Zint CARLISLE, PA. Wednesdayv Aprjr6, 1839 It is with the deepest aorrow jind • regret, that we arnounee the death. of , Prof.. D. RA:IMM epOW:11, )f Irving --- •Auffuring frowirlingerWdrs - e - klreitia . ' yeeteiiley eveniek, - .in the 20th. year of • , nge4: • - ' • '• With. brilliant talehtS, studious habits, and a character of high moral rectitude hd enteactnipOn the'active duties of life • With bright prospeotsof future usefultic,sg "but, like ninny others; he has fallen. a vie tint on the very threshold,' to intense mental application, leaving !tinny friends with cruslieditopesand hearts, to..lanient .14s•carly ,deailt. ° - LVANIA LEGI4I.ATUIII3 "PosNg Monday March 28. 7 lir the'Senate, the pri: _L_Vate_ettNtitter_was_taken up tutd_t bills were passed. . . A Suppleinent to the act incorporating-the Norristown and Freenutneburg Railroad. A supplemdt to the - Chestnut Hill undChel- , 41111Venhant Railroad An act to incorporate the Bybcrry atittAnda lusia Turnpike Co. In the Itouse, on ruotiottof Mr. tinmersley, - tile bill relative to acutiOn laws wasconsider ed and -amended, so as to apply to Allegheny 'county and the bill pits'secl.llnally. • • tn-actitalconfer op certairi y oszociationa.of: citizens , of thl§t'Cluittionwealtk--the---Tiowera - and ,inuntinities .of corporationsAtad bodies' politic in law, and to confirriveliariers hereto fore granted was debated, and was under:eon sideration when the House adjourned,' -, • 1 •At the evening session. the House taak up• •• the not to• establish a general Banking. Latv,• which was dittcussed. till the lidur of adjourn merit. • Tuesday March 20-In the Senati; to provide for the fencing of Williamsport and Elmira Railroad-was discussed .brietlY; -and negatived by a tie vote, 15 to 16. • The Genernl - Approprintion - bill - was taken up. ' The section appropriating $280,000 for - the suppojt of the Common Schools gave rise to-a lengthy discussion. Mr. Coffey:mii , indto in - crease 'the amount to $300,000: Pendirig . he consideration of the motion, the Senate adjourned till afternoon.' . In the afternoon session, the consideration of the eneral appropriation bill vas rtsulned. the motion 'to increase tho appropriation to Connuon Schools being in .... The motien was negatived, and the section patised as itcrane from.the House., ' The appropriation to the Western Peniten r—lirify was"inerTi§ed — twellie:lthousend for thelpurpose of extending the buildings. The 7approptiatlon Of, twelve thousand five -. hundred dollars to tlfe'Selifi - jr for... Wont arid feebleminded children ; to complete the build ' inks, was opposed by dr Turney and suipor- tel by , Mr. Qazzans, pending which the San - ate adjourned, • In the House. n petition •signed by - citizens - of Bucks coanty, against the divorce of.lUrs. Fry from her husband, wits presented, The act to incorporate the Iftintingdon 'County -Bank was passed finally. The not to incorporate the Hest onville Man: tun and Fairmount - Passenger Itildrond pany, was passed The act relating.to. Insurance Companies and Associations in the city and canny of Philadelphia, and county of Allegheny, was considered and indefinitely postponed The net to reduce the number of Aldermen in Philadelphia was passed. . The balance of the session was consumed in the consideration of private bills. Wednesday March' 80.= In the Senate,' a largo number of bills were reported from the Standing Committee. The consideration of the appropriation bill . . was :resumed. The section making epproprinlions.fo•lks following institutions were stricken from the The Northern home for Friendless Children in Philadelphia. The Penn Asylum for Widows and Indigint Females in Philadelphia. The Orphans, Home nt Zolienepe. The appropriation bill was under considera tion all the morning. In the afternoon the consideration of the bill was . resumed. The bill passed first reading as reported by the committee, without any material emend.- ment. -• • Air. Bell offered a new section, appropria- Bug two thousand dollars for, the traneporta time of people of color to Libet:ia. The section was pending when the Senate adjourned. IA the • Home. n number of private hills were cortsiderscl and passed finally, among' them n Hot to establish the Penn Industrial - • An not, to incorpothite the Philadelphia and Newdlope Railroad Company. The act establishing a General Banking Law was taken up in order, and discussed at length. *motion lo postpone' indefinitely was lost —ayes 90 nays O. • .Qn motion of Mr. Gratz; 9.lle!not to abolish the Board of Health-of Philadelphia was post , poned indefinitely. , • An not, to erect a new judielandiatrict out of• the counties of Jefferson, Clearfield, E lc and ~,,.Forest,led to a long . and .sph iecti discussioh. '7but was defeated—yeas 88. nays fil„ The act toprevent frauds at elections, was,, considered and postponed for the 'present. „Thursday Merit' 31.—Idthe Senate, a largo number of bills were reported from the Stand ing Committee. A message was received front . the Governor vetoing the bill to , inaoiporite the Mount Alto Iron Co., of Franklin county. ..Tho appropriatien bill was taken up, and the section offered - hi Mr - Belli.approPriating . two thousand rdollais for the transp9rtation of • people of color to Liberia,' Wits' new(' Several new,eCatfous were ,offeretl,,hut: not • agreoirto, -- and the 'bill; after -goittethrough , Colamlttee.di the . wee, laid over on - second readingi, • • In the r tionee," the following billuwere 1)18'8 edfinhll.o' ;. • • , • - An.,tict Trbviding for taking - testimony in eases or eoutostetreleotions for members of the_ . Legislature,. _. • An 'act , to authorize execution of premiers in J oeitain cases in eqttity coneernieg propeily . stleltitilite jurisdiction of the court ordefen- loofa Uoiresident or found therein;,. ' -A supplement to:an not to amend eertalp t • ': .. feMii - Ottge , hisr for tho morn safe end'jtisi km 0711,144; and ,secure euloyment; of, re,ld and personal estate,. approved; ,kMW 1i ? Rlllll. the eitizetieof this -COninettrieall Oho powers and :ininiunities'of -.corporations 'nett bodies ~polutte nod to confirm:charters hereto .fore grUnt . 