'THE HOUSEWIFE To ROAST BEEF.—Bib roast is that part' where . the ribs, continence, on the fore quarter to-the liack ., of theox.• /The' fir-t . •WO or three ribs is called the - first cut, the no*, two. or throe (he second cut ; these two Outs are the bo.t to Feast.. Cut off ell the tbo belies, and saw the ribs in two p'(i(et, carefully cut-of all soiled or dilly places, if the(' . wipe it 'ail over with a clean cloth'wruirtg out of Then rub it all ,over • difiit pai kin,a pal - to vomit; Wichita too strong a lire to, burn it. in h.tif 'an. hour: take it out 'and drain the .gravy into a and dust ou .flonr-alfover.thOAnbat•-thittillusiLii.eLdt;ntLi . every h !Hm'', until the ‘ineat,,,is roasted; whten will -keep the -gravyjrom-being burnt. Take up the Meat, skim some *of the fat fr.,in the top of the ho . wrand:putir it into the Pan, dust in sothe flour. let it boil and'stir it until•it thickens. N. B. A roast of ten pounds will take tw ) and 'a•half to three. hours to epic. If you roast before tr fire-place; you can let the' gravy-remain in the pan.• A o sido'n of beef,. in. a loin of real, can. be roitoel in the 8111110 Way: rili!in of beef the suet must not be roasted—it. Will 'sp,il the gravy: • - 7777TOMiTijgiiTIT;i - itTa7EEgTiii;s , .1). 1. AT AND Pi Lll.l . o.—Taii a- fire centloaf stale baker's'wheat bread. ' Rub it up line: saVe out. in a borl one:quarter , ptrt put, the rest into -a pan,- and jain-it.- - • with a -potato'niashisr; put in about two outicoS . botter, or fat salt• pork -cut fine, 'two fresh igc...s; al table:spoonful of sweßt:= herbs, thyme sweet-marjoram, and stun- tner savory, equal parts rubb'ed fine, ,tca .-spoonftil of salt, or to the taste, table spoonful of flour, and thiciten . with the dry broad till quite thick. To Romm A 1.1.:(1 VEAL.--(Jut out the bone with icsli:irp carvingknife." , B. For..a leg of ten poiinds, roast for three hours with steady fire; the same 'fur beef. Hind iinakers of wither mutton,, can be• roasted in the same time us' beef;* if you ,wish to stuff it, take" out the kidney, and stuff under think, and skdWer down. Hind quUrter of lamb can be ruttsted in.the REEF.- - ;Take'ialiortt; ton pounds of gond fatted - beef; -- eut - deep holes With-the carving -knife; and Ellin . with stulfinLi (see-No. 3,) rub all over with fine salt; lay two or three strong har).l wood Sticks across the bettonrof the f it- 1., keep the meat from-tire water; put in 'ha a pint of water; lay in the meat; put on tire lid.of the pot and paste paper around it to keep in the steam; cook.o bout titree.hours with very moderate fire. inelit:tnubstieks, antbdust; in some flour; let it boil and stir it until .it thickens the gravy.— 0/t fo Valley Far ' IN(iEll CAKE. --One pint of best. mu tWO teaspoonfulsmaleratus; one:of alum, dlssolved_in at little belling water; one half tea-cup shortentog—stir pretty' thielt-:—' ginger to 2eOur taste. 13 UTTER MILK • BREAD.— Scald three quirts at buttermilk at night, let it cool a little, stir in flour until it-is rather Stiff; when cold. stir in a cup of good yeast or a cake. , . In the morning; .scald - three quarts ut buttermilk, said put in it sis tea-. spoo• lull saleratus, (a teaspoon to ever quart of milk,)' pour. this in the risiq, .whde hot, and wig as soft as possil 1e.,. listal t;lNGEnmilisp.—Take half a enp,of melted butter, tablespoonful of gi,oget ; • pint of molasses ; • stir in flour to make. it .hick, then add .1 pint of sweet milk, 1 tpblesooonful ,saleratus, flour enough to roll—bake in a %nick oven. - Niel.: HUSK --One 4 offeecup of , sugar; lot' milk. 1 teacup of yeast, butter size of an erg. 2 eggs—beat all together—add BREAD Put - mist - I.—One sweet 'milk, 2 ears, 1 cup .ugar, i cup of but ter,- 1 nut inegthicketi the whole with bread, elw . pried tine ; 'I cup raisins. RICE l'OnniNo."--Tic up in a bag I = cup of rico, 1 cup of raisins : put, whole into a kettle of boiling water and boil. 5, , 11C,!•:. FOR PuDop 111 a.—elt 1 cup of sugar ; add to k cup of butter, cup of brandy, 1 nutmeg, serve but. Cut. 0A10:.-One cup of butter, 2 cups of Silg:ll', 3 cups of tluiYr mid. 4 eggs. Srosuii CAKE.--Four eggs, 2 cups of sugar, .2 cups of flour. .! CoomEs.—One 'cup of sugar, rolled . fine; l cup of butter; - l'cup ofsour and 1 teaspoonful saleratus. Luta CAKE7-9 , ne ' cup butter, 2 ofisu gar, 3 of dough, 4 eggs. BuoKwitEAT CAKES, after standing to riso all night, are much improved by add teaetip-ofisour ereanfor.rieh'buttermilk and a little, sal erat-ts. This improves the flavor and niakel them richer and . lighter. As the BC , ISIIII lii cakes is at hand we hope the virtues of this recipe, will be thoroughly tested. Preserving Celery. Our celery would keep sometimes until Nay, bad it the chit nee; We always pre. serve .itamt of doors by filling itrtheetalks token elsevihere between two standing rows,. being careful to place the Nullis upright and not in contain with other stalk., having dirt well,packed in ,between them. After the whole is prepared, the mound is well spanked with the spade, leavitat the tops of the celery.just peeping out at the apex ; this is cover..d with stra‘'y or any dry garden haulm, and then a reef-, ing of old boards complete, the . bUdness. This season. we shall try anotherptoeess —al ow 11.4 the celery to remain in the . lows as it grows, backing it up well and semi, ing as before. We are satisfied in advance t bat this is the true mode.or keep in: celery. Tha less it is disturbed the better, only protect it against moisture and attnospherie changes. , Fried Ryste-ii Take largo oysters from their 'min li •,quor ott :1' thickly-folded napkin ; then take u tl4lespooti of lord and , ono half irpini!?l!-Rinit.2.tiot. in.. a.Aldek-lot towed frOtrg.p,tti; , Dip each oyster in -flour or ,•,1 et ;where adlaYtheni in the frying pito I fry 'gently until one side• is a • del- ate brown, end then, turn Alien' by fork, under.—Sonie People 'li he rti ,very: tittle of the liquor, poured in the pan Ofter•the Orters.aro donei lot it boil iiiiiil;,i;r..nvee the oysters. • • • T .01. ~ , 1..i..1v.-r,ln orderte:suard persons 1- loy-,,a• sucsrovivre.'n i .mbist, 1'11 . 1.041We, 1 , iteie4 certif . that Mr. N. if'. BENTZ il,the.ouly,ttgent .11C.eurBiee fur the 'tale of .. , ,Woltre Haiti/ter Buck il a ilefea.” '5l lleotrbaalog received Ida gloves directly , 14 ii i in.. hiiF wei rag rely' on, getting the gattulue Blau uhicturet Mori I.m. ' (.14.tt0, IP.: • rim Eabscribers n•ouW respectfully cell-the attention 1T pf;thu tun' conirrintars of Carlisle and vicinity, and the public generally to • their superkw quality • coal such as 'LYE ENS VALLEY, broken Egg, Steve nn. Nu 1.(11{E FIDDLEIL . Tit E VOItTON, do. do. . do. and the celebrated Lobbery whitueslL,,,broken, Egg titevit end Nut Coal. This yard Is sktuated at the cant end of Carnal°, puper alto the bins Works. where they will ktieueonstanllyon.. hand a large stock of all kluge and NiZeN of coal, which wall be Cold NA lbw on any In the borough. All coal liar banally also Will b 0 IWerUelled hulls dellveryand war rioted to give nutiro-nath.liaction.•'..' - - - . - . ~ . . . .. ... . . • ' •Ilret quality Or -I.I4EIWEINEIt . B alld BLACEMITIVO COAL, ONUVX on hand 'and at low figures: ...1, A ll'iwderti left at the reAdeneo of James Malin West Polo fret atreot, at Sloan, Smith's office, South Ilanover Stroot, orlathe i , Ji4l.leile - 01 - 31teolf - Shrumi= Nurth•eatit: - --streot.-will bispromptly_uttemlett La.___ _ __„_,,;„ • LUM II ! LIT3III We are: also prepare( to 'lOlllOl all kinds and quality of driLumbe.r_u greatly redIICIA primp. Bills sawed to order and furnished at thu short°. Wo havoc tnstiin tly on hand all I Inds and quality n. Shhigles, such no white Moe, hemlock, chestnut, oak .&e. Also all SIZOIi of Walnut for handrails, Window siliti and Mittel stuff, ash, poplar, oak and Linn; all kinds or 'paling, platdoring Nth, nhhogling hall; broom worked flooring and weatherlitiarding, rough nod smooth nulls, posts, and every article if tat can be kept iii a Lumber yard. listing cars of on• own Wean, M all times and At short untied RUpply any article to out Ann of b.:loess at Into prices.. Wu aro thankful for past favors and solicit a continu IlilCo of public patronage. Our motto Is to plmart. Cnrlllikl,nty26lP6B • (IUJI73LRI.AND VALI4VY R. R. ii - hVrEit••• ' g6 Er th-- • . CHASM] OF DOORS! 'On and atter MONDAY, OCTOBER 11th 1558, homing .Tralur will run as fdlus•s: (Sundu)'s uxruptud :) ' • FOR .lIARRISBURO. Ist Train.. • 2 , T•llin Leave Chambershurg,, . 8.25 A..31.* . tl6 '. 31 Shippensburg, 8.55 " •. • 2ao Nelrville,' 9.27 " l.a " Carlisle. 10.00 ' . ' 3.58 • " , 311,11aulroburg, 10 82 " 4.50 Arrixo at Harrisburg, 11.03' " 5.02 , " ' • FOR CIIA3IIIE9SRURO. • • G. let Train. - - 2,1 Tram. • Leave Harrisburg 8.50 A .31 I.ool'. 31. Meek:ill lesburg 9.10 '• 1.20 Carlisle 9.50 " ~.. ~2.ltt '4. ".--' Nuwviiht 10.80 - -- " ' - - 2.47 "" Shippensburr, • - 11.02 " 328 " A rrlvo at C.bambershurg, 11.80 • " 3.53 " Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, tin Penn' ' Railroad, at 8.10; A. NI.. 2.15. 1 , , 11.. 0.25, I'. 31., an 11501:it night. By Reading, vi a Lebanon Valley Ral Road at 2.25 P. 31, FM' L 49, A. M., 1.00, P. M., and 0.10. P. A For Baltimore. H 30, A. Al and 1.10, nom]. For Jr. ton 'Mid Williamsport. at MA P. M., and 0.45, P. 3 Trala on Dauphin 10a01 nt.1.30,.4'. AI. - • Nano.; To.p.tssENo MIS, Atnll litations caber •Tlakets aro anlll, 117.: Clannherphurg, Flllpponshurg Meelankal.uriz ma! Ilarrlatotra, TEN CENTA omanah Tleket ha amito to all l'assan gore tint provfdo tliainsolves with Tickets before 'on taring the Cars. • - --O. 'NI LULL,- Suiltet jiallrad Offiro, Chambersbuix,l 0.4. 6,1858. I . YAM IL Y C OA L -1,1116 Toiis Lyßen's V..; 1 9/ COAL,. broken MIA re •reeneW, prepared ex pressly for family use nod kept UNIL:It corm so that I eau famish it e' and ei.s.ceall'settsons of do . year. I have also 011 WWI Alin for sale the lILICII DIA M. IND . COA from the Baltimore Company 31Ines 'Phis Coal Is adMilably calculated lhr Ltilcolli: Stove, and CellerForottees; all of which 1 will sell at mai' ror resll.+.l , sl4olVor to any-part of the INwOugll. ALAWNE L. 1557. W. 11. 31UR1IAli. • c o A Li - 4 131 WWII" _ E IV COAL YA It D . AT THE {'ENT END OF CARLISLE. . . The sultnerlber would respectfully call the attention of Lino)bailers and the dilation of Carlisle, /fllll tit surrounding country genially, to his NEW COAT YA It!). attached to his Ware House. on West High at.. where he will keep constantly on loud a large .suppll' rf the bent quality of COAT., to wit: Lyhens Talley, Luke Fiddler, Ma Crave and Trevor. ton, Mohan. Egg and Nut Coal—nereened and dry coal. whidt he pledges illninelf.to sell 0 the ioeouut p.1(511111) maes. Bed quality of Linieburner's and Illneknitilih's Curl 11111 . 11 . y . 14 011 bond. Ail All Mdel, lea at pi Ware Mao. or lit We rest dunce In-No.oi -liana - Pr. Street, _bat promptly at tended to. ' - • April 14, '1) ) ;(--tf. W: HENDERSON. T ADI ES' • FANCY SII OE STORE West Main Street; OPPOS.TE THE RAILIWAD DEPOT The anise: lbers h lying disposedof their earn stock of 3letes went, "ate replenished their naFortillialt With a large in, Mee of Ladies. Misses and Childi . eli's hoptii, Sierras 110,141:alba', or haled with great earn from the most celebrated Pala al In Philadelphia, and un- Hwang,: for sty le and workmanship. r. Tbo stork embraces every varibty of Ladles Leather Morocco and Kid Welt Boots, flue kid heeLtilipperS. French lasting (loiters 11 bite Satin do., fancy Toilet Slippers, Misses limit Welt Boots. Morocco do., and last ing Gaiter, wPh a general assortment or children:4 work of every quality and at all prices.. Customers w ill be waited on by a lady, who Is perma nently store. Carlisle, dep. 8, 1858, BACK • AGAIN TO -TILE 'MAIM!! • The sult.terlher respect fully 'informs the public getter ally. that Ito Imo resumed the manufacturing of DOWN AND 81101iS, in West Main street, a few doors west or the Railroad Mike, and having n good assortment of Loather, Morocco and Trimmings, and engaged cotope. tont workttion, ho Is prepared to make up to measure, every description of work in his Me. Ile Inn, also revel red from Philadelphia a well selected „ stock of 110018 AI)N 8110E8, comprising every variety for Spring and Suntmer"u oar, which he offers at low prices. lientlemen'ti fine French Colt Boots, . do. Gaiters, Oxford Tin's 1131 d Brogans, Ladles Chillers. Hoots; Buskins, Slippers and Iles, with a large variety ofiftys, Misses and Children,. Out ten:, Itn.ds, etc, etc. Purchasers ore requested to call and examine his stock. , 11011ERT 11001111.. Carlisle, April 21. 1858. , • ROOT AND SHOIDIAKING.-,J & tl. TAYLOR, return' their FtHOMO thanks to their Customers, for the very liberal patronage exit.. Jed tir them, and would ro:portrully intbren the puldie that they continue to thartulind tire CUSTOMER Work, at their out stand. on North Ilanover street, two doors moss the drug story of S. W. lielerairk. %%Atli n II Mllber of first rate workmen employed and facilities for securing the best stock to be refuel in - the market. they MO 111 . 011111 . 1.11 tin 11111k0 up every deseription of Inn P'fn A.\ U 9IIOhS, for ladles and gentlemen's ,rein', iu the moot hishlonable style, and of 11AltlIEN7t.D nitt WOrkt11:1:1111ip. Many you , of pray Ural experience In lime business heth tone 111111 lu l'hlholelpida justifies them in saying, that they are able to insure full snlisllieflon to all thou ivlio any leave their orders. _April 18)) ty. I, I RESII GROCERIES!- , AT S., C. lIUVETI'S :had tutu Maelierond diffinvut Modem,- Salmon, Seals Fish unirWhitsll; Codfish, Sall and Pickled Herring, Cheese and Crackers can be had At IIUYETT'S, Dried Fruit, Prii,:erv'ea ' and Jellies, At lIIIYETTS. Suiur enrOd fleuf and Hams, Al 111.1fETT'S. A flesh supply of LIQUORS, 01Is, White Mad, !cc, &c., BELLS ! BELLS BELLS ! FARMERS LOOK HERE: The subscriber hue been appointed agent fur t.onherland county. for - the relebnited Grown:lndio FARM BELLS which ht. Is sone: at very low prices; on article which befriend) cold all over the State, and given satbdeetion In all who have triedlitont.—Also on hand swim of the ROI Metal Faint Hello, end everything, elko in the Iltroulog and userhanical line. All to be had at the cheaphardWare store - of - • • - rarllslo, April '2B, 1858 CELSIOR PICTURES I _4 A. It. II ID:II'WD would restleafully inform tin •eltlzeils of Carlisle and vicinity that he has taken roots, In Zug's new building, east corner id Market Squills where he In at all times ready to take AIIIIIIIOTYPEg le the latest a'ad Most approved style. Pictures taken In rainy and cloudy weather an well as clear, and sat isthetlen'alven ill' no dowses made. Portraits and Da guerreotypes copied. Miniature rh.tures taken for LiiiilittsAic., In Ambrutype. • .AniticotYpes warranted to stand tho test of time, hula or water. • Ladles 11111100TINCOIGU are cordially Red to ca alld rxitralito specimens. Prlctli Inca 25ctit. to $lO.. B. lIENWOOD. A It 11 , 1 E RS , L.O 0 K E R E ! Tit ItItSIIING MACHINUSI • Tlin subscriber desires to Inform f , suet sand the pub lic generally that he now tone an hand mid In con stantly menullicturing 'ft:malting Machines with' Piet teint's,'Pejoitt Slather, which are generally •acktioni. • edged. to be. the best artleles new in use: `Alen Avarlety 'of Improved Clover Ifullu,e, Cent Shelters, Straw Cut tern and Plank's Celebrated Plow. Ile also attenje to Ibo rupalrtug of Agricultural Machinery In the boot 'manner and on reasonable terms. Manufartory on North liamiver Strait, directly opposite thee residence of Cleo'rge Metegor, Esq. JOIIN PLANK. iII Al .13 I , ; Ilia N,1): ,COUNTY NOR . .‘ j • :sit AL 1301100G&'fbe second scsdon of Ibis Inatl lotion wlll'comuloueo In LITERAItY lIALL, Nowrillo, ~.11 a ...011 TUESDAY, APRIL Ilth; I 868, and' continuo. FIVO MONTIIB. : • • • • , . • , . 1 - „ ~,, c - .„ . ',,, , „ „ 'An aids corpauf Instructors hare bran' securi.d. and IA T IN DOW'. a tf.tx u itio . l--11 0 •Joi nest, ...nn ctfortvlll bo spared to rundoi-ttni-aclutol.