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VIRTV ~ - • giu'r , ...';`•‘:,: ,":p,..,,.Zr...a11t _..x ,_.„..__,- ; .=.._,._=--=. --.-- ----.-.__ --- °• 1111 ' - '.. . ... - - ----- -.- -- a '..- 1- ,-, _ - Lr : .-.W -,.. , . _ -- - - --- ri - .= .--''' . a. . ' . .....;,,,, ...- , - , • •-•-:•'..." , ...., • . ' . • , , . . . • . . , .• WILLIAM( MG PORTER, 'Editor. p. R. COOVER, Proprietor,. VOL. LIX. TERMS OP' PUBLICATION the CIA IILINLE Itraw, Is pitbllshed wcolily on a large sheet containing twenty eight colmnns, and furnished to subscribers 'at' $1.50 I.: paid , strictly in admit..., $1 75 if paid .within the year; or $2 iu all 'eases when payment_ in delayed until after the ospiratiol Of the year. No subscriptions reteived for a less period than K loonthq,and none ditwoutin cud until all arrearsges are paid, unless at the option of-the publisher. Papers sent to subscribers living out of putitherland tomitty must he paid thr in advance. or the payment assumed by . sotne responsible person tiring In Cumberland coun ty. 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Heralor.loll SfP,INGOFFICE Is the . largest and most vomploteestaliihiliineifttheeounty. ~...Three good Presses. and a general varlet3' of maternal suited fir Wain nd Panes , work of ev o ry. kind enable,: . us to do Joh Printing at the shortest notire and on the _most. reasonaldw.terins.._l.^ersons_lin. ivant.,ol_lllll9,. Blanks or anything In the Jobbing Mile. will find it their Interest to give us'a rail. Every,varlety of Minks eAnstantlY, on hand. . Inerai anti to.cafagormatioir U: S. GOVERNMENT.. Proshhint—BANES BUCHANAN: "Vice -Preshlent—JonN BitECEENRIPOL, E. , orrittary of Mate I.Em SeeraNy of-I n terlor—.3 trot THOIPSON. • Secrut try of Treasury-11mm'. Coml. Seeretary of War—..lonN B. rt.orn.• • I,eretitry of Navy—InAIO•TOIN:EY. .Master tlenorttl—A. V. BROWN. Attorney Iloneral—.lLtiomun S. BiArs. tho - United Staten—lt. It. TANEY STATE GOVERNMENT • Governor—WitAiAm F. PAVILE.R. Secretary of State—WlLLl:oi M. Ilk:It:ITER. Surveyor a...rat-3011N HOWE. Auditor iittueral—.l.‘you du. Treasurer—lll:NUT S. 31EGII.M. .1 iIcIZOE of the Supreme !Alm. .1. 31' ?tits' OTRONG. W. 11. LOWRIE (1. W. Wi)6l/WARD. W.A. PORTER COUNTY-OFFICERS President .1 tol4o-11ori..aiehs H. Graham. Asvoritito Judm4o—llan. Michael - Cocklln, Samuel A . 0 ,1,111.11 . ' District A (tummy—Wm. J. Shearer: - --- Prothimotary —Philip . •• Iteemder der.—Daniol S. Cr.oft.• itegider—S. N. P.moninger. 11htli 'ThorltT—.l:ienh Bowman: Inqiuty, John Jacobs'. , County Tremiurer—Mown (tricker, oroner-LNlltcliell McClellan. ' County Cominixsioners—Wllllani - M , lfenderanni A .drow_ Kerr._ Samuel Mogow. Clerk to CiuninihSionera, . _ Jnmex Arnintrong: -, - Ilirdtors of tho Poor—fle•irge Brindle, John C. lEtiovin; Samuel Trltt. Superintontleut of - Poor Ilona" —Joseph LeWell.... -"- • BOI,tOF_UIL9FFICERS Chief Burgess—William Cart. Assistant Iturgehs—Fraiwis Eckel, Tow,. Council—J. 11. Porker - (Piesident) John Out thali, Hobert Mtmre, James M. Allen. Cameron, John U. (largos, Michael Holcomb, Michael (11 Icll, Peter Motive, Clerk to Couto:lL—Thos. 1). Mahon. Con,tables—Jacob ((rote, High ConstAble; Robert McCartney, %Yard Constable. Justice of the Peace--A. 1.. Sponaler, David Smith, 31ichael llolconlb, Stephen Keepers.- CHURCHES. Vlrgt•Presbyterlan l'hurdt, Northwest angto of Cam tre Square. Item, Con I% Wing Pastor.—Servlees over Sunday Morning at 11 u'elock, and 7 o'clock P. M. . . . Second Presbyterian Church, corner of South l anover slid Voleltet eb eett.. fie,. 31r 'Sails, Pastor. Services commence at II o'clock, A. 34 - .;iifidin'elock V. M. St. Jolax Church, (Prot. Episcopal) northeast angle of Centre Square. Re v..laeob it. 31.1r,,5, Rector. Services at 1 1 o'clock A. 31., and o'clock, P. 31. English Lutheran Church, Itedthrd between 'Main and ',outlier street. Rev. Jacob Fry, Pastor. Services at 11 o'clock . A. 314. d 11,14 Welock P. M. .001411131 itinbrannt Church, Lontber, between lion. beer And Pitt streets. 11ev. A. 11. Kremer. Pastor.— Services at 1 o'clock A. M, and 1.% o'clock P. M. I . Methodist E. Church, (first charge) oawnerot hlolu and Pitt Streets. Rev. It. IL Chambers. Pastor. Services at 11 o'clock A. M. at.d o'elook P. M. Methodist E. Church (soeond charge.) Itov. A. A. Melee,, Pastor. 'Services In College Chapel, at 1.1 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock, P Itionau ('aphOlic Church, Pomfret near East street. Roe. Linden, Pastor. Services on the 'gild Sun day of ouch mouth. . Herniae Lutheran Church corn, of Pomfret and Redford streets. Rev. C. FRITZE, Pastor. Services at 11 o'clock. A. M., and 0) y o'clork, P. M. VerWlien changes in the above are necessary the , proper venous urn requested to 11.11(14ux. DICKINSON COLLEGE ' Bev. Charles Colllus, U. D., Presldeut and Professor of MOM! :'cietive. Her. Garman M. JlllllllB4lll. D. D., Professor of Philos°. phy and hua6h.l).l.ll.erature." Janice W. Marshall, A. M., Professor of Ancient Lan. gunge. Bev. Wm. L. Boswell, A. M., Professor of MathematieS. it Ilan) C. Wilson, A.,M., Proleaboi of Nat.ntal Science and Curator of the MUKUIIIII. Alexander haulm, A. 31., Professor of Hebrew aunt Modern Language), Samuel D. 11111tuau, A. 31., Principal of the Grammar School. ' — '7.D. ,- F,PurcellrA. M.-Assistant lu the Grammar SchooL BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Autirow Blab, Prep:Wont, U. Easton, P. Quigley, E. COrillllo.ll.. C. P. Uunufrich,J. Ilaiolltou,.t.ieerelary,Jamm W. Eby. Treasurer. John FPhar, Mesceuger.. Aleut till th.i . l . st: Monday 01 each Mouth Atli o'clock A. M.' at .I.d -. , , CORPORATIONS CARLISLE DEPOSIT BANK.—PPOSlibillt, Itiehard Parker, Cashier. N. C. Musselman • Clerks, J. P. Healer. lames Roney, C. W. Heed; Direr'tors, Richard Parker. Thomas Paxton, Moses •Bricker, Abraham Healer, Jacob heiby, it. C. lyopdwattb Win. R. Mul ‘Wherry and Zug.' -V: CUMBERLAND VALLEY BAIL CPAs COMPANE.,-,President, Frederick Watts: Secretary and Treasurer, Edward li. Biddle ;. Superintendent, 0. N. hull. Pasitunger trains twice a day, Eastward leaving Carlisle at 10.111/ o'clock A. 31. and ten ifillock P. M. Two trains every day Westward, leaving Carlisle at U. 50 o'clock A, 31., and 2.59 IVM. - '- ,CARLISLE OAS AND WATERCOMPANT.—President, Fred crick Watts; Secretary„ Lemuel Todd; Treasurer, Wm, M. Berton': Directors, P. Watts,.ltichard Parker, Lemu el Todd, Wm. M. Beam, floury Saxton, J. W. Eh : Y, John D. Corgas, R. C. Woodward. and R. M. Biddle CUMBERLAND VALLEP liaaa.Praident. John S. 'Ster. rett ; Cashier. 11.. A, Sturgeon; Teller, Jon: C. Holler.— Directors. John S. Sterrett, Wm. Ker., 31610101 r Mend wan, Richard Wends, John C. Dunlap, Robt. C. Sterrett, U. A. Sturgeon, and Captain John Dunlap. SOCIETIES., Cumberlao•l Star Ludgo No. 197, A. Y. M. meets at ?clarion hall en the 2nd and 4th Tueadays of every St. Johns bode No 2UO A. Y. M. Mantel' Thurs day of Witil month, at Marlon Carlisle Lodge No 91 1. O. of U. N. .Meets Monday evening, at Trouts building. • The. Union Fire Company wen; organised in 1;89. Prostdost. 1.. Cornioan; Vice President. IVIIIIrun M. Porto Secretary, Th.:, 00r111.1101; - Treasurer, P. Mon yer. Company meets the list Saturday In March, June, September. and December. • • The Cumberland Flre Company was Instituted Febru ary 18, 180{1: - Wadden( Robert - McCartney; SCcretary; Philip fluldlay; Treasurer, 11. S. !Utter. ' (lie company. meets on the third Saturday of January, April, July, and October: • • The Bond Will Bose Company WILi Instituted II }larch, 1859. PrMddent. 11. A. Elurgroin Vice l'scaldent.Jamem B. McCartney; Secretary: Samuel A. Idould: Treasurer, Joseph D. Halbert. The company mects the second Saturday of January, April, July, and October. s OE ,POST,).O3E. postage on all luttentof doodualf ouhro weight or tut der,.3 coots pre paid. except to Callforula or Oregon, which Is IO rend+ propshl.- • ' , • , postede on the ••Out:NH.4ply, free. Vl'lthhilhe tll3'etiiififite* 'rosily pert of the' Volum' 'States 2i cents Postage on all foonslont,pspers under 3 milieus Is - weight. I. rent pro-paid' erlwo rents unp.ild. Advertised totters, to 110..learged with the cost of sdrortlslttd• llEtt %LI) .10K & 400IC PRIMING- OFFICE; 4 8. E. Coi. of thl tiguare, Ilain 8t LIVrILIon for tho'll °TAW.] LINES SUGGESTED WIIILL LOOK . ING .AT PICTURE.: Pear Mother, glowing thoughts of thee, • This - cherished, relic gives to too; Put nh I withoutibe artist's power-/ Td think of thee, In this lone hour, • —And Joy to kuow thotlatt_at.rost._ •• • ' No sorrow 'ere can et son thy Breast. • - Though while on earth in tents we now, In heaven. no burning tears will f10w . .., Tbist.reasured picture mother - dear, lion wituessrd many n falling tear; The throbbing breast, ice heaving sigh, • --, When mine but Clod alone was nigh. • The voice I hive is still today. Then dont not heed sly mournful lay, indenth,nryrnother Thou cantit not chock, the tiling tear. • This priceless gift by brollOr given,— • Oft raothes sly heart when sorely &item; On this memento I may look And calmly all life's troubles brook ; • , It maim; 11l feel that till- is short,'. --- Then sorry. I hope to gain -the poit • Thou'st gained, and sing the happy song Chanted by the angelic throng. As to this spot I oft repair When ramrod, nod lane,, and &Tar, ' • Methinks your ,parting words I hear: " Weep not, I diti.without a fear, I have a hope riendfast and sure, . . Christ ft my !lope I die secure.'' . _ And gently Then our mother dear . lletirial to rest, withorit one fear, Softly metlrOught. the Eatinou said ' Recline C ell etc, tbY weary bend • • And sweetly Tchispered ispothy vane • lam beside thee, do not tear,' As through the ,torch, now you go My arms around feu, I will throw, • ' My ereelasling Ardis of love, , And bpar_you to yoUt: home o.ute Therelcoin all sin, mad sorrow free, , With me you shall forever be •Forever 0! the rapturous thought That I shall hence no more go o ut . ; This rust &tmain ittfplertautu roard, Throughout my long, eternal home. This habitation of the Lrd, Painted soh graphliF lit thy word. Of It I sontifTinicept km formed But did not dean It so ador - ited„._ , not into Inylniod, • Tlist all the city would be lined With Ruch magiiiticence and light, . -- Past finite comprehension bright. "Tk true 1 read the streets were gold • And gates of pearl would wide untirld, - To give the guests admit Mime there ' _The lolqht rewards of lwayon to shore. Those hills and vales, aucluittl •-7.llle4roxpect shall fi.rutor last._ . But ale I here, oh! ell n'it Le That ape Saviour's flee now see; . efts 05011 no, transporting thought, - - • And I shall hence nn more go out. ' RALPH MOULIN A \VILI) IRISH STORY It was the''l)egiuTlink of ,December. 184— ( said Fred Carew; ) we were sitting down to dinner after a capitol day's cook-shooting— besides myself therenvere Lord Clontart, W him, and Kate, my wilt , - when we wore dis turbed by a perfect hail of knocks at the hall &ow% -old Dan Tucker or the bpeetre.lioree mon never clamored more loudly for admit tance. Feltz, Mohtt's old Austrian servant, 'wont down to see what was up, and, on opening the door. wits instantly borne down by the tu multuous rush of Michael Eel y, gentlemidt, ligont to half a dozen &bites, and attorney at law. In the twolast capacities he had given, it seems, great umbrage to the neighboring peasmtry, and they had caught him at night as he returned Imam, intending to put him to death with that ingenuity of tome for which the line warm-hearted fellows are justly cele-• bra t cd, They did not wish to hurry over the enter tainment, so he was confined in au upper . chamber, while they called their friends and neighbors to _rejoice with them, ettimising meantime jovial below. The' Nict ho contrived to Jet himself down front the window. and ran for his life to the nearest house, which, ufiltiticily happened to be the lodge Two boys, however, saw and recognized hint as he entered the demensemnd raised a whoop,to show tint they knew where the Mx had gone to ground. This was made out from a string of rent interjections and tlien he lay pantMg 'and contorting himself in an agony'of fear. • Bat on the hall-table,- swinging his— Toot and regarding the spectacle with the indo lent (1101ot:ity that one 'Mild exhibit towards the gambols of some ugly new importation of the Zoological society. When the story was told lie pointed cooly to the door - The - shriek that the - tiliseetilde creature set up on seeing that gesture I shall never forget. • Do you think I shall turn my house into a refuge for destitute attorneys V'llalph, said, answering my look of inquiry. 'lf there were no other reason, l'would not risk it. with your wife under tuy root 'A night :attack in the west is nochill's Bate 1111 come out and , was leaning-over the gallery. She heard the last words, and spoke. flushing scarlet with anger. .•• It I thought any presence prevented an act of common humanity, I would leave your house this instant. Colonel*Nlohun Ralph, smiled slightly ns he bent his head in courteous acimowleogenient pftier interrup tion. • 'Don't be indignant, Mrs. Care*. • If you have a.fancy for such an excitement, I "shall he too happy - to, indulge you. It is settled, tun. We back the attorm•y. Don't lie there sir, looking so like a whipped hound. You here! You are safe for the present.' He had hardly finished, when there tame a rustling of feet - outside, thda hurried whispers. then a Itt:oek and n summons. 'We'd like to Finike Wid the cured, av ye pinto.' . . . :.II am here; What do you Multi'. Mohun growled. . We want the 'torney. We 'know that. he's -.widin ..: . . - ' ~. - _._. _ _ .. _ - BM 'Then I'm- nfraid'you'll be dhiappelrited,' It's not my fancy to give him up. Twouldu'e turn out a badger to you, let alone a mint:' You 'see that he took the high moralgraticl 'Then we'll have him out in spite of-YezeT two or three voices cried out together. ''Try it,' Ralph Raid. 'Meantime Dam going to dine ; good night.", A voice that had-not spoken yet was heard with a shrill. gibing 'accent.. I thin, the both of appetites be to ye, curnel, and make fleece over yer . dinner. It's 'Pierce Delaney. that'll give ye you' . Rupper." • Then they went off 'The said Delaney is ,a huge qutirrynniu,' 1 Ralph (dammed •110 represents the physical element . of i error hereabouts, as I believe. I-do Ttlitilioftil: - We khO'lt , N warm work before: Morning. lie does not like me. .t . tl4. : send COIITICI up; he is below somewhere.' ' . . . . The keePer came looking very. numb our- Ho had been, in the stables, and had only 'just heard of the tlisturlattice.• - .. • . tHet the.rilles and guns teady.ovith Uullete and bliCklillOWillB,lllllNier Te are Hi atbieked..it seems.' • . • - POETICAL. grlrt (tinlr. x)a2m - gq rem Tnig walms sr assam. • ".The man's bold face fell blankly. 11 By the powers, yer honor, I 'havent ,the value of an ounce of poudtlier in the house. I meant to get some the morrow morning afore ye were 'up.' . .Aloltun shrugged his , shoulders, whistling softly. ' . 'dint pycpoites,' ho. said 'lt's almost a' pity we found so many cocks in the, lower corpse this afternoon. 'have , fillebn charges or so in my piStol case. We must make that do,loading the rifles light.' •• , Then he wenkto a window, whence he could see'down the road.; the moon was shining brightly. I.thought. so: they have got •scouts posted already. The barbarians know sentething about skirMishing. after all. Altuldox, 'come here' The groom was a strong,Tmglish boy, very much afraid of hie , ma on earth. - Flodale.Foinberna,--sturt—go,ont-by-th0.... - rback gotes.'ke.eping underalhgAthadows of.thc trlms. When you clear i tlfinuttptle straight at the rails at the cod of trio pad - dock You'll get over with a scramble, I think. ~,licup_fast hold of his head, you mustn't fall. Then make the be - St of your,way to A rind tellt_lol. - Ilardnig, - WitirtnrenalplinlentS; --- that.l - shall be glad if he will send over a troop as quickly .as possible. They ought tobe here in two [slurs '. And mind. don't spare the horse go ing, but bring'hita hack easy. You will he of no use here, and I won't have him-lamed if I can help it. You'll have to risk a _bullet rrr two as you. get into the Fond ; hut they can't shoot. It's odrls against' their hitting you. ... . .. Now go.' . •. 'rho groom polliol his forf.look ag if tho raw.O. Oi'diniiry cOnitniOsioirlrion)Oeja e givnliim Wad . yoniolted. ' .. ,• 'tjonnel,' Ralph Went on; 'go and - SW the ladders' t bat are in he yard half( hrough. They will try' - the - barred winnows . ; built looks more workmanlike totake - all precautions Then come back, and 'help Prim to pile chairs, and furniture all up the staircase, and about the hall near it. bine the gallery With inat re,ses, two feet deep, leaving space to lire through Light all the lamps and• get more candles to tix about 'Shall not see very clearly allot': the smoke of the first dozen shets:,. When you have finished, .come to me. Now shall we go back to dinner?' am net it,ilminiFd . to own - I hadlittle appe tite ; nevertheless,4 sat down. Kato had gone to her room., If her courage was !Idling, she did not wish to show it. Suddenly our limit got up,and ,went window: Ins practiced ear lottl caught the tread of the horse which 'Nladdox was taking .out_as quietly. as pos4ible., We watched hint .stealing along under the trees till their shelter failed him Alien he put &Abeam to ,speed, and rode boldly at the rails—A.yell went up trom the road. and we saw dark 'figures run• ning; then came a shot, just as the horse was riaineal: thefence lie iiitHr hard and the splinters flew up white in the Moonlight. but he was over. We held our breath, while .several tbishes toldTd r ilropping shot s after the fugitive 'they did not stoP him. though; and to our-greakrelief, we heard the wild rush of the frightened horS'e - subside into along, stretching gallop. and the wind- brought; tack a ',beery hollo— , Fortoard, foiT'arti away I' -'So far so good,' said Ralph liloltun e as he .sat-down-againi- and-went in- st eadily-at woodcock. •Don'thurryyouraelves, gentlemen We have three quarters of an hour yet ; they will take that time to Muster. Clonttirf, some flock?'' The boy to whom he spoke, heldhis glass with II pleasant smile. ,The coming . peril had not' altered a ,ti nt upon his fresh beardless cheeks.—rosy and clear as a page's in ono of the Voucher's pictures. ' A gond contrast he made with the misera ble attorney, whet had followed its uninvited (it seemed he only felt sale in our presence.) and who was crouching in n corner, his lank hair plastered round his liVid convnised face wilt the sweat of Mottal fear. • It .struck Molnin.-1 think lle laid his hand on'elonbirf's shoulder, and Spoke with a kind liness of voice tind mariner most unusual with. We'll quell the savage mountaineer, As their Thuilell rice the game', They rime as fleet as forest deer. We'll drive them back as time" Even al thai anxious moment I could not help laughing at the idea of Ralph quoting poetry—of that grim Saul among the prophets I went to keep up Kate's spirits. She bore up gallantly. poor child and-1. left her tolera bly calm She beli(•ved in me as a plunger' to an enormous extent, and in Molitui still more When I returned Illy companions were• in the gallery, This ran round two sides of the hall, which went up to the roof. The only access to the upper part of the house was by a stone Stair case of a single flight The kitched and ()triers were on the ground Boor, otherwise it oat un inhabited. • •- Ralph had his pistols with Into. and his cav alry sword, long 'mid but admirably poised, lay withitrids reach. - have settled it,' he said. You and Om tiel are to take the gulls. Smooth bores are quickest, loaded, and• will I/0 1(11 1 the.shori dis tance. Cloutart', who is pmt quite HA sure with the trigger, is to have,theyost, ml Motor, and. - guard the rtaircutst: wilt his sabre Throw another bucket of. water over it, Connel —is it thoroughly drenched? •And dt•aW the win, dews up,' (theilfid • not reach to