4 . • Fridtiy.April the Senatei,,tlrketierfil ,aPpropriatiOn was taken up.{ . 'An Omeud 7,- Ment weeadopted direct ing he St ate Trenettio' to retain $2OO out of the salary' of each mem ' . bet of the Present Legislature. Amendments to itfcrease the ,salaries of the judges of the Supreme and `District' Court,' arid' Court o 1 , ; ')..Altintrke ',CiF L :'rnt.;.: Ortatt.A . N Ii:, AIM L. , rito.ll ttgiTrottNii-li tinier SNOW SToust.-LThe ever land Aintil IMS artived hi Si: Louis: ' -with Sun Francisco PaPeli to the iMill'•`. A tide of ena • •'gration wits setting toWards the ,IValla, Walla l'adeY, lately : hill:tied to set dement' by Mler' of In Oregon: a boy seven years old. Poised *1 and paol-it le the lady matiagel-8 of ton Mount Yet . )n-AsNeCia non. • TheneevieSt snow; Ft: Mu ever knoWn in Cali fornia had occur. din Sierra wittily • Snow , `pros filteen to -twenty . feeideepon-the . iintun- Lilo eitle*___A_leliteLfrcinAtizinntetimittsihat. .the_dillarent-ualies-olXpaches,after--making• _their trena,„,wit.ll,,Alainig,,..tazgi,..,mear,..fita, . . . _ ,,,.......— 'went. info Sonora Jo drive etrittook . striCout, and the •appropTilitionfof 12.500 1 tie nilliol --- In - complete - tint -- buildings of - the -- school - for - 17, Ri the l " Ivil-1411-o° . - - - . -r-Iliv r e ' lil " 4 " l " 4 - -wer A province coniiiiiit . kog till manner of . deli ) feeble minded children, was restored. • . ' relations., , . At the aliening session the consideration of Tee Citation° lediriiis7reebed a Moil platter; • the appropriation bill Was resumed, and the on the Gila river., They and other Minds:of - sociion reducinethe pay of the membeni to the Yu.nas, 0111) hilVO. been -heretofore friend. . j ly m . ,. es have feriae& an alliance wi th the Neo *soo was stricken out.' " . . . • - . . In the - llouse. the act - le In - corpefale the' , 1114 - Flieinizleman. Indian agent, intend 'Pliilitdelphia Ocean SteaMship Company pass- ed to aptly ;o Col. Hallman to chastise them. Aland Unt,3 11101141111 d pertains; had gone.. in mf. The vote on the bill entitled an net to. a;1 n o n Pike s Pea, to the mountains in New confer on certain RBSOCIIII iotll3 of the citizens Mexice,drained by the Purgetoire and ilur - .of this Commenivenlth the powers and immu 1 . .114 . . . J. nice Slates, of San Francisco, Ens sett- , ' niiies of corporations /and bodies politic in e; a, d I rk, Gen. Commit to i tili a - fine of 111;v, anti to coefirm charters heretofore grant . * I 13UU. tr laintleisetual alit, bundled - him ed. ; was re;.bnsidered,_ and the ...v r ole woe Iltbn lifty.lies,-in Punishment for•,an assault-with a- . postpOned indefinitely, - Which passed, the bill' pi /01 on Z. 5•1 - QiittlbY• - . , titi.otigh'idiVllBit,e, -T mti' - C RCs ;u; Ti)To ncm PEAK -TWO THOESAND - 7 -11- 'ilurre ' port of the Committee 4' raiteretice A 11ti.7--.IM - e - St — J,n- , upllTpaTerrBl - irfnlni us that ....ipa_lttalt 1 . 0 PII . o; s peak by . tho'll;wintind atut on the bill to abolish the Board or On it - at, Jusepo ranroaa, 1,1,11 . 0 tugli tout coy, contin 'of the Poor tyaiagreedtmwithout debate. The, „„ to I ttcrottoo do,ley. On Friday- - last,: 8011 free .banking law was taken up in order, dis - paesengers, all for the• gold region, arrived . cussed iind &Created, yeas 31, nays 58. thela on a sing:e train. and on the day follow Several priVate bills were passed. . ing, CIO others al rived. When so consider that the rush has only .] The supPlenient to trio act to regulate anti, commenced , and will nut reach its height. till continue fhesysteili of Coienton - Schools, - ••was about - the - middle - of - Alma, we -- iney - form - S - Olue 1 - - Common Pjons..were re,jeofed Tho npproplin • tion of $ . 2000 'to curb and palm Ominflann =MT t o Eastern 'cnitentinry, won RI F. ea diScussed at length . Saturday April 20.,-In the-Senate, the.bill •to authorize the essessMent of &Mines-on the Northßranch Canal, -was lost by a tie . vote. Mr.. Jtandallireed a_ supplement to : the bill -atithorizing-the--Cout.ts-ot-Coinmon-Pleas to, C'hiMge Hie names of persons. t - The bill-toticarporate the Commercial Batik of Pittsburgh, was taken up and •post• (potted' for.the pt;esent. Tlie bill relative to incorporate Cemetery Companies, Ives:passed. Lt the Ilduse, -the:bill supplementary to the further supplement to the net to prevent dis turbances im public meetings was passed. supplement to the - .lllilit iniew - was post , posed. indefinitely ". A motion. was Rata to-pioceed to ilincon - sideraiion of the pePaild Libeity bill ; Imetti.t . two thirds -voting for'-ifillie motion - was - lost. Mr. Rouse, offered a preamble and resolu tion, setting forth the capture ofs:colored man, without resistance on behalf of the citi zens of Harrisburg, Therefore. respived 'filet the aMA of GovernMent - be removed toppa- delphin. ' Not agreed to, yens 5, nnytOtil. The ret•olutLm of Mr. ltouoe. web Offered in consequence of an intenso excitement ereirica iii liarrisburg, by thiarreet of a colored mon under t 1 Fugifive'Slitve Law A Just Cnioripilnletit. The following welb,nteelted compliment:to ilugh-St uart—Esq,one-of t he-Represenpit i vett from this county, we extract front the ,l'itts butgli Post. It is a just tribute to his moral worth as a man, and hinubiliiies7ns n-fegis. Won' - , Gun:het:land county has•gsod"reason to- be - proud of such .men.as Stuart and McCurdy, .. for It 'wooer much they only differ on initu.r questions, we .feel assured • that ns friends of the old Ktyrione.diey both occupy ---- tiittiiiiinWnifoi:Mi L— ThEreorrespondenrof tro l'ost says :• •Mr Stuart. ofcatiterla , d is tfaciund Demo crat and a man of tbecpurest Intentions - fle --toodhashad-expetience-this-being-hio-second term. His unbounded popularity is fully at tested by 'his re-election when we take, into consideration the perfect upsetting of the Democratic household at the last election,. - Mr. 8 does not troublethe llotem by wi ndy arguments, but is. ever ready to serve his con stituents and to do battle for the principles that actuate the Democratic party Ile is a whole-souled mom and in appearance not nit like your hue fellow townsman Gen. Lorimer. It the people v o f his district are desirous to be represented by a truly honest _and fearless democrat. then in that instance they 411111111.11 got a better or more pun; man thou Stuart. The Campaign for 1860 The Pittsburg Gaze* says that the pros pect now iathat the "denaotratie".piirly will go into the canvass of 1860 on the tolluwing issues: 1. Free trade. it. The acquisition of Cuba and Central Jr merica 'ldr the purpose of es - tending Sla• very. tit. A national slave code for the territo. - ries. • iv. The revival 'of the African Slave - Trade. v. The concentration of despotic power in the hands of the President. amounting'prac• tically to the afrrogation.of the constitution. These 'Will be the issues which the Smith will' force upon the north at the Charelstiin Convention TheY may sugar coat the pills to make them go down easier, lint, in effect. 