pOOIMIOLISN STATE)I.ENT Jul . 1 .., : ,,. ‘ . ~ . . . . SA Mull. Tityrr. JOIIN' Till Affta."ooll All ItAlf A 3 .11:):41.tilt. Enquire., Dlroctoil. of,tho Not and u! the-- 11ouge of Employment. It the, Couttiy of Cum.. + hot !nod, ill xecount with xld coulo, Orom ‘. thu llKtstililuy of .Idonairto the thirty. . .' Brat day.of Dectinbur, K.l). Ihrd , . •' . ...DR. : 4 . . Call, roeolved froin County ,Troisuror, ' s§.ono O'i Of John ll..l:ofefrin. ' 0(3. 3f. 3featiß FT 11, g rit Laughlin, MENZINCI= Of R. Sootlgriss. o.r ore or H. Smodrrars for 2 yrx Oh JO oro,43.l.lerson,for-umi-of-Mrs-linettle, 74-00 For Pdtatoes. For drove ',stun., =I For talloiv From hock for use, 'FOrsundrlim, " '-'--------- - - Payment - nfltitarost - on - dowerl - n - Insortir" -- " Mrs. O'Brien: an land Turchns_ed_nrA„, ____:__ : -------- litrffWariiii - G27 --••-•. - .- `f - 91 - " ---- ' Oroceries'and riterchandizo, • 2,358 40% • ' For out door fill 01)64,, - ,779 oti Tailor ing. Silllom3kl rig and !Tatting,: ' 317 11., ' • Out door funeral es purism+, 120 35'; - For loatbur, ' . • - 338 51 ' •• For stork, . ' 1.1:10 75 For State (lunatic Asylum, ' 331 80 . Cato.taldn's fors, , • . • 91 50 -.^ ' Wood and Coal, , • . • 31ormy advanced by .7. Squfor,'Esq., ' Fill .1. _:..:Ylaterials - lbrAtroriffarin,_. _' ',. 'l2 160 2 Pasts and rolls. ". ' • 13g 25 Nat and rail flume making,. ' I r 38 90 • -DrugA and medicines. . 85 . 67 ' • Out door medical old, ' . • 111 00 ' Illockstnithlng, . • • . . ' -91 02% Lumber, - , • - - - 9017. . • Grain,' Flour and grinding, ' II 01 likddlery,`-......._, . . , 22 43:;..4, . • Cat'pontor work; ' " 29 68 t ' , 'Tin and copper ware, . . . '5O 28 1 4 Hardware. . ' • 121 00 .....---.______Wagonniaking, • ---.' . ~,y22 ;15 7-, ` Coopining, . - . ' . ' r. .4 00 Paid Franklin county; use paupers, 10 00 Fralght, N , -• , . • .. .13 20 ' lilason work, -_ _.....3 2 011__ ___ 20 00' 55 00 20 60 , 541 '2 05 - 15 95 • ' ' 200 • 637 00 75 00 (0 00 30011 27 00 1 50 '6 00 , CooiE stove. . Cutting Castings, Sundries. • •. •. • Travelling expense., Postaec, So., . .1. Lobarb's salary, lir. S. D. Zehrlbr's salary, .Tactib Sq'nler. Esq.. Treasurer.__' Thomas M. Esq. Attorney. V,. Onrornatt, extra pay an Director, .1. Trimble. extra pay as Dlreetur,.. B. Litt, extra pay as Director, Jndob Snulnr. Fsq . Troncuror of. the Poor Mum and . 110u4o.pf Vaordovinent.ol...Cumborland_enunt3..lo no. count with witli tip, Dirert6rn 01 , said I institution ,_froln - tlinlst dtty Tif "January 'to dlst - day of Po'Colubpr, IS6B, Inclusive, viA.: • Ili i llee'Ll..fmm County Trfaxurer,. $9,000 00 From .T. [Alm.ll, Steward, from dilTerent • --- sources as exhibited In the foregoing • a taterden t, • . , • Cit. • By ennh !mid on Dlreetors order., Stock On (lie farm,of January, -1859 ..-• - - . . . 7 heed of Wines. 2 colts. ]5 cosyn, 1. yoke 0f.0ien.' 4 ..4 ' • Nt.iors 1 bull. 5 heifers. 2 polypi, 7 ' , hoop, 1 boar, 2.11r00d ) . . poen, 3 sho.its, and Pi pigs. . . .. , .13,eifj'ork; Mtilion_and renkfalloned and ,ed on the form. in 18'38. 23.1341eveR. , 3werwe weight 4 , 3; lbs. (157F.0 Itis.) 2t boo. averwr wri¢ht 195 Iwo 18 is.iv e , welzht 130 Ih.. (7)) lbsJ 13 sheep, nv.,325; a elzlit 47 lbs. lbs.) nuthittg 111 all 21.),64 Eirmin?i Wm - sits—on : lHr firm, Is! January, :\ R, 1 brood not 1 altrrow radio. I :Anon W:o.I.J11, 110 , 1, 'der.. 1 sorL mot oar! •rlI olio hors, norrott liar. nor.. 0 plow, rr “IP., I 1 1141 IVO, t1,q1141. • plr.w.. I thryllin oti.l horror Tor, or, I "fitioriog tolll, I mot ',horror. oig slue,,;. 1 griorwl roger, log eh ilos, rhi rret r,i row e, sot it orognri sot of plot roars. I F . 4 0r1..1111.11.er 01101 1 , 11,11 eriog who , Irrorrooor. I cah'it knits, r, Cr 141., - 12 to.orrl rig 0.711105. 2 toottoorrs.;i onovlarrs. picks 7 • awl n vorlory of loorrelogloolo. Also. spoiler. • ra'nes 1'0r.1.11,,e6 stiato Mond s.l. Y. n1.13,11F,,.50.. • - &heck! s ait•;tl y al t rprrrettl.i ,;./. (he form fc,r 1858. ' 900 I . OIIIOA of -h4t-,..21.0f rye. 1500 of eorn. 050 041,.5500( p0t00r,..12, 1 4. of clurerveed. I_,lCtimothy_ fiscd..aundeso ,loids I if. ha. ,'2O Mods of corn fodder, toad of pumpkins. raised 30401.1endp of cabbage, good.. of cueumbers,.ls bushels of turnips. 20 of tomntues nod .bonus. 20 of parsnips. 25 of red beats, 30 of onions. Hatittfactiired ,and n±an'e in the hOuse and ahop . . 189 shirts and - cliendsO, -- 45 comforts, 63 aprons, 50 frofkr, 37 shirts, 39 shoota. 22 cans, 153 holsters, 20 sacks. 10 bonnets. 30 stockings footed.l4 chair bags, 30 towels, 121 pillow canon. 35 immUterchlofs, mode 40 bs - role of soft yonp, made by a p roper 40 rests, 20 pair o pantaloons, 2 coats, 10 pair drawers. undo In the• chop 4 now wheelharnms 2 new pies, 0 spittoons, donef2d worth of Blacksmitlling. • Number of paupers in the Institution on .let of January. 185 S, of which 20 were colored. 112 Number admitted up th the 31st of December, • loss. of which _t were colored. 207 Maltlin-.OM whole number through the year, Of which 12 Mod. 7 bound out, 162 Jisrhnrged, 181 Leaving the number of paupers In the Poor , Ileums Inc of Jauunry, 1059, of which 34 are cnlm•nd. . . Out door piupers aupported'at public expense ' through the year, • 25 Whole number remaining chargeable at the end of the yalr. 163 Of th ‘se remaining In the Poor Rouse 31st De. cemtper, IKSB, there are Males 81, of w bleb to aro •rolored, Females 57, of which 1$ are colored, Au] •L 5 out door paupers, There are as near as ran. be ascrrta' ned 5 under . 1 yeer,,t) from I to live, 11 from 5 to 10, 0 from 10 to 20, 21 from 20 to 50. 25 from ;PI to 40. 10 from 40 to 50, 14 from 50 to 00, 18 from GO to 70, 12 roan 70 to PO In addition to the alum.. 1582 transient paupers or travellers Imo been received for short periods without regular orders. We the Directors of the 100 and of the House of Employment of Cumberland e.mhty, do cortify that the ahoy., and foregoing statement contains ajust and true exhibit of the Instil utinn-duritm the mirlod above sta. n_..... , ted. according to tit; i..est of our knowledge. ' ‘' • (liven under our hands and the seal of said SL " , orrice, lid 1 a Ist day of January, 18511. ... --- 6 —' SAMUEL.'lltirr,. . 4 JOHN yitimpLE, A. 130SLElt, .... Iliam P. Lyuch, • Pet:client PLUMBER and OAS FITTER, in the baeement of Me M. E Church, Hain Street, CarlialE'''' , o Lead and Imn Plpee; Cant Iron Sinks, Hydrants, Bath Tubs, Hol A Cold Shows's' Baths, Oath...Boller& W der Closets.. I Wash Force end Lift Pumps, 113 draulle haute, &o Wro't Iron Wol'd Tubes, • And every description of cocks and fitting. for gas, .toast. water. Sr: Super': r cooking ranges. itentuesand gas Ilatnree put up in Churches, stores and dwellings, at short ithtfre: to the most modern style. All materi als nod wort , lu our line at low rates and warranted. • ik.a- Country work and Jobking promptly attended to. Mar. 23, 1851.1-1 y UNI/8 AND SH ADES,. _LI • • Chenp for Cash " B. J. WILLIANIS. • No. 16 NOrth Sixth fired, Philadelphia. • Is the largest manufacturer of „ • Window . _ linds, WINDOW 'S HADES; • Of every-sorlety.--.lthisflwor4lnatorotallthuw-styl and has a hue stark to be sold at reduced p}h•es. Buff, and all other colors of linen shades, trimmings, flxturos, &c. titoro shades painted to order. . '0 r,„9,,. IL.I. W. Invites cltleens of this ennui} , to call before ourcliesthu and assures them he run tell a het• ter article fur the nu ney thsu any other umabllshment . lu the United Shyer... Mar. 23, 1111.9 .; l Olt SALE Olt RENT The two,tory Mick Muse on Lou. • leit'iP • Chen, Clerk• in f..r rent, !roin the lit of Arrll next. .if,ply to 44- J .:NO. . Mer. 9, 11159—tf PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE • COMPANY. OFFICE NO UTII I:AS2' CORNER OF 31) . and Dock streets. Philadelphia.'