Zittt fieraid. CARLISLE, PA. . Wednesday, Iteeeinber 8, 1858 60iltit,. bleteorologlesslhßegkiter for . 'the . 'Week En Ink December 611, 1958. • • 1858: . 1 lernio- I Rhin. I .Remarks 83' 00 l'nesday 20 00 Weilue4day 33 00 Tkur •“1113 i 8 00 Friday 14 I 00 Satin d y 42 00 j Stin , li y 42 00 Mou 1: y wdociy 00 Ile:tree of boat in'tlio above register Is the daily three 0wen:1116.4: 6 NEW AOl ERT iSEIII EN TS Sauyer, Lave received to invoice of ii`ekt'fall goods. ' Rev. taco. Leidy, offers his valuable proper ty_ et private which ,is 4011' worthy the attention of those who wish to make invebt, meats in real estate.. See advertisement. SanCl Ensminger, offers a choice la of Bur fain robes and-horse blonkeis fur sale, ht his shop Oil Main street , tpa.rhet with a f,rt , ah ns sort meat of toil and winter foods • L. & Co , ui philathv.in. an: none'e t h at they are about reducing the prices of thei 4 r superb goads, io less than the mot or importation. See they adverti . sement in Itti '- ther column, i°1111...11;10, I.I,FITIN.—IYe the avention of oar modern to the athertise• Meat Ifthis valuable paper. which they will 110 iu .allother - • c . oltitoit rif the - 11e'rs'Itt • 'The E;yitin:y. Liallcily is a sure. reliable jour e;intainitig. the eal;lbist.iiiiws, ,- iifi4e!litet l with sigma ability; and, tile' weekly . is ;Liming tile hest family papers in the eoWntry,' A ComvAalsoN.—As many of Ilse sub • seriln.v4 to the lbTubl are considerably in arrears, we b e gjeftve, by way of a tint i . give them a comparison, which we find . one of our exchauges, - between the Publisher of a newspaper, alto allies his papers to go to all parts of the country.dtclote getting pay for them, and a. fritter who would sell his _ wheat on credit, and not Itiore - fliiiit ii "siiig,lG bushel to any out person. •If aby farmer will try the experiinent of thus distrilAing the proceeds cif his labor uvertwo ur.three eoun• ties, with au occasiMml bushel or-I no, to far ..distant States, Mr one year, we will -guarrin teu.thai-lre-will-never;aOr that:year's expe rience, ask a publisher to supply him with paper a. year M. two withnut the pay 'lot it. II is distribution of wit at in show. Well 011 the time he had taken the ' orouble to c6ll4;et the litt:e hills of two doh. Jars Fur each Ittaltel,fati would they would hardly («fash him the means to get in the next year's crops. Pe would find, too, that very many of his costumers would not feel half as ready to pay for the wheat, after it wits eatiM, as they would have been before. i\lany others would be so indifferent, after having received all the, nourishment from the larm'er's wheat i . that they would not pay at all, lint coolly request hits to send another _bushel %viten his next crop came in. The man who reads 3. newspaper, feels a satislit,ction in reading his own newspaiier, as the OMR who puOtases wheat, feels better - salisfied..with.. his .i.ePast., if he .knows. it _is. paid for, mid that no duns will come to this (orb the pence of that 'neat 'l44m feedfi the wind, the other nourishee the hotly. The newspaper is as essential to sifamily as is wheat. The growth of the body, without it . ctirrespiinding strengthening and expanding of the mind, is mere vegetating., and not the life of manhood. l'av ftr yonr wheat, have peaceful meals—pay for your paper, and relish the i tbratation vita get front it as sotneihing 'you have earned—paid fur, and can Ininestly call your own. • Ei=l3 It is a iootl sign to see the Teachers of our Cutottion' St Jowls • arntying,. thentselveil on the side of the Progressirem of the day, and speaks. well for the advantages whier4he present g . enerntion eujoy, over those who'll o• up their" Itetidio' - nitin' - auclitithine tie'' under the lliiworth r'igintr, 4 . When., in his noisy mansion, skill'd to rule 'Me Vtll:qleMasi, ittught sehool." Even now, we eau look hack to our school, boy days, and see ail aneient P e d agogue , %rho, when the "'testament, class" got puz zled with a ha rd weld, would get ore,' dill - IC:laity, if he .did -not get throu g h . it c hy :singing out, at the top of his . voicci t "whip der demit, I!" But Progress has made his mark on 'leis. 00 well asou other lawsuits. Teaching has beconte It jirofession, requiring studious pre Letratioaj and we begin to realize the impor tance iii the Teacher in moulding the future -character of the youth under his cure. We notice that in many of the .School • Distriets of this county, the. Teachers' have organized •Institntes,ati'd hold regnlarliteetings for the disci sion isf'querilions Motive to the hest mode of teaching the various branches of a school education, the government of pupils, Cc. These associations will he hone! useful to both teacher and 'pupil; ; and if kept _up • with that degree of spirit, which the impor tance of the subject demands, they wfibhave the effect of placing the schools of this county on a more elevated position than they have yet occupied. c Among the subjects to be brought up from thne to time, for deliberation witting the .teitehers, we Would respeetfnlly, suggeSethat of condensation; especially in noting doWn their - pr2ceedings. We are glad to see USG eintions of this nature springing up in the i iiiiiiii i i i iiiiiiiiii at all times With plettrure ; but as our space is limited; we must request the Secretaries to be as cogeitie aft possible in their reporti, PI ttsows - who wish to ascertain - Where to obtain the ',test articles at the most mode rate rates, for tbe approaching floadaya;atill of course consult our advertising colamn , .— .Merchants who advertise nlwrtys seNiektp est, because th 4 do nu ,xtonsive business, and can afford to trade upon the " quick sales and_strall profit' system. • Du 11 weathermaket4 a dull parutr BOROUGH( ,pIPROVIAIENI , EI. I Although the "financial Crisis" of 1857 ivas somewhatsevere upon our busincSs men, mid doubtless con s iderably retarded the pro gre'ss' of improCmmesits, we are.glad . to find that -many of our enterprising citizens; halt ing full faith - in the future olljitrlisle, , prefer invest. their• Money in erecting'buildings •at.her than embarking in any 'merespecula ' lye nterpriXe , In u vomit .walk through town, we were, both surprised and gratified ut the numerous, evidence's of prosperity and Public spirit in unr -- mitlit. - 011 almost every strict, and in all se,citions,of the borough, large amid 'sub." stantial brick edifice's have been erected (lily: ing.the past sunimer and and some are not:yet completd Indeed, a friend, whose accuracy - we can rely, assures us that not less than fifty new buildings have ben o . : put np. in Cnrlisle in s the course of the past Fog. -settsthi. I _ . Bail & Sleet In a former number of our paper, we no ticed the splendid improvement of Mr. Inholf, corner of the Market sgthit-e; and the new M. E..elinych (Emory cliaHl f ) corner of West and Pomfret streets; We will now Jaen tio::the improvemems which came under our notice during a reeedt walk: • ;•••••• On North. Hanover street, -Mr. Janice H. Weaver has erected it threasiory'lirkk dwel• Fog ling house. • . • On 'bother street, George Smith, - Robert 'Black, nail Mrs. Egbert, (inn each, of brick. • On Pomfret street, P. Quigley, Esq., Geo. Millet;, John Monks, Mrs. Bender,'GOtleib Bender, and Michael Alinnich,inte each. The corner ,liriek building erected, by Mr. Min. nich is a very handsome affair. On this street, Mr. Citorge Spopaberger. has erected two stone tenant houses. • • Minnieli lugs also hail 'six neat brick tenitnt houses, erect ed, and. we learn he coition plates the.putting up of - so:n . 011111' a dozen more iu the same neighborlioisr - On the south side of Market Square, Ste phen Keepers, Esq. bas 'put up aTheat story frame tenement. On Penn street,•Mr.liee, Myyrsbas put up two verylineihree story !trier: dwellings. On BedfMll Street, A ndreNv Kerr, Esq., has erected one, atid.Myert A-. Gardner two large mid handsome brick houses. On Pitt street, Or. George - Z. Bretz has -- had built a two, story brick office. ' On West street, Rev. Joseph A „Murray and Joseph C. Balbert have each erected brick dwellings. :chat or the firmer is a lurge tied handsome structure. On South street, Ir..laines Hoffer has two Var.laeob Itheem - six brick 111111,one frame ; and Mt;.' Jolla Armstrong thiee large brick tenant lonises. The above named are. all sato:him On West. Chapel alley, Mr. James llMfer Vag-four frame tenant hOuses. _ On Walnut.street;:a _two story brick house has helm !milt by Mrs. Noble. we be lieve, is the first itiipriiieweat made' upon the "new .0o t High irireet. r. •Mr.D. A. Nan glc,-boolog purchused•a lot of:Capt7 E. M. Biddle, intendS erecting a tlu•ev store brick, with open front: The cellar for this building :17eady nearly confide - led. .011 this street, Mr. John D. Gorgas hits had - put up a hand. softie brick house, With.open front. Major Jacolr ItheeM, having become the owner of " Ego's Corner," west of the Court house, intends malting 'extrusive int prove• meats upon the lot.' On its koutkern part, a large Hall 011 be put up, the lower story of 'which is to be - dm'oted to - ollices, shops, &c., ,and the upper one will be aVoncert and Ex• hikition Room, A Public Ilall has long . been a dethbratam iu Carlisle. On the lot, front ing on High street, it is in contemplation to (ear away dip old buildings, and to . erect upon their site an extensive aud magnificent noted —sucha. building as would be a credit to our', bortnigh, and be able to accommodate - in pioper manner the travelling public. Such a house has long been needed here, and 'an investment iu it would be sure to yield a pro fitable return. Every summer our town is. lille(fwit It strangers, ma. ) or %A.., forovapt of sufficient 0001111modutions, are compelled to seek them elsewhere. We may say here; in this connection, that Major lllment, within the last: ten or fifteen years; Itocirotte more toward improving our borough, than any other two citizens. In every quartemof the town, handsome brick edifices exist us evidences of his enterprise and public spirit. Although p p many houses have been put up in Carlisle recently, the demand for tene. mentti is as great as ever, and - the prices ut which they rent ar,liigiter thati.ustutl.,,Our j optiliiiiuii is ripidlyibereasingi and the in• dimitimesare.that it will continue to increase. One reason, for this increase is, the facilities afforded by_Dickinson College, - as well as by our excellent common schools, for young men obtaining a thorough education. Every year, tatiny families come to Carlisle, in order that their children may enjoy . .the advantages of our sehoul system, advatitages:which cannot be obtained in the ctiuntry. After residing here for a few years.their attachment to the place becomes so great, that they'ahnost in variably become permanpnt Citizens. LECTURES ON TIII HOLY LAND.-011 Einduy, evening, Prof. GARVER. coin nrenced n series of leet',td:es,oti the Holy Land in the First Lutheran church. The subject of the lecture on Monday was "Palestitte,". in which Mr. Gt rvergave a description of the.country; its insulated position, extent, soil, climate; Sac. The valleyufthe Jtirdnu. the mountains .of Lebanon, the Sea 9(4.41k jet!, and other inturesting localities, were described, and several curiosities exhibited to the - aiiditMee; the whole forming one of the most plemittnt aud J iastructivelectuties we have everlistem • • , On last evening; the lecture embraced the manners and customs of the . linst, but -the time at •which our paper goes to press,• pee: eludes_any report 'of • • To morrow (Thursday) ()Vetting, the list, and, we have no doubt, the trios[ interesting Min„ot the course, will- be delivered. The 'fsubjebt Jit'rt . ritt/qui, Lid we adViit; every one, who. wishes to have a truthful, graphic description of the "\Sacred City," to go and hear it.. -- .. - 131';It(31(Ala.—The - people of 'lMeolintr iesburg seem to be afliietml with a gang of burglars. A few eights ago, the Telegraph :tied Huilnaid olliee Ivan brolien upon, and seventeen dollars (liken from tinder the low of the aeon t.• Where do they "Cl/111i! Ione'?" is it rltiest,ien oftenrielredorild ;" Where are they gMitg is another queation,teoll one easilyrinswered, Amalfi be denuded. THE APPROACHIND HOLIDAYS Already we hear the_ note of preparation for the eelebratioe of the ,coining Holidays, and the Book Stores, Toy Shops and Fancy mSyores Inv niacin ample proviSlon for those ivlio intend to "give good gifts into their children." !‘liltle ones" are daily' to be seen making outside inventories of the teeny really hancNome thiOgs displayed in, the'win dotes of Mr. T. Monyer's, .Kiss Kinkle's Iletid Qum.lers," on Hanover and West, High streets, in order that, they may carry home a -verbal catalogue of the wonders they have. Been. . It haS been 'well observed that ...each sue• .cessiVe year adds to the attractions of the shop windows, where Christmas goods are sold, particularly in the war of toys. Toys that would now be considered worthy the ac• ceptance of any respectable youngsteri.must nec.ds la; a very different kind of an article from the rudely chopped out affairs;tlaulied over with any colored paint, which gladdened the hearti - ofour boyish. eotemporaries. The alit; latvebeen pressed into toy service of late years, and nothing is satisfactOry to very Young America, aC the present day, short of trlecomutive and train of in work order-ti rMrinteitt of eamiry or a full ';rigged' plainer. '-Young America s muter enlist have her• baby tea-set of gull-band na, her doll Windt lie mtivea-. b,le eyes, and must be tremendous in.the Way of flounces anti crinoline, and hen• playthings generally must be gotup in the most magni ficent stylmand made-ml seientiffe principled. ' The ...gift customs of Christmas time are Among the most beautiful we euioy, and it is to be hoped that they may be observed to an enlarged extent daring tke approaching hot bitty's. The littkkindnesses then jierfin•uied,' embellish life with n radiance brighter than that of diamond`sond-tire remembered, in the thick cares of the,oater world, as the'uttoran ces'of all affection" which will never cease. No hearth upon which Christmas - flings its girt ( . )11'criligs can he wholly dark : and no ex iallience is wholly deiolate • w . hich is (lotted by , holiday festivities.. a EN. I!:SWARD Atimmt.- I •This veteran s , ,ldierand courteous 'citizen, pahl.w visit to, • oat' sanetu In' one day last week, and 'were s.a . .r . y to find thatheints . lieConie speechless, liaving had dtiringthe ston'lner a severe at tack of,,Pioltlysis ol= the'tonlrue. in,con nection. with his epnlirtned 'deaf ness, is a se• v.-re affliction, maron, which there is 110 hope of a speedy recovery. • IJis nuttier. ous friends, here and elsewhere, will lwar of tilb, with regret, and will- d ,eplysyntpatlfize" with him in his great alliieliuu. It will also ISa sad news to 'Utility a soldier tow stationed in tlie - South and West, as the fletairal has ever liven •; the soldier'ti friend." Altfflingh deal' and speechless, we ai'e happy to add th healih is, good, and that he is 11;4 chrivful ti 3 call be expected. ' Lung mti. he w It% e." Meir lig BY A MANI) MA v.-11re ne glected to notice in our last iteme.Alia.leefure of Mr. Ilnainiti, a citizen of ettuditile, and' who is aillietMl with blindness •lec ture iv - as delivered in Education pall,liiii-tiat utslay evening; Novi:tidier 27th. The subject the BlimP'—was gone into 111 louglli, the lecturer-showing the mantier 111 which the Mind manufacture theit'..WiTelickar ing ill the tools with him The h:Cture was a deeply interesting one, and we - hope-Mr. 11. will, shauld he lectiu•e again, have a more nu merous audience. COMfIMENTA liarrisburg 7ii,yritph, in noticing the recent idiange in flay (dicers of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, "J. P. klassler, Esq., well kit tolmany of our citizens, has been elected-Assistant Cashier of the ^Carlisle' Deposit Bank. Mr. has been acting as teller in the blink for several years past, rind by his atnialde (16 1 p irttnent hits.W•on.the esteem and confidence of - all 'who have busbies:ls-to iiansuet - iir the iistitntiou. 11is immiiition is but :ill act of pstiee to a deservidg.ollictir, and duulit, prove advantageous to the hank.,' VALUE OF LANG IN THIS COUNTY.— We learn from the Meek:llli csburg J0,1174(11, that a tract of land, town ship, eon taining silt?••live acres, was sold for $ll7 121 per acre. David Brandt, near Chui•c•htowo, hits also disposed of his farm to Mr. Engle, for i:12.1• per acre. Wild Chevyldam - 7 , - Thit memory of Dr. Wistor in embalmepin We hearts of rhousandi whom, his. Balsam of Wild Cherry hits cured of coughs. colds. consumption, or some - other form of Pulmory disease. lfuy none unless it has the wrilltyi signature of Beals" on the wrapper. allarhets. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET Reported I,vrekly for the Herald by 'Woodward a:, Schntldt. FLoult Superhuo,:por bbl du. • hcuo, do. do, Fa!nlly :do. Rvs • do. yilE AT per bo,diel Rei, do , do. RYE do Coo.v khls CLOVERSEED , . do TISIOTILYSFIED do SPRING BARLEY CI r WiNTEIt BARLEY do. PHILADELPHIA MARKET There is little or no export demand for FLounoind stand:lld brands are held'at $5 121 a 5 25 per, bbl., the latter for good straight lots, without finding layers; and the sales are limited to the wants of the trade, at from $5 12 a 5 371 for super fine; $5 50 a 5 75-for extra; and $0 a .7-per bbl., for extra family and fancy lots; aceerding to finality. RYE FLunn is held at $1, 4 and CORN MEAL at $3 25 per bbl. for prime amid, but we hear of no sales " to-day. • • -0. The-market continues-fairly- supplied with_ WHEAT, and prices are steady, with, of sonic 4000 bushels at )20c. ' flit • interior 125 a -128 c- for good tiiiirpritue red southern and Penn'a and 135 a 1.42 c forlair 'to rprinie White RYE is wanted, and about 409 bushels Penn'a brought _ more freely, and prices are.unsettled, and 4 a 5c., lower, wit sales of '6OOO bu. to notice at 73 I,loBc. for Penn'a and Dale ware, including 'l2OO bu., Jersey at a pyre() not public,- closing-at 68c fur' dry lots,; 1(101) bu , priMe old Ponn'a and soehern yellow sold- at:-89-a- 85c.-,- (the latter delivered.) and 000 lii., white at; 80 a 73ef OATS era in, steady deuiand, with further sales of 7000 bu. at 45 a -451e. fur ne ,; 1,.....11 dud 4G a 47e foi Pennsylvilti lattOr for a prime lot,. ,in store.' • . I ust:receivoti fresh UU ltN 1 Ni.l - VIA U 1 1) n ;111.6111. B. On tho 7th Inst., by. the Rey A. H. Kronnir. Att..7o - BROWNE WELLS, tib Mine MARY ELIZA 111711 PORNEY, - both of Mechanicsburg.- - on tho fleloor'ollotol. by Tior. 0. A. Mur ray, Mr. T. t 3. NE to Miss MAGGIE •A, DIOKS of Adomo.County. At the rotational of bin thaw, In this borougb, on Tueslay tiUth ult., oftor , o short Illnums, itbv. JACOB aged 3 . 2yonrs 1I inontllml;nd 20 dtlys. , Very truly' has it boon said, the midst of life we 'aro In death." We almost daily lind this assertion veri• liedln ourowu ennui ty. .Fatharit', mothers, brothers; Asters. are bintadied away daily hurrledly—yea, even lit the twinkling of an oyo. Like a mighty giant death - ptatics - nbout. -- mvcortnnovrlonsly; - It - spartm-no - .ono, - it Li very Impartial. The high and the low—the rich era the poor--the, learned and the ignotant —ail alike are doomed to perish, often do we seplhe fond hobo etl suddenly from the hiving mother's bosom. We see the you'ug man and young 'unman, whet in. the very bloom ro—s, ith ropy ehmd,p, nO4OOlOl oyoo and lige rous frame, laid suddenly low to rise no more until the r,se. 0 lon morn, All moo whatever position of life they oeoopy. 111114 yield to death's mtrelool Mg 'grasp. The thrmer is taken away froth behind his plough. tint ne•eltanic labors today, to.morrow lot dies : the merelitiot w..lits uniquely front behind' Ills, eratuter to Ids death bed: the lawyer pleads the rause of Justice, then goes Immo to tile: tile phriciatt odthinistors Isla hottith•re storing dripts, and then plinks 'dawn al intait by the side of hie i.t ion ; the minister sounds the alarm of death thou his Bpi quiver, his eyes close, anti We breath. his Again liars we been most forcibly strut's with the Shortness of itta Mall. I le.bythe lienth of .tarot, 11, Keller. Ile died early in )hu^ 9ngrging of the :lath tilt, itt, the resilience of his Pa ren ts. • Ik, had born confined to his bed only live days, but if tiring this short thne.ite suffer ed very severely. Ills disease .was Inflamatien of tilt Aside. • • • 0 Wile 1 / 1 71MWIT01 . th 01710001711. /171 . 1n10r.07 . at the time of ills death was aged :32 years, I. months nod 20 date. . . TO 0110 eititollB its huts been argil 1(110,11ft . f,aou elithrr.otal . At an early age beettldred the (Imitator Helton] or old:. Anson College, nod graduated In the elassof lain. at the atm of 20. During his boyhood, and especially during his volleglate roomn ho wlit_alwas tinted for, his piety, Industry and pone, °ranee. Ile was a close student all his lit' time. ills parents lotting strict members of the lierman Ile rol.llll. I rhurehi, thug gave him alreatly v in his infancy to the I,rd Ity-liaptisto. As soon no he 00100 to years of maturity he ronneeted himself, by eollifrouttlon_with tint Caine church. A fter he land grailuated 6o went to liaryland where Ito taturht an Avadatny for a short thno but not liking lho tetellinp art. and feeling porattnatcl tint's:tato lime that We bad a higher mission to tofu, ho woo to meri•orsiOg Franklin CO. Where he r i ot VlllllOlO SeloittAyp This wag in the yearintt—ArteP 1,011e1111.111111: hie Then/ogle:11 t.Wdles tin the t , entinarvint tweaked a fprinal.eall front the Ilittin l „a chart, of the li. it. plittralt lu MOlli,lolllol* 10111 ty. Fully pot . ..muted that the tadl no. divino us well ns human he decanted. It° - 11 c cittitnionport-hisintiorHihtrr.c.tql-chahirh-t,,.,,;,,,f -g1:111 111 - 1111p1-111 the year-Pitt/. faithfully distrihu led the bread of life tuntote. tharpooplo for upwarcla of six yoatat. \ o yeurnir minister o'the' , ll . l . lllllll Itollll . lllell Church iro . lllil ,, i'Ver (shore 1 11101 Y . 7) . 117011/ 1 1y" and p vertnply than in did then. Ills wriolo heat t nag in ministry. 'lll4 Ithiet ited in lint wth.tutty sir his nh in coocecn nt that time. was the mo vol.. Or .0.,,01 tho extension of (111r141.'s Kingdom. lie !altar - tat as a -minis ter ot , orr to labor. Ile proud Ilia non! foarft , 4l3 .- like Paul hr knew nothing sate tlliri!!!t and Map oat pilled. , Laboring as he did. and his churidt. helm: in the country. he was twee: 4 .'llv pothitellati to brow all kinds.ofarllatilar. • Such exposure s ran br'llt,liti! ipso him a di:ease peculiar in its natre. and ultialt.,f!tretat him to give lip preaehintr. It wag with , Cleat l'Plactunt , that ita retired froin. his 110(0,1'101m. old lousy ait,,g,titor.. ilr hard Aerve,t that charge upwards of six yearn when this 11i1 , 1.2150 rano" ut on him. stiowittly camp 11.1111! /12:1111 16'111 11/0111. 1 place. - when' 1.1111 commenced stor , ltepplog . ht Main l'treet• This is non aboutiltree. dtates. Since then lip has ttreatlied nocasiolitill . ' for other ministers. It nos only laot winlor that hp supph oft sulphur Illorlncs and rtankford churches. near this pi on, where.he pry ached reaularly.every bath, from the hrghnd ng of January to the 01111 of 111 rt. Two years !rich from the day of ills death. Ills „lf•, /01 111,011111ii01,1 111111 null/1111e woman %Yrs Hu Wooly 'tern h,nn his side. tmimed hi hero sIC r hoc de oh lie 're omrlie& to wuhe frirjydo. t hat he would fellow beitre too yes, 01e. Ills prophecy became quite bole. Ihie 111th. sou, opwsrAs or four yeArs of are, survive, to mourn 1/oo loss of father mother. It Is it 1 errllth, !him:, indeed. tro he Om,: early 111.01,41 of sTither's smiles. or:, mother's iiraverso But be pntl mt;Iloorgh; tor you i1:1, friends k loyc you slid I.llro for youi nod soon--ses. sere 001/51 will the tilflollllllo. ,Viloll VI/11 'll,llll meet your pitrents ht n 'imp - pier world— ‘o.4;o. I , IIIIIIT. I.Z 11111(110 , i11,111d Mlll,l'ollo Intuwell tears TI-1.1, • \ W.lllllOl WWOri•Ver)lo4l - 1 , 1k119.11. Uri* Illoci 111,i /11,11iiIIV ritizen, •flo wax an vnerg..lir and ento•lpri , lng . luxhirxe -1113,1. 1111 wax proint, extiet and 1,131111.1. /11111.11. Carllo.• has inneh 11..411 ti. 1110111'11 hlx .lopirturo, an I. bid rogi the very 13rEre RU .0 "" • " )"` 11,40, We It Ivo every 101; , ,,ti to 1 e 11010 that "the oom !nullity ueele.." Ire Iw demi We chnlf w , n hiw PIO none upill esrtl Ills voke 104 I,IS 1111, eloserl: the 011111 i his ave.lwiled foolnll. lv is Inid in the gtave—eartit to vartli,ashos tnaHlie st t.) this Lr. an . other tv . lirnine to us thnt we 'must al 11... We tmve—ho In now In heaven: let ElMMain ==111:1=11 Wp•ireM..ty le 11;y yhtory. And whercl 0 cliNctli thy sting:" =I The rolitor of the '• Flog of Orno.l7:llron'' In paper el .litly IT, I Strli r—," Thor monitory of Dr. is i3111031111e3 in the hearts of thouroanchr who have- e perlumnol entire enrio from Cormits. Cold, ronsunipao and PlOormnary iii.ru.o generally. loy the use llll,ol Th. Invalid need not fro:m to Ore thin pi 1/313ti1111 it careful trial, no we spirik from ex perione. More than fell vines since Ihr editor of thin paper to, el Itn noreCenrn loy hi Ids family. nit tho ino,t surprDing resitlts, lIM 3 curative Dor pplmor ary Canes of Coll.llimpt lon and IV 'looping Cough Cured. ,Tholl'llowiltz, from[gift respectaldo gentli•ma for liself: fr,FtliVl.l: 1 . 11..-14.11 th i i iiii Tilll tertilies that I uas taw matt) yews afflicted Mill n 4lcsea.• of the Imo, ntil_ T. inavana . wtk Ova -it -.was with. difficult 10,01.1 walk. NI) e•oult. during this time 10:10 very se Von, 1'3111411g 1110 frequently Lo Ellin, great go:milli, 1401,1 littondu.l witlreproffee. alaht sweats. All,. a s h, various:remedies ti ai plo ea., I 1011 ti 1111‘ 1.1 try AVislae;a:l,klisain of Wild Cherry. I did se, and Is thee using theist. bottle. I, was todirely restored to poi - - root strollut h. 1 woohl also await.n that this Ilaleetarured a little girl of inlay of a setera at t:trl; of %Vhoolihkf wifen her life wervallva ovo . r bathe physielan , and all other j'l`llll l tllol , 11 , 1 1 111111 , .1. II Wl'. None yen ttfitA, hill.® signed -T. BUTTS" on Ike ifutor wrpper. Preicimul be SETiI W. 1 , 0111,1.: & Ikuslon. and r , •slit by Samuel ElMat tinil S. I‘'. !laverslick, l'arli•le flu Day. Mechanicsburg: littg. Wine, Slyiequilonstown %lb Wild. Newvllle: Shull:auk, Elrlott, Net, burg Shipponsbnrg: ,111.1 l.y appuloWell :Igea nil nu:dieing all over the country. • • SAY IN sorrii emtoLIN A s. tug. 21, 18511. Nltaaws. FARREL, lii 11111NR b CO.. I'llll.l DELPHI I. 1111610111011-1110 itletett MA0311.1011 which our own af. fides 113y0 nOllllll3l 0110.0 1 110 /Ire. 1130 hitherto prevented from writhouou oboot the x:1111. On occasion of the Ilre halt .lely,by which we suffered, II large loss.'our store with It II 111111.er of other was el The Safe. of your manufacture. which 6101 had Itl the store, MIN 1101100,1 60 11 111001 101 I'ooll 11010 as Is well ettek,ll lir the 111littAN till RN 1:10111JZ Iron frame lailch. note Its mid beaky appearance:lol;RX as though it had been heated for it long time In a far nitre. The Safe. with heap, of molten glass and kegs of nails. luxe d 1010 3 111300. 1011 into the collar, surrounded by burning materials, and there was I:tittered to yea.j,, (a. ebtli : aataats lanip wen re:nov.ll,oon u the lire reached us.) .11011 the 2l of August. 14 days afterwards. In cutting It 011101 willi the twot toola that could be procured. convinced us of Its power to Tv Hist the alt. Or 1 / 1 1136111r1i. 11111.1. slime It wits opened WO 11111011 1110 11110110 r, 10 1110 110011 13111110116 of all, 011- tirely thilidured by the lire. This test. twos, fully convinced us of-the-capalillltles of Oar Safi,: that we...would net IN 11 Wll II 1111' 000 WO have In 1110 for a large sum, were we ilobarretitliw lirly2 liege of getting another. • Respectfully y o urs, . - It. 11. WARDLAW & SON.' $ b. 35 6,30 3„50 1 ' vl 1,1 -cr 5 60 new 70 oh! F:ICRF,Y,,• I? XO J• CO., lOU Walnut Street, Onlyntakers In tltlx StAt., of ' HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFE, Tho moot rellablu smutty frinn Ilrn now known. NW eSS - 500 1.75 50 to WAHL/DYE-HAIR DYE-liAllt DYE • Wm. A. Batelleltturfsi Mir Dye', TllO ORM INAL AND Bosr IN TIIIIWIIRLD . 1105110 N 0, mere Imitations, and should beavolded If you wish to eNt1.11,9 ORA V, , ItEIL OR RUSTY liAllt Dyed Instantly to, a beautiful slid rintitral Brown or Black, without thu least injury to Bair or akin. I , IIIIIIIN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS hive been nwerded to Win. A. Batchuior since 1850, end over" 80,- 000 applleationfehavo IreuAnittle to tho,llair of his pa• trolls of his famous Dye. • WM. A. lIATCII BLOW'S lIAIR DYR, produce a color not to ho distinguished from nature, and Is warranted trot to injure in thu hood, howuver long it 'may be yen tinuod, and the ill 'effects of lied Dye remediudi tlw Hole invigorated for biro by this Sploudid Dye. made, ~h 1 nr implied Cu U prividu rooms) ut the .)Vig EllelOry,Vdd linoldwlly, Now Sold us all cities end-towns of the United Staten by .Drilgll/dO and Fancy floods Dealers. •tiM, The Uonnino has thu Mamie and ;Waren 'upon •a stool plate engraving on four sides Drench hog. of WILLIAM A. - BATOR ELOR, 233 Broadway; New York. . Sold by Druggists In Carlisle, . . WRIS—WRIS—IVIOS —Bateholor's Wigs and Toup kes surpass all. They urn uhigunt, light, cosy dad duns We. Fitting ton iihorm—no Gulping up_pohhici—Jto shrinking OR the hood i'ludtioil; Is the tinlrEitabl . Ushment where these things am properly undeustpod and made. 233 linoadway, New York.. nos-17,58-1y Oir" Nothing since the thutiaiion of the dlty Of New Yorkbas firodnced the exc turnout among all classes that Prof. Wosd'e Hair Itoetoratlvo had dono r MI rhispeoi , - front - thifgrOy - iind 'bald :heeded - Slie r slid tlio silver.. hailed inittren. down to the eprbristly youth and beau. tiful ;nekton with her glossy rin lots. aro crowding the .-liepot at No. did liroadway o- termer -to lm- permit ,- woolly restored. and the latt to possess thoineolves of that which will prevent t o inroad ut envious limo. and cause the appearatico youth and beauty to Huger to the greativit ago. Mold s all the pondlor Druggists in the country are consta Ily ongitgeti ill dealing out. the ItestoratiVe to thoir'e edemas, "lud the cry is stilt they einno." , • •„ Usuviou.—thinte of wo Odour Imitations. as soyeral 'orb already in - thii Warhol.. calibd ' by, titinlieitt : name's. Uno nono unleßs the Words (i'rofossor Won.rei Hair Ihe% storativo, Depot dt..l.oule. Mn.. Ndir .York): nee blown in the bottle. Sold by sic Drumibits awl Patent 3ledi• Medirinu denims. also ha VII Fahey 'and Toilet Hoods dealers In thg United States and Ontinds.: • Varringeg. pr tip, EDIEUEII = DA'LLEI"S MAGICAL PAIN EXTP.ACTOIL—In all diammos inflammation Inure or loon pr1001111110.13/ 1- 11 0 W to allay inflammation strikes/it tho rout of discoid— bonen qnd immadlato cure. Dalloy's Magical Pain Ex tractor, and nothing else. will, allay tuilammatiori at noun, and make a certain corn. DAMEY'S MAGICAL PAIN. 'INTR . /WV/II will cure the following among a groat catalogue of diseases: .Burns, Scalds, Outs. Choke, Sore Nipping, Corns, lion loon, Itrulsos, Strains, 'Biqa, Poison; Chilblains, Biles. ernsfida, Ulcers, Furor Sines. Moog. Ear-ace. Sore Epos, Clout, Swellings. Rheumatism. Scald Head, Exit Baldness, Erysipelas, Ringworm, ilarberg • Itch, Small Pox, Mangles. ' Rauh. So., Sr. To 001110 it may appear Incredulous that BO many di/s -enses should ho reached by ono Israelis; suclu RWRIa. will vanisit'whosi rollectinn points to thu fact, salvo is a combination of logrodinents, sell am! every ono applying a period antidote to iteropposite disorder. Dalley's Magical Pain Extractor In its oleos is Magi cal, because Om thins Is short bitters:on diseaso and 11 mammonist Corn: and it is an extractor. as It draws. all diseasei out of tan alerted part, having nature au prioct us bolos.° the injury. It is searcoly nem:miry to say that no house. work shim, or inunufactory üboul4 lie 0110 1110- moot without It. " No Pahl Extractor Is gOllll4lO unless the box has upon It a steel plate engraving,. with .111 e name of Henry Dalley, u figeturer. • For mle .by all the Druggists and untont metlirine dealers thrinurhour the Dotted States and Canadas. . Principal Repot, Chambers St., New• York.. kik. Sold by IL .1. NIEFFI:11, Carlisle, Pa. IMPOALTANT.VO. PEPIALES Dn. CITNIISE3IAN'S 1.1,5. prepared ,by Cornelius 1,. CheeSe111:111, 11. D„ Ytirk, Tir emit! motion of ingredients In these Pitts are tile result of a longitild e‘tonakte practice. They are mild In their, ,opetli 11011. and certain in correcting nil irregularitlits, Painful Menstruations, retiloving all olatruetions: whet her front . cold or tithertilse, headache, p tin In the side. pa litit a lion 01 Ulu bourn , witite4, all nervous ativi•tins. ItYsterics, fatigue, pain in the hark atullltnle., Re.. disturbed sleep. which arb•eiroill I oterruptiona or nature. ' • To II A RIMED itADI h 5. Dr..elteeseinan's Pills are. invaluable. as they will bring oil the 'monthly period owl th'tegulari ty• I.lllllen 4VIIO Illla'ql/ellll 111,4111 Pa al hall hi fahrltnelli l iarlirrallilirphrt-Ttarv , trirrntnrcierrinfrdemetn. Dr. Cheesenta les Pills titling all that theY rpplesent to Warranted purely vegetable, and Doe front anything injutions. Explicit directions. which should be read, oterninpany each loan. Priv° $l, Sent by mail on • cited lig $1 to any authorized agent. Soq by one Drug— gist in every town in the United States. It. 11. 1111tellIMIS, tleoeral Agt;ot for. We Unih•d tntes, 105 elnuithrrs St... NOW York, to whom nll 'holimale °niers should In, odd, ,'send. ANN IC ItT k FINN by, W htrleaalo and It eta II Agents, IlarrWatrg, l'a. J. Ki EVVEIt, Carlisle, Pa. , .11ALL, is the, p lace to get good DIP-C11 , 11•1H.tyloq. Aminatrprx, 31, , Innlotypes, Stur .rooseopes-Crayont3 pes and Photographs. - Persons visiting Carlisle will thni it to 11!WArd then) For tlieir trottille to visit this institute. 1""" But" Npedintuis 111.0 (.01 1.111.4.(1 i - th 0 - door, - 111ili the public are . respreifully lo rail the tillery. when. el pry variety qpig•tures rauahle 4. the Piliolmaraphic• Art rail lie obtained. ilentlenuto rail In whellier.you Want plc. tures Or not. mot put I th It etirdlßl Itevertfully yours, • - D. C. N VOW 18 Tllll, 1131 E TO I'7 ..A._ PAR FOR WINTER. FO WINTER. _ ' . The subsvribers have ju•t returned from the c deg of Nets. York final Pililildolllll{A, a , Intl 111/PW the lareest as sartmeot. of FALI, and WINTER I;001)s. o v er brought to this place, malt:awing en cry varletr.t of READY 'NIADE CLQTIIINC, and ptrra gout's. wIlli•11 will N. 31111110 wp to order or Sold VOL :111111W 0111011 0 few - nYtlctna maybe 1111t141, via: Fine lllaok. Toli ' Frelleb..,)lllwo,lark. Blue, I ;rev., neat, and Claret (1.11y1tES:" Plain and Fahey CASSI..111:111.:5 of °slay ntylo and finality: Satin. Illaelt anti ran, Gronadillne. Nlerlint, Vass/inns:Mk And Doo akin 0011NI;S: all wand Frown Taloa', Italian (laths. rto.lnite: et. Jeans. 111/11 1,1.1, 114,,1ii11411 ul Imayy glands 1,,, 101 l and whiter wear. Also,llle largest and hainlnnniesl st wit of Plain and Vaney ('lid VATS, WKS. and I.then and Silk l'ooltet olden, .Vntlao, innves n f (Ivory hind. no ;nailer with a large assort...3li or Call es, nod' Carpet .all widen will he sold at tht• ',rives. roll 111111 1.1.1. 11. 0t li,, old stand, In North Hanover snatet, opposite Cratlet's Ilotrl . 6= Cl.l. lh B. J. li.lEFlolf.R'S W II 01, II ILI I, II /I II El' A I L Drug, _Chemical, Confectionary, Fiuit I) STORE.. - • nrulorsl,cmd has Di.t ropleninhod Ills 'Moll, of and MEDICINES, which, hem loctisl with groat earl, ho Is Nallslled aro Frerh and I'mo. • Physicians' plot.crlpllons - wlll - to nronlntiy and I:dtlif Illy •cttondrd to. _.lr rn from merchants in ti a counity a 111 be Idled r:n • n 01141 011 OM 0104 ryasoll aille toms. All nlll. l prp:ll:aid.. made ..Irlctly lu accordance wltlrt he U.S. rharvacongda. . " SPICES lIIIOUN I/ AND e • ldtthti, ' suell es Clnantuo, (loves, Aleuive, reri:Mder. Niue, ((I err, Mugtard, Baking' 1 , 0113. IVoshing Sollit, Omani Tartar. Nutmegs,. Yeast Powder. 31get.. :Neel Thythe. hi'.. he.. fresh and punt: - Ili. 1110 011 11311 , /.1111 till' diffel'ent Patent Medivbl4, or Ulu clay. Ci/NFECTie).v.4 11 I ES. Oranges. fdl.lll.llllM, Figs. Italelos• t'itrrants. Prunrs l .111.11415. Filberts, \Val:tuts, flontielontt.. llreannittls Chestnuts, American. Ileonan awl French t'andie.tfrind Candy Toys of otrttry vr.riety.. Those olshing to make wholesale intreltltnes our be stlppliell with the best quality of Confeetion,tries awl xt loner rates than at any other house In the eountry. Ile has alsoi toll un• sortment of . • ANiEIZICAN.MBIIMAN AN . I) F11EN(11 ToYS, oolo:Isting of ‘1 . ..0tl :Ind 'l•iu of evory delwriptiori. eurh ,o: Dolls. Doll Ilradw. Ilnrnrn , O•o¢oun, llhde, 3lot log Vivorow, I , :knoy \%orlc Bores. 3111.}.. Cords.. Drooln. Whip, •Trumpet, 1/1.010,1 AV Silllll6. xe . to toe 1.01;1 IVlrdeFalp Mid Retail, ;Ind 111 prICCS, .:111111/Ptiiioll I'A.VOI" 0() .. Port Mannales, Purses, l'ileket Fine I'nekl 'idlers . , Shell and l'eArl and Cn.on. Needle Ilwaks, Calan+, Ucnrnuw, Frenelz and .% marivan fine. I idodaints and Ira.) n. Pant Had., and 11:141,id leii Nom, Nivalets and 111 COllll. Pltir. 1,11 , -Ho and trek 011011).1.11a Cambs. '1air.C1411,,.. Il Nail and l'i,“111 Sea log Flll.n, ' , inlet, and :ijouid Cotton. Buttons, .1/4.e, ZW= , F3lll, l'olla and 1. It, Sono, Pearl Powilors, l'.. tra..l.g, first quality II: it tqls..1.0111:11I,S, SIII, h.: . :', li 1114 ( . 11'11111S. rl.til Pa io....linliti lira Thounand !loom l'rleophorous. 'nod h nio,•11, 1131 r I. 1n0n,,, and 11111 Oyo. l'ho ahoy,. I:l7ohei•it st•ii.t.ttA with rare, and .i dl on oxondontlon, , ,Toan for thenisolveg. ' r li. 1 1 . l :VD SE(:: Ile S. • - On hand flu• bit 111S02.11rF uml TOhltreli that Itnu Pell In'onOn I. thi. tnwn, llic r. , 4 , , in r. will 441, yillet . 011 trl . llll.llt .011 . parity Of the nottml.ll of which thby hag tot hand, those Ott IS which are imported and xvltich he ran et .. .amend as such. We need not speak of the 1110 (1111 . 111i111 . i`egIll' ns they have already gained for themselves a reputation that they cnrichly diterve. Ile alga limits the common ar tb.h..orSo ga ls to salt the brads: Tabasco such an El * donut°. Plain ttongre , .. Twist Plain. Fig leaf. Cavell. 111th. Cqugress, and Floe Cut ' Tobacco and Punt!, the hest material. Feeling. thankful to thirgenotims public fnr their 111 end patronage. II 1.011t1)11.1.11 1011 of the i• 11100 le sai•lled it our permanent liTattitin hi :4.1101 I I.IIIOVUr stieet, It reetiv opposite and 111:0) door to MI C. Inholli's tlroeery. Carlisle. 31/116 2:1, 185R-1y l? 1. 1 -RN I GFLUID, Pine Oil Law iis wiede on. Soaps, Concentrated Lye. Tallow, Ada lea litlnttand 4erin Candles, lOr sale at the nett tee cor., -i,tortrot-T" . .WAI. BENTZ: dIOICE BRANDS TOBACCO. and fine iln Ported Segal, tyr nil at lln; now grorory store ut JESICTSS & CO'S. TE.IS, loose and in me tan le Narktage,, Suparta of all hinds. Rig arid .111V:I Con's e. sweet spired, 'baker's No. I. and 1101110011 U hie l 'litlenjutp filk, salt, by WM. BENTZ. _F A N.O J;,\ S 8. kr _lndies. ..TuotlL.lllll EXtrailS. Srr mtjo'.b, It ENT 4. CRANBERRIES, Hominy, Prunes, Raisins, Currants, HU, Nuts, wut•r. butt, and ands Crockett:. line Evollsb Dairy, I•ihu Apple mid Sap Sage Cheese, Spices, sale by WM. BENTZ. PISII AND SALT, Alackarel in half nncl quarter Intrrebi. Shad, Salmon, Herring.. do. soudied od Itoh. for sato by IV3I. lIENTZ. • GOLD BANDTIIIKA, in setts of 46 null 55 piecoo. white granite awl collusion were. eholswars.•fer sale by WM. BENTZ. CORN BROOMS, whisks, hearth b roosts, 11101148. CON:, ilium., baskets, brushes, repos. mem , ires, mish boards. elotbes plus, mashers, milling plus PpOOllS. I f penuillers, egg beaters, take turners, lie., for sale by WM BENTZ. - • - • FRES II PEAC II ES, •fresli TOmatoes, aspnr ninti;Apj)l4,N, syriipx. etanillms, t..mittn katsup plekul!l, Worresterethire sAuce, piccalilli. pie fruits, jel• lies, for sale by M. BENTZ. ALL•THE ABOVE. and many other goods of enumerated. for sate at the lowest cash prices at the ow and cheap grocery store of BCNTZ. l:mlIsle, Nov 3.1858. HAT AND OA': EMPORIUM.- • - J..,Li. CALLTO & CO., successors to Wm. H.-Trout, would anuMincele their customers and. the public, zenerally that they have just received from niilladel.. hia. a larpiand elegant stock of poods, iii their line of business of every variety, style and quality. A They hove on hands splendid - -----:---- assortment or . ''' - 11-A. TB , • ........,, r- - - . - ... . of all deseriptiensOlum-tho.commettiThel td the finest Pllll AND SILK HATS; and at prices that must suit every nue who has an eye tootling the worth at his money. Their Silk: Mode Skin and Mayer Hats. Mu musurptesed for MD lITNESS. DU it A ill MTV AND Vitsitill by these of any other establishment in BOYS' lIATA of ovory lescrlptlun corstontly ou hood. !Amy- rospeetfylly vlto tho patrons out no IlamY llow Vltco op posiablo; to itivo I hew it colt. J. tt. CALM() & "CO. Oct 13,1858--ly • I RON LING- 1-I.ron Railinr for iLesmetery ettelhintres, public and prlvalo grounds and gardens, made to order at the Carlisle Foundry. our steh of hailing. Verandah and' 11r/tricot patterns com prises a largo variety of now and elogant designs whirl, too pubile ore invited to ea mud exttudha.. Ordersibe rooting and, putting tip Hailing wilr,bupremptly exeeu• toil at satlstiotory prices. untlrelY new THN 1191181.: STRAM tmdl.ll./11Xit now Cu hand, warmth,' to ho of tint bout make, and' will bum sold at at.batfoln the ,cash or shert. thus . N. OyIi,DNEIC & CO, , July :7,1,18:555. G REAT .I , . i s i l T D o U c C s E r ritl t ;l r N ß T 2 OFFER •OHEAP STORE of A. W. :BENTZ. Having Jost roturoud from tho city with a full 'and sulactod sionlc of goods In toy lino, which I Inn pt aparod to soli at tho lowoat catch . .. My stock consists ~,Ixpart, of -- LAD I ES! DRESS GOODS Mandsotno styles. colored Poul-donolro Drums, HILO 200dyds. Iliadic Silks, superior Brands, ifrottelt Mtninoes. Cashinorus, plain and licurod . all wool DoLaines. all wool 011114, Silk Valonci ot; (loburas. Vor,inelas. Laval ilitnillai. Madonna, Mous DCLaincs,• plain and fig urod ; and ovory vftrioty of dress-goods. ' - 7 — SNA.III.S. : round einan7,r. Stullas, Bay State. Broehaa. • It. 'mummat : Collars and - Shams, separnta and In setts, Calubrie. Edgings, nod Dasartlngs. D'IMESTIC AND - STAPLE (FOODS: Illenaliad nod onblanehed Shanthoc. all Laiieaster flIngls:ono &limes, Flannels, 'finings. Cheeks nod .I;losays. M ENS' IV EA Ii: Black Nrenah Slabs nod Cum. Earners. Fancy Cussliners,Cnuslootts, .leans: , Twoods. Cards. &e.,A.e. CA It a Ply Inonlal past r y Hemp, llttne.nonto add stair' ear . pet f all • .widths. mouitryiNG Goons . l- T would nartleularly en )I the attontlne of all pernatis wearlinx mourning. 1 . .14ye,..purohased, a Yell' murk of nentrnlng nt k Sox's tneurnin.,4 , ntera. • Such as. Satin de. x othaip.aylkuniuloAll eth,llaqxnnorllentlAnlttogrklitneeitp, Froneh .)lerlunoFt. Cashotereo. all we Doh dung 1 , ,e, eats and hints. I.6vo'Vellr,Cra IV Voile. Crain ! Cellarn And Sleove, and rill the gradk of English 'Ci'apo. Purchasers are respectfully requested to call and ox alumna my - st.lalcots I and premiss t to offer moaner In dneuments, both us to.quallty and price. A. IV. IIYNTZ. South Hanover Street, opposite the 'oot 011ico, Carlislo,•Oct. C, 1555:. ATomm II ANOVER• STREET . cowlicTiosimv, - CARLIS LE 'Wholesale Roles Re lueed :142. peg• 100 nt.tentlon - of Country Nlerebrads 'and the public generally Is Invited ton lar;.to assurtalent nia!iuliwthred of the; Wad material and warranted to eontaln no poison it their colors, will Ito Kohl lott.tltt or 11,1011,:11 low at 1111, alt stand of P . 111 11 , 111 YEIt r Norirn II INOVER STIt A row Ilnors North of tho, C.lrlish:bepPNlt Hank .1114-fooilve . d n large ..rtinent of FRESH 17: UPI'S ANI) of th,l;test hiii)ortations, eonnlstiog of OraOranges,Lemons, . .. Hulsl., lronies Flu, . 14.tes, ll:mum:Ls, Pine 1 , 114,1,11:, Almnp,ls. ' Fillerle, . Cream Nuts. ,b Coe. Nuts, 4,., . RI? i,l" % , Itielt will - lie - sold Ikt - 11) \:ratoN.-• . - Alsu,- a - 1nr...0 as surtzneut, tit , , _ of every varkty. all the l u st brandy of ANS AND Tt11) of America. and ttorooto notnoth/qore. Tim Hub...114.r retio-ot thank: for the lii rnl patron be,t0w...1 - on kiln ley Ilio wildly. mod coo lhnn of tinily foTirs. lit:member the Ohl Maid it' - I'. Carlisle, Juno 16,.'54.N0rth Ilan(Ivor lifreet. • OOKS ' 13()OKS - .! ! ' , BOOKS !!! • - SIIIIVU lt. TAYLOR & are sole a...6.nt, lu Eranklin and Cumberland. counties for the fullnw•fu4 valuable won'. • nolltoll'lS A Inicknoorit ul'•tilo Delia L.,: Of CollgreS Pricu por 411 On, St 2.50. ilenton't: Thirty •Year'a Vie cioni ,14110 up ito Ili). )lota;o's rreiioral 01 1110 : iVoild - ; and bound, 00. Iturton',llyelop:tedia or Wit and ilutdor. American I . loquettre; oollortiotl 01 stwerhas, et. •• .rd_ui.....lnturied,_tritld bbatt nltiedi al:etches and 11111strative note,. by Frank MOOl 001111)144e 190111..1 111): Libra tit t• 10. leather. $ll Out Italfrall, gilt, 000; hadfdtton tar, 1110. SANDERS' SOIIOOI. BOONS. / - . '‘od.:l-,' I'viins.r. , • .- - - . --'.., Sari.lor.:' Si.. , ller. - k Santl..r,.' Reader. NO. 1. . .• . SO Enli•rn . Rengl.tr. N. 2. . . Sand,.t.s . 114.:‘,1..r, ", ~. 3. Satitlers' Render, N.... 1. - . Sandom' ID.n.lt.r, N. 5. -----...' - San.l4.l.g' Iff,nli.r,-.No. b.- ..' . • , snr,,!..,'llivlt 54.11i.0l Rend,. .. Sanders' lAilieri healer. Sautes,' Speakers ‘1'lioples;111n and retail nt SIIIIVOCIi. T.l1"1//lt &:_.+Nll'ill'S Mkolodeons, 'A„ • . . ~_ MEE ===tlMM SIIIIVOCK, TAY I,OIC SMJTICS Pdper. Iphs.etc v 4:tr. COME ANI) SEE K . ' ELLE It ColINI:11 011 . fl4TI: TUE :11.nimEr llousT. 13001'S, SIIDES;IIAg'S AND 'CAPS, W., 00111 . to Otlr fi1r1111.1 .. ..11.40111er, th.!r111)111 . goner:ll,d JIM Into owidrfinvoti4liew goods. staltall St'lll,Vo A.ll - 1) SUMMER WEAR. mid diem nests...Qui _shell:A:on:4st.: of _ . . _ FINE SILK )InI,IiSICIN HATS, Fine Kossuth, Boys', 'Youths', and Chiltlren't. Fan.. hats. of es cry color. ANI) wo ore Fury the be. assortment soar offere.l.lu the county, and worthy th attention a oil. BOOTS AND SIIOP,S of even• variety and at) MihSeF 1110 dren's tine it:titers, and all [dotty tot' Childreo'to none Hles. F o r ilantlanionn gnat' namndwout.of eary atylo and gnash; ° in Net, Ofery /1111 , ty In 1,111 Ulle. Thankful to the . nuldle l,r paht. favors VI. Nolleit o , llti Milt I'M of euNtont. as we tire suru sly .11( uuJ It to the advantagu of the purchaser. ' ("Irlisle, April 28,18:03. •NiT A 'DJ I I ES, iT ENV ELIIK , AND siv LEIt..VA EAT C.IINhY N'S omeAmdishod Statßh West 3111113-t., 1104 rly olitioSllo the Cumberland Vanity !lank. 1 hays Just •reettivoll a now assortniont of watches. i owelry. modulhons. silver ware, kr.. in addition to my former stock to which I Invite the attantitto of the Thonstatrtattent etultittett Ilnucre. gold and sliver lever watches: Hooting and open rasa 10, gold AlielmeS for j Ladles and death:nom and t i l l OOPS and Quartier NY:del:esti(' ovary vittlllt& • , 1 :41r,,,;ti Hay, in style and prim., • ANii - 1111001.1 • M ' edlliii011,iirrnSt-pinS for Ladies - and - (leutiouton of ovary quality. pattern and Trice. (1111,1. fob, shat. emir and tied, thdd ttractdats. flog, rings, eta-pies, ni ulo. elettytvloittons. cros,.es,, rhaents. &c..• .cc. (101 l and silver thimble., sliver and plated -• butter knives. fork o, node, two. will and mustard spoons of every variety. A torus tlasortment of gold, Nllll, common speetaeles, to Knit dill to which We invite special shoo. Clot, =I Ml= A tine' lot, or COLD PENS train the hest makers . SpeArivlo_eases, Piney err and pearl iiird cases enniann Lrnrulnts, s6teh chains, - Mantle Clocks and a varlay of articles usu.. ally kept in doweiry e,tabllsinnents. ehhdt I will sell I m the ephii. All articles war- 1 ranted to be what they are Wrirenented. Particular attention' paid ns usual to WATCH REPAIRINtI and all work war, ranted. • THOMAS CONLYN. Doe. .1857: I TO MILLINERS, 31ERCIIANTS AND orn ON. We have now In Qtnek, and Mil:dandy receiving train "Now York and Philadelphia Auctions, and of our-own Inipart i ptions, go.als of the LArnsr Pads Fashion; in !tonna Silks, Plaid Velvets,Satint, Velvets, Marcellines, Floren^es.•llonnet Ribbons. Plain, Satin and Mantua do.. Ruches, Quillings, Blonds; Loops. II fusions: to., which we offer much below tin, usual pric es. A liberal discount to rosin buyers. WARBURTON, No. am s,uth SECOND Street, Ma'am, tots 00001 below neoecc,) PIIILADELFMA: sop 20,1858—Mn. TOIIA S.CCO AND , 1.,.0 A RS: - Thu finest qualitie. of Lump, Twist. 'Cavendish. 111111 t Tobaimm's SEUA RS— Flue Imported Havana 11111.1 Cuba Segarg, also choke brands of domestic manuf.teture. Lyerbburg. Philadelphia and Baltimore Cut and Dry Mimeo. Our friends riot fiat beta pleased by examining for themselves. Nov. 10, '5O A 1)()Z.• Al I . 47, AT Clj'l"l'E I{B r. AND .1 V; SA USAllli STUFFNItS: Also. lorgenwrtroulat of It ,t Alec Knives, Stools. et.,lVbi , it Just twolved, for .solo at very low prices lit the cheap Hardman, stirs of •.... • IMNItY. S% XTON, • Knot /111;11 Strout, C 41.11,1111, Nov.lo. 1858. . • • A . :VALUABLE • 1111 LL PROPORTY AT • P IVATII •••••• 11.--. The subscriber olTers_nt prt vote sale the 31111 Property ouwhich' ho now resides, situated in 311111 in township, Chniburland County, 41 miles west of Now• ville, and 4 1111111 P east of Neliburg, on the State road leading ham New v Ille to Three Squ a re 110110 w. This property Intl tides 45 ACRES OF LAND, 40 ems of wl !oh ore cleated aid In a good state of cult.vatlon, - the granter-part and under COO %West with running water. In every field. The residue, -hares, Is covered with good thinker. The linprovements are a three story 0141ST All Ll., In '•good repair, with eacellent Burrs and Chrppoi•n, anthill excellent run of miaow. Alan, a Saw 51111, In good order. with constant employ. meat. These 31111 a UN on the Three tirtuare [follow Run, with a head of fifteen foot. ' The other 'intim - moments are, a two•story n2OF FRAM 0 AND WU 1101100, Frame 'gable, gm (nearly new) Corrlage House, Smoke House •• • snit other necessary out-huh lugs.. There Is a •well of . excellent water. (with inp 11l It) at the door. Also. a thriving sonifg U 1 A 111) of choice fruit - Tu, above prat trwill wad so as to offer great In. ' documents tonurelmhei.e. For further partloulorn np ply to ' • • — .1050 0. LINDSEY. I MUM tevrni . lhio, , Aw. 20, New (Soo4. CHO IC'E CANDI ES, Ili= niinpirtu•ln v, = SIIRYOCK, TAYLOR S: SMITIPS =1 EIREEME 411 . 14 !MEE ..‘), 11t'u,r•... Zebicines. THE LIVER INVIGORAOR PREPARED DT DR. SANFORD. Compounded entirely from GUNS, • IB ONE Olt TILE REST PURGATIVE AND FIVER MEDICINES now before the public, that ;tetras a UATIIARTie, racier, milder. end tnore edietual than any other :mallet ne known. it ill not only' a CATHARTIC. but a Wyss remedy, acting find on the LIVER in Pied its morbid matter, thou nil the sternach and bowels to car ry off that matter, thud accontpliehing two purpoaaa elfectually;without any of the painful feelings experi enced ht the openition of 0(001 OATH ARTIeII. It strength. Olio tint Spiker, al the same time that It purges It; and when tattoo daily 10 moderate doses, will strengthen and build It op with unusual rapidity. • • 'The Liver la ono of _ the-prlnelimi,rogulaters. if the human body. and • when it performs Its lonctlatet iv II the pews ors of 'the system aro -fully developed - The stomack-in 'almost en. dareltdent on the, healthy notion of the E"1 hirer km the proper per.. formance of Its functions • when the stomach is at tho bowels aro at fault. :tad the whole system suffers in conse quent.. el' ono organ— f•te? the. Uiver having emitted to do its duty. ('or the diseases of that organ, one of the pile - rioters has outdo it his study, in a practive of more than twenty years, to find sate rowdy twherewith to counteract the many derangements to which it Ix , To prove that this re- .metly in at last found, mty -, parson troubled with Liver/ Coin plaint. h. , any r - Count; has but to try a alts tutu conviction These guilts removeall I , tt morbid or bed matter nom tam system. pule t plying in their place a Ita , tlllfY now or Idle. In- vigor:atm; the stomach. causing Mod to digestwell, purifying the blood Living tone tad health _ to the whole machinery •' rentrivllig the causes or • •t u disease, and ollbct , lag a radical Clint, One dos... after eating Is sufficient to relieve the stonatil and pre- vent the rood front ris- Ang,ansl,sourtugs-cts—s-e, Only opt, •doso token i•• • ••• - before rottring Prevents nightmare. • I . liffy one done taken 14 'at • tfiglit.'lollfientl the , likelg gen Cy, nitd curve • • eodivelleeP. One deao.talluil aft er °D r omit- meal will curoDys pops la: IrsOne dorm of Iwo teaspoonfuls Will always relieve Sick Ileathielle. • One bottle taken for , female, obstruction re. mores the eons& of the g and makes a perfeet,citoo Only one dose helm,. (MO may relieves CitOlic; while one dose eft en rao , pealed is a sure mire for Cholera Blorbus,__tmT-1 1111 d It • preventive -"of-- Cholera. . Uuv dose taken often Zs , prevent the recur refire el bilious. at- tacks, while It re lieves all it:alight Itms. - ly 1,31. Nutt It, is .