'these will constitute the Charleston platform.' The honest men of the party will be driven out. and those with weak, consciences will gap at.the dose; but the masses will take it us prepared for them, '-witkout- a..tyhy•tmit7, wherefbre• mayfie some who wilt ilaTifiTt . will be impossible to rally a party upon such issues; but they are mistaken .in the temper . of the party which the South As dealiag - witiv Thelremeardous , advance made in one rear _upon the: slave trade question' is evidence enough of readiness to go any length !le t t they may ilem . and upon this question. Mon. JAMES M. WELLER& Mr. Editor: We were pleased to in the Herald of !twit week, your indorsement of the =editorial remarks of the Philadelphia Enquirer in'rettard to tile nomination of the lion. JoS M Sellers, of Juniata county, for the office of Auditor General. ' Mr. Sellers' well-known popularity at home attests hie strict: integrity' and character, and endorses his fitness ,for this official posit ; while his able and consistent. discharge of his Seam oriatiluties litut made him host it of friends in all partiesthrougliout the Commonwealth. 'Cm qualifications for this .itnporiant post are undoubted: Trigetherwith thoroniiblx.syste matic and, business habits, lie' pos.ess - l.s dia. erhuitiative 4140es...that 'would liiverably! adapt theraselves' to the numerousdciolls of the Auditor Oenerol'S' finanoial reviews, -. In the ent iling. campaign, the opponents the Federal Adniiiiistratiotti should wisely select standard,.':bearerei; Whose principles wi I be intleiibiej whose popularity IS. certain, and whisie'retrottnized-abilities-will-make -their notninata ts, valuable. , • • • IV° liitvamoiy eminent men thronghonteur State' who Connect ionS With 'officiol copiici ties. have, brought them honorable noliceand repute;' hut'-none more Suitable. none more honorable and'none more available than .has M. Sellers, can nominated by the 001061- 'thin of the opposition furs certnintind glori ous triumph In October, iliink . it may be' safely soidierj . Cumberlend that she wit , cast Mier voice and vote .In convention for. each a A ,DhltimortkiGrand Jury: In a . fortaal preAeatatioa, have oi preygi;d thg 90:lion 41)41. the mardeis otitl ath. 2:ol., jti' ,a9l,wiity,ialer,tee fregtiefilly.4iei.pe(rittA i Glin6",'vicinily s 'cnoty ;be' aitiilliitail•,to' -.,4bitlity as well itift.he,(iOnniiii of liquor diuuk ~tr4'' ~%~:. approiOntate cohost e of the huge tide of pop Wation surging westward to spread itself over . l . the bosom of,lldn'iniscent State of Colonna. The I lannibal and St. Joseph reed is only one of the chintielit ',rough which the livingstreani rushes. , More than it thotimatatpersons_a.dayl pass ... through this city by the Mts,cittri fiver et)merti ,ill , l — „t lie biotic rmid others cross the Mississippi at V/IliollB, ferries, hi wagons, and ; • avoiding the cities, ...deer by the must direct roads for, the western .border ot .the State: , while nearly all who start from the southern Staies•go up the Arkansas river. t lirough fort Smith. It is fair to est innate the number o Peakers Suin g west ivard through the 'several avenues off ravel, atl •40110 _ . 4'lleY-ctinte trtnii every . State-in the Union. but chiefl.r.trom the west —from Mi.' nuts Indian,, Qino, Michigan, Wisconsin.' lowa, unit, Kentucky, near y every 'county, . town, and liandet, -iii.-'virtue of which -- States' sends out It company of tem twenty, or thir ty. Six inotiths from this tl ,y the . u •organ— iced region 'of Cohnititt ttlie itI...POSLA for' the new territoryo . will Clint:till n popithilion of BUP 0 souls. it. will - probably (MIMI 100 : the qIIII.IIIIIS II State tit.oe,next Congress atllat EATIIN UV Tl:ttliEla4 IN Alto:itiA9.- IVC find theliewhit , in a letter from a coy .respondent of the Cincimuui Conintereial,.,wtto writes fruit IVes ev: Arkansas: • 7.---Abont-two-week-Pago-the-wife-of4lrAalvin: Evans living in Ilatlison county • Arkansas. killed a tante turkey of the yellow SI ock. , nnil Oil dressing the gizzard - I.mnd a lump yet low gravel which attracted her att mu ion. Ou examining it site could not determine What it I WAS, therefore she 'conchided - m - keep it and show it to her husband. She Mil s.O, and it ..provedms-noteli.n.curiosity to him aif it had to 1 her. Tlfiv preserved it and showed it to their neighbors. who getieVi . illY give 'Weir notion of it as being gold or something of a metatic no 11r. Evans therefore determined to carry it to FaYelieville and have it testeil which be did; and filo lamp "prove to be worth thirty I rents pure gold afoul two I hir•is pure ' metal.• The general opinion is that there is gold in Arkansas. especially since they fluid out that he turkeys are eating it.. It ha-been .rho_heliefoLeverytaidy_that A al•nsys.cmitains anineral wealth • The nboyr a:ecuut is one that con borelied on, for iit Evan• is a man of strict, trout. ;IMF he is a preacher' of the ',lard shell Baptist denomination. 'lt istolid that. sitter the discos cry. Nlottlison enmity iti in a high state of exei;ement. that nll of Mr. Evans' neighbor+ are killing their turkeys, nod • Prospecting' for gold in their'gizzards. DIED or Ei RINGS.—About a week ago. a domestic • anted I.lleti Vaughn employed at the Uri on Hour. bad her amrs perforated the purpose nt woo ritig enr rings. The 'operation was performed in the 11:1110 rpr, with the nonol results at the time. 0 the seentni day 0 her the, pleri4nr,het oar commenced swelling. utni she left employ men( ntiti went home. The third day the• nu'elling and inflammation increased rapidly. „ i f ie and st eeehless; er . rsipelas set in,• nod for three, dais the un fifiltinate-wman n suffered terrildF.o heti death relt•ased Iter.— Bildver. INDIAN'RENAINB POUND.— The tk-leton rind pipe '6l - irti were'; Mitnil on: the 2111h_ - of March. by the students of Burlington (N. ) CAlliege, buried in the, river lend:. which has been greatly washed away by the late freshet. This skeleton is supposed to be one et the _Delaware Indians. wliir having stolen a quan tity el•money from Captain Kid. and being pur:ned, he was unuttered and buried near the place where Burlington College now elands The - skeleton ora giant a ght feet high. has been exhumed from the farm of Mr. Colvin near Monongahela City Pa. The Pittsburgh Chronicle says: —••Fioni the position of the bones in't lie vault undm. the stone. it is:Sup posed the bodies were buried in a sitting posi tion. the schil, bones and those of the trunk being all in a heap. while .thane of the legs were scattered almig towaids - the foot of the vault.. At _the !U.!, Itlan, of many Of there graves were. found, various article:. or orna mews of exquisite workniamhip, denoting a greater-skill twin mmully belonged to Indiana together with cruckeryand warlike implements The - graves.in-t viciuity_number sezimal hundred, and go to show that the field was at oiic iiiiieiiiiextensiVeliurYing ground." _ • TOONADie . AT 1.1111,ii1 , 1 , 0. PA. Mr. L. 11. Nice, a student ot the Uttivensity. writing ; tinder date of Friday la,t, says: •• There Ims heed the most terrine tutu bare this even• ' j Mg. I ever wit nt•sited which Infictittii — iirtlib nritnle rota of the west wing Of the College building and otherwitted damaged it A large' pine tree ies down at the door torn up by the ruins, and thelliASSiVe roof lies in • uhts at the foot of therimiltling We distinctly heard ih corning. and t when it struck the building with 31, trementlous arnsit like it million cannons discittirgtd at ; once, owl Shook the building to• , I for one expected the walls lomae in upon ttit. • the students in the Amish story hada wry narrow escape. . prvilnie room a pite...Or bricks' came throng)) the coiling to within a tbot or so of an occupant. INDIAN lIATTLii IN , NRIMAAKA . The lilVllllll . ic ittetititi• publidies, with some mi-niving. it letter giving nit :moonlit of a bat tle between the Sioux and. Pownees. in. Ne-. brooks, on the llritla of Becettiber. The Sioar numbered 111.0. mid worn led, by an Englitthintin named George ; Wilthitits tbrealmlyntli 9 nicer in the British army.' The' Paymees numbered and wooded by their own' chief 'The battle Insted . folte'-dnytf-infil 'five hiatus, -.ntiol resulted-in the death of ottani 2011stoux. aint . about 140• wounded The J.:mitres' loss .vnt• liitling:• The:tight is. sal tto have beenOnus' oil by the Chief of the•Siour 'no . ' remaining true to Iter j tv••rd She promised to ninrry the IdhieLitf_the,es.tillig4•..b9( tit...0.1111.91 11 er not iol) and married the' Eiglttitunin..llM whole story._ looks'npocryplittl. , .• • SINGULAR AND PKIIBINTFINT Buicinn r Thuni Gimp n. welitart- re,td.n i t, on (ht ,go avenue.-in Chi Cage. eiittnitted.stli, en the flfk by drowitick.', She was mar.; rued, tiltput .lorty year- or age, trattleaves forrr, children. three ',of. Wheel ate ,Sbieht: from ;porno • Thtificart h. a bey, about tied:fOnra of age. discovered Iter.on niornitag. just Itefere.tureil in the Well. 'lWiti gaie thesitirrin I 'Flue Well is °licitly-it et:sculpt, ',barrel, sunk the groamt and Ink we're. -Imo clue had : pltingrd. lied heed. leaving ike igreater pat of . i , lier hod:trail! rooting upon !lc t o ' briyi b ' ee it!i4li jtyc . undue "..rellgletts Critts', - hdtred, Ihoot,, tightly. thutriektu tune homer+. a'pra 6olun (Count, Ithtters. Week 1 Remarks: - • - , I metr.* I , .1 . Tuesday Wednesday Thursday ME 01=4 Sunday Ifo . n4ny Weekly - 150 011 ' I 50 rrhailegre'ef beat In the above regleter in the thilly avenge ul threat nbsorwailnuff._ • • DICKINSON, cor.t.EGE..—During; the ionsideratien .of the Itepoit •cif the Committee on Education, in the l'hiltitielpliin.Courerence lost week. (lie itcv Coppee advocated:' "wit 11 a.aattit flatted- :CMOIIISIB.-: Tie of e lodation, .nnd commiintled.)bto the' earnest simpatity„and conaisteii! stipptirt of his mini to ial hieth'ren (he institutions of learning of tte Melhodist,Church.. If any preacher has it in his parcel-. to send .at male 'path ,to col loge,-lerhim use his 'ut tuost•intl donee to\ plaee him in Dickinson College; if a female path, let her be:sent to the Wesleyan Female CoIH lege. Profes'eor.lehiunit, of Dickinson Col- ' -lege- engorged • th et-remarks-of—pr.- Cooper,- in-- 1 a foreiblo, speech. Ile said that_ preachers , sometif f nea fittled_to- press the.Claims_of I [bison upon their people, because they feared that Ilitt moral atmosithere•of the College WIM I -dangtrons;- -'l'llis : ttuspicion-is-Thisiiied by the Jaci_that..o,theiast_gratluating.class_t w:entp._ - t hree- were --church - tnemberir — and' — thirree preachers of the GesPell. • THE C4.q6FRTOF TIII! r.IirICSIVAN. ..—Wo hove been requested to sin te, that the reovn . the .Black Siva'', paled to inoke hen nppettrnue• in eirllide;htst week oft - adrertised, *./IS beclian she 'could not ohtithr lodging of the....X.0ref,,,,t• herself Sot I nssi , ..tnltts. ..She expects to I 'y II iisii here, in a few we, be., t The funrldi lc J Church lug hex!, (1k 17,4 cl of tie's or-Vol. no doubt. da E--E=TGr Conn ror flirt uo collect ions.l sponse frin TACTICS order IeRI Board of c.ri ➢ln nr syt•tem neting ns Ma dry. _ ,Ir .!:i 8 F -I .olr.ltalttirdflT. ort ..1) ssos Com.noe. U P. HALL,' . 4 .4pril nth JIM% - i Wm:DRAW have heard with regret of the death Of inilionored brother, anomie W. Illivir.u_oLtl , kle . -- —• ErsoilYcl / we do tender our heartfelt sytonaillies NIL ft into!. in their bereavement Resarrd. ll our ball be droptil in memo"- ing and tlint's wear the usual badge ler thirty days. . Re.nhyd, these 1 . 09414 ionA be publi,h ed in the Co Iler,ild, and that 0 copy 01 the sane be fovea' to the family. D WAttruni.n • . k L. CANNON; C6Mnilltle. V • Issue J DiviKE Tim - N Qnuru•rlr fi Liu•ratuire the Great los"phy ft tI and the Limits of Electricily liffine Mis. Publish toll street., print of 111 fish tool N; w. od's 111 n! G op Kv'ei' April; niq Monthlies:. eing, ever) Feat for th hellish it. sump of t cuuotry. IzACKW beet) receir: blp.(11: (mute, terms ()Null lour Review .. 1 • 1 , 1 1 Ii i ii, -. • Nsw Mum i . of the Martial ~ S.Tnouro.• ' .R.c I t nitui four pi: eo year, or 10 gent vettisemeni Tne Ani ber or.111,!s m4ll who Itta iooding tot#et to Pipeett yietl 144 a;rii LITTF:I.I4 !AI; ft portrait: of ph. r, bestAe t l!evielvti'mtkl •. i Aftwittettly naili, . finti..t.4w,.ellqmstfi it sell descreus Fpr aoa..l.triiper' ' 4 ll2,lo3l7*: , tif'S .named Jiiunks lln abot bli wife St , .I.9llissop\tbel . "cultie4 unbitindid,:-11 • ynet of hie vrife'froin,pi b .by lin 49 . v 1 1. 6o ia..eig~itsct~, ye ,Lste#ty,•tbo6.-1.--, MIS ME [!~ 5G 00 13 00 1 49 00 ME 149 00 •i 6 00 140 00 .BY.• JOHN- -W. FORN . EY:— fljre of 41113 Courtin, in,Binory M. dni delivered on Mondny ei , en. Itli in,t. ) by John W. ForneY elpliin. Thu wed known nbili . rney.ns a public Lecturer:lrillil A' ii crowded house. .RILIIOO/LAND LAD fIE It- co, tee who recei'v4;.ll suh;eriptions nd Ladder CO., 111 . 0 how . ❑utkiog .1 hope to lotve.a favorable re- . te citizens. • --. . irt lfouNrro IT IFL P.M KN. - I3y.an from the War Repartingait. a . cent coneisting of Lient. - Col. .Col. Porter. and . aill - neeemble tit Carlialo Bnr . Rill of April. to_exMoine Mici 'lotions for Mountril Riflemen. prypared by Lieut. J imit BRITISH Ri,VIF.W.- lirnary contains the . Algerian 'ranee.; _Carlyie . s__Frederick mid the Fijians; The Phi gunge; Sir Thomas Moore r ot.;lntuitionalism and t he inus Thought ; Dern Rive's 'henry and Practice; Scottish ;- Recent Nblicatittus. Leonakd'Scotr& Co., 79 Fob York.' The American re f I 'don, Edinburg, North Bri 7 'Mister- Reilews with Blaek. e, are furnished for $l9. I re . Boox.— The manlier for 0 be titylq the Queeil of the l l xty boa' fagravinga, emlirm that art nml taste . eau sax titivation of the lades, em• to literary artietes 'are from tnnozitie writers-itt the Itiwc7;zilcr:; - fur - lturili;"*.luis n the publishers. 'flie tn. '•cents n rich variety. .Fur it to •• Muck wood," awl • 'ec_uttr_ettilersloAlte—ud— her culutnn. • NTIILY.—The . April num. York is on our table; - Tile kifive cents to spend for of do better than to go t in the Atlallic; it will u for . lula nioney. ' ' Lve received a number issued Weekly by C. B. -I‘. Each number s eon altar music, at $4 n t . for March 28th has TM. with a sketch of vittiety . from the Brit es. Littell Son & Co. for New York. tst.—This plensani I, !o nro assured; ant is home airolo.- • eputalion it enjoys. 7 4 Young:twn. .otoltor by 'oncupo. II shot himself in ise. dOniestio' diffi•' net understooil- to 'it married but l'Oui doubt.the loyally [ titOtionn OW to n.liod. for : : nonio: ' kili4iko,tii.lier . ::, tuff the linetitind ilie,'!itit Ids *lre, 0 . - sis,siOundstE/":1 Ill.; The fdlovinOompuniCOon.fitiiiirilii.: A - lornicy7Gezieral 'of the . 86ie:iiireter6ice 10' lidenigs dthile.r4r muirefilititlio, imporipmt..to some of due . ;endeil: • ATTORNEIi:OR!4I:II.4I.7B,OFFTE: Feb. I. 1t5 9 . lion ...l'Actin'ray; Mulitor ' Lear : opiniOn ia'requet , ietl upon cpu.mionNclietlier in . *.na•rellainljz . e whosa:ialc's are less Ih,in ouo dollara' Ewe requii•ed io take a license..to ,uoli mer -01111%114We? ' , .r.•711-th ll - - • 1841. srsy.siill iII force. •..pitt un upderstand deeif4i 011 aII_VAIIIIEVIRVAV VL-lii-thi! /I V. VS It , Antrs, lit 1, Barr itere held t this 4tritViso reliettled'hi the liih sect ion of the net id the or pril, .1840. Under iltis deeisio,rveinters of iiw r oinnilize intorqtruy lieetn‘e whet lier e -t heir soles tintount Is one ihnusand,dollnrs or 'otherwise., • • JOIIN•C. KNOX. Tun. New York paperN hring us a chocking record of recent crimes Terpeirated in that city. ..,A sailor, nanuul Eddy, who . had now ried al drunken prostitute, grew)ealot of her nutritiortallr Stabbed it nine to whom he Mind her talking iii the streer,.on Monday wet 'ng. A junn,..oo34,.Martin Oallagher,..inutta . stabbed the b , r-tent4r . of a low gipuory. for refusing him liggar. TWo boys, eleven and twelve years of age. quarrelled' about nut 'or ange .wllen one Stabbed the other Will, aeltoe maker's knife. Two ,brotliers, named lem quarrelled; and one shot the other lathe hand and hend , Gwfth n double-barrelled pima!, OUTIIMIEH IN . ArTAII. , — St. Louis, Alarch —•idvices from salt to tho 15th srnto that the Indiaus in the vicinity or "S int a flare'. killed seventeen white 'persons. intiderequittition to Oen. Johnston's troops to Chastise them. Sew- I enteenchildren were captured by the Indians •and tanisncred. 190 emigrants.• captured in the Mountain Meadows:eighteen months ago, had. Imp rebovered.• • DR. HOOFLAND'S GERVIAI4 BITTERS, Da. RA 041;PIFF:;A ti CPS, ZUC..I '1:1:11 . 4 . . . . • • 40944, C!: inri,uyi.,...y,ireht -iinihry,4,- , il - ,47i (inn i.r Ie Ilduz in 11l ; II . . py, , e erFeria/ Liver (!oinplaini, 41111;11,e, • Deality -o1• hysieni, - Diseases of the Kidneys, and al! /1 4 ,1 ' a r.1.1;.n.9 Ile'." .7'he Ba'stian.Jj.v „ a ' rept:talon s'a ;4;4 4 : 1 .;ley ~(I.ydor pre-! jira.ani extaat. It will tare, WITIIOtT . tau:t. larele and long-standing Pnigh, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, In &onse t Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, . - - and has prrformed the most a..lionishinifei ‘,/.. • ConErrn - ed - Cpzipumptiod " A .P . tc dotes will jlra In once liege and (nee ate DlarrFto3a proceeding from COI.I) IN TIIE:BOWELS. _ Tau , mlicines are:p;epared by Dr. C; J.touson & Cu. , No. ; , 1:4 Arch Street, dtlphia, Pa.. 00.. nr, 801.1 by draw ists - and d -niers in me‘hcinee eeerywhere, at 75 cents 4.'er bolls. the tignatyre nib. NI: 'JACKMON• ,Sal he on the outside cropper of each bottle. In the Almanac Published annually by the proprietors, called. EVEIIVIIOpVti ALMANAC, you will find testimony and commendr;tory notices from all parts of Mi. country. Thee Almanacs are given away by all our agents. TO DYSPEPTICS At'd all who sulrir the torture. which this disease In lllcm In nllO forui or another of lilt many plumes, cur yourselves permanently nod 'Tenthly by using The oxyg.n^ted.,lll ttttt . The ..IVeekly Novelette" of Oefil. 