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N , ' . . : . . .. --.„--- , • „,• 7 ___ L : . ~ _ ~, •-, - ..-,-..a- W.......z. •, .• al t - e...-t_ ! . :13 - ' -.. 1 7 -c- -7 •:- 1----___z , ~.,-• , ---= - .7„----,„ I -_--i.---4_•• —=-_--_ ..... _ • _ -,•- 7 - . -.. l. ---- . iliViriC , -.-a_ .7,-_, . :.,_-.....7.. -z - ..„;_•-_ - _-..;:zr.:-1-4 • -,--,--- • --t.•-•i - -. , k ---. 1 7, ' *. t: =•• .. , 1 ' ?::.Z: - 14 : . :'4A ' . k!-- - ',.; --- p ~.---- -- ~- - - • m , 1 . - _ • -•- -.___.L__ `,_TZ .. •.• .• . • -., .‘: ' '-.. tom— - - •-- *, ‘-- __. --, 4. 'l'll r 1 , -___----. •-7_,.;--... - -. • . . ... _ .Q.: ~,, .. V:4 , 4 .., ) ••• . glik. • _ ' - ...= .-.., • ' ..- ,_. ,='-= • ,A-7 - --•.. - , - 7-__ -, f -.5 • .;-.-_____.,---, ------. - , ....;,,r .-...--, __, , 1 -- - - -• z•-• ~..--;..•,_ I '-'- °•.:. . 4' l'-' - ' •- :":OS - - -- - = - ;7 _ ----- - ;= - ,.-1.-- - -,..•,_ ... ... •••77."_--•+-- ; , , • - 7• - , •, ; ; r° 1 " 1 : ;E• / 1 " 3. t . ; " . .'"„•"• 4 121!• e..VllllO=3:lLi NI; • . ,174 - r-..7 - -•--- ----- . ta , ----- -- - . . - . • • .. , ~ .. . .- - • . • . ,•.., . , • . , . .... . . - - . .. , . . . ...., . , . . . . . , .. . . . ... . • ... . . .. WILLIAM M. PORTER, Editot. CO, OV.En,..Prsopriefpir. 'X. Vilk DR. M I LANE I S CELWATE D _ VE RM - IF . O GE A 'NTD LIVER PILLS. WE beg leave.to call the atten v don of the 'Trade, and more especi,allr the Physicians -of the country, to two of 'the most popu lar reinedies now before thepublic. We:refer to , • • • Dr. Chas..Dl'Lnnes Celebrated.: Vermifuge and Livo: Pills, We do nOt — recommencrthem as universal Cure-ails, but simply for .wha - t their name purports, viz THE VERM IFUGE, • or expo lug human system. It has: also:been, administered 'with:All - 6'o°st satis factory results to various -Animals subject to Worms.. • 7_ THE LIVER, PILLS, • For the cure of Liv - tit COMPLAINT'S, O.II,BILIOUS'DIERAN6EMENTS, Sick ;&C: 14 ca.e.s.'of. FEVER AND 'AGUE; preparatory •tki or after takifig'Qui. 1 nit*, they almost invariably make • a speedy and permanent cure. . • As specifics .for the. above:men tioned diseases.,-they are Unrivaled, ~and -never known to fail when ministered: in . accor4pce with the directions.. _ Tbeir unprecedented popularity_ has induced the proprietprs, - FLEMING BROTHERS, PiTTsBuRCII, PA. to dispose_ of their Drug business, in which they have been _succes • fully engaged for the last Twenty Years, and . .they will now give their undivided' time and - attention to theirTmanufactUre; And being termined that Dr. M'Lane's Cele brated Vermifuge and Li Vet', -PHIS shall continue to occupy the'high position they now • hold among the great .remedies of- the day; they .will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best . and Purest material, and com pound Them in the most thOroudit manner. Address all , orders to ' FLEMING BROS. Pittsburgh, Pa. • P. S. Deniers and Physicians ordering from educes than Fleming Ihnu,. will do well to write their orders distinctly. Pr. Arbone.e. prepafed iy Poolingltrat. PittAurgh. Pa. To those wiFlllug to give them a trial. we will forward p•r mil. post twill. to any part or the United Ftates, one box of Pills' for twelve three-cent iitistaao- stamps. or one vial of. Vornitfuge ror fotirtoon three-omit stamps. All orders from Canada must buaCcompanled by twenty cents'extra. II AT AND CAP .IDIPORIUM.-7 .L'l. CALEB & CO., eucressors to Win. If. Trout would announce to their • customers and the puldis zenerally that thev have just received from Phil:idol. phia. a Janie and elo.roint.stork of goods, In their line of busin vet of every• variety, style and quality. ilillThey have on 'inda splendid assortment of II ATS AND CAPS; of ell descriptions, fmni the COllllllOO IVI , OI to the finest FUR AND SILK HATS; and at prices that must suit every one who has an eye to'gol I log the worth of his money. Their Silk. %Tole Mill. and Denver Hate, are. unsurpas• ed .111c.1.11.; lITN ES& DU II ABILITY AND FIN lit I : by those of any °that establishment In the country. • BOYS' II ►TA of every description tam/dandy on hand. They respectfully invite all the old patrons and as many new ones as possible, to give them a call. • J. U. CALLIO k 00. Ott la. I ) ISSOLUTION. ---'The partnership heretofiere existing 'between Simon Arnold and 1. Livingston, trading under the firm of ARNOLD & I,IYINOSTON. was 11183 , 11001 i by mutual consent on the 10th Inst. The hooka and et...manta of the firm are in the hands of I. Livingetem. to . s.vhom all poymente whet be made on or Were the first day of 'lay next, an after that dote. the hooka will , he placed In the handy of a Justice' for collection. SIMON ARVOLIL ISAAC LIVINGSTON Carl isle..lnn 10 '5O-3m, N. 11.—Tbe buninees will be cnnducted et the old stand by 1. 1.1 Vi.SaISTON,. whet will eintellsor by strict attention. to, tne^it n cniginuatice or the patronage 'heretofore extended t o the firm, A. IL FRAIWISCUS, No 291 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pinn'a.: Tr REPS the largest and hestitssorted stock or CARPET ...CHAIN, Cotton Yarns. Wadding, Cottpn tape, Twinee. Coverlet Yarn, tied Cords. Windt Idnes..ltope In Colin. Seine Twine. Indigo blue 'inlet mould Lamp, Ca olio, fkiniphr;ne, Lard and I , lllld Wicks, hi the City. Also. a great varletV of Fly Nets which - he offers at snanuArturerie lowest cash pit -es. Feb. 9, 1859—am • `LATE! SLATE ! ! SLATE!!!— SII.ATE HOOFING. undersigned has a large etnek of rooting Slate on hand. from the elate quarries of john Ilumph Ors & Co.. York borate, I'a, and is prepared.to put on Slate mots the' hest material -and on reasonable'terms. Please rail and examine the Slate. All work warranted to be well done by rompetktit Matins, JACOB Ulf BEM, lkbfl—am , , • • • • - Youth and Iflanhood. 1 - 7_ Just published, tne - 25th Thousand N f , and wiled In a sealed envelnpe to any a , addyear, poet paid, on receipt of 'three stamps. Medical Essay on the physical eghaustion and decay of the franie, caused by "self abitse,", itvrection,' and 114 injurious,, consequences' of Mercury, Ey Cul D.. mem Ler of the Banal College of Eurgeons,,*c !gyp Spermatorrhcea or Seminal Nuneaton& Genital and Nervous Debility. Impotency, La& of Energy. Der preselon ofepLltn. Timidity, - Dle.uaif of the/to:Ewa on gain. and impedimenta to marriegaltre promptly and effectuelly removal , by the author's, novel and, - env-essful mode of treatment.