..-!i _____:. ~.,;_.-_,;- _„:„. . -----------'--- -: ~.7 - ' . - , .- -7---4? --7-. '. , . 4 -- .}• - flif'f. „ ... • . , • . - • . .--, . .. . . .•;, -72 .iff #, : - _4's'l' ,---;-=.' - '5 -- -- - . , - f .' '--- A ----. •_- . . , ~, .• . - .. • .. _ • .___,, ---- • -----'''• l' ' ''' ' 7;' -I Z. ---L ,.. --- _:•,.. .:11 -. 57 -- i, „, :' . ', _:-i--. , -..F 2-7 - 7 4' ..: . ..-. . ~, ~ . . -,,,, . "...:;:„.,,,.„-- . ~ • _ . • . - , rl '1- .1 1.4 .1. ) -11 .' . . St -T-; T : 1 \ • - --- - ;', 4 , -.. • A" , __.- - i -: :-._?.. .- ~ .. ..,_ . ,- - , ..F. - 7 - .A•kr12 , .„...*- vl.' •. • , , -44.-4 --oo t+ , - , - - 5.,71 -0- AA - 1.1-k.>„7 , • - il - '------------- _-------_-;.--_-=----_ ----------------,-- --- - .1 , - : ,- ,V. 7 , , .' ; t' - _ - -T , - --'4, : - - -_- . 2;--' .r.--.:-..:;.--__'• ' .".c. - ' l ik 1 -4 1.. w ., A-4,----- -,- 4-. :-.4..]-`; „ 5 , 4";' - , \ . -,----= 4' -- 7 - - -' - - -- --„, , • --...-,. _L_ ----- - - . ~,---- -,--.-:.;•-• ::-:- 1 , . - 4_ , .- -- li-T--.21_..- T .. - -'= - ;_,-.. ' - ii-1,-__-.. - '--I-FW ..:Z - - --:. " • - f 7- - -,- _ -- 1 - -:, ' - - -- . =--E-:a 5 ,: - 4. 9 • .. - ' I/. k.::•1 ~., • •, , ,,,.60. . zi rT. 44 ..:_vA r . ~4. • • - • -•' -----:---, --- - •-- - 7--- ; --•:-..., • - ..ik - i. ---- -i*.../y; , •- • --.-- , .•,,,,,,_ • ..• . . . - It --- -- - . - - , 71 . - -; - -T - t-i' m .-__..---- . -=:: -. - --, i . -' -. ' 2L- ~-l.=7'f --, „' :._ ; ; --, ' ,s ~ 4 .—,--_-7 ;--7:_-:---;-.-I=7:--.-,--.-.-,7-..-.:,1i7.2.-.-;1-i • , . ' . ,* --_ ,l- 2 -e; - . ,2 , f-- ,7 _ ;- . - -,- -. -,. -; - ' ,.e - -t -4 - _ - - 1 , - - ; '.: k - -_ - , - , --- . • E :. ± , - :, f- , , ' • --=7.'-----4.--I=--,---,---t--4-1 -,---E.. , - 2 -...M7- .T.-q-t:. ... " & —;-.-: _ - !-- '- -- - 3 -- - --- r -- t -- . — . . -_• - _-- A ~ 4 ;-1 " iA^y::?-$l-i-N. - r 6t -. 7 - : -'.l7.".4'ikt i e...earl .•,- • - - .P X ! 1 ' V . .0',1,-i i . r ••.' t e _• - t-- --- 7 - - -- r - - a"' . - . ' • ' ... . 1 ~.,......-.-. ... _ .. . .... „ . • • - • .. . , ' . • . . - . _ • , • •• . ' .e . " • ' ' . . • • - u . . . , _ ... .... _ _ • ............ _ ............. .... ... _ . ~ ~,..... . -- . . .-- • . _ ..., - :,'.. • . • • . ... ~. ' , • • . . . . . ' . , . . .... • . . . ts • • . . . . . . . . . • . 'i" ,--- , . I,.irEILLIA.III Pd. PORTER, •Editor.l . . • - 0 4 JD a IPZP NOM ------ ----=':.=-Arviti---COOVER,-Proprietor:- - ----. ----- ---- . . . . . . ----- . . . . . . -..;„,, . . • „ • • . . . , . . , . • . - - • , . VOL. TAX.. •'- - , • .• ... . • JtSLE . .9 ••" - - e . ... . . _. . . • • - ' - et . ---- ' •; " ' • 'tili it:dB ,t)lfi: P1J.'11.()N, ' 1311511106 S 11,(11.115. • . p (YETICAL. • .. ~...,J - ----. .. . . . , Tho Oa in.P.u.2 It ra tt t .n Is published w7e4 : 1 Y On n ' nr4 ? ' , L' A.NV NOTICIII.-- , -Tlio.s * . M. BTDI)I.E • • . • 41inot emits 111,v twenty el.;lit ool'uni.is, alai f orlimneu 11,... 2 - . -, [For the Herald. ' to snbscribers at '1,1.50 I , paid strictly lit advance : -v....utilities 'the practirp of the . hits, lii the ollire' A. 'l'l - 10 UGI - I'l'. , • •:1 7:, il' paid within no, year; or I:12 in all Cases.wheli forinerlk, •copli•cl by his father, Win. -M lildtlle. Esq , • _. • - paYolent• is delayed until after the expiratin'i of the and more , oitly, by 'the law tirin of renrohe A: Biddle. • ' year. Xo sulm••rlptions ro , elved for a less period than • muy dis , olvod., - Soon shall the fact throwell I . . ' - sly Months. :old none discontinued until all 1it11,11,1,8 1) 0 , . 2.. , . '571 - . ' De told tothoe. -....,„ ' V , aro nild, nolealit the option sa - i lie publisher. Papers :Wilt 16 81,1134.1•111trili.litilig out of l'imil•orlatid lsulOtY ,C 1 • P. tlti.AIR-I'oF.L„At.tortiey n t 1.1.. w. . And the deep•toncil funeral bell • {E , Ile t 111.1 fur 11. e. ° ~• ' 111 must /JO 1;11.1 for in_advance or the payment assumed ~,,h h. ,,',. North , hu i7A, or wen ,. n is „ doors . • • • t . ) - ,'"." 1 , . 41 " I°.'°"ll il y h'''' in ru"''''-b"°l corm- s• - •lith of i'll.ms . Hotel. All Inisine7":s.entrus,d'io him . - • ' 1111 . • '• ty. 'lime timing will be. slgidry /Whored to In all When this poor :tithing heart .. • • will lje promptly attended to. . '''...,,,, (April 15. . - ' Oi , • - • , -- ,- . , :i. , 44§7.. ....TPw ---- .. ".• ---.- ‘-'-'•••••:= 7. --- ,,, ,..,..,-------- - 7-•.'•• , ------ , ..',s=•----..,,,,-4,-,...E.-,..u,.•..,.., ~,,,--_,,,.,............--..•-..-.-,q.,..-...vut,1L.,rn_, r ,,,5,.....0..v- . --.....-g•-.,. , 4,01 __:_._- .. •-... • - -°.,. 'A 13VP711.1"ISIIIIIIIENI'S, " l' fA W NOT f OP). 11,EN oN : ,ki, - >.... - 1. • And - round my relllii lid '. . .. be - . ~ .. : Z , j M. PENI(11:.1 , , has.reineved hi, office in mu. II L.,....a 01,,,..101.01 weep. • . .. ----- Ill' , .. . Advert - 1,...,1as will be e1i.,,,111.11 - 0 per !apple.. of in, - ..7,,iirt flout, w ire, lie will promptly attend to a11' , ., Vet .0,1i:1,1 fol. 'il1•00 iIISOIIIII, PIO . 2 , .., eVIIIS rOt 4,1 , 41 lot;doo,p 00t t 0,..1..4 to him. . • , But when Orb: I.l,..ialing heart -11,....0•pi0nt Insertion, All advert - moments in' leNti OM. A nzo ..l in. igs7, , . . , IT . twolve Ilm, ..onsiderod as a sq.:lr, _,_ ' ~liall. tow no 'otiro; , I A.l-orlisonteros I osortoil.hord, Marriages.ana deat h s ~. ,t, w 0 ru . til.ii;._l...Eit i EL 1 , 00 . 0 ' ' ' - ---Theil anion...,rd Roll; tioplta . . ..; 00nt.%11..t liOoll,l.liNt iliett.ioll.oli 4 ciii, per line i ' - A 110 upward soar.. ihr .nil,••iiiont Inserti ms. .Coinionni , ations on sol.• • .4 ha° re , lllned rho Pr•o•,ti , " 7l. the 1,, " . • Orik" ill ' i - 1•••10 of limited or - iadiy,blital Interect, trill he cliti,eo. eolltll. Al11:11 . 0, west wide. neat' LIN I.iri,t PresbYteriaii - . • .., . . • 5 ••••it..: pm line. The Proprietor trill not Ito re.paiml. , Church. . Mount, inOu,„t on angel wings • , - ble In datirt,s f. o• errors 111 ad veal...pmts. Obituary ' April 5, 1827. it spirit flee, • not rows or Marcia ms mit eseeeding live lines. will lei_ . _ - ._. . - - i imurtail wit hoot charge TAR. S. Ti. KIEFFER Office iii North . -N - "'""1 Ids' fPtt". '11";-'0 ‘ ' - Blessed soul Cu thee. - . . .1013 PRINTING. '.. l'hiannv,•r strevi: two 1100. from Are A. Fon'i. - ' • -. . ' 'More. tillice h one:. nowerirtlhilarl3 from 7to 9 o'rlia•h 1 . , • Ilut east one farewell look Tie earli.glejlerald 3.111 .I'IIINTING OFFICE Is •tho ,A. AL.." farm 0 I , ' 7 - o' ,1 ". 1, l'. Si . ' - largest a tol iii , gt, emm.i,•toesho,m.bmont in thecounty. I • 11..1i to this clay.. Three. goml Pres,es. and a general variety of material D()GTO a A R:Nisyll,() ~ N G. has rein ov_ Ere to same A1110(.11001: e " poltort lor plain and Fancy work of - sorry Hod enabl. s , od his office In Centro• Stplare west of the Court . ''tie, hurtle away, . . us to ilo Joh Print lug at the shortest not ii.i , and no Ilm l 11.ni,e; where he may be consultea at any lio'nr of the . . newt reasonable terms. J'ersoos in want of Rills, da o 111. , 11t. Pr, A .luP , had thirty ,t - , , • ' • • • _ - , lit. spa 0.1 eo• at --- ttarcklattriPlmtturit-st-thl, , ft"„ 4.4 , 1- t„ - I rt rdte,oon. tlirl - aRc 1,71 - 7ililcli hay • 1001 l 1,0. ------ ---'•'----- hoir.i-iterest_tt.ik'ens_aeall,__ EverY ynr".