the newest styles. w nrr GOODS Of ALI, KINDS, Embroldet hen ip full setts, Collars, Shaves. workedbands, douncings, etttings and insertings,,..We give groat ear° to this branch of our tradt,•and ladies wilt find a very full as sortdiept. . . _ HOOPHD SKIRTS, of the Intent Improvements, sklrtiumiswtens, a new ar ticle. A full line of Alexander's kid eleven, Importbd and sold by Stewart, New York. Mitts. gloves and gauntlets In ever: variety. - Also. a,-large stork of-the newest styles of.men'n and boy's spring erneiltnerus, black clothe and cauisltneres. HOSIERY of ever) des. ription. In this flopartaient' unusual care has been ta ken to elect the various kinds and site, 'suitable f : Ladles, Misses, Boys. and Chlidreniti wear. In fact our stock ,embraces everything kept in a first class dry vole, store. • 11.1 ha purclumed fpr ca.h. and made .our selections ;Invent the hest importing 011.1 kMbing . iIOUSVII in the cities of Now York and Philadelphia, wo artipreparedlA offer superiorin•lurements to buyers. All we ask le an examination of our stock before purchasing - elsewhere, for which favor we' will feel vary grateful. d . Apr. 6, 18.56. : ''' .. LKIDIcu a SAWYER. - INT E .1V S T_O • BOOTS SIIOES, CAPS. irevrvE, havi,i taken the stand, en Gni north-east corner of the,Square, recently occupied by .1. .11. 'cellar, would respectfully inform the citizens in town and.country, that he hasj retort-tied from Phil itdelphis witlia new. and desirable assortment of goods In his line. cOmmising GENTLEMEN'S FINE CALF DRESS BOOTS. - - KIP 10)., LADIES' MORROCG AND :GOAT DOTS. KID SLIPPERS AND LASTING GAL VMS, MISSES'. AND CIIILDIiENS' 11001'S AND GAL TEAS, In great variety, Boys' and Youth's Boots and Brogans: Men's and hope— - - ' r- RATS AND CAPS, of every. description, and a general rirsortment of straw goods. The stock 11.14 'eon selected with great enruatiltl will be sold at-a -very small advance on city wholesa le prices. • . , . . Don't forget thd - cheap corner, opposite the Hee aid oMee. • JOHN IRVINE. Carlisle, Apr. 13,1659. • W M.JI . AI UR It A' Y • resPeetfully inform ilk friends and the pip. O•NU, i t.- • - blic In general, that he. r \V, it In receiving and will constantly keep on • ENDER COVER, LfEENSNALLEY Broken. Egg and Nut. LUKE FIDDLER—Broken, Egg and Stove. IV ILK ESKA PtE—L;iiiip and Broken. TREVORYON St PINEG ROVE —Broken 4- Egg Also. best quality ..I,entan.” and "Bread-top" Black: smith's coal. all of which. he will sell at reasonable pri• con. Thankful for the patronage- heretofore so liberally received he asks a continuance of the same. Coal Yard. at the old stand, nn the railroad, nearly opposite Dickinson Collage. [Apr.l3, MD. L. ISIEBUItIiERS' V 0 A 001 TONS of Lykona Valloy Nut Coal, a auperlor of o, receiving and for sale by August 6.1857 Li ii PPFIt, TIN AND SHEET IRON NiNcI:NUFA( ;TORY. The subscriber lahrs this mei hod of informing 4 hen friends and the public, that she still continues the manufacture of all kinds.of work, in Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron. Iler Stoves ore-selected from the most ate proved styles. The COoXing Stave for thelequailLien as cooks and bakers cannot ho surprissed, among which are the well known Globe, Noble - Conk, Fanny Forme ter, Governor, Penn. and the new 'favortte, Prairie Flower, combining all the tested Improvements, in fact the best and cheapest stove ever•offered to thevublic. The L•tn,be Stove, or parlor heater, Improved, for warming two, three or f'ur rooms, put up to order, sides a large assortment of Pnr!or Radiatore and once stoves. PRICES REDIABLI. on PLUMBING - and 0.48 FITTING. Those who wish work done In this line would do well to ca I at the old • stand before cOntracting elsewhere, as fam de tornilned to do work for lower than the present rates. I have for wile and keep constantly on hand tile patent Scotch Tip Burner, Wax Tapers. plain and fancy Glom Globes, tins Fixtures, Wrought Iron Tubes. Hydrants, Lead Pipe, Gum Hose. Shower Baths, Bath Tubs, Over. flow Basins, Marble Basin tops, Ac. My