.„. ...............- . , . , ~ . .. . . , shy to iirbiil rho infinenCei which lad me into m?• „T.', ,:/,,,, - . I ' r t .13. antic/1 - 1 i . my present 'condition, but to my rorilier Com- ''-'i lll ' ilnilll ailb /. / ..rio ri ll m i n ~ *town. , , ' by R *O. f o rm e}• panions I wish to give aome ndvicA ; and, oh, If '2O liti b. ' that it may, be.considered 'as• a voice uttered 1, ; 11 . . ' --"-.."----, 1.• . • eteorologleal Register for the IVeek . . _ i number - cu from the grave, exhOrting nridlnipelling ilitin r 'toiling April 11 tip, 1859. ,- .--- , Odered.. Tht, ' to ovoid what line brought MO to thi•: Liquor 4 1 .. ' • : CARLISLE, PA. ' 1 And bad associations are' tlioAmne which litive • •-.. , -- 185 ,- ... % Thorn ' 10 _ plain 1 . - Rernai ,"-; , t, .____• • •,- ruined others a s wall 118 Me.'' A n d , Oh, let Me '' , . -.. minter 41 1 . IVednesilay, April 13, 1859. . • ' mentor trustees.,. -. 'i. entreat you to remember tbe. :flue Width f ora " t fellowell 'itty trtinsgretil•ions..4lo; pritrd liv it. . • 2.• , -.. simmiamsnos ;sdiction of,tbe Or- • ~., . ~Loal,4t stand Dm in afte'r yean's - lia the Higni:pinal .: Tit€s°6 Y - ' ' 4OOO •' ' .--- ' DEATH OW PROF'. COOVRR. Last week it was our mournfuLduly to n n 'llion coiporn- ia Y" 1 4 Vtalliilig la limipt frriiii the wrong into the right 1", • • • road, mid reminding them whetfdispebed to. II ednesdtly. 40 00 r . • nominee' to the renders of the Herald, the death engage in sintilar nets, or what iiiiiY n'wilir 's • • 40 00 —. P the n ; . 1 0.. . POpr•C•OP .../A.Vto•ft. COOVER, after a .' only Y 3 in CI Y ~ e Calendar ',, November, of ... 4.2,1 ^'; 'lii u. _ them. Ity the ignominions death which I am - :.1 1.1 " , r 8 !/aY•S , Fo u ice • .teett feet. tn.., ' to die, and toy.the•bleeding hesrts which 1 and my•comptttliMlS ilitVN,catisid 1 adjure yen - nll - ,Frid ' l iY• .. ; P . 2 (-) qc.'• —• " ' brier connection with the pnper ?I/less limn coaled: l day of tteptenitiet, g • auto I lie i -iligliuot-strongst, e • In& years. . OlaillY:would - the suspend, far - in : two Li. ~., otlicer - Ilentoir, -- whils,. and Riddle , pritjected idiom four fat. io fly from •tit' , e.lB, which sire illeCid iiittl mind' • -. g , ‘ corner of Cdtinsylvtalia • • time, our (Miles to the living, to pny 'a last - -- i 'Sen. street, in the_acumfmays.7, .4:cie.bidat.l.lani . was in full View from marl/ the witum.,...._ nal. I' wisbijneso l otto l i c o.,_L a. ,.. e. . R p t .."i: 4 ,,,,_....... e .. §ltnists., 13 oA . ,____ ' .--• . •, .4. j ail yard and tri - e out rounding.bills luitl boo thanks to the ".] 'Ward A n. and. Ilia dtputiee . fa r r i. . • • • sad tuibute to Illinnenmry- memory_ -dendi-bnit,4l t.t. clue • brill to the station liouse;'.- ,----- --r • --*.. ii - Fil'kuidness. mid in MT. - .lanieim - PryiiFitini. -- 11 ' - Ti - --irmr,r_aandiiilLreeeirud (luring lifs -- Youtili,.7 l o 7llll-61.3 v1rt 6 1 r " -- task 10,3 been performed by ableniitilibii-orcir - ' - rtrih.r. ~. itchent - lbinniny, --- whodinve-bern-itility eell-timo ,- .. . . ~ . iliVray. 41 00 • . Rain--; • --,---- - --.-we'-ann-only_testify. our . ..nppreciaticn of lan' ..,,I ~ ...1 40 Rain, • weeks'nyinh me. Finally, good hp: to all. nail , ' Monday. `•11 00 • loss, by dt•aptiig in, mourning, those celnitims Got idessca ti .. . , . •., ~.. , which were no often graced by the etterta . of . MRAION CROP ' .'Weekly. - •Il Ot), I 1.40 . k • Mean • bis.pen. • • • P. -. ~.• ~, . • PtCNN - SYI:VANIA LEGISI,AT'ithE ._ _Monday April 4.;—ln r the Senate, bilia_ivere passed relative to the lock navigation on the river Schuylkill ; to incorporate phia Ocoun'Steamsliip Co., and to incorporate -the American Financial Agency. Also, bills • relative to the Second and Third Street Rail= ion& thO Lykeas Valley Railroad, theSehuyl kill Ditivigation•Raiiroad, and'the Faipuount ----In•tho -House, an net was.past4d draliers of promissory notei,and bille.of ex .ohange' to give their re s idence on the same. Also, a bill 15italtre - C - 111( - 77Stalv --- 0 - x - ro — tWii milrs - ,and ono to atithorize the Tenth and Eleventh Street Railroad Co., to extend their !tacit on Poplar street, from Nineteenth .to Twenty second street. Tuesday -April 5 —ln . thg relativo tolonnage tax on the . Pennsylvania Railroad was reported negatively.- The bill to exempt the Utfited Statesyost Office and Court !louses in Philadelphia from ' --tization-waa-passed. , The bill to t nix brokers passed a second rand The bill to authorize., thq_Philadelphia, Reading and Lebanon Valley Railroad Co., to extend their road to ,Dauphin won passed— •yes 23, nri,ya The following hills were passed finally. To incorporate the Schuylkill Transporta tion-Company.- „ • ' To 'incorporate - the: llot'deaux Steamship Company. In.the.llouse, Mr. Evans moved to recon• *icier the . vote by which the, supplement to-the Citiiens'--Passenger-Railway-bill -was- passed yesterday.. motion to postpone the motion indefinitely was prude tied -agreed to 2 Yerta . 60, nays This amities tlio,paSsage of the bill through • the House. . Mr.Nill moved .ttLrecensider the vote on -bill passedye.:terday, e telative to State,taxes. Agreed t 0 . ,. A motion was th . en made to apply the re duction to moneys at interest. •• It being private bill day, a large number . passed fir,creading. ' Adjourned: Afternoon Session, the house took up the Senate amendments to the Appropriation bill. The amendment to the - section providing for the Eastern-Penitentiary ; wns nonconcur• The amendments to the section for the Training School for Feeble minded Children; .wis-nonooneurred - Pending the further consideration of the . bill the_Honse adjourned. , • Avening Session, the House met at 7, and resumed the consideration of the general op propriation bill. The bill was gone through with by sections many of which were nonconcurred in, and it must now go to a Committee of Conference. Adjourned. Wednesday April o.—ln the Senate, favora ble reports were made on bills to reduce the number of aldermen in the Twenty-fourth Ward, Philadelphia; to reduce the number of members of the Philadelphia Common Council to register births, marriages and deaths in Philadelphia; relative to the Philadelphia Union Railroad ; and to incorporate the Phila, delphia Washington Monument Company, and the Delaware Avenue Market Company. Mr. Randall vend n bill relative to the mode of se lecting jurors. —ln the- House, 0 large number of private bills passed first rending. The act toouthor he the opening of Seventeenth street from Francis street to Ridge Avenue, reseed finally A large number of local bill of no public in terest, passed finally.. The House, in the af ternoon, decisively .rojeCted Mr. Church's motion to reconsider the vote on adopting the report of the committee pf conference on the bill abolishing the llo:,rds of h ealth and Guar dians. Thursday April 7.