Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 18, 1859, Image 3
GREELEY'S 'OVERLAND . LEI'. •- , • NOW IS TIIE,,TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Mr. Greeley hoe just otortod on a: tour to Haman, Plite'p Penis, Utah and tialithrida;to return itliieentral A itiejlea Ali hip Lettere will oppeor In thd Semlwreek ly and Weekly TRUMP, as well as In the Dolly. . Tito Nom York Dolly Trlhuno is malted to nutiperiborn at SO'por annum, In advance ; fat nix montbn. 'rho Now York Beml•WeelOy Tribune isliiebllehod or ery Murat: and+rldeky., • EOM Ono Copy, ono year, $3; Two Copies, one yeer, $6 ; Fire Copies, own year, $11.25 ; Ten .Coples, CO cues •AD ronsss, $2O. Ten C.OplesTer Over, to address of each star scriber, 2,20 each,' ' Any person sending us of twenty, or over, will - entltiedlutterettuleDpy. • " .NE wi-sonK WalitLY.T tIBUNE - Is publishodevery Saturday. • Terms: Ono ropy, one year.' $2 y Three copies,' one . year, l 3; Five caples,-mie year, SR; Tim copies, one . yoar. 512;' Twenty cies, to one addres. at the rein-of $1 per annum.s2o Twenty Ado& to address of each subscriber, $24, and any larger number at the rate , of sl^_o each. s Any persnumonding us a club of twenty or more, will 1,0 entitlod to an extra copy. We continue to send the Wookly Tribune to clergymen for $l. . Subscriptions may commonen at any time, Torras sk ways rash In advance. All letters to ba'addressed to 1101tACE4) it EELCY Is Co.. Tribune BuildiuM May 18, 11350—.1tv, , c• Nassau ttt.i New York.' ESTATE OF' ALEXANDER .Mc- ORECl6R,Anceased.—The Auditor. aPf/o . luted . by thwOrphana' Court of Cumberland county, to make dim tributlon of the balance In lho hand. of W. M. Conroe°, Adnilnletrator de bonla non cum textlunento an. 'ntxo, or Moen Meg Naar, late °ram Rtatenf New York,' deed., will attend:to the duties of his appointment, at bin office, In the borough of Carllale, In mid county, on Tuoaday thelth day of June neat, whoa and whore all parties Interested may attend. J. B. COLA - Ebb. • , May.ll, 11359-3 t „ 1 0-VA D . I . VISITING . • •..NHAY YORK: . • . • ' • TAYI,OR'S . LALOON, -- 8O &AU BIWADITAT; rontinn OP FRANKLIN S7RECT. 14 the moat fashionable resort 'for Ladies In Now Tork, being met deilrablytocsted in the principal thorough , fare, and surrounded by` the best !dorm+ in tho city. Taylor's Saloon iscelebrated 911 over the world for the Magnificent splendor of its decorations. es well as for the quality of the fare, and the ■tylo In which it is nerved,-which cannot be excelled 'by oven the (moue Parisian Cooks The Saloon Is connected With the f• TiIIiNATIONAL HOTEL; whirh has a Splendid Ladle.' I'arlor fronting on Ilintob way. Alm oornmandlng an extend., Clew of that world ront.wrot promenade. The bentovidence of the pops, laxity . • aylor's Saloon is that It In dolly thronged by roleltora .non every_ part of the Union.. I mayll,'s9-3 --CUBA COAL ---ANV- -LUM.IO.I Y A It D Thp auhscrlbers.liase now on hand ono hundred and ol,chty tlniusand Shingles:of different kinds and quell .White. pine, .llemlock,lChestnut. and Oak, all_ tit which they will well at the lowest figures • . Aim, all kinds of seasoned LUMBER, Boards, Scoot - ling, Frame Stuff, Paling,_Plastering Lath, ,Shingling Lath, worked Flooring, andWentherlsiarding,l'ost and. Balls and every article that belongs to a Lumber Yard. Also, a prime lot of walnut, cherry end poplar, from , !hi to WA indica In thickness. ;loving Cara of our own we Can•fifritish sorted lumberand all other kinds at • short notice and 6ff reatuinablo terms... We haws constorltly,onband'all kinds of Family, Coal whieliwe will deliver clean to any part of the borough. • tint ENS yALLEY, Broken, Egg, Stove an 'Nut LUKB '.44131)LE1t; • TREYORTON, do. do. do. Best quality of Limo burner's and Illecksmlth's Coal always on band whirl' we-m. 111,0 as low aertuy ymd In town. - 81180 g k 11OFFE.11.-• Yard East end-of the Borough, opposite. the Oas Works ?day 11, 1850. - (3 S - T 1V No. I/I.MAIIKET StRIIET; lIA titISUCIIG.- • -sniciaT Bzusx . C,, - INSTRUCTION ROOST, MUSICAL. MERCIIANDISN PIANOS, • ; NIELOPNONS, GUITARS, VIOLINS, • - • FLUTiPT, . ACCORDEoNS, &c May 11, i 9. 0; C. B. CARTER. • • It A T T .PATE . N This Rake has takenstlao Filet Premiums at Nine dlr. • ferent exhibitions. • The-public are already aware that this Hake is unrivalled In any market, end la admitted by.every person that ha, seen It jogai*, (end who has seen other different Machines work,) to be the my best Bake new in use. It being an Independent cost steel togth with a cleaner attached. The large numbirlold - the last year, and the efforts fjf different parties to claim the right to sell, and others; representing their, to be the same patent la of Itself a.moat convincing proof of - .its superiority. Qvejflvotbundred have been sold in 4411, wro 6 , alone. WS have noon full eupply on srto accommodate othercounties. guM•antee to ,every purchasei•in Indisputable right to nell,tho rake' — The following are a few pensone toßhOm ire re. for in thbrinunty and York, as having purchased and used the same: CIIitOMAND Conarv--.Y.y. Ilimver, David Clark. GIG. nhallst Bmndt.ll..Bryson, W. M. Watt', G. Brandt, J. Beltshoover, P. F. Ego, P. Ilrechbill. Zonk & Shaeffer. C. liartaler, L. Peßer, Benj. Peffer, Thomas tialbrath, L. Trego & Brother. YORK 000000—Dayld baron. S. Iloke. Lavelle Prests% I. Prosser, -Alm Smith. W. Flora, Benj. Strickler. Ilenry Strohm, J. A. Wilson, )1. C. Rouser, J. Stoat, P. Menges, M. Truscot, .7. Brandt. For sale by G. W. BRANDT, and . STRICKLER & anp., . May 11,'59—am Carlisle, Penn's. MOWER AND REAPER Tho eubscrlber Is also agent for the sale of the Byrn cone Flpt Premium Buckeye Mower, with which a sue ceseful !haplng attachment is now furolalied, ' AUI.TMAN & MILGEWB PATENT. We take pleasure in calling the attention of farmers to our Buckeye Mower and Reaper, which has in its triumphant:Practiced working during the last harvest, no fully sustained the decision of the much abused Sy racuse Committee. Its success has-been complete.- , - Over one thousand have been built, and sold, and the principal of the driuble binge, Jointed and folding bar, which belongs to this machine exclusively, permit. nanny established as the true ono for the perfect Mow. era, we with confidence refer to any or all of thepur. chasers of the Bilekeye for the proof of the above, from many of whom have been realved the roost flattering „testimonial.. The demand the, past maim was far he }nod our ability to supply, and we 'reel that orders will be forwarded early the coming season, tint none lacy be disappointed. To thine reitillrlng a combined machine wo recommend with confidence our Heaping attachment; we furnish a rear or We delivery.' 'Manufactured by Edge T. Cope & Son, Westchester, O. W. Brandt, Agent for the sale of the mine. or • `STRICKLER & 11ItOTIIER, May 11,'50-2m Agricultural Store, Carlisle, Pa R EDUCED TO $5 A YEARI • PIMPAID. THE DES AND CHEAPEST,DERIODICAL IN THE [SEM In consequence of the largely increased circulation the reblisliera of LITTNLL . 'B LIVING A'CIN, Aro enabled to red nee tho yearly subscription 'price from . 40d to 0. The publiehent aro determined that no ex pellee or labor rhall be aparod to Indite this TIM MAGAZINE FOR THE MILLION! And whliel boldly'eltallenglng competition, claim fur it only what lute been conceded by the moat eminent men of tide country from the time of its' first publication,- (over &lateen years since) to the present day r ela ThatiLls imitable to.allnlassee of-readera—Stater men, Professional Alen, Plilloretphern,'Poote, Students, blerchents, Aechanlca, and Ferment, ail of. whom kitty darive pleasure and profit front Its pages. 2. 'that In It nosy be•forind theorem. of ell the world• renowned Reviews and Periodicals of Lutope, with or iginni articles end selections from the best tugitli BC nature of our own'oountry. • . 0. - ,That_lt soulalne. more_rendlng_mattar than a n y other magazine lu iho world; each weekly number con. talulu4 eisty.four pages, and a tine Steel Portrait, took. log three thousand three hundred and ticeptyelght Pagee In a year with fifty.tsto Steel Engrevinge. 4 .1%.3.1tie the oldest Periodical In the country, hay. Ing bee.. publishedwser *lateen year?. b. 'I hat it I! the cheetwollinhlieatioti of this day,-. , whether It in Judged ly the quantity or quality of Its contents . 6. That nn Illtraerja peelect witheut It. 7. That to chide with limited means, It Is an a Indrte bli aubstltute fide a library ormlaeallattenun boots.— And finally, that as a family Magazine, It la pettedly unexceptionable in till, renpectP. Price Five Dollar* Jper annum, or thirteen rents n number, sent by mall, poet paid. to 'toy addrese In the United Reim.. To Clergymen, 'reaction., titudoosowd Clubs, Four loillere. • DELISSRII k ritocrmit, - 508 Elftpumai, N. Y May 11, 'MI9 "• P IL:I L. A - D lIA P II I A AND READIND - It. Alt., n o A 0 , • . 611,11111411 ,AIIIIANdEni4I4T, • . , . . . ... Aonn 18 , 1819 Two peenonger trains hem' Iteriiiilur4 dolly, (sun' dery excepted,) at 8.00 A.,M ,antl"44s , P. 91.. ')jr I.IIIIW dolphin, turtling there at 13.80 neon and 7.40 O. 91. Returning, Nero Philedelphle et 7.30. A,31., and 8.80 P. 51., arrivlnawat liarrleburg at 13.49 noon and 8.25 p. FARES t To Philadelphia, No.l Cars. $3.25 j No, 2 (In same trnln,) $2 70. Farm to needing. $1.60 and MAO., • ' At Heading. connect with tralua for Po t ter Ole, Nkomo. nonagon, Catavrlesa, eta. • Poor trains leave (Wading far Philadelphia daily, at Leave Philadelphia fir Iteacitng at 7.30 A. )1, 1.30 P. 8L; 0.30 P. IL, and 4.46 P. - SL • . ' • • Vara from Mailing to Philadelphia, $1.76 dna 11:46, ' z The morning train tram Itarelaburg .0 moue's tit Reading el , tt, tip-tralu for irlikeebarre, Pittston and ecrantab. ' • • Tor through tickets and other Information app l y to - J. J. PLYDN, Outland AgAillte ighinY 11, too 1120 R • two lito"iyitrick . • At i o . u r n n e 4 . l o d nj :o u , t 3 ll.llAnovvr street,lntu offored Mta. 114 ' 421 P"tinh guy even,. . at" P°! 11 ' PAllKklit lIiILLS.I ,131.'1 . 4 1 011 . the Lilt Anal. * e Ilenlivere Story er '-,J. I', Ivan.- - ~• - . •• - ' 1 J ARM , : SPRING ARRIVAL —4ltoiumsw.yong.:AND or BLEGANT'NfIiV 4000 S, AT A. 'l'i..'lllENTi'S - 8TORID; apoil!lia stock ofnerr,Black linals,Bllki74lagnithent ktty qs Nancy Dross Bilks. French Foulard Silks. Ohinoircp.Blfirs, Patin and i Striped liareges;Valen . clasi Ducalles, benutiful .., , near printed (Antilles. Froncicritited Jaco.', netts, very haudynnio tiglly: • . ..„ . ,i Hants, very handsome F HAWants. English FrenchW. - American' prints, Scotch, • • . ' . French and Domestic - . - • - • ' - - - -Olugheints,-- - .. ~ ..,. ~ • Bonnets, lion- • ' • . • • - net Ribbons and . , " . Dross Trl in wings, . - •- , - Shawls in- -every mriety, , ...,—.. ----.:'• . -- Slik;: - Erriper=t9telln,-.Castanore: . — EC - Embroider/es, very low„ corn• • Prisingeollitrealeoves FlouncingAEdg• ~' • - -- Inge — irrellsTle: - EarpntingamilYollTinthk - ' . - . ' Vonitisn, Ingrain, Mr. Ply, Drumlin, Cotton ' and Hemp. • Drugguts and, Floor Oil Clotho all adagio. • • LINEN 000b8. A complete assOrtmeat embracing all the most celebita tee marks . Moves and ' ad and unbleached ltheetings, Woollen ' and Cotton Itlitimels, Corset, Jeans. 'Pickings, Cotton` Sattlnetts, Tweeds, Cotton and. Linen Diapers, Table Covers, bleached and brown Drillings, and an endless variety of other articles,. In fact, thin stock of goods is very extensive, the: . „ rough and complete, Lev- . log been purchased . with a greet deal ofcare,'We feel confident We can please any one who will favor un with a 'call. All candid' persons Who, hays patronised us heretofore, will adroit that we have sold thwbent bar gains ever purchased In Carlisle. We can Assure our 'friends and all lovers or cheep goods, that wears no well prepared as everlo offer superior ffiduceurents for their patronage. A. W. BENTZ. south IlanoserStreet r oppositu the Post Olitre, Alnvd,•lB6U. r IMAIE .ANNI ILATEDI ! • CREAM ACTUALLY FROZEN IN 3 MINUTES TORRE Y'S NEW 4 MINUTE FREEZER. ' nubscrlbar, Illtorl•areful study and ♦arloue cope. dispute, has Roca:oiled In constructlnga Freeser,whicli for simplicity, durability, rapidity and quallly of •its prodsmtlon, try uncqualled, and cannot foil tulecomo a universal lavoritu. Tosalinfy the Incredulous, there will be weekly pub.. Ile exhibition. of this Freezer, et No. 9 nett street. to prove ith 'ability to all - that - is - elahnewl - for - it.- - Wee farm 3 to 20 quarto. . \ E. V. TOMMY, Manufacturer, , • ' N0..0 Platt. etreet. Neu York. Also, Itidnufacturerte Wholemle Ammt for tho brated " Old Dominion" Coffee and Tea Pete, and At, Ihur,a potent aellsealing Jura and Cana. . 3lay 4,1050-1 m '81. :4 1 11tE INSURANCE.•- ALLEN AND EAST PENNBIIOIIO liIIITUAIr'.I , IIII4 IN UN'ANOI CO3IPANY of Cumberloind 'county, Maori. read by an act of Arelembly, Ix noir fullyergankt d, and .111-migration under the' management oi.tbri-lblibuilirg commiasionera, Daniel Dailey, 'William - It. oorgas, Michael Cocklin, J. Elrhelberger, Christian ritayman, - - John - C. Dun. lap, Jacob 11. Coovcr, Lexie Ilyer, S. Eberly, Benja min 11. Moaner, J. BrAudt, Joseirh IVlcliOrsham, Alexander 'Cathcart. 'rho rates or Insurance are AM low and'favorablo nn any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become inoinhorn an, invited to wake application to the 4- agents of the coMpany, who are willing to: welt upon them at any time. " ' WM. R. GRIMM). Prominent. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN. Vivo Prominent. ' - • HYER: Secretary. MICHARL COCKLIN. Manngers.— Wm It. Corwin, 1.. Ilyer. Chrlstlnn Stay man, N. Coeltiln..f. C. Dunlap. IL Mn,le, D. liallyy J 11. Cnoror, Alox Cathcart, J. IYlekernhain, J. Elehelbur gar, S. Eberly, .1. Brandt. • 'CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—John Sherrick, Allen, Henry' Zeating, ShirintiFinstoven; Samuel Woodburn, Dickinson; Henry Bowman, Churehlown; Mode Url( tHil, &Intl, Middleton; Samuel Ornhant,. W. Penns. Lora'; Samnol Coovor, Mechanicslmo; ; Rocklin, Shephordatmen: D. Coovor, Shopherdatown ; .1 0. Sax. totb"Silver Spring; - Beni. Ilavoratick, Myer Spring; Chariot, Roll: Ratlinio : John flyer, YORK COUNTY.—W.S.Vioking. Road: Peter WM ford, Franklin • Jar. Orlifith, "Warrington :'J. F. Roar' &nit Washington; D. Rutter; Nerurg; 11.,R. Clark, .IMb:burg. - ' DAUPIIIN•OO.-llnuser & Locliman, Ildrriefittrg. Member?: of. the company having prairie:nag:JO toex. Aire. ennhaect them rationed by making application , to any of the Agent,. April 20, 1050. • . • HAT AND CAP STORE. ...IATKELLER'S OLD STAND, lIANOVCII . RTRICric.IVEAItLY OPPoSITN TAB HARD -119,111: .Toflt or 1. P. LOOO t 861. . A full annortmont just received, to which conntnnt addition! will be mode of city an well an home mourn. ture. The atoek poW commend. &. MOLESKIN. BEAVER & • CASSIMERE, ,FELT HATA, of all styles and colors from the cheapest to, the beet „quality. STRAW, HATS. A large variety of all pi leee and styles together Asitli a neat assortment of child• drens' fur and 'straw hats. ALSO,,AIEN'S, WITS' AND CHILDREN'S CAPS, embracini(efery kind now worn, both Plain and Dress Caps, td which the attention of the public is respectful. ly invited. DON'T FOItOET KELLER'S OLD STAND. Carlisle, April 20, 1859. COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON MANUFATORY. , The subscriber MUM. this mien hod of informing her friends and the public, that she still continues the manufacture of ail kinds of work, in Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron. Iler Sloven are selected from the most ap proved styles, The Cooking Stoves for their qualities as cooks and bakers cannot be surpassed, among which aro the well knoirn Globe, Noble Cook, .Fatiny Forres- ter, Governor, Bonn, and the rick"' favorite, • Prairie Flower. combining all the tested Improvements, In tact the beat and dimmest stove ever offered to the public. The leitAdre Stove, or parlor heater, improved, for warming two. three or (cur rooms, put up to order,be sides a large Assortment of Per!or Radiators and ire stoves. FitICBS ItBDUCD:D, on PLUMBING littend OAS FITTING. Those who wish woi k done In this line would do well to ca I et the old stand before coutracting'eleowhere, as I sin de termined to do work far lower . than the present rates. I have for sale end keep constantly on hand the patent Scold, Tip Burner, Won Tapers, plain and fancy Glass Globes, Gas Fixtures, Wrought Iron Tubes. Hydrants, Lead l'ipe, Gum (lose, Shower Baths, Bath Tubs, Over. now Basins, Dlarble Basin tops, de. Sly workmen ore competent and reliable. All work warranted end far werkmanship and mnterlal, 1 challenge competition. in,- A few good Cook Stoves with some suitable Mr parlorson band, which 1 rill sell at cost. Dirty 4, 1855. . : 'GAIN DI. MORRIS. p 0 YOU want to buy 4 good Piano, Or, Melodeon t I f so, why don't you call on John Ilhoefn ? For he eau coil tho nontent fob bed, beet,) made. 'meld tuned and lowest priced innt,rument that mu bo had In thin part of the country. having boon a long time In the buninas, I flatter mynelf on being a good Judge of inatrucnentn, and will not cell an imam. moat ttfat In not Sent-rate. I not now receiving a large 'lot of Molialoone from Horton, which can 1w seen at Mr. A. li..Ewing'n fornitule memo, which I will sell cheap er than any other man In the country. FM , roconimendationnof my Pianos, call and son them. All instrument, warranted and kept In repair. Coll and examine my -- instrumente - botbro - purchtiollig elnb whore, and you will ho satisfied that I can Noll the-bent • and cheapest. JOHN ii. MIT E% To be found at tho house of Jacob )(hewn, W. High St. May 4, 1159 HAT ANLy CAP EMPORIUM.- J. U. CAT.I.TO & CO., succossors . to Win. ff. Trout would announce to their customorn And tho 'publit generally that they hove just received (own l'itiladol• plola, a large and elegant stock of goods, in their line of businevri of ovory variety, style and quality. • &/111They have on handu splendid Assortinent of. HATS AND CAPS, of aft deacripitonn, from the common Wwql to tho Anent FUR AND BILK lIATS 'and at prima that must atilt ovary one who tine en eye to getting thu worth of his money. The stock Inchidoe, . _ 31OLESKIN, CASSIIIERN , MUTSU 01 FELT lIATS, of every style and enter and unsurieneed fir MITT. NESS, DURABILITY AND FINISH: ',ribose "of Roy .other establishment In the country MIEN'S, BOYS' end WILIAM BN'S lI PCS . and OAAS, of every description mustautyy on DR nd. They respectfully the tild patrons and es ninny new once as poinible,.to give 1710th a exit. J. U. CALLIO d. CO. Apr. V. "rikTOW- 1$ TOE T151.fl FOR, DAR: - 1.1.4A1441-14RilK AND.NXTUNDIVD AitttlVAh 'OF SPIttNEFAND - sUiNtlitt GoODS • AS'elso New Mi', eurooi t. I.lllam, & Louther etc The onderolghod returns thootto ibe the poteonego befituwwlupow him by the public, end et thootttoo thee ruepeetfully ammo twee thet ho hem Just. rotOrood from PhilsOolphla, And O nor opening it new lot a eprlog mummer Milt cloona and . OltoCtinlnd, couslstliii/ In . pert en end which ho Is dotorihloott to su et the lowest ettmli prime. Sllke, Dueot Cloths Dhoti oe, Alpseek beleluae. no Dago& huetrue, Popittio, Lowno, ' Pontos,. Del Mit to,,Nklettng.,eretwhiled tteotett ' I tt._ haw, Prints, OiOYllll, tloelary, Colisrn, Ath BitAWLS ASD AUNT! radii% nr every varlaty'and quality. _Staple and tionicalle Illy itnode. Oaths, Caselmaras, vesting'', EIWIud. Ilse, Ticking., Stripes,. Cheeks, Calicoes, dea l • . tihetitftlitil, mime, Nitlitteend, trills Ales Quilia, colored and white naiad Chain, .n. Pamela and tlmhrallne, Alsn, a•larde add splendid asnortutailli nr 1110Ntitnn, HATS, • CaPA, IIiIOTS and 911011 P, A impactor Int or freak less, coffee, limier, 'Altilidhinit. Med, Spleen. ed. liming selected my entire ' !Welt witli.tho nriniteat CAM, red the Inwnet rash paean. I can nnaucti my Mends and the. public generally, that I will do all In my power to maim my edtablldhntettl known delta " Itedd Quartile Air Itargaine.” Alma ' who wish to purchame will And It loth* advantanil to call and examine my at it baleen purehasing elsewhere.' ler I will pay the blithest tnarket. price Am Ituttilri ltgus hint' fin and piled Venni, • - Ap 0, Imo. A, IfunitlAll. Jr. ;, BILLS 111. Mr 'rah, thew at LYNN it 80N, ' • ,rfurlit ;hewer i 1 .••• ow:l4mq l ldtin done here. MM!I=M=UM ' Hosiery .for • fat, • dies, Atlases and • Children, great variety of • . kid, silk and cotton Woven. 111. dies elegant twisted Silk Allits,ke. • . 'DOMESTIC AND STAPLE COORS:' bleached and unbleached Skirtings. bleach PATENT. APPLIED FOR Bond for a Circular. -eir MEM PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OFFICE IyOR,TII EAST COINER. °FOB aturPflik streets, Philadetplgci. .CAPIrAL $715,04X1. ; tiarter iierpetdal: . DVNI Mr. S. billbkilt Prooldoni * . ' -MOH b13,-Vice Prealibbtr— 'Jolla W. Houser'. -,• ' . • The undersigned, havilfg'hemi - appointed the Arlene for the above Conmany.lbr Ouniberlend county, would call attention to the , pteuller edvantages of the Munn!. Ltte Isautrattes which gives it-s declded'preferenceover anypther mode adopted. - There being nu-Stockholders, the profits, eio divided amongethe..policy holders, and eppropristedlo reducing the annual paymente, time • melting each One.interested, equally with the TrUnteen, lu"ndding'to the business of the ,ammaby. ' • • The premlnen may be paid quarterly, nemi.anunally, or atenually, so that persona of Ilmitod means can in _suraforri,greatar aniotnit,,:thnit_they:caultEirbera-the. whole premium Is required-to be-paid Circulars with Wit partledlaVe can be had on applied .4lonau-the2aubsoriberat-his-kgneo,4laturedreet...near the Maimed dppot, . A. L SPONSLEII, . - -Iteal-Ettenf Agent and Conveyancer. . Carnal°, Mir "23,1859—0 m " • ' • - FUR NITU RE."FURNITURI; . .IVIIOLESALE -WAIL; . II: P. DECIRAAP, , . .87 BOWERY, (Wholesale Were House.) 'and 66 C.FICLYSTIE ST , (141%11 Store.) N. 1% Wtioro will be found the largest and most extensive as. Sortuient In the oily. • • Bills of 8'26 astalled'Ot Wholesale Prices at the Bowery Store. All Furniture guaranteed as. reprenented. One hun dred And fifty 'lambs constantly employed in manutne• tufting. 411 stank .610 for as CAB/1. It comprises,. MottOOANY AND 'WALNUT PARLOR FURNITURE, 121 Brocade, typentelld, DeNine, Plinth and nolo Cloth • Roaetoood, Ilahostany and Enamelled CHAMBEII! In aets,'lnnn twenty to one hundred and fifty dollnrn Also, .CANE SEAT and COMMON 'FURNITUItk, In great variety. A large meortment of alit and !Mahogany MIRRORS; Siff Ing•Dtpd:Cnrlddr - Hate - 3141111ASSRS, PATENT Premium SOPA BEDSTEADS, with Spring and !lair Mattraases attached, Re. ' . STN AMIIOAT AND ITOTEL ' beaters will tied It to their interest, to giro us aeon. ni5r.30,1859-3m. I T.ABERT'S FAMILY GROCERY, QUEENSWA RE AND VANIOTY EITODE, NOrat , ireat_Ccrner_nf_the_retblic Square,oppo, , site the Carlisle Deposit Bank. • • J. D. !TALBERT bas,agaln roplenlsbod:blts stocli'o goods. [lts assortment to now full nod complete, among which may, be ouumoratod osery,vaileky' of frosts FAMILY . GRo.CE RI ES,- which In quality and pries -. CAN'T E BEA•T A lirie stock of China, Maas and Queenstrare, of now and beautiful ileslgns, and embracing every grade . of price, ~ . . . , Ile Is Sots AGENT In Carliale for JONLB' celebrated iCER.OENE OR COAI . I, OIL -LAMPS, -tine of thir greatest - diseoieeleit - of the - .age, - combhihii cheapness,. aifety and' Increased' light. Coal Oil and - Lamen;conatantly on hand, which the imbilc aro lb. "vented te3l . lt - and examine, „los. n fix ramtvo N. W. Corner of Public Square. Carliale, Oct. 27, '6B. - -- • - CUMBERLAND VALLEY:R. It SUMWEE--ARRANGEMENT. t r.r fi n t• CHANGE OF HOURS! - On and atior•MONDAY, APRIL hilt 1850, Passenger • - Trains will ruu an follows: (pundayeexretted FOR HARR IMIURG Ist Train. 2d Train - 1.00 P. 0.40 " 1.32 6.10 " 2.01 ' ' Leave Chamborshurg, Shlppo.burg, Carlisle. • " 033 • " " Maeltnirsburg, 7.10 " Arrive at Harrisburg, 7.45 FOIL CHAMBEIIBI.ITJAG, ant Train. _2d Train • 8.00 A. N - 1.20 P. Id 8.43. " • 1.50 . 0.20 " 2.34 " twave Ilarrlmburg Alocbinicallurg, Now vlll6, _ 9.63 . Shippiineburg, 10.24 " Arrlvp ntalhamiberekburgi.,lo.s4, Trains leave Harrisburg for Willa&lphin, via Ponn's Railroad, at 2.30, 0.05, and.7.50.A. 31.. and 1.10 and 3,30, F. M. By Rustling, via Lebanon Valley Rail Road et 8.00, A. 51.; and 2.35 P. M. - - - .For Balthnora. 320, A. 31 and 1.00, noon. For Travarl ton and Williamsport, at 1.00, F. 31., ,andl3„3o, 1!. 31. Train on Dauphin Road at 2.00, I'. 31. • , NOTICE TO PASSENOENS: At all Stations whore Tickets aro sold, viz: Chambersburg, Shippennburg, Carlisle, Mechanicsburg cud Ilarriaburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be made to all l'am:et:- gem that provide themselves with Tickets before en tering the - Cars. • 0. N. LULL, ,Suparq Iroa6. 091 co, Chambersburg, ' Apr. 6, 1859. .pLINDS. AND SHADES,Cheap forv,,,,h • B. J. WILLIAMS, „ flo. 16 North Sixth aired, Philadelphia. Is the largest inanufacturer of , • Window Blinds,. • AND DEALER IN WINDOW SHADES, Of every variety. Ile is the originator of all now styles and has a line stork to be sold at reduced prices. huff, end all otter colors of linen shades, trhuntings, fiztures;.&c. Store shades painted to order. W. invites citizens of this county to call before purchasing, and assures them be con sell a lief• ter article for the money than any other establishment In the United States. • Mar. da, 1869--nz Gold Medal GRAND AND SQUARE PIANOS, STELN WAY & SONS, • ...MANUFACTURERS, 84 VALIUM el., (NEAR BROADWAY') New YORe. Were awarded tile first premium where and whenev. er they brought their Plano Porter; into competition with the best nrakere of Boston, New York, Pia*del. phis and Baltimore. Received two float price Medals at the Metropolitan Fair, Washington, 1865. „„Tdm first premium (a gold Medal) for the best Piano Porte at the Maryland Institute, Ilaitimore, 1860. Thnfirst-prise Medal-for the-beet Plano-Forte at-the American Institute, COMM Palace, New York, 1856. The tired premium, (a gold Medal,) for the beet grand Piano at the Maryland4nstltute, Baltimore, 188?. The first premium nt tho State Fair, Detroit, 1887. The fleet premium at the State Fair, Richmond, 1867. Among thejudgue were the first musical talent of the country; such as W. Mason, Gottschalk, Wollenhaupt, Sr. gaud and Square Plane constructed with the full wooden and iron frame combined, am warranted for three.yearn. Prices moderate. • (ap.20,'511-1m if 'UMBER YARD.—The subscribers La having purchased a laion tract of pine timber land and saw milia, on the went branch of the Sueque• banns, river, have opened out a Limber yxrd at MECHANICSBURG; on thu railroad, corner of Allen and nigh streets, near the Wenn envy mill of soldie , Chun &Co and oleo 0130 - AT GREASONVILLE, near Plainfield, wherh we while. ableto soli lumber et such prices that will be to the intermit of builders and others to call end See stelwiese buying elnevriMre. Our advantages over other &Mere are that our:lumber doom not pass through the Wanda of one two or' more siwctb. tatorsbeibre we get it.• and that will enable ue to sell lumber cheaper than ity others edn sell at these pieces. We will also wholesale lumber from our. Harrisburg yard. and will deliver lumber et any - point - along the Cumberland Paley Railroad. If desii•ed, builders can have lumber Kluged Imitable for any else of building, or for other purpoam, by furnlshishing us with !hell or. dere In season. 811AYENE.14 011EASON ACC. April, 13, 1850—ly tV A A ..X C El SIOR PICTURES Vi A. R. lIEN WOOD Would resportfully Navin tht r suns of Carlisle and vicinity that he has taken roan.. In Zug's new building, cast corner of Market &mare, where ho le at all times ready to take AkinItOTYPES In the latest and moot approved style. Pictures taken in rainy and cloudy. Weather an well as clear. and eat. infection glean or no charges made. Portraits and Da. guerreetypee copied. Miniature Pictures- taken ilm .ockets &c., in Ambrotype. Ani brotypes warranted to stand the teat of time, hale or water. , kndlos and Oentlnmon ere cordially Inyito d tors nhd onticalho simituotin. Prints Irnl3l :Meta. to 00. A. It. IINNWOOD, ann. 27, Inalk-ly. , • Arllnt.. 13AINT AND OILS.-10,000 pounds ji. ur Iyhlia Laad, with a lamb nemortmeht of OILS, - - . WIMP, ZINO, VAILNISIIU`i, COLOIIIID ZINO, '. o ' - • TURPIINTINH, - PIPE PIIOOP PAINT, JAPAN, PLORNNCE WHIT% Li THAIIOII, - lIIID LEAD', PUTTY, WIIITINa, GLUE, . ' PAINT PRIMU lee, _ , ,—__ —__ - ind ail cetera thy awl In oil, Alan, all calm In tubes just fteelved at . the cheep bardwak estote.o b1ar.113,1869. , 113APint,---Tho' Mount. Holly' Puller Cutapany, barn Ito* on band an4etro.prpplirvi to unto ofneture to uolur ell Varluele6 or Pun- Weltlugdmi frAaiir "P"' • Athim" “AtIILAIMPTON s h 1 Nor. 10 10,6 m Mount 'toll Pii• 1) ' • , „wtl, 11114121oNer : • • rorolofly6ll4 Oroidivw, Now yiwb,- wlehre to In', float ble old e - ustonwro oat the pubtle.lotonelly, that 'he bee honored to the NNW; dblktbdollutlO 11U01.111L Ilroodwoh whore ha will 'wool iordwOlmtliblot • AllbtaltNNßY AND 1411,11 AN DRY DOOIN, A 'which wilt do odd wholqoalv. nitd;raintl;4( 14w.imt pomplble prloue, • ' AVN.,tiiHMONtri 1 4 4, 4 An Ilroadivi4(vp Wro NowNork, •L I T, - 0 F , D. E s': opti(O6BOARCBANDAIERCahfDIZE,AIso St Rini Mliters,Limbernen. Tatinet*.te withhithe Ccrunty of Cumberland,:ryturnrd and tlaulfled by T. 8. /blighter, ',Merkel:Win 'APpralier,.lo. ac.ovelauke vrith the several acts of ass.cnlbly, as follovrailo wit: • . , . , • •Cdtliaie. • • . . . , .. .. . aims, • • ': :. • --,.: •: • : i -^, • ! Liognsit. . . . ... .10_Ilandarson_ILSon...producti, •' - 7 •.• - - - 2 -420.00 ,i 4 Iscoli Senor, shoes,.." ... . • -,, -....•: , - 7.00 -'42 .1. 1.); Halbert. grocer,. " • • . . ...; • 12,00 18 8. W• llaturstiek•, &Up, ..,..' ''; ' ' ' ' ' '.., 10 00 14 Pro Wicks & flamer, marke ting, ;.; • ..: .''' 7 00 114 James Callio,.' • . . do, • •.. 7 00 ;14 Jacob Keeney,. . ' do. ,• '••••,.,-- •.. • 700 1.10 N.O. Iluyett, grocer, - i ;. 20 00 1 , 1 Effimrii 4 Hoffer, ,lumber, . I " 10 00 14 P. Motiyer, confectioner, . , • - 14 00 18 Arnold 4 Son, clothing, , . • • - 10 00 14 Georges Keller, hats, . It Philip Arnold. dry goods, •r , - • . •l5 00 14".fonathan.Corntuan, shoes, .1• • • ',:.' - ----- 7"00 -13-Arnold-&-pvingston,- - -clottiing,-- - -‘...-- , -----10i00- - 12'.1.1^:Lyne &lion hardware, . • . ""12 - 50 - ' 13 ,1. A. Humrith, .1 ~,,g ood, , n,...._ - - .10 00 14 Jacob Wolf, woe ~ i', 00 14-A: O. Lechier, - g r, 14' W. Gould & Son, dry goods, •'.• , .. ' • • • 7 .00 f . 9 A. Rent:, d 0,,, • ... • • 25 00 ' .14 D. M. COcklin, grocer. ." i -- -• 70 0 13 J. Id. Armstrong, lumber, ' , 10 061 .14-mi, Shapley,. . .. do.. ~ - . 7 : 00 . 'l4 8..41. Hoover, ao. . • . , : 700 'l4 W; 11 Murray, cuff, - • 700 10 Woodward A dchmidl, produce, , •• 20 00 14 W. L. Holler, grocer,. • .•• - - '..7 00 14 W. 11. Trout, bats, .- 7 00 14 J. D. Gorgas..sloves, 7 00 14 .1. Landoll, books ' '• . . 14 A. M. Riper, . do. ' .. ~. . „ ..• . .. _ ~ 7 00- 14 B. Elliott, drugs, • ~, - - . : ,7 . 90 14 T. Coniyn. jeweler, 7 00 12 .7; W. Eby, grocer.. . - ' 12 50 14. J. Rheorn, produce., ' 700 14 J:!& 1). Rhoads, coal, ' 14 W. A. Miles` dry goods, 13 Ilrry )1011in, Clothing,' - . . 10 . 00 10 II Saxton, hardware, • 20 (10 • 13 St fi ner A Co.. clothing,. • . . 10 00 11 Cho*. Ogilby, dry goods,.• ~ ... '. 15 00 IL -W. D. A. Ilisugle,jewelry, ' .• ' • ' 700 14 J. E. Wearer, furniture, , r • - 7.00 14'A. B. Ewing. do. . ' ' 700 14 D. Sipe, do. 14 J. W. Smiley, clothing,. . I • • .., ,-• ' -.7 00 14 11. Ilalnbridge, shoes, •, , . • • •.,- ' 7 , 00 "141 t. }loom, • do. . - 7 00 14 John .Faller. - grOcer, 7.00 .14...lohnitetney, do, - . - , . - -. • . • ... .7 .00 14 J. WO ninnhan, do. ~ 7 00 14 .1, Philipps &Co., shoos, • ••• • • , 700 14.11. 8. Ritter, Clothing, ' - 7 00' - 10 C. Inholt rrocer, • 20 00 14 B. J. Kieffer, drugs, • • .• 7 00 13 buidich & eawer, dry goods, , 10 00 14 11. Harkness. grocer, • 14 N llantch, clothing, . • , 700 -14 Wm. &slow, rnarkuting, • 7 00 14. henry Rhoads, furniture, - " _. 700 14 Wonchel, grocer, 6 - 700 14 Wm. Bentz, do.- '' 7 00 . 14 Woods, dry goods, - • .^ 7 -00- 14 W. Morrison „grocer,.....____ ----- 7.00 14 Dr. Zitzer, drugs ' ' . 7 00 . 13;8. L.-Levi. dry.goods,•- 14 William L. Beotem, narketing,. ; 7 00 14 .1. lionchcmb, grocer, ' 7 00 14 Crouse. confectioner, • - . . ~. 700 14 11. Worm), grocery, ' • 7 00 14 W. 11. Horn, do. - 7 00 14 - A.: Lohman; clothing, - ' - 7 00' 14 11. Morris, stoves, • ^ , ,--•-• . 700 14 W. Harman, grocery, • ' • 750 14 John Keller,. do. . . ' .? 7 00' 14 John Irvine. hats and shoes, • --.4"):: •7 00 15 Daniel Echols. grocery, . • 700 .. . • Skippenaburg.• 13 . 8toviek, Kunkle Broa,:dry, 13-J, lirldgee,clathlng, - • --. • - • 13 Forney & McPherson, hardware, • . • 14 Jacob Pague, grocer, 14 J.litiimbarli, drum " • 13 Ruby & Co. produce, 14 Philip Datritch, grocer, • • 14 Benj. Brigs, marketing, • 14 ALAI. A ngle,lunibor, . 14 Wi arrow, marketing, 11,J, & 111.1teddiag, dry goods, 14 1 o.•Altlck, drugs, 11 Bomberger & Blair, produce, - 1,4 Oceanian & Petc,hell, clothing, 44 Furman & liro grocers, 13 Willis, Moore& Co. dry goods. 43 Baughman & Fosnaught, pitatnce, 13 .1. Heck & CO., dry goods, 14 A. F. Woll'o.llllB, 14 B. C. Holler, shoes, "14 I'. S. Arts, do.. • •• • 14 W A Cox ' do . 14 j. Galbreath & Co., Merchints, 13 Rowed. & Son, dry goods, - 14 Mrs. Ditlibs, tritaminge, 14 Kolco & Matt,lmwec books - , 14 C. K. Kinkle. merchant, .• 14 :Wm Crlerwsll, druMb 14-11. Ileyelogcr, jewelry, 14 Fisher. huts, 14 Rankhrot Bro. druge, 1T "Crohnson, hardware, 14 .1., 11 J.ll. stores, 2.45 3.15 " 3.45 " .Z ewnillr &OS a.:38 4.08 '• Anyttor &•Knottle,.prodhco, J. It. Frey, stoves, J. B. Cobatigh, do. J. Laughlin, clothing, ilormon, grocer,- • 11 StougnA Dinar, dry goods, & 13 Klink Robinson. do. 14 J. M. Davidson, shoes, • 14 H. G. Wild„ drugs, • . • 14 Wm. Bratton, do, 13 J. C. Jr. B. Urowo, hardware, ~ - . ..:' .. 10 ® OO 14 Wm. Read. drugs, 11 .1. & J. ateCandlish, dry goods,', ... 4. ..... : , ~r . l , . 0 00 14. W.-I. McCulloch , Voter,. ' 14 J. Ferro, market, ' . , 700 14 Wm.. Venard, do. ' 1 00 14 Wm. (Arson, dry goods. 14 Wm: 14. Watts, dry gods, 14 J. Green & Co. do. ' 14 J. Dlank, ' do. • 14 D. Hays, do. • 14 D. Cloudy, grocer. 14 J. Bestow, marketing, • • 14 8. G. Ilutebinnon, dn. 13 Pete, Drover, dry goods, 14 C. kicker, . do. 13 Russel & Dice, do. • 3 Dashinsy k Itull, dry goods, 3 listing it Stephens, do. I. Mary /Inset, drugs, . North 'Middleton 14 Elias Light, dry goods, Li Mrs. May, do. . . Silver Spring. 14 „bomb Simmons, dry goods, 13 John Coble, do. • 13 9. Strohm. do. • 14 Wearer A Brownlee : ll;A°. 14 J. B. Laidig, produce, • • 4llechasaiesburg. 14 Feickler. grocer, • . 13 D. Comfort, dry goalie, 14 D. Stchanter, marketing, 13 Oswald & Co. lumber, . 14 T. Solidayjewelry, 12 J. 11. Sleeker, produce, 14 J. Swartz, Jewelry, 12 Miellsen &,Zecherieh,•produce, 14 F. Stern. drrgoods, 11 Geo. Bffigiser, Prodnce, 14 Darman &Drendt. drugs," 12 J. Johnson & son, produce, 14 Chan. Dyers, marketing, 11 T. D. Itrynon, produce, 14 Ova. Crosier, marketing, ' 14 Johnerm.; , - do. • • 14 . Hummel & Coaer, lumber, 14 8. Golden, clothing, 14 1.. Reaffirm drugs, 14 Samuel Worst, furniture, 12 John 8. lloysr,•lntrdwere, 14 Wm. Huston. furniture, 14 Ira Day. drop,' -• 14 Jacob Cataloger, grocer, 14 J. Dorsheimer, Woke, _ll.A..Singiser r grocer, 12 Brindle & Nelswouger, dry goods, .14 John Itelgle. dry goods, • 14 Swisher & Sou, do. 14 Henry lone, do. 14 - D. Grabill, clothing, 11 D. 11.11wilor, do. 14 tanffint, Ana, 14 Wei Snell, clothing.'. 12 Robt. liarretson, hardware, -- 11 1.. D. Kieffer, clothing. • 14 Wontlerly & lire. stoves, .. 14 D.llohnus, ohnes, 14 John Harlan. markoling, • 14 11. D lison & Son, sloven, - . Upper/A/ten. 14 l'ater Gingrich. marketing, 14 Mr. Shdver, dry KOOdtl. 14 N. Iletterlek, marketing, t 13 11. :Wok. dry lamb. ' 18 11. bongnackor, prekluea,. . Lower 14 Nod & Quigley, dry goods, . 14 Thom W Il.t, do. 14.11. Wise, de. 14 May, Matto 14 A. Droner, 14 Wth, Lloyd, drugs, • • New Cumberland. • Id 11; P. 'umber, 14 J. 11. Church, de, 18 th Martin d Sens, do, , 13 Chita. °pier, do. 14 J. O. Miller. dry goods; 11 Jams a Honer, lumber, - id AV, Ponied , • do. • • • ' ' . - Nag Penni6nrouph. ..: . 14 D. Donlitwor, drigoods,.. - V 00 14 J. Itlctomolol4 grocery t 00 1.1 Maw., prodaea, i. ". - , VOO 14 .1, Itatinlognr, grocer; .7 00 14 W,.o.llauko, do. . .' . . 00 14 J. I,ooooder, do. . 700 10 0. IL Potter 01 tSOn, produeb, - • lo 00 14 Karr & Flunuool, lumber, ' . 12 60 14 lh .1. Ittywkro. do , - t 00 14-11 rat, 1nr,110.3% Co.' 00. - _____,___,,,,k,. /4 „ 1411 W. Mar. dry 20000 1 - . • • .no 14 Warmly d Xitivi, lumb e r , '' , . , 04 . ' • Ham pden,' rt 4toury Rupp, product,' 4 J. Kuli,shocei • • -: 4 di Elinalror drtgOode l . 0-Itupp d,Soili, ,, . - , . AW. Ilk ricku el clue ' • 14'aee. Ky, bey goads, . le O. A. tl, lierani produee, ii .1., t), b I), Millet, dry pods, „ 11 Oliklatid.traehluivivr ; y. ; t oo 14 khil l Ug g , : ... v .' , ': '.' dm ~, ' . ~.. : : , :,:.-: , : i '. 1 3 : i 10 J,A J, it, Revak. (Oakville') produce* . . . is 'l, Klaks, parenting ..; ~,, • ...,..- ..; .-,; :, . ' IV v, &, A I +.llroa. eitilleb. !..., „:,, _.' „:, ,: ~ ~, 00 /kJ! M , ilkVkail Arviikellili ';';'" .z -'. : ' ';', 100 n .' 1,,,,, , , Iftlot P.efittittprou;yk:', - .., -. : . iiititz,Clt4Jltitt , litutirlietitti, . 1 :; : . ;: Oe _.. . 1000 10-00 lop bo _ -7--00 • 700 20 00 700 7 00 7 00 • 7 00 10 00 7 00 15 00 ; 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 On 10 00 2000 700 7 00 7 00 700 15 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Frank/ord. Dickinson 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 ]OOO 7 00 10 00 = 10 00 110 00 7 00 7 00 70,00 00 00 7 00 7 00 1000 7 oo 10 00 7 00 22 &o 710 12 no 7 oo 1500 10 no 12 60 7 00 15 00 w 00 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 1 . 60 7. 00 • 00 7 00 7 00 22 00 7 00 T 12 50., 7 00 7 0 0 7 0 T 00 7 00 100 7 00 7 oo loon lo oo 00 700 7 - 00 00 • V 00 I'oo 'l2 20 400 10'00 TO 00 T 00 16 00 10 00 S 0 00 1 °° tg 8 00 0 11-0 u Ism V 4 .. . 14. E. Janes, dry.goods, • 13 Saul*. Bro.,produce • • ' • 10 00 .14'3.13,•DivIdeon;:dririca;14: , ...• ' ._ '_:_:.'...i.':.__7•130 /0/ „.••••"`' 13 3.•W00d & Co.- •• do. • . .-' 10 00 14 W.l3lahop, marketing, - . 7 00 .13 Townsend & Co, produre, - ' .. .. - IQ 00 . 13 Woodward & Schmidt. do. ' . . 'lO 00 • ' , Southampton •• • • 14'0:Clever, dry gOoda, ••• ' • •• • ' '• 700 7.1 44. r. Baugh mein e do. " . 14 &both, Sant h Co. do.. 700 14 D. & Clevori. do. . 700 13 Posnaught &Lewis, produce,. - 10 00 14 IL Myersoutaketlug • 7 00 • ' • • • ' 4, 00 • •Ilopeweld. ,• • 14,11oovai k • • 700 'l4 Calvin fileCkat, do. , , • 00 101li i3 oe t Va li k e a7 - •an i d h Artitt•rd ' r; gond ' a, -'.• , • 10 0 0 3 13 J. Strlria, • do. .` - • • 10 00 - South 13A. sada, 13 Mullin and Alesandar, do.. 10 00 12 A.M. Ladish;" . ' ..7 do; 12150 sod 1/. Claufluan,do. , . 10 00 Tin 14.1loory.9nydor, dry 'goods, 14 Lowlo Zitoor, ,do Tanners . ~ 14 J. Noss, Silver Spring, .. • . 7 00 14 R. Common, ' do. . ' 700 'l4 H. Babble', do. ... ' • 700 14 J. Cleodenln, do. • - - • • 700 14 11: Miley, ' . Ho; . ' 7OO 14 Isaae.Koons, Newton, '‘ ' : • 7CO 14 ti, Shlsler, N: Middleton; • : , 7:00 - 14 Bryson andlrvine, Upper Allen, . 7 00 1418. Urahnui, West renneboro' ~ 7 00 14 It. Ireine, Jr., Carlisle, . • 7 00 14 A. IL Blidr, • do., . ' 700 ' 14 DI, Munich, do. ' . 700 14 M. Kennady,'Frankford, .'• - - 700 'l4 W Waggoner. Dickinson, • .- ~ • 700 14 A...Foramen, West Penneboro' 14 J. Cooties., Bhippensburg, - 7 00 14 W. 51" Clean. do - ' 7 . 00 :14 A. Bricker, Newton, : . 700 ' 14.1. Miller, • , do.- . ' • ' , 700 14. ilani. liesehore, tiopewaff,_ . • . ' 7 00 - 14 F. and ki.llkinah - nrt,',do. - • • 7 . 00 14 W. W. Fraser, ' do. . . 7 00 14 0. Kosht, Frankforff, -, • . - ' 7 00 14'8. Davidson, Murrill°, • ' 7 00 14 John Waggoner; do; . ' " —• • 'Millers-. •- - 14 - J Whittler, Lower Allen, : ' . . 700 13 C. Eberly, do. ' 10 00 14 Martin Caurman. do. , • ' . 7 00 14 Jogeph Bucher, do. ' 700 14 Nebinger a'Co. Odo. " , •7 00 14 Abi k Duna. W. Peunsborp" . - • 700 14 Diller * drelder, do. .7 00 14 M. Jannis, ' .7 00 14 Clues. Frehn„ ' __ do. , ' .7 00 14 Yeneel * House], 8. Middleton, • 7.00 14 POter OMmau,.. do. , 700 .14 Miner* Shaeffer, do. , _ 7 00. 14 J. Comer, jr., MppotAilen,, . . , 700 14 P.F.eigier, K. Middleton. •. 7 00 11 Miller*. ffJeffill• 51 ethaciaburfh.„ ?"------ 15.00 • 13 Henry Darras, Dickinson, . 10 00 14 S. AO. Brandt, Monroe, . 7 00. 12 U. 11;Vogiesong, do. . ' . ' 12 50 14 Benj. Oivieri. do. 14 J, Willlems, - do. •7 00 14 0. W. Leldich, do. . • 700 14 It. Noble, Carlisle, 7 00 14 8, Mich, Dist Pannebomtigh, '7 00 -14-D.-Whaler,-West l'enusborpugh, =--------7-00 14 1. *H. Rupp, Hampden, • . . 7 00 14 J. Caldwell, Shippensburg, • 7 00; 14 Henry Manning, Silver Spring, 7 00 13 0. 11. Bucher, do. ... 10 00 . 11 S. /1; Bryson, do. 12 Ilmideroon* Son. North Middleton,, _, , "1i 50 . 1.4 Gosh 41fortdirl1h, - - 7-o0 Tho. Blair, ' do: • -. • . 7,, 14 Romp. Hopewell, - - 14 W:irritier; do. , 7 14 A. Solvers, Mtvrton, 14 111 r. Keller, do. 14 Mr. Irvin, do. 14 Mr. Piper, West Pennaborough, 14,Mr. Laughlin ' do. ' 14 John Eekert,Newton, 14 George Clever, Southampton, 14 &it. Qyater, Dlekineon, • ' t . Oyeter liouses. 8 Emanuel Lnumath Mechanicsburg,• . 6 - 8 Thomas itippey, Shippensburg, • 5 8 James Mackey, , do. . 5 8 Chap. ilentherger, Newton township, 5 !A _Brownewell & Miller. Sliver Spring, • 5 8 Mr. lioggort, Lower'Allen, . - - • 5 8 Heorge Soland, Carlisle, . . - 8 -Mrs Low, do. _ ! - - 5 8 Mr. Blake, - do. . . . 5 A W. Villlame, do. 5 8 Henry Cetera, • do. - . 6 8 Jos. Ebright, 'do. 6 8 Jacob Stratton, do. 5 8 Mrs. Miller, , do. . • . , 5 8 John Meloy, Mechanicsburg, . • . 5 8 Henry Irvine, do. a 5 Eberly & Fought, do: , , - 6 8 Samuel Annan, do., 0 7 B.John Nicholson, Newvilia, . • - 5 -8 lamb litetsel, do. • . Dish ers.. • Ilenderaoh & Son. North Pliddieton, ' *25 -Myers & Hanson, Sliver Spring, „ . 25 Ahl a-Fustninger,-Newton, • - 25 P. A. Ahl s Ilro. „ du. - 25 Wm.liarnits,Ca - disio,, • _ 25 , - It. Quigley, Hopewell. - • • . 26 • A. nosier a Son, South Nlidilleton, , 25 Samuel Gelksinger, - North - dliddloton, • .23 lieltshonver,e Som-Mbnroe,. J. Fockler4arliale, - • 25 00 D. U. Voglesong, Monroe, • - 26 00 Ten l'in Alleys and Billiard Tables. -David Lorig...tlechan,lcsburg, . Wen. Williams; Carlisle, . 30 Mr: Blake, du. • .. 30 George Folaud, do. ' 'v• . 30 CONOCRLAND COUNTY, se. • - 4 I hereby certify that the above Is a correct list Of the dealers In merchandise, millers - , lumberman, tanners, ovstel•men, dc., returned by the Appraiser. Notice Is giVen tii all persons to lift their licenses immediately, and all who neglect to do so will b. returned for selling wlthout,license. M. IIItICKER, • Slay 4, 1869. County Treasurer f - lUMBERLAND VALLEY INSTITUTE 31soliANicenuna, PA. A. P. MULLIN, A. D., PRINCIPAL, and teacher of Mathematics and - Modern Languages, THOMAS S. REESE, - A. 8., Assistant Principal end teacher of Ancient Languages and Higher English. L. M. HAVERSTICK, Assistant In the English De partment. This Institution having passed into new hands, will, be reopened sea Male School only, on Thursday, the fid day of September next. It is the design of the present proprietors to 'make it a strictly Orst•class. Boarding . School, for training and fitting boys and young men either for college or business. An efficientcorps of in structors has been organised, whose personal Interests are ide • ntilied with the success of the Institution„and— who Will spare no paled to make It worthy of the confi dence and patronage of the public. ' The Ilulldings of thu Institute are ample, and well arrayed for the am commodatiou of about ninety hoarders, aVid all students from abroad are expected to board with the teachers.— They' will thus enjoy the benefit of constant Instruction and supervision. Mechanicsburg is situated In the centre of the beau tiful Cumberland Valley, nine milei from Harrisburg, and is easy Of aecess by Railroad from ,Philadelphla,llal. timere, &c, No location could be more eligible for ac• - case—none more healthy or attractive for such a school. . . . Pupils loon Wanhington. iteltimore, Philadelphia and intermediate pante, taking , the morning train, will tench Merimuicsburg.ti, 2 n Mock, P. M. An It In the determiuntiOn of the rincipal and his Amletente to place the Inetitute one permanent and 'aerated basis, with every applidation requisite for superior success, they appeal wlth.coplidonce to all Who have , sons toed.' mate. The neholastic year will be divided kite two Keystone of twenty two weeke each, the 'lna beginning on the Hat Thursday of September, npd ending on the first of N•hritary t the leveed eession beginning. on tile Ilred Thursday of February, and ending on the Bret Wednesday of July • - TRIM'S.. : Board, Washlilg, Tuition, ltootnnturnlshod, and Furl par Seaton, - - •' • $Bl 00 Day ittolarn roctdved at_ $10,,512, and sls, ac cording to their infirm) COMM t. 'No extra cbergee Ibr anelenband modern- languagea - or vocal mate.. • Terme par cession payable half In advance. Poi fur ther lelbrmatlon apply to dtulllu It Reese. Prordotoro,, Mochaulcaburg. Pa. Apr. 6,1860. ' SOMETHING Nl6llllll AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT . • AND SEED STORE. . D. STRICKLIIR A BROTHS% itereDiet opened, Iti the room formerly occOpltd by Shryeels, Tatter A Smith, 'Lug's new !Angling, Main street, two doors east brew market bou•e, a large no. hortfithnt of 7.0 RIOULTURAb I.MYLIIMBNTS and , Whom, which they are prepared to sell oil the most reasonable tortes. The stalk eithreiom PLOWS, 011t,TIYATOI • HAM' IlOWs, HAY, STRAW AND vooDElt currstts, EXAPEtts, MomutS. DRILLS, ottAtnats, licorTttms, CORN StlittlEES, YORKS, SHOVRIS,HORS, nAttne.vntlNt&to KNIVES, WIHITSTONES for Mow- • ' era, and every otherartlele, tub ' ' • emery forAfOl Dee. They also Intend keeping In additlite a full !MOPS ttonl WIUMI end WILLOW WAIIN, Including Spain's natant Churn, Omuta, Ilrushee, ere,."Prints, Ladles, "Mutter tube, Howls, &e. Also, tenth:Gorden and flower geode i Seed Dotattia, grebe heel rarinllee. They Aril eenstently makleg ad. dittoes to their stork, and will use every , Gamlen to finitely the wants of ttie ageleultutal totumunlty. They have ales the egetloy Mr EVANS & WAT 501143 SALAAIANDNIA BALMS ' • Orders left Re Ibe dere for fruit and ornamentai, Tafel Vlawete and, AOMourn, • w 111• be 'Minded 'la pronitly„ al, D. dTittAttAn, 111 '---Anrll,akialio;4l VrAltit • tA,GH 0 111 DI A" NI4IV BOOK BY I ALL '.., -• wiuslAn Tutipso, m, a : - • i:. ,4% RH • Vilirtztj ti t i v i ab ea tiT u tiligl iP' 1 ' 4 7 „‘ ti:.,, .712. dajd to opt% Malutlit and V li; g. 3 ,4 , ~4 , ~ fiDniqg lee and MINIM of art so ,v,,., iii Ise ,le m an AtertOWN 10P , 1114 " rt niint Pri 00110111!* • ila qllll3. od poo eor I 'ammo ado' k 4... 10 I/111114d l t iti l e I V'', .1, 1 1 4 1 "7„ 1111 ~,6 to ap and wolan In um mad met this book! -. Ita a fk4 pf vivito, an, Il leaf oata atorata mat /ivory nay o t i l l 'ogia l in t trf i li ll iir mir4 " ilreV 14 ' 11°4” a wer 4 ° ; T d Road fi r a iopy ( anoloalatt AB coals) W . '. . Alt, W 24 ' YO) Na . le orituda ninon, • UNO PlithAnnetttA,, ". • Apr. 1 / 4 1e01 1 ..4 , • ' ,LP , • Molarde Melee Redtteckl $2 p e r 100 lb: , - The attention of Country'llferehanis .pd the pub] genentlly Is Invited to ii latgn assortment of 0170108 - CANArtg; ' • • . . . minyhtetnred of Win best inaterlal and warranted contain no polemn In their colors, which will be so Wholesale or Retail at low rates at the old stand of - mow It pici n.,- NORTII IlAzqovEß Siam, CAnipcs, PA., A fon doors North of the Cirlinle Deposit Dank -.. Just rocolv , o a kirge assortment of 'o" the latest. Importations, nousiatlng of • ' • Raisins, ' • Prunes , Figs, . • , • Dotes, Ranannas, ' - Pine Apples, . Almonds, _ Filberts, • Cream Nuts, • r - 'Voss& Nuts, &c., • • all of which wilplim sold at low rates.. Also, a Jarge'l , eortment of . TOYS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety. - Aleo, alethe belt Drandeof „. SEGADS AND- TOBACCOr' ' H of American and Gernian 'manufacture. The subscriber returns thimics for the libemi . patro , • ego bestowed on him by the ;While. and solicits a cot t tinuance of their favors. Remember the Old Stand of, • P. MONTER, North It:mover Rtreet. O&Mie . , lane 10, 14. T HIRST OPENING the SEASON _I: NEW GOODS! NEWGOODSI • " LLIDICH &'B4WYEIi, •- ' (At their\New Stord, 4aat Main etreet;) Have just recePfed from New York and'Phiindelphia tl moit complete and varied assortment of DRY, 0001• ever offered In Carlisle. Embracing everything that new and rare fn style and teiture, ouch an PANCI 911.1{5, In all the varlet"c colora,,barrod;sttiped, diem and bayadore. Plain, striped and. bayndare, black SIM Foulardo of new design., barge and lawn mites of th latest Petrie .tyles, satin otripcd do etiovre cloth Fionelfebaillo "Maierican - delaltio, Organdy lawns, dar and light grounds find beautiful designs.. Travellin dresk goods of the newest mains Aloe, a full stock Mourning dress goods, to which we finite psrticuln attention. - . . SHAWLS, SHAWLS siimfis. ' Thip,rftrt °tour stook is' nun artily cotrqileio conch: log of Crape, Silk, Stella, in al the variety of shad, and qualities. Mourning Shaw I, lace and silk from tl: celebrated etnporidm of Drod:e & Quinine, New York: Sun Umbrelbul, Showerete and Parasols of the newer styles. WRITE GOODS OF ALI, KINDS, Embrolderi, In full setts, Collars, Shuves. worked bands, flouncing edgings an d inserting. We give great care to th: branch of:our trade, and ladies will On& a very full as sortrnent. ':. - IlOOPF:D, SKIRTS, of the latest irnprovemetits,akirt .supporters, a new a, tide. A fl.l line of •Alexander's kid gloves, Imports and wild by Stewart, New York. Mitto, elevos en' gauntlets In even , Variety. Also, a largo stock of tL newest. styles of mono - and - hoy's: spring "cassimeres, blwek clothe, and caesimoree. 111081181tY of ever) de cription, in thin department unusual care has.boon ken to:elect the various kinds" and nixes suitable f. Ladles, Misses, Boys, and Childrens wear. In fact on stock embraces everything kept in •Ina (Int . :clam dr. Foods store:- , . linvlng.purchaied fdr cash and made our selection among the best importing an Jobbing houses in th cities of New York and Philadelphia, wo are•prepared t "offer Ouperiof Inducements to'buyere. All we asiala examination of our stock before purchasing-elsewhert for which raver We will feel Very grateful. Apr. ml, 1869. ' & SAWYEIt. -• • NEW SILOCK.. - BOOTS, '•• • • • 8110E8, HATS, • .CAPS, 'JOHN IItVINE, having taken the .'stand, on t . l north rant corner of tho Square, recently occupied by 'll. Keller, would respectfully Inform the citizens 10W11 and country, that he hasj tett returned from Phi adelphia with a new and desirable assortment of goo, In .his line, comprising GENTLEMEN'S FINE CAL DRESS OCEITS,_ KIP DO., LADIES' MORROCO AN "'DAT • BOOTS; KID SLIPPERS AND LASTING GA TEES, MISSES.' AND CIIILDIIENS' itoryrs AND GA TKitS, In great variety, Boyn' and Youth's Boots an Brogans. Men's and bOyn' ' RATS AND CAPS, • ..• or every description, and a general assortment of sera Tho stoat has been selected with great'caritnn will ho sold at a very small advance on city wholesal prices. . . • Don't forgot the cheap . corner, _ opposite-the lie, aid office. - • .10101_ Disraeli), Apr. 18, 18811. • COAL! COAL! lI'MIL 11 URI{ A Y. • respectfully inform Mc friends and the pc girn. - . bile in general, that h 'iereceiving' and wit — constantly - keep o "fa k' M. hand, ' . UNDER COVER, • LYKENS VALLRY4—Broken. Egg and Nut. LUKE FIDDLER—Brokin, Egg .and Stove. IVILKESBARRE 7 -Lump and Broken. TREVORTON &NNEGROVE 2 -Brokin f Egg Also. beat quality "Lemon." and "Broad•top" Mack smith's coal, all of which he will soli at reasonable pH mt. Thankful for the patronage heretofore no liberally received he asks a continuance of the same. • Coal Yard. at the old stand, on the railroad, nearly opposite Mckinnon College. [Ape. 13, 1859. 'VLW STMT.'S OF SPRING AND _LI SUMMER GOODS opened at aItILLIN'S on Wept Hain Street, a choke selection of fashimudilti goods, expressly for gentlemen's wear, consisting very superior SIDE BAERED CASSIMERES. BLACK AND IVIIITE PLAIDS. BROWN Amy WHITE MIXTURES. BLACK AND WHITE MIXTURES: FANCY STRIPES: AND MIXTURES. SOLID PLAIN'COLORS. BOYS' STYLES FOR COATS & PANTS. GENTS' SPRING '& SUMMER COATINGS. MARSEILLES AND SILK VESTINGS. FANCY CLOTHES. EVERY,,DESCRIPTION. FINE BLACK CITIIS. . BEST BLACK DOESKINS. MEDIUM QUALITY BLACK CASIMERES, •,, 11. MULLIN, (stleednaor to T. 11. Riles) Apr. 20, MD Arrival, WE take thin method of informing our hien& and customern generally that we will open on Saturday, n flue assortment of SPRING MILLINA! GOODS, of style. Ladles are respectfully Writ:ell to call and examine our stock. :or Also, two or threo ladles wanted to learn the busluess. ' MAIM MIXT DUKE, MARY E. AUUMNIIAUCIII. South treareorner of Hanover and Louther„ eta. Mar. 16, 1850. 1k LACKSMITLIS' A L.-I',ooo 3 db Bushels of Bituminous Coal, from the celebrate/ .outon" Sillies, reeelving and for sale by Sueusl 6, 1867. , k ., W. ii. MURRAY.. * - . 'I_IOIINETS,RII3IIONS & FLOWERS. 1 . / Joel received from New Ynrk and Philadelphia; a largo lot of now alylo-BONNNTA, FLATS, and 1100DS„ Alki, - a loriepluTeldliMilt of elogadt . ItlbbontiiiildTitilv. ere. Bonnets for 12% et the cheap storo of April 20, 1869. CHAS. °alloy. NOTICE. —Letters testamentary on the will or Geo. W. 'lnner; deed., bete boob gnthted In due Sum or law, to Mrs. Ellsa Muer, the executrix therein named., All persona haring elaime will present 7 them' tbr - eettlement, -- and - persons indebted will make payment immediately. Henry: .4. Sturgeon will attend for me to any businews.of the es. tats. - ibIZA lIITNNit, Executrix, Carlisle Apr, 18 , 1510—at • E 0 A Y'A B. U -10 0110 WOES RED OP CARLISLE. hu subiturlber would respectiolly moll the tl ttontlati of Linteburnere and the citizens of Carlisle, and the surrounding countrygenerally, to hie NEW •COAI. YARD, attached to tile Ware BOWEL on Went:Nigh et; where he Will hoop conetaally on hand a large supply , cf the beet quality of COAL, to wit t Lykentr Velloy, Luke Fiddler, Pine Orel% Rod Trevor. ton, Broken, Bgg and Nut Ontl—rocreened and dry coal, which ho pledgee himself to Son at tbe lancet 'poesible priccu. Hest quality of Lintaburner's and Illachan4th's Cool always on hand. WI. All Order% left at the Ware Woos, or at hie resi dence In North Canova, street, will ho pronaptly aM tended to. Aprlll4, • -a. W. WRNDEIWON, Paper Hangings I Paper Hangings won Arlo Inn oun CHEAP PAVER HANGINGS, CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS. CHEAP PAPER HANGINGS, Asp on_ FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS, FINN GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS, GI A AZED PAPER HANGINGS, PINS GLAZED PAPER. HANGINGS, ANb'AVIO Otlit MOH GILT PAPER HANGINGS, IHCHeGtLT PAPER-HANOINGS,-- - HIGH MT PAPER HANGINGS, 10011 GILT PAPER HANGINGS. And WINDOW PArtiMl of vlstodetotore: itfe slab to I Intro' Ina quit , lo / hot tlor lints of raper Hanalei% le I 'the tarrieet an mom vatilM peaortilletit over OPltiffil In e t irusto r eod I p t kyri es Wiltiitatpleup that wlll null' I " o . ll , t .' 4 ' l,t '' ' ''''Ter,tt ir l It"t?';:i1 . 1 •' ~ . RHO Illt, 1 r 6 Op rhers. Ott toiler firth! tot at all 'time s t ?road , 'slut& tlitmtalth, Ita.tur Me .beel quality and at the otleot plum__ , r , .. , ~.. ~ . tepr,thtlee, • ' • rierti l fr - R 0Na7.44 0 l7oti . l7 — va. hM1, " (11 ' 1111r701 " , " d ' olilZeic t'it,lfigit' if doo doo r O Nit,toilitauotorloar 'Wttig la Dot A tin tosoattlp. .h one, ottplitod to tho ve t o lp, WL nw,:ho: 'irptgaitll:l4ll:". ".":"DlVtillo Vfit"'' 4lph gt 340 A-01, ' ''- - ~, ~ . Mita ottak Irr,ihnOMlN nomyl!mrpt!il., OR CHRISTMAS. GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ( •• , FANCY(#9,ODS, BOOKS, .S. IV. ILAVERSTICK hets'jteet received tenni the city ' • and is nuir epee:ling atiPlendiddleplay ofFANCY GOODS, - seeitable Seethe apptOaching Roliday_lemein, jo_whieh_ ho deleftlx •to taij ihreiffintion of Ids friends and the. fiublic..• Ills assaftment in thief sine cannot beeurpassed In novelty find elegance, and troth in quality and price of the artielek, Cannot fail tophlase .t•OXsers. It would be impossible te enumerate his .. • • • ' r IRMIDAY.EANOT GOODS, , which ComPrieuettrify yeirfety of Denoieliticie of the most exquisite finish' ellefe as. • • - Papier Mache Gouda. • Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands anktive, • Fancy IVory; pearl and 4WD eiltd Wes, - • • • Ladles' Fancy Baskets,- - -_,Fancy Work Boxes, with editing Instruments, • • • Part - ilonnalmcntevery_yer 7- 7 4.101d - ioenn and - penclis, Fancy par • Pipeteries, and a large variety Or /Midi Miry deafen- • crfi — t• • - - ))Lotto s eals andwafers, Silk and befall tentacle, . • • , Ladles' riding Whips,. elegantly tinifitild, twee cutler.), ~.. . . Perfume - baskets And begs,. • Drunhoe of every kind forthe toilet, . .• . Roussel's Perfumes of the various kinds,. • 'Musical instruments; of 'all kinds and at all pried!, together with-an innumerable variety of articieselegint, ly finished andsultablk for holiday presents, to - which • he invites epeeist attention. • • 'Also, an extensPre and elegant collection of - • • 110LIDA.Y GIFT BOOKS, comprising thevarloun Englishand Americans ANNUALS f0r.1850, richly embelished and illustrated POETICAL. WORKS; with CIIILDREN'S PICTORIAL BOOKS, for • children of all,ages, than which nothing. can be more appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. Ills assortment. ,af,School Books and School Stationary Is aim complete, end comprises everything tilted in' College 'and the Scheele. tile ale* desires to ' call the-partlcidar atom. lon'of'Familles to his elegant aelsortment , of ' LAMPS, de., • from_ the extensive establishments - of Cordelins, Arobes and others of Philadelphia,' comprising every style of Parlor,-Cbamber and study Lamps; for burning either lard, Sperm Sr Elhoifal oil; also bYOTT'Eccelebrated KerOsene or Coal Oil Lamps, togetherwithPlieveteriquee, • Fancy Screens, Ac. -.Hie assortment in this line is utii eqnaled in the borough: . Ake. FRUITS, FANCY CONFECTIONARY,— NUTS--: PER. SERVED FRUITS, MIN' ND-MEAT, PICKLES, Am, . • Irr every variety and at all prices, all of whlch'etreepurd and fresh such go can be confidently recommended to hisTriends and-the little folks. stock - embraces everything In the line of Fancy Goode, with many other articles useful to housekeepers which the public are es- • pecially incited to cell andtee during the holidays.— Remember the Old Stand, nea rly opposite the Bank on North ilanover street. ' • , • ,; . IMEEM SAVING FUND CHARTERED BY STATE .OF -PENNSYLVANIA, . , rivi . 1. Money is recolv ' ed every clay,, In any amount, large Or small.. • 2• Five pur cent Intermit IS paid 'for •tuuuey from the day It Is 3. Tho money la always paid heck In nun; whenever it Is called for, and without notice. . . . . .. . . .. 4. Money Is received from Kxecutors,Admlnistmtons, • Guardians and others who desire to have it In a place of periect anfely, and where Interest Carr be obtained for It. - 5. TheVney receli ail from depositors Is Invested In rgnl estate, mortgages, ground rents, and such other • lire :chum securities as the Charter directs. ' . . . • 9. Office Douro—Every day from 9 till 9 o'clock, and On Mondays and Thuradaya till t o' the evening. ' • 110 N. HENRY L. BENNER, Premident. ROBERT SELVRIDGE, Vico President, WM. J. REED, Secretory. Dingo one . _ . F. Carroll Brewster,. Joseph B. Parry, Francis Lee, Joseph Yerkes floor' , Dirrenderfrer.• • OFFICE: • • Walnut Street, South--Dreet 'Corner of Th • PHILADELPHIA. Apr,„2o, Henry L. Hanger, Edward L. Carter, Hobert Selfridge, Samuel IC Ashton, C. L. Aluttna, THE MOSTEXTRAORDIEAEY 1300 K OF THE AOE • - Arai edition of 10,000 Bold in els weeki, XATITLSD "ROY \ HOOD'S PERILS MANHOOD'S CURSE PUBLISHED BY DR. 8. PANCOAffir o ODlSpriny Vardetialreel, P tilaifelpbia , Pir.onar for 'sale by all llookeellere. This Is a book of 226 pages, 12m3., bound hi eloth,wlth nlns Ilthographle plates, and Intended lbr parents!, guardians and young men. Every roues snub wha winhen to maintain bin health and manhood andlhave • healthy progeny, ehould read this task. .Boma of the statement,, aro really rustoundlug, and have never ba fore appeared In print. Price $l, By mail pact.: NOW IN PRESS, AND READY FOR DELIVERY IN A FEW DAYS, A GREAT WORK FOR THE LADIES, . . by tho moo author, entiGint: • LADIES' MEDICAL AND MARRIAGE PREENDO • This Is a work of nearly 600 pages, beautifully bound! • In cloth, and contains over 100 splendid and curious en. graVinge. It glees a complete description of the otrum turn and function of the reproductive organa of the fib mole, showing how married !atrium may have or avoid large families. Also. a complete history of Ilermaphrt• dltlorn,, with curious platen showing both sexes*, one. • It aim) gives advice to young ladies in selecting Nu husband, pointing out the cause of elo much unhappi noon after marrlago, and thrtindluenoe it:exerts ou 'the offspring. • The work els° given the symptoms and treetinenti of ell romalo diseases, so that every female may he herown physician. • The butt chapter is devoted*, the Toilet, giving the• rocelpto for cosmetic, at present in use by the nobility Frence, England and Russ* Or beautifying Duette, - hair, tooth, and for removing foul and preserving 'lsmael,. breath. They have boon obtalned'at great expo tae. • Prim, $1.50. By mall 59.75, or eight additional post+ age damp. 8000 copies haidaiready been ordered.— Thom wishing a copy of Meant , edition• should , sandr -- - their orders without delay. For complete dexcrlptiow of the work Bee - Prospectus,. ' which will beeent on receipt of one letter stamp: AO ENV; WANTED lasso* town-1114hp Onion. Feb.l6, 1850-1 y NEW IMEDICAL SLLT. FOIL INFLAIDIATOItV fISEABEB.ONGI!. 60110SWELVEt NEW lEEDICAII. SALT, In. .1/ stead of being a remedy.for all Ilse , hawbut onfr pila f and accomplishes butt one thing,• to wID - 1.1111.111111.1615 IN/LA/11111ATO0V DlflCANl,whistbrer be its fdrttu or locality. Thhr'fr doefrbyegualliing the'elreula , non, thereby removing the mole cause of Intlemma .' lion. . , 3A, HEITHATIS3P, NEURALGIA, - Headache, Flta, Colds, Forma Indiana:l' 'Throat. Lange. An& Liver, Female DEseanes,_ Nry_aljpehm, Dronchtths,. 11Plaurlay, stliineCßYspepals, Venereal DReasea, Int Gout, Scroftila, Canker, and all other forme of In Ilammatton aro 9aally subdued by the New kledleal . e Salt. 0 trill: NIIIV MEDICAL SALT, le no , burwall, but does just what do-eno more; no lift —equalleea circulation by removing from .threym IE4 tent all arterial and venous obstructions. p m inatrui.elitme tried the virtues et the New Medical Salt. though but lately dleeorered and! f4tutroducea, %teem the teethnonlale and mild. cated of cure, ALL who hart Itetud Itaitknowledgewbenefli (Immo R. An aNunintlemes (bronco warrcured of aa a. rero cane of Noarulglr lu less Man a.week —Norwv (MO Mir. tram% Votrit inralatAitrtlodfeins, nebly fulfilling, la •A tiny eon, all Obb twominetithleh you mAdo for It. A rim dosos also rallarad my mother of a, rush or IA blood to the head% ,I. S. CIALLINOIIA&I, . Zi., N T P 4 A 6 .‘ r i t S t t p_ A ang "7 Pinr . :, ° ,t w k w . a dre n izi n :t nob v. 4110 of rherZ e ntintti mit! , ' • G. IL tittliflAN, New York. ip t kunst It it gad fiTi:=lteni, rumoring It Itt a tow hours. lam flow trying It for Surolhlisemd bare shandy rentfrati bonen S. mono, littuthig. priott It for AbeWORM Of the abdominal aorta. In "a g 4 l - 1" Ilsei°rl" . N 314L .Plea. 101 IVO !MIA by Ott bOO% We trlbd li.l It bat t ' T sqtbytttetmatat over Infloatuvabn,t4tekttn.. o t _ tills trubtew mt __ • _ _ . ' tfIIONCIIITIY, Cattber,bbirmixti j kab MI Neural! , AP Ilk blot btiu cured by it....avatetobtlila (Ind,) ,- Jbnbotrat, • . emiiir t FilizmilVatittrilmo r l,,,,,trA: ANY ut tby tugeti who tlb s wilutbit d awdle tit Air Me, , . ,• .. A i, . . DP., 600t1WthidT'7 ,--7 7 . . .... v m r ANTIPLOGISTIC:. SALT. Nattios, ou Dollar) Ovals Paskaml4:ll), —1) •:), Thaws 1). go, ' • otn , Arellll,lo)!Re.oll§ll.P,Nalk fitrti IM 4 : • 0% Vl= Arigka; Arc 1 4114 11 440 1 . gru,A. pill o oirei tq 171,UR: • Plk 1111011 11111111, fltl7llll.t. m. r gi ' i 4 4 4 :',Iiii4i.riiistlik,',Iiini, . ,„....,..‘„?..,"......,. ~,,,......, 1179 , 4 .4%,s wa„, Aip HAVERSTIOfe National ••SAFETY TRUST Company.