Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 16, 1859, Image 1

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- 11:171R7COOTEit, rroprietor.
TEd.0 . 1.9 0, -PU81.40 LON: •
. - •
Tho CARLISLE lI.KR tin Is published weekly on a large
. • sheet conhilnlng twenty eight columns, and furnished
. to subscribere at $1.50 ' I :paid Strictly in AlliVllllll , : Skir AC the request of a lady,. wereptiblish
$l/5 If paid within the Year; or $2 In nil casen.,when the following productions ; and we do this the
payetcat-to delayed until afterlhe expiratle I of the
year. No subscriptions received for a too, period than:. more readily; because the Inunber of our ph.
six 'months, and none discontinuing until urrearogine, •
""9Y6linld;"iiailSLn pit twipti•oii of papers - per in W c my- angina y appear° y
• . coat to subscriber,. Ilving,out of-Clumberlinii,enunty- some granguov . ersight, in ' " wetting down"—
• Must be paid pin advance, or the ' paymnnt , Assunnal •
persondlving in Cumberland min.' -fell iibent ioneiniQdred sheets shortuf our ' cir-
These tetras will lie
.allhered •
ettlittien. They are;Cele - CTEVbrci . ur. tam cor-..'
, • .
respondent,, from a nutnin•r of Satinets which;
tweared in the Herald some time since. We -
Chink then" very beautiful, and wc.beliere our
rentleig will 41grbo with us in that opinion.
[Eu '
Adverthdonents s iii be charged $l.OO per square of
twelve lines - for 'lira, Insertions, -and 26'cents for each
- subsolitiont Insertion. All advertisements of less than , '
twelve litiCs considered as a square. ' • ,
Advertisements Inserted before Marriages and deaths '
6 cents per line for first instirtion, and 4 eentb per line
fir subsequent Insertions. Comniunications on sub
jects of limited or Individual Interest will be -chub - god
cents per ling. — Thu - Proprietor. will -- mt.') respensi•
blip In damages for errors in advertisements, Obituaiy
notices or Marriages-not exceeding live lines, will be
-inserted withoutrliarge.• " • - • ----
• The Carilidelltrald JOB I'ItINTIV OFFICE le the
largest and moot complete estabil . a . hinent In thecounty.
,ten_good.Preeses. and a :general YarittY of material
for plata aird Fancy - work oriivery'ltind. enables - ,
`us to do Job Printing. at the shortest notice and on the !
mast reniothible terms., Persona in, want of •
• Illankx or anything Br - the - Jobbing IttuTwillAindit —to
, Hite Intoned to Ova us a call, Every atariotyef 'Hanka
onstantiv on hand. .
aciteraf nab Local anfortnatiot!..
'lre, President-3011N C. BKF:CKENRIDOC,
Secretary of State—Con. Lewis CAes.
- Seeretnryof torlor--.IFCOO 2 I . IIOMeSON.-
f. , :eeretery of Trehsuey—lloWEl.T. Coon.
Secretary of WAr--JoiCi .11. FLOYD., - •
8141ra:try of Navy.-18AAC
Post 3lnstor Goner:a—A. V. !Snows. • •
'Attorney Coneral—.TCßEMlAll S.- BLACK.
Chief Justice of the • United States-11 B. TANEY.
anyorrior—WlLlAM F. PACKER.
Secretary i'd'StAte—Wita.tAm M. IligirrErt. • ,
Surveyor lieneral—JoiiN Rom:.
Auditor (loner:ll—i Won Vity; JR:
Treasurmillotur S. Moon Ot
or the Supremo Court— , -4 I.Ewpi, .1. M. 'Ann.
BTRONO, W. 11. Lowmc It. IV,.WoonwAmo.Joux M. READ
President Judge—lion..7antes Ti. Graham.
'Asseriatu Judges—llon. Michael Cocklin Samuel
Woodburn: -•
. .
. Distrrict - Attnrney—WM. J. Shearer, -
ri.ottionnwy-4hllll, Quigley. ~...
Recorder &c.—Daniel S. Croft. .. .
, . -
Register—S. N. EmMingo, . .
MO) Sheriff—lttdß, McCartney; Deputy, S. Keipers.
County Treasurer—Moses 'tricker, . . ,
CoronerNlitcholl McClellan-.' '' •
. County Continissioners—An Row „ ssi Samuel 'Me
gaw, Nathaniel 11. Eckel& Clerk to mmissionglt,
James Armstrong.
Directors of the .Ponr—Genigo Brindle, John C.
Brown, Samuel Tritt . Superintendent : of - Poor lions,
—Joseph Imbach. _
' .130ROII0
.Cltlof Burgos—William Cart:
Assistant Burgess—Krancis Eckel&
tt- Council—J. B. Parker (Pee:1111mA) John Gut
shut I, Hobert Mtuore, James M. Alien. William Cameron,
John D. (largos, )llelmel Holcomb, - Michael !Mulch,
Peter Monyer.
Clerk to Council.—Thou. D. Mahon.
Constables—Jacob Bretz, High Constable; Androte
Martin, Ward Constable.
Justices of the Peaco—A. L. Sponsler, David Smith,
Michael Holcomb, Stephen Keepers.
F Inst. Presbyterian Chureh, Northwest angle of Cen
tro &oar°. Rev. Conway P. Wiug Pastor.Sory lees
every Sunday Morning at li o'clock, A. M., aud7 o'clock
P. M.
Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Sonthl allover
and Pomfret streets. Rev. Mr Calls, Pastor.' Services
commence at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock P. 31.
St. Jo'lli's Church, (Prot. Episcopal) northeast angles(
Centro Square. Rev. Jacob 11. Morse, Rector. Berl/lees
at 11 o'clock-A. M., and 3
,o'clock, P. M._
English Lutheran Church, Bedford between Main
and Loather streets. Rev..lneob,Fry; Pastor. Services
at 11 o'clock A. M., and 0% o'clock P. M. •
Berman Itetbstited Chinch, Leather, between lion
over and Pitt it - Foils. • Rev. A. ll.' Kremer Paitor.—
Services at 10' o'cloelt; A: hl, and 6% o'clock.P.
. Methodist E. Church, (first charge) 'corner ot Alain and
Pitt Streets. 11ev. It. I). Chambers, Pastor. Serricen at
11 o'clock A. M. nr.d 6 o'clock P. M.
Methodist E. Chtircli (second charge.) 11ev. A. A.
Reese, Pastor. Services In College' Chapel, at 11
o'clock A. M. nod 4 o'clock; 1' .51.
St. Patrlck'n Catholic Church,' Poinfret nCitt 'East ,at.
Ito v. James Kelley, Pastor. , Services every 'other
Sabbath nt 10 o'clock. Vesper at
Borman Lutheran Church comm . o( Pomfret and
Bedford streets, • 11ev. C. FUME, Pastor. Services at
1 .o'clock, A. M., and 6% o'clock, P. M.. , •
AO:SP - When changes In the alkove Fire necesntry the
proper persons are requested to notify us.
Roy. Charles Collins, D. D., President and Professor of
Moral tielence.
. .
. .
itov. lisrrnan M. Johnson. D..D., • Professor of Philoso
phy and English Literature.
James W, Marshall, A. 51., Professor of Lan
Rev.} m. L. Boswell, A. 51., Professor of Mathematics.
Wlllllfin C. Wilson, A. 51., Profossor of Natural Sclonco
and Curator of the blusoum.
. . .
Alexander Schom, A. M., Professor of Hebrew and
Modem Languages.
Samuel D. 11111mou, A. M., Principal of 'tho.Oramruar
School. •
David C. Jolm, As:slat/Mt la the Grammar School
PreSident, 11. Saxton, P. Quigley; E.
COllllll.Ol. C. P. Itumeriell,J.,llauditon, Serretary,Jason
W. Eby, 'treasurer, John Egbar, Messenger. Meet on
tho lit Monday of each Mouth at 8 o'clock A. M. at Ed-
-,-o--- •
CARLIEUX IMPO4IT bANK.—Proxldont, It. 31. Hondcrson,
Ceehior. W. 51. lleetenr; Asst. Cashier, .1. T. Hasler;
Teller, Jas. Roney,: Directors, Richard Parker. Thomas
Paxton, Moses Bricker, Abraham healer, Jacob Loiby,
It. C. Woodward, Win. D. Mulliu,,,Samwd Wherry and
John 'Lug. • . • •
Frederick Watts: Secretary and Treasurer,- Edward 31.
Biddle; Suporinteudent, 0, PassedigeFtrains
twice a day. Eastward leaving Carlisle at 10.05 o'clock
A. SI. and 4.00 o'clock P. 11f. Two trains oiery day.
• Westward, leaving Carlisle at 5.50 o'clock A, 31., atm
2.50 E. M..
CARLISLE Gas AND WATER Costssur.—President, Fred
erick Watts; Sprotaryneusuel Todd; Treasurer Wm.
Mr Booted]; Directors, F. IVatts, Richard Varker,
el Todd,. Wm. 51. Reptant, Hoary Salton, J. W. Eby,
John D. Corps, It, C. Woodward, and iliddlo
CLIMIERI 1311, VALLEY llANK.—PrEldont, John S. Slur.'
rett ;Caler ' A:Sturgeon; ,Toiler, Jos. C. lioffer.—,
Directors, ohil S. Sterrett, Wm. Her, blelchoir Drene
man, Richard Woods,
John C. Dunlap, Robt. C. Sterrett,
11. A. Sturgeon, and Captain John Dunlop..
Cumberlaot Star Lodge No. IQ7, A. Y. M. meats at
Marion hail on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every
St. Johns Learn No 200-A. Yi 111.. Meets Id Virus.
day of each wouth, at, Marian Hall. •
Carlisle Ltxige No 01 I. O, of 0. P. Meets Monday
evenlngoit Trouts building..
nil Union Flru Company yas'Oriiinlzed in 1180
. . • •
Prealanat. E. Common; Vico - President. Willituo Id.'
Porter; &oratory; Theo. Common Treasurer, P. Mon , :
yer. Company meeti,thaflrst Saturday, in bferch, Juno
'Eldilteinber,aiill Member:" -o• --,••-•--
The Cumberland Fire Company wan instituted Febru
ary 18,480. President, Robert McCartney; Secretary,
Philip Quigley; Treasufer, 8. Ritter, • Thee company'
meets on the third Saturday of douunry,. April,, duly,
• and ()damn
Tito Good 11111 llose Company washist!tutediu Mardi,
. 1855. President, U. A. Sturgeon; - Fice:Prosident, &ince
31..MoCartney; Seriatary, Samuel' 11. Gould; Woo/Inm,
Joseph 11.11albert. The company meats the second
• Saturday of danuttryrAprii, July, nadiMtolier,l
Postage on a ll ; lettorsof °nutlet!' ounce weight or tin
der, 3 cents pro paid ' , aseept tiC California or, Oledon k
which in 10 Con:n tirepaid..—,.. • t. • ,• •
'Postage On the • , 11.erald the County; free.
Within the State 13 cents poryear:, loony 'part of Hid
United States do•oontnPontage mild! Chant . ant ong,nre
Under 3 ,uuncee in ,wefght, 1 Deaf pmpeld, or two rents
unpaid; •AticertinetPlet.tets,to be charged With:lto coot
anAvortimint, 5.• ' 5 • 5 • • ' 5 ••. 5 i• • ••• 5 •
• •
BR 10 .10M & BOOK.
S. E.. C,or. of lite:Square, Maio: St.,
Fadeless mind be thy sweet and ivlniiing tong,
And In my heart thy words shall aver be, -
Like pearls strung on the chord of Memory,
.1-_ , ,For, lo Y4 o uSinnto,ntalulftedintrungthis wine:
!I Inns then not with passion gross and --•
• For 1111110 are feelings seldom known -on earth;
*- I — somelittieSgreanilifejrare - of higther4tlrth---,
heaven like Attie ta love and cherish MIND.
Perchance, we meet en mote; but I have faith •
'That I shall greet thou In the better land,l
And mark thy tiplrit high among the band
Of those whom Love girya triumph over death :
Tlia good, the :_ , 2.INNTAi.PURE" Of earth must be
(Jura chop:Wl angels In Eternity. : "
- Faith Islinroyeslgtt - of 7
" Thl7fu'uwlcilge of-the good ---
Ananehor when all earthly tast'llings part,
And.wavesof,sredry swift-and fiercely roll.
It is the ghlden chain of truth and light,'
Sure filStell'a to the Merey,Throne above,
win dings to knows no love, - •
But has a hionl to guide tifronah shin - dark night:
On It all man tnust build who meek to gain
A home oljoy in brighter clinics than
Whet(' streaufs of sweet and never falling blcsa
liternal'floW nl tog [hi; golden plain.
Those Is a coNquenoiL of Sill :ilia death.
The trusting know banner•word is
, . . " Palm." • ".
1 7 21:173
A poor, bowilderld ihingt in thin sad vale, •
• •lVittibrolloti wings; it often feebly trier
To soar away from pain. With sightless or,
It o'er.turne homeward with a mournfttrita 11.
Alas! methinks, (like tilt, returnless dove) • •
This bird has lest Its pathway to the Ark;
And Slaters blindly through the earthly. dark,
Striving In snip to reach Its Immo above.,
Pear, wounded bird I this world of-hato and ears.
Gives DOT:rt nest to bosoms WA RN Thil/Ds .
For Iles and slanders over closely twine
_,Arolinl the youth dreaina of the good and
But. climes the . re ho, beyt;nd theetar.gernm'd skies
Prayer Jo the TWORAPH OF FAITH to
Through which man tllatiALM all lila wants to 0 od—,
Whose promise is, (far reaching, just and broad)
"To htm that asketh shall be freely given."
Our Father! in the heavenly laud! we piny
That thou wilt guide; us 'mid lire's deepest gloom,
And lead us gently, through the darkened tomb,
.To th►t o bigh home where ■ll is endless day.
Father! wo breathe thin outmost prayer to Thee I
Our countless stns and tailings all forgive . ;
Teach us the" Metter Way," that wo may life
- llctittlog truth. auttfortEtcrulty.
A little.whlla A .11 roach the grave—
' liatintr, for t". 10. Thou &lotto most save
A mighty King is Time I Ile journeys by,
W;th.rapid tread and pleasure.blighting breath,
Fast sweeping to the bon ndfess realms of death
The proudest triumphs of 3lortality.