—ln the Senate, the bill to abolislt the law appointing Commissioners to revise the penal code was passed finally. • The bill relative to writs of error in the Su promo Court, and to abolish the Court of Nisi Prius, in Philadelphia was passed—yeas 21 —nays 7 ThO bill to incorporate- the Twelfth and Thirteenth Street Passenger RailW,ay was re. paired favorably. kiitotion •to take •up the pill to repeal the ll,oniiske tax ryas not agreed to. The bill relative to tho cleclion of Dlstriist J• Attorneys passed.. . . The bill to incorporate the Fall Brook Coal Company, which was vetoed by the Governor, passed by a tw,p,tliird vote. It having previ ously pasee'd the House by O two third vote, itnow becomesn law, notwithstanding the veto. Also, the bill to incorporate the Pennsylva nia Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church. In the House, a number of private bill were ptiseini finally at the evening session. The bill entitled an act relativeto the grant ing of liscences to hotel, inn or tavern keepers passed finally. It, gives the judges pciwor to :erase a license, if, Iliejr deem n' hotel or tavern *necessary. • Tho act securing to the people of Philadel phia the right of free travel over certain high ways, came up in order. A motion to post pone was not agreed to, and the bill is still pending. • • Friday April B.—in the Senate, the follow ing WM were reported favorably:- An act to refund certain moneys paid into the State Treasury by the Manufacturers' and Mechan ics' Bank.' ' • - --AnnoktO : modifrthe. - Anetion - lrinn; - atfrio provfde a more eXectital manner of collecting taxes on auction sales. A supplement to the act regulating banks and prohibit voting by proxies, The following . bills were' passed; Atrnet relative to the enrollment tax on corporate charters. An act relative' to *notions in re plevin elses'in distress for rent. • ' • AW act to 'increase the number'of Trustees in the. State SaVing Stint' of Shitedelphia. • , An aot relative to Assessors in tho Nino tioepth and TwOnty-first Wardo of Philadelphia' The tiillo to intiorporitto tlio 'hen Company and Mount 'Alto Iron dO'nipani, which were vetoed by the dovorigr, were both • prssed ty a oonalitutijp , al niajority of two- ~ • • . , ! •1 ' TILE DIC.ITti ,PENAL.TIt. . 1 which worked °wirer' swivels placed - ifi each • • . p . p crosspiece. The trigger• i'y • end of the' rind el thirds. the first.by a Ate of 21 to 9, and.the The. _ ..„ ; . . •morbidly cerioutiinust have had a Sur- Mid a play of about three inches, just soffieient. l t second by a vote of '2O tei 6. • Adjourned. , felt of.hoirdre on lost Friday in Baltimore.: .to allow the drop to. fall •In the centre of the ' ••• In the- house, a number - of unimportant when they eaw four convicted'murderers, elf- 1 ' trigger There was seettrelylludetted a Scent ling , pile:lle bills were cdnsidered.. The following fer.the death penalty tdgetlier. The papers •, which reached to within two feet .of the ground i g_er_..inia_.e._o-_,the I are.fililel_wltlialetails-ofthe-of which •.' T " the O n - d l' t the '-' 6untlin .1 . ` l ' r 1 1 ,-passod.finally. • -- . . 0 -trigger. was attnebed a_roper :which led to the An act relatiag to testamentary trustees.i., are painfnllylote.rest Mg; from them; we glean it northern - ontsitict Tart of Ate scaffold . The , An net extending the jurisdiction of,the Or- the_few particulars'we can ,tied space fo:. 6.oress.beani was Made . ef • the! toughest yellow t .. . . .. g, pine, six by 'eight .. .melte% with four slit:lves i ' • ; ' Ones' Court; . •• ' The first of these victim, Itenry tlambrill. . S'' tilted into it at a distance of nearly three feet • ' • An act toe qualize taxation nion corPorn. i a y outh ul.‘thu nu" Pr " / "'"" ing '" Pth ' r " fir r' . 1 ap art. At each end there wore also fitted Iwo • i ' only in his 224 year, was Convicted in Balti- 1 1 , lions passed, witMainendments... . ' rpr dr, sth tray. el , "'sheaves,: upon which the ropes were placed. . mare City Criminal Court, : i The drop was placed at an elevation of, four- The consideratioe of the private calendar '.., November, of having en the niglit - ot the' 22. d . Aeon feet from Gni ground, and reached- by it • . wasmosumed, and a number of bills passed: l day,'of Septenther,' shot,. with a pistol, police -flighrofstrong steps:- The top of the scaffold otlicer-Benton; - whilst that officer . waslamir the : -'' Saturday - April 9.-lii Po - Semite two Li- ••••, Projected : abetit f . onr feet shove the. wall ,It fi•N corper ,, of Pennsylvania avenue and Biddle , quor License bills wore reported, one, the Sen. was ut fun view trom neary the weal° of the street in the_neiof.no.nyxyingalcimulnr.flaei -ate-bili r favortilly, , ,ins he other;' - the • brill to the station house:. ...... ... . ... . 4 1, hid yard and tro surreunding hills and house r-Ifill. - Afrifiworshlr-s , -BillirrittlfilrEClTifi - v - - --11 - enr r iAbiruf - MilLr.eeeiv_eil d_Ming. his -- ..3 70*-I . l t q. l-114-irl ".. -. r7Fl ' .l " - I ft ". "I r ' --T- '• felrl' iffs - '`- w - thl :•41•611-4-1" I to unitjusted claims on piifiVe works, theenle Brent• education, • rendered moi•e active effe by • Y elfi gf r . 1 7 1 . 1 . 144 . --a-m.B7°l ' w •'''' i r -6 ' °Tr i niti " . conuitions„ meite y a mor it minority to tathral intelligence. Ile Was a ' of the Northwestern Raiff:in:l; nod toincorpo- witness the awful death-scent:re von tl i 0t I • .prenticed to the . trunk making. bueiness.•nt• rate the American Piano , and Melodeoh Com"; which he dOntinued until the urge of n i nereerr .s, structure. . . .. pony of Philadelphia: The new auotiOnliw years, when, incompetiy iv:ts It:Ohara Harris :1,:l When the Sheriff entered Crop's cell he was ' • the - tieltecoused murderer of °Biter Barton, 0 pacing the floor indt pensive mood ; his wrists o.were. measured and thee securely tied with was passed. !,•;:. This American Piano Company is probably A l lie openede restaurant on Franklin, Eu- While tyingliire,the yrils •niikedif the / ~, taw street, and which on yet under their 'AI roP°'• - Lim : -Ire replied,-'' No, Icon stand it mug penny•cenearn; on the -bogus lottery, 4 ! control - atAlielime of the fatal - occurrence - 0107 1 ' e°t'd 3 - hurt ,or gift-book system. :' ' -I the night of September' 22d, 1858: •4• ~ ' . it " The cord was then parsed Mick 'of Min end tied to bed' of his elbow.. lie was then Among his essodiateli, witff whom' le was --- In - the 'House, a number of private bills were A- i left 'in charge, of Deputy Sheriff IVolleti, tthilif. exceedhigly popular, •Ganibrill possessed the passed. The bills to incorporate the Easton, I reputatiori• of being a youth of undauntedf the other cells were Visited. for the purpose • and M - punt Alto Iron Companies passed over courage. lie WAS earnestly and sincerely . t .°r binding the other prisoners. Ditririg the brief interval • that 'elapsed, Crop's time wins the Governor's veto, by a two-thirds majority. .. amiable; and the strenuous and persevering t • , The Holese, colicurredin the Senate ainend- efforts of hundreds of eh izetato savellini from speet in singing and prayer. Ile expressed a hope of being saved in the world to come, i the scaffold, 'gave practical testimony in favor., , melds to the new auction law, and the bill is • •• 1 of thotie qualities which properly .directedmed ' and optijiively•• denied having fired the shot which killed Higdon, In about twenty min now finally dispdsed of. The Erj,!diverce hill employed Night have crowned his life with -I way taken up •and a motion to proceed to the • --...