8 . 1.11 . - 00i1 4 , J. L )(MON, Tro.troiror, ueeount with tho Borough o Carlialo.• r . . . RECEIPTS, Amount duo at Inn i‘ottlnraunt, tot John Strbutrellowy do Coo. Moe. do. Nat'l 11'tiltl.y, • do t(l,ird Cratiglimi,q, h. fro, Palo, Jr., (Inner collector, Samonl iwllectof, liur , ros .• " S. 'import.. clerk or market, •- leinJon for stall Artd - tlas t",V4dlialtn; and lay EXCEIWITURES fold coupons, . $1660 00 •U'orley 11. MAttlie‘ro, Ntr-et enudn'r., 2210 45 44 11 . :der I ajiN , N, 0., Witter Hod gno, ' . 508 70' " 11e0Y: Nino'. Int,orcot.n 'bond, ' . 30 00 .". SArnuel Peer,. dn. ~ 24 00 4;0 (Inn 1,1nr,..1r.. dn. 21 nn o .r. IL Wool!airn, do. • 24 00 " Wm. l'elf , r, do. . 42 on - • Adam 'Potter, . • . do. • • 30 00 Geo. I.ine..r.. dO. 00 04 .1 I'ostle44 6 nite, 1111'01.1g election 1 7 . IV., 10 , 0 a 11.0 Hitter,; -do. ._.• . 11,31%. _l2 on --- • ltlOl:erni:thomi. inforoo on hood. , 12 00 . ' " Wni 11'11111m. 11ft.10.4 and 'Notting curb, 10 44 •r . ' .Drj,ol;rlet. medlcal orteudo.,re., - 15 00 • On - 1-on of Carlini°. .4' Doponit Bank,. .1130 Co . S. CrAll, r ygdrithr 00%e' lent,. , ' 175 .• .. w-,,, Lino. 0, 1,. for tree., • 23 25 .1. ‘l'l'arine.r. (or lax VICO wonsly AFSeliSetl, 00 " .I.'euff. v.hlttnenshingtreen, , 1 25 . " .1. \ rmotroll j' , . copying dap 6•ette; . ~ 10 00 . '!").ll"Tri.:llllfel.replrlng por n o .. - 2412', ~ (I, W Sh'eaffer. dniungeo in AO o)ot, ...' 132 15 •,, A. 111,11i11 , 1111. (Or Ford, . ' 21 n 0 I •.,C. Itonro. for painting,. ' • .5 81 . .. n h. stni‘ph, g , . mowing, ,n,, , ,,1n grave yard, 000 " 11. Nntcber. onlory no jird(nr, , 24 00. ..• .1, ilre:y... sslart . no fl/11t101,3 . :MA Of) .4 J. , 4 p AVEST(, fll l nry . lam lollu liter, , 10 6 - E. (In Ipny.' • do. . do. . 40 un "• D. Ilnko oo rst frk. do. •'! 1; I .• T. 1). ond .l[3hoo.. ottlory In re port or •nlory. . I; II ,D. Fm00...f o•roolovin., n•).. • ‘v m , F. sweittel t elemnst rg I:pring, A. F. DeemorAiolialog, stfloo • - ••4 .1. t,••P. " W r . •• .It Wetzel •ntirinl: tonrkot linos... • 24 7r, ---- - - - - enrllolo - Doir.olt - lloo! ,- Din,nunt'on - notry - -' - 2O - n ' •• 1 , .. ['ormolu. for prl..tin4, : 2.1 WI ' 11 7.lnn, . 41 ' 27 f'.7l .4 11. il. oonrer. 4n. • IO , r.- •• 0. 1.v0i.111.1..t.ine • Inonhor Rt,hler, 211 Pl. " ;4. 1.,.3• 1 .. • ~, ~onot of 1. , 0f,, . :Inn 1.1 , • • tin ht,. , r At 40 1.. , 1u1,' 21 on • •, Wm'. 'effor. 4 , . • ilo. 21 no 1% ke_6_Crti.l_l4 tvrt_l_nr:Lpiro,,,ut. ' .32-53_ . 4• ti. 1.1-ar 1ot•o' It on th, r 1,145. • l'e. on. •• 'lll ',Md.. n lyi ----- • ',11,1,....1 , ..11 , -,1-10111f -1-tr-r•-•11 ••••-ntle, - •• .1. Lmdi,. 11. 'Tn. f ••• I•. i1:1 - .:1;.•• tto • :01. . 11, 7 , •• I1nf1;•11 , :v , ft n , tr 15 ,, • 10,i+ • ••.111..... • 1 11 .••If. • 1 MI El • .leil • I Itowl..r. •• .1. t 1.,n1 •• .1 111,13.1. • .1. •. , 110 p tr r.- 0 I,n •.*/.r. fit vol. 41,11v1•1 1 111.• snow. I ~. •• 0..1141. 114.0,11. 11,114. lidertut 011 11141, '• .1. ',lido., 1.. r .' 111 1111 k pilin and fire plugs. 2S Po fir 99 14- ... 11. 111,9 for tegulotlng, 4 90 .1. 1401.. r, 4 ad E . 5 t ,,,. —7, • 1:2 An' • ,I, 1.0 141111. ototl.•onty. ' • 11 7. • -. 11• I •ti Hen 'Company It pproptioli , n, ..3 On • Gond 11'111. _- - . J. . 81 fill " (. ttnibnert Fol. 34 01) • 1111 tb•rt Intret•Ft: sundry ••xpotoillureg. 1 1 '1^_ " lb 111. tbinto,n. 11i... glue, t E . ,t,...1 wlndlein nod -op drinl e 1 0..1b 16-00 • Ain't. 411:11,11fli Jo•tnii ~4 ..1 ~,,, Ilefl. ' 1 . 1 12 Ila•Attro don IN11 . 011:11 by .1 I,(pdon. 14'01 ■ .I‘l4 4 IV o,llllll , lpti tht. of I,na I In 'l're i•oltwo ji or MO a balatiro that by him of lifrenot lifty. _three rn n.e.' I). lIEKTE‘I. A uditnn, I= cUAIIERLAND VALLEY It. IL- S TIMMER, AII RANCEME .117. ........ - 111.1. - N I a I.; °VI iIVINT— on foul nitur M 1V I/A V. &PIM, 11th 1550. . Ttut I. will ran us 1.111,ws: . 4 1in lays esrutitod FOR 'IIA ' • 1,, Le3vii Chamhr•rnhurg, 1).111 A. %I Shlppensinirg. '• New ville, 0.10 •' . • Carltale. 6.43 . 7 Iri " Arrive at 114irrlskura. 7 15 '• FOIL CIIAMBEi 1,1 Train. Leave . 11arriqliurg 8.0 i A. M Mnphaniesburg Car/isle. " New..111e,.; , • 9al '• nhippeindiunr. 10.24 Arrive at ullniaberAurit. 10.64 .• 4(8 T. l ”s leave liaerkl , ard for Ph via l'eatin Railroad. at :Lail. 8.116. PM . i Ae.A. M.. and I id and aJki., P.'ll. Ely Re (ding. via Leh:midi I alley Rail Read at lima t. 11. and .2.3:11 , .