Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 08, 1858, Image 1
• , • " - - "- • w - - ,44.1 Ay om . k BEZ _ 1 • -a - _ _ •-• -- • = • • - or - - , 3 VI ItTI/B brpiriU'r s x-Pz*, - - • • wiLLLt..,,,reat.TER,-Editor--; D R. COOVER, Proprietor. 0 L.- MX TERMS OF, PUBLICATION ho CARLISLE itaIIAID Is pebilsinal w , ,ekly on a large at containing twenty eight columns. and furnished suleirrilmrs at $1.50 l :paid strictly in advance„i .7'.5 - 11 paid within the year; or $2 in all case.. 9 who? • meet is ilelayell . untilutfter the expiratio t of the ar. Na subsetlptiona received fur a hasa period than menthe. and none discontinued snail all erre:wages pail. unless aCtlie_olltion of Ilinpnblisher. rnlaerS LL to subsrribcre lidak nut . of Cumberland county lie paid for in tolvatieu nr the pay moot nxsuuu•d 001110 responsible person living in Cumberland coun 'rhos° terms will be rigidly adberud to in All AU N-T il/iirtlimuAiiiiii will Ifii eliarvil .c.1.0c1 [nit' squilre of Ilse tin., fpriltrite Ingertriiiiii. nod 25 Vi'llts fin. ninth .pient. I Asert li in. All atilvertAsiiineillA lit loss tlinJi il o f vir linos iiiiii iilerril usa iitliti.ti: n- ..... ..• ' . ilvortltiitiOlii 'I ingorttottleforo 311Irri:Igeli unit lentils 111 t.,4 1114 . lice . 111,111,t - 111S0111011. rind 4 rents 11,,, siilii,..itietrt' Insiirtliins. Coin 'catins on imli. .4 iir Ilnilliiil yr Individual 110 iriist - will ljil—i•Wifgiiil !ill, per lino. 'rho Pronrintor • will initllo - TlOnlonsi• iii d..n.'n ,, Air minis, til niliiiirtitiiiiiiiints, Mill nary Or .Nlorrin ;es not exreiglllig live 4 11:11;s, will 'lin , 1110.1 ' witio/ut olsoego. JOB PRINTING =I , . ant and InostssAronpleteestahllAlnnent in tin...minty Hvaul - rrn , aes. - andat - lsoners I --varioty malori • .1 cor.plainand F o wl , n•nrk of eA•sy kind. enal.l. 1 4 0 .1,1.101. printing at th.• Zortest Inane anti 04.731 in t T . 01,1031110 Petnons In wont.. of tits or anything In the .I.slobing lin, will find It to t: • raot to ois.c. Its a rail, l:n•ery varletyrprlllanks and y on band. . AS tech[ ant) tufa 3nrarination U. S. GOVERNMENT. egidellt \\l 1.4 'Nell IN AN. Pro4l(l,le—iMlN ' •rol.:try •retary. , "lr I Ittorior—.l 50011 l'itfoir,,x, try of ‘Var—.l , 3llN Ir, fl An. •reLary lir Navy —I s"ro,l v I Nt,,,,t4., V. 11110• A N. • nrovy eht•ral—.l .iitrm I 551 S. 111.51 . 1 r. • lof.l.Lice 01 llto than , ' Status—R:ll. TANI:Ir STATE ,GOVEINAIINT •,110r—IV11.1.1A 11 F. youily 11r61.4:0-1vli.1.1or 11. ilLisTilt. - vevnr - 111 C, scon .199. ' aAnt.4.[•,-.-11,sity.S Mrun ”v. id' Un, ~ u pretno I'no a —E. I.r.wss, .1. NI• Ait3r. IV. B. Lo, tin uin-li. W. Am... Jolts M COUNTY OFFICERS .sident Juilgo- 7 11on, ..l.i.oles H. tlratuutt. ....Pau Judge,: —lion. ,:ilielinel .., Coeki in, Suitt uel iliurP. , trioA Hornev-..tho. .1. Sitiourer. . itioitiotury—Philip Quigley. Aril, .te.—Vdttiel S. Croft., toter—S. N.'llitrininger. • ' --- - • Qt Plierilltolit. SirOirtney: Deputy,. S. Heeperti. my Trigiutrer-,-Nlos.e. itrieker,. . ' lioer,Mit_elti.ll Mrtilelluo: ,ay Connoi,Aioners—Andri .. .w km', Samuel Me• Natl.:ink! 11. Leitels. Clerk to Conitiiinsionurs, • Arntutroug. • ,ernes -or the Poor—George Brindle. John C. 1, Samuel Yrltt.. Superiiitoffilent. of Poor Hougt iph.l...illuelt. . BOROUOII OFFICERS !flturges.,llllll:un Carl: • stant. IlurgeNx—t murk Edwin. - 0 Council—J. H. Pallier (Ii eAdent) Johu Cut- Itobei . i. %Jour°, Jlllll, I.l."Alleu.Maui k'ntueron, D. (jorgus, Mid-bael 1101.1111. t, Michael Ali 1161.-Tll.. 1). Mahon. tables—.numb It,etz, nigh ConstAblo; Andrew and Constable. ves of the Pruett—A. Stuntslor, David Smith, I 110IC .111 b, Stephen Keepers. CHURCHES, Presloytorlatt l hur , h, Northwest ittlghtof Cen are. 1 .. /olully P. Wlog ittithi) Jiorniug A. M., awl 7 o'...jud, nl Pre,byterlan Church, corner of South I anorer nil, cub, Iter. Mr Pastor. Semi • We at II o'clock, A. M., 'And 7 o'clock I'. oloo's CI( u ( l'rot. Epio.“(pal) uorlbole.tangle of ;; , 1 nark, li. Mores ' Ito( SCr ieeli (lock A. M., and :1 (o'clock, P. 1.1. Ish Lutheran Chu rch, Iledfotd la.t wean Main utiles . Arcot), Huy. J ANIL Fry, Punter. Servi , u, code'. 51., and ti!, 31. - , :to Itefortnod Church. LolUtilltr, I,mween - Man streotn. Env. A. I. liround. At I 11 . " n n't•lock A. M. And o'clock P. M. • a list I:. Chure4. (1 1,, d On:Argo) ourner 01 Alain and R. D. I:11.11110r. Paslor. :it:l,lmm At A. M. old rd.; n'clock I'. M. °dint it. i'ltur..ll tnomend charge( Bev. A. A. faster. Services in College Chapel, ut 11 A. M. and .1 o'rlot•k, 1' 31. Is Cut Indic Church. - l'on, trot-- (ear- East F.1.1 : M . d. ry Linden, Pastor. Selces tse llde 'dun bun- aach mouth. u Lutheran Chureh cot 111111 poinfrA • akd ktreet, inc. C. Faun:, Vast., Services at •k, A. 31., end n'ehalt, P. M. hcn changes In the abuvu are nereantry thu unbolts are requested to w.tify us. DICKINSON COLLEGE. o . Charles Collins, 1). 1)., ereFiliell 1, and Profentior ul Science. o 1: Jront ii M. Johnson, I). 1)., rrofessor o).f lingli.l) Literati. 0. 31Arsintll, A. M., Professor of Andiiiit tan- Vin. L. 11...11, A Xll.. Prof.sor of Nlnthonlieb. C. %% 111,11,, A. o ,r of-lhat•rAl Goiooe /.t.or U,. Mul.rum. • tkdor : 4 c/tam, A. NI., l'folesmtr- of Hebrew Old Lar4tutvges. It= .ureell, AN., )1 wsktmtt. 111' film 'Jr:tumult' Srhool • • ~- ~--- , AltD OF SUIWOL*I:ECI'OIIS. -, , er • 11 . Blair. l'ekiJeut. IL SuatToi, , P. Quigley, E. . C.'r. Li Wuuri,.ll.J. Llutulltuu. beel , tury...Quon , 'I vusurer. John Splutr, Mtssoil ,, , , r. Meet .01 1011111) . 1.4 eilell Mouth ut S u'elock -" A. M. uL Etl• I . COit R A TWNS. , LC Dr 1.0411 111;;Itard Parker, Mil......;1111.111; Clerks; .1. P. 11.;"10r. Newt. '. W. I; rod Direi•LitrH. Itichtird l'urker. }boor s Brivher_,.,,thrahatu hosier, .hret.l, todwiutl, te‘. 11. Ilullinr;haniulA Wherry ;Lod II 00:0 1 RAIL ROAD COMPANY.—Prosillent, L ‘‘,,tts: buerfltary and Treusuror, Eduard 31. Sliporiuicudeul, u. T. Lull. I . 6kigongor'Lrahis ay. Cao - LINIo ut 10.6'J o'clock 0011 o'clool, Y. M. 'Two I..nami Ivory in. 3. d, leaving Carlini° ut 11.50 o'clock A, 31.., mid (1,3 WATIAICOMPANY.PITSIdviIt, Fred tte ; Secretary, Lemuel Todd; Treusurer, 11111. Dlrectore. F. Waite, Mrherd Perkier, Leulu- Wm. M. Ituotmu, henry Br iton. J. \V. I,.by, Tiorgus, It, C. NVoodwerd. end li. M. Biddle 10,4311, VALLEY BANg.—Preldent. Jotlu 5. t i ter. 11. A. Sturgen; Teller, Jos. C. Hoffer.— John 8. Sterrett, Wel. lion, Ilclrhalr Brunc h:awl Wends, John C. Ininlep. Itobt. C. Sterrett, urgoon, and Captain John .IFunlap. SOCIETIES orla , !. it Ledge No. 197, A: Y. M. meets nt hall on 2011 nod 4th Tiles&tym ul every me to N 0.20) A. T. M. Moota:id Thurs .,'" 140t1th, of Marion Hall. o Loalo No til 1. 0: tr 0. F. Meets Monduyt , at, Trouts building. „ Flflj CONIPANJES tam Flru Company WB . B organized ) 89. t. Cornman; Viva - President.\Viilbni,f M. Slicrotary, Theo. enrutnan; Treasurar, P. Mon lon.y 1110CIX LIAO first Saturday In March, June, or, and D6ccraber. • , , • umberla lid Fire company was Instituted 'Febru- Proslllent Robert McCartney; Secretary, Ittle:lay; - 'rreasuruir,.ll.-S. Itltter...The.conmany n the third Saturday of January, April, July, end Will nese 6ont2apy iilitilthfed lu IllitraC resldent. ii. A. St tirecon ; • 1100 Presltlent..laturs r t,p o y; Secretary, Samuel ii. Gould; Treasurer, Thu annually mods the second y of January, April, July. and October. • • RATES - OP -POSTAGE .1 on nil lot' °nor one-half nu Ileo * weight or un iitti pro paid.. except ,fm.Celifernin ort)regon, 10 eon .s prepaid. o herald"—within tire Comity, free., he State la rents per year. !fenny pert_ of tint triton lei rents Post itge Mi nil 411115101.1. papers (11111.4 1 10 woigilt. I rent pre-relit or two rents •Advorlised lettero. to be ointrited with the cost kino. ' _ll MiALO-4 0 __* J0_ 1 )(C 011,F,LE, tiquake,. IYisiu Si POETICAL. [For t4e [Wahl.] • , ANNIE MA RLATT. In. rribeil to Rev. A. a: v d S. R. ,Ilorlcitt, of Irving I%e:wile College, with' the earneot ' sympathies of the. author. • , ° /117 PILI, A SMITIL mitr A bright bird 'parted fitrla ttletirer day." A nItIO firtrlate--;)earest An n ie Marlutt.'=. . 0, so rdo lo the fare I sit WM: !• Thou bast left ns In teaff, but, In neared there are ,For a little one gather'd front earth:etl.its We levgd theq deal Annie! AVe In Is,. thee so In mit— But. the Hog's household, darling. they say loot much; _Amp no, from our Vent hearts we slug—Meat hord I Ile gives, and,lle taken, and, the hood cloth Thou eatn:si 'wan Its with the bloom of the Sin I rig: With tire to it or the jind the waplr's ehour ring; The blue of thine eve. soft es shadows at cowl'," Was a llnl. Ja thin thaia that buiusid A oilie s t., heaven. She mitt - is iiilli'tll,l,lnoiti of llto No lily boil pities slie that wo slog; 0, we did so love her—do you orbiter at that? Ferri d little In, et - heT, too, haul you Isom n, Allllie Mar , Litt tllOllll, bile grow rith tiro flow Ilu wan joy in her 'itch nr m fill t6e , 4tine show The h,,,rd .1111111, PITS 4IWII - 11i6 :if play - witll tlitOcatt!N Him the. ripple grrymo..r.y stonrs - Or hrt.ol.s, might weliliro toire's g intir tone's: . But, her lanwit was the. ill ugh of glad IN itt4e,the thrill . Intense, Of delight, poets drink iii at will. . Littlit AlllllO 1:11111tt., 7 11 . 114.11:1$1.,Ilk 0.11:1, two yeers neone. mot thy smooth rherl: did pot,. flow all" we thou; ht ere'thy third Autumn meow Woshoohl welt :tt thy ranch rouelng o'er the deeth roue, A. 41.64411, oh our darlitig—too n11 . 11..1.0rd r torn 11001 Ilush.a.hy. Annie !--thru witkest:to-ntga,— There'x a glow on thy eliecli—in thine dt p. a strange e __..light:_._ Dark rhaflows are Creeping up over the wall— Su hushd is.thy breathing, nun'---did birdie call? , Than " .wall;'-6 wad, AI on l - n 14/1110 we Pit by-thy,Old(6l/110f0 co Often we've-out Wo eoul,l bopelhotilietet bettor—O, would It wee° mine hid hciico ihese'idoolus /111 d Iri log back . the euuxiduu• Ali, wearily watching-011r joy awl our IirCIL:L. Pretty pel of our houseliold— must thou be Death', holder _ Come, It uill,-but, 0 Father! , to hearts now so bow'd, Rho uith silver, u•u pray Thee, iii r Welhauglng cloud! Softly wind of the Autumn, thy hll:thy slog— There's a_blittht in lb 3 lenves 7 liettngever3 thing: MQllZglri,-by thy caneh, love, it no vet A birti.volee it seenid—outl, yet, 'tivax not n bird,— ''fans a r t; the vilu•atinn.of some silver chord • Tho breezo iced Just loaded In - the land of the Lord! For, no Imp ever run4—llo earlh•voiro lonce`er sweet 3lluht breath% or, that mellowing echo r. pot '• COlllO 111[11'—on. away--runty itiPhiiher." It said— "' We're a city that's gnlden--its streets you nifty trend We know that they Ins e you—but. at hotter, Ili, hath said— . little children, 00100 y 0 1111t0 1110!" LPa ;,p hacr our fancies :—was It strange that a child ho Ihl be . lured (rum Its earth home by tempter 60 mild? Then perhaps the Inroad purl/do—the sell of tho sky Was Wfled for Annie, and oho saw ofirk:o high. The eouling and going of th'bettutlful ours" That the A ntels have Will nn 1411111; likv , to sons; And, 0; ONE won there—Jesus' fare humid nu brig Id, Nu winder shew went, and, Went 4,11 . , • And, now, Auk iderlatt—sahited-Annle : 4 1113 in with MN ~till—tllollol nut just of 118—and, flint Is something to s.daeu the pain Mal we feel What time that Ivo mks her from play mid from meal g.l een be, thy grove I' the filr rig I•Cti Fide! -_. lout the 111110 A, ILl't baby haF Thal n thafr /want byllnth nntrod— !Al t, amother flower blotonr In the garden of God I So, rest then In peave—ilarllnv Annie lorlatt ! Me loved I hee—,tee MISS thee—we mourn thee, but, what T . the Lord ~ocuu•th gnud, Is best—so walk tI,• Land Willi ILi• viowll on thy head, all& th,t i .h. in thy hand SVNNY SLUM', Oil. 11, MY AUNT' RACHEL -Thelir,t time I ever 1411 W Aunt Rachel was ' under painful (Armin's! anceS. Alyywtlferwao — bur ever - and' my fat her sent the Aunt Rachel to come and mind her. She arrived at Ilawilforne hue in the evening of a bleak November day,. bringing ' comfort, and 'almost - happiness. 1 remember' her tom, just is she stood' within the dimly lighted parlor, the ta imson folds of her shawl.. feting around her tall, elegant form; and the single white feather, turning gracefully over her bonnet of plain drab.• Everything that pertained to Aunt ltnchel possessed tt dhitinet grace—a grace like nothing else in life; ' I was sitting, half hidden by the 'drapery of it whitlow, weeping bitterly ; for (hey told me that any mother had, but a little while 6 to live; and' With . nll a young child's outgushing affec tion, 1 was nigh heat 1-ht °ken. Aunt Rachel come towards nut; and drew me gentirto 'her side. • . . -. • Alary's opiniage," she said, in her low, nielodiens tones; ,• my child, I sun your nun tiler's only sister.,-your Aunt Rachel. • Aro you glad that I . haveconic?"