__ ! credit. and' happiness. . . i sites the Sheriff made his appearance, end Hie _ K white• eap was drawn over his truce: the • --------- --Tl,e-two-ol her !white-men, who-wore-pri net. second rending failed by yeas Elf•naya 73. This . pals in, the avitril tragetly,-Were • 'Marion Crop !,..4 deemed Inith - theti, k "witli - a finn step, left his ' kills Ili° hill • • ' ' ' - ' . • ' ' .i and'Peter Cor • rie-the former in -his • 03I1Ani I 111 dreary cell tied jothi , :d iris• other three "COlll- .. ~., . ---- _ - • . ________ _ thedrirror _ irriris _ 2B a r _ year . , __ The _ y , were...harr y, ,patuoterin the corridor. When - ell - the - pris• ' • r im 6 - 'l3lalutil loe:driWuglitToTTl , -- Thii - Sherill gave THE FRY . DIVOIICIC CAS/e. . .4 finely formed,' intelligent-leaking Men. - . - 11 „ to 4 . i nal,. and the solemn, processiOn• left the • , • o,were the friends till co:emotions of Henry is: " • g , • ' Ilya reference lei our report of the Legisla- ' C I •11 • dtl '•:I • • ntl f I • ,i- min in ,an 'en . cep symp ly or mu, if . . , . IT lower. portion of tin) „jail and ascended to the a 00, ~o t o,o. , . 4 fire proceedings, it will be seen that this bill ~. in consequence...of his conviction, produced ll .!.... ii . • ' kind of moral Madness, which. exaggerated, tii . Hy,. sesru nr cum!. !rim TRIAL OF SICIE.LE.S. was killed in the 'House by a deeisiVe role. •• .4 • • perhaps, liy . the too free usti of intoxicatitig,__The_f o nowin g _hy mn _ wn sizung i n _ o _ o t en , ,- .. Tile trialof Daniel E. Sickles fur- the mut'. • • Althou'd 6 ' , many-of-the circumstances - atated- . stinks, inducedThum o content a clime w lit.t, t!' loud yome,-by : -51arton-f/rop,-on the. scaffold. .j, dm eof Hill; ii i , p lion liey, was comurenced be. -as-factalmthe-petition-of-Xlrs.-Fry,dinty-exist-kr by-the Illwa-of the•lantl; pinced them aide by !''•"•• It is front "The Pious Songster," And in end- A ' ' ' ' • •1; fore Judge Crawford in Washington :City, on only in her imagination yet, we- admit. that side •witli their unfortrinate friend, who, in l' tied !, Ilnil, ye Sighing Sons of Sorrow:" , their teensy "they may have tit:eight-to Henctit 4 Monday the 4th inst. As wits to be expected, our sympathies Inane been with "her from the • ' - • • 1: • Former friends, 110 W Jilin. HE i you k leave ; they, nlsoliecame amenable to the law. Their .••4 - •the most intense anxiety was innelfested in re be did .• i 6 es, ,no so much on account of her youth . si• ' • "" i I I I • •l l• All my-earthly hopes-are 'o'er; A 4 . jits.too„..were_torfeiter . ant i ley tate to • . ._ .., . . _ - . - itritLiii - eirierieiMe, ns the cool malignity dia. lowed their friend to that "bourne whence no , BIM tit Heaven I hope to greet r y• r on; r " Bard to Alie-case,-and the Court-room WAS soon - .• , ' There to mettle part no more's!. '• packed with an eager crowd. played by her husband, thr•oughout lire pro- 'traveler refuel's . " . . officer Rig. •• latrion Crop, the niurderer of .. When it low more moments wasted,. ' ... •• i The Ceunsel for the prosecution are Disit•ict. _ ceedings. _lL_llowever, .-as• the. vote in the this dying scene is-o'er- -- don . Was a native of CarliSle. He was 23 years I•,:.__ - . -And i Attorney . Dull mid James - W. Carbide Esq ;-- - house - wouhrseem to indicate; her ititliscreliteM 'off age. - Bilie - hia nsso - clat es in the bloeily deed r IShell -this last dread griefTve tasted- . , nod ter the defence Mr. Pliillipe :''Of Alit- - I shall 'rise to fall no more. ' (slight as they were) have shut the door a- • ithich Atari led the community with its wanton '' . - ..tli.,. boon; Tit:drum F.' Meagher, Mu' Cliilten 'of gainst legislative interposition ( it is to belie- atroeity, on the night oi' November the sili, •. 1 ' _ " S ' t o o n t i l Y ' 'twill ° F r e L i i in s ell e ti e l e l i v i s thl ; ; . • Y... Virginia, Mr. Magruder, of Virginia, John 1858, and like Gambrill, of whose conviction t.• ' Graham of New York Ftlwat-d f - pod the °Burt may grant a decree of separation, y lilt my nonce, pure and reviving,' night ••••" ' • ' 'Stanton.- -___ a for the killing of officer Bent om-the et hee for ~.,Pittsburg, and James 'l'. Brady, of New Yor•k, for it is certainly no sin to "put asundef which Cotrie rind Cropl • T• I ' r ' • taNe sti met ; WllB. n ,i. .•Kiss to, tairer worlds of-light. , It is understOod that )Ir. Oraliner will open g C . Chid ease mourning, trembling, sighing; A' those whom JrniOnen have jollied together." conacquence ; the - unforitinatertssfiject. of this r .•••..- • the defence, tool Mr. lit•atly will close it The ! ' •of • •t 1 • l •••p-t bl!p t ''. l ''' . nptleu Wlll4 Am ty and iq, lA, li 1 oxen.- , Denth shall burst this • sulleegloom ; V other counsel reserve theIIINCIVCB for the Ills, , . . • :: Then nt spirit. flititering,.flying, . • • r • . • • - - -'.- -..- - •. . , urge, nod oaten better educated than either .of . ~.Y I law( ••• l' • i 1• • • CUSAIOII o any points attoii mg o t mai Shell be - buthe'beyondlhe COMM • • npecialiiies) vadat ritny Oise duringlho trial • Iss'rnerrioNs•To MAIL Aiii:lrs.-We learn his hapless associates in this. day's awful ti•age-S7 °' that the P. M. General lota issued orders to' fly. Anieng his associate:: Crop was esteemed I, Precisely at. eight minutes past 11 e'clock• ...The Court havingheen opened, and the ima m' and from_ his reputiition e f-- they aseendod the, scaffoldinre Wane order • al formalities observed, Mr. Geld asked' limit 0 •Mail Agents,- prohibiting them from 'mailing'. tt•••!'‘'FY hale used m •'. • • ' • '- ' - - • •• • ' • r ' ' ' e .-3 for intern clic° and Ins known firmness and • 1 : 1 ., ns that in.which they left their cells. - Ileory .:-. the witnesses.for the prosecution should he, - • letters in the revs. p_ftll My, so that hereafter, :al d sr i ng ,__h e n egoired a powerful r iniltrence_o_ver_illanibrill_tvaa-the-tirst.l o ...appe s r-up o n the called,-and allanswered - th-their-nnifieB Anil • all letters must be regulnrly mailed inn the 0'; them. In-.was-tine two bust named qualities. : !,- . scaffold; as he, first. stood upon the instru. V.. four. The • nffsentees were Messrs It, M. ' Post 01fices..__ With thiSmiew mule in force, we .' i WhiCli WOll Lim the filial , dialinction :Wilting ',._•, meet of his dreadful death, he looked selected as the, instrumeni of inflicting de:tint , ' and stitilingle 'around upon the vast multitude t - head. . calmly . 1 , Downing, I:. Pendleton, F. Doyle and 1t...8r0d, , ~ should like to know what utility there is in ' •- - Crop's • I') • ' ' . '-' neon the brave Itigthm, regular bust- ,!, thronging thelidls, the house.rops fi nd th e l'y Mr. Sickles hoving,becn brought into Court, .7 monument, then_lurning his eyes to Heaven Pi every eye was bent .upon hint. His nurture'. -employing Mail Agents l',,- We have been un- ' ness-was that of an ornarceetal plat,verer, and f• r der the impression that the aPpointment of"' hd is said no be an exceedingly eipert work r . he prayed - with suppressed emotion, his spiv. t WAS Cllllll and dignified, but : subdued; Here man. A fed years ago crop ran Away from ,`"?;:itual.adviser whispering the while in his ear i, turned the recegnition ofaeveral aids friends . ?Mil Agents, to run with the trains, was not his patents, and - Shipped. Upon a vessel, and-1 th e words of 'eternal hope and promise t . :. and acquaintances, and took his sent beside his so much "the_ safety of the mails, nethe..in- v e, c•• • • - !!'t It -• • the - remaining • of .. '• 1 buti• tl.railing t •• i 11 made a voyage to i_ dot•ma. b . .ea mime . victims the law i. coitus° , 'tar tt . : la setatit es : to creased facilities giv en t o _ b us i ness men , • 10 it : pb ron ot e gdaff s , en bl eg !, Crop's Lend 'le- k. had taken- the•places . assigned thein-Gambri•lm lawyers front the audience. Iron' mite to Anne . mail- their - letters- up to the last moment s of notes strong itnimal passions,. with courage ~.": at the eastern end of the scaffold ; Corrie next_( Mg' numerous friends came to the dock, shook r tand Minims. His career shows that his-pits• ';••• to him, Crop next, mid the negro on I Ire west. I, -,t,• Itnnd; with him, and !