Earthen greatest onus have called him "Master," ',Lord"—
11 or noblest trarritks bent beneath his away .;-•-•
And LOve and Beauty, In their sad decay.
have litded quickly at Ills gentlest word.
Tombs aro Ills footsteps„in fast, onward tread—
, s
mile %bones, ruined Empires mark his way;
Whilst o'er, with fiercely moving sytho to play,
its sweeps thrones, temples, peoples to the dead
Mortal,"thero Is a greater King Ifs .
Who mien.; time, and owso Eternity.
Life Is a pathway often dark and drear,
And foolish mortals murmur on they tread
Towardbhegrave, (that gateway of the dead,)
Marklngencla Journey with a sigh or tear. •
Not so the-thoughtful : they accept each change;
Though It bring :sadness, as in kindness sent
To keep the eye of Hope e'er upward bent '
On that pure land where - ransoni'd Spirits range.
'Tis, therefore, strange that men should so fear death—
Since It ne'er Comes unseat by high decree :
Death lejlod's agent;—men llfilereatures be
Earth lent, until earth's Owner asks thekbreath.
Strong hope-bo ours !JIM little sparrow's fall • -
Is known to Ood—Who ruletb, guidoth all. •
Truth never dies! It finds a home with those
. Who cling to' Justice: as they' cherish life;— .;
Ming ferth.beidly r in'the thickest-strife,
- Where Ilight stun& battling with her tyrant foes;
Oppressors e'er hive hated.Freejornis name— • .
For Freedom le twin. Sister unto Truth;
Seth fondly suckled, In their tender youth,
By Virtim,-3JOther worth earth's wide 'acclaim.
A new light downs en maul With earnest hope
He gore forth bravely, in the Setae of Tiine,
To strike for Justice, with a trust sublime,
And meet-old Error, with Naive heart to rope.
Truth nererdlent Unchanging .1;t111 the - aline—
It has a home with Right, and strikes in Freedom's
A noiseless gnlowgy tomii untried laud I
Men pass In silence, as they journey through;
The old—thu young—the humble—good and true-- .
All follow on, when fondled by Death's cold hand.
A fuw more yearn, and all earth's countless throng
Will reach.thls gateway—ley life's burdens down:
The good, ehrSatiglng croenater a mown:
The bad. (We "Judgemot, even In our rang.)
Some call the grave " all derlcures?': 'lie not true—
For Virtue's light can cheer the gloomy way;
And tiuthains strength to lead the trusting through
To climes where love is one eternal day..
Heaven is tnictos'oond Faith 'lta6rower to brave
The Domed sting of Death—the victory of the Grave
In,most quarrels there is a fault on "'both.
, sideti7: l -.A.querrel:may be.compared te a spark
which cannot be produced w ithout tint as ,
steel; slither of them iney hammer •
fkiP,_10 1 0•01101 , t •
Virtue is like precious odors, most frsuAt'l
where they. are incensed or crushed; for pros
perity (loth -best discover vice, but adveriity
bot. discover'virtue. , I.
11n, that le_good, will infallibly become, bet;
t and he that itt bad; wilicteltitinly
come worn ; for vice, virtue and time are three
,tbinge,ythicit never , stand still.
We bccgnpc frilnilinr with the tsf TheP • '•
aniyit ft,the.out nide of hOreenolvid think. we
know' them,. while we' nre ignorant 'of Jill t hat
in panning rtithiti'thein. .
roVinicllo en
enemy than 011111111' '•Viefary
ilto "p'ower . .abr. t hit "Provent', hitt
c iiCip t 601 ar att' hie . 4 ' •
• etty. lir 04. cent ent ritiblki!.w It fei • -
la be' ed. ii hi I tots t I ie . hest it4titoltin*ti our
'TiOvOrt, 'town .netivr, iv 'Ted it
on evil:: •
To Miss A, M. S. Moylena, Prince Edward
Co., Virginia.'
triqiCet green spot
Y.noircled by foroot treer t .• •
'o lonely, thohpiitorheui found Ititot, • ;,.
Ait tho door titoopm to drink ett, hlv.eaOo.
111 a lowerthe fiird with
lii on , eet joy in stirred--r
- The trout merry makes In the streams,
dle'sliiiiir,"airunheiir4; - .
_imtinqAueigilorec!.roglori of-dreams_-_,
.• • 01 come and repose from Mill i s troublisarnt woes,
- . Where the heart to no light us the air; -
Where the cheek of a maid never loam Its rose,
. And tho spirits of lord aro more fair.
With crimson bright tho walls wo'll Bight
Of that boautiful home of love, .
And flood - the rot 'nab a lambent not- •7-
- reolll sweebsinelling . lamna abOvd.
We will gather nud pour oaths emooth•pnved floor ,
'Bright flowork of every scent,.
Which — rect.—love's blest mandragora
\s`!ll dream•lull you with rare bland!shment. •
0! rome you shall reig - In that gorgeous Omaha ,
A vassal,4ll bend the knee,'
d minntroh ru ainetliesononme eiraln
." Sweet Queentli;ulburfor thou."
By the purling brooks that reflect.yestr eweot looks
rtVe will sing to the airs of your lute; _ •
Or reclino !neaththe lamps e'er our inlesied lwokq
When - the noonday hangs sultry sad mute.
The wild deer will glide and repose at your MAU—
The thrust' draw souse and the dove; "7?
While through dim woodioni! Islas in the soft eventide
Float your clear.warbledhdiatis pf love, .
01 come, can - you Innis such ti transport of bliss,.
Where nought can'our thoughts invade?-
'• joy In the World con compare with this,- 7
. ,To make love in the woodland shade:"
11arkt to the mplrit•voleee that are felling
Sadly and mourtifullY upbn the eitr ;
Wlelotte of youth and happinems recalling—
Forme of theimauttful, that once were dear.
Deep, In the fountains of the,heart are swelling •.
Peelln.fs and thou.fhts from-out the buried years;
linpoe that were painfully ere toll 14,
Ifoly, their warm life and IlAht was quenched In
_ . Tssis I
With the rich past,lrotri out Its dreamy slumbers,
No magle-power to ° wake a living strain
no! It bresthos In slow and mouroful numbers.
"Life's Joys, Its pleasures And Its hopom ore vain!"
Yet from the future, iliere't n voice that speeketh,
- -iltrords full of comfort tuthri listening ear t•--
1141.1jcip Shall hint that tooketht
_ lly detls.ut kluduess; human hearts to sheer l'r
By death; of kladmnis to an erring brother,
Fulfilling precepts that ate Irritu above, - ‘ ,
' Sharing life'm cares and burdens with each oilier—
, LINIng in harmony and truth and love.
So may the heart, whose earthlybloant bath faded
!Ave In the sunshlde ern' purer ray;
. may the flowers by darkened hopes Woishaded
.ktourrett and blossom tor e. brlglitor dui
February 14, 1859.
0 it, HA NS' S 'l'. VICTIM
it was a sultry afternoon. that 1 drbssed the
Mississippi river.-n - nd!nek iiently travelled on
my way toward-Greenfield . The cool shades
which cohered the road, and the majestic wood-
land scenery, wi;edaway the tune no pleasant
ly that before I wag aware of it, the sun WAS
dowtrand darkness was gently dropping its
blank veil
-I looked about me, auil became alarmed at
the density of the forest. The sighing of the
wind the rustling of a hush, the hooting of an
owl startled me. • Its the thick shades of al
most every tree rimagined a wild beast, ready
to spring upon me, and from behintl i gie trees'
monstrous trunks. I expected so hideous
animal to dash furiously at me. - I carried my
revolver ready for any emergency, and loosen
ed' my heavy knife in its scabbard. But little
did I imagine that, having passed the dangers
of the woods, those of a more fearful and aw
ful character awaited me.
The darkness had become intense, nd ita
was with the greatest difficulty I could pursue
my course. AL lehgth, however, a light hove
iu view;" and never in my life did I hail its
gentle lustre with grOater joy.
When I neared the spot, I found 4 dilapida
ted log house two.stories
.high, with a rickety
old porch in front A couple of gaunt, fern
cioushounda came rushing at me, and warned
A teinmates of - my approach. I scrutinized
the premises as closely as could in the dark•
ness, and was anything but satisfied with the
result of my investigations. But when [ look
ed about me andltw• the heavy gloom which
hung, upon everything, .and the .prospect of
being*,wolves,tedneltided to first.
inquire . the _distunee_to_ the-next-stopping.
place, and if it was too far to remainwhere 1
. -
The door opened, and , a 11'1819 , voice said,
who's there 1"'
" stranger," I 'replied, and followed up
by asking "how far to the 'tw i lit, stopping.
place I"
I could hear a low murmur Of voices, and
then a reply. name, "ten mile.; or more.!'.
I iliemounted, and tinaoned My 'lora° to 'a
post, and as I asconde:d the old rickety stairs
of the porch they cracked a dismal dirge, and
the gaunt,.lean•hounde nipped savagely at my
The room witichl entered piesentednuch a
repulsive appearance, that I started back with
mingled' surprise and .diagtist. The eyes of
Several rough, unbouth* looking individuals
were turned upon tno, and I felt in their glance
something more of the 'ferociousness or tho
'wild beast," than the gentle gitio of human be
"Take a seat, .strauger," •sajd a burly,
thick-set man; as he handed me a olutir,which
groaned - piteously with, bit .infirmitimi. As I
cast a 'glance - upon .ibe:greup before_me, I
seemed to' hesitate, which it , 'as instantly no
ticed, and the officiating:man,' who seemed to
be a landlord, conic toward•me, and in a con
ciliatory tone, and a style as gentle as could
be °specie& Said
§d - rry -can`t-aecomthodato"yoh:betteri
tstrangir, but - tnake'S;Martielf ittltortte,we'll do
the liest - hy yeu' ' ' •
•A:alinitiorint4fanne:Ostuni among -the-men ,
an the host concluded fill! hospitable invitation;
which did not escape my notice. ' •.•
At length supper was served, consisting of
corn brood , and, bacon; and for this ;meagre.
fare abundant apologies were offered. .
After listening a eltimt ntime . to Alteir'
gusting n oonvereation,,L.,ioformed
would like n toretire., n.n `•, n..
,!. you leave your ead(ll6-bagar', said
11,0,00 2 a, bland smile, its he .extended hie
hand.totale them. 7 : ; ~.." I
. 1 replied, white ajteavy frozen
gathered on my brow,„
have a very safe Platte . to, keep them,"
ho rejoined, while 11s blood-shot eyes stabbed
me to the heart,' '.n n n ,
PNo,deabti!'-naid :I,..With inenninetted,
PrP f,9y JAI( illg
: ' Tlil4 oaitcln ioit was,reopilied rather' eaMlly r
and as I prepared to 'White ''tild''rbnin;iftie
the men copied the handle of my rovol our
frudlot 40m, boneatli , my.toft?..::l t.
7 - :4
. •
"-Ilelto - steutigeft" eielainied in tqutck
lone, "let's see that !ere pistol, will you r
So sudden had been the demand, and in such
seething Innocent curiosity, that I put . my
hand beak to give it to him. ' But a second
thought decided me, and-I replied that it was,
no_gto , gpxipoitS , , AO_ box. JA !!11.
in them - miming. . .
the, and seeing things looked,rather peculiar,
I bagked myself through'the door, followed by
the When-the-door--waa_nlosed. Leonid_
`hear loud murmurings, and an oath or two vehement tones. •• ^ •
..___TlielandlordAurriedine Up a feeble pair of
stairti, and,l few yards front the
pushed "open.a _door and . badn_me enter. I
glanced around the apartment,.and showed by
my action; thatl was dissatisfied with ittkap,-
" nit' the best I can do for you, stranger,"
saidlte, "you needn't be , afraid of them fel
lows down stairs, they won'thurt anybody."
closed the dmieritid'deaeoptied' the steps.
was somewhat annoyed at the appearance of
things, and determined to place myself,in the
beat_possiblepositio,n of defence. examined
my quarte rsclosely, and - to - 11M 11;(3 .- e0 - 6 - rfiro ,
no fastening whatevel., - -nor-Nstis there any
thing convenient with which [Leonid be se:
- I cured - •
; - • ~
Determined not to be baffled, I tore a strip
of board froM, the wall, atiCwitli my knit&
cut out a piece sufficiently long to, make a
brace front thc lower Mete of the door to the
floor. Theitivith my pocket.knife I bored
holes in the casing at the' upper end, and
drawing several nails from thE wall,: I drove
them in with the handle of my, large knife.—
Ilavingexamined the walls, and apprehending
-no treachery from'them,.T.neeure4 win=
dow, end then turned My attention to the
floor. Beneath the bed . I disciovered a trap
.door, and its discovery made 'My hair stand
on end. I fund it opened•thiwnivaid. and
the possibility of.securing it strongly, seemed
hopeless • -
— Once- - I—thought of removiliFthe bed, and
then.watehing, as a trapper does .a the
ice__for game. ,But thlt would not do, for
should, I successfully repulse the fi rst. intru
der—for I had no longer a doubt of being in a
Robber's Roost—it would' leave a hole open.
which would expose me .to their fire.
length a .plan cam e '. to my - Teliet --- I - moved
' the bed from over the door. 4nd taking the
clothes oil, I threw-the chaff !bed -upon *the
floiir, and directly . over' the 'suipected - trap.
But, oh horror, what it discovery I made,—
TIM bed was saturated with' blood, and .in
many places hard from the gore whioh-had
dried in it. ' „....
thus fortified myself, I took a seat
on one end of the bed, with, my saddle bags I
close by me, my knife in one hand, and my
revolver in the other,
,and my ammunition
"convenient, do Case I slioidd ['blow
out my light, and in 'darkness awaited the
deimueluent , of "rite= plot. 114-, long 7 l had
*waited I could not tell, but in spite of my per
ilous sittuitioti, my eyes grew', heavy, .and I
-was almost overeeme with sleep: But an ea
sy moving of the bed aroused all, my percep •
tive faculties, and in an instant -was Wide
awake. -- It• moved several Elm.. easy,
and then all became quiet. I listened a few
moments, but could hear nothing. Presently
a faint whisper from an adjoining room came;
my' eyesfollowed the direction..and I saw a
small stream of light pouring. through .an
opening in the . partition. t,••tat•t »lofty totUe
spot. and Untitled a moment. then put niy•
eye t 9 the opening, and had ;a fi,ir view Oahe
operations inside. -
So horrible was the sight I then boheldi that
the recollection .will never be erased from my
memory. flanging from the bed, and with
his head nearly severed from his body,,was
an old gray-headed man, wtilo the purple
current of life-was- steadily- streaming from
the gash. I reeled a moment with dizziness,
and was about to withdraw from the scene,
whin the door opened' softly, and a person
entered. I loOked again, and, three of the
men I had seen in the bar-room were standing
netir the dead mail.
"Wily,llans," said ono, "I thought you had
fixed him by this time 7.
have trouble with that customer,"—
'replied ltsns. shaking his head, "he is up to
something, he put hia bed over the trnp.'
"The devil I" they both exclaimed, and
looked at, each other in, surprise.
• 4 .We must. Manage , him 8011106'w," said
Hans, "fur ho has money. lam certain or
that:" .
"liadn't we. better attend to thaCere gal
first?" suggested one. • ,
t "Yes. the old mania fixed, now for the gal;"
and picking up the light they left the room.
What girl? thought I. Is it possible-some
person as uraemia's:to as, myself has been
ear — welled to stop hero.,
I listened eagerly, and presently a crash
came, followed by a shrill sonata. I sprang
toward my doCr, but recollected that I had it
well secured. , I hesitated, a moment, when
another screens 'more• terrific than the first,
followed by the sharp report.. of a pistol. It'
was but. the work of a moment to unfasten the
door and dash out. As I sprang into the pas
sage, I met two-men, who fired almostsimul
tatieously, but without effect. I leveled my,
revolver, and sent the contents of one barrel
theoligh Clio head - of - tine, timbled heavily .
down "
etdirs; 'dragging liis compuuion With
I rushed into the room and found the girl
'sheltered behind a bed, keeping Hans nt bity
with a revolver. As I entered Hans sprang
at me with eilandish expression;' and in spite
of my - efforts, seized me in his herculean
grasp,. My pistol now was of no use, no
hurling it froM nte,:l drew my knife, and soon °
put an end to the struggle. I gathered up my
pistol, and hurried the giii into my own room,
and noon had the door securly barricaded. I
then explained-to her our nituation,and how
I came to discover ,she,wes -to bo a victim.—
But when L told her of the old man, she faint
ly gasped, is :my, father,',' and .the next
moment lay, senseless on the floor. I new was
in a trying position. I, expected every mo
ment the attack of the robbers would be in
newedtnnd in all probability_ they wotild
power us; and' then our doom would tio.aealod.
I involuntarily cast my eyes to; the* window,
as.if it would tate afforded some point' of es :
etipe. 7 ' But thetithe robbers would have n fair
chance,' could' surround 'ne, and-Antirder us
without • n allow of „defence I . had.ill Wei
tinte , cothited upon my lair companion as an
assistant, not refinetingthat She WOO a women,
and I lied essayed to protect. her. When thri
thought - crossed my.,mind, all my combative
powers, were aronsed,,and ,I. felt strong , and
competent to contend-with: &host, --- -
.1 "beard •iwiepering, mid footstepi gently
stealing up the stairs. A dim light, shown be- -
-neath'llte-door,-, and. , reYealed-netual - large
holes and • cracks. I. kept my . eyes intently,
used in•the direction, while. my heart palpith
ted so loud, that. ita, vibrations could : be dis
tinctly beard. • ,
A, slight, shuffling of the feet.; .and. crash.
crash, went peiieral, reports, while bullets,
,The girl
wive A shrill nerentn,..,t ,groaned and. crept
close, to' tile door wfdeh",Was riddled with but.
lets„ntid throtagit boles could plainly
'discern their ttetionii. , ,
' still Imetlim 'sliOts In m y r6yolveie; a n d'`
determined' to ti n - "theii i. :to•,thii.bos Alvan,
• lies.oli i ti. for new;" said One; Mile itoa
. , .
.eyang th e door:
4.11111. the gal,m•roplied n7ittle, shot (, thick
set Itan,;! , she fights like thunder,itt ,- . , 4;
. -11 A I ,y,04 ~ c ortArtk, who-would ; fear'-ft • won
ppm 1? • returned the lirst .tipeniser with
'oilier.' • "`-• '
ilatea; • matip etrkoll potrder iro
-mann-Tziesm - am.
that rifore merdn'," miii;sav
"We must have. that 'ere door open." and
'suiting the action to, the words an assault was
made upon it..
,I.levelcd my pistol and, fired, when with an
94 . 4 the Juan fell babk,uputt9te floor." I gave
jqpitmglyliktvitt st,c,Oro, ;telloaticia_m3iy.46l
and returned id Companioi,:whO'•Was try ,
WO°, staunch the blood which .was flowing
from a' vound in tile •. - . .
"I fear, life la slu;rt,
and? sincere
lrlliank. you for
: your kind protection," she
feebly murmured, and sauk•exhausted upon
Lie bed
I was about to Mier some assistance, when
I again henrd steps on the stairs,' and earnest
talking, ilh'of persons'remonstrating.
ing the attack at the door would bo renewed,
I drew the bolutoid:against it, anirthrew the.
light bedding over.the head-board, and thus_
fomed a kind of breast work
-•-"Say,-Mister,-don't -shoot,-I-want_tq.speak
a -few words with you," said a voice at the •
head of the stairs,
"I'll shoot the first. 'man who comes near
that door;" I replied, Savagely.
plied, in a tone which carried tieaolierY- with
it., ••COme to the door, will you •..
--- "Yes. -- but - don't you come - .
- . "I wont. Aro you there ?" " '
• "Yes."
'I felt a slight moving of the shed over' the
trap, during which time the man outside kept
up an incessant jabber. '
One end of the bed was raising softly, and
taking hold of. it with my loft gently
cased it - .up,tintil ,- I , :could.rdiscover a: Bead
above the opening. •
••Are,you-at the door?"
"Yes." -
Simultaneously with may answer vveUL
eaden messenger through the bond in the
!-trap.and bang came a Indict through the door.
The sound of ,a heavy fall announced that
my stint had taken effect. '
I searched for the revolver the , girl had
used, and foitunately found it. and was hap.
py to discover that but one load had been shot
out of it, which[ replaced, and being thus re
inforced, I felt — morecolifident of-viywy.
But to overcome this gang' seemed almost
hopeless, as their • numbers might' be very
large, and so far from assistance. But might
not some providential- circumstance transpire
deliver me from the hands of these tlespe ,
I redoes. I was determined to do my best, and
leave the result in the hatitle : of - Him who ai
r-rum the affairs of men , • • .
, A noise at the window drove my attention,
and caught - the -glimpse of .a man's head
slowlyritting_ahova-khe sill. Taking a delib
ciateflitn, I:gave-Win the contents of one bar
e!, and ho descended much quicker than he
came up,
What would be the next feature of the pro
gramme I could not imagine, but like a wild
beast at bay, I watched every. move, and had
my ears open to every sound. ' But I felt that
something decisive must bo done, for day•
would soon make its appearance, and they ~
would have the advantage ofme. -
Again they.were ascending the stairs, I now
determined to put an end to the contest, and,
if possible, overcome them, and make them
I come to terms, or die in the attempt.
I drew the bedstead around so as to protect
• the girl from the fire, anti then stationed my
',self-near-the - rettall. :
Crash went in axtfag tinst the doer, and the
splinters flew in every 'direction. It was but
the work of a moment to break the door in,
anti when it fell from its fastenings; I sallied
1 forth with a revolver 'wench hand. One man
1 dropped before: me. another reeled and then
fled precipitately down stairs. A few shots
were returned, one of which took effect in my
eliouldthititul as I felt the lilood tiiitiltle - down' -
my' only increased my desperation:—.
I. milted after them, firing whenever I felt my •
shot would be effectual. . When I reached the
barroom I. could see but one iniin, and as he 1
fled through the door•I gave him my last shot:
' Ile fell. and bogged me to spare him; as he '
was the only remaining ono of the party.—
Thinking lie was so crippled he could not e's- •
cape, I returned to the house, and taking a
light,' searched it thoroughly, and could not
find another man about it. •I then ascended
the stairs, and found the girl had somewhat
recovered. We then set 'about dressing our
wounds, and were•so absorbed in the matter,
that I did hot notice a glaring light which was
breaking through the door.
.;The house is on fire I" exclaimed the girl,
springing to her feet.
Taking her by the hand, we rushed to the •
stairway, but it was-one ceedinuous sheet of '
fire, We then returned to the window, and
Ifinding, the.huldinstill there by which the man
had aseendOr I' took het. in my arms and de
,. .
sanded, thua effecting our escape from anoth
er imminent danger. ' . .
The man had set the house on fire, and ei
ther:perished in,the flames.. or dragged him
self to some place of , concealment.
.Finding two horses in a . stable close by, we ' -
took possession of thetii,.and 'returned to a lit
tle town near the Mississippi river. The
lovely girl andinyeelfewho met so strangely,
never parted; but remained one and the same
death. — Not; hAve - Vve ever forgetten_the
Robbei's Roost; or Hane l vietim. , -
. _
Trial of a Bed Ding
• -
It will not lic..necessary that. rill'ould in
form any of your readers who was S. S. Pren
tiss, us a history of this wonderful man is
part.of the history of .the. country. Many
years ago, when lic.was engaged in a large
practice in Mississippi, ho and his friend,
Judge Were on the circuit in some of
the eastern counties of the State, and stopped
for the night at the-village of H—. Late
let night Prentiss discovered that Judge H—
and himself were not the, only claimants for
possession of the bed, agile was vigorously
betiet by a specious of 'vermin which do' not
make very comfortable bed fellows.' Amt.-
dingly he awoke Judge 13—, and a consul.'
tation was bad, whether they should heat a
retreat or make an effort to exterminate their
.Tlm hitter course was adopted
and for the 'infrpose they took fronitheir end.
die-bags a brace of pistols, 'caps, peiviier and
other , munitions of warfare. • With pistols in.
hand, they raised the beJelothing; and as
one of the creeping reptiles would,etert from'
his hiding place bang . ---bangl would go. the
pistols. Thii, 'Course;aromed end alarm
ed the worthy' landlord; who came in haste'
to the room, and, when he learned the facts
was in a •krcat rage. ' Pyontitis demanded_
that he should leave the'reoin, claintingthat
Was only "eXercieingthe'rightof self•defencie
-;--a right whleh the law of ,Chid and the la 4,
end the threatsfof the landlord ,proved
'Alm Airing. continued: until ,bed!„
bedstead, and bedding were riddled with balls.
At'llik, - they , Sneecorled "capturing one of
the'' enemy, 'when It' difference of 'opinion
nroso , between'theirt as tdWhat , Should•be.his
fate. At leugtlnit shouldho "fairly,aml impartially tried3by tt,ittry of
his Country." Three of the landlord a sons;
were brought in - Wild:forced to - alt • tts mern 7
bens:o;oe jury,ttud. a: third Inwyce Who watt
pirT4,,eqtelloot ~1,140.,1-..Thei p rootier
then pinnedte,thevall. 'o . (wno
wits VerYlkile - iiiWyer) - iiimtied'!'di thit'pro‘i,
'lteetniett - in 'tt 'epeteh 'ofetwd Was length.
, Prentiss , followed for the defeeeoleitispepch
thoee,,pre Al on . t, i
kn.titllMS l .4 alid-hatti
heard upon - ;great eeettslone, ohs life,
brillituttibrabuifhetufit , deliifefOii
Front;Chatitber!s J01'31.130
For yoara rra have b33 ' d hiking
sons ta mistrust, - Satan) nriaro than h.tlf a•
frail of swallewin; poison with ouedeily fool
would b 3 wareLyea still no 3ra - ulistruit.-
' fid? ' 4slOgiii i itTi: - ralp inn - 67af EME - fo — vt 7 .
riptnro,thor articles svhicals are oonstomtly
lug th s ilanglt.-oar It tali. 'POISKI , lurks in.a
tlious - bnit pla - 33i -al 1 think; w:t3re we lb , an
iss,pootAo „fill it, oil ti vary •slight °imam.
manna ofteir auffiiis to transform •wlfit
deem a trifle of do aecount,lntO d3atit-de 0-,
ldea;ont. Even when fatal 0 . 0410(pbt1004 ae
-tlioyare fraquelitly mttributi3l
anyuaaie rather flitit the riettrone, espaei &tees Where clairen are tits -sutl3r
It miy_net, perhaps, be amis to initanee a
few Buell clda so vrit't the view of
puttin& persons chi theinguard, an I inducing
them Co inake:theinsolder, acquainted with the
-tatureand properties oral Inv cl-tngerthiti thing 3.-
by which theY'iare Surrounded, rin'lss prevent
this repetition of accidents which are. now
through (perinea, -of Iraqi» it oacurrenee.
Take forexampleollo.following:_
' Not m Lay diys ago, the wife of a wall-to-do
farmer with •whem 1 am' aelit tinted c trne to
town on the market:-day, ivin ; an inftakof.
ten 'Mend» Old In tits. °spacial charge of her.
eldest daughter. Almost duici.lliately after
her lop taunt, the child, a most engaging lit-.
tie girl, iv is talc nt sullenly ill. Violent at• •
tacks of vomiting: between which the child .
lay in it kin•l of 11 d mit like • to 'par, were the
•symptomt, and a t»th which w is just in eking
its appearance, wis blame.' as the o ouse of
her sufferings - hoWavao, seine time
elapsed, and no.' perceptible imp,Mvernenf took
- plutecin•the - sttte:'of theslittie — p Went: the mis ,
for became alarmed, awl despatchel a servant
to recall the nether. -Oa her arrival, Al also
set - down everything to the tooth. reel but for
the inquiries of a friend, to - 'wholii the circum
stances of poor baby's illness were pathetical
ly detailed, the aforesaid inciter' would.hutve
-borne the blame of having caused it..
The friend, however, could ant divest-her
: self of the ides that the child's salferingt were
not the result of teetiiihi, but of soma mine•
rot poison th it hid boon imidentally
istered to it, particUturly when informed; that
after it haul taken' the breast, though the sick
- noss was gre tter, the bat symptoms begin to
abate. • •_..
Are you quite sure," she asked,. "that
your little one had eaten nothing-injurious ?"
...Quito sure," replied the m Alter, almost
in lign tnt-at thole ire idea that her darling's
mutterings Ira-been cursed by ;inv,careloss•
nets or neglect on her part:. ',lndeed," she
"kit - to - wing she was aieuf some teeth,
[-would hoe. to-.. servant, butt fed her
myself; and ,She was in no other hands
leapt thoule of my daughter this morning."
Then it el ohs no playthings'ne ier -
"Not any." _
"0 no," interposed the daughter; "this on
ly thing she tonahed wits it piece of ptper,and
al . first 4 l thought it- had made her-sick, as she
swalloited o bit of it, and sucked the color off
the remainder."
The solution of the matter was nowinade
perfectly plain. A. few mere que'stions pros..
el the correctness of tire visitors suspicions.
The piper alluded to was a largo ticket of a
brilliant and be tutiful green color, which had
boon taken off some article of . clothing. Its
gm , hula-and the glittering letters had attract
ted the chihts attention ; • and the mother nor
or deeming such a - trifle could contain Lan
thing so injurious. unhesitatingly placed in the
oegerly'out•stretched little Ilea 1 a portion of
most de idly poison Fortunately, the dose
did not prove sufficient to destroy life, though.
it. wee quite stroug,enough to plan it in jeop
When paper-hangings were titters: expensive
and consoquently loss commin,, than they are
at present, the walls of two rooms in my fah
: er's house were washed with a, green solution.
Whenever those walls wore swept, the• per
son performing the operation was sure to corn
e plain of eickness, and an acid coppery taste in
the mouth. This is easily accounted for,
though I believe fylecurrecl several times be
fore any persons attributed it to the real cause
Of course, the sweeping rantuved a'portion of
the coloring inattor from the walls, in the form
of a lino and subtle dust, which, being inhal
ed, produced slight symptoms of poisoning.
Ilere. too, a child had nearly lost her life from
repeatedly wetting her finger with saliva, to
rub the coloring Matter off the wall.
• Of a similirly injurious nature are the bril
liant green-lined p tper-hangings, which have
been so muchlit nee — orbits. Only a few Weeks
ago a medical man, writing to one of our lead
ing journals, gave an account of his having
suffered seriously front them. 14 appears
front his statement, that being, in the, habit of
spending a considerable portion of his • titno ,
in a room hung with paper of the objectiona
ble hue, he became ill, but, rerneving to smear.'
or apartnient, he speedily recovered. Subs°.
quently, returning to his old place and habitS.
the hatisymptocus•again appeared: .
Hid suspicions wore aroused ; ,and certain
oliontheal experiments proved, heyondthe
sibility of'doubt, 'that a highly poisonous mat,.
had boon extracted from the green-colored
paper, and transferred to, his system, by inha
lation, to an extent sufficient to bring-on se
ylotte indisposition,_ _
It seems,- moreover, that in-tine-Of the - Ouiti
tinentaLojtkautho police 'authorities' bait) in•
fartered, and actually rent paper hangings of
this particular color from the walls, to.preveni
the dangeroui results which might have other•
ensued to these who ooeupied the apart
•It was suggestcd, - seme tline• ago, that the
gas'aiintainoit In the air-b'all's' witiolt have late-,
ly been such favorite toy's; might, under oar.,
taiu oironmstatmes..render them anything but
safe articles , to pipet) in the hands of the rising,
generation. Dut'it,soems that here again the
actual loss' ftW lives has resulted from the.
use of poisonous coloring matters in their doer
oration. • • .•
The sufferers wero the ahildren„of a man
who manufactures plash . air -halls; and hie
whole family have Suffered; more or lees, by
inhaling the poison.' For my part, I honestly
rejoice at the introduction of any now and at. -
trectiv.e. plaything, doonaiugit no light matter
to furnish .a
.child with,a source of pleasure ,
but, surely; novelty is' too dearly'purchased it.
the 'cost °Chum,* life. ''":'
Agaimit is quite . possible that a.satfloient
amount of poison tOs,ffeet the wearer may be
rubbed off a dross.: .A few months ago, many.'
• of the young women employed in a great Pa 7
Milan deed's making ostablishMent became sud'
denlyili white at their work, They were
• .makitig , up'a:nittubor:or,hallAressit, of ale:
ouliarly beaUdfitt. and.uovel; shade orrgifeen,,
atid• the friation, iwileperisahly, attendant on
their, he'd" dieplafied' a portion of the
adoloi.—whieh - they
• A physidian of eminonoe, whq-was (tenant
, mama the .occasion,: gave r his •opinion,
that4Mould these dresses bo worn in q hall- .
raoth,"a'auffielent'cuitantitY of Olson "would bo'
mingled with tiro atmosphere to prothice most
dangerous conseqtionces to the company.
Those amonly at fliwiout.ortiumertius easos.l
,whioh,present . thomselvos as all from
similar Causes. . But they . are , euftl e i en t" for ,
mY'prescitt'fottipoio,'' sliiii&ther give ample":
•tettimonYor tlio!,harm'Whidh may result from
loorantoi In a xery•simplo -.matleiVand. also,
1.18 !"1 44
whichone' poison only; may b p • pveepeted to
jihjiiiihmit‘eWrikishinr otioPlototi,
Take the 'first case • queted.llll'''peletins.
whe have anything - to . do• with. ohildren,:Wlll
know :With:YAM avidity: the 'youngitoro hog'
P1.0. 0 .9 1 4,0;i 3 0904P94 1 !•,,.
gov t . cov:vhe time bent trig. onokortiote' •
:pdpdr liib'edkeetvele'.tll4s l PieVl: bit the. tikiVAV
teciniiifiliflWsititi , Cali *DO ueiCtlioin
!iv~ir:!_rlugr(r'9.~.!!.~"iw!d4Cs.i'r.'r ~, tr;:
$2 0011mb vance.
in`orlerdeliiiitropriate'theie little works of
art-i,for:truly many of them. May be called
mob —to the. M laUfaltUre of sceley 43Vid34,
And prOb.ibly ;IA one methoe out of
,a !tun
dra Is a eft 310 es that it misiplia Won of 3/11 s
'of the ee jilt mat Iliciat all IltlYl 03V13t131
articles mig'it (met a child's life:.' • ' •• -
--We. nosh tenliasoe rtain-o f whit: Meek color
ing m atm aro oernyesed, to sag clnicty n tke,
aiu3e t 4 :l - 11:!I Theinejork
tq of ;seas the meet be iutiful .
—are prep iratione . of copper, the only mineral
which produces .that color.. -In- ‘!
Lion iry," we fad.un ler the. head "green
prints," 'a list of seven ;rearm nearly all of..
-wh tol3--Sira-slimirent-prep mitt ens- of--cop per; ,
Seheele's - green - ati3l - Sehereinfurth - green - the -
twe most detdly pigments of this hue, are,
bath deadly poisons: The first is comppsed
of'orytlen 'of-copper, "and arsenious aei3l, or
-white-oxyd'e-of arsenic. , Sahweinfurth s'reen.
which is a still finer color, contains the above
,camel ingredients, but in different isropors
acetic-acid-in addition.' _With:.
ragiki to tll3 first, Dr. Lire tells us that it was
detected, a few years before tlie,,,pablieation
or his - werk, as the oalorin; miller of .30613
Parisian bansent, by the Clnceil ds Seithrite. '
,s3inme - vrhic - th - s - confectioners - etere - prohibited
front using it,bylle French government. Mere ,
recently; I have myself read of a case whore
13,..c13111..vrae poionied dlilouTgh sucking the
green color off seine twelfth4ike ornaments:
Now, where so large a proportion of. 'the .
various shades of green are known to bs form
al by in mixture of some-of the most [Keever
fully poisonous subetanees, and since persons
only pleseesing considerable chemical knowl
edge Can distinguish those that are the least in•
jurions,• it is surely advisable-to caution all
who are not so• well intirmed. Even when a mixture. ot_bliie and—
Pruisian blieertho - cap most 0011iii311;
ly employed, is in itself slightly poisonous.: •
Befory ming from the subset of colors, I
will mention:a few orate poisonous substinces
used in producing different shades for paint-
Mg an I dyeing. Te give the sek- :
act..corupesition of etch color, and the !Ode r,
in which it is' produced, would occupy, too:
much tilip and space; as it is I only intend
to name-a'few, ,simply with a view to put Pe
rsons on their ; laud against the misapplica
tion of articles innocent enough iii their prop
er places; and hurtful, Patty when, as in the
case quoted" atthe commencement of this little
p spar, they . are - placed in' the .hands of those
who divert them front their original uses:
Among the coloring substances use 1 by.the
inafacturers of paper-hangings an p limned
piper, are .whitedead —Prussian blue.' blue
verditer4,preparation of copper —and the
greens already mentioned. The above limited
lire all poisonous; and When we consider the
immense number of articlea wrapped in time
painted papers, no more' nee I be - 8:a.! ita to
the necessity far "great,,ti'ere, in placing them
. .
in the . littuls or ohiPren,-siarmany.oneltuows
that almost everything given to a chill un-lor
Wro , years of age is carried to the mouth,
Bveis those of a larger growth are-apt to do the
same thing'; _hence the the - danger above allu,
del to.
Probably, - with respect to paper-hangings,
much of the 'mischief Might be" obviated' by
by_using those.which aro glazed, or as it rare
ly happens that the whole surface is so. the
opposite effacts proditeed by (MO and bright
shades being considered so desirable—they
might be .varnished aftor having been hung on
the walls. •
But green, or other solored,articies, are by
no moans the only ones against the improper
.11140 of which a caution is necessary. In look
ing through the columns of a nowspaPer,• we
frequently meet. with paragraphs like therfol
lowing: A poor woman who died lately at
Bratoft, near Spilsby, Lincolnshire. after it
few days illness, had ineautiously_applied some
tallow from a candle to a scratch on her face.
In a' few hours after the application, her head
- and face loceame very painful, and previously
to her dissolution had swollen to a frightful
extent7 r the consequence of some very poison
ous ingredients used by chandlersior purify
ing tallow.!!‘ ..This was inserted. irtNovember,
1851, in the following January, a similar case
is qu'oted:—" A:young man has' died at Bull
from putting tallow milt - pimple on his face.
The tallow contained arsenious aoidi and ver
digris had in consequence acimmulated on the
. „ 'of'
Amongst the poorer classes e commu
nity, tallowle a very favorite specific.' As in
the instanCos already mentioned, it, is-applied
to scratches, • pimples, cute, and. a ; hundred
other trifling hurts. If a child is 'suffering
from a cold in the head, a thousand, to
but its nose will be . --tallowecl befbre it gois to
bed, while a tallow-plastee,applied to the chest
is considered the sovereign'st thing on earth, •
to relieve any oppression there, or difficulty
of breathing. I once, saw such an 'application
mauls to a frightfdl burn. on the breast of an.
infint. It produced no injurious effect; be
-cause it so ,happened that these candles did
not contain thepOisonous ingredient which is
to be found in some, as all tallow is not 'ex
posed to the same bleaching•processi•sorne be
ing simply whitened-by age. Where, -howev
er, there itl t a quick sale, oran unusually large
demand, ceqain substances
Imparts poisonous
quality. • ' •
Of mourse,.only the initiated can toll Which
are harmless and which hurtful;. henco c the
meciessitY 'for the -disuse iittallow as ,a'salve-; -
for thiiugh•T haiid mentioned the liiirerAidies
of the community As those who make the most
frequent use of it, they by' no means stand
alone. It is an old-fashioned and very favor
ite 'remedy, iieriwith 'some middle - class folk,
ae I can aVoneh'from my own actual knowl
edge ; and those with whom it is not, may do
good by warning others against It. It in
rid to -think. of • the eufforkg Whiffirmight
base been entailed:on the 'poor child to Whose
bitrned breast alalleiv plaster was applied,
had it contained the pol Son• 'so many, candles'
lifore recently than alty of the above vides,
two llvoslave been lost in consequence ofthe
careless exposure •of certain photcigraphic
chemicals of a deadly nature.
In the first case a photographer had left
vesschiontainim; a poisonous solution on the
sill of a window' opening into a nelghbor's
;prentiees. Tito. Ishii& of the latter drank the
liquid *and died. ,
The sotiondcasols still'moro to be regretted,
!Moo the caseVrlth whloh ph'otographio chensi
cabs may be procured, furnished the recede of
dommitting suicide) to a girl of sixteen, who
had bean a couple of montherin tiler servlmi of
thdartist's tnothor) 'The uhhappy'youtig:Wo.
man lmd deliberate!) ,
,carried a bottle of eye
didei bf poteSSintn--a Substance which, 9n, so. ,
halon id becomes Pressler acid
—to her bedroom, mixed &portion with water
Mid drenk ILE The Pore Pore beforii whobithe
inquiry respecting the, pause .of death rut
tnad'ft; stronglyeandeinined gip Malsoriminate
dale d [ dUblideadly
the inturforenge of the leglslatsire =to Trevent
it, cannot toe strongly impress oaths minds
of those,who use emelt dangereds eftbstano9s,'
that the greatest care Opght to be taken ,to
privet:it thelefelliag into biesperieficed-ittinds,
Probably the amateurds less - likely to err in
this, respeit tlian the nrAfeettional photograph
er, sing° thclattcr, from constantly, begins
them id hand, is apt to`fdiget they are ,any.
thingliht thd ids' trade. '
To add to' tbosdinstanbei istuld Nifty;
hut I mention, : only , pneetnere , :cmin.:of
pelsoning front the airlOnial, mlOgip**ion
of an"artldla - in' ditty use. A. Lilly; 'rho wan
hi the habit of unifierhitli baliool l "Aikellid
114.T0e, 1 . 1:014.7 , ,P0rp0w, inomitiquaty
tem the bottle,topipintpl•plOthiti .411011 or, •
Child,:,who,' 'nkturlitly 12p§ogitg ,whio
Kimble tiitlitolteriesie teceikeriumethigood,- 4
aotso“ t e- ;phial; drank' the bentolite,T and •
440 1.44 • 1 4 6 4 4 4ittr0fft' 1 1% immecieekv 20 1 '" •
trltar does f. hpUttrpf?;,,otßiVlP*.P
NO. 26.