Xk:w 600 b. . . CIRMAT INDUC.I42MIi.7.NTS OFFER. kit RD TO CANT BUYERS , • 41. TR6 CIIRAP • • Huts, jact.cturnod• from i.ho city with a fall and of goods In my lino, wifich tam r ••.• a.. • a;I at cloa lowest ratios:. My stock conrisio I, , %I.ES' DRESS GOODS' ..• •. sol . .reil roul &peek° Dross Silks \ ler inokis. 1 ti and figured nil. wool ihitAillg, all ValeUelis, 'Coburgs, Madoniiii—Houslielialnes, plain and fig tired: Ind every variety of dress goods: • SHAWLS: corner .. n. AfeStellaS,-11V—Matt1a..........,...,..............,...,...... . Bel/ellea &ii — " . 77- -• - - BIIOIL/ER.IES :-Collats and • ....- .- -•.. , • Slroves„ - icpluath and in setts,' ,-.- . . Ca.:o;rlc. Weis:gar:ma insertions. • 11.:111STIC AND',. STAPLH (7,101)9: . Illtrielted and unbleached rTheeting.. all ividthe. Lancaster a inglsank Calicoes. Flannels, ' Th.% ings, Checks and Unsays., 31 tiNS' NV RA It : Black French Cloths and Call- . . ,situurs. Fancy Cassliners,Cassinotts, ~ ' ;Nails. Tweeds, Cords. Sr. he. CARPETS:, Ply Imperial- . . • Tipostry; Ingrain, Hump, Memo-rondo .. . 'tind - stair - ear-- , . '. 1.. • pet ,f all. - widths. . MOURNING GOODS I • I would partieularl: call Inn :tttantion (Ina persons wonting mourning. I • tide purelmsol n fall stool( of moornlng g'Mds. ..S(1,0.1 mourning• . storn. Shell as, Satin do /Moos& Tnmese Cloth, Ilnruaurs, linnibazinesi Alp:11,1S . Frontal" Morllloos,•Cashmorm . all wool Ikolqlngs • pm. Amli.amtitrials—Llaal•--SZT , Mtrir,MSCDPL:.` and Swore, and nll Lim grades o I•,bg Is .rapo. Punititisers Pre respectfully requested call Ito,' er, amine my stock, es'l am prepare I to oiler superior In duce:poets. both,:ps to quality and pilen, A.IV, 111:NTZ. South II move' , Street, opposite the Post 011 Ire, Ctirll.le, tlnTfr,-113:55. NTORT U. II ANO V RR. S'T RE Wr Ix • • CON I , ION Ity, • • . • 'CARLISLE PA. --11 7 7oolesale - RateB _Reduced $2.per..100.1b. - - The attention of Country :Vlerchailla and the public — ifedeMlly Is - invited to-n larga.assortmeni of CHO/01: CJVI)IES, mannfactured of the host. material and warranted to ,ontain no poison In their i•nlens. - which will bo sold Wholesale or Retail at low rates at the old stand of P. N 1",1t1 It . slllill ' I I / . .1 -- STR Err, 0 Alt IJSLE, • - 4.fuw do.rftNorill of the (..trlisle Depesit flunk. Just revolved a (urge assortment nt . BS/j pieulTS AND NUTS of tho latest importations; consisting of ' : Oranges, Lemons, Italslns„ Prunes • - Th.les. • llanannan, , 4. Vine Apples, Alte , nnis. Filberts, . ("nein, Nuts, Coena Nuts, ke., ' All of whieb will be sold at low rates. Alas, d,large an aortment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety, - • Also, all tp, beet brands of • SELIABS AN!) TOBACCO, - of. Aon•Aran iirliiMONllllll The siilrieriber returns thanks for the_ liberal patron. nse bostOwed on hies lie the public. and soli its 0 eom tinuanee of their fivers. Remember the till Stolid of • - NoillrHanover Si rout. lure 16,'50 IL~T ATI) I ES . , j lil lir 1411. RY,' AND sii.v EH- I'A Ill , ,A'r CON INICS old established . Stood. West Nuln St., nearly oppeslle the Cumberland Talley Bank. 1 ha ve just Twelve,' II new assortment of watelnis, melee. mei' 1111,100 silver ware, 5.,. In tillditlini to my • former rd - irk to which I Invite. the attonti , o of the if) Nubile, The iotortment embraces Ole .t., golil aitirtlifiyllVirrAdittilteg. - Ilturiting - 1 . 1 5. .f . i' o . open.' lA,. 11 , 1. gold Anchors for /.. j • 1,01,110 illitutlenuen and .irviir 'Le- \,. pines :eel I/It:letter wn tidies of every 1711111 W.4.',,J. _riets_in 43.1!!:1:1,1 price: • • . - Ms, lbw .4id,lTilSdallliils. Breast-phis for - Ladles Gain' Cent' more 'lf every qualltAV. pattern and hurler. Cold fob, not earl , and meek 'dodos. (had bracelets, finger rings, ~,,id id ~,, s , ads, slervediuttons, erosmal, chartlls, fir.. C': I: dd dud sliver-thlothlus. silver and- piked.. hutter.lnives-forks. table, tea. salt and mustard spoons .of every v city A large. assortment of gold, silver __,.._.. - 1„?..,,.. a,...,..,^1;"%., ~.. and. I.ollllllfin spectacles, to snit all -4 " - - - -- , - -1 -,... --,- ages to which We IWV!tO VOCI/11 at ten. then. . - A floe bit-of ili>l.l) • PllNS...froul-the._bust-inalters, speettcle cases,fancy hetes. silver and pearl card rases, geld and rearitlll 111WigiettS, watch 'loins, ....." Vent le Clocks and a varlets of Halides nsn. ... . . .. _ ally keptio . .tewelry . eAtahllNlonentX, whl.ll I will sell - hw - fiw. All aftlabla.War, 'ranted to hr what they nee represented. Pert attentlem',lmil —as usual In WATC/1 -ItEPAIIIINU and 'all work WIIVI ran I),r. 9.1. I 1 isll.ltS, ;NIERC II ANTS AND, OTHERS, • ' We its Ye now In 4tock,iuni constantly receiving from New \•or'. nod Philadelphia Auctions, nod' of our own Imp..riatiofis, goods of the LATLN r Paris Fashion; in VVIVIAN, Sabot.; Velvets, - l'lnin Mareellines. Fierce-es, Bennet Ribbons, Plain, Satin and \ lamina do.. Iluebes.• Qnlllinco, Illonds, - Laces, Il lusions. k.., which we otter murk below the usual pric es. A liberal discount to cash buyers. W A ItiIURTON, • No. noil.South SECOND Street, (00,050 nes loons aroarrbelow SPRUCE,) PHILADELPHIA. 5cp..2.%1F55-3m. 91013ACCO AND SEGAIIS. The, fl . nest, qualitlec of Lunift.,Tuist, Cavendish, and other chewing Tobacco's SIX:ADS:— Fine imported lliava a and Cuba eats, also choice brands of domestic manufacture. Lynchburg. Philadelphia and Baltimore Cut and Dry Tobacco. Our friends cannot fail belt. plead by examining for themselves. Nov. 10, 'M. .1. W. NIIY. • t VALUABLE MILL, PROPERTY AT Phl vim 1 . ALE.—The subscriber offers at pri cute stile the Mill Property on which ftLIVEC,., he now resides, :Mooted in Mifflin township. Cumberland County,. II miles rest of Now. ville, and 4 miles east of Newburg, on the Site road leading front Nowak to Three Square This property includes 45 ACRES OF LAND, 111 nurse of widcli are cleated tool in a gond htete of the greater Dart being limed and under good fettr"s, with running router in every field. 'fire residue, 5 acres, Is 'evened With gout Healer. 111111F0Ve111011lil ere IL three story GRIST MILL, in good repair. with excellent Burrs and Chrppers, and an excellent run of custom. Also, is Saw Mill. in good order. with consj.unt iimpley• grout. Those Mills are on the Three Square Hollow Run, with a bead of fifteen feet. The othir improvenunts are. 0 LIFO Ilh•Fy. FRAME AND LUI HoUS.E, Fiume Stable, (nearly Low) Carritue House, Smoke blouse and other necessary mit:buildings. There is a well of excellent water. (with 11 pump in it) tit the door. Also. a thriving voting 0110/1 AIM of choice fruit 'fie shore property will lie sold FO as to offer great (Wl,OlllOlOO to purchasers. For further particulars np. ply to S, JOSEPH C. lANDSEIi. Mifflin Township,'Aig , '2lL 'SS-tf, . TIALBEIVI"S FAMILY GROCERY, QUEENSWATIN AND VARIETY NTORE, North-11 're Corner of the Puhlfe SOitare, oppo " site the Carlisle Depeisil Ilaiik. J. D. II ILIIMAT has again roplepished hls sto,k n goods. Ills assortment to now full and complete. among which may he enumerated every viirlik of fresh FAMILY GROCERIES, , which in quallt) and price 4 CAN'T BE BEAT. A large stork of Chinn, Masa and Queenawase. of new and beautiful dexigne, and orribraaing every grade 'of ' Pr trelB SoLE AGENT in CalliSie iaIJONVe celebrated KEROSENE OR COXL OIL. LAMPS, one of the greatest discoveries of the age, combining chortkit.,..fety sod he light. Coal Oil ant lamps cousin:tilt , on hana, pabllc um re 'quested to call soil es RUIN. • JOS, 0. II 1/111 ,, 1tT, N. V. Corner of NOM: Carltslo, Oet:27, 1 - MIENS E: EXCITE ! T E PEOPLE IN MOTION! NPW PALI. aoofts • AT Coast , STOR,p J. A. Ihnorich, - Jr , lino jest retunied (nn Philoslciplit with do lllllnome stock of FaHand Winter !Mit GOODS. Gnomic t 'BOOTS. SllOO5, aelectod express* InYearlisle and vlelnity. Thu people are respectful* Invited to call at his store, examine his goods nod rI'EST HIS PRICES. Doing desirous to Increase Ids, elution, he has pur chased touch larger stock of goods than as any other ..time, and Intends to sell them off at such prices es can not kill to suit every, ono, who nosy wish to - PiTrsliase. Ills goods have been `Stilected with great carp, among which may be found ' FOE LADIES Silks, • Alpacas, - • • Persian(' Plato lnlaiies, • .1 lantana Clothe, - lb " Dug "' Coburg,. .Panry I•ulanes. . l a f losicrv, loves. • ' ro -Pucis A. Scotch OD st, Handkerchiefs, Inc. - - Kori aExfresurN IlioeA . Itonincity Jeans. " Tweeds, Slut: & fenney Imesithtv, , Sattlbets, CPA:tun% • . Vestmg4, Ileavertmens, ' • Fahey and Stdo.atrlpo C.f.:suitors, Together with a large assortment of Shawl's.. Bork Flannels, Itrllliants,Sitirtlng.eallrors, —Canton _Elaunels„Deitims,_Table_Dlasurs,.:.lliAnkeeue , • Oiiisli. - Drll.lo, Umbrsllas,,,Re.. . • cheapest . nssortment . of - liars. 6114. BOTO asu Sum's. ever offered in Carlisle. A sußeriorlot ritpti• OItOCHRIES, comprising Tess, Coffee. Sugar, Moldavia., • Ries, Spices, &c. All ; he Milts Is for the !Tonto to-call and examine for themselves, mi be fuels confident 'that, - ths quallty,of hta goods and. the ,lotv- priers at'whieb they ore selling, will induce Omni to: purollase.;-(11vo him Avail .whether you wlshAo.purchsse or:mit.. • ' r J. A;JIIIRIRICII: JR • - - • Cornet of,North.ljailover and. Loather &rots, 107 handbills neatly Ciecuttid:: '• " • . . _„ .. ... . TlEt , ..tiniCriberet would respectfully call the attention of tile real consumers 01 Carlisle nod vicinity, and the public, generally to their superior quality coal ouch as ' • LYKFNS VALLEY, Broken, Egg, Stop.l nu Nu LUKE FIDDLER, TUEVORTON, ". do. do. do. . , . and the celehnsted Lobbery 'white ash, broken,Egg SteVe and Nut Goal. 'fits yard Is situated at the east end of Nrlisle, eon°- . site the tins ',Vorks, where they oil, kcep'conslantly on I and a large stock ~fall kinds anti slurs of coal, which sod! Ile sold as low us any In the borough.. All coal for !easily eau will be rescreened before delivery and soar - ranted Is, give enth•e sutlFtinctlon.• Best goal I ty of I.I3ICOVIINCIt'S end BLACKSMITH'S COAL, - always on hand and at law "figures. Ali - orders left at-the residence of-.lames TrelTik, West'. Pomfret. strout, at Squire Smith's office, South Hanover Street. or at the residence of Jacob • Shrom, North-east 'street. will be promptly attended to. - - _ are also; prepn to nirosu - -kind,: and quality of dry Lumber at gr:•atly seduced prieeq ; ' Ilills sawmf to ordo and furnished at the .shortest • notteu. Wu have e•mstantl on hand all I Inds and quality r 9 Shingles, such as white plan, hundoelr, 'chostuut, oak fie. Als., all sizes of Walnut for Hand-rolls, window, - sills and Mittel stuff. ash, poplar; oak and Linn; all kinds or paling, plastering lath. shingling lath. brooin handles, worked flooring and weathef.boarding, rough mid smooth rails, poste, told ovory ankle that eau lie kept inn Lumber yard. hosing cars of our own too can. al all times and lit short nutlet, supply any articlu le our uowor bu.loest: at low • Wu are thankful for past favors and* solicit a cantina unto of public patronage. Our motto Is to please. - 8.1.11110„)),,,S; HOFFER. myit6l 9 sB. - itIMBERLAND VALLEY It. R. .0-1% at • 011ANG1•I OF HOURS! • Ou iittor-310:.4DAY, OCTOBER 11th 185 S, Plisgonor ' • c °nowt: Sunda .s excepted • tat Train. Train • Limy° Chamborsburg, - -8.25 A. M.- --J.: 15 " shlpjwuahurg, 8.55 " ' 2.40 Nnw vlllo, • '0.27" 3.. " " 10.00' • 2.50 sl6elninleFburg, 10:12 ' 4.20 • " " -- Arrlvo at Ilarrlsburn„ 11.03 5.02 • Fob CHAMIII.III9IIUIta. • Ist Train. 2d Train. Leave Harrisburg . 0.30 A. M 101 l P. M. • •, 3leelmulesburg 0.10 " 1.20 • - Carlisle . 0.56 . • 2.12 ~, ", New, Hie. 10,30 ,n 2.17 " • . Arrive at Chambersburg, 11.30 3.53 " . Tr.dns leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia. viii Paulen Railroad. at 5.111, A. M.. 2.15, _l'. M., 6.25, P. 31., and ... 1! Ou at night. By Reading, via 'Lebanon Valley Rail • Road at . 4...5 P. 31. - l'or Pittsburg, :1.40, A: H., 1.00. I'. 31., and 5.10. I'. M. For Baltimore:lt 30, A.. 31 and 1.45, neon. For 'Prover ton and Williamsport. at 1.110, P. M., and 8.45, P. M. Train IM Dauphin Road at 1.30, P. M. soon CE TO PAOOO.3OERB At nil Stations where Tickets :iris 'sold, Chambersburg, Shippensburg. Carlisle. Mechanicsburg and Harrisburg. a reduction of T C NTS mi each Ticket will be made to all Passen :gers that provide themselves - with Tickets before en• tering the Cars. Chandiershurg,.l ' • 'bet. ohlBso. • • FAMILY • •0.0 A L -1,000 • • C • . rots fAken's OJAI, broken and re. .s'fA6lollll : mooned, prepared ex L r i e traptu r NlVVoZt . -so that - 1 ran furnish it city and ottlN all seasons of the year. I have also on band and for sale the BLACK iltAiillNil CIIAL. from the Baltimore Company Mines This Coal Is admirably calculated for Idatotw,StoveL and Collar Furnaces; all of which I will sell at stnall profits for cash, and deliver to any - part' of the - borough. A ugust 5, 1857. ' W. B. MURRAY. • - IEIV COAL YA111)- , AT THE WEST END OF CARLISLE. • The subscriber would respectfully call the'aitention of - Wnoili and CIES - MIZOIIS - DrearilFle, and the surrounding couotry generpily,- to his NLW COAL A II b. attached to his Ware House. on West _high Ft., where he Will ilea!, constantly on hand a large sopply . -rf,flit, hest-quality of COAL, to wit: Lyketm Valley, Luke Fiddler, Tina drove and Troyer. ton, Broke., Egg end Nut Cool—screened nytd dry' coal. whiuh he pledge:l himself to sell ttt the lowest possible prices. .Hest quality of I.lineburnor's and lihrektunth's 'Coal'elways in, hand. • 4/1• All orders left at the Ward House, or nt deuce in No. th. linnover street, wild he promptly at: tended to. • April 'SS- , -tf. W,ILENDERShN. „, -• "-LAIES' - FANCY • 8110 E - STORE. A • West Main Street, OPPOSITE THE 11A11.110AD DEPOT. • The sot:se:thorn having disposed of, their entire PEW . . of '3101 . 1 , some, Lure replenished their assortment with a large h oviet, ut Ladies, ?Misses and Childilm•s Boots, Shoes and Callers, sr levied with .great rare front the most relebtated manufacturers In Phlladelpina,lind un death ;7. for style and workmanship. The stork endear., every variety of Ladles Leather Morose,, tlllll iQd Welt Boots, flue kid beef Slippers. French lasting (Salters White Flail) do., fancy Toilet Slippers. Misses float Welt Boots, Morocco do , and last ing I.laltur,o itit a general assortment 4.4 obildrens work of every ijuality and at all priers. Customers 111 i.e waited on by a lady, who Is pertort 'nutty in the sli.re. Carlisle, Sep. ti, A: CO. TWIMAS CONLYN I)ACID AGAIN TO TUE OLD TRADE!! The suhicriber respectfully Informs the public genet , . ally. that he has resumed the manufacturing of BOOTS AND SHOES, in West Main stlead, a few doors west of the Railroad Mike, and having a good assortment of -Leather, Morocco 11111 i Trimmings. and engaged compe. tent workmen ? be is prepared to make up to measure, every description of work In his Him Ile has also revel red from Philadeinhla a well selected stock of BOOTS AND SAGES, comprising every variety for Spring mid Summer wear, which he oilers at low prices. Dentlemen's fine French Calf Boots, do. flatters, Oxford Tics and Brogans, Ladies (loiters. Boots, Buskins, Slippers and Ties, with a large rankly of Boys, Misses and Childrens Oat ' tors, ete eete. Purchasers are requested to •all and examine his stork. ROBERT MOORE. Carlisle, April 21. ISSB. 1 OOT ,AND SIIOEMAKING,J 1 &O. TAY LOB, return their Blume thanks to their Customers, for the very liberal patronage extols duo to them, and mould respect lolly Inform ,the public that the) continue to manufacture CUSTOMER Work, at their old stand. on Nortß Hanover stmt., tw•o doors - above thi: drug store of S. W. Ifilverstiek. With a number of first lute Workmen employed and facilities for securing the best stock to be found in the market, they are prepared to make up every description of IItHTS h SHOES, for ladles and gentlemen's wenn., In the most fashionable style, And 01 WARRLSTEO.IIIII teriale and workman, Many Nears or practical experience in the business both here Ind in 111111adelphin justifies them in saying, that they aye able to Insure full eatisfactleu to all those who May leave their'orders. . April 21, MS, tf. • J. Az 0. TAYLOR. I, I ItESH ItQC.ERIFA!...-- AT S.C. RUYETT')3. • • Shad and Mackerel of different grades, • At 1111YETP8 Salmon, Scale Fish and White Fish,. '• A:t WMB Codfish, Salt and Pickled Herring, • 'At 111.1YETT'S Choose and Crackers can be had At 11UYETVS Dried Fruit, Preserves and Jellies,. , At 11U1()DTP8 Sugar Cured Beef and.fiame, At IIUYETVB Fuppi y of LIQUORS, ' At ICU verrs .olltr, White Plad, BELLS! . 'BELLS! BELLS ! FARMERS 1:0 K• ITE WWI The subscriber has been appointed ageptibr Cumberland eounti, for the celebrated Oreeneasile FARM BELLS which to selling nt very low prices; an article which Lai been sold all over the . State, end given satisfaction to all who have tried them.—Also .in hand s 11110 of the Bell Metal farm Bells; and everything else In the farming and mechanical line. All to be hod ab the cheap hardware store of ' HENRY SAXTON. rarllide, April 28, IS6B. East Main Street, ILX,CELSIOR PICTUILIS A. It. HENA. WOOD Would resneetfully inform the ' i4ol:g of t'arilsle eta vicinity that ho has taken roam., In 'Ant to now building:, east corner of Market Square whey , ho Is at all those ready' to tuko AM Illt9TXPEhi to the latest and most approved style. Pictures taken In rattly and cloudy weather 'as well as 'clear. and sa4 isfactlan given or no charges made. Portraits and Den. .1..311.1.814y pee copied. Miniature Pictures taken for I.mthets etc., In Ambroty.pe. Amlttutypes watrauted to stand the test of time, beta or water. . I.adles and Gentleman aro cordially Invited to ea nod azituilno spocluotors. Pile& Irani .Gets. to $lO. A. D. DENWOOD. Mait=ll F 'Alt EKS Id) 0 K lILII I ! ..TilitilSilliteMAClllNESl. • ' ' , the Subscriber desires to inform fsrmers and the pub lic generally that Ku' now has on hand' and is eon. shindy mannfactuking Threehibg Machines with Plat pont's Patent Stoker, which are 'generally acknowl edged to bu the best artlelestow,ln use. Mona variety •orfniproved Vlovueril ulle, P,orn-Shol Mrs,. Straw , Out, tors Celotonted Plow. lie also attends to Ihu rapaisiug. of Agricultural Mschluery in • the bust umondrarrid-on reasonable terms. Manufactory on' Strut, directly opposite the residence ntOoorde Metagor, Esq. • • . • . ' 1' JOAN PLANK... B ER:IJAN D COUNTY: • -NOR . al AL 6CllO9b:LThe second sas•Aotrof this final- Ju lan will &influence In LlTllitAux HALL,. Nowrille, ' Fan. on 'III.IiSDAY, :APRIL 6th, )858, and continue FIT r: •. • . • Au 'able carpi; pr Instructors have been mamma. and -.no Wort *rill be spared tp render Min - schen! worthy n. 'the isAtiqn It seeks to orcupyTgind of the patronage it •:_staantethilly.iishrits. • _ " ' For circulars coutabling . Yullariliiiliiii eiddreSs Artl'of_Trintecti, ' 1.4'°14":4 th e DANIEL' EILELLV,"PredIiDiAt, "JA,P..lle(lAArnpr!;'Seerotlry, filiercliancuos. FAMILY• .COAL. liI=1!1=1 11.^1.VT1'14, ARI?ANOENE.VT. FOIL uniuusuuna. 'O. N. LUl4l,,.uiller't L! EU=MI Carlisle Foupdry, 111.A.'0 11' SHOP, • • CAR AND SASIUFACTORY, • Refit Math Stied, CARVISLR. ~_This extensive eatablislinient is now ' Cemplete er nndxupplied - witirthebeatinnellitiory forexerutinp siderifiiiiretrdepartmenl,-:-The_bidlillnge_Paye_alau been greatly enlarged thin spring and ateeked milli the nowenhand most improved toolii, for the nianulacture of DOORS, WINDOW FRAMES, SAsll', • • Shutters, Blinds, Illouldings, Brackets' and all othai kinds of Carpenter worrk. AVe invite 'Builders. Can pen tors and ether to rail and examine our faellities for doing this , ' description, of work. The best Materials used add mires as kw a)) at any other establishment In the C6unty or elsewhare. STEAM ENGINES BUILT TO 011 DEE.-- midi:op:oo heretofore. , Engines hnvo been recent iy built Mr IC - Ibis I.4bUghT It. Bryson it. Co. Allen tom nship, /11)1 & BraliWn. New 'chile, Shade & Wetzel. North 'Middleton, and °Eters, at whobo establishment they may he'stien in daily op , eratlon.and to whom we ran refer for evidence of their superiority. . 1116 N AND BRASS CASTINGS. . • " . of ulery , description. from the smallest to the heaviest pieces. exeeuted at short notice ler every tied of imp tritrrre - vartetro, frailirostiirmarmSfinVhand , Two skillful Pattern matters constantly employed.—' It KVA RIND promptly attended •to fur Paper 111111 s. Distilleries Grist Milo, Factories. ,te.. - Ttirning and Fitting MR Spindles. &c. done in the best style. ' THRESHING 711ACHINES AND DORSI', POWERS.. . . suell as Bevil Gear r our-Iforsn Powers, Ilia Wilda' r—itnill=r-W.-111.{.1.-X.0.'1.1+ (4.; , 4 L ors. Crushers: Iron Rollers. Plough castings, and' other ar ticles for !armors, on hand or promptly made to order -11URD7 N. -CAIISASUI LT, aunt repaired. Our facilities for bonding Cora are now more complete thaw heretofore and onahles_us to fur r them to tronspi.rters on the rail road on accomo. dating Corms and mado or the best . materlals. Orders -tad lelted_and entiro_sat 15foe Lion aturrenteei. The long eXperienee In the' hunihe3a of - the:senior partner of limo Ilrm, and the completeness of our .nla ehlnery In every launch of the esialdislitneet wartant us In -aNsurtlitt the 1104 work to all who favor us with their rirdirg. The continued patronage of our old frlends:andfthe public IF respectfully sollelle.l.- 3lay 2(`" _ CI !OWNER k Co. JUST ItECEIVED. AND OPENING AT NAIRILE'S CHEAP JEWELRY STORE, Main Sired, Carlisle, Pa. • :supply o f A large -supply of ii l _ • f ,v• ;: , ; ' , 4 ;4-, Watehes,olewelry, E11_,,,--r-,.-'t,"t:7le' _,,,--r -,. -'t , "t: 7 1e' ,e,"-'.."-,2,(,..). ver and Plated Ware, , f --- - ( . 7.,-. .),„ '.... e r ,„.;-_-, p,,,,- . , ",to which _I Ihvito et „/I„i,csf.. ~.- .tuntiou. - -- ?? .....„.V ~.., : : , ..), o-, , -,t 'IV .p. - _ ileVt: from the Ittrgest •*”" ll 1:- stook orelochs,l3 mai. •g• - ... _ i' • ---r",. . , _, - vs, Jewelry, Sllverand ,_ ~,. • '„' -'" Plated wino 41010181 e . '-`,-,_•• 3 . ,/ . 7 . 6- rttri_ r - call . • - ll'o bavo a largo arsortmr!nt of bold and Silver Hunt. hug and --Opou Caw Watrhos milt all Fancies and Porkata, Fine and Cheep Jewelry of every style and quality In setts or by theldece As wanted, ''. 'At NAUCLES.. . , Sliver and Plated Walters, Cake. Fruit, SUgav, am" rd Baskets, Meer, Table, Tea, Cream, Sugar, Salt, teerl amtereau. Spoons, At NAUGLE'S. Fine Penni, Larn. enrol, earner,. Goldstone. Mosaic, Flo-' rentine.Musale., Jot liox nifd (Att.+ betts.clienv At NAUGLE'S. Diamond Bri.aKtplus and Fing"ii ti . - - NAUGLE'S. Gold Hunting Case, Eight Day Levera; .Gt old lug MI1111•X ; Gold I tun tlng, • Bagley's lot quality of Gold Pencils; Ditto Gold pouch and Silver At NAIIIII.E'S. Silver and Plated Tea Setts. il,ddets.Cups, Toast Rucks, Pitchers, Urns, Tureens, Tea liens., At NAUGLE'S. • Oni t Neel:, Vest. Curb, Fob, and eltatlain Chains, Cold Bracelets; I.oeltels, Thimbles, Crosses.Charmsi. ACSAUGI.E'S. • . French Tim Pieces to rim throo and faun weeks, . _ " . . . At !slit POLE'S. Cold SlnOve, Nest, Collar, arid Shirt Studs of all X Vies and quality, - At-NAUGLE:S. .. Plated Fork Spoons, knives, Napkin Rings, Silvar Thituldes, Sh da, ' . . . ' At NAUGLE'S, • Flutlnas: ' Actonleans, Slusle Doxes—e fine variety, • At NAUGLE'S. Ladle? 1 . 1111.1"....,_ Funcy Tom Mugu, very Iv ice Myles. N utlenp At A UOLE'S It you want to hue° your Watches put In good ro yale sod warnmtod, take thesis to NAUGLE'S. If you want to get a.Chesp Clock, you earl get It At NAUGLE'S. .If you waneyour Sliver warn neatly umrked nt short notice, eGI At NAUGLE'S. All geode warranted as represented, or the money re. funded; At NAUGLE'S, Parsons that want bargains are Invited t.. call. At NAUGLE S. C UMBER', ANI) LEY INSTITUTE, :11ECIIANICHBURG, PA. ItcI•."I3ENJAMIN C. LIPPINCOTT, A. IL, PRINCIPAL, , AND TI:AI•III'N lIY I.IORIL AND NATURAL .SCIENCF... .• A. FOSTER' MULLIS. A. IL, Mniheinatics and Nlodern Languages. THOMAS S. REESE, A. 11.. Aurient Languages and Higher English. • This Institution having pawed lido new hands. will be reopened non 3lale School only. on Thursday, the 2,1 day of IFinitetuber nest. lb Is the design of the present proprletott to make It a strictly firsbelass Boarding School, kw training and fitting boys and young men either thr college or business. An eflirient cot ps of In. .structors tarts arena organized, whose personal interests are Identified with the success of the Institution, and who will spare no pains to melte It worthy of the confi dence and patronage of Om public. The Buildings of the Institute are ample, and null nruntgt d for the tie commodation of talent ninety boarders. and all students from a , mad are expected to board nith the teachers..- They will thus 'enjoy the benefit of constant lusts net 101 l and supervision. ' illechanicsbutg Is situated to the centre of the beau tiful Cumberland ,Vniley..nitte miles - ft mit 'llan rieburg, and Is easy of access by Railroad from Philadelphia.liab Limon!, be. No Im'ation could be more eligiblo for ale el:tn.—none noire Matti by or atti active for such a school. Pupils front Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and intermediato i points, taking the morning raid,. will reach 31erhanicsburg by 2 o'clock. P. M. As it is the determination of the Principal and his Assistants to the - Institute ion a Tema/men t and elevatei basis with every application requisite for superior success, they appeal with confidence to all who have 1.1114 toed. ueate. —The scholastic yearAvill ho divided Into two sessions of twonty two weeks each, the first beginning on tho first Thursday of. Sol:ion:Lk% Ond.oinill:goo,tho first Wednesday 'of Fobru ry : the second session bOginnhig on tho first Ibursday of lobrualy, and coding ofi.tbo first WoduesdarofJuly T E R M.S heard, Washing, Itouttt Rent, and Fuel per -- Session._ - • - • - • 00 Tu L ti lon, (Common n-oo 0nit.E.061..) - • - • 15 00 " Ancient 111111 Modern Laintuages,- .15 00 Terms per pnytible In nits unix. You further inforpotion apply to the Pnincipal, Merhnnlrol erg, Pu. 11.11.A1.1tb AND EUItNITURE. Nut subscriber having located himself permanently in West 11101 atreet, teat doors above Cr Railroad na. pot, haaJnFt'optated Ida' 4 CABINET WARDROOMS. utters he intends, as usual, tin manufacture and keep constantly on band every style or parlor furnitunt and [1101 . R.. • • • Walnut and Mahogany Dressing • 764,iaer,4 Bump; with marble tops. Sofas, . Tables and Wash•stands. Walnut What•nots" and Ward. robes. " • FRENCH AND PLAIN BEDSTEADS PARLOR and ROCRINIi chairs with velvet or hair cloth Nests and bucks. Mahogany and walnut chairs with hair. cloth or cane seats. • Plain Oath's of-xll kinds and stuffed spring Lotman. Curled hair and ATTRAt•SES at every variety, together with all other articles usually found lu his lino of business.' ' I.nrtlenlWrattontion paid tot epalriog and varnishing furillturn'of all kinds. Doing providedol.o with an immanent HEARSE, he Is prepared to fill all orders for PUNSUALB In Unfit Or country. • JAIME. It. WEAVER. Jan. 0,1858.-11 y. • pIARMERSI—Now the time .to.get a now 'IIIIIIBI3IIINO MACILINS and Ojt 8 E Wu ham tiumher Of.. won toade . Ainclilneo now on hand. at the .Car) Fottath7 Nlnellintr Shop, which we will sell on the most reosohable terms. Theyeomhine -al—the-latest linprovementa and .ate warranted to be of goad nuttarial and workmanship. AIso,COEN SilEbLEit • of tim Wont unprovud con. structen, which do their work rapidly and thoroughly. Nor sale at low prices by V.it AMMER & CO. 21, 1858 pi,AoKotrr.ls'..:o VAL .If.d/P.iduAiols of laundnous Coal; from td - u) oelobtaful ulumoW - 511u0a.'rocatving and furruile by. 4,u,uak a. . , , W. . VknN DOW SI-1 AD MI-L= • The • • y Chemitat'aase ' reioehl of 'Medea ahndlee'lto be hot at the new`sh.re'of.- .' Ajilnlll.l.llll,fr L imr,l3l.J UNE It S' .2;001, . 19\S of Lykeos..Vollo y. yyteool. a 01,iiiOorlar e.: rucplyblir nod for kale by ,•. , • • Aopott.‘s. It.R7 • ' TV. IL titPllitAY Stew ilbnertisements: ME Cilt LiA J. L.' 111 e'DOWELL, B. 51.,DA VIDSON J.111411A11.1, McDOWELL &'CO• • • fispunAL LAND ACENTS,., , Leobpituortle (Maar 2'erritory.: ILL `locate Itinfin in Kansas and .Nebraska Teri Ittiriee, lowa 'and Atestdin .511ssmari, Lliy.hnd sell 'nude, loan and invest picatoy.tniy and sell dr..0.0, give inform/Win) respectiag tha eountryi and don general niteniy.busluess. • ' RENtILEINCES. John IL. Oration, Eng.N.hrliale, Pa. 'Wm. 51; Becton, Banker, ' 0 • llon;J. 11. Ontliain; ' Nor, lirenirethau,A Co.; harikari!, Carlisle.. Win. M. Ilendersoli,„.Esq.., (hump Salidertom.Esq.; Lancaster. Pa. • Dr..loliii A, Al,]. (1,, Nowvillo, Pa. -. . 111. S. Claain,„Es lqin., I W I. W. Cla o rktt. Co., ukciti, Philadelphia, Hon; ShePlierdatoniii Pa; • lieltuan.li'Sonn, Mere/11111,P Bllltillloro. N. L. Blake, Esq., Cashier Dlerc mile hank, New York, Slistlet_4,slTorlile, Real Estate Agents, i4Jooeapolis,. \linnessotniorrliiry: —`--. m, Kilgore. ,Eaq., Attrnl,; Sterling; - 1117. - ; 11, W. Mather. Ex-Clovl.loseph7tiluer, Cumberland county, Pa. .11. W. Clark A. Co., hankers. Philadelphia, C Oov. Pollock. llarrisbitig; Pu. Mash 18,185713' • SATO' . WA R SPR.TING X ARR N IV S AL ~, iMAIEN§I,IISTOCK Or I!AItIOVARE, The Subscriber has just returned Crum the Easton .eities,.and_wouldcall,thelattenthaf of his frientia , Ane the public:generally to the large and weliselceteicas sertment eI:HAM/WARE which he has nole on hand: consisting In part of 10111,D I MI AIATI,It I ALS, such to Nails.. Screws, Hinges, Bolts, Leeks. Gloss of es cry do script lon and quality, such' !ISA:unmet,. 11 hit e.pollshou American, french. Enamelled sod Double thick. of al, sizes. Paints, Oils. Varnishes. hr.. he. TOOLS—lncluding Edge Tools of every description Sines. Planes;Braco and lints; A eget a. Squares.° edger Aalos r ..naspx,aAgnyu4 11 Blacksmiths Bellow. he., Lt. • SliomonlorF 11114 Saddlers will find a large assTolioni of, Toids of every, descripticti. together with Ladies' and Gentlemen .Morocco Lining. Dimling, Velma. and Frond. Calf Skins. 51161. 1:111.01111...it W nx. Pegs. Lasts ifornes;3 M Ling, Collars, Girdling. Whipstock, Beer hair, Saddle 'frees, fey., he. Al 'O. Coach Makers Tools and Trimmings Mall kinds sue lea uflt7Yellces7Slinftwitows , Fioor-Cloth— Canvass, Cloth, Damask, Fringe; Lace, Mors, Axles Spring Belts. he., he. - Cabinet - 31M:cm - will find a large- megntment of or nishes. Oak, Walnut, and Mahogany Veneers. hints of all kinds and slum. Mouldings. Divests, flair Cloth Plush. Curled Hair Chair and Sofa Sponge. hr„ he. Housekeepers Will ales find, a large assortment al Knives !Ind Folks, WM1111111:1. All tutu. nail Sll vet , hater 2ftei_Spoons,-Candlesticks,,Waltm and Tongs. Iron and Dress Kettles, Pans, hc., togetkoo, with Cotlati wore of till, hinds, such as Tubs. Buckets. Churns. ho . hr. - AgTicultural implement.embraeing Plowsof all kinds'. cultivator. hors. Shovels. Bakes. Forks. Chains, he. .TRON; it large 'sto 10 comprising till kinds in' genera' -usr-whichl aturelling at-city-wholesale ---- Remember the t.ld btand, East - Maio hired, Ca r 114. April 7,181 k . 1 . ILTDIBEItLAND VALLEY BANK • PROPRIETORS. WILLIASI KKR, MELCIIOI II NNE ROUT. C. JOHN DUNLAP, IDCIIMED JOHN S. STLIIPETT, . JOHN O. DUNLVP. H A. St unarm • • • • This Bank, dot* inislitesslia the mu ne of lier; Jill nem°. 4, CO" 111 now fully' prepared to don genet+ !tanking Business-with promptness and Mil:lit). :Money received on deposit and paid lack on without nailer. Interest paid 01111100dt Itel,OSittl. Cie - title/des of deposit bearing Interest at the late of ti, _per cent: will be issued for as shin t n mailed . us 101. ' months. Interest on all eertttlentes Itl ill cease lit un that if sold certificates ni C t e u i r i 4 e‘ Y et;i l l w i:t v i li d i e l}A l l ' i ° ]:l 7 l . l ' ie r' rea er fur :HMI her given p. rl6ll, they shall bear the same rate of interest tip to th flair of 00110telli. lilletieUble +Weldon] paid to tile ell 10011111 or notes, traits, chucks. Se., ht lug mitt Of th United States or Can/ides. •. Remittances made to"lingland. Ireland, or I he-Conti neut. The faithful and e,sl tideland. exi etitiOn of al . orders entrusted to them, may be relied upon: _ They call the attention of Formers. 31 eche:des mid all t there who .lesire a safe depository for their names, to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this hank ale 111111011/VAII,O liable to the extent of their estates rot Hittite Depossts,Nild other obligations of Her, Brmine. wen St Co. 'rho) have recently removed Into their 1100 directly opposite their former stand. in West Main Ctrek, a few doors east of the liallrond, Depot. where tiviy will at all times be pleased to pied' any Ito forwition desired In regard to money matters In gene --Open-forlinsinespi frotull o'elockitalie_mornlng.oul II 4 o'clock In the,eveuing. • 11. A. STU Itd EON, Cashier: , Carlisle. May 20:1 857. 13112= At NAUGLE'S JOHN r, UNE & SON; liave . just ,re. dyed their FAH leek of II A ItOWAIIF, Hat makes their stork very large and complete. new Stand a endp to fUrniqh the ;albite with every variety of goods In'the line of WA Itli A NMI) QUALITY, and 'al prices 1 hat defy compulltion. _ Ehumera Jinn 61.004 outlive it to say that—vte.loo o ever) thing In our Mit that the public rail pte.sqy stolid In need of. Th. most sue rat. sty Is { "Try us all ye that 'want grind goods at lon priers." Wu return our Mirror . ..thanks to the generous -piddle for their very. Mei natitniage and asking a Zontinuatlon of the same. .1 I'. INN I , *. .b SON, North turnover Street. Oct. 27, '6. rr SITIIROP-IDIP1)4.1 1.1-1 IrtN 7:411I . 1 m,OOl 5111 074, of superior quality. w law will sell,at rive , prices. Ali O. a largo hit of rlierry • imil Vi shut, Ouu 34•Iiiirlito I hey will t•elt WIII I II solo or Tonal/ low. Also. 11 pair of Hay will be sold Inw. Ms, in now Thrashing . AI/whine ti which we invite tin! att.enlio • of tamers. as we tool lily tog glt, it hirgain. All klinle. - of - Luttlbri• and Can constantly 011111111 d 101 V for ens u. • 1101•TElf. Carlisle.'inho 27. MERICAN WATCll.—llaving re Iltlk co ed the :names for the sole or the Alll,lllll :101, fiom the lioston WWII Company. I would r sp.:U . oly inform toy old friend!. and the public genet ally. that I' hate a 11110 alo.irtllll.llt now opening Rile ready for sale in gold and silver eases and very fin. tdyles. anti with regard In thee they nn n't ho beat, t pinto that filet It is only neeeet.ary to give fluent a trial PerFOolk I n Want Ora correct thee piece, are respectrull; Invited to call and nee our w Mein, W. It. A. NAtit4l.E. Street. Caelisle. Pa. EMI • BARE CHANCE FOR A PRO • FITABLE INVESTMENT.—The subsetlbor, fu 4te reasons %Odell ran 1 x prisovally explained. of for Mlle on tlio oast literal twins, thu`unlhe Stud Stationery. die., tlorludlog tl , e good trill) be Ing to rltottvls. Taylor et. Smith, it, I th—st ore oli th b east corner of -the square, opposite Feline's - J. FlZtaYli. s3lll'll. p . ris4 fei IM' 1 out) ntorf gust 11, 185S-, , at FFLICTED I'IIILADCI,I , IIIA 311:DICAI;i1011SE—Fstall6h Iveuty.two pars' ago by Dr. HI:CHU:I.IN, corner co, land Union Streets, Ithlbst I's. TIIENTY-TWO YEARS' petionee tins rendered It. K. n no st sneers - Frei the erne of all disensos Si n private 111 P. ionnlo.od's debility. as no Impediment to 111111 ; oerynnis and sexonl Info with s. disease of tin acid Illnsu arising 111• w abuse of intercom TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE /Pre lean evil moult sometimes indulged In by top I Vt ' . l l: '' ; l'l t eni t V i : rtir l i n i'" : " T '‘: l i t , ll' amt et„rul in dUettt.„l,ls brunt a 111)F111111M' to illtarillltilli4ll illippilines, but gist o a males of Kann:led, Inslduotts and des intuit,, dons. w of these Who give way to this porn Maus Nara . 0 nro of the emnenuences until. they find the TIC, ! system shattertd, feel strange and unaecoutstabl ; t one. 011111 vague - feat - 5W the lllllld, — (t'er pages 2', I. of Dr li's book_on " Fell-Peeservntlon.") r, unfortunate tints affected-becomes feeble, Is ant t labor with aceustomed vigor. or' to apply lit pto study; his step Is tloy and weak; he Is dull. lute. and engages oven in his sports Si 1111 less Pr 'than utand. .. )11, emancipate hiumdf before the practice has don. end. 11, d enter matrimony. his marriage Is unfrul , tu d hie .1101611 R him Mai Oils Is caused by hi 'stiles.. These are considetatit no 0 bleb chianti :en tile attention of nil . ho are sfutilarly situate, lit r ,kud. .erki alri I ho places Ithatelf under Dr. It 1 NH I real t. way rellaionely ctiof.de in hie hoar as a genth r.'and Ply upon the lasuran ee that the secrets o. t . ll rithOltA will never be 111001 sod. 'nut; 3140.—1 et no balsa moole/43 deter you from I lag yOOOlllOO kOOWII to one, who. from education I eepertabillty Lan _rert I.efriond you. K LIN'S roeldence has howl for the hut twon 'o yearr at the N. W. Corner oiI:I4RD AND UNION 'ETS, Philadelphia, Po. '• PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE ravo (by htt Clog their owe explieltly, together with heir syniptoms, per letter. enclosing n remittance) "a medicine, appropriated timordlngly. ,it to any rot of the United Staten. and rd secure (rota DAMAGE or CURIOSITY, by Mall 1., press. READ! YOUTH AND MANHOOD! !emus life or it Protestor° Death, Klnkelin. on • . Self—Proserratlen—Only 25 Cents. iters containing that value In stamps, mill ensure , per return et' ,'ORATIS! ORATIS ! ! GRATIS!!! A Flllag GIFT TO ALL. • MISERY RELIEVED. ature's Guide,'! a now and popular work, full of de odvbce and Itopresslro warning, alit° raloulat •;prasent years, a mhalry, and- save thousands of le diutrilnttekwithout charge, and , forwarded or,ltald to any Pos.:ln thu United States, on ru g an order unclosing two postage stamps. "15 16118-ly, - ' - ItEAT ATTRACTION! :Si - 7;4INQ OPP A . 7' COSI . ' I ;Attavllivpiss THE HOLIDAYS ! ! r The subg,ribi3rß would rotqwcaully roll the attention Ottlalnitlauna oTearllsloind'of eumherland county, to 'their" largo and "o ell Lrloded araorlinent Ea. In lOUS, STATION-I•IIOC,,,YANOY AIIT.ICLES. PICTURES. PIC TURE Flta.sllo, ate... w hichltiluy are now Folding off at -MST. Whoever wirlira to inindaiiii Iltalday, , prunno, will find a 'gond aisiortinent of hooka; eta.. In etury rimy audibly: and ran hrorure than at' wontuktrink-toW.- . We aler. I atond haritii an AUCTION Of pur rrtnalidoil Eut)lng, (1,1 1 0 Vil r inFLl)'ltltil.to Ike rontinu al int ortry inching uniihthe antlrtra.o.lit to erimo. all-rind . • • • ... • • ...SllltYool{, TAYLOR 'lc SMITH. 455. • " MIME MIN! EAD ! ! ! REMEMB4M, ~l~i_lulel~l~ia, C. I. BUSH'S t 411 o us t, platirket St., ttbotre Inghtlx, " '• • - LON DM CLItS I/0411i, G E 4 • • T';','n,!) 01: • I\lo • 7111 ‘;‘. r •.0 - •••• „„.ffie, JtpfrPfr,"ri.r...4 J It C A.S SELBE It It ' S (Lk AZRIS k C.1881:1.11ERIIT,) I®fly-V-01.1+DS - - - STORIK, 53 NO4TII I+II6IIITII S'FILEET,• 1313.01 W ARCH. NLI, No. 39.) PHILADELPHIA URI GOODS, iV1101,ES.11:111 AND RETAIL, FUR 00011 • PRINCE & CO.'S• IMPROVED PATENT MELODEON. , TILE /11.DESll•Esr In the UNITED STATES, I.:IW1 /I'lNa TWO HUNDRED 31 EN, and Finishing VIII lITV I NisTIC UM ENTS • 1.1111 WEEK. • Conlblnlng all their Iterinit Innninvenwnts—Urc Divided Swqll,,Orgini, :%loindenTr,-,te.; (The Divided Swop can only he. oldnlned In Melodeons of our Manulaetnre.) - • li==ll GEO. 4..1.)1i.1KE &-CO litanufaetui''ers)--Ilutrallo, New York 'WHOLESALE DEPOT 87 - Paton :rt. X. Y., 110 Dike Chicago; /1/ W 1101. ES AIl All EN'ES--It mwl] & Itleharason, Ito:. 'tan, Nlaas.; W. F. Poll)urn. Cincinnati. O.; 'Palmer & W eber,St. Louis, Mo.; Ph. P. IVerleln. Now Orleans. rl . lllll till, /10.110 pril 3,1848. 'rho Nlelodecooz 11M111111lettIrdli by Prince fi Co.. and for sale ,at 'C Fulton street, are_the best Iq the world: Wo base tried them. and therefore speak, underv(aud. {may or their merits. 'they are afforded at a very mod. --orate ...C., • PRIDES OF PORT 111,11 INgTit UM FINIS Four octavo 11•• lo 1000, extoodlug from Cto C. 45, Tour nod n Ira ovum. do: Cto F 'VT Five Itetarelmtimu• • d , I• • tt , F. •••• • •7 5 Vivo octave, double rood, 'do. to F 180 Olt(1 31:1,1).1)1:0N --Two Mull. of l'ioys, Ilvo Soo; of Rood., Eight PtopFi Ono 11111 i R Unlit Ootß,o Foot Pollak, Ono Sot of Itoids, In Point Bait, Independent. ' - PRICES OF' PIANO CASIO> - • . Film Octavo Melodeon, oxtoodlog from 4 , to 1. -- '3lOO Six (Wave Melodeon, do. ' Eto F MO. Five Ili•t4tro doublo riled. do. . 'Fto 5' - 450 .51vo OctoVo, Twollankg of Koym '2OO Our facillf le • fur manufacturing Are perfect, noel from our long experience in the business. having linlxhed and . sold over TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND M ELUDE qtI rye Pei confident of gluing satisfaction- . - or dealers in any part in the United States or Canadas. are wpm txf tai to be porfixt in offer). respect. mid should may %/pairs lie nerowiary before 11. expiration 'Orono poor r out the date offalit ere hold ourselves ready and trilling to nialca.the4ixine Neu of eitar,A , provided the injuvy Is not caused by accident or design. Ii Eth A. PRINCE A: CO. Agoutis for the side of our Melodeons 1111Iy be found In ell the principal cities and towns lo the United Status And Counties. Agents at CarifiIe—SIIIITOCK, TAYLOR S SMITH. Al NUWVII lI—W. It. LINN. f may ItebB., _ ,TL ,W SA' Aq, E It 'rise subseriber Tuts Slurted a tag weekly line of Stages between Carlisle and Landisburg hearing Car. \lisle gory Me n ley, Wednesday and Friday, Immedi ately on the arrival of tho littermou insist of ears. from the eaq.. Iteturning, teams LaUdisburg at 800 A. M., every Tuesday. We theßday and Saturday. and arrives at Carlisle :it 1.00 P. M.. via. Perry &only Warm' Springe, Sherdrinsdale. Slerret is flap and Cal lisle Sul , phur Springs. Ott and arer JUT.' the 1501. the line will run daily for the accommodidlorfof passenger:, going to the Spring, ' Fare hi the several points as follows: • Carilide to Sulphur Springs,s o 50 .. '• Sterrett's-Cap 75 '• S'iermausila . . .. ' • • • terry County Warns Fpriugs, . . . 100 Landisburg, . . . . . . . . 100 IiETURNINU. Lanal;burg to Warm Fpi intro, :Airman osdale, Fterrett's Sulphur FI rlr go I 00 Carlhoi, . . • . . - ..... 100 The above line ',rill tegularlv rarry tho MAIL to and from the several points ithove Indicated. I have oho, a well stocked VLIII STABLE. from which I not at all times ready to furnish horses nail ear riaties to those who will, favor me with their patronage. on the most reasonable terinsand la the very beat style. nutyl9lBsl4. GEORGE IIb:SI)ly L. run 14111)1()IET lints TilEit3lomE- E Tr.iun i ' 1111.:11510NIETE11131 11 Just raeolvell Ulu 11,b0VO, nIl sizes, spikes and finish at 11..1. KIEFFER'S t/ OUR PROCLA3IATION.— Ifni ono; the lion. JANIES 11. CS A trA NI, Presi dent Judge of the several Courts of Common - Pious of the mouth:ls of Cumberlood: Perry nod Jour:an, nod Justice of the se, oral Coorts of Over and Terminer :Mil G011Cr111..11151 Delivery In bald colludes, and ilon. Son um, Women:nix nllll that. 31. (loci:LIN, Judges of the Court of,Oyer and Termioer and (tenure' Jail Delivery fa. the . triat - a Till capital and other MhinderS, - 11. the nald county of Cumberiattd. by their. precepts to Inn (D -r-OTC-lA, dated the. 12. th of April. 11155, hnve ordered the Court of Oyer find Terminer amblieneral Jail Delivery to be holden ot CARTA:9.E, 00 the . 2nd 310NDAV of Jo envy IRSS. (being the 10th day,) at 10 o'clock In the forea not, to continue MO weeks. Novel; is II F.IIT 11 1 V to the - Coroner. .1 us tices'of the Peaeo and Crotstiddes of.the ~.ad county of Cumberlond, that they are by the said precept eutn• !minded to be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls:' records,. leo tilsitians. examinations ind all other )emenderlmees. to do those things which to their °Meer 1111111'a:11R (0 be done, apd all thorn dint are bound by recogulmoces. to prosecute avail st the prisoners that are or then shall 1,0 in the Jail of said county, aro t. he there to •prosocute them ns shall bu just.' 1101rf. NieOAIITN ET, Sheriff. Sit lyres 0 . P OR, . Iteci tuber, I. MS.( lIANTCII, M EIteIIANT TAILOR,' Li • West, Main Street, (nmswlte tho Railroad laved has just received a new and olozant assortment ni Cloths, Plain. Blue!: and Fancy Casslmers, ands variety of Plain and,Figured' Vestiugs, all of which he will main, up to 111.11:11r0 in fashionable style, and on roe so,mbit, I arms. Ara- Ordeal attoutted to promptly, and the ilttlnglo all garments guaranteed, or no sale. - maylUlS5B, N. II ANTCII. wit received fresh 13U1C4LN' O FLUID nt 11. d. Kit:owes. V ALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRT YAW: Swl,l-I.—Tbo undue f.l.tiled offers, - at pri vate sale, that vainable property en West 311.111 street, 11 eetly opposite Illeklasen Ot the benniali of Cal-lisle, eentaintell fid fail. In f vat, and 240 feet In depth, grit A 7 10 .3hurell alley; 'rho improvements c,. `- ar-I two 111110 K HOUSES. with the e 110PeR.ItY out-headings; all In no .il wpair. 't tto o et .tint is very dosir,ble,• tabor I' h plicate col !limes, or flYr any nubile ousiaesa, curb tile n Lumber or Coal Yard nr Forwarding House, being but. a few feet f 'fan ti e Cumberbihd Valley railroad. Per farther information enquire of GEORGD - Dee. 1, . . ' ' 'Carlisle, Pa - ATALITABLI I .I - TOWN, - 1 3 ROPE1tTY• , I'IttVATfrog , VIAL tAtutte on . woot elreotl between ?Into end Pomfret, Carllelo. mkt thaw: tto; .propertror !ore. trterrott he L rola:this:et fort Ihrotot. end 12.1 tort to depth.. .1 The Improvements are a' routmodt . • - • ono two 111111 K Mi.:WAN() 111Q811, eith a back building end • other - cohie. , lot out building, ", 1.1101.- NemiriPM of fruit : et. trot. ehrubbery.Ar. rhtlere i,l othot iloCreeerY p tot 'Woe ton cooir otot le reeldeoro. , . -.The location 1.4 ale Ili the no th4l .31,1 : o•utd ottrec tt, privet° rip4Pivilro orehy , oirered letleg to a pitt-prtild.t4WWP4nnly h'eostot to rhelde, -hot rh..ro tutdrotoroent IP , r , pl eti g I'g on otot Prol'ar ty dotty Ineten , hot in vtdup, ,tr• r tprmit'A6.: ohoulra or • ~" • Est4o, Anent and Srilveuer: 1,163 t3ook. NOW IS THE TIME TO . PRE • • PAItE I+olt WINTER._ : • , The subserlbent have.juptt returned from the cities of New Ydrk.iind Philadelphia, with one of the largest as eortmonta of FALL and WINTER 001/DS, everbrought. to thin place, embracing ovary variety of •. 4 READY,MADE CIOTIIIrG, ' end piece gooet, which will be made up to orild or gold by the yard, amonewilleh a tow articles may be named, viz: Slott Black, Twilled Frunch, Illutddnek, Illue, Thom, (Teak nod Claret-CLOTHES; Plain uhd Raney CASSIMER ES of every sty le nod quality;'Satin, Black anti Fnncyliretindine. Merino, Marseilles, Silk and how, akin VESTINOS; nil .wool Frotelt Tweedy. italinir .Cloths; Cashmerot. Jeans and over, description 01 heavy goods for tall and winter wean, Alw , , the 'urged und.lanndsomesl stock of Plain and 'Valley CRAVATS. STOCKS. mid TIES; Linen and Silk Pocket liandker chiefs ; 'Collatichalr hose nod Cloves of every kind. to , get her with II large ttssortintni of Trunks, Valises, and Carpet lingo, all of which will be sold at' the lowed prices. •Call. anti but, us ot, the old stand, in North Hanover idrta&t,tppoisftu tiroilet's Hotel • • Oct :Mg 13. KIEFFER'S WIIOIEBAL.E AND RETAIL Drug, Chemical, Confectionary, Fruit irtItRIETV STORE., ueder'siffned has just replenished his steel{ 0 .I.lQlplOttlittrAmr been ,fie lectettivith - dretit euro, he Is satisfied are Freih ant Pure. Physicians' prescriptions .111 be promptly' not faithfully attended to. Orders from merchaets ii th country tilled with care nod on the nund reason tdde terms. All official preparations made, strictly I. accordance with Ile U.S. Pharmacopeia: • • SPICES GROUND AND • such as Chimunon, ClosterrAlsplee, Coriander. Pepper fljnmb.M nstarli..llakA WaF.I a, iLug Sod Crone Tartar. In lroVa;i73l7ice, Madormo, Timm). &e., its.; fresh and Owe. Ile lota co. bond all the different Patent Medicines or the daY coNFEcrioNARIE,s. - • • Oranges, Lemons, .Figs. Raisins, Currints,'-Prmies, Alinongs. FllLeris, iVahitits, Oroundnuts, Creamnuls ellostuute,_Atoerican. °malt mut French Candies. and Candy'Toys of .oyery Yarlnty. Thoso wishiag - to - make • hisaln N,., ..1t..,,,. cmk-Ittrt,-let-mippl/414-witit-41 'quality of Confeetlointrles and at lower rates than at nay.ntlier hnuse in the country. 110 ha's also a full sortment of AMERICAN, GERMAN AND FIIENCIr TOYS, consisting of %Vend OM Tin of every description. Bach IN Dolls, Doll Heads, hinnies, Wognms Birds. Moving Figures,. Fancy Work Boxes. Masks, cords. Drums. Chairs,. Whips, Trumpets, Whistlex, Drossing Stands. &c., &c., to be sold Wholesale and Rentll,"ond In competition Is I'AXC.K.GOODS. Port Monnales, Parses, Pocket Rooks. Cuth.rv. Shell and Pearl ant Cnaos. Needle Books, Pori - Vidl7,l7,'Valia - tiTajrfififir. — Pran ch - and—Annnlean-Uldine „Wale, ankstandK and trays, Card Itocku and Itavkols.. Jett Breast Pins, Neeklals and nings, Combs NIT. I.ong, ,Side. and Bads ~utlaintrella Combs, lair.j„l,thes.ll.,t. Inat..tr:Nall. and To 'lb Brushes'. SeW11111: Mks, Patent. • Thread and Spool Cotton. Buttons, Rr. , . • - PEItFUMIMIES. • . Fancy Toilet gout other P.oami. Pearl Powders, traeta, first quality Hair tills, Pomades... ShaVIIIV anti Cream, Tooth Paste. Balm of a Thousand Flowers. Trieophereas, Teeth Wash. lithe invlaeramrs, and Hair Dye. Tho above have boon solvated with rare mid_ trill all ou examination, speak for - themaelves. r 0 ,t; 1 0 . On band tho best lot of SOgnro and l'ohaem flint has oior Limn brought to this town. Ills Sepos will coin Alma, tin, intoker. on trial al purity 01 tho matuflal - of whieh" they 'consist. —lle has on hand-those only which ore impor tpd'u Mt Which he rill: re 01111i1rIlil at 8111,11. .Wo need not speak of the.tilto German Itegor as already gabled for themselves n rimutatlon that they.. richly deserve. Ile (0601,111FItly, common a, fiche of Sogars to suit the trail.; Tobacco nue!, as' El dorado, Plain entigrest; Twist Hain, Fig Leaf, Cal en. dish, Congress, and Fine Cut Toban. and ~ n uff, thu .I,ent material: • . . Feeling thaladul to the it oneroui4 public for their 111,• ) al patronage, acontinuation - of the Sllllll, is golIt•Itod, a , oup oi tirmationt location In South I tanover sheet, dl. r Alf, 'ittoslto Ilannon's Ilotol, and nest door to 3lr. `. Inliert 'a Urocer):— -- , CnrllFle. :hm 23, Mr—ly • )trIINiNG FLISID Pine Oil Lump s , % . vi,•,10 . 0n,50:. - 1 .., Pqm•en ' t . rated Atla- mantinell/111 SpPl'lle C 3111110,1, to t .1.• at the now "sro , ears spo'o WM. . _ CllOl4ll 1111ANDS-TI)IIAUCV. purMd t , egurs fur sale at the nuw grooTery F. tore of WM. 11',S.ICI.IsiS-6: CO'S. I'EAS, loose nnitin pill tall le met:lbws. Sag .s ninll 61ndfl. T in nnd.lnvn Collees Ilakafa So. I. tint thic Chocolate, far nib by. '- 101. 111:NTZ. _ _ FANCY - 13NSKETS fist MHO. TOotli Cologne. Extracts„ polo 1y CRANBERRIES, Ilominy, i yttncs. Raisins, currata,.. Vlvi. Sul s. wnt.r. Blitter and Rodin Crnekerb. fine - mile null _Fon Sago Cheese, Snipes, fer Male by - BENTZ. FISII AND SALT, 3lneharel in half and vnitz . i.4i r rvAia f u s s lititi, Salmon, 11arrit1.:„4,1.0i„;,,,,4e.d, • COLD BAND CIIINA, ill setts of 96 nytrtki nierea. white granite and (Inman ware. glas.,w4are. fur P . 3le, byWM TZ. CORN BRO0)1S, wliisks,,, , :lhearth brooms, beekete. tubs, churns. bsekels:"bromhes, npes. rums. MOM, WIISII Ismnls, rlAlhnp. pt4is C innAtlrs, rolllug pint.) spoons. buff 11(111t1d6r1:, egg benters, enlarturners. lam ki n g, &e., for tiob, by W3l BENTZ. .F RESE PEACHES: fresh Tomatoes. aspar ngto,, peas, tutu' f ipple, syrups. sartittes. b•umta kettsup pickets, Worm...U..llllre suttee, hula fettits. jel• Iles, fur lulu by )1)1, BENTZ. TIIE ABOVE. nod many other goods not enumerated Gar sale at the lowest rash prkes at the new and cheap grocery store of IV M. BENTZ. Cat lisle. Nov HAT AND cAP EMPORIUM.— .1. ii. CO.. surressors to Wm. 11. Trout, would announce to their runtemers . 11114 the public pmerally that they have Just re,olved from l'hiladel. phis. n large and elegant stock•of Vf.OllF, In their line of basin of every uarlety, ~ty le and qual it v.. • ; • 'rimy have'on hand it splendid assortnnoil of HATS ; •• • • •• - •• OE of all descriptions, from the et:notion Wool to the finest FUR Mull SILK HATS; mid at prices that must suit every ono who has an eye tot:eating the worth of his money. Their Silk. dale :hie and Beaver lints, ore, unsurpasted fir I.IIIIITNESS. DUDA lIILITY AND PI N I 111 : by those df anv, other esiabibdunent in • thu country. . YO' Ii ATO of every description mn•stnully on bond. They respeetfolly Invite all the old patrons and us many now ones no tnn.lble, to gle. n .I.e then U. CA1.1.10 & CO., 4 Oct 13.1'358 --V I RON RAILING!—Iroi, Railint; for te r no•tury enelosureo.public and private grounds nod gardens, rondo to order at tho Carlislo Foundry. our stock of Railing. Verandah and Bracket patterns now prisexa large variety of new and elegant designs which ter Public are Invited to rail mitt examine. for. rooting and putting up Railing will la promptly execu ted at satisfactory prices. *9_ An entirely 11010 TEN HORSE STEAM ENGINE and 11011,Elt now mill:old, warranted to be of (Ito best make. and will to sold at a bargain for cash or on short Mote— [MEM & Co. July 21,185 h. FANCY FURS-FOR LADIES AND CIIIL .•DREN. JOON FAIIEIIIA k CO., No. 818 (new no,) MARKET Street, above Elahtli, Pints s'A.--Importers. Manure°. titnws and Dealers in FANCY FURS, for 'Ladles and Children: MR, (loot's Furs, Fur Collars, and Illoves,—. 'rho number of years that we Imre been °nudged' In the Fur business, artll tho general diameter of our Furs, both' for QUALITY PRICE Is SO generally known thin:whom the Country, that we think It IR not ne cessary for us to lay any thingyntire Ilion that we have now opened out assortnim tof FURS for the Fall and Whiter Salea.a_ the lereeitrand most beautiful assort. taunt that Su eyer offered Fifes to the noble. Our Furs here all been lumbrted diving the present season, when itione woe scarce and Furs much lower klum at Om ptesentAluteotiot have been manuractured by the most iloutpetentwerknieti; we are thinifilire de Omitted to sell them ut such prices na will continue to give us the reputation we have borne for years, that is to sell 3 good article for n very saint rawly. Storekeepers. will do well to give no a cell, UN they will find the largest assortment by far to select from In the cl'y, and at rnipufiietutera prices. .101 IN FA REIRA & CO. • No. 818 )Ptricet 'Street, above Bth, PIIII;AD'A. Viir FARE REDUCED. •n 5 6. STATES UNION 05-1 CL, 606 S. 608 Market Si., nibwvo slXtbk,' PHILADELPHIA.' 11. W. MERLE, Pr6printnr. TERMS :--612.5 per day. Jubb 59. f I V E STABLE.—Having I_4 chased from J, IL Noneuialzer .bIR .1.1 1 :EBY Er- TABLISIIMENE,. I will be, always reedy to amount; date:the üblic - with ItollSES, CAI' BlutOES, BOOGIES, nod i•very Ahern. tielcuin my.line, fly strict atteidlon lanolieminlid n desire to please, the subscriber hopes t reetdee a libund shore of public fedi imago, • • , • O}COMIE N.-0. .omilibusseuou hand to supply those who ma, beln need Of them-- . b10re..25.1527.1 e13001.;0 .1., ! 1A'1'L11•7,11.-' A full ar rtorOnent of 31oroeco Loather, Liehaw,end llld :ila'iltiAllit4llllllTritl'el,"" IYII 11"'"u'll' bh"°l9' JOHN l' rLYNI.' L SON North Ihthe ' vor Street. , , W 6itp tc . r: and EIIN. Ten CnLu. CllOlll . ll. tiu,' A r 14..1 4 .`. 1.1; list • t - .thn 0.• 111111 110 W 'sl •:?lmfnclll l i ' 111 — •;i r tiir 'pack," ag.9l.•' 53111.9.4 tquul, (11:,.1..:147ap0re 1111.,A. ihu 11 Ulikt VlO , :stow: '6R; N . . .. . . 0 ' 1' I 0 N . ..J , • Merchant, and• Traders will be on their 'guard and: ' not be (mini-out upon by x coonterrelt ..(I•lor4e'e hellion „_ Root I'lll4, signed A. 8.. dlogii. ~011' genuine Indian , Root Plll,l hero theinone end signature or A. J. While'. . t Co., on each be:. '.• •- ~ . .. ~.-.3 It. 310103 E, the inventor o 6 SIORSE'I , I" INDIAN. - • MOOT PILLS ' hie spent the gteatiT part of Me 116 In traveling,lntving visited Europe. Asia and Africa. no well as North Ahlerlea--)Jus spent three years Innen,/ • - ' ' thedndlans of our.Arestern reentry—lt was in Ills wa;: that the Indian Root I'llls wt•re .first discovered.... 11r, ._ ':lloree'wal; I Ile first fafmf.ln 0.101410 i the .firt: that ,i 1 - tilmwes arise Item ImputivrY AN nil: 111416P—that' our strength, health and Iltbdepended upon thle vile! 11 uh.l ; - - ' --- - - - -. Al.lutu-tito-vorltuts-passages-bermne-rfoggedpriur-d-iy— tot act in Perfect iiiiinlony with the different littictiOnit__ of-thwrlxslytholitaid Aoses,ltet,,acHaiti,-„bucoutest-thi corrupted and diseased: thus catiiihor till Sic- "nem and distress of story, some; our strength ' is ea hoisted, our we are deprived of; nod-If nature is • nut assisted In throwlog'off the - stag - mutt humors. the blood will become eltuked and cease to act,- and thus • uur lighter life will forever Ili b,own out. How int !mama thou that we should keep thu various Passages of thu body free and open. And how pleasant ,to to that me have it in uur power to pot n medicine in your reach, namely. Alotie's Indian Root Fills, manufactured frinn'plaids and roots WWII grow around the 1110U11- tainvus dills in Nature:B garde., far the bayoupodkrts.. • 'revery of diseased - man. - Hoc 'ertlitt - risl,i, fi t ., which these Pills .tire o side Is a Sudorific, to bleb tomes the' Ores or (1.1 skin, slid assists Nature in Hutu, log out the titter parts of the corruption whiles. The second - Is a plant which is nn Lsoectorant, that opens and sin cleat, the mittens° to the flings and MOH. in ti soothing tontine,, perform Ito duty by Hiroo ing oft phl egm : an d other humors front lungs by copious spitting 'lbe thia 4 . Is a Uluro,te. which gives mite and tiouldit strength to •, the kidneys: thus encourazd thox des'iv nor, uac,,ots wiliTqamtyramn - mr,d. which is then thrown ,out •butt Orally by the urinary' or waterpassage, nod which could dot havu-beetedlsehargedlo any other way: The ' • . foul tit Is a Cathartic, and'acc, topanleti the Other prop. ertles of the fills while, engsrl in purifying the bloml ; the cist emir • particles of impurity which cannot • WOO, br the other outlets. are thus taken up and con veyed off 111 great quantities by '1 he bowels. Emortho - shoveTit - is - shoirtrtlist - Dr.,310 - hveitiihlion Roof fills Ili It' ellrflr rite MOIIIIIOI. hot -become .- .-....--............ utalted.with the 'snood, for they Iltud way to every par ,_ ana conipletoly rout out and cleanse the system froth all Impurity, and bite llle of the body, wllich 15 the blood. becomes ,perfeetly healthy-: cuauselnently -all sickness an - du:do Is dull-0i Irish the system, for - 161 7 7 y - cannot remain when the body becomes so fibre and clear, The rdunem why people ore FO distressed _when sink and why sognany die, 14 betnuse they do not get s medicine which will' pass rolhe afflicted parts,' • ! which will open the 'intend passages for the Olsen, - he east out: hence, a large onnotity 01 fislt and matter Is lodged. and the stomach and ' - literally overflowing with -.tile corrupt , undereolng distweentule formentatiu,n. c. lox with the blood, which throws tbe col through-every-vein and-artery.-ant I Mg - --- the holly bygllsease. Dr. Morse's I'ILLS . the:m.4oPa victory upon victory, by rest. . f the sick to blooniing. health • and ha thous. rids who have hems racked or t, sickness, pain and sungolsh. and whore _.. have la - gin - seorauSdli - f - i - he burning el..m fever. and who t r ove hew, brought, as It • step of the silent grave, now stand ready they would have been numbered with Ile - not lucen fur tads great and wrioulerfol no 111111,111 Soot Pulls. After 0111. Or- 11 41 , heo, they Were 204011 41,144 2111 d 11 ' 4, • witbessing - their charming rifer • Kivu immediate Ipso and strong tel, • sleknes. pal. 111111 anguish. lint 7 t i,, b lo t theandation of the.disease. ' - thre. it roll, Int shown. especlallrb) It: PJIIS. that they will so cleanse iiiiio;:..,... =that deadly enemy-will take Its Sight "- of - youth and beauty ,avid again return.. r • ,_,.., .... ~ran. pert of a long at lie life will chrkislu t .lif heighten yottu days. . . - . . CAuTies.=-110ware of fleralllterfelt sighed A. B. },tore, All genuine have the iiiitne • Ot A. J. Weirs: S Co. on each box. Also t signature of A. J. It Idle ,t Co. All others are stuttrleu. . .. . - A:. l Winn: A CO.. Sole Proprietors, , . - Mt Lem"' Street. New York, ' Ili, Morse's Indian Root I'llls are sold by all licalet I in 314411c1:1e5. Agents are wanted In every town, village and hamlet In the land. Parties desiring the agency vu ilfaddress as above Mr tougns. - - Prise 25 scouts per bux,iive boxes will be sent on re ceipt of $1: Is sbige paid. iju2:l'ss. OS- For Sale in Carlisle by rt. W. Ilaverstiek.: . I= DR. AMERICANA-PILLS. s AMERICA-PILLS. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED. )70 MVO AMERICA VICTOR I 0 VS, — • - One small Nos of Pills cures ninely nisi cages out of bundled.. No Balsam, no' Mercury, no odor ou the breath. nufear of deteedom Two small pills a dose; tasteless and harmless ns eater. Full directions ath given. so that the pailimt ranrrure - hlinself as certain ns with.the advice of tho 1110/4 experlenied surgeon,'" „. nod much Letter 'non with the advt., of one of Dttle experience in this class or disease. - 1.. - SENT IIY MAIL TO ANY - PART OF TIKCOUNTIIF ,by encldshig one dollar to Du. O. Watiox. No. 154 North Seventh St. helve race. PhlMM4bia. J I.lherni _- 1 Discount to' the Trade Non„genolue a Dhow the writteo signature of 11.0. Welton. Proprietor , .• De W 's - treatneht. for Self.aLuse. St calincss. AT.,- entlrelC'dillerent from-The usual course tie. W. has . curOLlonuireds ivh6 pun o tried others without Lenett i - The treatment,lS'es oriole _to cure .RP ih Fun Is to . ' rise Enclose'n stamp, and adders. lir. W. as nhol e, fining history of the rase, and rtotipvi/1 bless the made the effort to 'secure %that Is certain—A 17:RA11CA UDE. 1 4 1 0 UTZ'S 31IXTURE.—This is a power.ul and truly magical remedy for all exter• nal diseases, either nu man 'Jr beast We would ask, hale 3 tot the Rheumatism or ellrliSt 1116%0 mr * MA rolllplllloltr, and w a know that you would like to drive titem away as quick no possible. Then use Foutz's Mixture? Would you unto your Pores, swellings, ruts, horn., promins. bruise., or any other wounds healed, we reprat It. use ' , otitis Mixture. • ' It in truly a wonderful art lch:• If your horse has tire bpaoln,Noon, peibEyll, Fistula, ecratrbtri, (racked heels. Chafes,Oldls. SPra ins, Ac. We sae again and again, your remedy Is louts's Mixture. It rests but teentybive rents to try It. Hundreds elm were racked with. paine—toores Who were thought Incurably eilleted. have, been restored to health nod souudness and are now .rrjolet the blessings that health bestows: null thus, dear reader, nmy it ho with you. if you are SO unfortunate ea' to be nibleted nith any of ihe ids for which you Ilud this Liniment rtsommended, use it preserringly, use le faithfully. and no think you will train cause to blest the day when -you became acqualreed with. Fouts'• Minion. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ, Westudoster. Md. For sale by S. W. Ila‘erstlek: entilsle, Pa.. and store keepers throughout tit, county generally. Privy .25 and 50 . .reatan I lath. • f jpl6l,S-ly. DOES WSEASE ORIGINATE - 1.4 IMPURITY OF, VIII BLOOD? This Is a question of vital Importance and one which has never been satleartorlly disposed of by the profes sors who trait the healing art. NOW, utaintaln—and 'eqterially the old sole el l'hysitians—that life lives In the blood. and therefore all ilseases origipate in It— but modern science avers tiod. 811311tIlp have their origination in both the solids and fluids ; of the body. ThatOw latter preponderate, lootetrr s it. rt ford Met, nod liii•dlemi /kill /tits cleat ly dentonatrated .that at Lout tilt, thirds of the ills that human flesh is heir to, loco their soma._ it. set 13IPURE STATE OF THE Ill. 001)! ... As, for Instance. lu the long catalogue. Full as Serofn. la. *fetter, •• Harbor's Itch," PlitWes, Hlotates. kryt.lne las. Ulcers, Salt 'Memo. discharges front the ler, Fes or Sores. or fern utile diseases of any kind -llne,o me an eertnltted by meil known medical lawn to arise from lad blood -1111110 tha highest method fiutin•rities declare th a t ~,,,i tartan eriglonte In the same mane,. and inure particularly 'I yphbld aid searet- the loiter in log on lateral, mid the latter on external Irrtiair o liiFill.o.: and in nil person• attached lo these 17pdios, the iliellli In Stolid to i.e either coaattletcd, or to / a dark unhealthy color. To ward off a lacgo nudotity of dintllnen. An wt•11I no to cure a 1111111 b, which hare already seized unon t , s 3, tout, It is necessary to ' -'; ' ' •'' - - PURIFY. THE BLOOD. 1..„ Lindsey's TanYtro'ved Blood Sdareher does not claim Ib boa UNIVERSAL •PA NAVEA • for every dlaenao kuown-Toit -the• proprietors claim for It the power not only of &Molt g out an impurities 01 the blond. but by the skillful combination of well knou n - vegetable rentedies. it will cure all diseases truing from 41entoged slate of the liver. drive out dyapvisda. and give renewed tone end vigor to the stonath. That the !Irma SF/oil:urn is all that is claimed fur Iti the Ovid.. tors can produce THE PROOF. . • It is only it few years since It WWI discovered. and yet It has grown into such a business that a large lala,rafery has been Built expressly fbr its mannfecture—a large number IX mon employed in putting it up, and still the IPPLY DOES NOT EQUAL THE DEMAND! IV, a ' any' candid may, could this be to. It the Sled. I n did ot.pessess ALL the virtues claimed for it 'rho I'm rams base hundreds of cortifiestos &cm men of prt ilty and standing in Abe community, show lug what t medicine to doingAnily for the engin leg ASK ANY PERSON who 111140 v, useil .the Klood Senniter uhetber roll wes'exparioneed: . • . . Lot the ittllPteil give it a trial—a single bottle tell 1, eene hm e the most sk.•ptlnd of it? . . rm., For rode In Carlisle by S. W. llarersf Irk. S. El liott, and 11. .1. bleffer• ' Kordofan son, Abvldtries .har t r; {homelier & Zook. .Shiphordr.town ....Joshua 6,4, ling - Mown ; DinllllollF, Cone 14.4dot;,limlis Sc" Mee, Shiremanstown; A. NI, Leidlrlf, : Inca; Cary W. Kissel, Churchlown ; Edward .lotore. 11 fat 11111; J. C. Fasnauclit ; Shoemaker & Eillott. - NewLurg; Wm. Bretton, NI:11,111e; J. hard & Co.. Springfield; Russell & Dire. Diehlneon ; Wathinger, .lackrameillet Wm. Clark & Co.: Lees Fulda; Wm. IL Eekleo, Sporting 11111; .D. Donlinver, Whlta Dail; Altick,Shlppenaburg; all of Cumter land county, Pa,- ~ - " LINDSEY & WICEC: Proprietors. . Ilollidolsburg. Pa. MEM DU V A.Ll4;$ GAL:VAN-1C .01L • enieArtto Ortiontata , ix 1 3 110 F% DU - VALLi' Formerly of the College of Surgeona,-Poria, . • Is now offered to the public fir the Cure 'of all Sate - • - _lot Painful, Igsensos; for fasten ee--,• Pale or Soreness , ny pert of the - Sjsteuri - libetititatlantrrallitu the tnek,—.. -- • [east •or 'Ales. ated ..breaSte. • Neuridela. . prolos, I M cramp tilktbo Si' mach, rt . any mime inease that's Stint , . AND PAINFUL, sod It Is ; rer this $.llO. of Ills, ases ive'elatut. a PEI; FLOP )]t. • We ellY.praltlvely . petitans. we roe re-. .. :eve the aulTerer SO three out. of lilt, We could just ay L. the Public. Prtflyt Vall • eta yeam•lo brng, thismuntlclue te.tbitrovittiOrny ever - ell . e f Y rl_l'lh'n_td colas perA,Acie: e3;,e, .06 rept. Off. to • p 'All elders. Ulust addrissed ' '•• ' • .J. IiTON Sole A'at . for U. S. Aretrlstuali;:•sllfllitttonnty. ' MI USE .- • • '.7. 1 Elio; •Frol:(,, 111 . 11 t. deer, AC:4 at ' • ttec.l4,l„ , - WI , II.IIkNTZ. , , pebic,ines: w.s,-vakliams 00400105 ,______. )-1 EIRI S