- by meant of which" the invalid tun regilin pristine heenti without hating mine tosdangeroun and expeuelve medicines.. , • ignifil the London Laucet.l__ • • . . treatine ever - written - tin it - onTlitt'Orryta Ithportonto to .114 well wonky the author's exalted-rep., .trout the ptihlithers'4. C. K!ANR k Co., Ist Aral 4tntr,, corner 10th'rtteet. Cotthox 438 e, New York'clty. Mr. 23, 1838—antis '•' ' , ' Q burrE,D 'mid la aged lady situation in a private tnnily. to teach arnall,, , children all the English pranrh.ss suited to their age and capacity., Alan, War sißsl.4 In a little plain sewing da.4lrati. vcisiceAranderediikill,bemonsldered aa: tiqulscilentibe cc a pleasant and contrastable . hone la tin: olon, to • was hate no 'fA t iertinwe " t!pOr,ssT P_ennaslsania orTiny or the iniddle Staten, I analluy - r?pittpu, •'• '' • • TT; 5.1'-t1 W.M.PORTER. ,Ealtor.bt the E4Olplu Herald ."--- • luellidltuia tine tituturiinant tlutt ett1.14,144 Ells a isthtnwu lieut..' • all ilisus Rdd kludljuot r d. et . ii. BetratlVll. ; Zustitess Carils •pOCTO R ARM STRONG h fed his Wilco to tittS , ' loth - west . corner of !Nooses & pontfret St where ho way.be consulted ateny hourot - the slay or night: , Ur. A: has hod thirty yews osperlence lit the profession. tho last totrof which boon doer Ciid tv the study pi tt t l practice ''of lioniceopathle medl• , •ino. • Slay '2O, I A W NOTICE.=—Tnos. contlimmi. the practice of the law, In the office formerly occupied by hie tether, Wm. Biddle. Esti • noil„inote recently, by the law firm of Peurusl k Diddle,. _nom ved. , • • lice. 23, '571 . •. • • .- 1.1 P. 0.0111.1.C11,. Attorney.at Law, lo—office on North Hanover street. it few doors south of Mass'. Hotel. - - All business e»trusl ed to him .will be prouiptly attended to. • [April 16. . f ANY NOTICE.--, REmoy4L. ][24 PliNlttlfir-lis removed his offirein rear o . the , lourt House. whtire he will prAnntly attend to all business omtrusted to him. , ' Augnst 1567. • f E.IIU EL TODD Tins-rosenual-tlis-prartice-of-the-Lsw;„-Offin,iii Centre Square, west side, near the First Presbyterial! .-- \ April. 8. 1857. DKIEFFEROffice in North .41 /Hanover street two doors from Arnold A S.oO's -ttose-.,:billeo-li'orirs.-tnorepsrtleolnely-froirr-7-to-14-o , elock, A. 31'.. Rod trout 5 to 7 u'elock; I'. M. DR..GEORGE Z. BItETZ, .r- a im_ • rgturond to Corll,lo. Atm 1111 profeAslon•l services totilo geoer.Ally. . tuner North l'itt street, neiarly.opposite hie foruker resi.funre .•• Ternts.:-Itoderate. " (Carlisle'. March M. , It.tit 41" . WI , 1 be absent until tbo tst Of Aprli next. ,GEORGE..S. SEA: t moro ltlg2 g . , DF . :N f lif e S i lf i roA r t g h :ry l! r al! MOffire at the residence (Wills mother, East Louthe, Arent. three-doore-helow Bedford. . • • March tO, Wit —tf. S. W. II AV E 11.81'10K , Druggist, Jinn., Street, Calrlislr. - Physklau's preAcripl.hrus cal ofully coutplundett A full supply ..1 fresh druiv and ehemlrals. - B. J D6ler in Drugs l'oefu nary,' Faner Artleles. Cour, tiAnary. South Hanover Strad. Carlisle. lin. respeot• Inf. .ins the ladles arid trentlemen a a n. nflSvltvlr and vicinity. that helms m eowed the Pnirtleo ef_llentlitrv. hi prop wed to per -form all - operations • I tire tooth and. gums. ledorming to his priet,sion. Ile - will Insert full sets of. teeth on gold or silver, ,Ith elude aunt teeth. or Works. as they may prefer t e nms motor:de. to salt' the times °Mee In 'filzh "street, directly opposite the Cumber land Valley Bank • , Ira,. Dr. N. will be In Newville the lint ton days of every inooth. . Jan tri 11 Hanover street, '`" next diner to the Punt gyt_ Wlll he nlise,t from Car Hide the lest ten dnyx of each month. • • . • , tang. 1, '55. (lE°. 'w,,'NEtuicti..l): 1). Late - Beni metrat, of , peln lye Deoll,try to the 7e., Baltimore 1 °liege of aT.V Vv 001 co at his . residehre 114, II uxi Hnt n d.re,et. C44111% . 'e Peon • -- oprosite Nov. 11. N.' B E D ;4: &.31 E N D.E N!1 A 1. , BANEE'IS, North Western, Land and Collecting 'Agents Particular attention pild to the Laciness such as buyin.t and selling Real Estate. Inaning ni-oiey on real estme securities. Paging l'exe, and looking after the general Interest of nnn•renidents. References given if require•l. Address, lIEEDE A MEN DEN lIAII., Minneapolis, Mtunegla. Jutv 21,188—1 y ri , o TILE PUBLIC.—The ,ilidersign wi intinx welt known as it writer. would oiler his services to all requiring' I.llernry old. Ile will furnish Addresses, Orations. Kssays Presentation speeches and replies, Lines for Albinos. !ten:mire—prepare neater fur the Press—Ohltunries. nud write Poetry upon any suldect Address (pest paid) FINLEY lialtienere. lid. Fob. 17, 119. SI EA ra ESTATE AG N . (1 ) u ANDRIAV 0. E 01:. Td. Jur Tußnipsos r:0 F, T II 0 M I'S 0 N • Have opened an Oleo nt St. .1 oseph, Mo.. for the pm Huncr and sale et Heal Estate. buying and selling Loud Warrants. entering land on Time. Surveying and Map. ping 'Mals, ',oration of Warrants. and making invest. moots for uot•residoots. paying of rases, and all bus( neon pertaining to a Horrors! Land Agoney in Missouri Kansas, Nebraska. and lowa. ttit,./Illee on Second Street, North of A. T. Banking llouo.' 30, 18311. In.I , EAL EST IT E AGENCY. RE- A MONAL.. , L SPONSLEIL REAL gal' \IT th 'T, CONVEYANCER AND ScRIVENEIL has ro. naive,' to his New I Mir o au Main street. One door aesi of the Cumberland Valley Rail Hood Dep. t. • Ito IS now permanently lornted and has on ham, slid for sale a very large amount of Real Estate. conslining of Farms. of all sizes, Improved and unimproved .11111 Prowl les. Town Property of every descrlptlon. Iluild log Lots. afro. Western Lands and Town hnts. IL will give his attention, Is beretothre to the Negutiatlm; Lans. WrDlng of Deeds. Mortgagvi, Wills, Contracts. and iirrlvenlint generally. ih'i, R. I 867.—tf. w. C. RH LIEM, ATTOUE NT AT La AND EN;SITAL AOKNT ilhanrsota. • _ tr i z tr i t 7 . 1 Ltnti,nlnv ovtm ate. ! . I ' , t at; volt Real Estate and securities. Negotiate loans, pay lain-, locate land svarranis dr.i kr. - It efer to the member', al the Cumberland County Bar, and to all pnnninent rill. vans of Carlisle. Pa. ue.rs3-Iy. FjsT ATE ' NOTICE.