Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 25, 1859, Image 2

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Wednesday, May 5, 1859.
• .
The Citizens of..Philadelpiiia and of the
- several Counties of this Commonwealth. attached
to the PARTY, And all voters Who aro op
posed to the U11)114 Unwrse and extravagant measures
°Min NittlUnal AdMinistrallar, aro requested to send •
EELEOATES, ngtltl In number to thelr several Repro.; ,
_.,aeptatlyes la the General Assembly, to a,CIAVERTION2I
to-bUTlieTitatai A REISBURG, zon.,IREDNESDAY„June
ERAL. to be votedlor at-the General Election, In -Oct.. •
ber next., • lIENRY.SI. FULLER, chairman.
, Wu. E. MANN, Secretary.
• The Affieripon Reptibli
-' 3 7 •P: . . , ‘ cans of the VEST WARD,
j g! ,., • .
lv t • . are hereby notified to at
. " tend the Delegate Election
rtt,the 'Franklin - House, (-llannon's) . i-on SAT,
lIRDAIr EVENING 'next, betivizien:The hours
'of 7 . and B• o'clock", and elect two delegates to
repiesent tbem in County Convention..
By order of the Standing Committee. •
•,„ The American Republi
. cans - f the EAST• . wmtp,
hereby' notified to at
a4 tend-the Delegate Election
• ildtel, on EXTUEDAV. EVENING
ne'gt„_betsvetnE - tlininiursTol7 , nrni - 9 — o'clink - ,--7-
• and elect twwdelegates to 'represent them in '
,County Convention. • . . .
By order of the Standing,Committee.._' •
• 74. • - Last week we enjoyed the pleasure of a trip
to Philadelphia by the Lebanon Valley and
' Philadelphia & Reading,Hailroads. Leaving
Carlisle at 6, 43 A. M. we reached Harrisburg
in ample tinie to take the Lebanon Valley
- train,'whichleaVes Harrisburg :at - B.o'clock - ;'
2- -- ,' - / -- Tli"ence by way of Reading to Philadelphia,
'Whore we 'landed at the station; Broad and
Vine streets,,at 12& o'clock, after a pleasant
ride of four hours:and a half, through one of
the most beautiful and fertile portions of Penn
Sylvania. Fet;' some distance after leaving
• . Harrisburg the rood to along the Swatara,
passing llurnmelstown, Lebanon, Meyerstown
, •1- Womelodorf and tunny other places of. lesser
--- note.- 'The valleyitt thickly settled and highly'
• improved, the lieldo.and.,..orchnrds now giVing
promise of abundant crops,. and as far no..
the ail can reach, the country is dotted with
commodious burns and comfortabte houses, •
. . of thott•evincing a, high degree of- tapte,
and retine:Ment. , .
it was 4 Mat ter of regret, that . the location
.of the road and theohort dolay-pf.the, cnYtout ,
Lebanon, prevented a satmfactory.view of tho
• town, but wo weretnoro itillate at Reading,
of which_we had'a splendid vio•W7Where the
road crosses the Schuylkill. Reading spreads
out in a natural basin, finely relieved in the
back-ground by dark, green hills, and from
an elevated point, must present a landscape
unequalled for beauty by any other spot in.
Pennsylvania. _ • . •
From Reading to Philadelphia, the road
winds along the 'hank - Sof the SdlnVikilf,agord
ingsuch anucceSsion of benntifol scenery—wood
and water alternating with cultivated fields
and busy towns;—& - Lt the e;e of.the traveller
never tires , and all senso,of fatigue is lost.
Soon the-road Crossing the , Sehuylkill, takes
'dowirthe right' bank - of the river, and as the
train's weeps-past -Norristoivn,lConsholi ockea,
Manayunk and the Falls, almost continuous
in extent,- teeming-with-life-antiLindustry-and
enterprise, we begin to realize the fiict, that
we are entering the subarbi . of that mighty
city, which evoil now may beentitled the work
shop of:the nation. People may depreciate as
much as they 'please, the commercial impor
tance of Philadelphia, in comparison with
New York and Boston ; but in her inanufae
tering interests, conSitit the elements of her
' greatness,in which she now has no superior on
the continent; and Aver will have an equal.
. However, we have digressed from'ilie sub
ject, our intention, when we commenced this
article,was merely to call the Attention of our
readers to the pleasures of a trip to Philadel-
phia, by. the Lebanon Valley route., The road
is substnurially built, and is being tiloCked with
wide, comfortable cars ; the conductors are
careful and . attentive, and when their arrnnge-
merits are so far completed as to avoid a change
of cars at Reading, ft will,lelve nothing to be
desired, on the part of those who travel that
ill route,
—OLD SonooL—The General Assembly of the
Presbyterian Church of the United States. old
School, met at Indianapolis on Thdraday, the •
10th inst. In the absence of Di. Scott, of
California, the last Moderator, Dr. Rice. of
Chicago, by 'appointment. presided, and de
livered tire, opening sermon., Commissioners
'were present from every part of the country.
There were also sonic Missionaries from Asia
and Africa present. The Rev. Dr. Breckin.2
ridge, of Kentucky, was elected Moderator by
acclamation. The Rev. Mr. Mann, of N. Y.,
was sleeted temporary clerk:.
. NEW Scnom..=Thb_Peneral .Assembly. of_
the Presbyterian Church, New School, coin
mence'd its session at Wilmington, .Del., on
- the'sarnosdity.
— fieiiid - rdirtilielifiVenly:ff
ors wore in attendance. The Rev. Dr. Thomp
son, of Buffalo, delivered IWO opening sermon
on the office and work of a Bishop. The Rev.
Dr.' l / 4 Patterson, of Chicago, was elected Mode
rator, and Revs. C. P. Bush, of 111., and H. B.
Niles, of N. Y., temporary clerks, "Pittsburg
was selected as the next place of meeting.
Loot Coat Tins Piorune.—Tbo United States
Court for the District of Michigan sentenced
the Deputy Marshal Tyler ton fine of One
Dollar and Thirty Days Imprisonment for kill
ing Capt. Jdmes ; now .- •
Court for the Northern District of Ohio, sen
tenced Buidinell for the crime of assisting a
man to his liberty, to pay a fino of Afx Hun
dred Dollars, to' pay the costa of prosecution;
say Fifteen Hundred Dollariound to imprison
ment Sixty Days.—Oleueland Herald.
THEN LOOK ON THIS Pioynna.--The United'
States Court ftir the Eastern'Distri‘t ofPenn
svlvania, sentenced Vondersmith for forging
land warrants tootwenty years imprisonment,
Mid a fine of 600 dollars';. and lastly •
--LOOK-ON. 111113_r/OTORE, Hod' then talk of
. 44 even handed justice."' The United '.States,
. Court for the District' of Columbia, tried:
,Siokels for the murder of Key, inVlashilSgtori ..
. A STRANGE Cormetr.--The insane often en
tertain the most ludicrouk idea of their own.
condition. There is a men . in an asylum In
one of the neighboring States, who became in
sane in consequence of a failure in business.
