Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 13, 1858, Image 3
.trfiht Mathets. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. ItepOrted weekly for 'the herald Uy Woodward & Schmidt. Anon Sizp.'•rfitio, - per bbl do. Extra, do. do. Family ' do. RYE do.. ' ‘VUITE WHEAT per busdkel RED ' do do.. RYE do 4 _Coax . __., _ di), OATS . ' . do. CLoviuts n ED de TIMOTHY/3 ENo do gPlel NG BAR lxv do IVINTER BAIILEY do. PHILADELPHIA MARKET Lt Flour there has been some little move ricnt7b)-day, butlbe:expart demand , coutin limited; and the market dull at previous ly quoted- rates.' Stiles include' 500 bbls. standard'superfine 'at $5 50, 12(10 do. W. B. • Thtimas do. at•S5 024 and 1000 bbls. lyes!,- • ern extra on terms me could not:learn. Stan- dard superfine is compu•ativaly.searce,, and . held at $5 00 a 5 62,1 per bbl, the latter for good straight brands. The humelrade .are from $5 00 a $5 Z 5 Tor common to • choice .suptirti rie, .$5•75 as 6 25 fur extras. =1 quality.' Rye• Mont. and Cord Meal are very ,—searem--About-- 100- -blds;---of-the 'former brought $4 VI, and 259 bliis. of the latter, Pennsylvania Meal, $4 25 per 4bl. • ,There is not 'lima Wheat offering, and prim; are steady, but the demadd is limited, and only some 13-11;400 bushels-futind buyers for milling, at 125 a 120 e., mostly at 120 a , 127 e. for fair to good quality Southern atid Ohio rads. including a few small lota of fair whimat 1.35 a 1,10e.-Cormis:_dullml.4lM-41a -aline-11(TMZrlay, sales of same 2 5 a 3000 Lushtls Somhermand ['main yellow are re- ported, mostly made last evening, at. 88e., delivered from - store, but, these figures 'were --hardly-obtainable to.dity.--Dats are .steady; with further sales of 2 a 5000 bushels South ern at -15 a 40e., the latter for prinid 'Dela , ware and Penn'a afloat. clew ,q6ufftisenteitis HAT AND CAP EMPOIOM.:---, J. 11. CALLIO ,t 1 CO., sueeaserg to Wm. U. Trout, Would 1111T101111e0 to their customers and the public generally that - they have just _received trout. Vbiladel.. pLiu.-n largentid eiegant orgootig , On their linuel liusinmm ovUry landety, style and quality. • They have on Lands splendid assortment of . 11 A T S ). of all descriptions, from tho common Wool tb the finest. SUS AND •Sibl'i HATS; and at prices that must soli every one who has aim eye to gelling the worth of tile menu. Their Silk. 311110 Skill and Bearer limits, are unsurpassed for I.ltilll`N UPS. DIMAIIILITY AIN D ISII hp those of any Ot her establishinent thu country. lig ICY.' iIATS of every leseription eorFfantly an hand They ruspeetColly it. Ito all the ohl : patrons, end a manyllOW ones as.pos,ible, to give them disall, Oct. 13, ISSS-71,v ow is' TI.IE TIME TO PRE , PARE FOR WINTER: The subscribers havejunt 'returned (rem the eftle,of New York and Philadelphia, with one of the largest as• rwttnent,tf PAU. and WINTER ever brought to this place, embracing every variety of READY MADE CLOTHING, and piece goods, which in ill - he made tip to order or sold by the yard, a 1110111: w hich a few articles may he tiluned, Filei Black, Twilled French, Blue.ulack, Blue, Green, Dinh - and Claret CLOTHES; Blain and Fancy CASSIMER ES of ovonv style and quality Satin. Black and Fains. Grenadi ne, Merino, Mar..a.Pcs, FBk mid skin VEgFING . S; all wool • Frei-in Tweeds, Italian Cloths, Casluneret, Jeanne and every description of beau goodiefer Pill and winter wear. Also, the largest and hatWonlearierck of Plain and Fancy CRAVATS, STOCKS, and TIES; - Linen and Silk Pocket Ilandki, chiefs; Collars, half Hose and Gloves of every kind. to-, gather with a hirge assortnnut of Truhks, Valises, and . 03- lila Sags' all of which will he sold at the lowest prices.' Call and into us at, the old stand, In North Hanover street, opposite Owlet 'F. lintel • ti ARNOLD & LIVINGSTON. Oct. 13. ' ) IUMBERLAND COUNTY Gill • CULTURAL .17.111.11T10N. : tr•ti• AT CARLISLE, On the 136 ii, 1-llth hi, 151 h of OCT Tbo Cumberland Valley Eall fluid Company .will carry passmigera to and frnnt Carlisle, on the elm. nowt' days, and poidtively no longer, at tho following rates for the round trlp,, including a tickht of admission to the Exhibition. • 1 rom Harrisburg. and .returu, iremausl,on , I,•letoVrg - Hingstol idtil el.ex '‘` " Good 1101/13 " Alterlen Nawrilln " Oakville Shippemburg 4i •Scotiau , "' . o noinrsburg •‘ All the articles for exhibition will be carried free of —charge on the Company's ears where due notice is given to the Codtpatt!'s' Agents. Regular trains will leave Carlisle for liarriehurg at 11l A. AL and 4 P. 3I„ fur Ch.nuberdburg, at 9.56 A. 31, and 2.12, P. 3!. 455 - • AN EXTRA. TRAIN wllllcave Carlisle for Chambersburg, every day at 4j P. M. 0 N. LULL, Carlisle, Oct. 11, Ifirifi. • ' IA4 I DUCATIONAL.—A winter session 4 will commence In Ilia Sla NO .teAumit', nu MON , the Ifith , day of OCTOBER, 1145. and continue' TWENTY -Two ‘PEEKS, incluiling two weeks vtmation at the Christmas helidays.•' - TERMS PER SESSION. Tuition in English Branches, ' 'slo 00 with classics, l3 00 Boarding $2.25 per week, washing 75 etc per month The school Is not expected tn . he large: Instruction tplll therelbre I,c.thorough nod cerefut, and student. selll enjoy rare opportunities forltuprovement- Apply. to either of the undersigned. .9 Hey. It. McCACIIIIEN, IL LINN. B. S. A rad, my. Ott. S. • .1 C.l IC ID. • Prof. SEPTINIUS S. TALK, Ilas.the h.wor ormunounelng to the Ladlex and Gentle tutu or thiltl.lBLE, that ho will open 14.---.-- - DANCING ACADEMY, On FRIDAY, the Ist, day of OCTOUER, 1858 3_llll_lllg the session, the latest and most fitshionablo 40Abettt0s,' C.!'"'RA DAN('F,IVALTZKS, trIALLOP %DP, ' • POLKAF, Setier,PAptt.g. MA:tutu:As. and the celebrated LANCERS QUA 011.9.1,1:, will be taught. •• .Thol'uorrmant has comternes ribemeeye r the establishment of 31.sars.1N.NCII Opposite the VOI.I.I3;TIIER DAV.S OF TIIITION.-4or Ladies', Misses, tern : Tuesdays and Fridays, from 2 to 5 o'clock. P. 31. For Gentlemen, same 0V.11311.1i. !TM 7 to 10, P. U. A•book will be opened at the llauLtia OFFICE, where terms 3r., wili,be made known. Carlisle. Sept. 20, . • CUMBERLAND VAiLIJEY INSTITUTE, MECUAI:IC4I:I4IrG, Itcv. IMINJA3IIN- C. LIVIIkICOTT, A. 8., PRINCIPAL, AND TEieltEß OP ATU4I IND NATURAL. PAIENCE. A. FASTER MULLIN, A. IL. Mallicii. s ultJcs and Modoi-n laninage. T S. REESE. A, Languages and Higher English.• • 'This Institution having passed into now hands, will bo reopened use Male Schoolonly. on Thursday-, the :id day 01 September next. It is the design of •the present proprietors to idalte It a strictly first-class Warding lichonl,.for training and fitting boys and young mon either tor college or business. Au ellieleateorps of In structors hoe been organized, whoa . personal interests areldentilled with the fillfeeFK Of till. _whowill:Spare - no - paltityto makolf;wertlty of the conti "dened and pat - robs:pi of Una 'while.. The Bidldigge 'of the Institute are ample, and well arranged for the ac. ecuntuodatintinlabout ninety hoarders, and all students froma''oad are expected to board with the teuebers.— , They will thus eajoy the lament of constant Instruction and supervision. - Nlecltnicsburght Situated InAberimfre - of tifol Cumbpland Valley, nine mites from liarriiburg, and Is nosy of stoma by Railroad foam Philadolpirbi.Ral thumb, &e. No lorathin,could be more eligible thr ac cess—none more bean heor attractire.fhrsurh a school. Pupils from Washington, ItOltlmore, Philadelphia and Intertnediato points, taking thd' uMrning train, will reach Mochanicsburg by 2 U'olinic, I'. M. As ICU the ...determination ~ 1* the ?dilated and bin Assistants to place Tito Institute on a ,permanent and devoted basis, with ovary n 111.14,1001 requisito for superior auccoss, they appeal with contidenco to all who hare sone to ed- Beate. The sehelastic year Will he divided into tiviineeslohn or twenty two weeks eoeli, the first he:dotting one the _flret Thursday of September, and ending on the•tln;t Wednesday of February:' the seeon4 session L• e gimdng on the fire , Thursday of Februaryland ending on the finit Wednesday.ofJuly ERI . M 1 S. • , Uoud Washing, Room Rent. and Fuel per Tuition, ( Common Eno "(Walter Enatirit.) •'• '- t<' • Ancient and..llodert, I.;:urnaerti,- Tarcett.pui..setation paaldu In admit. o_,„ ForftirthreAnforntationsepplyt,o'ilte Maritonlesburg, Pa. . AnABE CHANCE FOR A GOOD INVESTMENT.