•passed the comp imenta starting. - ll' this privilege is denied them, we • ti sionft were unrestrained by any princi. l'‘'' ern extremity of the gallows. After a few ;f:t of the - season." . , , _ think Mail Agents . any be dispensed wish, ti ~ pie. The expressiod of his face was 130111 - r , words to the mot front their spirit Mil adviset-s, "•'1 The indictment wise relit! to the prisoner, • , . . and - let the.salaries new paid them, go to Ay ;,‘ w h a t, p re p osess m gr e‘rocieg good nature ;Ind 11 Henry' Gambrill clime forward to the:centre of ••. charging him, with the tritirde . r of Philip Bar- P sist in sustaining the P: O_Detiiirtreeet ~,,o. geniality. In ,his person he was stoat and '',l the scaffold, end in a clea . t„ distiect joile,'4` ton Key, in thetrity - of Washington, on the 27th • thi s i s th are, G ra sere „ ar eaverN ,i r e gh •i; reeer. ikr 1 muscular, abont,five feet six , inches in height, fP, which, though it faltered with etnotion, was 1,&• of February. s . .. i'' and weighing probably under - or:Beare eireuni• 9 firm with purpose and earnest determination 1 Mr. •Sicklei was asked the question, .'!Are part the deficiency occasioned by- the loss' of" s • - s' • ' - -- - • lords -stances about. UM po . He was engaged I spoke as follows : - • , • ":•'. you guilty or opt guilty?". the approprintion bill. . . - in a numberof desperate street fights,•and en. t, • - Fellow citizenA. 'knowing that. lam about •:. 'ln a clear firm tone, lie responded, ••• Not counters with antagonistic clubs; and semis re-1 . •to die, that 1 stiind on the brink o f eternity, I-guili.V. - " garden' As a man of desperate prowess, Ile_ r t?• declare to you that I our innocent iir the i n ur.4 The! three first days of the trial were token WAN one of the leading victors in the terrible'` der of officer Benton, or of having-Itveything :'' up in empanniling a•jury. I Lexington marketriet during the election ar ' to do with it. When this trap falls .from tin, ir .i• OCTliiirsday, this:Cal commenced:telt!: an Mayor in 1856, and WAS one of these who in 1 decree, it will mulch nu intiocent man into ~•. opening speech front 11Ir: Ould the Prosecuting 1857-are_saiddn • -iiIIVe. terrified-the .aut li ord ties 'c.....t eternity. Ilitive -nothing- more _to - say- hut t., Attorney, and theexemination-of the witnesses 'of Weshington into inurderingWeveraltinofeit4- 1 9 - good bye" Ile then gave one last , searching ', ' -I for ilia prosecution .which - occupied -Fritlay.l - citizens_-_____ _ I look upon.the crowd beneath, and upon Hemel elSo• ' - 1 Peter• Corrie, t i ne co,partner of Crop in the .0: surrounding him upon the • gallows, and re- V: - On Saturday Mr. Grnha - m opened firi••ilM - rattriler of officer. Rigdon ;Its born in lialti• ' sinned his position.' The Sheriff here intima- VA defence. mid ,continued to speak moil the more in 1831, and is con:vie:illy itt the 28th i . toil to Crop Hint ho could now sing the hymn l'-'' hour of adjournment, without. concluding. I•year of his age. Carrie lost his r fidlier early , ,which he had soledoll tot...that, porppvq. After 4. 1 • . - • . . lin life. 'After leaving school, he was placed a moment's pause, and a look to Heaven, he g • • ~, ~. .. • at his own request, under the owe of a well i',.• commenced in a lilts, clear, and not unmusical known and popular butcher of Baltimore, with voice, the hymn. Both Currie and Cyplins. whom he cominucitsidteveral years, :requiring i: joined in the refrain of the hymn, but their V ihe ''' trtwowledge - oratid - odepting - es - bis - lamittoes' e - t - diliifirtrenitifeil with a weakness or envoirriii-,-,i TUN U. S. AItNIT FULL, AND 11.r.cuutTINO 4 STOPPEO.-Tlko Journal of Commerce states in pursuance of orders from.the War De t O intrimenty--the-service-seevice• direughout ):: ult. The :,inks of the ariny :We now not only eeemer i r , 4 the United Stares Was discontinued on the 30th that of Iris molter; thus winning the danger- l.! which he, this iron-natured men, onus debris of "Butcher Pete." A year or ;:;ii etranger to. I two ago Currie left Baltimore, visiting several !; , 1„, The hearing and deportment of Corrie, both f I full, for . the first time in twenty years, lint ~ there is 'n considerable sin•plits of recruits from lof the western States nird Kansas. in which io in his cell end upon the iicatfold, evinced in- latter region he is said to }time gained, dui•ing tense emotion and mental excitement, which to till future vacancies. The minimal , which t • vibe memorable disorders which the slavery ~ increased apparently as he steed . upon the 'i.,' I Prosperity of the reeruiting busine.s may be I excitement gave rise to, an MienViable' repu- i' , 4 drop ;..while in proportion to the increasing attributed partly to the depressing effect 'Afire • tation for desperntion and cruelty, Ile re- r t ,.‘i•agitatiort of his fellow -sufferers, the calmness financial revulsion, but mainly the increase of turned to Bah hum e about eight months since 4 , and, stolid indifference of the negro increased 'the soldier's pay about four years .ago up to and must have conducted hintself with caution After the , 1 ,singing of, the Vein the Sheriff the decently remunerative standard of $ll per and. propriety. Since very few fif i the class and r , milted the negro if he desired to any anything. ' month for Mot, and $l2 for cavalry service. the particular circle in which lx; moved, pre- t . ,. In .response, Cyphus stepped briskly and con- Besides this Compensation, Which is sure, and rictus tolds departure from the city, appear to 1.. fidently forwent of position, and sal, "Germ- goes on whether tine soldier is sick or' well. on possess the slightest knowledge of hint. 1%,'• Heinen, hero is another innocent man going to duty or off,' be is abundantly fed, comfortably It is difficult to conCeive what motive short iii , be hung; 1 am innocent of the murder; they t.. clad, is nursed and doctored for nothing, and I of reckless bravado, or the Mind--axeitebility ll mis entitled tecoinnnitatiOn money for all clothes •I took me up, gave me another nae, and now . - - (of drunkeneis, could have induced him Co n - t••• 4 they are going to hnug me; but lam willing' which he does not choose to take front those sociate himself in such nu act of desperate re- p. to die,' and I ivant you all to say o w , Igo (several suits n year) provided for .hits. No new reruits will probably be wanted before vengti as the murder of Itigdon. His friends, Il away perfectly happy." lie then resumed his next spring, and if so, at least one halt' of the who are many and influentinl, assert, MI did 0 pi... smilingly. ,- recruiting service appropriation, $llB,OOO, for the unfort emit e man, thst he had been int oxi- a 'line Sheriff and his assistants then drew the fiscal year beginning next Jury. Will not cated for a week previous to the coti.umnintion ;down each fatal, noose, and prepared to ad -1 of the horrible crime 10I' Wliich he died Cur- i' . !, just them around the nooks of the doomed be needed. Besides this saving, the Quarter HO was shout five feet three inches in.height, •:: men. The dreadful preparation affected the &nester's Department will be relieved to ti great and of