• . • . • - • . • • • • • • •cc •••.• • • • • .• ..• • • _•=4 . • , 4 , 2_ , .11 - Z• • • c— • M. • • -, ' -• ; ; 4- 7 g • - - _ • • -_. . • • • • , • ••-•_. • •t•-•=. .211 , , • V-TA . ' • =al • -• • • • _ _ ,• • • VI tTI I 11 8 -- - W• • • . . • • WILLIAM M.IPOITAPEp;, Editor.) } 11l R., 001 f r -ER, Proprietor. . 0 TERMS OF PUBLICATION. - . . . ' The CARLISLE lIERILD Is. published weekly nun large al I , A• AV NOTICE:—TIIOB.. M. 13IDDL I.: sheet containing twenty eight col tin ea. n furnsh.' • • J continues the practice of the law, in the office - to soleteribers at $1.50 'I : paid strictly In advance ; 5 innerly occupied by.his father, Wm., 51. Biddle, Hsti ~ $1 75 if paid within the year; or $ . 2 in all 1.1181,S when /111 d niore recently, by the law first of Penrose klliddle, payment Is delayed' until :titer the expinitio 1 of the . te , olved• . a year. No subscriptions received for a fess period than npw di .. _ • . ' • • six months, and 110110 diseontiotted malt all arrearages .1) ". '''i• 70 ,1 ~ ... . . .. are Paid. - unless at the option of the publistin.r. Papers , sent to subscribers living out of Cumberland comity( - 1 P.. ri UAI 111011, Atlornay at Law. must be paid fir In entrance or the payment assumed . k . ) .—ollice on North llanover street, tn. few doors by soma responsible person IlVing iu Cumb0r1,,,0.,4,1111- south of last' lintel. All business entrusted to hint^ •ty. 'Chose terms will be rigidly adhered to in all will be promptly attended to. . (Aprllls. • ' . WON. jr. AW NOTICE. - REN . Lmsi,.,., %,) I „,_ rriliKitoBE h;nro 4 =il7l. oh:in T4l. ,-;' ' e''' the Court Muse. where he will promptly attend to all. 11EIRIlleSS,Mitrusted ib'him. .. August 19, 1857:' .-44Y, 1 4/W--`I4 3 SAWAXA. • Mire:ll.lll°las will Ito charged $l.llO per square of twelve linos for liniertions, and . 25 ernts for moll • subsequen t inserflon. Oil advortlsenients of less thin Pottgideren Adeertlsonnthils Inserted afire Mafriages ant deaths 8 emits per line fir first insertion. and 4 rotas per line far o,nbsrvjnont insortbmp.. Communientlons on 'sub jects of ILuIWd or Individual Interest will lie charged 6 coats porline. Tile Proprietor will not WI responsi• bd., In daina•tes for errors in adrertls,•mnnts, Obituary . • waives nr Morrla..;es not exeileding (Ivo lines, will ha Inserted without eliarge • =1 The Carlisle Herald JOB PRINTING OFFICE is 11le largest and Innst i:oinplete establishment In t1101 . 1111nty• Then ..401111 VIVS:if,:l111111 gl111(11711 1,11 . 11.ty Of material snail for plahrand Palley work •of every kind. enaldrs us to do Jolt PO sting at the shortest notice and no the angst reasonable terwn.. Ptll,ollB In want of Rills. plonks or anything in tint Jobbing ling, will find it to helr iotertmt to give us a rail, Every variety of lll:inks on•aantl 011 11:111,I. aLJaial_toceLLltfoliiintiott. 'U. S. GOVERNMENT • • Presiilent —.I WES 116 , 1,14 N N. • • Vice l'resi.lent—ioll,( C. iiRECKESHITIO • Secretary ni SCULL.—lion., Lewis Secretary of Interior-3 ienit Secretley of • . Secretary or ‘Vni.—.lllnN Secretary of sniT k all . P.O. :Vaster emend—A. V. ilinnex: ' • Attorney lierterai-Jeitioli•Cii N. ill keit. eiliel.lustice nt din (hilted iitateg—ll, It. TOMY STATE - GIWERNMENT. • - <.firirtornnr—NVlT.i.t?.:ot• • FS-1'4110:11. - • - 61.1,...t;try Slum 0 M. Ilvtsrtut. Survrytor Booloorool—.lllßN A wilt or 11/oter:ll—.l%oor Frr.'.lß. Treasurer—ll LN II I' B. II cißuow.- ohooNer of tht. Saltow '7oourt —E. Lrwri. .1. 'l' ATOM BrrtoN,o, IV. B. hownir B. sl, IVionioutto..lolKM. BorAD COUNTY 'OFFICERS Preside° t Judge—llon. James 11. Graham. Ass-elate Judgesllon. Corklln, Samuel Nomllrarn. • ' District Attorney—Wm. J. Shearer. Prothonotary—Philip Quigley. lit... Ardor 4 - C.—Daniel S. Croft.. • llegistecS. N. Frauninger.- High Sheriff—U.lFt. 311.0wthey; Deputy, S. County Treagure,—Nhles Bricker. Coroner—Antehell ArC i,!iai. •, County Commissioners—An Irew lferr, Samuel Me• yaw. Nathaniel 11. F-kels.. Clerk to Commh.sioners, Janice Armstrong. Directors of thi s , Poor—George jlrindle, 'John C. Brown, Satuuel Supertothmhrat of- Poor Nous --Joseph Lobach. - BOROUOU OFFICERS Chief Burgess—Willbon Curt. Assistant Burgess-4 , 111.1s Kekels. Town Connell—J. 11. Parkin' (President) Jelin fiat shall, Robert Moore, Jaines . 3l. All.. William Cameron, John B. tiorpis, Michael .lluWomb, Miebael 311.1e11, Peter Monyer. - Clerk to Council.—Thos. , ll. Matron. Constables—Jacob'Brets.,' High Constable; Andrew Martin; Ward Constable. Justieg3 of Abe Peare—A, L. Spoorler, David Smith, I . lolcodlb, Stephen Keepers. CHURCHES = tro Square. nor. Conway P. Wing Pastor.—Servieca every Sunday Morning at 11 o'clock, A. M., and 7 Welc* Second Presbyterian Church, corner of South 1 snorer and Poutlret sti cuts. 11ev. 31r Eons, Pastor. Services comineneo at 1.1 o'clock', A. 31e turd 7 it'Vloelt P. 31. St, John's 11i amt.( Prot. Episcopal) tool beast angle of Centro Sluvre. Re v.Jacolt It. Alorss. Rector. Sery Ices at 11 o'clock A. 31., and 3 o'clock, P. 31. English Lutheran Church, iledlhrd between 3ialn nod Lout her streets. Rev. Jim thyry, Pastor. Services t 11 o'clock a. 31., and 1i!.4 o'elock P. 31. Gorman Itiiforined(Miura). between Han over and Pitt streets. Row. A. 11. Kromer, Service. :it I 0 . !:, o'clock A. M. nod t.% ti cloak P. 31. 3letloslist Olurc (first charge) corner of Alain :Ind Pitt Streets. Rev. It. 0. eloinibers, Pastor. Cervices at 11 ti clock A. A. iii.d o'clock I'. 11. l'lnvell(sccond charge.) Rev. A. A. Itet , l'astor. Services lu College Chanel. lit 11. o'clock:loc se, k A. 31, and 4 o'clock, P .31 ilorinin Catholic Church, Pomfret' near East street. Bee. - Linden. Pastor: Services on the 2nd Sun day or each month. ' lierantio Church corn, of Pornfral and Itedford streets. Hey. C. FIIITI:E. Pastor. Services at IL o'clock. A. P. 31, if IVltcu I . ll:plgeS 111 thy altos.. are nrcesaary the proper Feral.. are I....inertial to truly u, • DICKINSON COLLEOL'' Roy. Charles Collins, D. D., President and Professor of Moral Science. 111. V. 1:311111111 31, Johnson, I). I), ProfesNor of Philoso phy and I:oldish Literature. James W Marshall, A. M., I'rofehsiir of Andvnt lath, gvage, Ile, Wm. 1.. 81/SWI44A. Prdfr,sor of Ma thentat 111, William C. WllFon, A. M., ProlVl,Blll. of :in Lin al &loom and Curator of tho Museum. Alomnider School, A. M.; Professor of Hebrew and Modern Lang mows. tmontol 1) Ilillman, A. 31., Prmelpal of Ilio Grammar School. Dotill John, A. 11., Assist:tut In the ttratuntar School BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Andrew Blair. Prieddent. 11. Saxton, I'. Quigley, E. Common. C. P. Ilumerich,J. Hamilton. ticeretary..lanon W. Eby, Trennm•ee, John aplwi. 31c8heliger. .31ect uu the lot Monday of each :%lontli al 8 o'clock A. M: at Ed. °cation Ilull. CORPORATIONS CUILIHLE DEPOiIT II 1N K 11.31. llotiolertoir, I.3lsltier. W. 311. Ileotetn; Asti!. Casliltgr. J. I'. Hasler: Triter, Jas. Floury,: Dlroirtors, Itlullard Parker. Thom is Paxton, Moses tricker, AlnliLaln Hurler .11114.1. . It. P. Woodwarkl, Wlll. 11. SAIL Uei IVllorry unit . .. , CIMIIiEIIIAND VALLEY HAIL ROAD C01 1 11'.4.:` ,. 1t. , -- PrOliidUllt, Vro , lel'irk %Vattf.t: Secretary ;Ind Trenttoror, Edward 31. - Biddle;' Superintendent, O. N. Lull. Pateonger tralnt, twice a da,y. Un.tward leaving Carlisle at 10.39 o'elcel: A 31: and COO d'clnek P. 31. Two trains every day -Weßtward,leaving Carilido at - 0.51.1 n'elprk A,.31., mitt 2.50 P. 31. . . . . kso....lVArialComuAxr.Pree.tdont, Fred orkk %Vials; B,a:rotary, Lemuel Todd ; Treasurer, M. Beetoni: Directors, F. Watte, Diehard Parker, Lemu el Todd, Win. M. hokum. floury Saxton, .1. W. Eby, * John D. ilorg., IL C. Woodward, and C. M, Diddle UtIMIIattANID VALLEY BANK.—PrAlont, John S. Stet , rent ; Cashier, 11. A. Sturgeon; Toiler, Joe. C. Hoffer.— Directors. John S. Sterrett, Wun. Kor, Melehok Drone luau, 'Richard Woods, John 0. Dunlap, !told. C. Sterrett, U. A. Sturgeon, and Captain John Dunlap. SOCIETIEB • Star Lodge N 6. 107, A. Y. M. merits at Marion on the tind and 4th Tuesdays of every Month. St. Johns Wu No 2110 A. Y. M. Meets 31• Thurs day or each tonal', at Marian Carlisle Lodge No 91 1. 0.,01 0. F. Meets Monday evening, at Trouts buildlug.. FIRE COMPANIES 'it. Union Fire Company yes organised In 1180. Presine„st. Conneaut Vico President. William M. Porter; Secretary, Theo. Cornman; Treasurer,' P.,Mon yer. Company meets the first Saturday in March, June, September, and limeMber. The Cumberland Fire Company was instituted Febra• ary 18,1809. President, Robert McCortney; Secretary, Philip Quigley; Treasurer; U. S. :hitter.. 'the company meets on the third Satoday of January, April, July, and October. • • . • . , , The tiond WM hose Company was inatltuted In March; 1865.-1/rualdont, 11. A. SI urgconlVlco President, James B. 51cCart.Tion1.1.9pint.nry0axnuel Trsaaurer,. Jnneph D. halbert. The second Saturdalktf January, Aprll, July, and October. ' RATES OP POSTAGE. Ito:stage on all lett (woof onethalf ounce weight or un der, 3 cents wee paid, except to California or Oregon, which In 10 cen,s prepaid. Postagn on the herald the County, nee; Within the State 13 rents per Tear. • Teeny part ,t4tho lthitierditiluedrthents ' PeStage on'albtranellint earth under 3 ounces In weight, 1 cent pro-paid or two COMB unpaid. Advertised letters, to be, hnrgod with tin , rent of stivertisimr. .. . . . 11E8 i,D .10fi a 1;001i. • PINIING OF 'S. •E. Coi. - of the:Square; -irtaitt..A ausuie,ss Earos. r\ r OFFIC DEL TODD j has respnal tin; pral•the of the Law. Oflice.lo; Centre Square, west n, near the First Presbyterian Churrh.. " April 8, 1857. ty .W lt. S. B. KIEFFEOflice in North. Ilanovor ',trek two doors froni Arnold I: don's si w.- (Miro hours. morejtsrtlvularly from 7 Co 9 o'cloelt ' A., .1.. owl rrom 5 to 7 o'clock. P.. 31. D' CTOR A 11:118PRONG has rein ov - L ( .4 ) 1 1:1,4 orne,!*t., Centre Siluare west of the Court !loose: where 110 non lie consulted at July hour'of the (lay or ItiLOtt. • Dr. A. line NO thinly years experit ore In the protesslon. the lest ten of whtaqa hnye ),,,aa ;1,0- Led tan tha• study nod plo tion or lionam.patinte moll. One. Ally 20, 'hi Gm. E SEA US, M. .1)., will . _j_o_spouClike 7 ,llllBl',_tlitd- Till 11 month in Carlkla..fortlie bej•fit, Ladit.s.. n Ito may Ie Ni to eonnult 10r, pronssinally. 091eu at A lighin ha corner of Hanoi' et. and I,..ither sirents. • Ort. fl, 181iS • ( - 1 Et). • W . .. N Dr(III, I). D. S. -L - )Ir Late Demoost rater of I) per: IleeListr.;,' to the itnl ti more Collet:a ^ Detail F‘lrgerV. an" V at his relthlevtee. opposite Marion 1141,- %Vest. Muhl strret, CarllBli, Nos. 11. -, V.l•Kvirc,= ; — _ - „,,T,: ..out;, Ilailotoo - .otroot; "•-; Cit.-1(7,A,-. 'Moo. . .- • It he ill's...ill from. Carlisle the laxt too d,lys 41'301 month. Aug. I, 'lot, it . ..GfE 0 It 4:E. Z. Bit i.l z • retnrnell 'to t'arlisle. offers his professional sereiees W the citiztuis generally. . - !inky ill North Pitt street, nearly opposite his=(n•mer reAtlence [Carlisle, March it. 7.8. .C.Z- Will he libsent until the Ist of Aprii next. D .R._ GEORGE S. SEA-- • - HIGH' I', inMuT, Brn o flu, Mil. timore College of Dental Surgery. Blri_Ofliee at the residenee of his mother, Eak Louthet P Erect. three doors below Bedford. Mach Ifl, Itibß—tf. twcr . ..,... Mt. J. C. N6FI.? respect, fully Interns the Indies And W . llllOlllOll •• • W. ° of earthly- Anil vicinity- the! helms re snumd the traction of Dentistry. prepared to pre. form all operations on the teeth And gums, belonging to his profession. lin will insert full Fels of tenth on gold or silVer. oil gum teeth. nr Mortis. as they may prefer. Torahs intoderato. to shit the limes Mire -High street,- direttly oppaidle the Cumber land Valley Bank. ga-Dr. S. will ho in Nowvillo flu; lost ton dais of very nu m th. 21, 1555.-Ip* Docrron, AuclusTus- It. EGBERT,- Toritlern Ills Professional Sot,lees to the citizens of Mount Holly St o iuzs. (formerly l'apertown), and its vidoliy. ITil- Ills (nee will Int I;mnd at his residence, Moore's Hotel. [Aug, 25, s, W. TJAVERSTTOK; Drug.gist, North IlanovertSt4.et, Pliyg o's prescriptio n s ea, eful le Colllllollllded • A full supply of fresh drug.; and chemicals. B 1.1? N It, Dealer• in UI•u:i:;, I'nrfuuu•ry, Faney Arlivlrv. Conte, 11/mover Str....t, larllsle, B E E 1) & JIENDEN 11 'A _ BANKERS, - 21 - oi b ru I a,u!rrrut'Co/feetur,J elgrirls 1 . :Irtir111111,Ittellt1011 11;11111M MO 11111,111 t, or n0m.r,..). den Is, 5n..11 as Int, ing; and q,lllllg Heal Estato.lonniter ninney nu 1.../11 mottle noeurities. l'aying. Taxes and looking niter the general intin . 4.24 of non-residents. ' 'lleterences 01,41 if required. AddreNs, 3IENI)ENIIALI 31hAmwo1ls, Ilinnesnta. July 21,1554-1 y E PUI3LIC.—The undersign .ea being will ii as 11 'writer. would oiler Ills servlves lo all tequlrloi: literary MIL Ile will 1 . ...L.1i l'll , llllllllloll 5p1 1 1 1 1 . 111 1 5111111 replies, Lines fer .10 . ohlles-111 . 1.11111.11 11111111 1 1 . 