. - - A 2.1.1111 ULA CAP TAW $71L,000. • Charter- Peipitt tN 146 E. JIIILLCit, President. "•• • SAMUCL hi STOKES, Vice President. —.lenx-WallongsaTdec . • •• —. The understood, having been appNtited the Acieici• for the anovin Company, for Cumberland county, would call attention to the p,culter advatita,;es of the Myron. Lire INSURANCE which gives its decided preference over any other mode adapted. There being no Makin:olden, the !milts are divided among the pulley holders, and appropriated to reducing. the ,pon mai_ payments, Maui gialiing - anktfialie" haterested, equally with the Trustees, In adding to thabustness of the company. - The premium may be pail quarterly, ownt annually, or annually, so that persons of, limited weans can in- Nitro for a greeter amount, than they could whore the whole premium is required to be paid cosh. s. - Circulars ,witle lullegartiedhirs ran be had cra applicis Mon 'l4 the sdbierlber, et his dam, MAW street, near the Ealiroati depot. A. L. SPONISLER, llsol Itstate Agent and Conveyancer: • Carlisle, Mar 2J, 18511-11ui , . . 4 44 -00 0 WA. ST:PIP-Z.6M :WO . Se;. ... „ t arcl4,l Judgiunuts. Hrvidr•netl.to , kklitur. J ~ .[Skr. 24 1169,1,,_ =I 10. 19 fG 110 EMI 47 21) 19 84 $8,600 41j4 MEI $3,63u 44 Will open n.eloFo In Writing. nnlnirdny liio 11th of Morel: : at Martin's . 110.0, on Main street.- : , Irs..tl give instructions - to ladles and gentlemen. Also nmtrl',•.i-la'h'F, ho May desire to Improve their writings m-they-haVe-nn opportunity of-ro•- coiving Inatruct lons Loin ono of their own sox. There• fo It is hoped.they will Improve the present opportu nity.- Young fadles nod' Misses be receivedat any hour through the day, t - • g - Mrs (1, will mark gentlemen and :adios' pocket handkerehiefs with 11.1.111,1 u Ink, very µtally—Alm . , beddlnd for Iktels., soil private families• Terms or Tatlon-114 lessons, $2.511; one half in ad• calls. 41 the etaw of the term. $8,630 44;1 WI: talio tide nAird of Informing - our friend,. nod etir grefl tin° ;mewl...tent .;f , ~,,, 1859 of Inter, i 1,11., are ti,poctfully•ltsslted to call — and csnrnln. our Also, twr. tints , bibs wnsts4l to learn bbs • 11.1IIV K. Al./111 SOUlli Wes/ Corn,. of ifttnore,. 'in , / LOW/ter 'ale, Mut, Is, I I• 169. MEE • f VSSOLUTI(.IN. OF PARTNER ii . .f . EII I I..—Tlio .partliemlLlp IleilloP,ro existing tin• der the name nil lino of Ueclit nmi 'sup, IS tin. dny • mittuAl Poto-olit. All imrsono knowing tln , inAolm4 Indebted .w 111 wniko Ilium:Akan poymv,st to 1 either of the .underslgoul. s- AS-BAIGIIT, SPIRELING AND GRATEFUL AS WINE OF GRAPES Tory effective in diminishing profuse' elpretoration, In relieving cough lizitt promoting n' healthy. condition of the tirgints-oi-respirat len. •• • .. Pint betties, 3i34. routs. - Made by ..... nunitEra„ •_ Pharmaceutical Chemist. .. 1410 Chestnut at., Phila. SEED AND FAMILY USE, The beat and most prolific ert:r offered in the New York or Philadelphia Olarkets. I mu now prepared to till orders for all kinds of Pota• toes selected and put up expressly fur seed Or family use, of the following varieties: PgAcir ItLown. good. PLUG MERCERS, " WRITE MERCERS. MACK . MERC , IIII. good Woon Se:rowan PRINCE A LIIERTB. ILATX PINK Eros. Fox Eyes, good. They are raised In New York and Now Jersey nod are W.- I RRANT ND PURE, ~, 122 UM The Peach Blows Potatoes yield from 200 to 350 busk. Ms to the Arbil,. to be planted 3 1.2 feet apa it, two cute. to the hill, one eye to each out. and vines will grow Mx:'. •teet long. When belled the writer must be poured haler° done or they will Mack the same as ilose. titeatog or roasted Ix the beat way for cooking. . The Black Mercer yield., the same an Peach Blows, and planted about the ba 11 as ordinary potatoex. The usual potato culture will answer for all the early varieties. The Early Mountain dune ere the first In New York market. for salr by 11. 11 Alt KRESS, Carli , le. Pa., oppoAte the l'oet (Mice Feb. 9,1859-2 m par -NEW LIQUOR STORE! Foreign and Domestic Willem and Liquors,(plum and unadulterated.) for sale at wholesale and retail, by the quart, gallon, barrel or larger quantity. BRA N DY. tc"g'P" Ginger, and all the other choice brands. • ~T. r ~, ~ . (Macielra. Pr• orl, (pure Opo VY I a .6 J to.) Sweet Malaga, Se, of . . the best brands. , G I NS. . Holland, (genUine.) Wolf'aScheidaut ikhuripps; Lc. RUM SPIRITS: New England, he ' {Pure Jamaica spirits. .... . . MEI= Mim.lignheln metifl^l.l; old WHI:":KIES. pla'pnginwcol'69elrddlVlltti old! old!! old II I nye, el / c ' .reklucoct priers. Fo'i.' Medical and all other purposes, al •• . KIEFFER S, •-• Wholendo . and .Itetall Drug., Chemical, Confectionary Fruit. Toy, Tot/arra. Liquor and varlety,eitoro. Our pet triennia looltion In youth Ilanoser Wert, dl rcctly oppoidte .11atinfou'e Hotel. and adjoining C. .1n• bre. Or..atry Bture. • F.+ 9 I KO. Ay ,AND CAP EMPORIA:TIII.- 11 .1. O. CAI.I.TO & CO.. eurcessnrs to Wm. 11. Trout would announco to their t•ustnmers and the puldl. generally that they have Just-received from Dhllatioh phin. a laruo nod elegant etch of ;roods, In their line al IntoluntaLttLexery_lurlety,etyloand-ti twiny. o • They hare ou hand a splendid assortment of • HATS AND OAPS, . ' of all th , verlntlnno, front the continuo Wool to the &teat FUR AND SILK' lIATS; and at prleett Wm moat mull every ono whit has on eye to gelling the worth of Ills money. Thulv Sill,. \lnto Sltht and Beaver Hats. are unnurpasted for LID lITNESS. DURABILITY AND VINIAI: ity those of any other eatabllshtneut In the eduntry. of sirry frarriptlon roratantlyntOhnnd nay respectfully thrift, all tba, Old 'patrons and On - navy now 01100 an possible, to give them a call. a. U. OALLIO ii 00. rtl I:!I1 I)ISSOLUTION, Tho , pr.trtnership lierototbre ealsting• between Simon Arnold and t. Livingston, trotting under iho firm of ARNOLD & Li INGSTON, woo dissolvud by mutual consent on the lOth inst. Tho books and accounts of the firm nrs •in thu hands of I. Livingston, to whom all payments must he mode on or heron, the first day or %lay next, an After • thal dote, the books will, be placed In tho hands. of a Justice for collection. Cnylit!lo, Jitii.l9:s94m N. business will he condiicted at the. old .I.3,IYINtISTON, Ache Rill•endeator- by-, , strlct ettuntiont - to merit n continuauce a the patronage heretofore extended to the firm. • 77- A. -. 11. - FRANCISCUS, • .ivo 291 Market Street, Philadelphia, Penied., R . REPS the largeat end beet necorttel Mack of CARPET Yarner Wadding;' Cotton Lape; Twines, Cinicrlet Yarn, Bed Cord., lingo in 'CAL Twine. Indigo blue Twist. mould Lamp. Ca 'die, Camphene, Laid ned • Fluid Wieke, In • the City. Alen, a great variety of Ely Neta. which be offers at' manufacturers' Docent cash pit we. Neb.!), 1657-3 m , • • . , . SLATE 1 'SLATE ! ! SLATE l• • 1 IL •, .• .•• .." SLATE ROOPINH.' • .. rim undersigned has a•large ntoek'or roofing Slate ou , hand, from the slate quarries ofJohn Humphries k Co., York county, l'A • and ie prepared to put oan S late root, or thebest watt:dal and .on reasunablil terms. - Please tell rind examine the Slate. All work irarrantaill to be well dune by compaeut mister': 'JACOII.IIItHE3t, • . den. du, 7968—tItam •• • • - ' Agent. • , 1 600 PAIR TIIACE CHAINS, : j with"; lame nsgt.rrotont of - nui"r CHAINS, BILEAST CHAINS, HAIATR CHAINS, ' • • FIFTH CHAINS, • ' TONG,U.E • COW CHAINS, • SPREADS. &o. &c.." -- Jiint - rncelvectat - thErdiiiiiiiliirdware - titlifent • • Nltirch 16, 18E.6. . 'II. 9AX.143,N. 100 TON'S HAMMERED; AND ROLLED IRON:z—With a largo nosortmon ' t, of • • STEEL • ; • • • • SHEET IRON, • HOOP IRON - . . • • . •NUTTS, • : • • WASHERS, . • • • ANVILS; • • . VICES, •,. • `PILES, • ' RASPS, • • . • SCREW PLATES, • . ,I3LACKSMITIT .BELLOWS,.&c 'Just We - Mired tid - fonbisle . chniipor9hi n ever. at - March IS. 1869. 1110,1SY SAXTON'S. PAINT AND 011..9.-16,(100. pounds. of Whito Load, with a inrgoVortinont of .01LS, ' IVIIITE ZINC,, , COLORED'ZINC, TURPENTINE, , 111113 PROOF JAPAN, • - PPE, E 'TTIIARDE, °RED LEAD, • . W.II I TING NMI GLUE, PAINT BRUSITES.