ZIT,q Atralti. , CAPTASLE, PA. Wednesday, December 2a, 183 S goam nib Mattfrs. Clitil'STBIAS I Merry Christmas is approaching ; bleak December ushers ih the festip season of the • yttr;s'when' the evergreen is wreathed in the ball, and the Ya 4 14 blazes on the hearth- . 'at one.throNVing-it s genial-warntth-on do merry group clustering at tiro ingle side." . For many days, the cry hag been' ~ Christthas is co o l ing," and straightway the store-witlovis arp draped in their gaYest colors: ter and fancy goods are spread out in seeming confn sion ; gift-bcias and Christmas-boxes. cakes,' candies, and fruit,tacet the eye on all sides; and the Chinese crying babies, it's they hang ruspended by the neck, o r the heels, seem to say, Christmas is coming," and look as -if they each wished to become the property of , some bright-eyed little girl, that they might be dressed and petted. , • •. down in l/e monl/i and the ttirkeyi gobble out Christ • mas is coming," as they resign them'- , *plies to their fate. • Childhood is to its glee and inYousness,'and the merry shout of the liitle •:three'year olds" come op from-the very heart: in - eagtruntiei 'potion of innumerable gifts front the .myste rious Saatu (Num. God .bletin the children !, Let them hang their' titockings up high, in the deep chimney, for here he comes; reindeer and ttlh VISIT MOM SANTA CLAUS C. C. MOORS. `k..,,'Twas the night before Christmas ; when all through the 'Mm - Not creature was stirrlftg—not even a mitufTe; • The stovkings were hung by tne ehltnitmoy with care, , __III hop . .< that St..Nlehelill• .4101, wootilml-l•e, there. - Tilt! rill ',lron wore nestled ail anti.: ill their beds.` of sugar plums danced through their Ant mamma In her. %Grader. and I in Illy rap, had just settled our brains for n long whiter nap. • ..Nihau out on the Lawn there arose 'melt a elflamor, ' I sprang re on the hod to what war the' 'natter. Ames • to the wind ow 1 Ilene Me a hash.:, •oreitett theshottera and tlirt4r up stthe sash; The Moon on the breast of the mow 6dleu snow, re or to °ldeas Lrim6. • • whou what to My wondering Intyl , FluilihYnppGnr - But a Mill haunt sleigh amt eight tiny_ reindeer. :With a:little odd driver so,llvely_and.ottlielt. I knew Its n moment It intist Is, 's le!: More rapid than 'igloo his anUfFlita A n d ho whi s t l e d. an d shonteol, Ind railed them by !Mole • W - N'int, r liannerTilna7nrilllner . . - 11111 - 4 7 17x7 lin Comet: tm.Ctiphl I nu homier and 1111 sett: • To the top of the porch! to the tor or the' wall! - N“W dash away, &n al away dash away sill I', 'AN 'eaves that benne Ate wild hutoleane fly. Winitt the,/ Meet With an whst lobs. "."" to the sky, Battu to the 1,ft...4.T the eallnit'tti then 11e... .• 'With the Alai fon of tova..frrrd - St.Nlooltoln I too. hind-thott-lit-at winklingt liners! s-n tilts roof The ;tramming:lntl pawing of rash little hoof. As I dreerist may head and was•lornittgarouttol, risn this ehltattay St Nicholas ra n ts with 11 bound ; 11 • wog dreslted all In for front his head to his foot. And 6le riothin were all titrtildieflA lilt ashes and {,,ln • A bundle of toys- he had llougon Ills I ark. , And he looked likes pemilerjust opening his park, Ilia eyes, how they twinkled I Ills di nodes. how inerro • 111,40 o :e t. were us e reaes,his nose like n sherry; 111,1.011 little !moult w.mt. tire wo up liken It And the !ward on his chin menses whitens the silo*. •• stomp slim pipe hs hold tlght•in 10,11:moth, Aid thus stino , ,e itt alien vied lihriteattilke fetrrantlr; - • Ile hada Inv id face; and A little roiu i,l bully Tina sitOok. whon he Luigi., I. Ilke s loom I 6111 of,hdly; lie was 'tool plump n right jolly' idol elf. And i laughoJ when 111,11, In Split. olf onynolf. A wink nil tho eyicatid'irtmeist of Cho 11 , 1111. • • 8 qui game ate to knew I had itel.hlog le , 111' /11101,0 not.a word but insult straight his work. And filled alLthe stockings; then turned with ajal'kf And laming his linger...lde of his HOW. And 41 . V1(1. , . 11 and. UP On ellitodey hr roe, • Ile sprung to, his sleigh, to ills team Fine a fitistlflr And away Owe all Ile , like the liilWllllll a thhtle, Bat 1 - Intarol him ..X.1.111i11/.. he drove out of sight, ' ..11 - apPy Christmas to all u and to all ll'goo . l 1)400,1' Two more ditys, and the will lio inns haw come," and the little folks will eat'a whole menagerie of .suger ; young-Americo will turn out his toy wagon or engine; while bi's , sister will press her doll c'oscly, and ask ---- if .• minima's pet is cold." The ladies ,will sport their gayest silks; .and the fast•young tyot,,,,oncthelitLfasteq horses. The . bon . virant, as he sipediiit Chai - npaign, will say " Christmas has come." and the .some cry will be re-echoed by the old lady as she resigns herself complacently on th 4 sofa, to sleep off the effects of an over feed at dinner. When festivity rules the hour, will those who are blessed with abundance relletr. that there are some, to whotit Christnum nevrr or who only knave' it by marking the enjoy ment of others? That there is sorrow in many a heart, and poverty in many a homestead?— If such reflection comes,let it be the spring* to action Kindle a fire on the dreary hearth. supply the scanty b oard, fill the widow's cruise with oil and her heart with joy, and thus be happy , yourselves, by bringing happiness to of herd-'1 • To our, patrons we tender the compliments. and hopithey may also enjoy the complements of the season. May Christmas always find them, whether in poverty or affluence, ready to give thankii' to the Author of All Good. for life, health, and pure air; for the green grass. the waving trees, the bright flowers and the twinkling stars; for the seasons, in their annual round of beauty—for there is beauty in the snow-tloke of Decendmr, as well as in the May-blossom, and each have their mission, To all, we wish a !. Merry Christ mas and a 'Happy New Year,'.' and as each .happy home circle gittheis around the festive. board, mu they be.enabled: with truth, to • sing— We ore all here! Father, mother,- Sister, brother—. All hold each other dear, stilled • We're'all - of - hotar; To night let nit cold stranger come. It is not °nett thins around Our old illonjliar health we're found. Bless then the meeting and the spot, For one.. be every care forgot ; - Let gentle peace assert her power, And kind affection rule the hour— We're all aft here INTADAY G u"rs.—Tlic display of Fan cy Goods, Gift Books, Perfumery, and the Thouxand and one articles suitable for holiday gifts, at Haversticks. is superior to anything we have. et seen in ,Carlisle. !Many of them are entirely 'new' and unique in design. The stook is so large and varied; in style and qua. , that the difficulty is not iu finding what you want, biit in being able to make a selec tion. ilisstoreis 'really a curiosity, and we advise our friends to call and see it. ADMIT TANCE FREE, . • 'Nu: POntrg SCHOOLS of the.borough have now their holiday Vacation. They were ailjourned on Thursday evening.,,and 'will resume Until Monday nitirtiing, tlio ail of.hin- 1 nary. During the:vacation; we hope teach Ors and,pupila.may have " a good - time of ji," and enjoy thennialvei eioeedingly. • • • - We may mention-hare; that on the occasion of the : susnension of the's - olloolin many of the ...feintdo.leacherS reccieeluome very subsini i t6l. lokeus of tlic..gr.ititutle .and kindly feeling of their jtivenilO scholars, : We Ore glad to:1 7 1 , 110w this. , It 431tOWOtnattheservices of the teacli= era a're appreciated and acknOWledged .thuse..wlio, theinili.:ronogin years hove t aolliclent to arenlitel endeavoring dli',thent good " Nr,w Si.° aE. lain 'Hitt l initli hEIH opened now YOrie.y Store, on Ecet. High ItILIVI(1I, ill did .ronin recently Occupi e d by .!m r . Ch".laOgllby , His stock etoniistopf (Once.: *nitti _ t.Cltioc-ware, 13001,4 and . Shoes; *61.4. '':` DI logiesil Register for the Weisit Ending Dacca Aber Oth, 1958. • 1858; [Thermo-[Rain. ' Remarks.