Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 11, 1859, Image 2
Zitg. Arratd. =I CARLISLE, PA • Wednesday, NAY 11, 1859. . . . I PEOPLEIS STATE CONVENTION.. • he ,Citizens Of Philadelphia and . of the enteral Counties of this Commonwealth. attached • ,t 0 he PEOPLE'S PARTS'', and all .voters who are op . T pond to the unjust. unwire and'extiavaanut measures 'of the National Administration, are reque.ted to send '• '1:0El#:0 ATKA. equal in humber to their several Perm. 77etintattverilWthe tleneral - Asseloblv - ,WaCAIYVENTION - . • to be held at HARRISBURG, on WI:I/NI:PR AI, .Tune _ he - 9 - th,-166Prat-le-neleekr - A-r . 41 7 .40-nomlunta-catod .dates Ihr AUDITOTt GENERAL, nod SUR VEVGIt GEN. - *RAI, to be voted for at the General Elertion • in 04e- : bar next. - HENRY M. FULLER, Chairman. .. Wm. 11. 3laaP, Secretary. F.eaderirittia - vinreeiiionmitlite. • Several p favors are on file. which will be . considered and attended to in due time. • Those fond of ancient poetry: will be-grati ' • fied in reading the ballad of Esq.. Bard, - the Capturo•of whose family by the Indians in the early settlement of Franklin county, is even at lingth.rinlouilon's I...lndian' Wars." We hardly know whicli inost to admire, the. titraight,flirivard simplicity of the "ptine,"‘cr • the quaint humor of the cointnents.. . . . • Wo publish" this Week . N 4.1 of the treries,of ' fainiliar letters. addressed tc S. by Prof. C. C. Bennett.. Thes'e sketches evince a highly Poetic tempeiatnent with great felicity of tor , .pression, and will,beTound -especially interest, ing to the general render. ' Prof. ilennei; nue , ' on a tour through the Eastern Suites. is con ' emoted with the Faculty of lrcitig FeinaleCol , lege, at Mechanicsburg, and the letters are • addressed te the young ladies of the Irvinyton erary in thatltTsuiutton - Among the miscellaneous artic'ea will be !found Delavan's recipe fox: making liquor, " Which we commend to the lovers of rid eye. A thrilling sketclt from one, of the English Magazines; and the “illind'sJourney throitilt ./tritbrpetie." If the story . of the "Little ilium's" legs be. true, his friends may 'tnke :I hint as, to the proper 'dimensions of the. Douglas Platform ) . MO as to suit the style of his rinderpinnizy. • • • American Itcpribilcan Convention. At a meeting of tire 'American Reim!)liepe - Standing- Committee , .of : thintberland Toinity , • the following - resolntion - was - . unanimously adopted. ' -Resolved, That the American !lipid)licans -of Cumberland county, and all.ol hers opposed. ___to the Niitiontil.Adminisliation -are requested to meet at their usual places of holding dole . gate elections,-on -Saturday the!..lBth day of May, inst. in the townships between the hours of 2 and 6 P. M. and in the horouglis between the hours of 7 and M. for the purpose of . electing - delegates to meet in county conceit. tion, at the Court House in Carlisle. on 'foes day the Slot day of' May at 10 o'clock A. M to elect delegates to the State Convention to be " held in Harrisburg on Wednesday the Bth day of June next, to nominate u-Stalci ticket to be.. supported at the next general election. DELEGATE ELECTIONS ' It. will be seen. by the proceedings of the ^ Standing Committee; that the Delegate elee '' Sone will be held on Saturday the 'Llt"th inst. Wo hope our friends throughout the. county,_, *ill turn out to the. delegate elections' amt .. stmt' gtiod men tb-rfeire-iiill-ftiiinjitifiiii-iuitiii:72 .ty Convention. Remember tlatt whatever is _warth_tioing at tab ill-worth-doing—Well Severe Sentence eno test .ns wee t t 1 tae aria o u , ge Vondersmith, in the 15 8. District 'Court, for forgery . ; bad ended in his coniietion on 'two 'bills of indictment. On ThUrsday' hist..„Nie was brought up for sentence. Judge Cadwalader, said the vise spoke for itself, and required no comments, lie then sentenced the .defendent to twenty years imprisonment and a fine of 5000 dollars. It is but a few weeks since the mate of a ves sel Aras.,tried in the same court for cruelty to a sailor,which resulted in the man's death but this "most learned and upright Judge," let the mate off with a light sentence. becnuse,, as iras'nlleged. '•a ship could not be worked unless there was perfect obedience and disci pline on board." • if the plea of insanity could be laid against tim decisions of 'a Judge, it alight sometimes further the ends of justice quite as well, sie ;Ann entered in behalf of a prisoner. Victory of the "People , ' In Phlled , a. The annual spring clection of Philadelphia, was held on Monday the 2d inst., and result ed in a regular Democratic defeat ' The election passed off quietly, and the ag gregate vote is light compareiwitliMsbr elec tions.. The OfqCOS to be fillettwere City Trest. Surer. Commissioner, and 111 P two' . branches of the City Council Benj. Ii Brown, the People'i candidate for City Treasurer, was elected over Dr. Jim 'McClintock. Democrat, by a majority of 2,295, and Chas. M. Neal, the People's candidate for City Commissioner, was elected over. Boric, Dem., by a Majority •of 2,771. i The Select Council stand 16 Oppot to.B Democrats. The Common Council -64 Opposition to 21 Democrats: — Stimuch - for' Ebibtdelphia. _"SENSIBLE 10 TIIE Lssr."—Solomon Stur ges, .one of the wealthy men of Ohio, a great laniflowiter, is selling his immense possessions, because lie believes no man has a right to own more land than is necessary for his use And that of his•family. In his advertisethent he says, "God has no doubt wisely ordained that /sindeharks should be cursed ; and I can truly say that I am exceedingly anxious to sell all El hinds, and get clear of the curse " .Solomon, no doubt, gets a good prico'for his iand,,eise we might be led to think he was trying to emulate the. wisdoni of his great namesake, who says •• Better is the poor man who walketh in hie. integrity, than he that is perverzo in his life and is a fool." ..DICATEI4.IIDIS. JOHN Z. FOHNE4.--0r...101nt Z. Forney; eldest son of the late Datid .of this borough, died in Liberia' on the oth of February last. 'The Frederick (Md.) Ziaminer, speaking of his death, Says: "A fete years 'ago' he was well knowt; to ' many in this community. where he-leaves come near. and dear friends The • deceased led a' 'life of considerable adventure andvicissitudo Once be taught school, as a.young man, in ..Diimitisburg district ; afterwards he gradua ted, as a physician ; and es a surgedff in the Texan army, was present at. the battle of San licintor - andimothersen,gagement during t hat war, Upon the breaking out of lite,war with . Mexico, lir: Forney. no assistant surgeon,was on board the flog ship of the American squad 'ran at the investment and, capture of Vern Cruz; and subsequently 'served three, years on the coast of Africa, as commodore's secre tary, until, under. the administration of,Pretai ) dent:Pion:49,li received the Appointment of U.,8. commercial agent for Liberia, which ho • • hed until, his death. BEE ..F/ItlIC AT Pr:18813RO. —Oh but Sunday after fire!) T o!ce. nut on: how:Sam steamer .Henry Graff, at the, landing, and in a fair min' , lites ten. lotion) heath weie envelioped in Baines nod totally destrnyed.• ', • '• • STATE RIGHTS D,EIIIOCItAOY ' The State Central Committee of this new: organizatioti met at Alton*, 'on the dikinst -Col Forney presided, with "'Messrs, •Brovili 6f Dauphin county, Harper of Allegheny coun-; ty, and Redick of Fayette county, as Secrets - ries, There was free and Cult interchange of o pinion, and much, enthusiasm was. excited Cry the energy. and 4letermitintion 9f the members to posit on the •Movtanent. • Resolutions were adopted to the following effect. 1. That it. is it xlcedient at the present time to nominate a Slat ticket. b'oymally proclaiming an tannlterableop 7 terventitinitcrelation I slavery in the Terri -4-orics-niadfrocated-by-rite-Reptiblioangiti.4llein plat foriii of 1856, for the prohibition of slave-. in the Territories; corns advocated by the Ad ministration Democrats' for the protection of 'slavery in Territories. -4-3,-.ltectivinnending-t ho --friendy-of—popular sovereignty - to vote for .no' cabdithites at the coming and future elections. for comity, State. or notional offices, who 'Trim toiffand clearly upon the doctrine which recognizes the prin. ciple. I hot the people: of. the Territories, like these of • n State,, form and• regultite their own dombstic..institutions in their" own. way: 4—Recommending to the Union. State rights lleniocracy of Pennsylvania to demand, at all timesnnd imall places, the adoption .of the principles promulgated by the Harrisburg Convention of, the .Itlth of April: 1859, and which, were enunciated it the Cincinati plat forte of 1850;and in Mr.l3tachanan's . let ter of accoptnpce - That county committees of correspond ence be created - - A committee was appointed' tVi9iitie . an ad dress to the people ofiPennsylvania, . - Speeches were made by,all the merithers of the Committee.,4,tral the utmost unanimity pre vailed throughout. , pit._Ennityy,,S.enator_Se!tard_llll2l_lo.lled_ for Europe. leaving his political prospects in the-hands Of his friends On Saturdny after tioon the Central'Republictin committee char tered a steiunbont, and. egcorted Mr: Seward down the,Narrows, where they lity'to the - steamship - ariel,Nuti'tftifirTd'or Which 'vessel Mr. Seward reached point, when Mr. Seward wan conveyed aboard with every demonstration of entittisi asm, cart- for a prot mitny:fervint nishes, and safe return Tun "Cpous,TTE "—We learn- from the -Philadelphia tiollethr, theta new eattelegant article line just heen introducell for Elio use Of 'the ladite during die bummer. It Is called a .:coutt..tte:" and the pattern is -taken . fron'n FrenCh desigp.• is a condi nation of poiasol and fan. lit. the sun it is nn odeyn•ute protection. and .in the Itott.te. it c•in he used as a' fan.' The French Empress is said to no one of iheSe . deliclite articles Soth in riding out-and in walking • Of course - . the Indies will want - thent, and we utiAise ont , tner ohantii to procure a supply.' • NEWS IMOD" MEXICO Late news from Mexico. state _that , fien. Miramon had - arrived — at - the• city of Mexico - Cramlirt - t - fiftempt to take Vera Crux. He .at tacked the Federalists its Ban Diego. and was ropulged but afterwards gained several ries, and - reached tfie city in triumph. The defeat of tlia;l.iberals, is Attributed to -bad management and treticfi'ery., Theiy loss in. killed and wounded i s very targe. - After' the battle. great outrages were -committed by %11ra:owl's troops. especially on the person and propefly of foreigners Two , A:thericatis tirci.7killedand Jive imprisoned: wit hoot visa r „gee of any kind being made against them; brit on the general allegation that they Were one- Imes o the churettk Among t tants killed in cold - blood. were four surgeons engaged in tending the wounded and sick of both-mirties.---One-4-these-was-an-English'.- Mall, and the two Americans above alluded to were of-the number. A letter to the New Orleans Picayune says that the bddies of the physicians .who wore allot were exposed in the church of San Diego. Over one hundred persons were slaughtered, including the following list: Physicians—John Duval. (English.) Albert Lemon, (American,) Jr Portugal G. gi•era, Manuel Sanchez and his brother,. and J. D. Covarrubias. The latter was" a young mnii of !silent, who has already at his early age con tributed notch to the literature of his country. Officials—Om Al. Leona, Col. J Villigau, Col. J M. Artiaga and Lieut J. Sierra-4, Private citizens - M. %latent, (lawyer,) A. Jaurregal, (lawyer ) T. Rodriquez, G. lEsqui viio, M. Chavez, S. Tetlichia, A. Bieerril. L. - Vargas, 1) Lopez, J. Keizer, Klemm lock smith,) M. Nervis. and two American-boys by the name of Smith, one fifteen and the other thirteen years old-14. The church party at the capital. had enter-' e.l a formal protest against the recognition of the Juarez. goveratmont hy,tho Limited States minister declaring null and void all tantracts, treaties. &e , entered into by the Juarez Foy etliment. Mr. Black, the American consul, was com pelled CO apply to the British' minister, Mr Otway. for protection for himself and country men, but the request was denied by Mr 'Ot• .way, on the ground that his instructionei from his government did not allow him to interfere in behalf of the citizens of other countries. The American consul was induced to make this application because his exequatur bad been withdrawn, and he was ordered to leave the country. Mr. Black also informed Mr. Otway, that an Englishman named Selby. in the employ of nn American citiiea in the city of Mexico, had been wrongfully arrested. tried And condemned to be shot. The British min ister condescended to interfere in this case, nil Selby woe saved. • . . , A letter from Guadalajara, Mexico, on the 21st of April, gives the following 'account of the - outrages - perpetrated by Mizmolill Sol diers. (In. entering Tacubaye_ the_ forces of the Church party committed. awful: atrocities— murdered and robbed who and whatever came in their Way. e,Tliti most inoffensive ,citizetis of Tacubnya have.been shot, particularly for eigners. Young students of Chapultepee have been shot in cold blood, and the number of the victim's is calculated' at about. sixty. Dr. Eluvial, an eminent English physician, was dragged opt of his house and shot in the pub lic sqiiiire, being accused of having 'Assisted the wounded of the Liberal party. The exequatur of our worthy consul (Black) hits been withdrawn, and a force of thirty dra goons escorts him to Vera Cruz, to lig„banisli ed from the country. Several Ampanii cuff' zoos have been imprisoned, and the lives of otheilt are threatened. A new contribution was decreed in Mexico $200.000 on the clergy and $300,000 on the citizens. Attending thentiassnere in the city of Metier' it is said that Mr. James Itenthoy. agent of the House of Darforth, Crooke &Co ,'of Pat terson, New Jersey, was about being shot by four soldiers. tinder orders of an officer: be cautie he resisted an attempt which was made to steal his horse from under him. They bad already raised their guns upon him, when the timely arrival of the general alone saved him. A prisoner taken ay Miraroon- in the battle of the dumbres„ says a private Puebla letter,) was Mr. Robert Oskar, a native born Amer'. can citizen.. to died like a Man, asking' no favor but aupencil to write a last word to his wife, which was denied him. when,. kneeling . down and pulling:his cap over his face, he or .r 4h five, fhe order to kneel and cover hie rube was designed as an indignity.