Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 27, 1858, Image 4

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    Displacing the Switch
A toast recently given,rans thus : "Our
.parents; the 'only tenders who never mis
placed a switch."• '
. • Row, you may laugh at that--'so r did
—but where mild you . find - a greater
fib? :•11.iin.y, a time and oft' have phrents
laid the 4sittch on their children's liaelts,-
=when:they-should-have-applied it to their
own; iiitiny a time has - the "lash, which
Enlid uPinf
the favorite,' fallen upon his witch abused - ,
'brother's, There is nothing 'iii creation
. often , misplace as the
switch, and it need not of necessity be a
birchen • rod or a , fertile ; there' are
' switches Which.'cut deeper, than either, of
• which many a ruined man and woman can
tellyou.• -
•I knew" two children--;ono blundering,
but. honest, sincere;.'selereliant:, speaking
the plain truth' on all occasions without
. qualification, making his requests in few .
,words, ,and smothering., his clisappoini
; meet as hest he Might, when refusal.
The other:. wiley; diplomatic, Chester
. 'ficidian; ever with a soft word :on the tip
of his: tongue, to. pave . the way for .the
much-deSired-hoom-which was-never re
fused, so winning, so courteous, appu
. • rent was the seeker. Follow ; those; two
Children.. See'llit) latter in. the Play:
ground,- boasting to his young associates,
. what he has got, from the old gentle
ntan",or the " old lady"—boasting what
be 'wilLyefget—boasting that he knows
how to do it; ielieartungtotherti - the
•• spectfu!, defacinial attitude whichlhe
uses on such occasions: Follow the oth
-6-r to his little .room at the top of the
__housc.;_sCe him sitting in
too proud to weep, too [Hood to eumplain,
. • brooding over the injustice dohe hint
- not hating the fraternal owner of " the
' coat el many colors ' "'no thank - sr to those
who gave them both birth, hut- looking
into the far; dim future with that wistful
longing which Conies of preco
cious childhood; sitting there—with his
own hands turning the poisoned arrow
retied ancl:rhuod-in thdfeStering .wound ;
incapablc of extracting yet'
. l no
,balm to assuage its intolerable an,
guish. ••
Follow, out, their two histories. See
the Chesterfieldian favorite sent 'to Col
• lege, Contracting long livery:lt:lWe, hotel,
.andisilor's_hilhi,with,a perfect reliance
upon his diplomatic abilities tol.'set it all
right with - the old giltletnan;" thanking
- him, with his thumb and finger to. his.
nose,fOr his unparalleled gendrosity to a,.
son so ,unworthy ; alluding delicately to
his pride-in- him.adalather,.antl trusting
- to Make a proper return for all
his goodness, etc., etc. See the_" stupid
boy," who, is summarily set down to , .be
wanting in cleverness, dceepting. in
fence this verdict, and the consequent
disposal of his" timein some uncongenial,
distaStelul employment; till at hastovear
,,ied out by the silent drop that descends
.__mercilessly and hnremittmgly, houi - by
. -hour;, on"his tortured 50u1,...he rushes
front,thehome Which has been a * - home
only in name, and Wan"derS forth, Withthe
gnawing pain, in his limb; for silent coin ,-
pony: Merciful God-!' 'what is to , keep
hint ? His blood is young and warm, IiLT
heart throbbing wildly in his -breast for"
what every human being yearns for, and
• need never be ashamed of yearning for--;
Years passed on. The College-boy re
'tu'rns, with more knowledge of -horses,
• wine and Women; than of Greek, Latin:
and Mathametics—returns, to receive the
• congratulation's of partial friends,
that he
has passed off for pure gold the glittering
brass of his showy superficiality. The
twant's name is never mentioned . , or if
so, with the hope, not--that he. may be
kept !rout. evil, but " that ho may not
disgrace us."' Meanwhile,
the wanderer
lies anguishing on a bed of - sickness in
'foreign country. Woman's heart is the
same in all lands, When pity knocks at it,
else had he closed hiseyes in sunny Italy.
' Pity he had not—pity he returned to be
asked, with cold tones and .averted eyes,
why he did not stay there. Pity that he
could not smother that unconquerable
longing which approaching death brings,
to look our last upon our native lurid.
Pity that errors burn of a neglected child
hood and forsaken' youth should have
"been held up to him by the pharisaical
, hands which goaded him into them, even
at the tomb's portal. Pity that sinful
4 ,1 4 man may not be merciful, as alfoly, pity
ing God. .
I ask you, and you, and you, who have
woven the " coat of many colors" .for
sonic one of your household-34in who,
by your partiallity and shortsightedness,
are fostering the rank weeds, and-tramp
ling under foot the hutjable 'flowers—you
• who are bringingupehildren whose hearts
, shall one tidy be: colder toTetich other,
than the dead'in:their graves—ynu, , upon
whom shall - be visited 2 =alast too late—
every scalding tear ofagony and disappoint'
• meta - Tr - 6M which
have heaulcd . only - with hope end -
ness; 1 ask every parent who ie. doing
this, if to or she is willing that his or
her child shall grow up by these means:
to loose his faith in man, and sadder still,
in God,,?—tFann • y Feria._ .
of the wit of Mitzs Mohamined - Ibraliam,
the Oriental scholar, who' filled fol . ... Peen
yeat'a the chair of .Persian at Hallegbur:
Dininione day with a gentleman well
known ;for his conviviality,. the decanters.
halted so long before the Mirza that the
host exclaime with 'a
little impatience;
"Pass the bottler do yeu
call in Persian the man that sterauthe_
.wine?" "We call him MOltainuipd,"
said the Mirza, with a quiet smile. • •
SnuN A ststi who dosen't pay'his
plititents to the ladies. He who is want
ing., ,
in 'honor towards curl's, will invaria
bly attempt . to doge,
,the g rocer,. tailoy,
th toss n ess 'td . t he - d
ty .. instittition is a Sure • sign of a want of
pal, mid a,: good % 6riuging
. . _
courage teshow your respect
in whatever gUise it appears;
intompt for dishonesty and du 7
whomsoever exhibited:, , • •
VARIETIIN of American corn
regorized by the N. Y. Spirit
Green " Corn'.'—Mixing your liquor
Corn 44 2Sieft"="tya... • -
Rot 11
'The Lynn :Nem thinka.thnt if we
had a War with 14:tig,landiAlhe ladies,will
fight„because. of late years they havibeen
:aoeustoaied.tii Lare .artna.
Niii"tion't skip . this, column
. . .
. r.
TUCPtihserlbere would respectfully roll the attention
14 the coal eonacnnera or Cnrllolu and vicinity, and
the public generally to their superior quality ' coal
such as •
- 11.171i . 4.;NS VALLEY,
Broken, Egg, Stove nu Nu
I'ItEVORTON, do. do. do.
nod the ehlobrated Lobbory Whitoje3l4 broken, Egg
• :dove and Nut Coal.•
• 'fills yard in Hifilniod - iil - tho Onnt LIOd of:Carllsle, oppo- -
Pith Ono tins .Works, where they.wili -keep constantly on
--. hand a largo stock of all kinds alga Ainent of mid, which
will he sold. no law on tiny In the borough.. AIL coal .for
frenCrinened - libfrire - Mill,erriLudTwar
ranted no give entireantlstaction.
nest !nudity Of ,LOIEHORNER'I3 nlld BLAOHRMITIen COAL,
nilfaVo Oil hand anti Of 10,Lfigilf0S.
All orders loft at tho residence of 'amines Hoffer, West.
Pomfret street, at Squire Snotth'S otlktn, South annoyer
Street, or at the residence of
Jinni, Street, NOrtloonst
street, will Inprbutptly attended to.
LUMBER ! LumnEn. I—We are also prepared
to fornisin oil kinds •and quality of dry Lumber at
greatly redly:en? prices.
Rills sawed to older nod furnished at the shortest
We have.einstantly on hand nll 1 Inds and quality nu
Shingles, such no white pine, hemlock. chestnut, oak•
nalso all sizes of -Walnut - for Iland•rails, window,
Sills and lintel stuff, ash, poplar, oak and Linn; all
kinds of paling, plastering lath. shingling lath, broom
handles, worked flooring fund weathorinonrdlng, rough
and smooth rails. posts, and every arllele that can' ho
kept Inn st Lumber yard. linving•cars of our own out can
at all times and at short 'wilco supply tiny article is mir
th., of lcuslinesnent low prises: . ,
iVe tint, thankful for past favors and solicit a contlnu•
inlet, of public patrunago. Our motto is to please.
81111031 - is 11OFFILR.
enrliqln, my 261.55.8
. -
. .
. .
. .
. .
~ , -
, i ..,,......._ j .,
. c 0A T. —l,OOO
- . O :,.• --/- T ...,,, V • ;.:- . : thus Lyhenii) Volley
. ' A,ATI ----.--..-=-- ..7 - s COAL, Itri‘ken and re,
-.: At ' s ' faiikW $ •reelted, prepared ex
-• . ,
_„..i_ . • -... 'preoly tin . tinnily use.
"^" slid kept 00101 cevEe
lit; that .i call fl/11111111•1t - Irar and =A all seasons of the
year. 1 have also on band and fo ratio the BLACK
11l AMOND COAL. from the ltaltlan e Company Mines.
This .Coal is admirably calculated. 'or_ 1.‘Inonl; Atoves .
and Cellar Furnaces; all of which I will self at south
- -prolit , f - PiriEliTiiiirdeliraltriftiy.'Fart - iirtli i rl iii ii - nlit h.
A ugyt I), 1N57.... • - \%B. MURRAY.
NE w .(.3 O'A b Y A .11 1)- 7
# or Tim roost 1:01 ply eAlll.lnl.B.
The sUhF.l•rilier would re^pecaully call the attention
or ii‘oeburoor,.. and the eithoos or Carlisle, and the
surrounding, count - ry - iNnerally, 'to - hig N Ell' - COA I.
YA Ill):- at inched to his Wore Home: on West I Ugh AL.',
'where he sill keep constantly on hand a large supply
i 1 the hest qualify of COSI., to NV II 1 _
10 1 . U. Valley. Luke' ' , Minor, Pima Grove arid Trevor.
ton, 111 . 01‘01S. gg AIN Nni Coa t-screened and dry coal,
whi,li he pledge'. himself to sell at the lowest pl.sible
priveg. Hod quality of Litnehurner's and Mad:smith's
Coal always on hand.
• .•.(t.or All orders , WWI. the Ware 11. , 11., or at his resi
dence in Nei th Ilanover • street, will be promptly nt- ,
tended to.
April 14, 't;-if. ' J. W. lIENDERSON.
J APIY;S' -FANQX . SllO E . -. STOItE.
. .
4' . West 'Main' Street,
~.... OPPOSITC, 211 E 11AILItoAD DEPOT.. . .:
• .
. the subscribers having disposed of their entire'Rdi , f ,
uC )hut's wear., have ri.pleitislied' their assortment with
large invoice, of Ladies, Itasca and Children's hoots,
Shoes and (Niters. kt leetial will] great rare trout the
-tifost celebrated man utitetunero In Philadelphia, and
rivallef. for style and workmanship.
The stork 'embraces every - variety of , laidles Leather
Itlorocen and Hid Welt Intets;. line I:l.l.beel ;dippers.
trench lasting angers White 'Pirtle - do„' fancy Toilet
Plippers,• Slices thsti, Welt Boots, Moroc c o ifo., and last 4
log tlaitih,, with a general assortment of children%
work of every quality and at all prices.
Customers will be salted tin by a lady, who is penna
neatly in the'store. •
Carlisle, Seq. 8, 1858. J, I'IfiLLIPB it CO.
The subscriber respectfully Informs the nubile goner
. ntly. that he has resumed the Manufacturing of BOOTS
- AND SIIOR: 4 , in West Main street,', - a few doers West of
the Railroad office, and having a good. assortment at
heather, Motiwee and Trimmings, and engaged compe
tent 0 orkoolll, 110.111 prepared to make up to measure,
every description of work In his line.
has als,i revideed from Philadelphia a well selected
of HOOTS AND SiIORS, comprising every variety
for prang and Summer wear, which ho offers at low
thmtlenten's (lice French Calf Roots,
do. (tailors. Oxford Ties and. Brogans,
LatllON (1111101, INAS, Sllppers.und Ties,
• with a large variety alias, Misses and ChildrenaGal
•• - etc.. etc. Puichaseri are requested, lb fall
and examine.his sleek. • ROIART MOORE.
Carlisle, April 11. 1858.
our A4sw ROMKING.—J
jr? - sr: 0. iAYLOlt,:rettirn' their sincere thanks to
- the r Custonters, for the very liberal patronage exten•
• 'tied to them, and would ll:spec:Dully inform the public
that they c.ntinue to menutheture CUtiTDM 101 Work,
at their old standfon Nortit-Ilanover street, two doors
' abort, the drug store of S. W. Ilaverstick.
. With a numberof first rate workmen employed and
facilities for securing the hoot stock to be found fu the
market, they are prepared to make up every'deserlption
of lims AN D SHOES, 11w ladles and - gentlemen's wear,
- In' the most fashionable style, and of WhIWIENTED mn
Wads and workmant hip. .
Many years of practical experience In Ile. businuto
both here nod In Philadelphia justifies them in 'sayhig,
• that they are able to insure full satisfact len to all thole
ho may leave their orders. •
April 31,18L8, tf. .1. - & 0. TAYLOR,
AT S. C. 1111YETT'S •
Shad and Mangers] of different grades,
Salmon, Sealu FIxL gtud Whitt, psi], , •
Cedfigh, ,9:11t and Mkled herring, •
• At numrrs.
Chow and Crackers ran be hod •
Ital ult, lquForrFa and"Jellles,
Sugar Cured &eland flatus,
A flesh supply of LIQUORS,
At 111.111.Tr8
011, White Lead, &e., &c.,
-• •
euhscrlher has been appolneed Itgiidrfor
Coinherland county, for the celebrated Greencastle
FARM BELLS which h. Is 0011116! ut Very low prices:
nn article which hats been sold all over the State, und
given Fa tisfiplion to all who base tried then.—Also on
band same of the Pell Metal Farm Bells, and °Very thing
OK, in the harming and talechanlral line: All to be had
at the cheap lrard ik are store of
Carlisle. April 28. 1958. East 51Mo Street.
X a 11; i S 10 lt U lt 1,
_j A. R. 11/INWOOD would impcatfully inform tic
vitt - cans °lnn:lisle and vicinity that ha tins token moo..
In 7.tog's now building, cast corner of Market Square,
whera Itals at all times ready to take AMMONITES
In the latest mud most approved style. Pictures taken
in rainy and cloudy traMlter as well as Maar. and eat.
isfaetinn given - Or ne—clittrintitiiiiiil6:—Tortimits-itml.Td
guerreotypet. copied.' - Miniature Pictures _taken for
Lockets Ac„ In .anitorotypu.
Ambrotypea warranted to stand than test of titno, beta
or water.
Ladies and Gentlemen aro cordially Invited" to ca
and examine specimens.
Prices from 2.4cts. to $lO. A. It. lIENWOOD.
. Vita.
1 ....._
.1 0 1- A It MEIt s • L 0 0 1 K II Elt E !
! Ma subscriber desire's to inform f.rmers and the pub
' tic generally that ho now has on hand and Is tliri
! ' eta atly manufacturing Threshing !litechlnes with _Pier
pont's Patent Shaker, which art/ generally acknowl
edged to be the bust articles now In use. Also'A vtirloty
, . of Improved Clover Hullo's, Corn Spoilers, Straw Cut
ters and Plank's Celebrated Plow., Ile also attends to
- lila, ropy ug of Agricultural- Machineiy in .the ,boot
- 111(111T111 rr
nd--orcasonable - torms7 - 1 1 1aValliSt ary - On
Nor Ilanover Street, directly opposite the residence
o • merge Metzgor, Esq,
Sept- 2, '.57-ly
,_ G OLD.. MEDAL ..011,i1.7 r AND
• .
' STEINWAY SONS, 84 Walker St., (near Broad•
bee way,) Now York,
, •
Wore awarded the First Premium whore and wheni
• ever they brought their Plano Fortes into competition
with the boat makers of Boston, Now York, Philadelphia
and lialtimere.
Received the two first prize Medals dt the Metropoll.
' tau Fair Ifashlngton, 11,65.
The First Premium (a -gold Medal) fbr the best Piano
Forte at the 3ittryland Institute, Baltimore, WM.
The First Prise Medal for the best Piano Forte at the
American Institute, ltrystal Palace New York, 1866.
The First Premium (afield Medal) for the best Brand
Plano at the Maryland Institute- Baltimore. 11.57.
The Fifa' erentium ut the State Fair, Detroit. 1857.
t-, Tile First at the State Fair,•ilichtnond,lBs7:
Annum the judges were the first musical talent of
the country, such. ae• W. Mason, Gottschalk, •Wellem
..haupt, Sc, Grand and Square PlantlitaMstrueted with
the full weeder and iron frame combined,. are:warrant,
alb,' tliFee Years. Prices modorpte.
So ..15,18511-41M. . •
MAL 'BollooL.—The second session of Ibis Insti
luthl.R.Wlll.Pothhienceth.l.lTititAlNY 11A1,1., New vide,
on TUNISDAY, APRIL Oth, 1858, and. continue
Ah able corps of Instructors have been secured. and
no effort will be spared to render the 'sehool worthy of
the twine!' It scolds te occupy, and of the patronage it
respectfully solicits..
For elroulartcontaining full particulars address
' T. A. IllohlN CHF Treasurer.
Newviiie, Pa.
By order of the Board of Trusteea, - • • '
DAWN'. §III.J.LY, West(lent.
JAS.! MCOA*DII.II, Secretary. ' Felifl7,
DUCATIONAL--4 winter 'session
wur.coub.unro In Ilia SPIWKO.ACADOIT, nu 5105.
I/A ;the 18th day of OCTQUHU, 1868., and continuo
TWXNTy.TWO Wf9:118: ItiOlUtllOg two WOIAIO .
irnottlpsr at
the Christmas holidays.
'• • TE.1t316 PER ' simuor.
Tuition In ' Englleh Branches " ' $l.O 00
do.- • do. ',
• .!with (Ananias, 13 00
Boarding $2.25 pOr week; washing 76 ctn. per month'
The Is not onnetioeta be 'largo.; instructions
; ' • 'W111 thertabro bo 'thorough and i L
trefuait , etudopte
. will enjoy, rare opportimUtoo for hupwctornou . t. - .2 .
APply,tct p!ttlqatt,ho undornlgned. • ' - •
' ' • •.• . • AtOv. It: Atc0,10,1111tN;
8.2, Academy, Oct, 0, 'SE4E. -
jtlisrellait ouo.
Carlisle ',lreundrit 141.465: FLAN os:
. .
.., '....__...:..-1. - r•,,,: g . ~,_'. . ' , a...A+. inip== , oo.—..,_,
. ' • -
.--4 r - _ ,4- _ - = 77 . - . 7.---- *- -- ;,.... -- . - -1' , 7 - -.-E - 7- - - - ; ,-- -,.. , ,.._ •'• ; • :,..7 - I ,_ - 7,11:;177, - , -, ~ , .....v.--- - - _ •
..•....Z - --- ' --- -- ---, *- -. .-7 -- .: - :ir• '' .. -,:5....C - 4 -- - - -:-4 - 1,- , ,,,-- - -L - - - = , -,------7--',.... P?:'''''. -""1...'11-..•"..•.•
, -.._'= - . — :,, , : i - - : : : .57 . 74:-: • -- ,.. g.. , 'J--,-. : :,.,..; 1 7: ::,-.4 . ,-.7 . ,.• • .:, , ar ',: -- , - , ,, ~.--,,,' • -,:•._-.,, ,_,,,,..,.,. ,-.--,,- ~L ,K,. j -
. r a — r- --- .- - ' -- ain'A1ti,,, , •.4 . 4 .- „ AI, , .,L.Lfg-Vik, , Si . iiii,', - -..., '''
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, :.,..,,,.. ~,,pg‘,..,-, rit„notaut,f,' , _ , &,,, ,, ,,zr .- 0 - •,... - - -
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. i , w-..-- 177 z „ - -.....--i, y -. 1 . -... •
''• - • : . , :•.. "11 ' . f.;',.„ - j111, , ,,, , ,, , .'''`,Z-L;_•••:: : ....L.-- . ---....L,..; , ..•••••• , •
This extenstve establishment Is now In Complete ac
der and supplied with the bestinaelvinevyTor executing
work In every department., The buildings have also
boon greatly enhimed this spring and stocked with the
newest and most improved tools for the nunnilaceure'
Fhutteror, Illindo.. IBouldings, Brackets and nil other
kin& of Carpenter worrk. We Invite Builders,
pen hirs and others to rail and examine bar facilities for"
doing thin deseliption 'of work. The hoot Materitsis
used and prices nn h was at any - other efitah)lShreent In
the.Gounly or elsewhere.
end repaired no beretothre, Itoglnen have been recent
ly hada, forW. )1. SielnierSell st F.011;111 h u e horough,
R. Ilrym. A: Co. Allen townobip, Aid & Brothers, New
vino. Shade .k Wetzel, North 311ddlefon, end '0t.,,,,r0;
at who,:e estaidlohnumt they may he' Oceirin.delly op
eration-and to whom we eon refer for evidence of their
superlprity- ,
- 'IIION - AND - 111141:42 CASTINGS.
of every description, from .the smallest to t h e heavigst
pieces, executed at short notice Mr every Bind of mn.'
chinory. A large variety of mill castings now on hand
Two skillful Pattern makers constnntly employed.—
R EPA RIND ' promptly attendbd to for Paper Mills.
Gris.t Mills, Factories. ,tc. Turning and
Fitting Mill Spindles, Br. done in the hest style.
sushi as Bevil Gear Four Horso -Powers, n
Gear Four and Two Horse PoWers, corn
CrushcCs,liTin eaStings,'/Ind, other ar.
fOrfarmericon-liawd‘or promptly - final - to7hider-7
BURDEN CARS 11131 LT, • • ° •
and repo red.• `Our fiCillties for building Cars aro now
mere complete than licretefore'iid enables twin fop
chili them to transporters on the roil road on 11(1411/10•
dating terms and madder the hest lsteehas. °Herm,
solicited and entire satihfitetiou !zoom o teal.
The long"ex pitilature in the rirtheTsenter
partner of the, firm; and the completeness of our ma
chiller)' in every broneli of the.esteldislimeot warrant
us to nusurina .thit work to nll who tore; us
with their orders. The continued patronage of our old
friends and the pane Is respectfulitv solicited.
Mity , 2o, F.O A RDNER k Co.
cl 't!:::'';"'''V. - ; - --V• 77- ''''''' - i ll
. ...q.‘•---,&.-ss , s b. c4t,t
_.:4 i i _ pMkvg , ,,,.i
0 •-•:.-7... 2 „--.. ~...„-__-,±.•,:__-• 4 ..„.,_,-__---,-------__-- _- .-
____,_-_-.7, --- f.:-:,:---
- ~- -i __- _ -_, - ---- , - -- -'
61111; SUIISCUIII ER would rrs~n•rtfully Ingum the
1 pnLlir In genarat • tlmt Lo Ix 110 W prcpured to moms
Pillory SD Jambi of Agricultural Implements; such as
I hose. Powers and Threshing Alarldnes with seVaraturs
- Also; Corn S.hellers. 114 hpiitl nv 1ii , 041 Straw
and Fodder Cutters. Ploughs, Ihnrrow x, Cultivators,
flay Itokec, Ilrout Fans. t'irclOsr Paws. AT..
_ Ile invites particular attention to Patent ClO. -
nor Huller dud , Clennor, Thls nu Blue will h u ll. and
clean from three to six buidieliihTi hour, and Is ronhid••
.crud decidedly the hest now In use.
flu will also furliish to order
of oven" - snob no Thretallng •
Cornslie! lor, Collar lira tes. :I.llsit Weights; also,
benotifolly designed Bolling for Cemetery Lots, Eitel
It EVA I It INO promptly n Rooted to for Heaping, 3low
Ing ontl-Threohlog Maeblues, mod _All-Moils of Agrit , ul
turn! Implements.
A. 1. It UTZ, FiCreniso.
Carlini°, Julio to. 'lA—lrons
W. ILI 0 U 11 13 12" 7- . PATENT
The Farmers'of Cumberland county ore invited to
at the .Carlisle Foundry and examine the above
Drill, which on ore noiv manufacturing. WILLOUGII.
tionably the very best Drill now in use. It was Sword-'
ed the First Premium at the Pennsylvania Slate Fair
held in Philadelphia In October, 11 4 57. It was awarded
the First Premium at the Cumberland County Fair last
tall, and has received the First Premium ut et ery Fair
where it hes been exhibited, with but one exception.
Its superlinity above all others is so apparent no to only
nerd an ptudeation.
For seeding on fields rind - hiving stones or other ob-.
Amato,. it Is pentliarly adapted. The dem siting
tubes ofthis Drill are MI connected With India Rubber
Springs, that when they meet. with any obstruction
they will spring back, pass over the obstruction and into
mediately regain their former position. Any rock or
stump nut .over IS Inches high can be conveniently
passed over without stoppage or injury to the Drill.
The feeding imp/ mans of this 1,/rill Is ids, entirely new,
being conftsed of Vulcanized India Rubber Rollers. by
1110111/S of Which the seed is not discharged Intermit
tingly but In n constant stream. and tut - Irregularity et
grou mt. or change of speed will'vary the amount sowed
on the eeoc. It will sow twlieatwye, i n to and barley
equally vi ell, and in any desired nunntity, - wlthont the
possibility of choking or breaking the grain It also
sows grass seed. But without further enlarging upon
the merits of this Drill we N4llllll prefer to hove Farm
ers roll at our establishment god examine It, confident
that after seeing they' willbe satisfied as to lie superb
tally and find it the very machline to suit the farmer
and the field.
uty:26'BB. F. OARDNER k CO.
S —The Above described Drill will be sent to pur
chasers in any part of the United States; tind to Agri.
cultural Warehouses, to sell on comtnission. License to
make the Drill and county rights, Iv be had by address
ing the proprietors, WILLOUGHBY lc BLACK, Carlisle,
Cumberland County, Pa. -
The subscriber having located himself permanently
In West High street, two doors above the Railroad De.
pot,,basjust opened his
where ho intends, as usual, to Inalluthrture ntul loot
militantly On hand wry style of parlor furniture
And chairs. .
Walnut and Maingany Dressing
Doming with marble tops. Sofas,
•Tables and Washintanda.. • . -.54 , 4 4 •:i-"••••%,
AVainut " What•nots" and Wad.
robes. •
PARJ,OIi and ROCKING .chairs with velvet or
haircloth seats and backs.
, Mahogany and vuidnut chairs with' hair cloth
or cane tkain.
' Plain rhatrs of all kinds and spring I.OitNOVI.
--Curled bair.andluiskNIATTRAL , SES twevery - varlety;
together with all °Oar articles usually found In his
alp° of IMPlill.S.
Particular attention paid tot epairing and varnishing
furniture of all kinds.
. .
Using provided also with an excellent lIEA RSE, qc
Is prepared s to Ull all orders for FUNERALS in town or
CES. •
Just published, the 6th edition. In a !keeled envelop,
gratis nod tnalled to any address, postpaid, on recoil
of two stattipn.,
Thin little work, emanating from a celebrated member
of thu modkal profession. gives the most important in.
formation ever published to all peosons entertaining
doubts of their physical condition, or who are conscious
of having hazarded their and happiness—eon.
taining the particulars of an entirely new and perfect
remedy tar Spurmatorrlnea or Seminal' Weakness, Ito.
bility, Nervousness, Depression of Spirits,' Lens of En..
orgy, Lassisude, Timidity, Involuntary Seminal Dis
charges,' Impaired Fight and Memory, lilotehen and
pimples on the Fttec,ll'iles, indigention, - Palpitation of
Chu Mart, and Bodily Prostration of the whole system,
inducing impotency and mental and physical incapacity
by moans of which every one may cure himself private.
y, and at u trilling expense.
___As...Address Dr. Cil.'.l. C KLINE, lot Avenue, Cor.
.10th street: New York; Post lion, N. 13.4580.
' Sept.B,lBsB7Bnon.
,r - Vir - S - T - A - G as 7E-11(1)11,-.T1c.=-
. The subscriber h started triweekly line of
togas between Carlisle and Leinilisburg. leaving Car
lisle AlVllrf Mnialnyi Weitniniday • anti" Friday, - Innedi.•
ately on the arrival of the afternoon train or ram from
tho east. Returning, leaves bandisburg at 800 A. Nj.,
every Tuesday, Wedneinlity , and Saturday. and arrivvp
at Carlisle at 1.00 T.' 81., via. perry' County Watra
Springs, Shertunnsdale, Slerrett'p dap and Carlisle Sul
phur Springs. On and afar June the 151 h, the line will
be run daily for the accommodation ofpassengers going
to the Springs. , • - •
fare to the several palatine foftelis
Carlisle to Sulphur Springs,
I ,', • Efterrettbi Oap,
• .
Shormansdalo, ". . .
" Perry County Warm' , Spriagl4
" I...ondisburic, . . .
Liu('labors to . Warm Spring's, . . .$0 25
;Shormansdale, -.••• • • 2 50
' • Sterrett's Gap, . t•• • • • . 75
Sulphur Springs', •fia ' 100
' The shoreline will ibdularly earry.tho 51A11. to and
fro t h the several politts shove Mariam!.
bane also a .woll• stocked VIVLBY STARLS, froth
.which fish at all ilines reedy to furnish horsemen.; rthi
rlitheolo those,who will tenor me with thOir,patronage,
,on the most reikouablotorrimand lirjlie very beet style:
maylolB6o.. - . GEOlill1.1.11St•PRI,
Handbills neatly 'executed
. East Main Street, CARLISLE
$0 50
r_COLD . MEDAL 14111).,III3 IV.
. •
Nos. 1 , .3, 5, and 7, North Eutaw street,
Opposite the Eutaw Worse, •
Anil atom. NEW SALES - ,ROOM, •
. : 207 Baltimore street, between Charlcsv
and-Bight streets.
D These celebrated PlAN(lSinfie, at different Pairs. for
Several nit cefedre.years. been awarded highest pre
'ohms for excellence aver all competition. They have
also been pronounerd Ly N. Thalberg, the most relebra.
t.t0..11.1 1 n the event. and other iligtingulslied artists.
Including lie. nralioselt, ke., ite.,•to be equal, if not 'am
perlor, to any in thls country. • -
We totie constantly nn band ht uur ext CLOVE' 'Ware.
minim as nonce, the- laegest ass.ortUlalit of fine 'PIANO
FORTES to lie.fnund iu thls city. which IR! will sell.
n11.1;441110 unlit:eta)); on the most liberal Arms to sole
--In-every ease wo guarantee our Plauos-to g ive entire
satisfaction. • .
476^ Constnntly on intinlU fine assortment f 31Ei,0
DIiONS of the best tankers. at prices from to $2OO.
tn.. A lway's for sole ii large Leather of second.ltand
PIANOS. tit pekes ranging from $7O to /9-..X10.
Planos,exehanged, idled and tuned. '
Jmly2l; 858.
milli *BEST
try 1.3.0 t • •
r... / ilinno3rorte, FORTES.
_ • • • • • . „ -
Who HAVE nEptavED
3IFSSIIS. C. A - SONS.. baying reninvcd to their new'
wore ro,Jils, 1:107 chetnlnt street, pre
par,4d to olVtr n large . 0,501 tweet of 1; RAND, PARLOR
Olt AM), NUA HE and U1'111(1111' PIANO 11 , 111111.8 In
various styles ontrawegirtnrirt prices which 01111114
Data. plea., ..liesetlptivu •eAtalowys bent-to any ad
dress upon nppllentlol,"
July 21, •
FUIL N I ',l' LT irE;• It.N . E
87 BOWERY, (Whotowle Wore liouse,)'and
- 400 .1'1;.4111: St., (Retail Stare,)
• o'f . Twenty.Five Di,liars-Itelailed nt Witole
sale•Prkes at the Dower) . Stare.. ,
P A ItL olt 11.11. N L 'EU E ,
In lireenrelle, Delalne and Cane FCA, and (tali
mon Furniture In great variety, AiNo,
•In Scittstrom . to $lOO, •
Alan, Feather Iledt, and Redding. ['Ater t • Pronaltint Sully
Itelistemis, and Patent Self.lteetilint entitles.
Dealers will find nt Ihe nhyv, stores, the largest and
bnst'assinttnent of any el.tx)..llshnient In New terk,and
ran tiny either ut wholegale or retail, cheaper thou at
any other hinne in the city. . -
. •
per- FARE REDUCED. -kija
60640. MA Market St, above spth;
• ..
"!` , ,•7: ": PH ILADELVYI lA. • •
W. lIINKLE, Proprietor.
7141.318:—*1 2, per day. jtl3o'sB
Mathiot's Gay Street Ware-Rooms,
Extending from Gay to l'rederick Streit, haring
40 feet front, 170 feet deep, and 0 tltorie.l
Where le kept always oh Mind, or math, Co order, eve
style o f French TETE.A ThTES, in Plush, Hair
;Intim or itturatelle.
French Full Stuff and Medallion, Parlor ARM
CII AIRS in Plush. Hair, Cloth; or Ilnuatello.
French Full Stull' Carved PARWIt CHAIRS, In sets
with Plush. hair. ur Brocutello. •
SOFAS Null( French Mahogany and' Walnut Parlor
CHAIRS, In Hair, Cloth or'Plush.
ROCKINU CHAlllB—variclus designs; In Hair, Cloth
and Plush.
Stuff Spring LOUNGEitt large assortment alivais
on hatid, or auy pattern motto or covered with any:
goods to circler.
CHAMBER SUITS—in Walnut, complete, from $3.
CANE CHAIRS and Hooking do,—tli,e largest assort.
mold ready4nado the I.lnited Stairsfrovn $.1.2. a doz ,
en up.
liar Room, Office - and Dining CHAIRS, in Oak, WO
nut or :Mahogany. with Cane, Wnod or Stuffed Feats—
an assortment einbraribg overtai dozen. ,
Wood Seat• ellAlkS and SETTEES and ROCKINO
100 dozen.
Feather Veda. flair and Husk Mattresses at every TA
day. Also. all kinds of Wit and Plain Frames for
Looking Olassea, Le.
25 North Clay Street, ilearynyo!to.street.
A . u6 , 4'58
W I,N C II E & C
Vetene Shoulder Seaui Shirt:Manufactory
TianiEIFETKEic -
No. 'l- 'n 0 (.1 Chestnut Street, Philndelphia„
A. WlNthiltSTEll will give, 'nn heretofore, his per
Ronal supervision of the culling and Manufacturing de.
partmonts.' orders for his celebrated style of Shirtsand
Collars filled ikt the shortest notice.
Persons desiring to order Shirts, Can be supplied with
the formula for measurement, car application I y mail.
Constantly on bond, a varied and select stock of Gen.
Omen's I:sradshing thuds.
es_ Wholesale orders supplied on•Illteral terms..
Sep. 8, 1858.
GItAIIASI, iticiipwELL SiSo ,
Leavenworth City, Kansas Territory.
WILL buy, sell, and- locate lands in
Kansas and Nebraska Ten Holies, lowa an?
Western Missouri, buy and sell lauds, loan and lure,
money. buy and sellitirifts, give Information respectin,
the country, and do a general agency business.
• .
John D. Bretton, Esq...Carlislo, Pa. ,
Wm. M. 'lectern, Thinker, "
Hi Crisham,.. -- " '
Her, Brenneman A Co., Bankers. Carlisle.
Wm. 31. Henderson, Esq., Carlisle.
GelrgeTßODlEßßirEetg - rtatiVaidillM - -
Dr. John A. Ahl, J 1.0., Neweille, Va..
Wm. S. Colman. Esq.,
E. W. Clerk A Co., Bankeri, Philadelphia, .
MM. &Halal Co - aiiii;Dhapherdstown, Pa.
Henry Reiman & Sons. Merclainta, Whinier°.
E. L. Blake. Esq., cashier Mercantile hank, Now York.
Snyder & DPFerlane, heel Estate Agents, Minneapolis,
Mlnnessota Territory.
Wm. Kilgore, Esq., Attorney hint Neal Estate Agent,
Sterling, 11l -
11. W. Meteor.. Esq., Henry city, ID..
Ektiov, Joseph Miner. Cumberland County, Pa.
E. W. Clark A Co.. Bankers.
Qor. Harrisblug, Pa. .., • -
„ r
••=4.1•.. ' • • .- • : •
- 7
THOU3An White Pine Chin
to, of inporloi - quallty, wide% will - sell at river
prices. . largo lot of ,Clicrry .and Walnut, from
34 loch to 3 inchea.thlcls..whielt they 'will sell whole
, ante 'or Mall low, Alichn'pair . hf Hay inalea, whhh.
will ho seld..low. ',Aim, a now Thrushlng Machine to'
,which we Invite tbq attend° < of farmers, as we feel die
Posed tolilaa aloaroaln.-.Alikluda of Lumbar and Cool
constantly on handiowforcanli.
811110. M & lIONVI3II.
•Inheirit , ,33.• . • •
• .
• • -
- , ,
W EN DOW . S,II.ADERI—the ficiest;
Thlar , e'al.• and Phealicar rissortailani of Window
shades molar hail at' the new hthre of • "
• ' ' .' J. A. 111131121011. Jr.
1 1 34ilubcIpl)in.
A Benevolent Juni-Button, eateldhsbed by apeetaten
doerment for the relief of the sbdc and distressed,
afflicted sithTlrulent and Epideniie dtsfauers.
To all poisons afflicted witivSesuel Diseases, such as
• The IIffiYAIIDASSOCIATION,Jea view of the awful
destruction of human life, by Sexual discuses,
and the deceptions practised upon. the utit.rtututte
-,tints of such dlseast,br-Qtrarksrscreral - yeanruum'elit --
„reeted...their Consulting Sun.:v.3,os a CHARITABLE
ACT worthy of their name, reopen a DitsPeinary for tb •
••, treattneut of this class of disesses. in all their form,
to give MEDICAL ADVICE KENT'S, to all kt
apply by letter, with a description of their condithn
(age, occupation, habits of life. 7te,) and in cases of ei•
treme poverty, to FilliNltill MEDICINES FREE 01
CHARD E, It is needless to mill that. tho A,sociattor.
'commands the highest Medical skill 4,1111, age, :via will
furnish the Most rummy d modern trwstment. ---
The Direcioty, on.a review of the past. feet assured
that their tiimm in this sphere of bent. olent • effort
have boon of great lanielit to the afilkled.„ espeeially to
the yonm e. and' thee have resolved to devote them
selves. with renewed zeal, to this very itnpurtaitt but
In aril, glespl,ed
,lnst puldished by the Association. a Krivoi on Spec
matorrine orSeminal Weahhey,. the fire eq, (Maoism.
Mast urhation or Self-Aloise, and other Diwases of 'the
&mod organs, by the Consulting Stuweon, which will
be neut. by mail. tin a sealed letter env elope,) MOH: Of
Cli A DOI& on receipt of TDD STA tips for postage '
• Address, for IteiMrt or- nt, Dr. UEUItOF. R.
EA Li I WiN.Consulting, Sur rwm, Assoriatien,
• No. 2 South Ninth ,treel, P:siladelphit, Po.
. , . lty order of the,.l)irectoro- •
. . ' . EZRA Ihtid'ent
FAIRC1111.1), Secretary. .
Dee. 2, 1857.1 • • •
Alicqbcno '4ijouse
..„ c--
Market St., allos;e Eighth,
V Philadelphia Watrh and Jewelry Store
No. 14SVilit No. tea North SECOND Street. Cororr
Quarry, l'hiladrlphiu.
old Lever Wntcli.F. full / elrellral,, 18 caret a 94.4, $2 00 .
11901 Leplnc, 18,, ref. - , 2100
.i41179r lA, vr. full jeweiltsl„_ 1200
SII ler La.i4119,1991.14, . ,
Sup,rior Quartiers, . '
11.11.1 i1,..0tnr1, - , 7 00
41994 , 711 v, 1104 . ' , ' 100
0014 1/1:11 • 1 • ;etS. • . 300
1.(13 . 8 (Odd l'encilic • . ' 300
Silver Tv.
Gold I. wltll - I . OVIT - nail Sill fee iv:Mei. Fioq m Hingl437 l ;,' ft.A 10 *SO: %Vatrb (Ilasses.
plain 12!,5 cts- patent 1 , 7. i". I.unet other articles in
proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are
runt for. . '
• • .
.STALTFEtt'et 11)lItLES.
•C • i' On hand soutOohl and silver Levers and Le,
pines btlil !ewer Mall the above prices. '
Oct. 14. 1,..‹.7-Iyr.. : - •
J.'R. C: A S SE.GII4: It It S
• 53 \O11.3:11 EIGHTfi Slit E.' !.T,
lALONC-ABl . l. (OW NO. 40,)
• Pl-11,ADELPH lA.
jtarsS-I y.
. •
Walnut Street, Souil CO'rper of Third,
Money Is mrnirtd in any SUM, large Or Small, and in
Wrest paid final' Ihe day of drptadtto the day of with
• • • .
The office is open every day Imo 9 o'clock In the
morning till v o'c.ock in the afternoon, and on :Monday
and Thursday eveuirp, till i tedo.•k.
11/IN. HENRY IL.. BENNER. Prer.iaent. ,
WM, J. REED, Secretary.
Henry L. Benner, IF. Carroll Brewster,
fridivard L. Carter, .It.elilt B. Parry,
Itoliert Selfridge, Fratici+ I,e,
San,uel li. ^ A vltt n n , .1....,p13 lirrkes• •
C. L 'tuner, Henry Diffentlerffer.
Money is re,elved and payments mad. in G /u) daily
without notice.
The inve,tments are made in Beal Estate Mort;m::es
Ilmund Rents, and such Lest lass securities as the
Charter requires.
August it, 18t9.
putscv.. & co. , s
~ComLlulne all their Iteeen&improvetnentv—the Divided
Swell, Organ, Ilel,xleon, de, de. •
'(Tho Divided Slat can only he obtained ln 31elodeona
• of our Manutactumd
d ; ECi. A. PRINCE.i.CO:
Misoutiteturere, Buffalo, Neer York.
87 Fulton at. .11 eke al. Chicago,
WII MESALE MilniTS—lttts - .4.11k Richardson, Err
ton, Mass.; IP, F. Ccdharn, ClncinoaEL O.; Palmer rt.
Weber, St. !muds, Mo.; Nu Wericin, Neer Ode...
• neellerilane
.The Melodo no manufecturol by Prince k C 0... and
(r ado et 87 Fulton street, onethe best in the world.
W Imre t e te,' them, and thereftore speak ntraMod-
Ingly of their merits. They are affenled at a ery mod
erate cost. •
four octave Melo loon. extending from C to C..—. 111 15
Four and a half ortave, do. Cto V— GO
Pave Octave llelodeop. do. 1 , to F._. 75
five octave, double reed, „do. e l; to 130
Tao Danlsa of Keys, Five yeas of Reedy. Eight Ftops
Ono and a llalfOetava foot Pedals, One Sot of Reeds. In
Pond Dave Independent—. .1,-
Me fictive lieloloon, oltondiag from P to F—sloo
Six Octavo 3leloteon, da P to V— ISO
[rive Octave Ilouhte med. do. F . to V.- 150
Five °novo, Tao Diuks.or 3:10
Our (twilit te. for manufarturing are perfect, and from
our tong experience In the busts/eta. having finished
and sold over TWENTY-TWO TM/U . 6AV° MELODY,
ONS we feel confident of chrlug satisfiletFor- .
MI Rehr:eons of our manuactatre. either sold by us,
or dealers In any part of the United States or (Suedes.
are WIMILOITED to be perfertin every raved-and should
any *repairs be - necessary before the expiration - of one
year from the date arab. we hold ourselves ready and
Injury I.not caused by accident or design.
,Agents for the sale of our Melodeons may be found In
all the principal cities and tonus in the Wailed Statcat,
and Canada.
Agents at qarilain—SllßYOCß, TAYLOR A 1311ITIC
At 11 • [coayl9•s&
We have now In ehwk„ and conalsolly realm - bighorn
Nov York nud Philadelphia Millions, and of. war own,
hapertatiouit.goods of alio !ATM , Paris Fashion; In
Bonnet Nlka, Plaid Voltets,Satien, Irelntik Plain tilts,
Mari:chines, Flurenve. Bennet Ribbons. Plain,
and Mantua dn- finches. Quill/opt blonds, Lunt ll
!redone. Aeollileh we offer much below the usual prio•
ea - A liberal discount to lash buyers. - •
•tl' (lIBBKI'IINs
" • "... N 0.306 Eenith BLOND Street. (rto - ttn mai •
nouns arose, talc!? reirCes,) PiluAnttretta.
• .
ilitß3ll.lßSi--Ntini is the tone to get
a neir..;1111110011k0 and" 110 118 E
Wllll. '.We brae a. rounder of 'well made lladdiee
not on -hand-at the Carlisle Woodsy and Mailable
Shop, which we will sell on the mat reiSlusWe tettilsr.
Thor midden all the West latOnorements and are
rat Foetid to lat ofgo a Material and werlitinmeldlk
A11%6,01115: SUELLEit. o r the met improved ono
. iteration, erhiolt do their work and thoroughly.
For mile at losr.Yeleas by &CO.
,July 21, 105. ~
- 100
Compounded intieely [Yom GUNS.
BEIJICINES now before the public, that nets es' a
CATHARTIC, easier, milder. end Mora elTectoal than any
other medicine known. It Is not only a CATHARTIC. but
a Liven remedy, acting tied on the Meta to eject. Its
niorbld clatter, than un the ittomach and - bowels to car
ry. Mr that matter, thus accomplishing two purposes
effectually. without any of the painfutfeelings expert.
ens the Systelo at tlie'Skinle Cola that It purges it; and
when 1.-o:en duly in modentte doses, will strengthen'
and build it up with unusual rapidity. • .
The Liver is ono of the prinripal-reulaters
of the human'body.and when It performs Its
functions w.„11 the pow- era of the system 'are
fully,. developed The L.) atotrach is almost me
tieldy dependent on the healthy action of the
_Lire for the.proper per- r" , formanceofits functions
when the stomach teat fault. the towels aro at.
fault, and the whole system suffers in conse
quence of one organ—, (syre the ' Liver having
ceased to do its duty. • For the disensy of that
oran. tole, of the prte -'prieturs has made it his
study, in A practice ofmorn thou twenty years,
to find some remedy CD' wherewith to unuttereet
tbc many derangements to which It Is
To prove that Ibis re- I - 7 .. medy, is at last found,'
any person troubled l•••••,,, with Liver Com
plaint in ally of its r. forms, bus but to try' n,
and colts iction
'These gums removertil - r--1 morbid or had mattet,.
Rom the system. sop- ' fi t plying, In their place a
hsalthy flew of bile. ilk- signaling the stomach.
causing food to digest ,well. purifying the blood
giving tone mud health r,„="4 to the whole machine*
removing the causes of t. e diseaug. and effec*
log a radical curt.
°nodose after eating- Is sUfficient to relict
the stomach and pro * Veot the food from r i ,
lug and ,gturittg. - -
Only one dose , taken l'••••1 before retiring prevents
Only elle dose taken .. 'at night Immens -the
bowelsgentiv.apdcures costivenemt. - •
One dose taken after Cfj each meal will cure Dye
IV - One Hose Of t o teaspoonfuls will alwaysrelieve :Ark Headache.
One bottle taken for, Mamie obstruction re,
moves the cause . of the 1 11 W.4 , disease, and wakes a
perfect cure. r
diateir relleves - Cholicr
while one dose often re-peatCd,lso - sure cure for
Cholera Dlorba6, and a ..proventire!' of
One do', taken often prevent. the recur
rence of blllntt mt. torlits, while It . re
lieves all painful feel- logs.
tra_only one bottle is,„„ needed to throw out the'
of system the effects of (42 medicine alter a Arum
coo bottle taken 'fur Jaundice retnnves all sallow.
nrs.'s or unnatural color multi the skim,
One dose taken a short tiller before eating gives vigor
to the acrid Re and makes food digest well.
• lone dose often repeated clues Chronic Dkar
rime& iti its wonet forms. while ant mane r and bow
el con:plaints yield almost to theqirst dose.
one or two doses mires attacks roused by worms,
in chll,lll-114: there 13 WI soar. safer Or speedier remedy
in the world. as it never Wis . .'
We take Infinite pleasure in recommending this
medicine as a preventive for Fever and Ague, -
Chill Fever and all FeVers of a 8111101113
t iperNtefor,ithrertainty, and thousands/ire'
eilling to 'testify to its woitili,rful virtues: ' •
All who use it are eivini: their unanimous testimony
,in its throe,
en Mit "rater in the mouth with the invigorator,
mid ivtaliow loth tom.tlirr. .
E I.4vgat. N V.IGORAT9It.
and is Bail corking; ettres. - mithost - too great to believe.
It runs as' fto manic. even the tired dowt ttit Inn lame
fit. and gobloni more than rue iratie is required to cure
any kind of LIVER Complaint. fern tho- worst Jaun
dice or tipper.'" to a ...manner loqnhiche, ail of which
are the result of a tilsestrocd Liver.
DR. SAN FOR D. Proprietor, 31!", !Imo' way, Nerr.York.
ti.__Soill in Carlisle by $. lii.I.IOT C and : 4 . W. II A%'
.ERSTICK. ~ , .. ' I mr.liilBsB.
A B PjA UT “? ILL 11 A D' . O.F
And who' Unit is cray . wiould tod . have It reshliell to
Coroner color: or lald. lout •would have the gnorth reo
stored. or tr . oulded, - with d.mdndf and itching, but
would bare it removed, or troubled with scrofula, Weald
-head, or other eruptiono%- lout would-be cured. or . with
Ark head rrhe, neuralgia o but would 100 cured. It
will aim, relllOVe all Fiimples.frout the filer 'and skin,
Prvor. Wood's . Hair Reatorat lve' will do all this', see crrew
lar and the fallowing:
Ass Awnow., November fo, 1058.'
. .
rim.. 0..1. WooD—Oeitr Fir.. I have heard touch said
of the wonderful effects 01 your hair Restonttlin, but
having been so often cheated by quackery and quack
in,strui., hair dyes, Ay., I wesilisposed to place your
itestorativeoln the same category with tile thousand
and one loudly trumpeted quack remedies, until I met
you in Lawrence county some months since, when' you
gave me such assurance as induted the Wel of your
Restorative in toy Jam ily , -first by my good wife, wboao
heir had become very thip and entirely white, and he•
fore e:Zhati,ting one of'your large bottles, her hair men
restored nearly to Ile original beautiful blown color,
stud had thickened and become beautiful and glassy up
On, and entirely over the head; She continues to use
it. not simply because of Its beautify big effects upon
the hair. but because of its healthful Influence upon
the head mow mind. Others of lily family and friends
are using your Restorative, with the happiest effects;
therefore. my skepticism and doubts in relereuce to Its
chanicter and value an. entirely removed; and 't can
end do most cordially and confidentially recommend Its
use by all who would have their hair restored (nue
white or gray (by reason of sickness or age,) to original
rotor god Ix.mly. mad by all young persons who would
have their hair - beaut Kul and glossy • •
Very truly and gratefully yours.
Fatext, Womb: It was a long time after t saw you at
Illisstield before I got the tattle of ItestoratiVe fur which'
you gave me an order Op 01 your agent in Detroit, and
when l got If vth concluded to try, it on Mr+. Mann's
the surest test of its power. It has done-all
that you: ......ured me it would do; and others of my
family and friet,ds. haring witnessed its effects, are
DOW using and recommending its 11SO to others us Oki.
tied td the highest consideration you claim for it.
Again, very respeetfully and truly. yours,
CRIUNLI, ILL.. June 28, 1832. k,,
I hare noel Prof. 0. J. IVmst's Clair Restorative, and
hare adnOrrti its wonderful effects. My .hair was la,
corating. n; I thought. preinattuvly gray, but by the use
of his Restorative it has resumed its original color, and,
I hare no doubt, permancoilv
S. BREESE. ex-Senator, U. S.
Prepared I,y O. J. WOOD CO, 114 Market street,
Saint (nuts. and 312 Itorndaay, New York, and sold by
all Dru;041,4-4 and latent Medicine, Dealers; also, by all
Fancy and Toilet. U00(16 Dealers in the United States
and Canada,
For Snit; In CarliAo, by S. W. IIAYMISTICK, SAM'L
ELLIOTT. and DrugidAts grerywdere.
A Card from Dr. Jame. itt. Jarrett
OF THE NEW 101fli, LUND IA PIR3IAII Y.-31y con
riection for the past eight years with the above I nstitm
lion. as Chief Pispician. and a twelve years' course of
steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary Consumption
and its kindred diseases. together, with my unrivalled '
opportunities and advantage of pathological research—
aided not a little by a perfect system of Medical InhalaL
Lion—his enabled me to arrive at 'a decisive, direct, nod
successful course of treatment for the post tiveend rain ,
cal - cure otall - discases - of - the - Threat. -- Luntm - and Aire
Passages. By Info lotion, the vau.r and curative prop.
erties of Medich:es aro directly arldmssed to the diseased
nrAarrs nud the integument. Ido not advise the use of
Medical Inhalation, of any kind, to the exclusion of
general treatment; and although I consider It a useful
...adjuvant in the proper management of those fearful and
often Ertalilisrases. yet I deem it very necessary that
each patient should have the btnielit of both ,etteral
• and Igor: treatment-; The success uFmp treatine- Ic in
tire above diseases. and the high character of the Insti
tution over which 1 have so long had the honor to ire . ..
side, are too well known to need any eulogy or man
ne .t from um. At the solicitation of marry private and
potessional friends. Musing'. WhOfe philanthropic aid
' thotabove charity has been long and liberally supported
and alter duaeuusideration, I have concluded to make,
curb arrarsoaments as will bring the benefitri of my ex
perience and treatment within the reach of all, and lint
wog.. myself,. heretofore, to thtrso .. ouly_lallo eUttaiht •
-thrrlnfivary.Torwhot Into visit meat my °Bice:,
!toping therefore '
that the arraugement will give entire
satisfaction, both to my prof . ..halal brethren anti the
puhlie, I would respectfully announce In conclusion,
that Iran now tie consulted personally or by lOLOri on
iseases as ab -no, and that the medicines, the same
as used in-the Institution. prepSnsl to suit each indl
,•irlual ease, Inhaling Vapors, 31edleal Inhalers,
Ar., will be forwarded by express to any part of the
Unita' States or the Canattrs Tagus—ply terms of
treatment by letter are as Milroy& via t $l2 or month
for each patient, which will Include medicine sufficient
- fir one month's awn ads Inhaling Vapor, And an In
haling AppandusY l'ayment, as follows: $6 to lie paid
to Express Agent on recelpfhf the tort of Medicine. and
the balance Seat the expiration of the month,. If the
patient be cured or Is entirely aitisfied "with the treat
ment. Patients, lby giving a full history of their rase,
.and their symptoms in full, can be treated as well by
letter as by personal examination. Patients availing
themselves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon
immediate and pernuanent relief, as he seldom has to
treat agase over thirty days. Letters foiadvice prompt
ly answered. For further particulars address
" : • No. 8:11 Broadway. Cot. Twat St., N.Y.
....P: S.—Physlcians and others vbltlng th ity are re-,
spertfully Invited to call at this Infirmary, where many
interesting eases can lie witnessed, and where, our tu-
Peoria. area Sart!S • for the Inhalation of medicated rlpor
cart. Irwseen and inspeeted. _ _[Ang.PlsB,6nr..
U D _VA.LII-S-GrAIN-ANIC-011,----=-
, 'stearin" OiMIINALLT UT -
:PROF. H. U. 15U, V.A.L.I,
- FonLifri.v. of ItePegfogcd_SFT.g_e?/ B .lk'qr i a s
Is now offered to the public for the Cureof all Pore
an d painful Diseases; for Matinee—Pain or Soreness in
any part of the Spann, itheurnatisms, Pain in }he back,
Bluest br Shies,thaled -11 Mists; Neundela, Burns,
Sprain., Headache, Cramp in the Stomach, or any other
Disease that Is &nth AND PAINFUL, and it is only
over - this elate of Weediest we. olefin a PERFECT VIC
2ADM We soy positively to our patrons, 'we ran rn
Here the sufferer 09 times out of 100. We would just
tS the public:Pref. Du.Vall was 26 years In bring.
lug this medicine to the roperloritY It has (met 111 rah.
Vl * Price 50 cents per bottle, 5314 per root. off to
the trade- ~
pity AU ceder. merit - be addressed to
• • • J. IL MN Eitahlt, Sole A'gt. for U. S.
Auir.sl3. Lewlatown; Mifflin county,
144 , ...111110 by S. W.lhavendick. S. Elliott. U. Kauffman, ,
D.J. lileffer, and at all the countey Stores throughout
the county., • •
. • .
ru.lll , 4tmOtETEßs i TWER3IOSII.I;
wv•e! .T/11,1131031ETtt68lf Just • tetr!'ifd
thy above. all staff. makes . n a e.t.a
• J. It lEttitt3t.B
likrli t t , C ir l i ; ose, Svar ? 11 8, At e ttr n. - ni a a t o id . ; . .. :l.
Le.. fresh set, ' ~ R.. 1 KIEV/PEWS.
Mebicines. '
%%Cloak VIZiIitSRS
• - C A T3.rr oN . • •
Merchant/1 and Traders will be on their paid and -.
'not be honored upon by a eannterfeit of Morse's Indian
Root Vino, ,signed A. U. Moore. All genuine Indian
Root pills hrtyo the name and signature of A. J. Mil.'
\lUllBFy''tho Inventor of MORSE'S INDIAN
ROOT has spent the gloater Vei t of his life
In traveling. having visited Europa, Isle and Africa. no
well as North America—hall client three puns among
the Indian Cl cow Western conutry—it•was,ha his way
that the Indian Root Pills wore first discovered, Dr.
Morse was the first man to establish the fart that all
diseases arise trom IMPURITY OF Tllll BLOOD—that
one strength, health and life depentlMl upon this vital
fluid, - -
When Ito various passages become clogged, and do..
not act in perfect harmony with the different functions
of the body, the MOO loses its amino, becomes
corrupted nod diseased: thus rinsing all pains, sick
ness and distress Of every name; Cur strength is mt.',"
blunted, our health we are deprived of. and If nature in
not lINSIFO4 01111W111)t 011 the stagnant humors. the -I
bliaid will biesinie•clioked And Cen.-to feet, and thlIS -
lain. light of life will furaver be limwsi out. Now Ira.
portentl.then that we should . keep the 'various 1111.11pli
of the hotly free and Open. And how pleasant to us
hart We hsve it In incl power ter put n medicine In your
reach. nemely, Morse's Indian Hoot manufactured '
from plants 111111 Toots which grow mound the moura
teinnus Olds in Nature's garden, for the health Bud ro
toveryofdiseasedman. One of, the roots from which
these Pills ere wade Is a Sudorific, whieb open's the •
pores of tiro skin, and assists Nature •in throwing out
the finer P it s its of the corruption within. The,second is
it pleat, Wish+ Is . an nectos an t, that elicits 111111_ um.-- -
clogs the pessage-ttathe hinge. 1104.1 thus. in n soothing
manner, performits duty by throwing All phlegm:and'
ether humors from lungs IT copious Anil fing The this d
is n blureale. which gives olive nod dooi toils strength in
the kidneys; thus encouraged. they draw large nmnnutx
ar impurity from the bh nd, Which Ix then thrown out
bona LI fully by the n riflery or water passage, end which
amid not have been discharged in any ether way. The
fom th is a Ca thArtV. and OreolliplitllOS the other .prop•
cities of the Pills s Idle engaged 111 purifying the
blood; the coarser particles 'of Impurity which rnnuut
pass Ito the Of Ur 011tlehi. are . tisks hikers up and con
veyed off In great quantities by the bowel. •
Frenr-tlivetinveilt - iirsliewir - thirlir. Morse's Indian
Root tills not only enter the store:tell. hut ['mime
united with thin blood, for they fed way to every part, •
and couipletely rout out and cleatiob the system front
ell impurity. and the lilt of the body, which Is the
Idt;od, teem es perfectly healthy consequently nil
sickness and pain is aria t.ii 11,111 the system, for they
rnnimt remain whet', thin body becomes so pure and clear.
The reason -
bud wily to many die, is ease they do not get a •
medicine n filch trill pass to the afflicted parts, and
which will open the esteem passages for the disease to
be east out; hence, a large quantity of food Mot other
matter is lodged. and the stomach tool' Intestines era
litmdly titerliowing with tile corrupted mass; thus, •
undergoing disagreeable Pr...tit:Mom constantly mix
ing with the blood, which throws hhr corrupted matter
through every vein and artery.
' email life is taken fronc
the holly by disease. lir..:lliiree's PI L 69 have added to
- themselves deter)' upon victory.'hy. restoring Millions
• f the Sick to blooming health anti happiness. Tee,
thee/lee& whin have been .rneked or tormented' with .
sickness, 1111ill . 11,111• and whose feeble frames •
leave•licen scorched by the burning' tqrniatits - ortiigliiir
fetfer. and ttlio,have been lorouglit, no it were: writ lib, it
step of tlorsilent grate, now - stand reility'tio'lest try flout
they would have l'oen'tfutolieied with the dead, hail it
not been for Oils greaLand wontlerfill-mellieine. - Nlorge's
. Indian Root Pills. After one two forte lied been ta
heu, the;Y.Were astonished, and also °tidy surprised, In ,
witioessing_their charming effects.- Not only - dr, th e y
give Immediate 1,1.1 ittid • atmength. ou s t take away all
sickness. pill!) and anguish,"but they °see go to work.'
nt the foundation Of the inseam', ti bleb is ideal. There
vire, it sell; li e shown. rspecinlly by those it lm use theSo
PilloAlmt they will en elehnse and purify, flout disease
tate Its flight, a inithe plush
youtliand beauty will again l'eturn, and Ilie pros.
pert into long an• happy life will cherish and brighten
your days.
CAUTION.--itewore of n eonoterfelt A. B. Moimo.
All genuine Intro the mums or A. J. WHITE eco. on
each t sign...dun, of A. J. Mi t & CO. Alt
others Aro spitriott '
A.. 1. CO.,Sdn_Proprietnrsi----
Len:lard Street. New York.
Merne's Indian Ron) ore . .old by nll denims
In Medielnes. • .
' Aden ta aro wanted inerery tnwn r rillage and hamlet
in the land. Parties desiring the ItneY will address. for term
Ppice 2:i yews per tiro box( T (rillJe_qt..on . re
ccipt of $l. po stau. , . paid.
• ene_Tor Sale In lamlisle by 8: Ir; ll!lvenstick:-•
One Small Lox of Pills 'tires - ninetypifivmses out ol
- a hitbdred.,No lialsam. no Mercury, no odor on tliu
breath, nri fear of detection. Two small pills a dose;
tasteless :old harmless no . water. Full directions aro
given; an that the patient can cure himself no (Wilda
as.with the ad, lee of the most orperleneed surgeon,
and much better than with the advice of - tato of little
experience in this class of disease.
L e y enclosing one dollar to Da. Ir. o..Wsur6A. No. 154
14rib Seventh St, below rare. Philadelphia. A Liberal
Discount to the Trade. None genuine without the
written signature of IL G. Walton. Proprloier. •
Mr. 11" 's treatnent for Self abto.e. A caltness; Is
entirely different front the usual course, DAV
r. ; Lau
•cured hundreds who have tried others wlttitit'benelit
The treatnient is as remain to cure nn th sun IS to
rise. Enclose n stamp, and addres , Mr. W. as above,
giving a full history of the case. and you will bless the
day you made the effort to secure 'What is certain—A
27:185R :Iy.
..V . O UTZ'S lIIIXTVRE.—ThisiB a
pnwer,ul and truly magical remedy for all exter
nal diseases, either nu uum or beast. We would ask',
liner you the Rheumatism or Come? I hese are not
pleasant 13/1111.11VIIF, null Ke know that you would
like to drive them away as quick as possible. 'Then Use
Pontes 31ixture.
Would you have your iures, swellings, rote, burns,
sprdnn. lirnhots. or any other wounds healed, we repent
It. mu Fontes Mixture. .
ix truly n wonderful article
. . . .
If your horse has the SpMin, Ilingbone, Poll-Evil,
Fistula, Scratches, I. racked heels, Chllrefi. Galls. Sprains,
Le. We say again and again. your reined 4. is Feutit's
Mixture. It cents but twenty-fire cents to try it.
Hundreds who were nicked with pains—sass's who
were thought lucuraidy aflieted. have heen restored to
health and I.llllldlllosa and are now rejoicing hi the
blebsings - that health bestows; and thus, dear readi,r,
nray It be wit' 'Oll. if you arp so unfortunate as VI be
afflicted w i th a y of the tics for which you find thin
Unit:toot rectal v ended, use it preservingly, use Is
faithfully, and n think you will have cause to blest
the day when you became acquainted all h Foutei
Mixture. ..Prepared by S.A. FOUTZ. Westniluster, Md.
For sale by S. W. Ilaverstick. Carlisle, Pa., and store.
keepers throughout the county generally. Price 25
and 50 cents a bottle. Ijulo'sB-Iy.
C. VON 11E1 LEN, rebreetfolly Inform the C 11.1101113
of Cnrllhle and viefolte. thnt he hoe removed two doors
south of libiss's hotel. In North 11111111Ver Firect, where
ho In yreramt to execute nil kit. do of
work eponerted with OUNSMITIIING.
Ile has slirayA on hand a large assort
,Locks. Keys. - 0
tot Trimmings, he, all 01. _
which he wilbsell wholesale or retail. II; also attends
to reprint; all bloats of Guns. Clocks, Lock., he.; en
graves on Brass Copper and Iron. mends stoves he. Ito
has also purchased the patent right Ike Il epee clog Miles
anal Shot Glom, which lie offers to Ike !whip at very
low prires—lie_hopm. that hj.a-strict attention - to bus
iness, and a desire to please. be will merit as welt as re
ceive a share of the public patronage. - -
~it All
kinds of Fire Arms made to order.
Carlisle, Am '2l- 1858. .12m.]
FP? , ...MberoiTgri; fib sato Ponds of the Borough of
-ptuarnill red - and secured by a first medusa,'
npon the Carlisle One & Water Company's It oat, In
stuns of $llOlO. alll , $5OO. with coupons attached for the
payntetat of the interest sentiwn n unity Persons &sl
ump of a perfectly safe investment for their money and
punctual payments of Interest, will do well to secure
these bawds. 1431'1, TODD, •
Pres't. of the Carlisle Gus and Water emptily.
August 11, If
spRINo Altair z.. i
The abLscriberLlis just returned from-the Eastern
cities. and would call, the attention of his friends and
the public generally in the large and well selected as
sortment of HARDWARE which he has how on hand;
consisting itt part of 31-4Tidil ALS, such ax
Nails. Screws, Hinges, Dolts, Lochs, Glass of every de,
scription and quality, such as Commmn,WhNe, polished
American, French, Enamelled and Double thick of all
alms. Paints, 01h.. Varnishes. &a, Ac.
TOOLS—lncluding _Edge Tools of every description,
Saws: planes, Drace and hitt.; Augers. Squares.
Hasps ' Manners, Vices, Anvil, Screw.,
blacksmiths bellows. &c., &c. •
Shoemakers and Saddlers will find a large ass:umlaut
of Tools of ovary description. together olth Ladies' and
Gentlemen.' Morocco Lining, Binding, Patent and
French Calf Skins, Shoo Thread. Awls. Wax. Pegs. Loots,
Harness Mounting, Collars, Oirtbing, Whipstock, Duct.
hair, Saddle Trees, &c., &c.
Also, Catch Makers Tools and Trimmings of all hinds,
iinch as Hubs. Spokes. Folloos. Shafts. Bows, Floor Cloth,
Canvass, Cloth, Damask, Fringe, Lace, Moss,'Axies,
Spring Delta &a, &r.
Cabinet Makers will find n large assortment of Var
nishes. Oak, Walnut, and Mahogany Veneers, Knobs of
all kinds and sixes, 31ouldings. Divots,. Hair Cloth,
Flush'. Curled Male Chair, and Snfa Sponge, Bc,, Ac..
Housekeepers will Maio find a large assortment of
Knives.and-Forks,Atrittatxia—Allata.audSllvealtlat •
Table and Tea Spoons, Candlesticks. Waiters, Shovels,
and Tongs, Iron and Mass Kettles, Pans, &c.. together
with Cedarware of all kinds,. such as 'Subs. buckets,
Churns. &a ,Be,
Agricultural implemeuts,embracing PlowaufaMkinds,'
cultivators. Hoot'. Shovels, Rakes, Forks, Chains, &c.
'lllO5l, a large she k, chmprisingall kinds in general
„which lam selling,at city wholesale prices. •
,Remember the old stand, East Main street, Carlisle.
April 7, 1859. . ' 11. 'SAXTON. •
Street, (opposlts)de Railroad outre,)
- has just received a new' And -elegant assortment et
'Cloths. Main, Mask and Fancy cassimers. and a rat City
of Plain and Elgured/Vemings, - MI of rrlthir du will
make up to measure In pittblotteblo style,. and on Iv a
soonblo tonna: ~. •
4 Orders Mtandita to promptly..and the fitting lb.
all garuieuts guarantied{ or no 'sale.- .
Tartish?, Inot/Itl B k B . 11/INTCII.
, auirtaellii;r: for
titivate rear!am whirh , cati tat. herrooally 'rail/flood. of.
fete for sale ort tho toast 'liberal {whir. the' enilri Kt ork
of hoilia:.,Stittoprry. atc., tificlualett: the 'goad, lOW I a ,
longing to hbriork.,' Taylor &tinithit tlar'atorii to the
*melt east cuttier.ot, thu,eyuarg T ciitiositp,lialle'ea 1101
irivaCll: .„ - •
. .
tts.r4ceived fret:lh INU F 1,1311)
ty ! ,,u'd ALCUIta, at Ii J.
• vIV