He explaines the'reason of his incarceration
as follows : ant here because of a , niero
mistake in business. I was engaged during
the winter in making mosquitoes' wings, which
I expected to sell in the summer.—l had ten
thousand of them oti band when the season ,
opened, but unfortunately I had forgotten to
make them in Pairs. They were all left-hand
wings, atutolmsequentli lost the Sale' ofthem ;
enwas compelled to suspend payment He;
reibtes this story,,,with Wgravity and earnest...,
zees mhich Ostiiias to the sincerity of hii own
belief in the-explanation.- -
The warlike
,aspect of public: affaira• in
Europecatises the foreign itrtivals:tc be Ioolc:%
ed for ;with great interilst. The . Vanderbilt
reached New. York o'ff•taturday, with
days-later news,-of can only give a
brief abstract. / •
. •
The New Parliament.—The Times of the
Oth May'says,:
The list of new members .returned td the
new Parliament, already published in' our
columns, shows a total. of 316 Liberals and
267 Conservatives.. The returns since thade
raise tk.tatnl to 319 Liberals and 267 Con
___ •----- 17 • 'je,3Th . =Ftttt_lWfliib;W - "7 ---
-- - -7- 111iltiarr - News:i=lhe - ' - '& - inmar - ideiqn:ehlW
at the request of the 'chief Secretary of State
for Foreign Affairs. has appointed the - felloWing
officers to be military CoMmissioners for Great
Britain to the head quarters of the armiZs. et
1 hp: - seat of - war. For Anstriti,"Col, - 111illiban - ; -
for'France, Col:Clareniont ; for Sardinia, Col.
Cadoga,p. ' . .
• The Queen's fireglamation for the. augmen
tation of the royal navy- has been responded
to with alacrity atMo - ohrich; Two hundred
a day . are admitted for examination,' . ~
'The Post says: •• ~
.. The Prinee of Males is expected to arrive
in London early next week. •
' The Court Journal says: .:
The Princess' Frederick William of Prussia
will - arrive in England, on a visit tethe Queen
aboutOlte.26th inst.
• -Tito War In Italy. • .• .
The London Vomit leading article of the
10th• - sive : '. .
X conflict near Marengo, appeared at one
lo_oow.,iitiooyito_b_lo We knew.; kowes . er,. that
'during the lust five days an 'entire change, has
faked place in the Austrian position. The in
vaders have withdrawn allfhose troops which
rendered-a battle imminent ; they have left to
the - French the Valley of - the Servia, which
forms thll2, eastern boundary of the battlefield
of.Marengo, and which washes the wall or the
TO'rtona.- . They lotvit •quitted the dangerous
neighborhood of the French - and the fortreseeti
and they have spread themselves along' -the
line of the river Sesia. and upon - both banks
they are throwing up defences as though they
contemplated a_prutiacted occupation
AleedingartieliLoclle Titues,_lllanday_oth
May, says:
-"The Emperor of the French is about, on
Tuesday next, May 10, to set out to take the
command of the army, and in his motley suite
will be found•chiels of all the nationalities.—'
-Ache goee to make history, he carries'also
with him his• bureau &Tiara/or, and'we !Mall,
doubtless, then have more important events
to chronicle than those which have yet occur -
red. - When the Emperor Napoleon reaches
Genoa we intuit expect that it will be to inau
gurate his tilitery • - career - by sozuegreat
nioventetii r vealing-,the ' conflict h has pro
voked." •.: - • m
The foil wing telegras are' from ate -Lon
don 'limes":- - ... . -
• -- . .
, Mots, May B.—The Moniteur emireins the
following :' The Emperor has decided upon in
creasing the 'number of the Generar . Staff by
30 generals, and the !toucher of the Major
- •
Staff by 50 officers'. - -
, ,Mansetuns, May 8.--Letters from Rome
to -- tlwrEittrgteln - fliaLthe.Freach 'garrison lots
been maintained entire, and that• 10,000 Aus
trians are at Ancona. The inhabitantsof:the
Romagna are greatly agitated. -•
:Team_ May- . -B.—.otlicial • Bulletin. The
Austrians have hastily evacuated Vtighcra,
and after recrossing
- the Po at - Gergia, re
mained- in,the wood on the left bank of the
river_ The Austrians are endeivoring to_for- -
tify their Position on-the Sesia. The attempt
to cross 'the Po at • Fratisinetto- took place on
the Sd. The Austrians fire at 5 I'. M.
and Icep,tjt, iip during the any until 8 at night.
They commenced again on the '9th. Some of
our men .were wounded. - The Austrians are
.4900 strong at Castelnu'Ovo. .
Benno, May B.A revolutionary movement.
Is expected at Como; the tricolor has already
been hoistedbefore the castle. - •
. .
- The Paris correspondent of them
lies ta''s:
~ Therebave beeo so many orders given to
the manulacturers of St. Etienne for .rifled
-cannon, that the workman are forced-to-re
main at. work part of the night."
The_Times-of-the-100; - has . the -- following
telegram -
TURIN, May 9. Official Bulletin.— The
Austrians hav , 6"advtinced front Vercelli to
wards Buronzo and Saluzzola. They contin
ue to fortify themselves on both banks of the
river Sesia, and also at. San German. .The
Austrians threw out reconnoitering parties,
which .advanced as far as the head of the
bridge of Casale, and being
.attaoked with en
ergy by our soldiers they withdrew:
PARIS, Tuesday, May 10.—The Emperor
took his departure this evening at 0 o'clock.
He arrived at the station of the Lyons rail•
way escorted by the Cent Gerdes. The crowd
was immense and the cheering very lively.--
The whole of the Faubourg St, Antoine was
on foot, and the Emperor was cheered along
the whole route.
An enormous crowd was collected. in the
Rue' de Rivoli. Numerous persons belonging
to the Court, and others awaited the arrival
of theirlMPerial Highnesses at the Lyons
railway station.
The Empress accompanies the Emperor' as
far. as .11Iontereau.
The Emperor has issued a proclamation
conferring on the Empresa the title atfil au
thority of Regent, while he commands the Ur
thy in Italy: • ' '
Timm, May 10.—The enemy evacuated Li
' vorno,.TrolizanO, Santhia, Cavaglia, Saluzzola
ond..Vercelli, and recrossed the Scala in great
haste; leaving part of the forage, etc., which
they had demanded; behind them.
Funeral 01 Baron Humboldt.
BERLIN,. May h 0 —9 A. M.—The solemn
funeral proceSsiou of:Alexander. Von Hum
boldt is now on its way to the Cathedral, All.
that represents science, art and intelligence
in Berlin, join in the procession. Three
Chamberlains, in gold costume, bearing the
orders of the illustrious deceased, precede the
funeral car, which is drawn by six horses
from the royal stables. Upon the car is
simple uncovered coffin of 'oak, adorned with
flowers and laurels. On' either side of Clio
ear are .iliiiiitS, beariog green palm brisuolics.
- - Aline of carriages of immense length close
the procession The Prince Regent and all
the Princes and Princesses are assembled in
the. Cathedral, awaiting the arrival of the
mournful aspect overspreads the whole town.
GENERAL PRESLIti . ERIAN - - AssElilltLY, (0.