°—Mr. Oskar, its we are, fuethor informed, held, a captain's dommission in Atakudia's tinny. During the American occupation', ten years ago, he held the (Mice of. ollactors of customs at the port of Tampion. ' He was 'married' to Ix, Mexican lady of great worth and large family connec tions in Vera Cruz.-- . .N 0. Picayune. - . . A C L iti IstET WARE.—SOIIn 11.. 'Wicker, having ; established himself permanently at . Churehtowric. is prennrek to furnish house keepitif. With Amalfi.° of all kieds - Folks a bout to get married, wlll'etaltia'note of It and 4 THE . BARRAtKI3.—A. walk •to the Bar @Ain • Ailib tiritirs.l • ••.• racks now in time for "gtiardtnount" or are 'e' , treat," is co pleasant- that It s tr ang e'moro • Meteorological Register for the Week • ..• - aCtollog May. 9th, 'lBB9. • not avail themselves of . The 'grounds apd:bitildings never loor„ ; .ed.aidre. beautiful 3... the . "mit'ado!?-ii as t 4 atidvelvety as lawmgra-a Coll make it, and the numerous shade trees, `nioe - in full alined a very inviting shade during tide warm weather; Capt. Gibbs, this officert present in I command- has made several judicious improve ments. which ndd to the- - beauty of the place' About 400 men cad tOcomthissioned officers are now'at the ..Batracks.. Orders have been poet from the Wei 'Department. 'to..hold some iii-3.2s3neniiiMi'-ipetttliness-for-a-miirelevtcrosssther Plains they will probably march the lost-of this menth. This detatchrnent.will leave few at the post except.the permanent coMpany. -Major 'Graham - 2d Dragoon - R. - arrived lifeekrdifo ilays'itgo, .and will assume the command of the Post on -the 15 inst. .• . " • 1859 Tuesday Wpdne4dlky Thursday am Sifitrday. OM Monday —Weekly • Mean. • I • • I ' , The degree of hoot In tho above register le the dolly overage oithree . ol4arvillimo. . 'NEW 41D717.ERTISEDIENTS The travelling public along the Cumber laud Valley, about to idaitMO - ilk:are referred to the advertisement of the delphia _and_ Rcading_ltailroad;. in anther column. ' •- , • ...Those whiPwish to take one of the .best and cheapest periodicals iii the World; will do"virol to consult the'prospectus. 'of . " Littell's Living 0. C. B: ;Curler, =nt ; his onnusie store, in' 'Harrisburg, in addition to his large' assort• meat of Melodeons, Gunfire, Violins, ke., has also Sheet MUSIC, Instruction Books, and musical nierelfaudifie generally. , The-nttowion- of-ford - tors—ix --colled-So-the .supe . rtor qtddities of. Prates hay tool grath ake, and the Bttekeyo" Mower and Reap. er, now for side by Geo. W. Brandt . and Strickler tSt Brother. ter's . navertisetpent ; they havie ct large sup• hand , of every (o.ality; • Condi:o'lloN have imen reilues ted to state that the notic'ein.the last Herald, of the marriage of Mr. Daniel B. 'Keeney to Miss Xnuon B. Spottswood is tt hoax ; no such marriage Ita - iibg taken place. The notice was -brought-to the-office : by;a-boy and handed la one the 'runts —villa, suppoSing—it- was all right, put it in .type The manuscript lina been placed in the hands of a relative cf one of. the parties and, we sincerely hope the per petrators may be discovered ‘.l Any young man who could contemplate ouch a stupid jc;st.. is a fool As well I/9 . h da.staird,. and the &Miter the community finds out hie' true character,' the better.:: Ile can bdttet depth of Ifleannemn far below that of the man who tralka under mutton . - - ' DR. ELDER'S Lie ITRE. . - lecture ofibecourse. in Einory - M E. Church. er Bonny W. Makin D. and while it is becom: . was delivered by Dr. Elder, of Philadelphia, ti ri ng ne to submit: with Inurnble,reverenee 'en Tnesday evening the ad inst. Tbe audi to those allwise decieetb and bow submissively once was not n's large es we could have wish- _before Bluth - and which sustains us by its mercy and orders all things for our good, yet the int ed - certainly not as large as it wouldlinve' .been, if Dr. Elder had been as. Ifell .knOwn . Pulse.a_of..our nature, as well as the ties of here, no he is in other parts ofilie_State brotherhood constrain-us to - express our ilia= pathy for 'hi) heloyed friends, as well ax to ..,. ale_lecturi_was_nne-of-the 'interesting ' of tile iourse,,and int lacked anything in neknowledge the 'misfortune that- hes time atyle, compared with °there' -it fully made up - fi 'l le "..Ve n - us, therefore • for it hi freshness and originality The Doc - - Rese is That the news of our h rethar ,e extempLre, and al-• death s receixed by_the society as a meseen tor delivered his lectur ger ofitairo4,4_att:while-tlie-example-of—hin though evidently restrained by the sacredness. life should' EllitilUiitte UR to noble deeds. 'his untimely end warns us that our existence hero of the pulpit. lie could not avoid, occasional- . ly_letting_tho_fun_bubble_iip.to_iltisitid'ace ., ~ is but a dreamy slumber, from which we will , awake in eternity. The subject of the lecture. was the ', Ilieto- Ilesolved. That .we tender our heartfelt sym ry_sof Human Socim,y," from .• Savageism" to pithy Co the friends and relatives of the di Civilization, and the peculiar traits which die- . ceased.. a that our Hall be draped in mourn l tinguiali the one from the other. '+ Savage- ; iLg, s and p u s ual lbadgd be worn for thirty ism," was an exercise of natural rights unto- ; 3 ;tesory , That theseresolutions be pUblished I strained by municipal law ; although the lei- ! in the Carlisle Herald, and Sacramento Union. , hirer here, denied the position assumeddiy and that a cop ybe sent to the family of the. N Blackstone. and other jurists, that. men, on ' deceased. ' • ',,' , ,_, ; a• S. rAllliEll ' entering a civil community; gave up a portion ! ... S. 11. Yocum. Committee. of these natural rights, as a consideration for ; ' D. M. EctolAN. social protection. The savage was also known I by his improvidence—living on the spontati• I eons products of the earth—Yet with -an un- I failing.belief in immortality.—Wlien an bull- ! 