- The subserlber, intending to leave. Car Erie, will sell his entire stack 'of Hats. Clps, Boots and Shoes. (which is now and gond), on 'Krauts. genus f onus, to a resnmmible buyer. The business Is well established, and tbs, stand (ho best in town. Every' , ratlsliketion will be guaranteed the uurrhaSer and terms made Idle. I would like to sell as soon as po , sible. • S.—l will still keep a firstarate nasnrtnient ELLEß: nf goods' on hand, and soil its Cheap lig ever till the day of sale. IMO 5:75 6,00 3,50 1.26 1,16 E LEGANCE, TASTE ANDFII AS JON COMBINED AT W. SLMMI/NS: . . PARIS' hi ILLINERY EMPOgIUM, ' • • 51.14 BILOADWAY„Naiv 111 iffi - A HillendlA assortment of the nth Elezunt and Fashionable '3111.1,1:U.:Ill' and MILLINERY' HOOPS. selected by our own agent In. Paris and . Loltdon, for Fall and Winter wear, and offered at priees ladaw any other House In the Tra le: also, a' larze assortment of Pelt . and Beaver lIONNE'f.i. for Ladies' and Misses' wear, at the - lowest possibleiirlees. Who - legal° andMaiL• • Pattern Itnnnets always on band. SJp.l5, 1858-3 m • 5 25 2,50 i i , ,% ti fy CLUB' i girol'' IN- • g.,42, , , - LZZ .-- - f - .'. \ - 1 0 - - c:-,-7-c...2r -- ,;-7 1 k. .. ,/,., 73.... , -.5) , --,„ -.-- ... „ - - ---.----,- , -T. - f.---- - -,.. _ ~ ..,.., _.=._. _ 4; _ . ;,1 „ : : _ ..—..../11•13Y6 , " ,- - - .4 ,": 7::: - .L,,,, ,, 1.,„; ii,, _L... ~ ~ • , ,"„., ` , 4,,, ~ N. t i ,:', , , -iv! ( ro• • '‘.;,., ,‘ \ ").'O,O"C‘ ,s• ____ '"n tninf;:. ' , 1 ,7, r‘j",-6‘;pcMci,se, • • • • COLTIIT. PHOCLAMA'FION.- War RIAS the 11011..1A NIES 11. GIVA 11.111,.1.real dant Judge or Ihe'several Courts or t'ononon Ilene of the ...,unties of Cond.Orland. Perry nod dutdata, and .ItOice or the Fuvoral Courls of Oyer nod Terlidoor and 'thulat.lllllllellVOry-111-1,1141 COUIItIOS, mid j 1011.4,01 UM. WOOl .111:S and Hon. NI. COLKLIN, it' Oi s e Court °layer andrferolloer and (lendtal JAI Duller ry For the tau of all cipital and other olfooders,.h, the paid votoity oreUllibeeland. by their pro4pls lo ne dt reettol. dale.' the 17th of April, 1,51, have ordered the Corset or Oyer and Tol . llllller Goll'olltl JIM Delivery to be )1011011 at CA1:1,11 , 1.F, on the thol)llmr% 11.1 , 1' or - . November, 185 S. (Loins; the tt h da,y,) at It.lo v elott, in the 10,110011, to illlltlllllll IWO'S\ eels. NuTll.l: IS 11E111:11Y dIVEN to-the Coroner. Jur. lives of the Peace and Constables of the said county of Cumberland; that the) are by I lot raid precept. Nto mamled to 1.., 01101 and t 111. 1 .0 111 their' Jiruper pernom!,. with 'their rolls. 1 . 0( . 0111:, Fugalsi Lioun. eNianinatl, no and all ..ther . temet4brances, In 110 011,0 thinrs which -to their cllieer ap p ertain to - benmeiltllll.oll - thly,lllllt .:re 1,01110 by re, oitniranees. - to pr.,eetife infalnst the 111101101'S dud ire ord lien shall be In 1110 Rlll 3.r paid ototy, are t, be there to pmnet,nto thjm as shall. ha - • Sopt. 29„1558.1 • i t SSW. N under “iL,ne I ..1,4.1..ti0w of Iloul.en Lino, of the floiongh of Carli-le, by itrekt of-volliotary onvigonowit for tjie -betletlt t -of-ftt,litoro c pit en toOlce. that. all who.have Wgainht Ilie.s:1111 I( Line, sha:l present them for settlement; al'ol those itit.l.toil to male pay theta to .11.11I\ M. (11 , E41(1, Carlisle. Sept. 29, Atw.htnee. IMMZIM 7 , 4 S'LA TE NOT jOE. T.kters te4ta _,4 znenfary on tho ll , Mtp ,it I ,ICOII of Upper Allen. del rated. WIVO 11,11 I•ollea 1/ the Regis. ter Of Cumberland OMlty, .101111 11.-Xtrover r -of, the Name ton nehi p. All p..rolm having 11,11104 ligiihlSt UM' lb.tute, are hereby nolltled to pre.ent II Ilizly au thenticated for settlement, and thou Indebted to tithe payment to .1011 N M= • • T CE EsTATF, OP BABB - ARA Your, ahem, ise Shelly. deeenseil.— tioorge DO tier. Wu:within of :John Bretz. has presented his petition to thwOrphinis' Com C. Id Cumberland County. tinder (ho Art fir Assembly, or the 18th April. liiti:kitor an on ' der to sell a tried of land in Slier,- Spring township, I (medial by lands of Air. 'Other, .lamb atliOrs, and containing slxty•flve nines intim or lass. With iiSTONIi HOUSE. and Smite Hank Horn, thereon melded, upon which petition the said Canto granted a rule en - the 'parties interested to nidnair at the nest Orphans' Court,-to he held MI Tuasdny, Oio Ledo I lay of Oelober, - .1.1)., 18.58.i/int( show co use why the sold order should not be grouted of which rule all the said pan ties are hereby required to take netinii DANIII. S. C'llOl , T, Clerk of Om Orphans Sep 1, '5S -t. r. Aull,o ter he i T t ris t lc t r io , x i v tett,i ,leceasetl,"aro moot to MARV 31. )1(1111tIS. - - AlintilstrotrlN. or C. 0. Attornoy Carlisle. Sep. 8, 1554 NOTLCE:— Notice is hereby that he mode to the nelt Legis lature of Pennaylvania. to alter the charter df the I)ENSIT BANK. lovateilliT the '131, , P.ta1, or Carli s le, Cumberland l'ounty. ho as tO l'ollll.l . 'llpoll Mill Bank the rights and peen ile , iO of a Hod, of brow, mat to change its tattle to the Cvecint.,. It tto: nine to Increase the capital or said nanit,Wlliell isot ',resod Sevetity4 wv, 7111.11,V12111 ',will° S. With in n creasing tin, name under its present ellarter to env hun dred thousand dollars, to taojtuudrrd tinon.and dollars. 5, C. 31USSE1.31AY, CA AMER. ('orlisle June It. 1500 Ems] Lri)lßE AN I) VALLEY BAN K. VV PROPRIETORS.. WILLIAM KIM, ORNXEMAN, ROM C. ST MILT; Jens, ' JOIIN S. STIXELTT, Jour C. lam ft.vr,- 11. A. 1 4- rtmotos. • This Bank, doing business in the DIM., of Err, Bien noinan & Co., is now fully prepared to do n general Banking Busim,s x itin pronnotness and fidelity. Manny received on deposit and paid back oil deinaffU without notice. Interest paid um spol•bd deposits. Co, titivates of deposit bne'iug into est at the rate of tiro 'per riot. will be issued fin• 11,1 short n p 0 1 .1.1 as tour months. Interest on all cortltlea Les m lit roast. at Imo turity, provided, however, that ll' said Vert/ lir:drs aro reams od nit any time theteaftes,Pfr another given v., rind. they shall bear the smile nit., of in teret,t Up LO the (11110 of renewal. Partleular attention pald to the col lodion of Bates, drafts, chocks, .tr., in any part of the United States or Ca tholes. lb•ntittances made to England. Irhitrd c rort ha Ctntll• mint. The Ildthful and tsdflldentkil f,tention of all orderi entrusted to thew, nifty be rolled upon. They call the attention of Famous, Mechanic's -and all fillers who leslre it sob, depository I'm their ;mines, to the undeniable fart, that the proprietors ol't his 111111 k 111 &IND' V/ DUALLY liable to the extent of their estates for all the Ik•possts, and other obligations of her, llrouue• mans Co. - TherliniM recently removed Into their new Milking (louse directly opposite aide former stand. In West Main Street, in few Jones east of linlhy , ot Depot, where they wily at ull.tinu•s be pleased to ON e any in- Iminatlon desired - in regard to money matters in gene. Open tbi business trim 9 o'clock in tlitin!orning uul ci clurk iii tlie evouing. Principle Carlisle. May 20. 1057 IVERY STABLE.—Having rltmiied from R. Nonenralrer his L1V1:11Y 61.1511.111.. NE, 1 1,111 be - id A:vs tvarly to arroornrum doh, the public with 110118 ES, CS. 1- gp.rr - lt 11131101Eri . . 'el reth " •rr , i l eloltlYny line. Ily strict nTlenl inn to busier.. and a desire hi. RIM., thu BtOrscriber hopes to receive a liberal chars of public par 01111140. 01;01101: I:NDIEL. N. 11. OratriburcreB on'haud to howdy. therm whir may be In seed or them. G. 11. Nor. 25. 