•1. • Fur t!il A. M and t.UO, noon. For 'l'r •N 1.1: 1011 010 W 11113.1180,1. 11t 1.110, 1... M.. ...di 8.;30. P. M. WI on Da kiplini . 2.00. P. M. NIL FLC 1;'1',1 P1•481:N(il:ItS: At all Ftations when. Tieltlits 111 ' 0 Sold. via: Ch.11111.1,141111 , g. Carlisle, 3lee.lianicaburn At 11 1111/ . 1861.11 . ,, a rednetion 01 T on earl: Nuke' Hill 10, in.nl.• l'an•en . nor. that providn thentsrives with Tivl.ets bethrt, tiring the • . rtotrobersimr,:, r I'.:J. U It N I 1' U It E. • It S • • wit.)1.1..5.‘1.1. I'' :tI.TAII.. H. P. DI;6I2AAI , • 87 BOW anti (I ) ell It (I:rt 01-two N V. N)'llert ill In (01111.1 $9O In , II t'itt.t.•{,tt tt tt Not, ittir!l It: Ott t it y. 11111-. 01'825 fi r•'n !to: Pp nic P le.. et I ite - =OD 11'11; p =I it . 1..0 It Ult N_ lilt I. ? '" In eltli• 11r..ent.114, Indeine. Inush ttnci Iltilr aird Eminirlled" C. II A M II E It I U It NITU it 111 eels !WM 100.81 red 1114 tlltc 410110 n: ,1' %.7% 0;01,1110M .N I UWOl'l'4E, 10 grent v. 0 .1 .4y. Inrs•,: 011;111:001111110,hms MINI: .li-. Sprlilv 00.1 II II 11 NI:TIZAS , I'.:-. PlTOl'l're - 01100 - 7 . 1 -1 1 , .\ 6 1, with: 4 p toporol Ilalr \l,ttno•ses;tl.ol.lo4l. STEA \ 1.I) lion It L., tlitilr 'lntermit, to tis a nail guar.:m.l,l h Ml4lll. . j MI'~IUTAN'I'-SI: V. I ) POTATOES ! Illlu t'l' FttoM 101140NA111.1 , AISEIN. • • • • NEW .1141t6EV—LA KIN PINK LV KS, PUKE • • hill LAKIN .111 , IIIS, !MACK NII,IICERS, Loud Trttnd and Nfar jrrary PEACH lIIAWS, All "Mari+ from tho CUUS'IiI put up with caru and prunnithess. w. P. 111 Mark.ot St., North silo. Philadelphia. fl- Pars , los ordirlui; Potatoes will plonao state whit sko thoy wish. . [mat .3o.laaii-r.t. w. EVANS & CO., would re .", op.•ct ally invito Iho ottootlon or the reMilonts of Moo vlciolcy;to Ihoir lorgo otocl; or NEW tiPItINU Dlt ESS GOOD 9, • Embracing, Silk Robes, 2_ Flounced du., liobee a Lee. Chum] Sllke, i.,aid, Striped, dpi. Ito mules, hc., n iah el . the names,' etylee of Silk. Imported Ode Or,,an dice, lb, itubee. Arlo iklintes -'- New eh lepainaue hinstadlites, Uhalllce, Ac. 31ourulag pude 1n eter3 variety. WIIITE OJODS, }:51111101D.ERT ES, Itcog, Moves, 31Ittetto, Velo.l, Etiglialt Hosiery, erayetto, l'artutolti,•Uutbrllux,,d.e. Le. CoutkirWm; 3.110 4utttdm.dpo!tt ju. o 9lltuditt tit4,ltye offered to their eindnutut Non. 818 . k..SCNUT23TIt HET, 01ff!adolpIda. Nur. 30, 1050—tut A t.114:A.i.) (A? 1.,T1T lON 1,. /IL A 3 1.11.110 X de tltld) THA •Fdlt gl, EMP 1 ttE CITY Tim wARKIWUSE, . . Established 1835. • et CA.7IIARIN ti a I.: rAt YOIIE. VOSE -oil JOYCE,. _. • -IMPORTERS Wholes* mid Retail I/eders In eholce Tea t -Cade, augur bpirso, - and all 'stitch , ' , ' usually krpt hy grit alai. grucent • . . Our stock Is admitted ,by all to lot thelargaal and bent selected In the shy e import 'our own goods find buy fir cub. whlth unslors us to sell at Cycit ss that tsoother boom hi the cIA) lu our Hue of buil:. nevi rao,e pule with us. 'Dealers and 'ether,/ Can sot: left lbaw nlt - rs or the truth of this ma:aril/14 by eying. us a ssil, Hoofs shipped free ft sharps, to ^IP'PO of 019 -• .-sys,..ll.euundlinr-the....Sl4_44lhitherlue_•..33-LAlolutiag /Woks' lire's Oluthlug eters. - _ Intar3ols6-era. . .• 'Zoo imE. - TEAGE CHAINS, with n lavae annerment of BUTT CHAINS, • BREAST CHAINS. • • - HALTER: CIIAINS, LOG CHAI.Ns, town cumNs, A . ' . • ' , TONGUE CHAINS, COW CHAINS, • • sPREMIS, &c. &c Junt received nt the cheap Hardware steie of _ 111nrch 16, 11159. 11. SA.VrON. TONS 'HAMMERED AND' I.OO.OLLED MON.—%tlthn : largenesevtloyetuf STEEL. • • SHEET IRON, • GOOP IRON, • . • '. . . RIVETS, • . ~ BOLTS, • NUTTS, , ' ' . WASGERS, ANVILS,' . VICES. R, ." • • • _FILLS.. RASPS. • , SNIEW PLATES. • , BLACKSIIITII BELLOWS: &c. *Tart received and l'or rate cheaper then over. nt - 111nrch 16. ISSO. ' 111. N la SAXTON'S. ErNE W 0 00 DI 00 8('0 00 cep u• .251 80 t4l 28 24-3 11 28 . 18 1 78 00 e 2 OM V,777 43 IjAiNT ANI) oILS.-I(l,oo'o'riffithil;3 'id wbitinGzuo, wiLlia li rgn assnantont .- 017,5: • . IV II ITE ZINC, V.A . RNISIIE:4, • . coLoylip ZINC; TURPENTI;cp, DIRE PROOF PAINT, '3A I'. FLORENCE. WRITE, L'TIIARGE; RFD. I P ‘ll ItDMIW 4n On 75 TOO no 1 no no 17 no 15 n, . gum, ' - - PAINT VI.IUSIIES dc, • .. And all colon, dry anti in oil._ Airy, all cotes In lul.cp Jun recoil Nint thu",Benp Iturdwni 0 str , re nr . . . E==l j I )‘‘ 8.-0 1 11 - st rerei %TA a lulgc.l u l of or.: York I'lmts. tOo. I.onnt or Plnnk'o. Ileu.woed'N nu l Zvnelor's make on hood Palo. plhs”, AAjj.,, off ”t I A A. ..1w .6, Nia), . . • I.S AN T) 81' TiEB.—Jusi r'. 1nvg....,,L9 cut , :1 ,PAI.: S. 1 4 11 1 0:1.1.F, I I:$. et Cat. elf. It: , !mid...v.10.0 of L FIT ATE NI YYT: " E: t te.rs ill - A - ti•••. hat.. .irLuo.t LP In the p,ll - 11., •• ••II t.„ t :1 :• r Or. tl 4. ,it: ll= =II day• • • , 1..1 twirl: vontle...ll mall tidiest' in Ittcl ?id 11;11.11 11.11) Ir ill VI!, t.. 1•, :tad itrt..t. 1: half In .d 1n r. ft.. I. 1111.;.• :I! I !VI —S 11 41 :ii1 11.11 • :1.1 t1:1: tnl:eild. ...Lt.,' of Met do aid rostoito.rs - r.wraily that WLI witi 01,01 wit Eaturdnv,a fioo nhsorioolla...r • " IBM = .1.1,01,ctn. reepPetrUlly Invited to ran And examine our stork. no. Oho, two.or.three ladles molted to leikrn the heel, cos. - MARI:AI:ET DUltt. . , •JIAIt I' 11. A q“111 HAUGH. . South west corner of Honorer and Louther, sts, 31nr. 10, IkISS(),LUTIION OF I'A - i9 till I P.—Thu pm4nerFhlp loiridil74ll tlill IMIIII.IIIIII Ilan 1.ilk•III$v at d thls dny rOTIFilla All pronoun intlel.tell xtillnat p to Other of. the miderslgiiilV • ESSIE Chun htna n. Mnrt4ilt., Wine of Tar. AA BAOMT. PP•RFLI\R O A:AO Ort AT{ rUL AA riiNE Or GRSPCS Very ..ffortive paw, experlonitloo. In r/.llevim, eouth mud promoshot 0 Leulthy.,,ernallth u of the urea ls of resittnllont • 'lOlO bottles. 1173•1'; cents. Slade Ly 1111111Ehl., I'llaroulreutieul I lunnl4, Mar. lei. 11459 1410 Chestnut 0... 11111 n. SEED AND PANILY USE, Ike beg and 717031 prolific o'er offered in the' Xto York or Phibodelphia' iforkets. Id Train .00 31 1.32 2.01 • 2.45 ;115 •• .145 .. I non now prep Lied to tilt 14.1.. ts e r all klutls of Pots loon f 0.1.414.11 a.. 11 put up PolireAsly for Feed or fatally of Lilo lollox lag IntletleF : • PoActt good. EAPJ.T MneNT'N JuNtn. good. IlLum •' pretty Willi,: ‘l,llerli. .' BlicE 1:71:n, .• '. • MACK I::nC..I'F good. " PINE I:Trti. W0.): 4 1:114.1NGH. • CIOTEIN, good., • Plii•OO. Al.nritTS. - . ItOE6ll AND itrAnr. I.sTE PINK I.rrs. Fox Kr ES. go 41. ' Thoy ore ratted In NeA Ydik and Nest'.l. l rFey and aro Pratt. 1.211 "I ol 234 3.W; • The Pearb Moo, Tutu ton yield front 21)0 to 350 buii- Os to the Achri• its Ito plena.' 3 1.2 fret apart, too outs to the 11111. nyc toi ...tell rut and Area will grow 1.1% 101,1 f. Whop 10,11.1 the water totpt be poured .dr helore d eor C hoyviliSlttek the rune as pinto. Steamed ti, rtrd fp the best ten for root-Ins. The 1110e0 hler,r the pante no Peach Blows, and Wanted nhput Oho -.alt+ at, nnlinary potatoes. pspat p t,to culture n 111 onswer for all Olin early. 1114. arl) Mountain dune ore the loot In New Turn 11131,14. For attic by II 11.111KNESS, C.ll-1i.11•. Pa., oppo•ite the. Post 011i6e. 1:459 •.:111 11. N. 1X!.!.. William P. Lynch, I! E um! G FITTER, 01 rhr S,rerrn• • nl Chu) ch, :Tilt, Streg Carluit. Loul n... 1 Pip, .11.0fitt, Iron, SI7IIOI, .iNth , -h .wer h - .his. • • I 11. , Van.. de. = i•t: , ..-rs.ltt t it . .11 itt.tteti " !I 41:0 Ir .r: 1.10, 111,1 '‘1.11.• =MI for'( nnIA It. .1. W ILLIA,IIB, • .Vu . .,V"ri/a. :4,11h erect, Plaarle;phia. , • the largest isopioNctorer of Window linds ' WI NDC)W - SHAD ES, • • Or every variety - 116'1i I inlio - rl,iloatvi• of Oil itivc at 'lcs slid has a One stock to 1,0 sold at reduced pi,,lees. noir. nod all other colors of it non shades, trimmings, Color.s. Bore shades painted to order. It, .r w. le vita's citizens of Ibis county to call before purchasing and sesuiron them he con soli a bet ter *iliac for the looney than any,othcr establishment In the United Sinittii. —Mar 23, ISW-1t -cc • FOR SALE Olt RENT. The two-story Brick House oil Lou. titer rtn, t, near the tterritan !Inform td rhureb..and now tateunlod by Mr. yy , Chas: Clark. is offered I r lotto or rent, tho lot of April neat. JNO. B. PART -Mar. 0, 1860--Ii- p Ply to PENN I%IIYFIJA LIFE INSUItA . NCE COMPANY. , OFFICE NO 1,17.1 LAST CORNER OF 3D and Dock dreete. Philadelphia.. - -- A XUMUI.ATIID CAPI-CA -p7 loom). - Charter Perpet near 11 tX I rreehlent