compact, muscular build, he weighed if. men greatly, though variously. llambrill, extent from the heavy expense of transporting before his incarceration 130 pounds; his Tea-t• though 'preserving the intrepidity of his ex- recruits to distaat stnt ions. The cost of trans. tures were irregular and the expression of his I - messiest, trembled violently at the proceeding. portation last year from New York alone; wits countenance was rather unureposessing, intli. His cheek and lips became blanched, and hOl/10 $300,000. eating dogged ~and stubborn determinetion, bending back his head until his eyes 'rested • with much energy of will '.l • . fully upon the. Heavens, to which he expressed , . The fourth and lagt. who thus expiated their, a certainty of reaching, he prayed audibly crintes'on the gallows was the negro John f:3O. '...., and fervently. plums, nuns John Cyphus, who was convicted r''. Comic was also exceedingly - agitated ;" the on did 20th day or October last, of the crime. o powerful effort with width he strove to sum er having on the night of Ilte.2fith of August c 'non together all the resolution of his nature previous, murdered William King. alsO.a negro ~l 4 WAS plainly' evident. His lingere were moved The murder wits committed in Wagon alley, . •oonvirlsively„anditia.lips, Closed tightly. to, e l between Schroderand Oregon streets, by stab- ii gather, quivered with emotion. Crop, though bing him through the, heart. The difficulty . t,,,nianitbsting excitement; preserved the habite• occurred concerning n negro girl of disrepute- 8 al stolidity of his nature, and coolly 'bent his ble character, and the offence" was clearly .. ;;l , head to. assist intim adjustinent of :the keel. proven bolero - 11re City' Criinitiiil thiiirt. His 1, 12 • The attendant. ministers held for the last comtel made every effort to procure, for him ti time their camphorated handkerchiefs to the a new trial, but all motions to tluil effect were tit noses of the men, to nerve, them for the last overruled by the Court,- and Stephens was.:act, and whispering to them the last words sentenced to death. From the'day °rids firstthey were doomed ever to hear upon earth, incarceration up to that of his .denth, the un-withdrew.' 'Each of the men, as if actuated' fortunate man never wavered in his tissevera-p by one impulse, uttered a loud and fervent Lions orient:teener% declaring as he • hoped to "'Good-bye." The rope which liiild the sup wee Iris Maker. lid was entirely guiltless of the i',•,.. port of the drop urns united, and the Sheriff., crime whereof he was conrvicted. , lie- was n ~../ duet:tending tho long flight of stairs, pressed free man, iu his 34th year, and quitea goodo his foot upon 'the trigger of the drop-there looking fellow, having a countenance which 0.l was en instant' of dreadful expectation-a by no means denoted Is bad heart. ;He Was al` momentary, pause-the drop fell, and the negro of more than the ordinary intelligence `r: sou's of four struggling, beings winged their, of his class. Ile was born in Baltimore. Ills ! flight Into eternity.., mother was a free woman and his fat her . was t , LAST. LETTIM , FI10)1 , 010 P. .. • - a slave. • His mother ix still living.' ' '• ' The following letter was sent by Crdp, to . , Cyplitur was a man of strong passions :m:1 i his spiritual adviser, the Rev. B. F. Brooke. intemperate linbits. He had seen much ofilio•LI ' , To my Spiritual Aelviier : - y your kind in.' , world, and contracted loose and depraved its- 'ii structions. I Lave a bright hope of going to liMiations. • sthat land where the parting Landis never tri- On Thursday the cells of the prisoners were , ken ; and, my dear friend, if you shouldAliver crtheded with friends end relatives. The l'• happen to see any of my old comp:Miens, tell, greater portion of the morning wawset apart - • .them to turn to God, for he is a merciful God: in praying, 'during which the voices of,the t. fund now' farewell; farewell till we meet in' condemned could be recognized above all oth--t - Heaven. • MARIOti 01101.. era. —...• ~ : • - April Bth, 9 o'clock, A. M. '''' On Thursday afternoon the father, mother, -• • ' ' , CROP'S 60N1,15SSION. the sisters end the brothers of Crop entered * • • . his cell, and conversed with hint for the last.. • The , following is the confession of Marion time Tire scene enacted WAS one which can. .i 4: Crop, furnished to his spiritual edvisers: not be desCribed. •The imagination' earl only k ~." It was me that' shot Rigdon, but I have picture the parents, brothers and sisters, sett ,• Apented of it." - • tad around the unhappy convict, and sobbing 4 • Tho aboie note Wes written by Marion Crop as if their agonized , hearts would burst. At, kon the morning of. his execution, about ten half.past•nme o'clock at night the Mostlerri= 1 minutes before 9 o'clock, with the request that ble struggle of all came. lt-tinst heu that the 4. it be - not.optinedjantilleis desul: - .. • •:-, ' ' liiet'inifenterftiteirdlrviiiiiiinikenT'fiaf then' ''' - ' • , - - , -- • - - ' 7- ...- . : B. F. BROOKS:, the startling thought rushed 'upon the 'Mind,' "i ' ' • : '', '• I • G..W.'llimer. • . how awful is death t There . stood the' con= i • -• •- .' ~ • -• .. ANOTHEU IMT11:11 EltuN 01101.. ' ' damned man, in the prime ofnislife, eurroun. '4 , • - ' !led by his weeping parente; whose'hot scald.: l. • The following letter, was banded by,Marion ing tears Coursed down their obeekslike rain; . Crop to Dr. EB. -Thomnis :. .., ~ . It was aleartul,picture, and one that , would , Ts. -my . Fell'oui 'Worlds : -Dear Friends4--.1 harrow up the most flinty soul: -• r. , t . • . Within a few hours of...the , moment whim life, The giillows was located et, the northerneex- t and I eltalf•pert, and , feeling the - awful•posi•; tromity of the jail Ytird. , about twenty-five,feet.,,i tion its - -which :i. now-stand, knowing that I i from the vialliand . about midway between,Lhe,.',' shill' soon 'appeerinthe presence of the Al-1 leash:an and western Walls. ;It vins.,noreposed Mighty, I detore to say, a , few words in , taking of six upright timbers, six inches square... The final leave of• you, by way ot expressing my two-control:reams K(1)000.1 about eight , feet,, •sitmere sorrow forpast-actst-- 'With -regard-,to above those .which form the centers., ,Thesej the printery ottuses which imPelled mato yield two beams were secured hy .li o nvy cross tint- ito the grosser passionsof -my nature,,l wish bers,double braced:7M) - T drep, or tiaP-tioor, t to say nothing: Litilittveit of obarity'eovei ,was eight, hi,fourteen, fett,„ . It Was. hold on ,i; thorn as it, should .eovOr my sintr, - ,now- that I. the north side by four heavy hinged. , On :, nut.about to , osplatithem. , ::ll is ao wooly:nee', the south .side was . placed the fatal trigger ? essarY that I should remind yott of the :woes ... • AUDITOR ONNERAL— The Gettysburg Rai& proposes TAOSI.IB E. COCIMAN, -of York, for the nomination of Auditor General_ 1y the People's State Convention,. on the Bth of-June. A better n9rnination could scnrcelt' be made. Air.-Cochran is eminently qualified for the pince. ion...An unusual press of new advertise ments, has crowded out several articles inten ded for this week's paper ; in a few weeks, our columns will be relieved again and we AO be able to give more apace to the current news of the day. [For the Herald. cif/mac:TEN IN PENMANSHIP. There is certainly a great deal to admire in elegant finished penmanship, many persons who can talk well. and who,yeeta _weir educated, yet write such nn execrable hand, 1.1 that 'when we see their scrawls, they sink at once, and immeasurably in' our estimation:a', "A fine intellectual Woman, she 'is," said I, "such mental and moral:stamina, as lies 'kin died my whole being in a half hour's inter-, , view, her faculties are of the highest order, and all in such glorious activity, developed tF .too by the best cultfire. I waited patiently .4 for the first letter from this noble, ideal wo man. Horror upon horror ! A feeble, cramp-, ed, winning hand, such as usually indicates rg r g the sentimental Mist, or weak-minded fash jot:ablelady. In vain I searched for evidence .4 of • the intellectual power,' which had so charmed nip in her conversation. 1 was .47 forced to ono :conelbtfon : I must have been mistakem_rio superior woman, no lady, intel ligent and - thoroughly educated, would write like that !" Alas, how often are we tercel/ into such conclusions, how ,seldom is elegant penmanship seen. Even among teachers of acknowledged reputation, how very few write well, or are capable-of teaching even the pre TA , liminaries of good writing, without which, perfection can never be attained ; viz, the 4i holding of the pen and management of the 4 . 1 muscles of the hand and arm. Since I have seen Mrs. Crockeep-mode of procedure, and the astonishing progress of her pupils,- I am more than ever convinced thaka fine Style of writing may be acquired by any one with the requisite perseierance, under suitable in struction Mrs. Crocker has - Thu*la scores of gentlemen and ladies in - onr.tortns and cities, and with the besCsuccess.• Even yoUng boys s‘: and girls lmvo shown in a feW lessons by their rapid improvement, how much: may be done, when the right method is once discovered. Mrs. Crocker has a class in Carlisley ; and has had good classes in the cities and towns wherever. she has been: Those who will take pains. to 611 and examine for themselves, the proofs of what I have stated will undonfitedly be grati- *; fled, and will acknowledge Wii,fi`me the . supm •. rionty of elegant ease in penmanship, 'to the labored, stiff scrariling,,that in g•neral disfig ures all attemina-at waling, from the Count- .• ing House to the Parlorand the School-Room. `4 A VISITOR... 4 . INQUEST-ANOTHER DEATH. - New York, March 26.—An inquest has bean commenced in the case of•M,rs. Beethen, who kept a board ing house at the corner of Fourth avenue and Fourteenth street, who died from supposed poison. - ,The testimony thus far indicates n wet reckless attempt on the part of a servant -girl named , Margaret Thirke, employed in the house, to poison all the boarders, about a doz en in number, in order to gratify her revenge against-the landlady. The suspicion against her was deemed sufficient to warrant her ar rest and detention, to await the result'of. the inquisition. NEW Yotac, March 26,16. Robintion, one ,of,tho boarders at 1110 house on Fourteenth street!), died to-day from the.effects of .the litdatin"admirileterbd - liethi!" - Mainitig nuitirecr Thursday; he is the aecoud victim.- Mon in GREENSOUIRO, Pe.—On Wednesday evening, Greensburg, usually a very quiet borough, was the scene of violence and excite ment. Two colored mon, named Ben Ware • apd' Gilbert Sterling, Were accused of being too intimate with a white women, .and a portion of the popidatietmletermined onlynch law. A ' , -Trowd coiled ed and proceeded to their houses, which'were palled down; also a bowie belong , ing to• Dr. Abercrombie' (colored) was pulled , down. , ..About thirty or forty' ptreons nro said to have been,engoged in this , cruel and wicked outrage; • . thiir Road- tho'adyttliseinent-of'Dit..l34w. ooateo Liver FALL OF TNN DROP AND END OFTDE TRADEDy The drop fell at about ten ,minntes past] and while in I,2refuldens silence . spectators wero watelting-tffe movements of the Sheriff.- • Thu - - victims tell p:distrince of 'about- four lea. and They received jerk which, while it „cony not liave_hrOken the necks . of_allounde a jarring._ noise, as though the ropes had snapped; hut no such accident happened The trigger was touched by-the foot of the Sheriff', as lie step- ' ped down from the Scaffold. Crop and Ste , idiots died hard; Crop, once or twice,_draw.: ing himseif neoirly double.' After hanging about- twenty-five, minutes, the boilie were partially lek'down, when' -• Inetlioal examination wax made by Dr. IL S. 0 . .""S? nein. All • tvere pronounced dead except. Stephens, wlmsc,hwut. was still found - tohe beating. The --conlißrireirly—reft. lumping. ;five ,` minutes longer, yhed each was assigned to its coffin. . . Tue NICARGUAN DIFFICULTT.—WaAhigIo . n,, April s.—The dispatches sent to Gen. Lamar are, it is represented, of the most positive character. They instruct him to demand front lgicargna an apology,, restitution and indem nity, on the failure to comply with which, he is to ask for his passports. The Ilome-squatiron, it is said, will' he strengthened, and the vessels placed at the dis posal of Gen. Lamar, to use them for the de fence of American citizens. their property, and their vested rightq. • . The dispatches to flog-officers MeCluney end Long, commanding•respectively the Home: and Pacific squadrons, are teroboy the orders of Gen. Lamar. Failing to receive them, they are to exercise a latitudinous discre tion. TI e usual diploma i course heel en pursu ed in informing the foreign legations.of the in tentions of this government: . , Suicfne.;—Op the Iffih ulf.;;111Iss. Ainerice G. Rice, n young andltandsomo:womon; of Cincinnati ' 'residing with her sister:and moth. or, received a letter from a young man who; ,though having loved her, had resob,md to sep 7 . orate froni her. , lie had sworn` to others to do so, otf - ,accourit ef a previous unfortunate love of her's, and wrote her to that effect. She was passionately attached to, him—and she Purchased and swallowed,' in the street, a largo dose of strycliniuo„-,she then proceed ed to the residence of a young female triefid, and ,told what' she had done—for her . thother add a phygeinu messengers were sent—and in tire inmates after the arrival r ,of.the former, and before that of the latter, she expirety in' her widowed mother's arms. . 7iALousi. Muttneu.—At Madison, Ind. on the 17th of March, Stephen Limeiscas shat a young anon tamed Hollis dead with a pistol, fordeueing with a young lady to whom he had been paying attention. • The young Indy had refused to dance with Lancisoas, on_ aecount of improprieties . in his conduct, whereupon he declared..that-no ..6ne elso-should,dance-with.• her. Hollis paid no heed to this, and was therefore subsequently ; murtlered'at hiti - hotel by s tlko offended lover. [From the Baltimore Bun.] One Dollar i-It is too much, exclaims the prrsofide. ciring chrtm artleira for the restoration of the hale We bib& however In •'our experienrri found that articles which commanded pleelnlngli?ixorhltant prices, are In the sod cheapest to the purchaser. Proclous articles pre always put up In email plielutge.s. and efficacious medicines ore not .consiticred Wean at any! Wisc. Out dollar being the price for Prof Wood a lialr Ile atoratFve, for the smalleat.she Or trial Isfttio; Iff'n sufficient guniantoe that the trial hottle contains mat prbelouninbredients. bin proof' er which - De ralfOute rt 1351111 1 ,01110 hundroil Add within the past year. ' - ' 4 VAUT401.10,110.. ;11 4ro of. worthissi Imitations 6 cos crop anialroady in Ihe matting called_hy:dilicrent mainne.. Uso nonaunleas the words (Ptbfissor Wfmd'a Bair lie. htnrative; Dopot Louie, Mt, New 'York), are blown n the bottle. told by all Drusulsts nod Patent ledielne dralera, oleo by ell Fancy, and Toilet Goode deciertl lb the Tinned titatee and Canada. - . . •TIM degree of heat folho:ullov,o'roglster lu fha dully uvuragoof throe obsorvidlons. , NEW A DVE ItTINEM ENTN We call the attention of our renders to - the rufveitBclueitt of John 1': Lytle & Sen. "Their stock of paper hangings is perhaps the inrgenr nail most varied in style of any that has ever. been . brought to this plrtco ' , armors' -who want mowing and reaping rit:Moos, Will find tit Braley s & Pa's • Smore'a 638 Ataricet SL. Philailelptiiai clitNrent ' - machinos . no - w - ini.titio, from- which—they—elm make choice . . -M. Cltri:e, offers twoLliuildini—lots-n, :''private sale, which lire worthy the Attention of capicillimts. Leidich & Sawyer have just • opened their spring stock of go'othi r .to which they invite the attention of purchasers. 3 : - - ; to blimnoral WO intellertual worth. - - ' NEw BOOKS —Those - Avlp want good „a His mortal remains worn folios - Mt to Weir last resi log ° and cheap hooks, are referred to the silver- 'dare, by a largemunVer so of rrowlinr ralatives and 6 • . iisettient_of,B__P. _French, who-rill-sell-every tir.i.e. nds.,.and.by.tho pvpill. no ho. Cettege, who,had_often... teeetVqd lnstruction, nd counsel from lilt lips.. As they 'I. night. during - - the Codrt, Books and Statiottrery, wo i hered.arnund his grave, testifff, log by their-tears, the from a largo 'stock which he now line open-at , 1 teaser a n d profound m•trard cherished for his mount - my i the , unction room - of Wm; Gould & Bon.. . the light of hrip.r distidin (hoan knees or deltb, and pointed — them Jo the laud of 1,54:11 . 00mi and beauty, 1 'Mr. Frencli; ling been in the book trade for L I 'r;! . Whom sorrow's - shadow cover falls if nitte'years. end warrants every . book . he 5e115 . .....; ,; It. It. 011.13110.1115. 0 to be in perfect order and of the latest odition. , ) 1: 1 His stock embraces finite It variety of classieal,- scientific nfid.niiscelliinenns which is worthy of. ntlenfio9 . •by !hose who may wish to fill the, nhelves.of their libraries. Pit TT.P.-ZTo do that go to Sfidneep cheap clothing store.nenr. the:Mail:et Hemet. ; who have just —reCelvetl Spring nn(l Sutnmci clothing, roti ile up in The 'hot and mom sty/e_which they will n! . 4 titutal null nt (he lowest prices. Scu.thdir advertisement - in anothe'r column - .IOIIN 1.1V1N*7.11-cteesSOM to J. B. Kel lcr, in the Hat, Cup and tibiae business has juott received his spring stock; to which con stunt additions will be ritade throughout the -PC . RSOII. L. the Neiv Store, in I1nm•. ilton's corner is Otfering bargninet \ tm his nn - Jevons customers; for partieulors, no to the titylo.and quality of his goodS,'consull his ad vertisement. GOOD Wit,r,, INDEPENDENT, No. .I. A stnted !fleeting of this Fire Company will be holdTd`tii6r Hall, on toino:row; (Tlairstlay elivdt4.) at. 74 (Voila*. _Election of olliects and other business of . importance, trill be transacted = 13y oiiki of - the Seeretary 8. 11. Coma). THE N. 0. OPERA T)io ' llPE.—l'Vo nre happy to annottido that. this accomplished band of vocalists and musicians, will give Iwo converts this week, (on Thursday and Friday']-'•- JACKSON &-Co., No. 418 Arch Street, Philo evenings,) at Education Hall. We wore not delphia, Pa., and are anld by druggiats' and present at their first concert, but we have diateri in.mediciner everywhere, at 75 cents heard their !twills highly Fpoken of by those - per bottle. 'T he vinature of C: M. JACKSON 'who were; and n 8 tlmy will nppenr ntthq coming concerts with new programmes; .*e expect them to be greeted )vith crowded houses AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT 23.-31. 13 Strickler Sz Prot hdr, have taken Zug's . room. recently occupied by Shryock, Taylor Sz Setith, where they intend to.open in a .few days, nn Agricultural Implement and Seed store. An establishment of this kind has been touch wan ted in Carlisle, and we have no doubt the en terprise will be successful. • NEW CLopEs.—The attention of par chasers is directed to the davertisemegt of Steiner Bros. & Co. who havejust opened heir large'stock of spring and summer clothing, and gentlemen's furnishing goods. ADMITTED.—On Tuesday last, on motion of Vnt. M. Penrose Esq: Win. H Eckels Elmq: of lie Ilarrishurg bar, was admitted to practice in he several - courts of this 'county. TRTFRITE " O_P RESPECT At a meeting of the U. P. Society, of Dick mimeo College, huh!. April 6th. 1859, the fol lowing resolutimis were adopted: WHEREAS it has plenetl Almighty 'Clod to call frnin aniong the living, our brother, Pror. D. R. Cony En. Resolved, That the- members of the Union Philosophical Society have heard With (limp reliret of the death of their honiwed.brother. Rodtoed; Tliat our warmest-sympathies be tendered to the bereaved family and • friends of time deceased. who now stand with . crushed hearts end hopes over the, tomb of the. early . dead. • • Reonlaed, That our !fall be draped, and that vire went the umunt badge of mourning far. thirty dayi.. llesolved, Tiiiit' these resolutions he pub lished in the Carlisle !Jerald, and in the Cam, berland Valley Journal, of.MeolmnicOurg, end that. n copy or the scone he sent to tlie. feniily of the decoaced. . Emits E. SnAPTAYI - HARRY S. MuNnom, Cvneer FitANK B. SELLER/I, 1(1' PRINCETON, NEW :JERSEY. April Bth, 180.' At a meeting of the American Whig Society held Aprj,atit 1959, the following resolutions relativofo the death of Prof. DAVID it. Coolllll', of,Cumberland County Pa,,wera ,Aidittpled fr— Wm:BEAN it'hnth pleased llim in whoie hand our lives are, to remove by death, Prof. DAviirE.: Cowen. a graduate' member of the American, Whig; Society, .and .one of warm bit' friends and most icalouti acivtioa •Tlire fore, that, wit ilst w•ithout nomplaint, we submit to tho s tilmensation of Divine Providence, be lieving. that while wo'niourri hie''loa our lie= loved member enjeyi the fruition of that hope which, was en Anchor to him in life, jet we would not fail to 'pay our tributoto 'eminent virtue and high moral, intellectual and skint worth, end' acknowledge, the loss ,which our society lies sustained by his death. Resolved;',•That we tender our most sincere and heartfelt sympathy' to the relations a_nd friends of the deceased . Thnt a copy of thOse resolutions be sent tollie family of the deceased, and for publication, do the Carlisle Derald, Mechanics .burg Journal. and Princeton Purse .t •R,esofttrvi; That. as aArtbertoken.of respect to the fiteniory of.the dieeased, thet•Seeiety,do nob' adjourn 1 J. TnomrB6s OBLEn, .. J.'l. Wirinto7; • Commit(ce. W. 8. PURVAANtZ, '' .' • Qn tho 11th 'IMAM, by .flov. , Pater Murk s, Mr. WI r.• LI A :11 A. A LlitatT. to 311 Irs LOMA PLOWMAN, both of Plainfield, Comb, in,' 1161116 re6l6nneo. In DleklnAnn .torn6llln. on Mnndny Morning hist, Mr. DAVID (11.1.:NN. 0g,e11 4 15 yrnrx. nn thn 7111 Inn.. Mr. EPWIN TA:vlB, formerly t , 11 , 111164161116, alma nhout 66 year. Departed thin ilk on Titesdny April ,fill,, ni 3 &dock P. M. nt Irving Female College, Dille it.tevoit Courtin, A. M. eged 27 years. 