Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 09, 1859, Image 4

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Housekeepers'. Recipes
A croon et.lyt in
the saineinanner.agjor ;1 lee 811•.0
with the addition of an
the q inititity to,:i s tre sizQ
Itoll n portionniqhc crwif 411 f”nrill ,
of an inch in thickness . ;, line a
ding dishovitliit; hive rthick‘,
pies. paled and - sliced ; put i;i jap.r it
.sprinkle.on thnpt 7 11 o•• •
chOpped line; add it w.-
for crust and lay over; thoi put in
another layer of apple; pork, and sete-on
as before; then covey a;.;:ain. with `crust.
• Rake itra moderate oven t ; take
it front the oven and dampen the tip
crust and cover it elo.‘e to st am fiftreu
or twenty minutes before carrying to the ,
table. • •
. .
TNDIAN CORN.BILEAD.--Place a kettle
over the fire with four quarts wa'er, and
When it is stabling but stir in cornmeal
as thick us you call conyenient;y; tajle it
off before beiliM and get it away •tomool,
tire band a'pint.ot rya fbair,4 wheat ea-,
nail and four table poon;ful ot'
Put, iu the oven; previously heated. about
lock P. Dl., and bake fast - until it is
browned over, tbm Nike very slow, and
let' stand in o'ven,until wanted fOr break
Yost. geuerully_keep warm thro..igli
the'night, and_ is said. to be excellent.
To MAKE cond .
sized potatoes, pare and slice thou, then
boil; when dime, nut.ll them fine; and
While hot add the same bulk or sifted
. flour as of potates. Amid a little cool wa
ter and stir to a thick baiter; then add
a little salt, and when ,milk-warm stir in
~,one_good yeast calie,,previpusb,.;disqorved
in a little ,cold Cover it warm
and set by in a warm place milli morn-
.tlion_teke this—_ poon!. for wetting
and proceed to make When
.workod stilhcietlly 16111;11;o luau s, plsee
_thorn in pins, and in it little time they
will be -light enough to bake: 111tr:np
sift .your flour before using. If you
ty have.good bre:id it will be FOUR! .
• uiis
nui of-your own. -- . .
-To -- rro sq;7i - ' - rifitKT 1 . emove: tire
'flesi from the botte s with - ai" sicarri knife,
scraping it downwards, being careful 'not
To cut it to pieces. Beg•iu at the wings,
and do not tear or break fliesli ht. Loosen
the flesh_froM the breast, back - and thighs.
Prim the skeleton by the beck from the
flesh ; then stuff it whit a dresi,ing pre
pred iu the same war as for roast tur
key. If there are any brokeit places, sew
them up.—Bake it about Alyce hours.
erne it up cold. -
, 111E . 11 CAK ES—( 1110 egg; I cup ttuzar.
1 cup btittertu tablespoons laid, 1 ten
spoon to your tame nod
mix quite 'hard.
To Polish Shells For -Crnsments
- Many shells naturally possess so . fine
pelish"Jhat no preparation is
necessaly forplacing - them in .the
net. In gener-1, however, it happens that
when shells becCome dry -they lose touch
of their natural. lustre,„ 'I his may be ea
sily restored by washing' thenrivith a lit
tle water in which a small portion of gout
Arabic hasbcen dissolved, or with .the
white o - f - tuf egg.- 2 1 his is the simplest of
those processes which are employed, and
is usednot only "bay -the mere collector,
but by the scientific arranger. 1 here are
many shells of a very plain appearance on
the outside, by reason of a dull epidermis
or skin with which they are covered.
:This is removed by steeping the shell in
warm wati , r and then Thlong , it oil with
a brush. . When the epidermis is thick
it will be found necessary 'to mingle with
the water a staid] portion of nitric arid,
which, by 'dissolving — part. of - the shell;
destroys the adhesion. This last agent
must be employed with great caution,
since it destroys the lustre on every part
exposed to its influence. The new bum
filee must be polished With leather, assis
ted with tripoli; but in many cases where;
.even these are ineffectuttl, the tile and
pumice-stone . may be employed to rub off
the coarse external layets, that the con-.
ceded beauties may be disclosed. When
this is dwie,, the labor and care, though
great, have a reward proportionate.
[From the Baltimore Weekly Sun.]
Chinese Sugar Cane—ls it a r ailnre?
.Several years have now, elapsed, since
the first introduction of this plant, and
many - experimenters are ready to give
their account of it. The November um •
ber of the llorticultwist refers to it as
having failed; but believe those in
Eastern Virginia who have tried it 'are
ready to give unanimous testimony in its
Titvor. Many have used - it onl• as food
for stock, and will testify that when so
used it is worth •twice as much as the pro.
duct of the .911 file land in Indian corn—
some say four times as much. The_ rod.,
'der.enred as porn fodder is superior
it ..nd of - do:Ethic quantity; the stalks ate
excellent feed for.hogs, cattle or horses,'
and - 30 to 100 bus :els of grain equal to
oats may be made On .an acre. These
statements are in accordaneetvith actual
results on medium hind. !Those who
have procured mills have made abundance.
of good molasses ; a friend of mine near
me has made over 500 gallons this fall.
I have not heard of one discard
inoXit after one season's trial. I feed a
dozen hogs and kept 'them fat a month
on' the yield of one-fourth acre. 'Let it
be cultivated then extensively and a
plenty of pork raised.
F . attoning Animals.
Whatever may be the food given, two
indispensables must be observed .namtly,
'cleanliness in both animal and food, and
regularity. , We
,have' knoivn half the
value of food wasted by filth and disc m-
fort--. , worse than throwing away cash ;
and.we—htive- known - animals- to waste
more flesh' by fretting long for an expec
ted meal, than the - fued restored.
Drop twelve drops of oil of rhOilitnn
a lump - of loaf awe]. ; grind this _writ in
a glass Mortar, and' in ix thurough'y wiili
thiee'poiiade.of orris root. -A fln violet
.perfttrue -will lthus---dm-'otitaineil;-,--Brin- - :'7
creasing' thei:quentity of rhodium ytiu will
obtain,u rose perfoino., : •
rrOBACCO AND S 1 AliB =The
finest qualltiec of 'bump, Twirl, Car endiab, nnd_
btaulTelanring. - fols - .
Havana nod Cuba &pant, Mso cboleebrandsof domeatio
manufacture, .Lyochburd,,l9llladeltdda and .Baltluiure
:Cut nod Dry Toba c co ,. uur .frlenda ratipot, full. bola
plea , cd by amp:doing furtbennelillp.
YOt,lo, - J. W. EBY..
r \UE Eitbstribers would respectfully call tlio attention
of the Coal consumers el Carlisle 1411 d vicinity, and
Ihe public generally to their superior quality coal
such as
. .
ENKENS VALL EY,. . • Broken, Egg, EtoTo nu Nil
I•IIIikr . FIDDLEIt, .
Tit tA . t.)ItTaN , , do._ do. . . do.
mud the rolebrated Lobitry_whlto aisli; broken, Egg
+tore luld Nut Coal.
This yair!l Is sit tinted at the east and of Carlisle. appo
site the tiny Works. where they.tril. keep coindatilly on
Ind n largo stock oral' pot, flu Pioes or real, whirl,
will be sold as low an any in the borough. All coal e r
usi, will he rrsereoued before delivery and war•
io eive outiio sath•liietien. •
poet ,Loality of Wit:BURNER:B Itlid . BLAelibMlTieff COAL,
aiw.qs.o.).ltatifl and tat lit... Agaves.
ii_totioni:toiLot_tbo_rtidooeo of .Itones lloffer,'West
ed.reet.. or la the resident.° or .I:tedb :gap], ,Nortil•enst
IA:31 . 111M ! BEE! —We 'are alvo 'prepared
to furnish all Hods .latl• iilfaltly of dry Lumber at
11;11s .:: lo older and furratthed at thu shortogt.
11 e have c..nEtantly on hand all I ludo and quality of
Shingles, sin has white pimp hemlock, chestnut, oak.
U. Atm.. ail virus of Walnut 'Ms Iland=ralls, window, Stud Lintel stuff, ash, poplar, oak and Linn; all
I.l.ols'of paling, plastering huh. Shingling lath. broom
lumdles. worke4 and weather-boarding, rough
and smoNtli 'AI% poste, and every' that 1,111 jic
kept lu a Lumber yard.. !laving ears of our own WO run
at all thnesand 'at 'short not ice supply any article Iv our
lion of 1..1m0:A nt, low prices.
WI. .1 Vit . t. 113 Ilk (111 roe' Hai favors and solicit a con tin u
atnT Of puha, putruutigu. Our sotto fa bi please. •
cartisio, tuyacißbg.
„,, _
n t ,A
• k.2t.
rit.tNoi: 01 11titiltS1
On s tsl ;titer '3ION BAS. Oe'rt HIER 11th 1 SAS. Passertges
Traur x 111 as follows:
lat Train. 211 Train
' .
Leave Clininlierslitirg, 8.115 A.
/ M. ::.11. P. )1
Haliailislairg,. . S..ri ' i ' , 2. In
" New i'ille, 9.27 " all.;
'" __ Carlisle. 10.08 " - 9.0 "
•• • 10
Arrive at iterrislierg, • 11.03 "
FOR MIA 30110SBUILG.. .. - -
, .
. , Ist Train. 2d Train
Id.avo I lnrris)urg• ' 8.30 A.ll 1.00 P. :d
Nledlataleliburg 0.10 •' - 1.9)) '•
/, ' ('arils)•. 100 ".
Arrirc :rt. ClutiihrAialrg. 11.30 "
Trtios learo Iltirrisburg for Plillatlelphlit, tin l'ortiett
It.l I !rood, jt .
13.t0i itt. nigbL. Ity. Ile In .14batton Valley Itnil
ILmd tit. 2..25 I'. M.
For Pittsburg, :(.10, A. M., 1.00, I'. 51., and 5.10. I'. M.
Fsr Palt Ina•ru. 8 30, .1. 31-and 1.43, 110011. For T r o ver
ton and kV illimmport. at 1.00. P. 3144 aml 8.45, i 31.
on Dauphin 15%01 at 1.30, P. Al.
NOTICE T,I VASSENUEIIO:: all Stations wherB
Tigt,pts are 551.1, Chambersburg, Sliimamsburg.
Carlisle. Mechanicsburg mul Ihirriaburg. a retlugtbm or
CENT, 00 guilt Tialtat wilTha madly to all 1.1114.11.
-errs that botsra_im
toriug dm Cora, -
, 0111 re. t
,g)..1. 6.1555. • C
•• • • FAMILY
CO A 14.-1,000
c • t i-.!••••• 6.••
Al> IL, lirolien and re-
•"= • e!reened;*priiiiiited ex
Inermly Lm fluffily use.
'`" "'" nod kept coven.
ft tilat I:enn furnish It 111 v and erCtrt all - eelootie of the
year. I have ail.° on baud and Mr sale the BLACK
111.13111 ND C4IA 1.. from the Baltimore Company 3I I iiev.
Tlii% Coal is adminitily calculated Mr !Antrm Stover
nod Cellar Furnaces; all of which I will tell at egivill
pridlts for cash , niul deliver to tiny Part of the liorruirli.
August Ifita
N ENV - (2/ A L -A - 13, •
Al END OF eMddal.E.. •
The sub,' 0w1...n . .6111 respectfully call the attention
of Lintelettcnar, and the citreous 'of Carlisle, and - the
sat loundlod eolintry generally, to Ms MAY COAL
VAUD, at Undo,' to his. Ware llouse.'on West High
w h er e n o w ill reel, constantly en hand 0 large
Pi' the best jollity of COAL, tp.o It:
hyliens Valley, Luke Fiddler, Pine (love and Traver.
ton, Broken, Egg and Nat Cool—Sereelled and dry coal,
.which he pledgot himself to sell-n', the Indust pil,sible
frices. nest quality of Litneburner's and Illackstnith'a
Cold always 4lii hood.
Abe. At orders left at the Ware House, or at 11 IF resi
dence in No.tli Hanover 1.. „ 1.541.d, will be
tended tu., •. .
The subscribers having disposed of their entire stock
or }lra's w ear, have repleni , lted tlArassortnient with
a large invoice el Ladies. Misses and Children's Boots,
Shoes and llaiferS, stleeted with great care front the
most Celebrated uiau ufarturers In Philadelphia, and uis
rivalks: for style and w orkinanshlp. •
The stock embraces overt/ variety of Ladles Leather
Morocco and Kid well hoots. line kid heel Slippers,
Freindt lasting ilaiters It bite 1-atin do., la na
Lowy 'Io
Slippers, .Misses , Coat Welt Boots, Morocco du., :Old last
ing (loiters, with a general 21,•ortmeilt of o,l],trow,
work of every quality and tit-all prices.
Customers will be waited on by a lady, alio Is pertna
ilently in the a. tore
Carlisle, Sep. S, 1058, .1; I'M 1.1.11'.4 & CO.
The sub.:critter. respectfully informs the public genet ,
ally. that he has resumed the mauularturing of MOTS
io West Milo street, a taw-dllll. scout ot
the Railroad Mice, and has lug a ood'assortment ot
Leather, Morocco 1111 d Trill/111iligg, and engaged comm.
lent workmen he is prepared to make up to measure,
every description of work in his Dm.
Ile has also received from Philadelphia a well selected
stock ILn/1S AND tiIIOES; comprising every satiety
for Spring and Summer wear, which he offers at low
Dentlemen's floe French Calf hoots,
do. tiaiters, Dxhird Thm and Brogans, '
Daiters. Hoots, Itmklos. Slippers :tot' ins,
with a large lariety of lkiys, Nlisses and Childrens (let
tere, limits,vtc . etc. Purchasers are request.' to call
and examine tie stunk. ' IttillhAtT MOORE.
Chrlisle, April 21. 1655.
& u• 'FA Lull, return their vineota thanks to
their Customers, Mr the very liberal patronage extol):
dud to them, 11111 i would resp.ettully inform the public
that the) continue to nourtnitetnre CUSTOM 1% ark,
at their old stand. tin North Hanover sti rot, two doors
above•the drug store of S. W. Ila
{Vitt, n number of first rate workmen employed and
facilities fn securing the best sleek to he found in Um
market, they ate prepared to make up every description
of BOOTS.A, U Allots, for ladies and gentlemen's wear,
in the must lasitionable style, and 01 WARRENTED ton
terials and workman, hip.
Many ears of pre tired experience In the business
both Imre nt,d lu Phil dphin Juni...firs them In say log,
that they are able to (Minn , full said:ilk:len to all those
he may leave their orders.
April 21, ISSS, tt. .1. & O. TAYLOR.
R E S 11 - 0 R 0 -E E
1. 4 S .
Shad and Mackerel of different iiadrtk
Pahuon, Seale Elllll and White Flah,
Codfish, Salt and Pickled Hurling,
Cheese and Crackers can be had
Dried Fruit, l'reeorres_aulMos,
At IlUYfjivt'S.
Sugar Cured Beef and Hams,
A flesh supply of LIQUORS,
OM, Whit° fiend,
11,1X - CELSIOR PICTUi s tES -
1 ) A. H. II EN WOOD would respectfully infarm
citimeis of Carlisle and vicinity that he has taken room.
in Zug's new building, east corner 14 Market Square,
where he in at all Mince ready to take AM IIittITYPES
in the latest and toast approved style. Pictures taken
fit rainy and cloudy weather at well an clear. and sat
'Nl:teflon given or no chat'aTSsinaile. Portraits and lla•
guerreotypes copied., Miniature Pictures taken fur
Jackets Au., In Aticbrotype.
Andirotypes warranted to stand the test of time, beta
or critter.
Ladies and fientlemen are cordially invited to en
and examine spacinions.
Prices front tarts. to $lO. A. It. lIENWOOD.
Jan. 27. 1858.-Is. l Artist.
Tho subscriber desires to inform firmer sand the Pub.'
Ile generally that he now has on band and Is eon-
Ptantly manufaeturing Threshing Machines with Pier
print's latent Shaker, which are generally acknowb
edged. to he the best articles now In use. Also a variety
or improved CloVer Hullos/1, Corn Shelters, Straw Cut.
tern and Plank's - Celehritted Plow. lie alto attends to
the repairing of Agricultural Machinery in the best
manner and on reasonable terms. Manuthctory on
North Hanover Stte,t, directly opposite the residence
of George Metsgor, Esq.
. Sept. 2, ',s7—ly
EAIC A N W ATCH .—Ha yin re.
col% ed the ngeney for the salelof the Americas
SI men. from the Boiten.Watch Compan3, I would re.
spebtAilly InforM my old (Honda and-the public gehen,
ally, that I have tt tine aesortment now boging and
ready for sale in gold and silver aloes and very flue
styles and with regard to time Alley can't be' heat, to
prove that Mot It in only oeceseary to give them a trial.
Persons In want ofst correct time piece, are respettfully
Invited to call and coo our watches,.
Main &riot. Carlisle. Pa.
JllllO 70.'00.
- t. • - . CAMLIShIL
511:1t0IIANTS a d others wishing to ms he their br,
Allots higran ti t public, will find the VAULT Sf
publtshod .t New 111 t. nu eneullent 'advnrlislng,mcdl,
' um,. It "as on x enslve and rapidly lueretising (great—
:talon. Terms we labia ,
0.„,w The• wrsu is pubTintit4l,4 $1 per annum,
payahle to ed. tla ,
- -A Ilwrders ho addressed-to - the unilorsigneilrot
• tior.•,l. PAR-9m. ' •J,11,1111M,E11.
ust received, fresirllUß.V.lN 0 FLUJD
ind #.11.01101., it M. J. KIEVFMVS.
Neat Main Street,
!lllisccllai ouo.
. .
Ca . is . lig le .' IFO' 14 ndri '
._ .-_-_ , --f- , - - --.7 - 7-- - . - - - - --- - -----, 4 -- -L _ - ,
,_-.-, - :-.., - , - -2 - i- : - ;-_,_ 7 4, - ;_=- ---- - - .,, ,, ,, F- , _•,:.=:: - 1 - .-; _ mss
, ,‘,l
4,.., ~ T; ''':•! ,:Y......_Ny :A
~r- • , : ';- ,, Tii4 - :` . 3 ,*•
-.-.= Akt ::: _
t;ilSVditi:!4( ll "- -4 :40 1- '''' .: 4 - 7
.. ; , ,!•-• I r
, - .- — ,;;,10/1 0 ..: . . ''.: 't-'
, 4-s .k. , .......,Ni . _:!' 7.- ;:,...."-- . , cl - 21 rf • -
East Main Street; CARLISLE,
-der and supplied with the hest machinery for executine
'Work In every department. The buildings have aims
been greatly enlarged this spring rind stinted with the
newest and , most Improved tools for the manufrieture
oC .
Shutter,. llifnda. 3lnuldhip, Brad:eta and all otiler
kinds of C..ruenter ;NUEI.I.. We invite Builders. Car
penters and others Si. call and OXIIIIIIIIO our 111( . 11111e, for
doing this
,deseriptlon t00r1... - . The heal Materials
used and prices no it to as at any other estahlihlim out In
the,County or elNew here.
and repaired - as heretofore. Engines tat:, been recent-
Is built fhr W. M. Ibmdersraf . 1 / 4 Sen. In Ibis 110rOURIL
Brysint & Co. Allan township. Ahl S: Brothers. pew.
villa, Shade . 1 / 4 Wetzel, Nortif..Middlett n. and ntalles.
at who, establishment they may he seen jn daily 'frp..
cautlonatol 1111001 ten eon relic for evidence of their
of description, hum' the smallest to the Deadest
, plitees, executed atshort notirelor . e very kind of , ma::
chillers. A large varipty of mill castings now on 'mild
'Ca f e skillful Pattern makers eonstently employert—
It EPA 111 Nil promptly sttooded to. for Pallor Mills,
Distilleries: Mint Mills, Flo:U.l.les, ,te. Totaling; and
Plain*. Mill Spindles, f,c, dinti , hn the best style.
sorb As Ikrvil (11.111 . Four 'lbws° Powers, Itori'zontal
item. Four .nod Two
Crushers. Iron ltollort, I lough castings, liittl other sr
tides fur tdrmerS, on 118111 or promptly uiudu tartar
and remired. Our facilities for building Cars are now
more coon - dote than heretolbre and enablop_ no fur
ish . them to t 111111111,1101:: 111 the roll road on 11( . 1;11110.
(lilting terms and made of the best materials.' Order, and entire satisfaction gnmanteri.
, The long experience to 111151110614 of the senior
partnur of liar firm, 0101 the etunpleteoess of our tne
eh inery 6n e'er) , branch id' the, establisinnept_ wo Vllllll
inn In mo.nrlne.: the best 'work to all 'who favor u'
with their orders. The continued patronage of clur'ele
12cionds and the public is respectfully 1:11111•11.11(1.
• F713 - Aiti/N - 1: I t—&—eo.
1 - I; S T - Rr, OE 1 VEIYAN li - OPEN IN6
Main Street, Carlisle, Bt. .
' -- -.A. - ` l4 "Pz:l-- l• A Jorge supply o
,V,u47,k,-4,,,,,, -, Watches, Jovolry. Sll
•• - f-l'',7'6 „.." - 5", , ,,0 ,-,,, vol. and Plated Ware
,:•=-,-,- , , i ,l v .ir.-,....Nr,1 . 6 1.-- '1- to Which I illVlte 41
t '
. 1. ?; ": r(.....) ~, re s
. 1 : - L Nato],
. p r :7.,',,,t4,-,,ileet from tlio Itintem
' . !., ii, • ' • :11
4:1g1,,,,...,-- ~.; ~ " or, ic,,,,_ k .,dr .. ii=sl e. rt , O .;, l2o . o4 i i%' r ll , t , i i l ,
t:,---.-0,6, ~ brr i ft,, ; l__,..- ) ,, , ;,,- N rl,:it ' ln Carlisle
-- - - e A 1
Ve Lava a larire assortmont of Gold and Silver Ilunt-.
fug and Open Cabe Wat..lies to FAIR, all Fancies and
l'oelletN, •
• Fine :IA Chenp Jewelry of every ntyle npd 'quality
'ln 'setts or by On , plecu - ns wanted,
At \AUI7 TX'S.
• Silver and Plated AVaiters. Cake. Fruit. Sugar, and
rd fiael.ete, Nil ver. Table, Tea,Ct emu, Sugar, Salt,
' , sea stud l'reaurtpnuna,
Fine pearl. Jaya. 01.11S/1111CO, cloldstnri.l%l4ale,Flo.
retain° .11,oaab , , Jet Ike nu.' oli‘s setts cheap
Diamond 11,astpins and Fingerings,
M N A 110 LE'S
Gold limiting Cos•. Elgbt Day Laiors; fold Hunt.
lug ease, Duplex; fold lluntlng, Chronont...ll.l,
llngley's bog quality of Gold Pewllb; Llllo Gold
Po. and:Myer
Silver' And' Plated reit Sells, Cops; Toast
Itseks, Pitchers, Timis, l'ureitutt, Tea Bells.
•' . . A t
(told 'Nerk, Yost. Curb. Fob. and Cluttlalit Chains,
Ooltl Bracelets, Lockets, ThiffiLles, Crosses,l:t!arms,
. .
Itruuch Time Theron An run three and four weekr,
- At \AIIIII.6'B.
. _
Gold Sleeve, Vest, Collin . , ntid Shirt Studs of nil styles
and qunlity,
Plated Forks, Spoons, Knlies, Nankin Rings, Silver'
Thimbles, Shields,
Flutinas, Accordeons, Music Boxes—a fine variety,
Ladies' Portmonales, Pearl and Leather, Plain and
Fancy Travelling Bags, very rice styleo, them,
At A UttLE'S.
If you want to have your .Watchee put in good re•
pair and warranted, tate them to
If you want to get a Cheap Clock, rut , ean , net , it
If you want your Silver wartrneatly marked at short
notice, call
All goods warranted as represented, or the money re
Persons that want bargains are Invited h. rail
kof.vm - wilik \ -
. oVal 0 1 0 t
(. 1 A 11 . '1'10 N
diforehnotx nod Trades will he ins their gourd and
not ho in cloned upon ti) a connierteit of Indian
Root 11114, signed A. LI .11....0r. All grunion Indian
Root have tho name had aignaturo of A. J. White
A Co. on earl; box.
D MORSP, the in'tAiter of MOIISI;'S INDIAN
ROOT PILLS, has spent the greater jtart of him lii
In traveling. hoeing visited Europe. Asia and Allies, ar
null as Noith America—has spent three years amotie
the Indians4l our Western country—lt was in his we
that the Indian Root Pills were trot dikovered. Ui
Morse was line first 0010 to establish the fact that al
dlse,,es arise hens IMPURITY oi"rniE 111,0011—thei
our strength,. health and depended upon this vino'
When the various passages become4..oggicCidnlll
not art in perfect harmony with the di not function,
'of the body, tiro blood loses its action, becomes thick
corrupted and diseased: thus causing . all pains, sick
'less and distress of every name; our strength is es
hausted, our Maitit we are deprived of. and I r nature Is
matassisted in throwing off the stagnant humors, tin
blood will Lammchoked "and cease to act, and thu ,
our light of life will for-leer be bourn out. Mow he • •
pot tont then that we should keep the various passage,
of the body. free and open.• And how pleasant to in '-
that walleye it in our power to put a poalicine In you.
reach, namely. Morse's Milian Root Pills, manulitcturts
front plants and routs which grow around the moue
I tainous dills in Nature's garden, for the health slid re
casery of diseased man. One of the roots Iron whirl.
these Pills are made 14 at Sudorific, which opens the
pores of the skin, and asslatx Nature in thitowing on'.
the liner parto of the rerruntion within, Thimecond it
a plant.whiCh is an Expectorant, that opens and nu
clogs the passage to the lungs, and thus. in it soothing
mantigei perform its duty by throwing oil plalegobspd.
.otherinmatars.from I '/ helhird
is a Diurotic..which gives ease and double strength It •
the kidneys; thus encouraged, they draw large amount'.
of impurity (non the blood, which Is then throat n 0111
bountifully by Iho urimary,or water passage, rol whirl
could not have been discharged in any other way. Tin
foul th is a Cathartic, nod to'companles the °Hier prop
erties of the Pills while engaged In purifying th,
.blUtsf;_ the coarser particles of impurity rilhteh canon'
pass by tint other outlets. are thus taken up and mu
'mod oil In groat quint titles by 'lie bowels. .
Prom the above, it is shown that Dr. Morse's Indian
Hoot Pills not only enter thu stomata', but 1101.01130
united with the blood, for they find way to every part,
and completely rout out and cleanselthe system from
all impurity, and Mu life of thu body, which Is the
blood. becomes perfectly healthy: conse.itimitly
sickness and pain is driven from the system, for they
mullet remain WllOll the body berates so pure and clear.
• The reason why people are so distressed when sick.
and why SO many die, Is because they do norget
medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts, and
which will open the natural passages for the discus* , ft 4
tai cast out; hence, a large quantity of food nod other
flinger Is lodged. and the stomach and intestines an ,
literally mierflowitur with tpo corrupted naps; thus '
undergoing disagreeable fermeattation, constantly mix.
log with the blood, which throngs the corrupted 'flatlet'l
through every vein mid artery, until life is taken from
the body by disease.' Dr. Norse's PILLS have added. it I
themselves victory upon victory, by restoring
if the sick to blooming health and happiness.' Yes.'
thousmils who have been racked or Untalented, WWI
sickness, pain and angOish. and who% feeble (manes , .
learn bath
.scorched by the burning elements of raging
fever. and'who have bees brought, as It were, villain a
step of the slieurgrai'e, now stand ready to testify that .
they would have been 'mothered wlthllie dead, had it
not been for this great and wonderful Medicine, Morse't
Indian hoot l'lllR. After one or two doses had Inmate •
ken, they were astonished, and alaso utely surprised,ll
witnessing their charnalint effects. Not.only _do then
- give lininediate their_
and strength; and take away all
sickness, pain and anguish, but they once go' to wort
at the foundation of tior disease, whicIFIR bland. There':
fore, it will Int shown, especially by those who use theta •
that they.mill sueltainseund pllrlfy...that_dlscast.-
that deadly enemy—x9ll take Its flight, and the flush
of youth and beauty will again return, and the pros
poet of a long an. happy life will cherish and .hrlghter
youo days.
aurrios.-"-Ileware of a counterfeit slimed A.-11. Moore
All genuine have the DBlllO of Wittig & Co, at
each box. Also t signature of).. J. White & Co. Al ..
others are spt.riou
• • A..II'.WiIITE Sole Proprietor,
No 10 Courliand Street. New York., .
In Medicines.
Agents are wanted In every teirn,vlllege and hamlet
In the land. 'Parties desiring the alteney will Addreen as
above fin. While.
Prfre 2i. cente per box, five boxes ts 111 he !out on re
of yl or stage paid. .
.4W For dale In qutlele by A. W. 'lnv:troth:X. '
• ---- • •-
TAICKINfiON' COLIA'GI4).-- , The • use • Tlott. ittiVi! . ."-Sciverel - Brien Nooses
„ . .
IJ.of it Seholareblo, eta ftlbar .tbn eeliolar to enter, :%.1.. .cou - eriliiitreet, to noi. t,' inquire of • ' . '
the Olannemior Collate aitnnoit. raolat had en rea- , . . -,---• . - ' - . •11, N. nlf A PELV, •
eanalOo trio by applylinpto - the Valltor of Elie 111:SULD. ' . . .: :”,
Coiner of North ntot Pitt ; eets, .
- Jin.12;1860... ' -- " . Chir - litleilen.;2*not • - -•-- .: - -' ' 0 inido,',len.VA 4V.0-Bt.
~ .
. . .
T. 3.'01/A lIAld, J. L. 31o1.10WKLL: S. III.DAVIDSON
G ItA HAM,' 5161)011'UL St CO.
'' " • .1 .-: • .GENxiim, LAND' AGENTS,
' ' Leavenworth Cet#, Eaneaa Territory.
- W 1.11,L .b.ily r ,sell, and: locikte hill& in
. _
'Kansas and Nebraska trenitorles,,,looll 111111
,W uMeiti . Mlsxourl; buy 'nod sell /ands, lone and-irree:
motley, buy 011.1 bell'elYAlN, OW Intermation respoid l ng
;the an ilia.Y.'
. and do it genial it.' ' eney buitiness. - •
'll. 111", • ll S ' -
i.filtbfq.:l. . •
John D. I.lratton, leg., Carlisle, Pa. - , I . .
Wm. al. Bertein, Looker, " ' '
~ !.1 ,,
,If on.-J: IL blinleint ' , " • .
Her, Brenneman ,S,C all t t n k erft • Carlisle;. •
. . ~.
II nr. itl.'llentlerson.l.sq.. Carlisle.
George Sanderson: Leg., Lancaster. Pa. -
- Dr..lobn A: A hi. Si; C.; It. owrille, Pa. ' "
Win. S. Cobeatt, EN., "
-E,ll% , Clark - - - & - Cm - Otanlitirsilthiltidelphiai -------- ----
-11en..3liehaillocklin, Shepherd/down, Pa,
floury lt °lntimVP.iiiitT,73WiFilltutarDaitirattrec• - ---- 1
-- ETC:illilir,TiA:TtiiittiltiflatifilYiLlUnidllit;NoF - YlS'rk; --
Snyder. & WFarlane. Real Estate Agents, Illittin'apolin
'a/ i a neesota Territory. . , ,
/Yrs. Kilgore, Esq.; Attorney and. Heal l'slate Agent,
Sterling, 11l ' . .
11. W. 3lateer. Esq.. henry city, 111.
I:x.0ov. Jerld, Miner. Cuml.erletal county, I'a. •
11. W. Clark a. Co., kook' rs. Philadelphia.
Ger. Pollork. Ilarrishuagja.• . '
March 4. 1857.—1 y.
. •
. .
110,10. C..STLIMET2j • • JOHN 1/UNI Al.,
RICH AIM WOW'S, .101'N'i, , . STII:FiIIT, ,
JUIIN C. I/lINLVP, 11, A. 811 , 110F:0N. ,
. This Bank, doing business in the mune of her, Bien
newel, & Co., 18 now fully prepared to - do it general
Debiting Business with promptness and fidelity.
'Money recoiled on .thlferit and pald . bailt in, demand
tilicateti of deposit hearing Interest at the rate of live
'per cent. Wilt be. issued toy as shin t o Via ltd nn halt
months: Interest on all ceillticates will coast at 11111-
I,urity. provided, lantever, that If said certibeates are
renewed, at any time thereon er or 1111011m - ,given,' pc;
riod. they. Anil) bear the sante : rate of Int, rest up tr. the
time of renewal. Particular. attention paid ti, the rill ,
hutilin of likes, (hafts. ebechs, hr., In ally part 01 the
United States or Canada,
Renzi tlancer made to England, Ireland, or 'he Cuntl•
nen t.,__The thitlifill,atiCe.,iifideotial, ex, potion of all,
on doss entrusted to them. may be relied upon. •
They call the attitntion of Filtlllett h Mechanics and
all thers who It safe depository for their names,
hp the undeniable find. that the props leters or ode Dank
ale INIattitJALLY liable he the extent of their estates for,
all the Deposals, and Ohs' obligations of her, Ilreitild."
111 11 11
Th leave recently removed into their next Dimktrig
directly opposite their fernier stand, In West
Mil Street, a few doors east of the Dallroad Depot,
,vhere th' , ,,y will at all times be pleased to give any in•
Mutation desired in regard to mynay thatters'in gene.
'Open for business from 9 o'clock In thii Mara ahl r h 1111 1,11
o'clock In the evening. .
Cart'Flo, May 20.
3URANCE COMPANY of Cuinberlond county ineorpro
rated by nn net of Amiably, Is now fully orlon izi d 2 and
In operation under the management of the following
vewixhlonerx, vie:
Daniel" Ridley, William. B. Onrgns, 311ellaci Cocklin,
1. labellwrger. Christian Siaynnin, John • C..•Dun
an. ,larob 11. Caoser, Lewis Dyer, S. Eberly,
-111 11. Moss,. .1... Brandt, Joseph IVlrkuralnn,
Aloxandet Cathcart.
. The rates of insurance are as low and la vorableAs any
Company of time 1:12e1 In the'F., tote. Persona wishing to
become memhersare invited ,to mal:eapphcatin'n to the
agents of tin, company,. who are . willing to wait upon
boorii - ny PIIIO • -
BENJ. 11. 3IOSSER. I'r silent.
LEW IS HY E 11, Secretary.
CIINIBEItT,AND CnUNTY.:.— Jrlin Sherrielt. Allen ,
31artIn. New-Cuntherland .741tving!
Shiremanstown; Samuel IYeocllntrn.lll,:lngiliffrigirnry
ilotrman, ChUrell tow n Mode (I rllli t It. South Mlddlu
Inn; Samuel araluttn. W. Peneshore; Sanutel COll,ll
Mlllllltlllcslilirg : .1. IV. Cnrklin. Phopherdstoirn;
Codver: Shophordstowni.C. 13..11eruntn, Silver Spring;
❑onj. liavulat irk. Silver Spring.: Charles lien. Callkle,
YORE COUNTY.—W. S. ('lrking. Dover t Peter Wel.
ford. Franklin :.Toe. trillium, Warrington ; J. F. Dear'
itorlT. Wa.lllngton.
DAUPHIN CO.—llouset,tk.l.orluntur.-Itaridskurg.
: Members of the enoman3 : having !witch, altout to ox
piro. eau biiv6 them ronewea by.mstilog tipplieation to
any : of the ,kge.
11104 4
1858 - n- 1 - ,-, e4..1858
~r %Oil ''* -
Wig • High Street, Carlisle, r%
(Premium alert rded at the. Cwnhrrlrn d County
Agricultural Pair of ]807.)
The subsea, has just received the most splendid
m.sortmant nfnrtirles in his line, ever brought to thin
place—whirl, he is determined to bell at prices that de
Dining-room, }FURNITURE
Ritehim and
01lire '
Embracing every article used by amfilotel
keepers, or tint most approved and lin•hionable design
and linisb. 'lncluding also Cottage furniture In setts.
reception and Entait CLidrs, 3lattrahses, slllt frames,
pictures, Se.,
Purchasers are requested In call and examine Ids
stork, at hL. extemaru ware.rtemis, iVest \hbu httert,
North ship. A. 11. EWINO.
4nP. Particular nttentlon Oren nn usual to fnnerals;
orders from tutu and country, attended to pnauplly
41111 on 1111,11'111CP terms. . . A. 11. E.
JOLIN P. LINE. & SON; lied! just
el yet recd trek Full stock of HARDWARE, which
nakes their !dock very large and templet.!. IVe now
~[earl toady to furnish the nubile with every variety tli
roods in the lino of WARRANTED QUA Lin, and at
;trier, that dely compvtitton. Enumeration is useless;
it to only that we have to ery thing in Our line
that the public can passably stand in need nE The
most be can soy Is "Try us MI yr that want good
girls at low prices." We return inure Shlrer iillllll,B to
the gettereun public for their very liberal patronage,
and asking It continuation of the mune.
.1 P. IXNE S ON,
N,,, tit ilanover t4tretd.
SAE 100 TI101.18A181) White Pine Shin.
vties, of superior quality, vi Welt they will soli at river
prices. Also. a large lot of Cherry nod Walnut, front
;5 inch to 3 inches thick. which they will sell .111.16
sale ur retail low. Also, a pair of Hay Scales, which
be sold low. A:so, a new Ihrashing %video to
which we invite the attten lo • of fa: mere, as we feel die
posed to give a bargain. All kinds of Lumber and Coal
constantly ou hand low for rash,
81111031 &HOFFER.
Carlisle, Juno 27, 4 68. .
altuato on west street, ladwiank Main and Pomfret,
'arllsle. adjoining Um .propet't 0 r Mrs. Fterwt t. Ihe
Lot contahni 30 feet In front in! 120 lea in depth.
The linprovemei.ts are a minimal
nits two.story „BIM K EI. Stl A
['OUSE ; with a back building and r am
other . coincident out buildings
fheni in a' choice selection oL_friiit •
trees, shrubbery, de.. besides all other ne.eatiry lot.
pros minds pertaining to a comfortable residence.
most deshablo and Atreus
The location is one or the
tine as a private residency ebony now offered for sale,
being In a part of the town not only.plolsant to reside,
but where Imps ore. , unt Is rapiely going on and proper
ty daily Increasing in value. For terms. &e. enquire of
_ . A. I,..SPONSI.EIt,
Der.'22,'SS-Ow. unit Estate Agent and Sri 'yeller.
11 1 0110(TO ;EATIIER.-4. full as•
sortment Moroeco Leather. Liningsand Bind
logs, „max. Boot Trees, and a lull assortment Shoe Kltt
and findings Cl' all iambi.
Oct. t 7, '59. North Hanover Strsef.
PAU IRON ! BAR WON !-50.000
Llll- it., of Willed llar Iron. of all Mars and If Indy,
dthe Lref br.mda; Stool of all hinds and afzeo at the
lowtot 111111 hot priers.
All Iron warranted to ho good or the money returned.
Oct. 27,'58,: • North Hanover St met..
C DLACKS3IITHS' C 0 A L:=10,000
Bushels of Bituminous Coal, from the Mutilated
"hellion - Mines, revolving and Wr isalo by
1 nand 5. 1857. ' • W. It. MURRAY
ArAILSI.NAILSI-400 kegs ()I' nails
LI just reealied and for Ws :heather than over.
Cn merchants can bo furnieheu with nails at
nuu ufacturpes - prtcas at thin cheat: lien dimes Row of
Il ItNIIY SAXTON, St., Citilisle, Pa.
Jan. 10,1850.
WINDOW, SIiADES I—The finest,
larotet. and Choapost assortment of Window
bodes can be had at the now Atom of
J. A. II Mr Itlflll..Tr—..
en t
I l i
3;4 1.
u t
7 : 11, 1. 11 ;
• •
1 I 'l7llillfildldETEllBl . ll' Just received
!ho Wakes and tirdsh nt
• ' • 'ii. J. KIEFFICII,I3
Watae,..' - '.Sagar, • putter and Soda
yT. 0 I C ttiGltS. Ten Cake, Cu rrniii jumbill
‘Ltif. FAT _
I' .. , • . • . .
A l L FX,'
. 44,--.. Just . received .at tee
1 -4 , 31anantIn11." Vanilla lliocery and Ten Ftore. a
new stock of,Nna 1 , , 2 and 3 31nokern1 In•annorted park
:4loN Snlmon,'..,llleas - 4111nn, Dairy and O. .A...Tdaapore
snit, Sonpa. Bala .14 , 1,4; Vinegar, 01), ,te.: '
Nov. 10. 11111..'.2'.. ...--. . , - - _J.{
Mathiot's Gay Street Ware-Rooms, •
Extending lean to Prederick Street, having
40 feet front, 170 Act.drep, and 6 8 torica 141,.
W4nrg if , kept 111 WAIN s nit I aud, ;Jr made to order. err
•v style of French TIM A DAMS, in l'lush, flair
/lolls or It. °eaten°.
Fennel. Full Stun' and Medallion, Parlor ABM
CHAIRS In Plush. (lair, Cloth: or Ilroeadelle.
French Full :guff ved PAIILUIt CHAIRS, In sets
with Pluck. Mir; or Ilroeatolle.
...SOFAS; hall French Mahogany and Walnut Parlor
CHAIRS, In !lair, OW, or Piunli. •
horlifFNel — tAtt.thlt, , rariou,designartmihrirrOhltin!
and Plush.
Stull Spring LOGNOES—it largo as.ortment always
on hand. 'or any pattern .thade . or covered, with any
goody to ortlOr.
. CHAMBER. SUITS—in Walnut . , complete, from A:I
"F .
" P.
(-ANC ell AIRS and Rocking do.—the largest assort
men t ready-made, in the L tilted Stet es—tom $l2 a dOZ-
I' II O.
Par p ninety Onledand Pining ,CUAIRS,
nut rill:ding/my. 0 WCoil Its ;Attired .Seatts
11f.Prt Olen t, om Limch,g tver . 110 olezen.
Wood" Seat C 11A Itz; and SEITe:ES and ROCKING
CII A 1 i cS—coot lon dozen.
Feather Beds. !lair and Husk Mattresses of every vs
rirty. Also. all liloß of Gilt and Min Frames rot
Leaking Glasses, &e,
25 North Gay Street, uear Fayette street
J. CASS E.L LI E It It 1" S
BELOW A 11431. (oLn NO. 40.) ,
ONE 000.0:-831.\LL I.ItOFIS—CIIEAP For. COM. •
I J 4
STATES, ENII , L , WING Two -lIUNDIt MEN, -- anil
ennadning tUtr Recimfimprovinieuts—th'e DI, Ided
(Thu Dlslilvd Sooll rnu may I,r obtahltkUlLApladpje,
of ow ]L•tit utacturu.)
Zranufacturere, Mania°, New
87 Tu/Nn 81. . X Y., 110 Lake dl. Clurago,jll.
WHOLESALE Al:ENTS—ltussall ,t'ltichardson,
tot), Mass.; W. F. Colintrn, Cincinnati. O.; Paltrier
Weber, 6L. 1ln.: I'll. I'. World!). Sew; Orleans.
The 31eltaleons manufactured by hilll.o & Co.. and
for silt. at 87 Fallon street. are the . het4 In the world
We have tried them, and I harefore speak understand
their merits. They are afforded at a very mod
orate cost.
Four octave Melodeon, extending from C to C. ...... $ 45
Four and n li:dried:ire, - do. *(1 to F no
Vivi, Oelnto Melfelmoi. ' do. —,_ F
to F
Fire octave, detail° reed, -do. • F to F
o. 180
Two Banks of Keys. FIVe Solt; of Rood., Eight Stop.
One and a Mill/clay(' F..ot I'wlals• Ono Sot of (coeds. Oi
Pulal Bass Indoi•undont
Five Octave Melalonn, extending from-F-to F t.lOO
Six °Have Melodeon, do. Fto F ). 1:11i
Fly. Octavo double rood. do. Fto F 1M
Flue Oetovo, Tiro Ilankg of Hoym - . 900
Our facilit lei for mann lite' uring are perfect, and from
our hing,exPerlenee In the business. having !barbed
and 'sold roll;r 111'.ENT1"1110 T11011: 4 AN Li 51 HAMM
ONS, we feel confident f.f . giving tettisfaction.
All Melodeons ot our man Utart ure, either sold by -us.
or dealers In MI) part of the United States or 0111111.111,
Ara n AIIiViNTED to be perfect In livery respect. and should
any repairs be necesfiary before the expiration prone
year from the date of sale tve hold ourselves ready and
willing to make the saint, free of charge; provided the
Injury is not caused by accident or design.
E1i..,. Pit I & CO.
,A4OllO , Por Lhn 1 , 1110 of our MPludelltx may he found In
all the principal elth•a and tanins lu tho Lotted :Latex
and Canada,
- -
Agento nt earn , : TAYIYOR A SMITH
Al Nowv1111.—IV: It. lANN. r, Imay ItV6B. .
- • --- 1 ----- . IL01 . 11)0.N .---7 :. -----;
v._ _.__ ••G I LT
• - , i - 1
-- -- H - # .
?\ - ' *.
k( j44 -'•-
, , e . - - g , '
,--,..-i fra..----
4 %,. 4,4• 0 ,3 . 0 •
~i..V . s
P/„ „ . t ~i,s •
•Vey,. tip u !... , 1 all w ,,, .. , , ,„0 , -" l e
. - I. 00,,t;Zin:t.1,:'r,',..14.'''''''''''''''''''''
The subscriber has started it trl wurMly line ol
Stages between Carlisle nod baudisbure.. leaving' Car
lisle every Monday, iVellnesdaty and Fridirv, 'tattled'
ately un the err Nid of the attrroloon train' oi cars non,
the oast. I:eturniug, leaves Lairrilsburg ant a Ori A. NI..
every Tuesday, IVeartesday and Saturday, and arrives
at Carlisle at 1.00 I'. M., via. Po•rry County Warm
Springs, Siterulunsdalr. Sterftt t•n tiarand Carl Mu Sul
pbur Springs. On end afer June the 1511, the In • will
be run daily for the au:ventured:Alen of passenge a going
to the Springs.
Fern to the several ',dints as follows
Carlisle to Sulphur Itpritigs,
•• St errett's (hip .
tiltermatiOnle, . . „ ,
lorry County }Vona Spritigt,
I,ltudit,burg, . . . . .
Landishurg tb Warn) Springs,
Sterrett's Cap,
.• - - Solphdr Springs,
. . . ,
The above Hoe will tegularly carry the MAIL to• and
riot. the se'ventl points above indicated.
I have. also a well-stocked 1.1 VI,ItY STABLE. from
which 1 am at all 1114ns ready to furnish horses and ear
rtaues to those winprill favor ma with their patronage.
on the most reasonable termsund in the very bust style
1 31 E N B
M E X OTT M N 11 00 T I)
AT J. A. Joe. CHEAP &tans.
.7. A. itutorleb, Jr , Inteinst returned front Philadelphia
with andonuense stork of Fail :And Winter Pit'Y (10014 S,
Ii ItutiEltl 110015, Ac., 'injected expressly
for rarlisle 11,1,1:trinity. people are reepeettully
invited to Call at his store, examine ills 51 ads and , •
Being dotlnnis to Increase his custom he Inis„pur.
chased a much larger stock of goods than lit any oilier
and hdonde td sell them off et Kiwi. lakes as cnu•
not fall to suit every ono who may, wish to purchase.
Ills gocsrs have been solectod with groat care, aiiichig
Which may be found
Silks, &locos,
Perxhin, . Muhl Dohincs, '
LiveDa Cloths, • Do Dogeo,.
Cohorgo, • Fancy Pe!anon,
Ribbons, lloidcry,loveFt•
French & Scotch Olnghattin, liauttkurchlufs,
Broad Clethe, . Kentucky Jesus,
Tweeds, RK& ,t Fancy lAudOus,
Slattnets. , ~ Corduroy, . .
_Vestings, . ' liensertens,
. Fancy And 81de:stripe CsasMem, de.
Together with n large assortment, of ,Shawls. Sark
'Flannels, Brilliants, Skirting. CallrnVa, gulling, Cheeky,
Canton Flannels, Denims, 'ruble Diapers, Nil/keens,
•Oretsli,•Drills,•Umbnqlas; Arc Arc.-
Tho chunputt. itsmrtinent of HATS. CAPS. BOOTH 'ASH
Sims, ever offered In Carl ale,
:R superlor lot of FRESH
GROCERIES, comprielng ' . 4fee. Sugar, ol:tares,
RIB', Spices, At. All' RB Slo for the reople to call
and examine for themselvya.-as he feels confident that.
the quality of Ids goods and the lour prices at which
they dre selling, mill itulgenithent to ,purchase.—Give
him a call whether you wish fn purchase or not.
• • . • JA. .In, .
Corner of North Itanc.v.,r and Loather Stmvtr.. .
—Get,-27,-1186/1. . . '
.... . . •
. .- .- FOR SAL% OR RENT.--=
ai ..,
~. ~.,.....Tholtubscribur offers for ado or veld..
• •:•, ' t-!••• , . that dtatlroldu property on E tat I. u•.
.t. 4 , 1414;.... Atittrottreal. In tear et Via I..nglinli'Llk
-.- fhentn Church. fonalattint ofirtgood !
two and a bolt , tdorr tIIttICK I/WEI/LINO '11 , 1E8E: and
atrentlienant-houses- on tlto•boelt-part-of. tlict lot. If.
ix 1 - avid betura thofirat of Mann, thy IIOUPC no &miller,
Ito It. it 111 ho tittait t for rent . Terme Made easy lattnll
pub 'wore. • For tattletilars aptly to ' I
- -• .. .• .I.IEO. W. lIIINEIL
. .
..L.l • PARE ,Feiß WINTER. r • .
oubaerlhers havajunt; returned from the eittee , ot
New York nod l'hibalelphin, with Ono of the Inreest nn
vortmente'of VALI, and W INTER' 1100D8, ever brought
to thin oinee,embraeing every variety . of
and plecovgnoes. laTinadnup to 'order or 110111
by the yard;ant.Te which a row articles
lie Fine Illack,.. Twilled French.
Green, Drab and Claret CLOTII4;S: Plain and Fancy
CASStMlilt INvir every style and quality; , Black
`and Fancy rirenadhie. Merino,' Marsailles, Silk and
skin VESTI NOS; all wool French Tweedn.
Cloths: Clailnneret. Jeans and every description ol
'heavy goods For tall and winter wear.- the - largest
Ala hnmi.o.nom nt,,ek 1)f Plain and Fancy CRAVATS, 1
STOOKS. and TIES; Linen and Silk Pocket Ilandker
get her witll Iljargal.otitiutLiniuLufArunlot r -VitliptenrinutH
Hags, all of which will be sold at tl,i, loWest
.7 - prircs, , cali^vainit-ter-u,st -North-1
Hanover street . . oppOsitu Crozier . 14 lintel.
W It ot,E 8 A LE.AN 1) RET A I L
Drug, Chemical, Confectionary, Fruit
rpm.: underslAned lino Just replenished his stock of
plnilB .1,111 311 , .111C1.NE5, which,
%having been Se
hotel with groat care, he Is satisfied are Fresh and
Puri. I'hysicbu,s' ywescriptlone sill bit promptly and
faithfully attended to. Orders from milfellants In the
counery will be fllllOl witlicpre lOW oil the 111001 rearm,
able term. All oflcinl v 01,110410. made strictly in
1162/mimics with ihe U.B. Pluirmarepola. .
such as Cinnamon, Cloves, Alt:pine, Coriander, Pepper,.
C lager, Mestere linking lied. ‘Vasffing Soda, Cream
Tutor. Nutimay,, l'eant Powder, Hare, Cit'ron: Steen! I
•31addram, Thyme. fie.,
fie.,, fresh and pure. Ile has on
hand all the different Patent Medicines of the day.
, tiCO.A 7 P.P . ; d'itIONARIES. • •
Oranges. Lemons, Figs, tluivLie, Currants, Prunes,.
Almonds.lberts, Walnuts, tireurolnuts, Creanniuls - 1
Chestnuts, A merle:in, (Jarman and Frena Candies. andri
Candy Toys or every - variety. - Thoqe wishing to make
wholesale purchases eon hem he supplied with the lmst '
quality of 4,onfeetionaries and at lower rates limn nt
any other house lu the country. Ile has also a full Ile.
sortment of
coosisting. of Wood nod Thi of every thiscription, such
no Dolls. Doll Heads. Horses, W:sg 111 l s, Thirds, Moving
Figures, Fancy Work Mixes.. 31.1sks, Cords. Drums,
.Whips. Trumpets, Whistles; Drossing. Stands.
&c., ke.. to be wail tt holesain nod 11,1 nil, and In prices,
competition Is defied.. , •
lqrt.itannales, Purses, PorliA rooks'. Fla .Porket
t!ntlftry . .'Shell nad'Orarl — aed•Casi , s,'NFEdlVlld:rlarart
_Pont+, Calms, (lemma, ; Frenelt and Anierleau Lhltla
Ware, Inloaalids sind trays. Card Racks and .11abluas,
! lett. Breast Phis, Necklets andl i linis, Combs Long,
.tilde-and hack luttaperchaCcalalol,„ThdrAluthes.ll..t.
Button. 311. i Brashes—Sewhir. Nllkx, Patrld.
Thread add Spool Cotddri: Ida tidlPYke, Se. •
Fancy Toilet until Miler Stunts. Pearl Powders, Eu.
tracts, first quality Hair I.lls, Poinadel 4 . Shas 1114 Strips
and Creams, Tooth Paste, halm of a Thousand Flowers,
Tricopboveus, 'Peoth Wash. Mir liivi,rivaiors,htid /lair
Dye.. The above inure been rolected with earn and will
all on exantination, speak-fir thmnsel ves. '
. . .
Oh hand the best 144 of Segars and Tobacco that 'has
eirCr I.Cen brought to this town. Ilk z+egar,, win
vinee tip L sino.ier:nn trial 01 (linplarity 01 the mato
of wiligh hose only
whleh aro imported and width he ran re. 0111111.11111 ns
81101. WO 1101,1111101.1111/..11k 1.1 the true Berman I.Evntr on
they have already gained for themselves a reputation
-that they so richly deserve. lie also keeps the common
lele ul :iegars to suit the trade; TollaCco such 11.4 • 1 . 11-
di •0, Plain Congress, To int Plain. Fig. Leaf, - Cavern
dish„ orhess . , and Fine Cut Tobacco and cuulT, the
hest mat f al,
.. „,., o ie
t i . It:.
- , Mtf:... ,
. ,
th. kfol to the wolf rous pohlh , for their til,
•••• otiotiatlon of the PUMP IF ,ii.'ited ,
, ill SOMtil Jimmy, Ai yet, di•
-'l4 aid oext door to Mr.
Foe Hug EN
oral patronage...
at our p,•rmaneoc
oppo•dto Ilannou'H
— Cm.lisle. June 23, 1968-1 y
p.m SPRIANti
The subscriber has just returned-front the Eastern
capes. slid would call - the attention MAIN friends and
'the publie generally - to the Inraoiwd welbselected
sortment of,IIARDWAIIE which he has now on hand;
consisting In part .4' lICI LIIIMU 3IATI.RIALS, such no
Nall, SereWs, Hinges, BORK - Locks, Olabsroi every de
arription and ymlity.surh as Common,llTilte.poliblied.
American. French, ,Enamelled and Double thick of all
size, Paints, MIN Varnishes. Bet. to. ,
• TDDES — lneluding Edge !fools Of ever?' description,
Saiva. Planes, Brace and ; Auger, Squeres.Guages,
Files, Rasps. Hammers, Vices, Anvil, Screw Plates,
. .
Slutemakersund Saddliws will find n large assoriViont
of Tads of ovary description. together With Ladies' and
(lent!amen.' Morocco Lining, Binding, Patent and
French Calf Skins. Shoe Thread. Awls, 15 ox, Pegs. Lasts,
Ifarness.Mountltsg, Walling, Whipstock, Deer.
hair. Saddle Trees, Or.. &c.
Also. Coach Sinkers Tools/Mil Trinlminga of all kinds,
such no Ifni., Spokes. Fellow, Shorts. Bows, Floor Cloth,
Canvass. Cloth, Unmask„ Fringe, Fringe, Lace,. Moss, Axles,
Spring ilelts..Ac., &r.
Cabinet Sinkers will find a largo assortment of Var.
nlsloog. Oak, Wolook, and Alehognoi of
all kinds had sires, - Mouldings. Kivots, Nair Cloth,
Plush. Curled Ilair Chair and Sofa Sponge, Or„ kr.
Housekeepers will also thud a large assortment of
Knives and Forks, Brittannia. Allatta and Slivor Plated
Table and'Ten• Spoons. Candlesticks. Waitars, Shorel,
And Tongs, Iron and Brass Kettles, MUM, de., together
with Cad:imam lir 1,11 kinds, such no Min , ..illleketa,
A serleult urn! lenplentents.enderaelng Plowsoredl k Inds,
rultlvators. Hoes. Shovels, Bakes, Forks, kr.
Iltte. et large Fto k, comprising all kinds In genentl
usu which 1 inn selling at city wholesale ierlees.
Remember the ‘l,l stand, East Main street, Cu t•Ils1
April 7,185 S 1 I,A
amitiox "LILL"
• - nom- -
. Jug received nod in store, q fresh and well se.
- lected as,ort 'until of Rio, Java and Mara. •
calls,. Coffee. Roasted Coffee. Crushed
Puts celled : 4 111.315. Relined and
Moo- brow. Sugnrs, superior
Syrup Orleans
(baking) Molasses.
Spires of every ariety—
pure only St.nrcit, farina and
CllOl4llOll l , Nlaccaroni, Cheese and
Craciters.,,,Tapl43 01111 Slll4,
Saler,,Lne and Sl , llll, Cl,llll Tartar and no•
sorted Pickles, Mustat d and Coriander Seed.
V-^ - i-ISR*S.--A 11110 0...1111111.11t in Packages,
000 1 1 41 the a. 1 1,:e" r!, i rt r tot i :', l :
IL , , and late reduced prices.
.1. W. EBY.
Carlisle, Nor. 3, 'tS.
ito subscriber baying located himself permanently
In West Iligh street, two doors above the Railroad
pot, has Just opened his
where he Intends. as usual, to manufacture and keep
constantly on band every style of parlor furniture
and chairs.
IVnlnut and Maliognny Dressing .
parsons with marble tops. 'Sofas.
Tables mod Wnell.stnndn.
11 ninut What nuts" end 1$ nrd.
. •
• • •
. ..
kt• PARLOR anti ROCKING chairs "with velvet or
Intir cloth k.11 , µ and kWh},
- Mahogany mot walnut chairs with hair cloth
or Calle seats.
1 el
1 Oil
al:dry , 'Or ail
, killt6 mid Rtuffed Fpring LOITN01:8
Curlod hnir nod M ovary varloty,
togotlun with nil other midden usunlly found In MN
lino of luminous.
. so 26
. . . 50
Particular attontlon paid, to 1, saalslng and.Tarals;llai;
furalturo of all k lads. • '
• .
Being provided tilLo o ILL in excellent HEARSE, bu
Ix prepared to 1111 all orderti for Fiiiimints in tOwn or
Jan. 6. 185R.—Iy.
L •
IV E STABLE.—Having pur
chased from .7. R. Newsmaker Isis LIVERY E.
TABLISIIMENE, I will Ise.ssigns ready to accommo•
date the public ' with lIORSES, CAI.
11l AGES, BERM I lii, and every tithesan
tido in my line. By strict attention to
LUSIIIIILS and a desire Levkas°. the subscriber hopes to
receive is liberal share of public patsimage.
N. B. Ousnibusses on hand to supply those who may
be in need or them.
N0v.25. 1857.1 •
• West Main Street, (opposlto tho Railroad 05100,)
Into Juat received a new .and. olognnt attoortmont of
Cloths, Phan, Mack and Fancy CktFolmors, and a varlet , /
of Main and Figured Vest logs, -all of which ho *III
make up to measuro in faehlonablo style, and on roe
amiable terms, .
AZ' Orders attended to promptly, and the fitting to
all gormenlo guaranteed, or no 8010.
mayl9lB4B. N. lIANTCII.
TRON RAILING I—lroo Railing for
jiSemetery enclosures. publicand private grounds slid
gardens, made to Order id the earlisli} Foundry. Our
stock of Sidling. Verandah and Bracket ',attend , coin
prises a large variety of now and elegant designs which
too publla aro invited to call and examine.. Orders for.
mating and putting up nalling,will be promptly execu
ted at sotlsfattory prices.
'on- An entirely new TEN HORSE STEAM ENGINE
and BOILER now on hand, warm led to be of the beet
tanks, and sold at a bargain for cash or on short
EOVEll)lo2l.—Ouneeelpt oTone dollar,orttA duly
alunt In Vantage slumpp,' I will send to anylniiiiierethM
„for making their 0w09.11A1 It DYE bettor thou any fit
thd market. 'An ingredients • can, be bought at, my
,Drug-Store. Warranted not to Injure the• scnip,,•,and
never fails In restoring gray Hair to .Its original color,
nine prevents the flair from falling out or tinning gray.
Thlsts_htuu humbug, Audi-new pmduee testimoniels
where It has been used nittikatlyfvetnn. •
Please address - . .
,• • , ' v A. E, MASON, '
, • • • Station C. New York.
Jan.12.1860.-tin. . . . •
COSTS—TIie • boolcs ..of WA.
laxplaced 11;1bn-bands _oft.a
-ti (Wine e .reollorthat 'on theihnt Any of Inetrelf next;
tlntsu nialalnieto 'taxa 'emits; can do tut by calltnx nn the
snitserlit r at thti Coniudxstonere'tiMee ; prllvlons to that
time and raying thnir,atoon ate.
thinl2osd-tl• .I:,AlL4STitONO,Exrcutor.
.•- • •
This inn question brittni. Importance. and one which
has never beensatisludOrily disposed of by the profes.
MP who tench the heallhg art. :tome maintain—and
(e'peelally the old robot Physieinto.,tltt life lives in
the blood: and theretbre - nil licenses (alginate lo it—
but modern science (veers that allioents have 'their
origination in both the solids and fluids of , the body.
'l heftlu+ lattei' prep onierate,.boa er. h r . a fixed tact,
nod -m e dial /hill has clearly. dentorodtated that at
least too thirds or the Ills thdt huwan. flesh to heir to,
have their sourer In an
AP, tor Instance. In the h ec entnlnitue. such ea S.erbfu
la. 'letter,' Barber's ;tell," Pimples,lotrhes. F ryslpu
-lan. Mem, Salt Ilheuni. discharges from the kiwi I'm or
Sores", Or iPPIIIAIVO disease's of any klod,—'lliese are ar
eerlaimal by well known medical Ines to arise 10.01 had
tho Illehest medical euiltoritleti declare
tttnre.pitrtieulttrlyl'ypinld iuul sedrlet—thu-rernier to
.and tlui latter an external irruptive
disease rand In all persons lanai:et' tlnyo
the blood Is found to be Wilke. coal:untied, or of a dark
unhealthy ruler. ,
. . ,
Tolvoril off a laqiu majority of diseaPes. no well no to
cum a 111.1111bOr Wllilt hove already seized upon' ay&
tem, It In imeemary to
Lindsofm Improved Blood EinirobO. , " .. ' , “taPim to
bon , •
for every allseaso known. hurthe proprietors claim for
It Use power not only ot"ttraillieg out it,, Impurities of
Ile MINI!. hur hp tie nkliltul rotobirsationOt Saris l‘tiown
vreatta.ble restirilles. It will rare oil al4ensrserirtoeli , out
a , lerangell state Or thol liter. alrile glut ,Ippepsirt; and
g i en renewed lime oa , al vigrn• to the Nt.. , 11111t 'Phut that
Ilmte Se:more Is all that is daunted tar it, the proprie
tors eau prod ltre
TIIt•7 t'/tINll •
It Is roily n'foa• years shire It wan dlinjnvored, and yet
has been !milt otpressiv for its uninidnetpre—n rsrge
num be., of men employed In pup ing It up, and still the
Nye ask any enuilld innly, could this be fn. efthi^3led•
!clue did not possess vhf ens /1.1
'l•he Pronoetms have hmillreds of lirtrillentlP from
men of problty.simi standing, hi•tbn community, show
lug what the medicine is dolini dully for the rulfering
wholois over nood tile Inond o • whether roll
With 0511011.1.41.
Let tho ollii^ted give it a trial—n Mogi° bottlo wil
roovineo the took feta al idwellititey.
vyyl. For sale in Carlisle by S, W._ Ilayerstlek. S. El
liott, and, /LK I:11.4er; littolfman A net, 31-ehonies
burg; 41osweller.A. Zook, Shophertittown ; JoshunColo
Ilogstown; ;;ittintons." Cross holds; Hone A:
Wit.o, Shiremanstown; A. M. Leidirlt, lioiiinq ming, ;
Mary W.. Kissel; Clinrebtown;' Edward James. Writ
11111; J. C. Ettattuth'ld. A Bro., Shoemaker
1,111.4. t. Newburg; 11'm: Mallon, NtAt villa: . 1 Mout tit
Co.. Springlleitl Itut.i.ecl A Pies. inehinron ; Highland
".0 Wt. - 11111,w,, .lark,eut Ille; (pin k y s: Cn.. Lens
Pnadtt; Wm. 11. Eel.les.
Itoutity, l'a.'
151NpsEr A. LEMON. Proprietor,.
Hollititt3shurg. Po,
-• . •
A F 177: E A'lD! - ! !
• . NI ILA DI:IA.111A MEDWAT, Imupp—Epi gn l t li s h.
eA Incentytnn )eat s' fign by Ilr. K I Nil IsI,I N, corner of
Third and Union 'Streets. Philadelphia Pa. ~.
TWEN'I'Y , T - 110 YEARS'
ltx,prrh•nfo hns rundered Pr. It. a 1111 Ft sacreusful
'wail Ili nur In the cam of all IIiFVII., of a privule
tare ; taal.hood'u dul.lllty, is no lial!linu lit to mar-,
'riavol nervulls and neoUn I - I nil rfint ;tllsUauu , oftlie -
111•111, :11111 thi,so arlslnst limn abuse mil 111(.1rilry,
- - -l'here-li:1111.11‘11-113,111-.nietlinea hululged 1.0a,_
In aelifuiln. often grim Fog up IHlll thelll-(0-1.1101q1aLlii4----
11111 i ir relormv., In due thin, not only.laicetx
.11.1..14.8 In unitrlniiiillai but glees •
rIM, ton males of protracted, Itodclutiun and decant:lll:lg
Few of those who give may to l 1111, prrulrioniv practice
are swain of the consequences mall they find the' tier
voce system simile; id. feel stf ange and unricrtaffitaidu
sensat uue. 1111.1.vomue IKt•N ut llle illhul. life pages 27,
2S, lend; Ira ..Sell-Presert atiome)
The'll 0 tortuilat'e thus /divvied heroines . feeble, unfi•
hie to lat., s ith accustomed vigor. or to apt 4 his
Mind to study; Ills step let to dy IMO IS (Ilk: he le dull,
irresolute, and engages even In his sp..rts flu.
Nl gy nom usual.
It be emancipate blare:(/ before the prettier has done
its worst, ni ll miter matrimony, Ills malfrage Is unfruit
ful. and his sense tells him that this is eansed by his
'pally follies. These are cousideratiefis v. bleb should
awoken the attention of all Who tire similarly situated.
Ile Who pl rex himself under Ur. KIMIELIN'S (rent-
Anent, way rtiligiously relifeie In his honor us ft gentle
man, and rely upon the lit.etitheth OW the secrets of
lire K's patietitS a 111 !moor beAllsrlosed,
Voting, 31an— r let lake 'miiderty deter - you form
making your ease known to one, 'w ha, from ediwatlon
nod respentaloillty.lan rrtt..inty befriend put.
liIKI.I,IN'S residence has lion for the ink twen
tr•tWo years at the N: IV. Corner of 'flinty AM) UNION
STltEkas, Philudelphia, Pa. •
Can have"(by xtating their ease ex pllcltry, together with
all the!r sympttans. per letter. - encloSinwa remittance)
Dr. We medicine. appropriated accordingly. •
Aire aided - to - arry:.part .of the Unite.rStates. and
packed secure from DAMAUE or CUED/Sin", by Mall
or Express. •
A rimireux Life or o Premature Death, ItiekeUtt on
Uri r-Preserrat Cents.
Letters containing that value In stamps, will ensure
uropy, per return of mall.
" Nature's flnide," a new and popular wo: k, full of
valuable advice and Impressive warning, alike calculat
ed to preterit )ears t f misery. mid save thousands of
lives, be distributed without charge, Mid forwarded by
mall, prep lid to any lost in the United nites, on re
ceivine. an order enclosing too postage stamps.
P IJ I I. . Al) F. 1. PIIIA.
A Benevolent Inhtitution t established by special on
dowment for tlioxellef of thilidek And distressed; -
afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic diseases.
The 11.1 WARD ASSOCIATION, In view of the awful
destructiomof human life, caused by Sexual diseases,
and the deceptions practised Ull9ll the unfortunate vic
tims of seat diseases by Quarks, several years ago di.
reeled their Consulting Surgeon,. a CHARITABLE
ACT worthy of their name, to open in Dispensary for the
treatment of this or their for.
and to * give MEDICAL ADVICE 01tATIS, to all nub
apply by letter, with a: dr,eriptlon of their eonditint
(age', teupation, habits id life,Ac..) and In rases of us
tr.. poverty, .to , FriIINISII EDICEs ES FREE 01
CHARGE. It le neudlese to add that the Ai.soelation
cowman& the highest Medical skirl of the age, nod will
furnish the most'approv. d modorn treatment.
"Ile Directors. of the Association. in their Annual Ito
port 144,11 the treginent of Sexual 1/111V10,1 4 , express the
111,hetit's4tIfaction with the sucerss which Dan attend
ed the labors of the Consulting Surgeon 111 the cure 01
Sperniatorrinea, Seminal Weakness. Inipotenee, Coot,
I Wet, Gleet, Syphills,.the t lee of Onanisto or Self abuse,
Si . and order a continuance of the name Plan for the
ensuing yi•ar.
Vie Diremorg, on a review of the vast, fool assured
that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort,
have been of 'gm nmellt to the afflicted. efulecially to
the young, MI they have resolved to devote• them
selveß. with n iewed zeal, to this very important but
much despi 1-fause.
Just puldisbed by the Association, n Report on Spur.
matorrbrea. or Seminal Weakness, the Vire °Unionism.
31asturbation or Self.Almse, lilt,' other Lils,,ases of the
Sexual OrgainsOly the Consulting Surgeon, a Well will
be sent by in ill, (In a sealed litter oily °limy FREE OK
I 111 A It° l, on receipt of TWO STA MI'S for medage Other
Reports and Tracts on the nature nod treatment of
FOX 11111 diseases, diet, ,te.. are constantl tieing I , isi
rdfurgrutulutusdistribution.laid will be s.nt to the
afflicted. ' Some of the now remedies and • methods of
• treatment discovered during the last year, are of great
Address, for Report or treatment, hr. 01:010IF, It.
CA LHOUN, Comutititur Suction, Ildward Asboviation,
No.:: South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, I'o.
By order or the Directors.
• • - """ - R"l.ItA• UttAit'lllVELL; Presld."nt
Oflo. FAIRMILD, Secretary. •
0 U - T Z' S MIXTURE.—This is. a
ruverlul end truly ningirel remedy for MI enter-
Intl discos., either on nolo or beast • We. would ask,
hare you the Itheunintlom or Corns? These me - not
ideasaut 14111111alliOliP, nud we kllll% Mot yoU would
like to drive thorn away no quick no posoilde. Then use
Kontee Mixture.
"11 ouid you have your sores, swellings, cuts, burns,
sprains. brutes. or alq other wounds healed, we repent
it. use Pouts's Mixture.
It In truly a wonderful article. '
If your horse has. the Spayfp, Illogbono, Pn
Fistula, Set niches, tracked heels. Chafes. Oa! Is. Fprolds,
,tc. We say n,rain and again. your remedy in Fcutx's
Mixture. It costs but twenty-fit o cents to try it.
Hundreds who were racked with pains— s•urea who
were thought incurably Aided. hale been restored. to
health and soundness and nro now rejoicing In the
blesnings that health bestows; rind thus, dear render,
may It be erith'you. If you are so unfortunate as to ho
afflicted with any of the Ills for .which you find this ,
Liniment recommended, UFO it preserringly, use is
faithfully, and we think you will have cause to blest
the, do, when you became itequain , eo with Fouts's
Mixture., Prspnred by S. A. FOUTZ. Westminster, Md.
For sale by 8. W. liaverstirk. Cnrllnie, Pn., and Atm.
keepers throughout the county generally. Price 25
and 50 cents n 'Lath,.
Formerlll of the College of Surgeons, l'aris
10 now offered to the public ibr the Cure of all _Sore
end Painful Diseases; for Instance =Pain or Soreness in
any.part 01 the System, Rbounintisms. Pain In the Book,
Breast olr;.pides. Defiled Breasts. Boundzia, Burns,
Sprains, Heating:lie; Crump In the Stempel], (many ether
Disease, that Is, Sllitlii.AND PAIR Fll and Ads ouly.
user thlSelass or Diseases we efalts a PRIII4.CT VIC.
TORY. We say positively to our patrons., vro ran- no'
Dove the sufferer Petioles ont of 100. We entild just
say to the public. Prof. Dn Vail was 26 years In bring.
leg this medicine to tlielipnrlorityithas over ell elk-
(en., Price 60 cents per bottle.
,53% per cent, off to
the trade. ".
se; 411 orders mind be addressed' to
J. D. STONERODS., Solo A'gt for U. S.
—Leeds - town, 511ff11n county,Ba,
w 7 Emh and Cheap' .Fru!t,' hock?
heat, drier: de., et the nen store of • -
. • dee.164F111. , • BP,ktt,.
Yof 10 4), Ito!And,' Curtpori. fltthir; Ttioh'hup,
resorted Penehem, 1.14 ft,et u heat; and other Uri I
-000 of the seamot.juet opeolttg at the." Ithott:u "
ni.ll rea s.torr.
Noy: 8, 1848.
I. w. TAY