•3 - .' o'".'n ° ted.tu the.study_.m.l._pr.yetlee' of Ilmilneop'at hie nie7 I-. ' • nlrit ' ___ --- ----------• no .1' 1 o tiy n o 111,14. clue. e 3lay 20, '578111. • ' • ' , • anteraf -. aittr tocae:Thifornintionl U. S. GOVERNNIUNT. • . ' Prosidorit.-3 kMF.M ii1 . 1.114.NA S Pi,.1.11.11t —.IOICI C. It, eqr.' 4,rviary,f ar!, o f I nt..ri•tr—.l kellll st,rot ”f 51.1.4. - try of %Yrte—.l.)iim It. rl,Oll, Forrolart ," nr Nayy-1.044.:6 - I'.ll . c.Er. -• - Ptiqf fiem•eal , . ,- .C. Ilium, - . A ttorn ov' ktier:ll—.lFitiNl‘ti S.. 111.16•1 c. 4 Uhlec.l witico of the United St:ltl•v—lt. 11. TANEY. - -0 E G:01 7 ERN ENT noveritor—WlLLlAl _ Sperptary 01Stato—Wii.lowi M. lILISTLIt. Hurvocor NOWIL A u dito r (lunktr:ll—.l ' - Trog:tuurer-11,:ar S Jud....,.e . s or tint , Supt..," M• 3TRONO4 11•. B. LoWitlr. l i. W..ll'nooWkilll..lollN M. lintl, COUNTS`OFFICERS Presidont JuJie—flon.,;.•,.nes ll.llralt,tur:---__ . -- Ass.‘ektte Judges-Iton. 31teltnet Cooklin, Samuel Koo.ll.ttru . .• . . • lnstrlet Att'orney—lrtn. J. Shearer. • . Prothonottry—Phtlin t1tt141e4..... ..... • IZeololler .r.,.—Daninl S. Croft. • IterliGerj..N. Funning, , ..' • - ' —.- iii,q l rtinriff—ltont. Nterartni•v; Deputy, S. Beepers. County Trininurer—Th.res ihrieker. - , , corriner—)litcholi IleClonal,. - • - ' Count.; lounnt,..4.inorn—A,, trow Kerr, :intnuel llo• por, Nathanlnt 'II: Eekels. Clerk to Commis:Antlers. join 1r: wit:rim T. . - . . . . . _ 11,r., thn r, ;lobo C. flrtot.l.. Saomol 'pH Ct. littperi tout!. tof Poor I Imo: I —Joseph 1,1 , 304 : - 77 0- 7= BOILOUG II 1l 'ICII{ Villa Burgess-111111am Cart, Absistnt_llur.rtic—PconelB Echols. Thom -C0mm11 , ... , 3. B. Earlier -(Prt , ,4dootd• doh B dobert-Hoorc, Jamoh Jl. Allem IVllltimEoolorolb .101 m Horgi4, :11ii•Ildel Holcomb, Miaw' NlMich Iletor Alma) or. (Bork ill 12011:101. — Thos. B. Mahon. ConsMble.- - .l.trob Bretz, High Constable; A'ildrov Martin, Ward Coostoldo. • .lusi Be, 14 tho 1 . 41:11 . 0—A. 1,.-Silinislur, Milt( Eolith. •h ,el II dcomh, Edol•hoo liechors. CHURCHES - 1 , 11•Ft - l'rvsllyles lan fi1,n,1,, , -Nortltm . ..st • aligla of Colt. Iry &wart,. Ito, Conway I'. Wlng Pastor.—: ory Iron ..ver :1,11olog; at Il o'clock, A. M., nod 7 ..'clock P. M. • . . . . • Second Presbyterian Church, earner ol*Sontl: t allover Intl.l'entlret st vets. In,. 31r rails, Paster, Serviees commence at, II ti cluck. A. %1., and 7 o'cluck P. 31, Pr.tt. Epr.eopal/ 11,11:east:toll° of Centro S lute:, 0: 11. .I,:ren. :teeter. Services at 11 o'clock A. 31., and 2 ti clock. P. NI. 1111g,11,11 lattitetatt beta een 31:1111 nud loattlier streets. Itcc.,laeal• Fry. Pastor. Sent tees at II 1$'01(1,71. A. M., and e'eloet: P. `I. - • ili- lean ittltrattat Chu:Leh, bendier. het wen, I t n. orta. int Pitt stieet, llev. A. 11. iirtnner. -:ereice, at I o'elt•el: 31..1nd o'elork P. 31. .31.etlosiist charge. ot and 1111.S:reins. Rev. 1:. li. 1'1171111111.1, l'itSll.l'. sea, Ices at i I 0 Meek A. 31. l'eleclt P. U. 31e110 - slist - 11. Church' nce•settl eltarge.) Ile:. A. A. P.tst, Services in College . l Itai,el, at 11 tl'elock A. 31. earl 1 e'elta-I‘. P .31 '4,111.1/1 C:101 . lii• I littreh. "earl-lat.:. street., lie v. Patine •• Pastor. Serth•ea 011 lie 2nd Sul, day 111 en'i , n•-•••tit• tlecouto lalthe,loi Church olt 11, of Pomfret atoll Iledlortl stcouts.. Roe. Fun Vast,. clervives at N t o'cloek, - 4) 'll%. eltaii.:es ill the above are tieceg.ctry the proper pethoto are requested to tt^tllly to. DICKINSO:I COLLEGE Bev. Charles Collins, D. L., President and PiofeEi4er ul Morel erienee. -- 1:1•V. li.irotan 31..11.b050n. D. I), Profossor of Philos.: oily Mid Liter:aim, 'l3 Marshall, A. 31., Professor of Ancient, Litit pult,ice. or. Win. 1,. Doswell, A. M.. Professor of 311ithenuttles. t'. A. 31, Prefeehor et alld 14 M1..11111. • AleNander Celient, A. 31:,' Professor of Ilel,rC;V and Nhelern Samuel 0 Hillman. A. 31., Principal of the linionoer . . Dacia J,•101, A. 11., Ageislant In the lintiniirtr School . . BOA It I ) OF SCHOOL DI It Euro ES • ,olrow 111.dr. l'oe.itlont.. 11. :•at,:tl - o. QUl',lo3*, Cortttonti. P. t , elorentry,Jeo-olt W. Eby, Treasurer, .lolits the 1,1. )hnu .1 each .‘lOllOl acatiou 11:111. CORPORATIONS Ck 111.141: DEI.IIIIT IRNE.—Prusident, lt: M. Henderson, i.lashler. W. M. - 11,.,1:tn•thr — Asst: , s? , 1110r. Tollor, Jas. Roney,: Viroctors, It'chard Parker. Thomas notion, Muses Bricker. Abraham hosier. .1ac..10 It. C. Woodward, AV m. 11. Mullld, leautut..l Whorry aml John Ztig . , . CUMigLimtza , VALLEY BAIL 111 , Ae Coitv.ksr.—Prekddent, Fmderlek IV/Ms Sucrotaro' aild"lreamtrix, Edna, d , it. Biddle; Stlpte•lntendcut. O. N. Lull. I , osheimer trains t wlce is day. i . :10.10 , ar.1 . le.,viu g . Cal liale et 10.83 o'clock- A: 31. nod 4.00 o'clock 'tic° Iralos every day leneleg Varlll.lc at U. 60 o'clock A, 31., lulu 2.511 11. • • • 011t1.181.1: GAS kNII-WATP.II VO3ll. Fred. oriel: Watts; Sterelliry, I.Pantel Todd; TrellbUl er, tt In. iluetum ; Diredors. P. Watts. 1:1,11.11,1 Parker. lanu• Todd.Wm...ll. Iteptem: Fleury S.axtion, J. W. Eby, John D. (lorgas. It. C. Woodward. and IL N. I;iddle OUNI.:::11X111. Y,A1.1.1:11 Styr. raft; Cashier, 11, A. Staugeom; 1'01er,...1r.5. C. Halter.— Inrectors..loint r 5. Sterrelt. lier, Meleltolr brone man, Richard W.Aals..lidi a C. Dunlap, Itubt. C. Sterrot t, 11. A. Sturgeon, aud Cavtaiu John Dunlap. • SOCIETIES , Cumber Star Lodgo No. 107; A! Y. M. meets at Marlon Unit on tho 2nd and 4th ',Euemlayo Of every Month. • L9.l.ra No 2.130 A. Y. 11. )teats 1.1 'Thurs day of each wouth, at Mario. 11411. Catlisle 1.4 m No dI kV. O. of 0. \ Meets Monday avonlog, at Trouts r[ui IMMIANIES v. Union' Elf., Company. was oruanlued 1(80. Proslnuat, E. Cornmau; rico President. 111111 am Portur.; Socrutniy, Theo. Cornman; Treasnrur, slon ))en, Ooinpany mums Um first Saturday in slareh, Juno, I.suptouther, and December. Thu Cumberland Etre Company wad Instituted Eubrtn my 18, 18,19. Preshldtit 'Unhurt McOurtutly: Sorrutary, Philip Qul,r,loy; Treauttrur, 11. S. Ritter. The.compuny mputa,../1)..t.110.1 1 1 1 111,..4110 , 57.rtf.g.n.u.uurYd.AprE.64Y, amid Outobor. , 'The Lind Will Homo Company trim instituted In 51arth, 1855. Preahlunt, 11, A. SI urucum VICO Peed:Wont—lames 11. NlcCartnoy; Suerutary, Snutuol .11. (lould; 'frlntsttrur( Jopuph I). Ilalburt. Thu uumpany me As the dumnd Saturday of January,-April,-July, and'Octobur.L_.___ . RATER OF' POSTAGE., '.postaeo•on all 113ttercerinie.littlf en nee Wokerb-o . r tii, der.tlcontx pre paid. except to ClallinriilaNbr Orogen, COll,B 111.111171ith „ POW:VI 011 '• i1.0111 . 1.1 " .-..W1111113 the County, free. Within the State 111 mute per year. 'Teeny part of the thaw,' 00 cook pyti age on all transient !lepers unilor.3 ounces In weight, 1 rent 'pre-pitlit dr two roma tinpaitt. I,lo'erllsad lettere, to WI, barged with the rest of 4.lverll.Ontr. . . _4_llOU - PINTING OFFIt S. E. Or. of the Square, Blain St, I:,[3S SEA RS, n 1),, will spotol awl '1'1111:1, wvrh, er rnrh m ( elth Ir earlklo. Tor the I o tit of ilve.e ',relies. who may wl , h trr e”r;Fallt hor protlo:Aretalle. rFilte rit ‘o:litelo , orh', corn, or houttwi•sin,•ls. I)vt. 27, IS:,ti MI ED. }V. • N Erare 11, D. 'D. S. jf 11,,noust r.llprof iiiwrativv - Donti , try t(t. thi. 'more or . Debt • •- - *VT. Imp., at his residence. • oppo.itt• .Nation — 11.111. . . • • 'V.••t Unin Slrvet, L'arliAv Nov. 11. 1`.4. J >it. 1 .c !1.00 NI i S oath tiannree Arent, — .:_^__ ,, ..•••••••.;,• ,, ri,r,14 . ;‘,.. next an, tc. the pext,---.--•• I :l‘ . .will h. :11.sont from ntrligle the loft ten dayN oreaell month. •• _ A ;01..1', '135 Gl4; () It G - Z. It It E T , II:111;4r islttrned to•Csrlisle. offsrs his professlopitl ern bees to the sit i.stot,tielit.T.llly. • stills,. In N.tstit Pitt street, tivarlyopposltt , his former st..l.lesso • Tetuo—Motions te. • [Carlisle. 31arrit al. 'SS. NVItl /se absent until the Iste ,tprli nxt. - 111':() it( S. S EA - {7t.YNf It TIT. DEvrisT. stunt the um. - I Inisrs vow.] sttr,ory. ina_otnoe nt the ti•AigieriCl. DI his mother, East Isttathet thr, .1‘.. , l slow Iledlhrd. I:ttsh 19, . q;.. Xll :.. J. 11. N islPll' i•es o o p I : . y y V' , ..:,:4,:i5i 1 , 1 . 11 y i• ("rills Ow 1n , 1i. , and geld lon., , i I-I • t.; C4r:l-1,. arid % iciril . 0/11 lioj., ro. ..11.111.1t the prt..tioo of Dentistry. tillti pyp ttlt . ' , l oil Itill.r.ttitillet .1)1 !Att• t to trio IF. will hirert 101 l K•IN 14,direr: a 1:11 teeth. dEl.le , ,s..as they may mil,.""l'ai'nir vternle: to roil I Itc• .1111.•0 In III:II street. tilroctly. opp mllO ti l'umin•r land ‘'olly Itno h. will be in Sewville tlw last tea 1111y1.1 01 OVOrN„11144111,,,, MiMM=I 1)0GTOR AUG UST US B. EU BE ffT, • Tondor,•n SO , Vi^ON to tilo Citi7.l.llll of , Thnlnt_. lloll l Fprluxs. 4i.rmcrly l'awiluwn),, • tutd Its Ills oilier will , lttifthiud at fib: r.kldence. S'lmte's Hotel. A u 4. ')S-Inst. 4 , 1 25. \V. IIAVERSTICI(, Druggi-t, yrSop tlt lhnmver Strict. l';tr11%10, lips i} , ti,,:ts cat ofull, toutruttulo.l full sttiti,l, ,•r r 13. .1. I.:l•TP:Tr,'Nlyi• in 1)111g, 111,ory, (%pliter 1.1 , 11.. y. e1.t . q11114 , 11,42r Strjt.t. l'a. 03=1Milii= Nneth Western Lana and Collechny _1.../ents Part hollitf attention to t lie bitSilleFg or to•nin• doors, stilt is Ilityr.v: tpul Meal Estate. loaning to .110, lat. Iva! e.tt tti• PT. Ina 1 ittiog tool limitittit oiler the geto.r li Illterest of non-residents. polio euee+: ttiven it requirtal. • Atltirt•ss, 311iNIMiN11.1 . iti, • M I II July r O 'l.'lll', I'lißl,lo.—The ed helot; a writer, alter Ids servires m all I - oilskin,. Literary nisi. lie ioir AII.II,N , PS, Presentatliiii speeches:mil roplie, Lines 1, , r Albinos. A-rosties—prepare matter roe Ilia l'res.s.—l as:hairless shut wri;u, l'outo titian ally „Address (pest paid) leh. 1:4 k.I.E.A.:L. ESTATE AGENCY A., ANDREW U. VaL N. JI.rP vuompso. II (I Tit oMl'SON,,,,___ ‘" !lave nponod nn nlllen at St..l4.srph, 310.. Pm tine pur elmonnd nnln ut Itenl Itstgto. Luring and veiling. land IVarrAnls, entorlups Land no : , 111.1,yliug and Slap• phlc-o'nq us. hoontlon ‘Varranto. inid making . invest. 0111100 fur nyn-rt,identn. paying of Taxes. nod all bn,il 110,4 parinlnlnir ton iknioral Land .Ng,ncy In :111,isnurl Nobra:,:inond 1 (4,11011 1 11 011 Se . cond :treat, North of qt. 'l'. Ilea itankind k.luly L(1,1556. y 1, ESTATE AG HNC Y, RE- I IL, MO V A L.—A. L SPON:q.EII, HEAL ESTATE Ati LYT, CONVEYANCER AND SCRIVENER, has 10. 111111.1 to hie New tinier on Wahl htreet. ono do it Oust ofliio Coinherland Valle 101 l Hoed Doled. - llc to Mut icrnnuu•ntis located. and has 10111111[111 Ind Ibr Mie n very 111114 . 0 11111011 UL Coats. cuarlsiliig of v1rm5.a.,11104. , , Itoro , d. and Andinprored. Vlll i'mpertien. Town Ploporty or every de4erlidicin, also. Western !Ands and Town Lots. lio will give his Atoll hill, heretofore to the Negotiating .of Loans, WHIN; of beeils, Mortgagee, Wills, Contracte, Oct. 28, 15:.7.—1f. \V. 0. "lEEE M, ATToitNEY AT LAW AND I.IINEIIAL AONNT ifinneNuht Rent Estnt... st...nrltnes. St =tilite isrste hunt unrrasu.. N.. ,to. Neier In the mi.mls2.rn.ol the Ousaerined l'onsty ilar, and to nil prnisinent rlLl runs of lit. s:44'sS—ly. 'FRANIiLIN HOUSE. Riath Mum,: Strest, this Vohrt Pa. JOHN HANNON. Proprietor. 1i ; 080: daily for Papertown. Peters Ilium York lin.hiviir (10)0 this House, SIMON W. K. MoI , thLANE, Poimsy COON, !Maud. N Y . DE M.' VA t LAN D, AND COOK, Ilatikere:and Dealer. ho tionl Estate, _ . Jun. IR.)7.—fy ' __, II'OreSALE-()1t.111!,NT.,. AAX -7. 1 ; 'Tina large ~,it.i.itoiwonc. kun . W . n , as * eir . ifiKf a jl tn: ".11.1.CTII?N DISTII.I.I4.''?oIt- - tL .a....k_ 14 : n o t atpl i, t , T t, t 3 l: , n o, ll , : r tl i :lv il l' i l:;alg r f . . , Ti l k s;. -enlot,ritotn - -Tha - blitittings and - tnitellinifry err all new; having only team In tiny , about one year. and is cApablo of owslinnt 70 to tot I,uslieN a day. 'i lio. leezikal for IMI4I/110.0 Is °filial to nor in the comity, and the - coin's alonnew tir. work Are unsurpaestal. 1'010400 , 11/11 Will I 0 O.IVOII at any time. For terms or 'titer Inforuan lon. ajw nry - owilie priqiii.-Za tu . .---'''--- MEE I . tiipkrcED, S T' A T 11 S .NI.N 11 0T E L Gift) 008 Binrket Elt.r abovti PI-ITLADEIiPI-. ' , . -•, U. W. 111N1i,,1.N, Proprietor 'PliiiNi9';-81'24 P . m. doi•. . J tiae6B. • 1 0111. Er FA RN 116 ?I 1) L. "..).:Itti w;u3sl , 4,y *4 106110. with 111. e. Llqt/f Ra of i t,: elt.l,l.l,:uB,ftt the nuw illoVulitnli(lrucnry of - • • • ' WSJ, I.IiINTE, • . . aPal? eMaI NOM UM% ValralTe CEMOM. BANKEr.S, FENI,I',Y JOHNSON, )1,1 innesota Territory 0, W. Allen P. 0., Cumb, Co.. in, - Tou,prt yl u41u1ta..161.11 4) spirit blyst_, ,11.1 t-oto thy upward To new:holy r“Nt. =I N•ro Wia!do Itnn4 thronzli tll4. town, • ,tnirs 1n Tani* et 11101 V... _CIS I 9 1 211.,1, tbO if?:1:, brcl, r!),',ll'S TIOW t,1,11 IV I II/ 031- .44 ,1 ... 1 Are pm-owning .• The eat', olfe - riii.r porrln • 'ln the elaepiy~ pen, • The tf lfrlying on I.hr ffoor, And Ilse. not even ping?, Anil lel.e'n n wni.ettil !Addle Thal will not till nt Jeep. ' .• .1 nythlit....' but sloop. you ro;;uo; Ilke.tlno . moon; llnttlln.; In nn Ironjug wit), nt: Ituno.llic. tumbling nll about, • SR '! ;I•nn't lmow what, IV.‘l.lng • = yot I,eop ltlin still? mr:0.1.0,1)'. it Pnilm nt tLu •it's Pnr, =I II l-Vinklo, =IMIEI=S itt A we.i , Sta tipw—le,i IleArd . ..h..... h t. n 110[4o:1, t. .‘ ,L:o itothre tn ,• ll ch,4., An ne; Ihit, a ki+l fr , lnt ,tII Lin m~l ° _llps (II,: stron.:th ° win% LII MOVIIEW , PRAY It was a cold !Oval: .1 ty iu U•cembm•. the as it Ina.l.lmic 1 'jowled loaatad oar wok i Sitiny to irriti !untie. and the poor p..,L...-trtaa ,011:4111 IIIN:11/1/-ly ti. a shelter front the w'mtry .tortit. IV,. , WCI.! fitting .tfone in our little parlor listening to the contending elentem, to.l reti l lting with . evident soli-ta,tion the IlairoW a 1.10,1011te : titmlotle apartment. least I wa , .. doing leer mut !Me, tile e.l.ge of whosit self istines. had been worn :may by her on re petted sympathy. was no 1101161. pitying the ; liontele;s OM'S. ',lll' said 10 11111 rater a lengthy •• this will he It 'dot idittl night for these who ore poorly libel- . weed, if this ,101.111 " I merely :Is sowed to the Net :itolai,aitt there was .silence. "fl'lchra'. - `silidininiter lit "read a little to me.. will n eon-f" " What slotll I read." I asked ; not IA all plea , ed with the request, for I know what Ler answer would be. and I I was in 11. 11100'1 till" trleliOllS CllOlll4lll. I.'ol. the last hall* hour I had been trying to .11.1..1 lige in toy mind thealress I was .t wear to a party soott, to be given by illy fa vorite school-nt tte: Mary Chapin. " The bi ble, my darlittg." she am.Wi•red, "read that chapter in Matthew where ehrtst rebut:el the and the wave; and they obeyed him." 'O, mother," I said, •• I don't like to," but I stopped. I had caught it look of the dear lace before' ate, It 10110 changed, but anger did net rest there. Ono; the pale chuck hatigrown. paler, fliQlips tre'llibled with emotion, and when I gazed into 'that deep blue eye, I saw a tear irtmibling there. 0, that look ! even now, although twenty winters have spread their pall of snow anti sleet upon that mother's grave, that look still stirs the deepest fountain . of my Ilatuß7vild tears or deepest ropentanee have failed. 111 wash the saddened 'memory away. I longed to take my 'bible and sit in my accustomed sem at her feet to tell her how deeply I regretted my folly. but I was an Oh- :gAiliate 61111 d, my — stubborn heart would not yield. She Waited but a moment, then slowly left the room. I ligtitql her' aroma the stairs Gild enter her little apartment. (iietli.rof pri vate closet.) 1 knew why she had gone, and something seemed to bid me follow. I did not hesitate, but soon found myself weeping bit terly. on my own little bed. I did blot g o t o her as l first intended. my courage railed me, lota I tut nt , tl. aside into the •adjoining apart- Anent. 1 smothiwtal my soli and listened, all wits still save the fitful howlings of the 0401'111- _king without and the thzolibing of my own heart within. Presently a hone 111111111 lir beeps upon any ear, it was the voice of prayer "Rather, I leave theta in a coltish world, east upon the broad bosom of a restless ocean, (Mi med and buffeted by the chilly winds of ;Weer city. Vet thou hind promised 10 be their Fa. her I leave them In thy hands.: It, keep them from that fond stain of sin, glide them safely by thine own hand and bring' them Fa ther, to that mansion of eternal rest prepared fur these who love him." Tite.voice ceased. 0 low salt reached me, I , stele softly front •my'rpotii and sena knelt by I hot' side, A cold white hand .wan placed upon! my bowed head and again the inotherideati for her erring ohildt " Tench her the blessed Hess or thy WOIII, that WllOll this form lies mouldering heel? to Atist, and memory shall whisper to her in future yeas of the solenthi ty of 1 hisbour. s h e .111113' find in till its sacred pages 011 and to guide and It chart to direct. atind the , sltottl4 ttetkittiek-i?antls oni be ttorirr mama; until it. shall 111001' safely in the barber of rest " * • R. * The howling minds had ceased their - mournful 3vailings ; tho storm king Itatt_gradually_retired_z_ the bright sun threw'aside its thick curtain and bolted out again lit all liis'splentlor, uPon the face of this often beautiful earth ?o NO Of life and II 111111 1 / I tloll. now eleSely wrapped in tin. broad folds of the winding agent when I took the'rantilY bible from its accustomed place and snating,myself ,where I had alter Bat before, read the 14111 and Milt chapters of Joint, "L'et not your hearts bo troubled yo believe in God '4olirvo .itbio " ...Father, NM," was tht 6rnirovcintio or thaPototbor'n. 'l3itb not interrupt It was Alio last time' l.retid to Ikeri'llia stimyy' dint. mit: ilutCdity tsa uneyouly oprond o'er. Altatla,.was . CALISIA, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1859. , ht < 1 thrown aside 4nd beneath its .- - Bent covering condition. it was even doubted Whether she we laid her am , y. Since th e .dime tho;'World were a profCssor ! Plumbs Lane was positive 'has been . a Battle field todit leife orphan.' I about it ; and averred that she .didn . t, nolieve a have seen the brighte.t liope :'.of life 'dart of there'was a smirk of piety in her soul !row meteor-like in to the farfuture,,6 return again a men like Mr. Newton could ever have mated like it spirit rocket to fall at my' feet, a blank himself with such a wife was regarded by Miss ninuld,ering. worthless times.:, I have seen' Lane as ono of the inexplicable mysteries. A ~ what the world calls - sympath and affection man like Mr. Newton, who might have had his . grow dim, and finally. lose itttelf Bilhe. full choice among women!" . . blaze of selliahnees. I have -.item enouillto I went to church. with no ordinary feeling • Hake Me no longer wonder et ":t.tia earnestness. of interest:on the Sabbath -following my - re hof' a mOthees , praler, as O h wStands on the turn Whether in4leading impulses were of 4. 43 7 -zammt , r,71: - arrater emniii — rolraiT, tlirit7ll7ZlVlTy - . 61 7 tif" . l7.ll?; , i'VEitlfrl 4 7; beaten trackk over 'which sheilair wandered, ] will not stop is quOition; --- 17iFitit - i - Uliev. ,---- and view the it' falls by the Way, and recog- I fore the lima for service to begin, a lady just ", nice the - hand - that has led hernifely through - jabove4hemeditim - height, beautifully formed, them. No wonde r . that with tears she pleads l And wit It a step of blooded grace acrd dignity - that tht...widow.'s God shall be a father to her linsmaraldng the aisle leading -a' child by I liV . -.:' fatherless children. , ` . band, end took her seat in the minister's pew. , In all 'the changes .of lifentulatnid the wrecks of boorc hopes,..or when -vainly en deavoring with enfeelde&finge'es to rebuild l he ertunbled.castle awn- worldly hnthitions when weeping by the pool ofiltttu..:Orrejoicing on the 'tuountain-top. never have felt tie deso lation of despair for that tittt.4r 4 S prayer has been as tt cloud by day, and a pi _j• of lire by night to my youthful feet. "nOt - Wt but gone before ' r — Ai"Eksay rcid bbforo—thii-tiltot I i =9 Fat.t,ow- : The ohjeet,of - this say is to try to rhos: the impOrtance of au flits ki - nd in our midst. First. To "enable teachers to form 0 more, perfect idea of each other. , • Second.. To 'exchange views upon the. differ evil loot limb; of 'teaching-the ITtriods branches of ethical inn . Thirdly. To endeavor to awaken the Com munity 104 proper conceptioif and itpprecia- Holt of the interests of education; that there is need • lir Slle,ilnu ,iwnkenlug, will not , Feni4 by tho..te whd - have paidlttlention to Ike Mit , - ter. Or by any one who has taught 0ti6M. 7 1 - 417 - District Selcools in Silver Spring .Township, 'While patrons are so blinded to the intetysts of education, or are negligent and careless in regard to th e m. I year that there .nrc many teachers who, take advantage. of this fact, and] D L it 0 shield hohind which to cover many imperfeciimm; gross neglect of duty.' positive incapability. fray there is such n class, for • they never show IhemselveO at ally of our In- ...... sinute meetiogs, but who front their actions; reante when My restless curiosity WOO to he seem to be coutenttn plod along no (heir fill h. i stied. he minister's wife' turned her face „ Ito tlin'eangregatkon, tint! I had alien' ot l every T M eaehers Iwo opt to complain of the want . ucc :teem lo b o r 0 0 ,„0,_ , sympathy Orel co-operat imam t he p a st, of pa Classic almost to severity nut,. trolls. Active, working. and enterprisiug teach- ono. the to h aze l ey e s gave to erS wil;..make sympathizing - appreciating and gentle expres , ion - ten saw :at li.glance enterPrklnglPite°"' irnclrMs world hive I that 'she Whslr,wontlitt of thought. as . well As heie,patrotte intere.led in the, school...land , lie I , feeling • cause if education generally they :alit l.ll,CJllle I so then-elves: If th,n , !I I A few ladies gathered nromid her its she r 5 ;,,,,,, e d front the pew, and I noticed that. her i7.l. the initetrtaueetif Teacher's op very p'easiinlly its she' t ,7 1H . 1v ; luerel•Y nerds, Kim ki:t ISM I li . cre was . nothing ebse oy atemos , quions ; undue familiarity, t :oh - Every wordy :o- Every p1'0rt! ,,, i0111 , 1./tl4-11:1-1 . 0i.:?Ilfr'i-1-y-Olyfl-11/71.,k o „. martin, s, lit whielt matters ta.rtaftting to that , eneei ni u•ked every nttitinle or her person 31..31 profession are diseus.rd, rule ! r and rigid of lice „moo, eunucc TAD made forth(' government of thoae Its, ,, teiat tons-, !vulgar familiarity towards her was out of the ..- antl the advane.nneitt of the int 01 . 041:1 Or 4 111':il q ttem ion I saw that rat a glance Prufe"iNP , --While o'er.) . '‘1 , 0 1, " 1 ""'"I """ 1 "" I lint only a time ladies itt the congregation ration, has for ids object, the im P r°ve "'"" L . ' ventnred to approach I'M.. In, the eyes of the different breeds of animals the discu,lon ; , of the best method of cultivatinglbe Sete 1V11.4 - prollll. and they-were not "go im te force thetn:elvee upon her notice." The the Leal. tipta to it, 4 844'h. attract greatcrovtds .I)ltithlice admitted into their minds by others_ o;lt".°' rind e ''" maaletliten shim rubel. than court her acquain! deem, to see and be even: - Ye. h„,.. association „loco. .01' the few - "Ito :lid mulct: her some which has I'n• lie object the ';"4Hi"'"'" of were attraeted by abinity, .and stunts by a de-. knowledge and truth seem: to awaken bot lit- sire to gam a little reflected importance. Oth tle interest slimily the Ina ''" °I. even I ''''''"4.lSers thought it but ho , pitality to show her at 11°4e i call tite4Pielveg telitillilS, 11l a stronger ,1111011 g themoold acted '!accordingly; though the force work was op ; pareut Desiring to Mee!. Inv and make her 11C1/11:1 111111.11 Ce. I tasked to be introduced. and . ' was presented by It friend. I thmtglit her re ', (pinion rather e,tid and after passing It I'oe .-:11111I word ot• two, moved post her to...epeak_ ito . an old acquaintance I'Lollllhad not met 'foi• . seine time. • . Hlow doyen like oar new minister's wife?" won 1111110S1 the - first question. • . 171tti . 1 Say. Must know something about her first," I answered. "She 11 tint do' - •r us!" said my frit•nd -ivarmly, "She's-m.441m woman-for St. Chari ty !" ••Whoi's the defect ?" I impaired. "ICS :ill defect !" was the sweeping. reply. “Just look /it her! pretty thing fur it tnin hder's wife, indeed! Why she carries herself with the air of a queen !" ••Nlr. Newton," tmid 1, is a chnrmingspeak er. I never heard a more beautiful sermon." "Olt, Nlr Newton is splendid," replied my nermointance warmly. But Lis wife! (111, dear it's deeatlful I What, could have possess oil hint to marry silt a wont Ift —SIIO II never cult us in the wart! - never, never l Why, don't believe she even a professor. She didn't stay : lei the coot on lost Sunday! ditst think or that -and she's the . minister's . _ wife. It's been the tall; of the congregation ever since! -We filthy expected her to like's class in the Sunday school-but no, we' invited her to be present. rat ottr sewing, circle—but. no she colddult_leave her children ! • A mere exr cusp, of course! Then we elected her I'reei- - dent. of our Indian Nlissiottary Society ; but slim. declined the_ honor, saying that she had neithertime'tier taste - for such public ditties; that with her, charity forthe present. nittstim- Imme, - , _Now isn't that a Christian 'spirit for you? One minister's wife to talk - of charity beginning 'at holt.,l' 'Why, she's 44.5. a heathen!" My church acquaintance waxed warm. .• "Some of our people were eager enough to get rid of alear,‘ good 'Ars: 'Wharton," she 'till, • that. “She wasn't bright anal fashionable enough for them; but I rather think they've got their dose now!" ' I met, here ! and there, it lady of our church who belonged to 1.116'110111e duty mind your:, own.business Clabl, who did not join in this hue stud cry tigainst Nlrs. Newton; who thought dist. if 8110 had neither taste nor ill.. nlination for Sabbath school teaching, sewing circles, oc missionary societies, the congrega tion eliouid not interfere with these peculiari; ties, She had three little children to whom • she gave all a mother's core, and as the sten der income which her husband derived from the of St Charity (four hundred a your and the parsonage} would warrant her to keep , only .a - single domestic, a large part of her time had, necessarily, to be given to household duties. "Nobody -con say," remarked-one of these ladies; in . my hearing. • that elm neg-' lects her children, or wastes her, hush:Has I income. . The little mtrisonage lieu never look cd so-attractive inside or out as it does now. Mrs 'Wharton was not tidy, as we nn know, anti things Around her were generally at' ixes • and sevens, and no for her children'. they were Iw:us neglected,. Many, have•l seen Ihe_dirt,witi.le eir was at the 'ite A ing circle; or '. somewhere ,61,10 Oita :melted no business to be."; But the ladielvidua talked in this 'way be. 'tonged to the' queer ones : Of the couregadion, they were not o f the pkous kind.- So all they said went for nothing with the many. Without "variableness rir i3lindow ' of. afro- ' frig," as St. Paul sayai..,did Mrs. Newton keep : on her Way.' Ileum was dier'parittb, end she was 'content. to do her ,duty I here:=•-Oecitsion ally ihe-nedepted nn invitation to take tea antl.• . spend' on e,vening-nbrond ; .but most cases 81i0 declined these nleasani, entertainmentS, and though.Acivar . three'. monthsdtad passed' • there,had yet been no lea l drinking Swinge lie-ot her -hand, Bjeil very , 00ngrfgtitlori-';4at' ) with them-nt. their tables,' and joined-Om . iltele ; sada . *gtitheringa. Or..courso .the 46- =^l MEE teas•lL•rs this sltnuld trot In Fr nn Flgrporti' ‘ll,;:tzlne E FE OF: KJ -MINISTER: There had been a pastor,tl change in . our congregation. The' !ample. after sett years' trial of good 01,1 Wharton and his amiable, eniapliant wife, came to the coochisim, that n tiiiferent kind or preacher, with it different Idol of wi(e, would rataly improve their spiri tual condition.' lliere was tt lack of strength alma) Whortm .(so it, was allaged.) and certain prominent ladies or church had wished (altind) so often that Mrs Wharton were less old fashioned in her ways, that it change.sooner or later, had collie Ito he a set ileibiling hi the minds °fa majority. It was simply a question of limo; and' time settled the question The change was tootle. Old Wharton'and his .wife retired, nod ltev. .Ale. Newton and his wile took their-pi:lees in the pataut site or the eangTegalhotl say '• Mr. Neaten and his wife,' lor our people think, or used to thick. that. when they " hired a minister." they hired his wile also, nud regar ded he• duties among them in !wile light its they did,the duties or Lcr hosia.d. I happened le tat away teem the village-al the time this eltange wits" Made, 0101 did not return limit alter Mr. Newton and his wife had been doing duty for something over three mom ••- Itnw do you like the new minister?" was muoitg the first of inquiries. Ile's a Alarming _preacher," was the re ply 1 ycecieed on every hand. Yet 1 saw by _the Manner of my friends, that some draw back existed. "How do you like•hia wife V Ala! The little •mystery wet .explained. Mr Ned•tun was well cueugh. Bad 6i, wile. •• 11•Itnt kind of n woman is she?' I asked. "Don't know. Can't make lace oat," W/16 the vague 3111S1Vdr 1 received.. she anything like Mrs. %Vitamin' ?" , `Oh dear. Ma! I only wish she was.—Why she dosen't take n particle of„interest in the chinch. Ha,» t been to tine of the monthly eitarerts for prayer, nor to,tho weekly sewing eirelo ;•nor even to the albino kstilmool We calculated entirely on her—taking rite senior girls' class which Mts. Wharton taught for so inanyivears; a committee of ladies waited on her with an:itntation to do so„hut bile Hutu saying that she had neither taste nor aptitude for leaching I Now, what do you think of that tor a minister's:Win:l -' Bid you ever helr the beat Of 8:41Y at a glance. that there . was trouble ahead for Miss Planhe Dour, ivito made me this counnunicalion;, wee' tut active circulating medium in tho eon gregat k new cv ery body's business, Iniked:to everybody. and no' ted ns an 'opinion 'tinker to a large majority of italics . Who .had too much to • do in .their tiuuilies toqinve time for independent thinking in church matters.. • I must confessLtliat I felt a sort of n liking for Itlrs:' Newitori".lon thiS repreSentation of Alias 'Lane. Mrs 'Wharton; hail been snob a pliant subject in the hands of my spinster frienthlintrifThelike seeped was created for tho minister's wife, wrm in coating iununk us; could front tli'o'be• gintingshow that slie•bati aninklividuallty of Iter-own,nrol meant - Two or threo daye in tercoutlmwith.the ruenl 7 bers .or I ile _emtgregntion satisfied mo t hut NoWton would 'not do fir the church of St. 'Charity. W11(111.11114 where this lady Wile .1 hove no\rer 'learn etk..Adtare- my • anepi ohm that Mine: l'imebo . .banoewho re-christened Ite.pariebon !he oeca,mion of building of Our . now olturOh i we's not‘ s piirileidarlywell read 'in the Saintieb • Catendar:• a tint , let- that:page. Ours_was tiro - • Chgrdit Of: St. Charity Mr. Nt•wtolf woo it delight 4tlistan.L_Suolt tkpreach er I tqt 'a c tjvo in all the' bitereate. of : tlio (defy-I'So pions But.hie 'wife I No woman could be loss euited.to her . Uri IDA GLEN l'eaoher's Institutor Though not in any sense gaily dressed, there , was a style and air about her that by no means indicated a pious disregard of worldly things ' Taste had evevidently'presided . at'her toilet. noticed a slight lingering 'running through the congregation, and the turning or many , heads towards the minister's pew, which noon; pier the most prpmineut place in the church . . The lady did not look artmml her, nor show the slightest interest in the people.. blow awl attractive tinier the genias influence of giod Nlrs. Wharton, is f.1.4t looiin; its po..ver, n I :LlTTrum this st rourg.)..e m:luct. on .1 he port of the. minister's wife. Sic Inuit be tAlke.l to on the sobjee,t. eher duty 41111 Mllit he tfttiv,ht it. If she won't. Ite.tr lief f hushm , l. she maitike.tr the een:regttion. .1--comurrtt e. of L k 1 —vt: • • , : . i: - ---,- 401:Mt In all things was her .11,14t - lififirMati that good, - Id* . ...t - r -f.... -Whartott i -whese-pleasant,- almost- smiling,face. I had seep for's° many yenrs iidlutt.,pew , —a face turning as.by instinct, its mild sunlight cnrittl.anort...upon.the congregatiQll..,while her . husband broke for them the Bread of The contraq was hardly agreeable. "She'll never do whispered a baby shadow of Nl,so Lute's, Into Ihrj; to my ear from the pew ,justOtillinil the one I occupied: •'Prond as Lucifer. any One can see!, Such airs won't, do - for St. - Charity'" ,-- -• ' ". , - • ' • I made no reply. Though annoYed, I icas yet sensiii6 , itttlitena - ed by the remark. , , Very, still, almost like a stiitue, sot. Mrs. Newton, the — iniiiiyter's wife, swill could see ._that.the_eJtil.t . l. a little gill Sig:ol' set'en years . old...leaued_rer:r_clo.s.e_td her• • Ifoe:•:1.--wishjil ...that she would turn towards the congregation? How I longed td 450' her dace'. But' I 55,15 IPA I granted. tlds desire „until after the morning. s.trvrces were closed. . - , - - I wasp trtictibirly pleased with Mr Newttni ills sermon„ip contrast with the usual ..dis courses I h.t.l listmted to ruin the lips of. Mr. Wharton, 'was a master piece __of eloquence. No one seemed to listen to hint with more rapt, nit t ent ion t Itah Nlret -Newton'. ' ~ . . I, At last the services(.sh,T, , l. , :Ina 1110 , time settee, of Nit's. Newton on these occasions al ways fortned-a•Subject of reinark, and it was generally wiled that hcifairtire to nectintp my , her husband Seriously marred the pleaSuees. of the evening. • • Alt, if his wife were only like hint. This was ininriably the sighing ejaculation of Miss phoebe Lute, or soma one oilier p,ir- Init, the miner 11.13411111 ed so - fieriotti s ylkapa in the 'Rich oleartaia leading 111 , 1i11 011 t 1 1 ,3 perish 111,3.1. it was dItterIIIIIICII to wait, it, Ott - tite - coarse - af - condwat - ske - tras-pursaitr„r,"-- ••a eaurse coudttet," argued N 1134 Lane, that is working untold injury ro-our-eittirolt,-- Ever since she cal,: Were a chamso . for the worse thocongraplion._. bers aro g,i.owing cola or inditterefit. (lay :towing circled are Ip'thug their irtte s reet, the monthly coacertg of prayer are b 'attety- - dal, as the S tbhath school he ttwitolling away. The.seekl sphetle. aiw tyc sn warm ttppunranee . iunl he a oftilena,-.n.n.l—voltant4ry - 11111 y Ilil'13.130!)!C to set MC 8. regtril toter Ilgtle=to the pari4ll of .:3t. par nom 3. UurisLtty prOalPtC 1 me to accept on a:Need ineetbership an thlt. committee, Leo tale lict 1,10 the interview witia Newton. We found Per sitting in her orderly a [lran ; go I little p trlor, her person n 3 110 tt ai every thing around her, and hee . tht'oe little childr,in 119 s%i•eot pit re ni M y ble:9.l'n4. TWO were playing na the ti,ior, and the h the slept in the cradle, -that 10. l I .1 1 4, 1 w 9 sn el. Ho t o H I mot t ouch- - thrrr - rollkur; ••.if • Iteede I, with her foot. ' She wit SCWI:I4 it 411kt1'W:11.3r 1111-1)111 I. Pour la lie+ in ri, up t !le contatittee—e, formid title number. Mr. t't on rite ty'atrunelill - 4 - rtie - fnuer.tl-61-a-• ir Taborer s child"-in, rho coiiSt - wa.s - tr• ant the culprit. in our power.. With an•eioy grog the minister's wife . re•- ceiKeal no. and after Ave were all s'eate.l she stepped to Ilia door an 1 spoke to her girl who .was in tilt kitchen. A slit trt. tidy Ineking do mestic dots forwird, am! Mn, Newton to her with a kinditcss or manner that. I could not help no'icing.__ _"Tak.•, and George. ittto the ;linden, 3:ple, :tad keep them tilltheall you." "Yes ma'am." cleer• fully. The two children- . sprang itp itantly from the floor, and holm liar, the roam left us alone with .llrs. Newton mill her sleep- A „rave silence followed. Tie coinatittee were tun') trrasoed. Inn the mini:Aces wife wa . entirely .it 0.1"1.1. •. •," 1,171(I, after tun dry peel:min tr.; tt u-nion: Orlte;;lte t I peettliar to lterAelf, olt trie ‘ a little c . mversation -with abort. atr i • cliiirch ta ct's." . II tlu t yoa h; i s let' talk Ott that subject' with ut y , ditt a t tit '- wai auswere with.tite tan) eoure. plrtitnlhtr orovir,tce." - 1111 . a111. " 910 , 1 :N1.14.1 10.711,?. ; "we hire uo 14011. to lied ,rill) 1I r. Newton. Ile does his pirt entirely to our satisfaction." —Da L understand." Mrs. Newton spoke a§ night were ht•ealting into her mind. _ •• Ve - went on : . "it IN your dory in the church that we hwa cotne In talk al»ut, not your liti4b in ; and 11. 1 ,0 you will not Like it ill or us if w speak out plainly." “N3l, by any In? ITN," she repeated. Speak out plainly, an l if in Any tiling I hare beau derelict, i will c my fault, and do all I can to lead a hater " l'i tin sp.' always earl our ni to li pie , ,!..?, or t ntl trly. SI W will.spelk plainly. 'Vile fact N.,•Wtott. you have failed alaust entirely_to 111C2t. Lll3 OXl.ootiltion of our people." •` 1:^•1! griove l t.) learn this." N'ewton sorirmily, hut with no sign of orb toco. I wN not b,•Ga•o aware that the people Intl any sp•:eial ulniiut uPon'TiVe." ' you expect of tn.; quire-1 Mrs. Newton. It toe ly intiortte , l our expec!a tivn4 in vavious ways. girl's SCRIM' class in Stull sclio.)1; that, or emirs , . we expect you tot tke. •.1 , 11 y m aro wanted oa C rn nitto, :till in one' S.wiety. Unless our 111;11k:el.'s wile takes the let I in the t,uai...fralities 'of the enure'', not Itin:4 will pro-yer." " s.ti I Nies N tvcon, ,• it umler stoad tltti voile lt:i+1) to &vies rrl.o minty : to the spiritu tlitiei of the church, tnino , haVe spueial reg..trl to the temporali ties:l ' "Certainly, ma'am ! You have expressed the difference of relation exactly," replied Mi4s Lane, led only the ,peculiar. way in_ which Mrs. Newton put 'the question to admit the extstantie of a very wile range of duties, as require :I of that lady by the congregation of St. Charity. "This is all new to life, -ladies,", said the minister's wife. " l was not aware before that any ,one in the congregation regarded. me as haring. failed in duty." " one so regards you." Our spokes woman was a personage who used great plain ness or :peech . This snonld have li - Cen Stated in the ginning,," said 3lrs. Newton. '." How was I to know your views in tho matter ? I saw, all of my husband's correspondence, but not A word was said about his wife or the parish requirements in her ease. ,Now it appears that, her range 'of duties is almost as wide as his. I ought to have known this before I came hero, ladies; and' I really think the complaint of failure of duty is against you instead of me. Let me ask, so no to roach a e:ear understandiSg of. this matter, what sal ary you pay your minister's wife 2" Salary!" gasped Miss Lane, her unti,ja-u -falling and eyes projecting at least a quarter of an inch beyond their ordinary positibn. '" Salary:" she repeated, in a bewildered, half confounded vay. • "Yes," quietly replied Mrs. Newton.— "The salary, you do - not, of course, require the services of your minister's wife in the way you propose without compensation." " Preposterous !" Miss Lane had recover ed herself, and gained a little blind indigna tion with her partial soli; pe,ssession.—" Did any one over_hear en thing tin absurd: In hiring your husband for . ont"minister"— " You did not hire met" interrupted Mrs. '<Tien; 'with calm dignity.. "Bear that in mind if you please." • "Thank you for tile remark, Mrs. Newton, said I coining almost involuntarily to her aid." "It throws a flood of light upon the. , whojs, s tittle ct. True oVci L_We Biro upone: single hour of your time. All that the Church of St. Charity has a right tomslF of-you is, -that you do, your duty as a wife rind Mother." - 7111 rs Newton turned to .me with (1, grateful look, and grasping my hand, said— " Thank you I'''in return.. A, little while .sho:paused;. but no . one spoke.' 'ln ,tho :d e ep silejice, I think mint wholesome, convictions Of „trtithLwere finding.' their way °venial° the -mind , of Miss: Line, who, sotrichO.iv,.remitided uto 'of a'-wilted loaf,. or a piece of stiffly starshed:muslin suddenly, driinoliCtl with *Mot. ' : 4 My' hosliond's'Autio§. nrO'olonr,"' 1'1617 evenly, siw h o Airs . Non-tvn--vory*lndly,.yet cog tirmlT nod vary btohlly t ”Ary.husbontre Oialos nro door. Ho hos . oonio to ,you, 45 4• spiritual guhlo uud inottnatbr,-liiti OfHoo' in $1 50 per annum In .. aqvance. • 1 52_001..11-not-paid-In-udvanee. . to point to . lfeaven and lead the way. It is a - high and holy °Mob., .I honor him, init, and'. su,tain him to the beAormy ability. ,lly,du•. 'lfFcare also eicar......-Tain simply a wife and • mother; mid bl id being my helper, I will faith- . fully discharge a wife and mother's sacred ob.: ... ligations. At present these dudes talk up all my ; and conscience will not permit.me to neglect real duties for .the perfotonance of imiginary ones ' it: doing such duties Quist servo the Ginircli. 'This is my religion, awn. .have learned iii from the, Bible,"' • 773701 . 7n7iNFIllifir -plyingta-her-tsunarks r -Slie-want-on • It hat beenoilleged that' I 'am not pious , enough-Tor the -people - here. -perhaps not. • - - But of one:thing you may rest assured: I am ne_hylmesite. 71 shalt never_ put_mm_a_pions.. • eider:m.lo hide'the want. of charity into 3, heart. - _.-10 I am you will :away:: sec me." Mrs. N ewton paused again ;' lint ns none of her visitors Alumni any inclination to speak, she continuerl : • MY.,yeligion is somewhat peculiar, I be lieve, I d o not keep it - as a showy Sunday suit; • lint wear it every day. My essential worship consists, in a daily discharge of my duty as a • vVife. hall mother; my form-it worship, in the pious prostration, of my belly before my Hear- - culy , Father at set timeS in itiy closet or in the • iablic-a,rxemiolyt•---nra-krt." IThat-lw--to•-mt„ t ho-- • gold,m-clasp thatliinds- login her- t he-eircle-of weakly duties. ft is te blessing ana a console• ling j 11.5!. ill the degree that the worship of my six_dayS hasi,iett_essential worship," _ •• And are we to expect nothing of our min kter's wife''" sai:l Miss Llue, vets ' sub doed voice She was evidently conscious of having made a great Mistake in tier estimate of :llrs. Newton's char?eter,_ "Nothing more than her Iluly.fls a woman. ". If she have ,m tlities that will give liCr a lend- • in4•social. inflionmeoind 11:tve . limo to spare from ner'lionrydaties, whichare always first onglit.o.oleCtlnise IrtAlitleA• become ities for dim no more cart, with justice, ^li.:i'ciOired of her than from any other woman. eongtgation. Your contract for ser .v.leeds-witly-hdr-huslimt,l,-mul-motwit.h_bet9...„.,..-_, and-yon -have no - morn-just °lain: :Limn her tine, nor right to control her freedom than you have over the wife of your lawyer; doelor or schoolmaster. It is tins mis,mken idea of 'People in regard to their miniSter • s' wives that is producing so much trouble in societ iCA, and. making wretched the lives of hundreds of poor - women, who hardly dare say that . their souls are theit:' own. It - is not enough that the min ister's wife is expected to keep her loose and . • clothe her children upon the lowest range of income, tirit will not 11119 W her competent help, but.slie must spend half of her time in gossip ping around among the idle or well-to-do ladies of the congregation-take part in their sowing circles, and attend firrtliOr various meetings' for good or doubtful purposes.. Now all this ' is wrong; and if you are not satisfied with my - husband, becauSe I will •not imitate so bad an,. . example, yoti'must, give him notice :I'o.u:riling . - ly ;or if you think my services absolutely cc-. - sential to the prosperity of the church, just • stile the amount of salary-you can afford to - give, and if, (Ur the sum, c m procure a per, son in every way as competent as myself to assume the chaa:ge_of my children 111111 house, IMld, I will take into serious consideration your • proposition. . Beyond this, ladies, I can prom ise 'nothing." . • • "Thank you again, my dear madam," said I, witILA warmth that expressed my real feel ings, " for.giving tlds matter its right solu tion! ' You have' spoken oat like a true, Me-. • pendant woman, at you will see - • .th4Lyaur.views arnflorrectlyveported. Con sider tie as, your friend !" , She turned upon me a grateful look, and as she did so, I could see that my earnest words had brought a dim moisture to her eyes. "I could widi." she answered, in adoiver voice, , •to number you all ao my friends. I have come among you as a stranger, seeking no pro-eminence, but only desiring to do my duty 110 a woman side by side wite.other wo men. The fact that my husband is your min..' liter ves - me of right no position among you, and 4. ,es you.no _right to..demantdof me any publi serlice. If my husband fails in his duty tdmonish hint; burin the name of jus tice 410,3 nd humanity. do not establish any super-' viol 'Cover mo. Let any private life be as sa cra. front inthision :is that of any other wo rn tn. Tins I have a right to demand, and I will be satisfied with nothing leOs." Silenced, if not convinced, was - Miss Pluebe Late, and she retired in duo time with her committee of remonstrance and accusation, their colors trailing upon the around. I lost no time in giving my history of the interview repeating almost word for word the clear, strong language. of Mes. gewtim,* that she might have the full benefit of her own state ment of the case. And lam happy to say that there was common souse enough and right feeling enough in the parish of St Charity fo do her ample justice.- tier husband instill our minister, active, useful, and beloVed; but :1,0 no salary has yet been set sport for his wife she bas net - assumed any duties in the congre• gat lull, and - from present appearances, I think has no intention of doing so. But as a wife and mot her, herdiftiis beautiful ; and her ex ample of for mere benolirtodlie people under her husband's care than all her more public nets could be, had she entered upt, every dit ty that was so generously aSSigned to her. ?" Scnnn tv a. Scutun. Root.—Tho Spring- Jidel 11:prib! ican is responsible for tho following. eunthlibre wish to exarnitio yuu iu pullet action. Mutes that i• .• Goer& —Thet-l--•That's•a-conuna.--r -_Mistress—Right ; pow what'sthat? .. .- Goorgo—Ah ! now you'io got the whore the hair's short. I dun kno. Mistress—George, I do not , wish you to use any slang phrases here. Iyhen you are una ble to give correct replies, say so. , but dO not repearsuch phrases as that which you have just used Now, what's that? George—l dun kuo. • Itlistresa—cllon't you know what that is?— Why that's ii pitriod. ' • ' • George—(Looking dritically nt the point In question.) 110 hs! ha! Now I've got you where the hair's short; that aidtt make& only a fly dirt ! Mistress—(re-exarOning critically.)—Qeorg• you arc dismissed.. 11 A STRAY "duck of a wife," whose huobsud . went off for a fow days to en joy himself abroad as ho could not at home, thus advertises hits t "Los; STRANTO OR STOLEN,--ATI,bIdIVICI.• • ual whom I, in.an unguarded moment of lone- liness, was thoughtless enough-to adopt as my . husband. Ile is egood-loooking and feeblo individual, knowing on ou gli,,,ltowever, to go in whets it , aims, unless somo good-Melting girl , oilers her 'umbrella. - Answers to the name of John; Was hist seen in company with Julia • • [kris, wisiltilig with his arm around her waist, upjlio plank roadijooking poA9ib43.,thon over. ' .:Anybody :who will Catch the poor fellow and bring him oarofully book, , so that•Plitly elutstiso him for running away, will be asked to stay to . too'byi, • PENItIETTA A. 8311i1g... Aym23'" Tassft replied to a proposition thul ha . " - : Aotiki Mho vengeance own man who Mut in .. jured him,.. Ido tiolwish to•dePrivo him of ~. thor of his godd:g; his hotioi., , or his lire, -I only' • wish to deprive Ipitu,of 111.8,111mill.' 1 ,! ':. , : ; MO. A. mentlier,or tip; LogWaturo suasion at itutiailipON who Inttl boon .toottiched ‘ • down" o'n not.twal onoftsloon, ottbrotta,r,osolti-.' - don intarnoting tho4siorkoottor to .buy tam- .1 ty bojthis or oolgh atogjoing rinlboAllwrof members: •' . - • NO. H. rillll=ls a
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