87.7.1 • fIARDWARE ! HARDWARE ! JOHN I'. LYN k SON ern now receiving their Fall Stock of Hardware. which a unusually large. and in connexion with their fur ore heavy stock makes it one of the largest, nod most varied assortments ever offered to this public, They else every thing t the Partner, the Buildec, the tlendiant. or the public, soy Want in their Mies. and xhich they are selling at the very lowest prices. They :elicit until from the public Kahn, making their pur.. domes. att they feel confident they can offer inducements hat will reward tile hu 'or Sir the trouble. Feeling thankful to in generous public for their Sinner iberal patronage. n continuance of ,the online it solicited it our old stand ill North flanovet'Sfreet. Cnriiolr. .11511 N i. LYNE & SON. E= A. B. EWING'S F.URNI•TUILE WARE-1.00.615, 11P 1 8 5S - s t ~i4, . ",714./.li 1 @ 58 • -7 ) ( 6 no- 7 4"-Fiil west High Street, Carlisle,- Pa. • (Prcatiunariled al the Cunilmi'land' County • . • Agricultural Asir of 1857.) • The subserlhor has just 'received the most splendid assortmaet Martleles in tile 11110. ever brought to Able Pisa'.—whirli be laaleteredned to soil at prices that do . fy competition. • ' . arlor, . - a. Eliamber, Initag-roots, • FURNITURE. Ifltufspu. and • • Unice , . , ~ • ' Einbracrug every article used by House and Hotel kepors, of the most approved and tasliimmille design and [ltish. Including tie ) Cs' tttuge furoltdre In setts. reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Jilt trainee, pictures, ko., So.' .„ .. . Purehamors are requested to call' and examine .Lis stock, at his extensive ware•rnoms, 'Wemt Main street, North side.-• A. U. EIVINtI. QV- Particular otteuttoli given Cu usual to funerals; orders'fron, totru and Notary, atteuded to proutylly. Mid. wislairrif to terms. - '-' ' Oalislo, 31ily 12,15A51.--Iy. ~ . . „ • • . . . fr 6 00 r. 00 15.00 15 00 . • )LAcitCSIIT.IIB' a O A:L .1.0,000, A ) Thishoi ;,f .liitntni,„),,nc.l: f r o m th ,,, e0 „,,,„ t „, “Lelnon;`-14Int.p. rtlMving and for • salo 16 , - - • • .' -; ... ill:mut (i. 1867. • 1 • , . W. 11, MUKltet VI • MEE ltotiecs JACOII ISO‘V.)I.V , ;, Lzikt,rfir. =MS! II:A. BTU RU EON, Caxhier. Rear (Estate, Sales pU13.141.0.,5, ALE:•-• - On PitlDAY,lho 22d of OCTOBgit next, It'll sell as Assignee of 55'Iillana Meteor, on the tract following described real estate: •" . • .-No. i t T,11.6 MANSION TRACT, 4, valuable Farm, con, taittin; two hundred end idAlituen,aeres a al fifty vino perches. el tirstwate quality of Limestone Land, lying. iii Dickinson to:rill:111p, liumlwrland comity, on the Walnut flattop lioad, eight miles wont of Carlisle and twelve miles east id' Shippensburg, (formerly the prop. arty of Woods,) adjoining lands of Johnston Moore, .Samuel Carothers and others. Thu improrti- .flouts are ' - TATICIE - IIIViirrfOTWI , D IV E LLIIV GI • It 0 IC with Kitchen atlacherl, a large Haul< Bar:,, well lielshedc Wagon Shed. Card:lgo Douse, Corn Crib, !log Pon„ Dry_ liouses,. two -Wells of—water,- Cistern, .largu Apple Orchard, 'together 'with a variety. of. fruit trees, sash as Poaches, t :berries, Qufuers. Ora pee, Rasp berries, ,te. Aloe a good log TENANT HOUSE; mad Stable, with Cistern. This tract Is divided by mortey into Iwu parts one emtaining 10:racre!,. ',sanding thin Tunant Mouse, Stable ,:iod Cistern, ab,,nt acres ,of Which is timber land: the Mlle' part containing acre., 23 or whoa Is timber. including all the other prevenient., and will . he sold In 'parts in• as a whole as host snit purchasers. Nearly the half ofthis tract has Mien limed within the last three years. ' No. AVA 1,11111141.; TItAC I' 01? LI M ESTON It LAND, Rl:An:lva In Intdattgon todlip nu tho rout lo tdiog lupin fluld.vslntr4 one ; Intl° itorilt r of (Jon tt'At'lll,:totl four toil, voullt of Now, Illo,il.lJololng landir of .10nt..14 Ihtulop..lollo T. Green, nnnt otliorg ! con tzti tt 110,40'1 aerot and (~perches, ITorinorly IhAprooorty of IVilll,Ol Dunlap') lib t 1 75 lures dea'rell And lira votl statu of cultivati•on, ant III!, balance r. intwod with dilly. InG timber.--The Int or.tvel'otottg are it vlll.ll l‘,ry &Aldo DWiLLING basolll(itl,plA'Plorlql And well filliSbeli i0.1.1 . 1,1111r 'll rig: lin find, Isom. „with floor •• do 1 4 011 itt riot 'II 11 Lubilti K--7:ln•sw-inym.rivneuty in IIVItII. ' i t a lane. elsturn trot vulthui Gr tho houvo, Thlo train 1;0 offeror! in two NetS .one or 80 ;tents' with ~ let Improvements. turlu.ling it mites of thole., the Inthouto nearly 30 eerie. all thither Nth 3. A. tract of gout Che4nut Sprout Land, few yorn oLl a lying In tinge 01111, 113.j0i11111.4 10 proporty; eontal plug sUaeroN. and easy el tO.V.`S, NO. 4. A trait nl wool tlltest nut .turout Lao d HOIIIO Nu. 1, e.totaltalntt tatterit. adjololug No. a., No 5. lbws trim or Mountain rand Iyht,r, In Irish. lure sate mill. with a laud out road too ling to It. : ThySe .11 , ktlfltainl thirty are, ;di COye,,ti, with_ you. eo.ottill1111,•4 :i3 . :liTerißh . M . ,if,iiith - j)hio - iii ! ellostli tat. 'oils trivet Is wlthl•l'omt.f.furth mho of lio asd thrlvhig thalwr, a portion of whit.ll Is 111 to mat. E= I=l2 A SSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUA _Li_ .. !_dtl,l , l , HEAL ESTATH. On SATURPAV, tlio 2:1,1 day of iantlorgl.clie I assinneo of iliii:1;11 :kill :11 1)1111 Ile sale, tin tin) preinison. siluaind In South tow l'uniberlii nil county, about IL hall: milli mirth east of the Riling Springs, nil that vithiablo trout o • . ' L 1 NI 1 S 'l' 0 N 1 , , -L A ND , - , (formerly Domed by .Tarob Strickler,) hnundnd by lands ni Philip 111...0hbi11, Paler P. lice, Mode Ilrinlth. Hemp IVabbert, linnjamin : , hoe, and the l'nflan Ilreeehes (;reek. e tm td.,l,,,, S 3 .11:1; ES and .:3 PEItt.:IIPS, more or 1..59._ ILIVIIIg tlorenn. erected y. - two:st”ry *frame and.,,----,,,,- • • ' 4;7!?4,1 4 :::1_, Pl, - ,11.T1.11i1,71) 1101.1 n and t ItITeII.PN - ' : 3li E;- ` t 1, 4 Stone Bank Barn, COVII Crib, W/Cgtlll Thera n lover Clllintr. welt Or water' oi•sr the how., :IA 11 aS . : I spriio.t that, Ivo:, net or' ,h,oto knowo to Ito 417: , There Is alts. On the 100 VP defweibell farm, tin oncliAnD OF CHOICE YOUNO FRUIT TREES, to flit lloarin4 artlar. ahoy , daa•rlhrd tar la Is la a Lltli 4L to of cnhicnlluu, alai to nt,tly.tatelust,4l m 1/031, ot• th, L.•,t materht. will al, sill oil s Lino day, limns Ilatoly nflor tin :ml, , h , ,071b0t Ginn shall !lava loom .strh•heu ulf P TWO - LO 'I'S OP promitomtly tho town of Pollli, Spring, mw of wh L •h on:talus tl,a , porches. nod tho ottuTr - 4rowlosr rip on tho-fsrolkolll bwresorted as Well ns tho right' to en•or and isle it oil - • • . SIIIO 1,11 00/1111011Ce at 1 1/ . 1 . b1,11. .11011 100111 . -be mode known awl ottondsure „I‘l.ll by JAM! N solgooo of .10.0.1111 Sroll. r. S+p Iteputtlloast,...l.l 11.•!x• rishar.r, Telt,r.iplz,bisZit till hale nod I hi: I:AIINISTRATO•IVS--SAI,E. Lx_ purstmniq, of au or.l, of tit, Orplmus' Cliurt, of bo 41,1 14 Wu Court S'ATI.IIIO.IY, tho IWT1). BEit :lust,• fir fitllowlogdt.,rribect of JAcutr F. Iluffor, late Our propaty . — A juni.. - 4 - t; ANdt tiff )1 liltl/13N1), . .Nltillt , ` ill OM 81011101 01'44111'4,h% 41 111111111111 011 the !Mall lIV Piillllr,t A.. g ,-,, , ,,47., I . on the Beat li s It lot of Abram. liar ii,:sta.'it',FA not. myths ',nth by (impel Allny.kc4t-d. and on the Wo.d. by n lard ghee. Itnittn,c.ont.tioid..: :id feet In fret no l'n,fret street; nod 240 foot in depth to 1111:111(11 Aiky. andthavlii4 there-,n orertod In aildttloo to UP. 110114 n alro.nlY nonttlyno.l. a tarn, (ratan LAI:11111'. Eiblittl.Nfi. 9TA111.1,:, nod other oubluildlnn, ' t_-The sale- will -lay on- Ow followlng - terms ;—live per cent. of the porelto., money to bu p Od nu the contirnim Hon or. the as by tho 001.11 . t. 0111.141 . 0 of the to be paid on the Ist or Aprll next, n bait pm,session of Oto prdndses I,ll' bit given and a deed mode to the pur,•lum or, mot kilo rm.:tinder In one Ye3r ill hoot Interest, syltl,l. 1114 Nylllollt in to be seedred by juda mon t on {ll.l 11111/01 . tY, .WB. C. Sep. '29, Vai-t s. Admlnlalrator. ..„ ORNIANS' COURT SALE._ ..„_, f n 11l expo,' to pnlolin We on W ED- A r - T4L-! • NI .1 4 1.11% the Dith dey or OCTOBER. 311 t 01 , .1t 11 o'elovh, ,1. 1%1., .at the Court - Caraeh, A TWO.STOnIi STONE 1101561.: AND bOT 01' (I HOUND, nn Pnolfin,t 01,4. Itortoull of CArllqtr, trout let .on tho 11,C Ity liolfeCrt nol Ow Stool, ho Clmot.l Alley. 011 not North hr Pomfret strtott, and 011 We m, 1,, dlot. 1 4.4y2 Eby', roorriniot.; IN poet ht fromt Imo! 2l't loot In d"5Th, 1.10 the : 0 1100 /111ri•O or hen'. littriott theroom tmorted a two m. 0.:: I; lilt': I;, S V. 1111.1% Awl, Whet! Wilmot . ..toots, being the property of the NOl.lO, .100 . 4 t. Terlllo 1110d0 10101/ . 11 on (thy of mkt hr ' 4up 2.D, 5S t s V.VIJII.II3ILE 1111/1„ .AT, i• 1 VATi.: SAl,l%—the soli, tiller offers at pri . A 11 . 11 6,21'1 , trite sale ta., l'i:Lperty n L 1,114 tAfie4, 1111 norr reolrlrs, 111 11101111 Olialherh lit/ County, a miles west rri Now• vino, and 4 mile-vest of Newhorn. en the i'lata' road lislin.4 from %torville to 'three i=iittaro !follow. " pr 511° LIND, .10 wires of net lett are elnueil tilt In in 20,1 Ltate of milt V . :104111, the nrea terlimit .brine 11111,1 and under grad timers, with running water In every Md. 'the residue, "ncn•e l i 4 yliveroil with ivied timber. 'the 1111111 , 1,•1110ill4 my, t .I.or' pp.l repair. it Ills eiteellent. Jinn, and Chr 111,011, and an run et e u e t o i n . Also, a Saw 011:1. in genii triter. with renstitot employ.. meat. Those 111114 aril,. tits Three Stiviaro Hollow ltnia, with a head of fifteen feet.. impreviononts ale. a tweeitiiii AND hini biranio • (nearly now) l'arri.l4,l 'louse, Smoke liens° and other neoesi,iry.iiiit.hitildiligs. There Is a Ivell of exeelimit w.iter, (with it pump in It) at the dens.. Aline. a t.111 . 1V114..; Villllly. 010111.11 W of eh' vim fruit. 'the nbneu property will Int nild iris as le offergreat in 1111,0,111mile teipurohaners. ter liuthrr ,1111r111/11'S OS toll -WS NI.II LL I,INILSIIY. 'rel-tf: C LEMBER LAND .: VA L.L.Ei 7 trurEie A R RANG EN EN T. • Rgia tr_w- =II Ou:incl lifter ND IN UA Y, OOTOIt ED 11th I SGS, Dasvonge Train, ruti as (allows: (Sundays excepted:) FUR LIARIOBIIURG. ' . Ist Train. o Chambershurt.". 8.25 A. M 81:11 . 1.ottr,141rg. 8.85 4, \aa•silie, 9.27 Carlisle. 10.00 'slvollani..sburg, 11.141 . 2 . EMI! Arrive at IfarrlsburLi-, MIME FOIL CIIA3IIIIIRSBUIta, ld, Train. 2d Tram. Leave Ilarrlsburg 0.30 A. 31 1.00 P. M.. 44 3leelianiesburg 0.10 44 1.26 44 Carlisle, , 11,4 "' 2.12 44 Novo Ille, . 10.30 . 4 ! 2.47 44 • fillippum,burg . , 11.52 0 , ' ' 323 Arrive at Chumlo,r,4looy, 11.30 4.4 0.53 -" Trains leave Ilarrixbarg . for Plilladelplila, via Penn'n Railread,•at 0.10, A. 31., 2.15, P. It.. 0.25„ P, It,, am 12.00 at night. By Reading, via Lehalima Valley llal Hood at 2.20 P. 31. For'Pittsburg, 340,•A. M., 1.00 1 P. M., and 5.10. P. Al For Malawi,. A. M aneld.4s, noon. I , nr Tmor ton and Williamsport. at 1.0. P. 31., and 8.45, P. NI Train on Dauphin 110011 at 1.30, 111, • NOTiCE I'ASSENG Ell$: At all Stations whora . . Tickets aro sold. vlz: .chanibursharg, BLlpponoi erg, Mechanicsburg .1111 i Harrisburg, a reduction of TEN CENTS un en./1 TICIM wail ho tondo to all l'alonb gore that pnrrldu thoulacirus with 'rickets betbra on taring the Ctrs. • 0. N;LULl4'Super't Railroad Oftiro, - Chnuthorgborg, - ___. , NIV STAGE RopTE . :— .The subset li a r has started n tri•weekly line of Stages between Carlisle and' tziMlisburg., leaving Car lisle every Monday, Wadnemlay and' Friday, Immodl. .ntaly on the arrival °PAM, interneon-trein.ofcrars.frora ve the east. Returning, leas Landishurg at 8 al A. M., every Tuesday, Welnesdny and Sittutday, and. arrives 'it , Carlisla at LOO P. M., via. Perry Comity' Warm Springs, Shormansilale, Sterrett's flap andsiarlisle Sul phur Springs. On /lila a fer June U 1,11511,, the lino will be run daily for the accommodation of passougers going to the Springs. litre to the sovoral paints nn follows Carlisio to Snipbur Springs, •. . • ,4 Stersott's"thip, . . . . 44 Shermanstlols, . . . Perry• l'ounty Worm Springs, „ it ETISIINIISO.. Landifiburg to !Buie Springs. 511014101140014. • • Storrett,'N'llttp. Sulptly 6pitugs; a • Val. . . Tlto ahoy,. 11 tat wiLl tegu lady carry Mt MAIL ton,c' 'from Ill , ' , ; .. voralpoluts ittakaed, • 1.-hare lON. a -wall racklro•,l .1.11'1,11V STA 111,11.frob. whiolt-.1 nm nt all Ilrots roady tu . rortitslt !torsos altar:lV Hatton to Mom.' wino dvlll flivor nut with Choir pat 1 ,1111,1,.. 04 010 soot roasnuablo terms toot in Ito very lost stylo. mngldlliWl. Dill. J • ‘l•?6,ei vi_l(l 13.0 RV N i er 1? I AT, I D and A Gampi., at • I LAW - NOTICIE.Tnos. IVF. BIDDLE continuos 'the---prodtice of the 'law, In the office formerly Occupied by his father, ,Wtti. M. Middle, liaq , and more recently, by theists firm ofPettrose A; Biddle, now dissolved. .' 21, '57,) , ". 0 . P. 1-lUNIRIC A.ttOrpey nt'Law. •-0111ce on North Unnoror fared, n tow (Worm rionth of 01.ton' Note]. MI burtnoso ontruHled to him will be promptly.attondod to. ' IE, AW NOTICE'. R' PI.StOSE has rojuortni 111 s office to the, room airerly occupied by Win on Main street a fele doei.s oast of the. Methodist Church where he will pVniptly ;ittenti'to•all business entrusted to bile. Au;_fust 19; 11357, ei •• • •Lkw 0I?F 1 CE .—L DEL TODD Las reannied Abe practice of OW LIM wilc o in Contra iiquaro, west side, near the First Presbyterian Church. - April 8, 1857. • DR. S. B. KIEFFER Office iii North Hanover street, two doors from Arnold & Bon's store. °Mee hours, moreimrthellerly (rep 7. to 9 o'clock - A. M., mud Ono/ 5 to 7 &clock, P. 31. sLy[vomit ARMSTRONG has reSiov id bin office to Centre earn went of the Cour. fount; , where ho tiny be consulted at any hour of IA lay or, ahtht: Dr. A. hat had thirty years , experlrinet tho nr..fesdon, the last ton of which have Seen dot . od to the duly a Id praetlee ordtcanceopathlo algal Ina. May 20, 'u/Ont. fr=lM. . NLCDICII, D ° . D S.= , N.:A - Baltimore - eon t,go • of V.,1141, 1 - -.. Dent Al Surgery; Office at Lin resktorien, opposite' . 31ario, 11.111;. 'O4 Main Street, Carlisle Nov.l l, IS&7. • Dlt. Leil4oo,lllS. ''l.ll:llEttet SuulL •Ifaover loud ,19or to tilt , flat 0111 m. 01_11'111 giolont froo tlielluxt :ten: (.13ys of !rnelr . n . vsnl,ll:'" [Aug. I, '6 Dit. GEOItGK Z. 'B It E T ff==l 5 1 6 • • - - Ilivlntt-ruturttea- to Carlisle, (titers Mg - profesglonal So F.% to the eititern , OnPraLly, In North l'itt street, nearly opposite UN former resl.le ore • • Mai... 1131. '5B 11111 be absent until Cho h 3 of April next. Dit. GEOiIG. Ina lIT, DENTIST, frnt Ihe 11:11- -- timore rode;;,• or oontni th n r,•sidenn• Or hitt Inother, East treet. three deers below Ilealbrd. . • terch 19, I 1) J: rev Oi!t: ittrlrms the kill, and gontlenien rarlido. and vic•inity. that Jitt has t•e utoll tlin imndlon ”r1)0,11-t ~y: nod ie Vrop mad to two. ll all opvtatiott4-tni tint t;,l,it au l'.;uu:., bolontlott .1 Ilia prode,nion, 11a soul Innortyull tons of ttattlt ou .11.1 or titter, with ninth annt loath. or 1.1...1c'5. 110 tilly nay prel:ko.. Teri. nvidertt, to suit the I flans. • _ . „.. ilillet, In 111411 street, directly npp ;site tin, entnlwr nd Valle'', Illnk., .. ' ,Vr trh-11r..5;: will be In N'iftvvillo the Inst. ton 'dYtys of cry - int.4lll, - - . MIZEZEI • DIWTOII. AUG IiST US -no BERT • Tefolers lifs Professlonfif Sorfi,s .to • M.; eltizeils of llolly .S riots. (formerly l'apertinen), and its viellly. • 41470 Win he ibuud at Ills resldeore, MIIIIII . X 11004. s. W. itivv.patsTfoß, Drufr.gist, North Hanover St root, Carlfsle: PhY o,l ao's Pro.oriptlons eal Pinny .compounded A full supply ,T feer.ll 4.11 . 114, and F . I)ealer in Drugs, (, - I..ney , Artkles. Cotilln• tionary. South Humm . or Strom., BAULDIE..k, L, BANKr , IRS, • iVorth Western Land and Cateeting Ailents. I.:tab:War attention paid to tit& Inv+ln°. of •n'm-redi• dents, surli as htlyin-; and Iteal V.4l.,tte. loaning yon real estate seritritle, Payitr!! 'faxes situ lookinq after the ginieral Interest of non.residents. lteferenoe: ten rt.l. 11E11IYE 31ENDENIIA1.I,, MI neapolla. 31,tnnesota. Jul• 91,1ti55-1y PllO TILE •PUBLI,Q.—The undersign , ell Wog well knowiras a writer. would oiler his bervires to all requiring I.ll.erary ahl. lie will furnish Addrt•sces. Orations, Essays Presentation Nue:elm:and revile', Lines Ihr Albunit, Aerittlies=preparti matter fur the Press—Oldtuaries, and write Poetry upon any sultieet. Mitres', (post paid) FINLEY' Feb. 17, 11138. Baltimore, lid. DEAL ESTATE 'AGENCY ANDitEw 0. tOE. M. JEEP THOMPSON. • _ ti T 0 :11 S N , - flare 0pf0..1 an ,dlleu nt St..loseph, Mo.. for thi; pur ehasoand man itl,ll I:,tale. buying 0.141{.011111g 1,1111.1 Warr.totu. entering Land IM ' Tlour. SuLveylng and ?lop: 1.1/I . llliw, of %v....0r:, and making In n'est tnent,, 1 . ,11 . ll' paying of 'l'axes. and all hull vosaAn.rialnit,g to a I enora4 Land Agency In, 3llasourl Nobrasha. alit lowa. our Sueond Strout, North of A.l'. Ileattio`i Icing House. [July 119111.:ItT Admitil,trtor ESTAT .AGE . NCY, ifrr SPONSLER, REAL CON V1:1' AND SCRIVENER, has N. 10000410 11114 Sew 1011ee 41,1 1111111111.1 . 1 1 01., 0110 dour Wes 1 1 r (1..' 011111100 . 1111111 Volley Rail Road Uop:•t. I 1.• In now perniailontly :no) lint on liana mt talc a very Jahn, amount of Ilenl Estilo, 0011,4111 W of P:u•ma, of 1111147.411 1 1, 1111111,Ved 11101 1111111111SOVO4. 11111 Prop-ellen. 'fon Propertl of ovory ‘lescriptlon, 0,1 Lob., 01,01, \Prsl , •ru 141111S:111d . I . oIV/11,01.1. 110 011 . 411 , 1111 1 MIOIIIIOII, rs 11011 1 11/1101 1 ht lilt Negotiating o ttritl,,,, 0 1 haat, Mortgagtta, AVMs, Contracts and So lviuiug cencrally. •Oct W. C. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CIENI'LIAh AGDNT give /portal attention to re flections throw. Out the State: male threstments, buy and I, Rent" nod eno 3 Writles. Negotiate loans, pay tax !orate iand warrants, tutor to the members the Iluttillerlanti County Ball, anti to all prominent el %MIN Of alrilSl.l. Book-binder and BLAN M A NITFAIITUItEIt, • • '.lfrOfati/C.Sbur.q; Pa. • '.litsie 11,a/.l,es, kewspapo.A, l'ass•l.,;k.T. Copy 1 / 8 1 , t1,, he.. &v., ore I . 'keiVell it Olt CO turned soil!. !tens,: in one wools, at nioderato ex. Ake. p.p..r.rulet to oily desired pattern. Jon. 11, 1.465.1 SIMWi P. 8:Iromt, Ohio. NV. K. Vet•' utLANE, Pen nu • L. L• Coax,hodo NYDB AND COOK, [Tankers and - Dealers In Real Estate, 9d Tram .2 P. 11 241 ‘• 3 P. 3.511 " Juno 3:1857.—1y 4 . VENITISN BLIND - AN UFACTURER inf.— All styles and paltorioi of Minds made to ordoi Ind Old Olind+ repahed Om n soot and xubstantlal met ,01 rca'o,oaldo (onus . . . ,p - z- orders from Citcllsle end other point f. r spenfully s.,llelted. stmt promptly attention to. tiliop directly opposite the 'Union noun! West Mni Street. • [July 14, 'Ss-t. I, -- NOTICETO TEACHERS.- • WANTED, toucher competent to take charge of a echoed in th J...ough of New Cumberland, in this county, for th whiter be ss p , to whom a liberal ho Paid. For further tiarlieulars address July 21,1868-3 m AGRIC ULT MUT,OCIE'DII.7. FALL EXHIBITION OF 1858. • • To no lIELb •AT CARLISLE, ON WEDNESDAY, _....TUDRSDAY, A ND..I?. II DA y, AND 15th DAIS O 1 OCTOBER: • DANIEL S. CROFT, .-FAItMl?,ll,SI—Not . i is the tune to got a new TILRESIHNO lilt 8 E PoWElt. ' 'We base n milliner 'of ivell nowl , en band. nt the Carlisle roulldrT and Moeldnu Sholi..which we on the Prost soilaollaidulqrnili• They combine . all the 'latest riniirdvutneirts . end 1.10 war ro ntrd t r ter of good 'mated:it and iveritinanship, Also, C911.N 8111.ibLEE the.•ol' inest; Improved con struction, Whleli do their work rapidly and n161.011+414. lier sale at low priees by CO. , 'SO 56 $0 25 , 5U • .INIII3TJRNEIIB' .0 L -2 i ouu TONS Of Lylools ValloirNu4 Coal, Outiorlor rocolving nod tbr tato by Aivuot 5,1857 1 ' I OiNI 11S .! TEIt 10 . Its i,•/I7tldlt 311L.1 ITCMCJi Ill' Just, • ret•direct this UW00;103310341, 11341105 uul 1111141 ' It. J. - ICI it pvinvip.: ‘-.33tts . ine,s§ Eatits. Ablineapub, 31i;Incs.ota MINNEAPOLI, Minuesoto Territory' R. H TkIOMAS, co!tan Ic buns,. Pa MI. S. PROWELI.. Secretary School board CUAIBEELAND COUNTY' WATTS, VnEmmy Sucrotary (August 18. '6B-4. f. = New Oboobo B. J. KI:EFFER'S WILOGESALE AND ILDTA . II,- Drug, ,Chemical, Vonfectionary, Fru • • P.SRIETP_ Sraer MTh!: undersigned has just replenished , his stock of J. DRUGS and .31E010INES,, which, Salop' loran so . leated with great care, he •Is satisfied nro Preslt and Pure. 'Physicians' prescriptions .wilr be promptly and - filithfully attendsd to: - Orittirs froth" meivhituts in the canary trill lin filled with rare and 011 the most reason able terms: All ollivial preparations _made strictly 1 e le.,eordatico with the U.S. Pharmacopeia, • - • • SPICES .GUOUND ANII WltOtAl,. such eft C 111 1 .111111101!, Cloves, Ablpiell,,Colllllllll. , Pepper, - Ginger, - :ilustard; - lialcin Stida, Walthing. Biala, Cream Tartfir. Nutmegs, Yeast Powder, Mace, Citron, Sweet 3larjoram, 'chyme, ke., Ac., fresh and pore. flu' hag on hand all the dilTerent Patent Medici°na of the day. EMCEE CONFECTIOIVARIPS'. Ornnl•ex, Lnm , mx, Fiv . s, IhdoLic, Currant', Prunes, Almonds, Filberts, Walnuts, tirouridnuti;. Creaninuls Chestnuts, American, Gorman and C3l2iiiilrt, nand Goody Top Of every' variety. Those willing to make wholesale purchase"' van hero be supplied' with'tho hest qualitv of eooIS '0,111:11 . leci MO at lower rates than 'at env other houde ht the country.. also', full Its. sortment or A3II:ItICAN, GERMAN AND FICHNCII TOYS; . . . _...... .—., ...-..... . • eissiiehneilt of silk Marilee, and gsAtter IVEIV (.1003.)i 4 , Drawer: and .1/m(0111111dg. 'nautil% il . • . nod ilyroo Collars. 7.1 a ravines and h i m. ' . en liosiiiiik llosierv.i.f every variety. Domestic floods of ovary tleseriLitinn, Purer ltkinkete 10.1. 11,-t. 12,-4, war,- rtlat,l .rod to shrink by -washing, • Crib and 'radio illanhotiq •-_VI3 Y it GODS. ' - e ti' Lit t i t k:l.E._ol.:ti.lL-liiii di and pricas IN — -- 7 ,-- wonlett Varna, ..Ity and fru.. tn ". • Picture, bleached and !edit ii Sileerilk es, . . ' • ,Nllistier.r and , pillow ease NoAind of the best brand, in thin 111,1tita Tivkloga, Strip., Chocks, Callodis, at all mires. ' f.,0 .11%. nellOvOr 'llllekkkie . 11 loVe,, - N E IVII CODS, _Ca untlets,:-Bock- Mkt!, -31ame and 11 - iys' Berlin 010ri,4, A lc , a gyear. va - " ritiry or In wont ribbons and drew r ri ie. • , reinga; ladles and uhildrien's worsted --., , "goodi;Sil.di as iiliderverthi, 11.00115 eel Tillie., Illtirt;re, MILEI.OIIe, ke. • .7. ... 1 - -'To nil the - ahovic.f,FiWilffil - Mabyotio' . - IV Ell' GOODS, -- ers. ion invite 'the - Ittspo`tion - of till, ix poblie: llovim; porch:owl Ihr CASH, . . n'o ,are pee ,arii.i to sell goods at 04- , . • truinely low pr . it y s. • ' • . . . On toil!ikii host jot of Foo.rars and Tobac...n that. has Carlisle, Sep. IP, 1855. I.ons.lsting of Wood and Tist of evory d.nseription. nnrh nts I) sll [(pada.- 11 - orra.s . , Wogooks, nink, Moving • Figures, Vaney Work noxen. Masint, 011.1111. 1.11.111.. (111:11i'S, TrtunpotA, Whigtints, nernoil Stnisdo, &v., tie.. to lw.seildlngstio and Retail, stud in prices, cutopotition le dernl. 11.1.ArCY' 00 0 S. Porlte Cutlery. Y,I oll.nud Pearl 'ant •Casen, Por VolluF, Calms, (lorloan, l•'renrll ikud. An. Chin. AVaro, loloatuulg aml trays. 0... a looks and 1114kel Jett Ilronua Plug. Seglilols and Itztlgth Combs Puff, Long Side• and DM: (lutlaperclukeotulm: .1 Itott.o...N.sil and Pooch ltruqheit. wing S4ks, Paten Thread and Spool , • . , 11., tne y MINA. .0 Poul Powdors, Ex firgt (outlay flair 01 Pow:oex% Slrivin.; loop i;f:. 'rhoon.w.l- PJo•Qorp rivoiolowous. Tooth Hair 10 - vi',Wa!oiß, and 11/11k yo. Thu Wmo have xelodell with varo :lud lii! oh wkaoli tint], fn• tholosolvoq.• . SET; :1.7?3: • ever Leen lirolubt to this town. ills Sega.; will con. oinee the sook,er on trial or the purity of the material or Which they ronsist.—lle limo on hand tliose only whfiliotre imported and whlell he can recolinneoll hH such. We need not mod: on the true hirrustn. Svgni as they haN e elready gained for thenisel v., a reputation that they so richly deserve. lie also keeps the VTIIIIOII/ tioN Of 5e;,1114 to Hillt the trade: Tubas.. such 00 El- T‘Vkt 1 . 111111.. - 114 1.43111: nike011'41,4 , 4, 1111 d Vint, 111111 61.111 r, 1,j143 6,1; tsui tot 'al. thaulcful to tit' • ors] pottonage. 1.11,101111.1i1011 tut'tho f.ltuo s .I.l , ltott, St p,manitsut Inentl , lll inn :.mill sts oot: roctly ipposito llonnoo's llutbl, and-nost Jo in to 11r. 0. loholf's Urocory. i N EAV 0001)S ! ClO()D.'4 ! ! " r havejust rourni.dfoint Nilw York and 1.111111 g1e1144,-.14/ ant limy .V 1.111114 itl lII° tout Shure thulniv, , t and ifiih splendid 0.4,E•1t of • SPRING AND SDII.IIDR GOODS evvi• bron.rht to l'arllsle: A lion of f„t. DIES i111i:,74:4 (P)III)S. and Palley SIR, liayolkt. Sido ; 4 LriJO. , joint Mork low, Ito l'llovlct:+.llrolillilinet:,. rt.,to Stripe Or;4,111(ty Ittllll.wlts, loti r—mrtineot of Enil.r..l4ety, Rlnrurt Ihs, linderFleet,F,, IlandicerbifF.. I u , ert ete., etr.. cheaper than .ever, Camloges. Ito reed and, :•; hired Jeromets. SnyisA.)hualtei. N 31140%), 'l i ',tin;;h:lino,ete.; of till kinds it the veer lowest noteli. lIO.t'XE'/'B. A' I BBONS, FL 0 I rERS, ltuell4.s, au oath.° now a%aortlflout. :11'11 81[ 11V1.5, a I tv, as,artAnnat and very suell to:teil, v,ool ill1t11411111tVilq.i:11111W 111.111,t ( .. 14 ,1011% far 1e,y24 - ,vear In ,real. variety, ( . 41111111.111 . 111.,, 11 , ./..V. 011,04, A full :net nen huvut slabogany, Itosev:.unl and %Valliatt CtIII'ETIN. M hoporial, I 0111I0,1;yolno, Hemp mt-Stair Cal pot lons. at — VOl'ir stOnl; IVO: 6,11 lAN in 11 Rh groat Cure nt tho vory hal oat cash prices, nod, rclll Its sold tor :he onsh at 50411 111 . 1440 00 will Vow - lion, till (hat ilnllll3-'0 to, stoto the place to Iny out their cash to the. very host orlvalil.l24, 1.1';111 protlis nod gold: sal,. Itevolloot the now ',tore Is on tie, runner Of Nit 0154110, of,poslto 1110 Cnrlisjs, April 91, ',"114.1 - 1)1111.11Y. 'NOW IS THE Mk 1: . 011 BARGAINS. AItGE AND EXTENS . IV SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. AI the New Slot,. Corner ot u North honorer am? I, , i(ther Streets Tllll 1111tlerblvitod relnYlo.tll3.lli(l. 'lor tint patronwzo h0,t0i1.t..1 'woo Ilitn thopoldi... and lit 1110 same limn 211111111111ees that hit ltasi.t rot nuntql ri . olll Philadelphia, and I, now Inn.nim... a new .1.. t of ;11.111N11 AND ,11)1111111 DRY 111101n4 ANI/ 111101 . 1111111 S, eon slstin.; In part as 1.1110 v,.., and v. Idol. 11010 aei01 . 111111 , 1 , 1 to sell at 1..w1,,t 1..11 wive,. , 1141 . 1. 1 . Alpacas: 1 1 , Ldp. 1 / 1 .11a.n.5. 1,11,11.1., Tallinn. 1,1,1., Brilllant,:Sliirtlnz.h.l.nell and 1.ent..11 Print:, (noves ' 11,iory, llitinlkorehlers..k.e., 1311. All' LS AND MANTILLAS, il, nutty stylo and tinality. ; , T.01,E AND I)) ii lilt V 110(11/S. (ltiirlis, ens. shaeres, Vesl hez. LiCess, Hwetiw gs , wins. Nswlse..ll/.., Drills. 31arsellle, itgi its. ...)lertsi , sot!. while Carpet. and 111111fIvilss Ale;, a ..)ilentlid t.,..”t of DoNNETS, lI.ITB. DAPS, Ittlo'l'S AND 611,tES. .1 superior lot Ili ' fresh IlltllCElt I ES. Teas. Coiree, gar. llottoses,lliew Spires. entire shalt will, the groaleol yore. fuld the e.tsif riitele+. I ran asoure or: friewils hid thy potato gouerallr, that I will do all It. toy loner to make toy est..ll.llshoteni linotru is the .• 111:.1111 MA ItTl:lizt Vint 11.11t1 %INS." Those uhn ulslt to 'mlollo,o nili COOd it to thole OliVjOittlgO to trill and examine toy Itooli before purellselng. I will pay the 111,1teht iourket prise fur Butler. Eggs, Bogs, 1111(1 Dried Fruit,. • Cirll,lo, _4lll 2.1, ISr,S IRON 11..111.1N(!—lroit it:tiling for iCeniel.plyt.oclosures,puhlkunil iirivitie :inleini. ma le to or•lef, al Lhe rarlishi Foundry. inn. sly rkII Vniunilull :tin/ lifat , ,et patterns rnu prises n firin• vanity of iiew and elegant ileblizio, which the pithilv :ire In , Rol to i . :111 :11141 OX:1011110. Orill•rn fir c+ntim; nod 1.11 1111 IZ:111114r Will be proniiitly execu ted at salimaet“ry prices. r eutir”ly new TEN 11011 SE STEA IN(11NE and 11,111,E1i now on band. warranted In bowf the bent 131,0, Will will be sal nt W barg.lth for or oil I,llOri 111110. (IA lIDN Eli A CO: ' July 21, 18.-,S. . , MEW GOODS AT OGILB) 'NEW STOIt H. • • I Jll4 114,111'11,i i . llllll Pili111110111111:1• noel am no. opehing.alarlte;old xplrndld...sort meta id' Full an. 11 . 1olvr tio,alth be told at 'aNtoui,hingly toil priers fir 010 -4ologa *begs-g0...15; Thel. as Silks, all VOW 1 ) 01111•., ['oil Cashtheres Mer Moe : ., 811.111'LS. A full a,sortmvnt rirnmv styl balvle, all kinds awl prices. and very cheap. 151r-::lit worked collar o, I . lollllVillt4B, logs. .r. TlAltigs. Flannels. Blankets, Undarslilrts, Glovesi r , trwhillu . s; Varitit o y. Fall :did — CI4 lII'S 10.111 VN1,111,,,i:, 3 1114 supply, and cliodper I han 1511 . . . linpoilal, Ingrain. Venni/di, Hemp. and nag Carieding; , , ut-lhe lnue.t 11001. A fall assoi.tinent of thu host makes. Bleached and. UuLloneLed ninsillis very tow. I.liilies Skirts oral) sod uncouthionlyebeap. It Is iiiiposslltle t 0 1 ,1 1 ,11.1111.11 ono hall' id thif All 111.41.6 , 1118 wailt nod cheap go ell: respeetfully Invited to vial ;it the new store. Wish Street, Uieirly opposite the Italic and Iro a t, Adler° flu_ eau lily out dude cnsL to the very I est ally: Wage • " QUICIc SALES AND S3IALL 11101•'1'1'S" Carlisle, Sep, IS, ISOS. D1 . 1 . :S AND 011 I I, .101 IN FAIII3IIA A: CO.. No. 818 (now no,) 'MARKET Street, oho,' EiAtil, Pon, n'A.--Itonorters. Altoona, tore. aml Dealers An FANCY FUlls , l'or Leaks and Childreo: 1,20 , loot's Furs, Fur Collars, and Cloves.-- The gglither of that Wo baye been o:mu:din the Fur husiness. and the gmlragl eharaeler of our Furs, hall for duauvr and rules: generally knew,, thrmAnionat tho Countly, that we thinh It is not to. CUSS•II•V tin' Us to say anything Mora time .that no have now opened Our to..,:ertume.t of FURS for the Full and Winter Stiles, if the larme.t midmost beautiful assort. wont that we have °tor offered bef.,re to the public,- Our Furs hero all been 'imported during the present season, when 1110,103 was seem dud Furs 111.11 lower than at the'presont 11010. and have been manutitetured by the most competent wet - Moot i wu Are thdrelbte tormlued In aell theta at such priers as will conth,iu, fn give us the reputation Wit have bore,, for Seen';. that to sell a good article fora very 1.%14, 111001 T. .1 • • Slurnl:mgn:rs, whit tin Well to give UN tCcalLafs they _a,..llltitel.the-lardest-ass...rtment.-I,y-fer-to-seleet-fminvi t r the el.y,Und at Mall eilletliEVl••l mires. .10115 FA !MIRA & CO. No. 818 M.trltot Street, above Bth, PIIILAD'A, 5ep.22,1855--4m. • T o•• E M !lAN 'FS We have now in ,took, and constantly receiving from. New York and Philadelphia Auctions, and lit , o;* own Importations, goods of the LATENT hill•ig Flltibigtl I in Bonnet Silkei Plaid Vol vets, Sothis Velvets, Plain SIPS, Mareellines,.fleren,s, Bonnet Ribbons, • Plain, SAM and Mantua do., ifuehes. llulllings t Blonds. Laves, lb lusluns, &e., which we offer lunch below the used prk us. A liberal tilacount to each ha) ors. , • • _W Ai:BURTON, (e. tiOuth 'SECOND Strt44, (ra.,non, any '' , 10004 'gone, below tiPllUeto MILAIM,PIII.I. • f 1 UAII3I. , IIILANB. OUNTY N, ,1 ,I,M 1101tOill.,—The sticoittl notion of this tooth lA. will elniiittulai:o lu 1,11131-4111 Y HALL; Nowrillo, T111181)AX, ,A 1 ,141, 6th,' 14513, and dontiouo FIAT MONTHS." ' , , '. able imrp's loatrtartoro hay° loom Rucured: nod, io effort' will la torod to ruthlor - thO rellool worthy; of hr,,yosithm WK.). to occupy, and of the pittonotriil C 01,6111111); full polloolars :cohl root ' • -" • • 'X., 71. Metal:V.:EY -Toulon. cp.20,18t” order of the Bour'd of Trukoeß, . ' IMNLY,LI6II.IfIdX, Proditobt. F01`..1.; . Pa nay TO nOng dune jle re ME MAT IN DUCE 31 E NTS .O.FPPR.• EII.TO.CASIL BUYELLS fl i 111' rntlttni'd I}lll Oa city with a roil and sela..te , l stork of goods in lay line. whirl. I apt pep:.41.1 to Noll at the lowest rates. 31f stork eoashils in unrnnmv public rJ, lib • LADLES' D ES S • Cir 0.6,D S ' 11:11111011112 • ,tyl,A, rola, ad l'oal.desa,ira • Dropae 2 lda sapariar Itoomaat, o.l.ll.aares, plain and 11:surtal all woad Del.:linos. all ••onl al ti l l 4 ."Silk:Vaionel 1 ! 3, Colwev.:_l'alatp•nii." - Laval, plain and 11,;. tired; ;lad every varjßy of dress goads. I= nlOlll3. N iNG I would, parddrul. tho ,tttenth,h of of,triwz Ittve purelvo:ll,l a fall gtook cd . inournidd If psis fi 000'1.1'mm:ruin, [Io, •S11 , •11. 0.11(11 . I.lllllles. Cloth, 11.1,1,0ut5, houlhatthes,Alp.v., French 014wITIOOR, CaNhutor, all Ivo 1101,1111,, , , I yak and Pritttu: lotlVli VOIR. Crap„ V4.11K. Crape Cull ' ' and Sit.oviz, and nil Ow, grits of 1.1 tape. Purchas,,i aro respectfully t0d0. , ;•t0,1 to roll-,dhl , amino illv.dovh, ;Is 1 am prpirtro I - h. otlor tdfiddihk duciduoutc, both as to (unlit)' nod kir°. • A. NV. III;NTZ. Smith Itetvotor ;tie t. oppze:lte the 1.. it Wilco earl .1,•••,4 - • - - \TORT.II 11 N 0 Y - S.T.REF,T • - , •coNvErTioNEtiv, • c A It LISL II- 1' A . Irheile,vate Roiled Redueef/ ji;3 per 100 Ms. Thu attention of i'..untry i 1 u ii udn and Ow public generally is In v1t.1.11 to a n-,,rtnwut of ell 0[01; 0.1 _V I) I ES, • manufactured of tile bent material and warranted to eontaitt no ',ism. in their colors. tllll,ll will be sold IVltelesale or Retail td low rates at lite old stand of o N Elt., NORTH II 1N,;1 . F.1t STRITT, CA111.1,0,E, PA., A few doors :North of the Cori Isle Dett,lt, Bank. .luttt reettivtal 1 lame assortment of ES.// FL' /7/ T S . . -VD NUM . . of the latest itutiortatiouS, cont.ktilig of - Oranaes, . Li.nions, 'Raisins, Priie. . In.ii,i, . . lianannas, ' Non Apples, • Min.,.ls,Filberts, Cream N ulo, Cooon Nuts, kr., , all or wiiieli will lia sold at low r.utes. Also, a largo a . t. sinianon of /11 , 1 subs,llhor rotor. thaniss for tho 111,0rAI patrol to lw,towtl on him hy tho pubtle. and s.ilicits a eu [lnoue° of thdr ht‘ors: Iteuteinher tho tii i StAtut or I'. 111NVElt, Carlisle, lune PI, • North Witiover Street. 11 - ) 00 KIS ! BOOKS ! BOOKS !! tillltXtV,K, TAYLOR ,t smprii .J 111114.11, Iu rt . : 1111,1111 ClllllbOdalld montlu for the fuilawhrt valuablo works: .1.„1.,IIIJ31111c1I, Jr. . . - • Ilonton's Al.ritl•tmont of tho 11,1.t0s of Congres: Prk. pm. Vt51.,p.19, s.lllo, Sh.,orl 50., ' _ t , !Nutmeg Thirty Yd. 114. VI 0 ; COillph3to In: , Vol. Cloth $5 00, 1,00 911.1, $6OO. 31 wso'li Ilonoval.-AtIN of LIIU Wiirld4 Colorod Mop and hourld; = inv.iiionen; n colbicl ant or splicelies, by (Ito most orators or A moil'. with sloitelies mut illustrative notcs, by Mu 110 W rode. vOllllllOl, in toi volt. 00; styln, $ U 00; half call, gilt,, 00 .. ; halt uturoc• co, 7 UO. 'tulles I4Gnor. S.uld,o,'Spt , llvp. Sava&ln.,' lloador, No. 1. Sander/I' lioador. No 2. Bawler,: Ituatler,_No..3.. Salolors' Ileallor, N0..1. i f ' Sander:l' 110,1111,r, No. 5,, • Itvaier, No. 5. 5n0 , 1,,,' 111,11: 1 ,41001 . , , - Stitidors' Steaks Nl'll.ll,'N. l l o null rotall nt • .S/1:1YOUK. T.1Y1.011. A largo supyly oL Svhnol 11.01(s, wholvsnlo and r. , tall 1 . 0131 c TAYLOR. S. SMITH'S. .Papor. Unvelopt., 14a, Inky. etc , oto. Sit It . TA YLOII L SMITH. COME. AND SE,III KELL CORNLIt MARKI:T BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, E ,11 - , A NR,flrA . oiler to our form, ructonwr4 tho pI , mIII ue goleril, fir:4 rate assortmont of nor; goods, tmlUtOlo for =9 SPA!! NO AN D' SUMMER WEAR 1111.1111.mii for biuuty, strlu, durability, aud C110:111 Otit stork of • Nino Kossuth, Boys', Youths', and Children's Honey Hots. of event cols•. STRAW ii,loln; AND CAPS, wo are ours tho best assortment Ovilr oared In the county, nod call thy the attention of all. or over? variety and style, Ladles. :‘lismos and Mill desn's tine ilaiturx, andall kinds of Milldam's Farley Shoos. - For fientlomen n good assortment of ivory atylo hod 111,Ish; In fact ovory variety In our lino. ' . 'thankful to the public for past favors. see solicit a contlou thief custom, as we aro sure we can make it to the advantage of the purchaser. . ESE 1 [RE • INSURANK 9 PI: ALIEN • 11_, AND EAST '..PENNtillUlto MUTUAL If ISE IN AURA:WE COMPANY of Cumberland ,uunty. theory. rated by an net of .Assembly, la now fully organized, and 1p oporunion under tim dualiagenunit,ol tin) fullowiim , einumlinlinfortr, via: ' • f Malloy, William It. Comas, Miami Cori-111;i, J. Elehelbarger, Christian Kuwait, John 0. Dun- lap, Jacob 11. Coovor, Lottia. Ilyiir, S. Eberly, llonia min 11, Moamar, J. Brandt, Joseph, Wlekondinm, Alex - ramie. Cathcart. , 'Thu rates of insurance aroax low and foronddo po any Co opany of the kind In the Stato. Perannß nlnblng to bJCOIIII3 1110111110111 aro Invited to make application to the 'lnnints of the eouipany, who mu' willing to walt.upon thorn at any time. 71. MOSSER, Proiddont.' .01IIt1STIAN FEA.YUAN, Vice Prontiont. . • LEWIS Soerotari. MICII2IIII, COCKIAN -Trounnror. , • • ' Aaimrs. CIIMIIKTILAND- COUNTY.----John Elierrlek, Rudolph Now Ilenry Zenring; Shiremanstown;,Siniel Werellnirn Dithilmon ; henry chit.. Mew 310qo .. arlp . llll,..Soutin toil; emiluni 1111111.. W.. T . 1;11110101'0 4 j S/1111/10 ' Cooney; 'ANA:WA:4Imm ; P. fillepherlistown; oilepherAstown : 11; ilermon, 'Sliver Springy Beni ; form stleli, Y (IC Sprlng'r,Chorles Hell, Conn. - Om VIM llirking, Dever; l i etinTlVol-. ford, Fooll;111, ; lon. Griffith, ;Lon, dorti, ' • . -'. - DA 1111 UN. 00.-11ouser R .I:oclmnt . - . 1. 'M4310;4,19. of Ow cottwiity having' pnlielesal.out to ex vim, Iff. 1130 thorn ronOwea by ibp.iilbg'nprilrattou to: oily of Iho - - New G 00110.,, OLD EXOTTEMNNT ItIV/14 ovnipin, _ tiiu large artivs l pf. Ball ond Winter floMei nb ' , JAI - DWI( sAlvyiUt'S slaw aura. h7.L Bich k4,re.f4, c for dsurc bolQw notch N.nsv . 0001)$ Conilgting Of 111004. blikg, 00110rioe 1/1.111)q.., noy lu yre.7t 0700ty 01..ylita, 0104701 1 , 0r171 celebratud 0;010 of NI7r1100;;, 011 0010ra. rind g 17011000; lowileo 011 wool Do -44114L'ATZ.14j4.(1-001,110T Cli 9- viers 11(00140. _• ••• • Arms , 0 0119; CA af.111111E8..._&..co031;100.414 0 -or uourning gnutl., to +0)10 11,1 esporial, invltcattontlon, Eral;ro o l4:4o;keh es ' •.7;ury Don 110n7.1717i1010, Rusk 1r0r1; . ttu, 0007rning Isolloo, 1h7r0__9101011:- .. J;;;6l.rev 1;1711c 1;31.1.0000 01;t1 /101t714 00 , J;lngliAll and INlntelj 0,01;07. • ' Ni '.00017/0. fill7wlc lit great abundato7,l3l•ool7e, Rolla, long 4.1111 hlj Imre 81;;;w10 ; tilo•nry lour prive7. Cloth C1071:7 anti I'ul loon. Film Or 01l lands, fr. 1.11) tviipsjpit 'Joy I lei; relohrotild Kld • 010 v. 3 ,1.. llothroldorleit, elegant Hotta . Colima. UndondoovoA., Bauch/. 4,e ' NEW: CODAS, Also, Mono' and lloyn . weer, .tdtod fur the sooson. Black. blue and brown . . Cloth 4, Ilea ver . Cloth ellhillillel A, bloek and furry Sot•lnot It. velvet cord .looms, 61,.. li, 4 :1(.111111011 4 1.1 ' SIVIIVIN. CrICIIIIII I , . .. =tllo== • CITBAJ' STORE of A. IJ _BENTZ. - . 5.11.114L5: ' • • . • round Mi.!' SlolluH, llt,viitutr, Drnshun, kr., A.,- • 1 , :31. 111;• 1 11/1Dtll: • i: and • • Slurros, ttnrunto notl In sotto, Canduis. 1 - :ll4intrs, :and I...stings. .1 ) l ) tIST,IO. AND 111.,01(ml nnd unlihrtau'l all . wldthi. llintOruns. 111110, •s, I , l,ninols Tk•kinis. l'lau.k 0.1 1,111 , 0y5. V i:NS' 11E VII: 111.1.dc l'lntln.••a nil cwt. sliusrs, Paltry Cashluisni,Casslnetts, ' .Trait, TWOOtIN. kr. CA DPP; 1 . 11 Imperial . I ntlralo t 1.1011111, 111 111,111:01U and At . ear- Dot 1,1 nll widths. TOYS AND FAN) ): 4;001/8 of every wayiet. Also, all the I tet'bran& of SEGAIIS AND Ttll3.WfO t 'of Ainoth,” nod 14 , 1111411 11131111Ewture. SANDERS' SCHOOL 1300! S. _sintyoo-K,-TAvhon • t k sitityocK, TAYLOR .t SMITH'S. FINE SlLii MOLEICIN HATS DOOM AND ..SIIOES. =I! MEMO 'Pitt Opobt . Ip' 11. , II 8 Ii A... 11 -a. 11 . ,T, V A Id I it ac { , phn virp.: iicairsaygii. -- - ttiToy onr)1)8 'girt BOORS, &v• It. W. ,114. 1 11:1t8'13C1( 114 jiliit 1 , 60.61fga czOil- op fit anti I x,'opinOng tt spltmd,l4 (licvl,l , l OVA. OY :(.„ ii , , ~iii.„„:„th„ iirmroadOug 114111jAz tikigllit, it) W 1 he 1.11101/w' to .111. Om atto44,lon or ,i!,.: fpltmett frnil t 120 PUl , lic• gi:•l4-Nortanwit44 t)4 Bop (..o u i r g ( N:, ill:1)&4414 Al . i,, not.oty and tOggante, 44,10.11 A 14 ropnty o rp) prim of Me urtlel ors. can not fill! Lo'plivme pur,liingop,ltwOujit 139 Impog.pllllo !,o-tooonur4fn 10,, 'IIO),WAY F4NCY4itryfig. wt,t,4l ernopri.evoiy yDridy,4l479Ppiil4ElG;d4toiloo ImuniEltu ilhilla Ship ! , n, poNnr Motto lligle, , lanky lit RIO oast:, and porr4laln 1410t944g hpd tram ^Pauey Ivory, pi:ant Slit 044:11.54r4 Gil 'p,,ld. . - Lactli,e' KJ Ig'y . 1i,d.;104, • , Fanny IYmt: BriNuti, with WWI* Natrini/040, ' port ?limn:ON:. of vvery v4rietYl Gold politi and fm,j1 0 ,11 4 ,„.y " pur we l g ht,, j , ,, ro t wiop . , on 4 p pirga v I.).. , jity or lad il , e Plivey attains, ory.• . 'Mot to seals rind wafers, Sill, And head purses, Isidins' riding whips, eleattnity (Inhaled, I.dpinfe fins etWer> • ' Voplcimo Laskote all a hogs. i 1 niol,es of every kind for the toilet, . Roots:Ws Yorl woes of tl.'yorlokis instruments. of nil Mods and at all prints, tpgntl or with ant innumentldd variety of artleleselegwnt. and ,f 111141 th" / 10 /1 , 1.3,' Preftnta, 41 1 , 11 he Invites spental ottrotion• AlAu j au 0:41111like nud elegant relit ~tl)if tIoLinAY „cm/11.1,11qt Lilo va ri, i or 4110 'Amergaz.iNNIJALS ininhelisteed Mid Illustrated PoivricAL WORICS, with till ILbil ENIS PICTORIAL BOOKS, for rtnlitront of all ages. than lath nothing, rain In more. , ippro'in lath or phoning RN holiday gifts, Ifienneinniont at Pries') Books and Seltool Rtntionory-isAlso-rnmplete, nod oVerythintt used In Callow an d (Ito 110 flesires to call the PirtleniAr altes• • nob. hic elegant itssortment of . ' U I RANI/01,1:8. on,” 1.110 vstousice I , StaltilSll.ll.oo, oh Cornelius, Archer and others of Plilholl,llllllll, comprising every style of der. (111:itolour awl study_Ln iin, Ihr_ burning:either . tont. Sporn, 11e h herial toitsther with Plower Veiloll, Valley F.l.rmom, to, Illnag.gortmont lu this line Is un rspoile.l to thin borough. Also; FRUITS, FANCY egIN 1lICTIONAR1" NUTS— PRE ' SCR V Ist PIIIIITS, to every varloty and at all prices; all - or which Are pure :` 113111 fond' such no eau he ninnidently Nein:untended to his Mynas nod tip , Milo ['Ms' Ills knelt - mutirsees o rorttillog le the line of Pa ory (lontlx, with many other rittiMirihsel al to lionNokcepura x1)101 the public AM perkily tin ited In call noel too hLuing the holidays.— liontiontLer'the Old Stand, :Wally opposite tint Bank on Nurilt Pawner htieat. , E. IV. lIAYERSTICK. _ . _ Lr .Ill,lSta. MB RY, W S A I f r , j l ( l -1, V* 1 1 :' ,1 8 111.: A 'l j 'e l ( l ) l N l f r .l ifj. . N j: hi.;t4t A hl 113 1 ! Stafltl. Wert _nearly opmslto the CuiuberLlnd • , , . 1 !foreleg reeeired el new asaertinont of watcher, !ehlulry. medallion, sliver Intim., he.. le addition to my fernier steel( to which 1 invite the atiantloo of the public, The atiiollllldilt enthritees dna . • ' '__ veld nod silver lever watelleo, !hinting mut "m, e 11. ., do , gold Anchors for ' ...,1 • 1... A, Ladle!, :tell (1 entleinen end sliver Lio , • i' Fleuem and Rietertitur wattle of evory re 14.4. riety ill style and prim, - - . Al . : o ' ll e° geldlluel,tllhaes..llreAst,itits for- &linen -end 'lien tlejieen oluotiery tormilty, pattern alit) prior. .1:/eld fob, trot. eferlf and nook butte (told bravelets, 'linger riles, oulT•plits,.ol lob, sle.urediettorm, rotors, ,hems, &,....t.e, , field and suitor thluelden, Hilrer and plated fill tier kilt \ l'l4, ronko, table, tee, Halt slid mustard spoons of everr varletr: A large :13,Olitielent of gold, sliver and -,,,mnion spootaeleui. to snit all 'J '' - V,.,,,3_.Zt(mut. to wide). wa levity vpocled liftoff- A fine lot of flOf.d) PENS 'from_ the heat. makers, pedavle co=ca. fanny kew.x, eliver and pearl card canon, gold and 1,111111011 in 411,11jOtS, witch 111111111. ( 1.0.11111 i of. articity 1100. ally !rept In Joesedry cataldir.hnurntn, S whl.ll I will son low for molt. All nrtiche: war. rental tq be what they an., repreNunted. A , . LiOrli ILA in $h 7 A?. IV ATV and all work war ranted, - , . Imm ----------, -----'--- JUST ItECE WED AND OPENING el, AT NI IJII I,C'S CIIIIA P JEWELRY STORE, - .Jllatit Sired, CtolLyle, Pa, • A largo ' ouppfi of t r eiXi d ok- Watelles, Jewelry. SII- I V.-- . ' _.1.:.' . .0.%„,, - -k..„ 2 - cfr , r,., _.ver an4l Platediaro, , l''/.."7"f ,r. : , , , r,grl-:14 . , l; -- :!:- to , w1,1.;11 I Itiv,ito at .11V.,957';1, .tPi '. :1i " l ' P;:1;„1 , a7li to Ao _s-tS:); '.l,r IAI r •.,)_, !vet from Um largest, t' ''' ,l:4 :; ' .. c we .;,,1i jr: 't ~,,---, ,:to,k. orcioekß, wath '' tt) ' .: C;&71.1i0: d 1 I Val7dlZi: inaM d e .:-'-_ :,::,-',". -.:E.-1,',. '' eail Wo hat, n largo lisvorfitiont of (10141 and Sliver Hunt. an and .Ope Clpie Wat , hos to out. nil Panelea and 'ocke ts, , • Fin° and Cheap Jewelry of every atyle mid quality U sdkts or by the piece 118 wanted, At NA.ileif.E'S. SIIVer awl Plated Ni'alters, Cake': Fruit. SuOar, and Cart! 11.a.hote. SUcrr , tible, Tea, Cream, Sugar, Salt, Darter( Auld Cream Simumr, At NAITO LIN. A, CAN . % Cameo. Ooldstoue. Mosaic, Flo. mill. Al omle, Jet Box and didss sottr cheap At NAUULES. „ Dln:um:d 8ra:1,402m and Flugerliii. , :s, Al NAUGLE'S. Gold Illtiltl7l4lFluid Day Levers ; Oold Hunt, 4' ng Case, 1)41,3x; Gold !Nu11...4, L'llrouoinder,q • • • At NALIGEE'S. lloqloy's 1:..::t quality of Gold DeoelDi; Ditto Gold lent, and Silver Holders, , • , AL NAMILOS. Silver uml Plate.' Ton Sotto. nolliets, Cups,. Toast ackn, Um:, Tureens, Tea Bells, At NAl_7('S. (told \oek, Vest. Curb. pa. set Chstlsln Chains, old llrteelots, Lockels, Thimbles., At NAUMAN. l'vench to run three and Lour At NAMILE'S, Gold 1 4 1.1 , ;ve, Cunt, Collar, and Shirt Studs of all styles ,a quality, • At NAUGLIVS. . Vorks, Spoons, lintv'es, Napkin Rains, Silver Thimble's, '• At NATAILET. • Flutinav, Aeeord.m, Music Ilaxem—e. fine variety, • At NAUGLY,'S. Ladles' Portinonalem. Pearl"atol 'l,eath'er, Plain and Rum cy. Teal el ling Ila,r,"very Lice i,tyltN, chrap At NAUtiLITS. If you wont to beve your IVatchew put in good to. pair nod warranted, take pow to NAUOLE'S. If you, yraut to get a Ch.!) Cloth, you an trot It • • At NAIKILE'S. ' If ypit want your Sliver ware neatly marked at abort glee, 0, dl At NA UGA,Y,'S. All goods warranted as roprosented, or the money re natal, At NAUOLE'B Perßelnn that want bargains nro Invited to call EIV l! 1A IN 0 0 R LI ~ • , . 4:-.1.-`31; ,- - , F,.. . .., ~ .4i...--,, ,: : „. t..... 7 . i ...„,--,....ii..z..,.... , , ......,,,,, , j _ . __ ..i.Pigra,v,,, ~,L1 , ; :1,1 • ' ''. " . • A la"l.,. ; p, s e r n ne pt, of superior Pianos, from the best ilosion end New Yorknill.ors, tee:ether with excellent t•ceond-Ithini coontently for solo. NO. 85 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. Also. Meson Hamlin's 310.10 f. 31elothems, Orgumide. lode.. :ma Near Olga.llaremeimus. • ill Pjallos taken in port payment for new ones. PIANO TUNING OR REPAIRING, lustriiiiionts, will receive alla at tooth/II r/ . 0111 Mr..IOIIN PTASYXIi, who has roptaior &Tartu...L. and la cue of Um most ahla Tout.), in (he United mates; 0. 0. 11. - CARTIIII. • IV L 1 'AV ER! WALL PAPER .1" I WoLL 1`AP1:11 FOR THE MILLION. A lance variety of 'new and brauthul patterns Jima • pealing and will be sold dmiper than ever at .1011 X P. LYNG It SON'S. , Cheap Hardware and Paper Store, North Hanover Stout s A beautiful 'variety or -WINDOW SHADES Juste -• • • Heil at .1, P. LYNE St SON'S Green and blue Window Papers just opened at April 7. 3fisN.l JOHN P. LYON A: SON. e MER WAN WATC U.—Flavin.. re ' ~hod the money for t.ho sale of the Amorkau IfatAt, float tho liost..n Match Company, I would re , opeethilly tnfor n toy old friends and tho public goner- • ally, that I have it tine miortmont, now opening and roady fur solo' _and. env, rases and very-fine - stylus, and With roaart to Elmo they can't be lleat:_to prove that to.ilTis only severely to triTeThont a trial, ICI'Sri.IIS Itt ',Milt urn correct time Once, aro respectfully Invited to c.,11 MO sae our watches. • . W. D.ji. NAV° LE. nahoßtrent. Carlisle, Pa. ' = MA SHAWLS , AND. SILKS L. J. IL E . I' C®. Ar 9 now oporing algu•ge assortment of - NEW- - FA L IOL,GOODS, - To which ndditlouo wilt made by, 'all. the steamers _arriving- during the next hiX w coke. ThOU assol talent Is now lull and co:opiate i. in the ibileiving articles: - INDIA CA811311;1;11 SHAWLS • ' 111011 AN U Mill/1011 SILKS. 11.01.INCVP AND InlllittAl SKIRT SILKS. ' ' • 111011, I'IIINTIULOASIIIIERES.. • RIAU Pill NTDD ,MOUSSIILIN ES. • DRINOS AND CASIIDIERES: • •• - JUDD: CIIINTZES, NPIV STYLP.S DRESSES.. ."101001K SKIRT WA MIMI ' JAIENPII 'IOII3IWIDEIII , „'. - • '•,P , AXONY AND FILENDIf PLAIDS: NEW .I..ANKET . PARIS CLOAKA 4..I,4II , ;MAN'VILLAS.' • . jirisitnty, , 4r,ovvs.-rt;ANtaits... ••• supktimß'.LlNENAwops. „ , . , • . • .Vll of niv,nlidroll t - n, mill profit. the coat .01* hilitorthtlou. 801) And SII CLIESTNJ •S'PItHET, • ...••• • .sup2l4-dt. j • „ . CONLYN I= =I =l3