18. says: Dyspepsia Is ooe of the prevailing diseases of our own try. thin in owing loth to ellinate nod the elinosa universall habit of eating our ouenle too rapidly. to ad. mit of proper digestion. But In Fpite of these °Ocoee eircunintitlicee. this dieeaue, even when It ben become unic. disnppeani rapidly by - the - uail f the Oxygen. t•d ilittel a which have beini Mond to prove an Infaill ble remedy, From the publisher of a II Idely clreulated nuuutzlu Bonus. Jul, 1, 1858. _ • Mensiw:S. W..Fowle & Co —I have taken three bottles of the Oxygenated Hitters and have derived gnat ben• alit from their use. I have been much troubled with Dyspepsia fur set mil years, and found nothing that of f rd•d Ise any rellequotil I wed the llittet7 I most cheerfully recommend them to all who are afflicted with this tlttubleseute and stubborn complaint. JAMES ItOIIINSON, of the • '•Student and Schoolmate." From Gen A. C. bodge, our minister to Plinio. Dr. Geo. II Oreen.—DearSir: The Oxvgenated 'litter; . with which you were as I.lnd as to. furnt.h halo had o most salutary effect In my case. I woe troubled with Dyepepsia for four Years; during which time I tried Many remedies. but never unit with any - co good as your hitters. I am now In the enjoyment of good health. and I hope, and believe, that nil who use the Oxygenated Hitters, will find them as serviceable as 1 here found them. With high respect, • Your obt servant, • Preparvd by BET II IV. rowt.m k CO.. linglutt. and 1, solo by Samuel 1.116.11 and S. W. IlaveraUck, Ira Day, Mechanicsburg: Kota 1% hie, S biremalistowi N. U. MI& riewvlite• iihntouaker k billott. Newbur, J. C. AMA, z.hipponahurg: and by appointed agent and Joalers Il median° all over tin country. ES FARREL. HERRING StCO.'S Paient Champion Safe Late Plea at lowa Cents: I am mqUested by Mr, T. A. C. Cochrane. o Milo place,' to say to you that on the morning of the it h Instant, at out 3 o'clock. his store took AM. and the entire stork of giskis was destroyed. The heat becanto ed suddenly ittifilse that none or the geode r told west biy be soved ; but for innately his books and papers, which were In one of your 1 haniplon Pales. were all preserved perfectly. And well they may be, called Champion, fur during the while conflagration there was one incessant pouring of name directly upon. the wife which Contained then:. - And still, upon opening it,the inside was found to be scarcely Warm, while the outside weediest severely tkrorched. Yours truly, . lierrlngle Patent Champion' Fire an d liiirglar.Proof eaten. alth Ilnll a Patera Powder Lcke. of the greatest security or any safe lo the world. Alan ;41(10,411rd and Parlor Eats, of elegant work tuaunhip and finish ror pinta &c. FAURE'', (INURING & CO.. bails removed from :14 Walnut stomt, to their new .tore. No. edu Chestnut 14., limb) whore the largest assortment 01 entiteelli the world can be found • FARREL. II &AMINO A CO. 1129 Chestnut street. (Jesus's Hall,) Philadelphia. Mar. 16. 1850. , • • Tits Rowng AND roan Kortostoss.—As perfect health Is the pirateSt hTessing that we can enjoy, without which all other Nonstop urn of little, , connequonce; we deem It of great importance to point out the way fur you to en Joy It. The bowels, mum' be kept In a abate by which the, nie enabled to marry off the nocless,,malter...,they Mllli hes appointed to , tussle ell'ecery thing. tint In unneeessary.. And ir In im p to tell what a tar a amount of olcknens ban boon e.,usod b' contlpstion, or rostlvenent; in other womb'. by not keeping the bowel! regular It is the menu rood to all dishonor; It is the CllllBOlO unnatundinitotion Male mucus, or lining membrane of the bowels. liming lost their natural strongth, the./ camn.t oiled to - ..what required of them Ileum, the bowels become lutionted. and .muss you find 'aspeetly 'relief, a thounand .other. oomplahtto are ever ready to drag you through mien' able Mid wretched finch utedlcinsta must'be given as'will dense the stomach and boliollt;and Contort , their enthral ntrength.- To'accomplish'tfilla- there in no , pound no. valuable'as theme, rill; nit other. medicines, altsk to utter luslgnilleance When compared to them:— It imams as though the Author of. Nature has:deisigued them:for this dh Well AR' other ' Erma two, to five pills et day will 'lttorenne stougth and ;Impolite., and eleonne.the stem:Melt and httentlues from whatever. ilr. - ,fifirmealvidlan.itoot • Piller are nold , rhy 011 nm In thedichten. '• 4.14 trar'ltind tlio . verl /Nap '../4wer-Inusparator; .-• •>. . .. . . ,( ;.' p4t 0ni , ,,,,, hi ,Irii,g, yr this thatraAalnly analotly. nib ' .thol its IltNeWl.l , l4ll lilie' , l4ll4 to he Ifin only tynet 4 4l3 , hr•tlll , B4a, ' on.lll,e c rim: .1.1,114n1yr or rattline.lll,l . 1 heph f Ills iwt.,..u5... - lo weltle avtlan ,ii. ) etp•to ity.tplii, ;' 4 ‘ 44 . 4 .1111th0i1th pri114141 . 4 e.petially Ihr.ihn .pnivill. , n . voting 141,1.1111 y xlll Hi round of.pialithtnntili to all ' • norgons tunneled with neck twea. or, whore. nervous - nyPtem . ll4B bean la o.t t.b31...f fainttCred 1 . 0011 any en u.• whiitoGr: ..The Al tle pat lout.' chime phalin'el, FEIN • lost. h.,, ~.,*....1' an g eilllVeltihy. 1 1 .4,11 Into Hills sua - , taloOlL , loonnit In eel ~ et. l l by It 'single 4 . 0110444 44t the . 4.4;4 4 4 4 1,44 . 11h00ry. len, ,1141-401Strie hold re•aeilithea'll., o ...relit 11 4 1 , 1 44 :ii . 1114 . 43444 ',lnto 140.1'11111413 which inns,,, 1,,,i1, 4 0, 4 1 4 4 hut .17A to 1.1444 sulh•ror.,. whila lib. ollientlt e . . otzaoln,ttbill was Wri1,r....1 lint n o t trn , rg. lateo-re,un . /I.n . 4111 whlle..l non raronitl9o , rea ball la the cystic., . - tb, 6:1010 or sironatll, , retblly and 110,11 th. .__ ....Nom-to a oy.ila rt 44: thu 4 nun try by 01,111. floc 0.1_1,1'711.,_ --- trig, Ittliree.,.:r:l'll - :c. -- 11 V.Nt l rl'; - 11 , 1•1..haninini,: - .t,,,, , -,---in,i.n,nqg-mir”,reoiiFtrm;--$l-r-tv,,,ic---4.5-i-6,:0r0." • All otiters'a 3 o mere India Inns, and should he avoided you wish to escape rWuru. . • 4/ BAY, I, hit ; OR i(USI Y Dyed instantly. to a' beau , lllo and butuntl . 111.(2 a or Black, without the . least' lojury.to flair or Skin: , - • ' •• • vi.n...1,A MEDALS — AND DIPLOMAS have been awarded to Iym. A Batelle or since 18M). Mid over'lo,- -•• Uod opiate:looos have beet' meld to Onyillalr'of hitt - pa Arooa . • IYAL.A, BATCH r:IAIIPS4I-i7lt produce net to be dist I optislool • from nature, and la warranted not to lof ore in the least, Ismail, long it may be rell• Untied. NMI the ill affects' or had Dye remedied; the flair 1111;14.r:dud For tire by this Splendid Dye i• ,)lade sold or nlq,lied (a ,i 1 primer rooms) et tha Wig I ncrory; 233 11,llery, Air .York. Sold to ail eitiossaild towns of the United States by_ prog.tisr.ltllll•Paney-tivcois - ItenierS, Iho Dortuitle iris t h e tikme and address upon a I. eel plate engraving on lour-sides hf each ilex of . ... • 11'ILLIA31 22-i Broadway, New - York: C-4' Sold by Jiro:Wilds Ll -CnrlfFle. • 1)11. '('ii N'S I Ll.' • lirepa rya .tiy Cornelihß i • lo ' eseiihin. 11. It. york 11;tty. The eyinrinntlolt tide 11110 ore resuit i i ii Ilmg• and C The) ore mild I•L their liperallieh. .111.1 ICI iricgoluritieFt etro it rein , riti,ill,; l lPortirtienik - whetlierfreor obi or 11.1111,1)10 ' , tan pllik./31101 0 , 1411 heait, 011:110, ni 010.,11.yhterici, ft ti en, rtil In the :(e.:lllFt. tilled ;deep • whit:ll:id, fr:oit litteri•uptimet ht nntitre.. • To t I lii LA r.s. Chi . .olllllll'l , . Pill. roe' They will dieted, nu ti n t totoolth period with rillitierity ,- ,Jeolles who have been dlFapppintrd in tho WC Of Pd6rt"j"ullF will piney the iitiowiteotiihieneelo doing all.that they. represeut to 40. ~ ~. li.f_l: ~,,.,.,..~ • IVirraote,l purely ve,etal,H. and tree , from any .to.plieit directions. whirl] Kitou, •t 1 to rood, :roe onp toy e tell box Price yll :cut fill en. closio,fl• :Inv outliorir,tioLtent. nine Drug. gist lo every too, In tho tin' led States. 4 " K. 11. IIIFI•lall\IIlletiond Anoint for 11,0 ?trates. 16.5 l'hooll•ers, St.. New. York, to iltom all order,• sly miti be addressed. • ' lIA N•N VERT •F 1! , ; • t.V, Wltolesalo And ItetalidAgrAs, . ilorrW.urg, 11: J. Ito Ceirlisio, Pa. • ' , •,,, ell by • • • DM ,I,EI"B. It "MICA 'PA IN EXTRACTOIL—• In all ' diseases 101 l itmustioultiore or loss predendostes -eau to allay itifiatomation. spites at the 'root, of disease— helm, 161.1 ittimediatu core. Ibillev's Magical Pain Ex tractor, and heiblou else eye ill allay hillaulination at 01150.115 d make it i•ertale 1).11.1.1,1"S 11 %tile li. PAIN EXTRACTOR - will cilia the toile., lux ameng n. great c.,ataiti4ou or diseases: Items, Scalds Cuts Cha4w. SOTO' P 411411,4 ("orris. lieu ' Itla; , :', ll, Ulses. Pelson. Chllbinha r Sei,fulti Ulcers. Fever felting,' Ear-ache. lilies . 'S. re Hies ti.ott. Sw . ellings Rheumatism. Scald !lead.. Salt Rheum. Baldness I:rysinchis. "Itigrrtrm; Barbers, Itch Small Rash. Ac., ar. _ soot, It urn np✓eer itteredUl.U4 sh3ssro many ills.- 5001.0 ah , nlld u , reached by nee article; such sii Id A -will ea 'hill -ellen relived... 1.1.. ts to the fart, th•tt the 5,155155 'M.N.:aI./I of ioureditionts. each and every one applvlint a perfect antidote to its oomisite disorder. “al kw's Ilagleal Nin hxtrtrterin Its effects is magi cal. beer ma- the time Is skirt betveen disease and II te , routiim.t - ,iire: and 1555 .05 tracipr. as it draws. ill Mail:v.4o out of the telectml.teict. haviog native astierfect _us before the Injury.. •It.f,carvely nereasary tosay that no house work situp. or zunhufactory alfouldhe one nee. snout wit! ..... t It. tractor hi lonulno unless tho'box has upon It n xte,rl plot • ungenvillgi with the awtoui or Wort Illanurhetumr. Foi pilo by nil the Druitzlete and patent medicine &Mere ilirniiOnini thu UnPod States and Cenadas. _ l!iiiielpal.tkeptA,lllo Chtunbers SI., New . , linv 17 '5B-Iy. v 11,11- 1 1 01(1 KIEFFIIII, Cerllolo. Pa. CA It Libb R PRODUCE MARKET. Reported weekly for the herald by - Woodword d. giehmtde. _ FLoutt Bott 011ie, per 1.61. $ 0.25 ' do. Extra, 4 ,: do. - 0.60 do. Family do. ' 6,75 RYE do. ' - 3 76 WHITE WHEAT, per bilidiel ' LAO Itco d u do. ' .1,40 RYE' 'doßO . . COON v , do. 75 OATS!. do.. 62. CLOVERSEED (ID . 625 TIMOTIIICSKIND ' do. . 2:0 0 SPRING "WILEY do. ' 60 to 55 WINTER BARLEY . do. 00 to 05 On thn lrth ult.. HARM' F.. Infant ann Of lienre and Ellxabe'ltlinlght, aged 1 year. 6 'numbs and 21 da3 Alas! haw rhangi ii that lovely (hirer. leb 1)10 o”ed oz.d elteerkt oar heart, Fair fleeting enplll , lt of no boor," How 040,11 wo'n, railed to part. Tn thts.lrtrnugh, on WI d m,d,q hurt, ADAM CROUSE' aged Fa years. MENEM INI U. F j f`rt . r 1 8 11 3 1 A P r i t t if S :4lo l :4 l l l ly 3t S o n I A I D A N Y . and ,ATIT ft PA V. Fth and Rh of Awy. - •4141.• Offletree I ) ) 0 O . K AUCTION, • WM. GOULD a; SON. now 11. F'ronrlisath anon h t•nlo ut Bonk., Mann:wry nud hold at our Au Alon Room, on = We tn..° plcheure LI nennunclint !hie en the largest and heel Neleete.l Much ever offered to the citixene of Cum borlaiel county. It. P. FRENCH, Auctioneer. CarilAter Ann 0, 1959.' 11. Keilll . ollAl4l.. Arent.' )ISS()LUTION'of SAVhi PARTNERSHIP. both° Is hereby Oren that the firm of Sheraer !VlM tier Won InFtiolVtd li. mutnnl 1111101 t eh the first day of '• M A pill. MU .MI perso s knowing them/cell es Indebted to said firm, nie • °quested lii make Immediate payment `either to •John 11. S.haelier, at Craighead's mill, or to Joseph Hither. Jr, residing In ('arils e. on South street. mou.o Nest, ro, or C 6 1 .0 Or first day of May. Ihll9, tr 'immix° their neertuots will be left In the hands of a Ju.the treelleetioe. .101 IN h. 1 4 111LANFElt, Apr, JOAItPII ItlTNtat; Jr. N. A AIeCLURE '"; 01'.1.11 -,—Notice is heieby given to .11 the helm and lianuees tinder the of Philip offer, deteasell. late of hiebiesel township. CUIDIer. land ...linty. that Hasid th ese the hos pre sented liln petition to the Ornbnur Cdurt. setting forth ' that ho hart Nile settlial bis-areount and pout weer all the teenier in his hands to the parties entitled, and praying the Court to- discharge bite ham the trust.