[ meter.*-1 Adair:; 10 00. -L Rain, Wednesday. 10 00 30 Rain, . Thursday. 35 00 , trid;ty. • 33 00 • . Saturday. 33 .00 •.. • Sunday. 31 00 • Monday.. g 3 00- - 45 - Spowlt, Rain, Yealy 35 00. Mean: • .Tiniiteiree of bunt In thu nbovo rogliter Is the dolly nvinligu of three hbaervnllnn.. • ' • DESTRUCTIVE FIR E.—FITE Musk:B DUSTIt6YED.-011 Friday Morning last," a very destructive fire occurred in our borough, which woo, doubtless, the Work of 'ao'..incentliary.,- I The tire comMnenced'inn row of unfinished brick houses on Small street, built during the summer by Mr Jacob Rheem. As the alarm Was given liboui 8 o'clock in the - morning, it was somyjme lzforejlispizeris; were ftil!),,L, , , aroused', and when he'iNgines were put into • servicp, 'the ,three:bri'ck ionises were nil in le libizii.aug the fire Yhdtimitiounicated to a frame • house belonging to Mr. nem, and occupied by Jh. db4 - rles'ltionre. Mr. John [larder's Ems°, adjoiniag:Nloore's, nr..it caught, and there Ives barely time to remove his forniture,. until the upper shiry wits entirely destroYed; he and Mr.' Slbore both lost some goods by the fire. .' The damage is' estimated, tit' about $2,600 ; Mr. [larder's toss, we learn,.is pit'rtly covered by insurance. Nrr 4heetn, unrojinnaiely, was, not insured. • _The. Fire setimpanies ore. entitled to great ' praise. for 'their vveki_direeted.efforts to keep tire frontsprealing,aliliOngh their energies were' crippled' for . the want- of an adegaate supply of hose, by which i Frey were preVented from getting in the rear or the buildings. From our obs . erVation nt thio fire, we are well convince:' that a 'look and balder COIII - here .properly organized nntl.equipped, 'would lie very effective in arresting a fire.— Under the pressmt lirrapgtment, fire ladders tire s'eatiered armind the town, but they are seldom on hand - When - they at'e wanted: Let .some of our active young li.remen organize one„with hooks, ladders, ripe+. axes: and all the appliances for - saving life and propeiq ;• they are as necessary as-Eniine's,or.llole. and sometimes more effectual than either. wheh placed in charge of a company specially de - voted to that service. Islittrtl' to stiptofse that tliere is an. this venrittutkity. with a disposition so fiendish as to coattail a (while of• this na !HIT, bit as the Ifousesivere tiaoeettpieq, we can ityrivo.at no other conclusion. It is a pity hts.altitld-go,-nnputaisheth--:-.. VISITORS WELCOME OR UNWELCOME -Poets sing of • "fingors visits. row and fill baTroon." • 'but the visits of fallen angelsare sometimes more frequent,andon New Year's day Our pa trons may expect-to see the devil. In other Am* the Carrier of the ?braid, will Make his' -annual call on Ahem with "a pocket - lull of oddresBe3. - and he 'hones, they will send him home, withl'it.pocket full of rocks." IiEsioNED ins Qtr. nn E.—We learn that Mr.--buv.s IS. 49CCARTNF.Y. for no many years the popular and efficient Teacher of ono -of our Publie.Schools (No, 1 has resigned his situation. During his etittneclii a with the schools of the borough, Mr. M. has won for himself a high reputation as an able and ex perienced teacher. The, pupils of bis learninfi his inten tion. presented Jh. %din 'ITN EV with four fat turkeys, and a splendid penknife, as a holi day gift also. as an evidence of their re spect. est einu. and good will; and expressed, in suitable ['mini, their sorrow at loosing hint as their instructor. FA uts.—The Fair of the Cumberland Fire Company, has been in sueeessint progress liming the last few days, at Educition The room is tast e fully decorated with' wreatlifi of evergreen, the ceiling is entirely covered with the "Stars and Stripes," and the walls are graced by a number of tine pictures, sun, mounted with.eniall Bags. The array oh fancy goods, cakes, &c , display both taste and liber ality on the part of those wlio presented them to the compani. The fair has been well throughout, and we hope the Cumber hold will. reap a rich hary`bst of profit-from the enterprise. It closes to night, On Christmas eve, The flood Wilt Fairwill commence, at the same place to continue one week; and as the recent lire disclosed the tam, that our fire companies , are not pit. pro iided - with sullicient apparains, it is:rotbe hoped that ; the citizens will lie liberal in their Thironage, as'the proceeds are to be 'devoted to that object. NEW. Sclionr, IlikuslL—Our. efficient llotrrd of School Directors have determined to erect another Schoollioutte, on West Pomfret . street, the coming spring: 'rimy Invite Kb,. posals until Friday next, the 24th inst The new building is to be twti theries high, of brick, probably accommatintotwo schools Cgrli , le has now a large matter of aplendjd .. i'nk school buildings. all Owned by the Beard of Directors; and w bplievo all onr schools are taught in houses owned by them. HOLIDAY GIFTS !---Messrs. Sitryook, Taylor & Smith, at !heir Book and Stationery Store,' East High street, are now disposing of their extensive . assornitent AT COOT! This (Vitednesdny)evening they will continence sel ling tit auction, and continue until all is sold. Now; then, is the time for bargains,• RS well us splendid 116LIIIAX GIPTS Teachers, Students, and gentlemen wishing ' teeTniip'etb' their libraries. should at once and examine ,their stock : as we knew valuable ' works wilfliedisposed oP upou liberal terms. TBActimis' INsmuTE.-r—Tho Cumber- land County 'teachers' institute will meet in " No;Orville'', on Tuesday the 28th ,instant, 'A . huge numberof teachers are expected to be attendance. and Cie occasion will doubtless be tt most interesting one • • .....111threste tlke.Ounattetiand.Valley_liailroad., will be reduced_ td.lialf-rtricO on the Occasion of the meeting of the Institute. iliAtiOtpo. t meeting (I,f the Olin- hei,latrl Star Lodge N0.197:1' Y. M: ott Toes ei%ening the I libiust r film - eats 1). Mahon wits - ele:ettffid W. M 'John 11. Itheent ,Si V. John A' jr.;!. W. S.*lliott CO.s pnil 11 ) .,. :All;mitr 'l're:usurer, • . . Xt. a mewing. t,f- Lodge No :260 ' hel;1 ea * . Tkie-iqay 114., 16th innr.. 3oliaVatap. hetl . wa . s'eleeled ty. George Weise S.. ; IV. Ans. Alleo. Sae: and .Ighn'U, (11 . 1i3pin TrCAsiir4. * . • NEw.ApviiiiiiiEMENTEL—The crowd• ed siate of ouir columns gives the best evidence of the energy with which our advertising friends are pushing their busidess. Those who' wish to purchaae Holiday Gifts, Wintet Goods, Groceries, Ste., are referred to dile nd vertisoments in the herald. • Purelnisere of 'real eslnto• will find din. Judge Hepburn offers. at. private, sale, hie vnl noble property on Bedford street. A.- , desirable residence is also for 'sale on West. 'street. For • tortes appl,r,to,Alfred-fr• Spoilsler, Esq.; Real Estate The Sheriff also advertises several proper ties; which will be sold on ihe ith January._ -BA - NIES-CLOS Eni—We - are-ierittested-to state; that the Carliale . Deposit'Banki'ariii the CumborlandTiilley Bank, ivill IRO be closetl. on Christmas end New Year's day. Persons having notes maturing about that time, can "stick a pin there." . AGRICULTURAL AINICTING. We etill tho attention of out• rentlet'it to a meeting of the Cumberland County Agricultu ral Society. to be held in Carlisle on Tuesday the 4tb of Jayary. ' Part of the business tube brought before - the meeting. in shoWn by the following pro- High School of Pennsylvania,to which we in rite theinititention. . • A ineetiog of the. Board of Tr . irstees . orthe Farmers' Iligh School of Pennsylvania, net ibis day at Ilarrilborg. presorts, Ills Excellen cy Win F. nicker, llon Win. Al. J.