„„„ needed to throw out tho of system the 'effects of (1../ Medicine alter a long sickness. . . . Cute Imttle taken tor Jittindice removes all sallow. , •ness or uulodnnil cedar fount tLu 3.1;lo, • ' ' Ilan loco tekell short time before viiting.glye!Lliger_._ r.. 00 dige:ste, ell. Oar done often repeated ellres'ellrnllle, Dlar rhicn in its worst tbrnis, while cumin erand bow el c.noplabitsyleklahnok to the first dose. . one or two doses times attacks caused by worths, in children : therein no surer. safer otsspeedier remedy in the world. tot it never laity. ' IVs take_ infinite phaeton, in' recommending thin ~ Hen pOOO.-tithe fir Fever null Ague, 01.111 Fever ant 1.11 Fevers of a 1111110...1 Type. 41:ope sins Witli,eriallity. and thou.:itters a Ming to (whit to 1 wonderful virtues:. A ll.who use IL are caving their unanimous testimony In Its faVor. • Ilk water in tht, mouth with the Invigorator, and s,weljow both together....._ ' • - INVIGORATOR IS A ii (h ENTI PIC MEDICA I. DISCOVERY, and is daily working mires. almont too great to believe. It v 01.., an ilby oven the first dose giving lame ntrami .aohpo n more than rtio botile Is required te.eure oily kind of [AVER Complitlnt„from the worst Jaun dice or Dyspepsia to a common heatiaelte, all'Or which are the result Of a Diseased !Aryl'. Palen unit D01.1.41t VEIL DR:SANFORD, Proprietor, 3.15 Broadway. New York. - ft Bald in Carlldoby S. ELLIOTT 111111 8. IV. liA V. ERSTICK. my 261858, •BEAUT IF UL 111!; AD OP RICH GLOSSY I=l -TO_JTIIE • GIIKA 'AST __AGE 'And win' that is gray woold•not fnive It restored , to former color: or hall!. but would have the growth re stored. or Iroulded tiLlidandruff and Itching, but would hate It roue. ed, or CrOulded with nernfula, mild head, or other r , 101 l would be cured; or with siva head_ mile, (neuralgia) but would lot-cured. It will also remove all pluiplealroni the fare and skin] Prof.-IVond's flair Ilestorallve 11111 thla,takl and the follow ing: Ass Ailleat.NoVelllller 5, 1858. • l Ines. .1. n I live liettia much *said of the wonderful ellect4 of your flair _Restorative, but liar log been vonllml •henhol -- by - grrelvery -- ,,nd-gnndt---' nostrums, hair ayes. ate., I was 11 1 . , • , / Li , Pill,. your Restorative in the saute ottitegom Oat thousand atorone loudly trumpeted quark remedies, until 1 mot . you ih I.llweenett county stone notttletStifillen gave 1110 Furl nssurmue•ns Induced the tt lal of your !testae:l 111, in my ndr—first by my good nlli,, trliOSO 11111. had ['Manny very thin end entirely white,.and Ite fore vshausting Intro of your large lelttlea, her hair wan restored nearly to its original Itesutifol hrown color, and had thickened and heroine healltlkil and glossy up on, and entirely over the head; the C'intinUeS til non it. opt Amply because If its I , ,,,ntifsh,g ottrott+ upon the heir. but beeause-of Its Itealthfol Influence upon the lie olanti mind.. Others of toy family and friends are using your Restorative, with the IlappleSt. ellia•to ; • herelere. my skepticism and doubts ih relerence td Its character anti value ere entirely •rentavetl ; and I can Mel du most cordially and con hattiltilly recommend Its Use by all who wOlllll here their hair restored. from nubile or gray flay ,easel Or sickness or age.) to elriglONl • ruler mid he:atty. and Irc all voung persons who would have their hair beautiful anti glossy Very truly and gratefully 3 ours, SOLONION MANN. ratEND IV(ion: It was it long tinte-artv I aaw yen at lieiore I got the Lattle of lt,t,,r.‘th a for u Welt you gava_tattan order upon you, agent in Detroit. and when I got It oe concluded to try it on M 1 F. n11 , 11 ' 14 hack As the surest trot of its power. It has done-all that you assured toe if would othors of m y family nod frienda; kiVitig - Witnessed IL4 effet•tsi - are 110 W USill Lt . Hod IWlllllloolldillg it ono tin Others. .fled tc) the highest consideration you claim for It. respeelftilly and truly. 31.urg eli1;0310A SIANN C 1111.11. L, 25 2 1852. I hay° used Prot', O. J. H'oid•s flair Restorative, and' bat . ° admired Its wonderful ellests. 31y hair was he coming. as I thought. prematurely gnty. lilt hy the 1150• or his Restorative It has resumed its original color, gnat, I hat a /111111114liti pOrlllllilell'ls 1=! Prepared by 0. J. WOOD b CO., 114 MarkiA struet, Saint Louis, 111 Id 311 Ilreadiia3. New fork. and sold by all Drugekii and l'atent Nledielne also, by all Fancy and Toilet litenly Dealers In the United Staten and Canada. 110 2trkEl. For sale In Carlisle. by S. IV. lIA V ERSTICIt, kiA3PL ELLIOTT. and Drtnrilisbi uvorY,lll,. OVIXEMVELL ON MINUOOD X MEDICAL ESSAY ON A NNW DERI'AIN AND RADICAL CURE DC SPERMATORRIMIA, 1VITIIOU'I"I'111; USE 'OP INTERNAL • MEDICINES. DACTERIZATIoN. Ott ANY .311:DI1AND'AL API'I.I.IN- - . DES. :lost published, the ialt edition. in a sealed envelope, I gratis:lntl mailed to any : ddrccs, p0,1.-1.:1111,.011 receipt •of two tdattips. •, TIIIN I 0111tIlltlting tiont a eolobrated tra.mhtir of tits inCilirol ptole,sion. gHes the'nued Important its fortnathin - *ever I uLli.hed to ',di pvreon. en t, r t,i n h, dauhte of their Ph) Aeal Potnlitiati, or a 110 . 11re on',schatri 01 Int, log hazarded. their health :111d II:11,111111,—eon tlitilm: entirely new Aind perfect teniedy h. Sperinatorrlnea or Seminal IVenknoss. Do. NerNI.II,IIVMS, Dept ef.xion of Spirits, LoFs' or Lo ergy. T oddity, Involuntary :3thoingt charges, • Impaired Skid., and leueey, Blotches and Pimples on the Fa,. inlliestion, Palpitation of OLIN Heart. and ITodity Prostration of the whale s 3 stein, Induring hopelimey and mental cud ph)141,11111CNINICILY by mean ir or which every one usay cure himself ',that°. y. and at n trilling ON 111111n0. orx, Address 11r. 114 Avenue, Cor.. 19th fdreet. NNW York; Post Box, No. 4956. Sept.B.ll.4)S-ann, . , A. B. E\VING'S FURI4TURE 1858'f' r" , I 1858 i. 414 West Iligh Street, Carlisle,. Pa. (Premium awarded al the Cumberland County, Ayriculturat Fear of 1857.) The aubscribur has Just recelied the most splendid assortment of articles In his line; ever brought ter this 'dace -which he is determined to sell at prices. that de • ry ownputiriou. Parlor, chamber, i • Pl.ling-room, FURNITURE... Kitchen and .0111oe . Embracing every article mod by House and lintel - keepers, of the most approved and' fashionable design and finial'. Including also Cottage furnitura In setts.. reception and Camp Chairs, Mattrassos, Jilt flames, pictures.4ca Puvehnsers lire requested to call and examine his stock, at his ostensive. wareltonns,.West ;Slain street, North sidc.. A. B. EWING. — gar Partlweloret ten t lon•alron Ala -Untlfli to funerals ;-, -•-- orders from town and country, attended to promptly ' • and (or moderate•terms. . '''' Carlisle. M 4 12, ISSS.-Iy. , , - Tvi V 01,1) FRIENDS, and the public A morally puluvlted tt cull apd cocztralue MEESE EMI IMIMEEELI SlekelS, Prusrrvos; Fmk Can Fruits ' Spices, Wnod and Willow Wore, and Brushes, Oils, Fruits, Fish, Salt. and n largo varlo.y of other gaods not necossary to onumonito. Store Room two dnora east 'of Rhoads' Warebousa formerly, John B. . . give Ina a rail and .examine ply. Remit and prices. idend to Fell as chcap 'am any ntlaw store outside or 2 1.11adoliihia. • : . Hatter, EggX, Soto, Rags, BorawaX, *led Fruit, 4.0., ahen in exchange for goads. • W 54. BENTZ. , (kt. 27, v. .4uEEiiiivAnr;r,