gljthtts. 0 CARLISLE PRODUCE. MARICET. Reported' weekly yor the lierald by Woodward d , Schmidt, FLoup. - ,SopPrfitio, - por;9l, • do. gta•n, doL 7`," do. rwnily •, . . do. 337 E VHITE WHEAT par ZIIU .do . do. AVE do joi .do, 7.)ATS - - ' :ILovErcsuco i4PRINO IiAItLFIT do NINTER do. DIARIC.I&T The ret,outt market is quiet but firm, with moderate inquiri' only to - note; ter export, Lod stiles• reach about 800. barrels in lots at 50 a . 5.621 fur standard and good straight 'molds, and $ 871 a 5 25 fur common and' ' mod. extras. The sales to the trade 'are within the range of $5 50 a 5 73 thr super - tine' $5 75-ar . 25 for extra, and $0 25 as 7 per barrel for extra family and fillies , lots, as iu cptality..' iy flour and... Coa - 31t;sI, are scarce and wanted, the market 'beitVbare-0 both. ,The last 'soled were at $-1.121 per bbl. . . . Thei4is very little demand for Wheat to , . clay the receipts are modeiate, . but pried, are unsettled and lower, same 3500 bushels_ only have Ibund pwil'ets, in lots, at 12411.130 e for,.fair trood reds, and 135 a 140e.i lor whtt.e..Rye is ako rat her, lower, with Ntiles of 600 bushels Pcnnsylvania at 85e.. Corn »ot much ,ing aired f‘A but about. 2000 bushels Delaware yellow sold at 92c. afloat; . 1200 bultels Pennsylvania do; in lots:at tl _saart:. price in storm , . Oats are itt,sidadyidi mand, and about3ooo bushels, so.tth-7 eimr'brought..lse. Rarl'ey is wanted at„ a fur tier advance , and . sales' mr15,000 lately prime Now York are reptirted chiefly tout= rive at 115. . - 31eitt - Ilinitttißigents. • ELECTION PROCLAMATION:- . NVII MaIAS, iu andby an art of the General Ate of the CelehlettWeAlth - iir Pennsylvania, entitled • an 't Act relating to the elections of thin Com itool• wealin," passed the 2,1 day of ./nly, A. P. 1589, it Is 'node (ho duty of the Sher/I1 of every county within this Cointnon,i ; i•alth, to give public notice of the General Mectitms, will in such notke to enumerate: I. The ogicers iohe elected. . 2, Lesiirnato the place at which Ilmcbmtion to be held 1.../AC.JII OVA - AN:llJan :Morin' of the comitY of -_ Citinberland—de•hereby make lin ',on and give this pub. lie notke't.l the electors of lien eMitiCY - Of Clinifteala that on:CUE:WA V. the 12th day- of October neat, an election Wlll.he held at the several election districts en- VI/dished by law-In-said county. at e hieh thno they 111 ,will - vote - by ballot for -the neveral °Meets hereinafter. named. viz: • ONE 'PERSON fur ditdge. of the Supremo Court of Pen oFyiyania. ONE PEIISON for Cann! Coutmissioner of the Connot• wealth of Pennsylvania. ONE PIEV,IN to represent the CountieS of Cumber -land. Perry niW Yhiet In the Congress of the United States. 4 1.15%) PERS'INS to represent the, emu its-of Cumber , land and furry' In the (louse or .Itepresentatives of Vennsylvania- - ONE PERSON for Sheriff of.Cumberland.County. ONE PE 119.1 N for Cononihsioner of Cumberland Collely. ONE PERS.iN fur Dlrectur of the Poor of CuMberlaud C.ll.lllty. ONE PERSON for Auditor of Cumberland County. --- The saldthronghout the oauntY. as follows: - 'the election In the election distrir,t, .composed of the borwt4h of Carlisle .4 the townships of Noi tit Middle tafTS,Mili—Mittdleton, Lower Dicidinon and Lower Frankf all, will be held at the Court IhMse In the ough of Carlisle.• • --- The ekedon inthe election district conosised of Low er West Pennshorough towimhip, • will be held at the North-School House In Plainfield. ,- • - The election the election district composed of Oil our Spring township. will be held at the public house of George buoy, in itogestown In said township. Thu election in ills electidu diatHct cahposed of Hatmohm township. will be lieldnt the house fortnerlY" occupied by Henry Ilickerneliritrxthi-townsliip. The blectiminthe election district composed of the township of-Upper Allen, will be beldat the public house occupied by John noyd, In Shopherdstown. - The electioifin the eleclion district composed of the township, of Lower• Allen, will be held at the wagon. Maker shop of Jonas hoist burger, on Slide WIL Thu election In the election district compo,fd. of EoFt Penni:borough township, will, be held at tin house now occupied by 13. - ClaY, at the West end of the Harris. burl Bridge. __The_elealon in the election district composed of Now CUmberland, will bo held at the house formerly kept by Wm, li. Bold, In the borough of New Cumberland. Thweieetton in she eleettou dit,trict composed of the Borough of Mechanicsburg. will be held at the public Louse of fumes Meloy. hl sold borou,h. .The election the election district •compesed of Monroe townialip. will be hold at Um public house of Samuel Algieer. lu Churchtown. iu sold township. The ot,,ktioo hn the election district compared of Up per Diekloson township. will be hold at the house fury merly oecopled by John Harman. Inlaid township. , The elortion in thr election district composed of the borough of Norville, and townships of Mifflin. ,Upper Frankliad, Upper West Pennsboro, and that part of Newton township not Included In the Leesburg eleef het district will be hold at the Brick School House its the borough rf Newt Hie. Tim e!ection In the election district composed of Hopewell township 0111, lon. held at the Now Brick School House. in Newb rg. in said township. • The elf:milli In the election district conowsed of the borrou e li of shippe.burg, shipp..burg t,,,v1,,,hip and that part of Southampton to. nAllip not Included In the Leesburg election district, will bo held at tie Council Ibmse In Ulu borough of Shippepsimry. • Thu election in the election district composed of parts of Newton and Southampton townships. not embraced to the N, we'll,' and Shippensburg, districts, will be held at the house formerly occupied by Minium Max well iu Leesburg. • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That every person except justices of the Pence who shall hold any OHM or appointment of profit or trust under the United States or of this State. or any city or incorporated district, whether It .1111111.10tiod officer or othprwise, a subordinate °Meer or agent, who is or shall be mtployed under the legislative, executive, or judi elarY'departinents of this State. or the United States, or of any city or of any incorporated district; and also that any 31 e tuber of Congress or ,of the State Legisla ture, and of the Select or Common Collakil of any or e entnissitoter of anY•incorpotated district, is hy law in:Apatite of holding or exercising at the 1:11A110 title tie adieu or appointment ofju4e, inspector or acrk anti). elections of this Ctonnoot wealth, and that no Inspector. judge, nr other ittllct,r of such election shall be eliglble to he there voted for. Aunt the Bald tot of Assembly; untitled an act relw ting to tile elections of thisCommenwealth, passed Jut, 2, MK further provides as follows, to wit; o That the immeetors and judges shall meet at the place appointed fur holding the elections of the district to which they respectively belong, before nine &cluck in the morning of the Second Tuesday In October, and each of K. 111.1 hon.:tors shall appoint one clerk, who shalLbe,a qualified voter of maid district. " In ease the ',open 'Who shall - hard received the sec ond highest numb m A er of votes for insictor shall not - t thellarot the election. then the person Arl, shall have received the seetnni highest number of votes at the next precodiction, shall act as inspector in his place. And in casethe person wits shall have re• eulvad the highest number of 'v. fes fur inspector shall not attend, the pomp elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his place; and in case the person dented juttu, shall not attend, then the Inspector who receiv ed Lie highest number of votes shall ajoitoint a judge in pilau, or if ally. vacancy shall continue In. the, board. for the space-of one lame after the time fixed by law" Pm the opening of the election, tile qualified ,010)014 the t ovnship. ward or district for width such officer shall have bum Melded, present at the place of electlet , shall shun one of their t bur to fill each vawancy. •• It shall be the duty of the several assessors of 'each district to attend at the place of haddiatg, every general; special. or township election, during the whole time I A t ‘jd election is kept open; f far Ilto plumeso of giving in. -formation-to-thaluspectore nod .i ".llcd-mi rin roll Win to the chit of any person amassed by them to 0.40 At such eluction, or ouch other matters in rola. thou to the o.oesunsits von ors ns Liao sald inspectert, or either of thorn shall from limo to thou require. . " No person shall 101 permitted to Vote et any election as of oesalal, other Llano at white (10001011 of the age of twenty•ame years or store, who snail have resided In the State.nt least ono year, and In thu election illAtElet 'where he odors his v7do at least too days hunrcliati;ly preceding anvil election, anal within two year paid la State or county tax, which shell have been assessed at least tell days before the election: But at citizen of the . United Status Will, has•previonslt beam a qualifiedtvoter of this State and connived therefrom and returned, and who shall have a elided iu that;taloction district and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall bo entitled to rote after..resid, lug in this State six months Provided, ;float the ; white tram:non, eitizens of the United States, between ' ti NMI twettt)deo yearn, who have restated lu an election district AN aliaresald, 'shall lie entitled to Tutu altheanth they shall not have paid taxes. "Nu person shall be permitted to auto whale 11111110 is not. COMM IRA In the list of taxable Inhabitants fur nished by the Cesoulssinners, unless, First, ho *Mhos, . a receipt for the payment within two years of a State or county tax 115813BANNi agreeably to the Constll ation,. _nod gire_eatlefacOry evidence, elilleron his oath or of maim o he oath or affirratitlim of nititlior, that Ito !W mild such a tax, ron to ure t pr are , hoe p shall make milt to the payment thereof. Second, if ho claim a right to vote by being au °lector betwoon the age of twenty-ono and twenty-two yoarti, he shall &- ppm on oath or affirmation thrt ho has resided In this •• - State-at least , 005 year next before his application, and make such proof of residotice In thodlotriet as requir- - ed 14 this act, and that he does verily believe. fmut the - account given hum. that ho is of the ago aforesaid, and • ' such other ev 'della, as is roqUired by this a.rt. Where ,,, upon the name of the person thus admitted to sole shall bo inserted In thn alphabetical ilot by the itmpee '?,!tirs, and a Wats mad° opposite thereto by writing the ''word "ten," it he shall ho admitted to vote by reason' of !mains' paid tax;' or the word "ago," If he shall be admitted to 'onto by raison Of such age, shall bo railed out to time clerks, who shall utake the like notes on the Bate of votors kept by thorn. In oil coven Otero the Mune of the person 'ela Ming . tS Vote is h ind on the list famished by lite, Commis, stoners and assesmr, or his right to vote, whether found thoroon or not, is uldented to by any qualified eitlsent It shall be the duty of the , inspedors to oxamine such ',Brion on oath Ito to his qualifications, audit he claims o h ave resided within the State for one "yearor more, bin oath shalt be sufficiont proof thereof, but shall mho Proof by at heist ono conmetditt : witness. who - shah he a qualified eleetor, that he has resided in the —' district for more•than ten- days- next-immodiately ceding oath eiretion,•and ehnil else' himself swear that • his !MAP ffilurositloneo, impurattaure of WS lawful rail • 1, 4 . ho A N .told district, to.d that I e did,not mature Into cold diet- lot for the purpossrof voting therein. ' .‘ Every person qunllll9d as albresaid. and who shall . _make duo proof, If roquirod. of the rosidonco and pay • meat of tosos oil aforesaid, shall be Admitted to vote ID : • ~ the township, ward pr district in which he shall reside It Unity person so., or attempt.".to prevent -nuy ninety of any °teeth n uador.tlihrirt fo r e holding I such election, tr use or thnotten any vloinlce at ally such tacit., or shall In ....oho or' Imprototly interline with hint In the oxecutien of his duty, or shall 'block •up the window. or amino to , any window wherol , be mum may bo holding, or shall riotously disturb! he • preen at such elootion, or shall use any , intimidat ng threats, fires or violence. with design to. influence duly or overawe any, elovtor, or tf. prevent hith from vu. dog or to rostrain the freedom of choke, such pet'smii on omviction shall ho lined in any Mon not exceeding floe h un dred dollars, and imprhoned for any time not less than three nor more than twelve mouths. ond if it 'shall be shim], to Court, where t,IM trial slouch offence shall be Mid.' that the Imam so offending was not n' resident ,tif the city, ward, district or township where thnnffencti won committed, and. iont6ptititid , lt, vets therOlis, - then utf 'conviction lie anal sentenced to Poy n finest not logN thus, one hundred ~or more Min ' one thousand dolliii•a:Wittlatimfristmed-riot-less—than_ six months petit MOM than two years. $ 5,37 i 5,71 0,00 3.60 1,25 1,15 UM 2 5 0 -ro ....,..2,,ll.anyTttison Ur:nen:ens shall make env bet or ya ger upon the result eralny - lileutten , niacin-the Scot nuMwealth, or shall offer to make any' such bet or ws gee eltldr by .verbal proclamation . thereof: or by any wrilted or printed ailvertistnon - t, challenge or Invite any person tai Maim such het or wager. upon s''olll . l(4ton thereof ho tr Choy shall tkirfelt.and pay.three tittles Ihe amount so hottor to lot bet. • ' • If any' person not by law qualified. shall fraudu lently vote at any election of this Commonwealth, or hew, otherwise qualified shall vote Out of his pritper district, Or if any person knowing the winit'of such qunllfidatfals. shall aid or procure such pet scum tote. the person offending, shall. on conviction be flinch Ili any sum not exceeding nem hubdred dollam.'and be inmilsoned for anytertn not l•Seeet111112 tli slice months, If a n t' p oreynn shall vote at more Chad one election • district. or otherwise handulently vote more than once on the same thy. or slialtlMoilnlently fold and deliver to the lospe.a.or two tickets together. with the intent Illegally to vote. or shall "proem another to do. so, he "e 'they offe»ding. shall Oil I,lllVlltiail bo lined Ist any sutra eat less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars. and he imprisoned .liir anv term not leas than three nor more than twelve mouths. . . • ~,,, p e r entl not qualified t.l vole in trial., COII,IOI, Wealth law. (except the sons of justified l'ltie. llF;rehtt II appear at any place of eleetha, for the purpose of intitionieing the.eitixons qualitbd to vote he'shall. on eonvietion forfeit and pay any SLIM not' ex reedidg Mae hundred dollars for ever,' such ettlince: Auld be lwprisoned fee nuy term not exceedingthr,mmonllm.' Agreeably to the provisions of tie nixty•litst . senior. of the said act„every General and Speeittl hleet ion shall he opened between the bolts of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall eoutloue without interruption or adjournment until 005011 o'clock to tile evening, when the p"110 shall he dosed. .led thejmlnes of the respective districts . aforesaid, are by the said act required to meet atthe Coitrt liouse in thehorough nf Carlisle, on the third day after the election. (being ' , rider, rho lilcli - il,Cfnflle.tober.] the and-there to perform the things rot heti of them 13y law. The ret urn .1 adzes of the. ltepresent itive - district, will meet at Carlisle. at the thin• fixed by law. • (liven under my band, et earlb.le, Lida 10th day ~o 1 September, 1157. Vp --......,-----"—•,-- —-, .1) jC C N 1 i .• l g 4 l'l lo Ypv GIN . --- 4 :e 4 \ \N„,...... 4 444 -....—,/aE1Y,33 , ---- .. t .: /: ri t AY " Til.7 - _-:2:-% "' '"' 4 J.„, ,, „'; , , N \N' , s , ‘ , ‘ ‘'' 0 4, " : ‘ 0, 4 1,,,, 11.:;:11(,,:'::,,,:`,\'',,k,,,,NV s ' 1 RARE CLIANCE FOR A 000,D IN V EST3I ENT —The subsiTlher intending to Tear e Cal Mk, will sell his entire stoph, tifliat,. Caps. hoots and Shoes, (which h. new and goodi 'on .advmnia gems terms, ton re,ponsible toyer. 'The business Is well et.tailllslied, and the M 1 land the best In - town. ' Every sittlsrartlon will he guaranteed the purchaser luni.terms math, lair. 1 would Ilion to sell as 00011 S.--I.wlllstlll heap n - first ratellFsortmotit of goods_ on hand, and sell as cheap as ever' till the day of sale. E EG A - M.:11, TASTE AND FA S lON COMBINED AT W. 141MMONS' - PARIS MIL - LIMIRY ' ' L6l BROABNVA Y, New York, A• solenilid assortment .of tile mast ..Ele...Tant and Fashionable- MILLINEIM and. MILLINERY GOODS. selected by our own agent In Paris aril 'London; tor Fall and Winter none, and Offered at prices below, any other lions,. In-the Trinle: also, a lures assortment. of, Felt and Bea'ter BONNETS. for Lodi r ie hod ?Pisses' wear, nt t.hd lowestpossible PHces. wholesale and retail: Pattern Bonn - eta always on:hand. 5ep.15,155,8=3m. - Ceguf 3itnices • COURT PROCLAMATIO.N.-- Wnhiets the lion. JAN.ES-11-01tA11431. I'regl• dent J udgo of the several" Courts of Coniinen Pleas of the ecunties of Cumberland. Perry and Juniata. abd Justke of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery in-said counties,. and Hun. Son s vet WOOIIIIIMIN arid lion. M. Comity, Judgf.s of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Oeneral,,Jall Delivery for the trial of all capital and other oltentiers7 it, the raid comity of Cumberland. by their precepts to me di rected, dated the 12th of April, 185 F, have ordere.r the Court of Oyer and Terminer and tlent,eal Jail Delhery to be holden at CARUS!, E , tint the 21,11:110NDA1 of November, ifibfl, (being the Ft h day,) at Ino'doek in the forenoon. to continue two creeks. NOTICE IS HEREBY 1111' EN to the Coroner, duo tires of the Peace mid Constables 01 the said county of Cumberland, that they are by the sold precept rout. mended to be then atathere Inc their proper persons, with their rolls: records, inqulnitlons. examinations • and all ether rementbraLeos. to du those things 101101 to their officer appertain to bo done, and all those that atm bound by Jecoguirances. to prom:cute against the prlsonerssthat are or then shall, be Ili the jail of mid county, are to ho there to proseeute_them as Shall be just. COD 110W3JAN, Sheriff. Sept. 29, 1858.1 ,t . SSIGNEE'S NOA . I CE.—The under. 11 signed Assignee of Reuben Lie, of the Vorough of tAiril , le, by deed of voluntary assignment for the hen'etlt of thecliters, give]: Iloilo]. that all ,ho have egoinSt the said Reuben Line, 1.11i1:1 present them for nottletnent., and those indebted to tnelm went to .OLIN . .Sl. 01'1310, 11=1 VSTA TE• NOTICE. Let,ters testa• mentary on the Eat.telot IACOR lilll.lElf. of Uinta. Allen, deceased, have beeribmied by the Regis. ter of Cumberland, utility, to / ham B. (wet., of the 1.1110 townshlp.4.44l-per.sunkantrviug o alnla against the Estate. are hereby notitied,p, prehent them duly au: then tieated for settlement, and those Indebted to make payment to JOHN li, COOVER. • fiept.l4l;sB.-Ct. Executor ofalieoh Koller, deed. NOTICE.—AII persons knowing them. m.h. to he Indebted to the Estate of Win. 11. , frout, dee'd,, heretky unfilled to make ininwdiate payment to the undersigned, whir LIM) at nit Wills tin fumed at the Commis:ammo.' Office. J. ARMSTRONG, Executor Sep. 15, 'sB—St N or: 1 lil ‘ t l ner, guardian of John Bretz:has presented his petition to the orpirtinf Court. of Cumi , erhuil County: under the Act or Assentinv, of the 15th April, 11:5I, for an or der to sell a tract of land hi Sits or Spring township. I untitled by hinds of Mr. Ilhour, Jacob Mumma and "'a fi others, nd enntalubig .sblty•live. acres more or less, with a STONE lIVESE. and Stone Bank Darn, thereon etected, upon which petition the Mill Court gralited rulanu _the_ partb s Interested-to oppear at the next Orphans' Court, to he held on Tu.isda3, the lath day of October, A. D., 1854, and show mime why the said order should not lie granted, of w Welt' rule all the said 'par, ties are hereby required to told. n•ddr,o,' Sup. l',"fiS-t. c, DA VIM, S. CROFT, Clork of the grphaus' Court. NU TICE. -Notice is hereby given —that-an-appliention - has been mode - lb no Cour-t -or Common Plea., of Cumborland comity, upon the up. plleatlon of •• the TruNtees. Elden. RIO • IleeeldlS of the tierman Lutheran ChM ch, of the Borough of Carlisle, and its vicinity," to amend the Charter of the said Co, lowetion ; Soo that no motion of Watts - & Parker, At lump, her the applicants the Court has ordered oaten ;o he published in on , t noWspaper In Curlinle. that the amendments will ho granted on the first day of thoalext term. Novomber 8, 18:8. uoilons-e.h,jections be made and eat's° shown to the contrary. ..... plump QUIGLEY, Sep. 1. 1858. , Prothonotary. N, OTI CH.—All persons knowing them sulcee Indebted to tho Exato or 3lonteo Morrto deceased, two hereby notified to make Immediate pay moot to MARY M. MORltlii. Adolf nistk Ariz. ' or C. P. Ilenurich, Attorney Carlisle. pep. 2, 1228. T.OTlCE.—Letters of Administrytiou upon the Estate of illary Sample. of Silver Spring towesliip. deed.. have bitch leaned In due'forin Os Law. to the subseriher, residing in Oliver Spilug township. to :whom- upplleatlou_ will be Made In ony L buslortes cou rted with her elate..... _ _ EN= MOTI.CI , I. --;-• Notice is hereby given, . 1., 1 that appileation will be triads to the next Le IN• 'attire of . atter the charter of the' HAHLISLE DEPOSIT BANK; located In the Borciugh. of Carlisle, Cumborierid County, se as to confer upon sold Hunk the rights ttiaprivilegcsef n Itahlt of Issue. and to Change Its nouns to the CARLINLE 110016; also to hierMlllso the capital of said honk, which Is nt present Boventy•two Thousand Hollins, with privilege of In vrattaltilx tbe - same under Ito present charter to nue hun• tired thouStuntilellurs, to too hundred thousand dollars. . • N. C. MUNSELNIAN, Caainth. ' entlisle 'Juno IL 1658. k - OTICE.—The' subseribers have en - luta it limited 1 will transact business In the • ~nuto oP Faunal liemptob. Jr. The general nature of the business le "To manufacture and conduct ttio hosfiless of making and vending VINE PA 1 1 111lin all Its branches. Thu name r.the general partner le. Kamm) Bempton. Jr.. who resides at Nonni !lolly Springs Cumberland County. Pa. Tho aggrogn to Clameuut capital contrlbuled by the special 'authors, lo Two,' ty.fivo thotnetbd 'dollars. to the common steel& The paltnership nil vommence on the let of August, 1858 and terminate-on thoist of Japuary..lB6o.., 8.1M1.181. 813181(18.' Jr. -It. fill' fir. SAMUEL I.IIVEN.'. 8..1. 11E11 A RUB:, - , 11 MULLIN. . • 25, '152-6* • pIIBLIC SALE.= • • Vitt DAY, the 22d of OCTOBER next, 1 ,rill self as Asalgnep of William Mateer, en the tract the following described real estate: No;1, TILE MANSION TRACT, a 'valuable Farm, con,' Wahl; two hundred and eighteen Armes and fifty nine. parches, of 11rstoatte quality of hienestone Land, lying - an Dickinson township, Cuntborla . nd county, on the Walnut Button! Road, eight n o tes west of Carlisloand twelve Allies Oast of Shippensburg, (formerly the prop. 0 13 .3 1. Woods.) adjoining hinds of Johnston Moore, Samuel Carothers and others. li:he improve- Meats urn • • • • A LAUD DOUALA TWOLITORT' D W ELLI MCI 1-1011 • nri • tk: • with Kitchen attached, a large Bunk bare, ..o well handled, Wagon shed,, Cordage House, -Cern Crib, • - Pen,• Dry lirluacs, ten-Wells of-water, Cistern, " largo Apple Orchard, , together with a variety of fruit I trod, such us l'eaelles, Cherries, Quinces, Grapes, lOW' berries, Also'a good log TENANT HOUSE, and Stable, with Cictern. Thls tract is divided by shrvey ..--Into two parts. one containinglo3 acre..., including the • Tenant house, Stable and Cistern, about 211 s t orm of which is timber land the other part e.,otainloo• 115 agree, 25 a Which is timber. including all 'We Other Ina- Movements, and, will he sold In l o ins or 00 a. whole as may hest snot put chasm's. Nearty the half of this tract h to been Hided within the last three yeas. No. 2. A AI:GABLE T 0.3.01 OF LI3IESt:ONE LAND, situated in Dickinson tow ositip, on the State road le; flog from Gettysburg to Newi Ile, ono mile north of 0,110.111 e and f Per miles south tools Of jamo= Dunlap John T. Grilel4 and ethers. con - tend., 100 Acres and 15 perches, (formerly the property of maw. naulap 1 About 75 acres CIOANAI Held Ina good state of eultivai the balance e ;voted with thriv ing rimier.—fits imerovenents are agouti ' , too-story ,frame MVP:WANG •• •• • 1 1 ,' with lemma t *stored and well'finished Eq.; frame hart - 4W fort long, with iloor '••" •Zei +tabling. TlSatu improveturm to are nearly . . dew. There Is a large cistern eonVenleast to the IlMiSe, This tradt'will be inferel lei 100 IrAris, oils of 80 acres AV the impl,vements. Incinding" 15 acres of timber. the balance nearly. 30 aCres. all timber.. No. 3. .1 trt Of good Che,tont Sprout band, flier au 'years old, I ring in ,Eing's 011 D. AdJollllllg 4111111 A °pay, containing 50 acres, nod easy of ACCURA. No. 4. A tract or , „;.I Chestnut Sprout baud. sumo as No. 3. containing 53 acres. adjoining No, 3 No' b. Also a trot of Mountain ...and lying In Irish ler's - saw mill. with a laid out crud lending Vo 'Flies', 511 an talc, tracts are all. covered with young town G ip, containing 5:1 acres covert 11 ,1 with pine and cites to at. Tifio tract is within onoT3TMII -- min] of Kul.' __AL a Abriejtigliiiilter, a,p Jahn; of whirls is lit to cut. ' • Oct. 0, _ 1 5X. Aseignee of Dr. )I'm Mettler. I 3A(1011 BOWMAN, Sher* un.lergl.rnetl as:A r mee of Joslill Sadler, .111 , ell rt p" - jje !ejjo. I,lr the 111 . 01111iSP,Rii1111 - 11.4.1 South - . 31Iddleton east of the logs, all - that valuable tract o' L I :11,1: S.T NE LA (formerly owned by Jacob Strickler.) boulolo'd binds of Philip Brea:III, Putcr P. Ego. Mode 'Henry Il.•njnmiir dud the Vellon Itreenbos Crenk. Com:Mang S 3 ACRES and :13 1.1:1:CIIES, more or 1,,5. I hiving timreon, erectod a two.story frame nod • • • ' it.N r: PLASTERED (RIESE-and KITCHEN 4 i'' , .111 . A Stone Bank Aire, Corn Wag , on Shed Thpro ' ig 11 ' never fitf!litg well of water near Ike !move • , es Ti It spring that his never Is•ett hnewn to po dry. .'there Is nlw on the alive deseellPol Ihrm, an In line hearing erder. Thu shore• described farm hlgh'state ,n'eulilvation, and is mostly enclosed iu post and rail 10001 of the beef material. . lit ula•. sell on — the elm... day, inunellatnly after the - Arm, des ribrol i'nrin — shallhavu hero stal;lien oft TWO LOTS. OP GROUND, prominently lornic4 In the town of tinning ttprlntt,-nnw of contains perehen, and tin other _tfi% perches. 'Choi growing crop on the Ism will ho rneervea as well as thin right to,on or end take It off. Nile to commoner lit I o'clock, when terms will ;be mail known nod ntl OH& NCO . given ltr " '• -nti.V,IfMIN Pthvos—t sainiteeof Joinpit Intnminne, York Republican, and liar ri.filirg Telegraph. insert till Yale nod cli,rgr ,t Dll IN IST It kTO RtS--- SALE. —ln ",.3„, pursuance of an order or the ()to n .' Court'of Cum:wt./And county. will be o:ld at nubile ride, at the. Court Wee.. on sATuRD I.Y, the 100, d o , of OeTo. 111 . :11 next. et ii'clock, P. )1., the following described IVA I, E , vern._ latththe property of Jacob F. Hoffer, &cute:ea:to wit: ' A 11111168 'AM) [AT OW (MOUND, Pituate In the liormlth of Carlisle, 1111 the mirth by Pomfret st.. , 'op tile Foul. by n-lot of Altram. Oar net. on the south by Chapel Alloy, ••a , , fOAI.• and on the West by e. lot of Char. llama, vont-Morn:. kio feet in front on Pomfret street. nod 2-10 feet In depth to, Chapel Alley, anti haring thereto credo.' 19 addition to the I loom, already Anout holed. a large frame 1.AU(111T- BiI.II , IUSE, STABLE, and !Mier buthuildings The sale be on the following terms;—Flee per cent. of the'purehese money to be paid nn eifecenfirma tionof the Rale by the Court. one half of the balance to - .. 'he Paid on the let of Aprli neat, %%hen pm:session .0' the promises wit , 1,9 . giV011 MO a deed mode to the purehes. er, and the remainder In 0110 year tlikelifter without Interest, width Nat payment Is to ho secured 11 judg mont M 1 the property., JOS. C. 11 //Whit, Sep. 21, 'SO-t a. Adminktrater. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. itf0.• . ..:2 1 1 2......_ I w ill 0xt..., to poi.m. F ,,i. 0 ,, ickm ili " N KSI/A Y. the lush'lay of oeT0111.:1! le. Ai at 11 o'clock, A 11., ut the Cour . -_,..... blouse. In Carlisle. A TWO.ST.AttI' STONE IPJUSE AND LOT OF GROUND, . on Pomfret street. In the Borough of Carlisle, OH t h e fest by Meteloilr Riders h•lrs. on the tiouih by Chapel Alley-on the North by Penal et Street. slid On the Wes.rhy s tot or 'feria Eby's, ronteining IN foot :In it and . 2.11 feet In depth, be the slime more or legr, having thereon ereetell a two ...tory ATONE HOUSE, 'BACK IttJl LplSt., S MX. mid Wher hem oveinenta, .being the property of the heirs of Win. Noble, den d. Terms mode Iwuwu on dry of sale by ROBERT NtOOllE, 5ep.29.'58.-t s. Adininlstr.itor. A FAII3I AT PIUATATE SALE. Thu undersigned Iteri , by notifies all purchasers of fartas,that lie during the smuttier or etening Fill. to dispomt of 111. property, looatetl . 2 , south oast of Carlisle, Cumberland VIM nay. - - . . . . T ho property consitts of lifty•ela 6 t mares of Lest quail 4 ty of LIM ESDYNJ.: LAND, and in a 111:411 stab, of mitt. ration. The impNweinents - -,are, a now • Iry and commodious BANK liAltS:a good . i . 4 .0 . .', DWELLING II GURE, •Clp: ..' 4 , • '. a roll of foyer how,' water, and an or.. • 6 1..... . - chant of evory variety of choice fruit. ..a.,_ -C.:* . The prOpriotor being anxious to removo to a distant pin of the eounty. will sell at a moderato price, and on ai,,,,,,,,, Orin CNA terms.. l'iir farther pa rt leulars apply to tile pr6priett , r porgin• ally, at his rohidonco on Cho abovoprovorty, or by letter, to Oolitic, Pa. . MEE J ul y - 28, iffi:l9.-30. *** 4 • Iclncaster Examiner," " Lehanon Courier," sort 4, amt. $l,OO aid charge Herald Office. A VALUABLE MILL. PROPERTY AT r AvATE BA id:.—The'subgerlia, ettyrs at prl vate salo the Mill Property on which Lict ha -now rrFldeF, -Fittlato , l In 311111 in -- lowmiblip,Clunherland County, 0 miles west of Non , ville.ho Ymiles °ma of Newburg. on the State road leadlnx Rom New*llle to Three square Th • It t prvorts invlthlos -15 ACRE:4 OF LAND, .1r) riots of wi 4,ll;ire dolled aid i&a e.,,,n1 state of cult ration, the greater part being and under •zwel fences, with running writer every kid. The residue,' acres. is covered v. ith ;and timber. The linprovonients aeon three story l HIST MILL Li gold repair. with oxeMent Burrs and Chi ppers, autism eVullent run of Paxton,. Argo, a Saw Mill. In good order. with ennstantumploy. mat. 'rites, Mills aro oh tho Threu thfuaru Hollow Rau, wilt bead or !Moen filet. Thu other Improvuoicytts are, ALIVO.FrOiI Flt AND WU. INLISE, Frosts Stable, ! q ; (nt:nrly ;taw) Carriap Musa, Sinuku Home 117 anti other neressary out.huildings. There is it o ex..ullent water, (with n , pump in It) at tho dour. Also, a-thriving-young. 011011,1119 or chow. fruit. ,Lbovu or,party will ht wail so to other great In. dueumuais to purehuhers. Fur further p3rti,,ttlars ply to .108EVII C. LINDSEY 31/flllo Townphip. A zig. 213. • NI A. 14.. FARM AT PRI VATE SALE. Tinsubserlber otters at private sale, the farm on w tell ho now resides, situated in %Vest Venustorough townchip.Comberland County. one mile east or Now• Sit the Statt - fromileading from - Carlisle, contain ACittS, Ismoded by lands of It. (3 Woods. Peter Munich, Henry Lehman anal others The land Innen, limestone and part slate, all under a good fence, audio a high Wale of cultivation. Thu Improvements consist of a now. Baru, n 1 . 0.411111i10US • MN DWELLING HOUSE; reeently repaired and Improved, Stitt all other nucesAary outbuildings. Also, no ,n ru..tu r nf CIIOICtI FRUIT, and never falling well of water at the dour. For ',ink or other Inforninilon, loquiro of thu suit bcribur, ryblOing on thu promisop. • • . SAMUEL lIEFFLEBOWER. Aug. 25.'56-4t?. . • 1.140..-Eijlis,art 3 times and clukrgo thiwoffice. 111'.TENWS — COURT - s - mx.-- . 1 •• In porsuanee of an order of the Orphans' Court of . Cu nberlandsounty, Pa., will ho sold, publicly, at the CaTtrt Ilintitq in the borotigh of Caribdu; on WEDNES. DAY, the 11th on/doter. 1434 At 11 tielook In the forte noon of that day, -LOT-OF GROUND. situate -in the borough of Carlislo, county of Cumberland, mud State of Dennsylvalibt, situate and .fronting thirty feat ou North Harmer streot, and belog.2.4=i lit ,depth. adjoin. tog lots or Mrs Houseman, Roderick Cor 1111 l ?111 nod others. having thereon oreetud two VRAMEI HOUSES '.V.EitMS 'OF. SALE.— Ten per cent. of tho purchase .Inonoy to Ka paid oh tiro eonitrouttion of solo, and the residua thereof; one half on the first day or April. 10511, (whoa possession will be Orin* and the halation within coo yeatr thoroafter, with Interest, to be secured by .• DI,IZAUCTII I. ' AN MID' niwnum:l,. . . . Guardians a -William 1. napburn. SOL 15, 1851. , v-OrBA-M Ad inliiktiator. RARE- (HIM CE FOR A FRO- r'~ . b'iTABL N INV Tho ..ettleicriber. for private ruasons whleh can he porsooolly explatood, of. fere for solo on the wont Ilborni tonne, the entire muck ,of Ito ktni. Stationery. etc., (Including .the, good will) bp. longing to blirsork; Taylor d. Smith, In the etoru 1111010 - RIUM cast corner of the equino, I/K.044.491We Ilet store. . . Autttig I I, 1 ftsq-at _P :J 6 7 liandbilla neatly, exouted.,_. Xcar&state Sales. A SSIGNEE'S SALE OF ✓ALUA IILIi ItliAL MiTATE. =I ORCHARD OF CHOICE YOUNG Fit OtT TREES, MICHAEL FULESE; ar S. PREDIZ. SHIM 33iiMn8ss_tatti/ • AW'NOTICE.—Tuoii. 'BiDDLE IA continues hepreettee of the law, to the office formerly occupied. by hie tether, Wm. , 31, fliddlog And more recently, by the law firm of Penrose * Diddle, now'dionolred., . • . ;• Dec. 2J, '574 . eP. • HUM RIC H., AttorneyV. Law. •—affico on North Hanover ranee, &few doors south otitis.' 'lot& All business entrusted triblm will be promptly ottunded to. [April IA \V" NOTICE. J 51, - P.EN11.081: hi remotibil ldif r odlco tdtho room formerly occupied by Wm 011 ', l / 1 141 'nixed. a few dloms. cost of thit Methodist Church whore" ho will promptly offend to all 111101110 N 011trUNtU1I to him. - ... Amtust,lthnt-$47,- AW OFFICEA:— . LENITTEL TODD Li has romune,l3hO practice of the'Ltiw. Office In Oman, Hquaro, west side, near the. First Prosbylorlan Church. Ma= .. . I)llll:i,B;,,lH3 t . i. :K i l t EF d FE ore R f O om tru ,t .te n i , i l i d iN s :43 - 8 5 , , h ,s idol, Waco hourc. looßparticularly (rota 7 to 9 o'clock , A.. 1., owl from 6 to 7 o'clock, P. M. I. D • ()CTOR in ARMSTRONG . haiv reov oa big 'Olen to Centro rquare mist of tile Court Rouge: who. ILO may be cow lilted at any hour of the Lry or Or.-Ar hug hod thlrt y years exPrriouce u the prolegglop; the Wet ten of which have lean dego. ted to tie study eul practice of llonompathie • unii• •1 no. Miy 1), it ifo : ; . nT•: r patille., S Plly - sl l c t lan ''l and N ,Zon l . ° N alco: East . MGdu stroot. ate:joining StLxton'B 'hardware nhoo. • Culid Mll o, ar, 11358.-c4im.7., , .7 • fly.O. W. • N fijrb Y.. D. S. Wllttn rt istritur of. Iterative Dentistry to the D ll o 2 , l , l t tnnze rgo, D 3 V ego . .. of r rair. Miro 'at ids residence,, opposite - Norton, 1. West loin Street, Carlisio.• .• - N0v..11, 12157. Da. I. C.1.0031.1S soul h 'Jammer. street, : -• _11115.T.1 , %,:, , , next doer to lbe 'Post • (Allis. - • • fm„Wil) ha absent fret" Carlisle the lastjen. drape. dead) Wu g. , I) G E 0 B. B T -r, Harbin , returned to Carlisle. offers Me professional services to the citivens.generelly. ' , In North Vitt street, nearly nppnslto hls tort#er , re , blenco" I Terom—Moderate. I,C.irlhile, March 31. '5B. he 111);.ent until thC I t of Aprli unit. . , , 1 - 111. GEORGE S. SEA. ilirt v ,. - :.44 - ..• if RIO DT. DENTIST. &ran the !W -. '''' ''.. Willa e College a Dental :•!urgery. ' 6.2.011ke at the resldeure of hln uDither,Eiiht bouthel street. three 1.1001,1 below Bedford, . Mareh 1:1.1,811i..—tf. - - ' . . . . , " Q" . "-- , nit. J. C. NEFF respea: ..) 87 111 . in folly Informs the Indies and gimiloep (.11(3.triigh.j.Ittld .vrelnity. timti,e in. rw- F ,,, . ,,4 I hr"lll , lethro,{....l)Lollstry, and' Is preplred to per form all operations on - tRi. tooth an,' gums, heir/10;111g t.. - liiii - proteßsion, Ile will insurttlfuli mots of teeth 011 gold or nilvor. ,Itli singlo gam teeth. on 111.'4,1.. as tkiey inarpreferl.f 0,11 . ). moderato, to mill the Itmes. • - Oillim In llizll 4reot, directly lipposito tin Comfier . land VAllev Mut:. • gir•Dr. N. will be In Newville the lost ten dttyx of every month. - DOCTOIt AUG USTUS It. EG BERT, 'rou.lsrs lirs l'rorsosilninlgo . sl^llF to the citizens of fc.utlt !lolly Spri (I , nsilerly l'sportown.l, 'antits vicinity. '11.1.. Ills ulna, will Lo found at 1110 rrsidenco,..3lo)re'A 11001. [Aug: 25;'58-tin. gs. W. TIAVERSTICK;:, Nartit 114inavor Street, Carlisle. PlfYslenUl'6 nniserliitlonki.arefullv compounded A full supply of leash drugs and etuanleals._ B. 3. KIEFFER, Dealer in Dr igs, Chemicals, Peetwobil," Palley Articles, Pnufee. tlonary. South itunover Street, Carlisle, Pa. . E Eb_ E & MP, NDEN II 4 1. ! k . ,, 1 -fl . ' " • BANKERS, . • - YOWL Western Land Collecting Agents, Particular attention paid to 'the business of nen:tfsi• dents, such is buying and. selling Real Estate, leaning .I..ney so real settle securities: Paying Taxes nud .looking after the general Interest of non-residents. flefurenees given If required. Address, - REEDY, & _ Minneapolis, Minnesota. Julr 21,1S5S—li : 1110 THE PUBLIC.—The undersign- L NI being well known as a writer, would offer his services to all requiring Literary alit. lie OD hanish Addresses, Orations, •Essaya • Presentation speeches and mph., Linea for Albums. Acrostics—prepare matter for the Preas—Obituaries, and write i'ootly•upon any sal jed Addreas (post paid) FINLEY. JOHNSON, • Baltimore. Md, Fob 17,1858 11,EAT., ESTATE 'AGENCY_ ANDHLW 0. rim. N. Jar THOMPSON. E 0 & TIIO 3I S N , 1/ave opened an office at St. J 05ep14 . 31n., for the pur Thane and fade of Heat Estate. buying and selling Land; ‘Varratue, entering Land do Time. Surleying and Map. ping Towns, Location of Warrants. and making Invest. monis for non-residents. pitying of TIMOR. and all bunt ;less purtabfing to a General Laud Agency In Missouri Kansas, Nebraska, and town. o%,Offlee on Second Street, North of A. T. Beattie', Ronklug House. [July 30, 1850. I T I, E N ' IVAI " S t T I A .' l l: ) I \ l ' S l A r I G I E R N E FL Y F . :ST R A ' 1 1 '? 1 7 Ai NYT, CONVEYANCER AND tiCitiVENER, has re. convect to his Now Office on Main street, one door we'd of the Cumberland Valley Hail !load Dep , t. Ile la now pormanentb. located, and has on hand ‘nd for sato a Eery larva amount of Real Estate, consisting of Pariah, of all sloes. Improved and unimproved. Mill Properties. Town Property of every description, Ituild• log Lute, allot IVestern Lands and Town Lots. tin will vivo. his attention, AIM heretofore to the Negotiating of Loans. ‘Vricing,of Deeds, 3iortgogus, Wills, Contracts, and Sorivening lfentrldly. • Oct. 2S, 1827.—tf. . -- . w. C. rtHEENI, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT Anealoo Minnesota WILT. give specia l at.tention to coll.:thu; through out the Stato. woke itiVestraolitli. buy and sell Reel Ratak. mot securities. Negothtte loans, 'My taxe-, locate land war, ants. £s. ; etc. Refer to the members of the Cumberland County Bur, and to all prominent eltl. zens-of -Carlisle, Ca— 171 A. 13111N13AUI, Book-bindar and tEl.\Vlf Ilmh!lt NIA NatEAClUll.lll4,..;ms'''' Alichantesbuiw, Pit, fatzetzl7efi t Newspapo . N. Bihlemm, l'acc-1.0010, Copy.lmmuks, are revelced mind re• turce.l. neatly bonnet lit onc week. at moderato charge mu. Also. piper ruled to any mleilred batturh. . , • Simus P. SNYIW.R, • W. IC. Nickt.taLtsm, Pennuyivanin.• • Ie Cooo, o Rhode blood. QNYDE R, M'FARLAND, AND . COOK, Hankers and Dealers In Real Estate, MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota Territory. Juno 8,1857.—1 y. • R. H. THOMAS, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER Illoolkanlesburg, Pa. AV. All styles and patterns of Minds made to order. and Old Blind* repaired In a neat uud substantial man: ner. and 141 reasonable terms^ .• RIV• Orders from Carlisle and other 'mints abroad re. spectrally solicited. %ad promptly attended to. shop directly opposite the 'Union Hotel,' West Mole §. 4 (July 14, '58•4. f, NOTICE TO TEACEJERS.-. WANTED, a 'faOw compatent In lake charge of a school In the borough of .ow Cumberland, In this county, fur the winter 110/4.41011, to whouilt liberal salary , will be paid.— For further purl lculars address WM. S. PROIVELIe Secretary, School Board. - July 2 - 1,1858-31 n - - __. CUMBERLAND COUNTY AGRICULTURAL. SOCIETY. FALL EXHIBITION OF 1868. - TO' BE HELD .AT OARIASLE, ON WEDNESDAY, - THURSDAY AND FRIDAY', THE 13t,4," . • AND Mb DAYS 01 , OCTOBER. iSED . K. WATTS, PaESIDENT DANIEL S. DEOFE: • • • SOCZELEEy.I, • • • EANgUNE f. "4 1 ARM E IRSI—Now_ t4q _timo. to got a neat Tit ItEsll4Pier. MACIIINk -told u-o n E i.vo horn m uutollor of well made klocbines now, on hand. at the Carlini° Foundry and Machine. Shop, which wo will ealron the most reasonable( terms. They combine all thu latost improvements and ,ore warrantod to be ((Poo and material and workmanship. . Also, OORN.SliMatbltli oP tho.Otost Improved cons aquatiolb ?shish do their work rapidly aud thonouthly. For Nth) at lots-paits by. . F. (I A A CO. July 21, 18uft. .0 O y L VONS or I,ylc6fia - ' alloy Nut Coal; a sugurlor o rceblclog and for salo to • 'AugOct 6,1E67 - .W.'ll. ILLURRAy - New .03obs. 13. J. KIEFFLR'S ~T VIIDLESAIE ANPUNTAJLA Drug, 'Chemical, Confectionary, - riui ,T/WRIE Tr STORE. Tm; undersigned has Just replenished Ills stoak;of IMMOS and ifilitslOLNEld, which, having been NO , lectuflwlth great care, ho le• satisfied are Fresh, and Physicians' prescriptions will be promptly and faithfully attended to. Orders Dori merchants In' the country will be filled With rare sundon thO most. reason-. Ore terms. All official preparations matte strictly in accordauUe with the U.S. Pharinaropula: ' • SPICES 0 ROUND . A ND IMOD, auc Itua.Clunamon, Cloyyr, Alanlce, llorlander, Pepper, , Uliater, Sluatard, 13altIng — K - idaktiaiddiiadai't"raani Tartar; Nutmegs, Yeast Powdor, Maco,Cltrob, Salad Marjoram Thyma, frock and pun, Ito boa on band all Marjoram, Alarrant l'atant Medicine:3 of Oa day. CONFECTIONAIIIPS.' , Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Almonds, Filberts, ,Witlnuts, Groundnuts. Creamtauls Chestnuts, American, Carman a n d FFciieG Candiu - Salfd Candy:fogs of every variety. Those vlaltin4 to make wholesale purchaser can here be supplied with tilt best quality of ConfelAionaries and at Inworr rates than at any other house in thy country , . y e has also a full as. surtment Of MkElftl6AIY, GERMAN AND rItENCII TOYS, aninisting of Wood and Tin 'of ovary description. soul, as Dolls,. Doll Heads. Horses, Wagons, Birds, Moving Figures, Palley %Toth Boxes. Meeks, Cord... Drums, 'Chairs, Whips. Trumpots..Whistine, Drossing Stands, fie.. to he sold Wholesale and Retail, and in prima, competition hi defied. . . F.:L.VOY• GOODS. • • • Port nonnules. Purges, Pocket Books. Fine ,l'ocltet Cutlery. Shell and Pena - and Cnsee. Needle Busks; Port Fullos,,Cnbas, Gentian, French and American China Ware, Inkstands and trays, Card Racks and Baskets, Jett Itreast , Pltts, Necklets and Itlirite, Combs Pair, Long, Side, and hark lluttnnerchn Combs. 'lair. Clothes, it ,t, Iluttlalt - Snitand Tontti -Brushes. Sewlinc-Elliks,_L'atent Thread and SpOorCottA.lflnttons. +te . , cce.' Ptlit ER I ES • ' 'Funky 'Collet and other Snarls. PArl Powdery, Ex• tracts. first quality heir Oils. Pothades. Shaving Roane and Creanis. Tooth Paste. Bally of a Thousand Flowers, Trleolp