workmen are competent and reliable. All work warranted and for workinanehip and material, f challenge competition. Sir . A few gold Cook Sieves milk some suitable for parlors on hand, which I ...ill sell at cost. • May 4, 1850. MARY M. MORRIS. HAT AND CAi' J. tl. CALM() & CO.. successors to Wm. li. Trout would announce to their customers and the puldb. fenemlly that they have Just received from t'hlladul• phis. a large and elegant sh.ek of ognesisrOn their lien of buslnege of every variety, style and quality. ~ They have on hands splendid --- assortment of - - • - - HATS 4.N.MCAPS, of all descriptions, from the'cotnmen Wool to the finest FUR AND SILK HATS; and at . prices that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the wroth of his money. The story includes, moixajus, CASSIIIERE, DEAVER yt FELT HATS, of every style and rolor 'nod unsurpasted for LltlilT• NESS. DURABILITY AND FINISH: by those of any • other establishment In the country• MEN'S, BOYS' and CIIILDII EN'S MATS and CAA% of every lescription constantly on hand. -- • They respectfully invite all the old patrons and as many now open as possible, to give them a call. , J. O. CALM° A CO. Apr. 27, 1552-1 Y r-- rIME ANN[UILATED !! ! - CREAM ACTUALLY FROZEN IN 3 MINUTES TORREY'S • NEW 4 MINUTE FREEZER. PATENT APPLIED FOR. Thi subscriber, atter careful study and various expe &aunts, has succeeded lu constructiugu Freezer,whieh for elluplicity, durability, rapidity and ,quality of Ito production, is unequalled, and cannot full to become a universal Ihvorite. To satisfy thu incredulous, there will be weekly pub lic exhibitions of this Freezer, at No. 0 Platt street. to prove its to do all Abet is claimed fur It. Eire from 3 to 20 quarts. 2d Train 1.20 P M 2.34 008 3.38 4.08 " 46/- Bend for a Circular. 4EO E. P . TORBEN', Manufacturer, No. 0 Platt street, New York. Also, Manufacturers' Nl'holesttlo Agent for 'the Me. brated "Old Dominion" coffee and Tea Pots, and Ar. thue,s potent MT sealing Jars end cone. • .slay 4,1050-4 m • • - DONN ETS, RIBBONS J; FLOWERS. EP usl received from New York and Philadelphia, a' large lot ofuew style BONNETS, PLATO, and HOODS. 'Also, ft large assortment of elegant Ribbons end Flow. - ere; Bonnets (or 1516' at the cheap etore of .• April 50, 1850. "•:- ' ORA& 001L8Y. 7 11 W' 0;0 AL Y A_ R-3.1)4-- AT TIIX RUM ENO. OP . OARLISii. - - he Alubserlbor would respectfully call the attention of. -Limeburnens and -the -Masons of -Carlisl e '. and the surrounding country genenilly, to his NNW COAL' YAItD, attached to his Warejlouse. on West Nigh et., where he will keep cokiitentry on hand a' large supply cf the best quality of COAL, to wit:. . Lykeps Valley, Luke Fiddler, Pine Brava and Traver. ton, Uroken,•Egg abd Nut Coal—screened and dry coal,. which :he phidges himself to eell.et -the lowest possible vices. • Nest quality of Litneburneet and Blacksmith's Coal alwaye on band. • • 440.- r Allordeivilort the,WarO4roiise, or at his real; dance In Noah lfanover, street, 11 be promptly at. tended to. •• - ti Aprlll4, '6B—tt. lafp.TA.Tl 4 l.lstoTic.a ,, ,Lett of ad- . • mialotrati9p,iiii the• estate of David R.,Conver, - e oteuberland county, deeeased, baie'heen iesued.ln . dne form dlaw,te the eubeerlberresllugln,Upper Allen tpw Wbosulndebted4o the estate,- will make Im• tnedletupOment, and thole having claims present. ,them for rettlement' • " DAVID COtWIIIt, AR 4 0 , D 3 R7 4,1 1 . •., •r' - Adsnlntstrator. IKP Handbills neatly tiOnaiet. iitike!i.iii;, - c6 - I*7. TOYS' AND FANCY - O . OOM ""-: %13. MURRAY J. w: lIHNIiERSON VING ,1! ti 1%1 D CHARTERED. BY STATE CB PENNSYLVANIA. RULER ..--- ....klnneyds . recelvtafevery•dayyand—tn—an] r : -- 2 — litlirc7per cent' Interest is paid for money front the dny it is put in. • •• 3. The m r Ottetis istWaYtiPablback irt•GOLD, whenever 'lt iff - ealleirfbr, and without notice. . • • Money Is received from haveistsaers, Cuardlatr-and others whoa placer of perfect MIRY, and ‘ ivhere' intoreet can be obtained for it. .