2 ninths. end 14 day n... • ,The sultlect or this'll e wan torn In Contheriand ~.4 . ....coUntyi-Ps, Under the ctlroftil eniture'ofJuillcious 011,1 t141 , 46.;•-44hiti moral excellence which invest the eh:antler of youth I discovering marked indicit.nris . of n promising future er e he 'rout Mtn to'Dickiniciii College In February 1851, f ; . ' — . wheel: he spent.sev,eral yearnlV's culttliiii Oafs mind. Ile, however, removed.to Princotnn Cellegt; and in June l i nirigradunted;wlthiligh . hrmor; .11avingeen.• fa rioted kin Colleqlate etudlee, Inc devoted himst:lf to „., leaching., After spending yeaV at tho neitimore Collegerbe-ri.ewived Professorshlp . sift Natliwil-tßeleure and Ancient 'l.nligti..ages,,ln Irving . *4'11..1100 elllego, [pealed at Mechanicsburg, PA. liar,, he ; nthiressed himself to his work with n ililLosniende 'l;,) hie xeal, led ekbilded those rare qualities of mind :4: which singularly fat, d him for the instruction oryoung h Indies. sis i. t h e EA '1)1 . 1861, Mr. 41.1 over int olon:profenslint of 11 rulipinn. and attached blots. If to the 31(411(41W. Episco -1 pal Church. 'Thu refining +poi elevating Induenrea of, d Rine grace linpnrted nn nadit!noal lustre ton charne :; ter already' clothed *lt; inrii-n1 beauty, nod, Wilt% prostrnted.by tlblease, It Inspired his soul with joyful - eittotioiiir - el - 01111fgTh irffio — v - IttWileath na n rninktifsltid fon. and to acquiesce In the 14rovidentlnl arrangements, whose - nctions are nil founded In WiSdoto, Ills t. ifeknessnon - s•erytranciel . , - Chnvl4 — iiulTered for months from, a itulttinnnry nifect ion; nod the Innt few weeks of Mope Were.cqtlarterised by peat bodily 1, - .911. Ills .*/ &Int however( wasteful tindneneefol,rnenuntging Wit ki smitten hernia of his trim& to rejoice In Impe.. i The ovrindoit of his death ens improved by sin Inter . eating dlnenit rye front Pey, John A. (lore,' Presiding Fa ;.;,- der of Carlisle - District, who }Till a tinnited tribute Igcian Frainp: Cohror. P1P 8 ; 8 ; 8 ; k DR. HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, 6 1 DR. 1100FLAND'S IiALSAMIID [.l CORDIAL - The great standard .Inedieines of Me present age, have acquired - their great popularity only throu.ah. years of trial. liiMounded aatiVae e lion is rendered by Meni in all cases; and the people have pronounced (heni worthy. i v Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debilityo[•thhe Nervous System, Diseases of the Kidneys, R. and all diseases arising ,frenn a disordered "1 4 .liner or weakness of the- stomach and digestipe organs, are speedily and pefnuenently cured by the GERMAN BITTERS. _ ' • The'Balsanale Cordial has acquired a co reputation surpassing that of any similar pre-- paration extailt. It will care, WITHOUT ram, the enact ',severe and lony-stainfing Cough, Cold, or Roarceneseeßronehitis, In fluenaa, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient • - Consumption, , • and has zeVoimed the most astonishing ewes -ever-knoten-o, Confirmed Consumption: A few doges will also at once check and cure the , enact severe Dian - ham proceeding from COLD IN iIIYI Bovnap. . These medicines arc prepared by Dr. C. M. t. will be on the outside wrappei of each bottle. In the Almanac published annually by the proprietors, 'called PJETLYBODY'S ALMANAC, 4 you will find. testimony and commendatory 4 notices from all parts of the country.. These szal. Almanacs are by all , our agents. For stile by S. Elliott, S W. lliivertielc Car lisle. And nil who suffer the tortures u mach 1111,Meese In• r. flute la One Ibravor enotlter of Its lawny phases, cure , yourtublves permanently awl speedily Iny using The Oxygemited Bittern The "Weekly Novelette" of Sept. It, says: . Dyspepsia is one of the prevailing dit.easen.of our country. this is owing both to climate nod the slunwt universal habit of eating uur mtids too rapidly, to ad mit of proper digestion. But In spite of these adverse. circumstances, this disease, even when It has become chronic, disappears rapidly by the use f the OZygens ted Bittern, which have been tented to prove an infalli bin remedy. From the publialuir of a widely circulated magazine atesqrs. 8. IV. Fowls Co.—l huvo taken three bottles or the Ux?'gonatrd Bitters. and have derived great ben. Mit from their use. I have been much troubo-d with 1/ysoupsia for several years, and round nothing that or r.rded me any roller until I toed the Bitters. 4.1 most rbeenlilly recommend thorn to all who are afflicted .with this troublesome and stubborn roud:Ant. JA3IES 110111N: 4 0N, of the . .:._ , — Beudent and Selioolinnto." From Oen A. C. bodge, our minister to Spain. 'Dr. (leo. P. Uiven.—Dear Sir - The Oxygenated ifitters with which you were so hind Rs to corn!.h me, have had a moot salutary effect in my Mine. •1 wag (moulded •with Dyspeceda Pir Gnu• years, during which thou I tried many revnedlott. but never mot with airy so good no 'Milt" Bitter, • 1 0111 HMV In the elljOyillelit of good health, and I hope, and billieVe, that nil who use the Oxygenated Bittern, will find them no service to no I have found them. . With high respect, • , ' • Yonr nbt. servnnt, A. C. DUPUIS:. `.g. • l'repaitil by SET II W. FOWLI R CO.. Milton, and for sal., by Sanwa Elliott and S. W. ilaveratick, carliale; Ira Day, 3 leelmalesburii ; Rutsh %b.e, Shireinnauitouli ; VAL Wild. blesvville: Shoemaker k Elliott, Newbury; J. C. Sliiimensburg; and by Appointed agouti ittal . .lealiirn in mitillcizio all Over the Country. FARRIM,,IIERRING & CO.'S Patent Champion Safe Late Fire at Dubuque, /own, DUIMIQUE, Jon. 7,1050. . - O cute ent'regliestod by' kr. " 1 - 4 . d ..Cochranr, of plaM, to say to you that on t h e morning nf the 4th Instant, about 3 o'clock, Marlton, took fire, oust the entire stock of goods woe deniroy‘ed. Theheat became so suddenly h.tense that none of tho vole could µnod. bly be saved; but fortunotely ids 'maks and pepece, which weru In one of your Chatri'Pron Safes, acre all 'preserved Perfectly . And well they' they be rolled Champion, for during Om whole conflagration there tone one Incessant pouring of flame 'directly upon the mfo whlclicontalned thorn. And still, upon opening lithe inside was found to be ecarcely warm, while the optsido 'NM thost severbly scorched.' 'Yours truly, • • . . .. . . . ltyr.eltig!a Patent. Ciponplpti_Fira_andfiprgineßreeir_ ,_44„.• 'Biirear with - liall'e.Catept Voteder lint Locke. n'dOed the greatest itecurlty, of auy nate In the world... Also fildebpard and Parlor 3afes, intelogantworkpinnaldp and • • finish. for plate, kr. _ . • FARREL, ILIOUCING k CO.. have removed from 34 Walnut r triad, In their pew etere; Diu. leAt Cheatitill et, •• . • (Jayne's MIL) where the largest, ,Oestortnient, ornitos in the-tvoritt MILIKI found. , • • • ' loAltitE,L, lIERIIING & CO. . . ' 623 Cliertrint Mimi, (Jayne', OHIO PhiladelPhlie. . . aredthir3. :'.' ; ; .;.; - . , • • ~, „ MARION •‘, I.IA the 'ploce to get g ;)oiruniuurivotyp , 'n.:Ahitnviyiws, Jieletiliotypei t 'iq - er- Praoscopeo, Crayon 'nits and Photograph's. Verrone; vifitiiii; Coilbsle will find it,to toward Ibiza fur, their trouble, s vissit Oslo hoititute N. U.. but Yew opecluteux ore eishiblird of 'the. dins'', Riot the pub li c ore renseethilly lathed to eon at. this .fiollery. when] °tory 'variety or pirtorca clliiilild of lugproducod'hy'tlw Phytomphic Art,:estn,las ohtsitheds- Lidice stud lientietiont coil Its' whether you Wank ph. fords or oetorot yell frill coact olth &cordial recclitlon. • 'Nerpocttally yourap . • . D. O. NEAGLIT: • El Rlairiagts. gtaQs. TO DTSPEPTICM IluaroN. Jul; 1, OA