• .I'. Eyre, .1 Mc K. Snoilgrass;: Jannis Nines, llon. ' A. 0. Ileister, IL. N. Alc.llister, Esti and Frederick Watts, Esq., Presidenti' the.folloiving proceedings—stare hail in relation to the adioission of pupils: OuonaiFiritir. rick BoAttn —That the Insti tution shall open on the third Wednesday in Pelfruary,and rhnll clasedm thethird day in Dectintber of Muth year. . Students will bit tubuitted 4 on the following -- conditions: . Fm.y4:—'l'lley must not utfilerdhe, age . : . &cwt,/ —•l'hey tint t be qualified, by posses sing t. good knowledge or reading, writing,. Gongraphy .ktith uei c flruauwu•, and ac quainted with rhe elements of Nat urald'hiloso• phy, Ueometry and Algebrit, will be an add liana! clitinzndnii,",iini: .T/it/—Tlicy must presCtit satisfaciory evi dence or good character, and industrious and most pledge theinsel yes to olHerve .the res,ulittions of the Ltstitutimt , atninig.whick - • . All Htndeitts wilt iitired to perform civecy deticiiption stil whin, whether on the form, in - the shops, 0 1!1 . 11C1/61ii the College buildings and three h nos Ilf active labor :nay lie tyquireil each diy, lila no wore, ittileils"tiptin some special exigency. Ail hinds of labor will be equally honored, and excellence (limit. will const:inte a ground ,of merit, equally with propel atey iu other branches of study and practice. pplication'for the admission of one lion, - , tred students l'rom the',tlillerent ("mimics of the State, in proportion to their taxable iu . habitants (ratio ti7Tal,) will be received up to the tor a h a January Hiatt. Mid - must 'be made. lirough_t l i e coutitutionol ollicerti oft he Coun ty .kgricultuCal Societies Liuul- where such so cieties not exist or fail to prestua,,by the applicants directly. All applications to be ,sdilmised to Wm O. Waring Farm 'School Post ittltco , ceiore County., Penn a:----Ln!case of failure of - applicants froni:-any-couttly. the yaeancy will be: tilled - liy't hi.' Board of trus t,es from the surplus applica n ts of other counties. - One liundrea dullard paid in adKanee: 011 the chariv for tuition hoarding.. washing ad, light and books, tor eel 8 e3siou of to kontlis. Students should bring, besides their ordina ry apmtrehlminfortable clothing .suitable _for farm %vork,-to-be Wlll . ll only when at work. It is important that all students be present at the commencement or this session No de ductions can be madettiant the punt required to be paid. By'order of the Dom!. - President. December 8, 18.;8. TEACIIEWS INSTITUTE. Bchoorhouso No. 3, Dec. 'Sail 18.58. The Institute tort. The President being absent, oil inotion John luck was ehosrn Neg.. Rune:lL the minutes of the last meeting were reiorand adopted GrAniatar being J 11. lichri ver iti , tructed the clasi in that subject, the pronoun, its divisions add application, using the blaci board for illustration. Ile regretted the inconsistencies, which meet the eye of philosophic enquiry, in the manner in which this subject is treated in our popular gram mars, but was 'unwilling to charge grammar with all the improprieties which mar the path tit the student, as the greater'defeeti exist ill the Philology or the language or the language itself. and thus we bane to make the most of a bail bargain, nor will the • divisions of pro nouns have its proper symmetry until we have a farm for each gender, unmoor, person mud Mental Arithmetic 15 , 19 next introduced by s N. Clark and along with it came apples . 11, oranges, and butter and beef and the ices thereof. in beautiful disorder, and which prolitibly puzzled most of us to 111111C1.1 all right in the ',limiest possible time. This: ONPITISO WIIS uomlnet ell with quest ions in Jibst rdat num 'hers in the fundamental rules and the square root. Next come written • Arilluneiic. 11. J. Zinn drilled the class in the properties of Numbers their greatest I:011110011 1 11%16111% lent common multiple &c. and required the reason for ouch step in the so utbut of prnlulews , and which _mpiiippati•ently-,11101.(1- difficult -to7givir - flint] obtaining the answers which in time-past-and within the recollections,of some of the readers of this. was the sole ofirtict of those who work ed in figures Ile also introduced vulgar fractions to the class, their nature and subdi visions, closed ivith singing. Adjourned. .• •8 0 1,, m 1 house No. a. U o . :nh, In littite met. the President, not haying _arrii'ed_.in„time.on toothm Eberly - was chosen Pres. pro tem. the minutes of last'evening were read 'and a t:o aed. • i. IL Schrit'er instructed the class in Physi: °logy,. or that part of it which relates to the structure of man, and the muscular sy . stem, its functions and In ws . of growilt and health. Ile ends voted to enforce upon the minds of the class told upon the audience the imp°, tance of the systematic training of the muscles from in fancy. ll&Thaitt the museleS were the media through and by which all the not; were Car tied on awl perfected, that all persons should have regular, daily exercise of some kind not only us a discipline of the muscles, but- be cause our physical and mental Itealtintndpow er demand it. lie thought it injurious to. make children sit still an hour or longer, be cause they must and will have exercise to M ill the law of their development. Algebra was next taken up by Jos. N. Clark • Messrs Clark and Zinn teaching that branch alternately, and who exercised the class in td ,gebraic fractions at the black board, giving the,siuno question to all and requiring one of the class to explain, insisting upon the reason or each operation. He compared Algebraic with Arithmetical fractions and showed their olos ' • . M relationship and common origin. Vocal music was then - introthiced by J. o'l6ll whp gave instructions in the rudiments } of that art and sciemitt - irr4ninteresting, Man' ner. Stier moving time audience with n eon• ' cord.of sweet sounds, it was moved that the, Ittatitute adjourn to meet at the same plaen on Tuesday °veiling, the 1401 Mat' which motion prevailed whereupon all ',Javan° their 'Tepee - iirepliteeemfabeire J. H. SCHRIVEItReey. P. S --Hyttninutr mom net ditteussed at the jest titeetiltg or the Institute., ' ;t..: , . llirriaqrs. , . . . —O- 2 :-. • . . , • • (ht the - lett, lost. hr tho Mir, C. P. Winilr r Mr. SAM. IBM 1. C .V. 1. 1 ,.. of Aiolor,oolotrir. Ferny - Ondlity, to Miss ,1 NS IN N141.7.1N1P11N1,L; of this pitoio. ' Oh tiiii iiith lost.. lir itioliov, W. W. 1 , :o110 M. JOHN:, t.N.N. Filcii. l- N-itti o lli . is - 1 . 7 - ot , t.A.iiiiis• - 41rir-iti ., Misit• ..).{ NV. I.; 1.1,NN illtliß'N Pl , lMlioir tills pl.-cu, Itoth brido ithil 141'0.1 :11 0 liPtifllllltlW • • • I ,ti,: I lbst;• hy I+ryy Mr..D.VNIRL 'll I S WI It A PL. dauzltler, ,of Jesxo i ';';li of Yoith Miltr , tou top:, Comb. ,00nsty. fo ttm fah Inr,t.i at Cr: ziur' , • I otel,'lo tho Ilev joloi •to, 1.1•3"PS•NY1.0;1t; of Ift . ongtori 'twp.;' - to • 111,01 AM ASIIA BEI DLEit, of North Ithillloton t.iwywhlp. gt CARLISLE PRODUCE , MARKET Reported : weekly for the., Herald by 'Woodward It; 'BehnOdt FLOUR Superfine, per bbl. do. Extra, ' do. • do: Family - do. fiyo lYiure Wordia. per' bits Roo .‘ do . do, Rya CORN OA R.' CLOVEREIRE'D" TINOTIIitRiGkI) SPRING BARLEY I V.IINTRR TURLRY , DR. WISTAW4 fiA wiink •oriwn,D CHERRY. • , . _ .. The miller of. the 4' Flag.of Our linlon," says In his miler ~ 1 July 17, 18138':—:‘ Tim memory:l,r D W r. IHT ,li I , einlttlnual In the he:lite - et thonua nye who have ex orlon. 40 entire eclat ham Coughe.ColitapConsumntlona uel Pulmonary 'Disease generally. by hill, UNO of bla 'need net ihar . to ,glyo this pre meatier, a ..refill trial, its WU pnotkk from, experience. tore than ton yeUrs . sitice the editor or this paper test• A Its lexcelloncu.hy Individual trial In lily tinnily, with he uinst surprising results, us a curittle,e for pule)... ry disease." . s Cases of Cone:limp, lein rind .Whooping Cough Cared.. The hllmrina, frum'a highly ropectable path:man, speaks Ihr Itself: ' . desearte,N. J., May 20, 1858. . B. W:Folvid: Thig certifies that 'I was fir malty years afflicted with a disease oh the : lunge JILW.L.I.- I ,SIIKU.SatAstak-Iliat a tt...aW‘diAaa-dtfltoulty-4.. 