— The Genet lone tbird.tuesday the 11th of August next, ri for the parti.es lutere,ted to appear cud .how reuse why the prayer Of the petitioner eheuld mt be ore Med. L. B. OltilET, erk.-ot Or. Cuurt. . Apr.-13. 1860. - • • • '• • ry 0 W.N LO'I'S ArPRI. V ATE SALE. vub,icriper at partite Pate, two Wan b tootte at thn wNgt end or South Otreot. near the Solider Church, ,Thu liihenre2t3.4 NI hi front by `llOloot - lxv dopth-ond , wil • her told siliiiroto - 61..10ge thoroi woobnot cult porebotors.... . Soreral Uh6.lro fruit trout luiro tiotn Met nut, some of which' will boar this poor., For Irrtos upply to • , E.. It, 01. A it& Carllloe Barracks. Carlisle. App ; . 6, 11139, ,Onto Editor Eurlisto 116rultE kit it VE S ANI) 11 A 0 lt; !mule llockori,) . PIANOPAOTORKIIP OP ;).VO . UERREUTYPE, 'Pi - lob:km P lIIC, , , , , No 10§. North AcYfth aiieet, above Arch, Apr. 0,1859 . or 5,14.1111, iota undiug on filo 1414 tve.fe,..thy of Frl.m ry: the serouni NeS , l o ll , begintling on -the twig' I limsday rehrualy, and ending on Om firpt.Wedwgday.ut_,luly TLR.,M S Matt!. Wnaldniz.'lolll6o,.l:. ono.tnralibed, 11111 i h. 10 ./ kr : 4 1.10.i. II ! • a3l. oo Day atlndunt ‘s 111 no received nt $lO. $l2. and $l5 gm .rdlug. to tholr ad rallilnent. - - - No extra .•hargus for Anatol' And modern iringungeo or vocal . Terms ism sessigm'parahle linlf Iti advanr.i. - I'm fur ther Informativit apply to 31u1111. 411. Reese, Proprluturs, Meehnniesbuifi.lll. Apr. 11.1859. lIIST - 01 1 KNINIT - 01 — the SIUS()N: - NEW NEW ❑MUDS! • LE ID rd II &SAIVYI R. (Al their .IVele Store. L'ast Main etreet.) Have just received hem New York and Philadelphia Om most complete and varied noun tntent of DRY thailiS ever offered lit Cat'lislo Et:114..111U everything that in new. and rare in WO and texture. ouch as FANCY, SILKS, in all the vt lions colors ' , erred. ,te ire& ellen., and ha vadere. Non. striped and hayadere. Bl ac k tlik, reittards of new deol.tim. hove and Nun when •d the latest Pails 1,4105, satin striped du I.lloVie eb ths, ' , moth challis American lelains. Organdy lawns, dark and light pounds and beituti ul designs. Travelling dress go , do of the newest make Aroo. n foll stork of 31ourning dress gads, to %Melt we Ins hp particular attention., -211 MLR., SHAWLS. SHAWLS Thjp part of oar mto,k Unumeilly rnautlelo conplmt log of Crape, alit:. ataUu. lo all th varimty of •baden and qua kilos Motu tang Shawim, lam and milk front lire celebrated era) °Hum of (trod e A urplon. New York.— Sun I.:inbred:la blwowerete and l'ltawlm of the newmt stt lex Wurrii lltklUa OF ALL KINDS. Entbro &Jive In Rill Meld, Cullum ahurea Worked joint, twtringm and insertiogs. Vio•'givo great emu to Ibis branch of our Oath, and Iralles will god a very full as sort meat. • 11.)01.1i1 SKIRTS, of the latest Improvements. skirt stspenrtors. a new ae. tide. A fad line of Aleaander's kid 41 0 VOM,I , Itie , ried and sold by atewart... , ele York. Mitts. eli,vro a, d - gautstleteein ever variety. Also. a- lanot stock or the 4 nee eat et. lea of mews and boy's 4,, Ing ceedotere, , , black tun] eassinteree. 110:411.i,Y et a ,:efe cription. i.l this d •partnte t uousu U IN re. hat:been I s. ken - to elec., ,lie various Finds and idles auttable t Mime, s and Child, ens wear. in tart 'air stikk embraces everythlog kept in a first clac, dry goods store, 11:111mr. pumluvwd (hr ca , ll :11,1) mods nu, .aliattjat t a am trig ti,. !w at i.sp n Lim; and n. fu the ricks St Neol, r,/r1; Mid 1•01:111 , 11,111:1. toe Olt: Ilto•pOtrOti t o offer p•sperlor in Luse, .1 it at tt salt is nit nattlithmtins pi stir wt. beGnr sing elowtoterc. tsr at Idea (Ivor us oven It hitt Apr. 11, lba.. • Pater Hangings : Hai er Hangings ...x...\ CHEAP PAPER II ‘NOINGS. . ° CUE kj . PAPER HANGINGS. CGEAP PA PER HANGINGS: AND OUR --; • ---- ELVInIENZEDPAPER HANGINGS, PINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINI.S. ,FINE GLAZED PAPER . HANGINGS. FINE GLAZED PAPER HANGINGS. AND ALS• DUR RICII GILT PAPER, HANGINGS. . HD I' - A - PE El NO IN G S- --- ItlGll GILT' I'A.PER HANGINGS. , RICH GILT PAPER II •NG I NUS • • And WI:. i 1 •W • PLItS id I,lrious KW, In turret the nubile that oar meek er Paper Ilnngln . e , in the largeat and most sailed urn Alma t twin. iTehect In earliam, and that wenresel/b.l.:ut priree that alll null wreiyinal), al . I.l'Nt. ' Math Hanover et rarliale, - where you ran hr furninhrd at all Owen ;with t • ebb__ Varnish, Au, of the best quality and at Ilia towel prices • bang 1%1 01V AND RE A IN -1 ' "1 " 613 Market aired. Philadelphia. • Where Farmers Way sou :and jiwbps f.r thetundw, between. SIX 1mnr.90,*69. OF TIIE BEST • 'COIBINED MACIIINES NOW IN USE! Awl purchtp.6 the Machine • f their •-huh u. Lh.N 6 PAr6.31(1111:. Apr. 6. 18691—am 'CZ 31arket , Piffle. 1,•I 1M i 7 0 1.11 31 1, S OF I'll I±l .141 UR II .it hvi tn% 8 AND !IL WNWOLID 01.01MENCE JANUARY ? ISZAP. . . . Per,Onn. For tiny one of the four Reviews, 4-8 eit For oily twti of the foul' Reviews. .00 I "7 - 00 For all four of the Reviews, - 800 For [loe , weiors slngazino, 8 ( 0 For Blickwoofi Writl PIM. 'fellow, G 00 For IthiektViiiitl and two Reviews, • 700 For Blackwood ond'three Reviews.. 9 (10 For Blackwood nod four Reviews, • 10 00 Money current in the Stain Where tasuett °will GA received at par • , • . discount or 'Wonky tlro'ger Cent. frsm the price will he iiiiitee4 teklubs ordering inurro. tinge cork, 01 r.ny one or more of the abo‘W works. Thus.: Four cr,ples Mack W oral or , mr, one lieview, olp -141.t.' to one ad• dress lin pi - Pour tooloe untbo• four iteriews and Hhirkr wood fot slll.li soil. So ou , ilruitthavires 'should *loops bit oddrosood to, the t'ubliNtiors." • •, \ • . - I..huNA.lll) S'CoT'T Apr; O. pOtt 7 -It .. : No. frt tioklt4,- New 4. ( int 1) . 41, T 1131) fur web r e-: cured Jiallguouls. Into Ir. or Opp. • • • '2 • ••••• • - 1 11 " -2 ; 1461 4 - 7 „ • =ill=M!l 1: MEM TERMS it