l ISANIUEL. Vice ereeldent. Jane W. Ilringen. ' • The underel,tned. having been appoluttil the Auery for-the abovetieinhauy,_for .tllitirlieriptotpdttarty call altmitloti to llits h-etillor ad vitir ta..eri of the Mtn trAL Lira IthfUllyet: which giverett a decided preference era any other mode adopted. There.being no aim k holden.. • tire hrollta are divided alining the pulley holdere, root appropriated to ivetudirg the annual neynieuta. then , making each one littera/ital. egivilly with the 'rritstuver, It. adding . VI the tt/threat of the roniratoy; ' The remittal amp bb p dd quuterly l acall thiUually, or auhhally, so that racoon Pi IhniteJ meant; can in- , aura for a greater amount. than they rould where the , whole prenriner le required to ins rel.] cash. , . Cireulars.with partierthurr run be harroo eppllca• Men to - the aulacriber, at 'hie Ohm Maio await, near the' titillated &Pet. . A. 1.. SPONattlit,r— ' Real Hetet° Agent and Conveyancer. Mar Z3,11359--Inn .110TATOEI—POTAl'oES. . r. 'lhe subecrlber is 11% the retelpt weekly..of all the • 'choice varletlen of polltuan, either for family aire,*er fur seed. which ho nava to the pirbile at reeenneede Khan • Ito hall ronnlantly nand pink•uyes, and other , rerletles, rrananted of , • quality.,Fur sale by • ; • _ WILLIAM inanll%.lllding, oppoilte the mead boase. ----- 7. - .• Mar, V. 1660 -tin " ' Will I ING ME= I=ll I ! 1•' s ' t ; I 1' MIZE .11a lil impr i• i1.1...11t pl. rW • ....? .11 . 0,1“, a 111 rd Oe .1* Fresh:Arrival; SI'UING AIILLINAIIV GOODS, I) 1.. DI:VINY, J MILL. POTATOEz! 11:11IIME PRA N'two =ME =EI DR.,Nrr,ANes, CELEBRATED VEIZZ,4,4IEK GE. LIVI-11.1j6ft . ~.. —.— ' ;', . :.W.E.beg leave: to tall .the atten-. • - tion ofthe 'Bade, aamore . T especially., tile.- P.hysidans:4of - --the. country, to two of the most remedies now before the . public. °We .refer to . - ' ' .. '.--- - - Dr. Chas. lll'Laac's , Cciebratui \Term' uge and 'Liver Pills. We do.. not recommend them as _ universal - Curc-alls, lint simply ?or what their name purports, viz:: .. THE VEItSIIPUGE, ' . For- expelling - Worms. from .the _:_huMan-system.. ; ,-.lt 'has .also • been admioistered -with the most. satis-' 7 . fictorT reSults.tia various Animals subject to . 'Worms..._ `- ~ • .THE LIVER.. PILLS, ' . For the cure Of Liv LR COMPLAINTS; .411 1311.I'QUS DSRANGEhIuNTS, SICK HEA 1)-AC71 E, &C.ln cases of FEVER - : -• . - AND AGUE, -: "- -preparatory-to 7 or--afterfaking-Qui-, • nine, they almost invariably Make a speedylncl permanent cure., • \ - A - g-/s*cities forthe. above riteri .-tionekLdif,eases„they_arellhrivalecl, __atid_.never..known- torfailVieed _mikristered in :accordance With - the directions. . - - Their unprecedented- popularity -has induced, the proprietors, _ ' FL.F.Ic7ING BROTHERS, - : : PirtspußCH,..-PA.. .. to-dispose-of .their.'...Drug.-business,.. in w - rhicii--„they have been success fully engaed for the last Twenty Years, and they ivill now give_ their ' undivided‘i time and attention to . their manufacture. . And being deL termined that Dr.' M . tatle'S Cele brated Vermifnge and Liver Pills shall - tonrinue . .tO occupy the high, position they now hold among. the great remedies' of the day, tlfey will continue to spare neither time nor expense in procuring the Best . and Purest material, and corri 7 •pound them in the most thorough manlier. Address all orders to . FLENING-.BROS. Pitlgliurgh, Pa; - . v. 13.. Th.nlers null PIIVFiIIiIIIN tinkling • logo ethers tirin Fleming Itneo.. will oho well to 01 in, their orders olidiaetly. on? 1 , 1. e. ttnne but 'Dr, irl.fines. prepared by Fleming lien , . Plltsburidt..ltx. Too flow° widolng to glee ibent a trial. we will forward per mall. pond paid. to any part of the tholti.ol Istates, one box of Tills for twelve three Tent podaire stamps. Or one vial of Whaling° •for fourteen three.eent stamps. All orders from Canioda must too accompanied by twenty cents extra. - AT AND CAP EMPC4.I .1. 9. CALLI6i - 00.. succesnors to Wm. If. Thoul einnottoce to their customers and the publit renerally, that they' have just received (mut Dhiladel. phi.. n larao and elextut st..cli of Vomit., in their line of buNinesa I(every variety, style and quality. They hewn on hand* eplendid assortweu t. of •- HATS AND CAPS, r**::: • ' to the ho i st Fill: AND SILK HATS; and at price. that must suit every one wt. has an eye to getting the ' worth of his mover. Their Silk. Mole Skin and Deaver lints. are unsurps... , tl Tor LIIIIITNESS. DURABILITY AND FINI dl: ny those °tacky other establishment in the country. ILA'S' it %TA I,fovery learrlption corstantly nn hand. They respectfully Invite all the old patrons and. an many new ones as poshiblo, to give them a 1101. J. U. CAI.IIO A 00. Oct 18 18119-1 y . • I ) ISSOI.I..TTAt )N. The partnership herettlrire ~doing bet wean Simon Arnold and 1. I.lrlticston, tnollng *lnd, iho firm of AltSol.9 LI VI Vtlt T.IN. was dins dyed by mutual consort on the 10th Inst. l'ho Looks and accounts or the arm are in the has Is of 1. I.l*lneston, to whoutoll paytnentAtanot Ik trade on or Is we the first dcy of ‘lay next, on after that dote. the lithe will he placed In the hands of .lustier for .Ilectleu. SIM ARVOLD, ISAAC LIVIN(ISION Carlisle, .1/v1,19.'591M. N. IC blislnese trill be rolnltteted - at..the ehl 'stand by I. LI VIN(ISTON, wbw will i.ndeneor by strict atteni ion, t, me-It a CM/HIM:Mee Or the patronage heretofore extended In the limn. A. H. FRA.NCISCIIS, • 2•11 Market Street.- Philadelphia, Penrect . I,cEes tho InrzeidAllll hest assorted stock of CARPET 011.1 I N. - d'ottoo Var.. Witddi II Z. Cotton taps, Twines. l'ore, let tarn. Bed Waph Lines. Rope in Slip Twine. bidi.en blue Twist mould' Lamp. en •dle. egt•ophene. lowa god Fluid Wicks, In the City. Also. n great variety of Fly Nets which ho offers - 11 inn n uttlet nrers"l.,mst cosh I'd CIL . Feb. 9. 1859—gin 4,„2 I 4 ATE ! Si, ATE ! ! SLATE ! ! - 'The innlersi.nnel 11 - 41‘ a lan4e stork or coon lie Slate on nand. free] the elate qui rrtes of .11.hu II umplirles di Co . C. (Intl. Pa. an,l Is pi spared to out on elate roofs of the best mitorl:4l and 011 relll.llllbie terms. Plealso nt ~ o rl ouallioo wort{ worro.,to t t to be 4 on mpotont miter.. AC* I.lllilnl. Avent. • Youth and Manhood. trio 2.10 Tlunigand j' li/ m•• 11 in lied In '2l h 1.111 1 ,11 01,1.1.111. to auy I.lr nthl,K4,.l.Ft paid, on rteript or Ulm %motto, Lll.dieat - Essag otr the physical exhaustion and decay of the frame, caused by •• abuse," infection, and the injurious eonsegurnees of Jiireury lig If. J. Culvertrell meat her of the R0 , ,n1 College of Surgeons. 4.c. t , permatorrhten or Simian! 1:11111.10.. Genital and Senn. Pe. Ltty. Impotency. Lo.l Energy: De. prewien nrephits, - Timidity - , - Ithmaseolatire sexual - In , and Impediments to In trrlage. are promptly and eitevtually noun.ed by "the author's novel and intrs inmeessful mode of treatment. by 1110411 P or which the lurand 0111 nynle pristine health without having re. course to dangenots and expensive [Enna Om London lancet.) The hest treatise ever written on 'n suldeet or vital h whine., to ell, well iron by the nutlier'.4 exalted rep. uts lee. • . l't &tress the pnteleltent J. C. KLTNI At Co., let Ave our. center 19th street. Poet lox 4588, New York city. Mar. lkt, 1069—ami,4 ULBERT!S FAMILY GRWERY? QCL;F.N9R'AIt F. AND VAITIETT43TORIS, North-West Corner of the Public Square; oppo . site (lie Carlisle Deposit Bank. J. D. edigllT has again replenished his atonic o F ods. ills error' moll is 110 W Nil end •oiPplete.autong which may on erluinurated every variety of fresh FAMILY GROCERIES, which in quallto and pee° C AN" T- BE BEA T. . A !aro. rtnrk.of China. 1/Iru!s andtliucannware, ortiew and beautiftil"derigns, and embracing every grade of prier. Soca Aatorr in Cnrli•lr tar Jositi` celebrated' KEROSENE on COAL OIL LAMPS, nne of.thu area,ted , dieeoverlea of the ag e, combining ehmipuese, atifeU and Inereaned_Nultkmd Lamm, emssiantb , on hand: which the pubilerare ro• quested to: t.t and exandue. ' JOS. D HALliwitr, N. W. Corner of Pub'', &rime. Caribde: Oet. 'fifi. (,OLI(.I . I'F4D —By a middle aged lady, 1.,21 a tlttettlon In n private featly. to teach Mali children eh the thhOIA hmeclies suited to their ago Sod capacity. Aloe, wt.l aNsts,t In a little plain sewing if de bred. The cerrices centime', will be considered an teoultalant for .!lantrd as a pleasant and comfortable home is the object In view, • Will have no of to ...,.41 2 :0 Vitt f l'enokritnela or any - of the Staten,' • in a healthy location. • - , Address, , -W. M . ..PIWTEIt., Edlttiref the Carlisle Herald. tl tr. '•' ' , „ O It 11 MI S, • includin i i a fluxnaaartnanat nt the celabratad Rlla a dbtown Ilannro, dell Was and Mud. bad rm . & at ttarch.l6, ' .11.11 A XTfpN.'H uat vi,4l frca6 LtN F !XI D qy •na 4114.1011014 nft • IL J. KINVVICIVIL e Ucllrlcss Lards :110CTOR A R 31ATRON Whits . Lfed his nffice to the South west turner n f Hanover & Poinftot st whore ho may ho consulted at anyhouret the' day or night.' Ur. %. has had thirty years experience la the prefeseinu r . the t eat ten q wi11.% have +eon doee tud to the study Red 'practice et , ilounno*thie meal. May 20, %Mi.., , EAW' ihnim continues' 'the practice of the the formerly occupied by hie father, Wm: 11. Diddle. F.ad • and more recently, by the law firm pf Penrose es Malt.. nnwollscolved.• Der. 23, '57.1 • Y 1 P.• - 111:EVIRICH3 - -Attornoy - attaw: t'iii` ,2, 0111,213 on North Ilenover otroot. 0 tow doors _boat nemk.ontrusleil..to..hlup will lA. promptly ottoinlod to. • . ( April lb. TT 4.W . NOTICE. --'REMOYA.L.'- W. .1:j M. 'PE . NROSE has reinoted his office in rent the Court ilouso, whore ho will prouiptly'attond to all business on irtistisi to o== A W OF RICE.-LE MITEL .TODD 'resumed ' tho. proetln3 of the 14w. Mee In Pen trl. Squnro, woot• aide, near the 'First Preabyterlon e;111111. , ,h... Aprll kt, 1857. . - . S. B. KIEFFER Office' in North 7114nover stront two &hors from Arnold & Sun's store. ro hours. morn prOcularlyirom 7 to 9 o'clock A. M.. ad from sto 7 o'clock, P. M. L-0 It G 11 Z. B IL I,W T Z e;.T. . _ . Aa. ngin returned to Carlisle. offers his 'professional services to the citizens generally. Onion in Kurth Vitt street, nearly Opposite hie tomer residence • Tornis—ilnderate. „tPnriisle, 31nrcii WO he absent until tho lot of April next.' • GEOItGI .8. SEA - . 'ili , 11_,ItIGIIT;DENTIST. from the hal. ..•••• Clowns College of D e ntal Surgery, I:m.01114:e at tip roxldenne ofhlx tuether,Eaßt Louthet ntreet. three doers below Ile4ferd. /8.--W --HAVE lt STICK,— Druggist , North Ihmover Street, Oirllsle. ‘:, : i'll:Vsleinn's proscrlPtlons .loruily " compounded, Mull supply of freshdriMslind chemicals. . 18. J . K I REV ER, ealeTi — n DiTig7 5. ,. Chemicals, Perfumery; Katicy , . articles. Coal:, . l, iTiary.. Houth . lllamicer Rivet. Carlisle, lin. DR. .1.. C. NEFF r9speet. sa. ty,' fully informs the Indies and gentlemen . 0 of Carlislti, and vicinity. that he tool re• stoned the prat:U(l3 . ot Dentistry. n nd. prop, rod to per form OpenitiOnfl no the teeth and gums. belonging to his pro'ioomm. .tin will Insert full sets of teeth on g old or silver, sill, single gum teeth, or blocks. As they may prefer. Terms moderate. to suit the tittles. Wien in High street, directly opposite the Clunber land Volley Batik ' • - 10 Ur. N. lOW twin Newil the - litst - ton - qmys o 1 'every month. , • • • Jim. 20. 1 Dn. 1.C100311S q South Hanover street, • next door to •the Post Odle°. a*. Will be abioSut from Carlisle the hint ton dnye of each month. • , laud. 1,,55. N.11.1)1(,)11, D. D. 'Ate Detneti9ttaternf'!prrn9en Dentistry to tine • 13a1;t ore rv .t. r3 'nllefFo co; infor.% Mice at Ills residence,. -oprosite Merl in ..eat Main street, Carlit.to, Peon.- ' Nor: 11,9857. BEJ DE & MJ NDEN ;.-1 A L L, 4 • . • North lrislein-Land and Collecting Agenp. Partienlaf attention paid to the liukneis of non.resi• dents, such as buying and selling Real Estate, lonnitex mono on real -estate•-seeuritleie. Paying Taxes:and looking after the general Interest. el - Hon-residents. References given If required. _ Addros, BERM & MENDENHALL, • Minneapolis, Minnesota. July 21,1858—1 y TIIE .midersign x ed. being well known an a Writer. would OW his * services to all requiring Literary ald. Ile will ft.rnislf Addresses, Orations, Essays Presentation speeches and replies, Lines for Albums: — Adeusticaprepare,onattsr for the Press--Obitunries, and write I'oetty upon any sultleet Address (post paid) FINEEY .101INSON. . 11.11thithro, Md Feb. 17, 185 R 'RI: AL E STA TE AdENCY. ANDREW G. w.:tre 7 . 11031Pt10N. l'6/1i k Tif 0 Itts..!) N • Have opened an Oleo at EL Joseph. Mo.. for the per Otago and solo of Heal Estate, buying and selling Land 'Warrants, entering Land on MHO, Burveyltn: and 3 lalt• -ing-Towns:howl Inn of-Warrants; and-making Invest—. insets for nott.ritsidents, paying of 'faxes, and all !nisi emsa pertaining to a General Laud Agency In Missouri Kansas. Nebraskn. and lowa. st3olllee On ekielalli Street; North of A. T. Beattie'. honking House. " • • • Lluly tIO, p EAL - ATEE . SV AGENCY. RE -I t, NIOVAL=A. L SIN/NSW:It, ItICAL r:74T ITE Ati 1,.T, C - ' •Eir ,ANCEIt AND 60111 VEN Elt, has re: e t moved to w Office on Main street. one door Went of the lino land Volley Hail Read Dep. t. ~ Ife Is now permanentl'loented. molting on hand toil for sale a very large amount of Deal Estate, eons's; log of Farms, of all sins, Improved and unimproVed. Sill! Properties. Town Poperty of every description, Build. log Lots, also, tcestern Lands and Town leds. Ile will give his'attention, Is heretofore to the Negotiating 01 Loans, IVritlng of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, Coattaeta. and Scrivening generally. -- --: - -- - ' Oct. 18, 1857.—tf. . W. C. RHEEM, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT Minneapolis, Minne sola nut the Mato, utnko lnrextmentx .. buy iii null Ideal Estate'and recant les. Negotiate lans, pay taxo-, locate land warrants. kr., kr. !Wes to the members of the Cutnhorland County liar, and to all prominent Ott. tons of Carliale. Pa. `Au•;i'Gl3-ly. .11STATE. NOTlCE.—Letters tmta -4,4 mentary'on the est:door Anna CHI. Into of tippor Allen tow:midi, deceased. havo been Issued by the its• ulster of Cumberlend county. totho subscriber. resiolitow In the won, township. -All persons Indebted to wild estate IWO required to, make litinnelinte payment, and those louring :define will mimeo( them for settlement to JIICIIA EL LAM BEET, Executor. Mar. 21, 1P59-13t 1 4 urr ITS PATENT A NIM AL TRA P. s\. The aubariiber his been aminloted np•nt for tittinlssrlanikeounty for the 63111 or ItUill'El Pittellt Ani mai Ton. oir retch' nit . ~. i‘llXiiii. PDXES, WOLVES. BEARS, Ac. • Call and ace them at the cheap Hardware rime of II SiNitY SAXTON. East Slain at., Carlisle, Pa. 'Mar 0, 1060. Bunn P. S:ann, OW, W. K. IIeIeARLANZ, Pennsylvanln. L. V Coos, • Rhode Island. N Y.l) ER, Isl.' MILIAN D, AND COOK, Bankers and Dealers In Real Estate, MDINKAVOLIB, • Idlnesseta t Terdtory. June 3,1857.—1 y. • 08(A)sDicmAs_N,Dm.rIkV2,LT.LTO.1111Vng.I.VfizdkiR...1,',.3..—. of almost every variety. CRIIA It W Alt E--Tuhs, Buckets: Measures. Painted Buckets. Heeler's latiS. Bed. Curds, Ilrushes. and a large stock of 4 . Oldies" csiebr.tm Porn Mooing. (sold only by On subscriber) and all oths: bscessary boas° articles—slew at ),lin lowest mill prises—ter sale by Qirilsle, Nov. 10, 'lB. • CUMB ER LAND COUN'T scORMALSOIIIOOI. 'the third session of this institution will snowmen, In lAtorary 11811. Nawvllla, Panted. on Tuvalay. 80111 6th, 1869. and continua t,ur month. (exclusivo nra va cation of thrett weeks during harvest,) An able corps of InstrUctors hoes been stewed and rib effort will ho spored to folder the school worthy of the position it treks to occupy, and of rho patronago it remuctfully solicits The school is entirely - under tho control of a lloard of Trustees; composed of ono School Director from muds district In the county. , Tultiotifee *IP per session (co extrna.) anndltearditigenn 4a had ht private Gunnies nt about Q 2 per a•nek. For circular?! coutaintiot full particulars whims T. A. McKinney. Trunauntr. Newvisht. Pa. lly order , of thu board of trustees. DA•4ILG StltlfAX, PCcal Feb.. 23. 1.869--2 m ,„. ......, ....-_-, ----••-. FXCELS . I.OIt PECTUREB _ I_4 A. K. lIIMMiJOII would rerploVully Inform lb:, ritkeno of earllcle and vicinity that ho hae taken mote. In huge new building, cart corner at Market. Spume where be Is ut all timer! ready La take AIIIMOITI'PIitI In the latent and mom approved Idyl% l'lla taken In rainy and cloudy weathonali well an rlear. nd rAt Wootton elven Or lin,rhareen mle._ Pertralto lob Ito guerreotypes copied. Illtilat are lictureo ' tgken, thr . Webers ac e In Arnlowtype. , .tinbrotypea warranted to Mend the teal of thne. bola lotdlon nod flontlamen .ar7 conllally Invited to e and examine apoeloluna. ' • Prlcon front 2.0 to. td $lO. Jaw $7,1114-10 A:R."lf W0)0. A rtlegi FARE ItEyEte N ED. • sl' .1 I' E a Il'N,T9ti ROTEL., ciocc & 008 Aliirket nbovo PHI LAD w.VI-11.A. 41 . -"'-U/Niti•li - I;ni . 