1 cauld walk. 31y t.. 1411. during this them won very 1.0-: Von°. causing the frequently ta..raltto great quantities. of' him if attended _with profuse stivitt Nweall... After taping Vitrl..lll. ivoluclleS to 1.11 purp*e. 1 one ad% bold to try Wistar's Balsafif of AVild Cite&y. I did. Jut, and Ilea fire using tile first bottle, I was °tali* restored toper. few - health and steenallf. wodld alsomention that tide Ibdxun cured_ a little girl of mini LT n soiere at tack of WI. loping. Cough: when her Hp wan given OVor by the physician, and all other_coutodies had felled. (signed-I - ..11141All 11 Wl'. Nose genuine unless signed `•I. BUTTS" on the outer wrapper. , Prepat.cd by SET W. FOWLS A CO., Boehm, and fir sale by Samuel - EIJI dt .111.1 S. W. linverstick. Carlisle; hat_Day..Alecluittleshtug:_tittl.r.AWiibirentanstown If. Wild. NMI:1110 1 SII.111:11.1kerk 1:11116a; N1411.11.V. r.O. Al tiek, whippet sburg: 11...1 by unpainted agents Ind lealers'in fulalleine all es or the country. 'Yll AT TREY SAY IN SOCITIFCAROLINi - A anacit.ke. 8..0, Aug. 21, 1858 . , • Messrs. FARREL, CO.; , . • PltitAbEGl•lifa, lienthamen—The 'close attention which our my, sif, Nies Imo. repaired since the lire. has hit herb prei T en led us from writing you :111011t tines:are. inn "evasion of Ink lire Nth July, by which wesullered a large Is. ••ur sPIIF• with n anuallo.r of olin•r lanildhaus. was 1 , 1111411131.1 i. Tilt; SIIP. of your manufacture. which we luail• In thin sh•re..ionis On iIOS,LtO . II Moot Intense heal as is well attested by •the eNcts ow, Its strong iron frame. which. from Its linked anal Healy:min:aro nce,leraks nx theugh It land berm heated for 11' long thee in a fur. TM,. The Sale. with Imps of indllen glass and .kegs of nails. lust d hiatus n UllOlll, fnli hula, till) cellar, surrounded lay 1.11r11111,:: HI atorin Is, and there was cuff, red to remain (no the (.11 , 1t1.11t4 hatiiheen rein - eyed Indian° the reached us.) until the 2.1 of A uglist: 11 days afterwards. ' T.° dm...sty to rattin g it elnonn inert tould hlarcolihrbilproeurod, coifid need us or Ida power t7a re nisi the a I tempts of liairglars. And when it was opened wo Miami she interior, In the astoniglament of Ill]. .0/1- tiro ly 'untold rial' " ' This teNt, (MC wt NHS , roltvlami us of the rapohilltles of tour Safes that WO . l, 01011 not part, with the line 1041 have In it.. for a largo sum, were wo debarred the priv ilege of getting another.. ..ltrapeetfully yours, _lt. WARDIAVI' & SOS• 11 , E1?111.1VG• co.; . la - Walnut Strek, Only nialnlrs in,1111,. Slate. of, material cling thankful to thwannerous uuldir for Malt patronag,•:a rontinuation of the *amt is it.,llto I our perm/moot loratlon In ::oath Hanover 5h00... .ert.ll opposlto, lianuou'a llutel, and twat door to 81 Inholrs (Iro6ery. •- , , earth:lt...llmo 28, 185S—ly HAM DYE —HAIR DVH-11A111 DYE. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFE, The most reliable seAnity kohl thmnow known. N'IV 3,1085. Ayen. A. Hatch&lor , s Hair Dye, 011111INAL AND np:Ar IN THE WuItI.D! All tillers a•e men, linitationsrhod should beavoided Ifyon wish to_c.capiLridlen'e. WAY. ItED, (Mt DUSTY 11 Alit Dyed - instantly to a beautiful. and batural Brown or Black, without the least loinry to MD or • Flrr GUS )lEDA LS AND DI I'IOIMAS have -bee.. awarded 01 Win. A. Datche or since IH,S and a-n er Ono applications have been made to the-lUD of Ma ten in or I.ls Mom. Dye. WM: A: 11.V11:11 EMIR'S Il Alit DYE, produce s col'r not to he dirt ilik l / 4 1611011 leant nature; Is warranted not to Injure ht the least; however long it may be •row tinned. and theJll elrects of bid - Oyu remedied: the lisle invigorated for LIIL• by thlk SlllOl.llll Dye .• • Made. hold or applied (u It private rooms)7.rib° Wig Factory, 213 Ilroadwa,, Now. York. Staid in all cities iin.l towps of the United tit/oes by Droggistr and Fancy (hoods Dealers. ill_ The liennine has the 11A410 and 1111111 . 010 i NtOQl !gate Ongra vlog n u four $llll. oroa4l 11... x. or WILLI A)1. A. IiATCII 111, 233 itrnadway, New York. OW - Sold by Drugoists lit earlisl.. , ll'lliS—Wlll.9.-IWItIS —Datehidiir'n WhIR unit Toni, ken tsllrirt, all.. They.nrn elegant, light, rainy and Burn Isle. Fitting to .a eltarni-no turiting.up shrinking nit the head: indeed. thin la the only Entitlr lishillent where these things sue properly underatood timid inside. 2.13 Itroadnuy, New York. itor47,sti-ly ,Int; shoe: the foundation of the City of NOW Vert: has onoloced the exelleolent„,,,,, all dosses that Prof. Wo Hair Itooterativebaddoiit.„ All eI.ISSIIS front LllO Ltrhy and bald headed sire. and the oilier. matron. dose to the sprightly youth toil beau. (Pal maiden with tier glossy rinAlets, nen crowding the Hop It at No 812 IWO:Wety: the former to Imo Ronne new Ij evotored. nod the latter to pre:Ness thoutselveo that which soils 'prev.iill the Inroad of enviou, and Callon, the Itppc,tranve of youth mill beatify to lingo. to the groato4 /1,4 e. 'lnsides all the popular lirog_loto in tin eouotry aro mootantly enoniged In doaliog out (be Itootoratlyo to their custoniers,.• 4 and the cry lo oil]: they noun:” • Corro.o.-Hlte.-nre of worthlers linlliltlono no Oevern e already lit the lonrket, called by dllfer.ott mime. 1111110 unlePo the words (Pmfensor 11 oolyn link Ito oratl ye, 1/eiV4 319., Noir Yorkl. no• l.booi the bottle. Sold by al. Dru.rOots nod Potent Nledi 0.11,100 deolloo. nloo hr .II laity nod Good , alms It oho I.loited States null Cnoadn. u vs AtIIC.II. PA IN EXTI: A CTOII.—I . e.oses Inthioniollok loon, or 1r,% prod,oloatro. •11 iIIa MOS al M., 1114 utdim•ast heave and Immediate eon!. Dailey's 3lgrlval Pain Cx trimkir, and nothing else will allhy inflammation at ui and inakea eertain cur, 1/A1.1.0.1"8 q Apt ICA I, PAIN. EXTRACTOR will cure the fellow log anmeg a great catillo.me or diseases: Burns, Cots Chtires. Sore Nipples. Corns. Thin - ions, liettiseS, Strains. Rites. Pobani. Chilblains, Hiles, HvmDl a. Clears, Parer Sore.. Felons. Ear-avlle, Sere Err,,. (lout. Swellings. Itheinnatban, Scald Wad, Salt Rheum. Itaidnesa, Erysipelas, itingwi rut, Barbers Itch. Sniall Pox, Nleahles. Rash. &v.. Sr. To Note, It in..y appear increduleua that su many ills ea.s should be reavlied by one article; anvil lilt Ida will Taoist, whew relleetion pinata to the fact, that the salve Is •olublmation of logreillnents, each annul every one applying a perked antidote to Its opposite dianialer. 31agivat Pain Extractor iu Its elfevtirki val. berate , • the time Is 'Mort between disease - amt./. permanent rare: and It is an otrartor, as It tintkv . s' nil dbioa..o met ot - thon'tected part; Intelog !mimeos p9rlVet its - livraltithu 1 Hit - irk. it Bernsly necessary to say that no house. work shop, or 1111111 lalletOry should be ono tun moot with Out it, No Fain Extractor - Is genuine unless tine box inns open it It steel plat• engraving, with the mune of lienry Dalley. Manufacturer. For Kilo by all the Druggists and patent intoltritto doulers throughout the United States and Canatius. - Priori Pal Depotil6.s Chambers St., New York. tow • ' n, F. CHACE.. t;:r ta, Sold by 8..1. Carlisle, i'a. 514ttIoN HALL, 'is tlio place to get good Daguerreotypes. Arolootypes, Melanlotypes,,Ster reose.ipes. Crayon types and Photographs. Persumevlsiting Carlisle will find.l6 to reward them for their inothio to visit this Ito:Mute. - ' • N. it. But too epecintenn are exhibited nt the door, utt the public ore renpeetrully Invited to call rit tht laliery. where e, try vurluty or pleturen capable of to. tig'produved lip the Photoonpitic Art can be of tinned: Ladlen end tiontleruen'enit in whether you, went 'pie. well or not, unit yon'willmunt with a cordhareceptiuu. Respectfully yours, MEI VOR RENT.