&c. And - nlFrolori - dry - tiniTtnlill: — Alreidora to tubes just revolved at the cheap hardware store of • r Mar. Id. 19fiD. - .11k;NRY SAXTON. PLOWS.—Just received d of tim York 'Moir. nlAo. some end Znigleen woke on baud: .Englo,ploirn soiling at cont. at HENRY SAXTON'S. • filarch 16, 118119. • SHOVFLS AND SPADES.—Just re • oplred•n targd aßsortment nE_SPADES, *SHOVELS, FOlt KS, BAR KS, 110EF: • MANURE HOOKS PICKS, ArrOCK b.c., at the cheap hnrihenro xto:o of, Nor. HI, HIM). HENRY SAXTON. STATE NOTll'li.—Letters-of Ad 4 .. .ktolnistratlon oqq tho catafe of .losephKrall. latwor Upper Allen township. &reamed, have Isms ISPIIO by the-liegiAer- or Cumberland courty to-the-subscriber residing in the same township, AU persona who are Indebted to said estatearo required to make bronrdlnto panment, and Mos° having to present them for settlement to Mar.l6, 1851:13t.."1 - IIAIL6A ItA IC tIAIJ O Adrn'x. • MRS. CROCKER, . - . - 0 - Fresh Arrival. SPRING MILIANAItY GOODS, t'liurclabwu,LNlttrch 16,-Ugo-4t iVine of Tai Mar. 16, 1859.,1m POTATOES! IiAiILY MOVINT'N Jutrem, good !normArr. well ty ]Duce " " ]:TES. CARTERB, good. novoit one ilEAnr. Moto . enppor dletllled on( SIMON - ARNOLD, - ISAAC LIVINGSTON . . 00019.11AR3IS'11101.1(1. has i•eituiir' ed hfs elliee f t&theitontliWeat korner of thiriatar & Pont et st where he pia, Le eon - suited at any hourul the day..or had, thirty years, exportenee I t the profession, the last ten 'of whreh have :leen dew. Lek to thstitudy. 'lrad practice , -of ,Ifinioeopeithie ,ute,ll, • „. . . 1 A W - NOTIC,E.•!,-Tifos. M. 13intax 1„4 continues. tho practice of theAteri iii-the alike Ildruerly occupied by lala father, Wm. Al. Biddler•Elni ; and more receutl by the law ilrin of Pen 'in & Biddle, Dec,. 23, !U.] • fl P. Attorney at i.trer. ..-oMco on North' Ilinover stroOt, attloor doors South Oranite Itotel.. - lnintltiims - entrusted to Mtn will be promptly attended : [April altaenanX.4slo, 3 /44.1.a.ai—.4 111„::41 M. IMINM2SE hna The Ca'MarTrilibliriiiierro — iiiiil protnptly attend to all buslneanantrilMinUtafhlta. , ' 'Auguat.D.lB67.... AW OFFICE.-LEMUEL TODD *Li hes 'resumed the. make 'of the-Law. Office In Centre Square, west side, near the First Presbyterian Church. . April 8, 1867. ' TAR: • St:l3: - KIEFFER Office in North Oil:waver street two doom from Arnold A Berea store. 'ollice Ileum mord particularly from 7 .to 9 o'clock A. M.. and from 6 to 7 o:clock, P.- _..•• ' •• _ D E Tom, (laving 'retgroedio_flitrltxlp..ll/tr6.ll2l6.profonslonal ifirrilB36ls - 110 titlionx gunonilly. , 031 co In North Pitt etrxat,xoarlyoppoxlto his former roPl,lonco, i, . • • , . • Torttm—ttudomte. , (Carlfxle, March 31: 2 68. etprll next.' , DR. GEORGE, S. SEA BIGHT, DENTIST. from the "aalujia nt timoro College of'. Dentel Surgery. 'll , ll_olllve nt the reeldence of his mother, Emit, Louth& street. three doors Below Bedford. March 190K9—tr. ' • 'S. W. HAVERSTICK, Druggist, North ll:mover Street, Carlisle. , • * Physician's preseriptionsealefully eompoxiuded A . full supply of fresh drugs guld.cheulleals. " B. J: KIEFFER; Dealer in Drugs, Cheinicaln, Perfumery, Fancy .rticlea, Confec tionary. South .11Innovor -B E-D 141-&- M N•D-1 SHALL North Western Land and Collecting Agents. nirticular attention paid to the business of hon•rosl• ( 1 .. 0 ) curb is baying and selling Heal Estate, loaning • nn. rea en a sociffitles. Paying lases and looking after the general interest amen-residents. References given if required. Adlrees, BEEDE MENDENIIAtt, Minneapolis, Minnesota. - July 21,1859-1 i • rti . T PU B 1,,P). —The iiiidersi , r 7,1- P • - • -edheing well km”My a - wrttor, oiTul• hie ser requlrlim biternry Ito will ft.rnish Addresses, Orations, Kemp- PrisPntation speeches and replies. Lines fir Albuom._Acrestled4—prieparu matter for the Press—Obituaries. and write PoStry - tipon, any sobject - Address (post paid) - nb 17, 1809 • juk,, AN O RZIV 0, fax. M. Jl:fr E 0 Ir. TllO Xt I'3o N, . _lava opened:an_ ante° at St. .Irosoph,.Mo., for the pair chase and once of Itonl 'Estate. buying and selling Land Warrants. entering Laud on Time, eurveying and Map. ping Towns, lemtion ni Warrants, and making invest. molds for noterosldonts, paying of Taxes, and al I,uel ht.ifl purloining to 11.00UOrtli Land Agoncy In Missouri KIMSOS, Notysaka, and - lowa. ev,Ofileo on Second Street, North of A. T. Bo.t.tie't honking House. [July JO, 1830. 1 4 - AL F.' T-A-T. 14; - AGENCY, RE %) v A 6.—A. L SPONSGER, REAL _ESTATE AU E , T, (lON VEY A NCER AND SCILLY EN Ell; bas re. moved to bin New Office on Main street. ona - door weal of tho Cumberland Valley Roil Road Revt. _ -- flu la_npx_portnithently located, end lion on hapd and for solo a very large amount of 1011 Estate, consisting of Farms, of all sloes, Intpnwed and unimproved. 31111 Properties. Town Pniporty of eve& description, Ins Lot , also, WeAtorn Lends and Town hots. 11e will give his attention, rs horetolbre to the _Negotiating of_ Loans. Writing of fleels f slottgagon, IVills, Contracts, and Scrlvonlng - gonerally. • _ Oct. 28, 1857.-If.. . D. L. DEVINY, J DULL. W. C.. RHEEM, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL ~GENT 'WILL glee special attention to oolleetions -throng Ty out tho State. make Investments. buy and su Itoal Kiitato nod securities. Nevtlato loans, pay taxi, 'locate land warranin. „Jtefer to the members the Cumberland County liar, atel to all prominent cit nuns of Darnel°, Pa. • LAug4'6B-15. J .:0r:7477, DR. J. C. NIiFF resp.oot itiW' fully inform the ladies and gentlemen ' 446 . of Carlisle, and vlclultc. tied ho has re• mimed the practice of Dentistry, and In preened (o per. form all operations on the teeth and gums, belonging to his proteasien. Ho trill insert full sold of tooth on gold or silver, with single gum teeth. or blocks, as they may prefer. Terms moderato. to cult the there tithes In filch Street, directly cppositu the Cutulter land Valles Hank qay Dr. N. will bo Newvillo the lent tetedaye o every month. Jon. 20, 1158:-Iy* DR. I.C. LO 0 S South ,Itatioyer streot, . next door to the Post Office. ' " try Will be absent from Carllsto the last ton days of each month.' Fang. I, '55. GEo. W. NEIDWII, Lite Demonstrator orrlpencire,Deollatry to the Baltimore College ol 144e3 trIvr. D lTe r e S a u t r as7,;ldepre, op1•:olte Bart n llau, Best Mato street, Carlisle, Peon. N0v.11,1867. AOSI3IILE OF GEN. WASHING TON'S ACC)UST D e alt, WITH TIM UNITED STATES DUR LNG TILE ASIEIIit.I.AN REVW,UTION. It was b . Hosed that it Poe mum: of his Account of Expenses during the War, in his own band writing, would be acceptable to the American 'people,. and also with a view to allow, how circumscribed wc& the limits of those expemes—how enmity worn the public resourcea —how depreciated anti irregular was the currency of the times, and with what watchful, prudence-he guarded all the Interests of the country at largo —tile /AC-81• mite is bron,tht forth—a tribute to the •• Po mixn or mile COMiTRY heir loom" to his grateful countrytnen and children. • TREASUHT . DEPARTAIENT- REGISTER'S Of/IGE, WASHINGTON, D. C. (tendril Washington's Account of Expenses during the Revolutionary War, In his owu haud•wrltine, Won ills lu this taco :.—ttot'an nosed is a PAC SIMILF.Of It. NOUIISE. Chief Clerk, Register's omen. It Is 4 most curious and important document. and strikingly iltuatrates some very Important traits In hle character. EDWARD EVERETT. -• Every page beat...testimony to the exactness, the Justice and the Integrity of Chia Incomparable man. • • ROWT. C. WINTHROP. fine and approved steel line Portrait of Weeltlngtor Irbound in with the facsimile; the binding I. gilt edged and fine, while within not only Is every letter, Ilan and dot the same, but oven the paper of ;he the. alialle is tinted like the old " luniflaid " paper of the original docuineut—carried for eight years in Its pert. folio CAM and written ou by the band of Washington. Individuals dlemiring the YA0817 , 111.8, by encl.:eine TIIREIC 1101.1.111 s TO the subscrlb 7, will receive a ropy, by pesi•paid. An agent wanted lu every county of the State.. I • lkiresa • ItERALII 11/TICE. Carlisle. Pa. Agent for repin.ylvaula. Feb. 2 185 q Youth and 'Manhood. '" •iJust publhdied, the With Thousand, .4 . A• : t ry, lOW n^ll‘4l lo a settled emelope to any I ,v d u rea:, pest paid, on receipt of three . A ~Itedical L'osay on the physical exhaustion and decay of the ,frame, caused by "self abuse," infection, and the iltirliiollB consequences of Mercury By Culverwell, dl D:,inem. ber of the h'ooal College of Surgeons, 4c illfro-Spermatorrhces or Sentinel Emissions, Genital and Nervous Delathy. Impotency, Loan of Energy. thw premien of vitae. Timidity, Disease of the sexual or gene. and Imp7Sintents to marriage, ars_promptly nod effectually removed by the author's novel .and unt4 successful mode of treatment, by • Means of 'which the Invalid can regain pristine henith without having re. course to dangerous and expensive mefficlues. . • The best troatiou over written on. a enbJect of vital InlOortonee 0.4 U -wel l -worthy the authee.coralted rep• utation. Addrenn the puhlinhern J. O. KLINE d Cn, r Ipt Ave nun. corner Itith street. , Pont fox 4586, New York elty I.;ISTATE - N0T1C1.3.---Lettera testa -1 entnry on flio estate of Arronernil.lnto of Uppo A _4 in llen township. deceased, hare been Issund by the Ito. gloter of Cumberland county. to the subscriber, nodding In the some township. -All parsons Indebted .to sold estate ore tolulreil - to snake nod thoso having claims will prePOtit Chinn for settlement - • DMICUAKt LAMBEItT, Executor. 31iir. g. , 1851:1-6t • . • • • , SQtItACITED.—By.it midalo-.a . ged lady a situation in a" private &rally, to tenth - small childrAn all the English 'branches suited ,to their age ,end capailty. Alm, will asalmt; In a little plain sowing. If desired. -The services rendered, will be considered - as, equivalent far board, es.,a pleasant and tanitettable how In the objealqu view. Will have no objections to , any part of,Canneylvania or auto! , the middle Staten, Ina healthy-location, `Address; ' ••• PORTER. ' • • • Editor of the Carlisle lleraid. *es. 94, 181,9-0 t • - .33iT6tetes ~-~- ~~1'1+~•ca~ I3ANK ERS, FINLEY JOUNSON, lltiltlinore, UIS -Minneapolis, Alinneso 11?rten the Laudon Leech.] w . c'iii,„ . • - :435dii,.4 . 9 7 . , -' . .''. clanAT .INDTJCEMENTS 'OFFER: , TO"ii,ABIt aurzna, MEM 011.P. 1 41 7 , ST011E : of 1.. W. BEETS. . _ Having just rotiirmailtiom the city With Tull- and selected 'stack.' of goads in 'my which Tarn pr spared to scant the lowust rates. .Aly stock conslits L - DIES: DR - E .SS --- Et e Cr • llandsomb styles, colored Pou • e.so • Drene Silks 2000 yds. Black Silks. superior Drandszfrench,3lei I noes, CaShmeres, plain add, figured. all wool Detainee. all wool plaids, Volenelfs,,Coburgs, Vaionelas.• 'Ave]. Madou no: Mous Delssines,'plalu and fig. used; and every variety of dressloods, • SHAWLS: ' ' . Stellas f • Bay_ State • /F.; Ea:7ll'W • • B ROI 1/ CRIES Col ifirs - itnd • • Sleeves,leparato add in setts,' • : Cambric...44"rings; and Insertings. DOMESTIC AND- STAPLE GOODS: Bleached • end unbleached Shooting, all • , • , widths, haneaster a Ingh'etirm, Calictwo, Flannels,: ' Chocks :nod • Linseys. HENS' „ . WEAR" Black French Cloths and Can, • • sinless. Fancy Cassimors.Cassinotts, ^ • ••Jenna. Tweeds, Cords, &c. CAIIPETS: 3 Ply Imperial all onto ' ' Hemp, Ifsme.mado • • end Stale can ' . • pot ft all . • ' • wifiths. MOURNING GOODS t. I would particularly call the attention (WWI persons wearing mourning. I hare purchased a full , /deck of mourning geode, at Buses & Sos's mourning store. Such en, 'Satin do cbenos, Tames.' Cloth, Barpoure, Bombazines, Alma's Fronch - Morlnousi Cash - mores,' all *del lieLolnes. pen C Fels and Prints. Love Toils. Crepe Voils.'•Grape .Collars and Sleeves, and all the grades of English Cram,. • • Purchaserssiro respectfully requeeted to call and ex amine my stock, as Tam prepare , ' to •cilier superior In. fincements, both as to quality and price: , • . • A. W. BENTZ. South Hanover Street, opposite the Post 011ie'', 0ct...16, ' - . GBEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ' I Inive thlc ilsy commenced polling Mr tny entire stork of WINTER GOODS, for ww, at lower prima than MR 110 had at nuy other store In the enmity. Eley,ant Dark Silks, all' wool Detainee, Cashmeres, Matinees, Wool Plaids, Pararnettes. &c., In great variety, Long and square Ilrosha_Shnwls: _ Blanket Shawls. .Scarfs, Flannels, Blankeln, ee.. &c. Ladles and Gen - tlemon'n Merino and wool Shirts: Cloths, CalOlllllOM Canslnotts andsKentweky Jesuut Elognnt Furs. Plain and figured Domains at R, 10 and 12 cents, 64, Cloth frr near-costs, at 3734 nod 60 route: Elegnnt worked Col. lars, Handkerchiefs and Underaleeves. - • CA it vtat irns Most of the goods Isumfit within a few weeks for . the OARII.•'-'l'bee stnek is-therefore large and complete. - - • All persons in want of cheap. handsome and good IMOD:5,0;111 do well to call and examine my stock be. tore purchasing elsewhere; AA I have determined toeoll oft.he stock at such prices as must give'satisfantian to All. Iteniecnhcr" the New Store, Ilamiltun's Corner, opposite theltailleraid - Depot. att.-15-1859 _ . e N. II Bootat nvn Snotlrsolling off regurdleß. or coo In order to dose, out Nutt litAneb amt. butllnesot pwrii II ANO V E It STREETN • CIII , IFECTIONEItY, CAR-LISLE P A , Wholesrileßatee Reduced $2 pd. WO Mi.-. The attention of Countri Merchants end the pub generally-is-invited to a-large assortment'nf CIIOICE -CANDIES, .menufettured of, the' but mate al anti warranted rental. no 1.111011 in their colors, which will be so Wi"leash or Retell at low . rates nt the old stand of P • moNvEn-, . . NORTH 11:110VER STr.F.ET, CARLISLE, PA., • . . A few dnors North of the CArlisle Deposit Dank. •- Just received n large assortment of PRESII FRUITS AND NUTS of the West importnilons, conshitingof • ' Orange,a 4 - .Y.,e mona, . Raisins, - Prunes - Figs, r • Dam- • . , Ibmattnan, • " Pine Apples, Almonds,... - _ Filberts, - Cream NV, - - ' Cocoa Nuts, .4e., all.of which will be sold at low rates. Also,_a_larga_as sortment of AND FABCY..GOODS oral:cry varloty: an -the tont : brands of • SEGAILT A:g1) TOBACCO, of -Aniarlann and German manufacture. The nilbscribor returns thanks fbr tho liberal. patron. Age bestowed on him by the public. and solicits a con. thrum Mill of - their favors. -- .ltenioutber - Lbe Old Stand of P. lkilniYElt, - -North Ilanover Street. =! WATCIIES; IA JEWELRY, 'AN:I) SILVIt L- Stand, West 'Main nearry=t2tlt o e ld elt l ita l l Valley Rank. linvejust—recelvoil a new assortment of watches, ewolry. medallions. Fii ver ware. dr.. In addition to my Mauer stork to which 1 iniito ti; 'atlonito, of tli , ;public. Th e assortment, embraCes fine "—*-- gold and Alter lefor watcher. Hunting and open MI6 do, gold Anchors (or Ladles andtlentlemen and 'liver Le- pltioN nlid 9ultrtior watches of every vti riety in stile and price. .Also One gold Medallions. Breast-pine for Ladles and Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. 'Gold fob, vest. curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets, finger rings, culLpins, studs, sleeve-buttons, crosses. charms. he., he.. Geld and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, forks. table, tea. salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment or gold, silver a ng " ro Z2l V'Poetniavelitnpeoclncluni:tann"- A fine lot of COLD PENS from the beet makers, portent MO% Alley bows, silver and pearl card cases. gold and common bracelets, kretteh chains, Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles .usu• e ally kept in Jewelry oddblishments, which I will sell low for cash. All articles war ranted to be what they era represented. Particular attention paid as 'usual to IVATC/I REPAIRING and all work wur ranted. Dec. 23, 1857.1 CHICK ERING Si. SONS. 4011)EZ) ManufiteLitrers of • ..‘, e - -- 0 GRAND. SQUARE AND 91134* koor UPRIGHT ( t 3 • #inntrYintrs,g PIANO 47 1/NG FORTES, 1801 Cheatnitt Street, Philadelphia ;C'enstantly In store n lame stock of our beautiful and unequalled instruments finished to every variety of style. •tt prime raying (nun $175 to 01000. We have been awarded 3M Mtn and Sturm first class 3lcdals nt the different. exhibitions In this country and Europe, for superior manufacture. A liberal discount made to the clergy and seminaries of laming. Descriptive 11. lustmted catalog°es rent to soy address. July 21, 1858—Iy • WINCH gSTER & CO. GENTLEMEN'S •FURNISIIING STORE, Path Shoulder Seani Shirt Illonufnetory AT TUE OLD STAND, NO. -70 G Chestnut Sired, Philadelphia, °OSUMI'S TOL WASIDNOTON ROOM . . A. WINCHESTER will giro, as heretofore, hie per nutiervlelon of the cutting and ;Ilattufneturlog de partments. Ordern fir hie celebrated style of Shirts and Collars filled at the eherteet new, Persons desiring to order Shirts, ran he supplied with ho formula for mesisurement, on application by mail, Constantly on hand, a varied and select stock of gen. lemon's Furnishing Goods. Am ep: _ W 18 holesale orders supplied on' iberal terms. S. 58. I ItES LI GAME RMS. .11 nye re. ceived..at the Neel Store of the eubscriber, a large 'additional eCJ'ek of all kinds of Grocerlea, freak and cheap Al. Bo-4 ledge and complete supply P .... " ... I '• • of POREION AND D,I)IEBTIC uq. ( 0 /1 , ( 111) 'image( CORR, consisting of very fine old Cog' , vine Brandy, of 13net, Ceetllllon & Co's 1 vintage of 18513 from U. 8. Bonded :rt:, trarobouse, line old Port %laderla, Aluscat. Claret and llaldetck & Co',,. telebrateil 'Chant page° Winer, pure Holland tiln. Stoughton Bittern , very fine old Rye, Bourbon and 31onongahein Whisk lee' Rum, Cherry and Blackberry_prandy,Ac., at, low prices - by WA!. ola J 41119,180, OTICH.- - --A II persons knowing them so,. Indebted to the Estate of Monroe Morrie orserased, are hereby notified to make Immediate pay ment to DIARY M. MbILRIS, • " Administmtrix. • •or 0.?. liumrich, Attorney • Carlisle. Sep. 8, 1858. 01.10061,LEATIMR.— A full as Pottlnent nfr.Morocen Lenillor, birder find Dlnd ante. Boot Trees, find A full usionnioot Bhus Kitt find findings of qlt kluds. • JOHN P. LINE & SON, NOrth Hanover Street Oct. 27, '6B . . rOtt - R - 1 1 .1N1% - - - - ---- .Seventt - Brialutioiviei , ou North street. to rout, Inquire or It. It:SHAPLEY, Corner ' Northam' Pit' steorts. Cairliele,3en.t,'No.3m. AILS I - NAILS I-:-;•:1000 liege best quality Nails. • We are prepared to sell Nails Cl the very best,quality at the very lowest price. Person it In want of nails; nud building materials would' do well to call boltre purchasing elsewhere. .1.'1.. ODIN & SHN, ' North Hanover Street. , Fob 23858 t LASS; •G JASS: 2 —: 6f)o . beset . Ghwil _l,, ; Turn)! Plzeri aloglaltalt - Callta tlitAlliitireti•ligti at . - . • ~ I '.• lIENItIrBAXTONI3. • •' Mnr ,l6 , /869. • • , . . . 11A1111t;,! . • including a lied axsattment of the citebrated EN a thtown limes; alai' glicas and kind. junt med. at )larch 111, iteo. " '. .r, ' 11:11A.X.V.X8, . 'NEW- WINTER: . GOODS !,.' AT trif EIR .14 LElDxcitis6 NEW , STORE, East'lialit street.' bete just El reculv,ed an intensive mid completristeelt Of WIN. et , TER BOOBS, embinctuit Ladies, Misses apd Chit g zdrous'' Dress Goods of every, •varlety - .and, style. r .& 016th Mantles; of beautiful designs, ruins the 1nt.. 0 og porting Hones of Thrill*. a Co. • Burnett Lamb's e., T, 'T, Wool Dursledorf and English long !Shindig long u• Thibet black Shawls. • • • •• , FURS'r".PURS !- FURS !, • 1 -4•• Direct, from. the 'innnufneturers, warninted 'frpti Troth moths: Rockdale and (Inure Blankets, wren , , antocd not to shrink in washing. ..• g • MEN AND—BOYS':WMAit, Of every description; DENS' Sitay Lit Blik_and.g., ktifDt - trai BiOrmatal all kind. azujAunaties_t_Ladhle-Undut-nestru-lonl4- ; ... - 0,"11114 - titibliSienves; Boniest kirts, of a now de. Er ,-;.sign, represented-to boa very superior artiste, -• o • DOMESTIC GOODS, g Of every 'variety; Flannelsophoetings t Ticking!, E Prints, ke /tp ' Having purehesod for eush,'we aro prepared to T r e sell ton per cent, lower than merchants who.buy s„ .5 on six monihre credit. • - , Pieces call and examine for yourselves. P LElDlell VSA,WYEIt. , D0c.1,185,8„._, 001.1 RT PROCLAMA-TION.-' Wntnnti the lion. JAMES If. DEA 11A61, , dent judge of the several Courts Of Common ,flees of tho ctuntlon of Cumberland,: Perry end Juniata, nod Juallce of the Rivera' Cowie of Oyer and Terminor and General Jail Delivery In field. countlee, and lion. SAII. VOL Wool:ma:I and Igo. 61:Cocati0, Judgetbof the Courtof Oyer'and Terminer and Oaneral 'Jell - Delivery for the trial of all'capltal and other olTendeny In the said county of Cumberland. by. their, pregeptk to ine.db ;vied. dated the 10th ofJanutty, 1859, have Ordered the Court of Oyer and Tertniner and Onneral Jail Delivery to be, hidden at CARLISLE; on tho 2nd MONDAY of April'. 1560, (being the Ilth dayo at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to continue two weeks. •, NOTICE: IS HEREBY (.lIVEN in the Coroner, Jus tices of the Cetice and Censtables of the sold , county of Cumberland, that they are by the said precept core mended'to be then and there In their. proper persons, ,with their mile. records, IngoMittens, examinations and all other rentembrahees. to do those things which to their officer appertnin to be done, and alt those that ore bound by recognltances. to prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be In the Jell -of sold couniy, are tc be there to prosecute t4em Rhea be j , . , ROUT. 51cCA11114F.Y, Shorlff. Snntrer's OEFICE, carlislq, Jemurtry 4 20, 1858. • aiTTEXT/0.7V: NEW - STORE -AND NEW GOODS After returning lihriteknowledgemen& - for'the - vary: littoral patronage which ham been extended to him, the undorelgned would roll attention to the fa^i that hie has Juht e,copened his oatouai t apwrtment of family If n his now stnro•room, on the eouth•eeot' earner . of the Its c square, w sere tifiTVisu illy nro Invl o uen - en • examine n stock of Olds whitlh, In elegance, variety and extent, will defy compulitiows comprising in part I,f, lump, crushed And . Isrown sugars!, , ~ Java, Rio mind roasted GAN Every on-.....-..-14. 11 riety and quality of TEA. Spices, - (ground 1 ., ;2 ' I and.ungrnind.)-Pickels. Snucea,-Testsle Oil, M s' - - Now Orleans, StigarlsoAsse and Trinidad Li ~,- 'slnlstasilk - i' EnSv'Tbrk and • ilidli &IT Isll Syr- . - ape. Charles,. 1 , acaron I, Ventreßß, apllt. Fens, Hominy', .Dlincenmat, viral Starch. Farina, Chocolate, Extract o. (Wee, rained eugarut.rnduced rates, washing and link: 'log FOLK tobacco of the moat favorite brand'', and the 4lncod quality of Sagan!. A!eo, a looruliftil assortment of Britannia Ware: plain and gild band China Ware, Mame, QUellOl.4 Stow, and narthern Ware, In great rlety. and an elegant PI of Fancy Maps, extracie and perfumery, for t ho toilet. I , llUVFX,lnelullinr; Peaches In cans, Raisins, 111 . m berries, dry applys. Citron, almonds, oranges, lemons, ,tc. . and :11wii•at Wines In casks end•bot. nenten I%nlskey, - 11olInnd and . Sci;ldam Schnipps. A large sack of LAMPS, Including ltyott's celebrated lamps for burning limo - sone or caul oil, Also Sperm, Pine, Lard and 'Coal , 011_, Burning Fluid. Sperm sod Star Candles. • CEDARWARE AND BROOMS Ilruebee, Ropes, illoeoe, - -Boers. ikiilr.mata, IV/liters, Loilklog.glneses, One letter anti note,. paper, Willow Were, point:od liurkets, he. Cotton and woollen hone, and knit' noise, and stork -of Cloven,- Includikg the well known llnnover Buck In sliort. Ms flock comprises overytbli'm Meals milled - fcre - in lily line of business. nnil no offortii will be spared to render nutlrweatinfitction to Lls,cumm~era. INIIOFF. • . --- Carlisle; Oct. 27, 1858,1 y. - air Marketing of all Mu& taken in exchange to goods. C 0 4 .1. (ML, • TILE COAL OIL Sz, PARAFFINE COMPANY OF BALTJMO-ltli, Aro now prepared and niter for sale, at their store, No. 71 West Baltimore street, ♦ raw D00TE5,,.41101 , 1t nor, TIMM . SUPERIOR COAL OIL . ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, . which for brilliancy of light. economy of use, and re• nirtrhable freedom from nil dirtsgreeable odor, cannot le surpassed, and so little liable to smoke as not even to cull the chimney when huhu Carried iu a strong draft. The very grey difficulty which has heretofore existed lu regard In the supply of oil oleo uniforn quality. will now be obviated. as tiro company have made complete arrmigoationllN tor meeting all demands. Pewees in the country am have sample. sent them ppoliapplWation: Address, • - COAL OILA PARAFFINE CO., No. 71 West Baltimore street, • Baltimore, Mel. Mar. 2, 1659--ly I= 'HIE MOST EXTRAORDINARY BOOK OF THE AOE. Find edition of 10,000 sold in six weeks. ENTITLISD "BOYHOOD'S PERILS AND MANHOOD'S CURSE." PUBLISIIED BY DR. S. PANCOAST, IC Spring Garden street, Philadelphia, Pa., and for . ezle by all booksellers. This la book 0'225 perres,l2m7..bnund in eloth;witit nine lithographic plates. And intended for parents, guardians slid young men. Every young MAO who wlnhae to maintain his health and manhood, and have s healthy progeny. should rend this book. Some of the statements are really astounding, And have never be. fore appeared in print. Price $l, ily mail $1.15. NOW IN- PRESS, AND It EADY'ROR DELIVERY IN A FEW DAYS, A. nun WORK NOR TUE lAMB, by the elm° author, entitled LADIES' MEDICAL GUIDE, . AND MARRIAGE FRIEND' Thin le a work t f nearly 000 pages, beautifully bound In cloth, and contains overloo splendid and curiousen• gravings. It glues a complete. description of the stria. tore and function of the reproductive organs of the fe male, showing how married ladies may have or avoid large families. Al.p. a completo history of Hermaphro ditism, with curious plates showing both Foxes in One. It men give. advice to young Indies In selecting husband, pointing out the mum of so much.unhappl nte.s after marriage, and the influence it exerts on the offspring. The' work also gives the symptoms and treatment of 11-tinink-dlsenses. so that-every-feinide,may-be-herown phYshinti. The lest chapter Is devoted to the Tollei.iving the receipts for cosmetics at present In use by the nobility of Fran& England and Bosnia, for beautifying theskln hair. teat h. and for removing f Sul and preserving a sweet breath. They have been obtained at great eipe• no. Priee aion. By mail OM or eight additional post age 'datums. MOO copies have already been ordered.— Those wishing a copy of the first edition should send their orders without delay. . Nor complete description of the work see Prospectus, which will be sent on receipt of one letter stamp. Or _AG ENTS_WANTED.in every town-imthe.Union. In, 1854—1 y HALBERT'S FAMILY GROCERY, QUEENSIVARE AND VARIETY STORE, North-West Corner of the Public Square, oppo site the Carlisle Deposit Bank. J. D. has again seplonisind his stank o voile. lIIn amortment la now full and' wmplato, among whirl may bo enumerated ovary yarlety of fresh FAMILY- GROCEIUES, which lu quallt) and price CAN'T BE BEAT. ---- A - large - stoch - wf - Chimglliworand - Queennwatt;orritire priand beautiful denigtin, and , embracing artery grade of ce. ' Ile ;n fort Aoxxr in Carlisle for ;ouzo' celebrated KEROSENE Olt COAL _ OIL„ LAMPS, one of the greatest discoveries of the age, combining cheapuesi, taretv and Innreased light. Coal 011 And Lampe conntantiv on band, which the public are re quested to 11l and . ' .105.0 TIALBRItT,• • N. W. Corner' of.rublia Square, Carlisle, Oct. 27, 1;(1. • UT I-1 '8 PA7 ENT ANI S.IAL TRAP. " "The.; inibrcribcr boa . Mau - appointed agent for Cumberland &MON for tho sal. of Ruth's Mont Ant matTisp, Am catching , MINKS, NOXES, WOLVES, 11EAnEc . ae. Call ititliketitlynulst the chimpititrawarg'ritoivii,lT" , : .111 , ..'NRY SAXTON. Xast 3litlu it., Oarllslei Pa. Mu. U ItILY. Stta Coops. fic®' Q C~Rl6s • LIQUOR.F: Wholestde and retail, embraelng.common and old 'V0.1111113 key, Brandlex, dark nod pato, Medan Sherry Part. Malaria, 1.11 um, Catawba FISH AND SALT COAL .OIL, COAL OIL itliercllanco t FAMILY ;COAL• 1111110 Bohctlbatiriouldretin'ttrulliCill thoidtantlon J. of the coal consumers of , Carllalo and vicinity, and the public general to titalr.supotlot quality coal, such an •LVICPINS LIAM, throkon, tag;'4tovo on"Fu LUKE TIDDLER ; , THEVOItTON, • and the celebrated Lobbeiy: •whitesish, brokon,•Egg Stove and Nut Coal. Whis.yaidli situated at,the.east.end.of.Csrlittle,..olipo. • site the lbw Works, where they will keep constantly on hand a large stock of all kinds and sizes df coal-, whirl • will be sold as low as any in the borough. All cold fo family use wlVbe rescreened before delivery end war : rantedeltettin entire satisfaction. . • ........-nestvaity LIIMEMINER'dand BLACICAMTIVB COAL; always on hand and at low figures. All orders left atthesesldenceef...TatuenJioffer,West. — finfiffeffeT, at Squire Beath's office, South Hanover -•—•• • . street; will he promptly attended to. • •. • Limo ' 141 LUNDE& also prepared to furnish all kinds and •.quallty, of dry Lumber at greatly.ieduced prices. . Bills sawed to order and furnished at the shortest notice. We have constantly on band all I.lnds and'qualtty et; Shingles, such an white plue, hemlock, chestnut, oak, &c. Also all sizes of Walnut fur ifandomils, window, :sills and Lintel stuff, ash, poplar, oak and Linn; all . kinds Or paling , plastering lath, nhingllng lath: broom - handle's, worked.llodring_and .woatherboarding,.rough_ aucksmooth rails, posts, and every article that' ems bo kept in a Lumber yard. Caving cars of our own we can - a all times and at 'short notice supply any article in our live of business at IoW prices. ' We are thankfullor past favors and solicit a gentian once of public patronage. Our motto is to please. • ~ • Carlisle, my2615t58. • • . & HOMER. , , - CUMBERLAND - VALLEY- R; R. • : WINTER ARRAiMEJIENT. • • ...- • MANGE ,OF HOURS I On And nfter MONDAY, OCTOSER llth 1858, rowlentlor Traler will run as follows: (Sundays excepted FOR HARRISIWIta testi." Chamhorahurg,• Shiptionsburg, Neutrino,- - Mechanicsburg, Arrive at Harrisburg, • FOR CHAMBER/311U86, • . • ' Ist. Train, 2d Train. Leave Harrisburg- 8.30 A. M , 1.00 P:3l. ' • ' - Carlisle 0.511 w 2.12 '• " _ NOY/ vilk • _ 10.30,__"_.__2.47 , " " • Shipponsburg,4 11.02 • ". 3.23 Arrive at Cliamberabtirg, 11.30 . " • 3.53 Trains leave ilariisbut% for Philndolphis, via Ponn'a Railroad, at 8.10, A. 31., 2.15, P. M., 3.25, Pa M., and ILOO at night. By . Lbtadittg, via Lebanon Valley Mill - Rood at 2.25 Pal. - For l'lttabimg, 3.40, A. 51., 1.00, P. M., and 5.10. —For-Itnitintore.-8-30,44.411-and-14444-noonr--.--For-Tr ton and WillW - usport, at 1.00, P. M., and 8.45,- 1 • • Train On Dauphin Road at 1.30, P. M. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations Tickets are Sold, via: Chambersburg, • Shlppenal Carlisle, Mechanicsburg and Harrisburg, a reduction of __...TEN CENTS on-each Ticket will-ES - tondo to all.passen. gem thataprovide themselves with, Tickets before eh • lig the Cars. - -- • • O. N. LULL, Buper't • Railroad Odle°, Chrunboraburg, Oct. 6,1865.' . . . ---." FAMILY . . . - - - " -coAJ.i.--1;000 . .. cirrlg.. i - 1 - ‘ c- . - Tons tyken'a Valle Alf , ' -A-- -.. . - r-' . COAL, brokon and ra y . : , ,,i'.`i 4 4#ll# --- WardallW - p re pared ex, • _ .. . • • . • .. pressly for fluidly use, - - - -'.- • --•-:-• - - - and kept UNDEIt COVER, re that I can furnbili It 114 aid CLEAN all'seasona of the, yore. I hare alai. on hand and for wile the- BLACK - ,111A51010 COAL, from the 'Baltimore Company Mines This Coal la admirably calculated for LATItOO6 Stoves . and Cellar furnaces; all of which -I will sell at. small ' pro fi ts for oaill, And deliver to any part of the borough. August A, 1657. .' W. IL MURRAY . TEN Cfl AL Y A '1 - 1. FZ---- AT TIIL WEST IND Or CARUHLR. e-sulmerilier-would•respectfully call the attention of 'Lltneburners and the citizens of Cornell), nod the Ohrrouniting _ country gonemllyf to big NEW COAL YARD, attached to his Ware Homo, on West where he. will ktie conrtantlyon u hand a largo supply Cr the best quality "iof COAL; to wit: • Ly keno Viiney, Luke Fiddler, Pine Grove and Troyer, ton,Broken, Egg nod Nut Coal—ecreomid - Ond dry coal, which ho pledged himself to cell at thd lowed puma].) prices. Beat quality of Limeburner'n and Binckerulthia. Coal nlwayo on hand. rtr.tr• All orders left at the Warn )(oust!, or at his rest. donee In Noah iktnoyer street, will be promptly At• tended to. - April 14, . • • J, W, lIENDERRON. BACK_ AGAIN. i tO OLD Thu suhicrlber respeCtfully Informs the public goner , that ho has resumed Gm manufacturing of BOOTS AND 81101:3, In West Main street, a few doors went or the Itallrotti office, and buying• a good assortment of Leather, Morocco end Trimmings. and engaged comp,. tent workmen, be is prepared to Make up to measure; every description of work-1n Willie. • Ile has also received fi'em Philadelphia a well selected stock of HOOTS AND SHOES; comprising every variety for Spring and Summer wear,. which he offers at low . prices. Gentlemen's line French Calf hoots, do. Gaiters, Oxford Ties and Brogans, Ladles Gaiters, Boots, Busk' us,.elippers and ii.,, with a large variety of Boys Misses and Children, Gal , term; Boots, eta.. etc. purchnsurs are requested to call and examine his stock. • ItOBLItT MOORE. Carlisle, April 21 1558. • 1300 T AND SIIOEMAKING.-J.. Ac. O. TAYLOR, return their Amine thanks to t uir Customers, for the very iltairal patronage eaten. lied to them, and would respectiully inform the public that they continuo to manufacture CUSTOMER Work, at their old stand. on North Hanover street, two doors above the drug store of S. W, linverstlck. With a number of first rate workinen employed and . facilities for securing the best stock to be found in the market, timpani prepared to make up every description of BOOM AND SIIOES, for ladies and gentlemen's wear, In the most fashionable style, And of WARILYNTED ma. terials and ivorkumuthip. Many years of practical experience In the business both here and In Phliadelphiajustithd them iresaylng, .that they are able to Insure full satisMetiert to all those who may leave their order.. April 21, 1858, M. V RES IT GROCERIES!- • AT 8. O. 110 YETI 3 Shad and Mackerel of different gradea, -Salmon, Scabs Flab and White Fish, Codfish, Salt and Pickled Ile'rriog, Cheese and Crackers can be had . . Dried Fruit. Prererees and JeMee, AC IlUYl^:Trg Sugar Cured Deana llama, A flesh supply of LIQUORS, 0116, Wblto Lead, ke., ke., fIUMBERLAN'D COUNTY NORMAL SCHOOL. ' The third isesslon of this Blotßutton will commence in Literary, Hall, NowvillsoPenu'o, on Tuesday, April 6th, 1859. and continunfour menthe (exclusive of a va. cation of three weeks during harvest.), • An able corps of instructors have been , sectired and 1 . . no effort Pill be spared to render the school .worthy of •, the position it seeks to occupy, and of the patronage It respectfully solicits. . The school-is entirol% under the control of a Board of Trustees; composed of one School Director tram each district in the county. Tuition fee $lO per session (no extras.) Good boarding can ba'had lu private comities at about $ll per week. For circulars containing full, particulars address T. A. McKinney, Treasurer, Newville, Pa. . By order of the board of trustees. DANIEL EIIELLY, Pres'L, Fob. 23 18511-2 m X C - 13 - 15 -- S I Olt re T U R - E S It. II ENWOOD would resportfully Inform tat c t sons of Carlisle and vicinity that ho has taken room, In Zug's new building, castbsirnor of Market Square, where he is at all timen.ready to take AMBROTYPES, . in the latest and most approved style. Pictures taken In rainy and cloudy westhor as well os clear. and sat. Ist:action given or no charges made. Portraits and Da. guartvotypes ,copied. Miniature Fixtures taken Lockets do., in Anthrotypo. ~ ltmbrotypes warranted to stand the WM of Mose, beta or water. _Ladles and OePtlemon_ara cotdially_invited to, a And a:online specimens. Priced from 20rts. to $lO. A. R. lIENWOOD. Jan:27. 18013.—1Y. 1 Artist. ' BIMON Pa9Nlll6lt, Ohio. W. K. MeV/muss, Pennsylvania. L. L. Coo', Ithodejslarod, S -A NYD ER, M'FARLAND, ND COOK,. • •• - Bankers:and Dealers to Real Estate, • 'MINNEAPOLIS, . , I '•' 14Inneseta Territory. . June 3, 1115T.—ly. ' OOD AND WILLOW wArtg Travelling, and Fancy almost every variety. - CEDAR WAltti--Tubs, Buckets, Measures, Palls, Painted Buckets, Keeler's Matte, Bed.. Cords, Brushes, and a lame stock of "libiles" celebrated - Coro lirporns,.(eoldl only_bp.the subscriber) and all other tjaticeilitaiii house articles—alwapi fa, the lowest cash prima—Tor BA% l y Carlisle, N0v.10058. SAKE N9TICE.-- , 4lint Ana from this day pit down the• pekes of our remaining ock of winter goods.. All prisons wanting desirable goods at low prices, such on double Brriche lOng and winare Scotch and American tibawls., , alentlee and Tali magi Burs, &c.. will betertalu of being' men:modeled by calling ai LICIDICII* BA WYtlit'S new. and cheap atom Alsojwit received a large Invoke' pf white and twown'shirling and sheetings, MGlllllOi .11nensi and fur. Alehing goods of. all' kinds, calicoes and other goods, stilted 'bribe season.. rust received huh BURNING FLUID awl . 44X)11Q6 •C - • , . • H 0! FOR CHRISTMAS: • ~k -VDs FOR TILE - HOLIDAYS 1 !. , S: dooDs, GIFT P00g5,16.. and is now b 0; imitable for tIIITIOH blue Jr et received from the Oft nlie desires to criislplendidtlisplay ofFAIWYCIOQD nubile. Ms assorrehims Holiday' Beaton, So which' n novelty_ and elephentiOn of his friondifistiV the thb articlel ' cannot 4 is line cannot busurpnvinid be impossible to annum both lytiality acid plict t •' -lIOLIbAIF~ - pu hesorwit.ivotfidl , • which Comprise evcry vac! • i sitsnulalto finish such as. , .9 9 D13, Matthe Uoodu videle otthe moss . . ... . Elegant alabaster end porcelain Ink-, ' . Fancy ivory, pearl and shell cart! ciisec,, ' ' ' • . -. Ladle? 'Fancy Baskets, and - trays,• Fancy'Work Boxes, with sowing instrumeii... i —Port-nonnales,erovery-varlety , . I _linld.penssltlpertallsAincy.paper-vreights,---..-- F''ESTilinifniSTlfird'illicgh ri. nosy el iautes7follEyiltiir.7 IL cry Motto_fiaalnAncLwafori, SilkAnd.bead_purnes, Ladies' riding - whips elegantly finished,' Ladles' fin, • .cutlery, . j \ • , Perfume baskets And bap, . • • • Emotive of uniery kind for the toilet, Houssol's Pprfumea of the various kinds, Musical inntruments, of all kinds and at ,all - prices, together wf th an innumerable variety of artlclenelegent 'ly finished and sultnble for holiday presente, to chick he Invites eup,oilal attention.. • Also, an ext,ensive and elegant collection of 11 0/4DAY.911M135/Win, 'mei : u prising the varloun Englishand American ANNUALS fur 1859, richly euthelinhed and Illustrated POETICAL WORKS, with 011ILDREN'S PICTORIAL BOOKS, for children of all ages, than which nothing can be more' Appropriate oUpleashig as holiday gifts. Ills assortment otEchool Rooks and School Stationary in also complete, nod comprises everything • used do College and the Schools. ' lie also desire!" to call the paitleular 'kitten. lion of •Vanillies to hls elegant • L A'sl, P , &A, from the extensive establinhmente of CoinerslAieber and others of Philadelphia, comprising ev y style of ~ Porter. Chamber add sturdy Lamps, for bur duff either • Lard, Sperm or Medal oil; also DY0T1.93 celebrated Kerosene or Cold 011 Lamps, together with FlowerVaset' Taney Screens, &c. lila assortment In this line Is . 1311• urinated in the borough, Also, •FICUITS. FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—.PR Mu' SERVED FRUIT% MIN , 1117-M EAT, PICKLES, Ac.. In every variety and A 5 all prfees, all of which are pdre and fresh such as ran be confidently recommended to. his friends and The little folks. Ills stock embraces everything In the lino of Panay Goods, with many °then articles useful to hounekoopers which the public are es pecially invited to call and see during On holidays.— .Iteinember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on • North Ilanover street... . , , Ist Trnln. 8.25 A. If 8.55 0.27 " 10.00 1032 11.03 " 2d Train 2.15 P. '2 45 3,18 3,58 4,30 5.02 " 17Z3M! • MARION HALL, is the place to get gond Daguerreotypes. Anibrotypes, lifelanfotypes, Star reoscopes, CrayOntypes and Pliotoinaphs. Persons visiting Carlisle WlllMod It to reward Moo/ Tor their trouble-to visit thininktfrifte. - 4 - ir - • 7 - 7 N. B. But few specimens era ex lattod'or * the, dairy and the public are respectfully...ln vited_to_cill_nt_the_ Gallery. whore osCry variety of pictures. capable of be ing producedny the Photographic Art can be obtaineiL Ladies and . Onntlernen call In whalleryou want pie. - tures of not, and you will moot with a cordial reception. Respectfully yours, . • . • . for rent one LARGE ROOM, on new 13611.11 m now oCrupled as a -.:co rooms on the third story. sun. ale for a dagnerreotiplw. The rooms ire all hnntedsby flues, and fmnished. with -water•and •gos.. Possession, given On the lot of April next: '; G. INHOFE. -- Jan. 20, 1829. . • ' RICE REDUCED ONE HALF • NEW MEDICAL SALT INFLAMMATORY. DISEASES • fny weir BliE . ADVERTISEMENT: BY virtue of suudry.writa of Vend Mont Exponas, Is sued cut - of the Court of Common Neal: of Cumberland county, and to me directed, I will expose to public aale nt the Court House, in the borough of Oarlisle.pu MT the - Bth davof April, A. D. 1859, at 10 o'clock,ul.lsl. lire following described real estate. to wit: . . A tract of land nituate in North Middleton township, _Cumberland county, containing W:ACRES. more or loss, bounded and described as follows : On the east by iambi of David Cornmeal, on the' west by, lands of Wm. . Ifonwood, Jas. Clark and Michael Diller, on the north. by landa of Benj. Conk. and onl the south by lands of David Common. having tlternon erected n large . two -story frame DWELLING IIOUdN , frame Daiti.:Ton•Pin Ally, bath housos, hog pen .and other 'out houses?— . Belted and taken-in execution eithe Property of.. Nor, lon and Owen. Two lots of groundkituate inrlTornaleysburgeontalnink no feet In front. and 150 fret sn depth, more or Bounded on the oast by lands of John Itupley's heirs, on the west by Myer alley, on- the north by Second al. ley, and on the south by Front street, having thereon erected in two story BRICK .110110 K. two 'story Frame honer, two weatherboarded stables and out houses.— Seined and taken In execution add• to be sold as -the. property of James Wills, AISO, Your lots of ground situate in Wormleymburg. bounded: WO described an follows, to wit: on the north by an *alloy. on the south by Poplar street. on the east-by. . econd street. and on the west by the Northern Central R. It., cantainlng in Dent on Second strait 2.11 feet. and extending back to sold Railroad Idl feet, more or less. having thereon erected A one and a half story-brick house, and a one and a bolt story log house. ALSO, • A iti,t of ground situnto between the Railroad 'and 11111 alley, bounded on the east by 11111 alley, on the west by the Northern Central Railroad, on. the north by public road, and on the south by Market street, con. telt:lngot:out y i (Wan acre, more or less.laving thereon erected a 134 story Manus house. Seized:and taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel Neldhamer. .A lot of ground situate In the borough. of. , ilfochnnlce burg, bounded on the east by lot of D. Spender, on the west by Frederick street. on the north • by (Irma lane, and on the bulb by Clover alloy, containing GO foot In Inn.t, and 140 met In depth, mere or less, haring th..re on erected A two story frame howl! and-frame stabla— Seised and token to execution and to be,cold..os Abe property of David dponsler., J. k G. TAYLOR A lot aground situate In the borouglrof Carlisle, con taining 20 feet Intro It and 170 feet In depth, nrdeor less, bounded on the sinith by Wm. White, on the west by Harrisburg turnpike, on the north by John humor, end on the east by an alley, having thereon erected a two story Brick House, brick kitchen and frame stable. delzed and taken in execution and , to bo sold its the property of lieu) Brightbill. Al lIUYETT'S =I ALSO,. At the same time and place, by virtue of nusrltmf Fleet -- Facia., Issued out of the Court of Common 'Pleas and to me.dlrected, I will expose to public sale the following real estate. ' . DEISM! I= An unimproved lot of•ground situattairt the borough of Mechanicsburg, on the north side of )Isla street, con ,telning-30 feet In front +old 100 feet In depth, mdre or less, bounded on the south by 3lain sired on the went by lot of Odd IleHowe Annociation,on. the north by Strawberry alley, and on the east-11'1ot of J. Senneman. Seized and taken in execution and-to be Elides the pro. porgy of Sarah Lowman. • And all to be sad by mei MOMERT , McOARTNEY, Shvriff.' At nurErrs At lIUYETT'S At IIUYEITS O Conditions on allwovounte over five Lundred dol lars, fitly dollars aro to be-paid when •ho property Is stricken MT, and on all.sunis .uudor five hundred dollars twenty five dollars. It, 01cOARTIV EY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Unice, Carlisle, March 10, 1859. PENNSyLVANIA. HOUSE; -Corner, if Hanover and Loather streets, one symare'north of the Court House, atilt:lle, Pa., THE SUBSCRIBER• WOULD RE -1 epectfully itiftiren' the public generally, that he has now secured a License to 'sortie public home of en tertainment, and will make every offorktoaccommodate • his customers. Ills table will be supplied with all the delicacies of the "made, and his bar furnished with, a • variety of choice liquors. The stabling attached to the ' _hotebiallegentid-commodionsoLtubwillbeattended-to by a careful hostler. Traaßient and permanent boarders aocommodate4 , on reasonable terms. Thanked ter Up patronage heretofore received 'he hopes, by strict attendee to business. and a desire to please his guests, to merit Its ,ontlnuance. • . AUGHINBAUGIL Proprietoi. Carnsle, Ja1. , 12, '69-3m. 0 I l Y OLD FRIENDS, and the publio generally are invited to• cell and examine my stoc of fresh GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, • Pickels, Preserves, Fresh.Oan,Fruits, Spices, Wood and Willow Ware, Ropes and Brushes, Oils, Fruits, Fisk, Salt, and a large variety, of other goods not necessary to enumerate. - Store Room two' doom east of Rhoads' Warehouse (formerly John G. Williams's.) Olve me et call and examine my goods and . prices, I intend to sell as cheap as any other' store outside o _Philadelphia. • Butter, Eggs, Soap,' Rags, Beeswax, Dried Fruit, de., taken in exchange for goods. WM: BENTZ. Calllsle, Oct. 27, '6? ql;"/VZST''"G - L - ASSI'T TI4TS - r - PAINTS!! A full aswument of alses . of all sizes an quality, with a large stack of fresh , PAINTS,_aII colors. 011 s, Varnishes,tc., ~Coreentia_large ,cman _ - quaittititia; Sikh:WS figures ht, . JQIIN P. LYNN 'a SON, North llaoover Street. Ort. 27, '6ll 3. W. EBY toOTATOEb—POTATOES., The subscriber is In the receipt weekly, °fell this :c oleo varieties of potatoes, either for family use, or for seed, which he offerito the public at 'reasonable prices, lie hue constantly "oir band, ,hlabk,, blue and white . nelreere, rinkera and other, yarleties,' wamuited :of - • • ' 'IVILI,IA74 tug's nevi biillding, epppaite the, market bosom - - 40TEL4 . 1,112 g getiotAlly inii.ptleai4ith tine LIQUORS us c.a . prlcesot,4,*. Oetpi . Onmery of ; 1311 -a W. rfAvniTioit: NEAGLEY. R=Rl4l ONLY ONE DOLLAR! =WNW PACKAGE .2.50 Sheriff's Sales; ALSO, ALSO, ALSO, I=l