S.) 7 4ndianapolis May 2l.—The General
Assembly met this morning atthe usual hour
The chairman-of the Board of Directors of
the Westdrn Theological' Seminary made a
report accompanied by numerous official
documents, which were referred.
_ The 'freasuier of the Assembly quad° his
annual report,'which was referred.
The Moderator announced the committees
on Synodical Records, consisting of two dele
gates from each Synod. He also announced
the resignation of S. Mercer, Trustee of the
General Assembly:
The Chairman of the Committee on Church
Extension made his fourth annual report,
showing that out of 2267 churches in con•
nectiou with the General AsseMbly, 553
have no houses of worship ; 26 churches.
worship in union louses ; 168 report their
houses insufficient for their present wants ;
191 were .in debt •r. 77. had' aid from abroad
in biilding their churches, and 373 cannot
build without .aid from the church at large.
The report shows that the_ contributions for
church extension have been steactilk ineren-,
sing. •
'THE GENEILAZ T Aii • ETIBLY OF Tli - e - Pifesu - r-
—Wilinington May 21.—At the session to-day
Dr. Thurston, - delegnto trent
_the General.
Conference' of Militia, was Ceara - on the con
dition of the 4biirch in that vicinity.
The overture from,the Synod of. the Free
Presbyterian Church,of Obiw-was• referred•to
a speoial committee, with Rev. J. F. Sterns,
D. D., of Newark, as chairman,-
• Dr. ilieLain read a report aliening the con=
dition of the "Church Erecting' Fund." The
.fund 'amounts to nearly $lOB,OOO. -The whole
number of churches aided by the funds 113,710
representing over $BOO,OOO worth of property
The balance subject to'draft is $67,000.
The Beards report, adversely to the prayer
of the seceding Southern Synod, asking for.a
portion of the funds. •
The COmmittee 'of Conference -011.11:1he,A.,
H. M.-B.'repert that the time come
to tenure FL final .adjuetmenk ot, diffloull les, or I
to 'separate from -the Congregationalists: • '
Theie reportilwerereferrek ' '
As this road will soon become famous ns NJ 4j)
Idm -ma • link glands.
route of the French army into Italy, the fol- .
lowing description' given by a carrespondent
of the New York 'flues, who recently passed
over it, will be rand witirihterei) ----- ‘ -- '7
. ""-The road over Mort Cult is- mactula•
, mined throughout its whole extent, and hi
wide and in perfect order,' consisting of easy
grades. On the .1 op of the mountain„ there
was much Snow, but:ost'Sf it was removed
front the road ! ttwor. of great labor, as the
cuts iii tiotne Mattes were ten feet deep, and
the snow so.e,ompact that its sides were per
pendicnlar. - The diligence Was several hours
in passing through this region of show,. and
it rained hard on the west side of the moun
tain. and it - was - feared - that . the-passage of
troops was impeded . by. fresh, snows. The
journey overate pass is no pleasant i?ffaire'en
- to - one - who occupied - the - protected - ,seats „Fri
comfortable diligence—such was my fortunate
position. . What must it be - to soldiers on foot,
wet with severe rains, and-encumbered with.
knaPsrieks and arms ?: - _, ' . •
.. The 6,B2s_feet high.-nearly — three
hundred fe,et higher:than the famobs Sintplon
pass. .That of the great. St. 'Bernard,- fiver,
whichAtifoleori conducted his army before
[..awirroad had been formed, is 8,200 feet. The
easy grades.of the .Mount Cenie road, and the
, protection furnished by-granite posts on its
exterior, - within seven or: eight - Ject of each
other, firmly plaided in the, - earth,.Ttind about
fonr feet high, indicate .that a principal ob ,
jeOt lin).thus formirlg it ,waS easy_ paid - safe
hauling of cannottand bahagtf, over:the line.
/1 Walked for miles over the road, in the as•'
cent from the Sardinian 'side, -and carefully _ .
- it on
diflieultio'nere hninense, - but they have been
overeome - with such skill that Jlie ascent is
uniform and easy in every part: - Occasionally
a level place - hieft to afford relief to horses
from 'the wearisomeness•of a steady pull.- I
noticed that the . marks of the drill used in
blasting were nearly oblitereated, the effect of
long-continued extb ! sure to severe stornis and
the character of the rock, which is a soft lime
stone. It may be, if the history of the road
shall ever be lost, t hat future antiquarians
may contend. from the obliteration of all sighs
cif blasting, and a l / 4. leliar - iiii — great - dillicultiCH"
werCon - contitere'd hi - its constrtiotiati - ,Th* if
they :do not insist that it was formed on it nat
ural' bed. One is struck with. wonder 'that
such a .great work, over high mount a ins,
Should have bosh formed and finished on a
lino exceeding fifty miles-so- completely-pat
it 'exceeds in excellence any -yoad -I know of,
in the United States, whether public or:private
and lerig or short It is kept in high order,
and is descended on a brisk trot with entire
safety. _ seemed most appropriate,ms this great
'road was the work of t heckler Napoleon, that_
the representative of his name should distin
guish- hit»Selt:oy..using-it for-the-march of. a-.
great artny aimed at the same Power which
Nnpoleop:successfully encountered Boom-after
crossing the Swiss Alps."
From California
News from California have been retired to
the bill . • •
- The steamshipS 'Golden Gate and Orizaba
left San Pranoiseo on tho sth.with 4;2,400,0M
in-goldsUtst. he-portion-eon eigned- to-KeW•
York being two millions. . .
The markets at San Francisco wero - dull and
quotations unchang;ed:•
The California legislature adjourned-on the
19th, after, passing 800 bills. •
The mining news was very encouraging.
Noma CooNrv.—A company line been
!brined at , Shaw's Flat, says the California
Courier, with a capital of ten_lbousand dot
lark and entitled the Northern Light Tunnel
and Mining Company, for the purpose •of
drifting into the Tablo
'ln the neighborhood of-Yankee Jim's the
stilkingitf , Tay gravel" in the - Missouri tun
nel has given a- new impetus to operationS,
and will doubtless result in Whiling the open
ing- of. many rich veins in, Georgia hill and
other parts of the "divid e. Ophir, once so_cel_ebrated for ber big lumps
of gold iv not yet-lexhausted. On yiaturday
Last, .I,__FrazerA_Co., -who-mina groUnd sluice
on Ifugh's ravine; struch a lump ofpuve pad .
weighing 14 ounces. I .
AMADOR COUNTY;'—At Suitor Creek, says
the Anunlor Sentinel, the quartz men, the
props, main stays and walking beams of any
town and county, are reaping an abundant
harvest'frorn tbeir•lodes of rich quartz.
An immense amount of mining is being
done at Tunnel hill, principally tunnelling.—
The hill is completely riddled with - tunnels,
shafts, &., paying from, $3 to $lO per day to
the man. There is plenty of water for all
purposes. • -
New and rich diggings have been discover
ed on le-Itiltnear Clinton, about 5 miles from
Jae son.
ALAVERAS COVNTY.--A norrespondenl;
Writing to the Chronicle, from,
,Sandy Gulch,
Judge Gratscrap's claim yielded last Week
over $BOll, with two hands at work, and
Messrs. Miller & Brown, adjoining, cleaned
up twenty ounces after two week's washing.
Iluntireds.of. tons' of quartz, however, have
been got. but during the winter, by Mexicans.
and others.
'rlie Chronicle gives it good account of ope-
rations in the vicinity of Mokelumno Hill :
At old Gulch, Sheldtm & Co. overage about
an ounce per day to-the hand. At. O'Neill's
Bar thereAl 1e two•extensive claims. averagint
about . s2s pe day to tke,hand. The ground
will last for ye rs. • Messrs Chase & C0.,:0n
San Antonio c eek, expect to make about 3
ounces - per day to the hand. Throughout the
whole mining region ,t'itter is more plenty
than it has been sineethe first settlement, and
the mining , news from Shasta, Trinity:and
other countries show that largo quantities of
gold, aro taken out daily. _
MAsosto.-A commandory of Kinghts Tern.
plar of Boston, and one of Rhode Island,
have been on a visit to Washington and Vir
gipia. On Satur, list, tfiey paid a visit to
President Buchanan, accompanied by the
commandery all in uniform ,
They were received by.the President' in the
East Room. Major French introduced them
good men and true, who hail from the
NOV England.
Tfie President, irk the course of his resp`ciiiSe,
said that. if the Knights went to Richmond
with any prejudice against the South, he felt.
confident that they. luito - been removed by
their intercourse with that warm-hearted and
generous people. ' Although they never ,will
be called upon to defend their holy "sepul
aro of Jerusalem "-as had the Knights-Tem
plar ofield-yet he had no dinfilit - they Will be
ready to defend what is &pinny valuable.
namely, Om Constitution and the Union; not
with the sword; gut with their moral influence
and with the strength and power of their' ex
ample. The race of Revolutionary patriots
and heroes has - passed away. That snored
deposit is committed to the men of the pres
ent generation, and he trusted that every man
individually will make it a matter •of con
icience and of pride to exert all jest influ
ences to perpetuate our glorious institutions,
and preserve the Constitution and the Union.
for generations to come. .
These sentiments were received With ap
plans°. -
The assembled Knights then pastted in re
view; the bands alternately playing. .
- The Knights left-for hoMe iu. the • early af
ternoon train.
TcouncamWaitutnavon. - -The Washington
cdrrespondent of the' Tribune 'telegraphs :
• Heart's appointment as Superfntendent of
-Printing-lins-excited , a7nommotion. The-Presi=-
dent emphatically refused him before, and,
proMised the place, as part of the agreement
with Wendell; to Towers. Wendell" gay° the
Union gratis to BoWman, receiving the Exact*.
alio printing and, binding under. the' written
arrangement prepared by Black and signed
by him and Appleton.- TivintYTtliousand
hies annually. were allowed from the job,,to he
divided between The Com:Otitis:: and Pennayhi
waist: for their suppoit; and to be - "paid over
to Bowman. Tlielirst quarter was advanced
in the proportion" of •three thousand to thin
former and two thousand to the latter. There.
are threitee..of breaking the bargain;' bed Wen.
dell holds the documentti, and defles•the•Prosi
-dent.'• •• _
ger Read advertieement of Mai' SAN
Liver Invigorator. • .„ ,
tqeteorologleal lieghiter. for the Week
23erli :113'59.
1869. .9.llanno,
57 00
167 00.
!ae. oo
74 00
- 9u days — =
161 oo
Weekly 64 00
Afelin. •
• •The degree of boat in the above register Is Cho dolly
average of three - observations. •
'opts on last Sattirday„ had an opportunity of
witnessing. he fittest.demonstration Over made
by the fire dßpartmont of- Carlisle. The oc
casion that called it.forth, Witslhe reception,
or their new Truck, frlini -Philadelphia, Mid a
'new Hose dp.rringe.liin Baltimore,,. by . the
Severid.reoent tires !Undo it evidentithnt'air
!Took Ladder Company, might be
-made-to-render-good-service-in-the-futurp r atfd_
in response to a suggestion to that effect, seve
ral of our active young men orkenized in
Pehruary last, under the name of the "Empire
Gook & Ladder CoMpany No.-1," and imme
.dintely set about. raising the means tp secure
proper apparatus. Their call for nid was met
With commendable liberality by the citizens,
and lhp colnpany were Boon, enabled .t o con- I
tract with Mr. Lenoir of. Philadelphia, for a
Truck, at, a_cost of $B5O. As soon as the
company werenotified-of-dlic-time -when-the
. Truck *Mild be finished, they determined ti)
signalize its reception by a fireman's parade,
and a committee of arrangements were ap
pointedfor the purpose, the ., time fixell was
the 21st inst, and invitations_Were.sentio_the_
Companies of this place, and the .IVAstilmtrou
engine company of MecbAnicsburg to partici! tLe.pardde. . •
The WASHINGTON Company arrived in "the
It o'clock train from:Mechanicsburg, bringing
with them their bemitifur,vigine, and were re-:
eeived bya delegationfrom each of the com
panies who, after housing their engine with
the Cumberland, escorted them to Itaymond'it
floti3l, where they were hospitably;entertain
ed lsthe 'guests of the l shame, At 12 o'clock
the committep arrivud.from Phifndelphia, with
the Truck of the Hook & Ladder Company,
I'lnd - shortly - aft'erfitat — e'etOck-, - the - coinpanies
were formed on the plibliq - Square—by Lieut.
liansotis: — U - 4 - A as Chief Marshal, assihted
by Major It: McCartney of the Cumberland,
Sandi Abrams of thin Union and - Robt.'Noble
jr, of the Good Will as - ttids.' .
The Wn-sitiNG:rort was pladed on the 'right
- of„tfte line,the_y_tere cquippeil in darit' . pants,
red shirishnd firethen's caps, they numbered
54 men under the command of J. Palmer Esq.
as marilial, and -were-aecompaniedjty _the
Keystone Cornet-Bond of Mechanicsburg: .
The UNION, came iieit,3ressed in dak
pants k ,\ white shirts and badges, they wee
under : the botarnan - d — o - f Geo ..81utffer and Jam C 8
Nlasotilleimer, ai Marshals, andliumbered 118
men. The UNION was / followed by the . Cum
muatcring-20 men,tn citizen - a - dress,
their MaTsbals were ,Agystus Zug and Levi
Albert. Next mane the Goon WILL, about 70
throng, in dark pants White shirts and badges
utidlrthe comthand of J. W. Ogilby and Jacob
Senor jr. The Eztotifi with their new Truck
followed, numbering about 80 men, in dark
pants, red shirts and firemen's caps, under
the commind of John Roberts and R. Mc
artney jr. as Marshals, and the Junior Ott-•
(lets, under Capt. Stevenson •brouibt up the
rear. The' Barracks Baud and the Carlisle
Band, were also in the line, and with tho
Keystone Band, discoursed most excellent
music during the route of the procesSion.
' The engints and lire apparains were gaily
fatliOned with thiwers, and the - firemenshould
feel themselves under partialar obligations
to the ladies; for, by.the time the parade was
over, every ono could boast either a wreath or
When the procession had gone over the pre
scribed route and arrived in the square, the
Chief Marshal formed them into close column,
and in dismissing the parade,made n few well•
timed remarks, thanking the Conanitte fat
'the'position they had assigned him as Marsha
and expressed the pleasure he hatisnjoyed in
the parade, the recollection of which, would
form one of his nioet plenapnt, reminiscences
of Carlisle ; ns he concluded, three hearty
cheers were given for Lieut. Ransom.— lion.
L. Todd, at the request of the Committee, then
addressed the - tra companies in an eloquent
speech which was received with loud applause,
After the companies bed housed
( their appro.
ratus,the Washington was escorted to the cars,
their engine completely covered with wreaths
oyflowerB, and . ipok 4ipartur9 for . bo9kg,
amid the cheers of the assembled crowd, and
bearing with them the cordial good wishes of
our oilizons,wlio fully Oppreointo theiryflicien
ay na fire mea.nncLtttrir deparliaellillB
- Tim Committee of ,arrangemento had an
arduous task to perform, and are entitled to
great credit for the mariner in which they
perforated it. •
It is a gratifying duty to addAat nothing
of an unpleasant-nature ocourredtli;oughout
the. Jl6? ; the companies separated withont
noise or confusion, and by (1 o'clock the (own
bad resumed its wonted quiet.
The attention of merchants #l,O others is
called to the fact, that J. W. lle,tderson, has
established a daily line of freight cars to
Philadelphia. Cipods sent to thowarehouse
Of Peacock, Zell kifinehman 808 Market
St. Philadelphia will be delivered in Carlisle
the next day. : •
This arrangement will be of considerable
advantage to our' bitainess men, • who have
been under the necessity of getting their
gbods Icy the Adams Vxpress ;Oonipany.
They can :now have their packages from
--Philadelphia,-within-three-hours-of the-time
when they
receive them by express,
and at a mere trifle' whets compared with the
SEWING high prices
of the various sewinkmachines in use, have
cli)eAted very much against their getteralin
trodpction. Tbi i s abjection pnrt'obvia•
ted - novi, by the : sewing unitehipes of Taggart,
& Farr, which are less cotinplicafed in their
.construction, and therefore Cheape r? yectloing .
.the work as rapidly and as perfect, as any, of
the others With which' iris broUghtitito corn•
, Mitsll. 31..CUllinerry, hits two of
these si , :wisg:nialtines at Uarion liallovhere
Indies atid' otheq citn see thent / in.operation.
,can be 'prirelintied. at' trout 110. to
dollars.' s,
C..' V: B. 4,—Wo xvOilld suggest to the
Superintendent, 'otilio • Cutribriland Valley,
Railroad, ilia propriety of adding'another
passenger'ear to the trains.
We have aiSnd over the road from Carlisle
to Harrisburg, two or three tinter recently,
when there were , over a hundred passengers,
a number Of whom could noi, find . seats. We
look ott the C. V. Bailrond iva one of,our most
important local' ituitiptious, and we feel grnt-
Med to know, flint the husimies isttendily in
creasing, b u t it is mortifying to hear strarigerti
complain of having to pay for n scat, when
they have hat dly•the privilege of a stand. We
hoptr — t - Im -- tart7nvltliThts usunl
._~ y i
= ---
prziffirfirfm - f - sr - iiitr vritrif - rtrdtatiliny - iir iid-"`
dit ion.of another car
mile the beauty- of our public square, and
teolst of us take Mide in pointing-iv out tiki
strangers, as one of the prime ovinments of
_the_tdwn_yet_the_Conneil-seeinLte-think- that,
it requires no Care, or guartlianship. Every;
.day . .the tram ale plastered with hand-bills
which,-if they do no injury, give them' a very.
tunsightly appearance.. The cattle and boys
are permitted to destroy the, sod. and the
square in front df the• Preshiterieii . Church,
Ims•become • sp iow..that it is quite a in'ud
hole in wet. weenier,: The Mud, however,
May 'be avoided in future, as : some etiterpri;-
ing citizen is running a catismVity of coal •
ashes apro p i,'which may in Bove the walking, -
but - jrnotrirtrelrityt hmwarof orttimient.
-The companyiticetitig which was called for
.last Saturday, was
.unaioidably postponed.—
The association Will meet„on next Saturday
'evening, in • the Arbitralien :Chantlipr of the
Court llonse, o at,the ringing of the bell, and
it is hoped.that every member will bt.present
nn tlitiecca - sion; as it is nece;sary to fill a va
-eancy--which--has -occurred,--since--the—last
ineetiitg, of the company, as well as
, to . make
the necessartarrangements for a proper ob
servance of the' eMping anniversary of Amer.:
ican - Independence.
. .
-- SALE — Lo'rsTlio attention -of
capitalists is cane(' to a' solo of building lois,
just in the rear . of Dickinson College, which
will take place on .the 11.111 . of June ne'it.—
Thoroltee a veil deSirablenito Tar priviiid.
reshlences. .
- Poort.—HousE,,-
frdine work for tho new 'barn at. Poor
Houso was raised on „Motiday last. '• The
lundier.Wris fitenished by tho firm'iit' Church
Si Eberly, from 'hoie Si ,Saw Mill and
Lanibe - erland, whose
advertt, another_ col
umn oi
: Tit :1 - ,,, Philadel
aid,- ili w Power, for
merly I "Qrably known
to 1110 i .he State, that
it is nc ry to say anything'in'redaritiO
its central location. We only desirA to any,
that under the new proprietor, .the house ha s ..
been exteninvely'rephired And refitted, that it,
is 0604 *Amusing in popular favor, and if
we may the the...testimony. ,of bis_guests: Lis
evidence, few Men are bety&iiialitied to make
a 'stranger .feel al home,_ thou Mr. Power of
the States Union..
. .
To TIILI DIRS.—Mrs. S. A. Hutton,
/ • •
- intends ca - sensation, among the fer n -_
twines, onttho'. 27th, by opening a fresh inL
v • Oke of Millinery Goods. Ladies who atisA
to secure a "love of a bonnet," can stick apin'
DR. BRUNQN) BITTERS are Said - to be
a specific for Dyspepsia, SuthnierComplaints,
&c., and exceedingly pleasant as a Leverage.
( or sale at the Druggists.
W. nAvEnsTicK TINS' just opened
tis S 4 pring stock of fruit and fancy goods. It
s large and. varied as-usual, embracing an
nfinite variety of every thing that can tickle
he fancy or gratify the taste: . ° -
• Ou Thursday last, thirty-seven recruits
for filo 2(1 Cavalry, left Carlisle Barracks un ,
der the command of 'Lieut. Jenifer.
special meetiiii, of the pnpire (look and Lad
der Csmpany. held at, the Court. !louse, on
*inlay 'e'youing,le 23d instant, Eitephen
Keepers,. Paris, and David-pixon,
were appoinitd a committee to draft resolu-
t ions expreskT've of the sense of the company
in'relation , to the parade, and reception of
thtW Truok, on Sigurday the 2lst inst. The
committee reportetfirin following resolutions,
which were unitnimoup adopted:
. Relayed. That wo tender our grateful ac
knowledgements to the Weccacoe Fire Cotnpa.
ny of Philadelphia, for their kind attentions
o 'our committee
Te 0. N. Lull, Esq., of the Cumberland
Valley Railroad:and Messrs. Beattie, Nichols
and whet's, of the Philadelphia and Reading
mid Lebarion Vall,6y Rail Roads,fth. the use of
free . passage over theii• roads:
To Lieut. R. Ransom, U. S. A., for his
cheerful-complinuee with the request of the
committee, 414 10i . 1 . , 41111111) . 10 services as Chief
Marshal, in directing the parade of the'Fire .
epartmenCtili - Thif2TstirrA7 — *
To the Washington Engine Company, of
Mechanicsburg, for their prompt acceptance -
of our invitation which added so touch inter
est to the parade,. and we hope at sonic future
time to have au opportunity to reciprocate Ito
To the Union. Cumberland and Good Will
Engine C'ompanies of Carlisle, for the kind
ness manifesica taWards its — and we extend
to them the right hand of fellowship as co
workers in a good mtge.'
To the...Hon:l. Todd, for his eloquent re
marks'at the close of the parade.
To the citizens of the town who have assis
ted us in procuring an apparatus, with the ...
assurance that should the necessity arise for
it,' we - hope to show them by acts in their ser
vice that we know how to appreciate thei r .
kindness; tintrfinally.
To the Keystone Cgrnet Band, the Barracks
Band and the Carlisle Brass Band, for the in
spiring tousle they furnished during the pa.
rude ; to the Junior Cadets as an tscort, and
especially lo the ladies WhosnAuste and fiber=
ality"wrenthed the procesSibn with gnrlands—
. -
of flowers. - - -
. Resolved. That these proccOings be signed
by the officers of the Company, and published
in the papers of Carlisle, the, Journal of ,Me
-chnuicsburvand-n-copy-sent-t rteach _company
and person specially named therein.
Wsz. M. PORTER, Preet.
JOnli . DLAnt....Seey.—
hold a Pow-wow --Carlincourt returned from
New York yesterday, where he hati 'been at
tending a meeting of. American nerodnuln—
Wig.e, Carlincourt and several other members
of the profession were present: The aeronauts
compared notes as to iniproveinenti . ilicY bad'
respectively made in apparatus,.and gave to
each other the benefits of their experience.
• Among othmt things discutised• WAS . 1116 *Pot
of John La Mauntitin to cross the .ocean in
balloon. We understand that the .gentlemen
present ;Were uliatilutous. in the opinion that
the project. of croseing the ocean wee'entirely
feasible, but they think Mr. La Mountnin's.
apparatus improoticohle', • Carlincourt-i9 very'
sangnine int he belief that the Atlentio may be
crossed. in t tiniloon in tvti - ifaye the
neeetneirroppaiatun wouttl east $25,001/
ing of the Wanhington Vire:Comiinny, of Me
olinniesturg, :hold in their hall: mny 21st,
1859, the following iesoluitions were adopted :
---thenice- -de 'ltir-Ern,-
_ . . ..-- our -titatiks-nro- duo -tha—M.
Ore llook and Ladder Company, of Carlisle,
for an invitation to participate-. in the . recep
tion of their ' l Tattetc" on the 21st; and also
for the welcome greeting and Sidelight enter=
tayt taunt we received from them.
. .
16 , ,v,turd, That our lltholis aro dutS the Cum.
herland Fire Coppuny, ,fpr the use of 'their
house on the day of parade. • . -
Reso That the thanks of the members
of Gib Washington Fire Company are due' Gib'
Firenien, Citizens and: Ladies of Carlisle, far
Resolved,' That we tender our thatbks' to the
ladies of_MeChanicshtirg,. for the widat Its pre
settled On Iho morning of our yilif to Carlisle.
Reeolved, That our thanks are
. 14te
PalnieVEsq.,l our efficient Marshal
. oti day: of
Resolved,- That. our thanks are duo Mr. Wm.
Stuart, for an old relic (Declaration of Indm:
pendence) of the Washington Fire Company,.
flesoiocd, That we tender our Oanks,to Quo
SeyAtone Cornet... Band, for the excellent
sic dlsconrSed by them through Out the day.
Thiolved,. That we tender oar thanks'to Mr:"
0. N. 'Eull, fornn extra train on the 2lst
Resolved, That these proceedings' be pub=
listed in the Carlisle Herald anti Camber/end.
Jo'arti/,-and'a copy transmitted to the
Empire, Cumberland, Union and Good Will
Fire CoMpanies of Carlisle.
JACOB . i.tta, •
GEo. V. WiLswi,
DRESS, Ur.—Td•do that go to Steiner's
cheap clothing' store near the Maeliet House,
who have just received a 'splendid Stock of
Spring and Summer clothing,
.rondo up in tile
heat and tviostfaahionrible sty/c, vhich they will
as usual sell at the lowest prices.
'See their advertisement in - another column
J)1. IVistar's , lJilsant (t Cherry is
truly a balsaiu, it, contains the balsamic
.principle the . Wird Cherry, the hnlsainfic
properties' of tar and of .Pine. Its ingredi
ents are all bfilsamie. Coughs, colds, and
consittoption, -- disappeay under -- its balsamic
influence. - •
ne-7_l3ey none uitless. it hes the wrille
signature of'!ilßuits" on 41 , 1 . e wrapper.
—The Paris correspondent of the New*York
Time i writes :.=Capt. .lerome - Honnpnrte, who
hrtely . returned to Prance from n: visit to his
'parents at Willi - More keenn placed in the
- most dange - rons-service,inibe arion.:-- Be-will
Le - clamant! in 1116 ChiiiiScurs d' Afrigtie,,d_boy,
"of light 'cinalry, every Man -of'whielt is niotin-.
ted on an Arab stallion of great speed and
emibrance. Thia„,hody is divided up and.
thrown forward' in advance of the army in
scouting parties, and is empjoyed in all don
gerous.and rapid reconnoissances. The cap
tain, on arriving at. Paris, ten days ego; left
immediately for Algiers, to join his company,
froth- . whence he will most: probably., loud at
Genoa, on Sardinian territory; •Which is to be
on account of licisproxiMity to Toulon and
- Marseilles, the future base of operations of
the army.
Idutve__been told that "Major Keorney of
New 4 York, has entered the staff of one of the
French generals of divisions, as a volunteer.
Major,gearney, it will be yecolljotetl. distin
guished hihiself in 1 lie - Maxienti - walvin - ivldith
he Commanded a volunteer cavalry company,
raised and equipped entirely at his own ex
Washipgton, May 14.--The War Department
has deaignated the following stational - is scheole
fin" artillery practice : Forts Ridgely, Randall
and Leavenigorth, in the-Department of the
.IVest ;.• Forts - Clarlt in Texas, and s Vancouver
in Oregon.
Tlie following oflicers.have.been-appointed
Inspectors: - Brevet COI. Monroe, department
of the 'Net ; Brevet-Col. Nauman, California
and Oregon ; Brevet Col. Harvey Btown, de
partment of the East. •
. .
Washington ...May 10, the contracts for car
ryitag the mail • bekweeti New .Yoelt • and San
Francisco, and New Orleans and San Francisco
via Nicaragua, connecting , at Key IYest, has
been awarded to Dial 11. Johnson. 'of New
York, at $162,000, for seminionthiy service
for nine months ? from the first of October next.
The schedule, time between New York and San
Francisco is not tii.eXceed twenty-three days;
and between New Orleans and San Francisco,.
twenty days. The Ocean service is to be per
formed in good and sufficient steamboats and
land Carriages.
• John Heart, formerly editor'of the Charles
ton Mercury has been appointOd Superinten
dent of the Public Printing.
]sus.—Thu undersigned; is now prepared
to furnish, loftily quantities, from 100 to 1000 acres, or
more, good fuming and growing hunts, in Randolph
and adjacent counties, In western Virginia; within 12
or 15 hours.of Baltimore, and 24 of New VOl5. ,
The land is fertile anti well tlinhered, the climate.
very healthy, and so mild.that ohuep • ran be orputrlly
wintered with very little feeding, and whore a . cow can
ho raised as cheap as a thicken in New England. 'Duty
will ho sold cheap, and on easy terms, iw exchanged for
bnpeoVed property, or gootrmerchandlse.
Address, :with P. 0. stamp, It frankl'n Clark, 118
Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Inlay2l,lBll.
• -- • -
know of no Invention of modern times that do
serves or Is destined to occupy n higher niche in the
temple of fame, than the diNuovery or Invention of the
Vegetable or Epileptle.l'lllB.thr eurlog Kpilensy, nr Fllll'
log Fits. Spa'ws. ermups, and all the varlou's modifi•
rations of nervous disease. Dr. Seth S. Ilene°, of luS
Baltimore St., Baltimore, std.. the inventor, !scut Willi'
entitled to the host wishni of all the benevolent portion
of mankind, who eiperience a pleasure by the alleviation
of human suffering When Pr. Deuce .11rs1 prepared
these Pills. ho intended them solely for Fits, Cramps
0nd..44 - sasants; but subsequent experience =tint:l:to:Hy
proved tri him, that In addition to their remarkable
sanative properties in this rhos of diseases, they exert.
ud a perfect contool over the rub Ire nmvons system.—
Ile was thenindured to try them In rases of Neuralgia.
Tic Dolmens, Nervous Palpitation of.the
Heart. Inciplent.Parelysis, Hysteria, Muscular Debility
and n host of other 11181..0N, springing from a lack of
nery:ous energy. iralrbrirtililifilts — mttlripatipnlywe
crowned with the most sanguine surcess Persons at
distance, by writing nod sending a. retnittanee to D -•
Hanes, can have the medicine forwarded to their pot •
Oleo r.ddress, he paying the postage. 'rime prices are for
a single box. $3, two box.li4 $5, or $24 per tinsel. We
have given his address above. tunty2s,'so.
rm. The following, fr - 091.a • it:Stonier,' shows the do
nuind which this great medicine has created wherever.
It has been Introduced: •
BLOssotiou. To; co., 1.n., Morch 30, 1850
MINIM. FLEW:YU Buos.—fiontlemen—lii consenuenco
Of the groat constunotion of your " %Vomit Swage' In
this place sod vicinity; we Imo entirely exhausltaour
stock. e should find obliged by.vour forwarding, vin
Corning, N. Y., 20 110 Z. with your hill, on the receipt of
whirl, we wit remit you the mutiny.
From the wonderful offeels of en 111 " Sperifir" in the
lieltifiliorhool, Otero could; Ito sold annually n largo
quantity. if to lot had (Wholesale and total!) from FOlllO
loyal agent. If. you %could compensate a portion for
tronlile and expense of vomitus, I thlult I could make
It to your advent:lo to do
• Yours respectfully, •
• •
Zia, Purchasers will be careful to 'ask for Dr: Nl' [4l/0 . 8
Celebrated Vermlfuge, manufactured by Fleming Bros.,
of Pittsburr, - Pa. All other Vermifeezea In convarison
are worthies,. lin NPlaine's genuine Vernilfulte7also his
colotonted Liver Pills, can, now be had at ell respectable
drug stores. No genuine without the Alma' ore of
[3l FLEMING ItltOd.
I Tun Book Of A:madras, end, Budget or Fun. Gni.
, '11 .5'.411.141
- phla.
NYe r have here a Meat volume, containing a malted
budget of fun, being filed with the most laughable
naylogn'and jokes of celebrated eoitd.mid huinorlsla-- ,
'The publleatlon. , too, in well timed, as the travelling .
station Is, alrnit to commence. and we can hardly lin.
tight° a• work better calculated to omeen leisure, tiao
ieading companion on beard it nicemboat 'or 'a
car. Merriment. too; le good for the mind, It chosen
Away care and enlivens ennui. In the language of the
'irk; It In wise to laugh whllo you may—be candid'
When you can,"
Thin mirth provoking book ie sold at the low Price Of.
One Dollnm , Evans trill mail a copy . and a hendeotife
present to ell persons remitting one dollar fur the book,
and twenty cents for postage. Address.
• . 0.0. iVANd, Publisher,.
N.'11,-;••Neie ' Classified flataleguon of Books and ORS ,
lout frefiron applivition - by MAIL - •
Nature, in her great laboratory, lhip stored,rnine reme
dy adapted to every ditpase which "flesh is heir to.".—
810 It ' , quires' the investigation and research' of the
philosopher to discover this ruined SUeli ruse/wetland
nyetigutintrlitur r euetemVor nrarsaffineitig - n - rourenycor ---
that most afflictive dispensation, the
With all Ito lesser dun numerous erllo; and it may lei.
safely asserted that until the aßAtrance of the Oxyger
mated Bitters, n case of hyspepsir: cured, tr'as n rare ex
perience In tnediral practice.
the Influen ce
of these Bitters the rule Is to pen; the rare exception, •
failure to cure. Read the following, which the sub”rb:
her requests us to publlith for theheimflt.of the afflicted
Ars ()bolus:ate ease of Dyspepsia Cared
.___Tho_falloolng4canLkys4,ti 1111 tzu
nclfEtiiii • MTrgralt ought to satisfy all-thoso of -
little faith: • • .
. ' . WATERTOWN, N' .5 JUly 28, 1858. • ~.
• • .
S. W.F.Le & Ca...Boston—Sins : nice - ymirs since I \ .
WOO attackeirhythe_curse of uildisreses,.-I.lysinmsla, -.' ,
which - so aillicted me as to MORO great oppresslon,Sull-
- near, and bloating oath, bowels immediately after eat,- ' -
ing, accompanied with terrible twine in. the stomarh;
oftou'occasioning nausea, Vomiting, acidity„and head- -
.ache. together with general debility and suffering, al-,
'together roil riering.lls, a burthen. •
After having tried every known remedy withouttf•
feet. and despairing of over regaining my lout heal
0 jt f .L.a.40. 0
was induceskto.ranalttreMli4l, mxiimnpteska, IH ,
good elfeVia.of which were in atelY , '"v9slble. on my • . ,
health and system. ilefbro using: n_wholo_bottle I was - . .
entirely cured;alidlif.4.l - tridensure 'ln inducing all '
like sufferers us rii) sal fty maka use of this remarkable
remedy. , • THE). CALDWELL.
• Prripared by SEP If W. NOIVLB b CO., llestrin, and for
, sale Samuel Elliott and S.'W. Haverstlck, Carlisle;
Ira hay, Meellanlesbur;r; Kutz & Wise ? Shiremanstown;
S. 0. Wild, Newvlllp: Shoemaker & hlliott, Newburg;
.1. C. Altlck, Shlppenhburg; and by appointed agents
and Inaleri, In medicine all over tin, country. ' • •
FARREL, Ill3ltltltiti &
Patent. EL:impfan - Sate.
Late Fire at D
lowa. •
a:, Jan. 7, 1539.
(lents 1 ant requested C. Cochrane, of. •
this place, to say to you , morning of the"
4th instant, about 3 Wrier took fire, and the
entire stork of goods The hunt became
so suddenly intense that none or the good's r3ohl posni-
Illy be saved; but fortunately his books and -papers
which were in one of your Champion Safes, were all
preserved perfectly., And well they may be called
Clomplon, for during the whole conflagration there rto. -
:onto Incessant- isrurlog= of- ItameAlrectly ttinm the sotto:,
which contiiined the . nir And still, upon opening it,tho ,. .
Inside noes fund to be.scarcely warm, while the outside
was most seydrely searched. Yours tinily,
• -S;•.A.McCLUItE. '
Herring's Patent Champion Vire and flurglar-Pro4
Safes. with Ilaill.s_Patent- Powder - Proof - leeks,-afford 0
the greatest security ot any safe In the wild. Also
Sideboard until Safes, of elegant workmanship and
finish. fire plate. Ac.
FARREL, HERRING k ICO., have renamed from 34
Walnut street, to their nen' store, No. 620 Chestnut at.,
Ilall,) where the largest assortment of Safes '
the world tan he . foutut " •
FARREL. 11111tItINff Fe CO4-
• 629 Chestnut street, (Javnetrsliall,) Plilha leJl o4 .iff= • „
- Mar. 11), 1559. ,
• DILCIJEK:iIOI.C.IS 1 , 1 prepared by Cornelius,
L,Cheeseman; M. D., New York City.. 'The combination-.
,• •
•or Ingredients hi these Pills are the result ore long and
- c‘telisive practice, Therm,' mild In their_ operation,
end certain' - In - correcting air Irri4filaritles, PARINI
Menstruntintr, removing all obitructlons, ivhet her from •
.cold or otherwise, headache. pp do in the side, palpitation
or the heart, whites, all nerVons affections, hysterics,,
ritigue, fa In the bark find !hobs. Ac:, glaturbed sleep
which arise Iron, hltrin uptioni orb - Moro.
TO MARRIED LADIES. Dr. Cheesernaies Pills are
invaluable,. they, will bring on the monthly .period
with regularity. Ladies who Invite been disappointed its
the awe or other Pills'can place the utmost Confidence In
Der. Chili•Neuuth's Pill,, doling all that they. represent_ to_ .
Warranted purely vegetal.l?„ and tree from anything
Injurious. Explicit directions, which shunld be ,read,
accompany each box. Price $l. Sent by mall on mm.
.Mosing $1 to any authorized agent. Sold by one Drug...
gist in every town In the United States. •
It • Omen]_ AgOut: fur ,the United States,-165 . Chambers St.,...New York, to which all
wholesale orders !Mould be hildrussed. '
-- BANNVEItr ,t,,FINNV.Y . , Wholesale andltelalLAients._.
liarrisbnrg, Pa:" 11 - . - 3. la r EP. - I , lot, Carlisle, l'a. • -
fc 4 F;Fi;lo; l ;'4
rho sreal standard medicines of the prolong
age, have acquired their great popularity only
through years of bid. Unbounded satisfac
tion ii rendired• by them in all ease,; b and the
people heive pronounced them worthy. .
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice,
Debility of the Nervous System,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all diseases arising from a disordered
liver or weakness of the 'stomach and digestive
organs, are speedilrand permanently cured by
The Halaando Cordial has acquired a
reputation surpassing that of any ainillar pre
par:a/ion' extant. It will cure, WITHOUT TAIL,
the most severe and long-standing
Cough, Cold, or Hoarsenegs, Bronchitis; In•
thensa, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient
. .
and has performed the most astonishing cures
ever known of
Confirmed Consumption.
A ,few doses will ;080 ' at once check'and
cure the most severe Dlarrhata proceeding
These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M.
JACKSON & CO., No. 418 Arch Street, Phila
. efOra,,Pa., and are sold by druggists, and
dealer. in medicine... everywhere, at 76 cents
per bottle. The signature of C. M. Jnekeox
will be on the outside wrapper of each bottle.
In the Almanac published annually by the
proprietors, called EVERTIIODY'S ALMANAC,
you will find testimony and commendatory
notices from an parts of the counoy. These .
Almanacs are given awiet by all our agents..
For - 6 - ido by 8. a:rerstio „Cnr
gl2t Rlarlitts. '
wrellly for the Iternld by
Woodward & Schmidt
FLotrit Superfine, per bbt.
do. Extra, do.
do. Family do.
ED 4 do, do.
rs sla.
TlNiovisSi4m do.
P111,1i9lIDE:1.. PHI A illAitltkiVl'S
There is little or nothing doing in Flour
tmday, npd the market continues unsettled
and depressed, holders generally bing free
sellers at a further decline and standaid
superfine was offered at $7. 28 Per: barrel,
and. in some instances at less, without
ing !Myers; The demand for home use has
also fallen off, and we hear °Clio - sales worthy
of notice to day, and quotations are merely
nominal. Rye Fluor and Corn Meal are
also very 'dull at previous quoted vates, the
- fornieris . hplthat-$5 - ffild thicialfer. at 1 .T4 Lrl
4 12 per barrel, without sales;
In W heat...that also_very_little...doing„
and - roillerq are holding off for lowrir• prices,
which are Merely •nomitial al )60(t - 618,5c for
reds, and 19,00)105c for white, of good and
prince quality, some 600 bushels only having •
been disposed of lust evening at these rates.
Rye is also lower, and Pennsylvania is.quM
ted-at 115696 c win bout sales. • Corn is in
moderate demand only nit n, fuliher deZ4ine,.
and about 7000 bushels, mostly Pennsylvania
yellow, meld at 03e; idlest ; includimen lot of -
Delawitie,'not prime, at 911 c.. Oats are dull'
and lower, and 41000 bushels Pennsylvania
Bold at 6e, nnost. . ' .
ptatp 4 . :
. . .'llie retildeinie tit her eon; In Situth Middleton twin,
on Monday morning lest, Dien. AMNIA A. CllVltrtf, relict
ot,the Into tlas.l.llv poi Itetv, In the 82t1 yottt , of bee age.
, .