—Tim subscriber offers • for rent the well known BUSINESS . STAND, Alt uated on thu North Ea.t. corner of the Public Square, -Oarllelo, and now In the occupancy of.T. D. Koller, as a Hat. Cap and Shoo Store. lit connection with the Store .Room, will be rented the largo collar boneath, and a ca. paelous room above It. Porsesslon to be given on tho tat ITV of April, 1859. For terms, toe.; apply to 1101111'. Carlisle. Nov. :11, '5B-t f. .0001) WILL HOSE COMPANY'S trA tz • GRAND ' ± - 1 0 MAX PAIR. . " 4111.11:10.711* ILIL 14 " , FAmthr , - GROCERY AND TEA • . „ . Just resolved and In store , a fresh MO - _Oll 80- . looted assortment of 111.,, Java unit Morn. calls, Coffee. !heisted Coffee. Crusted Pulvorized• Suva's. Refined -Slid ~ otter lon , '- , a , ars, su airier ' • _.... , Syrup nolaisis, ..Orle WS • 0 , 8104) .1l 010 HBO . • . • Spleen of every mill . . - .. • - puroonly 7, Starch, pull i and • Chougate.. Mts./Irani, Che . 0 ,and Craekori,,‘ Tuplm.nld -Ss),,. Indigo, ' - Saleratan and Stole, Cream )Itrlar and un —.....SOrled..Plekles,•3lustaid,any_Cwlander AioBB.l. - -- • ~.. ~.. • Tk.9.-- , -A fins.4ll - martuunit In Package's, —. • ...., 'r. and it hulk—dik - well as all Othilr al tleles It. Allle dl, • '''' '' belonging' to the 1 01.41004-01 at thohnvest , IV. ,1 Vaineron, , , Att il t and late . fedueed privet', , .....: ~- • '• ' Jr W. 1:11Y, ' ' - Carlisle, Nov. 3 '3B ' • . o .; .1, tr, Paris: -' . ' ' ''. J. IV• 0./ I LIM,' Chnliliain of, Committee. ! , Nov, 3, ISIS.-t ' ,' ' • '',. • • ' ' : r -TILE B ITS I NESO'...' ZEN OF :V . .. . The tiOOD WILL HOSE COMPANY," thanhful fNr the favdra, conferred on them by the elthens , k 1 our town and vicinity, at the previous Fairs, Intend hold• lag another at EDUCATION 1.1 , commencing becetniter 24th. 1858, and r insing January lot, 1859; in which the kind co:operalcut °fail% Is re Sportfully solicited Our object being to raise funds to defray a,por.tion of the expenses incurred the pur chase of our Engine. A few moments devoted to the making of. such articles as the ingenuity of any may Inmost. waist thankfully roceiv ed.by the members tor the Owed \s ' lll •linen Cutupsnyt ' , • • -5.E.Y.1VR 0 41 1 11y:1•911r._ i•- IL Gould: ' •• 4 1 V.:; .l Y3uWerliellr • I . l :. t?pottsivrood, 7. B. MreurGiry, G. Wolmr, Jr., Gould. . DE EIZEIM . . .. .. .„ . !ft Kliellk.stTS oloPottiortitylitiittiptto Maks their bi .t,ino,t known to thit publly,ctittpitdltho trntr..tx S'Titit, pubtishocl nt Now rill.. ii excelkot - mhortltilott. inglll- : - turr: — itebitritirmit'airgtvo - ilotz met. ty %pr./ruing Aron-. halm, • .Tormo.modoratO '',.,t., ' • .. - ' .• weeThoV..r.6rbrdulx!yub'St txd vance: • All ‘,111.411 slruld till lidtllosted toMik+ undonderned, Nov. 17, I"nßey Printing done ,liere $ 5.00 5.25 5.50 850 00 now 70. old G 25 1 75 50.t0 —5O such asClituutunnit, Clover, Almalce, Coriander, Pcppe (linger, Mustard, Baking Solo. Washing Soda-, Crea Tartar, Ntstinegf, .Vertsr Powder, Macs. Citron. Sure. 'Marjoram, Thhint: fresh and nitro: Hu has ha td all tliu ditTerunt.latent Medicines of thu • "CONFECT/ONA . .Oranges, Lemons, film, Raisins, Currants, )rune: Almond's. Filberts. Walnuts. anottninuts, o,reanun tit Chestnuts, American, German and French Candies, mu Candy Toys Ut every variety. Those wishing to mak wholesale purchases can here be sup : plied with the Iss quality of Confectionaries and at louver rates than a Why other house in - the country. Ile has also a full .as so:talent of comilotinir.of Wood and Tin of every description. such Heads. Horses, Wanono, liirde, 31oving Fl.rure6 Fancy IVork Boxes. Masks, COl . ll. Drums, Whips. Trumpets. _Whihtles, I/missing_ Stands, .4c., kr.. to he sold Whores:de and Befall, and In prices; toinpetltitni is defied. ' - -=GO ODS Port Mammies, Purses. forget Hooks. Fine Par Cutlery, Shell nud Pearl ard.Cones. Noodle Books, I Falls,„Cabath dernout• French and Aumrit•nn tit Waie—lnkstands and trap,. Card Barks and Bask Jett Breast NW, Neekiets and kings, Combs NIT. 1," Side.Und Gittlaperellit Conds. 'lalr.Clothes, I Iluttmi.'Nall :nl,l'l'o,lll Brushes. Sewing Silks, lint Thread and Spool Cotten. Muttons, dr., he, • I'L•lt E It I ES. . . Faile3,"Pollet . and 'thor- Soaps. Pearl Powders, K. trans. first quality Hair tills. Pomades, Shavina• Soot and Creams. Tooth Poste, Balm era Thoitsand Flower Tricophareus, Wash. Hair Invipinoors, and Hal Tholthore have , boon solorfed with earo and wit all nu oxamituttion, speak for_tlaniselves. • 7' .tll P) .1 Xi) • On hand the lest Lit of ?rears and Tobacco that Jinn user Iron bron4ltl to Ms tshvn. ipe:ie g tfri± tllll NM. Inee tic, anne‘or nn trial of the purity "ol the Material O'.4vllleh they eollsist.lie has on hand those only ‘llleh are imported and whirl, be Coll rl,lllllllollli no 411:11.. We 111211 list 1:11,1k of the true (lawman Seger as hey have:timely gained for themselves 0 reputation 3t they so richly desert', lb. 3610 keeps tliu einlllllllll lelo Ur Sillutrß to suit the tende rTolvitren — sueli - M4 - 11 — We. Plain Clangress, 'hotel Fig Leaf, Cavan Congress, and Fine Cut Tobacco and Snuff, the )UItNING FLIJID, Pine Oil 'Lamps ~11. Wirth, Sodiel:Otheenthatedl;ye.'l'dlirm, Add roll e and Stern Othello:, for toPt lit th e . Hor em ' IV3I. BENTZ. CIIO,ICY, BRANDS TOBACCO. and fine it rtrd Segas for ado at the noo'ktmeery store or " BENT% JENKINS & CO S. TEAS,loose mill in - me talik-baelomes. Savo. 111'101 kilain. Ilia and Java Cull. a :meet qdred, I. and lianaepatlta:Clawalata or silo by WM. 111.:NTZ. . _ FANCY. ETS for ladies. Tooth ttiol Ilranthes, Cologne. Extracts. kr.. Pl. mai. by WM. iiENTz. CRANBERRIES, Hominy, Prtmoy, Raisins cm.r.t.t, Flga. N Os, uat.,:buttyr nnA goda Cravker! Jumbles fine Engl(Nli Ihkiry, Pine Aprbililitt Sap Sag, F14.1.6..5p1ce5, S r mkt by 15'31. 'RENTZ.. NISI! A NI) SALT, Mackarel in: linir iuui quarter barrel, Shod, Salmon, Ilerrloir. do. fiti./.11 mid fish. for saki buy W3l. BENTZ. GOLD BAND netts of 46.nn,1 t,5 . piety, white granlto and eOllllllOll oar,' ulmotwiire, for • WM. 8EN.17.. COILN lIIROONIS, whisks, henyth bros's,* iss•kstß tube. churns: brughex, ngHex. nwas. urn wash Imiartl• vlothrs pillh. nmshmre. rtilltibz pins. lafflem..spolins. imultdorN, egg !miters. rake l.ln,king, ,te.. for 04.10 by WM BENTZ. FRESH PEAUII I. fresh Tonintees. nspar ..•uv, puns, nio. , uppt4K. syrups. co Mlnrn, t-ittatn ktastip plekub, Wc...resterslilre plveall111: pie trulbi. job Tice. fbr salt, by W3l. BENTZ. ALL TUE Al3f) . E. null tunny .other goods 011 t rniuurrntod f salli:st.tlie lowest rest prlrnsititie now• and cheap aroeory MENTZ. N'o• t IIAT AND 'CAI' EN•klilLl3l. .1. 1.1. CA1,1,10 k CO, wows,. to Wm. R. Trout, yould 11111111WINA to their-enattaners and Ma public linernlly that thee have just re:Tiveil frfun adv. n larao nod eloptut att.ek of paala, in their lieu of ao.lneva of every variety, rte le and quality. --- Thoy ha v on hind a Apiendli assortzneu I or • of all deseriptlons from tho common Wo. to the.fhtest Flitt A NI) SICK HATS: nod of prices that must - snil every ono who has nn eye to getting the worth of isin looney. Their Silk. %tole Skin and Deaver lints, ore nin.ttrpnwed I,I(IIITNESS. 111111 A LITV 1/'PINI Sli : hy those of any other estnblishment In t BOYS' HATS of ovary learrintien eorslantly on hand They reNivetrally birth. all the aid patrons and a. , ,many new onesjinAaskildo,, to give theta a t•nll. Oct 13, 1848—ly • IRON R l—lrou Railing for comacryiaimanw:pubileand_private groutnis end gardens, made In order at tbo Carlisle Foundry. Our stork of nailing. Verandah and 'Bracket patterns emu , prises ti large variety of • and elegant designs which toe public are Invited to call Rod toxemia°. Orders for raking and putting up Halting will be promptly OXVI,II - at iatl.f.totorr,prires. .130,t,. An entirely new 11'..N.1101iSE STEAM ENGINE and II 111,1.11 now on.hand, warranted to be of Ills best make, and will be sold at a bargain for rash or on short thou • -• F.GylinNiat C CO. July 21;1850. . _ FANCY FURS-FOR LAJAS AND CHIL - JOIIN FAIL El It A $ CO., No. 818 (now nn,) MAE ICEr Street, also. Eighth, Pint, WA.