OCatif,sli 7- trit - 1 it .1 ••" ,OARixsz.n, PA.. WEDNESDAY JAN 26, 1859, • CONGIALEISSIONAL In fire U. S. Senate a jsiat.resshoion has been adopted, appointing Conimodore Stewart: senior flag 'officer. jointresobit ion lies abm been passed, to permit Townsend Ilarris„con-_ sul General of .fopitb, and.hisinteipreter,eneli ----ttnottept , ft-gold-simff-holt--from-the--fttremr-of-- . Bngland—ne-Pabilie--Railroad'hill-w714 . sod • dscus'sion and was farther ainended by Sella-. ' -tor Biglert granting all ornate sertimis of t wen - ty.miles,ofland each.side.of he-imad In cow , tractors . ; not to be 'given until one section of - twenty-five miles of road lie built, and one• fourth tho whole amount of land 'to lie reserved , as sepurity for the completion of the middle di 'vision. of. the rota - Also $1.2.0110 Vlllied Stales hoods to bp issued to theeonfraotor lbr each mile completed and in operation, provid ed the enure amount, br bonds shall not exceed $16,000,000 - A petition lulu been presented by Senator Wihmn, from the Sod ety of the Cineinnatt.of Massabhuseas asking, seitiement ELe `claims for half pay for lifc promised' by the • tie't.'of October, lo the Continental:artny.. pie.petiiionersAloLuntask_this.-4s 7 u-ntat-ter : -q . bounty. or pension, but that Congress redeem ifs4)lighted • In the House on Monday - , the (lentil of Thom tts.l.. Harris WOO tut nottitee.(l, and' the osital • •proceedill ks took Place.; , The Committee on Pultlfe Lands reported a ' bill confining tVe :aggregate compensation 6r . Registers Wild ri lleeitivers of Land- Offices to .1t25,0 . 1.0 per annual, and it was passed. , An other bill was reported and pasvd, to rech.o nod continue in force without. rc,Uriction.or, - ;time, — ther - bontity — land — acts of 1842,.and 1852 lifils . werealso passed providing for th,e repayment of the ptirchase money for bands erroneously sold, and appro- Triating :Eiatif! to 'establish the Western boon . dory. of Minnesota. _ • The coitttlar and diplomatic approprihtion bills were.before the House, iu • committee of the. ahulc.• :-11r.•Keitt made n.-speech invfacor - anba. The Ikuse struel: out 010 item f o r • Per:4o7Siinmenazileut ffiloyed. by Mr: 1.0v60y.0f to . strike obt.llcti item of'ininisterstind COM- . —inissiotters;:ouly failed hy — tWoli . e — iiiiijiffW: Au ttutetulment out the salary of •111inister lo Runty was carried, as _also one striking out the item fora - Nlinister 16.Swifzer land. .The pending hill wa - S then laid aside, and the House then took a recess until.even ing, when a session was .held foi'. general de bate on lire l'resiilenes message. Thni•sdag the House was petted with prayer,--for-the first ante, hy-a- CathOliePriest in I'llll dress. The United Slates Settaio.ivos not in session on Sititirdily, having Adjourned over until Monda - y.. In the House the proceedings .were again opened with prayer by it ° ltontan Catholic - Priest, in full vestments. Mr. -. E. Joy Nl4ris presented the h o rilr rsolotions of yennsylvanin. aryet t, of Virginia; and Jones, of Time see tried to prevent their being read, but Col. Florence, of Pennsylvania; Mr. Stephens of ---- iforgia, and 'Air.' Barksdale, of MissiSsippi, , succeeded in' eahtiing the opponents, and the— reading proceeded; niter - which they were or ,— .dered to be printed and laid on the table. P E'NNSI'L VA NIA LEGIS .AT URN In the ,Senate a bill was reported to abolish rthe Board of Canal Commissioners and the olliee of State Engineer, and passed unani- inously The Ilmise resolutions relative to the Tariff . passed by a 11/1111111110116 vole. An universe report, on'the bill to repeal the net providing for the appointment bf a reporter of the decisions of tho Supreme Court, wits made by the Commit . In the lipase the tariff resolutions were re ported front the select - coin:nit tee and passed. The follitwing are the resolutions as . adopted by both Houses. • Whereas, The' experience of the past' and present most fully demonstrate that it is wise and beniticent policy of the general gov ernment. which. dictates the imposition of dir ties on such products of foreign nations as come in uch direcUeout Oct with those of our . count if m , as to interfere and prostrate the trade. of our own soil and among our own citi zens. And, wh4ens, for' want of such aid, the country is tilled with foreign products, the re ettlt labor ; the monentary allairs of the nation'disarranged by the exportation of specie, to, pay an indebtedness abroad, and the citizens and laborers in many departments of trade compelled to abandon'their accustom ed employment ; especially do our own coal and iron interests suffer. Therefore, ReSolved, By the Senate end !louse of Rep resentatives of tee Commonwealth of im General Assenabry met, That our Senators in Congress be instructed, and our Representatives reqnested,'to labor fur the passage, (at the present session) of such an act as will not only tend to increase the rove but—affair • adequate protect ion to all the interests of the ' country injured by the productions of cheap labors of other countries, but more especially to urge an increase of duties on coal and iron -- --in which so large a portion of our own peo ple are so deeply interested.' . Resolved, That the views of the President, expressed in his late annual message, in refer -once to the - advantage of specific over ad valo• rem duties, as more uniform, less liable''to frauds, and affording the most certain amount of revenue and protection,. meets our most, . hearty approval. Resolved, That the Governor be requested to fdrward each of our SWIM OrS Anth Repro sentatives in Congress a copy of the abode - preamble and resoluthififs, informing then - of" their adoption. Mr. Goepp, of Northampton, denied tit; Tight of the Legislature to instruct the Sena tors. • • :Messrs. Lawyenee, of Washington, aritman" of Luzerne, and Williston of Potter, advocated the resolutions. at.great length- The resolutions, as originally offered. were • finally adopted, with very slight modifications Messrs. Goepp of Northatapton, and Laird of Erie, voted against them. The bill to abolish . tho Board, of Canal Com missioners was reported and 'mind as it came . from the Senate. • • The Committee •on the contested election case of Oliver Evans,' reported_ that ho was entitled to his seat. _ • • - ContritiSN sdimor:s.TtcStixtp Sjiierinten.' report. From' it we learn that there are in the State; 11,281 schools; 13,856 'touchers and 628,201 scholars. What an airey ! more' than half a Million of "young Americans," some of whom, in a few years may hold in theirtands the destinies' of the. keystone.:._ .Accoviing 'to the report, the average cost of eneh scholar's instruction, is just fifty 7 thrce cents it lima:: TUB WEA!,TU.OP PENNfifLVANIA.-;-'IIIQ 11181. annual ropert of tho!tuditor General, gives %pi:uninteresting 6latistic,4, Tht; total ripprais. ell wane of real . nnd personal properti in this comnstynweOth . is $668;770,284.. The assess menfsoftateis $1,184,816,23.:The population, ' , 2,4314;386 inad the . nutittiipf fitiebtee 618, ¢, en' ed ttf : Pl'oeidc inedits to pay 'on . the Stale debt, by rpicitig the rate of , disceunt by Bankei to 7 per cent. mid fegteing them to priy Ovecl per cent. to the State. • Such armeasnre would operitte - luitil on the' business portion of the community, Who are •Most likely to require Bunk a,cconimodittioiiti, and we trust the opposition majoilly in the,. loWer llott,e; Wilthave the good sense to avoid t h tt - t p h ich" Inth 'been Bud for them. - It has I”Zoirattn snit], that: . whenever the • ..too •Lats_lutppe.u-to,-I.le in the . pposition—are—satre—taLmake—sonto—mistake sufficient to neutralize any goed.,they might have acconiplished, and throw I hem again in' the . .`,)!Jok ground... If that saying is to helli on.] during the - present session,. we hope the mistake wdl not be made on a measure which bas for . its object, the oppression of the pro._ ducing classes. - !stelelon . of 'Coiigi,ized As Congress has but a little over four weeks, in which to transact the vast, amount of busi ness dill on I , lie files of the two .Ifouseti - ; pn oli .Among the most iniporinnt hills co 0 . 001 apjyruprintiartilM; tlid Lill for lie faciliinting riegotiations.' tor the imi'l.:)tat;e•of Cuba.; tliC ',joint. reseluiion . . • Iron) the CatuttitNe_ottforeigu_airaie.s,lZOlig iu the ititlire, Lo a proletitorate over lexieo. The I.:11111)ml ; the itter6:ise of - pay to naval otlic'ers 'the subject of ati rate of postage the admission of pew Ter ritories. Add to these the anten.lntent of the Tarilf,and theAnany mjnor questions yet to Alh.pos - ed of and we must come to the eonclu, Atm, ilnit luilecv,thcmeinhers work more, anti talk ny . pr these measures, will be eon siginaj.jo the care of the next Congress. Contrasting the pay 'of members 01' Con gre'ss,.---for --the present---s . ession,--wit he 'amount of 'work done it is hardly probable that t lie Government will be able to write " value iseei vett." opposite the total - of ex pe - ns . e. The present session gives to members thnusand-alollars,,a month, besides mileage and perquisites.. Deducting (he ,SllllthlySand Ih . e.m'esent "shoii sestdon.will allow altu'ut GO v ti-king days, for Py constitistional -requiremettl,-• into& close' - OH" the-rtilird-o Nlai.elite;,d, which will give - to - eneh-menilier, nearly fitly dollars per day 'for every day em: played,. exclusive of Mileage: ~ A - GLIMPSE - ArIiOREIGN AFFAIRS. The detnibi of, foreign riews-broiigl;l by 411 c uropa, gives Nil her n woriikel i ntlieet to 'llO - Eiii ore. The Lonfl,m Tinto, i 4 srmie- W11:11 excitell .iik rrgord to ,Mexico, under an hiIMSSIOII 111'63C . 1 . 4t, Volie . . y or our Gov ertment,:ii_to. aLsorb tlio:provilices or Chilli', 1111110 111111 SOllOl . ll. in satisfaction of certain elainM'ag,inst the country, and scents to fear; . that-i1,11,-xico-18-.to-be-sold out 1101Arr . ktren 1101), 1111•1'0 . 1v ill not be assets .4nflicient. to pay Thiropean creditors. — .l . 111;bo - ni.sta in Ireland, under the:name of the Pluenix Club, is beeotniitg'd source of distti:- etude to the 'British 'Government, tied they are taking - prompt measures ro suppress it. Combinationri of this order, have been discov ered in Cork Belfast, Kilkenny and. other 1(..)171 - 1S, and - fenrs'are entertained that similar organizations exist in every county in Ireland. The" utherlties arlimsy malting arrests.. _ In France, or rather in Paris, -for Paris is France, great agitation exists in consequence of a remark made at a levee by Napoleon the Little, a la Napoli: i on le Grand, to flit , : Austrian Minister, mud the impression gains ground that Europe is on the eve of a general war. Italy is ima feculent, and if as insurrectiOn should take place, it is supposed that the Em peror of Prance may interl'ent and thus secure the independence of 'ltaly from the, domination of Austria. • Ausitia is sending large rein fore.onents into LMobardy, and the Atistrittn Journals boast that she iS strong enough in Italy to meet any eventuality. The message Or Mr. Buchanan in regard to Cuba, has stirred the blood" of "Cast ille and Leon," and - the journals of iNlatifid,• contain reports of the debate in the Chamber of Depu ties, on that exciting topic, we ha . ve only room for the following brief extract: "Nr. I.llloa said : I ask the Government if it intends to repirto the 'Message of Mr. Bu chanan; inasinnelt as in 'that \le,sage is a paragraph on the stiltieet of annexing, Cuba to he .United Staten, which contains n. new and Tally , grave itn..ult to the Spanish Nation." 111Lu•shal (iDontiel declared that the Govern ment was disposed to demand due satisfaction for sueltmirimillt and then said: " The period of discouragement. caused by war and disunion has ceased in Spain. Our country is now positively in no era of devel opment and veritable restoration, the power of Spain be not great enough to Imm ure, it is strong enough to defend the integrity of t he twin spy of t he Nlonarehy, anditreserve the dignity sill he Spanish name without stain. In what...vet' circumstances the Spanish na tion May lind itself, it will in the luture, 118 in dill past, never be insensible to its honor; never will.jt abandon the smallest portion of its territory. and a proposition having that tendency will always be emisidered by the Government an an insult to ,the 6pansh peo ple," A NEIN' PLANK IN' Tlll PLATFORM.- The Tamany wing of the Democratic piny, in New York city,•have taken- ground in favor of the purchase of euba.. and of the appropriatiOn of thirty. millions of dollars, to enable the Presi dentalopen negotiations. Itesnut ions were passed regarding the ac quisition of Cuba, as the future "test ques tion,".ut' the party, in which all minor issues were to be absorbed,. If the rule that , 4 it takes two to make abargain i " holds good 'be tween nations, as it does with individuals, the purchase AV ill,not mule very soon. At patch from Madrid to the London Daily News, sa '8 : " The ministry declare that Spain will neve? sell Cuba, and protest against the• hisulting hypothesis to the contrary implied in. the • American President's message. Aloeoga luts brought, forward a motion supporting the min isterial deciaration„which is unanimously ap proved." The Spritish government is said to gave ad dressed the cabinets of England SO France .on thi; subject of Mr. Buchanan's remarks in regard to Cuba. PRINTRIIB 7 EEBiIVALS.—TIIO ,one hundred. and fifty third anniversary, of FIiANICLIN, the - Printer, ;Philosopher. and Patriot; ,was:eete - - twitted on Monday the ,Pith inst. at New York: about. tive.hundred guests participated on gill:, Tho craft in 'Reading also had a "good Gme' , atm similar celebration. J, Lawrence Getz, editor of the Gq,etti., 'presided on the occasion assisted by J. Knabe, editor of the dn./frau/Mud othefs, an appropriate address was delivered by Cot J.-C. Myers: - Frail the rielineas of the "bill of faro;" and the variety of the "wine list," we may fairly eonelude that if . . ." They were en tee, they just had plenty." DANIEL WF3IEITER.-:•The . soventv seventh 'anniversary of tlitibirtiiilsy . of Daniel Webster Wits'oelVwato(l . nt ..Dostoh, ea' the 18th inst. bra sumptuous dinner, which was attended by n lifigei.nitinbar of the personal ftiondsantl Ailmhprs of tiiat eminent ecutoamatt.., • ; • . ,F.' k • , . . -.- Vil 11':- itFa - irMITYRS.-The remains of thir-. VARIETIES. ',.-../ : -,. - • ..._ . . . teen persons, Pliiladelphiabs nod others - NARROW ESOAPE OP TIVPNTY-TWO CHILDREN . physician and nurseswho • fell victims to the PllOlll DROWNING:-Ono Of th e most fortunate -, yellow fever in Norfolk and Portsmouth. remise from drowning thht We have had ,the while rendering assistance to the people o: \ iPt of chronicling took place yesterday t in- Our harbor; niers or pn, c/ 19 . the those towns iii '1055. were 'brought_ to Philo- ' ilternoo'lmmurewhich are aa follows: . - • ‘. - --- - dolphin Bast - week outlaw /I rma] at - , leturel - Hilt T -- TheSeiere, TMI - inveittheti: Of - this; - past week The . funeral servi • •es were conducted. by:Hr. 1 eaused,thiek ice , to form around •the piles of i ., ) ,,, ; the New. York Central Holdrinul'Bridge. and o . ti Thlencilel' al St ' 861.1 ' °n. ' °lurch ' "too ; ! this a large number of Children Inivedmen in' deee"'4ll was -- 1 -km•S - 8 Prigutlnt ,- frnthellY "I . i the habit' of plitying, not Withstanding the vigi- Harrisburg, mid a member, of the Cameron ; lance of the railroad employees and the police. Cuero/, - ditring ilte'Mexicau-War. "I Yest erday, - tat, ing advantage of the - absence or. IoPgOOLDIO - __OP 1)1,111,115H, • A' slave _named' Hell Ittlyrs,..Atettompat , duLk o th l e ii 'lq,: i ?i o p H ri t 1 -‘ y7:l k li ' in about one o'clock the ice - 010 ''""";" to -Pl ' n ' - : u 0 -:u 0 '' u4- W -Au- i - gyrre - wity - atiff - Weitf. - ent - wfittrtha -4 ritle; - 7 - tm - rry , . ....t.rtat."-cit..• ' . eelitn.t_tneatts-th.free--hims'elf,---his+ing-with-it-toreniptwo--of-the-eltiltlren,all-be-• wife and two Children. -.His services daring t ween the ages of seven andlt in e ye , ors,, Find- . ~ ing the position they were in, they screamed the prevalence of the yellow fever, were onus 1 for assistance,' but were not heard or noticed alluded t ai by : Dr. Ducachet. in hi s I ts- _ s a dd ress ai y_. any ,one _Oll- Gila.. shore. - .. .Mr.. Wi.liann ,St. Stephen's Church: ' Ilaslem was, fortunately. nut in a boat, and, • . seeing the desperate condition .of th e little. drd'ortsmouth, when everything was dm , 0 . , ,,,-... L erowil, pulled to their modsta lice RN 'tilliak as tress and terror, 076 - 1"" "C .innnble in """I Possible, and fortunately spcceeded ill reach -, V4llllll who was a Triend to all. He is a slave, I ring them; the strong ebb' t bib, however. malt- nod IL man 71101/1 all ought 'to honor. That l ing it , t ,.„,,, ter.atumeirdinietift3 ,, r _ li , h , fi - h . liT . poot'negro, irsextotrin oncortlio eporehe7S'al I boat touched the ice the greatest CoollieSs was . PIM iiinoill 11, was ill Ways on hand to nurse the I, necessary on the part of Mr. Ilnidein, as, not sick' as long as.opportunity offered is Robert Butt, land is a mall well worthy. iii " un ' e . withstanding his whruing toile children to ,o r , keep batik, they crowded to the edge . of' the• our highest respect , lVhile his ma:dines noose i tremtheroci,.., en. . „,.. 1 fi,ceing the importante of own 4 "!? 1 ;," 11 ' 1 ' 0)1 sie i snrssimhat . m d `' i i thl4 4iummiiiit&lrcrimii—H7THom-rmninurtrecl—plcing ; n' ham ' s 1151 r b " dit ' s ' N " w / 611-til * " rthe little finks into his , boat, 'and scarcely '"""• - lie /1"'"•441.k "h/n,l l it l '0"-!. 11 ,W"V n I'llrealiuld mail he hail got his boat loaded down_ -ii-nr g" er " / l eft '' '. ' lle -6 4 "l i nt e ' ft ' t •.") ,' to the Villipp'S edge. In this condition be: had shall be a slave no longer:. He a been sent. , „ / „.„ ‘ „ 1 , care in imvigailog his craft, vidi ltere.to , lulu ,the remains ef, those who. like / which he, i gice,.. , (l " . o , en .,„ ffly ,, „ aching hint, _were, elideaVoring to stay tin% progress of 4_BontlrilitSPoint, -- 'with - his - li,v ' T y, freight -thisififfs-iifonster."..- Ilif - Wilt 1.. -- . -- t - t 'fink and all 'safe and sound.--.llcrtim Ledger hi' Thum. tell his friends in PortSmouth that Pidladel- 1 - phia has a grateful heart, and•chn appreciate Y r / . .• . „, ltitidne,s. •' -, ' , • • • - 4 '' TRIAL Tipp or THE WI'NANN STEAMER,-'i lia _ , • _A.- • 1 , ,...,,,1i1ia : . ; B .The following is MITT'S ppeal to.the 111,11.1)11e: I iron steamer bait by this Messrs. . %Vinous (the . I last novelty afloat since the Leytothatt). went To'Tnn Putt,ANTonorte.—The ondersigned• upon it trial trip yesterday morning from the wantonly, 'known as Bon Bt:TT , ii slave, aged yard of the builders, at the Ferry Liar, to the -forty-thrce years, °Wiled - in . Portsmouth,. Vie- North Point Light Ilium and back; About ginia, and now in this city by. permission of ¶I o'clock steam was begint to be raised, and tum-fer, is earnestly ankions.lo - free hint- 'at near eleven d.clook - the steamer turned se'f, and 16;3 Wife mid two children from ser - gracefully' fl'olll her moorings and wits headed vitude, and begs •leave to appeal to the well down file Patapsco With ii NTS:4I,II'C ot . known generosity of the people of this great 1 pounds of steaM (half her eapacitY) a'satisfoc :city fur assistatice. • tory hentlwaytwas tondo. - ----The--undersignmLik_a_sexton, undertaker_ - b ow and stern --barely and grove.-digger, and as such, it was Iris mel- touched the water, told the even progress of ancholy duty to dig the graves for and bury I . the vessel caused no 'commotion of the waves, one thousand one- untdred and fi fty nide of but left a sMooth wave like a groovo The - the itiltabitanti.,uf.Pot ttintont It, that short -. steamer passed Fort. Carrel tottil• Norai space of Obolll seven weeks, in the summer of Point, when she Vas pot shoot. On the • re' 1855, when the yellow fever desolated unit of t ur i t , A ,,,i wh e n u pp u . .ite Fort m e tt e fi rs , th e, Aided town. How these humble Litt arduous steamer was greeted with o salute of sin guns ditties were *regarded by his out peoplapmuy (rain the Tori, and iu recognition of the coin he htntwit by the I. ll m - dn.' cDract train the. 'aliment the steamer's flags were.disployed and Report of t fie Portsmouth Relief Association::l the steam whistle blown. . Anil then we had t ke .pravision_for,- ~ ...The steamer, both iiiingind.returning:,was thelburial,uf the dead. In this last sad duty, grected_bi the crews of all the. ciafts _the. -the-AssitiatiomwasmiaterhillyMssisted by-the iver with - cheers - ,- - waving'o 4 f - . hats; - and - outer indefatigAle'and truly praiseworthy exertions' tletnon4trstions of n like maitre, Besides Ilse of otN,Lone colored population. finnan:loy ollicersof the yessel..tlapiain Vaughan, engi known, a. 70.1 1 01., Butt. negro, - in .1 ilea.. llaxid Frazier-and:l. number-of the_work id;,line--perfornied duty beyond' all .price:— Brea . t here were On board Thonnis Winans From morn till night lahmed :it his spade, and fo ss vt 'h alls , and their graveyard his testing The steamer retutmed about 2 o'clock yester place. ell ditcction and stiperinten- ' day afternoon il . nn "after, playing about the Bence,ell wliotdi e d of the I . eYer were decentlf - l' o p e n water, was I :clurned . 