11,r 1110 PreSS - 01 1 1111111 1 11 1 11, 31111 write Poetay upon any subjeet Address (plait paid) FINLEY JOIINSON, Felt. 17, 10:15, pE Al, , 6 ,14.1 STATE. "1. GE N C . ANDREW 0. ROE. N. JEIT 1110111,ONE •bIOE k TII 0 M S 0 N !lave opened an Alm at St.doseph. Mo.. Gar the per elms° and sale el Real Estate. buying and selling Land .Wei rude. entering Land on 'iliac, Surveying anti Map. ping Towns. Location of Warratitt., and making Invest. Intuits ha` newresidents. paying of '!'axes. and all bunt nest pertaining ton (loners. Land Agency in Missouri • KIMEND. Nebraska, and lowa. • ....prt.,0111., on Soeon..l Street, Nortl of A. T. Beattie' Itanking !louse. . [July CO, 1850. DEAL ES 'l' AT E AG Es.e.y, RE- F", VOCAL.—A. 1, spoNsi,En, REAL ESTATE Ali Erf, CON VEVA NCEit ANO SCRI i'EN ER, has re. 'unveil to h is New Offieb 011 Main street: one door wind of the Cumberland Volley Hail Head Depot. He Is lino'parmailentis . 10eated. awl hat, un hand Ind for sale a very lar , re our unit of Real Estate. eotn.holug of Farms, of all MIMS, improved and 'unimproved. )1111Hroperl lea Town VI epvety or every deaerlptlon, log Lots, also, Western Lands anti Town Lute. Ile will give his atteni Inn, is heretofore to the Negotiating of Loans. Writing of Deeds. Mortgages, Wills, Conti:tett+, • and Serivening • , Oct. ' Mr. C. • ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT Minn&Told Y nut io , ;re a Lll a n l t c tet I,n a ti3tgtt ott, l ., a ~I.ytute Iteal Eatato and sodurltlea. Negotiate llma, pay taxe-, locate land warrant's, &e., ke. Hofer to the members of tbu ClllllllOl . ll/1111 County . liar, and to all prominent On colic of Carllale, Pa. • [IA uA.PISS-Iy. FRANKLIN HOUSE South Hanover Street, adJoluitiit the Court (louse, Carlisle, lu. - JOHN ❑ANSON. Proprietor. .0 - - Mail Ceara !saves daily for l'apertimm, l'uters burg, York Jpritograng !blamer from this !louse. VRNIT[.►N BLIND 3IANUFACTURER Mechanicsburg, Pa. 4ir All kyles hid patterns of thuds made to order, and Old 1111104 repaired in n neat and subatantlal man. net, and on reasonable terms •- • lirdors from Cliirllslo and other phints abroad ro• 'sportfully solicited, nod promptly /Mended to. Shop directly oppoillto the.. Union ilotol,' West Muhl St, cot. -o [July 14, f, &nos P. SNYDER, 0140. of W. K. MeFAnGtmG , reptinylvnoln. . G. f; Coax, . Rhodo leOlini.l. Q N YD Wit, r M'FARLAND, AND vj _ COOK, : _ . . BoakkorCand Dealers 'in Real Estate, , • .311NNKAPOL1S,_. ~ : `„)., ' rillommotel Terri! ory. r , FOR SALE OR • b, The largo ontablltlitnent. known - nn tlytp*- JUNCTION DIST/LblillY," nit tinted on the Yellow ilreochun' Crock, - 't J, lieltshnover'n Mill, in offered for wile or relit: Tilo buildings andminehluery aro all new, having only buon In unit übnitt one year, and In capable of in:Hating iL to KU buchele n day. Tun" location for bunliiens In equal to any ht the i'mtwity, nod tin, 'can ve tilencenAir_Work.nre.ulitiorpawa t a c pviol at 'qui' Nme. Fuc tartan or other infortant ply ott 1110 prianicon to .0. w..1,F.1 Melt, Allen Cuml), I= movoi;µ' ut tiit• rein i•t' • -'• • . WOM `inDS% niaMEIT POETICAL - COLLEGE .REMINISCENCES. = l'ln'hilting in my room, tar Al., ' ' And Minh] lig of llie rays • Of were'‘vont to gild Our bytrono l'ollege dayB. ' Familiar arils an - tlio • And idess the Prato' that pia , t(i trio in 'TIM class of '5B. • You'll not forgot the times .weves!en, notnfier ::2, When Johan 411111 W°llt the t:Ounds trout hpin-11 , so biltheand true; Now oft the Dr's. iN 1 . 21f:117111W11 rap' NVopid (welt agilator, " Wll.t. gelitl, men. it nuvum to mo You need it modern for !•' 13elbr.;ine rke the 4111 sky forms Uf .11'isie mutt S%3IELL IV.trrs, Of Umst.e Ipta. hod SILINOIIII BELL. ill spare. I hear lii clanging 11)orniing 1,;11, The t•huilliag up the stAtrs, The cluttered huoroeiti•ms which Ai,eathst m iLll the pray ere. YOU mind ills night when 3lonsi and .lonif Stnle e•dtly in our 1 , 0011, I ipprd /111 , 11111160 NS to prep iro • -- A motto i t his d,•nau ; The efilgy tots hung. dO3l . Full histy feet hi The fellows nil iheslarisl •tirs4 sport • Tzi see It diniglin4 there. Ono d irk initinizlit, 'twits rattling land. . eri , ry desk RIO drawer For impel's to cou.4 - iime. alin:t.llteye , ivNit:ltljimt tlu purp,:so to The s'i,tui_eol it+of udxi ug oxy.• Ilydriogi•il with Orr. IVllat wort: we had that tilAtt,' • , TO roa,tlr)se calves to go) thi. 14.1 . t lire 111;011. TOVOgla qt. :mil grow: 'Arad whet it)atigh t , enjoyed, %%lice 'Wilson, Inat Exclaimed Chia We igillitoti vnx . The elites was large eitough. 1 often lo.t. Ike lb:A A-running In ray ntldd '• • •(Our pannion for-tlie Aid terse, 'liOne. been divined.). _ I hill zit, dear A . l.t. in illy sleeve, At how ire uned talk • Soft twosome, to our lovize.;.;uteti, Id ninny A.2noonlight walk:. ekso). Al.. lout Lhnr yoiiknoW Tho ~,, 111116i1:, STI!I.I.iT 1 . 41111iq A girl, That she ,otist - Oh 110: 111.11.. AL, the Am.., Ix th. far to Larry, • ' For all thin, 5,1:1,1 . .4 disappear --:---- 1511 . eit Inn ortyiela kgld marr.k. , own that same forget i he ride, madot he girls I.ellevo That students o ere responsible, Whene'er ihey would deceive. Thero's•ANnv, IKE, FLI:TCII, BILL nod JACK,' 80 - tom-their svifrniatral;— That To make the parts a whole. Methinks f sve the pi tty lv l ElrtittllS :41.11:111d !MIMI, Thn tl , t.ry 10 olit , h t 1,.0 lug - A ‘• a fits outside the Hll?' The ninuntrain% then are I°ol,llllls nmr t The threats aeon not but clngor, And friend,ldp has usurped the hearts lir those dbapproal bl auger. There . ) , Dot and Ntat and •• 11,11 . p 1 01 . Ln.thers true nn steel- 1 I'd rather have their friendship, .dt., Thin halt whittit at ttt reveal. )lay he.n ea grant theta lev y ; to live, And it hen grim death drawn nigh, may they havivatt heritage • {Pith angell inn the ithy. Thu '• Lobby." AL. rulmt oft. reeall The memory of him, Who fell a victim to,t hat, seettrgo— ciiiiiitimption. fierce awl Jr, lin. Poor Jon' ha wandered home to rile, Just, In hours: ealiiily liar AL, Amidst his southern lino eon. Awl since tie left. Jr OwnN fell '3IIII fitratigert all alone; still his .pirlt hinged Its Hight Up to thi, tireat 11'bite l'hrone." Illu an:ull)• ll.rm Is laid heneatl/ Far lIIIW the "101111. star'' ap:tvls• "lis guarded hy leis tied. WO O 0 01111 n yo-otr toootelher. At., Anil (oft I blues tho I'rm•ldnnro, so kind to mu, '!hits throw you For nought loot poiltNi wool halotoiti, sit Jid tyarli(our iol..Cy t• goo( her, And alit a (thigh, flurry Uld cloud our. lohoilsoloot tvo.iithoT. But College days are over,,At, We're on that beaten traek Of musty Blackstone, Kent and Co. IVe never ;011 torn haeli. And when our pilgrimage. dear At, Is finished Lei e below, LeCa meet In that ;jean! home' To talk of long ago. V41.111E: or•A BELLE is Seuutn.-- ,, Around her snowy..:brow were set' t et) thousand dol lars; such would have been the answer of any jeweler to the question, "What are those dia- TIMIS?" With the gentle undulation of beT bosom there tmse and la exactly one hundred and filly dollars. The sum bore the guise of a broach of gold and enamel. Her fairY, form was invested in ten half eagles, represented by a slip of lilac satin, and this was overlaid by three hundred dollars learn in two skirts of white lace. Tastefully down each side of the latter were live dollars, which so many bows of purple ribbon had comb to. ~Thelowo r margin of the three hundred " dollar skirts were edged with eleven additional half eagles —the value of some eight yardsof silver fringe a quarter of II yard in depth Her toper waist, taking zone and clasp together, is cal- - colored to be confined by at leaSt one hundred and fifty dollars, Jler„delicutely_moulded arms, the gloves of spotless kid being added to, the gold bracelet! which encircle! 'the little wrist, may be said to have•heen,adorned with Will 1fi11t!A.1tn,(4911..11011itt73,14 tieyenty : llyo, cents', and putting - the silk and satin at the loweit figures,. I should. say she wore 'three dollars'and fifty cows on her feet. Thos, al together, was Chili thing of light, thts oroaturO ot',lortiliness, arrayed from top to toe, exclu sive of little' sundries, in two thousand eiglt hundred nud twenty five. dollars nod t:wenty. Iva cents." reedy chap perpetrated ,the follow: lug daring 6110 Of the 'late '.cold mornings - Mu .Somerset, ahr . duit't you get mar-, tied?' ~• "Because I am tea Inc telt to ask any Young lady-tu turn a ,S'eate.r,at.• _ I t , t-13-R-tf- Of all the burial pieces. in • the ,world, the 'OOOllll is the hugest, and many thousand; lie •deep, deep down beneath the surfheeof its wa-: tors. There, no eye can 1001 upon the grave or the deported; no sculptured one,. nor Mar ble tahlet..rehearoe his virtues; nor does the rout of man e'er profane Ihe saerod spot with 'its impress. The flower wools not there, to he4ms.-Itweet , -Iter.funue,o!er.A.h‘soshe.44-41ua dead; neither lloes the friendly willow spread its weeping branches aronturlo:„Ward- off ap proaching evil ;.. nor,.genthiyhilontela.warble her, nocturnal eulogiunts anthills houghs. - No sighink friend can weave the garland of affection tit entwine nround fie mound which conlainst he object so dear, for the dark bosom of .old ocean quite conceals yfrom view, and . the rude sea 'weed iloite cue adorn if. There the monster of the deep watches. while the wild it-birti ;nouns a hoarse diige. and foam crested . ._lillows-chi nt. a inCornful requiem in. limo». or the slemberer. And. thc.ve are the 0/di/honors for the oceanleiried for the proud waves dery the cl ill of man Co ereet endearing . The heavy freighted vessels, specimeits.of 1111111 ' 011 . 11io godn , , tinily .pleuglr he majes tic seas, and nelde rivers. !mane regard I COO or the titer, that beneath the trackless waters, 're-. A vast eembiery thev great deep!—, and one too , itt which tie di•crimiuutiuns are Blade, fm• the rich and the poor, the ignorant. and thole:ailed, widely separated as they only have _been in life, rest on the same level, in the same watery abyss. Ity. various chnnees they Have keen brought. Ily;ellier from 114er .] enr-elimeoqt7n. call the numbers ever be est 01: II 141 II lIIP . SeIt shall be comminded to to give tip ita dead. I l'hore upon the ocean's' twil sleeps the la ' I.tticitt6ll' 111111 dOVIIi(!il . I ' I/01611:11i: idill ' ll , j,4 ,4i j. - . Ilifililtre - allikilll 0 Vit. WITIPP -- iiriglTH7Ert - tT - 61 . 111 - rimed with the 117.:. , truCthin -of the ill. I . .titsi l'imsident. - Fri — the tottiliiiinftl . ,, - ticim - V - 1)' - 't lit. - jitr.' %Alta regions. no 10111,1 Sit. Juan Franklin tuts long since - I'olmila final vc , tiog placet and the gallant flertolon slumbers lientmth the \rav e s Or_the blue Atlantic; while thousands beside. compose •the vast. family of the . ocean buried. Some by accident, and others whim-being of the nuniher ... that g.i lloWit to tam in ships, rh:lt 11119111SjIll , L; jll great 1Y1i.11 . ,+, " have 1 . ,1 lien VIIIIOIIS 10 Ill'aill. 11 1 / 1 1 lIIIVV been consi;Attml to tho'holuttltess limits or a 'watery Comb. 'There they wilt rest in, - quiet repose until iho•l3Mit 2ingel ' s trump shoal I -call I hem iroin their ilrear abodes to meet the nations of earth at the tri.. Immo or file last day. Till then lei them skip - nudist Imbed: \V would not Itrertict heir ' peaertnl slumber, but we envy:nitt their.ocea 11 j 4epithiltre, for, though the burial gr o und s and cemeteries on 'Mtn', are places calculated to' excilit ftwlitigL.tleepest_interest_andi hough, the grave itself holt subject of pleasant thought.' and eon he contionplated.wit limit - I( shulliliit-. vet what •iiiind 'ClIn thil4C 0 , 1; the roaring sea' ..- witlitutt exclatoriig: ~ it, bury 7111. ?Mt is the fiver, deep hen!" True. it !potters little wherellie.hdy lies'. of. 1 ter. the spirit Inistled„ tot thy're reintiins but ; the empty casket, yeftre —all 'olive' a natural ; desire to be buried tinning our kindred. though 1. would not that a talVet be erecied to ; wy memory ,when I ant gone, ror that friends 'weepon'er thy grave, yet 1 w(Tint sleep - Scht , ;e': the 'minstrelsy of the wind nti;;;•lit .ing end_' less requiem: the bloom of wild flowei:s yield • perennial sweetness, and the music of nature unceasingly roll. From I lit,Fruldrly Di , patal A. RE AI A 111( A BLE 1)11,1: AAI • Ilroart, are lutt llego it t.r Iloliti.l4 I.IIC vain l'tnt.tsy So with Shakspeare but what nine hold good in some ease, .lure 11111 hold good in all 11:141'8 ill IIIWWI:41, there wiliilid,be . general rules without exceptions, awl that is held by • logl . *shuts le lie morally inipo ,, ible. kith Ile &resin is a , 11 . 01011, 1111 , 1 I lient is an end : lull not SO With VVl.l.ylllllly Tllol'l' lure 8,11110 men in this world %dm eitll , lkll`l . .ll.lo piil . l:lllCP Io flip 11 . 1SPIOSti robrro . " o droom which flit+ unbidden . through the brain ; and I believe. as It general thine. it is conceded that the leamle portion or a ll abiding faith in dreams. wheilier they he of good or evil import. 11Ity this should be - SO. 0111 hill lirepllll4l to s.iy, 'null leave tiou to those deeper i'ersed.in bunion nature Otani ant. for a solution ;41aft Ldo :my th a t the most intelligent lady that I ever was 11C• nu:tinted with. was It titan believer in the fore shadowing-of dreams.. lint to my story of a remarkable dream ; and it' there be truth ia the tale or the dream er—nal there is no reason to doubt hi, word thien indeed, it tv,ta n I.l3.llllrkaille dream. Some years ago, in a little city °film West tir e d Ri c hard Miller, an sober shoemaker. Ile had emigrated Ilion Philadelphia a few years previous to the 01)l,11 - lug of my story, .wit hiS wile and child, iiud by economy and the closet attention to mess, he managed to lay 'up six hundred dol lars.• 'Phis sum he would have undeuhfially so increased as to plaim himself and family beyond the reach of wool in very fifiv years., hail it not born for dim insidious monster, consumption. The fell destroyer came In hind I as is a=unl in such cases, in a bad cold,_ll 11 11 trOl. 11 long time he flattered himself info the belief that it was only.A bad cold; bat like a skilful :lappet and miner, it soon undermined ids constirliTioui-1 Mid lilt nbn.began - to hove some faint glimmering of There was no use staying any Linger in the he sold out hi, stock and fixtures and; returned to Philadelphia. where he took ‘tip • his permanent abode. Ifavingtieconie entire. ly tai weak to work', he spent. his days in that 1. inactive, but petulant slate so coMmon to con sumptives . One day he look it into his. head to Ansult tin emitient pity...lei:in-zone of the Professors , , of medico college- ivt order to ascertain his true condition. Ile called ;alum hint and stn tell his case, and underwent the customary exaniimitior."Th. "Young man," said the Professor, "your. lungs aretailly affected, and I ant only deal ing frankly .with you when I say that., in my opinion, you are Tithing for this world!" Miller's heart sank within hint as he heard his doom. lie had the Most implieit confidence in the professor; and as bethought of his wife and child' he felt very much as if. for the fu-. tare the world would be a blank to hint t‘ Did scu over drink whirikey?" inquired he Dootoic, as he paced the room ' "Never; except upon one, or .perhaps two liemisions,"Maid Miller. You eon keep yourself alive .two years— probably three—by the moderate use of Whin key. It is a dangerous prescription.' but in • giving it to you thavo, reason to•believa . that you:will not, let it, obtain Gutmantery over you Get the best• Whiskey you can buy, and drink &Pint of it ti day." the merest shadow of relief,, went to •a liquor. store and Parttime& a - demijohn of Bourbon whjSkeY,tind commenced to take doses -of It at intervals throughout the day. A year rolled away, And Miller -was much improved. Ills cough was caSiqr; runt the atimulue appeared tq impart 'a Itind . of grafi , cinl rent h - to - his - I- - imgret - to - say his•appetite, whiehitevet• before Craved - ale° ludic drinks, had assumed an aboortnal' con dltion, to appease .wlitelt,lt new reqttirtl 'not. less than a quart per 'dkem. IfeAqt h s ; vas 'nut titling. much' toivarils'rtar•ilite! niaroh. dorm to ihe Urare tiro lis•rvS dh sea ..of alcoholic stimulus..:invested- the .past. MIMS For tho Iferahl TEIE -OCEAN-10.111MILV. =2 present and future with a feeling_of oblivious. • - floss that was qitite a raid to Ins niefancholy braidings over his misery when' he was peep erly himself, • •.. • When in this state. Jtill r loved solitude,and lie frequently walked as far away from home, as his strength. would permit bin-generally. inthe,MAgliborlihod of the brieltya rds in the southwestern part of Ifto city.g One day, having extended his walk beyond, his usual limits, and icing overtaken by a thunder storm, when lie reached the_brick yards, lie took shelter under the silo of ono trYrlitmt -itlitesimtoptantity-- of whitikey doting the day, he Pill asleep upon the Wheelbarrow on which he ,was resting. • while - lhe storm - lets still raging; nor did lie • awake until the Alawn of next day, a Mild, beautiful. Morning; Ai. first. he was ; lint he soon recalled to his recollection the storm and the brick-yard, and feeling soine- what drowsy lie compost:a himself no: another - nap. 'TI. is 'uncertain how long lie slept- pi.tibably not;over halt' an lunir -but tirint , I that thou he hail a remarkable 'vision. ire.. dreamed mot the- principles-of a machine for - the mantitictore of _brick-a machine that. Iwould iii a greatmicasure supercede all - hand labor. Evei.y, - Wlicel. cog, and casting passed I through his brain, and in his dream lie even Si. W the machine in practical operation. When lie awoke it was quite light, and lie hastened ' toward his home • Ills 'ltalia was ,entirely ta- • lien up with the machine, his ;dream having •-evidentlymnole-nnimirressimmittonZhim-osdit— delude as any idrn re l y . e „ hee i ve a h t. hi s most • wakeful hours. , Long before he reached his home. he resolved to carry. mut the spirit of his dream, -5 ft er sary preparations 10 work out a model. - The obstacles that interrMseil' were legion, but he L oyereatim them all Tools that he could not borrow Inc bought, and it was now that he, went to work most patiently and perseveringly paying very little attention tothe whiskey, as I hi , in wail appeared - 10 I.l9wrapped ..._ jo' Feet . — lTi7 l- WiTe77l . olll file VerY - Inlginnint -1115—'' Hoall4lll Ilia IllS . lllllll waq giving way poor, ial iirit, enhancing. W 01111111,111 1 ,- ritgi'lllir - 1-10ok Or money ropidly?Thotreasing, - ' took in sewing,,, While - he'saweif. planed and chiseled tit his model., 'll - it grin Morotte. and -seldom spoke, Sometime. , he would gaze stracteilly upon the model fora longlinte,tind ! then as if re assured, be would en to. work I again wit Irrenewed -- energy; 'and so lie eon tinned for many long and 'weary weeks, until 1 the model was finally completed, blot xtood,, before him perfect in till its parts, - .ks he Lworkett-a-t-i-t-in the Presence of his wife, ii gleam ol, , sat !scma •at. upon his countenance and he smiled. It was the first smile that_liad Mont - Med his counteminim since be had 'mint nt work oollio model. • 11,e carried it off to a, litlisiltAlitechattie, who engaged In make n line duplicate- for' t went y. dollars ; - and when lie • had-Mashed Ins Jo the wife titLe that i'iniount from I lair slender store more it sorrow . than in angee;lim•she knew the uttei'. protesting. • Itiehard \lilliranne for tlpt stilted is fricini in - tile matter; and , 11 - 41 . friend - 1,,t - Ving had some experiettee in . pi iiiuriug . patents. gave liiimtlie - benetit at' Ins knowledge.„ . • To procure the puma ,watild.cosi thirty dol lars more. 'this alarinea Nlitrer-; but -the patent must be haul, imir , that . amount went. Lrdue time'letters patent S.i.rived. =and he: had • flie - rough model - and the document-nothing "in . ttre..! Out nC tifeti, it 'ei - o . ohl be next to int possili,le to realize : anything T - No, he must have-n madam. capable of working. Ile felt satisfied that not hin p liort of a matillineWaida enable him to dispose right. Bit how to - geta machine- built-wok a- question- which •-• puzzled him sadly. N a one impableol making a perfect machine wool I undertake thebott fin• less th,fit one hundred dollars. Alas', lie had tio longer that SLIM Or 111011ey ' ill his house. mill er iris otioosi bordering it lleSpale, when one Of the mechanics to whom lie had spoken called upon him to makF a minl. minute ex- Hifi - to: oh m or the model: tit, was eminently a . practical nian, and he made most tloirough i•xaniiiiat ion, at tho end of whirl' he deelared 111. Ilk tires VOliViCtiall Was that the Oleellille wad e great invention. _At alt events he would Lc willing to bitihl one ou ❑ comin r .ehey. If doled 10_3yOr1i, , , he would charge Nothing; . but it' it anstv'cred tfie r espeetation or the .in- Vettliir, then Ile W olll 4ellaegallWolllllllieed burs for machine and risk.. This was virtually taking an interest in the sucer,s or the wren- I ion, and Richard him. The inert clianie Was plaliliprout ellorgelle, 1111t1:11116111 .' g Ill,:re'11010,foree lu Wiirk. lew days turned over to it complete machine (Its next holiness way 10 give' the ihaehine a tri ii, Ile Went over to Camden, Where Ile 11.1 in the business, mut prevaile,Luiem hie, to let the trial take pla c e at his yard. next (lay at 11 o'clock. Ile pro ,tir,ctor hail very little faith in the machine, hot as Ile had a large lot of brick for sale, he , was willing to submit to iihnost anything to attract attention to his yard. To this end lie slyly inserted an advertiseinent 'fit several of the daily popery of Philadelphia, announcing th e t r ial of a wonderful patent brick 11leellille, earning the inane 'and place T-which, of course, lie thought would only be another addition to the long catalogue at' failures in that lino of in- Yentions. NeNt day Miller partook of on early, break- Toot, and then posessed hintself of the last dol lar in the•house to pity currdut expenses. Ile bade his wife be of good cheer —that he thought he should return before night with not less than five hundred dolhu•s' The poor_ woman thought it more likely that* he would return dejectM, broken-hearted :and ready to die; but she said nothing. Froth his house he went direct tO -the ma eliine shop, and had his invention taken to the forty-boat. and it safely landed. put up, ready to operate at the appointed, hour —lle knew nothipgoh the advertisement in the 'papers, and wits the'raOreii little surprised to tee up wards of a hundred per:Mils congregated in the yard. Ile did not like it... - for in case of failure the mortification would only be the greater ; but he consoled hiniself with the be lief that in case of 'success competition might spriteg up and enable him lb realize one thou sand-dollars for his right, instead of five hun dred dollars, at which moderate 'figure ho . held it. The clay having been elevated, the horse was started and the machine- moved. „It seas a moment. of intense anxiety to every one, and painfully so to Richard M filer Eureka!—lt woo a triumph! .Metild after mould of beau tit'ul brick were carried front it, until in an in credibly short space of time, a thousand were tiniVhed and dryittg in the yard 1 There stood Richard Miller, gazing upon his invention It was the full realization of his dream, In its minutest part iewhirc.--It was the happiest moment in his life. lie was just on the point of otreking the right of making and vending'the machine in 'the gnited States to the lifghest bidder, when an_ohl Yankee tap ped him on- the shoulder. "Young man,'.' said h 0,," that's n very good ;Machine of.yours, hut. I- see. whore a very ha portavit improvement can be made, Under -such.ciretunstenees-Lwill-givo you-fifty--thou 'sand dollars for your- right, title and interest 'in it 1" =.• , Miller grasped one 4 the lovers of his ma chine to kite? from falling. No! it couldnot he ; the whole thing mist boa continuation of the brick „yard dream. • time such tibi you say ?" asked Miller; in llottht , 111 01, 19 1 1 4 d 7." . taqd 1110 man,levidently 'reedy to increase the amount if Miller detualati e(l It „ ' lake' it;" rasped the inventei,' who Milt cool:1 not believe tho . evidenco of his sem % Thca.cutue with me,":,„ „ ..„ A few moments ;gore and' they Were on their - Way to Philadelphia; and, In crossing - the rii7 er, Richard Miller paid . the, last six-pcney he had hi the world for ferringc.—Once Urrived in the city, they went directly to the fillice.of a lawyer, where the necessary papers- intik nig a fidl assignment were drawn up, • Miller all the while doubting the possibility of the'inad ;acing anything- like the amount of money he offered;' but lie still resolved in his wind that he was safe if he got but a single thousand in cash, and dhe balance in ,worthless pronii , sary notes: At length the assignment was finished f.toulftii . gue-4-4t.ndate-nnuk,lnpaed,Mliller a el eel:, payalflo at one of the principal hanks...l7M) .entire , anionnt, on thoOntek of which lhe tui:ney certified to Miller' being the owner of the check." • - The liatenlee Ivas still incredulous:. satisfied that. if-the Cheek was worthless..it would he evidence of fraud, and the sale not the papers wore-exchanged, and he left. the °nice. Ile hastened to the hank and pre• seated his check to,*the . paying:teller. • That gentleman serulinized it a moment, and !Ilea asked -him how-he would have-it'?- • ' - Richad Millet• w•as again tonplu4seti.--.lli stood •kika a . oatue, gazing upon ihe.teller tin, til Iheitaeslion was repeated. • " tttul silv . er!" said Richard. "Chilli rind silver ?":fetitf the teller' in-sur price—" hare you it dray ?" • " Ileg your pardon." said " Let nue have it hag of :t Ihuusund (1011,,,s in gold mid :41.01,011111-411-e-.1111111-11136- A hag with .tliat, amount in mixed coin way soon placed before - him:Alit& foitylnine pack ages' of one thousand dollars each were lnid t he 'votinter:, -- Nii . ller had - by- tiiis time in n'titerisitre regained' his self pos , h , sino. awl ; alter stuffing the notes into hiv pocket. - he shouldered his bag of coin, and left the hank. Is gr.rogg a< he stny ottiggithis he hailed it and rode Ell within IN'O 4111111 re, or hi:, home. When lig,•reittglied the latter; he -sigi,elf,ggregl In hettent h hi. Land. reel walking glirertly to. the 6 , 1, fie mi . ,' iel the , lngg or gingering eigin.un : 'rm-it-tgr the - --inthigtertni-gr.g.4legn-gn-lthq.-AvifiLi... 111 lilt was I, Ala. NV , 1101' 11:011111,111101111 15'11011 Ile 1 10,11 Y -101 1 1 , 14 1, 1/[ , .[lociketsletekttgeerieinictnefile-, enn't•tilie,l hiee4el eel il in liad Lliuuuut!' t he'lll.4 - 1 intek:e4.! Itlloll 1110 11.01,-Wllllll 1111 p; 1 1 \'l.l way 10 1111.141. 1, 11,10,1 010[1110,1 ex.travng.tet •-• 111. - ! ha! ha: - lie laughed ‘• my-dream is nut! The ni whine Fiky thol:and ! lia.! liii 1:1 Then euatchinglilp his child, lie 'con_thine.l, li:icing the room My boy —you are no beggar: I•'ifwy (boil s:ma ha:.ha " lu this way he raved. st:injp ,e,l. Large health upon his b r ow, his live looked I.:i gg : k mi. :opt like:ye had the wild glare of a 111811i:10.-,111. Valli ilk Will` tried:to giant Ilia agitation; he raved un til he ruptured it liloo,l-veset: IL: sat 'down in his eillllr with his 111 . 111 S, the blow' fro/it Lis uuse 111111 month. Ile grew back to iinhilg`e, inattot her hys terical .it wins checked ling noise, :itel the iii:xt instant 'Richard Mil-. ler wa4 a corpse!, Ilk spirit li passed away, in the latignagepf Longfellow:— LIU 3 glorious roll'ci drums, Is I lie triumph pr.:, dre:kin . The reader will note that we have used lie lithium pH : reitl:nalinni. The tlyieliine, voul. under the 1131111 e of he .purelia.air. made Lim an inilelietnlea fortune awl is mill in use; .hit. tittierd., better adapted to the ago in which we live.' have nearly eroiviltne' it out of the market. ;rabics' flepartincut: _ , THE BRIDE OP BALDOOti The story of the bride of 11.1bloint let been rebite.l with all the grace of fiction in Ibe “liritle of Imninternpor," by Sir.ll'alter t..;(! , ,tc and - it has been set to exipti,iite !Tilsit, by Don izetti, urthe pointlar opera of "Lucia ili Lam mermoor," bat the story in its - octopi] eirmon stances, is pectiliaCly interesting and deeply. impressive. She was the Honorable Janet Dalrymple, - .Wighthrnfthelirst Lord Stair; so di s t its a lawyer and the part he luck in dhe polities of the day While still in girlish Years the younglady contracted aliasdonate Which- moot to Lord Itutlwrfortl, Earl of . Teviot. Thy yontig noblematt returnOl this affection, and i the pair plighted their troth in the usual mau -1 tier, by parting, a coin between ibent. and im -1 preeating dismal evils upon whoever should withdraw from or violets,. the compact. Btu ! this alliftnee did not I•mit the vim+ or the pa t tents—vOlether from deficient fortune in the young lord, or from contrarian. , polities, ILA -11(.1 appear They ftvored a 11,,W suitor, who appared in 'the person of David Dunbar, younger, of 811110011 in Wigtownslthe. Ito learning that Denied' wa+ advancingin his suit ; Lord Rutherford wrote to his mist iero to remind her of her engagement, but receiv ed an ansWer no her mother to the effect that she was nom • nsible of the error she had committol in enteell •into an engagement un ; _, sanctioned by the heat and authority% and this engagement it was not her intention to fulfil. The lover refused to take an'aiWWkwhich did not come directly from his mistress, and in slated on an interview. ft t o ok owe ; but in the pre.Selll'lC of the mother, a women whom public report represented as master of her husband end whole family, and indebtol for this influence to witchernft, though for no oilier reason that can 'bo &scented beyond her uncommon talents and force of chnsacter. limey be-readily be supposed-that even the, resourees . of love would be or but poor avail against the skill and resolutfon of stodiit -per son When. Rutherford wits introduced, he found her ready to meet his „arguments with what was an unanswerable defence, a text bf Scripture, (Numbers xxx, 2,3, 4,5,), Clearly absolving woman ?rein a hood entered into in her youth. if her father_ disallowed the fulfil meat of it., and - proinising . that in such ease "the Lord shall forgive her." The poet• girl herself sat mute and, overwhelmed, while the lover vainly pleaded against the application of this text; and the SCCIIO ended with her sunrender . of her portion of the broken coin, and his dying distracted front her house, after telling her she would be a world's wonder for what she het done, and was yet to do. The union with young Balloon went on,but entirely under the management of her mother for it is inconceivable that the young man • could hive pressed his suit if he had known the extent to which the bride was under con straint. The wedding was celebrated as tons customary in . those days, in the presence of the relatives of_both parties, and with great festivity,. but the bride remained like one lost inn revery, and who only moves and acts mechanically. ..A younger brother lived,long enough to state to a lady who ccnmutiimtt ed it to Sir Waller Scott, that he had • the duty of carrying her Mt horseback behind him to church, dud he remembered't hot the hand with, which she clasped • his waist was "cold and damp as marble." Full of his now dress, and the part he atited.in'the procesdnil, the cir cumstance, which ho leng•afterwards mom -bored- witlt-hitter-ttorrow and - coot punotion; mado no impression on him at the time, „ ' In tht~ evening the'nerely Wedded party Fe tired to their &amber, while the merry-making still proceeded in the hall. The roan had boon looked: and the key taken possession of by the bridegroom, to prevent, any of the uti seemlY frolics which, it would seem, were sometimes played Mt on suoh occasions. Ittn suddenly there was hoard to, proceed from Ilia hridal chamber aloud nod piercing cry, fol lowed by dismal groans. •Onita being opened the alarmed- company found the bridegrooM weltering 'in, his, blood , on .the threshold, and, Thu !ride .00wering nemmor 'a the clam. uey,..with nuooveriug but bar,. shaft, tud that MI S'lsl 50 per annum in advance.' - t S 2 00 Knot paid 'ln:advance: dahbled'in gore. She told. them „to take . " . lwitily bridegroom."' It was evident that she 4trits iusline—anda he general belief was that '.lit! frantically st•ibbed her husband. From that moment she made no other rational cola iounicatien, hat pitiCanway 'and died in.less than three weeks. Young Rahloon recovered, enter- into' explanations re garding the tragic occurrence . Perhaps it is 'ibis mystery alone .whielt has given rise to 'belief of the 1111111' descendants of Lord Stair; that the wound-trim not 'inflicted by their un-, happy , relative. hat by Lord Rutherford, who, tlt ov v, see ret iii•Mitill:liiffl7,4ape7iraitemltr t fs. by a. win- This notion seems to ng contrarTto ail,' probability,. not merely because ,theChneep.., lion of siielt iuh act was far 100 grosivfor a man of'rank even itnliat day, but because, 100 l it been acted tooth, something must have come ofit,..cither.iu the way of privatetige or of procee tire bidbruit eriminsl . leourt..The idea was prevalent at ilte time,. but it may be classed. we think, with another recorded by the ereshileas law..tdat the poor bride was ta ken from him and karle,l through ,the house by Bphit.,e. David ,Dunbar is described in an elegy by Mr. Andrew Simpson ns a most respectable tumidly LV`lltiellian, an agricultural improver, anti rut (of studitt; habits. Ile died by a fall from nurse, while riding between Leith faid Edinburg, in '11;84 and was interred in Holy rTul eimpol, • Andrew Lord Rutherford is Htufetl-itrtiurrein 1685, ourt • wLfts From an article in the last Hrper, under the'above t en d, we make the Ibllowing extract. - 'Hie wife's. sensitive organization is much enhancellby the nature of American society- F. 2 whiell has so little doliiestie stability..and as com.tantly titve - rs changes of fortune an of lo cality. Wa. e re, tn . a people, in a-continitotts revolution, 'tind- in My or Country, the man 'W - 1111 fathers is thermos exception. This mutabili 7 .r . 1 1 .01111 1 ,11: who tie naturally adhesive and . consorrift ire, and take neatly and. deep root in. the soil where they art; first planted. The orile , il or the lirsf-yeitrs or married life, which. is.bren t ; cougenial natures, lint without se- vern trials before Twit 11/11111 . eS ill'smne respects , different Ikre assimilnled , i 4 -1111 the severer when ;Wended With the freiptent•change.s and startling incongruities of thr social position; and the American girl Who has been the pet-..-- id .tather's inay;. s wit hoot falling in it?....linkind hands, have. many %misgiving and a Sinking of heart when she finds herself in to - new and a strange home, - with a husband tired - by'liiisiness, cares that never intruded upon rho'olll hours ofdioneyell courtship, tindftllloll;.. neighbors'.wlio are strangers to the monism it/115.'11:1d 11011!1113 Lai the associations; and re finements of her youth: Let her be ofnverage.. good fortune, she must find society in many respects i s unsatisfactory andaggravating,and she is tempted , by the universal emulation tit measure her condition by what She desires. not Ity.;vlCat she possesses, and unless she . has beltq_gable than the ruling fashion, she led to roust ter competemie a dbmppointnitiitf — T. in view or the noire brilliant prizes that Move fallen intii dace dashing tieigilbors 111111ds. -- ' l . l/e habit or invidious comparison is the fatal harm ticAnlcrimtt families; and when the wife's envyings happen to cross the husband's ambition, anti her ....social vanity refining to enter into his lousiness sehemings, claims for ostental MI the time :intl. substance he needs ' s tn cope with some rival's grasping competi fion,,woe-etonn-to the hottsohold, and thegood ------- angel veil, his face . and is ready to depart ; but let the wire, who should know him best, keep the boarenly guest. and if lonely self. 111 , 10111 . 111 V, or devout sacrifice be too great an effort, let her bringsocial fellowship to her aid an d comfort herself and her husband by such society as blesses ainhedifii,s the home. The• wife who will use the goOd privileges of any ;n" Oily, and encourage the presence off Cowls, whom, though few, she most respects • • will find herself strengthened, and a few inmates of t rue quality ivill cheer and help. 111. r far more then the whole train! of frivolous fashionists, who care for he'r the less after till her a . ttention to them, and not seldom make 510;01 her-best eadeavors to entertain theta in style. Let the wife know that every associ ate whom she'anol her husband both like and respect is a tower or strength and n treasure of eetnifort to the..family. and it few sensible, well principled, good hearted: . independent men and , women may be a match tot all the foolery of the 101{11, and create all atinospheru ' in which every ' , Must aggiii i s ab -and right pur, pose thrives...nappy is the wife whose best fiiend.s are also her IntshantTs and who is. nearer hint and his worthiest purposes by their cempatdom-hip. 111 fares the wife who takes the Miter course, and surrounded by frivolous , . triflers who despise till serious thought or tail, tempts her husband to like folly iu the oPpo cite extreme; by (mining home to chat for ever with the drudges of the nuorketlinice, . not to carouse with the revelers of the club and gambling house; WHAT ARE LOOKING FOIL ? man was s angry with his wife, either because she talkbd Ito, much, or for some reason or other, and . resolved not to !speak to her for a long, long ~. time. Ile kept his resolution for a few days very strictly. One evening he is lying in bed and Wishes to sleep. he draws . his eight-cap eder his ears, tad his wife may say what she - will. lie-litems. nothing of it. The wife then takes a candle. and carries it to ever! nook and corner of the room, -- she - removes stoOlsi -- chairs, and tables, and,Jooks carefull,y•behind them. ,Thelttistilibil sits up in bed, and gazes inquiringly at her movements ; he thinks that the din must -have an end at last ; but he is mistaken—his Wife- keeps on looking 'and_ searching._ .The husband loses patience and cries, . “What'are you looking for 7 1 - 11 For your tongue." he answers ; and how that I have lbund it, -tell me wlny yint are angry." Hero upon they beeitiT t o good friends again. „ floors, Pst.sn' HALO, WOO AM) MAT RIMON v. —.lO act wok introduced into the En glish Parliament in 1770, "that all women, of whatever ago, maidens or widows, that shall, from and after such act, imposenupon'tral be tray into matrimony, any of her majesty's natio subjects, by the scents, paints, cosmetic washes, teeth, false hair, Spanish wool, iron - Stays hoops, high-heeled shoeS, holsipred hips, shall incur the penaly of-the - law new in force against 'witchcraft and like misdetu*anors, anti . that the marriage, upon _conviction, :than stand null and void,".. A 'GEM P11031..AN Ora) Boox.-11 has been eloquently and truly said, that if Christianity Were compelled to lien front the inansions of the.,peat, the tteadomies,of philosophers, the -hall of lesislatots, or the tyrongsof 1)114 men we should flrol her last retreat with WOMAII at the fireside. fler last...audience' would be the children gathering around the knees of a moth last'siteelf.lo-t lie - Prayer silence from her lips, and heard, porhapp,only at'the t irowti of Clod. - ' 4 6 4:Aittas BeatNime,--:Three 'Young 'men 'named Ice were married to three young byline in Anderson, 111., n tow days ulnae, Iciolem. - will be 'npt to gIiAtML ere long'nbout their ta blew, seoreoy.' Ims helm well .termed the soul 'of ell greet' deoigno ; perhope more has been etKoolc , lb,Y ouneonling our own imentiOnti, than li3., , ditetiverinF them (+fair enemy. nagreot men euoeeed-m'botb. •- • - • El ,4 / :~4.:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers