Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 27, 1858, Image 3
tWrliaritets. cAtt LISI; IC, PRODUCE MARKET Reported weekly for , the llerold•. by - •Woodward OD Schmidt. Elfiuo. Superflue, pur,idiL do. Extra, do. ,do:' Family • do. • RYE • (10. WHITE IVIIEAT per bushel LCeu de - do. OATS 11111 CLOVERSEFID =aa: .— - TiJili7'kit H~f`.D =ME= DYSPEPSIA CDR ED KY 1.15.1 NO OXYGENATED BIT PERS.— Ponsmouth, N. 11..; April_ 15, 1855.—Da Vor the last four years I haiMbuen, as you are well aware., a great sufferer of Dyspepsia. remittently, during that tinm, I haye been compelled to quit my business. and the disease had become Resented •thal 1 had given pp all hopes of ever obtaining any re lief. Thu 6,4,6111100 illod mosed great distress. I liad given up in (Insp . :dr. WWI you strongly rerun,. mendi,i the (I'xygenated Bitters, and It is will: a heart full of gratitude; that I now pronounce. 'myself 'wholly' free from all . symptoms of hppepsia, 1.m,, eat any thing at oily time,sleop WON, 11111 i mit now enjoy the btlmy air of Spring. and look upon nature Willi 1.1. de light that has beopa stranger to one for pews. To all %Who note"bo suffering from Dyspepsia. I would say, " u4ll the Oxygepattd Bitters." W3l. DIA !STEIL Gentlemen.-1 add my.hearty eeneurrenco with the above statement, knowing It to ,11(111/1 Walling but , the . troth. I never sold'any medicine fur. Dyspepsia. • that has given so nuiverml satisfitetion as the I.l7,ygen ' ated Bitters. - WNI. PRESTON. . Druggist and Apothecary. None genuine unless signed I. BUTTS on the wrapper. • SE:rit Fowtt: & Co.. I:ol . Washingten Street, Borten, rinprietem=Sold.lly-thulr_itgetitaererywhero LS...M -LR/113 agent for Carlisle. .* , . . Vltava(' .4.0 . 1e - 60oNs.—The nalltor of the America Ag rieultutist„ who -professes to hi: familhar with the work imrakpery, desired to purchase a gewing'3l, chine. and aft examining all 010 various styles In the laark s .4. stays: " For nits own Wally use. We herrnie satisfied that lintivra A: BAKER'S Is tile lute?, lied we ac cordingly purehased liortwo liroeley. in refefring to this extract of his brother editor. writes: "To all of Whiell the TaiIIVNE says, Amen!" We feel AlSpaseal to tonotani-adviso our lady-readers-to--anakw:then , selves familiar with the amerce A Ilm:sit Sewing 31st. chino, if they value health anal en:era:rt. Oflirus of exhibition and saler-filf: liriladway. New , _York : ltl Summer street, Boston; and 780 Cliela nut street, Plairadelphia.• - - - MARION HALL is the place to ge ougagrrootypep• Aluhrotypea, Meholiotypes,•ftei reoseopes. Crayonty yes and Photographs. Persons yisiting Carlisle will find it to reward then for their trouble to visit this Itmlitute. 11. But few speehilenit are the door and the public are iespiodfully invited to tali at the Caliery. where m ery variety of pictures rapable 1f be log Produced by the Photographic Art ran he obtained In, and aentlemen call In whether you meant pie tures or uot, and you will meet a ith a cordial reception • ResTectfully.yours, INFLANiI tTION OP Till: EVEN.-1.1110 all other inliamtaa• thin; bi canard by imptinty or 1 wfilrb iifitses all Eruptiva diseassa, ug Palt 111111111 M Seurvy. 111.11 s, fiores. Illi oro, &0.. The blood being mt./m.10.Y. and ul an Impure nature, also fieraidinlit Dropsies. The blood becoming, °list, mood 1 1 1 veins, the-watery part of the blood In 00111,11101100 Is 111,1,11 01.11, from their es• trtinii ties, and dropsy is the' result. Many times it is 'occasioned by improper treatment of Amne Polar, ills. ems, and the vessels being filled by timbals humprs in stead of Shod. Frewevtiettal ions by these pills. , pen t.llll - 110SSagl, 11110 the 111/1111101.111111 carry oil the corrupted bunion, and renew them with pure and healthyJiloed, whieli will drive °two the body All inilammation. (tether with eroptionS 'tbe shin, 0011 all' drotofeal complaints, They will bun shield Jo every form or dis• guard and keep vim front the cold grasping timid 01d...0,011d 0111100 1110 . 10111 strength toremain, and Ile tannitenance to brighten with the Idiom.' !minty and health. • _ r i i l . l4,2l l ,Z:_kb,lbin )(not PIM nio . snb.l by nll dealt: MOUNT HOTLY SPRING in n. late number of the Philadel phia Inquirer, a. well- milieu deseriPtiod Mount llollySprings, from which We make the following. , extraet: . • • •• Mount. Dolly Springs, Penna.,,is a mall but . . . - beautiful village, _Situated id--a delightfully . . —.picturesque. xalley., running along haw een the branches. of the Blue Mountain:J.:surrounding it, with Magnificent grandeur seldom equalled 'even in' our own fair land, where nature lets - so lavishly bestowed her unstfrpassed gills. llerethe fevered brow is fainted by the cool -1 log bnetes, which are continually sporting with every green leaf' and flowery shrub on the steep declivities and in the vale, whispering , bealth to the poor invalid and.plauting roses ' of their own gathering ripii the pale and.stin t en - iilie7R - 7 - And - their - wheirthe'sunthas mink to rest beneath the dark wing of night, they come merrily dancing lir and out at the open window. driving away every •Itot breath end lulling to refreshing repose the silent reveller in some Mr-of -land of dreams." It iglu this lovely spot that ninny gather together ere Slllllnter has st epped• forth ,in her loveliness', and tarry until she essuwes the garb of autuni nal beauty. • • Only two hotels ]lave' as yet been opened for the itecominotlatiou of Summer visitors ; - one capable of enter - tabling about one hundred the other at' about half the capacity, and both well calculated to please the most fastidious I mist e. and satisfy the most delicate palate, _ every one, up visiting this-place. should leave behind, in the debilitating and 'murky city, -ell "morning naps" and 'thoonday lotingings," hi nd go forth, ere the nun has peeped through the green' foliage upon the mountain tops, and catch the first breath of deliglifffil - morn, as it • conies sweetly perfumed front the dewy Inca . dews, or waving fields of corn A walk up the gentle ascent, to the "observatory," front whence he can riez, a haft portion of tIM "ki ng d o ms wile earth," will. an excellent tonic for dyspeptic organs, and please .the _geueropB best by -shelving a perfect satisfac tion with WI abundant ',morning meal. And / while the neenday sun is louring Ins meridian heat upon unprotected stone and mortar, the '•:inoSt -delightful shades can be found by the many gashing springs, or along the banks of .-., the pellucid-OEOM 1 1111 1 collies winding around the mountain's base, all the time singing its 7 inerrY,song while sporting o'er its pebbly bed, • or, rushing wildly' o'er sonic intruding impedi ineUt throvm across its •undisputed palli„or where, cnllecting all its scattered powers, tad ----armed Wit lAtnewed.strength,_it_dashes_tqinZ the ponderous wheel of some stately mill; per-' 74i.! . .fortiting the 'labor imposed upon it, then .ifiliic63 along as merrily as before I 'mild like 'to step aside from the' original ' . purpose of this articleandtell you of the many manufacturing. establishments that o ,Ait't the beautiful Mountain stream ; but time will not permit. But I, cannot forbear memioning the' • Mount holly gaper Mill. which has so lately been put in operation, as it proves . to be one efthe principal attractions of the place';', for 'thine could fail to enjoy the walk of nearly a mile front the hotels along the shadybanks of the mountain strehm, where the 'little flab gambol unconcealed in its translucent waters,. mid the birds till the air with contagious de • light.—Turning around the base of a circular elevation, the mill is stuldenly presented in ell her grandeur and beauty, and exhibiting a remarkable degree of good taste; which is id . , ways so pleasing to' look upon even by the moat, uncultivated vision. But, nothing we Lave ever seen, of the kind can vie with the exquisite and,beautiful finish of the whole in . tenor of the eat °RAVI) !Wilding, with . all, its complicated machinery, while genius and re. - tthemeiit are visibly combined wherever the eye wanders, and find ordeF,liold per-. feet rule in every:apartment. We prophesy great prosperity for lin:Tenter . prising - proprietors, judging from the find samples of paper we beheld upon every side 1 i massive piles. Anil well may it. outstrip ... Its competitors, for no null in the country can 'boast'of its facilities. the 'principle of which is a great abundance of pure Soft mountain - spring water. This, with the ' dryness and pureness of the, atmosphere, gives the paper _Abet. Peculiarly velvet feeling t ro very 'desire. ble inall-papers for wrffW purposes: We certainly wish the proprietiiillhe success they so vie* At sa •ve—for nothing can be more • ' "gratifying to a frilly American heart than a - ' , perfect indopendenceinourhomeproductions. And no French or English paper that abun • dantly graces our market. can surpass the • . delicacy of color and perfectness of texture, 'BS well as exquisite finish, 011ie article mane ' lectured at this establishment. . There are ninny delightful walks and 'drives through the valley and adjoining country, for the lovers of Nature's own hundiwork, in the Many bettutles she has so lavishly scattered around. and the malty minus displays of her powers: ;Near lierebre.the Boiling Springs, the Carlisle end York Sulphur, itnd Dublin ;Gap SPrinvt. and many other places of interest .. fully capable of driving away the deepest root-. ell elinui. !I n uit kive . profitable and pleasing no. cithaticjigipt the mind during the.lobg stun:. , • m ar inotiffarc,,Then cpme to stir cool =un - fain retreat. hreathe , the-fresh 'invigorating o nth; anti drink health, Mid strength from na ture's goblet .'Oyatli bite green woad islinde; . and you will return to your Amines blessing the SOJOURNER • Nll/ fibnertisem TIOES"DISEASE of lOIN' ATE Hi L.► • hIPURITY OF THE BLOOD? .. • This Is a question of vilel imitui tance. and one which has never been satisfactorily disi used of by the profes sors who told, the bealibes art. Some maintain--nod eTecially the old seta ol Physic's:lS—that life lives 'in the blood, and therefore all. ilseases o: iginnte. In H— ind modern Meiol , o.l avers that aliments have their origlitation In both the solids and fluids of the l ody. That the latter preponderate, however. Ina fixed fact, and medical skill hasclearly demonstratod that at least too-thirds of the that human Ileshis heir to, have their seurce In an $ 5.25 6.5(1 6,00 8,60 1,15 1,05 13iPUltli - HTATE OF TIIH PLUM! AP, for Instance. In tho Inng catalngue. suet, as Scrofu la: Totter. It:whorls itch," Pimples, Eryslpe Ulcers, Salt Rheum, discharges f the Sar,l'ever SOriator Irruptive diseases of any klud.—Theso_..urmac , 7.lalued-hy-well - known nitalleolthy...tnatrig;from bad blood—while'the hlgheht anedlcal Vitt!mattes &chile that most •fenem orlginato In the smile manner. and more particularly Typhoid and 'scarlet—the former MS lug an Internal, 111111 the latter all milernal frimptlve illsfalso a and In nil persons attacked by these ma , adies, the blood Is found - to be either coagulated, or of zr dark unhealthy color.. 600 -1-,75 . . To ~rued Milt ia•Re majority of diseases; Ms well Is eon, a Moldier which have already selized U)1011 the sy fumy It Is necessary to . . LI hdnoy'n improved Lllooil Featrelte'r ilnes not elnitn . Fran ' . . UNIVERSAL PANACEA • for every disease known, but the proprietors elnlin for It Ihn power not .only or draining out ell impurities of the blond. but by the hkilgul rombNotion of well km non vedeinble rqinedies. It Will mire nil allying from o deranged Mole ..ft he Aver. drive out ,lyspepvis. and, give. renewed hiss 31111 vigor to thiesteniariv Allot the .11Loon St:unlit:lr Is ell that is chi hued for it, the proprie. tors esnproduce • • lutoor • - • It, is only n yonrs stolen it was tlismvereti. and yet it has grown into such a InlSll:ess 'lint a large lalioraiery 1. 5 linen built exProssi , for Its ninuninetnn•—a forge amyl er of oleo employed lip potting Dom. arid still the'PlN - 601*± - NOT - EQUAL - Tlll2 - I)EMANDV --- - 11'a osk. any elllflllilmtatb could !Ids be so. it tby,lied• lelaa did nut paane9l , ll.l. the virtues elnioned for it? The-Prom o.tois loivo hundreds of eertittmt., froth ini4Cnronololty and slalicling in tine counnunity, log what Ile suedielno.ks (blow tinily for the gniforing •1m has ever heed the..llllod Seerrhe•.whether relief vas ex perioneett. Let the :11111..te1l vivo It. trittl—a ttithtle hol Ito will. Ithottlett titttnieSt skehtletiVof its eflivary. It vi-.-.--Forteiledn Carlisle -by -S.--.W.—llave r rstick.-.5.-Fil Hell, and 11;.1. Nielieti; KaulTman k Son, 111.01 , 111111 , harg Zook, Slienlieriktinv CII,III. I liwstimn ; Sinnoons, CI ; Klyrtz Silirenianstoivo : A. 31 Leldi - 31Ar3 - Eilwe -West 11111; .1. C: Fostintielit k Dry.. Oakville: l.liMentalier A Elliott. Newburg; Wm. Ilratton, Nowville; Rood k. Co.. Springfield Russell'& Oleo Dirkinnin ,• flight:and Wsellinger,..lnekiemville; _k Co.. I.em: Roads: IVni. 11, 1.1ek1e,,• Snoillim.11111: 1), Ilenlineer, Whit rl ittl I : .1. C. Alt lek. Shippensltrir; all :if Cuinlier inid county, Pa. ' • • LINDSIW k LFAION, Proprietors:. • Oet27'llit. Ilellidaysintvg, )Thy cophm,—.Sine Read .v . V l / 4 'oll.l<"A 01'. 'EP , 17 A E ALLAN ISM.% beautifully Illustrated will muse thou out. I led origins' designs by Dafley, ket. rester. Pleke,gifi. erops. , y. Ihnsgan, no Vaal), : nod ssgrayi , il Is the finest J•ly.lo' gravim; hy LINToN, EVAN's. . • 5t0,..11,11v MolLirs." A few Cnple• In )lonwen, Sinn Dollsrs. Alsn. the fifteenth edition n POE'S COMI'LETE SCORES;."' . IN FOWL VOLUMES, P 2 SIO. PRICE $4.50, =a CO II iuin,t the Taloo of the firoletoito and Aral )))) ) ))110 NVloolorfol Stories of tho lootgloation ; All his Poetry Tho Story of A^tlitir (hullo)) Pyon, dud a comploto Col lortlon 1)fall )111)1,01)othot), to the )11)gaz,loto1) . • 1 , 4 Ited by RUFUS W. GRISIVOI,II. I). 11., with naives o , hic 1,1))) by .1 It: Lowri.n. and N. I'. 11itt.1.s.. Slut by midi. p..tage roveipt. ar pris e. I= CUMBERLAND VALLEY INSTITUTE, AIECIIANICSBUIta, I A. REV. BEN;IA MIN 17: LIPPINCOI7, A. 11,. PRINCIPAL. TrAVIIER in" MOILLE..AND N•VC11.11. EVIENCE, A. FOSTER MULLIN; A. B.: 1110 3lodern • ••• -•-- , -I.lmgmiges. 711031 AS S. REESE. A. 11., Ancient Languagem and English. ilils.lnsLtlyttion having ir.iSsert Into now WOOS. will rein1, , 11,41.0,11 - 111110 lichool only, on Thursday. the 2,1 iy of F.E.ptetstbSi no . xt IL Is thelb..sign of the present oprietors to make It a strictly tirst•rlass Boarding 'hood, for training' and fitting bo, it and young Imes tiler for college or. business. An rillel,lt corps of. 11,-. ruetors has - been organized. whose personal intsrests Nettled with tile surroorof the Institution. and liti soil, NIKIre no pains to inal.e It wittily of the enufj. my,' and patronage of th • public.. Buildings of to Institute are:wild°. and well Itrratiged for the =o=l from a' road are expected to board with the teachers - Th.v will thus enjoy thelienelit of constant lush scutea and mtpervision. Me:thank:hut g is situated in the centre of the beau. tiful Cumlifirland Valley. film, tulips floor and is easy:o'llmnd: by Railroad &mut Philtidelphia•Bal tinter°, be. N.. lo,•ation could Ito more eligible for ac VPSS-11011e more healthy Or attractive Pirsueb a school. Pupils from Washington. Baltimore. Pilihifielphill 1111 d intermediate points, taking 'the morning train. will reach Me•h,anirn}nrg tinlork, P. ftl. An it hello, determination of the Principal and his Assistants to place the Institute on a permanent and elevated }sods, with every inipneAtpin.regnisite for Imperitir miccess, they appeal with ronlidencu to all who have sons to ed. The scholastic year will be divided into two sl4,ions *of twenty two weeks emelt. the first bevinning in, the first 11,,,,,by of Soptelliber. and endfin:' en the caret Wednesday of February: the second session 11l aannind O n th e fl e w Thursday of February, and ending on the first Wednesday ofJ my rr ER M S. trd.lVashing, Room Rout. and Fuel pm- Ilion, (('ommon Entrl6ll.) - • (Higher English) - • Amient and slodorn Lammages,'. . Terms per sev.sion payable In advance. 0. Fut further Information apply to the Phinripal,' 311.V1111 Ilk:4111M I'll. CURBERLAND VALL,E] ;r II.NK. 11101'111ETOIIS. 311.1.cu0i1l 11110001 AN, JOllO In 01.11., .10110 S. ST1.111 , 11; 11. A. Stuam.os. IVILLISM KEH, RonT.C.STEnumr, MoRHoWOOOs, JOHN 0. Du-Nixo, This Hank, doing business In the name of Her, Drell 0111111 et CO., in now folly prepared to do a general • liking thisiness with promptness and fidelity. Money received on. deposit and paid bark MI 11011111311.1 itllOUi notice. Interest paid en special depositx. Cur. sites of deposit bearing. Intermit at the rate of live cent. will be Issued tor as shin t n period as tour mooting. Interest on ell certificates will cease at ma. turity, provided, however, that If said certificates aro renewed at any time theceafter for another given pe riod, they shall bear the same rate of Interest up to the time of renewal. Particular attentionyald to the col. 14ction of notes, drafts, cheeks, &e., In any part of the United Stales or Canadas. Remittances made to England, Ireland, or I he Conti, ut. The faithful and voditiential exteutlon of all tern entrusted to them, may be relied mum Ihey-eal I -the. ittlen tion -of -PariderEOluelet tiles •and thorn who lustre it side depository for their names. the undeniable List, that the proprietors of this hunk INDIV.I/VAILIC Ilal Ic to Old extent of their estates fat the Depossts, and other 'obligations of Gar, Ermine ink Co. They have recently removed Into their newitashing num (Meetly opposite their farmer stand, In West tilt Street, a few doors east of the Railroad Depot, Jere they will at nit times• he pleased to gise any illation desired in regard to stoney shutters is gm.. Opun for buslutsf from U o'clock in the morning uul ll 4 o'clock In the evening., ll: A sTuit6:o - ooiler. Carlisle. May 20. 1857 LI'E It Y STABLE.— El a v ing pur chased from .1. It. Nonemaker his 1.1 VERY 1.:7 2 - TABLISJIM EN 8, I will be IllwayF reedy to areounno '- date the piddle with HORSES. CAII -401-"" HIM:ES, HUBBIES. 111111 every other at , • thin In any line. By strict, attention to homeless and a dhlre to please. the subserther hopes to reeeiVe n liberal shorn of public petiolate., likAlltliN BENDEL... N. B. Oundbusses on hand those who may be In peed of them. ' Nov. 25. 78T.7 • BABE CHANCE FOR A GOOD LA_ INVESTMENT —ma subset - Intending to leatve Carlirle, will soli his entire stock of Ilats. Caps. Boots and Slaws. (Which Is new and instil) on ndvnnta• genus terms, too responsible buyer. The business Is well established, and the stand the best In town. Every satlsliu•tion wlil he guaranteed the nu echaser and terms made fair.' 1 would like to soil as soon as Feasible. 3. li. It ELLER. P. 8.-1 will still keep a•lirst rate assortment of pools on hand, and sell as'elleal, as ever lilt the day of sale. 1 4 1 1AGANCE, TASTE AND FASII- E 4 .10N COMBINED AT W. SIMMONS' PARIS" MILLINERY EMPORIUM, 564 BROADWAY, Now York. A splendid liognrtmont of the most Elreant • and Fashionable 311 LLIN IlltY and 3B 1,1.1 N Y (If 0118, selected by our min' a out In Paris and London for Full and %tinter wear, an o ere a pr ees re ow any other llouse In the Trade: also, a lame assortment of Felt and Beaver BONNETS, fir Ladles' and - wear, at the lowest possible prices. wholesale and retail. Pattern Bonnets always on hand. , . —ant . • Jl CJIle D . . Prof; SEpTuilus S. BATA, Iles the honor orannouuelng to the Ladlea and Gentle men of CAIII.L.tidt, that ho willnpen bin ' DANCING ACADEMY, On FIt,WAY, the let day of OCTOBER, MP Duringthe semen, thb latitst and most fashionaLle ti; WALTZEM, OAI.IopAIWS, POLKA& _ScwirrielCllES. Yr.VELE,OIS.: aid the celebrated LANIJERS QUADRILLE, will he taught. The.rnotEssratimae , naged the 001110IIICK Roams n4r the establishment el" Messrs. LYNCH' A: DerwLmicit, (opposite the -VOLUNTEER Orr 11111.) • ' • • 'WAR Or TUITION.—For Nilsen., dod Nina , tors: Titerdays slid Fridnys, Rem o'clock. I'. M. "rot o°llol4lmo, 4.4111 u oVellitip; (rain 7' to 30, P. A book V4lll be . ..posed nt, UPI lIERALD OFFICE, Crlirre tern.: 4t.: will be made known., ' . -„, dept. 29, !MA, oiler * '. • Sugar, Butter and Soda •%•.....4,,,5.• Clike,Currtint Junjbolg; ifrb Il .1 IC lENVEIII4. =2 ASK ANY PERSON S. S. lISIWIELD. , Agi•nt, Si Seel:nun St.. New York sl' 00 12 u I 15 00 la 00 3lcaf Tstite Sales • iHANS' L •COURT SAI USIICC of an order of the Orphans' Court of r t ;i 1131 ; Cumberland county, the undersigned guardian orJohn Bretz, ono of the h;lrs of Raritan, Yolm.nthorntse Shot- I or, deceasedovlll offer at public sale on the promisor, _on TUESDAY. thttlfiln day of NOVEMBER, 1858, all that valwable tract of land, lately la:longing to said de cedent. situated In Silver Spring township, Cumberland co., hounded by hindsof Matthias Moor, berry Bear, Jacob Mumma and others, and con., tains 65 ACRES, a more or less W . haring ; • thereon °nolo,' STONh' DI:M.IN.° , I:Vt7 i , - HOUSE, Steno Bank Barn anti other •" Improvetnents, the 'thy of the - la Id Is very line and this offersn great Inducement . to purchasers. . SO° to continence at 1 , o'clock, P.-Al e when-terms will bo GI E0:111'NElt, 0 uordiam 0ct..27', 1 684 c. YALU A Bal PROPERTY AT PRIVATE 8 lA. —Titn * subscriber offera at prL vat.: fule tho 31111 Property on whlell ho now resides, situated In Mifflin township. Cumberland County . , 0 miles west of Now. Ville, nu 4 4 runes east of Newburg,. on the State road leading from Newville to Three 6.quare'llollow. , This prapert v includes 45 ACit EA 01 , WINO: 40 acres of witch are eta udd :OAHU. a good state of rult.vation, the greater..miit being limed uud 11111101 . Grand AM", with Hunting water in every . field. The residue, 5 acres, o.ivi.rik with grand Umber. . The i taro votoiluts ore a three stor?filtlST MILL in gond repair, with excellent Burrs and Chrppers, and :ty excellent rho at minion,. , . . .. . . . . Also, a Saw If 111. In goodoriler. with constant employ. merit. 'filer, Mills' are on the Three tiquaro Hollow Roo, with a head of fifteen feet. . The. other Improvements aro. a two-story E T ' i ~„ . ,f It A3l g AND VW, HMI:4% FrOIIIM '5t.:1140,• ei'l:. : . .. (nearly Lew) Carriaor House. Smoke MONO " ' !Old other necessary out-linlblinas. 'Thera is a well of excellent water. (with n pistols in it, at the door. Also, .n OitCliAltDr or choice fruit. The ;O,nvo property will, ho a .1,1 so as to oiler great in. docements to purely...ors: For further partioulars_ ap ply 5 ' - • _ .. -.10:3Pilill-X,..-1,INDSI Mifflin Township. Ana:2sl. ihtl, - ' • .rOR SALT;OR•RENT.- I will sell at private g.ile or If not sold I will'rent from the Ist of April; 1159. all my IVAltit.lltlUSE PROIiORTY at Oakville. on the Citinberhunt Valley Pail' Rot I, for n ternrof years or a stogie year, as will beat The prop,gfty consists of n TIVOSTORY BRICfc WA.R4II9USH, covermi with - sine;loo — fda lomr, li , i - feee aide,iinir (shed in the intst:lnAntter, with all modern Impnlve. - molts rhitvht, 711 front oritiOillroot "nttraNikt - Ft - dittig; - end calculated to do any amount of forwarding v bust. Them Is also on the premises alargo - BOUBBB-TWcYSTO ifjpfißY BRICK HOU - SE. . • .• papered, paiuted and finished 'from the eel or to the -garret in the hest style: and also a TWO, STORY IblU. ME [NINE, whichig gibm handsomely finish .1: with cellar under the whole of the said buildings, floe iaraens and yards:Oa:idled tip each: with on excel. lent cistern at the deny and also a never failing well of water. 'fbiq property la.sltu at; In tho iulddle of Cumberland Valley, with the finest limestone land all around: about lII' I way bet went, Newlin,' and Shlppenaburg: n situp• tam which .eannuands the lwat grain market of the Will/b. VII Ilev. If sold the tnrum. will be pptile nimlertte up.on good - .4ei.arlty bring givori for the pprehafelllOiley, — Apply to .. . 1A . 1.3011 brlllli ' Carllsle,"(iet 20, s:l.—tf.r Carlkle. . . teonf. Notices CRT P OC N WnEutts the lion. WES It. GRA lIAM. Presb atria 3udze of the several Courts 411 Common Pleas of the ecuiitles . of Ctinthefland.' Perry 111111 Jlllll3lll. and Just fee of the se‘eral Cllllrll4 of Oyer and Terminer awl General .let! Delivery its 50111 counties, and Hon. Sop oat WormanaN nod Hon. M. Coeat,lN, Jud , ges of the Court pr Gyer and .Tertnlner and General Jo 11 - Dellvery for the trial of all rapital other offenders, ha the nail enmity of Cumberland. by their prevents to mu rectedolate+the 12th-of -A prllyPiros,-hose.ordenal-the. Court only', and 'refrainer tont.General Delivery to be holden at CA 1t1,1141,E. on the And NIONDAV of the farerasot. to 1 1 4111t111U1! two weeks. NOTIrE IS II ifftEßY tttVl N to the Coront , r, .hue. flees the Pea., and S,nnstableao' the said county of _Cumberland, that they are by. tint FahL . precept coin. minded to be then mot there In Melt proper persons, "wltletheir rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and all other lemembratces. to do those things which to their.officerappertain to be done, tintdaWthose that are bound tip rerognirances. to proneettte attalnst the prisoners that are or then shall. be le) - thu jail of sell county, are tc be there to . prosectan diem as shall be JACOB 1.10W31 AN, Sheriff.. Sept. 2n, IRAS.) - 71 STA'L'E NOTICE. Letters testa. II( men tr.ry ma. the - ut I Aeolt KOLLER, of Upper Allen. dAn:eased. have been ',lined by the : Regis ter of flumberiand county. to John it. Coover. of the same lownehip. All haring . claims against the Estate, aro hereby notified to present them duly an. then floated for settlement, and those Indebted tit make mu=tni Exerutor of.lneob Koller, deed I\T OT IC 11 . :. L. -A II persons lc now in g ; them- LL• selven.lisdelitod to Um Estate orlinoroo• Mo r e,. devegowd, areittroby notified to make immediate pny- 31AltY M. .MOIIRIS, A timlnistrat or O. P. Ilularivb, AttornoY =ME Carlisle. Sen. 8, 1858 N • • OUCH. —,- Notice is hereby given, th..t.Appikei,,,, win be made to the lOU' Legis lature of Pennsylvania. to alter the charter of the DEPOSIT HANR, located In the iluroazli of Carlisle, Cumberland County. on 1111 to roofer upon said took the rights and privileges of a 11:tTok of moue, mot to change its name to the Cultund: Rod:: also• to, the capital of said Bank, which to at present. Se, entyd l ro 'pnousand I/dials, with privilege Of in creasing the FlOll. under Its present charter to 11110 hun• Bred thousand dollars, to too hundred thousand dollars. .N. C. 3IUSSELMAN, "Culls!" June 0. IR.rei , —• rIUMBERLAND. VALLEY It, It.— k_i WINTER. ARRANGEMENT. '-"...:-• ' .. t •• i :ie.:- . • • . ‘ t • 4- ••• CHANGE OF 11012118! , On and after MONDAY. OCTOBER 11th 1859. Passen - ger Train, will run as follows: (Sundays excepted* - FOR HMIII.IBIIIIIIO. _ - - -.,.+,... - Ist Train. 2d Train leave Cliambersbute s- 8.25 A. AL . 2.15 P. 31 Shippensloirg; 6.55 " 2.411 " ' " New sills,, • 9.27 " 3.18 . 0 • " Carlisle. • 10.90 . 3.58 .31 erlianicsburg, 10 32 •,, 4.30 ~ Arrive at Harrisburg, . 11.03 , 0 5.02 " FOIL CHAMBEItSBUIIG, Ist Train. 2d Train. Leave Ilarrlsburg ' 8.30 A. 51 . a 1.00 P. 51. " 51erhaniesburg 0.10. 0 1.211 " Carlisle, -9.50 0 2.12' . 0 0 ' ' New villa, 10.30 - " o 2.47 Sliippensburg, 11.02 . 3'23 Arrive at Chanils.r3burg, 11.30 " 3.53 ~' Trains (rave (Harrisburg for Philadelphia; via Penn'n— ' Railroad:at •1.10, A. M.. 2.15, P. 31„ 0.25,'. P. IL, and - 19.00 at night. By Heading, via Lebanon, Valley Hall It.sul at,2.25 P. NI. ' For Pittsburg, 3 40, A. M., 1.00, I', 01., and 5.10. P. 51. F, ,r Illiillitiori.. ti 30, A. 51 and 1.45, noon. For Trver. t•ni and Willianisport; It 1.00, P. 31., ana 6.45, 0. 51. Train on Dauphin Road at 1:10, P. NI. -- - NOTION TO PASSENtIERS: • At all Stations where Tickets are sold, viz: Chatubershurg, Shippensburg; Carlisle, 31ecliniesburg and Harrisburg, a ro , ductlon of TEN CENTS on each Ticket will be inado to all Passen• gum that provide thenieelves with Tickets before en ., tering the - Cars. . O. N. LULL, Super% Railroad 0 co,Chombersbu (.. d. 0.1/158. . rzl. • . . .a CRITTENDEN'S 1. 3 ILA DELHI IA COMMERCIAL COLLEUE, N. E. darner Seventh and Chestnut Sta., PFIILAELDPHIA. Au Institution doesigned to pregaro young men for iNCORPOBATED JUNE 4,• '55. =I • ROA RD OF TRUSTEES. Comegye. David S. Brown, Froitels Hoskins, A. V. Parttliii, David Milne, isaac Hacker, t. Overt., IL Stuart. IL It. Hinman, Joint Sparhtwk. Frederick Drown, • Joshua Lippincott, Jr. - FACULTY. S. 11. CRITTENDEN, Principal, Consulting Accountant, nod Instructor In Commercial Cast...nut ' Twist so, W. ' , raceme of Pit numnship. utomec 11. TORANIIER, Professor of the Science of Ac. Taunts .Tony llsossuruk, Professor of Hook Keeping and Ph. nagraphy. A uousres Suomi, Professor of Languages. Hon. Jogs—loam Lecturer on Commercial Law. W H. ALFER 7 1.. L. D.. President of Hirard College— Lecturer on Political Eyonomy. -Catalogue . . . s, containing' full particularpotterms, roan nor'ottnetrtsll.3o. - iinny - boltd - on - upplying - s5 - rh - College, either In person or Wiping. '4lp- tIIIITUNDEN'S 11001S-liiiEPINU for solo. l'rico $1.50.—.1t0y to inane, 50 ets. - • [0ct.13,'58. VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER Bleolaanlosburg, Pa. . )-`Di' All styles and pattorno of Blinds made to ardor, and Old repaired JO a neat and substantial man. nor. and on reiloonablitenno • oVis - Oniers from Carlisle and other points abroad re, ,opectfully solicited. and promptly attended to. ti shop directly oppusitirthe 'Union lintel,' West Main Street,. , [duly f, I.SIEBURNERS' COAL .- .2,0 W J 'CONS of Lykonn Valloy Nut C.l.a a auperlor rte., • c and for sale by August 6,1.57 . FRANKLIN tIOUSE,.•.' .•. South ll:sourer Street, Opining thu Court House Carlisio, Pa. .. ' % JOHN II AN:YOPI.. . Proprietor. Air %fail COarh loaves dully for P.tpoilown. Peters burg, York Splines nvol.tht,lnvorfrom this 11nure.,.,„ 1 - RON. —l'E - TON - 8 °ha row! - Forgo), PI U. IRO for sale at the WarohoOmo ' 4oOf.•Vi• PV. 8 .1 , • W. it: u toy* v L". _ NOTICE.--Tuos. M. .BIDDLE .. continues th e practice elite law, In the office tlnanorly Occupied by file father, Wm: M. Diddle, Mail , and mnro recently, by the law firni`of Penrose a Biddle, now dissolved.. . , . ' bee. 23, W.] , ' • . • . . . 1-4,1 P. HUM RIC 11, Attorney 4t, taw. • —Office .on North' tranover street. n iew doors South of alms' Hotel. - All business entrusted to him will be premptlynttended to. Itt• AW NOTICE'.- REMOVAL. 1,4 M. PENROSE hos rumored his office to the room Ibrmorly occupied by Wm on sircut'a few doors oxst.of the•Meth6dict'Chur,dr whoro - WWllllWaiptly t Wildness entructc+Utellitn. - 7 August 19,1857. - - ' - - rA W 0 10 .—L 31 U TOD in D resumed the practice of the Law. Office Centre S q uare, wost sato, near the First , Presbyterian Church. .• 1 • April 8, 1857. - .• • —"A s EAR.: S. B. KII3FEER Office in• North f linnov or street two doors from Arnold 4-.• Bon's lilltre hours, more particularlyfrum 7 to o o'clock A. 51.. and (min sto 7 o'clock. I'. 11. .' L.-hoar° it ARMSTRONG has remov- L10,11,k °lnce to Contra *lmre west of the Court louse: whom he may ha r 'insulted at any , hour of the, lay or uNirt. fir. A. has had thirty years °aperientc n tho prolosolon, thu last too or which hare 31.011 darn. ed to the Study and practice of Ilenueopthle mud! goo. May 20, 'l,7llnr. • • . GEO.. w . .. N.immoir. 1): D. S. - Fite DupionAlnitor of qplnttive Devitistrylo the Collie„ of • Y N'ti re. :0 r a rl re . pide ' n ' co, • opposite •31arion . 'eat d (ain SLrggL~.CurlLslu._ Noy.ll. 18.7. . . S South Ifanove ,serek, th next door to. he Post • • 8)111re. t!)-Will be absent from Carlisle the last. ten days (each month. [Aug. I, 'L".i I G ~G ~A 'farina. returned. CO CarlHlti: offers Ills professional service. to tile citizens gun orally. - 0111. f.! In North l'ltt street, n'early oppasitu'ltis former reside nee Terms—Moderate. . [Carlisle. Mareh 31.'58. „ Ire Will laiit;senf ;lie Ist of .t.Prli next. DR. G ' ;',oll G E S. ,SE A tica-ar.,,:„." lima, DENTIST. from the Mil. ••••• timore College of Doof a) Surgery V.V.-0111m at the resithinee of his mother, street. three door,. below Bedford. March •• - • 1)1t. J. C. iNEI F res . ped•- . IF a etfully Informs the ladle , nod rontlemen •••••• of Ca ri kle. and vicinity.tiut lie ham re. aumed.the_prActice of pentialrf., form all ore.rtill4tts ,th e teeth g11,111...t lig to hie profea;dott:' lie will insert full. set!, nftooth en gold ur Ail ver. n I th single Ulllll teeth. nr Ide..ha, as they may prefer: "Term, milder/It'. to milt the tines:' in High street, directly s y L opit aite the Cumlan , land Vallee Bank. , . • . , S. will ho In New vino lite hut ten days td every limn tit. • • Jan. 20. 11455.-1 y• „. DOCTOR ..IU(KST.US R... EOBERT, Tenders his Professional S."VI . I•A to the ri115...70t 31ount. P‘Psrto.oh • and Its vuanity. 'ti - Ills 011ie° wilhiso (him! :it his roshletter. Hotel. • f Aug. •25, I s. W. HAVERSI'MK - , I)ruggist, ... ....... —North ll:moves:St root., Carlisle... _.. . ._ _ Physlvlau'w prescript Pins rarprall v compluilited A full supply of fresh tivug,s and (43.0, Is. ' ' . 13:3. KIEFF . Eft, Deater:iii I)rtigii. tiCli:lllmi.. Perf 3 ry. Valley A rtlele4.Courer. tlanary,' 1.5.0it . th 112.nover Strevi, enrlldo,_ l's. 13 EEDE -& MT NA) E N UAL L, BANKEr.S, • • Yorthlrestern .Lllllll and (Nlerting Partfenlor attention pattl to the I,itslriess of non-real dents, such as buying and selling Heal Eqlte,inaning money on real estate seourßies. Paying Tut Ats an looking offer the general Interest of non•residents. References glven it required ! , • Address, BEEDE I : STEN DEN TIALT„ MI Itheapoll , , Minnesota. . July 21,1859—1 y -- • - r2IOI3ESIBB rro- 13 LAC. I r beltnt well ktiOwn n. it writer. *mild oiler his services to all requirinv Literary old. Ile will franish Addrescos, Orations, Essays Present:Ulna speeches and replies, Lines for Albums. Arto.tles—prepare matter for the Press—Obituaries. and Write Poetty upon ally sullied Address (post paid) FINLEY JOHNSON. Feb. 17, 1953. I Baltimore. lid, REAL "ESTATE AGENCY. ANDREA' a. EAR. M. JEFF TIIOIII,OEI. F:GI & T OMPSON, [lave opened an Ake at St.:l nwph, Mo., for the pur rime and %aloof Beal Estate. buying and belling Land Warraols, entering Land on Tim'i. Surveying and Map ping Towns. Location of nts. and making Invent. inputs for Tm-residents. paying of TAXER, and all bunt ness I,M:tilling to a General land Agency In. Missouri lianms. Nebraska. and lowa. . • . . e4),.0f11,0 on Second Stteet, North of A. T. lientt le% Banking Ihma, - :.luly 30, 1856. REAL ESTATE AG ENC • RE. MOVAL:—A. L SPONSIXR. DEM. ESTATE CON Vri.ANDER AND Siltl VEN ER. bag ry oo to bin New Olneo on Main r.treet. door we'd of the emnberland . Valley Rail hoed De'. t. . . 110 Is otiw permanently 10,-ated. and has on hand mil for gale a very large moonlit of Real Estate, is...lining of Farms, of all 14,8, 1111111111r0i0d. Mill Propertles• Town Property of every deserlption. Build dog Lois, also. Western Lands and Town 1•01 e. 110 will -give his attention, as heretofore to the Negitiating of Loans. Writing of Petals, Mortgages, Wills, Cootracts, nod Si:livening generaily. Oct. gg, 1857.—tf. W. C. RHEE ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT 117 11Lg W '1 7 i Z 1''tu n Uan t ; '." 7 th : 3uCi nut e I[t make es ts.l4 and ball Heal Estate owl securltles. Negetinto leans. pay tale-, locate land warranis. fir., &c. Refer to the members of the Cumberland County liar, and to all prinnlnent citi zens Of Cirlbile; tot. [A 1144'5g-ly. CA. BIRNBAU)I, Hook-binder and • !ILA N K.Il RJR MANUFACTURER. Mechanicsburg, Pa. - • -- 3lnsic,"Magati ees, - ,Newspape..s, - Bibles, ithink-bookF,' Nes-books, Copy •books, de., Lc., are received and re. tainted. neatly hound in env week, at moderate charge es. Atha. p nen. ruled to any desired pattern. Jan. V, 1/158.] • NOVO E C lIER - - - IVA NTED, Teacher competent to take charge of a st•hoot in the borough of New Cumberland, In this county, for the whiter ~esslol, to whom it liberal salary will be,pald.."—• For further particulars addrusu • WM. S. PROM - ELL: • • Secretary School Board. • July 21, 1858-3 m . IY TEM COURT OF. COMMON PLEAS Of CUMBERLAND COUNTY,-The thin of Wm. B. Mullin, Ephraim lug, Iroben Moore, J. Riwent. and .1. W. Mandl:al, sotting forth that they have been duly appointed Trustees, for the - purpose :of purchasing and holding a house and lot of ground In the Borough of Carlisle, as a District Parsonage, &c., ke., and tiro desirous of becoming incorporated under the name and title of Tile CAULDILE Mentor PARSON TRUNTEES Nolc/a wit, 2sl.h A ngust.lBsfi. Tito Court onler nun derrellinit notice-lie elven arconling to the Act 4 As. Ketubly. that this application Ins been made. and that line sufficient rouse he shown to the contrary, at ...the first day of the next term hereafter, the same- will be eranted. BY 'ffilE COURT. . . Cot. 13, 1858 Sniort P, Sxrnen, Ohlo. • W. K. Ma.m..ols, Pounoylvania. L. Cootc, Rhode Island,' NYD E R, M' PiiRLA ND, AND Li• COOK, In Itcal,Estate, . Juno 3,1857.—1 y " Thick Thickness covers the-garth, Cross Darkneei the Pdople."- -- , COUNTRY MERCHANTS, and all others, tako Nation! - That thoy can supply thomorlooo, in any quantity with • HON-EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE OIL COAt . OIIII.4I4PS, At the, WholetUila and Retail II MAD QUAIITES, 88 SouttrdECOND Street, Philadelphts. , The only place where twined , o Agencies can ob joined for the Status of Pentiolesnid, New Jersey and Delaware. • • These !watts glee a 114. t equal In Intensity •of flame, and similar in appearance to thm, and are claimed to be superior' o all ether - portable light., now In use. tin fear of ploslon:—No offensive eder.—.:No smoke.—Very easily tn easily regulated ns a Ilan Light.— Can be adapted to all. purpases nd.better then all for a peer man.-1,0 per cent' cheaper 'thaw any other portable light, now In coalmen r aw • •. • • , .A.08r61 ALSO, FOR " , • • E=13511 KNAPI"B PATENT ROSIN AND:COAL '0Ih• 1.8.31 P• !Amu, 0110, Moho, nano. and every arthie. In the Una. • :. - 8. R. SOUTHLAND Anont. " ,No. 38 South fineond 81Knot, • . • • • zustria,s Z.. B tirsT,o Minneapolis, ,Winnesola P. QUIGLEY; Prothonotary NEAPOL Anne esota Territory Jones' Far Famed kident New • ,1.41) B. J. KIEFFER'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Drug, Chemical, Confectionary, Fruit PiRIkTP STOAK.E. • rTutc undersigned hos just replenished his stock of J. DRUGS and lItEDICINIiS, which, having beau net lected with great tare, he. is =Mailed are Fresh and Pure. - Physicians' prescriptions will be propptly and _fitithfullyattended to. Orden. from -merchants -in the country will 1,13 tilled with care and on the most'reason• able terms. All official preparations mode Arictiy_luZ acatrthiticCiiittitira - ILI:e • SPICES G MARILD AND Wllold4- such,. Cinnamon, Clover, 7 Alspice,-Corianilcr,-repper, - Gingen, Mustard, Raking Soda. Washing Soda, Create Taker: Nutmegs, Toast Powder, Mace, Citron. Sweet Marjoram Thyme. Sc.. Sr., fresh and pure. Ile has out hand all Marjoram, different Potent Medicines-of the day. • CONTEaTIONARIES. • ' Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, 'Currants.. Prunes, Almonds. Filberts, Walnuts, Groundnuts, Creaumuls Chestnuts, Atnericau, German arul Freueli Candles, and Candy Toys of every variety. niece wishing to make wholesale purchases eau hem ho supplied with the best quality of Confectitllntries and atiower rates then at any ether house in the country. Ile .Ims also a full aw sortment of ' , • , AMERICAN, GERMAN AND ERENCII TOYS, consisting of Wood and Tin of every description. ,suelt as Dolls. Doll Heads. Horses, Wagons, Birds, Moving Figures, Fancy Work Jinxes. Masks; Cords. Drums. Chairi,-Whlisi. Trumpets, Whistles, ,Drossing 'Stands, he.. fie.. to be sold Wholeast° and Retail, Mid. layrices, •Erompetition is defied. , • . FANCY GOODS. • , Port Moimaics, Purses, Pocket Books. Fine Pocket Cutlery. Shell and'l'earl Cases, Folios: CalstS, • German, French and American China 'Ware. I tilistands• and trays. Card ^Racks and Ifaskets, Jell . Hr.'s' PinslYeekletsautilttngs,Combs PtilL-Lottg,- Side n uttapercha Combs. Mair.Clothek. II it, itutt•tn. Nail and . Tolth Brushes. Sewing Silks, Patent. •Thrend and Spool Cotton. Buttons, fic., Are. • ' PERFUMERIES. • Fancy Toilet and other Beans.' Pearl Powdenr„ tracts. lurk quality !lair Oils, Pommies. Shaving Soaps and ('reams. Ttedh Paste. Balm ofd Thousand Flowers, Trlcopherens. Tooth Wash, !lair Invigoramrs, and flair Dye. The aoove Mire been selected with care and will all on exam ination,ipenkihr theniselyes,_ • ) .1 ) ,IN'D SP, -- On - hand - thr - tamt - lot - of - Segarannir'robacco - that - Ints 'ever been brought to this town._llk Segars erin• ilm smoker on trial of the urity of the, material Lf of which they 'ilsist.—lle has on hand these only whirl ore imported anti which he fall re. °annelid as much. We need not speak of the true Bernie,, Seger they have al'ready" maned forthemsnlves a repute dew that they se richly deserve. Ile also keeps the common al tide of Segafs to s,,lt the trade: Tobacco such on El. derado Plain Congrnss, Twist Plain. Fig Leaf, l'aven• dish, Congress, and Fine Cut Tobacco .and Ara; the best material. Feeling thankful to the generous public for their era) patronage, a centhonitlon of the sums, Is solicited, at our permantnit location - In South Hanover street, real, opposite Daimon's Hotel, and next door to Mr. C. Inholrg ttrorerv. en OW r. Jm, 23, 104--1 y IpT tAND CAR- j!',3,I.PORIITA - .J.-0. CA1.1,10: it co.: 'snreesirers ter W,n. if:Wont, announce to . their eusteinerfi_and 11142 fuddle tharilkov have just re - , , eived from' Philadel. Ala. a large (Ind etrzanl stick of yoods t in their line of husirie.s ufo,ery variel3 styli, and quality They have on hand a 'splendid ' :assortment of - • • il A T S , of all descriptions, from the common I[o.l to' the finest Ftlit AND HIS If.ITS: and at ;mkt; that:Ml.t suit every opt, who has an eye to golfing the xx t l, or tiie tttttt te3.. Their tillk; Akio Shin anti Ite,iver flats. are tutsurpas.tett f ill LITY AN It PI NI,II : by tinter .1 any other establisittnent in. the country. ItOTS• II ITr of every lescriptlen rorst ant ly oit hand, They—reepeetfali t y the old ,patrotni and as many 110 W 1,11.4 Its ptifiiillo, to, give t ant 11 Call., J. O. CA LIAO A. CO:., Oer 13. ltikt-.—ly XTEW FALL GOODS.AT omair's . • . - • NE V - -STOR E. • ' hhnre just returned from Philadelphia. and am now opening a litre., and , splendid assottnient of Fall and White - TA:grub, which will ha sold at astonishingly-la. .tries for t he CASIL A large line of elegant dress genie, such as bilks, all scoot Del.:tins, - Poplens, foil DC-Chelideis, - -Ciishmeres, Merinees, Plaids, it SIIA WLS SHAWLS. A full assortment of miirsTylif Shawls, all kinds and prices. and very cheap, - Elegant worked collars. Flounrings, Edgings, Insert logs. r. e '• Calicoi, — Treklrigs. Flannels, Illkukets, _Undershirts, Glares.- Stockitigs, hr great variety.. Eteg Int Fall m.O later Ribbons. Cloths, Cibochners and Vestings, n new supply, and cheaper than ever. CARPETINUS. Imperial, Ingrain. Venitlan, .hemp. and Rag Cm-v.(lllgs, at the lewrst notch. A full assortment of the best :makes, Bleached and Unbleached muslin,: very .law. Ladies Skirts of all kind., a ad-uncommonly cheap. It is impossible to e ttttt nerate one half of the at titles. - All tiersans in - Avantairhaitilsenie aid chea - go els are respectfully invited to call at the new store, West. Slain Street, ue.arly opposite theitailroad Depot, where they rain lay out their rash to the very lest advantage. - - "QUICK SALES AND SNIALL,PROFITS" CIIAS. °GILDA% arlisle r Sep. 15. Mitt. NANCY FURS-FUR LADIES AND CHIL DREN. .I.IIIN FARKIR A k CO., No. 818 (new no.) MARKET Street. above Eighth, lititt•ifx.—lmporters. Minutiae timers and healers in FA NCY FURS, for 1, lira and Children: tile. Film, Fur Collars, and Cloves.— Tholuilnber of years that we have been engaged in the Pei the general eharaeter of our Furri, Midi' fm ovvitvre and, rotor In sit generally known throughout the Colntly, that we think it In not no cossm fur. us to oar anything more than that we have lime opened our asset tomtit. of FURS for the Fall and ifinter Sales. of the largest and most beautiful assort -111.111. Mitt nOllllll, ever offered before to the public. tour Furs have all been Imported during the present seasod, when 1110.11* ails scarce and FM'S Much lower than at the present time. nail have been manufactured by the nowt conipetent workmen I we ere therefore de termined to sell them at surh j.iires as will rontlnue ti us the reputalbm wo have borne for years, that Is to sell n good art Rio for a very SMALL I'ITOSIT. Storekeepers. will do well to give us a eittl. us they will and the laraest imvertment l,v far to select the cl y. and at 111131InfacLumrs priees. JOHN k CO. No. SIS Ntlrkot Street, nbove Sep.T2,IS3H--.1111. • 'VOW IS THE TIJIE TO PRI , : • PARE FOR WINTER. The subserlbera bare just returned (row the cities of New York and Philadelphia, nib sue of the largjst ns gunmen ta of FALL and WINTER IiIVDS, ever brought to this place, enibracEng every variety of READY MADE CLOTIIINO, and piece goot's, which will be made up to order or Ald by the yard. amontr•which a row Articles may be named, viz: Fine Mack. Twilled Fieneh.luo-olack, Blue, Green, Drib and Claret CLOTIIVS: NNW and Fancy CASSINIERES oryery style and quality; Sala. Black And Fancy Grenadine, Merino,..; , Warßtilles. Silk and Doe skin VESFINGS: All wool French TVFOUIig• CI Cashmeret, Jeans and 'every description - of heavy goods for tall mid winter wear. Also, the largest and handsomest st wit of Philo and Fancy CRAVATS, STOCKS. and TIES; Linen and Silk Pocket Ilandker elders: Collars, half lion, and Gloves of every hind: to- gather with a large assertint ut of Trunli's, Valises, and Carpet Bags, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. tall and see us at the old stand, In North thinoverstreet, opposite Cnaler's Hotel ARNOLD & LIVINOSTON. Oct: 13:1855. - - EWING'S : - FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS, Ahn . 18 582 •41 , s , ' vt mfc. _ West High Street, Carlisle, Pa (Premium awarded at the Ctimberland 'County: Agricultural Fair of 1857.) The subscriber has just . received the most splendid _assortment of articles in his line. over brought to this place—which he is determined to sell at prices that de ry Competition. Parlor, Chamber, Dining-room, FURNITURE Kitchen aad. °Moe - Embracing every article used by House and Hotel keepers, of the most appmved and fashionable design and finish. Including alas Cottage furniture In setts. ;reception and Camp Choirs, Mattrasses, lilt frames ; pictures, Sc., de, rummers ore requested lo call and examine his Istock,1 stock, at his extensive ware-reams, West Main street ; -North-side A B._,EWJ2il— qty Particular attention given no usual to (anentlei orders from town and country, attended to promptly and pa moderato terms. Catilai, May 12, 1i‘58.-Iy. • • •----- [RUN It . i "fiir ISenintery Acloaurcs, publicand private grounds and gardens, made to ceder itt tho Carlisle - Foundry. her dock of nailing, Verandah and Bracket patterns cont. Prises a largo variety of now and elegant. design° which the public are Invited to call and 0X:11111110. Orders for casting and Puttiost tip Railing will be promptly execu ted at satisfactory prices. • . . . cit_Ll An entirely new TEN HORSE STEAM ENGINE and BALKH now on hand, wananted to be of the best tnekei lad at a bargain-Mr-cash or on short time. • V, GARDNER & CO, , • July 21, 1818, NOTICE.—In oertulltuird . 'persons ril buv'mt BUCK LOIXIVES, amilbst imposltielt hereby certif. that Mr. A. W. ilsgrz Is the only agent fur the isle of 4 * Wollt's linnover, (luck Oleves." Mr. Route having received his glee. directly Iron nig, buyers ,or rely on getting the gamine man ufacture from tile.. - • .• 'lB. , t " • • • Pll.,itighlei" .. . , . . 1 - 1 LACKS coA 1:.-10,000 Ilktxliels or Ilituininbus Coal,•froot ttta celebn r ito:/ "lemon ' Minos. relivlbg and for solo by • - ..',Arbiontto.l-857. • • -0 ••1 :MAK MUItR4IEI ' • G OLD EXCITEMENT AT Fat,. i ZElt REVZI3 OUTPOtig, • By tbo largo arrival 14', tr - 14 n ,Wt t 7 0,2 1 /15 4.t 'gem- GOODS, Delosluting of Int Lek ilinnh el/Per/Or ' breed., Caney in ; groat Misty elf . . -. . tityles, elegant Varid Ds Wilma, 1,u0n., •• . celebrated maim of Merlons: ail cobra ( • and nualitloa, Guidn'a 41 wool /)4- - 'Lanes, Tankful UotbS, Poll De Out , diem Morino. --;-'' ..,.. It TM GOODS. C•t 8 11311111•Eg. ,A. complete lino of .. ..11, _ • mouvnlng gouda. to whtelt we eaptelal, ' . —' • lyinvitotttentlonir-Enibraelngsnelyrie " ' ' - very lieu DoMbozlnes, Sllity-Wark lAC, —7l.ntnnourni - ng - itatn; — tnt.. ifotrui '•buctree black Merino...if and Doraloos, ' • - — .Eng]fah and French Crapes, VIM' GOODS. • Shawls In great ablfndenee. Drool.. lii • ' Toilet, Stella, long and square Shawls, - - Ili. very low price. - Cloth GloakS all - • • , Tense, 'Furs of 411 ktude. Veit worth of Joviliertiebrated Kid - . • Gloves,' •thuhrofflorfea,- okgint sotto Collars, Undereleoves, Donde. rife. NEW 'GOOD ,• S. Also; d D anope weer. culled for the season. - Week, blue and brown Clothe, Deaver - Cloth Cataluters, Miele and fame)! Satinets, velvet cord Jeans, . . - • 'fie. .lientionnnee Sbowle,. Crishmere Muffles, flearti. Ties. Stooks, f A. full • osaortment of Mb fund:Too on& cotton' NE" GOODS. Drawers and- Underallirte. Standing and Myron collars. Slararilles and Mu , on Bosoms " Hosiery of every variety. , Dontestle Goode-of °eery description, .Super Blankets 104.11-4; 12-4, • war . ranted not ( A.h...eb?litk by washing. . ' ' Crib and_OraWillianketa.,_______, ,______ NEW GOODS. KA.Nlll.l4.'orall kinds and prieee Wevtion Varna, pity and home mane .. feet u ref-blealhed a nd brown Sheet' nee, . . . chi 1 ting and pillow ease Muelins'of list, , . 'beat brands in Its,: market Tlclilogs, ..---• • Stripee,-OheekaCali.vice. at nil-prices. SO doz. Hanover buckelcitt Otrives, fINIFfir GOODS; . untlets • Buck Mitts, liens' and flue' ilerl ' in Glov'es. Ale. 'a: great va. . . • . riot) , of lo noel riblume and &co ttlm. • mings, lading and children's worsted . , • - goods, Ruch asjluderveale, Hondo and , . ,Tafmns, lialter „ u, Nlltttooi:, &e.' • To all the alma goo,lo and ninny oth• Npnv GOODS. era, wo Invite the Inispe , tlont o • I' the .. , litiblle. fooling purchased for CA811; . .., . ___. . I wii are p 1 .6 ra roll to Reifeuds at ea trannuly loniiiileos.' ". .IiBIDICH k SAWYER. -- Carllole,, Iliftli,-- . - . ' LIRE 211 I NDUC 14.; NTS OFlrLlt rn TO•CASH nurEits CREAP STORE of . . Having just returned from the city with a full and well Kelocto.,l atoelc of event. In my . line, which I ant r, (Tam! to well at the finirest rhos. - 31y.stocit eonidsl. in Part of LADIES' DRESS GOODS Handsome st.ylns. 'colnied 'Ionialosolro" Droi.n Silks 2 eel yds. IIlark•SlIkli, superior Brands. Fre o eli MIII NO. Cashmeres, plain and floored 'all wool %dodoes. all wool p1A1,14. Silk Valend is, Coloirgs, Velenelas. Laval lac. Illiulllal. Nfielionia, Sinus Dlll,lllll`F, plain and 11g tired; and - every variety of dross goods. .. . '• • . SJIAWLS:- .. ; . round hornet. . - - ' Stellag, Thy State. •• ' ' Ilrochea. ke:. Al.. ,F.M. . ~ • . 111101 Di It'l ES: Collars and • . Sleoros, separate, and In sette, ' Cnliihrle. Edgings. and Ingenious. DIU/Nile AND S'PAP LH 090118: ' .111eLerilel' an unbloaelnol 111.;$6111u. all ' widths. Latioastor (linglianuc!Cilloo to Vl:moils, , • Tlekinuk. 'Cheeks and - 1,611,0 y, HENS' IVEA It: •lUsek French Cloths and Can. - - sillier. Fanny CAssliners.Cagslootts, ...' Jeans: Tweeds. Cords. d , . to. • " CARPETS: :1 b'lv Imperial,. T a pox tr v . Ingrain,. . Hmyp, and—atair ear- - .. pet of all - • . widths. - .... E=E3 • foouoNtNG GOODS I T sYn 9 ild partleularly all t ha - attention of all - pars His - I hire purchasod p full stork Of mon,lng µsods, at Bras Is k Scor s lituournlng Snell as, Salln de• eben ”g, 'fames. OlntL, Ilarpours, Bombazines, Alpaca.. Frojtels erl rag, all .woal 1101.1111. For' ~,PrAnd Prints, . crapa Culls. Crape Collars and•Sienves. and all tho gratlas of linalls4 . l'arclussers are respectfully requrstod to call and en aollun.lny stork, as 1 am nreparel to oltor auparlor In ducmants, both as to quality and prier.. • A. V. BENTz. - Small Hanover Street, opposite the lust °Mee Corlishi.riet.%,lsss. XTORTH A N.O 1r E It' STREET CONFItTIONERY, - • , 4 '' " C A- LISLE-PA Wholesale Rates Reduced 4;2 per'loo tbs. The attention otCountry Morehania and the public generally is Invited to a largo amgortsnent of . . CIIOIOE,CANDIES, manuEletured of the best tnatrial gtoil warranted to contain no poison In their colors. whirlt 'will he gold Wholegate or Retail ai low eaten at the old atand of. P. IIIONYER, NORTH 11A,NOTPR STREET, CIRLISLE, A few doors North of the CArilate Depreit Bank. Just revolved a large assortment of Fle ESII 17? Lr ITS .AND U l'S of the latest Importations, consisting of , Oranges, • Lemons, " Habitue,- ' Prunes . Figs, . , , Ilt.t es,t , Ilananbas, tt . Pine Apples, Almonds, • • Filberts, Cream Nuts, Coven Nuts, &e,, • all of which will be sold at low rates. Also, a large as sortment of TOYS ANIS FANCY GOODS ' of overy variety. Alxu, all tho liest brands of BF:OARS AND TOBACCO, of •Atnerlean and Ooraym manufacture. Tile sulworlbor return.. numbs liethe Ilbmnl patron axe bestowod on him by tliti !midi, and SillivitAlll . o . ll tinuanroof their favors. Itentember.tho Old Stand of MONVEItt Carlisle, June 10, '5B. North Hanover Strout. ODES!J BOOKS BOOKS 1! ! SIIRYOCK, TAYLOR k slim( are solo agents In Franklin and Cumberland counties for the following valuable works: Bunton's Abridgment of tho Debates of Congress. Price per Vol., Cloth 4113 00, Sheep 3 50. nonton's Thirty Year's Vie ; complete In 2 cols, Cloth $6 00, Law Sheep $6 00. Morso's General' Atlas of the ,World ; Colored daps cetld boll tid y $OOO. Burton's Cyclopaedia of Wit and Humor, eullOOLlOll 0r speeches,. etc., by the most emluenkorators of America. with biogra. phical sketches and Illustrative notes. by Frank Mare. now ready, romplete in ON( vela. Cloth. $;: 00: I.llwaii style, leather, $000; half can, gilt, 600; half tuurot, co, 7 00. SANDERS' - SCHOOL BOOKS. ganders' Primer. • Sanders' Speller. Sanders' Render, No. 1. ' Sanders' Reader, No '3. Sanders' Render, No. 3. Senders' Render, No. 4, Sanders' Render, No. 6. - , SendrlV-header, No. 5. Sanders' High School Reader. Sanders' Ladles IteadKr. Sanders' Speakers IWholonale and retell nt SIIRYOCK, TAYLOR A 831ITH'S. Molodoons, . 8111tY001C, TAYLOR b. 8)1ITIFS Pianos, SIIIIYOCKTTAYLOR k SMITH'S. —,A.largpsupyly of School nops:.mholesaltanct retail SIIRYOCK, TAYLOR. it SMITH'S ram. Envelope, Pans, inks,ote'otte. COME AND SEE KELLER, CORNER OPPOSITE TUE . MARKET HOUSE. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS Mill. CAPS, ur ARRIVAL. •------ Wa offer to 'our former cuitomere and the public In general, a first Cato mmortment of new geode, aultable for • SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. unsurpassed f6rhoauty, , duiability, and Olean. 11.38. Our stork consists of FINE SILK MObIISKIN HATS, Finq Kossuth, Boys', Youth? and Children's. Fancy Hats. of every color. . STRAW (MODS AND 'CAPS, we are sure the best assortment oyer offered In the county, and worthy the attention or on. • BOOTS AND SIIOES. of 'ovary variety and style, Ladies; Misses and Chil drop's tine (haters, and all kinds of Children's Fancy Shoos. For Gentlemen a pod assortment of evory style and c finish; In fact ovary variety in our line. Thankful to the public Per past favors: we solicit a continuation of uustoin, as we are sure we can make it to the advantage of the purchaser. • J. 11. KELLER. Carlisle, April 28, 1958. 1 - 4 11.1tE 'INSURANE: --- ,I IIIE.A.LtEN uAND-ITSFT-PErn31:10110-311ITITKL—Vilt tr7l4:= SURANOII COMPANY,olCuraborland county. Ineorpo• ton b ~ y nn aot of Assomtdy, Is now coiiy organised, and u oporation_undor tho managovnont of tno toilowing: °plumb:sinners, viz: • . . - Daniel Bailey, William It. Gorgas, Michael Cocklin, J. Ilichelberger - Christion Ettayman,. John - C.` bun. ,lap, Jacob H. &war, Lewis 'Byer, B. Eberly, Banjo- Masser, J. - Brandt, Joseph Wickersham. Alesandei Cathcart. The rates of Insurance are an low and favorable as any' Coati - envy of the kind in the State, Persons wishing to become members are invited to make application to the agouti' of the company, who ;are willing to wait upon • them at any tdmo. • . MOSSER; President. ,cultxsuAN $TtiltlIAN. Vice President. LEWIS liYMR, Secretary. MICHAEL COCKILIN. Treasurer. ' • • , AGENTS. COUNTY.— John (Merrick, 'Allen . Rudolph ,Martln, 'Nen Ounalmrland; Henry Tearing. 13111iimainitOvent Samuol Woodburn, Dickinson; [Mem). Bowman. Claurobtown t Mode Griffith, Aduth Middle , ton; Samuel Graham. W. Pennsboro Aanmel Comm Mechanicalmrg; .1. W. Conklin, Shephrirditown; Coover. Shophordstown; (1. IL' Herman, blivor Spring; poßj. Havel stick. Silver Spring LCharlop Doll, Cillihle• • • NORK.,COUNTV.—Mr.S. Picking; Dover; Peter Wol: Gird, Franklin ,• Jas. Griffith, .M'arrltigton; J.' F.,.Dear• -,dorffi Washington. • • • ' .•, DAUPHIN CO.4llouser & liehtmob liarsisburg.'• ' Monahan of the company having poltchombout to es piro, can havo them sellouts:lily making application to any of the• Agents. • ' • " . New fboato. ONO =EI V 4 ea*: ro . ft, E 8 fl . A. 11 R. 1: V -A, L! imps van. Tiobrii 4 t Vgit PAI;OV tiOnDS, 61 - Pit 13000, dlv, 0, W. ItivArtitTlCK. 14, ;44 refolve,tl from the ettjt anal ruor opa , ) tug g ph: 0414 4:4+04y NAMMOOOM .natth tw the .pprivehing .th4hhy keitt6Vl, to wid th IN a veitee AOI the , Ittehtlon of hi:a' frieffide end The .1114 wertment In !NA hint 40 tit 4 tnl ffillPMAttkt nnvelty 4ord awl WM In /Nall tf end peke et the natielgo, rennet to pleixe pntelateare, It would bp to knumg rAti• bin • • 1101,49,1 N vtrietyof Xa nryertlele of the moat qmpti.tito nolo* 'owl/ us. Laplar :311thOpt-th,is. - • tintiirla . • Policy Wid( illiztest. With itiatru,minl4 o Pori 31onimlos. eritry fioiti Popp wAitthtf. ' r NpetrOTI , T; And a rxrilty of ,144}ex . ManeP gt,t.10.0 ',Motto sinah and •olil 1.0 1/11114g; ri03.1.5 eqrn,3loV thligh(tti, i.11141161(11114' „.. • . rerimun luteketa ling.s. 113utibei: of nvery laud for Mr, toilet. Ito/m.l'o Potinuum. of Ow various Mork, Munleuljnotrilnutotg• of nll kind. and nt all Pl."; toother with Sill i slimmer:thin exi•latyoraille/esdlevnt• ly ihildind nod lutitnl4, ijn)tdity presout. o to gige r i t lur InvIEN apeclul nitoutfon,. Alxo, ext.niudve end ntegunt mllactlont' • . ,101,10 AV. 11001) eampriain g the verlone Env:lig/end Atnerlrun A TiNVALS nu me, richly lonhollabed and illuatrated I'OETWArr WOIIKK, Irsth CII 1.1/lIEVet PICTOILIAL BOOKS, for children of all ogee, than 101101 nothing ran be meta appropriate or pleealng - ashoildaygla. IlicAtiscotbent_, pfbritnol - Booka - and - Sidibill - StlitionarY re'elao complete; and eionprireN everything need In College and ate 'School*. Ito also &Oro,' to call the partieutar•attent Um of Families to Ma el lotand assortment of • / • • • lte MP:b. UIRANUOrt . .t e.. ' full I be' I,l,l,llSiVil eatubllth legate or Cernallng, Archer and other* of Philadelphia, eoriiiiilalng ovary style of Clhatubm and at poly I.llnpr, for burning either Lard, Sperm nr ,Ethalial oil, together with Flower Vatiet, • Fancy Screen*. Be. tits eesortincnt In MIR line le an. ' ronalad In the borough.' 4 1 * 0 .* • • FAlier (bINVI;OTION'Aity—; NUTS,— Pall , • 8 MR' In every variety and at.all prieen. all of which are Pure eld (roll snob an ,uin I. confidently recommended to Ha friends and the little folk*. ilia amok embrace* everything In the lino n( Tuley anode, with many other . !vitae% uiudul to honaeltaaiirra which-Ole public ara - eic --- wittily Invited to call and 101 dui leg the holidaya.--• Remember the Old Maud, iIAIrLY OppOldte th,2_49k911 Nortlrtinnorer-rtroot— w. ItAYBUSTICIL = WA To DES ; JEWELRY, AND V SIIN ' EIt:VARLAT CON INN'S old egtabllphed Stasil:ll.lkt - Sluin St., uuarly,liqii*lte thiCumbOand Valley Sank., I havejust received a new assortment of. watehea, , ewelry..inedallious. silver ware, Ac.. In addition to my former stock; to which I invite the ottanti'm of the public, The assortment einlowees gold sod sliver lever watches. Hunting. , and open Cline 10, gold Anetiora for • Ladles and gentlemen and Oliver Lv pines and Quartier watches °revery va-o• ', 3 rioty in style and price. Also tine gold Medallions. lircrisApins for Ladles end gentlemen or over; finality pattern and price. geld - vest, miKli and neat chains. gold bracelets, finger rings, cud-pine, Muds, sleere•buttons, crosses, cherma, &b.' llobt and sliver thimbles, sliver and — Plated -butler k trif ex,forks. - table; - tea; eaotir , tiiidknustard steineis• of - every variety. : A largeasartment of gold, sliver and (mellow.' spectacles, to suit all 2iges to which we Invite special atten. lion. A fine lot of (10liD PENS front :the best makers, prelude melt, fincy bonne, silver and pearl card rung, gold and common bracelets, watell,haina, ~ Mantle Clacka and a variety of articles usu. / 0 ally kept In Jewelry eAtablishinonts, whl.h I will eel! law for rash. All. articles war- tinted to ho what they nra roproaented: ' .It Particular attention paid aa usual to : 0 " • 0., WATCH Ii.EPAIIIINO and all Work war ranted. Dec : 23, 1R57.1 JUST RECE I VIED-AND-OPENING ty — AT NAIJOI.E'R CUEAP JEWELRY STORE, • 1IM)/ b•cel; Carli;ik, la. A largo 1ewaug.Y4.!..... fr - 1"t ; 1 1171;lated Ware, , :' 9 4 . 6'. •-• •ct, - • "r wLh•h 1 invlto at.- 'ti5...,.: -.1 !4'":i l'Utlliti. f''' t., ,„ '' \'" : .. ,i 'AZ.? ‘' IK A ' If vou x t ln ,, t h t i o rge l i kt-1' ' . - .. '''''' ' . ljp iv ja t el=lot•ks. %T i lt , q „:.ft,..,_ _,.-L......'04,1-:.,, 0 ep..lewelr), Mira 1 4 ," - ...;'. 7.: ' "',,,:''' i'i . . :' •_ -0 'prnted wti!e 111 car' stir - ;<'- *:; .-- "II 1 Ve hare alargo asonrtutent of 00111 and Silver Hunt ng and (Veil Case Wataho, to-Felt all Fancies and P. 1,14.4.1 Flee and Cheap Jewelry of every style and quality n setts ur by the Were as watt 04, . . Silver and Plated Walters, Cake. Fruit, Sugar, and Card Baskets, Silver,' Table, Tea, Cream, Sugar, Salt, Dessert and Cream Spoons. At NA UGI4VB. lino Pearl, larra, Coral, Cameo, e'rololatono. Mosaic, Flo• entitle Atomic. Jot 13qx and Glass setts cheap At Diamond Dreentpl. and Flngeringn. • At NAIIOLIVS. (fold hunting CHRP, Eia4t. Hunt ug Chao, Inapli.x; (hold 1! Ting, Chronometers.. At NAUGLE'S. Bagley's luist• quality of GM Pew Ditto Gold Pens and Sliver Holders; At NAUGLE'S. Silver and Plated Ton Sells. Goblets, Cups, Toast tacks, Pitchers, Urhs, Tureens, Tea Bells, At NAUGLEI3. 'Cold Neek. Vest. Curb, Fob, and Chatinin Chains, kid Bracelets, Loehets, Thinthlos, Chases. Charms, Frouch Tim Plecoe to run three owl four weeks, At NAI.IOI,WS. 0 old Sleeve, 'Vest, Collar, and Shirt Studs of all-styles nd Quality, At NAUGLE'S. Plated Forks, Spoons, Knives, Napkin Itinge, Silver 'Mita,les, Shields, At NAUGLOS. Pluttoas, Accordauna, Musk, llosett—a fine variety, At NAUGLEte. Ladles' Itorttnonalt;s, 'Pearl and Leather, Plain and Palley Travelling Bags, very riee styles, cheap At NAUGLE'S. If you want to hove your %Vat,:lw put In good rw pair and wartnnled, take thorn to , • NAUOI.E.S. • If you want to gift a'c'hoal, ek°elcoLlnet,i/ If you want your Silver ward neatly marked at short otlre, eel! ' At NAIKILVB All goods warranted as represented, or the mane.) , re • huded, • At NAIJO LET Persona that wont 1, - rgEnna No invited to call E P .6•T OItE .7 ,~-. b -.. ~ J ^ , 1, ff=l :.:Alar . gu_assorthfenVorsuperiorltiansat;.fronC the lest Bolton and Now York makers, together with excellent tomond•hand Pianos, eonstantly for NO. 86 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. Also. Mason A. Ilamlln's Model Melodeons, Orgnmidet lodeuns. and Now Ognmilarmoniums. Old Minos taken in part payment fur new ones. • PIANO TUNING OR REPAIRING, With all Strined nnl Wind instrumento, will receive prompt attention from Mr. JOHN P!IASZYK, who hai no superior lu tide department, and is one of the most reliable Tuners lu the United States. =MN WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER • WILL PAPER FOR TIM antsios. A large varlet• of now and beautiful patterns just opening and will bo sold cheaper than ever at I'.•LYNI•: & SON'S. Cheap htardwaro and Paper Store, • . North Hanover Stroll A beautleitl . variety of WINDOW SHADES jinit rived at ..1. I'. ,LYNE,A EON'S . • Groom nod Moo Wiodow Pnpern .I'll 4 opened at April 7,185 a., . JOHN 1'• LYON & SON etc A 31ERICAN WATCH.—Haling, re• , 0 1,0,1 Oho agency for the sale of the America% 1 h, front the Boston Watch Compel*, I would riu speetfully'infoi•at toy old (Honda and the public genet , . ally, that I have a fine assortment now opening and ready for tulle in gold and Alcor caw and very fine styles. and with report to Unto they mtn:t.lartatat, to 'prove that fact It is only Id...scary to give them a trial. Persons Inqvant of n correct" limo piece, are respectfully ittrltett to call and heuour.uutcPes. , . r Malls Street. Carlisle. Pa !MEM NDIA-- • SHAWLS - - AND SILI. L. L - EVY & CO. Are now °puking a largo ansoriment or NEW FALL GOODS, To which additions will ho mado by all the steamer* aryiring durienr the nest six week., Their ' • ' assortment 1$ now Tull and complete ' • in the following articles:, . INDIA CASHMERE SHAWL°. • - • 111011 AND MEDIUM PRICED SILKS. - IGAHJNCED AND DOUBLE•SKIRT.SILKS. RICH PRINTED OASIOIERES. RICH PRINTED MOUSSELINE!. ° 'FRENCH MERINOS.AND CASHMERES. 111011 FRENCH CHINTZES. ' NEW-STYLES. POPLIN 'DRESSES.' • • .1/00111.1t SKIRT WALKING DRESSES.' FRENCH 'EMBROIDERIES. SAXONY 'AND:FRP:NeII PLAIDS. • NEW BLANILET SHAWLS. PARIS CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. HOSIERY. GLOYES. • BLAN X ELS.., ' SUPERIOR LINEN GOODS. „ , „ MI of which tiro ottani/ at O'stnill proflt 'on' 'the 'l , Oll of luinortotloil. 808 ai 811 011,ESTN T , STREET P1111nOolphla.” • 03149.-81,' II THOMAS CONLYN EMI= AL INAUOLI,,'S 8=! =EI =I ECM M== EH