Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 17, 1858, Image 2

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    o;arlislt ):)tria..
{ L. S.
The goOdness of 'Cod to us a, a peoplertills
for ourpublicucknowledgincith :11.11 "I: ,
ful prit Ise. The pa . st and the present ate .., ti
ed tvith Ills blessings Nothing hnu oe,mrroul
to imperil the principles or civil :11511
liberty upon Whichmite Ourveromeot
or to interfere.wiiii its hartnotriat, operation,
in all its departments.„ We are uti penes with
.all foreign nations, filld the Ind,o u.; k ion 11 , 0
unheard within tub; border , . 11 Idle all
•jiry perfect, freedom of opinion, 't lit• golj,l
1111011( . 12S Olir free institutions., and ll..mild
spirit. of our hely-religion. ate inormand wore
awing us. in; tie dirialterhond." tor'eublea-
Omni' institutions Are
'among .the nnisses or our eilizt.. iinitueing it
higher apprecratitm of their niud . a
— deatuernetts'e._--oftheir-oluligaiituts.L.2.lhu
some localities the pestilet ot huts prevailed
our covntry nt large hits 'enjoy.' unusual
health, and we are.blest with 1111 :1111001,11100 Ur
•' till the necessaries. 111111 1110 001111 . 411 . 1 S of life.
Our industrial pursuits are host re,auvering
from the torpor induced by the roe( tut float,'
(dal embarrasSments; confidence is bite re
stored, and business is assuming it , wonted
activity.: ilercies crown, all nor rebut itais'in
Tifetpnil the lii,tpg'otV glorious immortality
wait to cheer still bless every heart. • .
Prompted by .toy own conviction , of duty.
and in combs pity With the eKpia..•, , , , uidit.,l.l
many—of—my.—fellow__citizens. J. ir
7 . l'deker, - Quyerner — of — thettionionweali ll_ of .
'Pennsylvania. lbilterelly appoint Tht,
eight eolith !h!, ..INove idhci. lo 110 el” , err,d
as ul day of g.enitral Thrt . n4.n7;eia./ ou-u/
'and t;cconunetitho.all our people that ,t7iting
11`4111! An Ilia( day all worttlly
assemble in their respective places of i,orshiip
and „unite in .eltering thanks .to God tor '
goetly P tss, iloptoring - his, gracious rorgi.,,
ozoi llio ,00.00lotoco or Ills Awl
'while (Mr 'mails throb with gratitiolo uo (hod
for His uuuuwbcrlid b1c.1!!1i*,,,, lel
- extenelvd.toMll 'luttiou • whom- have.
been laid lie bf misforunn•'nud snot
GlVlliclilider my hand, silo! the 1i Nt
or_lbe,„:Bl l l . e . ,_nt Ilarrislony . , this Twenty..
eighth duty of October, in the•youir of mil'
Lard alleiliNlsand eight 'Moth lifty
eight, 1111110 r lh6 I Illy
-, third
By Till: GOVEIINOtt,
• WM N. 1111:STER
171 0
. 0 h , Urrel th
To Renders n'tOl'eorresposOlfute
The "Old Cherry Tice," tteleeted for the
Herald, was nut received in time pa
per_lt. will appear in our next.
Several i netiril coulrihWions are en lire.
IvKell liCalientleil in, in due dine. •
The-Content , fififur first page me sorted and
• interVe - sting. The `• Farewell" by "Whist"
brenthes-the sp,irilof true poor}. We hope .
to lunir frets the giftedannther:fig:dm"
"Tlitlivr 1 wonld be Free,." k-front the pen
of nu est iinnble'• lady, now it resident of this
county, who 1 . 1113 frequently enriched the t:ol
_wens of the Herold. over the signature of Mat
Otenntliel. It will dottlitless itu•erest-many_ of
our fair renders to know, that IdthMezit this
holy 'has been deprived of sight. she Cllll find
a sweet solace under affliction, in literary pur
e tits. There is it vein of deep - pathos in the
presbnt effusion, which must strike a sympa
thetic chord in every heart.
Next, we hove a lively sketch by Finley
Jolfillpon " Cousins ,":indult article, far too
brief, Nom our ever-welcome .correspondent
The shyly of the "Culprit Judge," - and a
sketch entitled "the Western ot hers," thrill
ingly interesting. "At4ututt, by Longfellow,
a description of one of the gatahling "Hells"
wych infest our large eie s, and a selection
inigeOlitneous articles complete our first
• •
CHANGE or ON stos.-11ishwically. Pennsyl
vania is known as the Key:4one on ht. Federal
arch. In.politival annals, the democrats r a il e d
her a regular old Conestoga huNe. always
reaay — To pull the party out of a •light place,"
but now the tone of the loeofoea editors is
changed and the "obi (2on . e,toga nurse," has
become an Anaconda that has had a plethont,
and in its stubborn fatness has been s e ri e d
and captured 'The Richmond Erainia,r, ;peak•
ing of the recent defeat of I heirparty says
"Pennsylvania. gorged irith the. lion's ..11are
of the spoils., in spite of her cabinet officer,
her six foreigh ministers and her countless
Lords Of office holderil, is in the hands of the
Black Republicans. Oppres.4eil With the Weight
of her abundant rerremls, sht; was early over
taken and slain." Ohio, tat,in the dark
brotherhood of which 'Maz. , ;achp.:et is.' Noy
. Hampshire, and i:onne:iticitt are the evil ora
'roles —this ii surel3 , a sight to ortke the ergs
— 7 - of - thinking -men -Juni
• _their hearts some exPlanation of the cause
'Which has so resulted.
A LAUGIIINO ;NIAN.—A Halifax (N. I.' )
renpoudent of the l'itishfirg Va )
tlapi : ‘.lillinger the laughing 1 . 11:111 town
If you never heard him laugh, you ought to
hear him ; he . ean . be heard tit •lett 2-1 ono halt'
miler Quite- a largo orow4l surrounded. him
during the whole of yesterday, to nee and Lear
bite laugh." '
Oar Post-molter, and the Mail Agent be
atween this point, and ifarrisburg, are ''S01111'"
on “langll/' — und If Elllingerean l7at thou',
we would like to Itetti him, It is true, the
recent elections have taken some of the tousle
out of our two friends, but when tlepse Faro
afflictions have been forgotten, and they have
.1131311111 Ca their wiinied cheerfulttcss, - we will
put theta against the North Car'olitdan, I'.u_ the
loudest laugh, the best laugh, the jallie't
laugh, the laygh all over; the laugh that make 3
every body laugh at the laugli—for the two
'best out of three trials. What FICS you North
Carolina? Chumbershury TeenwripL
reoeived n copy ur ilu Pac,:tie
Christian Advocate published at Portland.
; Oregon Territory. The number herii7:i , us is
.dated Oct. 2d, and contains' the. follmtlng no.
tice of a gentleman, who is well known here
,O a former student in Dickinson 'College, and
who has devoted himself to the cause of elepe
pace in California and Ore ton. •
Rev, Israel S. Diehl, the temperance lec
,turer, returned this week from the Danes- Ile
_expresses ]oneself very highly delighted with
his trip. .A. Division of Sons or Temperance
was organized; alriciiewithpelit'SlriVenTollie
et uperance cause generally. Ile also held a
meeting at Vancouver, on his room, on Tiles=
day evening, 'although the weather was
BO stormy, was very largely attended, The
,friends in Vancouver are active,
--and the-Nuse ; we are r is-gahling-
- : ground •
Itev I. S. Diehlwill, preach it - sermon on !
temPerance, inlha.Mathodist _t;ltitrelt !in this
city, oa, fro-morrow, 'Sunday evening. It is
iolso expected lee - will .deliver a ledure
• Monday evening on the prohibitory tiptoe low' I I
„I.Tooli out for the notices on Monday, and girt ,
biro ,
.00f1130LIDAT0I).—The. Withlngtou Storey
And ihellielnnend ..Routh, are to Ue. duired
one . p4el• undin; th a editoiinl copirol of It. ;1
Pryor Eeq, nflAe ,qouth. ; • •
We learn front the ilinerican Presbyterian,
that the fourth anniversary-of the °nub -,
Men's Christhin Association," was lick! 'at .
Jayne's Hall, Philadelphiti;,.on'theevening, of
the id 'inst. George IL Stuart, Esry., whose
name is associated with - every henokilent en
iSAlie President Of - the - Soci'ety: The
Pred,literian says : The occasion wud one of
anusavl intsrest and enjoyment: It wassuch
a meeting as would Wave been impossible in
tiny other thou the present animated ..;tate of
Ihe mi g iolN community of this oily. We ean
will. not Soon be forgottenbydfiose-presimt..
Long before the - lour for tamittnicitt-tlie7tor
iees, nod! itudes streamed into the Ilan, and.
.ar the hoar, Multitudes more, unable to obtain
ems, Invited disappointed away.. Within. the
Teentele was one af rare beaitt'y and inipres
•si,Mtess. The platform was tilled with 'gen-
Amami, and the Maly of the house and the
lower tied higher galleries and the bOxes Oyer
the ~rage thronged With ladies and gentlemen,
young 111111 01.1. This splendid room nervy
Iffoked , Moro and -rarely aregiten per- -
milted to address such ate trid.lienee.
IV scpx,i Cosv ENTiN. —Tile riqsbytelinn
Ineel ing nt I,n Crin4so: •
. Thc. ehttrelies.tMunecteli with' this Inidy are
22 Presbyterian and .rn2 _Congregationalist,
afiid new churches are HOW being formed with
surpri , big rapidity 'oo37'lu-oaf thesechurches
Irate over 300-Members, nud only three over
200 and less than 300 The aggregate meat
bership is reported al 82111, 1210 having been
iTeeived by profesp,ion the past year, and 801
by biller, and, 158, Ueel distninsed 72
excommunihted, - and 87 havitio. died.
. The adult baptisms its the pair hare been
958; iutitut, 115; Sabbath school scholars,.
8083• hated lunteers,_abou._2o 000•rnuiril
tiont;-io beit.evolent-oldeets.,-4;6261,-as:report!--
e:1,- verngins :Lbottt -75 cents to each church
member;,r or minister:4,, 133 ; itl.talted
4vr t i c rs , only sttoleats—to'r the ministry,
-. 22. out ,einbra,ing'siane in Beloit etillegelrowl
miter chnrehes and States.. Mikity revivals of
r'eligion are reported, nod a ,getteral improve
-11111!Ilt in religious things in must' pats- of the . ,
Prayor. Nle6iing, , lpeat(4l i
lam the situatian of the mad:ll'g girls . ; has
heel' taloned. in thelataettient piths John strvet.
Nulty Yuri; city; tr6Cll - rliti — limirs -- 01'
twelve to to (me each day. renal ifirty ro
pre•sent at - the 'first meeting. null
a goodly ntlialte4^ attend regularly. Ladles - a
all the denominations, Fruit] oast of thus irge
• idiiirelitt, tip dawn lAtil nthers, euntlnet the
11100611 g, 411 rottilion. and it cordial spirit or
Onion nod haltinany prevails. The wort:swill
its intim:dial. , Wight wait& to use lady.
a.'tneitliter tilthe Rev'. lir. l'otts• church, who'
hn-'it.txerted herself. Singly and trust ell'eygct‘
irallc, to ‘.l,,kr the interest and co-opettition
tilts 11111,ml:int
/Thin Pr,,,,gl,rian.
Porsorrr.RlA;l (N. 8.)
—'llltH liatly,-whielt was in session during last
week, in Portainouth. iltially• adjoinated on
Saturday,. to tinsel ill ijberty on the first %yell
nesday iu NOVI.IIIiICIV 185 .k committee wits
appointed to inquitc as 7o tho exvedienes of
theolagicill . sentinary in the vi
cinity - 61' the University of and to
aseelsain whether the Rev. J. C. Stiles would
'accept a professorship itr ii. Rev. 13 11:
Coutitston, of Non littligot WI county, was elect._
.Nlederat It, and the Rev. Nles.9rm. Pletcher
:tadGut}' acre elected Clerks.
IS, —On Tlll'Sllt! . 3` In st, the
Mr. Nohle will be inslalled a 8 Pastor ofihe
l're,byteriatt church, at 13(.4(4., 1111 k.
PIII:sItYTEILIAN SYNOI),•---1110 Ohl School
Presivterhlll Synod of Virvinia is in seslinn
at - Chariot isville. lies. Samuel D. Steward, or
chriAimonir g .. w.. elected
. Moderfili tnd
Bees. W. J. line and F.-Johusou.,Cler •
, ,
InityAsi: or Cnintelh.!.;.—Grtint 4 ThO*litirn
Sap that lin 1389 there were only one hundred
'and fifty churches and chapels in. Nets York;
and now, in. 1i ., 58, there are upwards of three
hundred. .
MIS 1,11:111.11. CM.L.--A mill to the -Pastor
ship or the Old School l'resbyterian eongrega . -
lion ill Ilm•risburg, I'll., kitty been extended to
Rev. Joseph T, the esteemed Pastor of
the l'i.e,h3teriall church, curocr or Baltimore
and Lloyd sheets, Baltimore. Mr. Smith has
preached on several omati , fons melt to the Sll
iSn1(11011 members of the church in Ilar
risburg. It is me kitoivn whether the cull will
be accepted. . •
BISHOP BURNS ---The Cln•istinn ' Ailtocat e
and Journal says of the recently ordained co
lored Bishop of Africa : t• Ilkhop Burns spent
the last Sahli:till with us in (he diligent use
of the day,ltreaching in . the nowning at the
Ninth Street Church, in the afternoon at the
Bethel ship, anti in the evening at the Six
teenth African Chutch ; Mid left on Tuesday
for the lilt of Baltimore, whence he tithes ship
for 'Liberia. Many prayers ;accompany this
Mother, and it is lamed his appointment will
give a new impulse to oui• African mission."
'llll3' Vt.i V overnor of New York. St iie
majority of 10,1 . 20-Yates for Morgan,
rtpublicam Ivhieli will probably be varied by
the otlicial rMurns 011111 three counties As
far as receiN ed, the aggregates are, Alorgan
republican, 17b, 181: Porker, demodrut, 166,
-04'. -Burrows, American
-- At the late election in Alaine for members
01 Congress, the Republican candidates re
eel\ Vd (10110(11i - 1k Clllrdi
ibllt'S 62,751 i. leaving a'republican eXCX'SiI of
' The Detroit Advertiser says "I lucre mill he
very 'derided republican majority in both
branches of the legislature. In the Senate we
tall have-oventy of the •thirty-two members.'
611(1 . y:tie probably twentpdbur;
.vennin majority of eight. In the House.
ilia is legally entittled to Only seventy-nine
members, though thp last Mouse contained
eighty, by the admission to n seat - of,trinent
her from St. James, the 'republicans have
elected not less than forty-four, and probably
forty-nine. This will give us ti certain ma
jority of nine, and a probable majority of
nineteen." Upon .this Legislature devolves
ibe duty of e ectintra S. Senntor,in place
or Mr. Stuart.. This, together with the one
we are certain Ofin'New Jersey, in place'of
Mr. Wright insures lot the republieaus two
additional U S. Senator in the next Congres,..
In the Ninth Congressional DiMrict of New
`York, John B Baskin, anti•Lecompt on demo
twat, has been officially declared elected by 18
• majority. ,
governor Packer has issued a writ for the+
holding of an extra election in Perks county,
r n member of Congress from the Eighth
Di trim, vice .1. Glancy Jones, resigned ou the
30,11.Decomber. •
• Tin , full role in Illinois, pn the State ticket,
DA far as reported. shows the following nggre
gate: ;
.dentocratic :115,52P:
publitnit untjoritP 4 v 047. And yet. with a
P a—majority in their l'avor, flo.. republi
c in consequence oil iniquitous apportt ion
!ate, elect _on ly fouro4t or the nine.Congt cos
f ut.n . toll Atninority ot' the Legislature,
Ntisa 4tnelia, Pinkney, ono uf I he;nld . mit
witiutpst outpiished ladies of Anal \
dird'on the 4th haat:. iii the 301.1 t year ot' hei
ago. • The Annotiolis Gazette says
_tier industry was )vonderful,
or the State Penartment bellr evidence of a
sill in p , nintitufhip, and a capacity tor lined
-- nu. s, rarely. met...avitia_in.yumeit.........After Ater
seventieth AO' wrote fifteen hundred,
closely written lieges, full of the stores of her
_rich mind and ettitivated.t note, eolely for,iho
'perusal and griititication of those -, who cheered
.• the last days -Of her bodily stlffering. In all
this tribute of affection there is no sacrifice of
the truth she tuvett/to well—Lno exaggeration
of the reality. `As an evidence of-the powers
of ltd inin4 and the rapidity-of- her mental
conception, may..ment ion:that tirli:eviThnsi
ter "seventieth year f3lie wrote in six weeks ,
five vertex of excellent poetry, on , fhe,
übjeof of the Queeiis of England, without Ihe
insure of a line or-ohange of u void.;
Or Annuli anati.
itleteorolcigiSal Register for 'the,Week
Endh.g November Bth, 1858.
S ttur4nLy_
NI n.
+'l'ho lea. o
ram rt thr.•
CLOSEL),—To..morrow, being
Thanksgiving day, the Carlisle Deposit Bank,
a . 041 the Cumberland Valley Bald:, will I.toth
P.R9CEEDINGS Couivr.-10vm
JOhn Fishburn s' itteoh Ilannnons:—Ap
peal :from the doek . et of T. C. Miller, Gsq. • —
The idaintill in this action elaimed - to' recover
dantagem'from the defendant, who was his ten
ant, and occupied . the Meeting IlenseSprings
farm for about three years. Our hearing the
evitfetiee, the jury found for defentrapt.''Miller
for plaintiff, Watt's and Parker for defendant
The defendant Iletendant was,chorged On - fZittr - difriiro4 -
bills of indietmen . i . , - .Oith7baring forged the
names of sCreral residents or South Middleton
and Dichinson townships - ill tlleck's on theCar
lisle Deposit Bank, awl hurl. g 'them cashed
by some or the merchants' and tavern keepert;
of the borough. Ile made 110.derellee. but
plead Only, Itud was sentenced by the Cohrt
to your years and six' Mobil's confinement "fit
il i a _Eastern Denitemiary,,,a: . line .. q $.
costs of prosechtion or the indict
m'ents, and sentence
. oponthrot hers was *SUS
73barp tor delendant.' •
Connnonwualth John Hider and 'Sat'alt
Miler. ---,Mire T In; 11011 , 1:m1a wi,reeharg
ed wit irhaving. cati n sed the death,of their infant
child, aged. about ,ievett seek~ in' May lout.
:Chu reside. near \ l , elontielotrg.. rots
the auddeo death orilui shill; the Corohcr was
called in to hold 101 11111ilkii 1011, and 'iron their
verdict they were arrested. large anoi:tuni
of medial testittiony waTf . presented..l a t lie jury,
,rspeeting. the-evidences-of-death-by- kningu
billow and _sitflocation.__ The jury returned a
verdict „ not guilty." Shearer for Com
ton wealt It: and IWat t s and Todd Tor
delta. -
Contn wealth ex. ,lane Furnatii---LuriTily.
Defendant not arrested. , -
Cominonwenlth rn..Alexajult:r.
--,-Larerviy. Indict unlit igitoredljy Gralui Jury.
Cold rx Lane Itingwnit —Arrant! mid Bat
tery. Bill ignored. and tai tdint• :11eyerti, pros
ecutrix. to pay costa of prosecution:
Vow. 14;. X°lin D. Caite!+- .Ixattult nod .llar.
ter/. Defendant not arrested. •
, Coma. es Barbara Fennel and. Isabella Clark
—LorCeng. Barbarii Fennel was not arrested.
Isabella Clark plead guilly,,And vas semto
county jail for 95 days, laid costs..,
CoO.vs. George Whilman. ‘Yilliam Bober,
Samuel Bolter, jr., Sithmel Iluher. sr.: Michael
llnbly, George Bubb', William Fagan. and
Samuel Sites--/Not, and Assault and Batter?!.
Cow. ' , Also 4,sault and
fiatrery. , True bill Case continued.
totn. rs. William Franluondine 111141 Martin
Denote--.15,a017 and Battery. This , wils
small fight that occurred . in IVornileysburg, in
the, lower end of the county. Defendants
plead not guilty. The jury returned a verdict
of guilty. Sentenced to pay 31 tine of *2, and.
costs of prosecution.
e.',om. vs. Moses Anson Aveault end Battery.
Ignored. _
Corn. es. Tho:.
trig. - ignored
Cote. ra. Barbara Fennel !tad Isabella Clark
—Larceny. Isabella Clark plead guilty. and
Was sententied to county J Ijl 15 dnyH. to COM,
menee at die expiration of fo, flier- seitt enee,
and pay costs. .
Coral. rs. George'Elsher. Thomas Fisher. Win
Judi:sou. dila:Charles Taylor (eolored)--.4x• .
3ault and Balmy, on oath ql Ahraintin
On hearing the case, jury find (I,!fendmus tun
Coot. r... l'ntriel: Fennel- -Malicious Mischufi
on oath of Andrea , ' Plenti_uujity utut
submits to Court. Sentenced One weak tAI jail;
and tine Qf $1 CO
COlll. Va..‘Villium Bell--.4 ,, 5wal and Mliterg ,
Ignored,' and 'Eve Soot. son, prosecntriz,
pay costs of prosecuLion.
cc. Adam lialcii--Sorety,of 1/u Peace
ReCognizance of pcosVentor tOrfeited.f,: - •••
Onto ns. Eli Butler. (color, d - Surety ',TA;
Poke, on
- oath . Id., tillinnits to Cmizt',
and sentenced to Tay cu,ts oi' iwosecuti.m . iu
ten days... •
Com, is Win. A'. Meyer- :!!`
Pence on o; inane (? , !hi•aring.
complaint ilginisactl. ati,l4saac Ithiuvilt :.ell
tenced to pay com,; ii(proac!•titioii, * :
Cum. Ps. Wlll. inek,ol: yof thr
Derepannt Henlo u ct•d lu inky cuts'
Con. vm. Jtuoe, Moody Sur, ig ( t f the Pe,ier,
on both of John-1k - -Deferidant-ilirviltNl
to enter into'rectignizanco of $5OO, with taro
antlicilmf sureties 'in the came wm, to keep
'the peace, for one year, and pay the conic qt
Coin ea .A.lfred tbr
Di re cted to euter_in,to recognicaece iu the§unt
of $2OO, to keep the peo . co for one year, and
pay coats,
TUA.NAtitiIyING DAY.—To-morrow be
big Thanksgiving day, acid printers, like
ether mortals, tieing itoxiotts to celebrate it,
co have issued, our paper a little in advance
of the.regular publitlatirm day.
Wo suppose that in Our borough, se'cular
business will be pretty,getteralty suspended ;
thti stores atiii . banks closed, ana the churches •
OirenerfOr .Di OM; SCre ice.: We do'
to enjoi . this . festice day with the ent usiaviu
and ilelight they do " down East." There,
it is the gayest and must eltUerful day in the'
whole year- 7 a real :liiight spot in the dusty
pathway of life. lc should he - so - celebrated—.
here g' , ';caking it agenial season where gtigd
chUniviind : contentment pervade every. Atm.._
ily and neigliburhuud. , '
Th 9 records
• SERMON 10: Yo 11 N .. o' EN.—A sermon
o young man )e.deliyered het* the
Fire rolopttniett of this plate, on the evening
'of TlntetZsgivini tht:t', in the Fi'rsitl4titlittran
Chtireh:!h}rOte Patfer.: - Serviee4vEll
looney at: 7 • . ;
Kemal ks
Thermo-- I 'Rain.
150 00
47 00
11 00
I iLoo
- "-.- I
laz op
10 00
of heat hi tlii. 0,0,0 roggiter is the
I.rmiall and Bat-
The Snow of last 'Monday has initiated,the
•winter; we bid edict' for the season; I ogreen
fields and gushing. sirenatiletit, to the'. melody
of the birtl:4 acid the genet° rustling of the trees,.
Our genial autumn has faded away.. the for- - r
e;ts ale'stripped of their. foliage, the 'hoar- t.
-frosts whiten the handeespe; nna the golden •'
sunsets are lost jti llie slfidow - briVitit
Yet why should we have misgivings alike fu
: tore, when the garnered products of nfruitful
harvest •greet the eye hpl.overy side? Winter
has its joys as well as its discomforts.'. It is ,
the social season when the happy home-circle,
~an~etliex~ - itt'a'Giiti'tlP~H66Y~tfn=heartb;;nmk =,
- bitrdefilince to Elio. tribliOilirriiiiids—titt—they—
sweep over the roof tree.: it' tench — iii 3
alsiiTo listen to the voice of suffering ; to feel
the common trotherhood of tiMitkind. and .to •
answer the elhim:s which time children of pover
ty havenponthosewhout God Utah blessed with -
'abundance. .
. ManeArioN . or Tim 1 1 .33i0EY' M. - E.
Coviten.—itits new church edifice was con
secrated. on last Sabbath nod a large mtunber
of our citizens of all detiothinations,,participa
! ted in the interesting exerciSes. . Rev. .1. Mc-
Clintock . D. of . New :Volt • preached 'in the
..Were performed by ReV - . A. A. Reese, the Pas
*or or the eliweli, assisted by several clergy
nOn Who. Were -- present. In the afternoon at
:1 o'clock, Rey R B. Ridgway of. lSiiliiwoio
preached, and at 7 o'clock in-the evening. the
public services were conducted hy . " Rev J.
NlcKendree.Reily 1) 1.). of rittsl t urg•
(in each occasion throughout the ,day, the
church was crowded to its almost capacity.
by intelligentltMlienceA, among whom we 110-
Ikea severiil paMors and mentbersmf - other
churches At the close of the sermon appeitls
were. made tot he people in behalf oft fie church,
amt-we-learp-thid-ofcaffiten—huqrcil dolla I.s
were collected.
It is a fact Worthy 61"-nole, that Itltlion‘gh .
this lull ereined and furnished at:
a man of $l2. 500 the whole expense has helm
met within eat this 11:x1-
i - tile° Will no doubt, soon he li'qn . dated, This
speaks vol i taims in thVl* OLtilltiltletality of
the eetTregellllll mul friends of llte cause, ns
well as the energy of the pa , tor, who devoted
Lis time, &tiring the last summer
_to tniS
This afti,rimon . the Trti,Cties 'will 'tore( ;it
t lit-eiturolt;_ftittlteittuttleiting r tlitpt:its•
to .4 . tittli tfiettiltto mid toilers, :us lolly wish to*
•ectite perti!nitettt
R I.SIGN EI)L'-ELECTI:I).-A 1 a iiiteting.
","of I li e - I)r:rectors of the Gillis!, Ihposit Batik.:
on Wednesday the Will 10.0 , N C. Ilussm.- .•
NAN, E.II,CASI4I. II) Iki Ily .1 in hi; resignation,
whiel! was accepted :by the Board. and I%m.
M. IlErrem," E,':i., the former 4",'lisitier, was
again t;leetel , l - t o-till-that_zosit hal. {tic are
glad to learn that Mr. Bectent's ... bealth, which .
4.111.1, for a long time. quite 'tree:moil, isstif^..
JiCiently restored to - permit him to rthoitiie the
charge, of the Institution. - . . •
Mr. Musselthandias accepted the situatign
of Receiving Teller. it! the Union 'flank of ..
_ ..
l' ,
iitstitni hal that has:lately •,
. . . . . _
gone into operation tinder ilit. most ftturali - ,e
auspices. ; It is ninch regret that we no
tice the diairthze of Nlr.;Nlitsgelinan During .
tin fei"..'"... irs Ite - was with us - his gentlenninly .
.bearing s imolai dispositiOn, won hintlusts il lt
Of friends...alio will feel his loss seyerely Ibis
career in the Da . tilt, ie the subject Of ctainnen
dation by II . ; his business capacity has never
been tine. i...a. 'Oar best wishes for his-fii
tare success are witirlthitias'weTeel sure are
those of 4ery citizen orthe county who knew -
him TL 1 position occupies will even
tually o ti to him a much more extended field
for final ial operations. that! could ever .be • .
found bei : . Ile has lint taken a step Mrwartl
towurds istinction Mid 11,411111VSg. LIM Car
lisliii-iil afford to lose such ttwi as ill r.
Bud while we regret this- lo , s, we, cannot
but congratulate the Institution to whioh—lie
has gone. on haying seettred his services The
Union hank has been fortuttatt• in iftt,.elve
lion of its officers,. dames Lesley, Esq., of
Cluttulwrshui.g., has been elected Cashier, and
F tl. Puntroy, of Philadelphia. President—
names tlrt.,,antong business men, are only
•ynonintous with success.
THE Jlatuac•r Om)] Ni E . — . ll' c: have
been informed that certain persons who are
engaged :in buying , up mnottry produce for
the purimse' of shipment to Philadelphia, are
endeavoring to create as impression among
the country people. who bring•thetr produce
to our market, that the new Market Ordi•
M ince , passed by the. • Town emitted, prohibits
them froin.sallibg their protiume in the Mar.
het llotieV, unless they pay stall-rout. This
is a mistake. If our readers, will refer toylip
dinplit;, in another column , and read it
reftally. they will 110,11 . 11 u it. only nyiplies
to the "Sliinner4;" - those who'sidl - nfeatitl:
out renting a regular b u tcher's stall, and
g . l.ltuilcs'yers - -" Ur those'ilto bring. produce
regularly iti! - liitgas, and oceupy„the outer
Pavement : . Ftirmeni ;tad others. who bring
- therr butter, t n diet, have ile•
sante privilc;ro tiles had
, ti l _llire,
tb e i r
_pr o d uc e the, e:an find a V 14011.111:
place, without j vi, , ;p ;/ ,fm. il ; provid e d. h ow '
ever. ,'rare a per,a ,, ,.
net t stand, by paving it Vet ((till
amount, as usuar, to the lloro,:gli Treasurer.
A PUI:LIC LIBRARV.—We were una
ware, until. quite recently, that ire had in our
institution as a Public Li
iWary: Yet such is t he' Met, min we are most
heartily glarl - to•honi. it. We learn from the
Democrat, the editor of which[ has a ri.t . ht to
• know, that the School DircetorS have made
arrangements for the establishment of a pub
lie library. and have seenred quite n number
of valitable Ininks imdrilmtion. - Ott Thurs.
day e.tieuing, the 4th iust., Etimation llall
mat tlfkoWn open to the public., to afford tui
who desired to actin themselves of it, I,l.,u,,frrilt
p trtnnity to spend the - evenmg in useful
reading. The Democrat, we are sorry to see,
mplaitis that:the opportUnity was embraced
by very few. We-suspect the reason of this
was, that the existence of such a library was
-unknown to-a large-portion.ofour.citizens.
The Hall will be'mp'eti everj.7flnirsday
evenitig,; and we hope-an active,inte'rest will
.I.u.nutnifetited_ll..94r..o9zjP the sntpr
prize. Our'young men could Spend:an hour
or two varyprofitably and comfortably, with
out charge, Willey Would. but do'so.
• SiminEas.- 3 Thero are ntiernbout:eiglit
• hut deed 'recruits sit theCiirliSltinnitatifis nrid
alinest every orrilinl from the Bost adds to the
-nunthor. -These Wen. when sufficiently drilled:
1011 . be sent to fill up' the Tepiiminde inJoicas,
- New Metier., Woshitrglon#eirito:Wy' 84e., and
we•hel'coyo • that about three hundred mill Now°
'lltero.lin , the eourseo is few days. Carlisle; at,
Woiscut„lias quite ts militart and the'
iiipearineeintiur streets so ninny of Uncle
Ssinitrtnitr, and oonninented'
urt . .a-ky - atraugeil.4 7 . „..'
—Last week, in a brief par Traph,_we sn
.tionneed the 'het, thitt the. members of the
old Cumberland Fire Cent lam!, contem plated
the holding of a -F,tlr, for thepurposefOf yule
iv,' fonds x;lnirewith to pureluoto arlilitinnnl
epparat nit ; &e. The Fair will be helii in Ed-•
Lneatioifitell,:eoettneoeing_on_Therejlay the_
161 h, laid terminating on 'Wednesdey , the
22d of fteeember next. •
The "Cumberland' . is
t j ustl3; entitled to a
mostliberal benefit; and we trust that upon
this occasion, our:citizens will evince their
Fortnitnyiyiemrl, the•"Cuntlicrlantr Its4(con -
I' most active in pre);erving the lives. and pro •
limy of o u r citizens, and at every lire it has
been prompt, active, aml:_nsefttl. It has,.
through 'the
.ernitributions of itii °Wu mein
bets mainly supported itself, neither asking
nor 'receiving any public gratuity'. It is now.
th);toughly organized, in,a high state of dis•
ainl all that is wanted to increase its
usefalnessjs a little "material tfid." By long
'att . l faithful services, the "Cumberland': has
fitly corned a reaturteration troth the public,
and we-doubt not its ((dining "Fair . ' will l(e.
FLowEits:—liivery lady fiboulit have
gersoliou,7)E_t; on; other flowers; .i leer win-
'of Lm{ h blunt, that
dow. It was. the remark
a flower ti;iFeeietts the air, rejoices the eye,
links you' with nature, and is something ,c 0
love: And if it, (-tumid luvctyou in return, it
cannot hate 'pin ; it cannot, itin a hatend
thing, even if you neklect it; and such being
the Case, and living , ns it does, purely to' do
you good and to Mrord you pleasure, how will
he .aisle to negliv rt ? We receive, in
iinuginatilm, The scent of these goodmniiired
'leaves,wlifelt alliTcit you hi'earn' hit - their
perfume on your lingers; for good nalnyed
they are in that respect above n 111,01(. pintos,.
and fitted fur the hospitaliiy of boar morn.
The Very feeling orate lenflulls a househidd .
warmth in it--sonie;ltrog
coniforh •
in,; at t
" 11' tnurz 311::AcAL
vet:: rp , .4lllarly every
,lav evening, lie
posi•",;11O;1.144, in I.Ovtl
voluntary itsioi•jation mrlooNical •Iniatetlys,
'older 1111:1,:olvr,hip Prof .Ines 11.1{th,Km. - 1
who ls ttiocir uaardi It nuitit
14tonsie. nuinu the of both 'sexes.
iii one Introngh. We ieoder nor avlinowiedg.
111.1115 for t itononiry menthe!.
ship in tlp. Society. Although lutrp
liangs_ on the.willew;:f we._ 11.-Te...00:3%,;i0111L11y
lii brut 1p "U."
T.l K TS S EAT —Our newly elected.
Comity N:Olianiel 11. It.:ftile.A.
Itlsti:,tta the oitili.tdotrice un ,)folillay week',
And entered ilium - his ditties.' IVilliniu M.
Es.i., retired • Irmo the :13,ittitl. - -
)ksgre. Kepi. Nli ; gatt' and Kettles now cue
-slime the littandolt cuttnitisionets.
fhe rethi;teAltaiii - J - higitrt;r. 04: IleIII1Pr•
HOTI, has matte ft most:capital "IIie.'r,ADJEJ he
people part- with hint With regret. It the
ditellarge of his duties, he wits and' en•
eigetie, yet at the Latina tittle H a c our t e oug aid
nobble,-thut_.he. secured - the esteerti
spool ofall with 'whole l u tratehteted busia cue.
IN S'VALLE D.—• The itT - C. •A. FR rrz
,wns, on Sultday last. itistalled ns 14e pastor of
the German.llvangelieal Lutheran Church, of
this borough, in place 01 .1. I'. Nashold, who
Ke.-igned his charge sonte tlu•ee or four months
ago Mt. F. is yet a: young mail, and we be
lieve a graduate of ttettysburg College, and
enteric upon his charge with vet fair: pros
pects or making a valuable. taini:Aer of the
SELLING LIQUoIt TO l'.. S. Suf.lill us.
—OttThursdiiy„last, the Court of Quarter See
s.ions, of this county, entered - a rule prohibit'.
ing favern-keepeis, Ifetailers, and all others.
front selling
.spiritous or malt liquors to U.
',States soldiers, tinder u penalty of forfeiting
their . licenses. This is tV good rule. and, if
rigidly enforced, will, prevent much rowdyism
nod disorderly conduct in the borough.
•- t e‘^AT n mee,ting of the Stoekliolilera of
Ilse Carlisle Deposit Bank, the fellowiiiir gen
ilenien were elected Directors l'or iliirensuine;
year, Itichrird Pitrher. Sao n u•l
Istkin Zug, 3loses Ilricker. Wll .
limn 11, Mullin, Jacob lAiloy,ltobeit 31 lien
der-on John U. , Gorgas
.1 C. 11noontmt. We'are balmy. to learn
that this gentleman. n grathinre of Dickinson
Collt•ge. at the hist commencement, has
been elected principal of the Point Pleasant
Academy Mason co:, Va. Mr Brooking is a
young-urn of-line abilities,'and-most exempla
ry character, and will do honor to the posi-
(hal Iw How occupies.
I' 11;11 1.01 . 111V111111 1 111, to 1)1.. J K.
tit- ott Iltloootottlty. Olitentiort
Bon, y r r Nlontioy ev,ening.lnti : other en•
g;; g . (:;;;t;iit; I;l4 , ; -;,;'; if iii i6j-iliiiii:e
Adviees front Fort Deliana , ' to the 28th of
Sept collie• state that the ttinin in charge of
Capt. Lindsay, With onvernthent t4ores,
arrived at the Fort on the 24111. Fortp.three_
days}tad been consumed on the route front
Fort Union Moot• Itrooks arrived at the
Fort who 24th imting made a five days•
Neoll t to (Veto and the surrounding , country
The Indians were ven in large numbers, but
could not be brought to an engagethent.
'Capt. Ilnich, with 1. company titles• Lieu
tenant Whipple, with Il. • ,,oantpany infantry;
and Lieut. Dickinson, left the furl on the 24th
for.,Laguena,Negra. On the 29th Col. Miles,
with his entire command, .except n small gar
'rienn,, left for 'Clmsco and Tunicha. The
force' donajtded of Col.. Miles, commander;
Limft.'W B. Lane, adjutant ; Dr. J. C. Mc, i
Kee,- acting assistant surgeon; A cempany
moianled rifles, 'Capt. Elliott ; • F company
mounted•-rifles, Lica.
.mounted' rifles, Capt„:111oLano;
_li comp
mounted rifles, Copt. Lindsay ; compa .
8d infantry, Lieut. K cc:Timmy
Rth infantry. Lieut.WillariL; guidoS)ind
Capt. Blas Lucero Total,iiOmen:
Cu t • P. Hsieh nod command arrived at
I • P •
Itlarfort on tht2slll, They had hall' an en
gagetnent wish the band under the commend
of Zarzelloa Largos, the principal war•ehief
I of lreNtivajoey: -- Eight - lirdians
and' several horsea capture' • ,
The "(cokuk Journalvo Ibe 23d. relates thia,
incident : At the 'Lincoln meetingin enr,
•thnge, Illinois,yestcrvitiy,C%npinin Appler, of
{this duce, was there with-hin field - piece,. fir ..
I tog n ynlute, ;which he. was eteptoyetl• by the .
Itepubltotini to do.. The powilei- being . tool,:
in the course'of firittg the gun
t hn
l.nuuzztu ramming, the cartridge; whoit it
oiled. Capt—Appler, who mai ut the vent,
finding a. premattire di.oltargt. inevitable.
'pet away hull hokling . on to the
vont till the fire burned .his finger off up to
the, Joint, and.. until Lynek,had ' escape(-the
ralige of the ramtner. is seldom, in chron
icling an incident of this kind, 'that we find
men pos s essing the servo and heroic fortitude
.that7Capt — A ,- display,ed --- mr-thkr occasion to
Savo Ws friend from.anUntimely death. Toth
were considerably burned by powdey, but
neither dangerobsly hurt." •.
. e)pg-mpli told lift 011 l'llitr i lday . 9l . .n. tragie
suipasses le mos eirfiTiFtPiiiira — mlidit - ill':
melo drama. A 1111111 nannid
inn court of justice, in a phrensy of aii4l,p
-poilliment :dun utaavdrable verdict, drca'
pistol. and shot himself right in tho &ult.!
11011140, b6fore Ate judge, bar, jury' and spec'
. t ( ators 'The -Democrat sari that, Its soon 08
,the pistol hashed. he bounded into the air,,
and fell stone dead on .the floor. Court int
modiatCly adjourned, amidst the wildest ck ,
THE AtryilUiLAT of rim litte;kaiVr TABI o
. giveS tts'pleastire to iimmance Oat Minm
Satapson & CM. the 'enterptising .
itt Ilpsion: have issued in book fnrto tlieseries
of papers, liy the ', , ,Atitocritt" which formed'
tbn lending:feature of the Atlantic Monthly. It
led -volnintimf.._26o _pa orfd.cis
,sold at one ,Inllnr P er copy. •
' Tie r u ne tit ui have also Amblished, three
new illustrated J11\•r!Ilile books, viz;
and Proml.'nr.lhe for!mtes nP Katy ROmrit."
atm...Walter Seyttm."
front t lin proceedings crate
unions Nl:entitle ((rand:Lodges, in ilie`Unit(d
State, i( found tint( (here are'd;'2)2 Lodees
Itany w•ho'auflet ii.olll Ileathiehe
vows liebility are pot aware that the real i•uuse
iu n;tist inst ttie . ei is a deranged state or the
stoinaelletill . tligyst!ve fitocijints. 'rite It,xy
genatett are realliarly wbyte l to the
. (.41ve o 1 these pytuptouts.
!r6),..`-i..1, IV•rti';‘.-qient of Dr. S'tsrotto'A
ini•igoiato• in ;mother , •
II kIII - DVI: - .11.A11t - I)YE - -- 11 - .1.111 - DYE
Wm. A. lantehtlor's
TII I: Milli IN AI, I, 01 rT.V.,1117;--Will:1;111-1
All .lirrs eno•iot and simul.l
ritlitat r.
GOAT ILl'a IN 11.% lit lived lost:tatty to
1411111111 , latturat .Itrowo or Illaelt, without the
tram 'lair or skin. '
F.D 17,41 lit Ilitt‘lAS liato been
aistrihtt 111 t ..% It dello or Ali, ta:i.t. and ulrr Fa,
tt m mil 1..141 pllOO 111 the Ilair ol'his -pa
Liu llyv. •
11.tIll 111 . 1 r, prvniner a color
not 111,1114.111 , 11t'1l 1111111 nature. null is 0 .- U . 6'4 . 111:d
11,51 (.11 t,•illl.e ill till, Ittltt lug It niay lr la,
-Vlnurd. nod the lli rlfrets or had I/ye relict the
Dab invlgrratimi for-bile I S this Sphoolld
Made sold or applhol 'n 1 private roolosi at the Wig
Far ore ! 2.13 Iluentoa, New
:cif rides nod loons of the United Stales by
111,1;M/hitt lists tile 11311)011111k address -11111h1 It
del pla te engraving on our .11 evill iros, of
.N 11,1.1 %3I A. HATCII:..I,
- A _ .Yll Itl , AtiNtly. York.
43/' `•IA by nrtm.,6o.:lllCarlink .„
NV 113 , -11'11;:+—W !OS —llteholor'm \sl , :s nod Tung.
kom p;itoo.r, They Irght, e..y and dom.
Fittlor eloolo—no tur.ll,l up 1,01110,10
olithi;ho:lll.,.illirdek till , to the way 1.1431-:
aahuunn whore tho.o. lldr,sn We properly
. understood
goal made. .231 Woad. ny, 'Sew York. noy•l7,bb-ly
CIIEESEM AN•ti prepared Ip Cornelius
.It. eltrescutan. . New York l'ity. !Tito conn Ituttlon
innnatieniii_httlarse Pills no the reattlt n long ant!
t. ,
;tcosive Rntrt - itat. l'hey 'tr.., mild In their operation.'
and 4. - ertnitt hl rorrect all Irregnlaritlesi ' -
Ittustrtuitions, removing:di obstructions, a bother . front
roll) or otherwise, beatlachc. ptin Iti till, side pal t ntation
o' the heart, whites, all allertiono. hysterics,
fall tie. pain In the Isn't:and 'hubs. disturbed sleep.
which arke Irmo interruptions of nature.
Tii >I .111111 ED ItAIIIKS Dr. t'lleesettiatt's rills •itro
io • !doable. on they Will bring on the monthly period
with re ;Itlttilts• Ladies who have hoop 111 , 11111,0inted lit
the .0 "ft,ther Pills ran ithee the uttnosrconnalettre In
Ur ellet,elllllll'S PIIIN doing' all that tbuy repinscot to
• IV:irranted purely venetabl,. and tree from anything
injurion, tosplieit dlreetionx. Wlllclit•lnm!gt 6e ruml,
a yonlp t2l bOX. 'l'-I-., 1. Sent l,y mall imrm
to any nuthorii a agent. : , old by (Me Drltp•
;tint in i•Vory toll,, ill OP lluitod Staten.
it. li. 11111'11:11XUS. ~,, oral Agent for the CnYod
Slates. 105 l'hamla•rs St.. New limt,. 14 'whom all
winile•ale ord., Nimuld
IIA VERT A SAN A 111111 Retail AgFut.s,
Harrisburg, PA. B. J. 1. i EFFER, Carlisle,
DALLIcrs )IAiIICA I. PAIN EvrnArroft.-1,. all
Kettemitmat •s• -now
to allay di, u ,trike• at the db.:vase,
lieu, and 111.1141: to core. 3lagledl Pain Pa
t eartor, :11.A moilling else will allay lutlainination at
our, and mike a certain ear.,
31.111 F,NTRACTOII will corn
the folio, lox zonolig a great eatalis:to• 010 diseases:
Barbs, Seabls. Cuts, l'ilafes. Sore' Nipples. Corns, 11.0,-
loos. •liites. Poison. Chilblains, lilies,
tier, john Flcerib Foyer Soles. Felons. Etir-aelle,
Sore Ey..., toot. Swellings Rheumatism. 5.. 0 1.1 Ilona.
Salt. Itlittion. 1101410e5,, FrYslrell l o. IllilgI0Orol• 11w bets
iteb. 5011111 l'ox, Yloasles. 11.1Y11. Ac., &e. •
Slllll , It may aly,ar o,Rodolow that so many tub:-
eases 0100ild re:tolled by 411111 ankle; no idea .
0 01101011 0 heti relleetion polo 10 to the Ilia, that ille
salve ....lobiliation Or logrediiiioits, eavb and mery
one applying a perfect antidote to itr. opposite disorder.
Pain Ex toteloylvi its ellevis Is oingl , -
ear. hi. 1,11, the (hoe is short •betreeti disease and a
permanent cure and V 10-an extyarlor, as it drams all
disea•entit of the ...lean! Fol. 11.111::
as bete tbu illjury. It I. be:ll%ly nutTs....srf .
uu lufnse .1111 011 , 11, or mainilltetury it lit be rile Mi.
woof. m Itleiot it.
Not Rail I.ltllllqor i. genulnu unlvss tillt box Linn tip
t n Merl 111:41 engn“liir, with llnn imme or Ilan
1111114 , 0, 31:m0f:1,111r,,
For bale 11.0t11 the Dentrait.ts and patent inedtel
hailers Ineetultont the l'utted.Statee and Canadati
Itepot. 165 chambers St., New York.
tt l, 17 t`.
Sold by 11..1. lit ErriiN, In.
Ntnliiii n .• al tire - 11Wh . ..tindatIoll r eirkTd — Nia
York box implored the esilleinott among . all ,•lanne
that Prof. %Vold s Ilalr 11..0°r:11ire hod done. All ehnew
from thin Fn-) and bald.headod Aire. and 1.110 silver
lisle •d 111,11 roll. limit it to the sprl9illy tutu unit 1,4,‘1
111111Lie0 with her I,Am-we rlnAlets are crowding lb,
lumped at No. 311 onoldway the toriner In ho jirt Ina
uentl reatored. nnul L/01 hotter (0 1110.`NetiS tiletloo4,ll
that o hiell will prevoill the inroad 1 l ~,VlOll,- Ilium
and eauhe'the appearance or 3 °tall nod beauty to hing
the great Pet IL,. Il,adrx till uhe popular 1/rugarst
10 the vonntry arm tonstatill.,s eligailed in_ dealing . Oil.
this punlm:rtlr'v tOltlVir CH:401110N, MU ors in chit
li . trrieN.-11e4).nre .trarthlevs Indiatirin;, an wrorn
ore alietiily lu tlip toarlitit, veiled by different names
Ilse 11111111 Ullii l bS . llll/ 'cords (1'i...fie...0r sod', Hair lie
st. Louis. . New York), an. blown
lu the bottle. Sold II) nl lirtievisln nod Putout Midi
11.. iii• 1111. 111 1 1111.01. als.. be 'ii ' , alley hod Tuilut Uood.
dealers hi thu 'jolted Staten and Col ada.
vide. the h ttttt system I.llahle. caut.ed 11 impure
tumors. Ibis ibehig eauslA by the more - rapid - artien
I the bin nd ttruzillint with nature in endeavoring to
si not of the Ludt tho corrupt matter which is deadly
mooed to health. Donee the geed lind bad humors
ru at ware ith each other, and the commotion which
tilews eau•es fever and heat. The symptoms of lever
an. various: rinsing linaVillecq. languid. diffleult breath
log, eyes dull tied heavy, anxiety. sighing and yawning
'alternate Ma of heat and cold. After which the patient
complains of pains in the head and hack. great thirst.
riallS.,‘ nod Al!b tli. a fullness ,ibout 'th e stomach, and
sometimes vomithsg bilious matter. Dr. 31ersPs Indian
ft.a.t Nils are acknowledged to he a strungthiog and
unlleine , of ail kiddy of -favors. They not
..nly cleanse tiro stomach and towels from all billow.
matter. hut they open,the excretory vessels. Caltfang
them to pour copious elttslons front the blood into the
alter which the corrupted muss Is thrown out
.by tho ;,ntural passage of the 1 tab.. All that is required
lu tttt t cases of lever. will Iw to talun largo doses. In
rird, to Rare them 1,1. b ate - thoroughly by the tweets,
take from three to five, oighiNnd wornhig. - until the
Purer maim!) disappears. After which, front; wo to four
oder). evening, Until well. and you. will la convinced
Alott.this Is the best way to check lover, because they
drive Out all Inflammation '
" restore who body to a
state of sound health. And the blood and other fluids
will he en thoroughly 'twilled that disease In any form
will 'hi utterly iapwsnible,
Dr. Alorso's Indian hoot Pills are sold by dealers -
Ili Medlchies. •
• " kian.workerrom sun ,to sun, •
Nut women's' work is never done." _
••,•-.The eatiertenee of every-wife. atpl....inettnir gi era
donee of the truth of thle. Site Halle herself surrounded
with numerous bolo oflhulnanitp bloming-Into moth
rity. and her airemly oppressive cares hicreaelng . year
he, voor. ' She experiences no ceseation from toll, except
M:heu she sloops.--aad nit aWakiiiit'heriVal'eaSlag round
again It le is shame and disgrace to bunion 118- ,
Lure, that this has so long lawn permitted: hut we re-
Jilictst het deliverance Ic at hand, The I litrtitinOtiOn of
-uneven .livicen!ii Sowltig_..Maieltint_into families has
been attended with the tenet happy
housed °ltems to have a respite fiven their tehors. doing
their sewing le - Ines tkan a Sierth of , the time, and ids.
leg whetter 1.11 TtIV
.rin'otrw, & BAOI Ma.
do all tile sewing of a eewe , AM'
iti• veto it with - equal factlitY, from ordinary spools, and
the work, it thew will NOT rip. It In sluiple in - ettnetrON
Alen. stony manuged. will not get, out of order, cud is
the beet machine in the market Or family
• Odle. •iir evhilthieh • and.leale .153 Broadway: New
Ititek • Summer et - ,llesten t - and,.73 0 . Thepnut
'pint• Nilentelphle. „
)di • , N TONS OtitireOlt
I Forge I 'Ol 1110 , 1; r,r mile et the IVeri holm of ,
, • • I.l.4ltlhltA
• Ill'essre. Aug. 21, 1868'
Oontlamal!.=Tha doss attention \thlrh our own D 6
fairs have required sines the Gm. WO 110 pert,, prat wiled
us front writleg you eklnut. them!,
On occasion of ffiellreleth July, by which we suffered
II large lONS. cur store with n.t umber of other
WOO consumed:. The tofu. 4.1. 3 lair manufacture. which
we had In the store, was exul4,l to a alma Inienre heat ,
as Jo well afteSted by, the effects on Its..strot ix' Icon d
frame, which. nom ifs linked and scaly ouneam t.ce, 101 a
i - Chtid - 10 1 01 — hemed for Irian* Ono inn {M.
nave. The Nnfn. with licameof molten glaskelind begs of
nails. fused into a muss, fell Into the teller, sunitiThdpr,'
,by burtilitir materials, and there war soon
(no the cunt ntg Intd;hven rennu nil bcfore thelire reticle
uso,) mail the Oil of A imust., 14 40 - Ix where arils,
The difficulty In cuttlint hb !Ito best
t l‘t‘ i . i i f ‘nv : r i l l
- tfriffinifniiirEUErf -
"*, TOLL
of our Pats the ''. 7 nyrr.r!reor, TG;;Ji - t, wu
Jut veigiite, for
•, ' r swea t
llege urgetti let' an • '
,ectfully youre,
11. 15 MUMMY ct SON
, .1 . 14
—l - 80 Walnut Slreel, Pilli,AD'A.,
'Only innln7F In of .
Th. moat relinblo county from lire ninv known; •
\IAI ioN 111 •the phice, to get
good naginwrootyl.s. :WIN 01% firs. Mannlotypes: i•dt•r
roOs'rope.s. Cm von ty Ilk 0,311 Plintivraphs. '
Perpons visiting it Sind It It 1 , 3W111.11 Mein
for their t?, ililo , visit lIIIY li, efitute. ,
N. B, ark. (41 . , dix.E.,
Aull-tii4.111411:-.ll±Y_Dltttyttglbjltylttttltt, 4,111 tit_tbm
wltitre it% pletnYtts ~r
I II protlitt,l Ity the l'ittottozyttitltytt Art It e nI tniood .
Indies and thytttleinett ettll ht wltAltitit )1m wool ISS •
Lures tr nut• and yon will Inca wilt n cortliztl re , ttplit/li. •
In Wioarlmtoil, ho Ith not. by MI: !Ivy.
Pal), 6010,11 n. :kieSii3 Hit 1 1, 111.-riy a Oa!:
pliwo. to ll.:N l I,ii it OM:TIAN D. or Om! cl'v •
3ie.111-- . JMnytlisniteitis
1 1 0 F., 3I,EN
—NI gitei rANTS Otit.r, to nutLe
gn.4061./IV 11 - to tho - publo.; - 0111 - Iton
11Alol At Nnn,IIIA. nn oxiA
In. II Ints /111 onto... Ail, nod r .oldly Inerensiog eit . Vl.l-•
Tinton toorlerAte. .
' '
.?"1 . 1,.• 1' v . ti I,lll.liSill'd a,llllltll,
.I , ltl.ii. ath111,14.,'
All I , nio - r.l , llollid to I .l l o. l l l.l l o lMifOrd. Mt
Nov. 17, 1,•7,F-11m
W. 1. 1 , 10 1 1:] ; w i t; g j. on
lii Ir.~el enter suiluLlolll he h 4 .4,1 I 4143 to
()()I) ,t ) I I,I,()w
y. B L. Trio iit'
vvei .1 iuty. 1 . 1.1).%
'Cord, lit •
Corn 6110111, 1 . F. , 111 11•11% i.thi'r
..... at
1111 , 1,—t.11' n On hr
1 . 111 . 1/14/.. NOV :554,
'111:1 . .N 13 E-1 )1 (in
vdriety Currents.'
l ietweve,l Peaches. Pinks. IRS I, wheat, and tither Irlf•
les nil lie trnenn. julst opening at the •• Hail"
l t • ts."er,t 111111TIA_stpro.
Nov. a,
• • 1 4A,IS' I) FA llt •
_ .
ii of USt IiFAICA o
rianniieneing- Demme
hoc lid 1,, ;rod - elf:Ong, ii -cutler 2:26d, in which
Or" of tine piddle 111 rPgpl•et ly 1.11.
I h:• °idea bong to in pe th o
fleii of en Engine Ilduro. A WIC 1111.110.171 , darted to
th 1e purprik• tat'fla-y,PAIMIOI.I . I-d Lr the Gum.
berland Fire Company.
• Very rel-lyi I idly, •
- - . :101.1 ljwids.
Andrew Ilartith
If. limit. t.
Levi Joseph Freeland,
.1 rAlßioangli. o'hArler, Seicileth
Martin, ,
Augustin Zug. John Lohavis.
PE I' Elt NPA lilt, Chairman.
Sue, In,
.-4 . 11 E NEW-Cone Tatnexe. now nua 0 than ~,.erotc o n
years old, whinh aas tlue.nrat jam nal In the world that
anal red regularly nit an hap, lal eight raire.shrel at
SO Fa 'llia, as triVO veld, and .w Idyll has attained Iho
ut ou'alleled aggregate Ortllooo tilllll 200.0011 stil,rln‘
lions, 're/Tactfully solicits Its share 0r the patronago
which Iflo 'Metropolitan Pram: is haneethrth to rarelyr.
IVithlii the presont year TIIO Tllllll,lO iltlS - proVitied
'their ail!, a ew i listeros Pr. at „gist ow s:r ,isar,
merely that S 4 lo of our subrcrlhers mar receive their
paper* a moll sillier thaw they othia aka wield do,
IVIViII corretionitleats at the most hats/et:mt pinta
throvhout the elelffrod will Id. and a staff of writers
chosen 1014111110 , 111 1110,1,8.4 ill till' l'fillutry. we 1,011(.1,1
that ay. 1111114, oho diSiii,' the leditles of one sheet
concede to its fraukpens hi avowing Its convictions inot
ability In inaltitalnitn; them. IVe apnea] then, to those
who believe that , all 1/11`11,1,1.11 circulation of Tile 'fah
Iti . Ni: wanhi conduce to Mg polltleal, Intellectual nod
moral well being of the llopuldle, to alit us in .elfectl utt
such Ilic'eare. . __ __
1/1111 T111111".NE is printed on it 1,,r0 Imprrittl
nlu rt. cad pullllslircl Pry`• uurtnlug nud r.. 1 ‘ 1, W,
(Sunday eKrrl,l,ll. gild Itoti44l to mthsvrlbersturns del
Mrs per MIIIIIIII 1111111V1i11, : Mr cis Months.
St.l/I• I IEt.I,I.I'!HUNK Is puldittied mery TVES
1)A1* ;Ind FItIDAY, and vont:this 1111 1.111. 1:11it , 111111. Of
the Daily hip the Cattle, Ihnee und 6eoee“l ylartetn
rellahly reported expressly for the Ttino ;tr.; Eureka
nod lhotneh• Corresp Indent., and durind 16r rowing
eeeelon of Vungresv it will contain a summary of Con,
gr•shloold doings with the mare illtimrepot It
MO' utw enntalli n lirrr•ehro , Note!, ..ontiiittril
1111111101, to number. thus :a irding lirst-site family
newspaper tip those. who p. ofer mot to hike a
Tuitm •
(tips Copy, ons yenr I Five Copies, year , 411 25.
Two Copies, onu.year. e Ten Colitis , tol address AP and
m.veAVLEKLI - Titioust., is sent to tiergy mop at
$2 per annolls.
Nl.Ak•Vaabi. IVEEKI.V ' faunae. a largo eight Iwo
. pititor lie the vountry. L•d evoo,:t. today. nod
Volltailla 1 . on tho lo.pootunt I. 1 4i n ! ti, to ot :,,
Clio hews week. Int orosting.corriop" , tolonce tn•ui
nil pints of the morl.l. the Now York Cattle. litote 'nod
Prodneo Mal Late ontorooting unit reliable PGlitical, 3m
chankal mot Agri..lttual nritelos, ke.. ke.
One ow, one year St! J Five Copies stir year.. $ 8
brae Copies. ono year.... 5 I 'feu C. pies. 1.111 , t ear__ 12
To enty ('spies to I toill..,at the liar iif SI per m1'111.5.20
'fount) Copies, to atlilrote4 Pr . , , , nelt subscriber. and
any larger number at tba't ale of $196 earl. J'24
Any permui seitilitig to, a Club et ty or toot,. a ill
- be - cirtitlert - to - airexinverrty:—Wo - o,utlitne-lii octal Tun
' WErKLY Taisum. to elere) men ear $1
Subscriptions may 0, inirenee at ary time. 'f Prins al
ays vaiti II bp. , a thult r.w be' proctirki
it 1 s notch Salle than r, alit bank I Ills. All letters
to by iiddrei•heil to
1011 ACE
%limn° New Vorh
- TIIE Tli WEN E ALMA NA( for I SL9 , ,ont,dnin;: ilia
11011011 Returns and the us,ml writ ,I,dl lb rutlish,
ed about Chrl• Wts. lee 13 evil to: stimid t
li , r $1: lull Ci.jdos pontpahl, S,ti. Addr....v Os :thoye, -•
- •
ousEtioLD .Iy6 ns,
110N111.1CTI:1) 111 CHARLES DICKENS,
Author of " Pickwick Papers," Nicholo,l NieN
Irby," fiontby
Ite•publlshed Monthly by the 5111,pet II or from pilvanco
sheeta, 1111110, sanction of the Loudon iniblhillptF, ne.ll
by-rpe49xl—nrrungetuna_Altb them. Eat. monthly
CHAS. DICHUNS,WII.I.I , OI I.IWITT; 1.1.11711 1117 NT,
BAUM' 111111N11'ALL WILHIH 4,01.1,iti5,
And almost every ennsWillltlN English abler. anti
rendering It by tar aio West intoresting. vntied. mot
1,„014, m ngung .. 0 earl, of tho bind vobtribtat o 5.11
sun's/401y and NO much to the floating literature or
tilt day ill, 01/um...lisp. minks: anti bs
Mbltl stories ttro 1110.1 esloinively copied by vontempo.
runy pubilealiona thou t lost of any Oiler nor!, o )mt.
Eau, sir.
. .
TI It H ,
26 cents per.number,*3.llo pm: 'intim.
A prompt romittlinto of S3.OP will tectiit,rmititriS- F.
delivery, post.pold.
TERMS il*()
'two copies for ode yo or • $ SA)
• Flys' ". • • • • • • 10.011
Clorytyinoli and Teuebortympplied st $2.00 n year. ,
Tho volumes of HoosShuld Words eouitsouro with tho
Septet:abet and Starch ntinitPric - buf pubberiptiou, way
bep,ln with any number deidred.
SSTS OF HOUlpittOLD Wmtbs, 17. Vohs.,
Can now be bad, tenant in cloth, at $1.76 per volume.
- free iiy Repor,_&4ll, p!treeelyt tfinzfre, - ,
. . • . . . . .
We will seta' IIOUSEUOLD w i oitps , an d enter oua
of the followlng,Slt4,miZitallt for ono year for $5.
flodoygil,hdy's Book, North British pov'ew,
Frank ',otitis's Megoslite, Westmlnister teriftw.
Illsokwooll's tt " . Ilsrpers , New . outitty, '
ImmlonQuarteill., , , Emerson. it 'gammas, • ,
Unthat(s 'ltafariffilt. ' Ndfilbur,th Iteelew,• i
o gni, orboeker:' . Atinntir Mombly,
. Wq will send, Ilmisobold It ors with any'tvro-of tho
ttlymmAlevalmme or lloylewator ono you'r, for $7,00. .
' Back numb...ire 01 . 41musehmla Wattle ram Ite •furmlshed
'at the Office of pub/It:4om, peke 25 ceuts'varli.
. stir All uorsoms sttlserlt hg; , IS!: Household Words.,
,hrompU eny. Asserlothai or Isobkselltr, mum, look - to
horn for' their supply of the work.. Address, •. '
• . Flthlthlllt: A. IihADY, ''
No 12.8 NII,MIIIII St. , Nr, 1',,r1c..:,
18 . A.14/1 5 el)11rlit) 1114 k
fer sale at a low, iigare," , t.. •
pply the-11 . 1vralql ",
11,1Iy 1 , 111 lop:, hi
I W. 1 IS \