—.lmporters. filnnufae borers and !Dealers in FANCY FURS, for Ladies and Children:, also. font's Furs, Fur Collars, and Moves.— Thu number of years'l hat WO have been engaged in tile Fur lousiness. and lino gonloral eharoeter of our Ford, both for QUALITY and PRIM: if: wn gonendly. . known throughout the C try that we think it Is not ne • ceongry for us to say anyetdour mono than that We have • • now opened our attimrtmell of 'FUR'S for the Fall and Winter Sales. of the largest and must ,beautiful assort. went that we have ever offered NM we to the public. Our Furs' have all been imported 'during the present season, when mono, was scarce and Furs mueh lower than al the present limo, mid have been manutitctured by the most cratmetent workmen ; -we are therefore de. tenanted to sell them at such miens ns Will tt,uthnu to give us tiro reputation we 11111,1 borne for years, that is to Rena good article for a very IiMALL 0110011'. Storekeepers, Will du well fa give us a call. an they Will find thodurgest assortment by far to select (tutu In the city, and at utanufiteturets prices. 1). C. NII LW% FAHEIRA & CO. - No. 818 Market iitreet, above Bth. I.IIILAIYA 5ep.:41858-4m. . FOIL LADIES! , . Silk., • ' ' Alpena, ' • Version, • Plato Dolanes; lavella Cloths, Do lieges, Coburg% 4 ?alley I uhtnes, It'hleala• .• • ' Itosierv,li loves. ..14,, , ,n a h, a.....4,,0te1t-Cliouh , ons. llantlkerehinfa.-ettr.-• -- , FOR OliNTLlttiltN : . Broad Clot he,, • • - .Kentu - cky J0an19.. - ei' • ' - Tweeds-.. 111.01: ri Money boesklus h • totttnets, . • • Curdtiroy. , • To:stinks, ...13earerteens, ' • • •. Jrni.ey and /31tleistrIps_CessItorrt. As, 'fognther with a largo masortisou4 of Shawls., Sack , . . . , • ALIJAII.I.E PROPERTY AT'pjud '- - Flannels, 110111:wts.t3kIrting. (Wimps. Magian, elawho. :,011ottio Flannels,- Malmo, 'fable' Miners, , Nankeens, . • VATK ttAl..K.— Too nude - . signed - tillers; at Awl . t'rekk, ih'ilis. Umbrellas. So. , SS.. ,'. • • ' , Ito sale; that vlllllO5ll. priipertypti Went - 'I . In street, , The,Awarlust atsortment of Kars. OAP4. BOOM . AND' _u•ctly •opporite.ylekint...B Cunt I. • • ' • I • tino•o. over otll.n.tl lii Cnrilslo, Asap:4lll.lot Of FRE:ill In lila bermilth t•Notlisin.'enntal.'lln• ' ~„ '2 . 'l . I t 11 , 1, ....Ili* emulitlellor Teas. Cofrei, Sugar,' moar.e.ca,7 9 - 1.:.0.L1PL - mntAmt Ith li•etan J". , ' - jilri i --,----RE--,-- rztooror-&E,-- , -AIR he naka-l—for-theveeoplerto."call to ulliareb alley. ThillllllooloulOnEs 3 , 1 ! , • , j ," - ~E ! on r-oEronha.l mr thenutelvea at ho Nolo MOREIMIE that art two KRICK • liClUni.l. 4 .• old, tie necussrr.out.l ol,,liiip,:; oli hi o 4 rieur .I,e ...y ; ,- i - , •ti; ‘ ,,,u,o aalltor, will huhu.. thorn -En purelaule.-01ro aloeo Is ‘err 11 4 1 r O'h.- Other f4' private ", to 1.49 . 1,3E0i, or I pun a cull %rbother you'w 101 l to purAnso or not. , ' RA- thy pollholOoata,, iooll . a LUtater drrool Ila‘l I,' , , ',.., • .-•.''.A ' ittlkilltelt. JR , ' 'or ForardiOr" 1140141,,J0aar: het -a Era_ foot •(,,,,,::tha j , j - ••Coulor of North Iftuover and Loutber StrestS. , I:um 01 - ; beriumi - Valley enftikk•• • For further inforolaileo '' ," - Quit - ; 171 " 8 " . '' '- ''' •' i ' :: ' . • , „.•. • . . • ipgylro of. Deo. I,l'adk•-•nit. '' ' ' • (*Maio •, l'a . .' ' I 11,1 ndbill4 neady - exeouto4, • • ' . , • . ~„ . , , , •. , . . Kazan J. Rthr Oohs. NOW__ 'is THE TIME TO PARE FOR WINTER.. • The aubcoribere have Juet returned from the elite. , .New , York and Philndelphip', whit one of the laritod sortmenta of FALL and WINTER (IOODS, over ',rout • to thin place, embracing °eery variety of • • READY MADE CLOTIIINR, nd plecAgooda, which will ho made up.to order ors , by the yard. amontt which a few artlalee may bo thew vial Pine Jilark. Twilled French. 11/utrulack, Bit Gram, Drab and .Claret•CibOTllt.;l3; Plain and 'Fan" CABBl3lElttll3 of every etylo and quality; Satin, / 31 .. • and Fanny Grenadble..3ferinn, Silk end 1).. skin VESTINftS; ell wool Prei.h: Twedde. Clothe, Camera. Jeans and ovary description hoary goods for fall and winter wear.. Also, the lora. and Initultoniest stock of Plain' and Fanny OKA VA'.. STOCKS. and TIESr I.lnutt,and Silk Pocket Handl< -Abdo ;-Collard.-half ilioarand ((loran of avery - ki nil: , 7 ;unbar with Altman assortmcnt of- Trunka,-Xalishe, a ... Carpet,llam all of 'wklelt wIll)w, sold at Ma low:-- prices: Call and soli um at tho old ebuld, in Na ifunovor street, opposite Crutler's Hotel ARSOLD d; bIVINOSTON. EN= B. J, KIEFFER'S WIIOIVE 8 ALB AND ILET , AIL Drug, Chemical, Confectionary, Fru • • ..IPVIR.IETI'• STORE. undersigned has just replenished Ills stock L Ivilich ' having Leon e ,6teti with artrtt-care. hu satlsliod !WO Frrsh 'urn. Physicians' prescriptions will lie promptly a eltilfally attended to. Orders from merchants in t. ailitry will he filled with ,•aro and on the WOO 11101 . . _ • . j Al , l . tr o c u la . l , l .. pn.liamitlons strictly L. •curdn uuu ggitL uiLo' UND AND WIIOT AMERICAN, COMMAS AND FRENCH TOYS EIRE= 11. A T S, = Nei 1 41 oob. GREAT INIAJ9EMINTK OFFER ED. TO OAsu AOYZItS CHEAP STORE of A. IY. BENTZ. travinCluat roturoffil from Tha olty with a full end wall wok:tad aloak of goods In my lino, whleh I ani taaporod to soil at tho lowan, rates... bly stock conelsts In part of X LADIES' •DICESS GOODS Ilandaqmo styloa, colorod .I'oul.do•anlro, Drama . 811ka 2:/00 yds. Mack Silks; auporinr Ilrandx, Fronnli Wong, Ca.limdroa.. plain and figurad all wool DoLainns. all wool plalda. Silk Valonaloa, Coburga, Valowlau. l.n voi la!, Illmlllnl, Madonna. 3Plux Dufadnoa, plalu and fig• wad; and ovary varloty of dram gonde, • SHAWLS: •••• Stellas; - Bay State: • Reaches. &c., ke. ERN BROIDERI KS: Collars and Sleeves, separate and In Saar, Edalnss, and InSorting. DOIIESTIC AND STAPIA: (1001/5: ' Bleached and unbleached Sheeting. all widths. Lancaster Ringhalm Calicoes, Flannels, TleMugs, Cheeks and Unsays. , MIMS' WK,t)t: Blast( French Cloths and • allnerm:Paney Cassloters,Casslnetts, Jeans. Tweeds, Cords. &e. &e. -• • CARPETS: 8 n13'419,0611 • . • . -" Ta pastry; Ingeafnr: Hump, Iltmeanuda • and stale ear. pet 4.t all . widths. - MOURNING GOODS I I would particularly call Ilio attontloo or If I persons wearing mourning. I „, ha ve_purchased n roll stook or mourning goods, at Moons, Tame. Cloth, ilarpours,, Bombazines, Alpaceng FrimelisMorinoes, clashiticres. till will llol.rinea Per. rals and Prints. I.vo Voile. Crape Veils. Crape Collars and Sway.. and all the grades or English Crape. Purchasers are respectfully requested to ralhind ,ex• amino my stork, as 1 ant •preparipl tn_ olTor superior-In—l documents,. Oath 'as to quality and price. • A. W. DENT'!. •• South Hanover Street, opposite the Post Oillre, Carlisle. Ort. 6, 1858. • XTORTH. HnN () V E R STREET CONPITTIONERY, • - 11 • • cAkLirsLg PA. -------117miesige Rates Reduced $2 per 100 lbs.' The attention of Country Merchants and the public generally is invited to a large assortment of {,IIOIOE CANDIES, teen uflictured of the best niaterial - mot warranted to eontain no poison In their colors, whi,th will be sold _L_Whelesale or ItetelletletetutUliepld . P. 1110NYBR,' • NORTH 11.1NOVI:11 . STREET, 9AR1.141.1:, PA., A few doors North'of the Carlisle ThMeslt Bank, ,lu't received a large lissortment of • I'l? VITS AX!) NUTS of the latest Importations, ctinsistlng of • Oranges, • Lemons, • • • itaisins,• Prunes ' - • Ju1,.,r.. • liaminnas, Pine Apples, • ' . AIMOHfig. . • Filberts, • ' Crime Note, Cocoa - Nuts, &e.; • nil of width will he sold at low rates. Also, a large no '---sortmeittor, ' I TOYS' AND FANCY 000I)S of evory varletv. Abio,nll the Next brandti of 'EIEtiAItSAND of A 1110rie1111 mid Ilerman tortnufat.filiv. Thu subscriber return,. thanks for the liberal patron lure landowel on hint by the public. and 0 divas a .. , ;t1 lion:taro of their favors. • Itontentber the Old Stand of ' P. 11 , 1NVElt, • -Carlisle,-Intie lii, '58.. North Hanover Stuart. -W AP) I I -ES, JE IV E ItY, AND stINER- TA lIhAT CON INN'S old established Stood. West Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Book. have just. received n new tV4;tOrtl-11011t or watches: medallions—silver,ware, Ac.. In addition to my fernier stork to which I hivite 'the attantloo of the Tlloll.ortMellt embraces line T e r gold nod silver lever wutelids. itunting and mem , gold Aneltors for . 1, • T l . Ladles andAhmtlemen_aml_±4llv,er ~ Le_, pines and Q molter watches of every va.par riuty In style and. price, Also fine - gold fedalllons,fireastriiins for Ladies - nod irlentlemon of every quality, pattern and price. Gold fob,-vest. earl, and hock (4111111 F. (old bracelets. finger rings, ruff-pine, 'duds, sloeve.buttons..erosses. clumps, Ae.. Uold and silver - thimbles. silver end plated butter knives. flocks. bible, tea. salt nod mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment •of gold. sliver common FroolneleF, to stilt all ages to which we lnylle,speani !Men tion. • A Duo Int- et 1701.1) PINS• from' the twit toaliera •pectaele 0:1011, Nary hutKoA.•sllver mad pearl card raguri guild and ro:aman brareletx, watch vhrulna. Cluedo and a variety of artlelts uxu . . ally kept In Jewelry eAtabllNltlnotits..whHi I will 5,31 l low for rash. All iutlelPA war- ranted to ho what tiny aro repreeented.. Particular attention paid RA usuel to VATC/I REPAIRING and all work war- ME Der. 23 1R57.1 /1 1 0 MILLINERS, MERCHANTS 'AM} OTHERS. We have lour In .tnnelt; and constantly ' , exciting tro Rene York and Philadelphia Auctions, and of our ow. Importatins: goods of tine LATI:Kr I':lri4 Fashion: II it .111101 Silks,l'iald Velvets, Sothis, Velvets, Plain Slle :Unrealities. Floren-es, Bonnet Ribbons. 140111, Satin and 3lanntua do.. Ruches. Laces. 11 lusions. Rr., whlell no offer nuu•h below tho usual pri es. A liberal discount tin cash buyers. 'WA ItlIVIITON; No. :100 South SECOND Street. (sr.oniu Igor rums sroitt:, below serwc2,) PHILADELPHIA sep.22.lB4R—:Sin. riIOI3ACCO AND SEGAIIS. -The ne • fist. qualltlue of Lump. Twist. Cllllol[llol. and n chewing Tobacas: SEOARS---Finu importrti lln vann uful ihiNt'Segnrg, übio 01011 . 1. brandsof dutitrxtlr untnufActuro. Lynchburg. Philadolphi3 and ilaltimure Cut null Dry TONIC.. Our friends ...Init fit both pli,sed by extuniniug fur thunisuives. Nor. 10.'50. J. W. F:11Y. i t VALUABLE 11111,1, 'As .4`.. - 04 1 :0. 1 i . ; 1 12, 1 ,:i Lee r oldrs "l „ % t .4 lTr i l! vote sale the 31111 Property so nbleb he flow resides, situated in Mifflin .lownship. Cumberland County, ni miles west uf \sw• villa, nod 4 toll. 044 of Nt,wilurg: en the State read leading hon., New v lite to Three Square This property Includes 45 ACRES OF l e s NH. 40 acres of wl lot, are. cleat ed awl In n good state of.oult,vation, (ho greater Dart being limed and ler Woe] fences, with running water In •bsery held. The rehldne, acres, is covered with gOod - thuber. The Improvements are a three story• 0 MIST 5111,L; to good repair. With excellent Burrs and 1211 . t ppers, and an excellent rim of custom. • ' • • . • ~ Alhd, B.aw Mill, 10 gond order. with eonktant ofnplay moot. Theme 1111 e are on the Three Square Hollow Dun, with a head of fifteen feet. i L-1 M O other Improremente are.* t wwstory r. FRAME AND 1 - ..101 HOUSE, Frame Stahl °, (nearly now) Varrlive Douse Smoke Minot •-•'-‘' and other neconsary ont.bulidinge.._ There lea well of excellent water, (with a pudiji in It) et the door. Altio r a thriving voting tflitlitAßD of choke fruit. . . . . 'Cite abovp proporty will I's sold so as t offorgmst It ducoUiiJii to purellastrs-__For_ sr 11 . 11 . 11, , u1,,;,a ply to JOSEPH C. I.INDSCV. 3111111 n Totroohlp, Am:. 20. '2R-1.11 H ALBER T 'S PAM ILY GROCERY, q!!t:ErplwA , nE dkr!p .ymcinTx North-West Co'ner of ilip Square, pppo site the Carlisle Deposit Bank J. 1). II lI.II,NIVP Int4ll4:tln nnihnishod hlv stork 11 goods. 111,4 golsortniont Is now full and , •omplote.,tnnonk which tndy ho onugnirato•l ovary vacrlitt!' or froth FAMILY CiItOCE:RIES, which • • In quallt) and peen CA ' 7' BE .4 7'. A large stork of China, (lbw mai Queunswarts, anew and beautiful designs, and, embracing ovary grado of price. 0 Is SOLO Ao ENT In Corllnle for JONES' COlObralisi KEROSENE OR COAL OIL LAMES, ono of. the greatest illYcoverlos of the age, combining cheaptioss, safety and- Increased light.. Coal till and Lumps constantly on. hand, Which (ho public aro iv. quested to call and examine. ' '402. I) lIALBRIAT, N. W. Corner ottPubllo squuro Carllmio, Oct. 27, 2,8. IMMENSE EXCITAM ENT ! THE PEOPLE IN MOTION 1 NM VALI. 0001:19 AT J. A. lIUMItIOII, an's. ellEAi. STORE, 3. A. Iluturioh, Jr , has just returned from Philadelphia with nn Im 11l onsostOck of Full and Winter DRY 4100101. OItOCEIRIES.'IIOOTS, SUOES, Ste., selected expressly for Carlisle and vicinity. The people urn respectfully Invited to call at hisstore,.txamltio his goods and CTEST P HIS I ES.' Being do-Irons to Increase hIS custom ; ho lons par chased a much larger stock of goods than at toy other limo, and intends to sell them °Rat such prices as can. net OM In suit every ono wlikintty wish to purchase. Ills goods have dwelt selected with great care, among which may be found ~ PREPARED DV •DR, SANFORD, ' Compounded entirely fr ont GUMS. ~_ .I. 'TS OIN OF Til Till? twin' PURITATIVE AND LIVER IIE JOIN ES new timbre the public' that acts as 4 UATUARTIII. easier. urlldor. - And nlO,O dr:actual than any , - othur.mutilyi no known, It Is not only 4 OATHAnTIO.InIi, • .f lam remedy, miting first ou the Loran to °Jost Its' morbid matter, than on the stomach and bowels to car ry off that -Hotter,' thus acennapilshing two pinpoint effectually, without any of Mao painful fuolings export-- Juiced In the operation of 111064 CATHARTIC'S. JeeteenXtb• i One the system al the'rune Una, that it purges it; and when taken diaby ii, 'moderato doses, will strengthen • and lanild it up with unusual rapidity. • , • Thu Liver Is one of ' ' • the Principal regulators of tin', human lealy, and g when ILyer_foransuits__, fithi'Vons w IFTL.ipowt . „„,,,,. - um. of the systetn are • fully thavelopmP - The G...? stomach As; almost en. tirciyalepoutitantota tla- -healthy - -dation. of the'' - Liver fur tato proper per. formance of Ito auctions wham the stomach is at fault, thopowels are at fault, and the whole system suffers in corm , quell., of Ono organ— ear?, thu Liver having ceased': to do Its duty. 1 . •"" 4 For the diseases of that organ, One of tin pre dab prlntors has madu It his study, in' a renetieu of --"-- morn than twenty yenta,. • .to Sod some remedy wherewith to counteract - the Lowy derangements to which it Is ilutal.. To prawn Mut Ibis ro- -,-,---' manly Is nt last frond, any person troubled !---,„. with Liver Com. plaint lar any of Its r - - farms, liaTbut to try a - ottle, and conviction, . • Those gums rutuovuall Z .. - morbid or bad matter, ''''' foam Cho system. sup. i .„ ( plying In their plaeo' a ' healthy gine of bile. In- oh:orating the stomach, -rinsing food to- digest well, purifying the blood ' • giving time and health g to , the whole machhaniy removing the °enamel:l' - t n disease, and effect- • Jug a radical ours'.. _ r. 4 . Ono doso after °fint , - ,ls Sufficient to rollevo_ . „.::_, ,:tho-, , stomrich- nntt - pee. 'Pa.. VeTirtillilliali7iii.;ii . . . 1 ing and totaling. 1--- • - only atm ,dose taken k' before retiring prahunti nightniare.. • - , • - , Only one Jose . taken P.l at night loosens the bowels gahl*,,anal cures, • costiveness. - .One...tiose _taken attar Cr) 'well Meal-will-cure Dyia." - i , psita. - o — One dose of two „,...„, teaspoonfuls will always • relieve Sick, Ile:niacin, 1.,, • Ono Nolo taken for female obstrudtion re moves thin cause of the g disease, ' and Waite. a portent curd. . ' ' Only one dose Immo- O. diately relieves Cholic, ' while one dom often re• ~__ prated is a sure cure for Cholera Illforbus, i.Z.I nod a preventive of - • Cholera. Ono Jake taken ottani I ,Z will prevent the recur- . mace of bilious at- tackle, while' It re lieves nll painful feel, - ings. manaly One bottle In ..... needed to throw out the of system the effects of (4_,) medicine alter a long , ,ffelottoa. 