-avortlty—oi . 7 - :larr ' eat - ,“and ; Olicapest - rtssortimrnt 2 ooVll.ll , the poAllinn it stain to occupy, and of •the patronage 4.rsbados 01111 In. 11!Ili 0 the newatcre of • • ..' • . rootowiruity kolloite. ~' • - -•- , • •: : , ..1 6, 11 1 1NtIllf111.. - Jr. "For circulars oantalnlndfull Particulars address . • ~ ' r , .T. , A. SIcItINAIIIti Tniaauror... - • - Now vllle. Pa, Dy Ordet of the Moult of Truottes, . . ' DANI lith,sueLLy; ProehlOikt. JAtt .11cOmtrovo, Secretory, • .Web.17,,48.—tf.. NVOLIT, 2 illikellaninose FAMILY COAL. MIME EINEM J, PHILLIPS k CO J. & (1. TAMIL' = luItIh4IW:J At lIUVETrS. At HUYETI"B EIIIIMEEM lINNIt IL , SAXTON. Knot Mani Street. 1 Carlisie • IVACHINE•-s l'Op .• .•• . • CAlt 'AND . sAsit ACTeEY, gni; - ?;la In Ei tlee CARLISLE. _ThlifZietotiiiiiViistritiihilthin4rtlinntarf.imemnplettlyK ler and supplied with the best machinery for executing ivOrk in every department. Thu buildings. have else Leon greatly enlarged this spring slid steclted with the ”..west and. most improved tools feithe nuns ulacture of , DOOllB, WIND9W FR AMES: SARI; abutters, inflicts, Itlouldings, Ilntekets nod other kinds ol " Coipunter worrk. We holt°, Builders, Car penters nod others to eall'aud °amino our facilities for tuing this description of work.. The best Nisterials used and ;wires as It w as at nhy.other establishment In tho,Couttly or elnewhere. • • - • • STEAM !MP N BUILT TO 011010 h. And repaired as heretofore. Engines have been went ly built Ihr IV. M. Henderson & Sun, in title borough. It. Bryson & Co. Allen township, AL! & Brothers.. New vine, Shinto & Wetzel: North. Middleton. and ot.tors. at whom, establishment they may be seen in daily op eration. and to whom we GM refer for evidence of their ..uperiority. • • • . • IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS.' lireVeirdidFrTplitiii;TrßiirtiretdiralFirralintiffeW alert's. executed at short notice for every -kind of ma •liinery. A largo variety vital!! castings now on hand fwo.skilifut Pattern makers ..Onsts * ht ItEvAnrNo . promptly attended to for Paper Mill, Grist Mills; Factories. &e. Turtling and - Fitting 31111 FpMies, &c. done in the best style, RUSH NO - M ACIII RES - AND - HORSE - POW ERR. Itch as Buell Rear Four Horse Powers, Ihirizontal ;ear Four and TWO Horse Powers, Corn She Hers, `rushers, I Rollers. Plough castings. and other or. Ides for fanners, on hand or promptly made to order BUIUMN CARS BUILT; tint rincered. Our facilities for building Cars ore now nom complete than heretofore and enables us to fur ilsh them to trim sporters'.on the rail road nu ammo. MOM; terms and made of the best materials. Orders nih•ited and entire satisfactiongunranteirl. Te long mcperienee in the businets of the senior .artner of the ilt in, anti thecompleteness of Mir ma thinery in every hranell of the ealablislnneot 'variant Is In assuring the Lest, work to all who favor us rill. their .1i1•1$. The continuedpatronage of our old Viewds'and the puldle is respectfdly - sullelted. • Co. JUST RECEIVED AND OPININCI AT NAUGLE'S CI lEA l' 'JEW EL It Y STOItE, Main Street, Carlisle, Pa. ',0.._,,, A !aril onhply of t 0 ‘.6.'' ''',-*;',"!--• :. - Watches, Jewelry. I-. IL • i -"O'''' -7 'er "Th'''CP •,. . err a mi. Plated Wore, N'''. " :-.-, P ;'fli)-.,11 tai which ,I Invite at e., •: • i ... ?„ ' (..I vp i= -- .. .,y ' ‘..:-::,... A, ',-,... 1 , • 1,4 r,_,..-. 'lr ~ L from the lifigest ,g....- .4, ,- , ..: , ......c42, 4 1 . : -. 4 . ~-!• 4i." Rork OCleet.s. Watch , '- r: .- ~ ct) . ''' '' " .Z,- ' 'l'; ' ' . -3 ‘ l ' ; . itifirr e rn r 4 t i G:rWril d, . _ ..- - , ',:iVe:i i ;itT;. • -,-- - ail . We.havo a large assortment of Gold and Slher Hunt. ug and Opel -Case Wadies t o suit . 1111 FM1112.11,8 and 'ockets, - Fine and Cheep Jewelry of every style And quality setts or by the pieso us vnnted, Silver and-Plated Walters, Cake. Frult,•Sugar, end rd Ilaskuts, Sliver, !Pablo, 'Ala, Cream, Sugar, Salt, i‘ort and Croau..Spouns, • • • ' At NAUOF.W.S. • Fine l'enrl, Lava. Coral,Conteo, holdxtono. Mosaic, F .fitine Muaaie, Jet Box nod Masa cotta cheap At NAMILE'S Diamond Breastpins and' Fingerings, - - - • At NAUGLE'S . Gold Hunting Cosi. Eight Day Corers; (bold Hunt ing Caio.,, Duplex; Gold Hunting, Chrononikers. . At NAUGLE'S. • Bagley's - best- finality of Gold Morns; l'ltto Gold Pens and Sliver Holders, At NAUGLE'S: Silver and -Pltile.! Ton Slots, ( 1 , .e.1et,, Culm, Tag , neks, I'ltehers, Urnb, Tureens, Ten 8e115,.. fold Neck, Vest. Cunt,. Fob. and Medial', Chains, Gold Bracelets, Lockets, Thimbles, Crossett. elmenik - - • At NAUCILL'IL FronekTitneyieree to rtio.tbree end foot weeks, ' At NAIAL - E'S. .• 0 old Shame, Vest, Collar, and Shlrt Studs of all atyfee and quality, • . At NAUGLE'S: ... . . Piked Forks, - Spoons, Mayes, Napkin alum Say 'lllnablet, Skalds, . ; 4 , . . . . At NAUGLE'S. Fluthinx, Acent'doons, Music lloxenn . llll,tl yar.lqty, At SAMILE'g. Ladles' Poitinonales. Pearl and Leather. Plain and Fancy Travelling Bags, very Eke styles, i heap At NAlltil,E'S. If you want to luivo your Watriu.s put In-good r pair nod warranted, tako theta to . . NAUOLICS. If you want to get 11 Cheap Clock, you 1 . 1111 get It • At NAIIOLET, If you want your Silver Ware neatly marked at vino .lice, call At NAUGLE'S. All goods warranted tilt represented, or the utoney feuded, At NAUGLE'S Pomona that, want bargains are Invited t. call 0 LI) (i.OI.I3ERLAND VALLEY INziTITUTE ‘j • ' • MECIIAICHIIUIta. PA. REV. BENJAMIN C. LIPPINCUrr, A. IL, PRINCIPAL AND TfACJILA OF MORAL ANN .NATCIIAI. ,CIENCE. A. FOSTER MULLIN, A. IL, Nlallunnalles and Modern Languages. THOMAS S. EEESE, A. 11., Ancient Languages and Higher English. This Institution having passed lido new hands. will bo reopened is a 31,11., Fchrnd only. on Thursday, the 2d day of Eupteinher next. It Is tile debign of the present proprietors to nude It a strictly firef•rlass.dloarpnt t+ehool, for training and fitting 1,0)s and young men either for college or hmlnesx. An efficient Corps of .lu• structors n has been orgunived. whose personal CM=CM=IM oho will spare no pain. to rooky II worthy 14 the Cola donee and pot name° of lb public. The Buildings of the Inatitute Aro ample. nod well arranged for the ac• commodation of about ninet s , ltearders. and all students front a' road are expected to lamed with the teachers.— They will thus enjoy the benefit of constant instant:that auttsullervisitin. Mechanlceburg la situated in the centre of lbe brillb tiful Cumberland Valle.*_lllllo milp fins Ilarrialturg, and is easy of afllsB by liTtiltood from Philadelphia.Bal• thnoro, kc. No location could lot .1110r0 eligible for or robs—none Inlay healthy or ot tractive (bestial a school. Pupils front Waidtingtom Baltimore, Philadelphia and Intermediate pointa, halm: the mornlog trainorill -reach- Mechanicsburg bv-2 tiolock, lei he -4,444MM-titbit,. of the Principal and his Assiqtants to place the Institute on n permanent and elevate , l basis. with every application requisite for,auperior they appeal with confidence to all who have Nona to ed ucate. • The seholeatie.year.will he divided Into. two sessions of twenty two-woolen each, the first beginning on the first Thursday of September, and ending on the first' ttednesday of Fehrubry:' the wont sessien - heginning 'On the firs. Th'utsday of Fehrdilly, and eliding on the tirat Wednosday'of my TE M S Idonrd, IVaNhlint, Room Ront, and Furl por Tuition, (Common EnuilF,h.) • 7 - (Higher ' -, • Ancient ond llodoru I,nnuunges, Terms par tobsion payoblO In advattre. ts. Not fui*lmr Information apply to tin, Principal, slochonicsburg, l'a. (IllAlltb AND FUIiNITURE. '`11,,, subs , criber having bolded Weskit' permanently In West iligh street, tut, doors abut° the liallroad•lle• pet, toe Just Opened Ids ll= whore hr Intends, as usual, to manufacture and keep Lsoistantly on hand. pycyy stylo, of parlor furniture and ellairs, Walnut and MMus:Any DromAing:'. n: - . • .r.x . Bureaus with tuurble• tops. Sofas. 