16 her i"""tiligB ad yonopitled to their mother earth." , • the yard ofdhe builders. The 'average , speed mister has'aliatiA one half the mon- attained was nbont 12. ntiles tithesan hour. The eyed value of himself and family, and hopes are entertained that the citizens of Phillo'o tlitvlialtince END or TIII: KANSAS TltOrlll.r.S.—A to tit: Lopi4, lieWS froin Lenvenuoith tti 'the : , tates that Co:pi:tin Nlontgotnery, of the 3tly-loMterti: itiks/vidtintarily hint np.to the-onthorities; to :mar a trial Nara charges Calarlaiat:.l • in the recent troubles in sQutherit Konsns. • ' It is. reportedt hitt .Ctiptain Brow; the chief o Cc oppiisition ilesjernduce , hna left- the ler ritewy. No furtheylitiMultim , are arlirehend ed. There woo no excitement :t Letivenvol'ilt. - liu'eldn° ll,— (4. - dm - f — A - case of tiod3', .nittchin g in Troy recently fammth " Hutchinson family:" hung hiluself etin,ed a snail in that city. A nu b, head at Lynn, Mass., mad I Ith inst. Solna 15 , ! ed by the . hrothe , '..,..of a deceased yofing man years ago; this family, consisting of three Prior hroluf into a dissecting room and awned the furidturein the absence of the brothers,. 'PIS"' .helm and Asa, ' a l. their ; titFilietl students, rea:ted the -tinhject," re sister Abby, first appeared as a troupe of vtr- buried tt ;Ind then', retired to their homes at cadsts, and since that time have travelled over the request 'of the 7Hayor -who promised to n great putt of t h e uni ons and in„del ur ' oeror. bring the offending doctors to justice. S liICIIIE.-- ul6llll has been cute The Salt Lake "Valley Ton,".of December shlered partially itnane, tool this was nu doubt 10th, received by the matt, says that the wrath the cause or his death. , er was ifitensely cull, and several prisons had • been fruzen to death in the valley 111111 I cent. camas. The Utah Legislature was to meet at Filmure City, Decenther 110 h. Bee Ks COUNTY IN , LIII('N. We learn from : :the Reading Journal, that theSchwortz ihmo- : eratx, have formed" separalt; oiganivation in " Burks county. They held :t rottuty meeting on the IStli inst. idol adopted a plan fin• con ducting their elections in future Triangulat: f contests in Ilerlis," will ntal.e the politics of:; that county more interesting . than ever, as the ; chances of success are evenly balanced. i; EDITOBIAL C( . .NVE,'S-111k —The next editorial 'Cot. vAttion, will meet at Ilarrhburg on the 16th of February - next, one of our exchanges says: "The Hart hditirg Tektraph, extends a cordial welcome to the editors, but throws cold water on the Movement." Brother ltergner lutist not throw roil rrater l on the editors, or lie may get himself into hot water. ' • LECTURE ON ' THE Pwrss.—At the Printer's Festival held in :Washington on the Sd inst, the Hon. liorvitio King, tirsi pssfstant P. M. (leviers', delivered at address, on the news pupil' press of this country. WASHINGTON ITEMS . . . . The Postmaster General estimates that Six.= teen millions; nine hundred thousand dollars will be required for the service of the Past Office Department for the fiscal year, ending the„3oth of• Juno; 1860.. The Secretary orthe Treasury proposes to reduce the expenses' of collecting the revenue 4;100,000, by re-oriiinizing the collection dis tricts reducing the 116 ports of entry to 75, and the discontinuance of 21 of the 80 ports of delivery. It •appears from the public documents that,. , the amounts paid and incurred . by the execu tivesof Kansas on account of the extraordinary .expenditures, were as follows: Ry Gevernm (teary, $1';10 • by Gov. )Balker, ..$4,406; by Gov. Denver. 1,243. The Secretary of State recommends an appropriation for !Ise payment of the aggegate. The Treasury is nearly high and dry. Ac cording to the la:;t. official exhibit. the availa ble real balance is but one million of dollars, beingfotir less - than Mr. Cobb has informed Congress is absolutely needed to work the de partment satisfactorily. The public creditors get nothing but a sight of empty vaults, and promises to pay when they are tilled. • • 'The Annual meeting of the American Col oniviiioti Society was held on :Monday night, at the Smithsonian Institution.—TheAceretn ry's report statei that the receipts hist year - were nearly kicti2,o6o. and represents that. there is an increasing disposition among free colored persons in the .north to emigrate to Africa. 'The general interests of Liberitrare itoprffinz,yhe opinion is cohliilentj ex pressed that iireo"ProTsitioit - ficariFiiii eoront zat ion; and Liberia, will fail to arrest the pro gross of the Society, and great events are" an - - - ticipeted. • , "Majority and minority . ' reports have been prepared on the Oregon bill, by the members of the House committe 'on Territories, The . Senate Post Offtee anutnittee have a greed. to moll a .bilf inereasing, the postage-1 _rates to live eatitafetallAlistuneesitmlevAre_el (bouitnd miles. This- feature was opposed by Messrs.lligler, of:Pennsylvania, Dixon, of , Couttaotieut, and Halo, of :The. committ CO ;were unanimous as to restrains ing the fhinking .privilege, and propose to authorize the Posit - neater General, to receive 'bids on Cie best terms, wit Wait regard to par- Hauler modes of 'ince us now designa.. ted 'by law. ' uo probability:that Congress wit' to rates, of postage. ccutilntiou betOW perreeily preseir inl running pi' the initellino:y. • 'fho Queen of Spain on Sunday, Nov 42.8111 gave a splendid hall ;I her palace, which wan . 11f tended peittinbit--S h e — drrn t ti her Pilate Minister. Marshall O'DonnellAnd the litissian.Ambassador. The - British Min ister did not appotr in the ball room, on nc cuunt the day, it is alleged, thou'gh he ap tearedin'the.drawing rutini. This is quite nice tlistinctiott.:' A married man --in Sew fork State reeeiilly sold,bis farm, prep:mat - or:lin a Kans - as•es lion.. flit wife: being'in health and crtp -1 and likely to m ove rift inctlitibranvO rath er than nmagreealde companion on his jolty tiey, lie agreed to take•of ssUofrotit the price if rho' purchaser of the - property would prom- Ulailliilin her for the future. The con ditions were. accepted... • During the procession iu New Orleans. some fellow stole the oyyreoat of (teller:11 Scott: Ile asked the Cenend politely to permit him to take hi , coat. which the llttteral 'and he walked oil with the garment. ' There is a gentleman in New Orleans,, a Illerellant and a planter, and we regret to add bachehir. whose income this year• will reach ,the handsome sum of live hundred thousand aia., who ttreaty•tout years ago, was a cletk with a salary of fifty dollars a month. A man in Kentucky killed a cow, hod in the :dem:telt he found a large brass ring, a hair pin,•and a quantity of hooks and eyes. It' there had also been a hoop, we might reason ably suppose that Brindle had swallowed the milkmaid. I=l Mr. Philip Jesse, aged 120 years, died in New Garden, Russell COUlliy, Va., on the Ist of December. It is stated that a .short time bebn•e his death he was able to attend to -his own household aflairs, and that while in .his huadt•eth year he cut and split. one. hundred rails. . An explosion occurred at Dupont's *gun powdo mills near' Wilmington, Del., yester day, killing 3114. Gibbons and John Grant. The I ,shoek was..very heavy, as a largo quantity or powder was tgnited. A young man named Wales, of Sonth Frank lin,-Mass., on Tueaday_last, shot Miss Whit ing, with whom he was in love. ,110 made his escape to the woodS, au& committed. suicide by shooting hiMself. Alfred Vail, a proprietor of the Morse Me— graph invention, and one of the oldest tele graph operators toad electricians in the world, died af - Morristown, N. J., on the 18th inst. Gen. ,Scott has arrived tit,New,Orleans, and was rtaived by it military escort, the tiring of a salute, and an 'autism:o crowd, cvineing•the greatest enthusiasm, - & iLi bill has been introduced into the Senate . of the State of New Ythdt'exempling piablish ' era of newspapers and periodicals from the ihel law. unless it is proved that they circa hated the libel With a malicious intent, • Baltimore has been comparatively prospe rous during the last year the value of its trade is estimated at. $118,000.000, The number of pe•anos committed to prison in Philadelphia, during the year 1858, was 14,913, of whom 18 were for murder. "BURNT OFFEIIIMI.9. " —The Ani on, in speak ing of the sad fate of the two English ladies who recently lost their lives by their dresses taking fire says they 'were "burnt eilferings to the Moloch of Fashion "' THE GOLD FIELDS• OF THE WEST, Late news• from Pikeo _Peak-has-Um brought by-a Mr, .Elliott who.loft -Gthorry Crook, ow tho Bth Of December awl arrived nk St. Louis on the nth --- ACCIi - e - MrCreek - provisiens - were - plenty; and the adventurers tere.making themselves 'comfortable in winter varters: -There was no Mining going on. . • • Everybody -in the gold region' was full pf confidence. Mr. Elliott slid snot prospect any, but from what he hati seen hos no doubt that gold exists in sufficient quantifies to compen sate the diggers-.well. ~Ile.is of. opinion flil, the region - on the head waters of the Arkan sas Will-in allTrobabllity prove to be the best.- , ---Seyeral-nft he- ativeliturers,.weimengitgedit preparations for farming . . Game is abundant Ik ' Ci iv° trade liMarrisd on in lirovisions frdm New Mexico: •• The Indians Inive been quiet for•some rattnilts. but threaten that they ;will stop the white's when the grass grows again Me. William Ilent, of lienri Fort, I. is understood to be - of opinion that there,wilyhe amok trouble tkiih the indlans next summer, unless provitutaby treaty'er otherwise. 7.... ' New eisoob9. G itEAI T IDUCEMEN T S 0111111- MEM -CHEAP STORE of-A.. V. _BENTZ. Having just rcturyd from the city with n full and well selected stock of goods lii my Mu, Which I am p.cpared to sell ut the lowest rules. 211 y stock consists Lu pm•t.ol' LADIES.' I3RE'SS 9lttllliSolllo styles. - colored l'ojil-de.snlre - Dress Silks ' 101 l yds Black sonerio.r F1,911.11 . 31at lilies. till moil 'l.l,LiiiiroSTiiii wool plidds, Volenel4l+ Coburgs, Valenrlns. La prarciard—or ured;evtry. verily or lirl.SP goods. SHAWLS.: round corner • Steil., Illy Slate, - ^ Dreele.s, S.M. .DROIDERILS; .Collors nod Sleeves, sewn ht.. nod br Mile. Cambric,. Edgings. 'and insert tors. DWI I.IS'rIC AN!) SI'APLII HOODS: ' ' , slid • nold.:oulleil Sliertlng. I,:theaster Gingham, Cllol'lo4 and Linsey, • M ENS'. • . W EA French. donut mid .• .sliuias hr u , ry'tnsslrllai'N.llWFlCeti.F, .. Jeans, Tweeds. lords, Ac. CA ItI'ETS: 3 Ply - imperial Tapestry, in,:raiir, Hemp. I!e nie.noole 'end Adair Car pitt. f nll. , • wllltlis. ,s, 111011311 NING. GOO DST T, %rout.' patiletilarry. •all Ihu 1141. Cu tiall'uT a k pIASODA wearing nupurning. I 111V0 plirAtlfiFilii A full ht.dgli", of thourning waulit, at 111Kralry ,t; :SON'S ninurulp;co,l , re. Such as, Satin do •hoti,,,Tannkr, Cloth, llnrpuurn, BOHILAZIAVE, Alinierns Fraut•li Modut.es. all, WOI .I , ol,•tinea l`e,r. •allta Love Cells. Crape Yells. Crape Ciillarp iii,l-Steevearawl - alitlurgrades - 6T - I?inzlislrWron, • Purellasers . nre resper tinily "requested to, oil nud ox undue lilY Mork, preparo.l In offer superior to Loth us.lo quality trod pr Ire.; . .., A. il. ItENTZ, . . , Smith ihinriver Street, opposite the lost 01lire, _ (arli.le, 0,4.1,, IKAS: 11{1 4 1:V1' Itli:I)I.VI'ION IN PRICES I , or 1 h.,' this Oily elonsieneNl sollillif •it toy 0111.11; clerk Sr WI VITII (((101):. 4 ,,11 , r CM.... at loner prices than 17111 )11 1 1111111a any other store in the ef.iint v. • nievu.k ' , Pt jilliv,. an 11.1201..110:lines, - Cashmeres; 3hJrliniii, Wind - Plaids. Paratilettos.A,, in great variety. +l,oss slid 1 , 1111111 . 1, Ilriosilti SirlWif, . do. . Ilialiket Slant is. • Finonek; &e. ot,n• n INoo•Foteriu.', wool :;birt,<, Ca•sltilert:, And Ic.ei)tllo:y. Fur,, lielnrils at HMI 12 rout,, .t el—e•ltt s--A37!-fot m 1 51, Ilatalterehlvfs foal l'utliTslepves. = Most or the goods bought oitLin d few weeks for the, 0400. The stook Jo therelilre Ian:000d crooplete... , '.sll — io'rgoiii, hi wont 01 cheep. 10inilsope 11nd gnu (111111/S, will do well t,rnll and examine toy sloe!, I.e. 1111 1 1' 1111,11111.111 g 141111111 1 111 011 1 1111, liet1.1 . 111111(.11 1111101 111 r 1 1/11 stork at such polio ioust Fine sati.tiodlidi to ell. geoienther the 1110.11000 s (comer, oppotile the Railroad JAI) 1C N. It—llloOT4 4NIISIIOI, Seljillg (Irr rogardlesF of edit, In order to e 1... not not if -knurtrjr 'KW c IrT, cox togrri oN ERY, - C.A I L 1' A - IVilotentje s ltutPl - le;truirl $2 Tho Olen' inn nf ("omit Merdimils mid the public gene6slly Is iu, ilyd to it lisrgo assortment of C ITO ICE CA - • anutartured of the -test lohterlal nod x'arranted to °thin 110 1101.011 in thdr minis, 1 , 111111 will bi- sold ltulesale ur hetdil at hot rapt at the old idatorof • P. DI 0 N Y It NORTH 11ANoVEll STRIA T. CII:EISLE, A low doors North ofthe C.ulloin flop .It Bonk tit.t revolved a !urge assorttnerit of 'FRESH F 11,147'S :4N D NU TS Clio -I;ttest—hm.pintio'ii.rvo ,, hl , 4l+ , g . - Oranges, Lilln.ns, .., . Ilaisins, ' . • Prunes • Figs.' • Dr. 114:, - Ila nun nas, - .....,_ , l'lns A pplefi,' A linonds. ' FlMerl s, . . Creafp Soils, - Cocoa N tits, he... 1 ofr - talt,ill - I,i, ,•olil nt - IV.w rates. - - A it'oka 'laTg , as' rtment of I=l of every variety. Also, nil the best,' brituils of A . N.11 TORACCo, - - - A 111 0 .1.11 and GOllll/111 numulneture. The subset lber returns tlortiltS fir the liLmnl patron. vo bestowed-on blot hr the public. and solicits n Cl , le auttutte tit theAr_tavors. Remember the 11111 stattd of P. AWN YER, Korth Jimmy. Street. Carlfslo, hole , • V y T. A VII I I ES, - JEW' EERY, • A NI). En. WA BEATCON LYN'S old established Stand. Wei.t slain ttea4j, opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. 1 lon e just recoil...La new assortment of watches. :ewelry. medallions. sih er ware, Le.. In addition to my ortner stork to W , lll‘ll I invite the attention of the ;pidle, Theashortment imilwares line gold and silver lever watches lOunting ml op en e ns; dn., gold Anchors for .c. v Ladies awl (Motion:en - and °liver• Le- pines :mil (inflater natthesnf every va• rlety in style and prive. Also lino gold nlednlllnus. llrenst..pins for ladles and Gentlemen of ever) linalit). pattern and price. (fold fob. vest. rush and nevi, elothis. ilohllwavelets. linger ~ Hoge, calf-pins, studs. 01.1, ..-buttons. 01110500, i•hnrmx, hold :tint silver thimbles. silver anti plated butter lints es. nal., table, Inn. salt and mustard spoons of even• ligtJ,,,,ty. A large assortment of gold. ❑ver I S0111:111111 spertnt•h•s. tO salt all ages to within we invfle 9welal Litton . A duo of or 01:1) PENS from the best natkeiat ,peetarle eases. faacyllaxes. Alter and pearl eard Wad and t . :011111131' 11111illalc u nigh drains, MllllOO Clocks and a variety of art idea tipu• . _ ally kept in Jewelry e,tahlishatents. whkh will sell low for rash. All sulkies fray rant,:.l to he whet they are represented. l'artkola i t atdeu tlou pall as WWI to WATCH REPAIRING nod all work war OEM! Dor. 23. 1857,1 HALBERTS FAMILY CFROU FRY, QUEEN:MAUI . : AND STORE, Nor . th-lrest Corner of the' Public :hluare, oppo xite the Carlimle . Deposii'llaille. 3. D. lIALWiti , LnY nkain roplenishyd hiestork oods. 111...a1111111,41 , 110 W lull find Mllllllloto, among 11 Web nutty lint untultthiltoil try varlet, uY frveh ' FA.M LY .G It 0C ER LES, which in quniit.) and prime CAN'T BE BEAT A largo stoek of Ch lo a, fli/Itig and Queensware, of now and beautiful deNlgns, and embracing or cry grade of Klee. • Ito la SOU: AIIENT In Carlini° for UONE.:I' celebrated KEROSENE OR COAL OIL LAMPS, one of the greate4 dlecoveries of the age, combining ebeanumm, saiirty and inerensed Sight. Cool 1111 and Cann.. %min:tautly on hand, which the public nun re: wicked to:t❑ and examine. .104. 1). 11A N. W. Corner or Public Situnro. Carlisle, Oct. 27., E IJC TION IN PRICES.- Glorious news For rich and for poor; . PriC'es reduced At Steiner's Cheap Clothing Store. *member the old stand, opposke_ „ the Market House, Carlisle, Pa. SMOKERS OF THENEED, (dot 17 the holies so woefully desplse,) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. That we have this depteetthed f.O.uon pure Imported II LIUTA 1 SIXES, none of those that are manufietured In Lewisburg, York county, teeny of timelier boroughs of York county. In ennueilon n ith the oboe°, no wilt 1111111E1 81 , 111 c of our fine Segark, Sin: Estroy's, Opera's, Youn i u,Auterleos, Victorian, Conehlles, Fire-tiles, &c. TOBACCO. Natural I.val: Co'outdo, Eldorado, ' -I , llj Lonf, IStketfat envendli.lt, Sweet Cavendbili, ' Mau Cut, &e. SNUFF, (all lrinds:) TIM above articles e ill be sold el whoiemle or retell, I.lieltpur thnu•emr 1111 bought any where on this side of Purchasers will pleese,eall and exandne the goods nt I IM VIM'S whalennlo and retell, Drug, Chemical, Crarlecilenery, Fruit, Toy, TtliNll,o and variety store. tiouth 11.teovvr street, eremite Hannon 's Hotel. and adJelnlng C. Inhoff's tlrocery Store. [decls'l,l3. yr ' l'-AND-SHOE STORE AT PRE •tAxp: SALE,— file suloci.lboor offers at 'orient° solo the Moth, fixtures nud.ged will of the lint slid, Shoe -Shire,.,inte the property of ;lamb h. Keller,' the ccand—ThnstocEirtoPrittelobotily,,Crerep4 puretmen,Auk the establholiment hos an excellent run or custom. The Store Room is eligibly situated on the Public 'Square, and may be muted for a term of years.' DEW.' L. KELLEIt, r • Adminittnitor.or,7 B. Keller, deed. Carlisle, Me:15,1808, t!,...1`h0 stook of 110 s, Hoots find—Shoes, will ha die. posed of at OUST. with n Sitio of the 'estobllshinout h offeeted, l'ersons wishing borguths, wall dti WWI local) at Is desirablu to elooo out the eoueors without delay - - LA SS3 GLASS!! PAINTS!' A•full asstundait of Ulnas of nli alter and (loath, ,r vita a •lante kook of fronit lIAINTS, RIi oi710(1C - 011 - .7171111i4167, - , re - .71.71(111a1ft - britirga - Oraipa!l" quontltles, of low fltdAroa at ,F-, • JOIIN NI, • BON, OcE-2T, North pawner Stmt. 1 1101111.000 . .ANIY , SEGARS. fate.siliiiiiitio..4ll:Sinp, Twist; Cavendish, nut' other' showing Toliaess'S 8110 ABS— Villa imparts( liasailivalid Cuba Bsgarii, ars° cholnl heisids or duinestl beeeliburg. Philadelphitpod Mittman. and ul Tolos's. Bur, &lends eatinot fall Lehi piemea by - extiudullig fir thunisaires. • Nuv.lo, • .1, W. ItIBY. HO f FOR CHRISTMAS. WOW FOR TM EIOLI:DAYS!! - B. W. HAM/STICK has just received from the city and if , now opening a splendid display of FANUI'LluOlin, suitable f o r the approaching Holiday Season, to whiob - ho desires+ to call the attention of his friends and the - --pnubile: it Is assortment' In this lino cannot be surpassed in novelty and elegance. •ond both hi quality and price of tine cannot fail to please purchasers. It would -bereipohsibleto enumerate his • 119 LI I /,11: F d . VNinf 4.100D5., every 671 - ay of fin.,:y ailthile of Die miiit -exquisite linfsh su..f!.ps. • , " - Paplirtr-ltarlt - r Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink- tench and trays, ivork; iiitarl and shell card rates, • 1,8(110K Fancy Itaakids. Fancy NVorlt Boxes, wieirsowing Inatrtunents,. Port lionnairs, of every. variety, ' . 0011.1•11011 P 11.1111 j11 , 11t•IIS, P . :MC) paper wel2 . ll.ts : Vaputeries, and-n large vi.r!oty Or ladles'.Fady station 3lotto seals and wafers. Silk mil bead purses. Ladles' riding'whips, elegantly finished, Ladies' flue cutler), • Perfume baskets and hags, firtislies'of eCery kind fin• the toilet, -- Roussel's Pertain., of tii various kinds, s - Musicallustruntents, -of all kinds and 'Anil prices. together with au iu n utherable variety of artWeselegaift. ly snitable for holiday presents, to thich ho Invites tousle] attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of , HOLI DA Y (111.'r ittaltso, comprising the various I.:indish and America/ ANNUALS for IS:M. richly °inbuilt:heti and ilinsttated POETICAL rbildrett of all ages,. the; Which nettling can lai• more appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. Ilisassortment nl School Jlonl : x nun School Stationary it also romplete. and. conrprlsea everything', used dit College and . the' Schools. Ile also desires to call tho partienfin; alder Hon of Fainilles to hit elemittt tisto s t talent . of •.. L-A from (ho nitenxl ve establishments of Cornell us,.Archer 111111 uthms of Philadelphia, comprising every style,of Parlor, Chlanber and study Lamps, for burning either Spero: or Es! ther' oil: also DDYITS. celebrated. ' IS crosane or Cital.oll Latfins, together with Hover Vases, Fancy Screens, 4e. Ills assortment in this IIIIC in ,nit. equaled In thehorough. Also, - FRUITS'. FANCY CON ;vox Alt Y'—NUTS— Pit E. SERVED PRIM'S, 311 N ED- n EAT, PICKLES, lu everyiallety and at all prices. all or which ere pure and fresh such as ran be confidently recommended to - his Mende 1111li the HMO :folks. His stock entbrsees .nveryth lug-In-the linteof Fancy with tnisuyotli _ articles °Fetal to housekeepers which the nubile ire no' • peel:illy Invited to roil and son dm Ing"the holidays.