1:31M OM bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sallovf... neon or 1 1 1 1 , 111tuila color from the t:ltio. • ne _ dosu lakett . a . shertntinittbeformeating - girea_vigor. - lo the /FM - ..ircoid makes Mod ilfgekt One dose often repeated cures Chronic Blurs— rltoen in Ito worst forths, witlfe mummer and bow.. el complaltits yield almost to tins first dose. One or Iwo doses cures attacks 'mused by Worms, in children: there fa no surer, safer or speedier remedy In the world, as it never We take infinite pleasure in recommending this, medielne as a provontlVo for J[i;ever and A gilt, Clllll Fe'rer nn 1 all FeVers of a Billions ' Type. itopo'ates with certainty,•and thuusandsure -• , to testi!) tot s wonderful virtues. • All who We It are t icing their unaninuMnestimony - in its favor. • - ^ rtry Mix water In .11): . mouth with tho Invigorator, and swallow both together. • /411;E IN ViDORA.TOIL filtßA't MI DICA`L DISCOVERY, nod is daily working Unroll, nlnfnnt too grunt to believe, It ennui no Irby magic, oven the first dose giving bene fit, and oeldom more than elm bottle In required to cure any Kind of Li VEIL Complaint; from the worst .Intin. dice or Dyspepsia to a common headache, all of which ore the result of a Diseased Liver., - DR, SANFORD. Proprietor, 315 ilmiiilwar,Nei;r York. . Sold in Carlisle by S. ,ELLIOTT unit S. W. lIAY EItSTICIC. I iny261858. . . BEA - UTIFULHEAD OF . RICH GLOSSY limn; -. TO TiIFT: GREATEST AGE • • And who that In gray would nut have it restored to former color or bold, but woad have the growth stared, or troubled with • dandruff and' Itching, but would have It removed„ . or troubled with scrofula, scald head, Sr other.eruptionmniut•would be..eured, Or with sick head rode, (neuralgia) but would Ito cured. It WIII - ah.o• remove all pimple's from the rare and skin! f. Wood's'Pro Hair Restorative Will do all'this, see circa. lar and ,the following: ~ Any Anton, Novetulterb, ICSS. PROL. {Conn—Dear Sir: I have Ward much Sald - r the - wonderful effects of your - Mir Restorative, but having lame so often cheated by, : quarkery and quack • wastrel., hair dyes, kc., I was disposed to place your Ilestorative in tine smell category with the thousand anti one loudly trumpeted quack reen•dies, until I met you in Lawrence meaty some innoths Auer, when you ! gave Mo_such miser/nice ;no - Induced the.ta of your Restorative In my family first by my goodwife, whose • hair had become very thin and entirely white, and be fore exhausting ono of your large bttles, her heir was restored nearly to Its orb:Seal beautiful brown color, nod had thickened and become beautiful and glossy up. on, and entirely over the' head: she continues to use It. not Simply because Of Ds beautifying reeds upon • the hair, but because of Its healthful' litiluenre upon the head And mind. Others any Amity and friends are using yourdlestorative, with the haPPlest effects Iherebtre. my skepticism and doubts In retvence to Ile character and value are entirely removedt and I Fan and do moat cordially and confidentially Watuneed Its - use by all who would have their hair restored from while or gray (by reason of sickness age;) to original color and beauty, and by all vomit; persons who would have their hair beautiful and glossy Very truly and gratefully yours,. ' SOLOMON MANN. , 4 - 44 % T y', , • '''''TITOMAS.CONLYN Fairrin Woon: It was a long time after I KIM you at Illisktield before I got the bottle of lb:443th r for Wilk% you gave tun au order upon your agent In Detroit. and wine, I got It ma 1411/0111irli to try It on Mrs. Mann's hair. lea illy surest hilt' of Its power. It Las done all that you assured toe It would du; and others of my family nod friends, Ita‘ Ingo witnessed Ito elects, are now using and reeonintbnding Its use to °themes etal. tied to the highest ronshlendlon you dentin for It. Again, very-respectfully lend truly, yours,SOLOMOA MANN. • Cuum.t.ibt.:, June 28, 1852. • I Intro used Prof. 0..1. lit<tk b. lttlye, and lure admired Its wondorfuViPets. 3 y air was .. outing, as I. ttnoughronlunueurety gray. lot thu usa f Ids Itostoratbeo It.ims reguntollts original color, and, in"'9 ex-Seinitor. U. 8. Prepared by 0, .1. WOOD k Co., 714 Market street, Saint Limb:, and 312 Broadway, Now York. and gold by all llrugcivt,•: and Patent Medicine Dealark; also, by all Fano . and Toilet (loads healers In the United &idea and Canada. 11n1211'38. For Falo In Carlisle. by S. W. lIAVEItBTICh, SA)I% ELLIOTT, and Bruggista everywhere, ' A. 43. EWINCVS FeIiNITURE'VARE4OOMS, _ 'TO 4, "Z «¥»:• "58'0 West High Street, Carlisle, Pa (Premium awarded at the Cumberhind County Ayricultural 'Fair of, 1857.) • The subsCrilter has Just recelvod the most splendid essortimint or articles In Ills line. over brought to this plece--Videll . he IS dotorluined to gull nt prices that dU ty eompoth Mu. Parlor, • , ) . Cho tuber/ •IYI ma I aig.roolit,l FUrtflillTUßE Hileilolll, und lattice . . • , Embracing every- article uied by. House . and Hotel 'mewls, of the most tomcod and fashionable design and finish. Ineltallog Ms., Cottage furniture. in settµ reeepthat and Camp Cliatrit, - Mattresses, at frames, pietures. to., Cr. Purchasers aro requested to call and 0:911'111e his stoek. tat his extensive e'nrr•rooms, West 3lnin street, Not 'tirade. . A. IL MINI. .1W Particular attention given na usual to funerals; urderti fauna ... tjiivit and Country,- attended to promptly and on moderato 101'131e. A, 13. E. Carllslo, Ylity 11. labs,—ly, IM Y .., ( : ) r 1 :1 4 1 1 y ) ri tt l d N t D o S ee:H a a n : l d o the nr LI P S tie ' I l i n; don or trevli • O HOGE:HIES, . CIIINA, • GLASS AND QU EANSWA RE, Pickets, Pmserves, Fresh Can Fruits, Sykes, Wood and Vlllow Ware, Ropes and lirushes Oils, yi uite, Fhb,, and u loNe variety of other Rae net necessary to miUMPIAIo. State Itsont two door - o' east of fointerly W.lllltitmes.) hive ,all nod oxsinino my goods and prices, steed to sell 10 cheap as any other store outside, of - hotter, hues, Sons Regal heesweic, Dried Fruit( act. liken in oxelninge for goods. Carlisle, Oct: VT.'.5B MEW PEAT -- URES4 O IFTH YEAR cosmoViilivrAN:Al.tr - Sunan able Promllllns. & . Se. ''rills popular Art Association, - • ,•• wine In its , year of unparalleled 'Success, having , lporeltaSed. and engraved on stool, Herring's great paint. • ag, "Ton Vii.l.loE Ittccintterth'' will - now lune copies " (to ntila•fsiberS , .oitly) on heavy plate paper, 80 g to • ' inehen on the following terms of subscription t Every pertani-rendttlog--thrse--will - oilll-receive-n- Capra: thu superb Steel Engraving. Idler Herring's . notbrat n d . - Saluting.. Tint IlLtlntalatTit." Also, it • copy it. hcautiful ?Custiortor.lTAN MIT JOURNAL," Icatitly illustrated quarto slagnalne. Also, flee season ,tlekr Is of adnffistion tO the tasters Itusreldorfltsnd Western Galleries of the Association. 'there - will also • hogivon to tho subserlhors several hundred valuable - - wsrloc - otcArt!ottutprieltutlitteritil -- Pointinpailtronses - ; . -- . Sculptures. do, tto., hoot celohnited.Anuolcatt slid for.. 'sign Artists, Subscriptions Will be ree.Ocod up. to Jan, I. 1851). On the evening of that, date„ the prentiunla . will lin:warded to sulwerlbers,. Elm full pffillonfais, .• see 'Dam:ober Ally price 50 cents. Spwcitneu . copies sent to , those daciting to cubscrihs,f ti the'- Oelpt - of 18 cents - In itectliga stein-snit or Coin. .lAddresll 'Q. L. ACitiAler O. A. A. ' • Eastern Office 548 Broadway, E 4 1. Weitera Mae, witut sauittirly; Rebicines. THE LIVER: INVIGORAOR- E=IE VO3IPLETELY PICEA Elti'l4) VArehouso BINiZ 1858 ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers