lih4 ji~aCcl • '..CARLISLE, PA Ilre(inestai, March 9, 1859 EMI tt We have ,devoled nearly all. of our iirst, page, to 'an zlistrAct of the report of 11fessrs. Sherman and Ritchie of the Com aupointed by Congress to investigate the alleged' frauds in the Navy Depart to,whieh ive:inVile the eiliWirattention of •‘ .'our Fenders. an iteriortant document' and .should-be-carefully-fi editivaffor-fti t BEIZIES! CONGRESSIONAL. The' thirty•filth Congress closed its session • , on Friday the 9th .instant, nt I 2 ,o'clock,M., Avust nmolint oflmblie • airless wbs' not reached nt. all, owings„to• an - tinimrdonttble wtatc,of while other' measures of prinie importance, were crowded Into the last hours of the session,, and her tied through the House, giving a practie4l • histration the beauties o f: hasty • legisln: . HMO The:Post, office so essential to the proper • administration of braiTeh of7tlio—fpliale—refiTelirtVirriastr— ,: 'he MI: appropriated '$20,000,000; over 3,- 000,000 of which was to meet the delieielMy_ . aloe:year, aritt Unless' the President should callan extra 80891011 to provide means, many go on trust. .. Mr. Slidell's Thirty MillionS, for the ac quisition of Cuba.; ibe bill • gratiting pen• sign s to the soldiers of•the 'war of• 1812, and the Pacific Railroad bill were thrown aside: The.miscellrincous approjwiation bill, re- duces the e§tiOlates, about six: millions, but . extends the Treasury note law for two years. • the el:dins of Teunsylvania' are again disre ; garded to gratify tho frec•trude policy of the . . democratic party. : • - PENNSVi.VANIA LEGISLATURE. linneisnunn, Monday, Feb. 28, 1889 . In the SENATE 11 bill was' passed relative to _sales Or rcalestate by °Hera Orphans' Courts. were alsc.p:usedlo incorpo6te:the Fort. retinae -the u mho. of • directors of the American Mutual Insurance Co4ani. of Philadelphia, and ,a number of privet e In the HOENE a' resolution, was adopted re quiring the Committee on Banks to inquire wbetGer the Camden N. J. Banks, which have agencies in Philadelphia, pay tax . on their • A motion was made and carried, to re-con alder the vote on the joint resolution for ad jourtiment et' the 'Legisloture on the 15uh.:- An amendment was etTerediixinl: uc ood, of March; . and .you, ud• scussum le 0 ,n. 0 adjourned. -• . Tuesday, the Senate the bill . relative to the Batik's of this Commonwealth, - and td_ prevent—frauds by Mink: ofkeers was called up in order. Mr Gazzain Moved that. it be referred id a speCial committee, nhich motion, after sodiediscOsSian woo withdrawn. • Several sections — were - --am - emled°, and-the bill_ paiseihseLMid reading. In the House a bill supplementary to. the, Licence law was considered in committee of% the whole. This bill giveaiseretionary putt- . '.+er to the Court to grant or refime a licence to sell liquolr:' It come •up before the (louse on second reading, and 'after a 'lengthy discus sion, the farther• consideration was postpou• ed. -Wednesday, Nfar: 2.—ln the Senate, a large 'timber of bills-wel h e reported from the eover- al cohunit tees. . The bill to Prevent frauds' by bank officers woe passed by a vote' of 15 to 10. Mr Finney called up the bill to increase the sabiries of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia. Mr. Dell, of Chester, moved to amend the bill, by increasing the salaries of the Judges _ . of the Supreme Court to four thousand dol lars. The amendment was• agreed to. The bill passed CoMmittee 'the and canto up on second rending, and was laid .'over In the House the appropriation bill was,tti ken up. The pay of the members led to on, animated discussion. . A number of amendments were offered, all , of which were negatived, and the rate of pay was fixed at the same amount as that paid last yetir The balance of the session was consumed in the consideration of the bill, and it was still pending wheettitrHotise adjourn ed. Thursday, Mar. B.—ln the Senate. Mr. Myer submitted a resolution, milling on the State' TreasuK,er to' inform Alm Senate what amount of relief notes' issuedare yet in °kit lotion, Sm. Adopted. The hill to increase the - sacriries of the Judges of the ,SupreMe 'Court - to $4OOO was debated, and again defeated, by a vote -of yeas 12, nays 19. ,) Mr. Totney moved to increase the salaries of all law judges who now .receive $2OOO to $2500. • Mr. Finney moved an amendment to in creaee the caiariesof the Supreme Judges to $3500 Agreed lo s —yeas 8; nays 13 The amendment as amended was debated nt length,and was still pending when the Senate adjourned; a nnmber of private bills were pass 7. ed among • which was, a supplement the Duncannon, Landisburg and Broad. Top Bea rded, authorizing its extension. to' the Mary land or" Virginia line, In the, House, The following bills were piissed;—AiA act incorporating. the Vaisenger Railway Company of Pittsburg as agreed upon the members . by a majority of the mecrs•• , from Allegheny The resolution to pay David -It. , 11I'Clein seven dollars per day during the time:lie was a member, passed. • 21.' large immber.of bills were rend in place, , aud.severeal-reported from the Cenutit tees. Fridayt;'ltler. C . -4n' the SENATE,, coni 7 , mUnidetton was reeeivedfroin r the'do . rernor, nominatini Charles D..llincline as Superin.: tendent of Public' printing; The nomination woe confirmed.:, t.• . ;111r; Randaii, , from. the spcoial,coramit tee on' , th e uojec i :reperted. the till providing' tor . a general.bittiking law, witli,putuoroutr (Intend, meats. • ::•• .:; U • The7billla , 7lfiereascrtlitriletaiiiiiiToT 'Mir! ... Judges cam p - order. The • - salttries.of ail law.Juilges,t e,',he *2500 was titletite:ll---yeaii 15; nays 13. then passed' finnliy,:!.. -In the [reuse' The appropriation bill was taken tip. The twenty-ninth . section, giving St 000;to.the , Howard Aiseclation, • being. un •. der consideration, the motion, WAN, :et rick out Section 80, providing for aproprintini the sure'cit s2soo'to therittliburrinfliiiittry„ . aniPa like sum to-the , l'lrlerey , '!Htittiiital,.'•ivetr, ..,(dsktitrickeri oat.!