— Remember Cid Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bunk pit North Hanover street. " M 1=;! sTotil4; AND NEW GOODS - "Actor returnlile hig lielmowlptlgruient, for Om. vrry (mdrgnncr w Welt ha. been eSkeetieii to bile. tile IllieeeSlAlll.ll \Veldt! Van illtleliioll to the feet that lie ro.opened his oxkostilyo assilrtment of family =I . in his tiew,store.rodin; on the seutlseast corner of the • • publlr s 1111111.1.; whiles the public. are invited to call mind ••- estionne n stisic of • gIYIII3 ,legIIIICC,• varlets , defy ,o.nput Minn; CO:Mir/Sing' 111 jl/111 -f, erushed sugars, - - Java: Rio and roasted Cadet Every va rlsty and quality of TEA. i.lulres, Igroutid and Situreg-l'olde 'lt „ MUMII up,, Ck,rese, }tor:trout, split Minseineat, r,•rn Starch, Farina, Chocolate, Extract o. rour , e, relined suuar at ',dared rates, washing and hnh• tog soda. Tokirr., °filly moss favotito broods, and the finest quality of l•legars. Also, it 'lxelutifnl ashortnlent or Itritannla Marc, plain and g. 1,1 band China Wre, Wass, Qaenf.. Stone and •Earthern — Wxrehrgrentimr Heti., and an elegant 1 , 1 of.galloy,.oaps, extracts and perfumery tin. the toilet. l'eaelleri In rents, ItatotPo. Cron• bl•rric.:, dry apples, citron, ahnonds, oranges, lemons, ( ( I 1E7(1 yna l l ' , 1 r ( n I g 1 1 1 :1 1 g " : , t ' ' n„ l n l n i ittlinte r l\' t j " l l' .., m==T u 0 . k75 - 13 , rnpl i te! : 7Ipt --- nint" . - ptilli. — Llt.lkiiii ~ -- Tir.4, _r . .., Si err) I or . )iNclorly.ta,ll..,. cat...o. , . ..A: 0.... 111111 31usveit. Wlnot In racks ' and . Lot , t 5 1 ,.. ti:;,. 1 ,: i .: .4 ...tch 11.101.1 key, 1101130 Gin, and . Fclatlntp 1 1 - A Piro ,:tork - nr MPS-Inrludlna Dyntt'srelobratd -lamps for. burning Icrinsone Or COlirThii, nlsa Sm.ria, Pine, hard and Coal ()11, Burning Fluid, Sperin and Star Candles • iirllgill, llolll.li, MOI , IN, SO irS... D.Or•lllatil, Wlliteni, I. inkitit,:giasses flat. letter and note paper, -- 1111low / \Van.. paifited l ' l l sel,ei, Sic. Colima arid milieu' 114. e, and hair UM, and a lull stork of 01. VVN, likelmling the won knownn Hanover Burk .flt,ves. Iu short. 11;8 Fthek I . ntilprl ,, es everything that in railed rir in Ids Ilan itt buvinnss. and no ellurtn - will be spored to render entire mtinilletion to his eusitners. : C. INIIOFI. Owlish!. Oct. 27, - INSS-Iy. .t , r3 • Marketing of all kinds taken in oxchnogo for gond:: . . NEW WINTER GOODS: EID fell & SAIVYtII, AT THEIR _a NEW ST011E; Eaht 3lahl "ittretit;Thave just : 2 i rerelved nn l•XtVIINIVC:l1Ill complete stock of WIN- 02 I.IIIIIPS, Misses and Chit &ens Dress GOMIS of every variety sod 14,03. W Cloth Nl:miles, of 11,111111ot designs, from the lm- 9 polilint House of 'Turner Cl, French Lamb's •?„ 7, Wool Duisledorf and English long Shithis; long 7, 'lintel Mimic Shawls. 3 Direct from the ntanttforturcrs, warranted free" `E'. from ninths; itnekciale and Bosco Blankets, guar , mitred not to shrink In washing. MEN AND BOYS' WE &It - , g revery description; :051'S' 911.4.VM5:13.11k and Melillo Under : 4 1111 to and Drawinti; HOSIERY of _.F+ all kind• and qualities; 'Mies' Under Vests, long 7,, ?, and short Sleeves; Hooped or a netr a sign, represented to hen very superior article. , e. DOMESTIC GOODS, z. 7 ; Of every variety; Flannels, Shootings, Tirkings, Prints, ke.,l/4e. THOMAS CONLY3I Haring purchased for each. wo are prepared to IS sell tell per cent. lower than merchauts who buy on si* months credit. .11a4lease call and OXii111111( foryouisaire, , SAWYER. k• 7; Dee. 1, 1858 FOURTH. ARRIVAL OF AT OGILBY'S NEW t i• CHEAP STORE. I MU 1111WTell.lying my fourth supply of new goads, which lave lean purchased for cash at the premmt low oily prices. 31..; stuck Is now vors large and complete. A largo as,ortment of Ladles Dress foods. of the now est and most elegant styles, 3t the very lowest.prlces. SHAM' LS: The cheapest lirot.ha Long Shaw.hi over sold 131 01111810. Long and square Blanket Shawls; Stella and 'VW het Shawls. Gentlemen's Shawls; cheaper than over. CLOTH M ANTELS: A lull assortment. Cloth.Cassl. leers and Cassinetts. I . llld 1•111.11 p. 3krino Yoder shirts and,Drawers, (floors, llosiery. Muslin. Gingham. Shoal ngs ; cheaper than the cheapest. Carpeting. Fleur till Cloths. Pugs, &c., very low. Impossible to enumerate all the 110 W and cheap goods suffice it to say, vie have a very large aswrtmmitof-ele gent . wiNTER GOODS, which will be sold as haw If not lower than by any other store in the county. . Carlini°, Dee. 8, '6B. FURS! FURS! My stock of Furs aro Air YEW. bought for the past from the mantlfaeluror, and will be sold undor price Call and sun chum the public OLD"llyn ro 11 t to FRIENDS, call . d d oznmino lay stock of !resit GROCERIES, Piekola, Preserves, Fresh Con Fruit% Spices, Wood and Willow Ware, Ropes and Brushes, Oils , 14 nits, Fish, Salt. and u largo variety of other goods not necessary Le enumerate.. Stole Room two doors oast of Rhoads' • Warehouse (Ibrtnerly .loin O. Williams's.) MVO um n call and OXLIIIIIIIO my goods sod prices, j 9oteml to sell as cheap as any other store outside o Philsdelphßi. " Butter, Egos, Soap, Rugs, Beeswax, Dried Fruit, de., taken in, exchauge for goods. Carlisle, Ort. 27, '2B R FOR THE NEW ‘LA Y EAR.—tIRBAT BARGAINS t The subscriber intending to challis his business 7111 sell his entirn stock of • ,GROCERIES AND DRY-GOODS, at City Prices and at a reduction of 25 per rent. Primo brown :sugar at 8 ets., retitled white ditto at 10 eta double i•ellned Sugar at 1 prime 1110 Coffee•h!,r, at $l. atigardlon,e Molasses at 31 eta per gallon, other molasses In proportion: Tea'. B PleatcSlan'b! irre - rd . lutr figures. Best Ualleusold till nowad 1231; eta, for 10 els, the rest very ahem,: . , Delaines at-10 etsg,belainos wortli 25 at Di eta, -itud.xychnatire...trarth rtB. wool D81.1"Y", M 'Cashmeres, French ,ritioes, - CaFg 46d — AlFarisis oh. cottutionlY cheap.. , bond and square Shawls at a saying to-, the buyer : at from $1 to $2 a plum • White goods; Collate, Undo - sleeves, Lace, V.dirings, Irish linen, lloserlesllrld Cloves at lower prives than over sold here before, cotton and woolen Hmmel/4; Gingham,' Muslin,, (bleaolted and unbleached ' ) very cheap, FOIL (IEtTPhIIMEN we' Will sell Cloth, Cassimers, Cassinele, Chains. Vestings, ke. 1&,1:.1D1 1 , Uhl CLOTH INC of ulI deseripthins at Xre Suction ofd,, tufreent. So all you who uish 'goods of it goad quality and saving of money call at . ,—; next doefin Croiler`e !riot dee20,1858-2nt W()OD AND' WILLOW W A 1111.— • , • .. - - • -•-11AtItlITS—Mnrkel, Travelling, and FalleVCOr almdat, every'CuOutC. Ofil).11l Wit nt:—Tunn, Itackets, Measures. Palls, Tnintcd Ilinckatn. licular'n Nlutis, nod. Cords, nCushiat and a haw stock at - It Iclek." colobranal earn nrooinn, (cold only , Iky tik- aubscribor) end all ether 10 4 1004.411 . 3 , lalfilSO articles—al wnla at the lowent Mal . , prleex—tbr snlo by eardale, NOV. 10, 'M. New Oci!ni.E-... FANCY 0 0 0 DS, , GIFT BOOHS, riEl B. W. HAVERSTIOK 1611 ow=:.• New Vi;rl: nnJ FISH AND SALT CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS FURS! FURS! FURS! NEW WINTER. GOODS 1 I= CHINA, . GLASS AND QUEENSWAR E MEM EINZEI2 uttlill .3.bturtisitriento. OS I 1P1.41.4' OS: • - 4"-S' (f ic tOLD.—.3.l-g D-AL- PRE M rr W:1150.11.33:fil - I 1 g OF GRAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORT) S,• • ./Voa. 1, 8. 5. and 7,..A'orth Erdare street, — Oppo.rite Eldon" Ilmt.te, And,ntourN.E.W ALES-ROO M, 207 Baltimore street, between Charles .and •Liyht streets. ~- - • PIANOS have, at dilierent.Fatrs, hlr several au. cessi veyram. been award/41,i Ito hi0j e ,t 11 ,..„,, mimes for excellevee over all ennmetitlen. They tarsp also bt en pronounced by S. Thilit.erg. the lere4 relet.ell• tot Idelltel In the world, and other (11stIngul,hollm fists, inelvellng Mr. ::',trahf.selu tr., &e., to 1.0 equal, If net Cu. pollee, to ally in,t his country. We have constantly on-hand at our estousl IVO re rontum as alwve, the largy,st assortment of hoe PIANO . F O / 414. *7 - to - let - intunt . irr - tlrisr - rity^. - xtrirtr - thrintrizzli: . wholesale and retail, on the most liberal terins to milt tile dotes.. every CaPO we guarantee our PlanoA to give entire satisfnetion. . Attir (2 , .Attt.fittttf3' till bawl n One ntisorttnollt, f MELO DE, IN:4•of the best I:Int:ors. et in.100:4 froth *15.t0 $2011.' • •**, , ,Atirliyg for Flc n largo tititol.or of secuitll.lmtidt PIA Ni it, at prlrrs ratiglng from i•rtt to * 2O O. 101219thios.exelaungett, hired nod tuned, ' IVILLIA:11 KNAIIE A: .11113 21.1 N R L11'• l' IA N 0 STORE.- _.....- r.—• - ': - - 7-73 - , , - 1. ;:V-7, - zioze ,71 - "trii't , ". `` s;: e i . ~ : ~,,__.:.:;..w.;_z_...:._:,-... :; , : f ..,,, „_,___,.,71,,,.. • f . :it . t _ L - • largo ossortimmt of supeilor Pianos. from the best' Boston find New York noikers,tolmt her with exeulle•a secorid•li .Till PlllllllB 4 111111141111tly for sole. No. Rio SiSRKET STREET, HARRISBURG' AlllO. ldomm Moulin's 'Model 3lidodeons, Orgazi•Jlm lodvoihs. moe New himiTOlormoklinks. Old'hioos taken lin pin t iony molt kr new ones. ' PIANO_TUNING OR,REL'AIRING,- with a l! 51,1111.1011 111141 Wind lush thomits, wlllthwdro pikuilit fio 'Mr. JOHN 1" 1 / 1 :f•ZYli. who bat no superior this kortomot. nod 13 line the 'moss rt 4 llllllllllll . 111 4 111 e-Utitteil Rah, • ' 11. CAIITER. ) • "- - rilifThb • ,r. l lltE B ji,S T ° ' L• " (C. YorD) - ‘' . .. -- :: ---- PI - A:NO Tile ildtitt eOliintoyorte. FORTES' .---- • - ARE MANUFACTURED 1W CHICK ERING-Sci-SONS.— =1 PI3IRTY-FOLTIt,I.DALS, To FIRST PREMIUMS (Y\ ER ALI, CoM 7 • PETITORS UNITED sTATh§._ MESSRS. C. SON:, Jniviii remov.ll to their - new lire rennin 1:10Velkesloil gt wet, NJ •edelplihn`umbpree pared to oiler a large - as,orttnent of Ii it - AN11: - PAIII,Olt 1MA15P...840/ABE,tild CCU 11111 T PIANO POILTES•In v 111.101.1 St., lee 111111.-4,1...., railllOt fdl to pi ar,. De,erlptib entalugu:s bent to any all dress upon applleatiou._ July 21; Ih2o—ly ••• _ . /TOLD dIEI)AL GRAND 'AND stw Ait E i iA vs.;. STEINWAY & (near Broad way.) New York, . Icere awarded the rind where find When ever t1µ•1 hieught their Piano Forte,. Into eoinlielititia with the he,,t nature of itostttn, New Yerk e Phillitielphill end 11/Mllllllre. Receive,' the two first prize.Aledals Ikt the 3letropoll. ton Fair. Wa.blemton,.l2ss. The First Prem (225051 Medal) for We boot Piano Forte at the Marylou.' Institute. 'the Fleet Prize Medal for the hest Plano Porto at the American Institut...Cry:42d York, 1556. , The First Premium (a fluid )1t.,1 . 11.) for the hest Grand Plano at . th . e Mao bunt Institute Baltimore. 1.557. "Chu First Premium ot the Stole Fair, Detr , it. 1h57. Tim First. Premium at the Siate Fair, liichnonid.lBs7. .4.11111 i, the judges were the first musical talent of the country. ouch as IV. Gottschalk; and Sluore 1'I:1111. constrinied with the full 1.111111:11 and iron frame eeml,iucd, urn warrant,, ed for throe years. PriCell moderate. Sop.' SANING FUND Walnut Street, .S a udi fleet Corner of Third, , • INCORPORATED BY STATE OF PENN SYINANIA , FIVE PER CENT INTEREST. Money lirreceivtd In uny sum, largo or mall, and In ter& paid from Iho day 01 deposit to Mu dranal. Thu Oleo Is open every day from 0 o'clock In tlio musing till fi o'ciork In the afternoon, and on 3londay and l'iimaday evenings till 8 o'clock. lIhSII'm 1,. RENNER, Prenillent. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, 'mica President. REED, Soviet:try. I=l F. Carroll Brum titer, J05..1.6 11. Puny, Lee. 10A.pb Henry I IlTonderffer. Henry L. Renner, KO witrd L. Curter, Hobert :elll.ltlgo. t. inurl IC. Ashton, C. 1., perm,, 110.14 Is reoelved and inolnents :null. in outn daily without waive. The luyestinents are utiole In Beal Estate Mortgngrn firma' Heats, and o.ich first class securities its the Charter requires. 4 August 11, 1858. CRITTENDEN ' S PHILA DELPtiCA COMMENCIA L COLLMIE, N. N. Corner Seventh and Chestniat Ste., PHILAELDPHIA. An Institution- deselgped to prepare young mon for It= INCORPORATED JUNE 4, '55. , ==! B, 11. CpUlO ' gyP, Fllllle6 110Fh11111, DltYld Doivid S. Brown, A. V. Parsons, home !Inciter, George 11. Stuart. B. It. Hinman, John Sparbaw lc. Frederick Brown, Jet•llua Lippincott, Jr. IrEiM S. II CRlTTENDEN.'l'rluplpnl, CollBllltlng. ACCOUIWIII3t, Itistrurtor In Cuunercial.ellf.frlllB; THOMAS W. 31onnE. Profeßsorln'J'enuntuFlllp. (lEnnint 31. TutlAnnen. Pr iteesor nt the Science or Ac- counts (IlioEsnEck, Professor of Hook Keeping and rho. nography. Action I no :=ImoN, Professor of Languages. Don. JOU .)101 I e, Lecturer on Commercial Law. W. 11. ALFEN, 1.. 1.. D., President of tilrard College— Lecturer 'on Pontleal Economy. Catalogues, containing full particulars of terms. min ier of hintruction, C., tray 6o lid cu applying at the Colloge, either in portion nr by tot eitITTI'SDEN'S 11 , 100Klikk.TING Sro sale.— Price sl.so.—Key to mine, 50 di:. • [0,et.15,'58. W I Nell ESTER Sr, CO. GENTLEAIEN'S ITRNISHING STORE, Patent Shoulder Seam Shirt Manidadtorg I=l ZOG Chestnut Street, PhVadelppl7 — 01 , PosiTE TIIE WASIIINGTON 110VSE. , - A. -WINCIIESTER•viII Ora, ne •herotefofe;lile 'Per sonal supervision of the cuttlag and Manufacturing de loartmon tn. Ordern litr Ills celebralad style of Shlrtx and nt tlw nbortcat itoflco,, Fortnum dentaing to order Shirts, con ho supplied math the formula tbrancanuroment, on application I , y wall. • Constantly on hand. a sorted and select stock of Gen ' tionten's Furnishing gooda. , . ordcra *plated oihibural tern's. 8,1888: • 1 (1, DOZ. MEAT CUTTEIiB AND SAUSAGE STUFFEBB. :Jilsq a largo araortainint . - 74 - 111.Wior it niven, Steels. Cleovern, Steellartle, Joel rocelre,l, nod for vale at very Um, prices at the thsap llordworo 'item of HENRI' gAXTON 2 East. High Street' Car!INN Va 'Nov. 16:1ROP. DAP ER; fy7l s 6)er eninr.*ll,i'vo non= im 114 - ngt awl I ro' prpunonl to inganufficturn to utter nll carietlen of thin IPIi 119 SO goo IgiAktiElt 'F.\ g '3 1 1'1'0V:11 g Mount golly Springs Pengen: Novio, , to-ont National SAFETY Tit UST, Company