- She looked into my eyes with a smile pecu liarly her own ; I could only tln•ow my arms around her neck. and murmur over the Ilitll.o. Which 1 had.s, arcelv learned, but which, from the very first, hid Amend so very sweet to um. " Aunt Rachel! Dear Aunt haubel !" She:kissed me very softly, and then glided away up stairs to my inother's chamber. I. saw her no more until the next morning, at , breakfast ; and her sail, sweet image daguer reotype(' itself upon my memory forever. • • AMU. Rachel was not old—she could not have been more than twenty-seven. In form, she was above the medium height in wonten, slender and graceful. Her complexion was clear,' almost transparent; mud a shadoW — of suffering lay darkly upon her forehead, and lingered far back in the_dopths of. her soft, hazel oyes:--Her hair_ was 'wreathed around _ her bend in glossy waves of brown; and afuw stray,looks which had eseapectithm their.con tinement, fell over her neck in.shining . -81te - remained wit hous-until my mot her; eon:... !nary to'the expecthtions of us all, and. w battler`en; 'AV Cif all danger Wit s'O ire r' • Aunt. Rootlet wont away to her own home,where` other duties called her; promising, however, to come again for n Visit in early summor Sitting one day in my mother s.chamber, ooniewhat- abruptly, ' lMother; What makes Aunt, Rachel so pale and quiet ? •sho neVerhave any one to love her ?" itly . ;motheoluttiled—s-lt sad smile—and pas sing her baud lightly over my hair, she asked. •• How came you nythink of those things so : far humid your age, my child 1. Aunt Rachel is net a gloomy woman." • (040111 y ? 911 . , - HO, mother; but there in :uto:thing very -far off' in 11(4 tie r, soft 'es; Mid thew. iitte - streaks, her vinou:is t -11 iho sufinnerivind in Van low pitietill.ut lea. 4 it seems sO to toe.' :, •.. UK - kit3g ISIE3F L _— ,__ ........ .... . . , " Mildred, you have strange fitneies, lunch like poor Rachel," she Anklet', musingly.— ...Your A till t Itach4l has known sorrow; but it is all over now, ' and,She is it very happy, holy woman—just 'such \h women ns t would wish itt own little darling to becbme." '.: My - inoi Ler 'turned filmy tit hide the gather ing moisture in her eyes; nail -1 went down diairarand out upon life snowy walk, thinking very solemnly of Aunt Rachel. Six years wind, by with all dlieir varied changes, and'in thartime Iliad grown to atoll .. ,,, :gieLoLdiftecu.......„.L.hatLseeu.....Aunt.ittnatet.hilL inlet,- 41'1hr—interval °,lser tnether was dead, _ 1110 . 1113 , gyallnlIlleeit health needed liar undi vided attention Ever, in her leve"mi‘eiives tit my mother, there c , ine for me saute little to 4 en Of rinninabrance, and these things weri... held by Me in a sacred Fortier ormy heart, to •'. . be looked hi only when, oppressed by those rogue;utcertatin 1114 of - sadness, - . - which have been toy portion from earliest . youth. ' At length there Caine a letter with it mourn ing border and IL bluelt • seal ! My mother ' opened - it - witlr tremhling hands ;---andr after reading it tearfully to the end, she bowed liar head On her folded aro; and wept.. unrestrain edly,. [ stole softly up to her, andasked- her - why she grieved. • ' " Your - grandfather - is deadr—Mildred-I—My poor father. dead and buried —and hiS eldest' child not there! Rut 'n toy sorrow:l am un mindful ot' my sufferink sister. Mildred; Auld Rachel wishes you to go o her and remain -a tew months. Tint great. hou.,e is very lonely WOW. she says. Will you gut ?" ..tto?- tube wire I will! But, mother, can you spire me so long '!" . Two day:Plater the . remiption of Aunt Its - eltel's letter, I wasp!' the way to her residence. It Wit'i it hillg journey forme to undertake; r im!. myyoutighoart wasbravo„when I thought 'of Elm" eelnfort: I*. shouild' he to mybereayed re.- lative - . Al Ilitrei , l of four's veliing by steam , .boat and railway,) was sot down in a grand. 01.1,country village, evident ly once the. abode of rieue• and taste. A cab took . in! front the - station, to the .• Fit's." the 11111110 of Aunt 161.- c:hers estate. Everything along the way was very fine a'tul turraetive: btu I scarcely tunic. of it, 8,, alooirbed was I in the Wish of seeing . 10r the first, tinie, my mother's birtlr-place • WO a...evioled-a steep bill crowned with stn.-' (13' maples: and Jow'itt the valley before u..., the-d r iver pointed out "The (fire'' It was, even as nly fancy had pietttred it, a place love , . 1-13 , enough for the aliode of enchantment ! A broad bright yi ',or swept the base 4 the'ldll.-, soil over it was thrown - a rode lirid g ` e o f white 1 stoner'crossitigthik bridite, and - we were upon ' The domain of toy ancestors. Looming up dark and sombre - In the approaehing twilight, the old house-formed-a- inagliitimint—tiontrast with the background of blue hills, steeped down in the law golden - glow of snnsel ! Ihe fir trees, from which the place-took its name, were yery numerous; and almost gigaut ite -in t heir growth of 11 century. At . I he, extremity' of a long. shaded path, the chaise stopped ; :bid from -its dingy• win . - dow I saw the,great hall zt how iinclose, lard the form of . ,4unt Rachel appeared; - Al sight of Jny •- eager face, slut cattle rapidly down the walk; and in a moment I (vas folded in her arms. I dot Old I.olllolllber Willa she said to me; it was not much in words, but a volume in tenderness into the old liaise she took me . ; -- and then, in the ruddy fire-light, I saw how much she was changed. Iler -face was almost corpge like in its extreme pallor; and yet it might have been 'partially the deep u ua n•uiug which she worei , Rut she-had the same true, Inuring heart, I liltew, and so I passed silently over• her altered looks, and thought lapel' of the secret grief of Odell toy mother had spoken. I had spent several weeks with Aunt Rachel, weeks of sweet communion with her gifted re fined nature, when she was taken ill The physician sail' it was slow consumption; but I know• it was only the I dear). pressure row—a lingering Waq gradually wasting liwnyJier lire, Through all the long. hs'the'window of — hp - Ilona!, and looked out on the green thinking, it twoinol to line, lit the Land where tine noontide or glory - i n never She would not Hermit inn ill lellA e her, and-indeed I did not wish tit. She laid devo ted NerVanlS Wh.) lucr d Itor deeply: but their e.ire_attultl_net_he_raelititted by :lie silo love itiol'respeet I felt tar li a r. Ms mother' s ni , initeltltlttlies at haute atimitletaly precluded the ides altar visiting .lunt Rachel, even for 11 1 11'101 . my aunt. ever unmindful of self, wound, not allow• me, in my letters to my mother, to speak of her IS 110111!!, eat'' Autumn brought no healing: to my Ann) Ra.. (Mel. Very slowly she faded, Ike the wither ing sr a lenft be dying away of n star before the coining day. l'could not think her near the dim portals; but her vision—sharpened :to it approached the allures of - eternity— e r e l o n g discorned the Unknown, riving iu the future! Once, in tho moonlit midnight, oho called mu to IMr bodAitlo, "Si( down. Nrthlretl," shtesaid, "luta I.will tell yott•thebistory 31'0 blighted heayt. You ==n= Het!. .1. will-tell you .why. It is In 4 u briof story ;- but its Inuirning hug cost nio .much of. what men call sorrow stud suffering! The last net in Ilte.draull is tut hand; i stpl the curtain will full. to rise in another world! The morn- hie light 'Which enters these widows, will shin,e upon a corpse! - 13ut 'there is an hereafter r' 4 Fol: 0 moment Aunt .Itnehel - seemed to lose herself' o'ooo or silent ecstitcy: then. drop_ ping lice eyes front their fixed gaze liTion fhb purple slcy or night, and taking my trendiling hand in hers, so cold and nerveless, she con tinued: Early in illy life I was betrothed to ono noble and good —one before whom my wltolo being bowed thiwtriii homage Erne,t Ilia• coartwaiof s prowl boldly; but I was wealthy, and his parents Aid not oppose tlto choieo of their son. Inn let of bliss onr lives lied on We were too happy to break the charm of assuming even a dearer relationship, and we hail been en g aged four years without once talking seriously of the marriage day. One` *ai`i•ernoon, a servant•brought me It card, bear ing the iiitine of my friend, Isabella Courtney. I sprang - quiekly down tho • stairri. and was locked in the embrace of toy dearetelsabolla. Nlihired. I loved that. girl as I have loved but few: at solmol,,she was my emu/dun/a, toy best Mend: - in after years she lied made me hley_ sed with her warm, true love: We talked to gether, as all girls :will. of old friends. old as soeiations and vanished joys; and after a time spoke . of the present. Isabella's (tither, she said, had heard so much of the salubrity of our air that he had been Mooed to come tot our village for a brief suinfirnt and anew Isa bella to visit her old friend ; . 'tithe courdo of our conversation, shoinquirml for Ernest Har tiotirti; _and I learnetijoi t ilte_first limo, that he Was a' friend lot hers a college companion of her only brother. Sho blushed when it.— spolco'his name; but 1 secretly noticed it.— Ectiest..wasrtbove suspicion. .1 exerted all my , poweri of persua.4on, and at last succeeded in inducing•lsabellit•to. promise' that make her home at," The Firs.^ while site to it - mined . in town; and immediately I despatched a servant to bring up her baggage. and inform Ifr Courtney of the change. Too soon. tcid tiar]. 1 (Biwa verecl fatal secret • whole eneegrit-udat.liiingth of her lire, Isahcllti Courtney loved Ilri'eat Harcourt! Ji!very foe lierlieing wee, itli+erbeil intl. olio dealre —that, of winning Ilia love, Well knew that diiiappoirittitent, ttoutt eth a dot - lilt-warrant of iny"lyiend'it reason tot hereditary in hie family V711:4 the'Partul eurae oriusanitY! perieteed.pli,yaleiati•i, who had eianiitied bait . . . 1)0113.'s /I) )1(11 . VOllfil' !Me front rellr IL iiei 11;,pilinptF!. ILL r lo no diiappuiutniet46 whielA CARLNLE, ..TA:, , V1TFDNE5P . 4t . 1.1)E.611:16E11,: .. 8,, 1858. could possibly be ayeld6d. 'lllr4estiliTe vms' taken, My own happiness was. sacrificed to !that of my friend! .1 told it to Ernest, and he, fought against' 'fain with a vela, rebellious Btrongth. It was a terribP siiuggle—but conquered hint, and gained Ids' promise to the sacrifice. They were married. stood quiet ly bj , liis side and heard him'pronounce, the words which bound hint to another! The as surance that I was doing what!. deemed 'my duty, upheld me. Isabella was made happy, and my young, strong :life 'battled lturphniluver4mi , et. "Ip,vt. far...,aws , y from ale, and in met IVwoo rianoligfiri.s raiieE;Ty;t7 its- memory. Partially I anceeeded. .Four years had , Ernest been gone away from me-- f9r directly after his marriagelie hail taken his wife abroad—and one afternobmi, ns I. was sitting at toy work in the sunlight, a shadow full upon Praised my eyes! and the form of I:rneat.:llarcourtetsod before inel_ the shriek that came to my lips, and, rising from my seat,'stood up beside him. "Rachel, have come. to you to-die !•' he acid. broken-. ~ A ndisabella P , I asked hrelthlessly., " Ibis slept under time sod Uf Italy for seven mont Its." lie died here, in this , :try 'chamber, M , Mildred, where niy own life waning.' Itf lily arms he rested, and my kisAat clawed; his eyes in-their-eternal sleep I" ' Milt the early Morning blush.. Aunt Predict passed away. We stood by her 'bedside, I and her.:SoKowing servants and neighbors.,watelt ing her white her-spirit crossed-the &irk so-- lers. She died even as she said--'!The 111,0111- ing light shone upon a corpse lint inrflie air . which stole so softly *rough the faded wood bine over the lattice I Shucked I could almost: hear the angels chanting the new song over a soul borne from eartli'a trials to rest forever in Paradise! • • TR nom Youn C1111.0 . 1t1:N TO —Lui Buck, a' 1)4 not. 12 years - of age, was one of the ntiasengers in the liltriting,stfmtrier Atilt ria awl saved his life by swimming nearly., an hour. The brave little fellow is the son of Mr - S. Buck, of Washington, I). t 7. The narra tive brilik child appears in the -Wa:-Itintro, Stu•, and is as intelligible interesting as the narratives or. the adult. survivors:. lle says: 1. was tin ler the charge or my aunt, who is thuut twenty-roue years of age:. ' At the tittle the live broke out we-were on deck: and the ('aplttin was . asleep, .fool_they waked him up, ,vben.lie rushed upon deck toil .exclainted, . - thiddreit,.we-. !1).--frite.:1)aptain (ben sleilq)ed his 1,11:11 and ,jumped over board. 'There was great. excitement among Ibe pas9engers, and they tried to gel the Jiv e linclicts,„hut they could 001. • Its the liticketa• were all 14.1 ene I and coilld not be got loose -. Tim' life loints vivre raw' with the - 11:ts's211- geu while they were still bangilig lit the ship's - side, a tai Ow, ropes which held 1 , 11' . 11i wean cut, which pltnig(.ll 11.0110 :6111 - 0111111) Ihe 01111: Su' I great was the rush that nay...ollot - nodi Were separated, :laid a titan by the 11111110 of Pollock I was Itangitig . to tlte chains of the anehorouid, Ile enllo , l to mails come,tio him - I: t lieu tried to reach 111.11,11 of I was hurried oyez the heads and shoulders' of the throng, who.were lancer- lain which wayto g 0,,, .1 slipped down the chains - and elite : died upon Mr. Pollock't! neck; and then I held fast for about an hour, when my shirt caught lire. I wa - 411. the time hold ing by \lr. Potluck's lodr 'lily shirt was on lire Mr. Pollock said, ••-any boy, we must' go." as he plunged into the sea with me fclinging to 11101, A's we struck the water! ast my hold, of him, and swam about, for nutty ly alk hour, When I was to inn lip by the boat of thtp.Maludee. and Mom( au -hour laud a half afterwlirds Mr. Pollock was 'deiced up by one a!' the bunts of th . e . Maurice. Allen l was clinging to Mr. l'ollook's neck s tile magazine exploded with VI 111111 1 011.1 , 1 ninny pers•nis flying in the air. )74 AIC Eotio Sl•rtio lON A isouT Voos,—(lenovl;, the lovely OHlit'eg Lake, furnishes the following specimen of ilarliamentary In tlw fairesi -viltage-of -Western-New ).ark, culled pu•eiroo.' in emulation ut I heir \quint:ll;l4llml, formed a debating soil ety. for the purpust''ot' improving their minds by the tiketOsion of instructive and mit - 10114.8. The deliberations of-the society were presided over by n venerable ditrhey, who performed his duties with the uhnn.t dig nity peculiar .1.1 his color. The subject for +citssion on the occasion of which we write, was-• Which 11111 in mudder oh de chicken - de hen wet 14 de egg, or de hen wet luitches de chiek?"fliequest ion wits warmly debated. and litany r . eit'Sens pro and con were urged and combated by the excited disputants.- - The;.e in 'favor of the latter proposition acre evidently in the majority. and the president •nonle no attempt to conceal that his sympa i hies-were with the dominant party: At length un intelligent darkey arose frem the minority side, and begged, leave to state a proposition to this effect :--- , Spose,' said he, , dat you sot one dozen dpck's eggs ,under a hen, and 'they hatch, .which 11111 de imithler, 77 de duck .or do hen?' - This wos,s -.poser, was - Area pm. and nouphissed 'the other s'ide;even staggering the prc•ident, who. plainly ktIlV the - force of _the'arguinent, but hail committed himself too far to yield without a stt•nggle; so, after cu o: Oiling and scratching his wool 11 few moltient:l, .bright idea shack hint. Rising 1 . 111111 his chair iu all the pride of conscious superiOrity, he answered : ',Ducks am not before de house; chickens am de question ; therefore •I rule de docks out !Land du 4 . 110'111(1, to the, complete overthrow - 61 his opponents." A'LITTLI: DIFFICULTY IN WAY =Bn en terprising travelling agent from a well-known Clevebuid tombstone inn indite( ory, lately-m(10 a business visit to a small town in an,,tuliehtt Mg' county. Hearing in the village, (lint, a num in a remote , part of the township had lost his wife, he thought he would go hnd see and offer him his consolation. and a grave. - stone. en the usual reasonable terms. Ile started. The road wits horribly frightful 011 e, hilt ho agent persevered; and finally ar nt the bereaved man's house. Ilereni.ed nian's hired girl told the agent that the he , reaved luau . was splitting fence rails over in the pastur, about, two miles.", The indelitti-. I gable agent hitched his horse toad Started for the "past ‘ll . " -And-after falling We all twin nor of mud hole's, scratching himself with the briars. and tumbling over decayed logs, the agent- nt length found the bereaved man. In a subdued voice, he asked the man if he had lost his wife. The man said he had. The agent was very . ..sorry to hear of it, and sym pathized with the man very deeply in his great *Notion ; but death, he said, was an insatiate• archer, and shot-down all of both high anti low, degree. Informed the man that "what. -was . his loss was her gain," and would ,be glad ,to, sell..him ii...grave,l3ollo mark_ the spot where the dear one slept-marble or ,commoa stone, as he elitist), at prices defying-competi tion: The be . Ciaved man said there was " little didieulty, in the. way." Lliaven't 4011 bat your:wirer:inquired the agent. „ Why, yea,' lititve."'Sitid the - Man, but no grave stun ain't necessary ; , for you seat the bussed critter ain't. deal, Seca BCOWedlaill anolher man!" That new. retired. With iho • 'A Cunioutr'ClunotA•Tho editor all° Pittsfield Eagle lies been shoWn' " aseotion'! of, patent safety fuse, (a hollow' cotton cord tilled with 'a pittfor, gintpoiN;tloir;.eler.,) which Was taken out. of a lady's skirt, into which it had 'been sewed as it ettbstitoitti tor crineline, 'Chu skirt was Toned eutook , sonii , paper rags, and the • fuse is in .perfectlygood•bondition, going WY when lighted•in :6 lively tt style fie avlt en-usell-in-ltitisting—uperat who win's, that skirt wasn't sate (Or a, Inninent • tinning the sparks, especially the mora.tiety URI - 1 - 111.r.CTED - MR - THE fiERALThk TB E • BIBLES. 131thr.—prifeleNs treasure—how &Mous to my 'heart; . • • Ilaw xweut Liao entmolationg its, messages itnitart 11ow vdniforting its promises, blow broad Its precepts • • nru ; • 11ow bind ltx adn onitirms, Its throutoilings 11ow me- Vero. • • aniLfhtlionitess tire streams of love. wbleh • from !! .11o1n1 • jru-ACMA•MM:Maw.iikImIiim.r.MIL.Mv.I4taky.A...III.I.,IIMIIPATI 13321 How profound Ito words of wisdom—rho* idousant IR ' tlopiray . . It iodoto tor out form earth to Itoavon—froni night to undleos day.' I Lilco a fain!, along the pathway of erring, man It filii neat Giving, ktiowh dge, and lii9lUnillg tho darl : ifosa.of all 111111thi : A IPght-to atthlo—thu w thderer—to 1,1:11 bask Ito God— - - To pdlol-hint-to--the Savior, who ruithoalud lam with blood. O, troll inn ! 111211,0 holy book your coome or nod *--.- gublo, • l'imr-companion n o d-advbwr—o er-hoop- It- by-poor-1 side; . _... . . l' fl ou,niont ft,1111.1• whimelt Pomielb, avoid %slid It forlddv, Obey wlom it commands jmn, and Imarl:en ivlmwit elddos. -.- It will be a Od t eld In danger. In Norrew It cheer; In n1111..1(1.1 II will minion, and deliver 'YOu frAlli , fLar;, Your feet !twill loop from falling, whelk tempt:hi.. ne It will tarengillen and suatain you when Ilfo and earth moat fall. ; lt. ryhrit of benertileurein 01l our avtlons Fhluc Ite horiu,..kouylll:lo4Singpim and may our purtlohs I,e 'The glary It rerraloth, throughout I.;ternity. THE BF:AN OF BXI)AJOZ =I The dean of -the cathedra) of II:o1;110z 'nos- • sessyl nude learning iritin all doctors nf Salantatica, Alcala, and Coimbra puited. - WAS 11000101• of every language living-or dead.. Ile knew all . scienees, divine as well as human but unfortnnatidy lie was ignorant of magic. Ile was 101 d Or a most famous urigician; - who- - - he..sttburbs-of called_llon_ Torribio ; ITZTordpred his mule to be saddled, and he set out ,foi Toledo, and alighted at the door a n' mi,:vp,doe 'mese, where this great • mad lodged: Sir Inagicidn, said he, as he chic III) tO•hilll, 1 net dean of Badido7,. The buirned of Spain db - tne 'the. henor - To - call - tne -- their master, I come to you to request a more glorious titl e , :that of becoming your disciple. He kind enough-444406i te.meln the toyst cries of your art, and reckon that. my gratitude will Ibe deserving such kindnesi. . lion Turrildo was not very polite, though • piqued himself 'on living with the boot emit pally in-hell. .Ito told thefklill he might seek another master nt . magic ; that for him lio,was quite tired uf,it triode where he gained mily complidinifkind 'Promises. and Ire_ he would ' no longer disgrace the occult sciences by pros. , Wilting them upon ingratitude'. "How," cried the dean, "con it he possible, sigmior Don Tor ribio. that you have melaith ungrateful per:: somi? I hope you will ao me more ;justice than to confound me with such monsters." Ile then detailed a long String of maxima and - npothegems on gratitude; he harrangued with the kindest , voice, and with all the appearance of truth, everything his memory could supply hint with ; in SIION he spoke so well, that 1110 sorcerer, alter a moment's pause, owned that lie could refuse nothing to one who knew so many tine quotations. "ditch)! ha." says hole ' his housekreper, Put two lgeo to the tire, I hope the doll( will (II) the the honor to sup with me to night." lie then led Min into his study, where after having witched his fare. Ite:1,1, be rept!ateil . 11tese mystical wordH. 'which the reader is ent rented not to forget, orm/m/pn, i,,,,,,',/i..ri savtion;t-then wit hoot further prep -311:111 ion,-he began te'expiain to him the prole. gomensis'of magic. The new disciple was listening with an at tention that ;4earce - permitted hint to breathe, when •Jsteintha entered hastily, followed by a little man, loaded to his middle, and dirty to his shoulders, who wished to speak to the dean 1111 II matter of the greatest hisportance. -He was a courier that his uncle, the bishop of.llo dajoe ta i l sent after him, to inform hint that a few hours after Isis departure his lordship hail been seized with an apopleeti6 lit, that he was very ill, and that the most alarming conse quences west. to be apprehentfed The dean, cursed heartily to himself, and without HIM 11-. dal, the apoplexy, the bishop, and the courier wheull three bad so badly 0110S011 the (1111 C le interrupt him. He got rid of the courier by ordering liar to return directly to Badajoz, and telling him he would be there as soon as himself, and then returned to hiS lesson as if neither uncle nor, apoplexy had existed. ........,Some 4W:A afterwards more news mune from _ Badajoz, but this was 6caree,worth attending to. The high chanter, and lon of the oldest colloids came and notified in the dean that his uncle. the Most reverend' bishop, was gone ro receive the recompense of Isis virtue in !lustros unit that the elm p4er, legally assembled. had Mreted him to till the circuit( seat ;; and they begged of hincto come and misisole the church_ of Badajoz, hiS mew spouse. Don TOlTibio MIS present at the harangue of the diqmtiies; 11111.11001{ 1111 vaiitage of it like a clever follow. Ile called thi; new bishop aside, and alter a proper compliment on the occasion, told him he had a son, named Don Benjamin, whit, with much wit end good inclinations, hail not the smallest t dSt e or talent tbr the occult scien ces; that - tilt - ipennt him for the clime's; and Thanks to heaven, he had succeeded in the pious design; for he lin& the satisfaction ,of hearing that his son.acted 'as one of the most " di'!serving of the clergy of Toledo, therefore he most humbly entreated his highness, that in 4 would resign 0 Don Benjamin his delusory. of Itadajo?, whroh lie could not hold with the' bishopric. "Aloe!" replied the prelate, with . some confusion, "I shall ever he most happy when I can do anything you request:: but 'IL must inform pin I . lMvelt very old relation, whose heir 1 am, and who is tit. only to be A dean. Ndw it' . I do not give it to him, 1 shall have.a quarrel with toy own family. of which I am fond even to wdegree of Weakness; but, • added he, "don't you intend IQ COlic'e to Dada jot? ' You will .not have the cruelty to leave nie when 1 am beginning to, be of service to' you ? Believe me, my dear master, let tm set out together, and only •think of instructing your pupil.; for 1 will, take upon me the es• tablishment of Duo Benjamin, and will de more for him than his father now requ ires. A paltry delusory in - Flstramadura is not 'a proper' bonetice' - for - the son of a - elan-like-you." Don . Torribo'followed his disciple to Badajoz. Un der the conduct ofett :Wien master, the bishop inade.very rapid improvements in , the hidden soiencetu•he gave-himself up to it at first,with„. aulutemperateardhr„buthy degrees hemode rated.his passion, so dill not interfere . with:the duties .of his see. The' learned pre hate, tilled, all Illtrist ambito ' with the famoof his , Merit; end when lie exPee led it leatit, lie sow himself nominated to the archbishopric, of CoMpostella. . ... 'The people ands clergy 'of Badajox, its may, be easily Bungined..latneuted'unit an-event, ~ as it deprived them' of their worthy pastor : -; and the cantina 'of the 'cathedral, as the lust Mark of their reified and attachment, unani mously desired of lam to:'nemo his suicessor. - Doti TorrihioAlid not: miinfsogeod an opportu- . tiitY to advairf MS' 8011 I 110 asked 1110 1111/1101). - 10-41110--001Y-010111/101141p. s nil If 1V 14 Idi I. nil ._the grace imaginable that the • arelddshop re- Knotal I o him. '•lf e 'had no much veneration for his 'deur maker I—lie Was so grieved !—so. muelrashamed - te - refuse - ,whatTappeared . teaticely n retitle:A ! But. how could he-act abet. wise'' ,Don Perdinanddq Laraobonata. Ati of Castile, had asked the bishopric for his natural son, and though he had never !icon tbe constable, he was under mui'dt Strong, secret, on I old obligations to hire, that he'felt it tin indispensable duly to prefer. the old Lunette.' tor to the new , oue. Bot if 110 would consider it would .net appear • so very' harsh: fur ha wonld sec what . he 'Might with certainty . pond upon. when his tureoatne,and collie it soon must." The mtgician had the pulitanim ,TOlptiVfe — alltlitlritYlityinttrilThrittitritTlM - Fr as.-114.e,nabl_tvitliitS_Laing trlven up to Do u_rer,t_ 'di no tid. 'Nothing was thought of now, but the prepi, rations - for setting out .to take pot:session of • Coat n i_tl Ala, Alto it wasfie.aree worth -while consi•lerittg the short time they were to remain thgre. Achandmrlain front the Popo brought, a' few j o afterwards, the cardinal's lint, with it cotu - plimentary brief lyom his Holiness, who invited hint 'come. and assist him with his e :tinsels, in governing the Christian world, he permitted the archbishop to dispose of Ilia Mitre in favor of who lit Ito 1/111090. 1 Don Tor. ribio wts not :it tlony,tatella %Oland ho Pope's ut came there Off- was - on a visit - to:. son,_whe cant ehm-tinetl a poor curate to a stfiall parish foletto. hLe goon 1.01111.0. . . . request theVolll.lll. areill)Nh9pric. The prelate ii in out to hint with upon arms: " Nly I dolt; muler, I 1011 II:410y to Lull you I wopie va3 or gool news install ofone ; your disciple is It e.trdinal, owl your soilwill shortly he one, or I have no Itotne. ; I wishel in I the ipeatitinte to have mode him arelthishilp of Coalpo , it elle, but„only think how unfortunate Ile is, or rather I- ant ; lily mother,' whom Ave hilt ;it Ratlajoto Itasi written to no, duringyour 4a1iP11e...f...11.01 . 11Z51 . .1111(11'. ..Nv Wok has- totally. il is -1 conderte , l all toy tnoasares. She insilts upon My ing, as my :iI.I,RICNSI/r.....01 0 11.V01.11.'a -0011 Or lily ir,,,,u ~. ciiiii,h, Ili, 1i,..,,,i0,0,, r) ,„.• ) , ,,b1.,,,1{, S oiki., li v e0 1 r,,,,,,,,ii iittlill ito friend; she thre,itet?.; Itti; with her trnitlt, if Al: loos not obtain wit it-she wishes for 11.. r dear...ghostly father, tall I have not a doubt. hut Alto 'will keep her avor , l. M.y tletr , niast er• pot your:wit% in lily plaint; :than). kill my niAliiir ?" . . Doti Torribio Was not It than to iTetnitamml a parricide; he applauded tht:‘110111,11141ion of 1)ott l'ablos, and UM not show that P4111.11:1,31 to. I•etti unnit'against JIM mother or the prolate, This mothe.4 ir it 'Must . la kllO l l l .l. W. 14 a -got . ). i-Stii't . 01 .-- liii-itl.l-Wlittilliz--altt,q, - elriliiim}li' 'W iio lived with her eat• awl InutselteePor,. and searott ktut.w the name or lie, confessor. Was it likely that it was she who gave the /1/./A -111/31101/110 In Don l'altl !. oS ? Wits it - nut rather IL Doryilerlllll anal Very prot ty Galician widow, ti !Mar Nilo t ion if the ttreli.kaeou's, - at whose. home his. lordship . iimsl a+sidttously edified himself during his .lay at Contpor:tella? How ever it may be, Don "Turriltin_rollpi'ved his 110 W highness-to-Romp. Scarcely Were they arrived there when I he. Pope died:,' The con clave- is opened; 'the - whole named college unite In I tvor or Lho spin's), cardinal; 1/c is now Pope ! After the ceremonies of the - exal- ! lotion, I.hri Torribia.,- admitted to a private, 111111 enee. WA II W ll // Joy At+ -hp kissed the. feet , or his isopir, -- ivl;.)fil - 1113 SOW fill tlm_puntilipal I Itriine. with so Much dignity. Ile modestly represented his long :ol d faithful services; he reminded his Relines. of his proutiies, invio lable promises, and whieh had been - renewed I before he entered the 'conclave; he hinted a few words ttloottl. the lutti-whielt - lie laid - just - 1 quitted in receiving -the tiara: but instead of 1 asking the hat for ltni Benjamin, he tunkil by t a trait of moderation scarce to be credited. l Ile protested he renounced all ambitiollt ex- j peetat ions ; his 81)11 11101 Ilitll,loll WOlllll be. too happy if his liolinitsi. with his benediction, : would have the goo:1111,S to given/P/11a Sl//all I , 'civil employment ; or an annuity for 'their '. lives ; that. would be sullieiont fur the moder ate want of an ecclesiastie and a philosopher. During this little harangue, the sovereign , pontiff was a.king.hin,sof what hu sh o uld do 1 Wills his preceptor—Could-not IteAlo. without--; 11tjm :'Anal did not he know; as much ur magic int liecarns a Pope'.' ll'ould it tot be improper ) for hint to appear at their nocturnal meetings, 1 and submit to the indecent ceremonial; which are ob4ervol at them : Every reflection made 1 his Holiness judge that Don TorribM woul.i i not only be useless, butt even . troublesome to Lint; a:chide point being decided, he was in .no Vlioulty what answer to make.. ThiS is i litlrially . his ansWer : . . "We have heard with grief, that littler pro, ' text of the occult seiencet-t, y l tt hold a eorres- Tendone with the prince tif darkness and of liars, whieh we not only exhort ;you to expi ate by it penitence proportionate to the enor mity of tutelt it crime, but also order you to quit the territories of the Church within three days. under pain of being given up to the seeular arms, and the rigor of the flames." Don Turribio, without being diseoneerted ,repeated itaekwards the three myst N10(18 words, which . the reader ought to have re membered, and opening a window, he bawled out,' as loud as he could, "Jacinths ',..put only one - partridge - to the tire - , - fur the vlean 'vitt lint sop hero to-eight' This IVILS a thunder-clap to The pretended Pope; he ICC Veyell $.4111110111)• fro a laud of eseiney, wide!' the three. magical sounds had first lltritwil Will into; he saw that instead al: being ill the Vatican. he was still in Toledo iu tidy of Don Torribio. - Itt hioking the clock, he found Le had scarcean Lou• in this fatal study, whore the decants wero , so delightful. 111 less than an hour he had fancied himself magician, Li&hSp, arch bishop. cardinal, Pope, and found himself, at last, really a dupe and a knave. Everything Lad been illusion except his ow•n deceit, and the'prootWoe -had giv'en ol• his treachery and badness qt' heart. Ile left the room in silence, found his mule where he bail lefthint. and re turned again to Dadajoz, without having learnt. to (moult nativity COMPLIMENTS.—The followingcompli ments were paid to Sheridan, in Norfolk, by an Irish geriant belonging to Mr. Cooke, who attended hint, on his shooting excursion, and which Sheridan re-told with great glee:—Shot the Ist (the birds all getting away) —" More power to your honor! Did you see one little fellow drub his, leg as he went oll? Idol! never stand onion tin toes again." • Shoplld (ditto ) Tare an'agers, titers they ‘ go Ilut didn't your honor hear tho shot ntplk tiiitoug tliem like pose light a windey ? They'll pray nei'er to see your honor agin .on this side of the country." Shot 3d (birds all otr again)— " Mutter nu 'rams I but they've molted it ! (After watching dheip awhile) There's three wounded, anyhow, for they had hardly stringth to 11Y over yonder hedge; the divil a wink of sleep they'll -.get this blessed night." - Shot phoastint gets away). 7 —. Well; I never seen - 4 poor - gentlem a n-token-like him -;--- hell hull remember your honor many a long day for that. The spalpcon is carrying away more shot than would set up an iron-thotigee in I Skibbereen.P —Shot...sth (a. tin ipe gelo :off. )- 13othor i Yo! yu nuty.6ry evoke. inY tine fol low—ye nuty take• You're long-hill to the other world. • You'll wake to-morrow 'Positing with 'a.hunbago e in your sort head." Poor Sheridan could stand this no longer,,blat gave his coun tryman a fee for his ingenuity, and proceeded -ou his-beat alone. - - - M. A countryman, having purchased a gallon of mountain dow, for want of a. Mora business-Ill:6 label, wrote his name, upon LL common playing card. Which" happened to he the seven of, clubs, .and Lied it to the handle of the bottle.- .A wag, coming hy,ohserved, i•Thilt:ii en, awful - careless' way , to , leave .the ,thinn t r i y so r 2 ••IVIly cause 130010 0110 might coluctvit I . rnight of clideLand! Tons neitinf the 'handle . mid bolted. • '. - -'3 .. ---- - 5 - $111 . 5.0 per annunt In advance. $2 00 if notpaid - liiAiiivanCe. . . , . 4 ' For nit TO nett 44 yo barn dons it unto one of the Inset of thoso my brathrtht yo havo .lonejt unto mo," ' • Poor ITililddrer'weAryl Aftltg but n 'nor.] from your blunt.uous gtord; Il ttogor cod cold attond.; bin plthWay dreary, •Tlnrd.lK the'lleart . • , • • • That. LOs_tl.3 untodAnpart r. T,que child Of eorrew AskeSer hehelterfrum the angrT.hlast; Wye, and thy Prather will repay temiorrew Olvo to illl poor •• . • It Is inorobla,mid to give tipin to 'hieelve. (1 drive thew not with, auger front your-door (Jiro while you tiny. ' • Slott will thy bout] tooux Over call for Theo, Theo xitlt. thy iihlcomo - thou wilt:hoar - 11bn soy; did lh unto npl." TILL ItIVISIa OF TII2‘NOILTEI • The following glowing tleieriplion' of that Pai.a.list; of the Weit, the gel river of the; North, from the pen.'of Prof. Hind,. is true to the life, %to' wo glitaly give Woo insertion. 'lfes'tya: Of * the' valley of 11. ml river Iliad it impossible to spellt in ally other terms than those which' may express asib , pishinent and admiration. The description which I had read preciously, ~ tfi - tny - artivaVtltere, cerraifily dia not in any lily prOpare for .4.11•0 magnificent country'at present occupied and controlled by those whose interests, no one seeks to tieq have been op- 1)0:13d to 'settlement or . 0 , 1111 nunication with what,m ty be rerlllCll the I.IIIA , (li)!ieely concur hi OW 111'11.014C ex.pres siyo description given to 1110 by au English s'ettler ou the Assittilmin, that the valfe'y of Iced ver,iocluding a port ion belonging re , its grand atiluent,..,is a p tradise of I:ortility. 'The opinions expresso I at the settlement by altrovent individuals on thy-NOR, climate mid - natural productions of, the country; ore often tint very opposite characier ; 1 found in- variably•that, descriptions and opinions were reinarkribly affected by the relation whichthe individual bore to the ilettorable !Judson Bay CoDtp•ttly. • NM: character of the soil in ,Vesiniboin, with ' in the limits ofthe :Lucien t'take ridges, cannot be_surpassed, ltris a rich black mould ten to I,Woll.ty inches deep, reposing on a lightish colored alluvial clay about (hut feet deep, which again rests upon Incustriao or,drift clay to the level of the wafer in alf.the rivers and creeks inspected. I frequently examined the soil some miles distant frotn the rivers along my line of route fl 9 8110Wil On thenap. and invariably found,tho',. prairie portion to exhibit a uniform utility, • The area occupied by fertile prairies led a mds:Civ, certainly en viwd:= 1,500,0U0 acres and appear from an inspection of the map of Minnesota, the greater portion of the rich and available prairie land in the valley of the Red river lies within British territory, while the valley Of the Assiniboiu is wholly in . . As an agricultural onuntry,'l hare liQ hesi tation in expressing the strongest, eonvietinn that it. will one (lay rank among the indSt, dis tinguished., • The present state of society and the condi, , lion of the people in the Satlements, is far from being'a pleasing or elleolllllging tinbject. Egri)1113,111 11,11 d C art hall element lurk ' hem gradually diminishing rov . years and the half breed population is apparently drawing elftier to the habits and tastes of their Indian ancestry. Tim, Agriculture and all the situ pier arts have lamilfiniseouraged. is Imt too_ap parent.. The interests of the Fur Trade are necessarily 'opposed to the centralization and ), settlement of the half breetiand Indian lion ! tcrs,, and it is everywhere evidenced IMO these interests have been so held at a great sacrifice of means, and by the practice of a farseeing and policy. Red river has been . settled WI. forty Years, soil now COllllllllB a population thouisand souls, yet no single branch of industry, common even in the thinly settled parts of Canada, is practiced there. What ever shouts were made in time mtst, and there have heen twiny, they have c t emanated in fail ure, and it is difficult to resist the impression that these failures were designed by HOMO One in authority. 'Such artifices appear to have been thought necessary when the controlling am limit les win's weak, atudlndevl almost pow- Crlw , s, in the face of a strong but irresolute and 'uneducated people. The valley of the" lied river is capable of supplying all the ne cessaries of at., with the exception of iron fife some'elf's to come. The most important want' is fuel, but the're is much probability that on the Uppe , Asainiboiu and the Little Souris - river; . 01113 nf its Affinent: ,- , -- tertiary coal br ' cite, will be found in available quantities. A Panrrr Su lie RETORT --OH Saturday two young ladies, very genteelly dressed were ridine along Fifth street in a 'bus. One of them, whose features were more remarkable fur on extensive prominence of none than amyl thing else. exhibited to the Other u daguerree ? type , of herself, which she said had just been taken downtown, and ihey . Were - engaged in disenssing its merits, when an elderly lady g t into t he''bus t at the corner of ' and Fifth.— She was evidently one of those in totkitiye„ yet good natured souls, who take a deal .1... invent liberty in the world without thinkinß any Inirm. After.' riding a square ren ehell out her hand, and said to the tatty with the picture:, . "Please 'let !Ile look at it. Her modest request was met with on indignant' frown, and the reply, as the (WV was returned to the • hidy's pocket, "It's none of your business:" Thu old lady settled back in her seat very compiacently, when the companion of the one • with the picture asked; "What do you wish to du with it ....Oh, nothing," replied the old holy. • , I only wanted to see hew success fAy the artist ling put such a nose on so small a Plate." The omnibus: , was full, and the shout of laughter which followed the retort, could havo.-.- -4—. been heitrd a full square. The lady with Li* •, dagurreutype covered her thee with her veil, and dropt the subject during the remainder of, the ride ....On. .Gaz•riti.- tras done when it was begun, it was done when it was half. done, and yet wasn't done when it. was finished. Now what, was it Timothy. Johnson courted Susanah Dunn. It was Dunn when it was begun, it was Dunn when it was. half done. and yet it wasn't Duns when finished -.for it was Johnson. E.O"- 1 jiloti s, 1 ti,s, I renps, I mows! gets up wood for wintry, 1 digs, I ihoes and Inter grows. slut for what I knows I'm indebted to the printer. Ido suppoSe all knowledge flown right from the Printing' press,'so off I goes in these 'ereclut Its and settles up—r I guess. A person Domed Owen Moore once 'BollloWhat unceremoniously, mpun which a wag • Owen Moore, bus run , awny, mere than he Ocultl pay., tar Fear Gotl and lavd- 11111 WO6lOll. By Ging ilius ou will`iLTa`a i x just arising from his noliesi or tlin girl • getting squeezed in a polka. R NO. 13, [For ttio !Lorild 01 - L8 FUT Y. IST •IDA orAisivooi) ow not your door. Witlifouble form Theiblexmlug cant The poor rulleiv