4 • v. { , , day. . r IN,cw — ept)69. , N (IRE NbUOEMENTS OFEER: ‘_A ,' ED TO OASIt nutints CIiE4P - STORE Ilaylogiust returOed from the city with 6.fu1l and well selected meek of Conde In my line: which I em p pared tp acil.at the lowestAratea. Vy stock conelen. In pert of LA'DIES''' DRESS' GOODS • liatideonio etylen, cobired Poul•deltoiro Dress , Silks 2unn yds - Black elikninuryortor Brands; French Me:lnnen, Cashmeresi - rylin - and - figured — all wool - 11eLninen. all wool plaids. allk Vale:mine, Col:units, Valenetwe. bevel ing. Ilimilial. :Madonna, Mom: DeLaineniß4o,._ . 4o„lsl:: m u; urvirbversiwititforiliFigioz - ag. ...SHAWLS: ' • • round.' corner Stellan, Uriy Stite, • Bruchea Ac., Ac. EH BROIDEIHES: Cohere and ." • - Sle'eves, serymate and In settr, Cambric. Edgings. and Inserting,. ... DIM I•inTlC AND STA rim . Bleached and unbleached Sheeting; all • widths Lancaster Ilinghomn, Calicoes, Flannels, • 11.. k Ines.. Checks and L 1111,41. 31 ENS! • _WEAR: Warn Fennel: Cloths and - nlifierisaMiley:Canelmers:Canalhetts, Jeans. Tweeds. Cords. hr. 4e. CARPETS: S Ply Imperial . - ' Tapestry, Ingrain, • - Hemp. IICITIO(111110 • (/ and emir ear _pet r fill 0 widths. • • 111 OUR Ni IVO GOODS I I would particularly call thu attention of u I persons wearing mourning, I have purchased 11 full stook of 'returning, {mocha et liersaNmes mourning Meru. Such as—Perla Ad. Ct~tn PP. T Sean imitreCinth. Ilarpounr,,Unmlrazines,.Alpacctur irtorch Morinoss, Cashmeres. all wool Dolcdnott Per , CON and Prints. • Love Veils. Crape Veils. Crape Collars and Stet:yrs. and all the grades of English Crape. Purchaser's are respectfully requested to call and en, 'hound my stool:, as I ate purport 1 to offer superior in• ditt. , eineirts. both as to qindity and . • • A W. lIHNTZ. South Hanover Street, oppoelto the poet ORlre, Corli•le. Oct. F, 1558.• 1 ItEAT ItEDUCTION.IN PRICES ,3I I . llMm tide commenced I Rmy entire _stoc,l4li._T.Ell6o6l4lol.emtammt,_lowerprim.th m , can I ld at Moy other store In. tile county. ' • Memo 1 Dark Silk.. all word Initgllncs, Cashmeres, MerIno47.IVIIM-Plalds. l'anoomtes• he., In great variety. -I.lnm and square Breslin Shawls. „ . Blanket tlhawls. Scarf's. Flannels. Illmlkets, Re.. Re. Ladles and Gem Mont.'s Merino and voo :111rts: Cloths. Casslmers, Caßslnetts and Kentucky Alum Elegant Furs. Pl.llll atuLfiguredi/clalus.at./3.10.and12 conts„634—Cletiv.llr •over-c. wts. nt :17 1 4a nd fill cents Igeganti.x_orked Ilandkerchrers-andlinderldeeses.. CA I:PETINIIS AND DUNA. Most-of-the cools-ionic:la within-etli4 weeks for the Cootf. Tim stork is therefore large iihrl complete. .: All p, mons An want of cheap, 'handsome 'and good 11 IDS. .will do well to call and examine my kffirk fore pnr•hnsing elsewhere; as I have determined tOnell off •hu stock at such prices V. mast - Ova untie:yahoo to nil. Remember the New 'Store, „liatullton'e Conner, opposite the Delimit Depot: . , ell All. 061 LOY. ,Inn: 5, 1859. . . . . . . N. 8 —BruTrS AND 3nors selling riff fettsrdless of cost, In order t' close nut thafbrancl, of my husinnes. _ .. . .. _ NT 041'n IT AN. 0 V E:R STREET •• cox 1401 . 10 . • - • C ,171 t. LISLE PA.I. Wholesale Rates Redureels;: per 100 lbs. The attention of Country Merchtints and the public generally. is Invited ton lam.; assortment of , • • CIIOICE CANDIES, mantdartured of the hest material and warranted to rontalo no poison in their rotors: which .will be emit! Wholesale or Itetall at low rotes tit the old stand of P ;411 0 N 1( E Iconrn II ‘NOrnn STimer. Caiti.itiLe; PA., A few d.rn North of theCarlielo DePealim9 . xk. Just recoivcd • n.lnrtre assortment of . _ FRESH EOM'S AND NUTS of the latest importatkins, consisting . of • Oranees, - . ' ' , Lemons, . Raisins, ' Prunes Figs: '''' DLtes,- ' Bannon., 1 , 1014 Apples,' . , Almond, Filberts Crean* Nuts,' . • Cocoa Nuts, Sc., all of which will'he sold et low rates. Also, a large am sortmewt of' ~ - ~ -. TOYS AND FANCY GOODS - of every variety. , Also, nil the beet breech! of SEGARS AND TOBACCO, ' ' • .. of American and Orrnien inamufarture.