Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 24, 1858, Image 1

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WILLIAM ill. PORTER, Editor.)
D R. ~oovEß;~i'roprletor.
' The CARLISLE 11Ell11.11 In published weekl„,,e on a large
shoot cont4ining twenty eight columns. and furnished
- to aubseribois at $1.50 I :paid. strictly in 'advance;
$175 if paid within the year; or $1 in all rases when
payment Is delayed until after the explratio n of the
•-1 year.,—Nissubscriptiomeweivedflir a less period-than
six months, and nonelFlAcontinued until all arroarages
are paid. unless at the optiotraf the publisher. Papers
- • sant to subscribers living nut of Cumberland county
must be paid:for in'advance. or the payment assumed
,These terms -will, he rigidly adhered to in all
%sea. .
Advertisements will im charged $l.OO per, ,senare of
twelve linos Ihr !Orel: insertions. and '25 fents.for each
aut.:quell t insertion: All advertiseinenisnif less than
twelve liens considered at It square.
Advertisements inserted before Marriages and deaths
6 rents per line for first Insertion. and 4 rents 'per line
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bin In damages for errors in advertisements. Obit teary
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inserted without charge
The Carlisle Ilonald Jail PRINTING OFFICE Is the
-- largest - and tnoxt complete establishment In the county'.
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stilted for w
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4Jeiteraf anb Cool anformation
President—.lAMEN BUCHA NA N. e •
Vico PrOgil.lll.-,JOHN C. BR Enny..NRIDOE.,
BOCretHry of State—Con. lAN IS Coos..
Seeretoryoll TINS, FNON:
Seerotnry of Treaaurjr—llonlid. Coon.
Beerntary of War—Jena 11. Fi.oro.. .
lii.cretary of Navy —lsAae Tonnes.
Poet Master General-A. V. 'BROWN.
Attorney Goneral—Jcaystm S. BLACK. . •
Chief Juhtko of tho . United Status—lt. 11. TANEY
--o- ,
anEernoE-W11A.1•54 P. PACKER. -
— Seereta4 of State—WILLIAM' M: IlEurrErt.
Surveyor Oenerat—Joux Bony.
. A tulltor rioneral—J WOO Fur. Jo.
- . •
Judges of thoSltoremo Court—E. Lewis, J. M.
STROM/. W. L owing O. W. WooTIVARI). W. A. POKTEIC.-4
PsesideutJudge;-llon..taines 11. anthem.
' Ass.,ciatet , Judgett-Alsor,Mieltael Cocklln, Samuel
.', Arendt/urn. '. __ • .
' ' Distriet Attorney-15'm. 3, Shearer.
. ' Prothonotary-I'llllin tfulgley.
" • floeorder he.t—Dantel 8. Croft.
Begister—S. N. Enstainger.
High Sheriff—Rohl.. Dreartney; Deputy, S. Keepers.
- County TretteurerSlnee, urictiyr,
' .Coroner—Mitthell Ml.Clellatt;
- ' - County Commissioners—Andrew Kerr, Samuel Me.
gnw, Nathaniel U. Lekele. Clerk to Commihsloners,
James Armstrong. .
- Directors .of the 'Porte. , -Dertrpte Brindle, John C.
Drown, Bantuel Tritt. Superintendent of rflOr lieu, I
''—Joseph Loitarh.
. .
Chief Burgoes—Wlllintir Curt.
Aesibtaut. lturgess--Freneis Ea),lic
Town Council—J. 11. Parker (President) John Out
eintil, Robert .Mooro, Jammu M. A lieu. William Cameron,
John D. ding., 111clutel Holcomb, .Michnol_Mhlll:ll,
Peter Mouyer. .... . .
Clerk to Cintoril.—Thoe. 1). Mahon.
ColOtablits--.)ecob Bretz, 'High Constable; Hobert
McCartney, Ward Coutd/thie•
Justices of the Peaeo—A. L.. t 4ponelek, David Smith,
111 , :heel lloiroub,Stephou Keepers.
ell U ItOCUES.
flnit Presbyterian Church, Northwest angle of Con
' tra Swum Hay. Conway P. Wing Pastur.—Servlcts
ever; Sunday Morning oil! o'clock, A. M., and 7 o'clock
P; M.'
Second Presbyterian Church, corner of South 1 allover
and Pomfret streets. Rev. Mr Eallh, Pastor. Services
commence at II o'clock, A. :U., and 7 o'clock P. M.
St. John's' Church. (Prot. Episcopal) northeast angle of
Contra dqusro. Rev. Jacob B. Moro., Rector. • Services
at II o'clock A. M., sod o'clock, P. M.
Roglith Lutheran Church, Bedtiord between Main
and Loather streets. Rev. Jacob Fry, pastor. Services
at.. 1.1 o'clock A. M., *lid v. 4 o'clock P. M.
llertuan Reformed Church, Loather, between Ilan.
. .
over and l'itL strouts. ltev. 'A. 11. Kremer. Pastor.—
, Ipervices at 10, 1 4 o'clock A. 111, and ~ 3 41 o'clock P. 314 - •
.Methodist V Lurch, kfirst eltarge) coma. 0 1,dain and
rift Streets. Her. It. D. Chambers. Pastor. services at
11 o'clock M , M. aid s'elock P. AI:
Methodist E. t 'hurch (second charge.) Rev. A. A.
- Meese, Pastor Services In College ehapel, at 11
o'clock A. M. al 4 o'clock, P
`Wotan Catholic Church,' Pomfret near East street.
Rev. Linden. Pastor. , Services on the 2nd Sun
day slouch month.
Merman Lutheran Church xot tin. of Pomfret and
Bedford streets. lice. C. Pabst., Pastor. Services at
11 o'clock, A. 31., and o'clock. I', M. •
49-Wheu changes In the above are necessary the
persons ere mittested to u , llfy us.
Rov.eharles Collins, I). 1)., Pros!dont and Professor. ub
Moral &Wm,
, Bev. Enronut M. Johnson, M. D., Profensor of Philoso
phy and •Euglish literal um.
Jame,. 15' Slaralinlr, A. M., Profennur of Ancient lon.
ltev. Wan. L. lionwell. A. M., Profesalr of Mathematic.
IVilllaul U. Wllauu, A. M., Prole or of Mural iirleueu
and Curator t1i3111.. 111u,,umu. . •
Alexander 64.kum, A. 3., Professor Of Hebrew and
Modern languages.
Samuel L. Millman, A. M., Prloscipal of the Grammar
&taxa. •
B. F. Purcell, A. 8., Asslblinit In the.Grinnuir School
Al,'row flair. Plealtlout, 11. Buxton, I'. Quigley, E.
COMMA U. C. P.llumurlch,J. Jiawiltul4 keerettlry,Jason
W. Eby, TreiLaurer, John liphat, 3lessongcr. Sleet 011
the lat Mowluy °reach month at B o'clock At 31. at Ed
11, CARLISLE DEPOAIy BANR.—Premidont, Richard Parker,
. — Cashicr. N. C. 31usselinau; Clurku, J; P. Hasler. lames
. ltodey, C. IV. Reed; Matters. Itirburd Parker. Thomas
Pastan, 310ses Bricker, Abrultaui Basler, Jacob Loily,
11, C. ‘Veedward, Win. 11. ►lullin, Samuel 1111erry and
John' 'Lug.