•'. - A'now net ionite ipaylthu : Ivll nesseti• ettendanee on-the , oonlo6to :=" don ease orthe.Third Repreeentalittit'Dfiltrid:- the'sunt of *BOBO 80; • was . ;tiniltir when a Motitin te , peetptine ed 1 is ; .4 joint resolution; allewing;Geo. , W,:Wood;''' Isle member; .full sad•l rrille°l°;4'neifetki ..,. • , . Una , , racEE uaivniso ' An act to establish n general Banking Law, Ls - now-beforo the Legislature, whntrits fate may'be,•orliow modified before-its'final pas sage, is, uncerfillitr . What its ultimate effect may be on busitiesS, we leave to those more 'competent tomage. We do not believe . that the citizens of Pennsylvania outside of Phila delphia at least, are in favor of such a law; and if asked for at al, it is . either - hy those -mho are always rtady to exchange an old s3is• te.ii for a new one, or to give increased facili,, ties for ahaiiiny operations. 1 . . . -.'fite' Bank; of Peiitisylvania with few if any. exceptions, 'IIIT now on a safe and reliable foundation,..e4nducting their gaii•e_wilb.ll. doe_ .re„ti'rd• • the_ wants-of:lb o' ennimati- IM , jiliq AbgiriMi_s-_ini)iiiiy.—arittill.erciitiv ;few_ i - OZ.allties in the State, 'where — there is stillici ent legitimate business to sustain a Dank,that there is. not one. alreittly— established. To changc the present system, and throw bank: ing privileges op_etvto compeiiticut .would be 'to ItCod the State,in n shorttitne, Witlo•protn : ises to pay," to the cntireeicluSiou almost, of gold and silver coin. The follotving twosome of the previsions'ofthe new-law as reported: Section I nakes it Kalid for any number of citizens, not less than five; to associate fdr banking purposes, as prescribed in 'ibis net: Sec._2,. Provides for an Application Of such persons to The Court of Cotillion Pleas, and ring intlicatimr - xif - tlre - srtiu_t_azacr_Thrce - aznp'.. , iirrieViSpapers: Sec. 3. Persons •so associating must' , pre pare-I heir articles. of-as.spoiat -and present to court for:exatnination:L. Anil, if in cotopli- ante with this act, declare the 'amen cor e ore() bk recoTiFeir. — Sec. 4. The term of a hank, thus constitu ted, to be for twenty yearsl its powers, to loan money, buy, sell, and.^disedunt bills of exchange, notes, and all other written eviden ces of debt, except such as may be prohibited by ibis act from buying, selling, or 'discount ing, recene depaskts., buy and sell gold and silver coin and bullion, collect and pay over money, and transact all . such business aS shall appertain to the business of banking-subject Jtuwt_ever-to-t trovision-5=01,411-is„actrA=may .acquire hold. and convey such real estate as, maystim tieces•ary, and •no more t• but may however,acquire title to any real estate pledged to secure any debt previously contracted or purchased' on execution, &,c but - shall hold such estate nu longer than is necessary to se cure paymmit of debt &c. If a sum sufficient to secure, payment 'shall be tendered before sale, the bank shall•release•all right, title,and interest therehi. - le court shall in due form porndion, and•-said de- See.'s. thes it imperativc upon such hanks to deposit fn Auditor-Genet:ol_s otlicca. copy of.its articles of association. •• Sec, 6. Lays down the requirements to give details', in their articles of association, 'as to names of stockholder's, amounts, places• &c., any increase i,f capitol or other alterations to be itubmitted to-the ntoresoiticourt,- after-ac tion on the port of stockholders. • •' Sec 7. 'the Ainliton General shall cause . .to be engr vu 1 und printed in' the beat man ner to gourd against counterfeiting such quail.' .ly of circulating notes in •blank of clitterent "denoMitudions not less titan five dellit .idles of which are authorized to bi?.. issued by the banks incorporateA.Uiier this actstiitl•notes m; countersigned by the AuilitorGeneral or, Clerk -, numbered and registbred in his office:. all notes issued by him shall he stamped "se cured by the deposit of public stock." "Sec. 8. Provides for the payment of expen ses attending 'such printing. registering, &c ••• Sec. Refers to the use of a proper %sent for this branch' of the - Auditor General's du= ties: --day asignment or conveyance with this seal upon it sluill be•reCeived evidence,aud' may be eecorded,.with like effect as a deed. • See, 10. Banks thus established; Apo& le gally atedguing, to anti depositing with. the Auditor General the bonds or evidences of debt of this Commonwealth, shall be 'emit led-liTre ceive as equivalent of such circulating no•es, in of GM denominations such 1151 they may recjitire, - numbered. regist cued ~coonters igned, anti stamped. 11,4 is herein provii'ed, for the bond and sine k• , .. to be taken at their market value: Provit e Ohm. the sameis not above par. Sec. 12 'AlakeS provision forlim manage- Ment of the bank by directors-each director shall own in his, own tame and right at least one per cent. on its cirpitadstock up to ioh l .- 000, and one half per cent. on its stock over that amount, and bike oath that he will•—hon estly administer the affiiirs of the bank, and that he is,a bona fide owner, in his own right of stock as above. Sec. 14. Refers to election of directors, &c. • Each share entitles to ono ;mote. 7 . stockhohlers may vote by proxy, duly written if dated' wihin thirty (bp, but no officer or employee in bank shall act as proxy. Sec, 16 That no bank shall be permitted to commence or carry on the buSiness of banking under.thip act, unless its capital smock shall be at leak one 'hundred thousand dollars; . nor shall the capital stock of any such bank ever be increased to exceed one million ; at least seventy-tire per centum of the capital 'stook .of each bank shall be paid in gold or silver coin, or their equivalent; one half of which twenty-five per centum at least shall be in gold or silver coin, and shall be in the actual pos session and mbona Jide the property of the bank, at the time of its commencement of its bank ing bitsiness, and nt the place designated tor. carrying on such business. PPISONING tN rEIVICY:COUNTI' —A station agent, in the employ of the Venn'a. Itailrond Company, at Tiaileysburg Perry county, died suddenly, under such circumstances lustrous ed suspicion thai he hattbeen poiSoned by his "wife. She was arrested, and while in the custody- of- the constable, she asked permis sion to go into another room, which being granted she withdrew, and was.•found after-, wards a corpse, having swallowed a pin' ion of the poison she had prepared for her huS-- band. A New seven.--We have received the first number of The Rtate Journal, a weekly paper just -started-in -Philadelphia by sth & Chestnut. Sts. al $2 per 11111111 M. • The number before us presents a very neat appearance, and its ample pages are well filled with choice litertiry selections, news, politics &c. We Wish this new candidate for public raver abundant success. BED, AND BLUNAII illustrated pa per with ;lei of which we have received the first per; is published by A. M. Brown & CO:, 124 South-third St., Philadel phia. The illustrations in this number. are equal, if not suportOr, to those or any'similar ivo have seen ;;and the matter is of the same kyle and character as the .N York Ladyer, .Gpldon . Prize, and other kindred prints. ' ,'StIrEItINTIiNIIENT OF I'UOILIO PRI9TING.- Gov..l'nelcer, has appointed Chas. 1). Hint: line;...ofthe Harrisburg Sate Super. ilitendont.cif: Pnblie Printing; in thO place of o:l4nrett, the tr:, Union. — Tile notniii4jOn 'uttanimouslY•edniirincd t.ty ,Setiato; . The'. Harrislirg--''Tekorapk " The ' Sentinel is the 'or g ne,of the nett r linehando the party;' atullthe remo7 . .,i;atof. Mr.. Barrett, ancl-Vpdhitaneht . -or-Mi; lialeline,•mayAie . regarded ay a thrust at the .!powers•that -be" at WaShingtoe,'whose offi r cad ergato have announced the Administra• tine:of ,Goveratii Pitaker as 'inti•Peihrieraf gqtre tnes,Balsnoe_Of Wild Cl!erry 'eolde, lileedinint.tlio lunge,' titreet, the "fell deidrnyer than rip* cnn enqeff,ihe - Anti- juitnre !../i,l3ntts' on tbo *rsipper. piton A connvipTomni.nT. good . publie servant has become no rare an article 'Hint it is with imineriSe Pleasure we refer to anti:who eminently deserves tobegulled such; are valued all the more for thefrscareitv. At n time liketlds. when Con.lierinnil county Ins the misfortune to hi4e terepresentntive rat. ,Witsliingt on who. so utterly disregiuds every= thing. timi is for Ite. , 'iliterest,...r thw•intereSt of the State She ni least Ch ; 11.aillt with SO' pride to totelt , n teg,islathe :rePresentitifve There is more - than ono thinneeesshry - to 'nuke ngocill representative. Ho - nasty is very good, it, is • • lencagli tntejliz nrr is_fte ocitn ti; ow.- boxi rdirg_cl,dbrit_hohesty::' so: that it may be . advantageously employed. And even more then intelligence is required, for talent end good business qualificetions should-fond the whole. Jn John McCurdy, 'we have these various quelitieS met together and the result tnekesa . very gratifying whole: We dO'not mean. dint we have,a man who is continually•lumping up and malting speechCs, such . au one most: fre quently retardbmore then lie' advnneei; but we do mean Allliat is assiduously 'and ear• fleetly engaged nt hiS post at till. tithes. • One .wito is ..riving, on committees end in his seal foi*o-getatl-nf-Ide-constitatento.One-,who Makes it his business, to do his duty: - Mr: NlcCurdy's,rccord for the present session is' one that he may .justly be .afisiceil. with, and we hove no doubt Ignt.-Ithrelmstittlents are eu 'ally so: ....I)A..ytOs_nty....u.lwaSs-bi-ount against adjournments: lie is alWays rendy to . serve nny tine from his county or counties, for we do not. doubt lhat.'Perry has his ntlen. lion as well as Cumberland. No• bills pass without his attention, for we believe with a single exception occasioned by illness in his family, be has not :Men nheent front his sent live minutes while the llousC is in session, I We cangratubllC ulow Vtizens on such 'al representative, and earnestly hope,. 110 will snow his name to be presented for re-election. For tho Herald WlLLlAmsrowr, Penna , March 4;1859. Mr. ,Editor Ll his place, the seat of the East . Bit lt,iinore Conference: is located on the Went Branch of the Susquehanna. The town giies many evidences of wealth. In passing through, the streets, 1 have noticed many . elegemo'i `valeTeSidelieVii; Wit The/public - buildings are' by no means attractive. The steels are bad ly liaved, and at present, Ore.ohnost impassa- Ade-on acconnrot , mud and' water. darkness reigns at. might . , gas not' having been _introduced - --I woula _ suggest n•visit of -I he : town council to Ca'rlisle, which I regard as a' model in many respects... • The Conference Commenced itsselMoi,--ir n . Wednesday morning litt'' - tishop Scott con ducled services )v.llll great digni ty andlervm:. — Rev. Thomas 11. Sargent. wits .elected Secretary, and Revs. C. Dosh, It:-1). Chambers, and* Wm. A. Shively were chosen As;istant Secretaries. The' business of. the , Conference has been condheted with more then usual despond]. and it is altogether probable that,it )11ilt close its &liberal lolls. by Tuesday•or 14onesday next. Bishop Scot r;;Will 'probably be assisted by ffishop Simpson: after-to-day, • De preachers -generally are looliing-well,ontl'sTent to be de lighted with I heprivilege - Wineet ing each oib e•'in-Ihe flesh once• more. They. ore kindly and 'hospitably entertained by the citiz . ens., without any respect 'to ecclesiastical proclivi ties.. The different . churches,-With I believe one exception. have been opened for public service dUring . .tlie session of Conference -- This' exception in the Episcopal church, the litectae_of...which 1 suppose has the fear of the llishop_of his--- - Diocese before his eyes. The members of this ~church, however, cordially unite with those of other denominations in welcoming the ministers of Conference to (heir hospitable boards. " The Methodist Church, in which the Con• ference holds its sessions is a beautiful speci men of architectural skill, and reflects groat credit • upon the denomination of ChristieWS worshipping in it. Methodism has a' powetfa hold upon the affections of this community. Rev. Samuel Kepler, the Pastor of the M. E, Church here, has closed his term of service in this charge. and will leave universally regret ted. lie enjoys a fine reputation as a pulpit orator.' Yesterday, we had a fearful snow-storm, and to-day it is i'aining; furiously. IVhat we shall htive next. I know•not; but sincerely hope ihnt the heavens will he propitious. —.An application will lie mad& to the Confer ence to hold its next. nnnutd session in Car lisle. where I live no doubt it. would meet with. a cordial reception. . Yours, truly. • fte" The . following extract of n letter front It. J. W., Co. D. Ist Dragoons, to Sergt. B•, nl the . Canlible Barracks, gives full details of the murder of Sergeants Berry and Kelley, by the Indians on die 251 b of last January; a brief account of which, recently appeared in a St. Louis paper.. The letter is dated • , FORT BUCHANAR, ATiZOOR Ter. February 10, 1859. .1 DEAR B I returned yesterday front a scout of ten days after the Chili('llll7 Italians. and on My return ("found iwo lettere for toe: the first I liay . o received from Carlisle since my 'lcor .ture, We have had a busy time here on account of the habitue. On the 24th of last month, Sergts. Ryan, Berry anti Kelley left for the States on furlough. They had made one 'day's travel to a place called • Whetstone Springs, 18 miles Rom Fort Buchanan, where they encamped. Next morning, while Sergt. Kelley was bitching up, n shot front a rhvine, within a short.distance struck him in th'e mouth. At the same tune Sergi. Berry. w,ho wits below bringing ufi his horse,'received setterat shots, killing him instantly They then made at Sergt. Ryan. but having his nmsketoon with him he mounted his horse' and fired fifteen rounds at the Indians, but without effect. Ryan then took the road for the'Fort, but they headed him off, and he took across the IVar Lupee mountains and reached the: - Fort the some day,' and gne - the alarm Immediately 40 Dragoons, under Lieut. Lord.' were off in full charge, and reached the scene of the mur der in an hoar and twenty mint/tea! 'When we got there, Derry wandend, Kelley had received seven shots. but 'Oluld still speak. In the wagon Iv_e found about forty arrows Ryan's wife who was very ill, and Kelley's wife with four children, were in the wagon ; the Inili g ims came to the wagon; but Mrs. Ryon presented her husbaras six-Shooter at theta and they ran.. Kelley -Mid been fifteen years in the SITVieC, andliad amassed some five or six thousand dollartWwith'lVlliCh he was taking his family , to the States in aeoniforiable outfit. • .We traced the Indians, who were eight in number. and on foot, across•-the Wnr Lupee mountains; but, after n'theee days scout,- we • were obliged to return without the satisfaction We'panted for. .During our absence from the Fort, the Indiana canto - there- and took. front our Co.- corral,- -17 head. of our bust •iiattle. We tracked them' across • the Chilicaw moans lanai and While:on this expedition we visited the ettitnp - of the - Indians anditild a••!,rttilk " with the Chief, whose mune is Aches,-a very -finelooking nimp, and:tine-witu i nifflie, woa-t don good citizen ,pe military rig; awl. go to Carlisle„ would in a, week, out out some of •yourt fashiounble zioldiers. and drop them . in Alm. Shade. , ht' silOrt, • ho is laud. ronimitie. youpg ludiGs , would•, pronouuce fluck,o( moo:. •,; fie appenyed willing,to' do right,. bot eanua:govern hie tribe, pm they are yery, ,uti. ruly f j, 4 io get .t m oe, t IMrom ii6CM Alioin; tor, us if they.lieretn:the' orteptitailas imikaepd them toflie Fort. Yours truly, . . . ,Ak,:linit-:if Cutiinorin , r , --.§puriins *a , o6tOs on tl!O E 0 3 .1011 (rnl Palk, have lnadO•`•tlit , iniptionronne. - LooK•Ont• re cl.troinoli,:wolf4fitto4 up, and ; ,m 4.y depoivo Pruett hags to? -, thillEast, Baltimore The Eaat:'l3nitimoro Conference of. the M. E. Church, commenced its , sessiomfor 1859,mt Ailliamspok,' on tiro 211.. Bishop. Levi •SMat presiding, The Conference was opened by reading the nig Chaptoit. of the Prophecy of Isninity andihe lid and:, a portion of .the 4th chapter of ,24, dorinthiarm:. tile reading and• singing of thnt-heatitiful hymn, composed by Charles Wesley;'on the occasion of the open lag of Kitigawood School; England, end found °lunge .1135 of the Methodist. IlYmn 'Book : • "ExCeitt the lord , roi,duet the ploti,":. 4 The Bialipp.liken offered up a fervent. and iffipiCSBjl , :e prayer., Sargent, Ilke Secretary 'of the lest session, called iliti:Toll, and shout IGO [answered to their names.. t_...—Conferened_prpeeededi-to-blied a-Seercitary— t Thomas-IS -tiargenti—A,—A,-Iteest- Q,pa§Kwgre -gent wroceleeTeril.- - • ' ' The Secretary eleCt thanked the Conference for the honor conferretton him by Lie almost t unanimous re-erection. t 11. C. Bosh and. IL Chambers 'were Steil elected 'A s sistant. Secretarie., and W In, A' Snively,,Statistical Secr6tary. ; On motion of Bee. J 11. Brown, the rules of the last Betitifoil wore rend and adeitied, On motion'of Mr. Keplei, - Mr Bower, of the Williamsport l i ress:iind Rev W. Harden and B Ridgway; reporters' of the Baltimore Sun, and American. were allowed the liberty of Teporting: and the Assistant Secretary was ,ordered to furnish Omni free access to the , 21'llielnittion, on motion of Mr.'Slicer ; was '..auteitdettiv. r atiAti r idlom-any,-editor-itho. - -wist - •ed to import ihe'proceedings. Mr. Slicer moved the appointment of the. Lregillar,Stantling.COtnntittees, consi-tiog of me_frotatbach district,-which eieih---- Caamittreommittee of the Alarm of Dieleimon - -Mho. R." 11. Crever ; W. Ballo.. J. Blown; DatiarMit ;' Junin' aTIS . Spottswood; tellfonte, J Corns Northunt ' Leyland.' T. Bowman ; Carlisle, A. 'A...Reese. Bishop Scott, called 'the Intention - of. the members of the Conferenee to the rules-for preacher's conduct during Conference, con tained in the discipline of the,Nl. Clifirch. 'and hoped , that every brother will observe them. , 111 r. Slicer presented a paper from the:Pre sident and,Trustees of the BohimOre Female College and - iin motion, ii nos_reett - ankrefet: , . 'red to flit, Committee on Seminar:es. - A paper signed 'C. Presi dent of Dickinson College. was presented and read by the Secretary and referred to the . Committee on the alTairs-of , Dickinsige.. '- A report from Irving Female College at Mechanicsburg. C r innherland county, was I Coo read and referred to the committee on Send mules. • • TIIURSDAI`.. Rd. At o'clock, A "M., Bishop s tileitit took, the chnir...lititl".-11 . e0,-.1. —lL—Torrance opened. the Coliei'i3ii - e - eliFientlihi, the litsiChsprer untie Acts of the A postlW-rcommencing nt the I 6111 verse t . thiging of the hymn No. 112 7 - a _ • F.,1 In tie ino.t: thy serd: At oyi: hold not thy hand" ' ontl_proyer.- • - - Jitpritnl of Yetilf.'ld:gy; read antdapproved. anual — eport s of the Vii. E, Hoek con, cern at New York,and the Western !took con cern were..presented and read. All the DepoSitories 'at Cincinnati, Chicago and St. - Laois. are ' . llouritilting, and there is reason_to believe.thnt the sales of the present year will foie exceed.lhe pag'yi±nr.. ' It(iport front the Ekecutive Conunittee of the Tract. Society, New . ..,...ltMsl'?..seitted. read.and referred to the/Conunittee on the Traci Cause. Dr. Sargent. presented n •papll from the 14altimore Female- College,and- //II motion it was referred to the Committee. on Semitutries-:- Hilt preseniol_a_.rapey froni Valley Institute, Wineliesier, Va., which waS re rerred to he same' Committee. 'the Repnrt of the Sunday Scllool Union, signed Daniel Wise - Corresponding Secretary, was rend ad refeired to: the Conunitteo on Sunday Schools. • - The class of the second year; were -called up for examination, alter - which, they received an suldriuts front' the - Bishop- - The certificate transfer of Rev. Dr. J. M'Ecinlree - Racy 'of Pittsburg, was read, af. ter which Ito was introduced to the Confer ence, where he said he was glad to get home again. Ile did not regret that he had gone to Pittsburg,'as he bad served kind excellent. people, r►fIDAI, MARCH 4th At 8 o'clock., -A.- M,, the'llishop called on :Rev. ISenry, Slicer ttl olon s the Conference.— Mr. the IbJ(i chapter or .St. John's Gospel, and Announced that lovely- hymn commencing— "There la a fountain 1111e1 clip Drown from Imennouers veins:" followed by an earnest. prayer. • Minutes of y eat erduy's proceedings rend and adopted. . The chavaclers of ihe following young min i.ters Were passed and they were elected to Snively,.ll,.S,.M en denhall, B. F. Stevens, M., -L.- Drum, Job A. Price, S. W. Sears, K. Norris, W. II Keith, G. W. Dunlop, W. 11. Stevens, R. Kelly, Jas. Hunter, 13. W, Daugh'erty. A. J. Bender. Turnou The remainder .of the BCSSIOII - wns-devoled principally to the examination of effective el ders. . SATURDAY, MARCH sth The opening servieeevere conducted by the Rev. C. B Tippett. The . Connuillee on Colo nizntion presented their report. The Bishop called for recommendntion of lo• cal preachers for ordination, and several were elected to. Deacon's orders; among m•hom was David C. John. of Carlisle. The examination of ettectiveolders was re named. Carlisle district called. t . John A. Gere said he had a year of excel• sive 1011, and at. some points ,had remarkable revivals. .One thousand or,Awelvir hundred souls Were converted. . The vole allowing! the cbdin cie Dr. Wicks was reconsidered, and after s'onin diScussion, the 'notion not to allow, MIIB carried by a two third vote. • A letter watt rend from Thomns Kelso, Esq.; proposing to donate the interest of $2OOO an nually to the Preachers' Aid Society, and nt his death, the principal to go • to the same fund.. STATE. JAINATIO ASAILUAL—Wgare indebted to Mr. McCurdy, of the (louse of RepreSenta tives;:for-tt copy - of the Annual Report of the Stole Lunatic Aesylum, for 1838. The whole number of patients under treat ment was 401; of which 311 were discharged restored, 80 improved. 54.stalionary, .and 14 died Since tit.) establitllment of. the Assy lum, 1040 patients have beet received. 035 of whom hilve been disci's:tiled, and 141. have died, leaving 167 at present in the InStitution The views contained in tliC Repori in re gard to the early education of children are so well timed, that we eantiOt:".forteartuaking the following,extrac . • •".fhe gt•eav'tend , iney.'of the. period is to over-exertion and stimulation in every do. Pertinent —the haste; to be 'neeounted• learned, as well as the haste to beil.cit, and thetneral of the 'fable' of the hare •and ‘the tortoise, .is there:frequently neglected then. heeded. .. • As a general thing children' are sent to School . too young, anti if they manifest any evidences or stnarthess, they Ore encouraged and urged; forward to'a degree their powerit are unable tear ; the number of their studies is, hiereased,Ond imposedon thenonot' .only School, , Ait prOparation for eChool; 'that. they nre•not able to take that amount physical eieroise which •tlic* age'-requites nntl denuinds. ' • •'• ' ' , Under ',tee years 64 'age very little mental et foi•t,''eltetild be recanted of children, and they bodily health and strength being more neces pnry.and desirable jhan 'any learning, which, at that lige;•they'intly bif.stippoied capable of cecina:Mg", . ' Put. while mietakos , nre hocasionay cam iaitYed tri urging etnivaitd Children 'of this' lige . , we are,Minvinced,'.an:lndeleitlable, iiiinitait of lAitiryt'le dime' t o thotte•wholtive piv.eed. the age of ten, iind'aro-preiMihig 111rif' eirtiait's tion-lvhich. is desilinedAti tit ltlientforthe more. active duties - 011ie ',;llre' nee, fully Impeessed 'With the.bolief, hot crifyi:.froat otteewn.mtpo• rierMO; "liht, t Itet.olterated.teatimSu'iof otlt- . hpportitiiitlCS'aiemuch.gremer flea' tlio.youth between the ages of 1014,11111 d twetity,'aremxpected toperfornt tuec ninclii,,keyond"Wlatt,),in s'"ettrict ;jmaicc,to 'disclriline:cf Mind; antillooltli of li6dy, should e'vf be•l'illtir.e.4 tff (hem. .1 BS /111 11212217=t1 , The above paragraph, will also apply toads county; several of our farmers complain .of the effect of the past: winter on their clover fields. If it sliould -be the case generally throughout thestatc,hay will rank at a high fig ure thiS summer. NtiW ENGLAND :RAlOlE:R.—This is one of the most ably conduced Agricultural Jour vats in the country.; and its value is much 'increased by the fine eitgravi r ngs.with which each mimber is ilhistrated. The .Miirch .number contains a design for a farm house tlw; rural gothic stYle,whichiin the Mimi. 'or arrangement and outside "ntmeantnce is Airierint-topittrive'liast4etsemiAre-ahottid lika to sOe it - adtpled. by tion;e:.of .our fur , titers, 1- . , ~ . . . GOOD SKATING' DY A LADY --4:•yilUilihily ' ' ...,. of Newburypertovho, A 0 wit iiiiihilli%f er lady, a fete dart since, wished: to go ficm Lowell to - .LaWience, preferred sitates , an - d-the - Merritaiinoo'the ears and railroad, and wadi 'the passage of tin' mile7,itiforty minntii.' For some portion -or the way there was a string, he'ad- win t, or the feat might have Leen aretn.' ,- pile:Main here time. talon an orount %Has illeteOretoglval Register for the Week. endlaig Blarch 79ii1859 1859. ,Tlierino- tia. , 'lleinorks. • I.' meter.* I ~s, toe:111y., 30 . 00 IV eibitN. 4 lllly. 25 00 . •-•- . • ~ . .... • ITilltrKlay.... :11 00 . no, Snow S.: flail. Fritli!*.y.: . 'l5OO ' ~.. . 8;0 urilay. :17 k 00 'l,lo . , - 1 .§..1-It•hey ----1141-:111) i -._k u , i --- -- - -- - ----.--- - -i=_--.,-,: ---.--- M onday. —1 1 . 3 . 8 00 1 111'nio. .• Weekly I 3 4 " - I• Si. I . ' Mean. - _ . iirgren of bent In lho eirenigo t f three of ivrvalionsi TOWNSHIP %N 1) BOROUGH ELECTIONS. -Our readers are reminded that ;I) Friday, the 18th of this month, the annual township ittntherough elections will take place for the ensuing Year. . In our own berou t ith it is pecially important flint a council ticket shotild liab'e men, who . feel.a deep interest(in the welfare of op; (Own, and ivho have the Prae tical:good sense 1 . 6 take_a mitidle_tonrse--be.• (weep too much improvement on thenne band, and too little on the other. Impiplant_ques . - tions.will be brought before the council next year. which 'will require the most prudent legislation to settle in tnich a" way that the in terests of _the - borough may not :9ulfer, find :therefore it is the duty of the citizens to se lect men for that office in who.e ability they have full confidence As far ns we ennlearn, the present council. have attended to their d uties Pathfullx._nttil - w - e - Itope`flie ci~unllj•.nt tenti''c and prudent in legislating for illeCOr . ough. GRAND CoNcEnT.,--,--It trill be seen by the Allvertisemei;t, of Musical Association tliat.the members - hare made . arrangements .to give a grand concert in Ed ocathmilall on next Toesthp , eyeadAg, the. . . .neit proeeedrof whteh aredobeappropriatO to the'improvia . nent of the musdonl taste of the borotigh. : _ Worzle Association is composed of some of the mos! estimable the object commends itself to the attention of every One who is !mired by a "concord of sweet- sonlids," we hope - their Conceit .may be liberally patronized. • GOOD BEEF:—There is nothityg tends so much to _give character to the mnr ketS of any:town, as the duality of beef which is brought brweekly thy the regular butchers, and we have seldom seen a better gmilily of beet-even in the' Philadelphia" -was eithibit ea in our fiwn., al 'Moody's last weelr -Theluscions •- looking - sirloin'and splendid roasts, WOllll.l have made the mouth of nn epicure -water, and the wajrTirg7enStotn ,ers carried it off, showed that t heywere judges of good beef 'when they saw it. Jrm knows how to cater for the pare and as he: has twelve-head more " - utile same sort-left," he seems dCtennined, as- for .as he is eon= cerned, to show that the 'Carlisle Market is second to none for good beef. If you wish to be convinced, go to his stall and get lir — ..rrottst and steak." ti'nr,unrtLE TiiwN , PROPERTY FOR F. A. Kennedy, offers his vnlua• ble property (or sale or rent.' To a man of capital, it is one of the most desirable pri• cite residences in town, being roomy. coup venient and with a large garden. attached filled with choice fruit. Ztral" We tender our acknowledgements to a few friends in Mechanicsburg for the pres ent•ola fine turkey.----We : We're no less-sur prised than pleased at such a manifestation of good will `tin' their vart,.and . this hearty res ponse, to a "word spoken in4Vasom.L . -fil:fords the best evidence that what we said of their. kindness and liberality, was not overdrawn. "Hew HE YOU OFF 1 ; On 50.% p r—Th is cant phrase, has been pruoically realized by the celebrated Professor GA ItHNEIt, whose ivit, humor and originality, as shown in . his oratorical ellbrts to ell Lis soap, has made him known in this country and ate of the nriyinals of th.e age. The Iltsf.!s: sor is now in Ct rlisle, and if the weather is favorable, he will talk to the citizens before he leaves; Oen Ise will demonstrAle the fact, that even a subject 'so uhimomising ns soap, can be made the foundation, f a speech sparkling with gems :of wit, poetry.and elo *(fitence. This is neither a burlesque, nor a fancy sketch ; the testimonials we flare seen. of ills hbility in this line, alToiA abundant evidence of the truth of what we say; and if he shOuld give. one of his free lectures in town, we advise every one who wishes to be instructed or amused, to go i especial!)• if they want to buy a cake of soap. TUE WINTER ANIt THE GRASS.—The fluctuations in the weather during the present winter have had a disastrous effect upon the clover crops in many parts 'Of Chesser coun ty. In some of the fields; the roots of the grass have been thrown out of the ground by the suc cessive freezing and thawing. 'Even the clover in the stubble is much injured. :Ono of our ftirnier's informs us that he will be obliged to . plow his clovg- field in the Spring.-- Wee Cheater Record • • • The N..E..Vainter ia.publiabed at 73pet . oit by 'J. Nourse, tv -year. . 'Dar Rend the iidvertlietnent of De. SAN, rOitia i.iorr, invigorator. , !. 0 (- - - ...' Pi 7,lbfer iP the diilly OIJR MUSICAL FRIEND ___Zrelve_pogr.l-ql.Poptilar..llusicfor_ien_cents._ " Our. 'Musty tt.," le filled with the bent" Piano _ Solos. Duets, Stok,..Operrtle Arias, Polkas,...llazurldts , quadrilles, Waltzes, end eviry'Othit' s r MpeficS of musical composition for rtii,.and IT the best American - end hurtipeatt - e.unposent; 'minted :on paper, adapted to every grade of perform,. • The sante quantity of musk. procured front the rage ' ler publisher:, would ettit nitre than ten times what we ,Cyedritsubscription to Ourrusirid Friend, will —securemew and- fasitionattlitMusll-WOrtil at least two .-• hundred ddllers,and uatirely suilleient for tile home eirdit. .7" • - • ' 1=139 • r , $ 1 ; half Yearly. .!.4.12 •tiunrterlb $1 25 c l mtts. Sot unto OonomMeml n t t h e 114--D.999911er,-1 1, 69. • ' C. B. et11:310Ult A. CO., Vrolorleto.: CI Frankl.rt stret t, -Aar. 2,1659-1 m And all who sulTir the tortures width dill:Wise:lse in flicts in ono form or another of Its many. latexes, cure yourselves permanently and speedily by"using T4e"Oxygenated Bittar. ' The ' Weekly Novelette" of Se i 11.4 IS, Faye: (lyep•psiu one of the prevailing diseases of our .---eattatryl—This le On ing Indh-to etiolate end the almost univertathabit 4.tenting our insole too rapidli;to nil ma of iiker digestion.' But in spite of theta adversti - cireuaistitiK , ea r Utis llifellP4l. even' when it has harem - C:111.911ir, -rapidly by_ th. os# f thetlityr.etia... I Lod Bitters', which have been found to prove an WWII,' hie remedy. . Flunk the publisher . 01: n widely eh - rut:lied megnxine lisitrs. S. W. Fowl.. taken three bottles of the Oz) „ ducted Hitter:4,mnd have del bred great ken tilt frringtrieir use. I hat e bran mud. tumbled • Ith ul adeluda Ad' set Orel Ykdra, and found nothing t hat af ford ul me any relief until I. med the Hitters. I. most abeivfol I r recommend them to all • ho ere afflicted with thix tiotilileaome and stubborn etimplaidt. . JAME: 110111S6ON, 01 the '•Student and Schaelniate.7 Frmi GO A. C. budge, our minister to'Spain .Dr. Geo. B. tireeth—DearSir: The Oxygenated Hitters with which you were t,t,,61it.1 as to furnbli me. Mao 11.1,1 a most •salutary effect Im tny ease. I was troubled with Dyspepsia for Purr years, Burt Mr which time I tried runny remedies. but too, met with any to good as 'your !titters. I (MI now in the enjoyment of pi.' health, and I hope, and lialleye, that all who use the intygeonted Hitters; will find them its feral...thief. I hone found them. WIGS high respect, • Prettyrt-.1 by SET IT W. FOW & C(1„ Cotton. mad tin tale by Samuel 1111 at nod S. W. Ilyverptlck. Int Illy. Meclutulc,hurg; Rutz tY "in, -It . icennutsttnYn: Wild. Neu SlnDenniker x Elliott; Neubunt ; .1. C. Altlek. Otn.peut.l.urg: null hp ti4out. and .lealeni lit tne.ll.ltie nll over the count ry. =it- Positively. the must wonderful thing. fillevereell. In the nineteenth century I. tr./.11E1411 till ILESTiIItATITE. It ret.teree perfectly eray heir to an oriainai relor.wielwe it pow en the i. 1.1 m ill pre t.erre it perfectly to auk 11.41 hr the yenng twice a week. illse.werannet eshton the seelp where this 64,0.41. :re :onl we clef , ' doubt. trrln..-11....nre of min - 11de.. ion Path., tire already iu he market, i... 111.1 different wane, Uri• none nide.. the words titioir Hair Its .t.ira tine. Itepet z‘t. Louis. Mo.. Nee: ttr.• in the liottle. '&1111 by id. 111rui,fst. 31111 Patent.. .11.311.1.. :Os., by .11 Vitus.) . •timds de.dert in the. United titates and t.1111:111.1. DALI.ErS MAtIICAL PAIN IATI: ‘CIOR.—In roll d 0,,,,,,,, Intl ion more oor It.. loreoloonnoiatra -now ~ allay Jolla. ttt 1:10.11 Nillhos at the raet• of olisrafe— hence and bonne Hato, COM. Pallet's %laical Pain En tractor. :Intl notiolota else nil! allay lull, tut on at only. and make a rertalot core ' ' DA ',LEV'S :MN:lett!: PAIN EXTRACTOR will ruse the , V Om, Ina : a a .great catalo.rau of Ii os ' os, St•alds, Cuts Chart,. Son, Nopoo., Cocos. Dom ino.. Itrui4es. Strains, Blom PolSOO..likilill3lllP, Piles. Scrofula. Ulcers, Fever Solon. Felons. Ear-ache. Piles. Si re Eyes. Gout. Swellings. Rheumatism, Scald Wood. Salt Rheum. Baldness. Erysipelas. 1. Ingwerot, Barbers' Itch. Small Pox, Measles. Rash. Ac.. Ar. To ,:tio., It any appear increolothms that NO many dis eases should lo icarliont by one article; such no idea will tallish when reflection points to the fart. that the salve is a -ombinatioon of lotaredinentoo, each'and every one applyina a perfect antidote to its °topsoil.° ,disorder. Palley's Magical Pain Extractor in its elfo.oets is magi-' cal, twcause the tram is short between disease and a permanent cure: and it le an extractor, ns it draws nil disease out of the alerted part, having nature as pertiort as holier the injury. It is scarcely necessary to say that no house. work shop, or manufactory should be one na.,- extent without it.. No Patti Ex tnictor Is genuine unless the box has upon it a steel plat • engraving, with the name of Henry Dailey, sale. urer. _For wile by all the Drugeists and' patent medicine stealers throughout the United States anti Cantatas. Principal Depot, ItiS Chambers St., Now York. 1". F. CIIACE. Sold by It. J. KIEFFER, Carlisle, Pa. HAIR DYE-llAllt DYE-lIAIR DYE Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair . Dye, . MR ORIGINAL AND OF.ST IN THE WORLD! All others n, mere Imßat lone, nod should be arhled you wish to escape GRAY, ICED, Olt RUSTY Idlll VIVO Instantly to a belutiful and natural Drewn or Mack, without. the least injury : to Ilair or Skin. FIFTIHiN 81KDALS AND DIPIAMAI3 base been awarded to Wm. A. Ontchwor since 1060. and over 80, Ilon applications have been made to the Hair of his , irons of bin famous Dye. . . - - • ' WM. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIM DYE, produce 3 color not to be distinguished front nature, and is warranted not to Injure in the least, however long it may be con. tinned. and the ill effects of had Dye. remedied; the Hair invigorated for Life by this Splendid Uye. Made, sold or applied (n 0 private rooms) et the Wig Factory, = Woad way, New York. In all cities and towns of the United Snit's.. by Druggists and Panel Oomis-Dealers. um; The Uenuine hen the name and addrena..upon n steel plate engraving on four shire of mieh ilor. of • . • • 1V11.1.1A11 A. BATCH/ A. 011,, • T. 13 thuadway, New York. Air. Sold by Dritgebsts in Carlisle. . WIGS—WhiS—WICIS —ilatriseloen Wigs and Toap keepirpans nil. .They aruelegnnt, light, easy. and Jura ble,:Sitting to a charm—no.turnlng up behlini—no shrinking off the head; indeed, this In the only Estate liniment where-thane things ~e properly • underaintel And made. 233 BroaLlusy, New York. ner17,68-ly IMPORTANT' TO, FEMALES PlibieS.epre ----- pa --- red by CoriTelltin CbrOirMail, 31. D., New York City. Thocombloofli, •of Ingredlente in, these am the result of a long and - .emtunalve practice.. They are mild In thole operation. and certain In correcting nil Irregularitlea, Painful klenstruntiono, roasting all sibetrUctlono.whether from - cold or otherwise, headoehr.wain in the aide. palpitation of the heart, whites, nll nerrono affections. hysterks, Dtlgue, pain In the lark and limbs, de., disturbed sleep; which' art-c frontlnterraptlonn of nature.. _ TO 4,1 Itllllllo, LAW h 8; •Dri Cheeseinnit'f 'aro fuvallialile. an they,tl It' beloved tho - Ini.hihly - iteriod with rwroilatliy• ladies Wile home boon dtsappointeditt r the aro of ether. Pillo wen plarolhe ntmo,R coM h loncu in CheidiSninn'if PHIS diilng-till thitt, they represent be - •Waiennted purely Vegetable, and live from anything . Injorloun. • Explielt dlreetiona,..whleh.ilioird be road, nrsompany each box:.Price id. Sent •by mail on, eii• elnittig &I tit all) , ‘itutlindaed agent. :Fold byt:ilie Drug. lw every town in the United Staten • ; RAI: GenerarAgent for the tElnl.ed • -- - -- Bt.'iteicTlibt — Ctilitabem'St4 . ;New York, - to - whom' 'all * „wholesale orderi ohOtild' be addreneed. , ' HANK & !FINNEY, 'Wholesale and'llotall'Agelil-' Ilrrr6hu!ltr Pay I}. J. KIL'YYF:It, Ceillahi, 2fiLi gi ! H gF.F RP.K g z . 5: cr P r i 4 ,/ 17:V72-. Gni L11:1, • "wt. ~= z-Ell.ll f- 17 ._, ,_. .y E IT: k, 11 F. ;If . : .- i' :..,, l ei' i : t . : 7 0 . .1 ; - E , ..; 74 -:, gi ,' ,•• ' F 7.. F-to o ...?:.•,...... , -,.... ! „ . . 1 ,, , i. , Kt ... ....",,.....-..,,; , 15,• -6 '..;,..,.. q..,,,•.—.,.. ,,J; ,,. 2 2 -„ IN . '2IIF-lil4cogiStl, s li4F4: . ii:l.E-=:2l- ' ' • . !EPM= • p . • ra . • Yi d v 327.; - t ~ . 1 c~ _.-_-a_....-_ . ,•e• • • •• • e s}:t 7 4 TO DYSPEPTICS 110,t0.Y. .1 8M32=121 = <9 P • P , IS C v . M ; 2 ' " < 0 - k•! F • ..- . zp 7:2 ' '-';'. •--4 ' -th' • L-'...4 IEI N mug -2 - EMS ICAjc_ CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET Reported si•reklp - for the iternhi by Woolltrned & Bahmltlt. ••• - =US EINEBEI dn. yam,y do. lIYE ' do. IVIIITE Woekr per bowliel lUD do do. • LIVE (10,111 • • do. OATS • CLOVERSEEM do, TIMOTHYSEF.I, SPII NO DA RI.EY W INTER BARLEY • • • • itiartiaqts. •• , , • , • lost. liy Fry, Mr. CII Alt I. BATE... Perry cos, to Iliss MARY SMEloll,.rif thls pliter.. liy ihn Re,. A, II: York ~ to Miss NANCY lilt Fall ltl 1.1.. o(hautir 111,1i1letio1,lp., gicatr j s. On trii.:lll hist nt Monnt Ihdly,Springn, Itt:DECCA DA t , 6111:1(TY, :lulu! CI years. • On the inst.: nt "Trrhig. lerunte Cunene.' GREER. hifar t daughter of Hee. A. (I. nod Santa A. 31m - hitt, Odell 7 .1101101, *We lay thee,t, thou infrint Mr: . flied In thin brightll6,4 of (by starry eye, And the soft lustre of thy golden heir. Thy little loiFidN. like wee en ilowere, lie I . Ilp on thy quiet, breast. ,Itow-rust__'__. , thy still ',rani) ! No dark loc of trio. I Shadow: thy pare. uhtie bretr..Jor !a thfiliewre. I.• Pale borrow had not laid hor bliditiog hand: And ?lOW, fiweut Inlet. t111.9 . rt lent In that blest M9l Where vorwne cannot outer." . Jitmertisement GRAND CONCERT It'urzle Musical. Association." pri MU 'IC U. A. Ft I4'l oN," log of n clanrtt‘ of nearly ow, ult'ximto der the dlrretiort or I.n.r. John 11. ti boom, will give their Cortctrt et EDUI'ATION HALL. qrr Tuenlay errniny, .Iforrh 1 nth, 1859 Mont lhoy will in trmluee n variety t f nlirrrether now etrumst e, Quartet hi Yrlon, Ac. The member" i>f thn snneiotloo hope Ustir all will lm Ilhert Ily ref.p/ndeti to. by Om nitiu•ur. and aid them io improving thu mtmie rat war low". mild morn inTerially the mimic or ourrhorch elo tie.. TICKETS OF AIOP ,rats, St To, 14 hu t of our ot iLr coutottltt, or at rho door, ii it at llP,oielork. Cooneort toroattorttoott JAMES :PI W. II lIAIINNFS:t, •('minitttrr. 10IIN 51 . A1111., :Ifar. U. It FOR SAI.:•; OR ItHNT. oli-sitoti4 of removing ler Intniky horn Cars lisle, I oller tioi holm, t runt *air Sr I rill. , It it.tott• 1.1 thy co• ii qrc borutth• loratto.', iit. 'MIA vp nitlostll 110,1.11 ttot.t4+ ott.l In thontottlt v. ) tit.. puma, tol , VOr I. I . lli+ ni.ply to V A. HEN:SF:DV. ?Inn!. t FOR SALE ORRENT The twn,lory BHA Wuxi on LIM- I :then street, liens the (lemon Refrm v. 7 141 ehurrh.And now °envied hy Mr. f11 , Tr ry ,,. , : Chas. Clark, is offered l.r sale or rent, w rota the Ist or April next. Apply to • IN°. IL TAIIKER Mar. P. IKitt—tr 1) MIPS P t ll'ENT ANI3LALTRAP. Tho lola been appoloted agent fir C tttt t t borland emmtv for, the sale of Ruth'. Patent Ant. 'nod Tran, for ratrlling 311 N ICS, FOX WOLVES, BEAUS, ice. Call and see Ilion at thu cheap I:: l 74lAr r e s stani N, , 'East 51illn at Pa. 3lar 9,1859. POTATOE-POTAW ES. The sub wriher le to the reeelpt weekly, oral' the choice varietiem of pt Maws'. el therfor fanlike use. or_rpr. seed. whirl, he offei a to the public at rea‘onaole peke, lio'haareonstantly on hood, black. blue end white mercers, pink.eyes and other •arieties,' wortanted of -good quality. Poe tom by WILLIAM ASKEW, Zug'“ new btilldlng, opposite Lltti tnackrt house. MAI. 9,1859-2 m CI -LEAP SADI)LE AND LIAIINESS ESTAiILISIDIEST. '. .. . lIORSR COLLARS, HORSE COLLARS. Wholesale and Retail. - • The aubacriber respectinlly announces to his friends ~..........,...„,,.... t u t 7 : tl i c t the uri 4u . h . l , i . e 4 t: , t e a e t ps h , e .. i . s . t i t . O n w t r o t n t. `• :._„c,.... ,IV hand, a full assortment of Saddles • \ , . Harness Mid prep red ge - • '.- " I t il 1 1 '!, al. sehielt he Isared to t aell nL o r n . 'i VIA : r'esrmilTiej'Eteefir'n't, ai l' r l c eas u tiall and 1114 vhere: • - 1 b "g . 'I"- I lie In also prepared to mantaMeturo ' all sleds of Hogs, for the use. of En . 4 . o gino m and lloseCompanies. warrant. be perfect T erfeet Cr no tale' - and equal, if n l o n t olltfu uPer l fi r i'r : t° paTtnsora; he hones to merit a etattin .ll3.ll:l3 by atlict attention to orde a and file prices • t'll I 1.1 l! Ulll,ltlt, Main Straet meeltaniesbuq;•: Mar. ft, 11;391-319 ABIIEY & . Xortic Third Street, (threi dobra obOve Vone,)—Philcidelphial • E OW HARDWARE RTAN D,ESTARIABH ED 24 yrn Every ilcscription of buliding. mechanical, forming ,snahouselbold,Alardtrarts-As..3inw-lit.-Wwwerind,wlll,lw, oftered•at the anneal alarkrt prices, to rash and. prompt slit months buyers.••Nnils at , Jaanutarturera prlren for cosh. . . -.Orders Man now customers will recei ve strict and ac. emote nttentlon. and all ends went' trout thin houso will he an ream/waled.. • (*wintry 'thercintnts, on their next ylpli to our chi to wake their spr.Widinrchasep Oro cordially Incite to call and tetatoirio *he stork nod taicas before • • Ott 141.---,Lettdra of '4ld itittiiritili)iQn, . Ndo onnened on plo Atnti'" of ThOnmfi Trlnoble, Intopf)tho homugh of 4. 1 :911140 . ,;(re. , 'ectoird;lhate.hoito In•ood ofetontierbthir,. uly. Ipttio otki , rrltivr •vo.t.. in: In -We.: ..panoehoro!: /AU totmdno oulred to o oko on- • • . . admit t,,prigiino • . . • • I s . • -- Jfar • . • I - 9 t --34 g "snarl e-e- —4 c c . k I.l°- •-+ CDC). 1- 3 71 • - • 1 P.- 0 -- 5.87 8,12 4,00 1.41) 1.30 (I 00 1,87 50,t0 55 1.0 161.5 ly tickets EMZIEM