— Letters testa- , men tory on the estate of Anna Emil. Motif Upper Allen township. deceased. have iwen issued by the Re gister of Cumberland county to the subscriber, residing fu the same township. All persons Indebted to sold estate are required to mate immediate payment, and those having clgims will pienont them for settlement GP 311011 A, KL LAMBERT, Executor. Mar. 23, IBMl—rd I) UT PATENT ANDI AI, TRAt'. The oubocrlber 11:111 been arroloted agont for Cumberland county for tho sale of Iluth's Patent Ant , mal 'hap. fqr ratrhlng MINKS. FORKS, WOINkS. 'WARS, Sc. Call and lee them at the cheap Ilanlvare etere of lIHNItti SAXTON. PAM, Main mt., Carlisle, Pa 11223123 SIRUP P. extnen,. Ohlo. W. K. MCFAIII4I.I , It, Pelllltlyiyallin. L Le Cops. - Rhoda Inlnnd. S Y 1) AND ; . . Bankers and 'Deniers in [teal Bailie, , . • 7 7 'Minnesota Territory , June , ; , , .; ;; , A LBERI"S FAI‘IILy , • Q uFigl•isyrAiii ' AN ' t; VARIETY )11 1 9R1),' , .YOrth 7 ilrearcorner. of the- Publio,Siruare„ope; . ,,. •• •'site the Carlisle beio - trit Para:, IMSAMitn' replenished - 111S stork n - itlode. 'UM Assortment Is uow fu I) and romplete,umoug which may enumerated every eurteke . of fresh. FAMILY' ci . R93ERLIES: wtitelft pr‘ce ' • • ' • ‘4 ' .4 ?4!„ 1 . 1 rP.A1 r; . ! , • A large stock of Chloe, Glees And puttennerro-. of new:" Anti besuitful dealgrts..and,aml,raelng 45.94' grade of. prlco.r.• . 11. ii:ll . 3oili . AqiiNT In Ciliate tor'.fikirs'"eelobnited ~" ~:. i iiii4o,i,'.l,'*:.o- 4 . 0 41t. , 2.1',,•,9i,v8:, , ..;,, one Of The gnsatest , gibtraveriri`itibc.'age, combining,' ••• cintammest,...saintr :alttA "_,,mrsaseti 104. , pod .011 .Ap (Amen contgani on hand. trial oldie are quested tot ill . mid es 6111111 S. • .r ;I. 2 .' 3 ;"., JOB. D IlitLit • Jr, , _ . N. lir. Center of INN!. itorstre. • " Carlisle 03. 27i ' EMI Pai2MBI T,g% niams.vr aanallE. TERMS Ur NJ 13 LAC ANION The. at aunt Matto Is published Weekly nn - a large 'the& contenting twenty eight "columns. soil furnished 81.51) strictly - _in advance . : 61 .71) if paid, within the year: or $2 ill ai easesWholl -payment is iiclayed until after the thcpiratio t or the Tear. No subscrigions received for a less - period than tis months, and none discontinued until all arreamges ;ire paid. unless at the option of the publTsher. Papers mutt to subscribers living out of Cumberland county -nnsthe paid for in advance or the payment - assumed ty state responsible person living in Cumberland coun ty,. These terms will be, rigidly adhered to In all A IIViItTISEIIIE N TS Advertisements will beAtliergeil $l.OO per square of welve 1111. far three Ineertions. and 25. cents for each mbseinient insertion. All edvertistenents of less.than twelve lines considered-as a-square— -; Advertisements Jimmied before terrines - and deaths_ cents por Hoe fir first o insertion. and '4 cents per line tor sni,nquent , insertions. Communications on sub. mete of ilinited or individualinterest mill be .vnareed 5 cents per line. 'the Proprietor win not be responst blot in Ilainnlus.fw errors in advertisements. Obituary unti. or Muria ;es not exceeding five lines, will be __useetii. without charge JOB PRINTING rho Carlisle itorold .101 i ItIIISITINGTIEFICE Is - the largest and complete establiehment in the rount7i. Three •rood Presses. and o general variety Of materinl stilted for plain and Ponce work of every kind omobtre as 0 do .lob Printing at the shortest !Intim, and n I the most roasonablo terms. Peroins "In wont of 11111 P. !nooks or anything in the Jobbing will find it to aterrokte-gloreohetHert . W ,1 x 1) Mnr " ke r t i , r ica L v ( e ) l.l . l ' n - g l e V nlF lt anC;. of almost every variety. CEDA It WAKE—Tubs—Buckets. Measures. VAN, Painted Buckets. Keeler's Ile Lis, Bed. Verde, lirushys. and 3,lnrge stork of .• It ides "Ceinkatell 'ore Brooms, (sold only by fin_subseriber) and nil other beren.ary house "artieler 7 nlwa)s nt the lowest cub prb.es —ter Hale by Nov. 10, 'fib. .1. U - NI C N The - Wird sesslnti of thin InstitutlnnTaill - env:menet. In Literary 1120 ' Nowvillv, Vann's. on Tuesday. Miril hih; I tisll nod continue f tur ontinklis (oxeluslve or a va cation of three weeks dnrl n 2 harvest.) • . _ A. ahle.crps of Instructors hone hoen nerwell end no effort will he spared to rendei the scum!. worthy of the OsMob it - seeks to occupy, - itud-or- the petronnne it respectfully solicits, ' lichool in entirelyunder the control - of Truntecs; composed or one School - Director front each district in the county, . - Tuition fro jlO per micalon•(co-extres.) iinotthourdlugrau be had lu private families at about V.i per week. For circular/. containing full partleulire address T. A. SleKinnev.t.fteneurer Newvlile. Pa. By order of the board of trustees. DANIEL SHELLY, Preal =1 ' • lA ' X C E.!. S I 0 R 1 3 LC T U It li',..S , • 4 A. It, lii NW001(would respectfully Inform th. Otis:ohs of Carlisle and vicinity that )1I taiiiiirroen... in 7,9,d a new building, cast corner 1.1 Ntarket Square wheic• - he 14 at all times ready to take AMIIINTYPItiI4 in the latest and most approved styli.. Nehmen taken In veiny and cloudy weather as well as clear.. and sat I sfnetion given or no climes made. Piatialts and Da. guerreotviacs copied. Miniature' Neßlfres taken 'far bee Lets le., In Anibrotype. . . A inbrot pcs warranted to stand the teal of time, beta or water. . .. ____ Ladles end Gentlemen are coral/illy Invited and exenilne pOritlll , lle l'elees lonr - 2..ete. " A. It. II EN WOOD. .tan 27. le:t8 —le., iUMBERLAND VALLEY ILII-= S.U.V.VER ARRANG,EMENT. • . • 7iFF - . ..._MiPtitii ' s - Cli.tSilt; UP HOURS( •nul .her 11 IN DA V. Sh'RSll, 11 th Isf,9, I'musen., r“tr..r.m....,!' nun nly: tenutv.l,) .14 ' ;:it13'01111,. - ' • ' • ix'. emit,. 2l'frali, ~,,,%.• , 11,,,, ,, ,-' •, .- , 6.111 .%. Si 1.1111. i ! .., '.l '-• •41A 1 . 1 .., , ,N1...-.• ! 6.4 , j - ' 1..12 - •• Neirslllo.. 0.10 ••'2.04 't . •' •ent•ll.l4'. • 641 .• 2.4.5 :' . .' •Ilt•i•lt"t•iii•,:liittt, 7- In- --- -4:.16 '` %rave At II ttrlo'unt.. 7 45 •• 14t - t •li , 'IIASIII/o:sllUltit • , Int Trnlyi ' 2'll'nfol: NSF' .5.. 5 1 1.30 l" 51 ',VI - I.*.ti • i .•2i) ot 2.34 - u ,•,... Oki. to 44 " 3,08 i i .5, ntri..t, I: ob.,' •rsttur4, 10.1,4 " 4 ' ' 0 i ' ti•in .i•tt i'l ....i•lnt'unt for I'll ilailelithin. vlit l'init ' C Ilitilr •itil it 2to i .••:, Ant' 7 ri0.,5. M.. . 0 1 I .0 an. • . ..1. , P. .1. ~%. ~. W. tln to.ll3tion 5',51103 1:4Il - gait it''i H: el 5. tl , 0 .a...:.ti, I'. NI I,IAVO tl tr,..11,,p, For lAt lint' t,. /20. A. it awl 1.00, noun. For 'jr •on ton and Wllllanlxvort. at 1 inl. I'. II . nliEl SAO, P. 31 Trnln on Dnuillllit goad of '2.00. I'. 