'At , ~..,,„1 4, 'cab!. and . Wile h-stands. f;, Winn ut " Whutolots" andWar4. .. . , robes. FRENCII AND PLAIN DEDSTPADB PARLOR and ROCKING chairs with volrot or hair cloth seal s 1111 d blleiii4. —.. " Mahogany and walnut chairs with bah• cloth or colic sontio Plain chairs of nil hinds and stuffed spring LouNats, Curled Pair nod lan( 31ATTRAl-SLS an every ,varletyi tngetlter will! ail other articles usually thund in Ids true of Ittnitiess. Particular attention paid to t °patting and varnishing furniture of all kinds. Being provided alt.° with on excellent ITEMISE, he to prepared to DU all ordure for FUNERALS in town or eotintey.. JAMES.R. WEAVER. Jun. 6,1 t S. -1y hARME RS I- 7 —Now .ie-the time to get I a new VIRESIIIIIO MAOIIIIN ti atil 11 01t S E POWER, We have a -number of well made Machines now on hand..at..the lioundry..nud ..11achine. Shop, which we will sell on the most reasonable terms. They combine all the latest Impnwensents and tire warrantedlo he of good niaterialme,l workmanship. , Also, OEN SHELLER; nf thndhiost Improved von. struetlon, which do their wick rapidly und•theroughly. for sale at low prices ' A RDNEW CO, • - • . B LACKS3III`,II § ! C. CO Al .-,-- r 0,00 0 •. flulibele of Oftundinnis iipaliirena ifie celebititid. I,enteii! Mines. receiving and fur min liy • .4 nitwit fo. Ifa. , - . , - . •;_' . ,y.ll..mintitAY .- IMEI3I.JUNERS' CO AI: - 9 Om. TONS or bykinui Nut . C44: a brOlorlor r ebb rurelilbre and formal° by • • .. • '• • - Auutud 6. ,1007 . W. It. 'MURRAY, r;J. 1i1iA11. 1 .111,, J. L. AIc,bOWELL, 8.111:DAVIDpOli .. - GILA WAAL , rI,I6DOWEI,Ir•& CO , ' GENERAL LANb .4i3ENTS; ':4 4 / I ;ettii;o4l4 territory. ILIr uild4ocate . .liebrasita lorM.and .11'estern Misseurl,' buy and sell lands, loan !tin' invest money. buy gthd sell drAlls, give inihrmation respecting the country, and do X a genet al'ageney tug:Meng. , likVElll..l\ CIA% John 11. liratton: Carlisle,Ta: in. M. liertent: Banker, " 11011..1. undone, hat, Brun heman R Co., Rankers; Carlisle. - • Wm. 11. Henderson:l:sq., Carlisle.- George Sandcrsbn Esq., I.nraster. Pa. • - John A. Ala. ' )1. C.,' New —.---- Wm. S. C 01,04111, E. W. Clerk it Co., Bankers. Philadelphia, lion. Michael Corklin, Shepherdstewg, Pa. litnirrheiman*Smut7-illen•lntittsAltiltintorer•------- it. 1.. 1110,e, Esq„Cashier kieranitile Dank New York. 'nyWarNlTaihner ittia r Pain* -- ligentOltmreapuly. looeseeta 'l' artillery. Wm. Kilgore. Egg., Attorney and kcal Estate Agent. - Sterling, 11l 11. W, Mather. Esq4.llattry city, 111. • ' Ex•liov;Josepleltil War. Cumberland county, Pa: E. W. mark it Co., hankpra. Philadelphia. , Oov. Pollack. , March 18, 1857.-Iy. „ FRES if R R AL. , GOODS 1 , 011 TO P....DOI:MAYS 11 FANCY GOODS,. GIFT GOOKS, 8c.0 . :. lIAVEIISTICIt has Just received from the ell% 'and Is now opening a splendiddirplay of FANCY GOOD): suitable for the approaching Holiday Searon, to WIIICI ho desires to call tint attention of his friends and the public. Ills assortment In this line cannot hesurmum in novelty and elegance. and.beth in finality 1111(1 prix' 011ie articles, canna :till to dense purchasers. It woul. he Impossible to enumerate ----- c ----- *llObtlltrY — FNlMrlloollB7 — *" which comprise eyery variety of fancy article of the mos: oßnidiallt, finish' such Papier Macho ()sods, • Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink-stands and trays Fancy ivory. pearl and shell card rases. Ladies Pancyllaskels. Fancy Work Duties. with sewing instruments, Gold 'pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights. Papeteries, and a large at rhity of ladies' Fancy station suds and 'wafers, RIM Ind bead purses.. - Ladles' riding whips, elegantly finished, Ladies fin tier), Perfume baskets and lags, Brushes ,of every kind for the toilet, Roussel's Perfumes of the various kinds. Musical Instruments, of all kinds and at all prices )gether with an innumerable variety of articles elegant finished and suitable for, holiday presihils, to thiel o Invites special attention. Also, atvestensive and elegant collection r omprising the Carious English and America, ANNUA Lr lor 18S2. richly enthellshed and Illustrated POETICA I WORKS. with CHILDREN'S PICTORYAL BOOKS, I'm child reirufaliligtt. - : thntrirlilelniething - eafrha - ntiori 'lpproprialn or pleasing as holiday gifts. li isosiortmen I .11 School Books and School Stationary Is also coinplete and 'comprises everything, usati in College mid Ik. Schools, Ile also Joshes to call the particular alter, lien of loathes to his elegant tu.sort went of . • - LAN PS.;(1111 ANDOLES. de., from the ostensive establislimeots ol Corn ohm, Archer andlithers of Philadelphia, comprising yvery style to Parlor. Chamber and study_Lnal4, for burning. eltjto LAN. Sperm mi.:lberia) oil, together with Flower Vases Fancy Screens. &c. Ills .01.01 111.001 In thin lino is on equaled in /1141 borough. Also.. • FItIITS, FANCY CONFECTIONARY— NUTEL PHE. 'SERVED FRUITS, 41c,. • n. every variety awl nt all priers. nll of whirb nre pn and knelt .Fitell _ . 11," Ida frli•ndp nod the liti 0 o •F Ilia ,k,rl; every thlogliFtlfillibe oifinery Oood, ullh ninny ono ertlelen uselul to housekt!epers which i_he oddly nro perl.ll,y lei Red to roll nod sue dui lee the holidays.. Remember the Old Stand, nearly opUoslte the Bank o North Ile never Arcot. - ArYIEITCII.Ii'S EIEZE= 1nnee.10.1857 „ SAXTON'S nua,r. SPRING A.lt lilt' AL. - • IMMENSE - STOCK OF HARDWARE. - The subscriber has Just returned from the Eastern cities. and would call the attention of his frfends soil I he,public generally to the largo and well selected'ss fs'ilikent of.II Alt UWA REtvls leis he Illfc'siow on band: consisting In part of 'BUJ f.DI NO MATERIALS. such as Nails, Screws, Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Wass of every de script lon And quality. such no Wm mon, White. polished AnnOnall, French, Enamelled and Double thick ut all sines. Paints, Oils. Varnishes. "cc., Ac. TOOLS—lncluding Etimi•Tools ob.uveryoleser)ption. Saws. flours, Brace and lints: Augers. Squares, naps Files, Rasps. Hammers,. Vices; Anvil, Screw Plates. Blacksmiths Bellows. Ac., Shoemakers, and Saddlers will find a large nssortment of Tools of every &script lcn, together with Lndlete and Oentlemen..' Morocco Lining. Binding, Patent mid French Calf Skins. Shoe Thread. Awls, Woo. Pegs. Lasts. Harness Mounting, Cullartsllirtblug, Whipstock, Deer lAD. Sll,llllO Trees'. Ar.. A,'. Also. CoAela Makers Tools and Trimmings of all kinds. such as flubs. Spokes. Fellow. Shafts. Bows. Floor Cloth.. Canvass, - Cloth, Damask, "Fringe, Lace, Moss, Axles. Spring Belts. Ac., Ar. _ , • • Cabinet Sinkers will find n large assortment of I'ar. 'fishes. Oak, IVninut., and 3lntfogany l'enjers, Rallis of oloos.:31ouldIngs. itlyets, flair Cloth. Plush,Culled po Chnh. and Sofa Snge. de„ Ac. • • ' , Housekeepers will also find 'a large assortment of Itsives and Forks. Brittannia. All ate and Silver Plates; Table and Ten Spoons, Candlesticks. Waiters, Shovels and Tongs, Iron and Bross Retires. Pans. Ac., together • with' Cedsu we of all 'kinds,. such as Ttibs.llurkbts. Churns. Ac • dc. Agricultural implements. embracing Plows of all kinds. cultivators."ll4qk Shovels. Rakes, Forks. Chains. Ac. IRON, a large stn It. comprising All kinds in general use Widen I alt nulling at city wholesale pokes. Remember the dd stand, East Maio street, Carlisl April 7. ISMS, 11. SANTI,N !=! MM= CRIMBERLAND VALLEY . BANK NumuLTops. 11 ILI .IA\I Krae, ROUT. C. Srtuntrr, It ICIIAILLI 11 . 0..141, JOAN U. DUNLOP. Thin Bank, doing business in the name of Her, Ilren. mom & Co., is now fully-prenaked to do a general Ilankintritusinesa - wlth pioniptness and fidelity. loney received ou deposit and paid hack on demand without notice, Interest paid on special deposits. Cer tificates of deposit bearing Inter..st at the rate of flye per cent. will be issued for as short a period an four months. Interest On all certificates a 11l cease at tow Levity, provided, howeN er, that If said certitwates are renewed at nnytlmu thereafter for another given pc' rind, they shall War the same rate of Interest tip to the time of renewal. Particular attention pall to the 'action of notes, drafts, cheeks, Sr., In any tart of the United Wales or Can:ldris. Remittances made to England. Ireland. w.hu Conti. mt. The lidthful mud coufidunlful .eiacutiou of all . ders entrtmtud to them, tinny ho yelled upon. 'I hey call the attention or Fannon, Mechanics and n liners who lepire a safe depository for theft mimes. the undeniable fact. that the proprietors of this hank o IMOV , DUAI LY liable to the extent on heir estate. fun I the'DeposstS; and,olher obligations of lice, Menne. an A: Co They Inite . r . ocently removed into their neWf ill . l2odc . ing 101-1 directly opposite their former slued, to Most Blain Stfeet, /Crew doors east of the Railroad Dajad. iihere - thqy will at all times - be plent.ed te,e lee any In formation desired lu regard to muney matters In gene I Ineet for busluess from 9 o'clock In the morning uulll 4,o'clock In tho evening. ' 'Carlini°, 'May ,21). 1857 PIIILA DELPHI A EVENING ItuLLLTIN, on Ind. pendent Bally Newspaper, devoted especially ni the interesta of Pennsyl uw La: containing inip4whoit Telegraphic Sean, sixteen hour,. in ,11111.1 re or the morning papers; Original Foreign anillowelile'Coiregnu,Wnce: - Etlitorials "rill - ,Wl — and full ill:ports of all iho•News of the D.iv ; th Commercial and Financial Departments are tub, an are carefully attended to. Al. an-Adt erthing Medioin them In no latter paper in the Stole. Ibe cirrulathe !Icing next to the largeat lit fhe city, and among, tit most Intelligent and Influential of the population. TER3I3.-61x Bella,* per clear. in advance. CU3I3IINIIS k PIVCCOCIi, Proprietors, ,Np. 112 S. Third street, Philadelphia. 1 1 11 F, PHILAGELI'IIIA,S . AT U It. j_ DAV BULLETIN. a handsome. well.fllled, Munn:. wkly Neworelper. la rIII , II . thed Lv Ille".Proprietorrea be following unpreccdent• dly low rates - 1 cup, Olio your Ii copies, am 00 1 4 00 15 00 1000 FURTHER INDUMILNTIO-TllO 11111M4 Club (over lutlJ be hold ferltbree years: the next Irtrgest Club. wet. 1W) rrlll besent for two years. J‘dtlress & PEACOCK, Prrtpt 'eters. Bulletin Buildlug,No,ll2 S, Third St., Phila. JOHN -- P:I4I7NE &- SON, have just re elvoil their Full Fork of lIANDWA NE, which inakes their stock very largo and complete. We now stand wade to furnish the nubile with every Variety i t goods in to lips of WARILANTID QUALITY, and at prices that defy competition. Elnumeration is useless; m ine° it to say hat wo have aver) thing in our line that the public in pinisibly stand to need of. The most mod cab ii a "Try us. all ye that want good goodS at low prices." We return our sincero thanks 16. the generous public for their very Octal patronage, and asking n continuation of the same. ' J. P. LyNlint SON; North ll:mover Street. Oat. 27, use. fl l ll.ll B . olg3CAllii . ElS HAVE FOR 1 . SAGE 190 DIOUSAIiII Whito Pine Slaw glee, of ouperlor quality, whir-01 thoy will yell at Oyer prices:r • Alro,n Wee lot' of Cherry and Walnut, from Inch to 3 loch& thick. which they will soli whole. ;ale or retail lots.. Also, a pair or [lay Scales, which -will bo. sold low,- A:sn, nekt_lbroshing _Mulling. to Which we Invite the attontlo t of farmers, as we feel din' poked to Oyu bargain. K All kW& of Lumber and Coal constantly' uu holid low for cash. r • 8111t031 & HOFFER, • Carlisle. diUri3 . .4. '6B. . --"•" • AcMERICAN . WATCII.-11(!ving --cohod-thorollerfOrtho"eirlenrthe'"Anicrlimt eth. from tho, Won Watch ContiMn), I would re.' epochally leloedetny old frlourla and thmpublle goner ally, that I have ;11 flue meortuiont now opening and rowdy for sale In gold and ellvor mes and very fine etylos, and with regard to thin, they can't be heat, to* posse that fact It is only nevessary to Wive them a Wok Persons In want Ma correct Ilmorlece, ere reel:hurtfully Invited to call and - eoe our Watches.'" • • • W. .llfOrt gtreet..Carllohr.ys:. .iun~ otn,'rnn. , A iti'ltlziptiANGE S,TESTMENT,—'the nulrxrr II ot. o for: privato roaitolia • or Iliriks:.Stationery. cic., (lotjtollitic Ulu graol will) hu longingtn,shryoril, Taylor k Nhl6, Ip tin xtora (.11 thx, pourti'etoit cArnor Ofllio ligature, oplawilto llot ' • •• •. •' 8511Tii. aus,tpt 11. 185 P—at IC bitiii!)lllB .neptly execlitea New .6360. ==M B. W. 11AVF;RSTIcH ENE :11ELC110111.MINNENIAN; JOHN DUNLAP, JOHN S. STLIIEETT, „_._ 11. A. STURGLON. H. A. STURUEON, Cashier $1 10 6 Do 111 CO 15 Ohl 2. Ou 61.. Ott pl)iluDcLiJl,in:. G.,x.-Busws•• t )Oust,3 .Market St., above Ei g hth, =Z! Uta TI. - * N.‘"`: . : sf•- • r 4..• A‘ " s oit = J. it: C S E. L. B E ' S (LW. Avare k 048!4E1.11r!illY,) DRY 411.00i35---STORE-, 53 NORTH EIGIITI-STREET, mow Amt. (ow -!fo.- 49 ,) PHI LADE'g LPHIA DRY GOODS, ‘V ' TIOLESALE AND RETAIL, • -O,IE ItlllbE--8)1ALI. 'PROFIT—CHEAP :01t CANII I= 'IM 1 3 ItO V El) PATENT 41 ELUDEON. _ _THE OLUEBT. EST.IIII,IFMMENT_JILO.A. UNITED. STII'ES. EM I..iY INII TWO HUNDRED MEN, and Vr I SEVtitINIEN T Ell WEER. COnibining all their Ili•cent improvements—OW Divided Ilt'dn, \I 110 m _ke., de. (The Divided Swell can only he r- obtaliied In' 3lelodemix of our Manularture.) . - - OEO. A. PRINCE & CO. New York = rethoißly. , 110 Lake at. Chico:Ali?. IVIOLESALE AU I.:NTS—lin...oil on, Mn'.;N \V. V. CoDown, Cincinnati. 0.; Palmer Jr. Nrolier, St; Louis, 3ip.; Ph, I'. ‘Verlein, New Orleans. = 'rho Mol...h.ans manureetured •by Prince & Co.. and ter sale atAf'Fult.al Areet. are the best in the World. .IVe have tried them. and Iherefore hpeak understand• In%ly-of their merits. They are alkirded at a very mod. orate cost. • OF__FMITABI,II INSTRUMENTS_ - Four ~ C tIVO MOO loon. extending fron,C t o P ...... i 45 Four and a half octave,. • do. 11 to F •60 Fivu Oct4ve M 01101.11.. du. Flue (Idly°, doubli; rood, du. ... 130 - MOAN MELODEON. Tso Ilankli of Roy.i, Fllio 5.50 of Rood., Eiltlit Stops Ono nod a 1101 f ijetoOS Foot Pedalo, Ono Sal of 116i 7 i1II;In - Volal Dona lodopendent •$350 I=l Mu Ochre Mololonn, mdoodlug from F h F....,....5100 Slx Octavo Moliidoon, do, - • Fto F WO -Flu, Ochre douldwrood. do. ' Fto V IN Fire Ochre, Two Books of lieyn _ _ 200 Our, (m4 . 11111)4 for manufacturing are perfect, nod from or long expellent.° In the business. having finished and sold over TWENTY.TIVO THOUSAND MELODE. „ONS, wu foul confident of giving satielarthni. All Melodeons 01 ou("inanulact um, either sold by us, or dialers In any part of Hie United States or Counties,' tire WAIMOITED to NI perfect In'OVery respect. and should any renkirs be nem:sear) . before the okpiratlon quoie year from the data of Mill no hold ,nirsolves ready and willing to stoke they:uuu free of charge, provided the InJuvy is not effused by accident or design. Will. A. PRINCE A VO. Agents for the sdlo of our .31ebelcone may he found In nil Illu prlnelpal cities nod towns In the United States and Canada, Agpalts lot Carl IgIe—SIIIIYOCIC, rArLoit LSMITiI At NIIWNIIIII—W. It.,IANN. e Dim WWI. m g/ Wl)IIKS OP :ED GAD ALIAN ME, l,t•111111'11I1)' Iltustrated wifit more than one hundeed original clenisais by barley, Dir ket. Foster. itlekeesgill. Tenniel. Crop,y, Duzgan and : and er.grat , ed. in the flue. 4 style of Mood Est graving by Ct1U1'1•:It, EVANS, i4l.lsodidlrlsenni—ltrieti sic Dollars. A few Ceplek In Moravec,. Sine Dollars.. A I KO. the fifteenth edittou of PUB'S COMPLETE WORKS; IN rum( voLumEs, 12 mo. riuce *4.60, Contalolog the Tnlce ,if the Grolesqul bud Arabesque Wonderful Stories of the filltiginatillu: All lug Poetry Th e Story Gordon Ppm, and a complete col; lectlon of all lits yontrlbutlens to the AlagAzioes. kd. Roll by RUFUS W. (11l ISWIII.II, 11. D., with noticou of his lag by J. It. Low kl,L•wud N. P. Wui,ns. Sent by mall, po:Angu prepaid. on receipt of price. S. Itlil)FILLO, Agent, 43-I Beekman St., New"Vork. I=1! Ii I LEGANI E, r l i AiiTE AND FA 811- lON 40001000 AT W. SotmoNtr PARIS MILLINERY EMPORIUM, 311.1 BROADWAY, Nuw .York. A splendid 11%sortnient of the most Ineesa and Fashionable 31 I LLI N HUY and 311 Lid N EBY GOODS, selected by our own agent in Paris gnal London, or Fall and %tinter wear, and offered at prices below any other lloto.o In the Trade . : also. a large assortment of Felt and Beaver BONN BTS. for Lulh•s' and Misses' wear, at the'lowost possible prices. wholesale and retail. Parte, It Donna•ts always on hand. Sep 15, I &58-31 n. TE", - 111 Thu subscriber has started a tri weekly line of Stages between Carlisle and Landisburg. leaving Car lisle every Monday, Wednesday and. Friday, humedi• ately ou the arrival of the attenuant train of cars from the east. - Returning, leaves isindishurg tit BOn A. M., every Tuesday, Wetnesday and Siiturday. and arrives at Carlisle at 1.101 I'. M., via. Perry County Warm Springs, Shermansdale ' Sturrotni Cap and Carlisle Sul phur Springs. On and afer June the nth, the line will to run daily for the accommodation of passengers going • to the Springs. Fare to the several poirOn as follows: Carlisle to Sulphur Springx • •• Sterrett's (al> ShorMenedule, . :• . Perry County Warm Springs, intudinburg, . . . • RETUR:sa NO Landishura to Warm Springs, • , . Shermaninhole, " • Sterrett's (lap, Sulphtir Springs, The itimve Ilno will regularly carry the MAIL to and from the several pollute above Indicated. I have also a well stitched Li VLIIY STABLE. from which I am at all times ready to furnish horses and car • Hamm to those who will favor mu with their patnmage, on that most re'asonable tonneau., in the very best style. may 1911358. 1.:00/ • rpiiimmomETEßg! 1011IE -1 TERSI ! TIL FIR 31 OM ETERS 111 Just received Ulu above, all sixes, thulium dud finish at , IL .1. KIEFFEII'M.. COURT Plto 0 I, MAT I 0 4N , the lion. JAUES IL Olt AllA3l, Pres'. dont Judim of thu seven.) Courts of Common Picea 01 the counties of Cumberland. Perry and. Juniata . ; and Justice of thu natural Courts °Oyer and Terminer and Grand Jail Delivery in sold trountlos, and lion. Sum IN.L.'WOOKILMN. and- lion. M. Coatis, Judos of. the Court of flyer and Terminer and General Jell Delivery' for the trial of all capital and other offenders, it. the said county of Cumborland. by theirprecepts to MO di, rooted, dated Um 12th of April. NW, havOmrdured the Court of Oyerand Terminer and Genoral Jall,Dellvery to be,. hellos at t.1.4 - .111.1811.11, - inithitinff MONDAY of January'lBs9,lltelng tho 10th day,) at 10 o'clock in. thii foreamm, to continue two weeks. 30TH:ii ii !WitHOY GIVEN to the Coroner, due - !Ices of the Peace and Constables of the raid 'county of :. Cumberland, that they are by :the sold precept corn. . mantled to ho then and there In. their proper -ptirsous, with their, CAW: t'i'l , lF4t , s., l lttlPleitiflllll...relt/illatlous., and till otlior I'elllouiilt ~000. todaillose -things whhil to their calker appertain to be - doutyand all thou that are hound hy rece;rulranceS. to prosecute imalust - the prisonotalhat are or then shall, lie In the Jail of said • Isointy, are t.,.'he there to prese.mto Omni as shall he Just. • StcOARTNEY, Sita;". - I n Willi 017.0 e, • Carlisle, December 1. ' • - • • .._.—__ Nr II ANT EncIFANT TAILOR, . Wirt Nlain &root, (opparlto MO Palliator office,) has Just waisted ei now and obandlt atwortutent or Clothe.: Plant, IflarP. and Ettory Carahners. and a variety ;Or Non mo Fi g uiva all of vailvb ha will —wake:air to-tnooso loitable.atyrartaid;o , r , . . . • al - * - • Orttorteattotoloa „ to promptly, and tlto fittlugro all gallon nls glair/01'AI* or itO silo. . _-• ~ cari 6111, mayll/IStili. _ ,-•-— . . 7' . N . , NA NUM. I wit reoutred fresh.l URN I LUID ti .n 4 A 1.0i4161;:nt , • 1t..1, Ktl rblat'S. ; LA'V NOTICE:—Tuoq. continues the practice of the latililflthe2Offye - formerly occupied by - ble father, Wm.r,51.4 fddle, and more recently, by, the law firm of Penrose & Biddle, now dissolved. Due t 23,'5. • • el P. 1 - 11J1111,1C11 Attorney nt I.aw. , j,,.—Ofileo on North llonover:stred. ta few doors south of Wass' lintel.. All huslouss entrusted to hint will he promptly uttunded to. - [April 16. •NOT ICE. REMIovAL. • W. LM. PI•IMit/SE hse removed his aloe in rear 4 tho•JourL lion., when ho will protiiptly nttond to ell buelnese entrusted to-him. Au g ust 19, 1897. • • • AW Ti L. 4 has resumed, the practice of the Law. 01 untfirSiiillaTlVlAV April 8, 1857. - .. . . .en the various passages become clogged, and do . act - Imperfeet harmony with the - Moron t functions DB: B :Th lc IFlffii'Eß Office in Ni. .e the body. the Mood loses Its action, becomes thick, d d , Son ,,,' curt noted and diseased: thus causing all pains, sick. Hanover street two , doors from' Arnol ness and distrions of every sane; our strength in ex hausted, our health we are depri . v . 4•4 If. and if 'nature Is store., 011 ire home. imam particitlandy from 7 to 9 o'clock ' A. M. 1 from .5 to 7 o'clock , P. 31, . __. . • • blood will become einuked and cope: to act, and thus , (.)er r NOR, ARMSTRONG rats TVIIIOV- 1 our light:1)(1111c will forever lie Inowir out. Dew inn• portant then that we should keop dine various passages ed his office to . Centre Square west of the Court i 1 ou..e: whom he may be consufted at any hone of the ! . •ar Ha, body free and open. And how pleasant to us day or night. Dr: A. has had thirty, year, osperienee ; that we linve it in our power to put a metilelent In your reath. mninely. Morse's Indian Hoot Pills. Ina h utinetured In the profession, the jest ten of which have 'Jean dove. pla_allilj lyels N Web grew annual the Delon. ted to the Study and practice of • limmeopathlc weir. '.o t d - -I. Annus ellfis in .I%nture's garden, for the Imalth and re. eine. - Mriy _O, 'Si thus - . • . octarf of diseased num. One of the rootk fries wind* , , hem l'ills`are moire Is u Podoritie, w filth opens tie I VE [845, ii. 1 . 3 SSA RS; M. D., Wit awes of the skin, and assists Nature ,i /blowing out spend the FIRST and until, week of ,net: _Au, fi ner porre or the rurruption within. The second la ntlettli In Carlisle, bd, the benefit of those Ladles... vib •., Plant width Is an Vonneeteranne, that opera, and unk • may wish to consult her .profuSsionallv. Office a•' r logs the passage to the lungs. and tunes Inn soothing .Awthin len nigh's, eosner'of lionniver atAbontiler sploot, „ ! allieupztlalith.thdAlly,,by.,throudos,ofii,bl,,,..ommr —...Octir.lSfrlitst--."-------.,7..; • :' . 7 - trar limner!: from lungs by eopiorre spitting , 'the thin , / • ~, a a plum le. which gives ease ~.0 double strength to - . . - he Wine, nn : thus oneodraged: theitlnnw large amounts .- —t .. r .' ..`,.., • ... j . .....' ..•'• ; I impurity from the bit ott, upkin IP then throw n out C111i:0.... w . ! . NIIIT DTI! FT n 11 R ; N_A-- Llto Durnonst rotor of Operative Dentistry to Lb - n .nu en tifillly•by OM urinary 4.r water paxsagr, and which Baltimore, College r• ' , ..t01d not have been discharged In any other way. The 7.;. - . - Tailtk i vil.„.„„... ', nenr..i Surgery: amain Ilia Catimale. and ie . /4.1.10mi11, the other prep. . . itir,s , 011 ice at his residlinco . 1 taints of the Pills-while 'engliguil in purifying - the oppoSite_,Morlon . liall_n_illtand t-thrscoarsurpu akin; of -impurlty-whielremnpot ., .I pass by the other outlets ore thus taken ,up - and con . 1 veved elf hi great quantities by I hi bowels. I t o the above, It l ender filet Dr. iilorse'si Indlito-' .1, 'Root Pills not imly the stolonoln: but beeome united with the blood, for they find tray to every part, anireolopletely, rout out and cleanse the system from all Impurity. rujii the HIS of the' body, wlckh la the "blood. beeotnes perfectly healthy : noise nuently all sickness and pain is driven from the system, for they rennet renunlon Wl:entitle hotly hemlines Sin peer mid clear. gine reason why-people are so distressed wiles pick,_ and why so neatly die, Is litealuo tinny, do not get a medicine which will pass "to the. afflicted flirts, and' which will open the'notural passages for the diienstrio be east out: hence; a lanM quoit tl ty of rood and other.. matter is lodged,_and the stomach-end lute/dines - are - 'literally overflowing with tree. nwrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation, constantly - MIX ,- - het witlfthe bleod, whlnh throws the corrupted neater through every vein and artery. Until life is idea Tamthe body by-dlsense. Dr. Morse's PILLS have added to themselves victory upon victory, by restoring millions , r the sick to blooming health. and. lumpiness. • Ye's, - t1n0u5..1141,1 who - have been reeked Or. tormented with sickness, pain and anguish, and whose feeble frames hrive been, searched by the burning eleniente of raging, fever, foul who lance been brought, as It wore. within a stepof the silent grave, now stand ready to testify tint they would hove been numbered with the dried, had It not been for this great and wonderful unedleine, :Ilene's-. I nano hoot Pills. After one or two deseS lend been ia=. . ken, they went astonished, and Shea utely surprised, In witnessing their idiarining arercg. Not only do they give 111111.edia le ewer arid stnongth, amd take away all slekness. Palo and allgitish. 'but ploy(lnce gn tketerk. -itt' thirldnibilibldrintlidiDDieii.iiorleteb-i x hired. There- - fire, it will he chews. especially by tiros, wh o ~,,, these 1 . 1.115. that they will so cleonse and nitrify, that 'disease • —that itemily enemy—will take Its flight. and the flush - of youth and teauty will again return. and Ille`pros• 'wet of a !Ong no happy life Will cherish and brighten your days. . . CAUTlllN.—llemltre of a counterfeit signed A. 11. Moore.. All 'genuine have the name of A.. 1. Whin: lc Co.' on _each box. ' Also t signature of A. .1. White A Co. All others are spurli in A. J WAITS: & CO.. Sac Proprietors, . fed Leonard Street, New York. .... -- 11,31orss's inciter] Poet Pillion, sold by all denims ~ in .3ledielnes. •- re antral are wanted 1,1 every town,. village and.bandet Inn the land. Parties desiring the agency will address as above for terms.. - _ • • . " . Pelee 25 cents per trot, five boxes will he sent on re ceipt of i.:I, p. stage Todd. • Du 2 3 .68, 4Pir . For Sole in 0, 0106_14.0. W. Ilaverstick. ( I . ‘ Wrist 51altt Street, eitrlisle. Nov.ll, 1657. . DR. 1.C.L60311S South or street, next door to the Post Office. OA-WW 1:a, absent from Carlixle the last ton days of each month. • • lAng. 1, 'fd. D.R. GEORGE Z. BRETZ, - 77z7", `' I~~' M.l 'Having returned to Carlisle, offers his professional surrtres-to the ritirmugenerally; Mike iu North l itt NtrOet, nearly opposite his former residence Terms—Moderate. tCerllsle, March 31. '5B rico- eheent Until the let of Aprli next. .:„,,... :5 --,. . 1 111. GEORGE S. SEA tate--,-,.., 1..., RIGHT, DENTIST. from the Bal. 1 - " Minim Conrail of Dental Surgery. tys_olliee at the residence of hie mother, East Louthet area. three dners . below Bedford. . March 19, 1856—tf. . • ' DR. .J. reqpect ,, • fully Itif wnts ti holleq oath gOotlymen -01 C Wink. autt_.3 leloltV that III:11314 re. sinned the pr tett. e of ono istry, ..”1:r. prep .0 to per form all operations on the tooth :not gums, belonging to his protes,loo. Ile will Insert full sets ',of teeth on gold or silt er. with single gum tmllh.or moo t s an they may prefer. 'forms moderate. to salt the Ihnes. • Ofllee, In nigh street, dire, tly opposite the Cumber land Valley It mk. ttieltr. N will be In New Ville the last ten days of every month. . Jet. 20, DOCTOR '2l - UgIiST.V..6-R,---:EG:BE It TOnders his Professional Sorvi , i,s to the. citizens of 31ount (lolly Springs. (formerty Pttpt•rtowo), and its •ieiully. . . . - OW- Ills offlci, will bo f and nt Ills al 2 don . c!„ Mw ro's Hotel. Itug. '5B • tit S. W. II AV E itsTto K , .Druggist,. North Ilanuver.Street, Carltsle. . , -., Physichu'x pr6eriptlnns rm efully compounded . A full supply of fresh _drugs and chemicals. . , t• B. J. KlErtli.ll3. - Donler in llftigs, Chemicals, PettlaellirT, Ititury A itirles, &Ill.:e -tIonarj,- South Walther Street, Carlisle, .I.'s..- B.EKDE'tk, .:NI)EN HALL, , . B NKERS, . • North Western Land and Collecting Agents . . . Partieularattentlon paid to the business of non-rest. dents, snob as buying and selling heal Estate, tanning money on real eslat• securities. Paying 'rases and loolilitg niter the general interest of non.resldeuts. References girun if required. • Address, DEEDS S MENDENIIAL6 Minueapolis, Tilameso July 2.1,1854-1 y 1 1 0 TI114; PUBLIC.—The undersign ed helm , well known no a writer, would Mier kir+ . services to all requiring Literaty aid. Ile will Banish Addresses, Orations, Essays Presentation speeches end replies, Lines liar Albums. Acrostics—prepare matter for theTress—Obltuarles. and write Poetry upon any subject Address (post paid) • -FINLEY JOHNSON, Feb. 17, 1558. Baltimore, 31d. I ) EAL ESTATE AGENCY 1:1) ANIIREW 1:41E. N. JEFF tillolll.Bo. 1: 06 Jr • T II OMPqON, flare opened an office at Mo., (br o th,' pur ellam and lode of !teal Estato. btu in; Ind soiling land IVarrants. entering land on Tint. Su raying and Map. Ping towns. L..ation of Warrant , a t I malting Invest. wants for tom-residents. paying Tt :es, and all bust tes,pertaining to it tionerat LaitrAg ,acy in Missouri liausas, Nebraska:4nd lowa. on Second Street, North of A. T. Beattie'. Banking Mahe. . Poly 30,1856. EA ESTATE AGENCY, RE NIOVA SPONSLER, REAL ESTATE AO E YT, CON VEVA NCEIt AND SCRIVENER, bus re. moved to his New Onleu ou Main street, Oral door West of the Cumberland Valley Rail Read Ilepo•t. Ile is now permanently located. and has on hand and for sale a very large amount of Real Estate, ...insisting of Farms, of all clues, Improv4d and unimproved. Mill Properl les. Town Property of every description, lug Lots, also, IVestern Lands and TOWII Lots. lie will give his !Athol lon, vs heretofore to the Negotiating el , Writing of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, contracts, nod Serlvoning gonendly. Oct. 28, IHs7.—tf. C . It HEE NI, ArroRNEINT LAW AND (lENERAL AGENT MinneapoliB, Jtinnemota T~TILL give V out the `portalt tutu, make ttrvcsUnante, huy abortdiu.,g,l )(eat Ketato and seem - R.los. Nearotiate loans, pay tact, locataland,numul infer-to n t antoultera tint Cumberland County liar, and to all prontloatiCtit tens of Carllala. Pa. ' [A FRANKLIN HOUSE South Honorer Strout, altjolhhig thin Court Howe. earlhdor Pa. • JOHN HANNON. Proprietor. 4s-Mull Court 'envoi' dolly for Popertown. Moro burg, York . 4 pritopt oll'i lloaorer (multi& House. • B. 11 . :' THOMAS, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER • Aleoltaniosburg, Pa. ' 13E1 • ariir All styles and patterns of Minds made to order and Old IMIld4 reining' Inn neat told substantial titan nor. and on reasonable terms ion . . . 100 Orders front Carlisle and other points abroad re. spectrally solicited. Ntad promptly tittotledle. :Shop dlreetly opposite the • Union West Main Stteot. [July 14, 'ott..!:, , 0 n fi A. BIRNI3AUM; Book-binder and BLAN-110uK MANUFACTURER. • . ..(Vechatutabaryi Pu. t . Mule, Mnunrives, :%owspapees, I ibinn,, Blank books. Itacs.beel4, Copy hooks, &c., &c o are recolced and re tliroWil, neatly bound in ou week, tt, inodoratu charge es. Also, paper rulo ‘ d teeny desired pattern. Jan. 1858.) . • SIMON P. SNYDER, Ohio: W. K. 31eVAnLoc, Ponlisylvanlit. L. COO,K, M Rhode 'aud. D ER, FARLAND, AND . - COOK, • and Dealers In ReqL.Estaite, Juno $, 1857.-1 y - Vat" FARE REDUCED. " 7 4532, S4 l -A T_E'S UNION II 0 TEIe,, _ "006 & 00:8 Market St., iktxth,..„ PHILADELPHIA. - W. W. UIINKLIi, Proprietor. 25 per dny. • • - jun9,sB. 1,./ cif:Bed Iron? J. H. Now:emitter . hie' LlVBitit TAULISIIMENB, I will he 'always ready to accounno ,_ date 'Alia public with HORSES, UAW 'AGES, HUGO t ES, nud every other ar ticle In my line. By strict atteni low to business lind a desire to please, the subscriber hopes to. reetive a liberisi,share of public untronn E ni. .OEOINIE lIVNDEL. • -N. B. Oninit iussisi on hand to supply those who may he iii_need them.,: - i. IS: ;, ".• • 0 oti 9 31 L ItIAT Troaa, au=tillr * j r .i t i alu w elirg: l 4a l l:l l rind Iladluas of all kinds. • ?' , L• JOIIN LYNE &.£4ON, O. 2T. North Ilaarlvar /jtrart. uter, „Sulu ••v . :. OItACICkIIS. 'lea cake, Ourrant inmh . 13.4 tlf ki/14.4'Z' Zustness (Lards. 21 AII!INEAPOLIS, Minnesota Territory. Efhicines elk*Pl;k*+) s CA IT T I , .711erchonb. entljnolore will be on their onord end' not bo hoitomed spun by n conoterfolt of sloreu'A Indio!, Root Pill.. signed `..1, 'B. - Mil., All gonoinO Indlnn Rarit I'III4 hove the'nitine lied elguature of 4....1. Whit. I Con on each bon. - ii. AfflitLiSi, the Inventor of MOllltEtB INDIAN ' , MVP PILL , has spent the'greater port of his life +clink. Wiring visited Europe. axle nod Afrira. an 5 North Anterim—bas spent three year. among tdiens of cn , Western country—it woo in lilt, wa; he Indian had Pills were Britt disetAercd. Dr Was the find man to cstabilill the tart that al 211.-arliestront-1311-WillDfAi—OP-4111i-111.00D=tliwt treneAh:rhealth-7tmlliftr-I.lupentlettlipplifl WAToN's 7 A . 3IEItICAN PILLS ; JOY TO TIIE.AFFLICTED. YOUNG" MEI? je A l'lr 701110 US. ' . One small box of Pills cures pinetj•-nine rises out ol alundred. No Itab.am, no Mercury. no 'pier on the breath. no fear of det,tion. Two smell pills a dose; tasteless and harmless as water. Full directions erg iziVoiV. - no that the patient can cure hintself as certatu' as t6it6 the advice of the most experienced surgeOn, and touch better inatt,wltli the advice of min of little experience In this class of MP... SENT NY MAIL 'l'o ANY I'ART OF THE COUNTRY by enclosing one dollarto Da. in. 0.-WALTON. No: 154 North Seventh Ste ladow race. Philadelphia. A 'Abend Ditwount •to the Tiede. None genuine without the written signature of I). O. Welton. Proprietor Dr. N 's treatnent" for Self ahu•e, 15 eakness. arc, is •entirely different that the usual course Dr. W. has cured hundreds who have tried others without benefit The treatment Ix as certain to cure as th sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and address Or. W. as above, giving a full history of the ease. and lou will bless the day you made the effort to secure what Is certain—A It A CIC UltE. 185e...13.. 1 4 1 0 U T '.B MIXTURE.—This ie.a power,ul and truly maghal remedy for all otter. nal tilt:awn, either on num or beast. We would ask, hare you the Illtemnatinto or Corns? Menu are not pleasant compattlonS, and we know that you would like to itchy them away at quick as tweslble. Then use node's Mixture. Would you have your nitres, swellinge, rule, Lorna, spathes, broken, nr nary other wounds healed, we repeat q. use Foutz'n Mixture. It Is truly a wonderful art Ho. If your horse IMF the n.parin, Itingbone. Fistula. Scratches, Cracked heels, Chafen,Halls. Sprains, Av. We sae a / a lit rind again, your remedy In loutz's Nllxture. It roots but twentydire route to try it. Hundreds who were reeked with pains—steno who were thought Immo:M.ly laded. lat e been restored to health and soundnenst and ere now r.jotetng In the Lirnxiego that health bestows; and than, dear reader,. may It 17,Pwith'you, If you are en unfortutiate . ui be afflicted with nay of the Ills for which you find this Idointent recommended, use It preserningly, use is faithfully, and we think you will here reuse to blest the day when you became tolitittiMed with Foutx's Mixture. Prepared by S. A. POUT% Westminster. Md. For sale by S. W. Haverstick.Catikle, Pa., and store keepers throughout the ettutity generally. Price 25 and 00 emits n bottle. rjul6U—ly. D OES DISEASE ORIGIAATE ld IMPURITY OF "TITS 11W0D7 Tills Is a question of vital Importance. and one whirl; Ida never been earleactorily disposed of be. the prefer,- ours who teach the healing art. Seine maintain—and eapecially the old set. of Physlelnus— that life lives In the 1.104 d, arid therefore all lb:eases originate In it—L but modern aelence liters that ailments hate their origination In both the solids and fluids of the body. 'that the latter pmpondenite, however. is a fixed fact, - and medical skill boa clearly dentowd.rated that at lonat two thirds of tine ills•thnt human trap le heir to, have the.r.sou co in an 13Ii‘Il1tE STATE OF TIIE BLOOD! As, for Instance. In the lout catalogue. such as Scrofu la Totter, •• Barber's Itch," Pimples. itlotehes. Fryslpo las. Ulcers., Salt Himont, discharges from Ihr Far, Pct er Soma, or irruptive dtwwsra of Hoy kind-7 hese are no. certalued by well kaiown medical law:, to arise frmaa had blood —while tit. highest Medical authorities declare that most fevers originate lit the same manner, and Aare-particularly-1) placid - atut - searlet-=3htformer - hd.. lag nu internal, tint! the latter e,ilerMal irruptive disease; nod in tali person., attacked 1.,,• these maladies, the blood Is found to ho co:foliated, or of n dark' 111111ualt by color. . . . . . To ward MT a lairo inaJcalty or diseases. as well as to extra a 1111111bIlete1111 . 11 hays already belted 11p011 the 038. teal, It Is neeessare to PORIFY TOE BLOOD. Llndsey's Improved Blood soarcher does not claim to be A UNIVERSAL' PA N AVEA for every disease known, but the prepeletors'ehilm for It for power not billy of drolidry out a.. Impurities of the blood. btu by the aklllful combluotion of well know u vegetable remedies. It Will mire all diseases arhing from , loranged slate of the liver, &lie out dyiliepsla. and Oro renewed sollo . llllti ligor to the et, mach That the 111.000 SEARCIIEII In all that is claimed fur It, the proprie tors con produce • THE PHOOF. • • It to only a few years store It was discovered, and yet It has grown Into such a Lush:raft that a large labomtvry icon been 'built expressly for its inanuferturc.;•-a large nunff or of mon elliloyed in potting It up, and still the SUPPLY UOKS"NOT EQUAL TilE DEMAND! • WO Usk any esndld mar, could this be .0. If the Med. trine did tint posies.' Al WM virtues claimed for it 4 . , • T Prop, he •elugs hate hundreds of rertatinttes from men of probity and Mandltigin tl•e• PODOO nay, show" C Ins what the medicine le doing doily for the Pullin ing ASK AXE PERSON Whe'hin eV'er Used' the 11100 d Searcher Irbolber . was experienced. •, ' . • . Lot flee Minato,' giro It a trial—a single lottle wit ourivlneelbo moat ukoptieal'of Its ' , Cleary. For sale In Carliale by H. W. Havorstlek, S. El and li. .1. Kloffor; Kauffman & Pon, Marbanies burg; Hoswellor & Zook, Shopherdatown; Joshua Culp ilogstown; Jet oh Simmons, C, oct - linede; - linrta, k'' WlFo,'Shiramenstown; A. N. Leidich, Iloiiimr " 11 , 1111:11 ; Mary W. Kissel, Churebtoarn; Edward James. Went • 111111;..1. C. Fnenaurht •Ji Bro., Oaltille: ELtrmnker Elliott, Newburg(. Wm. Dralton, Newellio; J. Hoed ,t pringfield ; Russell A Dlro.•Dielineon;'lllgblar'd Woehlagor, Jacksonville; Wen. Clerk A. Co. Leos lambi; Wm. 11. .Ecklea, Sporting Bill; D. Whit., flail; .1. U. Altlek,Sblpponebung; all of Punibtp. knd'enuuty, Pa. ' • - . LINDSEY .& LEMON:Proprietor-a; • ----- 110111dayaburg. ' 0ct27'58 DU VALL'S'. GALVANIC OIL - PIMA* ORIOINALIN DT •'• _ . • -----PROF.',.:II. V. DU 'VALL;,-. ~ -, Forntirly brthe-Collegr of -Surgeons;.-Porisi--- ' Is now 'otfuted to tho public for .the Cure of all Elora tt e and Painful Dinettes;' for I stance—Pain or Soreueits la. uuy part ol tho System,. Rho =diem. Pale In the Dick, !freest or Skies, Mahal II acts, Neuralgia, Cilunts t Swains, Headache, Cramp In tho Stou t eoh;er any nth", itinetto that'll. SONE AND' PAINFUL, and. It Ia only Ivor tills chi. of Mimes , we. claim . a PEI:Pi:CT YleU Tom . We say positively to our ,patntat.. we wan re flect, the sulTerer.o9 theme mil of 100. We would Nist . ea , to the Ohne. prof. En Vail *as 26 yeaur ittl.brlng., lug this medicine to the superiority It has overall alin .' • • vtAi Prlctialkrilipts per . buttln. SS%, per cent., oh to =-All-orderi4 inurtboiiildrirr.44o J. D. DWONERODE,BoIe A'gt.for V. 8. '••••• • t ,. ?1, t 4.1P118:. LeiriOnwp, 311111,1 n !outity. For izalo litiverintlel4B...Elllett.K. Kaman:tad; ti..l. Maffei, laid nt aD the country storve tbroughou* igrAj. unoy .1 nnting. done hero; .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers