DR:M'LANE'S M • - I - T ... • • •V ' LI NATE beg leave to call the aiten-; don of the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of -the . Vrr - of - the most' lariemedies now before_the I . • Dr. Chas. Dl'llases - .Celebrated: ,Veriniftige . and Liver We do not recommend them as univers -Lure--alls,•- but- -siMply - - for what their name purports ; viz.: VEII3I IFUGI E, • • • Far expelling Worms from. the human system. It has also betni: admihistered with, the most'satis -r factory.Tesulti to, variow,Animals . subject to Worms. THE LIVER- For the cure of LIVER COM PI.A I:NTS, • • -all BiaonS DERANGEMENTS, SJ,Q,K • - &C. In cases . of AGUE, .• •: • FEVER r preparatory to Or 4fter. taking Qui-' nine, they - almost_invariably. make .• 'a speedy and perruatlerit cure. •', , As. specifics for the .above men-. tioned diseases, thy are tYfiriv,aled j . and neVer -known T. fail when ad ininistered in 'accor's ahce with the 9 .:directions. • •. :Their popularity .• - has' induced the 'proprietors, . • - FM - WING BROT ( HERS . , I - 17. ' - - - PITTS B G H • to dispose of theils• 'Drug business,. • . in •whiell they- - havebeen success - • ,`fully ; engaged for the last Tll,venty - Tears, and they•will now give. their • undivided time — and - attention to thei , man ufac ture' --.2;_fiAndlpe'ingde,• termined that Dr. •M'Latie's Cele . —brated - Vermifuge and Liver Pills shall continue to. occupy.thehigh '-positiOn they now hold among the greit remedies ..-of the . day, they •will continue to spare neither time ndr expense procuring •the Best and Purest material,:- and corn . pciund them in the most thorougli manner. Address 'all - Orders to FLEMING BROS. Pittsbaigh,. P.S. Donk. and Phyvlviens ordetiim . 11,111 others - than Flailing Bros., will do - well to wilte their orders liFitinells, - 1001 take none but Dr. .317.any's;. prep; net .ky M'rainy Brae. Pa. To those wishing to giro 'them a trial, we will forward per mail. post mild. to uny , j tj, art of the United Stateg, mini box of Pills for twelve three-mint portage ManiPs, or one Vial of Yon inifuge for . fourteen three...cat Mani o. All (inlets from Canada mum - he accompanied by twelity.ecuts extra. . . P. Lynch, PLILWILIM,and GAS , FLPTER ba.,•rriuuil thr"..l/. -E. Church, 'Main Street, Carlidr: 1w:4:ot) ton st iron Flubs, llydrents, liath.Tubs, a lint. 4, Shower natl., list h Wittercineks. Work Illlntlll, , Force itnti Lift Polops, ' 113,11/mlh; ltents,'Ac iVrn't, Iron Weld Tubes, Aud curry cleNcriptidn of cocks and fittings for ga steam, outer. &r. Superior cooking ranges. beaters an gas fixtures put up In churches. stores and dwelling ,at short notive,in the most modern style. All materi ale and o,ork in our lino at no rates slot warranted. Con utee wn - rk and :lobbing proMptly atientled tr 3lar. 9J, 11,50-Iy, nEcuyrnrso STORE NEAR THE MARKET ROUSE IVOULD Ali AIN Let The People. lino v- - That they h.... just rocciul and ar flue larg”tork , SPRING A'ND SUMMER CLOTHING, . . . •. made up In the teed, latest and most fashistoside style, Their SS' ,t1114;11t limey ould plohr CusNilliPl . o and Cashmeret, lino nook cloth coats, Pants, stain slid silk Vests, ate superior to any ever presented to the iss.ph. of Carlisle er vielnity, as troll UN their largo variety of Cassinett. Kent ocky iron, Tweed, Jollan cloth, Alm, ea. suit all sorts aline!' coats, pants and vit - sts,,togetio or with s well selected stock or GEICTLIDI EN'S FUR NISHING GOODS, such as white and barmy Shirts, mtek sod pocket haMikerchiers, Cravats, Ties, Under S h irts. Dm worm, Collars, Seeks, timpenders,&o,, In short, every thing else to dress up • . i . sqr cstalished •faet that STEISFXS, can and do sell a liyle Cheaper than any Clothing Store in Carlisle or ricinitil. Wo tbereliwo advise ONP„. and ALL to call at Stoiner's cheap elethleg storo, before they Ineke their litireililtier. ns they wire always willing and pleased to file' their goods. Remember near the Market house. Apr. 13, 1:159. . STEIN ER, lIIZOS. 4, Co. Youth and Manhood Just published, tne 25th Thousand end twilled In n heeled envelope, to :tny goldn,,, post paid, on receipt of three stomps. tk „um, .A Medical Rssag on the physical exhaustion and decay of the frame, caused hj "self.abuse," infection, and the injurious 'COINITINICeS of Mercury. By R. J. 'Colecrwell, M. D., 211 CM her of the Royal College of Surgeons, jr. , AltiD , Spermatorrinea or Sem i nal ' Emiss i ons. Denital and Nervous Debility. Impotency, Loss of Energy. De., pressing of sph 'Fluddily, Disease of thus pool or guns, and Impediments to marriage, are promptly and effectually removed ,by the author's novel and moist successful mode of traatment, by means of soul the luvaiid'eari regain pristine health vithout having re course to dangerous and expensive medicines. Prom the London Lancet.] • The beet treatise ever written on. n suhject of vital Importance to all, wcll wprthy the auther'.3,exalted rep, utatiOn. Address theimbilsluirs J. C. ICIANE - k. Co.; lit Ave nue, corner 10th Arout. Poot Box 41180, New York el tr. filar. 1859-3 ms IRON RAILING!—Iron Railing for Cemetury enclosures; publican,' privatu grounds and gardens, made to orator at the Carlislo Foundry. Our stock of Nailing, Verandah gird Bracket patterns cont. prises a large variety of new and elogant designs which toe public are •invitod to WI and lixamine. Orders_ for rusting and putting up Italling:WIllbo promptly 0 . 16161. - t d at satisfactory prices. tio._ An entirely now TEN lIOESE STEAM ENGINE and BOILER now on hand, warranted to ho of the'best make, and will U 0 sold at a bargain fur .cash or on short time F.OARDNER fit CO. July 21, 1559. I=l FRESH GROCERIES. nave- re ceived Id the Now StoreQf the subscriber, ti largo additional, stock of ell kinds of Groceries, fresh tuul cheap, ( ( ( ALSO—a largo and comploto supply II OM. II of FOBBION AND DON NSTIC 1.1(b. ~ :=l. UOBS, consisting of vary Sou old Cog g= - .. nac Brandy, of l'inat, Cantlllion A Co's- 'rirs .•,, vintage of 1858 from U. S. Bonded , 7::: . ‘ . 7 -- ,7::, IP IVarohoune. fine old Port Madorla, - Muscat, Claret and Ileldnick ,i: Co's. Mariam] Thom, pagno Wines, pure .llolland Gin, Stoughton Bitters,. very San old Ityo, Bourbon and Monongahela IVliiiiiiies Num, Cherry And Mimi:bard Brandy, Sr.,it low Id cox by 161. BENTZ:. . . Jani.19,1850. 00I) AND WILLOW WARE.- BASIC ETS--51tirlaq, Travelling, and Fancy, of — alnfstevery - varlety - UDA ItW 1 , .. - - , TubffMtbrinitik Measures, Pails, l'aineeelinckots t Keeler's Matto, Iled. •Cords, Brushes. and a largo stock of "Rick's" raisins; t Corn Ininan , ld °ply byOhs nbscrilo d otim " --; finESSSUrillits 9 o — irrtielis:4il4l - arib r uro n Tresi rook prises—for sato by 'Carlisle, Nov. 10, '6B; - VOR SALE OR RENT. The•two•story Drlak /101130 on Lou. --•••••, •tber stwout, near thn Comm Reform. ed church, and now oroupleid by Mr. " ';::(Et Chas. Clark. fo offered for nolo or rent, "1. from the let of , Apill next. • • ~ • M. 1859—tf Aply , to ; • d!".10. A. PAitikknt: • • • Aitooe 0 " - LEA THER.;zzA . fait ie: —tortmontofMorn=Lentlier,l.lnlngsßadThud. ngs, ta, Boob Tram and ,a full asnorttnent Shoo Hitt . and flndlngs of all kinds.' JOHN P. LYNN 'k SON, North flanoker Street. Oot. 21, '5B Air A. G K I±I.,KE L No. 1.--"•2. &,4: just, rocelYed and. /or . 841e,losir at ' AfAIIJERTB. 1I - I LIGE LLS. ME Wu, bin . ° a 1:,,,,.;6Rnrt,.. podotß, BIEI • no No;rlr, Curti. Fob, tai'd Chitlain Clinlna, Cold nraveleth, I,Drkets, 'l'ldinbl...'Cr . o.rs; Charms. ' • & CC'S • Fionch !rime Pieces f to run than and four weeks, • NAUGLE & CO.'S , drild Sle,.v, - Ve,t, Collar, add Shirt Studs ol'a II skylem Alta • - . • - At NAIR) LE & (WS , . . . fated Forks; Spoons, Knives, Nitpkin Rings, tqh er Th i rubles,. ShivltlN,' . - ... . • . ' . _ f son leant to 111110 - our Watelo;t put In good re pair .m 1 warranted, tale tie to I r you want. y, r,F ilvor nen fly Marked t ldol 1114tee, - 1,11) . ''' . • 'At. NA Ut:1,11: & CO.'S All Bonds will'lilnted as represented, o r the money et funded. ffl. l ll4ff," -, • STORE. _,•• • Just null 511 and In Ntora„afojsli and uell No. .. lecLeit assorlineill of Ili°, Java and 11131ra• rally, eollial. Haw:teal Callon, rrmlital l'olverizvil „1ingani,•131311.133:31 .]Sail . . talr la 0u'333--Sinta rs,•uttilerinr'--- -------- 3,3. flip Nlollissio, ilrloans • clstkiii t o . 331°1 a s .eii. • , ^ 3•1313, , i of Vir • er3 . WO, iety— • Tune only ; St. 111 2 I.:1,114,111d . •- •ch ,, 1 • 111:11 ,. . M 1 1 ,711 1 ,114 (110 , 941 1114 • CI:Ii • i...I • S. TZIIIIM, it nit Sagii.• Indigo, Fitleri?os and Si,(:,. (100,n,Tar1:33 3 and as. sort rd 3 13. 3 ,,1nii, ilnnt.lr,t mid Cori:3,kt. Food. _. Ti?.ks.—.l fill., io,ortiont 'in 1. 3 .43L0 9 ' - ;`• and lo lailf,-.as well a.. :311-93.14, 'ai iWI i ~,.5 7 ' "', 4 4 3 1nd0nu1333.3 t.illle lat dorss—all at the lou t . - A, !ill' and late reduced prides. pi I HI ',.l:r. 0 . . It, 1 3 ,13 Y. . Carl WI, LNov. :3, 3 3 3 ,33. • ' . 1111A.D OF COMPKTITIQN: A3Lu.thik,wilool, TEA .:I'4llZ $l. TEA WA 11 EIICIOS-E, ESi •.• 1../ N C) Y (- I E, • 111 PORTERS Wholesal.. atilt Itetoli Dealers In e 1 for Tea, Coffee: hpiga.s. arid all avtletes ...qutlly 1,14 by first class grocers • Our ,took Is admitted hr all to be aft. larae.:t and best seleetwl in the elty.: \l 'e import our own go t e;, mod buy flir esoll. Which onabletZ tis tm, m;11 - at Knell prig es that no other Loos,, In the eity,in our line of itust• tows eon eollipato with Ita.. Ihuders and others ran sat- Isfy thenisel yea. ti.. truth Of this as,ertion, by.giving usli . (huls shipped fren to any part of the ell y. Ifeineinher Who No.,- SI Catherine hi.. Joining Iteo's clot hinu,Store. MA It R I A•G G-1;1.-DE, A NEW BOOK BY. o!fib. A . , The secret duo to Courtship, Love ~W,;lit'gf,„,:, find AtrriagU ; with the diseases Incl. __, - (, ,,_,v -,.;=5a. tool to Youth, Maturity and Ohl Age, p .. . - -- .:'-',,., ti •, --Ming lights el shades ~r Married .1.71.-,...%- l‘ ~, , , i p,..i. LIM, Ito Joys and,Surrnws, Hove, --) ,'- - ; ,;.4I l to Fears and Disappoinhnen Is. Let nii . •.',..i' Wsl , 'in:lrimi kerb , thus., roil te.plat Mg marriage 111111haVing the least imputli• meat to married lire, 1.1,11 i this. Lock. Let every AM 1 g Mall And 170111311 In 11,,, land leati this book. iil,,, ' fi n :ll of ['oars. and discloses secrete that every "no should know; a Mlle Itnawledgo at fi rst may saso a wet Id o f troubleln aft, JIM . ally atch Ing Apr. 27, IF4-ly dV AD) I I ES, JEW 11.1{Y, ANI) SI I,Vlilt-WAREAT CONINN'S obi est...W(OW Stand, IVest.`3l..ll. St., nearly opposite the Cumberland V l ll ai r v i e ' Yu d .,t . ia.celvcal a now 10:14ortIliollt. Or watches, elvelry. niedalhon . g.'silVer Wore, ..\ 0.. In addition to my manor stork to witch 1 Invite the attontl..., of tho r c , public. Theaseortment embraces lie, . 4.. gold and sliver lover watcht.e. limiting - i's,„iitr.l ~,I1 open ea,' 110 . gold Anchors for . :,,,... :1 -')... Ladies and Condoe. and Sliven Le- ..) - pinesent Q tent IP...teat cite...of ove. i y va4Cl6 . -..... v riety In style hoot i•ie,.. Alrik line gold Medallion... llreast•pht. or 4111.,.. and Condon... or every quality. pattern 11.14 . 1,. Gold fol., vest. ourb and noel; ellaillB. Gull !1... .. .ts. linger rings, tali-plus, studs, sleove•huttons, c o.e, eltarms, ,to., ,(c.' Cold and silver"thlmbles, silver and plated 'utter knives, forks. hide, tea, salt and mustard spoons' or every variety. A .loirna assortment, of gold, silver r. - ._.. --, ...n,,, ..,,..,„ , .,,:gy„.„..nil common spoon...lee, to suit all ‘...!..:...../. ~ . ...- . 195,..:Ve:i to 111111.11 we Write special autos. lion. A One lot of GOLD PENS frOpl the hest makerl, •pectaclo 1,1;4,, fancy 110 X VR, IAI vyr and pearl card ruses, pnld and contmon brarelets, watch chains, Mnulle Clocks :Ind it variety of articles use. .11-11 y, kept in Jewelry eAtahllslumentg. , I will sell low for cash. All articles war. k re . ranted to he what they era represented. Particular attention paid as usual to A WATCH ItEPAIIIINtI and all work war. raniod. MOE AI Ir e, 0 T ai p FRIENDS,. ei trd ftto4:l, of Iresh 011001ilt I ES, GLASS AND , ,rIUBENSWAIIE, Pklads, Preserves, Fresh Can Fruit%lees, Wood aud' Willow Ware, Ropes and Brushes; Oils, Pi Oils. Fish, Salt, nod it largo variety of ether goods not necessary to °runner:os. Store Room two doors east of 11 Dads' \la nose (formerly John It. Williams's.) Give ore a 1,111 mud OXHIIIIIII, my -geode-and- Arleen,--1 Intern' to Li: ~Ll..as,elreap as any other store outside o Philadelphia. Butler, Eggs, Sesp,,llags, Beeswax, Dried Fruit, Ac., taker, lit exchange for goods. WAL BENT'!.. NI OWING AND EAPING A(ENCV, p 33 Jrarket .51reet, Whore Fanners may see and judge for thntannlrini, botwean SIX . • : - or TIIE BEST COMBINED MACHINES - ' . NOW IN USE! • Ann purelooio the Mnelinto of their vitolee. EMLEN PASS3IOItIi 1 633 Market St.; l'111)11: Apr, 0, 1859-3itj In barrels, half. and quarter barrels. Froth Groceries, ms, Ic., At the lowest cash prlves. • Bacon, Shoulders, Dotter, Eggs, Tallow, Hoe, soar, and !tags, taken lu oxeheuge for goods, at thy cheap gory or 11EN17,. Apr. 0,184. A -- S - 13 11 - 17 - XS"S - 1 - 1 7- VATNTS - 1 •k pAilus,!• A full aara4lnent, of ()Ilya of ',lava and quality, with a large bloat; itt, fresh I'MNTS. all ~„:.C.lf,rfl.,—..olls..Varnishes,..to,Comuntin,large or email quautittae, at law lig uren ut 11=3ial Oct. 277,' )8 Xi .. . •_ _ AILS 1 NAILS 11-1000 keg s best quality Neils. Wo ore prepared toboll Nails of thll Vey hest quality nt the very lowest price. Persons In want of nails slid building inaterlitia would do well to call liefßirsprchnisiiig elsewhere. ''. ' . --- *)" •-• .‘ ~ ..1. D. LYNII tt QOS, Fa 63.1858. - ' North dibuover Street. • — l - 1 - 12:8 9 - 1 O r L - X. .•S: -- .7 -- - - --5 - 00:1) - 6 - X739 .-- GriiiT ri.jr , orall Eires,ilifglictud (bails tideic,juiit received nt LIIINILY OAXTOITS, - • ..A.Tar,10,.1.869. . - ' . ...., JOTEL 'ICEFIPER' AND .D.EAL . Elts t6hertii4 auppiled with finn.LIQOOII6 nt etn'alty ptlcon, nt tho now And cheap armory of • • :Jan:l9,lBM . •.• • • r W6t:1,3E1,7Z ‘Mi.... l AttleY , Printing .don here. iiiENEE I\ T Cll), ; ( l beitili- • • _TU.ST RECEIVED AND OP,ENINCI .ty , A .NATRILB & Co.'s OREM , J.RAVIMICY STOIaI, ' Jllai./4 (S/s*l,'o.oliSiei7P4l . '•. ''. ' '. - . • A large sumily. or .., - - - 7V. 7 -ea.. -', :(7r.:r. WAtelles, Jewelry. SII. ' '.... 7..t.12 , N-> r e.,.......' . .. - 017 :-., _V 0 fieel ri d . Plated Ware, F :."''" - ,...., "'Well we Irltu at.' 1 ;!:‘ '' rli kpt.,), ,11 3 .;, ‘,.., to' oe• 0 r ~.,,,,":„.....,.„.„......,,,......,,t ,:..• yr i - , e 11-% i,''. stock N'Olorl.s..Watell. . - ,.......V. - ~ , :II ..„ cr, Jowary, Silyermul ; -- .:14?..i7' " q. 2,1 ' 4 t! , ' 'i4 ., Platpalward'in Carlisle ':4- - T - t. At NA 00 1.13 k.C.WS. • qit of 00111:Iiid tillver - Ifunt. At NAUCILE L Co.'s Fin4-itti t l-C-honi.-,lll4illiy-a-111 , 00r-14410-41-11/1-4 xn • • • " • • ' • 'AA N.AIiGLE 3 00.'8 Silver :in' "PlaredHors . rd It3skets: Fit ver,• Table, 'user! and Cream Sithotpt, ,Cake, Fruit, Sitgar,'and Tea, Sugar, Salt, A&\AU(ri.li t CO.'S : rine 1 , ,1ar1. Lttva: C0ni,6:0109, G oldstOne, bloN . llc, Fk. FUlltilio :11oNtie, ./ et, Box lOolGinos sot ir. ,Boo' •. ... . At• v..> NAUGLE & CO.'S Diamond Breastpins and Fingerinvs. • ' At NA UGIM•it Gold, hunting Case, Eight Day Levers; Cold- hunt• ing ease, Daploc; Gold Hunting, Chroometers, • At NAU(11.1: C 0.13 , . Battlvy's boot nttallly of Cad Pons(ls; Ditto °old Plgl, and Silver Holders, At NATJULO k C),'S . . .. . , Silvtir and Plato.l. 100 'Sot tp. t! ,, 1.af,1, Cups; Tonfil Raclin, l'aulierg: Urns,T.uracils, Tea Hells,• • •- . - At NAUGLE 4 CO.'S - ' I= . Flatlnas, Aceordarms, ..11' ask Boties—n fine varipty, At:NAL/111,E Pnatammilas. mini Leather. Plain and 1 7 anry nom ening . Saga, very rime of clrn.., heap ' AL JA1.101,1.7, CII'S =I If youwa Tit tl . l eet a Cheap Ciltel:‘.l.‘,Al. • Al N.11101,1:4 CO.,'S PurFons that want bargains . aro 111,01.1 to call At •N-AII(; .v CO.'S entrlislo, A pr.,27,•fh6i). WILLIAM. YOUNG, Pi. 13 Send for 11 'copy (enclosing , 25 rents) to DROV3I. YOUN6. No. 416 SPRUCE STItE.I:T, I= =I MEI Clll , ll, Fish! Fish !! Fish !A HERRING, MACKEREL, SHAD. .1011 N P. LYNN .t SON. , North Hanover Strlwt, DIM ttiscellafir , ott9. Ca fish:s Fpliiraclrli, '•" • " i r'l,ooh l •IS ". • - Egg »iv Cti. S 0:P , rffiMMltraM priernatermvalimairtswireirmw ,t.umtl-,uentivd-, , ,kh.thuturd uuminuo, -cut g,s, tit +, . work ul rk In evory depurtunt: Thu buildings buy° also boo, greatly onlarged thig spring nod sleeked with t.h, i - ri rwest amt --- Mosimprovind,4oos - fort fill-nurrrulnnuri DOORS, WINbOW FIiA3INS, SASif, Shutters, Blinds,' 31010,1111g5, Brackets and all other kinds of Chrpcntar worrk. flu invite Builders. Car. pentors aud-otliers to cull and OYIIIIIIIIO our 11:r &din.; this description' or work:, The Lest Materials prires,,A4.ll w as at any other estaLlisllulrnt In Um County or show here. ' SiV.A3t .liNt/1N ES WHIM TO and repaired as heretofore. Endues hnre hetarreren t• • • ly hnllt thr W. M. Henderson s sr...ln II& It: Ilrysen .t; Co. Allyn township, Alit Bootherp. Mtlll_, Viiill, s6ialrr.o Iretzel, North, Middleton, and °Lana, nv estahllshment. they may he seen In dolly op. erntlon.and to whom 00 can refer for evidence of thole , anperlority.. IRON AND IlltA SS CASTINGS. ,nfuverY from the monliest to the heaviest !doves. exet`utetl at short Doti, 11 , 1 . . brery 1:11 - 111 Of. 11111. chine y. A•larpi variety vastlngs 11101 . 1111111111 d Mllll9Ol Vattern mal,ers ,on,t,ntly II !AMIN'S() promptly-Attended 1.0 101 , 1 • 1111,11 . Ifirtlllol . ll , l l , Orbit Nine. raolol'llo.. Sr. Turning nod Fitting :0111 Fpinditts,..ce;tlrnie ul the hoot style. TIME:SiII NG AND,IIOIISE I'OIVEIIS. - shi•l~,ax rf6Vll - . 01. Four Tliirs.i — l'awers7lll.rhmiTiil I.lFitrFour n11.1..'1 wo ]larva louvre COl'll Shellers, Crushers, Iron hollers., l'lothsh rostim,. nh,l other or. !Arles fur farmers, on hand pr made, to order 111.1111)1 , ..N :And repa:re.l. more comlilete than heretoft r., 1111 q his tin, them to tamp:porters on the rill road thaihg terms awl mmloThf the 111..4 olutprlals. sotleited 1111 d entire natislitetion ff.tiarnhtce I. 3 The long experience in the hm.leett er the telib4- partner of tin• Lein. and the sonollete,uttss ornme mn eltittery lit every lenneli or lh.• eslaidishunn•t. W111 . 1 . 311t. its In tetsurion the !test work to till tolot favor ,14 WI their 01 . 111:1, Tin! M 1 1 .111141 Imtronnve °lour old friends arid the nubile is re,titeittfolly solicited. ' Nay 21. , --- - ' H.ij•4ll —I r-4 •,•4. .-. ~.,,--,-,.-. g•-!, ~,44 , _: ~., . ..c!.,•; . 21,4., ,, --.. 1 - • .=:-..4:16111,q,1ra ,:Riii,l,.- .11'",•.:fi,;,,-.Z'F:`,li-V' '''... , • • - ' - :. 1 ' 11 ; " PI ''' 61 , ' ,„ iii.C' !,, • _. 777, - . l",irr,_, , fran l itiT . v 11 4 0 , 1 , 7;11 ,, ..,__ . i V i , 7 , Vli 1 : ° ;' , 1';;1 1 ,'L7l l l'4i!'''Tm `:; it . T7 --_„..- 1 ,-L.t, , , ii - raz JA -_,„,,,,-- %,.,.p„,,,,;; ___. 't..1... ± 2;u:.- •'..3. - 7: . .1 i_v ",,..„,,,,,„,...-,',;7--,,,c.--,y :.:•;,;.t 7 - , i 1 ,... 1 ,( .:.:.,,,-•:•5.5.17,,•,d-..,:a-1,2r,:- ~ Y)oitst, Illtirket St., above L.1111..1.1 . 1(1.1.' I!. oi - r.Al.f.yr. • _ 'l'. I'll . . ritOPIIII Toil • tVE, R l iT;\ 41.4,1 from .1. R. Nenentaher hle 4,1 T.t111.1) 4 1/ 11.;11 . :, I will I , r altlays ready to WTOIIIIIIO - the hoblle lllt 11011SES, ItUtailES. anti vital . other at , t • ) - ( : t In lay Ilne. Ity t•ttlet atientten to Ine.tet, atilt to Ilk:1;V; 1140 4.lll.oriber unpin to revolve a liberal sham of public tea I ohm!, 11Ctilit1t; lIENDEL. °tuella:tea, on hand to sttpriv the, it hen.). he'lli • heed el them. 11. \l,v. C 5, itN7. •. • p()TATO Ei:C= l l)o'l,'Jkll . l . 'rho toiloo.rll , er lx•lo the receipt tvool,ty, orth the Oink(' Varktil, of pl.ilt“l`F. ly IL c, 111 . !deli out.rs to the poblle reatoonole prices lle has 11111y:11111y a 111111N..1)1:11:k. hlllO ao,l while moreer,, pin loeyes. anti other vine ties, %tar:noted if good quality. Fur sale by • WI LLIA - ASKEW. Zotes new Ono market linune Mar. (I, LSZAI-211k 13007.' AND SIIOEiNIAICING.—J jiL) & 'IfAII.OI% Weill their sletTl Llllllll.B 10 their Customer,. fur the very 111101211 extru. ded to theM, 111111 0111111 resp.odrully Inform the publie ,that they eonhilltie to mouuMeture CUL , TO3II:I: Work, of their old nt.uul. uu North Ilanorer I.4tegt., ll‘o dim], 11 i.e./V ti.. drug store or S. \l'. linrorrstirk.. Intl/ a^11111111,1!1• of 1 . 11,4 tats Ivorkniets employed and larllltles for secut•lse: the 1,,,t stork to be found Its the market, they are preparest In m:ske up every desies•lptlost of BOOTS AND: 4 IIOES, for ladies and gentlemen's tutor, In the most fa'shlonable style, and of IVAI:111:NTED nos tes•lalt, and norknosioldp. Many; years oleprart lea' f•Xperiellep 111 the lousiness both here moths Philadelphia just:lies them in sa)lng. that they are able to Moore full satisfaction to all those who may lit e their orders. Aprll 1!••;.ti, tf. • ' .1. &G. TAYLOR. piacE BEDucED ONE HALF !! NEW MEDICAL SALT Volt INFLAAI1IAT0111: DISEASES TUX IT 0.,V1,1" 'OXI.; 1)011A le CI . IItIINIC ft,..5 0. r,T•i'• SEE ADV E ItTIS EMEN T."XI.:Zt A VEBI' FINE ARTICLI O , 'of I)ried prof ;mil eNtra .sugar ruled Mind, 111 Ii d rniult. Ac, for sale by IV BENTZ. • ),IYl;ft'S ANI3I AL 'II.IAP. I t i The stil,Tilitte hari Luna ;Ippolnt.! a4,tit for voinherlantl calmly for tho sale of Ruth's PaleuL Alll. Mal Trap. for ratehllia . MINKS. FOXES, 'WOLVES, BUSES, Sr. Call and see (hem at t.he,rheitp 11111,1w:ire store of - 11EN1tV PA XTON. East 31111(1 it., Carlisle, In. Mat. 9, 1859. - AGAIN TO TIIE• OLD Tit ADE!! The subleriber respectfully informs the pulune geuec. all,. that he zinc ccsunted t 4 ..l:mut:lt:Attu:int: vlitttllTS 1),„,..4110E5, IVest tdreet, /VW 11001 H we.t of the Itallruad oftlee. and hating a Fund atsortment nut Leathtlr, Moruci, and Trlttonlugs, and one:lced comp, tout workmen he is prepared to snake up to meal:my, every description of work lit into 11;1 has also reel red from Philadelphia n wellseleeted Stock of 1100T8 AND ShIOES; comprisliii.ruyttry vatioly for Spring and Summer o ear, • which Jul offers at: low prices. Gentlemen's 800 French Calf Boots, • to. • (Jailers. Oxford Ties and itrogaits, Ladies Gaiters. (loots, Ilusl ino, Slippers nud'J loci, wit - lart - ,tryttrieiroflhr.rsi - WiAert-and Chi itirens - t tat. term, Boots, etr.. etc. Purchasers are requested to call nd examine ills stack. • ROBERT MOO RE. Carlisle, April 21; 1858. RiI I I.ERIGAN_WATCII.—Htiving-re-- ~ , x -volved the agency for the tulle of the A moricat Watch, from the Boston Watch Compan3, we would re, -nectfully nne.,, our old friends and the 'Addle goner ily, that we haven. Hue assortment now opening and tadg for We. in gold and silver cases and very fine Lyles, and With regard to lime they can't be bent, to ref. that,fact it In only ne.!essary to give Won a In c 6rßoniS In want ore correct thou-piece, are respectfnlif . iv lied to eall'and nee our watches. W. D. A...NAIKII.Int CO. Main Street, Carlisle, Pn. May .1,'G.1. 9 1 013ACCO AND SEGAItS. The flo,kt. i miltri, of Lump, Twist,. Cavendish, unit of her - chewing Tolinceo's Fine iniported tt ovnnn 11110 tlubll iFegUIN, also shake In mails st dolovk minuted ore. 1. nrhbur . Philadelphia and lialtliaaro Cut and lhy .Tobseco. Our friends cannot fon bell. • by examining fer thenned res. Nov. Id, Li . II (WE LS AND 8 PADEB,_---just re -I.l.iVeli n largo anxortmi•ut or •'PAIts. snovErs Ftli{liti,.llA ICES, 110E8.. MANUMI HOOKS. PRIIiB 2 _ 31Arri,101i8, kn., 5.% at tbo cheap Ithrdwttro Moro itP— :~Au•.I6,LI6O. • II Exicysixtox__J . , • NTA.ILS! NA:1,11;8' 1 ,-400 kegs of 'Jails •Just. received 11 rut fornale cheaper than veer: -13 euntry,thereluints-ran - belltrullisti"vdtli - h.711s man ufact urer's prices at the cheap 1111111,1'am blare 'uf HENRY SAXTON, East. High at., senate, p,, - ------ - MEE] ; Fmk Arrival, , VI take this method of Infortiting ottr 'Nen& nnti euntontern generally that We will open on Setttrtitty,n fine nenterttnettt of • • SPRINCI AIILLINARY (loops, of Infest atylo. ounittiali. 47. Also t two.ur tilt l PB loiliox wantti to luitrzt buslucess. JIMILIARET MIL O. • MARY E[AIkiffINBAUGIt. So'utiviceat corner of .11a)iover-and LbutheA ale: .A.tar.10,1830. • - •O i) 4 I, .—ict,ono Ill18)104 Of Wit i111 , 1401g Coat, flillti,tho' oduhrotuf Almon" Ninee , rocutyisq nn ‘l for, Solo,by „• ' A 11111 mt 18ri. , • , Mtmit . tilt AIIA ST, • .1. I..'ZiIcDOIVELL, •8. 31. 1) VI D.SON. - EA lIA AL , ellOil' ELL & C 0. ,• , • GiNEHAL LAIYIS A yEials, , Leavenworth 001,1Cona68 Territorij. 'sb ( llocatettnd lim° Is g adN n ska Tom itories, l 111 morn - Mb:sour!, buy and sill 11111(k. bIMII 111 , 01abliy. buy ands 11 dr,.lls4,lve Inlbrinatlon du) eauntry, m dub Kebuibl agency bublues2 111:11.:111'.NGE8.• • .1.11),11, :lir tun, I:Fq.. Carllslu t . 31: Setrul, Banker, " 1 tuu..l., 11. Oralaun ; Ikon nebula ' co., Ilan kern, garlislo. 31 111,1.144'm1, Esq., 01111241 u. 110.. nm. b!andursun,'Emt., I.miastar. Pa: I.r. +dui A.. All: 31. Neurvikle, Pa. CuLuau ' •' K. IV. Clark & Co., Ilanliers, jlon. 511,./lavl Crnkliu, Haeirbertlatown, Lti(l...l:2)4lller...llmunt,ilo-Ilonh ; ,-_1+1t :thyder 3PFarlaint. Ben] Estule Agents, Milo . 31innessoto Territory. • Estnt Sterling, 111 11 . ..Alletocr. -- listr, -- 11 -- enry el ty,lll. • 11111. cr. Cu inlierininl Comity, Tn. I. IV. Clark .I', Co.. !tankers. Pliilatlellllll3. (1.0., Pollock. IlerrishuJg;To.. • 1841.857.-13'. I 13. E RLA ND' VALLEY BANK "Li PROPICIETORS. "' • AVII.73AmBeIt, lIOIIT. C. • JOHN 11101.A1', ' 11'0000. JOON S. STI.ItEPTT, - .Innu U. Imm.vv.- 11. A. , Srp.arz Thin Ban, bIISIIIOFF 111 (110 Cl', 14111 k nitiitilf & Co., In (idly pripanil- to a pine.' lkiliklag liminess with promptness (I fidelity. ou deposit and paid hack 011 deuuuu %Intl/111 MAIN,. In toil t paid as special deposit, Cer !Ili . ..ales of 1141.1 t, 111.01111 g Interod at the. milt, of fill par cwlt. will La •1,..1 for 0P idiott a period as foul ppiathi.. I D INTS t Oil 01 oerlilleates Ill' reat.e at lINO _ Fled, sold Les are vereived at ally time t he,eatier'for :mother giv,.o pe• Hod. they shall hear trio roar rate rii Intorest up to the time of re.p..Lwal. partlvidar ' ltletitioil paid to, 1116 vol. hidtion of toTtes. dial' Ls. elierits. Vic.. iII 1111y_VIILUCtilt 111•1'llit:Tdan. ltetaittankrox ulad . o to England. lridniol. or the Conti molt: 'file faithful rind rwtlitleutial ext.entlion of all fillters entruMett to then., ma) be relied upon. • 'finey call do intention of Farmer:, Merhanirs' awl all i there who desire a Fate deraw.itory hfr their 1111(1.1111 JO fact, that the inoprieton, of this Paoli nur isiovnouml.v liable to tine eNtent of their rainier fon all the Depogsts, trod other ohligationt: of Her. Itrenue. .incur Co. 'Piney have recently removed liar; their newolln , ltino ❑omo diroetly nppu.ite the'n'ilotiter stand. In II Ott )lain Street, n low dears east -or the 'IN1111 . 0:111` depot. 11'111!IT tint will et ail limns he pleased to give any in forntation deolr . ed In regard to Dennyt matters iii gone. 1,11. • I Illen !far laniineFfiTi•oun ./rind: mine morning on 4 lielpek,h4.l.lie evening. • • 20.1F57: -- A. B. BWING'S FURNITURE VARE-liOO.llS, yyyyy ;.•,,:.,11)- S 501,4 a' ~,`Af l ik: 1 59 • - ~11- . *,6 • • West High s trees, Carlisle;-Fa: (Prenthint awardol nl f/ OlMArllilla County yrieidlural Fair ty. lila anha.•lll , ar has just re,elvt,l nu , nou.t I. plum, 315,,,r011 - 43,01 41111101os In Ills nun. evsr 'lunturlit In 11, nlAse—nUti/ It Is. Is clotnt Initind 10 Nell at prive/ , that II l'y i•ntniu.l,iiinn:' .. . , Parlor, l'haniber, lining-room, I FURNITURE 'Kitchen and . 0 e Ilice. a °Neil . ' article used by thins° and lintel lierpoi 0, n 1 lily, ntnst appreve.l and fashionable ileskil mil. also Pottage furniture In setts. n 3loltiasses, dill flame!, d. tutes..le.. Porellasins are requested .Itl rill mid Mr ilk ye , liO'f..r.atio, West sheet.. Snail side... -. • . , • A. 46 - Port la•ltlet nit eillion Oven tun 111411.11 to 1 . 11111T:11K: orders and country; attoinleilito - prtitnully runt Ins moderato tones. . A. 11. , ?lay ,12,.).5.",ti.,-1y ril LEAP B.IDDLE AND I.I.kitNESS ‘„-:,,, .- - - .. 1 sTA ilusitli i;:vr. • . ii oft s. E (A)I,I I AI{S, lioltn coLLA KS.. 11 - b 0 1 e ia le a n (I 1? rt a il. _ • Th.. I.llbseriber respectfully 1111111.01111 motifs friends • and the public. that he in noW Izmir, ,(-...........,..--,; iiietiilieg,lllllll.l.l4l,ll.ol.tlllitly MI ~.., : , ., , : : ., , 4 ,,, - -. . .0,4,‘\k. : \, 11/Old, tl I'llll iis , sorliept of :. , :addles. ~:. i ) .',\. AA ' ' ' i i li l l ' , " l . M . c ' li " l ' a. In ‘,‘ 1 ' „ .. e..7 , a 6 rt e 4 ' 1 1 0 " 5t.1 . ; " , -' • ' ;; I 1 1 1 t , • where. . .*- - ';''. . I II 1.! 1 er'N ; : f ' u il l 'i' : '‘ l 'l l ' ll o n ij i le :r i e !'" l;:re l d 'ul t r. ,.! l : m in s' i i : ; , g4 [ ' i l l:: t '' l ll i ' : ° ;, •l . , . all kinds of llosz, for,ilie use of . Th. .• , gine and Hose Companies, ~r , “0,. . , to lie perfect or no.nale, and equal, If not.superlor,to city make. ' • • • Thankful fur past favors, ho hopes to merit a contin• mince by strict attention to orders. and litir 11111 . .. I'llll.ll' UHLER Main Street sfecliiiiiirshurg . ..' :11ar.li, lnil—iiiii . WI 1 rkGE ROU E 'hes started a tot weekly . 111:e of Magee het wee. earth 1,, and Landishurg. leaving Cars lion over} 3lontlio IVedneolay :1111i Friday, 1111111elli• liti.l3 on the arrival of the n l lernoon train of rare frolll the east. Iteturning, tentvt , ii Landislairg at SOn A, 11., I.Nory Tuesday, Wennirsday and Baturday.outLarrlves at earlicle nit 1.011 P. 31., via. Perry' County, .IVarun Sprinac, 81nernnunidale, Sierrett's (lap and l'ariO4 Sat plow Bprings. On and infer .1 nine tine 1010, the line will he run daily for the aueonnouthltion of passengers going to the Spring,. • Fare lo the coveral points as follows: . Carlisle to Sulphur Sprlngli g 0 GO sterrmcs S!nernianstintle, .. ...... " • Perry County Warm Springs, . . . 100 " Landicburg,. . . . . . . . 1 00 ItETWININ(I. Landlsburg to Warn,Springs, . . .... $0 25 ltherlualltridtlfe, . . . . .GU Slerrott•H Gap._ . . . . . . 75 Sulphur Spring!, I+oo Carlisle, . 1 00 'l•int above lino will regularly carry the TAI I, to and Item the several.lt - 41,1H abOVO bed. I have 0000 well sti,el:44l 1.111.1:1' F.*.11111:, from which I am at all tion•= ready to furnish lior,N and ear • rlaues 10 tho,o w Ito trill favor lee with their patronage, on the most reasonably ternotand 111 till, very heol tdyle. •may]Ul SOS. li EOltlll.l 1111 N DEL. 2)0 PAIR TRACE CHAINS, witti it largo essnriment of BUTT CHAINS, a . BREAST CHAINS, BAITER CHAINS, • LOG CHAINS, - FIFTH CHAINS, TONGUE CHAINS; cov cumNs, • • • • SPREADS, &g. kc. Itpt received at the cheap Hardware i,tore of Match 16,15.3.1). • • . H. SALTON • - Lail - TONS ILMIERED AND kyv ROLLED 11tOS.-15'16 tt largo nenortment or . , STEEL.',. . . WIEST IRON, . ___,_llooP IRON, . . . .. • 'RIV•ETS, ••, • BOLTS, ' ~, NBTTS, • • .' • • WASH ERS, • ;AN VI LS, VICES, FILES, . . • . RASPS. SCREW PLATES, • BLACKSMITH BELLCMS, &o .16,4 I'ocelVetiqua fur tmlo elimpe.o t lit ii over, at • )13rth 16, 16:,O. . II6NIII SAXTON'S. . • kGRICULTURAL - 131PLEMENT, 1.3,;.. . ' AND MACHINE SHOP. f. i s - s " ',, ON WEST LOUTIIER STREET, above F•l5 k 11 .•.•' t n i tTal 4 e i tl ' O ' r o tt i Sr D o r i 11l tnitlr'llaakii hn• ="7, ""'" . 11 1Csubsi;r1ber desires to Inform the I d farmers, and the public generally, that ho is ttolr man• ufatturtng, and bas constantly on hand ' • Clover Huller and Cleaner. Alno, Lha proinlum I I orxe•Powor anti 'Phrenlillig 3ln chino, with vibrating' veparators uttnelmd..' • , find mnturiuln ltle•NyN on band for the to. py,lr of 11..liperx Thrushiug Machines agtictiltural Impleiminta of kinds, whIc;11.w111.11.1 . ..( 1 .1i 4 N 1 10.prt)1111,03 , :1111(1.01). I ittlFollNl,l4l4., EUT7 4 Foreman, Arr.,27, . . N, II ANTalt, .M.lttoilANT Tnikott, . w}:sT 1',.1.:1N ,STitgliT, (apitostito the Itss mut, ulliel,,) lusts Net recolvest it nest• stud elegant Issusorts stuf or Odu th s.6llkis and Cuttuluseress, for Siding stud Suuunur v ultAss y sst o b A rst s st s lm ricE . s. .s .. . •.. • --- . - .7. -- . - • • ,D .: ttool. AND w MTN MIXTURES, ' , • vAntAnutt,L,.‘ MAIN COLORS. • A large variety' or spring And nuninisr mating. silk and calla vostibr, fins-black' cloths and Doeskins, all of which liu IVll,Villako'il) to tneosore lu fashionable style, and .„" ..on reasonable terms. r . • gar^ Orders attended to, promptly, and tho fitting , ot, all garuielitn wa s fitattaL or no solo, -N. lIANTON; '•11(1 extuninii pilino, Now No,. 1 Lleriirig, Junt rlcefvutl ! 'ittittlbr . kalo t priegaeLlu4kEthe llisuctlamono. __- . _ = 1859. .1. A LI ltAIIIMS • Provrlutor llith bbrrii cmcni , . . , grill; LAR(T , EST CHAIR 1 . AND L • FURNITURE E*FABLISIIMEINF 11 • ' • •' •/ .• 1N• TIIS, UN JON. • Mathiot's Gay Street Ware , Rooms, F.tiending from Gny to Frederick Street, Inte;np ..10 fret frbitt, 170.1:,, deep, and Onbiri/n:high. BAT / TIMORE, MD., . . , . • VllOl,l 1e lit it la hwiyi: oil hllld, M. 111;11ilt ti.,,der, no, .y ntylO ~r Freliell TEIT,A. TETES, ..in I'l only I loin . . Noths or Itrovatelle. Fronen Stull' and Medallion, hider A CI I AIRS Ilulr, Cloth, or Ilrooidclie. French Stull Carved Cla.111: 1 , in inn, I . lwll. 1.11111.. orilrocultdlo. SOFA ti Lnll'l rend, :11ohognny null Walnut l'ariln .4:11 A 1115. 111.11;111, Cloth or Plush. -- liilC4lNil ell Al Rh—various _ in Cloth and . :4.111 Inign anlinrtn.i.ntoihriiv nn 11:11,0, or nil platetil 111:1[113• ar covered 'goads Lo order.. 1:11,,1111'111...11,tililTil—in 'Walnut, complet.•, from . • r.1S11"CII.111:Snmil 11;4111w do.—,the l ilno 11], 11111.1tu.il, and Pining cli 4 k'nu2, h, ‘l,,i out'or Moln;niny. itli.Cone,lVi.oil !..tidlvil tin ni.,0r11it . ,.111, in:1111.11.g Ohl.l. Lo drxen. . _Wood Maul MIA IL•S anti 5L1T1.,1,6 and P.OOKING CIU , I I;,<—o1 el Dm dozen. I:eatla f 1 , ...1s I lair and Huai: MattOsta.s or (qv*. VII 1144 y. .1110. all !dads of OM _awl Plain Fiala as In, houldag Masses, h. e. ' , • : A: MATIIIOI' : 4 tiN. 2.1 Nwth Cuy I.'.treet; ileal. Vll3 eliontreet ISEEM2 PRI:VC:I , : at, Co.'s LlPltin El) PATENT AIELoiIEoN TIIE WA/ EST EST.II:I,ISIIMENT hi tile, UNITE STATE,sI. 1:31i'1.1%1' I\,: 1:110 311. N. an coinfAningall their Item:tit improvelnentr.—tbe 1/I‘l.ll , (The I)i% idtql dwell l•: only be obtained in 31.lotleon =I GEO: (;',E &CO. lannufactlncerm, Bufrolo, New 'V ork .Nritol,l:s.‘ix ur:ro•r 87 J'ititon st. X. V. I 1 Lake,r. C'hicaqo 111. .t1;1.:NT.9-111,Fsell IA; hm~ Ns • U.P . U,; We1,..1.."::+f1 - I.r.uis . , 31o.; Ph: Werleln. New OrliNt an; . ' . 'n 1, April ti, - '' The 31,1..1141;11: notonftletwred by Itrinetvk Co.; no for t.alit S 7 Fulton eII too, milt the hest In the w or t. Wt. Iwlr. tried Litton. tont ILrrefnre spunk utttlvrt.tant Ingly 1' bey are Allot dot] at a very toot , Nate vovt. • = Four 4101310 3L4odono. estooding, Isom I; to I; V a 11111 i I Vt 311.. do. C • IA I , llv Ivtave :\ll,lllvoo, do. I to I' 7: Fist, oolove, dooldt, l odd, -F to F 131 = Tv:n.11;1111.of IVeys 4 Five Sets I , f nevtl,, Elght,Stop One and a Ilali I:etafv. of Veda's. (The Net of nerds, it Velal 1f Jndej•endent I=l Plea Ittylio Molodoon, , ,,tendlog from F to F -, ":101 Six °dove 31010d000.. do. . ' Pto F 1:11 Fitt;thlave 4100,11.1,0 t do. _ F tot' 1•7•0 Kite ()clove, Too 8.,,0, ) ,r Keys • 200 Urn facillt le for /11:1 1 / 1 1itteillrillglf, 111.rfef 11)14., .I,y.vkivoct. ion! null tile,. '1 %V NO'lllll31 4 AN II . . All of our uumulart ure. rlther hold by us or rut of flu. Uollud Mate!! or i'aumlos Hre IV.tIllllOl/ lo to Lr flelliTt In °rely respert.mul should toy I. pairs Is, urces,ory.l..efrt. rho ospiralibn 111.1114 p.m. from the of sale . Laid ourNelves'ion.l3 and . rame 11,0 of cluirge. prosble,J rho loiuryls cutuud arrhisot or fteslgli. 1;!ento: ft;r1111, sale ufl , ur 31eltaleans may ° lat Ulundi all the laguylpal eitles and . United /11111 l'atklo, and liingstoil J. A.IIPAGY. Nevo . llll , --W; lumyl97.S. o i r circLuap o .-.,•,..., A or _ 1 !"7,51v• G 7 .z .., 1 u d r il ,„ : „, r 7- i - , k `—• . ? I . - ic... / ) 1 .---- " - r .--- - -- - ---- - 7. ' ... -..7. - ~.... ,5- i c 5 ,". ,- ; '. I Y 'I : - •2 - 1:•)' ~ :i !_)/ R CE ET Oll* • .T 1 ' 'Z.r., Ai ›,,, ,, , ''./. ",:... ' J'' ' ,. / '' ''' t i l l' ''' ,, T - 7 - i r i. ~. ‘" ' '',.; ss"'" NI * t. :! , . ' l l l ' iu : vt ,. "' " 6 ,, '' N V NEW PIANO STORE.- • - 410_4"= , • r yam.. • •• A large atettistment Of superior Pluthts. from tho Los Roston ;hitt NOW l'ot it nittl,rtt, together halt exeellon 11:111118, roost:ltaly for sale.. NO ‘ .. - 60 111.111Kr:1' STREET, lIARRISP,UIICI Also, Mason & Hamlin's 3iutlel Melodeons, Chgan,llp. lodeong, and New Ingalellauneniuni. 01,1 Nance; taken in part payment for new ones. PIANO TusiNT; Olt Itlil'AlltlNG, With oil Stlingeti anti Wind Instruments, svill . reeeive prompt attention front 31r..1011N^ who hat no snperlor in this (Wpm tuna, and Is lulu of the woes' reliable Tuners in-Ite United t•lales. -•-, • - . U. C. 11. CARTER. . • . . --__.- - , , ---,0 - 7 - -_ - -' - c- . . ; -7-.M.: :„..._.....' • '-if4-;, - - 7;-,- , -: : ,-: , , ( )' 1,4 ' - 1 -- _, . - - • GOLD MEDAL PREMIUM PIANO FORTES 1• 9 i11;114434 KNABE MANUFACTURERS OF ORAND. AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES, .Nos. 1,3; 5, and 7, North Eutaw Wert, Opposite the Eutaw :11011.4e,. And at omiNEW SA J A E S - 0 0 AI, 207 Baltimore tareetdiaireen Charlea " iltldlet stree(& hose celebrated VI ANOS have,* d ' ilTerent Fairs, for end su•moisi re years. been awarded the highest uro• /Moine tier excellence floor all competition. They t i n also been pronounced by S. Thatherif, the rilwq milebra• toil pianist in the WOOL!, and other ill•ithign ishod artists, Including Mr. Strakosch, Sr. , &e.,sto be equal, If not su• parlor, to any In this.couniry. We nave constantly on hand at our extensive Wan, rooms as above, the largest assortment of lino NA NO FORTES to lea Gnuul In this city, which lee will roll. ss holesale and retall,*on the most liberal terms to stilt the times.. •fil,every case we guarantee our Pianos to give maim satisfaction. 04). Constantly mi hand n floe assortment i f MELO. MONS of the hest waken, at prices ,bout 815 to 3!00.,--- 041,TATififYii Mr side rt large !Mother of reconibhadd PIA - NOS, at prices ranglog from $75 to BLinti. • DR...Planes exchanged, hired and tuned. WILLIAM 1.111 . fi (7Q• qury : 2lolksB:" -- , -- CIIIICHEREVG, & SONS Ow 0 0,4 3 Vingalfortop: izkr4l, llannfacuirertinf GRAND. SQUARE AND UPRIGHT _ . NAN° FORTE, . .1307 Niattuit • Street,Rt'larkphin. 'Constantly In stow dlargo stock of our beantlftil and unequalletl,lnstrinnonts flalithatl ,In) ovary satiety of style:at 'Octl. vary I ng " ftom'.;l76 to gilOult. - • o'o navy l can ""4 0 5 1 88 GOP and Sitviat.fltat.olans Medals nt the ill &rant. ottblbltlototist this snubby . awl' Europa, the suporlOrlnanpflicturn Althorn! dlsooont.nuttlo to tint slow and Uaanhati les of: learning.— Ihsedytlfa,4- 11141ratad sataldintas sant 'ninny addronl. ; 1014 , 21,1866-Iy', - „ • tad diseased: all sick. naxs 11101Ai0,0 hr 01 . 111 . 3' 110100: 1.111 . ALI 01/otll Is 10,- 101 our health we ire 1101.0iV011 end If nat . tire is not le.ist e,l in thioiving off (lig stagnant liuinols.- Like_ kkohl atiii"..ease . lii net, ifinf 1155 one light of life win forever I n 1.,0wn out. Ilya 10.011 nt. Ihon thlit . we sliOulti keep Llll2 viirlouircg or the hod s Anti open. Anil hoe. , pleasant s nn -Uit we halve It In our ii.m'er to put a ineilleinc ill 3'0111 . ' 11. niiidoly. tlnrsdn Lnliull Iti.t pills. uninullictureil from plAht,".:ma rhoh, onieh rron hh h hoi 4.111, hmun 7 Hills in Neturifs,cortivii, for the re , I'M Ors ol 001 11. 110 of the 11 5 11511001 WlllOll OW, 1.1118 are made whicili 4peua the poi., of Ifni linil in tkr ( k,i n g Jut the till, ports of The 0,0/111 hi 111:111i. 1111011 S and ‘,10.1S ILO 11 . 11110. It Ili tiIUS. in n sontlill , nom tier," perii•rto it t, duty IT [lir mine oil itialettlit. tuto! other It tallow,: from Notts 11 ‘ ). copolos spitting. he 01,1 •is Ilitiretie. triticirOvos 1,011, and ill.lOllO strength to tilt! kid-111,11: I II ti= puentiniv.ed:t livy draw large amounts of itototriiy Crop the blood. tritivit ix then thr,nut not Ir...l[o'olls Ity t ilot uriottry ur witter toolsage,,llllll Whit); r etot ttot lIIIVIAIIIIIIII Ili any oth ot t w tt y. 'I he to tlt itt (1J t Ptt rt iti. 111111 :trot:flirt Itio,,ti t e,_,Atj t ,,,p ro p. vales pi' 110t . '1 . 111 - 4 1.11Q111. 1 .11 in purifying lld -ftltt r for ttitarber ptirtielits or lot port ty 1,1,101 1211 . 111105 11:11• I,e the othor ottilets. :Ire lhits t•ilten up owl 001- la in hoot wool title:. I.y the 1e s-elx. rams ti l e alcove, it is 'loner that jr.l 31orcce i s Indian hoot 1111.) not to I; toiler Ili.) milted trith the Hood, for they Bull tiny Lnelory 1010 f, .I.otl 001110101.111 : .. relit 010. 11 101 eleapse the sysien, 1) . 1 , 111 all holm, . 1001 Ihn liti. 'of the leoly., whirl, Is the •0011,1. 1.0....111. , 1.00001 ly 00.1101. 111011 Ely all sitloll,ll a n d 11.100 is dale. holy the siist,•to) for they eitoloot reartio 0 hell the biely I.....oinestsolotre 0110 dear. 111, restoir why people :ire so distreSsed when .4.111. and why to outly die, they do not get a medicine which will pass io the afflicted parts, and »Wel, will open the 11:thir11 isista..tes 010 the disease to .10 east dolt 11101111', a largo olitelltlty ni food and othi•r los, ter ii. foOcecl. alot the stool:0.10 crrol inh.iliurs in, cityorllotylog with, yhe eetrilloted toast; tint - 1001 leveleticle foam.. t constantly_ mix. 010 re 01,4110 aCliieliTllnt 00rw till. - 000011 1 . 4101 - 111.1[1.00 10401 1.11 0101 . 1 veto and arteirY. lion the . clfsene... I..liscc's fill:Es hat, cid.t i qd to ttoollsolves rie,ory . llllsll vie:ore, Icy restoriog, 04fIlions .1 the 111.•111.1 , cooltez heal, Icap i piiess. Ves, I lecutsaitli) co lid , ha) 1.0i.11 r1..00.1 Idonelitecl. with sicknes s ,:, pain nod illochith. It 'id tchrnc li eblo framer • 100,0 - 00 1 .11 s 0 welled ihr 1 10 - 11111e - eltotoents of tali:hiit, fever. a 11.1 1010 have ley. 110,1,,111, - es it were, with'. a , 'stop of the sileAl ;bravo, now_ stood ready to testify that they would have 1)1.1.0 11 11 111 1.1.1 . 1.,1 WWI 1111 110,1 d. 111111 It 11. d. 1,011 for this creat and wonderful medicine. 31orttes - I ittlian . ftercone or 00 . 0 1•.001110111 111,1 1:0 loot, ll ' toy t0d401n10..1, and dtt.to °tidy surprised, i tlittiryhttrtnlotr - - only do the ' 141,11,111. ntA, inks nwdy al tinee non 0.n.11,1 , 11t he ivlti..ll - 1s 111011 I. The,, A l do , tbn.qthis pins, that, they 11l ,•I..anso aalld purify, that —Ollll laoltt„ told Um Iwo ~ ,ryootll and teaulp will aintito rid urn. 111111 1111: 4 1111, port orm longnm harpy lilt, Win rhrltch and bright, our Ila)s. kl lION.-I:ms ore of a eminterlPit 'lllllOll A. 11. of A. Meuttl All ,01111iIIII 't 11:11fIl. IVilurr. Vo. ul . ll t elia or A. A 11'hlte A Co. 'A illurs aro " ' . • A,.1 IVilITE; 4 o1;111roprlo.fur, • CJ 10 rotirtllll4l rG, rt. Niov 7:141I.ol are.,1.11 I ',lokiit•lTh.s. • .‘,,,ViS:ll . t. :Intfq ill every village and 117.1 e 111 the litiol.. Raft, dunll ing t Ito agenry 1,111 nildreNs:l f,.1. Lel me. vents 122, hip, livv hose.. ',lll sent ' 0;1 re st 41, 161,1. itr2:V.lB. 56" F.l, W. ILI VerSthli. ii OES D SF, A S ( ) 11 . 1 trIN ATE E Il . mi 1( 'Tv OP BLOM)? Ills Is a quoit too 01 s 1011011.110 D. 011110110 whielt - has never been bat isitetorily 11l•pune11 of by the iirofes. moors silrrtettelt-the-heating—Lit.-":Skatio 1110111111111-1110.1 e'1 0.0 . 11 .1 . the 0141 10111 , 01 Pll3 , lololo , —that life lives in the 111(.4, :toil theretbre all 11,,ates brittionte in It— ' hilt nwilern."isaetateniver, that ailments have thou Noattination in both the nolitla :mod Holds of the betty. That the latter preptitittertite, however, Is I,llziall..fart,„ and to6tliral rhill has clearly tlettootatratect_thitt_all leant two•lhirl' the ills that htintan 'Josh is heir to, intro their Molloo'lll 110 LI!UUIMUt As; tor lii,tanee. Iu tho Ping ratalogue, such as Smith h,. 'fetter, '• Itarlior'a Plinples. Illotrhes, EryMpo las. I.llseff. ; F3lt, I:1101110, illseharges Iron, tho liar, Favor Surer. or irruptive illstiascs or any kind.—Theso are as. cortaimat In, nail known 111131110111 lawn in arlrit trot,, bad Idoad ,ovldlo tho higi,e t nnalleal authorities ileelaro that most foyers originate In_ tho amnu 111,11111iTy and unite parthhilarly Typhold,/inil searlot —the .thriner he. Ind an Internal, mid the lattor an external irruptivo dlsoase ; 'and In all person , : attacked in •theso maladies, the Weis!le ' to he craiAlateil, or or a dark unhealthy eolor." • Towara off a large majority - of disez.ses, as well as to 1]111111,4011111d1 lmru al: eady eclaid upon Um sys tem, It Is neve...try to Itopmved Blood Searcher doer not claim to has for every dlsras, kilos I. lint the- pniprletors claim for it lint power not only of draining . out Hai iwpuritlry 0 .101 . .10ged slate of thrllrer, 41rise nub a:0.1,0110g, 11101 glee renewed tone :1011 rigor 1 ,• 1110 St 0 1i1:0 . 11• Til(lt tllll M.OOO SI:M . III.H isll.that le (+dined for it, itheproprhe tors pithlare It Is only 1.1,i. it MIN (11,01 . 01Td,1111d pit It Ills grown 11110 Merl 11 11.111VSS !hat n largo hibtoratory Loo !Well hula 1,1111., , ,1V Inalmfactum—a large immlher of moil employettlii putting It lip, and null ILo =t= NVti uninll,l man, could tlila Le rn, if the 31ta1• lelur did not tilt, virtues el:dined fit ft 1 Prinn ietors Lane 111111111efk of certiliralps from mon of proloity and ',landing in the connitunlCyl alum lug aloft diritlg daily fee thu FulTering . ASE ANY PELSON 1,111. has tier used the Plood Searehor whether roll I.ex perioneed. 7 ..et rho tier It a trlal—a single bottle mil .11Inve the most skeptical ,r lts L.,)_ Fur sdie lo Carlisle by S. IV. Ilaversliek, S. El Kett, :Pal 11.. h 11 loner; Kauffman .1. Son, 111eoleinles burg; 110;Kvi•ilot.k. Zebk, Shepherd•town;•leshita el/111 : Jarnh : 4 1111011 . ,11g. ~on i'.O.lllS; Karla, d It isr, Shile111: : .1. I. 110111111!,11,11,; 431 . 3 . W. Kissel. l'hurchillWll: 1.1111,011 . •1:10,, West Ilill: 7,C. Faso:km.llCA: Pro., Pak Shoemaker Ellltt, Ne , 1,11:,;; 11111. Ihull uu, N..31ri110; .1. Ilwut .t Co.. Spriouli..l.l; ; Illghlaell .ty AVAshinger, .1ael,solo; illy; Ire, Clark CO.. Loos lbeels; %VI.. 11. Eekles, Spotting Ill; h. p s niim, ; . II kiln .I.C. Altioh,Shlppousltrg: allorpurober. !qa vour.ty, Pa. MEM BiE= Pll 11,.thELPIII A 111.:DICA I, 1101'; 4 1:—EstablIsl, ti,ol,t r ph‘o ,)oars' olgo by Dr, 1N11..1,1S t corner of Third and V-T YEAIZS' Exinlone° has rovileroil K. it mi.vt sUreeF4ll ‘iivs In the vino vi• all pvhilto nn Lupo; nitinhood's Irl llilr. nx mi holv•ilinivnt to noir Haw° rm.°. and Nextial th fihin, and thovvorli.iniv . iroin nhu.r of lOvveury. TAKE pAirricum; NOTICE. neve lean genii habit esmetimeg indulged inn by boys, ht solitude. otter, growing up with thou to 11111'111110: gild which, if not relisstnell in due thus, sot only begets serious teuminness_but_rd en's oleo is n evolve of prat meted, InsitlineUe std detto-ktlLng Few of thnsm whin gins unty to this pernicious prnetive are IIWIIIII of the contstslosons s uhtll Limy find Ills Der tue system shatter. it, feel etroPme lust umwroun tabh. _scusettLuus.„anst-t in.;uo fist - ropth.• - udnd~ -- Nrrinnges ~ its,to, or lie Ws tech or, ••nolt-l'osservallom'!) , 'tint anion 6umiie thug • ble inn Mho, with seenstonned Visor. Or to upply his uthnl to study; his stn.', is t nn.ft roll mesh; Ito is dull, irresolute. !ilia 1.11iillgt,1211:11 Lt hls rywrls Ni lilt loss Or, gy plan usual. • . . 11 - 11 e emancipate hints dr hefere the pritrtler has done its worst, 111111 outer 100101 loony, Iris illarrillao 111 unfruit ful. and his sense tolls Lim that this Is ,aused t' his roily fornee. These are considirtati,:im witch should lovidied the attention of all lrim aro similarly ',Runlet'. i• 11EMEMBER, • Do who Fives himself under lir. ICI N ICHIAWS treat ment. may religiously confide In his honor no /1 gentle. non. and icily upon the 1110,11 . 01101.1 that the secrets of ('a patients will never 110 disclosed. Young Mn—let no false modesty . drier yon from Moltlug pair 011,10 kllllll . ll 10 11110, 0 )01, unlito 011 11( 1 111.1011 mud l'osllllClllbilltV unrooll.illoy Lefriond pan. Dr h l KEI.I residence has been for the lost twen tvdwo roars at the N. W.,Cornerof AND UNION s'ellEl4S. l'ldiadtdpldm Pa. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCF • 'Can have (by titittltii; their ClIFt. ON pllcltly, together IOU) all tijadr sympttann. - per letter, 0110(4411g a remittance) lir. fits medielne, appropriated accordingly. ' --I , ..rwargied • Vo. any- part •of tike —United States. and parked..arcore from DAMAGE or CURIOSITY, 1•y Mall or Express. .4E:AA),I_ _1i414.117.11 AND MA 'A vigorous 'lan or n iirentature Dosith, lilukelin on Seir-Proserytolon—Duly 2i Cents. .• Lettors COIIEIIIIIII }1:1 Value in stuurps Svill inung d'copy,.per rot urn otlunll, y. - - I 'GRATIS!!! - A Flt I:1: CX FT TO A Lik: MISERY' RELIEVED._ ..„,, • • • , srNatttl•con oltlo," n now and popular, rock, not of • lailualile narks and Impresnlvo %laming, all ko rsol6ulat cul to prorrnt veers tf inbery, and rare tlplurninia_uL, — ltvenTislfictrllnitril - Wlttrillsi utoirgo. tool forwarded ), • map, pre-palcl to any PoAc 4t tlto I.lnllcl Stitt ,-,n rolrll4l an ordor enelcrclug two poptrigo awn, • c1ue.1141868-Ir. Ici L TT.ENTION FAIIMEIIB and 8t ck' rntrm .—'llll, . e rt , r keep for tho nt. , 'elm, 1, 1 4 iniles•werd oftho t u rnpikr:onn tPilTa? o low lireedios erevic. e in lawer Dleitirwai -11nrnatdp, miles vonth nr C'arlinle, BLEU ANT d delin,nntl TWO iltdit,SM,ned Invitee the attention st all. , Term noalerate:. . •• • PIagIITEVIRII, Jtar. ;(1, 1014 —Taw ~izebit•-• rkemwsi:s 00:03.‘;105.- .'• CI A' Ti r INT . • and Traders will' be on noir guard and ;10.d. upon by it coutflorfolt - of Alorso's Indian signed A. IL Aron!. All jrkubni Indian "MVO the anion and signaturn of A.. 7. WAili each box. Al,l the tuventor of AiORSITS IN D IAN !ILLS, hu, Hut the gtenti.r pni t df his Ilre 7. liming visilutl Europe. .I'slit tultl Afilea,.er Lit speet three ycprA among tithe Root Pills were 1414 bin ho II Yht mall hl ert:ll.lb.h the thet Ont 'al e4r.n.-444-4144' ITV (11:=1 , 1144-14,0414-30—, .Ituzil/h-am1414.1410p0n41,41-iiFin-this—Uteei-1 v:d.inus passag,, b 1 .1,1110 clogged, and do .r.ll:utinurtnarry--Vritlrthe-diflVrrnt-Inn'atinns thn blootl. - losio,' „at:tido; -heeolnemt.ltic!k, IMPOEE STATE OP THE 111.00111 8 =! UNI VERSA L P,ANACEA I 6 LINDSEY 1.1.:N11). Proprietors. 11*.ilida3Nborg, pa K A 1) ! ! I alTiciuc w - 1. - 1 0 %V A It .1.) ...A. 8 8 (i) C. 1.1 • . N, ,i : l- I11l:i1:I::11; ~. .. t.lo,,;,4io;t . : l Bltuti ,:iit111d11;1:,y_, 1: ji 1 j t 1 1 .,1 ,.„p,, : .,t,. 1 , 1 ,,1 :r r,0e.i,.diT,,4i, - --,-, pill.ictefr:4,4ll4lltriebt line .I.lethowe dlseutes. 4.92 , .kelitliV"Allli ASSRefA7i'll, , N, iii 1 ii, Gi 1.1.0 11111111 ff•AfFIL.LiOII of hou,all life, - to um d by Sexual db.:lnes, alltb_tpe deerptioos rinetisell used Illy tint, 1110i14 . 0 I ii'. Lllll4l.l . ruel, discs',, by (lovas. se,era I y rat; 5rb.. 0, 111- rert.ed 11,1, 1 r. I 0,,,, , 1ti0g Soto on. as u I. II AI, I'.l A 111.11 • AO' ~,,,rthy of Mel, noloo, Algol 0 , 10[1011fIlly er the treattoeld of this ilass 01 1.1j1+1,1H.F.. illilt 11101' .I 1 111,, and to give NlltltlttA I. AIJA:111,1ItA 1 IN. lo II 11110 !Imes by letteS. with abies;fription or Josh . el tllti , oo toga, occupation, ,chits ~ 1111,4,t,..,) flab UN • 01. of ox. lb roue poverty, to 1.1;1:NI!,11 1 1 11.P1t1 N 1.6 IR LE OP t.',IIAIIIII. It to ileetlie'ss to tem tn n t the'A„,„,.1, 0 1,,,, ~ e teneteh:theitiloee.i Modieul skill 61 OW 010. trot trill . tt„l tit ,b• 0.,..1...5ipr00 w '1-nssi ~1 LI! ,tit o.r. , 'I lie birret,,,s ill the A rsr, 1 3 1 1 0 0..irt iio ir A oniud II 0. port , tit oil tho lt st.todd tot r..ex Lod Lists:re. 55ig,,,,,,,41,,,,.... 01101ut5.{..0014001.41 'm • • rust • • .. eh-hoeiee.i.,..t-4..he44eTe1itm..—...-dipv7lr , vm - nntimrtiiiirtl7ll I: ,el ist , ,,N: ltopoteik 0. (tenor-, lbw, Moot. ‘ Nyphillt, the i too ul ' lttuttio•lttio• :elf tillire, 4 0 . tottl-ortlet: tite • Witlituatirt, pl I Ito NllllO 0411/1.1 . Ow i'l' be •L'ireotors,*ou ty!tview . tif the past, feel assuriql that their Isliors 1,, this 11,11000 of brion ohm t efb,,t, lut% e iuee or tti.r: hoooit to Ole 0111ivI0U. 09,001011 y to till: pato:4_ond tli., bat IN - rvsnbi'ect toi ddyoto j boo selves. will, relorotol seal, to this very 1 1 1. , portuut but . 'thud, ttespkvit rm.., , .1104 publ 'shed 'l;yalm'A syrlsintion, a l' ern, t on ' Pper• matorl'hoes, 'Jr P e ntionl -11 4:111,11144. (he 'ire otahelhee, 31eFierlmtlee 0 1'% - el bA Lut.e, , ,to'd 'tither Idstsses of the' NeXitril Organs, by Ow Cousultlott Not goon, oblelt will be oetti•by to•II, (to 0 beolvii Ivlttitooli 01 01 . 0,1E1:LE OP tilt 111/ b.. 00 000011.. t of ottoPAM P 1 . . w P 'swage tuber Howls and 'frosts 011 tile 001.orti and - treatono. t of sexual di,eases, Wel, 00., me constant I holier i.11bi141.• . col Ibt'grattlttons tlio , lll 011.10. 0011100 I.t. 000 t- to ill, ... rankled, Noine.oi • It! opt,' 1 , 10 , 1100 told methods of lositioeut disrovered du: log the hint }err, 100 Of great Ath . lre4s," fur Popo, I or, lt . ..tetzft , It I r.' l ' cA ,UN. : . 111.1,011 Effi'l; ll ' ils Y t rvet, • lip a der'of the • • . . , I.'„ZIEt U. It E,111'1+15'1 , :f.1.,, Prosid: ut V.111:(111L1),",:.44,1.0Dary .11-I . E LIVER INVid(i.RAOR, .! PREPARED Tt l ( flit. SANFoktli onipolintle it .entirely from 6111116; i s ONE Of'THE PURGATIVE A silt LIVER. J. 3lElf1(il .EP wily lalorn Lim path'. tlni . t nett: as ft Covitotroc. easier. milder. amt . other inedleine linowo. It is not only a ( !AVER IA:111Ally, AC1111,!. 111,1 1110 MCI, to elect Ito Riorlda matt, , then on the. stottittelt nod boiris to ear. ry tho ..11,•,t,caly. alt.) to ity of the 1,1114111 feelings eaperi ttred in the operation of int.st E....MANTIC:to It Strength- At, thin s.s . otent at the Name time that It polo, II : and whew t.fson d a ily to model Me tioses„otill=strenatladt and !mild ittnie Id Or AMIS.:II rapidity. The ,v-As non of ifflin• hatnan hotly. and • triton it performs din flitodiTnto toil thew port` ' ors or Ili,. oystain ore ityyilloped. The c..„)' stomach Is 'almost- err 'rely appal:di:W6n tint tver for Mo. propar)fcr. r'"l forma nee off le lOU rtfol/8 _Mien fine sfolLS0:11 IS at fault. rise LASA;IS HIP of latllf. Alla the witch: ` system suffers in eAftsot qudlei. - OC , nue or,: the tha Liver lotting -penned CO do HS duty. F o r the dlxrases of trila• orgAri, one or the ]aril' ,••• iinitTons hnx IMAIt, It 1118 study, inn firat'tlVA of •rues: than tWeitty years,. to thirdsome remedy .Cb where, ith to counteraet the many deratigentents t o wid e ), it h e Itold.. - T" Prove . litaf lids toady Is, at Jast a try porron - tranblialitith Neer Coo plaint 11l -any of its furors, hag hot to try a tto._ Trinti - tire - syStroi. sup. plying Di. then. I:ltsra a Inatlthy flow, of Idle, in- t igorating the tditintodt. ...moil, food to digest well, purify rig Ilia giving " tnnth.a th, to the it lode toarhinf+y fOIII4TVITIA the cameos of t a disease, and _effect. log a radical E L -D , . . ~ One .loso after rating ' Is sualelent to "Akre the ,noinaell and: pr 0 . 1,,.... vent the food from ris ing -nod touring. only Ono dose taken 1 4 ...1 before retiring prevents 111-ilijinare. ._ Oulu inie ikon taiiiiii 1. 4 . at 'night inoi.ens .- the lionels gen Honied cures' e , silveikess. .' tine iliaill taken OR, Co nail, ineal,Will core h) r. peinAa. - , ..... 4 i.l ' OiinAnSe of hen tea spoonfuls will always yilievii'l.:lo , ; Ileinlarhe. . ' Onii bottle talion fori i i In oladrni-tion. rue woven tint rOOOO of tlio g ,1 ' i.::i,...... 0 . 0,1_ Inaltiq, it purievt cure. ' Oulu 0n , ' 1 1.,-lintne. (::) (Manly reileVes Cholir, .while one dose ellen re. ~..- iivatetriii ii tare Cure for ~ Cholera 'lllorbins, IS.I and •a preventive of Cholera. . . Our .1:.,.. taken oft,. • will prevent the twin , rence of hlllotot al.- I ricks, while It I:- Haves - all- pallifuLlbel..... h PAINFUL, and ft Is only over this 3dari llf Idrrakes ue Oahu a ITIIFECT TORY. We ray positively to our , p,trnim we run re , Ilion OW Starner OO times. out of ,100, would ju,,t say to the tit - 0311e. Prof. tln Van oils :NI years in bring log 114 npallrllle to the onlerha fly it has °Ver all wh ets. - nui„. Nee 50 cents per bottle.p per Orr , t 2 Orders must Uo 333131re,5ed to J. D. STONEIWDE, Soh, pv.i for U. S. A in ' l ' so . Lewistown. Mifflin county, Pa. A iIIES,, t,/ itrluAlnir ti .11no ns:4.le4ttl'ont or t Lclh tort it I boom, p All Nikes Jl qirell IRSP, . 11. SA.VII..NS.. . oon WANT.Y.,I) for • Cured:l tlkigln tR. I. fir tbu • ir) (} •. V • A 1, .. • - • WM. ql l}lUw. Formorly or 501 Mond MIS. NOW rOrii• W , ISN'S to In , form leln nld cnotloo rx Alta 01! 'pant. generally; that . pe bap fenniVect (WM, 'Nel'W A M) o 01,1:•.••' INSI .11rnntlwity, whom hn will Lee(' n inNo l'4!pl (meld • f 'MILLINERY ANI/;%llp..r.s:NltY •wlvultwalii null retain. nt the Inweet temlbin ea6l priver. ' • e• I 11I05i, Brunthtn):, (up dupl.) New •• !!..3 , ' • „ RIM