• The , money•recel ed from depoiltors Is invested - hi coal estoto, mortgages, ground rents, and such other first close securities as the Charter directs. 6. Office flours—Every day &Om 9 till. 5 o'clock, and un Mondays and Thursdays till $ o'clock in the evening. • HONAIENRY - L. - BENNER, Presideritf . „RDBERT' SELFRIDGE, 'Vico President. WM.I. REED, Secretary. • . : ' DIRECTORS. • henry L. Benner,' Itchiard L. Carter Robert' Selfridge, BnintioltK. Aribton C. L. Murton, OFF - Walnut Street, South, TBILAD Apr, 20, 1850. V 7 WW, S C., T R.E L NO. 93 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. • $ 11' E-E T M U Si 0 ' 11 •• ootrituarnm eotnts; MUSI O 4IO II ACIIANDHIRIGENERALLY, PIANOS, -I.:P • ...MELODEONS, • • GUITARS,' • , VIOLINS, .• Illny 'll, 59 j ARGE SPRING ARRIVAL NEW_YOUIf., AN D Plil LADEI,PIIIA, • EVEGAN.T NEW GOODS, • 011 1 41. T A. W. IftENTZ'S STORE.. Splendid stock nine.. Black Dreg',like—Magnificent -- Ptyles Fancy Dress Silk., - BICtII RARE!' ELEGANT: I • • French Foulard Finks, Chideae Sllk., tiettn and • 8,0100 Baregea, 'Valencia., Dwaine., beautiful • • new printed Challien, French printed Jaw. netts, very shandnome English Drib - Hants, very handsome French • . Brilliants, English _Freneh • American prints, Scotch, • "French and Demestic " • •' • ' • • (Anemias, . - . • . Bonnets, Bon- , .••• net Ribbons and. ' 1 • • Dress Tri taming., E6nwle In_ gyerLypiriety, • _ Cashmere, • • &a. Embroideries, very' low, coml.- • . prising Winn Sleeves Flouncinge, Edit. Ingo, Veil., hr. Carpeting. and Oil Clothe, Vnnitlan, Ingrain, three Ply, Druplet's, Cotton and Stomp. Druggist. and Floor 01101°th/IRn • LINEN 000b13:. • 'I mar k s ntnplcto assortment' embracing all the melt Mehra , Moves and • - Hosiery for U.' • die., Misses and • Children, greet variety of kid, silk and cotton Gloves. La. died elegant twisted 1311 k Mittegte. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS, • blealthed and unbleached Skirtings bleach. and unbleached Sheeting., ltoollen and _ Cotton flannels, - Comet, Jenne, Tickings, Cotton' , - ado., Satthietta, Tweeds, Cotton .'And Linen . Diapers, Table Covers, bleached and brown _ • Drilling., and an,endless variety of - • • •• other nrticles. In fact, thin 'clock of goods is very extensive, the. --- • - • sough_ and complete, hay- • - • _ ing been purchased • , with a great deal ,••• ' ofcaro, we feel • tofidentwetin-please-enyune-who.will-favornearlth------ call. All candid permis who- have patronised us eretofore, will admit that we have sold the best Ur- XiIIN ever puichanoll In Carlisle. • We can assure our. °lends and all lovers of cheap goods, that we are as . ell prepared an ever to offer superior Inducements for , hair patronnge. A. W. BENTS. South Hanover Street, opposite. the Peat Office, . • Carlirlo, May 4, 18aU. ' SOMETHING NEWT AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT SEED .STORE. • • • • M. IL STRICKLER At BROTHER, invejust opened, in the room formerly occupied by hryock, Taylor & Smith, Zug's now building, Main tract. two doors 11311 i of the market house, a large as. .rtionot of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS and fer• Illzern, which they era prepared to sell on the most alsonabfetenus. ho stoat embrte•es PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, HAW. . ROWS, HAY, STRAW AND FODDER CUTTERS, REAPERS, - 140WE1tS. DRILLS, CRADLES, SCYTHES, CORN &HELLER& FORKS, SHOVELS, HOES, RAKES. PRUNING a KNI VES, 'WHETSTONES for Mow. ors, sod every other article, ne• cessory for farm use. They also intend keeping In addition, a full assort. • tent of CEDAR and WILLOW WARE, including main's potent Churn, Brooms, Brushes, Butter-work. •s; ButtesForma, Prints, Ladles, Butter Tubs, *owls, &c. Also. Fruit. Garden and Flower Seeds; Seed Potatoes, f the best varieties. They are constantly making ad. itlona to their Mock, and will use every exertiockto upply the wants of the agricultural community, Theyhave alma the agenCy fur EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES Orderit.left at 'the store for fruit and ornamental 'roes, Flowers and fertilizers, will be attended to romptly. M. B. STRL:KLER At BRO. April 20, I? 0 YOU want - to, buy a good Piano, or Melodeon.? If so, why.dop't yon call on John " 11. {helm? For he can sell tho 'nentest finiihed, bent made, purest Elmo,' and lowent prlcedjuntrument that can be had In this port of the country. Having been s long time In the buslmess, I flatter myself 'on , being a, good Judge of instruments, and will not sell aninetru• . anent that is not first-rate. lam now receiving a barge. lot of Melodeons from Poston, which can be seen at Mr, ""'". A. 11. Nwing's furniture mine, +shirt' I will sell cheap. er than Any other man in the country. For recommendations of my Pianos, call and see this'll. • -,,,,,,, All Instruments warranted and kept In rcfair. Call and conjoins my Instruments before purchasing else, where, and you will be satisfied that J can sell the best and cheapest. JOIIN 11. MICE% - To he found at the house of Jacob Itheem,, W. High al. May 4, I 159 • . . REDUCE.to r r iD. 85. A YEARI TILE BEST AND CIIEAMT PERIODICAL IN THE Erma In consequence of the largely Increased circulation, he PqbHollers of j,I.TTELL'S LIVING AGE, Are enabled to reddre the yearly subscription price from •d to $5. The' publbhere are .determined that .no ez. ;thee or labor shall be altered to make this THE MAGAZINE FOR VIE MILLION: And rbllnt boldly cbnllengln`g competition, claim tbr it only what has been conceded by thu moat eminent men of thin country.from the time of Its firstpublication,— (oVer Plateau years Mace) to the present day, aim . 1. That it is gultabla to all classeppf readent—Statow man, Profeggional Men, PhilogoplArri, Poeta, Students, `Slarchants, Mechanics, ,ind Farmers, all of whom may derive pie:inure and profit from its pages. ' 2. That in it may tio found theorem of all the world. renowned Reviews and Periodicals of Europe, with or iginal articles and selections from the best fugitive mama (lour own country.. 3. That It contains more reading matter than any . ether maga:lna In the world; each weekly number con tahlint sixty4bur pages, and a fine Steel Portrait, mak ing three thousand three hundred and twenty.etght Pages In a year 'with fifty 4wo Steel Engravings. ' 4 'I ht.t it is the oldest Periodical In the country, ban• ta..r published over sixteen years. , b.. lhat tt la the cheapest publleatiou'of whether It to Judaea ht the quantity or quality of Its coutente C. That no library la porton without It: 7. 'That to these with limited meant', It In an Agatha. blo nubelltute for a library of mlacolleiteoue books.— Aud tinnily, that as a fatally Itlntaalne, It Is perfectly uneacrptiortablo In all respocta. • Prico'Five Dollars per annum, or thirteen cents • number, sent by man, post paid, to any. address In the United Unites. To Clergymen, Teachers, Students, and Clubs,' Four Dollars. • DELISSHR d PROCTim, 808 thwayax, N. T. Mayll, NW, HAT' AND 'OAP, STORE._ AT< KELLIIIV,B OLD,STAND, NORTI3-111110Vi _11T66,11T. EIZARLT -OPPOO7II - TIM MM. ARE MEE 01 P. Lin • 8021. AltillnisortmentAnst , reoelyedr , to - whlch-conetant additions will Le mode of city no well ashontotoonntko• tare.' The stock now comprises MOLESKIN, HEATER & CiASSIMERE,. .YELT MATS, of all styles lOW colors; froth the cheapest to the best quality. I'f.RAWIIATK:' Alec& variety orell - prlkee - and styles together 'with a neat aesortmeut of ehlld• drone' fur and straw hats. . > . ALA; 11110143..prlif8t Arm 011ILD1tEN'8 OAPS, ,• - enibre c dolf.treli Med aibil Drees_ • Cape, toLwulett the eietentleie albs Peale is respectful. 'DON'T iVARET-F,SLLER , I3 OLD STAtID. • -''• ' •' • +Eh' DAp - ;Paper .. comp.* brtiamolt,bajbari , ?'and are_ prepared to niloufeecoro to order all !lariat!, open,. epc! Le4rrpaper. Addroaa . 144' • ,4 , 10 r. '1 , 46m Dtopnt , Icistings, • . National SAFETY RUST Comiiany. . mmenn F. Carroll Brewster, Joseph B. Parry, French; Lee, - • Joseph YerheS, Henry Dlffenderffer, ICE: • . ••iv lrest Cornet' of Third, P ELI'HIA. *, FLUTER, • APCOADE!:INS,ke. 0. C.. 8. CARTER.