3L '' Mulct.: To p‘iSENGEILS: At'all..`.4tatlona where Tlcklits are said. viz: Cliambershurg. dui.preshurg. Carlisle, Alecliatlirsburg. at d Harrisburg'. a rmilletlon of TEN en each ticket still it,, uurdr Le nll Paxson Rern that provide themselves with Tickets liefure • I ou teriug;}he Sara. 0. N. LULL: !' , UPer't 1:41r.oul Mee. Vhaaberlibitay, Apr 14.11. , Ult i U , I t•R W1101.1.24%1.1.: N 1) P. • D E(; Ft A AY, _ 87 III)1,V 111,14 ale Huns.> ) and 0 i CU it I'S ULU N.T (Itetall Moro.) N. Y. Imury ,• 11l lir fUltlrli Ole 1:111,04 and most extensive an Nor[lllo. Ch. the oitf. , 8111 a of 825 Reinfled at W.lilairesale Pilots at thy Bowery ottiva All Furtiltur, givirant,oil ns repre.oitil. 6ne bum Area Anil filly 'mid+ consinwly employe:id In mnmiufnc urin r Ail tithe* I.dd lu for NaT it coniiirlsei I - HoSUWOOD, MAHOGANY AND WALNUT FUItNITURE., In Itmrndn. Itrocnt..lln. holnlne. And Ihtir Cloth Rosewood, Malavany and Enamelled CHAMB It'N I T U RE , lIITOMMZEM=MIFIZI AIx•,CAN M OCT and VOMM oN aUI:NIFUHE, h) great. vArhoty. A larg.a..ortment of 0 lit and Mahogany %HUMORS. Storing fowllo,tl It .fr MATI'B4IB4I , .S, y_t.r.zu Pre,fiFulit'S.,l , 1.E./STEAD:3j with Spring and . 1141 r yttrarucx ntl ached. Ac,„" ST loArs AND HOTEL": FRuNffiff DoAlprs willion tt t %their Interest to give un a tail. tunr.:lo,lStai-aita. FOR SALE Olt RENT. • • The two.story Brick Ilk use ou Lou. 411 , 4i5 , I, t . .. , 11, , %e u t ;IX 'elms. Clark. In offered li•r sale or rent. tram the Ist of April next. • Aiiply to • JNO. IL 'PARKER: , Riots—lf .• PENN 'iIU'I'UAL LIFE INSUIiANCE . CO MPANY. 0FFrt...E , N01171.1 EAST= O.)RNER OF1.) 8 . .and - Dock atrevs, Philadelphia. :oU3ll.llAe:in ftArl ['Ale VI 5,000. • Charter' Peipetustl.' • U AV I ra. S. MILLER. President. • 8A iIUEL l STANCES, Via, Prealdent. Jona W. Ill.gt.vaa. Son'v. The tinder-44mA. hav ing-been appointed the Aorta? for the shore Conilieny, for Pumberlend county, would call att-nti•likto the la.eullar edvantaree of the MUTUAL Lire 1:18111P:Net: which gives It a deelded,preferanceover any !Allier anode adopted. There tieing ill/ slolkiliddeix, the !mints ere divided among the 'policy holder. and appropriated .t,o reducing the - annual payments. thus making each nue interented,annally AVith.tini Trustees. In adding to the Wahine of the iv,mnany, 07.; • • .The premium may tie paid ,quarterly, send 1111114111 ii or annually. an that peinoini I g' cure (c a greater ainou'nt' than they eritild.•.Where tale whole_ prood tun In required' to be paid re o. . Elreulal I+ with lull garticidare CAD ,had 911, ArtIMUJU LlOll t 4 l the sub/matter, at his , o . 'greet. Auer the' Italirded depot . A. 1.. SPONSLER....;; lord Estate• Agent and Conveyancer.' , •• . . • 11 LIN Ds - • . 0 'S IL% 0 „ • 'Cheat; - for Comb. B . 411 - 1.1,1; LAM 8 Vo IU North ' ~• le the. llargest fact urci. ' . A:t! li eve r y hxwA hoe etoelt to heeehl , zetOwd .'. Ilea, anti all ,trop -• 41",h4,4'FhPR4g14. • 4toe thettes.pithitell;hi.erti . et., .1.-W, in FitPl qt,,,+hht wee 6 io all hobo purchinheitreett - retuntree them ,he rccil clot - cor Article rror,l4lprinowl . ,9 l lu , eel teoetpltil#4: dy the:Uhitett : • 4 1 4 t • '7' 1 CARLISLE, J PA., WEDNESDAY, APRT spring thoughts! What are mine? Thoughts of earth, awaking , Prom her long sleep and donning gay attire; - • Of streams unlocked, of Avoca furrt,ws hr, eking; Of tender leaf; of grain and iirnaey'pplre, Of ehadowiion the lake'leblue, waterkdarelhg, 11,t stunted shrubn low bendlos ceerlllo brink; Of-mossy-nnidaiof golden sunehine glancing, 'ofiloating clouds. Oh. of:tyese 1 think..! , Oh, apple blossoms wet with tretivigibirer, - • -- ,Oluirrazrarit - broth ofpwridedniittswel_ • Oh, blessed odors iron; spring's .essirdlowers, . ~:now have yostirreil'my 'eluniberitti meinorioal Backward yo lead Main; familiar Fcemis long, long Past Mint by ma AS a dream; With apron run of buttereulps sinitiiligitS ; little 'child again I seam. • _thlicilii.Y.tb.e.Learei_9lolllltini with bentlq..iltlien le lost lu suulitier's riper frul's sue:flowers; A little rhllfm, longer. but a maiden Stands hopeful gazing nu the speeding hours, And one by one the garland's husv fingers Weave or the hopes that cluster round our prime, ocarce v 14,0! Ihrgers;-- runt or "Spring th or:liter' and thoughts when backward all aro tondlng To early day's, to pr moles_ unfulfilled : "Spring tbnughts!" - glad thoughts In heavenly beauty • --• • THE REUNION OF FRIENDS IN HEAVEN ---0 how=drretily.-drearily- the-rnin -hod-ell day [intend upon the windows of our little collage. or dropped mononitionnly trent eaves and was carried along with their cum bitted fin etai until pia cipilatt.q Willi 011 c Co lil.ll- SOUS sound, Into the hugh cistern standing by the kitchen, door. Rain, rant, rain, and the; ;Thick clouds frowned threntingly upon us, canting a dark shadow upon my usually tree a,al buoyant spirits For, a long time I had been winching the little dingy snow drill at the garden gate ns it slowly disappeared, and listening to the winds sighing through the leaf. less trees as last toot-prints of winter were being swept away, until a sad wailing of dis., content in my own heart, joined in the dismal chorus without. I was restless ilod unhappy From my window I could see an uniniprisonj ed streandet. just loosened from its icy intern leaping and bounding down the steep alSeelll. Mingling the sweet music of joyous freedom with miters; a pensive sung; while l seemed' lesty winter, a stern decree. still iii lone solitude. But my husband entered shnk• ing the big drops from Ohl heavy CORI. exclaim ing sporti ely. ••this will send the hoary o d frost King to another Milne, tintl'who will be here to mourn his departure" Alta oily I hear mingling in the farewell song of the wrest trees. a colipr ii ul Rai whispts anti social chat ling about their aurle.piited. display. Sit Y: silly trees," he continued as his coat was plata ti near 'lie tire to dry. -Never contemed with the present..." ';••but he exclaimed, as he turned atiticaught a look el my unhappy face. •my larling wile has been listening to themi and lias caught scone or their spirit of discon tent." and placing an arm tenderly around me lie continued, t let us slink look forward into the future, and draw from thei,ce conduit and consolation, I know•you must be:lonely, our home is so far retired that you are