El 111 atistellipttous. , - j - UST . RtatiVED AND OPENING} j AT NAU(IU"S op FA 1.! JEiif 11 Lair o:foltp,. ' - - - Main: Street, Carlisle, Pa: - • A Immo sup ply of I___ Warboo,'.lowolry. Sit. vor and Mated iVaro, i ~_-,,,.: . t i :.; u r t :o n l , e l li I motto at- 71 If you .orOnt .to ,t -i'' i s o t o o t elt fr o7l„ t ero ' . ' 'o r' fr e il t. .., 1. ~.-, or .1 e welr. :41,4 ond i `Z2'- -I.lntodworolneorli.sl.o-1 46. Cal f-Ffi f We hove a largo nasortmoht of Ordd nod Silver Boot ing and Open Case Watehes to 0u1t, , 01l Fooslss nod Pockets, Vino and Cheap Jewelry of nvory style and quality IP Batts or by the place as wanted, At NAUGLFS. Silver and - Plated Waiters, Cake, Fruit, Sugar, and Card' Baskets, Silver, Table, Toa, Cream, Sugar, Salt, Dessert and Cream Spoons, At NAUGLE'S. • . Fine Pend, fAllYll• GOiliPtollo.l%lolll/IC, 'routine Moldic,Jot llox and ()lass so l t: N elzos bre. • : Diamond Breastpins and Fingerings, At NAUGLE'S. Gold Hunting Case. Eight Day Lovers: Gold Hunt-. lug Case, Duplex: Gold Ilunting,,Chnmomoteys, ' At NAUGLE'S. • -Bagley's hest. quality of Gold - Tom:11s; Mite. Gold Pens and Silver Holders, Al, NAUGLE'S. Silver and Plated Toe Sotto. Goblots,. cups, ,Toast Back,,, McHem Urns, Tureens, Tea Bells. - -- ' ' • - ' " At NAUGLE'S. --s,, . - Gold' Nerkr Vest. buil), Fob, and Chart/111i Chains, Gold Bracelets, Lockets, Thimbles, Crosses, Charms, ' , - , , - • - . At NAUGLE'S. French 'Time' PiPees to run three and four wooks, - At NAUGLE'S. Gold Slam's,' Vest, Collar, and Shirt Studs of all styles . and quality, At NAUGLE'S. Plated Forks, Spoons, Helves, Napkih Mims, Silver — Thimbles, Shields, Flutings, Accordtnins, Music Boxes—a fine variety, . At NAUGLE'S. • Ladleg' Portnibitins. Pearl Weil anther, Plain inif Fancy Travelling Bags; Very nice styles, Cheap At NAUGLE'S. If you want to have your IVatch s es put In good re. pair and warranted, take them to If you waht'io get a Cheep Clock, yort can get it • At NAIMI,WS. " • Tf you want your Silver ware neatly marked at short notice, call At 2, , Zittlol,lt,'S. All width warranted as represented, or the money re. funded, At NAUGLE'S. Person!' that want bargains are invited t.. call At. NAIII.IIXS. RES 11 'ARR IV 41;! liolApAYs • ' FANCY GOODS; GIFT BOOKS, &o. S. IV. II A VEIiSTICK has 'Suet received from the HO nild llama °boilinga r M dlsiday nOY GOODS. suitable for the apprmichlng , I6dldny rleason, to n hick ho desires to call - the attention of . .hla friends and the public. Ills assortment In this line cannot be surpassed in novelty and elegance. and both In quality and price of the articles, caiblot fall to nlease purebas6rs. It would be Impossible to enunirrate his • -' - lIOLIDAY•FANCY . (MODS, - which comprix every variety of fancy article of the most exquisite 11114.11 • such us. Papier Macho Usodsr• Elegant alabaster nod porcelain tnk•stnnds and trays, Fancy ivory, pearl aud shell card caws, Ladies' Fancy 11aA:41,, • Fancy Work M/xta., with sewing Instruments, Port Monnales, of very variety. • - frold-perrt.ntntHretwilt.44.o3 , -papor weights. Papeteries, and a large society of ladies' Fancy station lintttiNeals :nit! wiffiirs, Ladies' riding whips, elegantly _fin ttilled, Ladies' tint+ cutlery; and bags. - 11rusin , s,of every kind for Um tnilat, lionssid's Verftnoes'ofthe various Minix lqusleal InstrinPents. Minix nod at all prices, together with an Innumerable variety of artieleselegant ly finished And nldtnhle for holidafproninits, - to clutch - he Invites special attention. - Also, an _ex tensive and elegant collection .r • HOLIDAY- ILVT comprising. thevarloin: Englhh and A inericar AKNIIALS -forlMP„richly onibelighed and 'Migrated POETICAL Wl)ll ICS; with CHILDREN'S - PICTORIAL 11011 KS, for children of nil ages, than which nothing_ ran be rawer appropriate or pleasing as bond. gifts. II is assortment of School Kaxrko and $OllOlll Statlimary Is also complete, and comprisex everything used In" College .and The Schools. Ile also desiresto call "the .partieular eaten. (lon of Families 1.1/ his eleganti :assortment of • LAMPS. Of It ANDOLES, from tint extensive establishments of Cornet lus, Archer and 'others of Philadelphia, comprising every , style-o r Parlor. Chanda , n and study Gump. , , for burning either. Dull. Sperm or Ethanol ell, together with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, So. Ills assortment In this line is un equaled in thu latrough. Alec • FRUITS, FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS— PItE• • sEitvEn Hato's, - &e.. in every variety and at all prioes, all of which are pure and fresh such as ran be confidently recommended to his friends and the little folks. Ills stock embraces everything in the line of Fancy floods, with many other articles useful to housekeepers which the public are es• perlnlly call and see dining the holidays.,. itumember thel /Id Stand, nearly opposite theitenk on North Hanover street: , =I I= SIXTON'S WAR Syltl j N'P ARRIVAL ' IMMENSE STOCK OF HARDWARE. The 'subscrilser han just returneir fmni the Eastern and would call the attention of his - friends and the public generally to the large and well.selected sartment of HARDWARE which he ban now on hand; consisting In part of BUILDING MATERIALS, such Nails. Screws, Hinges, Bolts, Locks, Glass of every do. scription and quality,such.av Common, Whit 0. polished American, French, Enamelled and Double thick .of all sizes. Paints, Oils. Varnishes. &c., kc. TOOLS—lncluding Edge Poole of every description. Saws. Planes, Brace and IOUs: A agora. Squares, li tinges; Files. Rasps, Hammers, Vices, Anvil, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Bellow s. Ac., Shoeinakerif and Saddlers will find a large assortment of Took of every descriplien, together with Ladles' and Gentlemen,' Morocco Lining. Binding., lofted and French Calf Skins. Shoe Thread. Awls, Wax. l'egs.tasts, Harness Mounting, Collars, (Drilling, Whipstock, Ikea , hair, Saddle Trees ' &v., ke. Also, Catch Makers Tools and Trimmings of all kinds, such.. Hubs. Spokes, Felloes, Shafts. Bows, Floor Cloth, Canvass, Cloth, Damask, Fringe, Lace, Moss, Axfes, Spring RMS. - kc., Ar. • Cabinet Makers will find a large nssortment of VII, nishes. Oak, Walnut, and Mahogany fencers, Knobs of all kinds and sites, Mouldings. Rivets, Hair Cloth, Plush, Curled Hair Chair and Sofa Sponge, Sc,, &c. Housekeepers will also find a large meairtment of Knives and Forks, Brittannia, ABMs and Silver Plated Table and Tea — Spoons, Candlesticks. Walters, Shovels. and Tonga, Inn and Ilrass Kettles, Pans, Ac., together with Cedarware of all kinds, such as Tubs. Buckets, Churns. Sc , As. Agricultural implements, enibmeing Plowsofnll kinds, cultivators. Hoes. Shovels, Bakes, Forks, Chains, Ac. • . — 1110 N; a - largo eta. k, comprising all -kinds- in-goneral use which I am selling at city wholesale prices. Remember the tad stand, East Main street, Carlisle. April 7, 1858. " 11. SAXTON. GUNSMITHING.—REIkIOVAL. C. VON lIEILEN, respectfully Informs the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity. that he has removed two-doors south of tilass's hotel, In North Hanover street, where be is prepared to execute all 'dials of • work connected with ouNsmait NAL lie has always on band a largo assort mitt of ready tondo Rifles, Runs, Pistols, ••• Locke. Keys. Gun Trimmings, c. all of which ho will roll wholesale or retail. Ito also attends . to reparlng all kinds of Guns, Clocks, Locks, fie.; en graves on Brass Copper and iron, mends mover de. 110 has also purchased the patent right for 'Repenting It ides and Shot (tune, which be offers to the public at very low prices. 1,10 hopes that by a strict attention tonats- Iness, and n desire to please, he will merit an weir Its re ceive a share of the public patronage. kinds of Fire Arms muds to order. Carlisle, 4[ll 21. 1868. ° • [am.] ....,, AsIeGOOD.. INV ESTM ENT, The subscriber offers for sale Bonds of the Borough of 'sr , finarenteed and secured by a first Mortgage upon the Corfisio bad .c, Water Company's Workg. to sums of Veen, and $5OO, with coupons attached for the payment of the interest semi annually Persons dm( "row; of a perfectly safe Investment fur their money and punctual payments of interest, will do well to secure these bonds. LIOPI.. Tom, • Pres't. of the Carlisle Bus and Water Company. August 11, 1858—,1f . lIANTCH, ;MERCHANT . TAILOR, ' • West Main Street, (opposite the Railroad office') Lae just received a new and elerant asrottment of Cloths, Plain, Black and Fancy COFFiIIIeI . F. and a variety ofePlain and Figured Vestings, - all oC tyltich hu wil make lip to measure In fashionable style, and on tea veunahle terms. ... ire Orders attended to promptly. and the fitting fa all garmenta guaranteed, or no sale. • Carlisle, fnaylolBsB..—, ;A - RA,RE -ORANCE- FOR - A .NlO- (1 FITABLIIINVESTMHNT.—Tfie 'subscriber, for prlyato reasons which can be iierFonally ed, of fers mile On - ilia:in6SC entire xtjet. of Ilo4kg, Stattotiory. etc.', (Including the good irtll) longing to Shryock, Titylstr & Staltli,„l” the store oil tlo south coat corner of the Nuns°, opiusilte Heller's-11ot st&se. - • • Migust 11, 185873 t W H .-116ving re calved the agency Mr the sale or the Antortest ate , from the Boston Watch Company, I would te• spectrally Inform my old friends and the mildly genet , ally; that I have a tine armament now opening 'and weedy for gale- Ins gold. an di silver eases: and very -fine 'styles, and with regard to time they can't Iw heat, to prove that fact It in only tio..essary to give them a trial. Pomona In warit of a corryet time piece, arwrespoctfully invltU call and nee our watches.' • " W., U. A. NAUGI.4I. Jums 80, 'fit, • "[RUN. RAILING !..--lroti Roiling for j_Comettiry onclohures,,puldlc and private grounds and gardens, medo to.ctrder,,at tho Carlisle Foundry.. Our mtockhf.ltalling. Verandah and , . bracket patterns( corn-. prima a largo variety of now and elegant designs which no public aro invited to call and examine. Orders for 'casting and putting appalling will be promptly exocu- - ted at satisfactory- paces. 10... An entirely now TEN 11011 SE BTEAItI.-ENCONFY and WELLER now on hand, warranted to tutor : the boot tnakryaltd.9llll.ss sold ars bargain fur cash or on short tipm. Tit. - 11ARDNE114 Ob. 1 of ru,o coo l bscr o kbu o r i s io u , 'oulil respuctfully thouttontlon go tiorß of Carlittlo nod vlehilty, and ti HurL pu., l .oor. p 11) to their Hupurlor quality • co aH ~LVKI TALLEY, LUli • TILE WORTON, and tho celebrated Lebbery white-Mt, broken, Egg ==t3UM! . . _ is yard Is situated at the oast ood of Carlisle. of po., sito the Uas %Yorks, where they will keep constautt,‘ on _hand a larg mocke oek of all kinds: slid sizes or coal, WI Joh "_ ICA Is sold 111% , 1rnijny n family uswill ha rescreen7d - bilfordi eltvery and — War ranted to give entire sathattion. - _hest quality of, Ltstsuoustnesaild-11 woes MP. rus ,--- al Nat's on hand and at low figures. All orders leftltt the residence of Jantes lloffeh West P , anfret street, at Snake Smiths Oleo, ten th Hanover Street, or at then egiliellCO of Jacob tihronl7-Nbrtlnottst street, will be Promptly attended to. , HER! LUM HER —We are also prepared to furnish all kinds and quality of dry Lumber, at greatly reduced prleco. • - . •.. 111118 sawed to order and furnished at the shortest notice. AiNAUGLVS At N!kUOLE'S . , We..havdeonstantly on band all I Inds and quallty'oj , Shingles, such as white pine, hemlock, chestnut, oak f' &c. Alto nil sizes of Walnut for hand-rails; window, sills and Lintel stuff. 'asft,- poplar, oak and Linn; all kinds of paling, plastering lath, shingling lath. broom handles, worked flooring and weather-!warding, rough and smooth rails, posts, and every article that ran he kepi. in a Lumber yard. !laving firs of our own we can at all times nod at sl or' notice supplyany article in our ' lino of bust ess at low prices. ' , We are thankful for past, favors and solicit a minim,: ance of public pattonago. -.Our motto is to please., . , • ••. . . BIIROM 'St, 11OFF.;11. . , . , PorlSde my26lSs§. • . . FAMILY Co 000 . Tons tykines Nano.). (JOtI,. broken and re. vreened;prepat'ed ox pressly. for fondly use si. , d kept UNDER COVER no E 11177. 1 eon furnlib it HUY and CLEAN all seasons of th.. " • • , . C • , „or / • year. I have also on hand and for sale do lII.ACI DIAMOND COAL, trent the Balt:finer° C01111,311Y This. Coal-is adnilrahly. calculated -for LATIIOIII , , and Cellar Furnaces: all of which I will Fell at tuna profits for cash, and deliver to any pdff , ?.lk the borougl ugiug I, 1857. W. 11. MURRAY. At NAUGLE'S N •, „N W AT TRH WEST END OP CAPI.I4LE. The subscriber would respectfully call the atillntion of L . 'turners ;Mt the Hitting of Carlisle, and the surrounding country . generally, to his NEW COA 1. YARD,attached:tolbe_Ware House. on _West. where lie will keep constautlY on band it largi' soPPIY cf the best quality of COAL. to wit: Lykens Valley, Luke Fiddler, Pine ((ripen and Troyer ton, Broken. EOO and Nnt. Coal—gereened end dry real. whi.di lot pledge.; himself to sell at the lowest possible prices. Best quality of himeburar's and Blacksmith's COM always on hand. • Arir•All orders left at tho. Ware House. brat-Ills rest. dmo. In North Hanover street, will be. proMptly at : tended to. • April 14, '6B—tf. NW: HENDERSON. , T AMES' FANCY - SIIOE. STORE, • West Main Street, _ .OpPOSITE. TIIR itAu..non.ty.Drrox„ - . . - The subscribers having disposed of their entire -stork of )te n's wear, have replenished their assortment with !Hare" Invoice of lentil's, 311sses and Children's Boots. Shoes a n d Gaiters. si lected. with great rare from the most celebrated men ufacturers in Philadelphia, and uto rtvalle.: for style slid workmanship. • The stock embraces every ;varietyof _Ladles Leather, Morose° and Kid Wilt Boots, tine kid heel Slippers, Freneb lasting- Ostlers IVbito Satin do.,' fnney Slippers. Misses boat Welt hoots, 31nroevo do, and lest , toe (Miter., with a 'general assortment or-ohildrens work of every quality and at all prime. • Costumers mill be waited on by a lady, who IS porno -m.0.1v in the store. Carlisle, Sep. 5, 1858. Pllll.l,llqi & CO. • )ACE AGAIN TO TIIE - • OLD The animeriber.resperlfully Informs the public goner ally. that ho has resumed the manufarturing rff lIQOTS • AND SIDES, In We:4OMM street., a few doors welt 0 the Railroad office, and having . a 11,1..1.111011t 0! Leather. :110mren and Trimmings. and engaged romp.: loft WUri' • /•,'.. ,' ' r "'. r• ' rr''' , a "”' ~, , \`' .. ,v‘' ~, , ,„.w ,---- J. It. S E S • VIAST. AMEN DRY . GOODS STORE, - 53. NORTE!! EIGIITII STIt BELOW ARCH. ( 0 1:1 1 NO. 49 0 PIIILADEI.P DRY,,GOODS, -WIMEES,II.I?, AN D . ,RETAII:;, - --"‘• ONE PI:ICE-SA' %lA. plcuril—ellEAP YUII CASH. S 17 A J. I? U N:1,) . ~ 14 111 ;National • '3,14, .Ittx , p .„ , • "-, L4 . '! . *i:• • ,- 1 - r • 4Vit 44 , . SAF 11., I 9 , i - • 144 *- 11 .14TRusT .i!;.,T- ;;7:74-i•- - • .14- fi a, = , • 1 ', 0.1 1 ---, V' '''' ' t j • ' '' , l ' 4 '- Company. Walnut Street, South . Went Corner of Third, I'll IL 1 I'ELI'7IIa INCORPOBATED BY STATE OF TENNSYLYANIA FIVE PERCENT INTEREST. Money Iv re...vivid In 811 y an 111, lifrgo or baud], and In locust pold from ilitt day of deposit to tin, day of with draival. / Tlie.olllee Is opeivorcry day front 0 o'clock in tit morning till G olc!ock in the alternigni, and on 3londay and Thursday meanings till S o'clock. 1100. II EN Il' 1., BENNER, President. • • R11111:113 E, Vico President. 11'31. J. RIM), Secretary. MEM= floury L. Bonier, Kt!ward L. Curter, Robert Selfridge, Samuel K. Ashton, C. L. limey Is rueelvoil and without notice. The Investments are math ilroulid Hoots, and sushi Charter requires. August 11, INAS. PILINC EA /IL, CO.'S PROV ED PATENT MELODEON. - OLDES VA.:STA Die_UNITED STATES, EM PUITINO Two DUNI/RED MEN, and Finishing ERIIITT INSTRUMENTS PER W EKE. Combining all their Recent I inproveinen te—the Divided Swell, Organ, Melodeon, &e., (Thu Divicht - Swell can in fly bo obtained lu Melodeons of our:Munutacturu.) (IEO. A. PRINCE & CO. moivacturora,.Buffaio,..N:o I= 87 Fulton al. N. Y., 110 Lake Chicogo, FL VINLESAIX AGENTS-1111as°11 4: Richardson, Ms ton Ntass.; W. F. Colburn, Cincinnati. 0.; Palmer A. Weber, St. Louis ; Mo.; Ph. l'..Werluln, Now ;Moans, From tho Homo Journal, Aprll•a, 1858. Tho Moloch, ins manufactured by Frisco .t Co., and for lulu at 81 Fulton streot, urn tho best in the world. 'Wo halm triad thorn, and thorefore speak undorstand• lintly of their merits. 'Thu aro all'orded.ut..-tery mod erato cost. FIUCES OF PORTAIILM,INSTqUMENTEI Four octave Halo loon. uxtondlng from oto 0, $45 Four - ondik half octavo, do. • to F to Five Octavo Melodeon, do.. Fto F....'.. 75 Five octavo, double rood, F to F • 170 ORGAN NI 01,01/1:0:1; • Two Ilnuko of lkoys, Five Sulti of. Itood-Elollt Stops Ono and n llalf Octave Foot Pudttle, Ono Sot of Hood. In Petal tteco ludopoodont PRICES OF VANO CASED j Flvo . OctitOlotodoon, oxtoadlug from F to..F.L. .... Stoo Six Octavo Melo loom do. ' Fto F 130 Fivo'Ovtavo doublo rood. do. Frio Octovo, Two Banks of Keys 200 Our kalif Ito for man Whet urlng are perfect, arid from dur long oxperiefica lit the business, having finished • and sold over ' TWFINTY•TWO THOUSAND MELODR. 0 NS, we feel enutl,l9,nt of giving satisfaction. All Melo•leons ft our rutin Mimi um, either sold by us, or dealers in any part of tile United States tor Canadas, are wAtut NTED to he perfect in every respect, and should any _repairs be necessary before the expiration of one year from the date of sale we livid paselves ready,and willing to make the. Mule free of charge, provided the Injury is not caused by - accident•ordeslgn. GEO. A. PRINCH & CO. Agents fur the sale of our Melodeons may be found in nil the principal cities and towns in the United States and Canada% • • Agentsat Carlisle—SlMYOOK, • TAYLOR & Al Newville-114 R. LINN., . 1 1 1 0 111IIALINERS, MEItOELANTS " AND OTHERS, We have now In stock, and constantly race' vitt Dom Now York and Philadelphia Auctions, and of nue own ',lmportations, goods of the passe Paris Fashion; In . U meet Silks, Plaid Velvets, Satins, Velvets, Plain Silks, --Marcelllttes,_ Florrntees;ilowait__Ribisints,_,Pfitin,,,§4tin and Mentlia dd., Hughes. qulllingth Blonde, Laces. Auslons. &et, whirl; We oiler ninth below the ;mired' pile" - ea. A Ilberabiliscount to cash buyers., • • WARDURTON, •. No. 300 S o uth SECOND E yeet,•(eviosn DRY nooDs scout, below sencos,) LIARMERSI—IkTow is the thud to get be* MACHINE ;m4,11 0 It § E • edwea. 'mto have a nuinhor of well otadh Machines ndle on..hatid.nt 'the Carlisle Toinnley and Machine Shop, which wet will sell 'on . Mei' meet relsonabld tends. They conibloo nil the lutist linprovementi; and ere wstcrtrited to ho' of go si material and workmanship. . AIso.OOIOI.SHELLISIt .of the most .I:nprov.ed con ."., etritetion, which do their Work nipidly and thdrobgbly: For sale at prices by. . ..• E. HAMMER . SVCO. .1 olv • , • wIIAT TI- EY SAY IN SOUT CAROLINA. • IF3-1 LTA:, S. q ., 41.ig. 21;1858 Messrs. FARRE, Gentlemen-11w close ottention which our own af. fairs have required shire the fire. hashitherto presented us trete writing you about thesafe. On 111•0181114 of the Pre litCh July,ity which we suffered a large loss, our SUSe with n u umbe6r of who. was consumed: The Safe.,of .yohr manufarture. which we had in the store, nos exposed ton most ineense heat es is well attested by the effects ou strong Iron fauns. which. flan Its flaked and smlyupi outance,lool,fl .no though it had been heated fur it long time Imo fur- IRt t ps of molten glass andkega-of. nails, lust d Into a tontt, full into the collar, surrounded hy burning materiels. RIO there wits suffered to remit. -nEs hariffbrewreniTiVed.beFuro-thelimorach us,) until the 211.• f A inand, 14 days aft ern ards., The difficulty in Afitting it open n lilt the best ord,, that wood he prOcured, cant lured its of Its ponfe to re slot the attentptit pr burglars, and when It sills we found the Interiors to the' ashin Winona of all, 'Oll - uninjured by the fire, . Thin test nat. so fully con sicced us of the capabilities -of-your-Saft,a_that_we_woultbnot part ,with the one We • hank in use for it large suns, were we debarred the priv liege or getting aoth e r. . • ' Itcapectfully yours, ' • It. 11. WARDLAW & EON. r•ARREL, IL ER Rhi'd co.; ,130 Walnut Shred., Pli LAI) . A., ' Only tookernlo thin Stole. of HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION SAFE, The wont rollahlo,fiectirlty floni lion noNy Nov 3,18r08. N h.W YI,ANO ST 011 L .11,E t 'i . . . .. A.large assortment of superior Pianos, from the 'hes Boston nut NPM . ...Yorl< outliers, together ulth excel:L:l f.eoncl.hutl l'hutrei, constuotlx for sole. N0..86 :11 AREET STREET, HARRISBURG Also. 31pontilin's Nlndul Windup., Orgnu-)lo and Now Oiglin.llarinoninins. Old Pi:mop, tplion in part onyx.nt f...r new once. - PIANO TUNING - ' WWI till Sinlitimtl emd Wind • Instrumoutx. ren•ive prompt 31r..1011N I"l'At , itY K. ho hue un mmerioNlmt his Jepnrtmeut. anfr 13 one or the most. reliehin'i'noons Int Ihr United States. N E -000I7S To whleh`oll.lltlonk will be ton,D , ).y oil' the•l'stentnerf • ' urfivlng dinning the next As weeks. Their • o.;!...etoteel it tins lull I I . ollllllolq •iu the fullowleig articles: INDIA 05511 311:1.1E.S11.11VI:' • RICH A ND- )I EDI; 511,11 5. Fit AsikpoupLii Sluis. • nicii twiNVIT,CASII M Elt ES. ' RICH 'VIII NT MD MOUSSEELN.ES. ;,•-k --- FItEN - Cll -- M - NIIINDS AND (. 4 .45g3113a:5. • RICII FRENCH CHINTZES. - NEW 'STYLES POPLIN DRESSES - - DOEDI,E SKIRT. •W,. Lli IND DRESSES. • ENIIIROIDERIES. SAXONY AND FRENCH PLAIDS. • - - NEW BLANKET SHAWLS , 151115 CLOAKS AND :DANT, ',LAS. • IDISIERY, Il LOVES, FLANNELS. SIPERIOR LINEN HOODS. • • All of Wfil'eli are ufferiofnCf moult" Drill - it - Mr tlic'eciSl of Importation. 509 and 811 entaip T STREET, - -5ep29,41; • so - A Card. from Dr. Joining M. ~"Tarrel OF TURNER' YORK LUyU`I FlltllAltli.-31y con section for the past eight yearo-with thd above Institu. AO. as 1:1111,1Phyoleian, and it .twelve years' course' of stlody 11001.i011 tin tie Cure of Pulmonary Consumption and - its kindred 'diseases, togetherwith my unrivalled • opportunities and tolvr.iitage of pathological research— aided out a little by a perfect system vi' 3ledical Inhala tion—his enabled me to arrive At in decisive, direct, nod slieeessful coarse of trentinent for the pooitivectiA rndi eel cure of all diseases of the Throat, 1.1111g6, and Air- Passf,V I oh. little., the woe, and curative prop airs of medielves are directly alldressed to the diseased organs and the intogninent. - I do not advise the uncut Nledical Inhalation, of pity kind, to the exclusion bf .general treatment; and although 1 consider it a useful adjuvant in the primer management of those fearful cud often fatal diseases. Yet I demi; it very -necessary that each patient should have the benefit of both general and local treatment. The success of my treattue. I In the Motel, iii•HHISI.H, and the high character of the Imo I. tution over. Which 1 have HO long had the honor to pre.' side, are tot well known to need any eulogy 01 , 44111- eit from not. At the solicitation of many private and professional friends, tlirough whose tilillauthrople old the mono charity lots been loin: L and liberally supported and 'after due consideration, 1 have concluded to male such a rranganients as bring the benefits of My ex perience and ti eatment within the reach of all;and not 1.010100 myself, lIH iiHre(Ol . llHH. to those only who altered the Infirmary, or who were able to visit meat my office. Hoping therefore, that the arrangement will give entire satbdaction. both to my pnifessional brethren and the pulDe, 1 would respectfully announce In COllOlll.lOll, that I eon DOW. he consulted personally OH by letter, on all :iseaaes Its lib ve, and that the mrdichies, the,same as used In the Institution. pretArVil rn- cult each indi vidual rase, Inhaling l'allorpri Ninlical Inhalers, Ac., &e.; will be fOrWittlieti by express to any part of the United States or the, Canadas. Twins—My terms of treatment by let ter are as lidlows. viz : $l2 per month for ealif patient, w hieh will iliclude medicine sufficient for one inotith's_use•' als 1, 10h:di - UK ‘slipor. and :In In-, haling Apparatus. Payment no S , I to be .paid to Express on receipt of the box of Medicine. and the balance, ti at the expiration of, the month, if the patient'bo Nired or Iv entirely satiolled With the treat. nient. Patients, by giving a full history of their case, and their symptoms in lull. can lie treated on well by, letter as Inc 111111401131 osumhuntlou. I'lo,lollol ;wailing themselves nit hr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon Immediate and permanent relief. no he seldom has to lrenl p ease over thirty 11Hys betters for adv ire prompt ly answered. For further particulars address JAMES )I. JARRETT. NI. D., I'. S.—Physicians and Minus' villing the city are re. spectrally invited to call at the Infirmary. where Many Interesting c.lst4'cani be witnessed, and where our Ea. PROV /1, PPARATUS fOr the Ldmhttieu of medicated vomir can he seen and inspected. P. Carroll Worst," .losbph 11. Carry, Francis Leo., - Joseph Yerkus, . lloory Ultioutlerifer. Lymonts uuuli lu Ginn dally rrII.E POETICAL WORKS OF 41 ,'ED AR ALLAN I.OE, beautifully Illustrated pith laurel than 0114.111111(P . M' original' designs by Darley,lll,- Fiet. Foster. Pielowsgill, Tenniel. Clopsey, Duggan nod. Matta; unthengrayed in life finest style or Wood En graving by CrtwElt, !AN'I'ON, Cu ANS,. Ay., Sc. Splendidly 14und—Prlte I:.c Dollars. A feet Copies in Morocco; Nine Dollars: Also, the fifteenth editiou of POE'S COMPLETE WORKS, • IN FOUR V 01.1751 ES, 12 MO. - PRICE $4.50, L , In Real Estato llortgagex first, elmsx soeurith, ;is tile containing the Tales=of.the.tiroter.ini mot _Arabrupoe Wooderful Stoties of the le e All hie Poetry - The Story of ',Arthur (Jordon Ppm. mid a complete col: leetlon of all Ids coo ttlbutions to the Afattarlttes. Ed ited by RUFUS W. HILISWDI.Ii, D. D., with notices of 111'1,Ire by .1. It. Lowta.t. awl N..P. %Vitus. Sent by mall, postage propald. on receipt of price. .1 S. REDFIELD. Agent, 31 Beekman St., New York. Oct 27 4S-2m filtlVl EN DEN'S P lIILADELPH IA - comm.:Rom, COLLEGE: N. E. Owner Seventh find Chestnut Stk., PI-lILAELDPHIA. . An Inlititutfun d 05.4100,1 to prepare young mon fur ACTIVE ESTABLIMED S. IL. Cairrennsa, Principal, Consulting . Accountant, and Instructor In Commercial Custems. • Taunts W. 3100nn, Profesi;i , of Pounikanship. (sums 31, TIIIIAKIIER, Pr dessor'of tho Edema of Ac' counts . 'Jona (Mount:es, Professor of ilooklieeping and Pho nography. AumarrweSinon, Professor of Languages. lion. .laeL JONES. Lei•turor on Commercial Law. W. 11. ALOES, L. 1.. D.. President of Girard College— Lecturor uu Political Economy. Catalogues, containing hall partleularsofderms, man ner of Infant - Moan e., may les had on applying at the College, either In person or by letter ORITITNDEN'S 1100K.KEEPING for sale.— 'Price h, saute, Ott ets. • • '[Oct.l:l,'sB. " Tldek Darkness covers Me Earth, • And 'Grass Darkness the People." CGOUNTRY - MEIttIHANTSi -- and - all . others, will take Not!eo! That ills) , can supply ,thenwelyes, in any quantity with • Jones' Fantod t'Stent : , -I.ION-EXP4OBINN KEttOSERE..OII-01:1A14..01L_LADIVS, At lhe Wholeealo'and Retail II RA D QUARTES, 33 Booth SECOND Street; Philadelphia. The only place where - exchisli e Agencies can be ob tained for the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and , Delaware. Theso lamps give 11 light equal In Intensity Cr Seine, - and'ainlilar to appyaranco to OAS, hod ore claimed to be superior ,o Idl other-portable-lights,---nost-In-use--No fear ot. plosien.—No offensive odor.--No inneke.—Very easily ttlunnoll.—As'easily regnant - ea - fie - WM - a Mght.— Cau be adapted to all pumices —And bettor than .611 Mr. a poor man.--80 -per rent -chesPer -than coy • other: wriable light, now In common use. • ' • SOLE AOP.NOY ALSO, FOR . KNAPP'S IYATI/NT, ROSIN .-- AND COAL Olit. -- LAMP' pvy tat Ups, Oils, Whits, Shades. and every. article In the line. - S. N. StUTIMANN Agent. • - No, :111 South Second-Street tlgt.. J. D. CALI/ CRT sole agent for ' • • 1, A.CKB3IITUIS C • A' li '',:llsoftolti, of how tI; cOlobrotot .•s,oaioki recoil vlOWntid for pnio by • - tOmo R. la 7. • - -19,1 t. 31111tItA V )26arttocnicnts. MEI= Fel r= NDIA SHAWLS AND SILKS L. J. LEVY •& CO:. Aro-Kow opeoltign largo'iworiident of No. 8 . 20 Bro . athroy. Cor. Twollth St., N. Y Buy Eurlp:Copies,—Now Ready I:4CORPOITATED JUNE 4, '55. BOLIID OF TUCHTEE,S. • David 8. Drown, A. V. I'arB Ism° Bucker, 11, B. emegys, Francis Hoskins, D.ivid Milne, °mime U. StMart. I). It. Hinman,. Joint Spariciwk. Frederick Brown, Joithua Lippincott, Jr. o . MEM Ntebicities. WAVik iti4evio O , A TT T I N Merchants and, Traders' will be on their guard and . not be imposed liana bra counterfeit of Illorge'm Indian Root HIM, signed A. 8..• More. All genuine Indian Root Pi 11.4 have the name and signature of A. J. Waits Co., on each box.- Lll. MORSE, tho Inventor of MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS, Las spent the gloater part of Ids Ilia -in- truvelingThaving - vislieni - Europ e: esiatiml - htileirruTe • Weil ns North Amorleit—has spent three years among the Intlians'ot_finr.,-Yreeteffl.MULlTY=AMita.itt..hlatiap — OitirtPu - liidian wog. first WA - covered. Dr. Mureswas tho first than to "rstaldish the fact that all diseases arise Dorn IMPURITY OP T11E , 111.001/.--that our strength, health and life deporided upon this viral • When the various pas . sages become clogged,"and do not act in perfect liar crony with the different tenet tons of the body, the blood loses Its notion, becomes thick, corrupted and diseased: thus. causing nil pains, sick ness and distress of every name; our strength Is eX- Ininsted; our WO ars deprived of. and if lin tun, Is not assibtert in Unloving off the stagnant humors. the blood 1.111 become choked and cease to set, and thus our lightsof,life will. forrver,lll loown out.' Itow im por tent titan that we should keep tire various passages of the body free and ophil. trod how pleasant to um that We have-It In our power to put n medicine in your reach, netnely. 31orse's Indian Moot fills, manufactured from plants and roots whirl'. grow around the Moun tainous dills in .I%erture's garden, for the health rind re covery of ribeased .Our or the roots from which these are nimbi Is n Sieddrific, which opens tie pores of the skin, and asSlsts Nature is throwing out the liner torte of. the corruption within.. 'The second Is a plant wllrh Is air Expectorant, that opens end tin-. - clogs - the - passage - tehlrelitergs. :WA . thus, Iwo soothing manner, perform Its'duty by thinning. of phlegm, and other burliness from lungs.by copivas spit flog The titled .14nrelic,_WhIsh_gin!a_etriewAreerb double strength to the k idneys :411us encOuragert. they draw lorgh amounts olholoiritrfroin the blr oil, which Is thou threw, riot 1101Intifolly hp the urinory or water passage, and whirl could not have taws discharged in any.tither way. The fifth is a Catlin, tic. and accompanies 't he other -prop, entir': of the • Pills on bile eirgaged In purifying the blood;" the coarser particles of Impurity wi,dch,rannot pass by the other outlets. lire 411 u); biked - ill, and con veyed elf in great quantities by the bowels. • . . Inantire above, it iv show ta that Dr. Illorfre'n ipdlan Rota Pills not only enter the stomach. but become united with the blond, for they bind wily to every, wort, arid rentpletely rout out and cleanse th 6 system from Idnddall impurity, and the lire, •Ille_body, whieb_inZthe . Lectures perlbetly 116irithy : constrfutortly all NiCkaeSS oral pain is driven from the sytdevr, • ler they cannot-remain- when the body becomes'on pun o and clear. The reason why people are so .distressed when sill:, and why so many • die, Is litedllBo Ihey do not get a 1110diellIC Wlll.ll -will 11:1118 to tiro parte' and_ which Will Open the natund_pestagewihrthe_dfsease_lo_ In.ea - tout:hence. &large quatlity.ol load and other niatter Is lodged. and the stotrnich and interlines are literally ever-flowing with the corrupted mnssi thus undargobriditagreettble fermentation, constantly mix ing with the !deed, which throws the corrupted matter through every vein and artery, until lite is taken floss the lady by disease. Dr. Morse's PILLS have added to themselves victory upon. vietory. by recto millions: I the slch'to blooming health and happiness. Yes, thousands who have been ranked Or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish gnat whose feeide flumes have been scorched by the burning elements of raging fever. and who bait, Ireen 'brought. art)t: were. within a step.of the silent grave, nnd'sbmd ready to testify that lluoy would have been numbered.w lair the dead, had .it not beet, (lir this great and wonderful medicine. 3ltorse's Indian Root rills. Alter one or two doses had loCen ta ken, they Avereastrintslied; arid altsto rifelfsu46l4.l, lir itnessing their charming Wh'll,. 'Not only J 6 they give Immediate ease and strength. ni.d take away nll sickness. pain and anguish. but thus WM` go lo work :rt the found:digit of tho.distato6, which Is 'Jowl. There- Awe. it W - 1111M - slanwti: toped:llly by those Who use these Pillsr that they will oe cleanse and purify, that . disease —that dpadly enemy—will take IN flight. and the flush or youth rind 1 panty will again return.. and !lid - pmn pert 'fa long an • happy iite will cherish and brighten your days. CArriosr.llownre of n eounteyfqlt signed A. IL Moore. "All genuine have the name of A.. 1. WIIITE & Co. on each boo. AIH, t nieuaturo °CA..% White & Co. All 14hers are spurina . - . ... . .. .. ".A;J•i1" MTH .t CO.. Soln Propilvtorm, - ' -. ' r,l) Lecnnu.tl Street, Nov Ynrk. . U. MnrAn's Indian Boot tills tiro .4.1-4-all-denlei II • . In 3lklirinex. . Agents aro wanted In overy town, village and hamlet .In - tho landz — l'arties - deslrlngthirageneymtll:addret.s an shove for tehils. Price 25 cents per box, five boxes,will be sroVvto relpi-orsl, yr stage Pitld. . • - 1.11123'58. par Fur :isle iu enrlirle by S. W..linvernitlek.... Diu WALTON'S AMERICAN PILLS , JOY.TO TRH YOUNG" AMERICA VICTORIOUS. One small box of Pills cures ninety nine eases out of a Lunde ed. No Itslsam. no Mercury. no odor ou the brenth. no fear of detection. Two small Rills A dose; tastidess arid boneless as Yates—Full directions are given; of that thepatien t call-eure-hlioself-a. 'Ali with-the mlxice of the most exxerienced surgeon, anal much beterr than ii ith the /Wpm, of one of little expellent's ill this class of disease. SENT ItY.MAIL_TO ANY PART OF Tll F . : COUNTRY direneldsiost one dollar to Dn. L. WM TON. No. 174 North 7 i enth Nt. ballr race Plilladelphin. 'A 'ldl oral Discount to the Trade. NOIIO genlible without the written signature of D. G. Walton. Proprietor. , Dr. W treatnent far Self-abuse, -Weakness, Ac..-to entirely different from course Dr.• W. Lan cereal hundreds who have tried others • withnut benefit The treatment is as certain to cure as LI, sun. is to rise. Enclose a stump,Sod adOres. , Dr. NV. as above, giving full lffloory the Vase. atutyou *lll bless the day you made the offort to'seeure what is certain—A RA CICA UR E. Jan. 27, 1870.-Ty. 1, 1 0,1;4-Z ' S MIXTURFL—This is a 'auroral] and truly magical remedy for all exter nal diseaner , either go men or beast. We would ask', here you dm laleumntlsm or Corns? Theme are not pie:Mint 1111111411110 UP, mini WO Leon that you would like to drive them away us quick Mipossible. Then mu Foutz's Mixture. Would you hove your sores, swelllogs, cuts, Lures, sprains, bruises, or any other wounds healed, no repent it. use Foutz's 31ixture. It is truly n xontlerful nrtirlo. If your 111,r141 has the Sprits,' lifogbone. Fistula. Selatchen, (Tacked 11,1 s, Chale...lions. Sprains, ,te. Wu say again and again, 30116 remedy Is Foutt's 31Ixture. It rests but twenty-nee rents to try It. Unwire& who were racked with llaille—marts who were thought incurably enlisted. lane Lunn restored to health and soundness and are now rejoicing In the blessions that health bestows; and thus, dear reader, may It be with you, it' you are so untortuitato no to bo :tinkled with any of the ills for which you find this Liniment recommended, use it pre servingly, use is faithfully, and no think you will - hare Mlle. tO bleat tile day. whet , you ItOrnme tortitutinted tvillt Fontes Mixture. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ. Westminster. Md. For sale by S. W. liarerstick. Carlisle; In, and store keepers thmughout the county generally. Priro,'2s and 50 cents a bottle. DOES DISEASE OItIG7,NATE• 1.1 1311TRITY OF Till , . MOD? • !!MI This Is dquestion of vital important°. and one which lens never been sat Is'neturdy disposal itf by the profes "ours who teach the healing. art. Somermniotain—mud I..porkilly the old school I•hynirlhns—tint lifu Hies In 'the blood. and therefore all ii,etlFell originate in it— but modern Rim., avers that' ailinents have their origination in both the solids and fluids of the body. That the latter preponderate. bowel cr. Is a fitted fart, and _medical shill tins clearly de3 11111 l strated that at leant tot o-thlrds of the ills that human 11e3.h Is heir to, have their source in an IMPURE STATE 1:0Y TIIE BLOOD! As, for Instance. In the hag catalogue. such as &rote- AtZTe.tter,..lllarber's Itch," Pimples. !notches. hush.° IncerOilt Ilharlm. dtaaharges r the liar,. lover Sores. or Irruptive diseases of any ',lnd.-1114e are ax certallied he well known medical limp to arise frail had !haat —while lb- highest medical authorities declare that mast levers originate in the same manner. - said store particularly Typhoid and scarlet —tlie . fornitir lug an intaroq, and the latter,an external Irrupti!ie disease; and fa all persons :Arnaud In these maladies,' the Mood la found to it either coagulated, or of n dark unhealthy, color. • To ward olfn logo majority of diseases, as well as to cure a number-which him already soloed upon thesys- Join, it Is necessary' to ' _ =I Lindfiey's Improved Btpud Feareber deem not claim to be a =I for every disease known, but the propiletors claim thr It the power hot only of draining out. all I:purities of the blood. hu , by the nhillfurrombine lion o well 'mown vegetable remedies. it' ill rum all diseasesriring trim is deranged elate of the liver, drive out ityrprieda, and give renewed lone and v Igor tti the stomach That the BLOOD SEARCHER is all that is claimed for It, the proprie tors can produce • Ed= • It Is only a foe years ,sittre it was discovered, and yet it has grown Into such ahuslnesi that a large laboratory has been built expressly for Its mannfacture—.a largo nuMber of men omploynd in putting It up; and stlll.tho • SUPPLY DOES NOT EQUAL THE DEMAND 4 We nalt,any candidlnan, could this be so. If the 'rine did not possess ALL thwyblueselalnted for It ? The Prevail:tors have hundreds 'Of,rertifleatvs from men of probity and standing in the community, show. lug what the medicine Is doing daily for the suffering ASK ANY PERSON who has over nsod the Iflood Searcher wbothor relief was'imperleneed. Let the ;MHO give It a trlal—n singlo bottlo will convlneo the most skeptical of its eflyingy. • fl For sale In Cerlisle by S. W. Haverstirk, S. Si. Bat, and B. J. KletTer; Kauffman & Son filrelmulris burg; ,f 1 esweller, look; Shepherd.town ; :Joshua Coln; ilogstown; Jeroli Simmons, Om. Binds; Kurtz & Wise, Shinnuanstown ; A. M. LeicUrli. Bolling springs; Barg W. Elko', Churchtown; Ediurd Jetnes,•We,st URI; Fesnaught ; Si Bro.; Oakville; Shoemaker & Elliott, Newburg; Wm. Bretton, Nowville; J. Hood & Co:Springlieldr Russell* & D'srbinger, Jarksonvillet Win. (lark & Co.,NLees Rondo;' Win. 11. Badge, Sporting I it ; D. Denlinger, Whits Hell; J. O. Altlek,Shipponslur,i; all of Cimpbi!r- Intid county ; Pe. • - • • , I.INDSEY & VEHON, Propriators. , ; 0c127'51. DU - YAWS GALVANIC - OIL PR PARED (111.101 . NALI,T nY •• PROF. H. .U. DU VALL, Formerly 'of Me College of Surgeons, Paris, . aoq omited to the public for the Cure Of all Sore Iliseasaarfor inetauce—rahror-Sormicsit in -auy,part at the Syetein, Breriat' or Sides. tlealud: Brunets, 'tyros, SprwinsAluadache,,Cnimp lo the Stomach, or any other Diomie Oat hi WOE AND:BfklNFtiti, Mid' it is wily •over this chive lliseascs , artc,cialm aPERFECT,VIC, Tony, We say positively' to Mir patiems. we-Pelt,rt. lIVVO tlio eutTorcr times ; nut .of' loo. Wu would just say to the public, Brof.la Valbwie 25,•yimi li In 'bring , leg t is moulcfun tntberiiperlarlty It has over nil ;Ab el • • • • )11 , . • .1)11.,. Prier 60 cobti per bottle. per rout. oIT to o:9_, All OrderArnattelbldromoil to - J. D sToNnttoin, Solo A'gt for 1.1. F.. i kut•l'sB. .Ibovrllltowo, 111111.110 county, la. • For solo by S. W. Ibtlrerstlck. S. /Ali. It. J. et alt the roOillry otOres tbrOlighoutr