'May brings bur usual number of Magazines ' -an dies, hors buried ins sitting posture, with 'looking as Trash and beautiful tie the season that.inaugurates them, but the crowded state his face' to The east . his bow in 'one band and ! ot - our columns forbids ' as lengthy notices as parched corn in the oilier, ready for his ; we could Wish; an omission we hope amply to journey to the happy hunting grounds of the I supply, in the future. Greas.Spirit. - ; . , PRANK Ltalleß MdlUITIOlil Monthly profuse The Putt iarchal age, was characterized. as I ly illustrated. and has an immense amount of Ile" non-conihn- the type[of elf the despotisms on earth it reading matter for the price. was togovernment, recognized by the word of Tits•l'fitexxnnOClirn.r.Rielt end racy as ; ever, with a beautiful steel plate engraving, God, and yet from the very nature of things, the faither'a nation advances in civilization, of the celebrated 'Marie de Bohan. THE ATLANTIC • MONTIMY—One iiIP best the farther it is removed front a Pakriarchal I • number, yet issued of this superior magazine. Government, Barbarism, the next degree in the scale of TIMMER'S New'MONTIII7 —A capital number distinguished no Unita for Its splendid altos human society, might be distinguished by their I trations, a s s well as its literary 'Atteytt.. , prompt executioy of justice. 'They hate no in excel idea of appealifrom a lower to a highei! tele from motinth. tl court. They try a case by its equity, and the decision once pronounced, is final. Fatalism, is also a prominent trait in barbaric races. In some points it might be somewlmt,difficult to determine where barbitrism ends and civili zation begins . : there being about the stunt, difference. as between saint and sinner, provi is only.a tolerable saint,and the sinner a reasonably good sinner. The divid ingline was happily illustrated by the exam-: ple of a bee-hive. in which we ace perfection,. government, economy, industry and wealth but it is still a bee-hive—there is no progress; while in civilization is to be found, the exer cise of that innate force which impels men to action, nyder a'Conscieitsnefathat progress is the key of civilization, the motto of which is "onward and upward ", These innate faculties, !Odell headmen to speculate, invent and improve,. had produced the wheel and axle, the screw, and the com pound pulley, as unanswerable !arguments a gainst the theory of inaterialitm. which vain-. ly attempts to prove that everything in art, has its type itt, nature.. Trusting alone to memory, we have been able to present but a very imperfect outline of the lecture, but even' if we could be more accurate, our,limits preclude an extended re port It is almost•unnecessary to add that the' leetYre was well` received;:•and 'should the! Dector . visit us again he Will no doubt be, greeted with a: crowded audience, ' . The hist, lecture of the course will be deli ered to-morrow, (Thursday)'- evening, try President Allen, or Girard College, lon ettEtim:::—.-Thuse of our citizens • !rho feared that by the failure of (lie ice-crop (hey wOuld be deprived ofllij'e`tq=' Jrorite summer luxury, will be gratified to— learn, that Mrs Rookatellow opposite the Rail road office. receives regular 'Supplies of Bea- • by the cars, and is therefore enabled to supply her custoosars, with delicious ice-. warn at all liaise. Persons who Wish stranger; .evidenee.of the fact; should call and teat its quality.. • ' REWAnp.—The Town 60 . '16 . 61 Mum eared, reward of two hundred ' thosiiiiehonsionokhWincoudiarie., who find ' b n illiinike . recent ly burned in our. bur- Theinio-I Rain. Remits meter.* U OA 1 b 011 I ;lii"1111 f - oo ,6116 717 - 71 00 - 7 .3I9fti:INcENDIARIsm. :7 —On Irserhuni day night,, about 12 o'clock; firewaellisoov-, ered in the carpenter shcip, of Roberi Black, on North Street adjoining the residence of Mr %Vol. Frid ' . • The shop had a quantity . of finished work inNifle; but file flatnesepread so rapidly, that when thefirenien reached the spotilt wasfound inipOssible 'to save e ith er the 'building or its contents. • ' • Mr. Fridley's house escatied,initiry, but. his harden fence. hod several young trees were de;itroyed; The loSs' to Mr. Black ie ',bout 400 dollars, which is 'nearly; ;.covered by: in surance. The shop was evidently set on fire, ns no one had been at work there during , the ivy. -These three have become so freque - nt. -that it is time-the-citizens-wouhl• I ake-prom pt action in the matter, to prevent their recur rence, or arrest the perpetrators. VAIMISLE GAS k WAi'Elt N.—The -,tinttal election- for:Managers' antL-Officers- of this Corporation was hold on .Monday, last' .The same Board of Directors were reelected, with the exception of F. Gardner on the part of the borough, in the room of .1.1). Gorgon who declined. - L Todd Esij. was re:eletifid President of.lhe Board. , F. A: Kennedy, Sec• retary nutl Oenezal Suposjittendent. A 1.," Speupler, Treasurer.' , KIT* Fi.riNo,,,ll,e..boyit egem to-be making the facet of tke iiitc flying Ecnagn, few evenings ago •we counted fifteen in one view. Business nu, n, curing a time of ..light papers," are eon)° , knee known toffy caile, but they never do-it for pastime; it ii rather fir the want9f it; For the, Irrrahl TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. B 1.. HALL..MAY 4. 1859. Whereres - it hne plene;rl Almigblynod tole move front earth ourfe;loli•,member and broth Dur tliOuft Za6fe .71.11:$,Q1711611N LITERAIIY NIESBENGEtt —This popular Magnzine commences it new story'with the May number entitled, "Oreenwity Court, or the Bloody (]round. Tii LADIES 1110111AIAGAZINC—hy. T. S. Arthur & tb., at two ~ 1011/krB n year is one of the cheapest. nut hest of time Magazines, do voted more especially to the interests of the --- Tug LADIES' RePoxtronir —eincinnati; Swormstedt &Poo. - The May number is ern ,bellished wilh an engraving of - "the graze pf Philip Etulawy." by_ountownstnan F. H. Jones and one of "Windsor Castle." The' reading matter presents the usual style of excellence: All the above Magazines are well worthy the pntronnge,of the reading public, and can. be procured pt Pipers periodical store. "I will try," is the title of nmonthly maga zine.for hoer and girls. the first. number of which ham JuZt been issued at Mcchnniesburg,. by Mr. J. 44, Hostetter. a gentleman of, long experitneh in teaching. and well qualified to get up a paper which will be useful and inter esting to the.yontlt of both sexes: 4 1 Will Try," is nentligit up in pamphlet form, ecintaining 16 pages and is published nt the low sum id thirty cents a year. „Twill try, is a goad motto for boys and, girls; and we hope Mr llontetter, will also find'it,a good name for hismonthly. PLTSRSONO EDITION emus WArapur Nov, LOS— ' . Kenilworth," and •Quentin Durward," beinglim fourth sod fifth volumes of the week ly edition of the Blaierly Novels, by T. B. Peterson & BrOthers Philadelphia have been_ issued. These two works are among the beet or the whole series of Scott's novels. In t.Ken; ilworth," we have graphic desoriptlons of English life in the reign of Queen • Bees," the magnificence of her court; ..the perfidy of Leicester and the sufferings of the gentle Amy Robson, Durward,",abounds with romantic incident and fine delineitione of character and both should be not only read The entire sett of twenty•six volumeit will be mailed free ape/liege, to an y l 'person re milting fire dollars to the publishers: This , is an opportunity, never befcire Mulder ob. taining the Wsverley thivele 'entire, at a-price within the means of everybody ; . .for ip ikthe Cheope4 edition everpublished, and those who remit five dollars, and thus subscribe for the aeries, reetire Inch volume for less than twen ty Cents. The price of the Edinburg 'clitiong . ,from which this edition is - reprinted, is eevea -ty-two dollars: Very, properly have Petereon & Brothers called `We 'the "Edition fdr the • Million," , for, they ought to.get andllion sub scribereto .this residing,' tition, and doubtless wlll „: Address I'. B: , *Petersoni & 1 Broth er0.'209 cdpittiiia Street Philadelphia::'' WAIL IN tumor's I3y the arrival of the Niagara, we lieve news fro • Europe Irr the gad, of April. The aspect • affairs iilecitleAly warlike- • Auetria has cent an ultimatum to I disarmament. nod Alioleraniaff. •the lunteere of ibe lnttergov lernmc}~/'were given far a reply to thisArnim) - In rate v).--.1 , 1 to tomply soar Was In be declarey.' . - tights !I WO more A . urerieo cloope had becn or( eted Tolhiuo. • The.three.doxs—gil'Oii . by the ultimo .Inni of AObtritlio.Sa(Oinitt;' would expire an :today evening. the 2U h , . ' The lioglisit governmentlimtieler., , eal hed t Vienna a 'strong pilaemt agaim4 the menace -report eir11,7, - ( t IFT. has re,ried. refusing to.leetinsider het Tietkn. and has 'Arend) prepared a manifesto la'llC compliny_lier dee'.arat ion of war denitosi • mond. __._. • •• • . • There Was. an active niovetutrof,.Frc•nelt troop for concentration on the frontiers of Pidelllolll. and also at Toulon.. The final proposition submitted to•Austris by England, was ofm general disurmament to be agreed upon by. commissioners from the great >Powers, including timudinia, and for the admission of the Italitin States -to time Peace Congress, its was the case at 'Laybach To this proposition ail the Powell' assented ei cept Austria.. • • The• London Thnes, of the 21st tilt.; issued n special edition, containing ills, fttlfowillg, Ito- portant, telegraphic - 'Turas , 'April -IL tOren. Gyulai. the Adstriari Commander lb Lotobattly, lint been Maimed to zresent the ultimatum of Austria: requiring the diimnannient and s'epdingaway,the itoltum 7 ! Leers, If this is refused, war is so be declared I itt three days. MUM The Riliir part that General 111 linuor'a had informed the French government. by ielegraph, :that the Aititrian army leuftnatlea a •igniticant move on the strategetical line of Ticino, uud he feared an attack at any moment. • N;ipolena7tel7Tn attended by- Princes .Jerome nud Supol:on, AS priniq,e,ot the blood. king of sardinia also with his toitititera on 'Thursday The Cotixii/wionor/ annininces part of the .army at Paris had been ordered_ to be-ready ro niartili . - 7 A knuniber of rekinient's of Inno4ra have been ordered 'to proceed by ,forced mai•ches to the . 1 Piedmornese.froiniers. "Alm French soldiers abSent on 'renewable furlough, it is reported,lotre:itil_buen In GeneralF.Randon hi spoken of as major gene ral iif nu the Piedlnon! frontiers he_artn.ulf Paris, was to leave Paris jot 'Nolen by rail way. On Ilte Tvenitti of the 22.1. Thellerahl:s Paris correspcndent say , . !hat ilia preparations for war are posited forw•trd -- with - teverielt -rapi , litY;•- not w 21 it-111,9412.g-- the -professions of a„willingneQs to disarm. The•loinion Tinted' Paris correspondent says there is no cessation of the am Slll'l'lllB in all quarters of France. 11111SPCS 'of troops auntintle.-to concentrate id Lyons' - i A French s 9riny i to hu eollected on the Rhine frontier. Nunieroud e.kkelry regiments ore tdrendy marching • DIM CUBA FILLIBUATERN. —The brig Afri can, Copt Britton. which cleared front New Yorli un the 111th of March last for Port au -Urines. Ilsyti.had--it- appears on board some thietydive tillibusters, intended for Ito ptvw , Edon of Cuba - They Carried :with them' in o hundred and forty ifitiskets and other, war munitions, and attempted a lending at Nuevas Grandis on Site 7111 ultimo ; but when they had placed It quantity of:their powder on the Inuits they leased r,ttotne reports say s*amp , ed 'land the men - had to, remain ou the brig. Capt , Britton then steered for Port tits-Prince an we are informed by the telegraph from New Orleans, where„ the lillibusters were put tin shore, and rertutritedult last dates , without mon ey, food, or employment, except as giVen them by the charitable.- The arms were seized. by Gov_erntnent.order_antl-plaerd—in-1 stores, and the Spanish Consul - it - Portau Prince having tiottfied Oen. Concha• of the facts, a war steamer was Hem front Havankin or cr tot eman I ten. arrest. It was thought that the ridiculous expedition would have a very injurious effect in exasperating the Gov ernment at Madrid against tillibuster sympa thizers in Pubn.7-E4rees. Our readers will notice in our advertising columns a card from the proprietor of Taylor's Saloon, New York. 'This magnificent Saloon is Fo well known that it is needless for us to say anything of it ; satisfied that none of our readers—particularly the lady, portion—who go to the great metropolis this summer, will fail to visit it.. As well might thiiourist go to Niagara and neglect seeing the • Falls" as to visit New York without visiting Taylor's Saloon. 'Muss 16.—T0 do that go to Steinceti cheap clothing store near the Market Muse. who have just received a splendid stock of Spring napl :;tntner clothing, made up in the best find most faAhionulde elyle; RIM] they will ae uuttal wail nt Ilie loner prices. See rheir ittive't isettient in iteother • column CottN. Cocotim: IlioNcititin. Aaron %. CRUCP. ‘Vhoopitig rough. Diseases of the throat and lunza. ail d palm° ry anrarrat type, are quickly cored by that lulgr tried and faithful moody, Dlt. WISTARN BALSAM OF WILD t:llEttltT. Hays A well known editur—.• This Is truly s Dall4llll and a blessing to Invalids, It contains the pun bal• gamic principle. of wild cherry, the Inidamic properties of tar and or wino. Its ingredients, which are raingltd niter the true principle of chemistry, are all balsamic and thorium It 1• safe and sure in effect. Coughs, (odds, Consumption, and Uronchinl troubles disappear under its influence aA though charmed away. Probably no medlei fib has ever attained as extended a sale or ACCIIIII. plished ao much good as this renown° OmeaVILLS, Cia., Feb. 2d, 1858. = men: At the iwolueitt of your travelling agent. I give you a statement of my experience In the uae of Doctor lialsantor tlild Cherry I have been using It _for two years In my family, for Colds and Coughs ' and /My., found It the most eilleallons remedy that I hare ever tried. For roughs and el, ds 111 children I know It to be au Otettliollt 11111M11111. Ilnspurltnlir you, • Jt/lIN 11. ILION ..TbeAen eine article apvile hes the wrlttee ehmature of -I. the wrapped; and le ter mile by.:All re speetah:e brugglele everywhete. Preparttl by ele.T fl W. YOWLS & CO., Boston, and far sale by 'Samuel Y.lllott and S. W. Ilaverstlek. Carlisle; Ira Day,3lechatilreburg; lints & WlPP,Aldretnanstown;" S. Newrllle: Shoemaker .t Gillett. Newburg; J. C. Altlck, Shlppensburg; and by appointed agents and .lealera in medicine all over the IIAtR. DYE—HAIR DYE—HAIR DYE. Wm. A. Dateheloe's Hair Dye, TILE ORIGINAL AND •114 ST IN THE, WORLD I All others a•e mere imitations, and . s hould be avoided' you wish to escape ridirute. • 3 ,, GRAY. ICED, OR - BUSTY HAIR Dyed !eaten to -beautiful and, natural Brown or Blank, without' toe least injury to' Hair or Skin.. FlF'fribN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awarded to Wm. A. Hatchetor since 1812, and over SO,. 000 applications have been made to the Hair of his pa• trona of his tamnw Dye. WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE, prOduce a color not to he distinguished Prow - nature, and Is warranted not to injure In the least, however long it may be rom tinned. and the lit effects of Dad Dye remediedl. ths Hair Invigorated for Life by thin Splendid Dye. Blade, Fold or applied (n 0 private rooms) at the wig -Factory, 233 Broadway, New Vorkt Sold in all cities and town, of the United States by -Druggists and Fancy thioda,Dealers. , • • The Genuine hen the name end address upod .a steel plate engraving on four &idea of each ilea: of WILLIAM ,A. BATCHELOR, • - . 253 ilmadway, New Mork. Atis- Sold by,Drugelsta In Carlisle. . WIGS—WIGS—WIGS —Batchelor's Wigs and 'loop ices somas, all. .Theretre elegant, light, easy and dun ble. Fitting to a charm=no turning up behind—no shrinking off the head ;'indeed, this is the only Haab.* Bahian:A where these thloga ate properly underateed, kind mildw - 733DitInilival,'NoW York. n0v;,17,641-ly FILTB I PITS Popcorn. laboring under this Metres/nog =Tani will find 11g. 111.11eptio Pitts to be the unlyerPniedy ever discovered for curing hpilepay or. Palling" Pita. These Pills poseneea specific aotion on nervouOnytitenn and although - prepared especially for the purpose of curing Fite, they will be founder especial benefit toall 'persona afflicted with teak nerves, or whose nerironit ordain has been pl.:nitrated or shattered from any (AIMS whatever. The dyspeptic patiniftleshinerStronach his lost the power of duly.convertlog.lfood into A' lift out. taming element, lo relieved by. I , inglo COWIN. of Alte, extraordinary Pills.. The statrlotiluld re-acquired Its solvent power, and the crude . nistrlteetit whirl:ryas A load and a burden , the sufferer; letativ3ll,- digestlve organisation was paralysed and iinairUnitc. he 6 lifoo der the ,wholasoine revolution created "lix , tlim ,fiyoteite, OM beide Of tdreingth,'ectlvllP ' • • Sent Wan,' Part. of the country by miiii.'fireent Poet— I age. Address 44T11 BASCH; 108 Itiltimore.litreet, , ;( 1 91y . .A1d... Prior—cone t*.*4 szt two, .soi Eeiuvp, YARRIL, HIRRJNG & Co:El ratent C . ll a n11,P117 71 hna Lulu F 124 at Dubuque, lower. • Duet:qui, .lett:1,185II. nen Inm I'NUested by Mr. 'l' A. C: Coehreur. of Flay to you that on the morning of the Install lout hie atUre took Oro, and ,, the t entire stock of good!. wee - doetroied. The beet. bkentue sb muddeuly h.tenee thitt nouloot the gondol etuldposl.l lily be sued; but fu tuoutely I. a hoot, cod popery. • *Web were In ony ClunlTlou were 1451. i - • preserved perfectly. And well they wee be called c Champion; for during the a hide contleuration there was , one incessant pouring of ilionvdirectly upon the tare which contapied them. And still, &tom opening jt.the inside was found to be seal only wean. while the outside ---: - MAN 11101%1 Bevel olywetrehed: -- Yours truly, - • • Herring's ,Patent Champion Fire and Ilergfir !Tour Poet. with- llull s Patent "Powder hoof Locks, afford. . the grentest socurity of eny the. world. Also . . . ' , tildoboard and Parlor PaAet. of elegant wurknot !whip and: flotalt for. plate. &r. --FA PAr:./I Elt.itIMVA--00:-.—Int re-Eeinove.l..fmm-P.A. . Walnut Ptrqat. to their new +lore. No.-1129 Chratnut at.. ( , ayno's Hall.) w here 'the largest afteortment ons.'afor, In . the world eau be found. •, ~ . PA tutim. III:RHINO A Cl'). • . n. 29 Choatnut.mtrert. (.berna's I lall.) Philadelphia. . • ' Mar.'l6, 1851)... . .... - . . . Fm4m;loc4 DR. HOWLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, DR. 111001FLAND 9 S BALSAMIC ,CORDIAL, Tbs great -- standard medicines of the present age, have acgUirsddheir great popularity only . through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac tion is rendered by them,in all cases;, and dui p.eople have pronounced them worthy.' • lotTer Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility °JIM, Neivoits System, . end all diseases arising from a disordered liver or weakness of the stomach and digestive organs, are speedily and perntanently cured by the GERMAN BITTERS. _ as, acquired a reputation. surpassing that'of any similar pre paration extant. It will cure, WITIIOI7 rot 4 the most severe and long-standing • Cough, Cold, or. Hoarseness, Bronoltitis,l* , _ Anima, Croup, Pneumonia, Inolpiont Consumption, 2" and has pitformetithe most astonishirry , aurto -over-known-of Confirmed Consmmptiom A few closes _will alio at 'once check , and - cure •the most severe Diarrhoea proceediv:. from COLD IN THE BOWELS. These medicine, are prepared by Dr. C. M. JACKSON & Co., No. 418-Arch Street, Phile47 cklphia, Pa.,.and are sold by druggists and • dealers in medicines everywhere, at 76 - cents ier bottle. The signature, of C.M..JAccnoit will be oti Me outside wrapper of each bottle. In the Almanac published annnally by the proprietors, called EVERYBODY'S ,ALUANAO, . 'you will find testimony and commendatory notices from all parts of the country.. Thus ; --- Almanaccurigivm-asoaiby sillour-eyents. For iiati.! by Eiholt, 6%V Ilarkratick Gtr IMPORTANT TO •PRMAILIIS - DR...CHEF:SEM AN'S Prepared by Cornelius.. 1,. Cliscaennuic M. D , New York. City. 'rho combination of ingredients in 'these Pills are the result of a long and c tensive practice. They are mild 'ln their operation. and certain to correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruation's, reninv lug all obstructions, whether (rein - cold or otherwise. headache, pain Int he side palpitation of„ the heart, Whites, all nervous affections. hysterics, , fatignr,-palti in the .baelt and limbs, he.. disturbed sleep which er'ke from Interrelate,ns of nature. Tut 3 . 1 kit RIED Idalith.S. Dr. Clieesetnin'e Pine are 1 Invaluable, na will bring on the monthly__ps_rlod_ 1 with rug utility' radiCs who hare been disappointed in • the use of other Pills can place the utmost confidence in • Dr. Cheesetuan's Pills doing all that they represent to do. -----Werranted - pitreirregetabla7And - lreir Tewinyf i ng Inf urlotte. Kennel! directions,. which should be read, esoonipany each boa. Price $l. Sent by mall on en• closing 51 to any latithorizod agent. Sold by one Drug gist In every town in the - United Stater. It. 11. lIIITCHINtIS, General Agent for the United Staten, lib Chambiws St., Now York, to which all who! °sal a orders should be addressed.. DAN:4IIMT & FINN EY, Wholesale and Retell &genre. Harrisburg, Pa. • .11..1. KIEFFER, Carlisle, l'a. WORMS: 'WORMS! sir f t great many' learned treatises have been writ. ten.7explalning the ori,ln of, and classifying the worms generated in the human splint. Scarcely any topic of medical science bus elicited more acute observation and profound research; and yet physicians are very much divided iu otittion on the ouljoct. it taunt be admit led. however, that, after all, a utydo of extolling three „. worms, and purifying the I rely from their s- presence, Is of mitre nth., than thin witil,t , difothibillons an to the orieln. The oxlndling agent banal length been found— Xi'Ltax's Veaturt'or. prepared by Iletitins Bree,le the much sought atter specitlic, and liwalreaPly 'gaper• laded all other worm medicines, its ethcar.f4elng,,ntti, venially nektiowledaed by medical prectitifinent: Purchasers will he careful' to auk or Ult. 3I'LANE't.t Ci..I.EIIItATED RIIMI VUOK.lnanulactured FLENIINt: lIROS. of Pirrsuunt.. Pt. All, other' or- Inifuges In comparison are worthless. Or. Ml.ane's •grttulne Vertolfuge, also hie relebrAted Liver fills. can new be hail at all respectable drug stores. None goon. lue without the signature of . FLF.MING BROS. DALI.E.I"S PAIN EXTRACTOR.—In al diseases Inflammation noire fir lesk preduluinates—now to allay Inflammation Attn., at thu and of dlsi'un betieo and Immediate cop, nalley's .Es tractor, and noll,lna else will allay inllannuallon at miee.llllli Illrlko n o. , ertnin cure. PAI.I.EV'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR will cure the tellowiliz among n great e.Stalostie or diseases: Iluma, Smith, Ctits Charms. Sore Nipples ("eras, Run k.", Itrukes. Strufna, title., Tubas. Chlll.laßta. Serofula. Ulcers. re•or 4ruea. Felon. Ear-ache. Pile.. Orr., Eyes, Gout. l.:lwelllngs Rheumatism, ,:leald Goad. Salt Rheum, lialdnes;. Erynipelax, Itingweini• Barbera Itch. Small Pas, )trades. Rash, .0., kr. i'o min, It nett appear incredulous that Romany dis eases should be reached by ono article:, shell an Id•a will vanish when reflection points to the fart. that the valve Ina r•mtbinatlon of Inuredisients, each and ever] ion apt lying a pertert antidote to itn opposite disorder. Nlagical Pahl Eatructor in Re °MTh, la magi cal, beeause the titheln short between disease and a permanent rare: - and Ma an extractor. as it draws, alt Marto:aunt of the elected part, having nature an perfect an Lehr, the Injury. It Is scarcely necessary to say chat no house, work shop. or Ullllufartory should be one mo ment without It. No Pain Ea tractor Is zenith., unless the box has upon _it )3.1111.111 pht • engcavlug,wlth_lhe„tinuic _Monty Dalley. !thin utnet neer. For sale by nll the Driurwistr and patent medicine do'nlers throuxhout the Unl , ed. States and Canndee. - Principal Depot, 105 Chambers Si., New-York. DO V.l 76'58-IY. C. Y. CHACE. 441110 N HALL, is .tire — piace to get good Dacutirreotyprn. Anibrotypes. Melaniiitypes, Star reriarripee. Crayontypre and Ilhotographs. - Parsons visiting Carliele will find It to reward them ,for their trouble to visit thin Institute. • N. B. Uut few spechnene are exhibited at the door, and the public are, respectfully Invited ,to call, at-,the, -Gallery. where es cry variety of pictures capable of Ix, Ing produced by the Motographic Art can be olatednkt. Ladle. and Gentlemen call in whether you want plc ;urge or not, and you will meet with a cordial reception ReNpectfully youra. ' D. C. KEAGLNY. Tun Boot or It:trawls, and Budget of inn. o.llltl. Evans, Publisher. No. 429 Chestnut street Phltriel plan. , We have h•re a twat Inlttme, containing a capital budget of fun. being titled with the most laughable sayings and Jukes of celebrated wits and humorists.—' The publication. too, is well timed..e, the travelling keelson is about to commeneW,'and we eau hardly tut; • agine a work better calculated to aninse leisure, an a reading companion on board a steamboat or a railway ". car. Merriment. too, Is good ti,r the mind.- lb chases / away care and enlivens ennui. In the language of the 'poet, it is wise to " laugh while y ° ou may—be. candid when you can." This mirth provoking book , is sold at the low price of .One Dollar. Evans will mall a copy and.a handsome • present to all persons remitting one dollar for the book, •and tw4nty cent, for postage. Addresi 0.0. kli'ANB, Publisher. • • 439 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. N. 11.—New Clasailled - patalogues of Books and Olfts lent free,- in application by mall. • ° - i'4tA - B,buttts: Milli ,CARLISLIC PRODUCE. MARKET. !deported Weekly for the Herald' by . Woodward d Schmidt. ;F'1.111.111. BoperBne, per.bbl. . " do. Extro; do. do. Fsmily - do: , • , RTIS' do. , Wulri WIIMAT por , boodle do. , do. .., ;Atli • do. • " . . do. , • ',eziovisoriso!' do ' „ : iTtomatvireO.• . do. , OSPRINO !LwaLly - •• , iWuroo.• BAILLET - - do. ' - • . PIIILAD(~W. HJA HARKIITI 'MormAY, Mity,.9(1859. There iv some little insininy for Flour, but • generally at it price below' the vievii.of, mai; who are firm in their deteiands. , ittitrid ardbrands ore ramtvil at $6 6.0a6_76, tar being the general asking rale, but the only sales. We !manor are tome 22.00' bids, western extra $7 per bbl. The trade are tidying mod erately at from these rates up to $7 6048 • for common to choice super., extras, arid fan cy britudS. 118 in gnality.." Rye Flour is firm,. with further small sales to note at $4 36 per. ' bbl. •Corn Meal is unchanged. Penn's-, Meat 'is held at $3 87i cant indes ne6rly 'bare 'of Wheat and prices-tend _upward; 2500 bus in small lots'at.l67nl7oc. for good • and choice white. Rye is better, and about )306 his. Penn'ti sold at frlati2e, including !some to g., illgO the country at ftrie. Corn is firiner,-tind about fog) bus,,_mogly....sttattelti.____.`._ Whew, sold . at 90e.• afloat. Oats are bold at / . •> B c. which. is ittinve: the views of buyers.- and we hear of no' sales of `any moment to day. •. _ in the Ad Nryr Klngotton. by Itor. W. Kopp, , Mr. IL Pi to llbm EMMA STAUIt. 011 61m 29th ult.. by gm IV W.Rolb., Mr. A: NOlMai t or . earlkle. to lllsm KATE Iy.a.NISK!..Y;nf Vurk.ootmtp ••• " Ou tha let Inge. nt the regid,,o et her McIZA deing:iter of donAtban and Ttje inya . ge of iffn',l at an end. . • • morhd pow!,, • — tin pal n. na finr Invade tbY bonndm: no whomi vrl.BB. If. E.SEARS, PHYSICIAN. t! xiii moil Carlkla Prcifeaminnally, on VILIDAT and oATI3IthAY. Oth and 7th of May. Ari- °Men at 51artIn'a (Apr. 27,14. TTENTI()N!—CARraLic T 'Ay AsiorT Thn mombor• of thl. t ereolng: the lit A Alork o to make orrangn , :oruto for the rvoloAtion of the irio pro,chhlG anniverexp of•Arnorfron 'ilderfnlionco. Nr n-dor of 1). ,t. Corllslo, May l , t, 145'. "I ST A.TE i'ATE NOTICE.--betters of • ad ., _ I - To ittoitrntlon tbn tttotte of SCAPa Ynontt. Into of Moor to townahlp, Climl.orlnntl count,'. bar# boon rd by tho iettlntpr of • staid cnnnty to the yulotcribaf, re, aiding near Onrliale. Indebted ern crquentad fn make Immediatn partnent. and throb hiving dm*, t o jr. , snnt them for nottlrninnt to y:NOCLi YOYLIttI. ' usTATE•OF, A LIE'S:ANDER II it Ei4 , iloreto,ol.—Tho A uditor,.aorgotA Lp the 'onrt of ettniL;nrland county, to make 'llO. . Ycibutlott of the balance In it, hail& of W. - Esq.. Admlnictratnr de NMIn n.,n ruin tentamatilnlik,'' next, of lYter. NlKlrocor. Into of the Ftate of ttLyw will n the 'index of hitt ann.intmant, at hie clib.e. 1,, the borough ntrCarllnle. in cold county, on Tuestily th..7thday of .Itine next, whoa and whom all n pante, tutor... Med may tittund. J, 8. COLWELL, • _ V • 1 . 8/T,.I . NG . TA Y LOWS LA LOON. : .t n 67 111.1.1,.1Y ronene or FKAS OWN :47111MC. I. the most taltillonable re.ort fn. Ladle. In :few York, being nioet desirably inoited ill the principal thrirnueb• - fare. and surrounded by tin, best etores in tbe city. "Nylon's S:W.I3 is.eelebrated ellstiv..r the 'aortal...wain - maznincent-splend2r of Its demolitions. as well ea for - tliejmelity of the fern, 'and tire - style In e bleb It tor nerved, which cannot be,excilled by even the IMOD, Parisian Cooks. The enloodie connected with the- • INTICIINATIONAL which bea n Splendid Ladies' Perkin frontiok 11t. Breed. way, and commending an extensive view of thet'world -renowned promenade. 'rile bent ovidetwe of the pnit• lenity of Taylor's kideon is thetit Is daily thronged I,y, visitors from every pert of the Utiton. feetyli,NithZtrh eiIiEAP COAL kND• LIDIBEIt k.) The auhaeribere have no d hand ono hundied and eighty,thougand i. 4 hinielen, 'Reran( Liiiiikand quell. ty. ' White pine, ileinlock,lCheetnut and Oak, .all of which they will aelli at the Inweet ilguron . . — AlirT - 01 - ktridiiiti - mi - adiiiiit - LUMBERTUTM - ilot. Scant= tinie r Frame Stutr, Paling, Plaste,ing Lath, - Shingling Lath, worked FloPring, and Weatherbaiding, Part and Italia and every article that belongs-to • Lumber , Also7srpriniflM7rfrainut, cherry and poplar, from nn to 334 inches in thickness. (laving Para of ourkorD we can (mulch sawed lumber knd all other kinds at - short notice and on reasonable terms. We bare ronstantly MI hand all kinds of Family Coal whleti we will deliver dram to any 'part of the borough. Bert lualltyof Lime burner's and illarkamith'm Coal always on hand ohh•h we will moll as Inw as any yard in town. SIMON A 1101 , 761 t, Yard East end of the Borough, opposite the Gas Works. May 11, 1,159. p-R ATT'S PAT'E N T ' HAY AND GRAIN RAKR. Thialtake ban taken the Fist Pretulnins at Ninedif. Druid nahlbltione. The nubile ore already aware that Ole Rake le unrivalled inAiny market, and Dads:Kited by every pervert that 'ham seen it work, and who ha. aeon other differentnetchinee work./ to be the very bent Rake now In use. It Wilt an Independent east elect tooth with a cleaner attached. The large number sold Alit,lotet year, and the efforts of different parties to elnitn .ttio right to sell, and others representing their. t n be the manne patent la Of Itself 14 moat 'convincing proof of its eurerlority. Over live hundred kayo Lean cold in .latitrastor county alone. We have now a full supply OM hand to accommodate other counties. We guaranty., to every purchaser an Indießutablo right to roll the mid take The following aro a tow per whoin w• re fer In thlgrounty and York, ash 'lug rchased and need the ramp: CClnistitean Coustv—.l,. B:Hoover, David Clark, Cub. ellen A 31 . 110VIRII: J. Brandt, R. Bryson, W. M. Waite, ti. 'Brands, .1. Boltetruver, I'. V. Cgs, P. lirechblil. Zook • ShnelTer. C. Ilartaler, I. Peter, Benj. Puffer, Thomas, liaihrath, Trego Brother. Yma COUNTY—DAVIII Lome. S. - Hoke. I.ewl. Prem.ll, I. Prle,. Abr Smith. SW. Fiore, lien). Strickler. Henry steohm,.l. A: Wilma, 11. C. Ilouser..l. Host, Men, , tte. ) 31. Trm.roi, Brandt. For sale by • O. W. BRANDT, and STRICKLER A BIM., Carliaie t Penn Muy 11,'39-2m 'lfl C K E 1' E" MOWER IND REAPER The atibacriber leltleo agent fir the male of the Byrn• eueo`Firq Premium Buckeye Mower, with which a Inn cceeful Reaping attachment I• now furolehed. AULTMAN • MILLER'S PATENT. We take pleasure in calling the attention of fanners to our Buckeye Mower sod Reaper, which baR In its triumphant practical working during the, last harvest. so fully sustained the decision fill the much abused By remise Committee. Its , surcess has boon complete.— liver one thousand have been built and sold, and tl e principal of the double hinge, Jointed and folding bar: which belongs to this machine exclusively, pann e. nently established es the true one fur Lim perfect Now. era, we with confidence refer to any or all of the pur chasers of the-Buckeye for-the-iffoef of-the sibure.-ferm-- many of whom have been rffceived life most flattlering e testhnoniale. The demand the past sesson was far be yond ear ability to' supply, and we ;rust that orders -will be forviarderi early - tiler coming-sessonf,thßt nova may be disappointed. To the re requiring a Tomblueft machine we recommend with conddence our Beeping ettachnient; we furnish a rear or, Manuthetured by Edge T. Cope & son, Weetrheeyr, G. W.lLlrendt, Agent for the rode of the - same. I,r ' • ' STRICKLER A BROTHER, lilay 11, U.-2ai Agricultural Store, Carliele,ra REDUCED TO $5 . 4 yEA,it PIIK-PAID. ' TILE REST AND CIIEA P Fl*T. PERIODICAL IN TIIR WORLD. In ronsequelice of the largely intreased circulation, the Publishers*: LITTEI,I,'S IbIVIN43 AUX. Are enabled to reduce the yearly subscription price from Oh to Sh. The publiNhers are determined that nmesi. pewee or labor Flinn be spared to .rnaka this THE MAGAZINK VOlt TILE AIILLION I And whilst boldly challenging competition, claim for it only what lismiwen conceded by the nowt eminent men of this country from the time of its '(over alzteen year. since; 10 the present dap, •13: If That it is suitable to all classes of readers—States. mo n, professional Men, Philosophers. Poets, Students, Merchants, Mechanics, and Farmers, all of 'Whom may derive 'pleasure and profit foim its pager. . 2. That In It may bniound tbacream of all the world. renowned !tallow.. and Periodicals of •Europe. with or articles end selections itidu the beat twit's' lit. endure of our Own country. 8. That it contains morn reading matter than any other magazine In the world; each weekly number con, taluing mistylour pages, and • fine,Etesi Portrait, multi.° ing three.thousand three hundred and 1 welityaight Pages in a year with flfty•tvo SitiEngravings. 4. 11.1 It's the oldest Periodical 4U4iteztzuntry, - halv ing hero published over sixteen yenra. That It la the elmapeat publicattowpf, the day,— whether It b judged by the quantity Or, quality of It. content' "- O. That no library is , perfect without it'. • S. That to those with Deified means. It !pan admire.. hie substitute for a library of thiscrilaheons And finally, that as a family lllegasins; It' is .u`uoydrApionable Pries Fly. Dollars:l'pr eonum. or thirteen cents a number, sent by mail. post pald. to any address In the United states. To Clergymen, Teacher!, !Andante, and • t . dubs:Four holism. • - DEDISSISD A IniOCTDP, , .50S .liaoApyeee,.N:-.V. 6.26 6,60 0.76 4.00 1.00 1,50 lr w Al U sit; sTORE 03 Illi9tKET STREIM.IIARRIOHURG. • ; it, is so ss. - t . S 1 C, mayaimsoi noon, • MUSICAL'SISR.CLIANDI.S.KORNERALLY: • i , • ' • '_ iitouNs;•,.• • • • '};.IITICF, , • 0.. C, R. CARTER.' 77 as 476 2,00 -. 1 50 to 55 • ~ 8 0 to 55 Noy 11, M Rlarriagel, gtat[ts litmertienuttA D