deprived of the society of-dear friends: But: it shall not always be thus. I will make toy Annal happy nlll'ol%ll at the expense of temporal' interest. But tell we darling what makes your tare wear this unusual sadness to night T. - .l•Beettuse," - I answered endenvoring to regain my accustomed cheerfulness, ..t lie noes tio.not talk us pleasantly 10 111011510 you, I hear noth ing of their anticipated new dress. Spring was to give them; but a low sad WM ing for the present denotation. sytiquithizing.with weep ing Miture in her own dreariness. But twill not listen to them now tlitityour Emilie has il lumined the dark shadows taut were brooding over me enveloping the sluggish hours in un ntistiikuble gloom." "Aufba," he raid Bona— what mournfully. after a moments pause. have learned-that every - cloud has a !silver, liniog .and .tlio*.its ,brightness tiny at tltitks bd turned from COL With lii eye of Milli it Arrays disorrnable" dell dad I and and the lessen ,of yes guntion that lie Id 'teach me, and on bended.gnee li.efint'ens ed my.waywardness to Ili Ito Abode know' how to pity amt save Ili .tempfrd., Morning nzolden , .sdidienin crept softly in at toy window and tenderly_ kissing my unclosed Lids disappeared, mid vhe Winds hushed, their fitful -mornings ameng ihe,treee,'''es the sun lode fort It iti fall his splend , r, throwing around - fi . itsrything 'peace: I t , Wilit bath: , LOno of (huge , Babbitt fi mornings ; Mall so easily looks forth upon the , hrondnea of this .eartillY..eXivlillM „Owl the avirtet ' music, of. his..talllO!Ol O. vitite, es ..11esrebtikes„the winds and the .waves and ellinstill.'l aroserand:atter,n Lusty toilet Wide ltirappettrance , inilie'breakntst - room ; , Surely: he, will go to church to day I I mentally ettlainted• it itt,so. dcliglurtil and it Ives' been ,sitalr'd long titbit:slice weid there I nn toad'adtilelpathiti'l Soonlirtipar: , ; ed our morning meal: . '?llarry," I !said!, as he liitished'hialitst clip-of Odor; •!wo-lutve plenty et thee t otitke our long. ride to church to day.: !; I .i..:Wlty.Ainiu;!! he' .exelaithed ,:pleaeautlyi 'P I ; Wahl& not:take the earriagemut to dity ler ,ten, , u(stio tt .tt aturperre9 ; llyil Willing . to; 'go in Ike ty one!! again -suggested been pd many *coke einere we!: were them': No, no; net , to day , Atinsv notlgo; to.dayAto do tiot , lntk, abut& atidi %the Bade: vanished rebar , his'lip•Whilei!kotriething'..very, witch! likit kYrOWn'-piissedqrtiee :Iteridtiome;feniureS:as XIS ktvase..frottl,lll6., t.5ibli'l44 , 110111011 . 011(1):721y;51K11 room, torqoiy,, "t de P.OST I C It. EMI: L' AolorkAi foi 114 iforald sigtlNG mu()tranirs._ 4 OL, dry nud rued betiding ' O'er ilaydto'conie,—ii`er blossom iet uurfillled. Not deed. but aleepolli." en of earth 'ila written, It ben all her glorious things are tUrnod to dust; Not dead, fiut sleepetb," wben.:ur heartoare sudden 'rho sprlfig time le at harid—ThollevoTand trust. • • \Vern.° girt ;Mout with i , hsdow; u h og here hi Wier' , Huuelilue o'er the greenest Meadow, Pasdug, clouds obscure; Fairest night brings foulest morrow; Joy Ix prelude nit to sorrow. ' • FnlNehnod swells In Ililntst (nriture; Lira nro ginned with art Truth oft wreireth rnughhw dun, - - Who eau rend the blunt! That we Feu In only xoeinhigl That 'we do, we,nre but drenthtng LII, and Oath ni• - o - itrakely minglgid; Blossoms hide the gross: Ench from each can sra•co ho singled, Thoy such likeness - hare: Lit to Dosthils Over gly . lug:_ Dying seemetir truest Ming. - When the wind in sweetnit Inc. - Plague kln It!! hreeth Whseet Mies hnvo 110 k nowing ' Of the loro ot Aeuth; That greatest - kelp, the thiepist hidden Conieth to Us oft unbidden: - - Yotnn•llTht of henvolt •-• With the stentex I.l* enrth; thigh In orermorn nFrenditg Tgi the untie oil In ; FMIII con peer bOnenth the rurialn ; .The nn• m-ete F r • tiirowelld A PEEP AT FLITTING SHADOWS. NEI 13; 1859.- lit-art `Wo.'•full of thebit ter disappointment and . tears were . Struggling-beneath my eyelids ••flow can.lie be so cruel," I exclaimed. t brow. lug myself upon the bed. and givingfull vent to my, grief. ,But the words startled me.• Any llarry-cruel ? TIM lail.StiOnglink - t that bin& -- me it) earth and lie who has HQ long cherished tits with n father'scaite; : wetched over toe with •. the most'earnest solicitude in 'sickness: com forted me In keenest sorrow :, the hillier of our angel child, lie eyed ? ,Never l,:.To'bersure. •Ite spoke harshly, but his heart did not'Prompt' that tart rettly., I'll nor believe it. In an hour after I ent.red out. iijile parlor. Harry was hying upon-ibe sofsi,wit'lt-a-book.opembeform.Z! him. • "••Annti," lie mid holding out his hand •' to me as 'I entered, • ymi should not !Vol dis- • appointed because I did not care about going _ to church to day I - did - not feel like it,"atill then it's horrid; horrid ninthly, " ••Oh. I alit not seriously disappointed," I an-wered., en-- deavoring to smile.' ••Still, you have been Weeping 'Mott was the effect"of those harsh words Harry," and my head dropped upon-his bosom, antiagain I wept.-,- t•Fie, fie, Anoa," said he, appearing umelli - agitated ••1 taw :aeon ilieta"tit be !torsi]. I mily - did - Mot''' "'-watal-to-go.-stud-did-not-enre-to talk-about llaw could you think 1 was harsh to you ?" "Easily, Ilarry," .. I answered, "you would • • hrivelburiil no more trouble in doing so than • . I did ' it the settles badhieen ••Try,_. be such a novelty. and n . fine chance to show my heroism. But' - seriously. 'Anna. for. ti give me if my words seemed cruel. I would(' not.williugly give your poor heart one.sorrow nor cast one shadowef regret across tby pith.... • It was a bitiutiftil spring -morning nearly two weeks After the, above incident that my hus band drove up to the door, while his•fine, spir ited horse pawed the mellow' earth, sod tos,ed his heat! with on air of impatience, atilmach as, .to say. ••I.shallvaittor no otie_thiti . but the word was given, and 'he halted Bridgetothere'S your. IlliSlrf.Ftj!,!" said :Alit stairs, sir." was the, reply. -Alt. time, site is,'' he said, as I appeared it the wititioW "Anna, emit 'Oh your bonnet and shawl, nod conic andtake a ride. it's n deliglifful and the' cool pure air *iiiimpart.a deeper tint , • to your cheek.' ' • 1 caul this morning:" I ansivered. ••it is Statirday. and Bridget -hos a • great deal to do." "You will not be. continuittl. impatiently ; I want 'you to go anti call on Mrs. It , it has hem some lithe since we were there. nod self - interest tientands . - that nr should keep up I heir ampottni tines." . ••t ell. I can't go. Bridget has worked hard ell the weet, and site wants to rest, 'I must-help her." •• You seem burdened 'with kindness. -lids morning I-would like to ba ve ,, you exer cise some towards •nte." :• . fliere is Ito use •itt talking °replied. ••I shall ittd go to day:" awl I drew in my head Irmo the window to hide the mingling of siuiles and:,orrow which I knew must.fie vhdble' there. and it Was - well I did or ..I might hare distinguished' on tin plemintit word in the law mound thnt come wafted lo tie on Oat:gentle motning breeze Ifobin tclt the keen lash of-Ids itint.ter's whip: and boinokil forward .118 . it he too wau'd rkim tlmair-with the leathery Ilanc whese name he tiu prom.ll - ;t bore It was noon ere the master and bin hor,e appetired p the gravel walk - to the eide door. My heartimnal still with emotion. flow shon'd trieM MM. or' how convince Lim that it was a mere trial of his boasted heroi m n raid that hardi words are cruel micapons' with which to_ contend nod cannot no used with safety, and true 'did that carry wound" thus im.de hough tfuTekly• hear would 16me n callebs regrerlul scar' upon the heart that 'init• could never obliterate I sleaadltr nr gji.go he books itpon the little parlor table trembli ng_with .concealed at ionotsl-11 eard_ his honied tootsteini hebiod me. nearer tltry etue. how should I greet Lim. But belie . ° could decide the important question, -I fell his strong arm about me. and his manly voice %%bile ring in m a y ear, •Anna. I am it fool, can you forgive toe" •Ite careful, Harry." excleimed, laughing. •imw Son stigmatize my d.tling husband ; or you may see a repe tition of my mortang's 'ill temper." —Why could I not have seen that you were borrow ing trent my vnenbulary words for the twee shin. Indeed. Amm, I make a full confession of past folly, the lesson has proved effectual." "Then I . rill neyer repeat it." I misivered. • let us ever be wise and tight with the only weep°, that not finitely has any business with, • those that Cupid gave and ihe same that he is continually using—the arrows of . Love." Agreed, one kiss and the compact ryas joyful ly. sealed, may it be forever. due GLENWOOD THE STATE OF OREGON On Saturday, February 12th 1739, • the Territory of Oregon, under the same name, was admitted into the Union as a sovereign St tte. This addition j9ittle the total number of States in oukylorious confederacy thirty, threi., Starting • With the:original thilteen, which itibitited the present constitution, March 4th, 1789, the billowihg has been the order of time at which hew States have been added ° to. - the Union. Vernamt in 1794, Ohio in 18 1 )2, Louisiana 'in 4812, Indiana iii 18114 MississipiLi in 1817. Illinois iii 1818, Alaba. not in 1$ .1, Maine in 1820, Missouri in 1821 A rkiniSas' in• 1816, Michigan in 18:19, Florida Texas, and lawn, itt 1843, W s isciaisin in 1848 Calit'ornia in 1830, -Minnesota in 1858; and.' mut Oregon in 1859. making iti all twenty 'additions to the origivad thirteen. The hhitoiY Of Oregon,. like 4k:der sonic,. Other disJiveries in the a estern world, is not is . dear recoid. lt is probable th a t it w a s 4,, first trodden by European l'eet in 1775, wleii' a Spanish navigator is said to have 'sited. I' he Straits of Juan do Fuca, MI. 0 .have I la ; deal and 'taken obsercatim .. Cook is known to • have coasted alt g its western shores us early as 1778. ' 'he best atithori• ties, howeieri lend us• believis that the Chl• unibia riveilwhie my be said tai drain the whole country . Is not discovered tititil.l79l .when Caw", Gray .01 Boston, saw its mouth Captain . ray entered the river in 1791, nail gay • ' the name it now bears. in litliiirr of e vessel whieli bore hitii there. 'From this time until 1804, the coast of the territory.ou , the Fueilie was visited by both British and ' Ainerieati tut...trailers: . 'Chi. 1805, •Presiiletif Jefferson sent out lin exploring ; exindition, . under Clark and Lewis, whieh pilActl4he winter 01 1805—$ itt the mouth of the Con on- Ibis. Fr this period until the try. of 11846 the country wtis held by companies of par - traders. lioth , British and American. • kty ' !this treaty the title of the United States to . all the territory south'-of the 49th parale4 was settled. • At this time Oregon endertieed what , iii, nt* 'h noivit . as the Territory of ‘I . ash. iiigton, froni which it 'vrria separated b y sit '• atet•oretingress-ia11853 •-•;. ' ' ' 7. ' , • ' The SiittCof Ot'gaii,aii admitted into the , Union, hi boteidtSl on t he North by ''Wititli ! ..' :41igteii,Territorv,truni-whfcli-Bls-parqsepit:-- jyated,by the, Columbia river, on the host by_ -the Territory of Nebraska, on the SoOth ft,y- ~ I Celilerniai end Utah, rind on ilia; Wst . ,by "„ the Pacific 00041111.7,..410 ~Stlierlida 'lo 7 o' Ott of ! 'the State ; trot:al:4st to, Weat,is.o6s miles, and its breadth from North, to Sotak c is 279,- I'lloes. , Its area is emnputia:Att. ;185,030 .. 110 : 111.0:11111e3:• which : wound make:the': new , ;- ' State /bout five times as'grent as , lientuelty. '.• 'lt. is the , taithioit of; late to , give row all. ate*, ... ,Statettgigantie pr0p0rti0n5: , ..........:„; , ~.. f ,,J. ''"Oregon 'is at . -very .rnettetaittous 'rietnitryo-; Front the:seit . to the' Caileadet :range, a did , taneeV 'Averaging' shone - I 00 '.' nilfeW, is tv fine'' , . `'agricultural email ry 7 vitat';betiveenlhe'CitaL ' "eada.taiiirii.,aniftlie tvest'i;ili britifOleirv;i4hieli:: 'isi'iti the ItiielcY'Sltiitutalit:4 Vie' tiliiileenifutry ''' . is mountainous.. This imtne 9e space be 'tweet! the Cascade and Rocky chains May be designated aH'an elevated i'ateau, 'cui. up by the blue..Monntains, outing from north-mAt .to_ south.west,.tha.Salinon. river i manitahni ranging from ease.to west, and - the Bear river mountains in the south•east.• The whole country is' full of hills and mountains and spurs of:mountains and can.more proper ty bacalled a pastpral, that an agricultural region. The Rocky Mountains, which form' . the eastern boundary, rise to an elevation of 13;0110 feet, ma the South Pa3s, which attains. an idtitudelof more 'than 7,000 IheOs the oil y , outlet Traio the valleys or - Oragtartiy those el,,Yelkraska,„ . • ..• • The great river qoregon is thef , Columbia - which-is-Ravigithle4orlarge-vessels-from-the. sea to.the Cascade range ; wan - stance of about one hundriid and' thirty miles. •Tlie great 'mutt:lies of this river are Snake, draining the eastern. sectiet. ; Fall, which drains the mid• die .tiection, and ‘Villitionitte, draining 4he section-West -of the -Cascade range. The Umpqua, tha Ramie and the Kalmath rivers empty dire&ry - iiit...i the Pacific:mitt : Ore only navgiable fora tow miles Gurotheir mouths. •The Columbia river is remarkable for its Dalles—a narrowingorthe channel, between basaltic rooks, to one hundred yards. Here tre'witawiltlls -- n - distance - or - fiAy Wet - in - jwo - i»ile9; - ifiarlislitis tlddiigh the narrow gate . yid' arrowy speed. The freshets cause the water at this point to rise sixty that, and it is only. then that it is - safe fur a boat to pass .... . 'the Dales. • . This. eimstry is celebrated for its great forests which nature has planted there. There is a speck: of fir tree, known as Lambert's pine, which attains an eleceitizm of 390 reet, and a circumference of. rorty.reet.. There if. - also 'other line thaber,there, rattell as the bonito lc,metlar, oak, ash, maple, laurel, - piiie etttton..won.Letc., Ste.. but Lambert's pine is the. tireat staple oflutitbiar. 7i iy exported - to the ;laud wieb Islands, to' California, etc.. fur tliTlyttriouB_llBe3 or inechttnisiti,_ Agriculture-is the chicrethployment office inhabitant:it list muting, mantithetures. cum merce; ete.. receive..considerable Mt...talon. The pupnlatiue of the country whi c h rnpidli ineren,eil pri.vious to the film , a the urgaiii. •zillion or Ihe 'territory in 1818, wits retarded lit' the California gold liivei• Tor.sotne The Now or people is now on the i'lierense, and in a few years the new Suite will have a vast Of course the impalas on for. years In come will ht confined to . the e.ittotry wiwii the and the`Caiiende range or iiimuit t ans..,.l•ll,,re is a territ'ru witliiii.the enclosure tiouul to any of the old States in thelsiiion. and it will be years he" lire they will leavo-tlits-fertile region fur the iiiinnitaitit hi the rear. TERRIINLE. ADVE,NPUIRE OF AN " A 11.1 ICON A U o'. The Courier 1' Beirwei tells the following, which roue place some thou. titne_sitico,on_the_ occasion of the last ascent of that celelpated and lucky acrointut,--M: Godard: . 'Monsieur Godard toot with him oil that clay ns hi. coinpaglitin rle royogr, a wealthy private =gentleman. who paid 1000 francs for the priv ilege of sharing in tlw _perilsutthe expedition, The weather could oathave been more profi (MOS and the balloon shot'op rapidly to a considerable alt it lade. - ••What effect does that produce upon you?" askel Sl tiodard.of 111.5 ootnpunion. • • ••N:uhitig! ' said the latter • laconically. ••Sly compliments to yod," said .I. Godard. ..!You are the first whom I have ever seen ar rive at socli an Atditude...without.lietrayiug. some emotion." ••Beep on mounting," said the traveler, with a gravity...supreme. M. Godard tlu•ew over some ballast, and the balloon ascended sonic 500 feet higher. ...And now." added Jl. Godard, •does your heart bent ?" "Nothing yet !" replied his companion,with no . air which approached closely• to impa tience., The devil !" exclaimed M. Godard ;- "you have really, my deaf' Sir, the roost perfect iinalitication to be an aeronaut." The balloon still ascended; when 1000 feet highe - C, M. Godard interrogated a third time his companion. "And now?" • Nothing nothing; not the shadow °of' a fear whatever :" answered the traveller, With a tone positively discontented. and lute at man who ha n elperienced a profound deception. -Goodnesii inel so much the worse'then," said the aeronaut smiling; ••but l must re nounce all hopes of uin.,iog you afraid. The ballon is high enough. We are going to de secnd • To descend I" . . "Certainly; there would bo danger in going higher." ' ••l'hn( does not make slightekt differenc: o me; I do not r i llooso to descend." "You what.? ' asked M Godard. s'l say I wish to ascend highe ; keep on mounting I have given , 1000 f• tics to expo rience some emotion; I anus o so. and I will no descend before I have '•lt some emotion." M. Godard common to—latush ; ho be lieved at oncet.lnu i vae all a: joke . "trill you asc• d, once more!" demanded the traveller, s 'zing hint by the throat and slinking hin wuli violence; ••when shall I feel POMO notion?". M aid relates that at this moment, he fell mself 105 t... A sudlen s and dreadful re v anion broke Upon Wm in regarding the strangely dilated eyes of his compagnon de 'voyage; he hell to do with a madman! If even the Unfortunate aeronaut had had any defensive weapon be woidd, after nlbliave been capabh? of 'blending himself; but it is not usual for people to furnish themselves with pistols for a voyage in a balloon, and certainly one would nut dream of meeting whh;a- warlike encounter in the stars; The earth was POOU feet beneath = most' horrible depth ;=null the least 'nevem:tut of , the now furious madman inight cads° the car to cap. size. "Ali !.ah ! yolt. arc ' , mocking me, my, fine fellow," continued the madman, wit Ifoukdoos cuing his grip.' —An! you think to 'rob" find 'of 'lOOO francs, is well as ,inrpanintion:' 'Very- well, be quiet. Its, toy turn to laugh. It's you now who are golng Io out a caper." ' The madman was possessed of prodigious muscular force. M. Godard did not even attempt to defend iiiinselt. • “What do:you Wish front me?" ask he,, with a calm tone aild'stibmissitionir. • ”Simply to. minute myself id seeing you turn ft sothersault." answered the inadthan, with a terogious ' „ , , !tiest ,, ,(llm - madman appeared to be himself) I have nay 'idea. , " l' wish to see 1 can't find F‘onMentotion up there. 1 Must piit; myself astride ont.he Semicircle, "'•-• • .Irl indicated with his' finger 'the upper. I.Mrt.of.. the balloon,-:,'lltsti.in speaking he continence(' to *limb along the cords which• had the car *totalled In the balloon'.;' - L 111. Godard. who . had not before trembled 'kit+ himself, wne.forced' MAD' so -now for the, louthuatt. • • ,i•But, miserable :Inanuou.nre.going to.kill yeUrnelf: . You seized-with vertigo." . !".No remarks,l'. hissed., the mailman,• seizing again .by.the ,colar....cir .at- once , jdob you into, the iibYes." , ; t !'allow me I ii",„ put this cord.-roUnil,; , ytiurl -604; so that yi . M.rany'remniniattach,eit to,the.balloonn •;9•11e it so." ,said the madman whm'appeared• tq comprehend: the utility .of :the precaution. done, furnished with hie cord of safe-, tho madman comiumeeil.iti _climb among lb° l'9l',o6lqthfl!9 }lo. E® f $ll 50. per, annum In advante: $2 00 tf not paid its advsance. reached the balloon, and placed liithself astride the semicircle, as "he had said. • ce there, he rent the air with a shout. of triumph, and drew his knife from his pocket. • • "What are you gain& to do?" asked M. doilard,vile feared that' he might have the idea: of ripping open.the ballocn ••To make myself comfortable forthwith." Uttering these words. the madman. cut slowly the cord of safety whichM Godard had attached,to his body. • With a.single:puff of wind to 'shake the balloon, the - Miserable ' creature must rOlroier into the abyss. .And. now,". yelled. forth the madman, brandishinsf_hisitnifewe_are.goingte laugh. All. robber, you thought to make mo'descend!, . Very well It is you who are goingto tumble down, in' a moment, and quicker than that!". • —lll,- Goderti - itrud -- trot - time - to - mtikea — mose.. meni or put in 'n single Word.. Before he was able to dithle (he infernal. intection Or the noultinin, the latter, still astride of the semi.' circle, had cut—oh horror !•. your of the ocor- - (Ines which suspended the carte . the Witten. The_car inclines_ horribly—A only holds by "A`win'd, n eingie word f" criedM. God- ":Co, no pardon !" vociferated the nuidtr4tn. I do not ask for pardon, on the;contra- . . ttWliat_is it_yau-wish- T tlien ?" said the -- .._ man; astonished. . • • • , "Al. dltia moment. now,"icoittinued the aer onaut, hurridly, "we are at a height of 6000 feet." ' "Stop.", said the madman, "that wilt be charming to tumbledown from such a height." ••It is still too low." added M Godard. - "How so?" - asked the madman. stupefied. • "tea," said N. Godard; "my experience as an aeronaut his 'taught me that death is not cOVtdia to ensue from a fall from this - ele vation. _Tumble or. no _tumble—l Anust_prefer to fall from such a height' as. to - Tie killed out right,'rather than to risk only being lamed—. have-the cluirity -to- Precipitate -me from a height of 9000 feet only." '•Ali ! thitardii !'' . ..said the madden - , whom the mention of a more horrible tiill charmed amazingly.- Nl..Godard followS heroically his purpose, and throws-oi - eFan'etiornmus quantity of bal last. The balloon makes a .powerful bound, And mounts 800 Mein a few seconds. Only: -and while' the madman surveys this opera iim with a menacing air ,l he aeronaut thinkis o accomplish'atiot her in a'sense quite . contra•' ry. . The quick eye of ,11. Godard bad remarked that among the cords spared by the madman. figures the nue. leading to the valve.' His plain is taken ' Ile draws. this card, it opens the valve fixed in the upper part of the hal: loan'for the purpiise of allowing any excess of of-the -hydrogen gas to escape. and the result _ which he hoped for was not long in making itself apparent. - Little by little thumadmanbecomesArowsy, asphyxiated. and insensible by the vapors of the gas' which surround hitn The madman atioc-sufficiently a , pliyailited for his purpose; M. Godard allows the W 1 9 1 4. 10 descend k r ' ' ' ' slowly to the earth. The ilMtta - is finished. Arrived on terra firma, M. Golan] not bear ing any hatred to the author of his perilous voyage, hastened to restore him to animation, And lend him conveyed, hands'innd feet bound, fn I ite heighborine stntion gepartincat. NOT ALL ALONE I= Not all alone; for thou canst hold Communion 'meet with saint and artge; . And gather geMs, of price untold, From many a concentrated page; Youth's dreams, the golden light of age, The poet's lore, are still thine own ; Then, while such themes thy thoughts engage, Oh, how count thou be all aloud? Not all alono ; the lark's rich note, Ar n to heaven. sho si That notea the wandering sparrow's fall, A ;saving handle ever nigh, A glorious powerattends the call— When sadness holds the heart In thrall, Oft In Ilia tenderest mercy shown; Seek. then, the balm vouchsafed to all, ' And thou aunt never-be-alone! ORNAMENTAL GARDENING Seedling Hoses To hasten the blooming of seedling roses, . the seedlings should, whew they come up in • May, be kept well moistenedi`but not too wet until they can be- well taken hold of, in Order to pot off. Put one each into the smallest sized puts, and let them as soon as they are established, be placed ip the shade, out of doors; but-the greatest care must betaken 'e to-prevent the attack of the fly, or vermin of any kind. Thiv must be looked at daily; • and upon the .least appearance of fly, the. plaids must be placed under cover, and fumi- , gated and syringed' regularly. It is still bet ter, if there 'is-frame room,:, to put them in when potted, because it gives all opportunity • • otshading of keeping off too much wet, pro tecting them against wind,-and oftumigating • witlniut the-least difficulty, when. nem miry ; _ They should, however seldom have the glass. . es on. Afterthey have been five or sii'weeks 'in the - Su pigs, they may be bedded out-in rich. beds of loam and manure, - • the balls; they may be planted about a foot , apart, in beds- four feet wide. Before the close of the building season, many will have grown quite large 'enough to breed. from, and the most promising may be cut back, and- '`•:' three.or four buds put.on remarkably strong , •, stocks: Select kstrong branch for budding on, and, at first, let some portion ofthe ; beyond the, bud -he left: on to grow; a small, ithoot•beyond the bud will do to draw the sap paid the bud:: -T4se buds will strike off vigorously , tbe.--next.- season, -and, Make considerable growth ; but before the-bud has shot far, eat the stock away everywhere but tbet 'pEirtiooB , buddetl. poi: -growth-,kbey:7- rintke this Summerop'stronghtocktit will . ensure their blooming the neitt season. ' ":••' . . The' j , oting lady 'who. 4 thurst . bite' the other day has been, pu t - together again," unit is; w 'wearing hoops_ to prevent &leen, rence.of the accident, , nay very singular, V dl4a,_etllll'!,l"!'•ilit ki.aahe Ot dear MissyLYlll,e(on make , Ttip',ll/47, , ,whci yrtgi,nearty lq•the'. act., 11. o , pidetl,4l#eb,age of 4er (Juiy, 4 Oosfty .„1 c surely fegpv,"l,ng. .: r~;. ~,% NO. 30 =I =9 DM =in ;.1