Frederick %Valli,: Secretary and 'Treasurer, Edward 11.
Blddla; fiupurlulbudmlt, U. N. Lull. - Passenger trains
twice a day. Eastward leaving Carlisle at 10.39 o'cleck
A. V. and 4.011 vielOck P. ►I. Two trains every day
Westward, Icaring,yll•llslu nt 0.00 o'clock A, ►1„ and
2.511 I'. M.
trick Watto; Sucrotary, JAnnuol Todd; Treaather,
M:llniamn;'Diructora. Y. Watta, Richard Parker, Lanni.
floury liaziton, J. W. Elq,
John 1). Gurgan, 11. C. Woodward. and . 1.7.-M. Iliddle
• VALLKY Jobu N. ker.
rott; Cashior. H. A. Sturgeon; Toiler, Jos. C. llolTor.-
--b in i nT, i r l ' eVa j' il " V n B o;!;lT, 'r .li ' ili t n . it n i;
nlap. Ilobt. C. sturrntt,
turiteuu, and Coptulu John Dunlap.
Comberion^. Stan Lodge No. 197; A. Y. M. meets et
Marlon hall .on the !.;nd and An Tuesda):i of every
131..101uns Lod , zo No 2(10 A. Y: Jl. td Thum
daY cselt mouth, at Mnrinn.linii.
Nog, 1,,4;010 91 1. 0. of 0. 1 , ....111eets Monday
ivoning, at Trouts building.
' •
- Tlitr*Unlon Flre Company .waA organlred In 1/80.
- ' , Prost& ; Ire -Preside,/ t - Willlam -
Porter; Secretary. Thin Common; Treasurer, I', Mon.
en-Company meets thu Omit Saturday In olarelk, June,
ptti tittd - Deeeniber.
Thu Cumberland Fire Company was Iniltuted -- Yebru•
ary 18, 1809: President Robert-McCartney; Secretary..
Quttley; Treaeurer. IL S. Hitter. • Thu com any
Janata on thu third Saturday .4 January, April, July,
and October/
• Thallintd WI-U Dose Company was Instituted in March.
1855'. president: 11. A.•tburgoono VD. PreshlentJanies
• - .11.-McCartney; tioilretary, Saiduol 11. Gould; Treasurer,
-"Joseph -D. Ifallturt. The 'company meats the second
- SaEurdity.olJammiry, April July. and October.
OF 119.6,1L'AG5,,
• - ,
Poetaue enull.lettereet ouedtalt ountte weight , Or vu
der. 3 , ttenteepre prdd. exeopt to Californle or Oregon,
Whiehle 10 eon. it prepaid. ' '
Pasta., mettle, ilertild "—Within the County,- 1140 1
?Within . the State 13. curatelier.yenr. Tunny part ot the
United titatee '2.l‘toote ' Polo a.te on all transient, papore
-under 3 -outwit in.rielalit.-theeitt proludd or two cents
unpaid. • Advertised , letters, to La, Ileum] with the matt'
uf Folr , tvtieWirt '• • • tx .
, eTTNT !NO? . .„.() FFIE,
S. 11; Cork of the Main St
tietc- We copy the following piece front the
poetical scrap-book of a bitty friend... It wan
written some ysgsl9-Lti, and, we believe, watt ,
one of the author's first. attempts in the
eraryfine.—[ED. llKnat.n.
_~..~~.,i_~i~i~r~.c~a~L~:Lu ...~,~_
—tom 9'ha-nan~rle~a-Fraee
The oyo that flonti•d in ita Ihjuld lipt,
Softly as a star In treaven.'.' . •-• •
Tom Mimre once sung of •' black eyes and mild blue,'!
Hut I know a calni grey Pye worth the two; •
It's as pure as a ,tar in . beuven above, - --
And every bright glance brings a dream of love.
'Bove that rye thrire's a high and brantiful brow,
As brhilit as the sunlight, as harms the snow;
And thefe. iu calm loveliness, e'er is 'ensbriu'd
A story of purity, kindness and
'Nenth ihat eyo thorn's a itch and gloripus lip, •
As sweet as the wild-nine which honey-bees' sip;
And that dimple-girt mouth is a fair little cell .
Where words, horn bf kindness, through life shall
der dwell.
With that mouth there's n voiroMosoft and As sweet
An. the Zephypharrin music when the forest Oven
Yes,its,tune IX no towno the summer,windo' sigh_
Mourning sad through the volley ashen fair flowers
• .
With that voice thert's a torneas graSefal and fr..e
As the wild fawn the toundriVer the 11143 , 4011mM
• . ea;
And each motion Is pure as the Streanilet'S clear wait'
Flowing gently along thg vLolet;eirave.
With that form there's a foot much nester (Ile true)
_ Then the one of `•hair Ellen "flint, Walter Scott drew.
And its - step Is as Ilubti-and - iis soft. - and - as Mar - -
As au echo's dream-murmur, or the lath n",,5 of Snow
[Saccned for tho . liorald.
• [From Ur: Wn,hlnvton Ultiou of OA. 17th.) -- -
' [The ;incidents narrated in:-the 'following
lines ;are literary'lrue. They were connutlnf
.emed to writer by n gentlemaw — who'hati
long held nn important office in the"service of
the gOveratnient at Wahhington. • lnfife boy
hood he planted the twig.vaiieli - beenme " The
Ohl Cherry Tree;" .nnd, during h tecent visit
to-his venerable mother, occuryd his canton ,
lion with the. robins, and 71" cl beautiftil plea
for their protection.]
Alloy from the tumult of Way life,
Afar from the musical ore— .
• The m u sical. Moaning •
Lien tue native borne, that Isle of bliss
In the occau of llemmy.
It sleeps In the arms of the gentle hills;
.311,1 swallows green and still—
pearefui and green and kill—
Like it song-bird lulled In Its leafy nest,
Unheeding liliOtt storm and 111.
Within the garden's ',hollered nook,
In the Ifeautifui, long fled yettra.
The golden, ovanished'years—
I planted a tree with lad'ish bands,
And a hem t unchilled by tears
Tho • vary'ing Nearuns went. aid same,.
• Through "(drake and fain and suow—
Thn.ngh fiery heat and snow— •
I watched the leaves unfold or fall,
And the yallgtree thrive and grow.
It gathered strength in rain and sun,
1111 over the homestead roof—
Thu dear old homestead roof—
It wove through the blue of the summer sky,
Ifs green and wive( woof.
Thick .clustered, like hopes in light young hearts,
Spring left it vy,hlto with flowers—
With delicate, snow flowers—
And the tempting fruitage decked the boughs
In the early autumn hours.
lint matilloml came as seasons sped,
• Drifting on like a noiseless Ilde—
A inrlft. rehistless tide;
And I journeyed but from the homestead door,
As life's path grew str . ange and wide.. • .
I •
wateli no more the budding bOughs,
As In tNehours long pa• t
The hours forever pest:
I.lf -buds tot lb Inmes.likythe elterry.bleems,
Where the fruitage falls at last. •
Ah, ninny forms, in the solemn vents,
Buse pissed from that open dour—
. From the Meetly open deur—
Fume come anti go Jike the. restless tides,
J And some return no more
The cherries blacken in the sun, .
While the robins' build nod. sing 7
• 'Mid ti,, ladeUbranches sing—
But winter bath etinte to some I love,
LW both but one sweet spring!
Where-the green leaves stoop to the window-pane,
My, moil!, site and dreams:—
In the shadow sits and dreame—
Like voices of the olden time,
'Their musical murmur seems.
Through the lifted boughs the sunbeaMs canto
To bless her unaware- - • '
Like angels, unawaie—
Aad the birds with nlttie fill her hours ,
Of lonely grief or rare. -
Of late I nought theolden roof.
With a reeling of toga and pride
- Of 1a2,11 joy and pridi;—.
la the quiet sluidedf the cherry tree,
found me at her side. •
But the robins lightened each luscious bough,
Till I said In cement tone—
With tiger,-earnest tone—
I Would lake the lives of the dainty thieves,
Who FOAM - ITM of my Own.'
And then, an if an angel ipake, •
With reverent lip she maid--; •
With ealutly tone she raid—
When I feel I ciiinnt praise my and
For tint; bleemings round me epreed— .
When I c.annot prairie my tiod enough '
For Ilia grace and mercies
So Nil and rich and free— •
I CALL - ein Inner LereirNONOBTeRS:ficELT --
TO PRAh3I: him ALOUD I'OR 11a 1"
Obi precious words rmiti hallowed lips I -
l'ingiugiont like err anthem clear—: • •
Like a holy antlii;in clear— •
Afar In the rush of the busy world, •
They are tousle In my ear. •
Lima wane the tree o'er the hetnextend roof,
Through the euniniera bright and calm— . •
- '.Through merry sumnier'scalcaL— ••••
May the aii,ng— birds cl.:1111i to the ripening boughs,
And tang for her their psalm..• ' • ,
.POISTLAND, MIIIIIO, OCtarr, 1858. -- ;
You . nee, grandmother...
perforatd nn aperture in 'the apex with tt,cor
responding Aperture in the base.'apti by ap
plying t heyigg tlie 'lips, /MA' tbreibly
ing the breath, the,shell is entirely discharged
of its eotttimm,". ' ••.
.•141ese'tity soul," cried, therdd lady. .!what:
wonderful ithprorements they do make. Now,
in • my young
,ddys, we just madp hole' • at
,each eiteatid "suAked:'!
.• • '
1 64 Ann this is the fellow that wants to marry
m,t daughter! A pretty tool l should be to
.A nide to a coward like him'!" So shout- I
ed honest Master Joss, the sacristan of the ca
thedral ofXienim, as he stood in the public
'room, of the " Adam and Eve" 'Btu, and looked
a ffet--tha....auge.y„..refiniating,_',figure—of Mahler_
tinker, the head-mason. .
1e 'As he spolte,. an . honest you n g gardener,.
Aamed_GAbri el,_entered.LtuuLfor_a_tuoinint
1 the pull li's.handsomn face flushed high, as he
'thought the sacristan's word's were directed at,
him: For it wa s an old, -old. story. Gabriel
and Annie had played together and loved each
other before they knew the meaning of the
Iword love: and -when, .a few months before,
1 they had found it. out, and Gabriel Proposed
to. make Annie 'his wife, her father rejected
I hint with scorn. 'The young gardener had
little to offer besides an, hottest heart, and a I
pajr el' industrious hands. while Master 0t.d.1
Ikar, the mason, had both houses!'and Maney, I
To him then, surely_against lier will, was thel
! pretty Annie promised ; and poor Gabriel ke t
away from the sacristan's pleasant: cottage,'
Manfully ' endeavoring to root out' his love!
while exterminating:the weeds in his garden.
But somehow it happened that, although the I
: docks and thistles withered and died, that oth
er pertinaidotts plant, clinging. and twining -
like the wild c . onvolvtdous, grew and flourish•
ed, nurtured, perchance,. by an. occasional
distant glimpse of sweet Annie's . pale cheek
and drooping form. - -
- So matters stood. when. one day,.as Gabriel
was passing through if crowded street.; a neigh
bor hailed him 1. - . ... : • ..,' ~...--.- -..-. -.I-,.
Great tiewo, my boy! glorious news! Our
Leopold 11 . 4,1 been ehoseu Emphror tit Fratilt
fort. Lon , .; live oho house of Austria! lie. is
to make his triumphal. entry here in a day or
two. Come - with me to the 6 Adam and Eve,'
arid we will drink nig health', ala hear air
-about it,'
In spite of his dejection, G,tbricl weulcl have
geen noirtre'son of Vienna it' he had refined
thd+ invitation; and. waving his cap in sym
p:lth§, with his comrade's enthugitsm; he has
tened with him to the inn. .•
We have alieady seen how the unexpected .
appearance .and more unexpected words of
Nld•der .loSs . met him on his eutranee. — ln the
height of his - itulignatiou; - the - sacristan - did' nor
- obserVe - • Gabriel, and continued in the same
1 declare, rd.give' this moment full -and
free permissioil te,woo and win my" dotighter
to any honest: young fellow who would wave
theimuner in my-Srmtd tiy, and think her well
rid of that cowardly Tlll/14011.'
.Proin tiine immemorial, it had been the cue
tom in Vienna. whenever the emperor made
triumphal entry for the tOteriittan -or the ca- I
I hedral to 'stand on Ihe. very pinnacle of the
highest tower, and wive a banner while the
processionlota , ,fol: — Bitt .Mirstei , Joss was Old
stiff and rli - O - umatic and such an - exploit would
'have bean quite as much out af, his line as
dancing on a tight-rme. -It was,. therefore,
needful for him to provide a ••üb , titute: audit
never oceurrM to hint that his intended son
in-law. who professed sneh devotion to his-in
terests, and whose daily occupation obliged
him to climb •to diizy heights, nod stand on
slender scaffolding, could possiblrAkt td
take la place.
What, then. was his chagrin and indignation
when o'n broaching the matter that afternoon
to Master Ott ker. he WIN met by a Hat and not
over-coltrteous refusal! The old man 'madel
a hasty retort: words ran high. anti he part
ing volley, levelled at the retreating mason,
we have Moody reported.
• IVould you, dear Master loss, would -you
indeed ;lo ? Then. with the help of Provi
dence I'll wave the banner for you as long as
you please from the to? of St. Stephen's tow-I
You, Gabriel V said the old man looking
at him as kindly its he•was 'Wont to do in for
mer days Nly poor boy you never could
do it: you. a gardener, who never have had
!my practice ito climbing'
' Alo, now you want to draw back from your
word !. exclaimed the youth, reddening 'My
head is steady enough; and if tny heart is
heavy, why, it Wall you who made it. en. Never
mind, Master Joss Only promise me, on the
word or an Itoneat man. that you II um inter
fere tiny more with Annie's free choice, and
pit may depend on seeing the banner of our
emperor whom may !leaven long preserve.!—
ware gloriously on the old pinnacle.'
will, my brave Isd. I. do promise, in the
presence °fall three honest folks, that Annie
shall be yours !' said the sacristan, grasping
Gabriels hnud• with one of his; while he wiped
his eyes with the back of the other
'One thing I lun•e to ask you.' said the
young man, • that you will keep this matter a
secret frdm —Annie. She'd never consent
eltit'd say I was (eloping Pro,idenee ; and who
knows whether the thought other displeasure
might the make my head turn giddy, just
when I Wallt to he must firm and chllected.'
No tear of her knowing it, fe• I have sent
her tin a visit to her aunt. two .or three miles .
•And why did you'send he• from home, Mas
ter .1 OS ?'
• Because the.xight of .her pale face and
weeping eyelwoubled me; because I was vexed
with her, because to tell you the truth, I was
vexed. wit h"layself.. .Gabriel...L.wits
hearted old foor-1 see it now. And I was
yeti , near destroying the happiness of my 011ly
remaining child; for my poor boy. Arnold.
your old friend and 'school fellow, Gabriel,
has been for years in foreign peps. and we
don't know what hes become of him. But
now, please God, Annie at least will be happy,
and you shall -marry her, nay lad. as soon of
ter the day of the procession as you and she
please. There's my hand on
• There was not a happier • man that, evening
within the precincts of Vienna than Gabriel
the gardener, although he well knew that ho
wo attempting a most perilous enterprizo.
and one ns likely as notto result in his death
lle made all , -necessary arrangements in case
of that event, especially iu reference to the
comfort. of' ail only sister who lived with him,
and whom he was careful to keep in, ignorance
of his intended venture. This done: he re
signed himself to 111.011111 all night of tumbling
from terrific heights, and all .day of his ap
proaching happiness.
.Meanwhile 0, tkai• swallowed his chtigrin as
he ' , best. might, and kept aloof from Master
Joss; but. he might have beep seen holding
frequent and secret communications with Law
rence, a.inan who assisted the sacristan in the
care of tlio church. ' • •
, The day of the young emperor's triumphal
entry-arrived He was not expected to reach
.Vienha before .everting ;_and at the app,ditted
hoer the /MC1'118(1111 enihraced .- Gahriel: and;
giving.hinf.the, hanner„of „the.i ljouse..a, :Ans.
tria, g , rgeously,embroidared, said, • Now. my
boy, up in God's minim! Follow Lawrence;
guitle,you safely to the top of the spire,
and afterwards assist you in coming down
:Five hundred kind fifty stops to the top' of
the tower !, Mere child's splay•'-the 'young
gardenet•ifleW•up them with n joyeas 061). 7 =
Ilien',ctkiheilxvOlundred_weoden Stairs:aver
the'clook-te'wer - and helfry then steep
ladders up - the,mirrow:prnintele. Geuragel . .o
few more bold.steps- half an hour of peril—.
then triumph, reward, the priest's. blessing.
and the joyful •Ires !' before the - altar.. 'Alt,
liow, heavy witet he haraher tedrag upwards,
how dark thestralt, stony shaft !: Held. - there
is the Lewrance. and ati%aspistitnt,
who accompanied, ititn, push Gabriel throtigh.
it . :' arieul'LnwrenoW' 'you'll tine the
iron stopsaind the alunips to hold on by wit-
Aide-only beep your head stonily. When it
is,}inor, limo to:eonw down, knit us: and weli
throw yaw •Eope•ludder with hipobit. , Fare-
if <*•.M X F r. A p x ,Y y C jc.,l"kel
(1 , v0m.'114111.]
en tieittTfeTt_tn dared — Mit
stir one hairbreadth to the right or to the. hift.
A rattail sensatiob of tightness - came across
his chest, and his soudgrew bitter bin him.
• They have hilt inc here of sec purpose,! he
muttered through. his clenched teeth • The
torches below will shine on My crushed body.'
. 'Then, after a nionient :'
AO t
t„he saCrit,,,uio iin
Velterrt of WotheliTimdd him do
it. They will cone; .they now come.'
But when they did not come, and ther,piti
less darkness thic!:ened arouto4 bin, so that
he coup} not see his bend, hissileath anguish
grew to the pitch of insanity.
• God!' he cried, •the emperor will not suf
fer such barbarity. Noble Leopold, help! one
word front you would Save me.'
Ji It the cold night - wind_ bloWing.ominously'
around the tower. seemed to answer:
• Here I alone tutu emperor And this is my
While this was passing, two nice stood con
versing togethet 7 'at the doilicr it dark street,
aloof front the rejoicing cl'owd:
• Haven't I.niaauged it well V n , :ked One.
•Yes ; he'll never reach the ground olives
unle . ss the stteristitn'L----
0 no, the old 1111111 IS 190 i/11Sy Willi hi- , son,
who came home uuexpcetedit• an Ilium ago .
Ile'll never think of that fool plbriel
Until 'tis too late. How you get rid
of Albert ?'
hitit that .taster Joss had- 1171
dertaken to , g6 himself,and fetch the gardener
down. The trap-door is fast, anti nu one
within call._ Mat 1, think :glister tittk: u •. von
and I may keep out of the,way'li I the
fellow has dtojfped doe', like a ripe apple
from the stem.'.
AO so the Iwo villains tool:Their way down
a narrow street, - "and - uipearo no were lion
night '
Meantime, a dark shadowy fiend sat on one
of the loaves of tkeseulptured rose, and hissed
in Gabriefs ear: 'Renounce thy salvation and
I will bring thee - down in safety.'
May God . preserve .me from such a
cried the poor lad, shuddering.
'Or only promise to give me pier Annie,
nodcave you.' "
Will yen hold your tongue you wicked
spirit =-
, -
•Ov just say that you'll mablVille a present.
of your first born child. anti HI bear you away
us softly as if yoti Were l:iling on (limn '
• AVanut, - Satan ! have nothing to, do
with gentlemen whd welr horns :Luta tail.!
.cried Oabriel,,manfully
The'clock' tolled again. and ,the 'gardener,
aroused by the sound 4,11 d vibration, perceived
that be had been tisieep. • Yes. be bud actual
ly slumbered, standing on that dizzy point
suspended over that fearful abyss.
'Ant I really here?' !masked himself, as he
awoke; 'or is it all, a 'frightful dream that 1
lnkyle had while lying in my bed?' •
A cold shudder passad thr..0!' , 44-fiinfc !
followed by a horning teat. a; to grasped
the' pinacle with a convulsiye:tightpes. A
voice seemed to whisper in his ear:
• Pool! this is deuth.—that ,unknown an
guish which no runt situp escape. Anticipate,
the moment and throw thyself doWn.'
''Mu•t I then die Vlnurniured qabriel whilo
the cold sweat . 13 tutted front his brOw. ' Must
die-while life is so pleasant? 0 Annie, An
nie ! pray for me: the -world is so beautiful
Then it :seemed as if soft wingti floated above
and around him, while a gentle voice whis•
pored : •
'Awake ; awake ! the night is far spent, the'
day is ut haul. Look up. and be comforted.'
Wrapped in the bartner„whoe weight
e(I to preserve his equilibrium. Gabriel still
held on with his numbed arm, and,with a sen
sation almost ofjoy, matched the''Arst dawn
lightening up the roofs of the city.
' Far below, in the sacristan's dwelling: the
'old man -sat- fondly. claspiti -•the-hand-of-a
handsome sunburnt lost son
Atnold'who -had- sa64)3o.4tis -side.ther--liwelond
night. recounting the adventures . which had
befallen' him in foreign lands, without either
father- crtton fooling the.want of sleep.
At length Arnold 'said: ,'
' I ant longing to see•Annin: father. T dares
say he grown afine girl. H owJjny
friend Gabriel, 'who i used"'lli-bitrtrforTia - -of her
when-We wore all cliildren' together?". '
The satirist:4n sprang. &tit:Lids seat,
Gabriel holy had qinio forgi4
ten him.' ' ' .
A rapid exclitiontion followed. Mosier JOss
and hie son hastened': toworda the, cathedral,
and Ynet: Albert On their *ay.
Where le Gobi:ler?' cried the sapristim..:
• I don't,'' there • not seem him piney
her3limhed through the trip-Aeor•r• : !•• •
'4,110 who down, '. •.•
4 Why, you yournelf. couree,' reptied,Al 7 ::
• heti rclt 1r a' look ot`e 4tOtrlshinent. 4Luvvrenee
tuld me, when down,- Ptat.'you hod
uudortlikint to dolt.' • t '.;
'•~~r ~Y::.'T:.
well !' As he said these words, Gabriel had.
passed through the trap-door,' and with feet
and hands clinging io the -slender .iron pro
*films, felt himself hanging 'over -A tremen
dons precipice, while the cold evening breeke
railed his hair. lle had Still, burdened as he
i•was with the banner, Ao 'steady himself on a
part of the spire- sculptured in the siMilitiido
of a rose,and then, after two or throe'daring
stepiatill higher to,bestride the very. pinna.:
,:tle, -
- May-Chid be- untrciful to MS!" sighed the
[ poor lad, ns. glancing doWnward on the busy r.streetsrtlting-solai-dcetteatiLibe - Wlrote eximir,
of his danger flashed upon -hint' : lie felt, so
lonely, so utterly forsaken ip - thrit desed i pf,l
I the upper air; until he cruel win strovetr:th ,•
him and strugglet to .wresti helm:tg banner i l
front Itis.hand. . , Anitie,:Auttiei 4.12...f0r thee!'
he murmured, and the sound' Of that• sweet
name nerved hind to endurance. 'lie wound
his left arm firmly round tliOron bar whieh
supported the golden star, shrmounted by a
crescent, that served •as a weathercock,' and
with the right waved-the flag. which flapped
and the wing of some mighty-bird
•of --prey: • The- tsky ,-lnyv.-near-it•-seettietl , ‘• - '
grey,: dirk above' his bend, and the Jle•hts_and
bonfires glanced upWards front the greht city
below. ' .ltut Alm cries of rejoicing came Ulla
ly on his ear. until one 1011 g-continued shout.
mingled with. the-sound of &Inns and trum
pets announced the approach of Leopold.
f [lona !, Ilona! !nagire the Lnperor !'
_. ,1
shouted Gabriel. and waved is banner proud
ly. But the deepening twili , it.and the dizzy
height rendered hitmunseen - and' unheard by i
the busy crowd helow.• , . .
The deep voice of-the cathedral clock tolled
the.hour. '
• Now my task Wended,' iaitlOahriel...druw,
lug it deep sigh of relief, and_sltivering•in. the
ehinilweeie. "'.Now I have only to get down
and-give the signal.'
More heedfo ly and slowly than hq had
ascended, he, began hiu_descent • Only once,
he looked upward to the gOlden star nod eres•
Tent. now beginning to look4oloriess against
thddark sky.. . .
• Hal', said his, • doesn't it look now" as if
that healhgnish 'fork' of a .creseept were nod-
Aing,and wishing-me au evil •gr k d night-
Ile-quiet, Mohammed
A few courageous-step s landed him once
more amid t petabielt he gigantic sculptur
ed rose, which offered th best:' indeed the - unliy)
coigne of - vantage lin: liis ffei to rest oil. , ---
Ale furled his- banner tklitly together, "and
shouted, lio'lo. Lawrence! Albert! here!
throw me up the ladder. and thelooks.•
- No answer - •
Nfore loudly dm]. shrilly did G timid reiter
ate the call. ,
. _Noth word. none. stinbelbtv:. .
Holy virgin! can I her have forgetteh me?
Or have they nillen.asleep ?' cried the poor fel
low aloud, and-the sighiug wiitde seemed to
like a mocking demon..
'What: 11111111 I do? What will become of tne?'
Id lite IN 110 sweet.'
• •Oh, the double.dyed 'secat
drels! Now I utitletstana it nil.' groaned the
old man
,•Ouiek! Arnold, Albert! Come, fur
the love olGad ! look up, look up to the spire.'
• Arnold rushed towards the square, and his
keen eye, accustomed to look out at great dig sea, discerned tifroiigh the gray, in •
certain morniatg twilight, something fluttering,
mile spire, -,
• • 'Tis he! . Itsoust be he stilfliving.!
-- - -tXt•Aaxl.lz.n - nied-salast-eitiJossrJ•wher-e-ar-e•tn•Y--
keys ?: 0 that we may not be too late.' •.,
The keytt were found in the old titan s mike
rtssliing throtiglathe cathedral
gate, darted up the .stairs'—the 'Amorist:tn. in
the dread excitement of the moment, moving
4Niswiftly . as his-young companions. .
.;‘Albert knowing -the 4rick of the trap=door,
went throng:li it It t 7 sf7 -, ' - -
. • Call out to' him, latl,P. exelaituOtliloster__
Joss. A breathless pause.'
I hear nothing stirring.' said Alberti 'nor
can 1 see anything Tom
~this; din over •
the rose.' • .
' Bravely did he surmount the perilous pro..
jectibn; and after a feu moments' of intense
x e ty -- he - re ip e door.
tere_qtrtiAttly_lutligor_o_JiiolOing_op the
rose, gut 'tisn't Gabriel—'tie a gilt, 4t •
A Omit! you - dtritoirig dunderhea d,- shOtitell Arnold , Let ne up',.And he . began.
to idiot!). with.the. agility of a sat.
Pre.iently he called out, •Come on, come on
as tar as you can. I have `Min, thank God!
.pAck, time is. precious ' ' •
Speedily lind dertly they eve him aid; and
at length. n halt' uneoneions ti:4ure, still wrap
p.3d in the banner, warbrought down in safe-
. They hero hint into the • 'Adam and
WAY nor b.r.r efri.Pauretthrtlegeetis - -
a ; little_ wine .th we t tiro -- Under this
treatment, Ito soon recOvered his con.miott:in es+,
and began' to thank his delivers. Suddenly
his-eye fell 'en a mirror banging on the wall
opposite theli - Jil, anti he exclaimed: •
• Wipe the to - kr-frost-off my hair, lord - that
yellow dust -otf my cheeks!'
In truth; his chrle:d leeks were- white, his
ro+y cheekti yellow and wrinkled, - and his
bright eyes dim anti sunken : but neither dust.
nor hoarfrost was there fo - vvip - o 'stwaythat
one night of horror had ad led forty years to
his age! . -
In the course of that day, numbers who havd
h e arirtirtatiriA's — a - d veamtres, row de d_ o_4 te
inn 111111 . ;ought to see him. but none wetai ad
mitted save the three •who sat eitaiiiintilly- bY
his bedside—his weeping young sister, the
brave Arnold, and M titer Jots, the
- mot t ro-
happy of till; for his coaselenee 01148:111111/111) - -
118 y, 111_. IC voice that would be heard: • You
alone are the cause of all this.' By way of a
little selt`cometiA,Ahe ,sareriStan metltto--ex
claim et intervals, •If I only had hold of that,
La wreteo if [ on'oe 1134 that Ottkar by the__f_
throat!' But Inth o' trthiei kept c trendy oat
of sight, nor were they ever ag tin seen in thcs,
fair. city-Of Vienna:
•Ah !' said 11 tbriel, tote irds evening, °VS -
till over 'betwoun MI and Annie. -- she would
shudder at the signt of it' old wrinkled gray-
haired fellow, like me."
No one answered. his sister hid her face
on the pillow, while her brigi4zyinglets min
gled wit It his poor, gray locks Viand Arnold's
handsome lace grew very sad ak,he ihought—
•The poor fellow ,is right,,there tire, few things •
that young girls dislike mare than gray.hairs
and yellow wrinkles.' • I have one request to
make of you all. dew friends,' s rid G 'helot,
painfully raising himself 011 his couch —.do
not let Annie hear a word of this. Write to•
her that I am dead and she'll 'Mind it less, 1
think then go into the forest, nod let the
wolves eat me it' they will I want to save
her from•pain '-
'A tine way, indeed;io save Annie front pain .
cried it well known voice, while a light tigute
rushed towards the bed, and clasped the poor
sufferer in a close and 'long •embrace •My
own trite
,you were never more beauti
ful in my eyes than now. And pretend that
you were dead! A likely story, while every
child in Vienna is talking of nothing but my
poor boy's adventure. And let yourself be
eaten by wolves ! No, no Gabriel you wouldn't.'
rem • you r poor Annie so cruelly"
A regular hail-stot•in 'of kitises followed;
and it is Had 1101 V 1114 I know not—that
I.omehow in the general mdec, Arnold's' lips
came into wonderfully close contact with the
rosy ones of (Ithriel's little sister, Certainly
lie was heard the next day to whisper intolis
friend's ear. 'A fair exchange is no rolthery, , .
, toy boy .1 think it' you take toy sister, the'
least you can do is to give me yours.'
It does not appear that any objection was
made join t ) , quarter. Love and hope proved
wdutierful physicians ; for although Gabriel's
hair to rho end of his life remained as white
as snow. his cheeks and eyes, ere the wedding
day arrived, had resumed their former tint
and brightness. A happy man was t.Master
J tOel 011 the day that he gave MS blessing to
the two young couples—the day , when Gabri
el's. Sore tried love found , its reward In the
Laud of his
?•Irs.. Ames was sitting .in her front room,
when she saw approaching Mrs. Armstrong, a
very public spirited lady. who took a wonder
ful interest in all reforms and benevolent en
terprises, especially those undertaken for peo
pie at a distance.
'My dour Mrs. Ames,' she commenced, '
ant the agent.. of a sewing circle just establish- .
ed. the object of which is to provide suitable
- clothing for the children of Patagonia. lam
told they are in the habit of,going about in a
state of nature, which you know is dreadful to
contemplate '
Perhaps they are 'used to it.'
But that is no reason' why we should not.
improve their conditions. So we have !agreed
a meeting two evenings in a week, with
This object in view. %%11l you join 'l'
I I'm afraid I can't. I should be obliged to
neglect my own 1 presume Will
be the Case with some who attend; ,- look, for
exa9ple; at that boy in the street,. Ho has a
le in each elbow, and his clothes.are cover
ed with mud. !presume his mother •belongs
to some of tliese benevolent institutions, and
hasn't time to attend to her own children.'
Mrs. Ames!' asked her visitor, rising with
indignation, 'do you mean to insult me?'
Insult you I' wus the astonished reply, 'of
course not. What makes you think so?'
'Do you know who that boy is, of whom
you openk.'
'No, I don't, but should like to.' •
'You would! Well, nuennt, your curiosity
Phan be gratified. He is my son--George
IVasitingtun Jaekson Armstrong. What Intro
you to say to that?' .
'Say ? why nothing. Only it is unfortunate
for_ the poor bciy that lio isn't a Patingonian.'
We -Armstrong without a reply
.4 swept out
'She la atill canvassing for, the sewing
hi behalf of the : youthful Piitagonians, while'
George Washington Jackson permitted to
roam at will through the streets, on condition
that he will hot venture within,.sight of Mrs.
Amen' window. „
begin_nt home, ,though .thero is no...oceneion,
for its ending there.
A Wont". tN SNAly,N,—When John •Wesley
iii4,oante ta . AMerieu, one Of his fellow roya•.
gore was General ifglotliortie. who came out. ,
to he Governor of Georgia.. ' The General was
thifijiiing'siims 'feint of his servant:to Mr. Wes
ileeliiiinkr whet Jtie punishment. wpuld,
he. winilitik'np his reittorks . words :
reseal should have taken , care bow .he
used T niwer' fin give.' *then I hope
!qr,',.said John Wesley. looking'Caltollat'laint.
'you never sin.' • There was a 'whole normen
in' those' few' wnrds.l,--4el
ECelltorlat Correspondence
' ;New BI4UNFELS, CO3tAt4 Co.. Tex %sr 1
Ocrober 13, 189. .l
• Before
,atteutptitio• a description of this par- •
Ocular seation of T e :ixis. I wash to state. :dis
tinctly that I haVe taken oat no copy-right for
my article. OU the contrary. I nil ill esteem
"ir:L4' ttit,Waiii. - filiiirif - iilriny ofirriatiii,
members of the editorial craft will give me a
plate-Li-01 eir - column; - als - by - srt --- rdiW Iffy
will save me n world of .trouble .I , nut con
,stamly receiving letters from evers ‘ qu Liter of
the.Umion, making all sorts of liquirjes about 1
'Texas: I am. opiestioned as todit3 health_ of '
the ateto.. the price of lairds, stock, &c,-
whether it. is well timbered and well watered
-how about - its - schoofs, religion of the inhab
itants, romls, the danger 'from Italian depre
dations, and Ale like,-what kinds of gante
and Tish.we have-whether titles are good to
lands-when we 'are to have railro Vl4 running
!List, every - titter, an I.a inaltitit 13 of intereoga-
Aeries ofkin Ire.' nature -
Now . ,'altitough in my dty I horn been from
the-inotttli-of,ice'S thine tothe Llano Estacc 1-
do.atud from the Cross, Thnlices and borders'
ol'Aric tunas to the mouth 'of the Rio. Grande
below M item tros -although I have hititt6tl the
State over. and in all directions ; (Hag molly,
criss-cross and up and down -1 c inset well
take up',UL myself the task of-dese:dbing -it to
every anxious - etupiirer. A SIALt wilittll is
1,11'..!tr than New York, Pcnitsylv:ania, :LI try
laird, Virginia and O'tio. all put' togetiwr -a
!Moat tin which covers so If?, ten degrees of lati
tude and as in toy of longitude -which grows
ittel.preduces oliimiu. eve.rything which minis
.l era to the. • wants or in to -such it-scope of
'sanitary Cannot. Well be .leserib? din a day', es
-1,-,eiolly by one who.has two rtrmi, four large
tl ),,k4 of sheep, a. grist mill, and a stock of .
brews' and cattle 111 lllilk* attract'. it 1)1,11,1. to
Write for 1 and num t 1,111.1 111 itiers besides to
tumid te. With ',..ix months I . l:l:listitelt..d
le.:sure I Might to gn over the ground,
and answer all questions ; but as unfortunate
ly I have hardly, the sixth p let of a week to
spire, all told singular Must be . content if .1
only take thein over the region im nAiately
adjoining the lionrlshing city of S in Mitsui.),
nail especOdly the in 91111 Mill fang.; lying within
a circuit of forty mile 4 northotst, north and
- iitirthwest of-that - place: - - Non& who may sets '
fit au:peruse this account need ask rue farther: l
questi tits; I am going to tell you ,ill I know:
in a hasty 111 1111101., it is trite, hat still an
,In the main, I must set it (limn as a et nob
raisin .; rather than an agricultural region, al
thought I honestly tidier° that with•proper til
lage - we
_shall - always be' able to raise more
'than corn owl Wheat enough for all our swam
Tho.....seotion is watered by the Diiipcsk, ,Alio
aiiiiiiiiliipl, Ili! Gamin. this A ttalititn . Min
Antonio, tlie"..Medina. - iiiiiiiii - ftry s 4111,Iftthiffic: -
ries, thettiosi'or - tiffin - running
ovtir gi•nvolly.or=facky beds. --- lf, there are
more beautiful sprints iu the: world than the
SLu.Antottio.' anti those ot',.. the Coma at. this
Plaie, 1 have not seen them, . and I li Ivo tray.:
el : eV/eine. . • 1
, ..
'Sotftlt, southeast, and ,• of San - Xik".•
lonia , the,coutitry is' comparatively sinlat-lt
and lat. tiltliou,2,ilt the prairies are rolling and
Iva!! drained. 113antiful Mots or grooss of,
post and live o Lk, with hero and there elms
interspersed, .greet the'esh of-the traveler itt
alino.o every direction. The principal gras•es
are the sedge, and different varieties 'of 11104-
quit; which grow-with rare luxuriance as' the
soil is almost univertMlly rich. In the season
the stranger
,journies through an interminable
p Lithre.,alive in tinny parts with the sluvk , ol'
the inhabitants. Situations of rare aural ro
ta attic lumitty are to be encountered at every
It'll : beautiful lawns. :Liu' p wits arc spre id
Out before the eye; nor can the new comer
believe ti it all is of nature as he
gay:es upon lan Ise Lpes_witich in spring time
el) de illy are enchanting
My nn•n opinion is, tint this section is nit
so well tidapted to sheep :Ls the hilly region
north, the,grasi growing too rank and rich ;
'hitt for . horses And cattle it cannot be sm.-
pissed, while in the direction of th.t Atas...via
the range is admirably ail tpted to bogs. With
any thing like a good season this section
would grow cotton or corn most. luxuriantly.,
las the land is M . great fertility. In foot, until
withitrt he last two or three years good crops
have been the rule and even partial failures
the exception,: nor should I b,i in the least
sui'prised it' for years to come,. with deep
plaiting and proper cultivation, the wide and
extendve fields in
.the Medina, the San Anto
nio, the Salado, the GibOlp 2110 the Guadalupe
should produce bounteously. Even this sea
son; notwithstanding the drouth followed dose
uponalte heels of the grass•hoppers, more than
C9lll enough has beeen raised for the wants of
die pope mien : and it can now be- purchased
at from 6.1 to nO cents's bitshel. No soil in
lIM - world staMlS — a. drouth as well as that of
lexas,,and [ repeat - 1 bat with, proper tillage.
wo can always raise more than enough to sup : -
ply all our wants in this section.
If • the new comer seeking a home turns
.._ ,
northwest. north. or northeast. of San Anto
nio, he finds - himself, utter a ride of a - ,coup , e
of hours. in the hills and mountains, many of
the latter smooth and coated' to their very
summits wi h execellent gravy. Between the
11101.111taillo lie green and beautiful valleys, the
soil of icithaustible - tidiness. Ilere and
there' ate dense eedar-brakes ;---1110 borders- of
many of the rivers and.meelts are tringtsl with
huge cypress trees, affording tine flintier for
shingles.,&e.; while in eveby direction the
best of rock for building: ad ft:oiling purposes
ma); be found ready got out by Rehire. In
;his species of material no. region in the world,
is out tillluent: Here in the mountains, too, we
have different varietieS of mesquit, as well as
the useful and universal sedge grass; but as
the growth of all is less raneand luxuriant,
-- anttNe the rills aro dry during the wettest
seasons,. I 'repeat that the higher region may
be set down as better adapted to sheep than
the lower chuntry, while. stint' as my experi
ence goes, both cattle and horses do retharka-'
bly well. In the way of winter protection for
the two latter, in shelter against, northers, the
mountains afford a bet tor share t han almost
aokother part of Texas; tbr-here we have
cedar brake's, deep, hollows and 1110 . 11131.1. 10111
many points never penetrated by the chilling
blasts which scatter stock wherever They Call-
Sot find much protection.' Corn, coti.on and
wheat con be grown with anything like a sea
son in the valleys, and of tnany of the hill
sides. and heavy crops made. This year, not
withstanding- drouth and grasshoppers, we
have more than made enough ~ to do us," to
use a common expression The SOrgho Sucre; ,
or Chinese Stigar Cane, is a safe end certain
,crop.—wet or dry,itgrows and matures lux
uriantly;-- With (Meal) and rude mills, the'
Germans of Comatcounty have made molasges
enobghrfortheirtwn - ctinsumption'this . sesson . •
,-perhaps tnore This.its an important .dtent .
of itself; and whenit. is added that the Sorg
ho yields a-heavy : crop of seed...besides Mach
excellont fodder. --- its uses are without limit
Melons', equeshes..pinopkins, touritoes, okra,
and many other things grow luxuriantly with
us: we have had an. abundance this season.
Many mill inrytiiro about the chances of
raising fruit in the an Antonio region.- Un-
fortunately but' little genera,' attention hue
boon paid to the subject yet 'peaelies are
known to thrive here remarkably well;-apples
awl pears, arniespeebilly. the latter aro con
midvred: •eertain I have -seen
. 0 luxuriont
growth of strawberries in the beautiful garden
of Mr Tl.T;ilieb; tit San, Maoism . ; tigs,thrlve.witlt
and' iiime ior' ooltivnted .igrnpes
Of wild fruits ,we hftve
grown it. perfection
I K grent variety, I have seen least half .
ilnaan . .Appele.4 of grhpes;. ripening in, every
Ineuo rrinii%.fiirie . telliifeiiibdt , Tatid *rowing.
in profueion which ttetonishee the stranger.
1 $1 50 per anunrulln-advancit.
/ $2 00 lirnot paid In advance.
Then we have tlewbe'rries of most delicious
flavor; several varieties of plitms ; and the
largest and richest wild cherries I have yet
so m. That all may be improved by oultiva
tion is, evident. Almonds grow to perfection,
in gardens ; of Wild nuts svo..h.e.e.ohe pecan-ar
the largest sizettrul in boundless ° profusion,
and where this net groWs there is little need
of nny'other -it is thebest of all
Many of thy rettler4, again Will'dtiquire
IM:nr - trairtiatrflA":". - "iTrthritta, uuc
streams afford thelerss, (trout they_ are gen- •
erally -, crated -- the — cemnion and goggle-eyed
perch, the comeisit and swalloiv-tailed oat,
(the bitter an .excollent fish,) the buffalo, and
other varieties, all in alumdtnce. In the way
of game, we have bear, deer, tirkey,
titmice and partridge 4,. snipe and plover. omit ,
rant and mule; rabbits, (the latter as largo as
Irate, - ) - anti - grey - and fox squirrela. There is'
ad tick of game or fish in this section,. and
those toad of hunting and fishing can; always
find sport.
(Concluded in oar next.)
plitdmt of. tie . Hartford Courant, who has
recently visited Mount Vernon,' gives The fol'
lowingleicription Of the melancholy -state of
affairs at the Washinglen estate
A tedioh-rdrive of two hours over one of the
most execrable roads in that section of the Old
Iliminion, brought us to the , ffig Gate,' where
.51 . 0_15'.11e immediatoly_surrounded by a trooPef
blacks, who offered to shotwns the curiosities
awl give us 'cuttings • front the 'grape vine
planted by the great Gen'l hiSseff, for the
sin ill sum of two shin' ' •
.Hatering the grounds hy•what is. called the
,patli phe original road surveyed, laid
nt.t4U4ed by iv4 . Aingtop, , m3ifi g .complately
bbicked up by the walls of the garden, which
have crumbled into it) we - .yore sadly impress
'ed by the Scene of desolation and decay which
aestted itself, _Ti
the extreme right of what was once a
beautiful lawn, stands the ruins of this brick
b t ens. and Tann buildings. around which were
strewn an unsiglitly_mass of dibipidatel - carts
and old barrels .of truinpery, which luui proba
bly beetr-*gathering there for years. To dui
left id these, the gardeit 'which ift the day of
its beauty was the pride of Mount Vernon,
stretched towards the woodland, neglected and
deserted save by those Whose, curiosity. leads
-them to.. explore-1110-shades +ind_paths_wherii.
Washington Spent; as lie once Seitl,the pleasant .
est ptrt of his life of retirement. . It was 'sad
indeed to look ape:Lille beds and walks Which
were kept in complete cultivation and. order
by Ili+ hands, overgrown with weeds and cov
ered with rabhish_bit( linch, is the fact; rind
even the grape - vine witiCh hd planted and
vAte.hod over With,a :rat horly,trootion,--has
'teen left to the tender mercies of visitors,who
hays taketrso'many millings from it that It is
• 'fuming a little to the lea' -fi•oun the public
rend, on our way do, the, Tomb, we found th
oeaupied by .John•A Washing=
ton, the present proprietor, and also the houses
or halo used by his servants, in a state of very
gobtl preservation and thotigh built principal
of wood, and standing in an, exposed situa
tion, a few hundred dollars laid out. in repairs
at the present time, would, in all probability
SAYr them for generations to come. _
y.nssing down tlw rood It7ritGho froth lila
lonise to the eivor,".our attention was attracted
by a- large sign erected over a small rickety
; s h an ty, ,heeetly in front of the Tiiinb, which
ammo plinted in the Egyptain epitaphic style,
and which after some little studying, we true
stated as follows:
Whit the
For a back-grotit”l,
For 25 cents.
And we were, informed that the proprietor
of the c r ate receives from the proprietor of
ri:A tgaerrean establishment the' sum of one
do•lar per month for the privilege of carrying
on his business in the locality
There are between thirty and forty negroes
located upon Mount Vernon. belonging mostly
to the 1111.g1111111110t!!1 proprietoc,•who derive in
miserable' stistenancb by cultivating
piece of very unproductive land, fishing and
•sponging' visitors who happen to be so dull
as to be taken in by theirbunning and knavery
The de-tructive prepensityy of these saute dor
kies is truly wonderful ; for while two or three
or the 4\lolll try were busily engaged in , 'wa
piti:, the mortar from bet ween tiro bricks of
the ' fontb, their elder and more sedate cons
, panions were employing themselves by cut
ting branches from, the trees and shrubbery
which surcontid the resting-place . of the niiyhig
dethi, for the purpose of making chairs canes
and filmy article, which they oispostf for a
' mere trifle to strangers, each one of whom, as
ca twitter - of course, must' carry witty some
memorial of their visit to the tlinth of
Tlndeseerat 'Oil of this most sacred spot by
visnursnod-servants-owned at - Mount - Vernon; •
as deMbed above is being carried on with_
the lull knowledge of die present proprietor ;
and we,woold urge out• readers, as Melts their
abiLty will allow, to aid the ladies of Motmt
rlYrfitill Association intheir undertaking, for
the sootier the estate passes into Other hands
OW !nt, will Le Loth for the valueof theproprhy
and tie hail Or ft% tYir rounie.y. ,
One of .1 lie • earliest Presidents .of Jefferson
College, Penttsilvania, Ives the venerable - lie. — •
MoNlitilan —n man of great gravity. and dig
nity of manners.
In tiiese early tittles, it was the custom for
the stMittts, when. meeting the President, to
rooms 0 the hat from the head, place it under,
the lett arm, make a profound bow, and pass
tlte complinumts of ihif day.
AMong the students was Tom Devoe, an
credt( vie fellow: . II is tilt her was a rich planter .
of liffsiss.ippi; and as Tout was always "'flush
of money," Ike height of his ambition was to
sport a gold-headed cane and gallant the old
Greek professor's daughters. ~
Thlt term she ant, which he bore in common
with the other members of the college, was a
sad misnomer. Tom's mind was more deeply,
engrossed with back gammon, checkers, and
old sledge "'than with his mathematics, and
ho was. more deeply read in the lore of Cites-.
tertiehl than hi that of Hoofer and Virgil: In
fact, he was a shallow-brained, lilly.handed
fop, and, as may be supposed, a great' favdt
ite with it certain class of ladies, who mistake
'impertinence for wit, and tine clothes and af
fected manners, for refinement and solid ao
But to our talo. Tom was one day walking
down street, arm-in-arm with his friend John
Smith, who laid a spice of the wag about him.
Scrim , Alto President _aim paces _before them, _
Tom I7astiry inquired, what is Good morning,
Sir. in Latin r
• -- "'EgltretiiinS;" • was - the reply,-withont---.
Inoutent's .11eAlotion.
Meeting the President, Tom, after'the most
lipproved style of dunkivism, at the same time
"'Diking a profound salem; greeted, him with
•• Ego .runt 40//tasr
‘. I am aware of it," responded' the Piesi
dept, making u :light hew,. ,
This- provingrather - mnsetisfabtory, Tom
posted oil to the room of his 'friend Ilyles,
whom he saluted with, •• Deacon, whatis the.
translation of t itiN sent once: 'Ey4autififilitts,.'''.
a vol 1" respimded' the' tins:phial
oated • ,
Tilie told the ivhoto ittorY. 4 Sts
may he more °asps
imegined then deseiibed. • /
Whether the; et tideulti bored hirdithoet it; r
not.. and iv het her the Prol'es"soe:s• daughters
ever hoot ii of it or' not; . siyeth
mot:" hut history recordelk that tlidziezt th 4 .7
Torn as op:we:Vet. ,
NO. H.