Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 29, 1858, Image 4

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    nlisallantous, _
KRR, 3B:won't llmiNtmAN,
• -.1{.0 . 11T, 0. SiVIIIIRTT, • ' JOIIN Lis LAr,' • •
• RICHARD 1V01.,118,' • Jen N 8..6T2.14;ETT, ••• ' ••
Jou:: CLDUNLVP, • • • II: A. SloanEON.
Thin Bank, it g•busificss in the noose t:t• Ivor, Bien
'Doman & Co., ln now fully prenortal •to general
• -Banking Business with mutt Ildullty—
Mouoy revolved on deposit and old back LW dottiond
' Without notice. Interest to en h ia.dai depusl Ls. ,Cur
tllleatet of deposit booting Intel. at, nt the rote of Ave
par Bent, WiLl ho Issnutl Ihe ms Ann it period UN ntur
months.. •Interest mt all' ee; tjAvales will ot an.
turlty, prorlded, however, that it Hold collocate' are
renewed at, any thou thereat' er tor atiothitr.given_ pe
they.ahalltbear the - a:Ulla up to the
loctlon of notes, dratta,yhecks, e. 7 -Iti.aity part ot. the
• United States or Canada, • .
tt. Hewitt:Hives 1110110 to Ltgland . I t eland. or the Conti
neut. Thu thitliftg and c...ttleloo Lott e rulhm of all
orders entrusted to them, tatty • .
They call the attention 01 l'artm.r... 3trelittitlcs anti
all r theta who twice a cull• dui.• for their Idma•s,
to the undenlable tart. Mettle. plow ietoi, of t 10.-th t nit
ale isiernalo titliable Si tint est et.F.a I,titire Ito
all the Depessts, and other obligations of Her, Breton,
man & Co.
They have recently removed into their nee - Itattl.itig
house directly opposite their forint, stand, in Nt_ect
Main' 5L1 . e1 , 1, - ii few doors eatt ut LI14! 1:/1111 , 9111 1 / 1 4 1. 1.
- • ' Where {h•y will at nil times he ph.llSed LI. gil I. ally la•
tbrnuttfon• desired In regard to looney matters it gene
Opun-for liminess front II ticket, in the morning ul it
4 o'clock. In the evening. • - •
•-• `•
• 11. A. STOW:EON, pishier.
. , Carlisle, May 20. 1,857. . , ,
. RANCE COMPANY of Cumberldnd county, iVeorpo.
ratod by an net of Assmobly, is row fully organl . 4l d, and
In' operation under' the managenient M. the 1011,101.,i
cimptiithionerz i viz: . . ,
Daniel Batley, AVillialn. It. Gorporidniel
Elebelbecger, -.St ayman, :John, V. Don.
hap, Jacob 11. Coover, Erwin flyer. S. Eberly, Benja
min 11. 3ha.Rer. J. Brandt, Joseph 111cherbliam.
AlexandM Cathcart..
Thu ratuanfinsurance are a, low and ravorableub any
Company of the kiwi in On State. Perm"n n IWiblg to
become membera are in vllrd to 111111,0 /MIIIOIOIII to tbu
agents of the company, alto are willing to wait upon
'them at any time.
RENO. H. MOS:it:R. President.
—CHRISTIAN STAY {IAN. P64rd'rea&Wnt:----
LEIVIS — IITER,'Seeeetary
. •
Trensurvr. ' '
CUM It EIMANI) CIAIN)I.Y. John Flwritek,
Rudolph Martin. Nev.' Homy Zearlog.
tibiromamtotto o. I;Irldloon :
Ilottanon. (Amnia.. n: 314 dr oil h,
ton; :tnnel qinlono U. tit o' Fonro.l, Coot Pr:
_Mach:niter:burg: .1. W. H 1,1,114,1,6.1, n; U.
Conner, Shei.lnodstcovn V. 11. Ilui limo. Fihrr ijulog;
Benj. Iloretstlek. Silver t , orlog: Cloirles POI, Col lisle
' YORK COUNTY.-11'. Pleking. - Tour; l'elor {Vol
ford, Franklio : dov. t: HMO, 11 at rirgton ; .1.. F. hour
dorIT, •
I,..rhyran. 11to
MuniberN or the rpniptny hal hi nt,ll4.l,:tbo . itt OX.
On.. 1,111 1111,1. thvoi rontmeti by innhing
auy of the Agent,
• AlEciinNicsuunti, PA.
AND:Q . :V:IIIft Or AN(..
-A. FOSTER MUSLIN, A. IL 31n1 , liesnfillra . and Modern
• Langnageb. ,
TEIONIAS S., ItEESE. A.. IL, Apelent Languagem and
heinstitution having; passed Into now 'lll
be reopened :soil )1,6 Srllool 11111 y. 101111111,1111 y. 010 2.1
diy of Septentloer'next. It b. tit...le/Ago of the present
proprietors to onthe it a striellv.4ll,l.elm, Boarding
trmlnitig nod fitting 410.1 prom: men
tither tor eolle g linini,s. Au ellicleat ....rim of In•
struCtiirs laatnnal lateratit
. are Identified stills .11.1 , FF f the Institution, and
who will gpara no polio to make it iro, thy al the coati
. done° 'pa' pairaa,,,,e tor Ih./ ',utile. Tho Mahan", I,i
the Institute are taapli.,.and airawrtl far 11,1. 111 ,
iiii.1111 . 101Mt111110ral. , •11(1111114):11. atdo , oll.l - 41 1 .1.1.1.M1S
IFota rood are et..ctell to board with the totehot . ..
They, will tlitis
and fitiptirvlsiow.
ideeltanie/.1.11.2 in sit/toted in 11.° rotary ill the hrau
eutnbcrland 111)1.S. !lin,. Mill, from Ilarrnsiotrg,
end In rimy of tIeeI.N.CIP!, It/dire...l lion Philadelphlti-10.1..
timer, A re . N.. b....A10is
,1 , 0111.1 Ili• more eligible for al.
rann—notte more heallitt or a itrartiv 1 . 111,601 a ,ghoul.
Poplin front • IVitAltiogton. Italtimore. Philadelphia and
Interutollate 1.111,11 , , tar. intr. the inornlng hullo, will
rearh 31erlinni. , 11nrtr by 2o'oleelt. P. V. .3s it in 111 e
dnterminatiltit of the. Priorlpal lotd Isle .31,1st:tuts to
plige lite Institute on n pormanott nodelerate2 NM.;
with every opplie.ttlia, teepatito G,r natal:llhr eaterrst.
they appeal with I . onlidoict to all mho have sous thed•
111.11t1, • • . •
The Neb.:ln:4le year n ill 1.,. ,fit filed into two ti t.trts
, t of twenty two m vets each. the first I.eitioni , og m..tho
find Thumlny of sepo•mhef. and rioting on thv first
Wetinextlny of Velpruelry lowinnint:
on. tho trot Titti:Nday of Fehrintry, and ending on the
first Wutinoiday otJuly
T - E
It S
. Bonn', Washing, Room hoot. nod Fool per .-
tOrro•lon. • - • • - - sl'.ll Otr
Tlllll°ll, retrosolon Foylloo - I'2 00
(Ilitrher English.) - • - •
" Aireloot nod M 011 1 . 1 .11 lurrotorgek,- I,', .0.
Terms tour rors,torr paytilll 8. In nd va Dr,
eq., For further Inforportion apply to the Prioclpal
Mochnoleuborg. '. • "
1.131311.:11. Altlt4No,l ENT I •
- t• O
T• •••• rt.
OH and nil, ,
Mny Isss, l'aF.senget
Train, will run as follttiVs: (Sundays oxeupted:).-
ISt Train.
.I.navo Cluttatbjr6l6urr„ 0.15 A. M.
" Shilillolllll , llrg, 0.41 . 6
0.10 "
Carlkle. 7.00 66
" Met Imiliesborg, 7 "
Arrive at thirrishurg, 0.01)
- -
. yd Train. IM Tratot'
1,11.0 Harrisburg ,k 4.20 A. 31 1.05 P. M.
Meehaitiodlurg 11.104 " 1.:111 "
'QvMI, ; 9.411 .• 2.13 0
6 6 New, illo, %10.20 0 . 2.47
Ph ippon shu rg, 10.12 0 - 313 .."
Arrive at l'lnunbersburg,. 11.2 . 2 . 0 .3.53
Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia. s lit Pentra
road. at. 0.14....1. M.. 1.80, .P. M.. 0.:Z5. I'. 31., and
12.010 at night. Ily Heading, vin Lebanon Valley Roll
road at 2.40 P. 31.• . .
For Pittsburg, 3.10. A. 31., 1,00. P. 31„ and 5.10. I'. 51.
For Ilalthurre. - 0 30, A. NI an,1.12.111, 11,17,31.
.For Tr..vel,
to and AVlllininsport, at 1.05, P. 31. 'Train nu Dauphin
-goad at 1.30, P. 31. id .
Farei from Ilari , isburg, r‘leehaniesburg. Carlisle, Ship
;Homburg, and ChAutherFburg, will he ten route leer
when paid ferTirkets et the Oilier, then when paid in
the Care.
tkv._,The Ticket Oilier of the Company at irlarrlsburg,
Lae been removed to the Dept of the 1 . 1 . 11i1N3 hnn hn
Railroad Company, third door from the ktodern end ut
the building,
IJ. LL, Super%
Itillrowl °Mee, ChomilerPllttrg, )' •
May EL PiroS.
stair lico4ll..—The
Mutton will 1111111.11e0 In I.ITEIC Aby ILA lA., Now illy.
on TUESDAY, APRIL Ctli, 1858, 0124 continuo
An able corps of Instructors hare been secured. and
no effort will be spared to render the school worthy of
the position It seeks to oceupyoind of the patronage it
respectfully solicits.
. lot circulars containing foil particulars nddress' '
' ; 'T. A. 111elitNI\ EY, Treasurer,
.• Norville, Pa.
By order of the Board of Trustees,
lIA NI F.l. SHELLY, Preeident.
Jas. MCCANDIfiII, :century. , rebt 17,:oSec-tt,
Thu subscriber ham started cc tri wordily litre of
e , bet Ween Carlisle and Landistang leaving Car
lisle evtiry 3limilny, M"ediresday arid Friday, iiintreill•
stab , tin the arrival of the Afternoon train of cars noel
the east. Returning, loaves Lordblimp; at 800 Al M.,
every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday. and arrivili
at "Carlisle at 1.110 P. ,11., via. Perry County Warm
Springs, Shormansila le, St erret Ca i lap and l'arible Sul
phuehprings. On and lifer .1 orie,tho 10thn thti lire will
be run daily for tiro accommodation of privstorgurn going
to the Springs. "". , • - .
Pare to the severtir polka PM 11,14 N \VS:
Carlisle to'bulphpr Springs, - .> . .
--- " — Stirrrett'ii OaP, a , . . . .
0 " .SlterarinnsiPtie,l -L . „ . .
. " " Perry COunty. Wake. Fpcings,
II Landisburg, . . . L. . .
" .•" " - -ItItTILIIIN INC. 1.. ~,'
laradisburg to Warm Springs, '
a 0, . Sherummolnk, '." . .
• . " . Sterrett's (lop. " : . ;
Sulphur Sprlngs;: . . .
• ll Carlism, . . • .. , • • •
The above line will regularly carry thu MAIL to and
from the several pointy 0110. 111111.104 i.
.1 have Mho a , well stacked 1.1 V LI: Y STABLE% frvair
which I am at all UMun ready to furnish belles and ear
ringer to those-who will favor one with I lielepatromme.
on the muse reasonable ter:imam] in the.very best style:
may 11116613. " ' .. . • •" It Colitl II II 6> DEL
_ ,
chnsod from JAL ..Nonomahor his• LI VEItY_E. 4 7-
LISIIMENEeT will bo.olonyx reedy to, .TOlll 1011.
4 p
dote tho üblle with 1101ISES. CA It.
ILI 49ES, Ittlttli I ES, orol,oyery othonn
tlelto tny'lititl. striorattout Inn to
Inelnose nd n ilesiro to please, t - ho Sibseriher IMpos to
~ libprnl
N. B. Onintbineiee on hood It. soM,Iy those who nosy
he in need of them.',, .
Nov. ZS, ; .
11 A 4 T)-vvARE:!. , 13 A 111)NVAltE .
are now rprehrlug.thele F,lll . .bbiek of Hardware. which
Ls unusually largo, uud lu. connexion-with—their for
boasrA sue t bes It Ole tor 04.1:truest and Inbst .
varied 583orttnonts aver Jarred, to thls.,Puu lle.
bare every'tliluit , 'Chet fhb Farmer; 11,0 linllQor, the
Iterebarit, b4the pbblle; ulay wilfit in, their Ilues, era
Isblelt they aruaelllh'at the" Very'ldwe'st pelei.e. They'
aollelt Twin 'the ulakild; thefr pus.
abases, at thby feet rolUlderit tiliTealt offer luduceruerit s
• tliat the buCeeirorr t rouble. '
yeeling tfilitiklitl to Ugduernuli.peddle'fOrttiolr tiUmer
ilberal patribiego:li4Obtlutuinsaldthil
at our old stand iii Nortb Wihrietirlitruetabi
- • ', r ; .1; Jql.1:1 A1...1.1 , 11.k ,
b'etofaar 8;1668:• . ,o• • .
istit F.TEltti 1 11; • suet'
abate; all shoe;. makkai . and Math at • •- 2
~.....:- . .;:,...: . ..i11i6cci1ai1ett05,,, , -;
, •
. ,
T' ..9. übserilmrs wOultlrevpi.etfully .11 the ntlention
J..' or the - tllal eozimunori4 of ,Clgilide tad vlrlully, and,
Ibe public glut:rally' Co their super loe, quiillty ';,, call: .
Niaeli liti• • - , '
and .tho relebratml Lolohery whlro.t,h, broken,
StoiViind NUL
Tlll,l yard Is sit wiled at tbo east and 01fhirlishn oppr
slto the Gas n hero they nlll k,i, 0111 , 1111111 Y 1111
111111,111 largo stock- of all kinds and stuns of. 00111, 10111011
1/0 sold as low as any In the hdrouLdt., All •roal Ihr
oso will ho rem., veiled heihre delivery hod war
ranted In glvo en,lre.satlnrartlno. -
hest-qtmlitrol'lalizatuttewatilt - RocKvimiitt'o - Coxi -. . -- ,
All orders ha at tile tkAiliacitlLLlguneslfoiTor,Artel..l
i•GilyniTirCroet,tit sq‘iiro 9mltli x nnlro. $.llOl-linuover
Strt:et. or at the reshletree of .Ineoh N1111.11..Ft
Htrool, will ho prraaptly
LI:MUER !' Lunt; !. We me uho prepnred
h; furnish ail kit and quanty ~1 dry Luml,er ul
fury:dor nua fdr rdi it Ad the hltortcst
IVe have cowlantly onViand all k Inds ailli
such lis whit,, Ot o. choSLiitil oak ,
.k all SiZiltl w allow,
sills and I.lntil - stuff. ash. poplar. oak and Linn; all
kinds of plastering hula, shlngljoy, lath: Immo ,
11.1hdlom, worked flooring .11i1 weather:loalding, couch
and smooth mall, 111,11 , , and vvery that. ran he
kept Ina Lunila, pm!. liming en', ut 11111 . oat we can
.11 all tin., al/Itlot short . notho build) :my al title
,fit our
lino of hnsioyss at low prlct.s. . •
" his aro thankful fir past favors and /I,eouthan
Waco of public patrutta4e• , blur I tau is t? plcans
• . .• • A •Al• ILY
• .
• , • • • - 0 A 1, —1 000.
1• c • kt i lr - r
a. %.0 MAU t
k p repared
p family uii:
tielt/ 1 , :11: I, 111.
NO Iblig 1 1,11;.11111.18li1/.11ItY 1111111 f roovelto Or th
•rrnr. I here also oil hood and ter sole the 111,A7'Ii
DIAMOND C 0.% 1,. fr.. tho Thiltimore Company %lite..
. Thi , ‘ 0411 IS 11 ' 411111,11/:. 1111•11i4/011 lA/101111i Slo,
rtirtillvet.; .)5 . 111 I 011 l selha suoth
profile ter each. and deliver /01111 X part or tho boreuah.
August G, 1107. IF. It. II Chili Y.
TNT. E W U A Alt I)
Tuc. WC, ENI.
Tie suleoolber eriuil I Itspeettolly rail the attention
.of bintel turner...and the eit liens of f'arlisle, and the
F11111.111111111:r eenolry eettentny, to Ills ctlk 1,
VAIIIt, at taelted to 111,1Vatt , !louse. hit \ Vont lit..
wi, hr aril m 4), ~,m.tmaiy ..ti hand a supply
f the best totality off', !Al • to mitt
L'uTOPl.l.ller,Tittelleove and 'frever
too, lb oken. Egg and rta,l—scivenetl nod miry
lit .11 be iolvtlgt" hiwsrlf he sell a• the lowest
prices. Best quality of I,ltatdotrnee'l4 t Blaritlilllllll',.
Cool al ways on lot net..
4ii ^.lll ohlets lett at the (Sore Ilose. or at ill ,
in North Ifittelder Arret, itlli Lo promptly .at•
April 1-I, (V. II EN [WILSON.
' West Main Street, .
Thy sal...Maws hiving alai.,ed of their entho stork
of lien's 0 . 1,11 t hire rophaii•loll their nio.ortnoolt ith
a largo lb 1 . /iCe 41111 iiljkirtl . S
:•11 , 11'S:11111 lillit014.• " snorted %Oai great tatro front the
toast ;a• Phiholorphin.mol us,
Hymn.' for style.and oorbsant,ship.
The stock main:lees et ery vstlety df latcliOß Leather
NIONITI, 11/Id Kitt hell Loot,. Ilse kid hoot flippets
Ftptieh 1110111 g Ile.. 'Piney Toilet
flippers. 311,,5es Goat \Velt.'Bool....‘lorseeto Jo , spti trot:
s ilil 1t pts)ertil 1,,50t 13000 al
1,6, ht every quality 11111ist all !wives, " •
Cnstelsers ‘slll le , sailed on Iy a lady, to. Is pert.-
nently Ili tIL stag.
Sep. S. thri. ;r,
- muleteriber ' respeeDully iiifinmw
~„))Di..i.lint he yenurned dmonl.dorlims .0 .
- AND 0111 lI.S, Inn West Main street, n le.
the 1i:1141411i and ban fug Meld el
Id.ther. 31dmeen add 'Cilimninge, ,sod eDu.:ed teD.De
t eorlopen. lie I. uyepared to mike ult to fnevd.e.
Inee . % noel: in Duet
lem disorreceived nl , lll
rd d: nl II net AND SHOES, rem priE•ind
I. Spring 111111 jMIMI,' lVe le. allthh he One" , ei lone
pin: es
41,11.1otogi's Calf 110 As,
;31,11 . 5. 4),(11 , ;r11 :Ind 111,gatts,
• . litilar4. MisMOS. : . •iipparsaaa I las.
with a 'deg,. variety of [lots. Altsses and 111114111,e Gal•
!via. BO et , . eta. Pm ehasera ant.. I vilit. , tl , l (a ( . 811
esataila• ItOlll,llT AlthAltl,,
Carlisle, Aprit .11.1hr,S. -
) )0T .1.N1) 51.101',31 - AKIN(.-3
Y ) & IL TAII, , M. reteri, , their sloe, I , thanllg In
their I tweeters. for the." ry tetiretmeo
dm, to thrill, teal eetil,l4espoyilully Inform the pol,lit•
tint they eetititme In IllaLLll , a , laru
ar_t_bal, old .taunt. en Strut lial,mer sheet, tttn dear.
.ilmve , the Brume stere of S. NV. Ile, erstielt.
ii ill. n ItantLer of first rate s‘erlistieti mnploymt and
r.vilitlee•ter seettriee the' Lest stoel% to 1,, , folitel In the
uerket. they /110 rrpnratl to roake.Alli (wary daseripLl.Fa
t is•plTe.t:,llSll6l.S. lop Italic,tunl velaliantal . B wear,
in the most fm-lilettat , lt , Ytylt, And of W.tltlatstet, list
[walla nod mialstentaltip.
Ilally years, of pry Ilea] eiperlettee lit the I , llsinesx
14 , [11 he, eniel josilt , es tle , ol in Slit 'Olio
flint they are able to I:mare hill satishietion to all those
tile, may leave their orders.
A pail 21.151 x, 111 •3. It tAXl.tilt.
1/ 1 ES II 0 ER, I E S!-
- S. C. Ill'YEri"S
Shad and 7ilnel.erol 4diffvrent grades.
, At IlUYE11"8.
Codfish, Salt and I . leldrd Ilerrhig
2.15 P. M
2.46 •
3.15 •
'1 k "
5.00 "
Cheese "till CmrkerF run 1.1. hmt
At 1111 Y k.'I•T•9
Pried Fruit, Preserve,. end Jellies,.
Swiii'Curett 11.44 • n0411 . 13113K,
A fiest) ,upply o,fIAQUORS
&)Ili, hood, AFC.;
A CA111). • •
TO the rOterA ff the Sixteenth ennuren4onal
. 111.+ riet in l'unnvkania.
- 4 111.1.041 C1 . 117.1.15h will
1. upon 60 twleer.a 101 041.:11 lit rtw loot
I:Angrer , .. ;Old isniel lug that the time has arrited wbon
tin, mina., who 0310 their mod by tho era of their
brown" inc.' nil 3111.1 rhbii the 33.1 effiNts .1 tbe Delon
cratie 1/11[1.41•F11.1. TrAtit'llnii..3', nod ore randy to Tutu
or nolo who 10. i• fu lOvor of to inaugurating tlin:irreat
oysleot of Protemlou W, Arne/lean lodu.trfr which
kb...A a whole life. to 1—
theretbee, at the solicitation of friends Air tho fllll,P, I
liner myself as a 'VA RI Fr CAN filliATE.
_unit feeling
that iirlitiii•titin to Ilt1:11 Is the great nue/4101i
/if :Igo, 111 the e,tril,ll .111 of ohirb I would labor
hall no 11 triumph which would do hooor
I. the memory or the 1)1,111ill Cl. 1111.1 restore our
I.olllllly 1.111:1. 10011. in 1.1111.111111,8 a n d fi
nr , sperity. Then
ninild be heard the sawn! of tile liaminers in the rails
.1. nil Hui 111 snaps. Ini the milp•ood ltodorles wild hum
nod /latter—Lb/lib woulit dom.:mils who are now da
or murk, t.,j0,0 to hovto g ao orpoFtmill:y t/ earn
breail " for their Arleen and rltitilreTi—thmi . 1
littler have d good lillsrklit funds lll . od . tl”o thou, would
tlitPunielistiie 1 , 1. hultobly 10W1l1,11.ii 1 . 01 illy ~.1.111118—T111.11
01111111 tille_lllll.4lt4 'truly !.,e “covered with bleselaigia
anti benefits."
Should I reeelet.:the notnlnatleu and he eieetoth 1
'dodo my hearty Ammon to the prlnetplee eet forth In
the People'', mild Me a State - Con - vett Me.
Sark, Juno 26, ';;S
. ,
Alt NI, S LOO IC llliltl
The subscriber has keen appointed apitt. for
uul county, for the celebrated Greettrastle
FARM BELL. which Ito tu selling at eery low prices;
an article s bleb has been sold all over the :State. anti
given satisfaction to all sho have tried t hom.—A Ina on
bend some of the Bell Metal Farm Dells, and everything
else In the farming and mechanical line. All to he had
at the cheap hardware store of
' -
lilt Nit
Carlisle, April 2'}
Ex() E SlO 11 1' 1 't IL It lII'S
A. It. UENWOOD would respectfully Inform thi
citisomi of Carlfsfo Mid vicinity that huhns taken room.
In Zug 'S now building, eaht corner of Market 'Square,
who, he is at 411 dims ready to• take AMltittrkli
In the latest and most approved Idylls. Pleturok taken
In rainY and cloudy weather as well as clear. and sat.
isNetion given or no charges made. Portraits and ISt.
guerreotyncs copied. 51Ininture Pictures' taken for
Lockets &c., In Ambrotypu.
,4. . su:
A mbroCypos warranted to stand tho test or thus, hats
or water.
'Ladles and Gentlemen are cordially invited to en
and examlno.apnainieni..
. Prices Irma Teets. to $.19. A. It, I.IIiNWOOD.
Jon. ,7,
. .
1 4 1 A It ,M ,E AIS„ I, Q 0 K _a Elt I,
The suliserllier desliips tii Inform lignappsitoil tbeinib..
lie iginierolly • that lii 110 w hue on bond and I. prin.
stoutly mount:ol4l4Lnc Threi.hiiiig 31miliiiiPs with, Plop.
iit'o '-' nt Stink,. `Oen - I y.l-70.7,kn0wl-
pout's l'utom AP Cr, w gonentl ,
tlihrhit articlei4 now In uxo. A*24 ynylo . ty .
al Improved Cut•
toil; and Colnbrated "Plow. ' 110 raw nttoniti.lo
7 ' the re fel rig g ' er , li , g a r to lchl n tt i rl te !l r l u s;l . l . lal3 % t i l i l u ,, rn .
rtery ,on
i s l , l:: ' r a tZfla a i n lo a ve 9 r ..3t. ': rett, directly Oppestro' th e, reelipitice
2 of George Metzger, Esq.:
1 * 1 4RMERS is . • Ole tinge to get
• a new THRESHING MACHINE ,tndyll 0 !VS id .
havers itutobor 4 wellinadelllichinbs'
- 'nor on hand. qt the Carlisle' Foundry 'WI Macklin.
Shop. wo will sell on the moat reasonable terms,
• • They boutkinly nil tho Intuit' imprOrrtnetith and are
' warranted toho of gmht maturlaland.workintinship.' '
ct Also. CORN SHELLER , or the meat hoprovad eon.
- atruotloni which do their work rapidly arid thorouibly:
For Went low prlcee by- ' • , N.OARDNEtt.k CO.• •
Itt..lS5S. ; • ; ; •
• f V KIX AT' - '
,• , • hillttlCll EIAWV4II.'B,
'sew ahntheilet or Doitgine _and tiherwyfel'e• uulo
hratefl , h7,XTI:NSIt)Pt .tilt.lllll'S. • Also ..11/1W Attylee of '
"American" ghttz, ,(vp,ry, byantlthh) rind n. vArhAY 9f
goods odltod fur the nelson, Cult and oxtuslids . '
„„ .....,7.131D1011 . SAWYBIL-:
VV or Itudet!
shades eat!, be Lad et the aqui. et re'ef ' " •
Itroltrnj-Egg, Story nn 'Nu
At 111131'0"1"14
, Alistellintrottm
Caii.loo 17 . o - Um dry,
_ =~=
, . . . .
..,._. .
.<•• . . • . 4 ' WI t , -- t7:
-----='. '''""( 4-71, - - ,..: 0 , 7,. 7.7.......... i.• ' ...._,..=="'
, Nitip„.., 7 :; . • , y,.
z ,-- A ,-- ' --- V'',i• - _, l ,,,'rit . ~.•:j .pc -i g, t p;- 4 . .. .7;`—•zet., - .0 - 7 .:- ~ • ;••'•-•;...":'--;
...„;.,,, ~.1.z.14_i1tz,1i1t,,,,1,.:,,,,,.,f,,..,,,,_.,. 11 , - -,-. -) ..- r --
~. .........-.,- - ,-; • .. -
..i , (... • ' 1 . -,..
~.4 ;r4itjiittjM...;:4A'iSg,ir'74. '.
.i....e I ' 1 , ,,
' .
.~_._.~.~a-~yEt-~~-r;_~..~-tt-o-~-; -w--~
• • ( - ANb FACTORY
East 'Minn Strout, l'A
Thls extensive ostal, , llshinon't Is now In Compteto or
dor null stlnnited with tlink!' , , t4 noolilnery for ONI•i•UtiIIV,
work or try lopartrnont.... The build' nuri horn also
Leon greatly old:II - gm! this epri 11;s• tol qtlitl,ell 'with OM
11010.281, :11141 most, Itoprt.riAl - fook . 1. . r Iho
I , 4ltutkrZ.'llllnds, 31oulolings. lin•ket4 nuAr nil N tiler
"kiwis ofArwmter 1.1, 11 . 4. lov I ti•
. peott.lsekutt other!: to call molyszkoline cur It..ll,ities fpe
doillg 34111 m glogerlption Nkto,lioF
“nd MIN'S us km- us at Ally other eStA hliShlOONt In
thoCoulty or ripen leer,
and ruphinst nv hi.rotofiut. I.:11: 41.4. s have Leon rereot•
ly built for IV. 11. Ilendl•rk,.n A 1111 n
111.y.11, C•n. .11 1e11 towiu.hip. API 1 Itts Neu':
11110, SiMill' A IVetiA , l. th li,idlnhai. and
tit Whom• eslal•lixhuoalt lhey 111/11 I.p.
01,01011.31111 to Sebum 1111 relic Pin rei•leure ~l' their
iltON ASI) rt.I4TINGS.
of Ivory 4,1441110 z, from the F.hiallist to tht•
exerutrd.ut 01.,rt lint
- Fri; 111.1 . . y I Ivaßtiriw:TOTlT`wriliZiTC
Tien vldlirtil i'llttl . lll 1110..1'0 eOliSt•.lri 1.1 .`.19 , 21
EitA Nti attowled to . '.101,,
!iktillvl (vs, riri.t Mins. Foam I,'' Xi.. Tnirrdin, 1410.
nit in_ 1111-BTirli7ve. io flo. I.t .pt .151,
teII)NES AND II '!:;;F:
suelt HS Ilrrtl 'Cletkr Poi I!ors.. ih u lv o ,,to
:1101 'lwo
rt.10.r4. [roll 10.1101.5. 1 . 11 , 11,11 IA het' at.
ticket for larthers. °II 11111,4 ~r p,"v , ptly 1,111.1 Li) firth,
nud rrpn — red. Our fitsilition forkuilditur C 0,..;;; 1111.
!nor. , isonplelirtlion burrtoli vs nod sunl.l.s us to fur
rink thin. to transporters-,o I 10. rin ;flu' uu net ..1.•
glntleut 11,1110.1111 d 1111111 V 1.1 Ilse tint tonic, Isis ; I Irder,.
solirilyd nod end, ss.ti,thrts.u.susuuar..l
The lone I rist• sotto,
partner of 110. lieu. and tho ,":1:1.10..twoo. ut nur 1110
elahlyry In PV , iy 1.11, II 11 iiin or
on 1 , nil ail) fiLyor
‘,llll thvii .11 - 1.1.5. TEE. vlllO itJ ii i pntionnu, idour rid
3/ny 64 it I.N Lit 4 in.
II \li I'llAti
11. 1 S r A
„.•7 , t 3- ,1.,' •,r.- ::., .--. ; tlf ,-,.
,-.,-;•?..-:-:,-..,,,':i;:.!;•,t.;:'..e"::-.2---.4_ _---',
,' i,":(",,,i ~,:•-';',..(:_e; ',itr",l,';?:• , C; - "••1 1 -;---- --- . 1 ” - - 4 ' - iris;;.`"
' "-k.' ' : " a -"," ~', : ::,;: ' ..;.1.;'1, ' , 1:;;IPV• :, 1 7 : 7 IN' : . :i'
-. . ,
_ : _s ! : it. 4,._- ;: i ',,,,' . ,;,,,,,,,.;.% 1:,•:!f; -?g:'-'. ;1k
7 .
- •
rI 11 ~ 1:11- 1 1011Elt Inform - tho
. ptinrole
ultheitm l.
Corn .11011 ors. fot Irtod or liptrw,po, , Sir.",
.11011.11, , .
IP, 1141,, thalii I not, l Ii 1111t1 K. A..., At..
111• ililjil_~ rti Lil . Mles
• V14 . .111111, tilif I , 1,1111 . 1 . .. 1111• 111111 11 II
I'lll 11 1 . 1 . 1 , 111 (hive er 11 , 03, :11:11 In 1 1,111
1.1 , 111111 . 1 . /111•1113 • 1110 1.4,t. 11111, ill • - •
Ile ,k ill .d:,l' lut illsh to te tier •
.1 It (1,::!; . D IIRASS CA:rIV
error- litwrlption,; 4311373111T1i11,1131, Th 1 ,1111. 3,
3 . 3.,11113 ( 3 ,3r111.111 . 33, 3 I.r ;:,r1;1:1i1 •. 3 3 4 :10: \ ‘1.3.331(1;
331 . 12.3131.1111i1y 1.1,14100 l I:alling for Colortio . ) Lot, k;ork.
Flirety Ar.. &r.
11,1•3'.% I RISC prompt]) tatotolod to for Iteoplutf,
log atrTiot , ,log 3Liolilot,, nod - all ICAO VOI
turd •
A. .1. line, l'orenian.
rl 'sit.: '5!•-4ort.
\'T L L1 , 01 7 1;11 BY 'S PATENT
The Earn:sin oft 111111.1.11:111ll 1,„y,4). Pilo lllVitl'll Fn
rid! ant tilt 1 . 111.11/411 Fan:airy WOO 0,1.110 1111. , 0
1,1111..1111.11 ae are now Inutolitacritring. 1A . 11.1,111%11
Ill"S IXUi.i lit' MILK of I,Nil 111111,1. is 11.41111,
thainbly the , rte' best trill non in ma.. it Vin,
rd the First Crendunt at the Pont., it :111121 :"t:lt, I sir
110111 ill 1... r. IS:4. It tans :11,11.111,1,:
Jill' I. lrot Creutiont at the Culitlwriand Count, Fair Ins•
lull, n nil 'line ran:di...l the I- u;ns Crattuttn• r t c. r n
beg l• It Luca, eNbibitisf. 1110 1,4,0 Ito
its superlat ity plea t. all I thers isdsi t "mut, lot imam ;
ureci au I.Mllllli.nt
tlebt , esufiiit:insi stnairs or
ether • Is
strim.llass it is tweslen arldided. 'I he •Ial•
tubes of t his Prill :me so eivineotisi with Inds, ittil•l sr
n' :rises. that min, they 1111.1• t .101 all) 1 1,411111101 n
111,3 lurk. isms oser 1111
re,raln theft tin mi.:. issdt 11, ant
stump riot loser in inches Innh ran le en:iv:n:6.oly
passed over mithant Injuo 1.. the
'I he ler dins: nip:matt, oi I his I,W-1s m . o.:l.:Aut.], ben.
Lrlug 01111100. A 44' V 011,1111,11 India altar t•nnos,
ntrantobi w hlt•lt the srail Is and dlsrleirsmi lelnrudb
thnily but in a en:lnt:int siteatn. wad mo irretrnlsrlty itt
waned ar einins, spami m nomunt 1. , A1.11
011 1111. 1. 1•3:11*
anchl• 0.
itll4.llt. the
vr he meant It all, ,
st.W. seed. But In: tlior ettlarmb, upon
the merits ol tills Drill Mr: neint .
pre:, to ilnAlf
Or. Ilt 1,4111.11•111111•Ilt t,llll 1,/1,11111. it .010.11.11 t
after seems Illm will be' sniFsfied , to It s
ority and lied it the v••ry ta suit the tarns r
and the field. -
It S
—The ilesolibell 11l ll l hill L. sent to pm'-
rims,. In Ally joist Id the United 311 d la, Au:i
-v:di:lml li arelintises„:l m ell un V01111111. , i. u. Llcorar to
1110, the Brill and rount3 riv.hts. a be Mal bt add: : a s .
Ing I'm prop:Fenn, O 11.1.91:11111IT 111,11 11, Cardsle,
Cumberland County, Pm
( 1 111Allt 6 AND l'UltN I.TUIt 1..
. _
.. 1,.. 5ni,,,,N.,111,1,4k 311 , 1116 , i lilinFelf pernianuntly
in ‘Vest lihrli ntiN.,4,1,,,,1n0r,:i1.0‘0 Om itailrumi Du ,
pot, has just iloin.d his
PAM NLT W.% ItEltinlliS,
uliero he intends. no timuuthvtlice and Veil
contittonly no 11:11111 erigy atl9n uC ral.d. Ciirt!itun:
nod chains.
Walnut and MahoganyargmtiritAs,
with niarhlo tops. Fra
'fahh.s and W 0011,41,115.
Walnut 11 hat•nots and Ward; ' •
if411'All1.01: mid IIII2IiING 'chain. N% It h volvet or
halt. cloth 1.1.:11s and Ino•hx. b.
_ Nhtloiotty and walnut, cloth, llltli halt cloth
or /%910 hi'ilt 4. , •
Plxin eltiirit of all kin& and stuffed spyinstlm•Non,
Curled hair:mil husk every votlot3.
fogothor lvllll all.ol.hof ,urticles usually found In ills
Mlle ut 14,1n000,
Nalco'fir:W.ll,m paid tot opnlrlogn'odynrolo t io g
furniture of nil kind,
Boh!. pro, Illed :;)Q0 with for osrellent [IF:ARSE, hu
In propnred to fill all Orders for , FUNkItALS du WWII or
Jan. ft, ISsB.—ly
• . cEe.
.I.t puLllnlu•d. Gth ...Mkt), Ilia sealed onvolon.•.
gratis mad ntallud to any atitti'm,pont•paltl. (iitioceVut
, of two elmfors.". q
. MIS lit t. 14. Work entail/tang front a eeletwate,t member
.of the nioilieal proli,sitt,'o‘es the most littPortatit hi
to nil peesons entertaining
doubts of lhi4r physical Condition, or %rho are 1.011,1”.11,
of hating hazarded Ahetr, health and linppitteso—eon•
tabling the partleulain (Won entirely teex and ported
remedy. tor speruuttorrltu•aer tienliml N e i nhticas. 144
Witty. Nerrolusuvel, Depiett.ton of i;pirito, ',ohs of line
orgy. Lact•lstule, Timidity, 1 livolksiktary .tintninal
chargiii, Impaired SUM, and Al emery.
Pimples tot the Nave, Piles. Intliaestion, Etlpitatio. of
the Mart. and Ihidllg l'rostratlon of the whole cyst...,
intluelbg hit lintelley and mental:oot physleal Ineupaelty
liv IIIt.TIS of wilik•hyv.ry onn tuay
y. :mil at as trilling expense. ft
9'9- C. let Avenue, Cor.
lifth street. New York; liot.-No. 4586'. •
• bt•pt,B,lBss-Unio.9.. •
- "'Thiele Darkiies,.., rover.v.lhr; Borth,
droie The People."
'POUNTRY . MERCITAN'fB, .und all
ethers, will tele 'Mahe,: That , they ran . euiiirly
thauga .
vop, Rey quautits . with .
' Jones' Far Finned Patent ,
"At die Wholttiatt . and Ilntali READ (iIJAIITEB, its
SOuth SECOND . :Arcot, Ithlladolphla..
:The onfy:p lace tax'alttals'e Monteles can hn oh
tattled for,the litateattr Pehoqivaals, Now 4ormiy
-.Thum/ 'antral glvi, a light: equal latenoity rf Sew,
' tear uf tixplo r editn.—No nil:pasta° tanoke. , ,Vary
eahlly lellowiel.—As cattily catolatrd as a (hi. I.laht".
Can Ito adapted +;A all .purpaaan --And Lollar than all.
tor a pour tuan.ito per cant cheaper than any ,other
portablallhht, no, ill COMlnon
Bute AIIeNGIC ALA?, yon
PATENT .12 , 41 4 C0AL OTT: TAM! ,
Lamps; 011er..1VIcit hlnttlatt, and
the Ha, s,
•; NA, as Nititb Samna tiircet, I
.)_)itil; • I 1.1,N, , TOINro.: olittrooal
FurgU Pl
) iJ fui t 1 art.b,,unil of
• W._LL.-31Us:itAr
piij v P . pliJ );*
tIutII . 3IEDA. 1J KM M
Nos. 1,8, 8, Ond 7, Korlh'Etitati, street,
Alia 10 our 11'. 'S A L 111.3 •P. I/
207 flidliniott; Berret.beltrerv) Chariot. •
• 41,4. Liyh t• !dvrim. •
', Thorn , 4:01.1.ralt:11.1.1.%:(”4 kin i t diffrrrnl Fairs. 'IT
5t,1.1111 NIL 111,5iVt.11.:1,, 1.1.1• n Inwntr4ll,l Inicht,t pre
nnintinlu ror oxreilloner over all it ropriltionn) Tinry r
almo lirunipronotplevtl IN S. Thrillnr,.' Ino I•Olui.rn•
401 plaulvli,n ,orld.Tinut otitrr
Inelinding, Mr. tilral.oNn•ln. 4C . .e.,,tr.. to Io rpm!, if not Ott
to any in this climitty. '
.‘Vollnavu twnHuubis vii hand - 11l our rxt
riron:r is - al.r.vnytino 101.0.4. t nrsn rtusrul
I'111:11.14 to In rotund inn I 1114.,•1•14 4:1.1( I. ”.• ill
vIo andon lino 11.1.4 105,11 totter to • lint
Ho. dunes. 4 ,
,very rase We giutrautre our i'laintF nr glrg °utile
qi.m.l/11,1,1.. 011 11:11111 /1 OM. 11SW:111111.13
1 ,1,,, ; , _011.1. I Eq. 11. , r.l itAidgll,2l)o:-.
1:11,i. ut. ht hvoinfl•lintl
I'IANIIS, nl , price, rpt1011:: from 11,
exeblin. ~, I, hir...l ninl !nu m!.
1111.1.1.'01 lc CO.
'l'll 11'TY-F0 N11:'.1),1 T.S
Till: I , IIIST PEENIIU:iIi-; ON Ell .11.1, CINI
I'. 1 1. ,1 . 1 N. 11,14,4" row.,! tht it 11 , •vr
waro 1'11,1,1 • 4.1. 4 11111,,11.!1.11in. Mt , 1 , 11.
tutArer 3 inrre :4,, ! 1 1,1 4 (111,4',1/. l'11,1,111"
1.1:1 , A111 , 1111111 . 11:Rif MA . ,I/ F1.4t . 414 In
vnti,•tin rI,IrF fIllt1,11• , 1
11111 , ottAl( .4 ,ettt
1141•411114 , 0:1 °4•Ione:111011.
N-• It 1•
H. -I.'• .%,IF, • .
• ..
P 7 BO irEie Wore Ihttotr,) ditti
4(O FRAN/. t Seore,)
• 'ti KVI.—VORK.
• 4? . • ISllin , nf T. ell, INlllarn ,11:In11,1 . nt Whk.ll,
vale I'd., at the 11,,wur-
Ilrorntullo,'Ill•Inlue mul Plush. Pram stilt Mid COD.
unni FOrlllt.l.lto
* EN A E I ) 011.01111'R TITNITCII-11:
In R.lru fr Ca:-3 to' * l °9. .
91.111N1:, Oulmi II 31, ts.o
1.1 A. SS
Aln••• rentlwr 11 , 1. nod In•ddfur. I'ntet•t Pretitlatiti •n•tttle ntl , l Ituddnv
th . lll-14 MILLI/Mt at 11, thr 1v4,44
1 , 4 3 , , , ttit.t•t•t r'4rl , ll;huu • nt 111 'l' k .111'
, •11.1t, nt xlllll4lll. ettrativi 111,'Itt•nt
0tt0•r10..0...0 to th , • ,•it,''. -
••• .
Steyr' FARE . POJITEI). _ -
S S UNI ON II 0 'l' le,T,
-find& 60S .Mitirket - Si., mbove
Pri i D.ELPHiA.
(i. W. HINKLE, hoprlotor.
• TERMS 125 th , y• j'! sl 7' B
• - • ----,
ri I LI Esr.r — cti AI H AND
L 1:f.q. , ,111.1SIINIIIT •
Mathiot's Gay Street Ware-Rooms,
i•Lrf ire by
. 1;10 0 . 7 do Pr. de rid: NI tr . ,' I , Gmilry
40 fr o ( front. 170 feel deep, and 0 ,lorira
; riNi Oil E, 13,11). • •
W 11,9 411 u'ia rilwtqF ult I null, IT lOntiv 4 , 111.4 . en
y Tral. A TETI:s,•
• loth, "I . " • • -
Frl l ll.ll Full Stuff and 11,dnl Hun, .1 - 1(31
ell Hush Ilnlr. Cloth. ol
:quit niqs
pith I•lunh. Ilnlr. IT .1:11,01101i,
:sot MN; ..half Prencts lailicvatt3' and Walnut Prirlor
CH AI 01.41, or Plwh.
dm-Ignp. in Itnh•, Z:lotli
1 . 111,11. ,
. .
Stull hir
1411 baud, or 111 !Mit. lk 1111111.. , vsith
goollp, to ardor.. • •
ell All iUl'ls—iu ll•ultint, cont.pirto. from
CANI: ell A IPS mid 1t0,4:1”,,-
. 1111 , 111. rondy•wndo
linr Room, nod Uhdn> l'ilAl lin , . in tUnk, Wuk.
nut, or :11nlit.,min. oh I. Clow. Prod or nntutl4 Scutt.-
311111.10 511.111116 C yolltruninoz on or :to tit '1,16
11'1.011 eta _nod dtOCICISIt
I'IIA 11th—u.1.. 11P.1110.1,
Feather hrdn. 11111 and 11110: \lnitrrannx of itettrx_vni'
rirtc. AL.,. till klinunt of Gilt - and Plano Frame,. for
Looking 111:1481,,, tn.r. •
17T I.N CH ES . TER •& C.O
Patent Shhaler Seain Shirt 'Manufactory.
' AT , 111111 OLD LITAND,
A. W.I.NOI,ESTKI: ill, give, .Al 4 horrit...fortt, haft pop.
simal J.:14w,, kin.. Utt.,. cutting ;toll !Annul:L.4m it,11.,
tordurc liii.e..l,lrAtmlstylt) or Shirtband
Collurs , _
persutyk~iriuH to nrdur Chu tt, r,Ol he eupplirvl With
the 1. , 1111.112 for illipmeontollt. on xpirtkation, I y
varied auti nelect stuck uflieu•
Fart. 141111•,..
Wll,ll.nale orders nuppllud s oil, liberal fermi..
L'r,irentrorth City. Konsom J'etrilogy.
Western Missouri. Iti:l 7 and sell
money. buy and anti deata,g,i,'.iinfid•inatlon
the muntry, Mid du a general ngv!ey buidnens.
Ilr:r r:l~r:~ws. .
John 11, Walton', Esq.. Ciallsle, Pa. •
Wm. M. ihadmia, hanker,. •
llon. J. U. (I inhanz '
Ear, lirenneleati A Co., hookers, Carlisle.. •
Vm -, N17 - ilender, Cutts
tleurall Sanderson. Esq.. lAneaster. Pa.'
- Dr. John A id,
co. Cereal!, &le" •
E. W:lllark A: Itankeeit,
lion. Michael Coeldin, Shapheadsteyw, „ .
henry Reiman :p.SPlis, :Merchants, Ilailinfore'. . •
• H. L. Make, Esq., Cashier :Mercantile 'lank, Neil' York.
Snyder ..C.NPFarlano,lleal
7 311tiiiieasatiliirrifer - y: r. 7 • ••-
Wni. Kllgnre: Isq. l , Attorney and Eeal , Estate. Agent,
Sterling, ' • ,• 7 ' . •
W. Matber, Ilona city, flu.
yyc inv..loseph Hither, CnniberinuirrOduty, Pa.
K. W. Clark, & Co.. Bankers. Philadelphia. . -
Gov, PolleekAinrilaldiag, Pa.
• March lt3 1867.-Iy. '.•
AA C ia :TPMr l * . rY' YI r Y I V YpRAE:
NAnurmyrum. ;
,OLASB INOKS,'110)IcliK.4111.10 YTAL. „Mt AUtJ.
IttyrCLP.l3, -ETC,
61nst, , Wnre• fir Choinlots:.brtiggixtPi Pe'rnmlorA,
Pliontgraphhrsi ete. 41ntott.i: lnbNNan,' hy Op: iitio!ttise.
A Illrernl Asentmt um& -lho' tnuto... :I)ittois , .,front
C,:qinfry_DrkiwiotiOtlttdr MOO* . golicited.' PHA, ,1.1 , 4 p
gout 011 upplltMloto.. •• r [ A ULt4 5 6 r 11; I
. „ . ,
_ , .
' XlTliteri - SALgat,, -, 134!)i . i!: iiiiii:',i'?oou..
.7 ItiliAOU'Etit ; 'roil (511:46 . ,,Currit u i du.,,-.:ltnnbele,,
tir.6 4 -froolvltt- --,-- - ----.- -------7-:U:-4,11Ir.f ER'S.''
11 , E . , BEST ,
:F0 itTES
P.,, •1 ~o j
'A."11.41'11101 k SUN,' -
_. North thq !a.m . 1 , /tottr street
J. 4. :%43111 /1% . ' El. I
Pt V lJiti.''
_L - • lA.
A ileuevolow Itotitttlit t uetxhllxbed II ppaelnl an
dua moot 11./ l he ndlat or the dixtrepod,
Vlrtilinst and I.pldtmlle dlmetssea.
htot , l Sea..ttal Diseases;aitCli es
IV t. KNESS, 1
ti ,ENT, SYPHILIS,. the. Vice
N ISA:, o iU,1 0 .1 LOS F., - . 4 10.v&0 ,
Tito A AS :a:/ . 1 . 1'14 IN, In view of Lim awful;
otei•tru.dnio of 1,11111/1. lii,, ellloll,l by
• MA
till iivernliountrififitiOd Upon lb,• unf.,rtunate
titnti 01 . .101 .ll,lltli,rlfi• mitiavltx. several sears ago
roctoil',LP•'tro.niting Surgeon, asn CHARITAIII,E,
..vortily of their name, lo,umiLta . upensnylor
cv.a.t.ei0,,t...4.41 . 11477 7 43fna5e5. - nt'airiTriar tortn
and to giro, ELIILLI L AILKICP ill, A
'Ater—with-.11-1,/ndr r 'sondltbv....„ .
(age",'la - oolniiliTif:balas - i;f In Noon of of
thorn. Invert;, 1611 MEDICINES ulll
111 E. IL not•dbl4 to, lobl the A N%
roinomuds the Idglnet ttrdiral M 41,11 of the age, and Will
finish Tip plO4 approv. 4 tilodorn Id'eattnent,.
Tint I,ll,efOrN, on a rOVIev, of the past, feel assured
tbat.tlodr.labors 11,thin sphere- 1.1-benevolunt - effort: -
have been of great tio , allllch4l. elieelally to
too Young, and the hare res.!, e.I to•devoto them.
selves. wit,. zeal, to this any important. hit
mini] chispiami cans, ' •
by the a Report. on Spet.
Matorrivei. or : 4 ,411i:0il Weak tieSti. the Viee.of Onaulatn,
Masturbation Or O th e r Ojc,ese, of the
boslr.l , irgao+, tit., l'ooNnltlng Sargeort,,llleb .111
..sent. by 111111. 011 a 8,1,1 114 ter tolvolop,01 , 11KI: OP
Oil I QM... On 13,..1.114..,t - rw.,5 . P.5 NIPSfor notdage
Addre,s, for
libel or treatment, Hr., tlr;o101 1.: It.
Iliarard Asso.lation,
N 0.2 South Ninth Ploliel..ll,hl.l,Ta, •
FA1):(1111,1), Secr,teiry. • ' •
-7 , -
' `t
\:ll4ff.iti ': , , FP
Ttr , Tglri:4) .
eyr,i,h 4 .‘ •••••-i;•• , .
- I k4r 'F : •
l i .;..E'?""lii - i*l v eNai , tl , ,, I:: z. 4:i ts t
0,1; .
;rtf' , 4 . ,•
• ,
C.I. Bli
;11orkel SI., above Eighth,
.y 17.1101, ES.I:LE AN I) It IL, at
I tII4. Plii1.11.111111;t tl nlrti mot .li•wolry qpre"
No !1; ,111,1 Hileet, Coma. 01
1.1/111-1,-iplillt.' •
00111 I.vver 11'.-drlo , s, 1,01 10‘‘ 0111.0,14 curotolooo‘. 4,2.110
0 40 1.1010.. 10 .0004. !.100
'it,l . l . 11.11.1.. f00,1 0 .0 1,,, 1. - - 12110
, i 1.., 1.1.11 , ..j,....010, '. llllO
:top, ior klo II ti , 114. ' 7 00
11 . 01.1 'ill, t:lfir,... . , 7 Cl)
1101. Silt et. 11A..1 710
. .
.t,IO Itrarviet.. -• a 10)
1,0111. ~1;, 1 11 iVIViI, . .
I 00
SilV, Ton :vti , lit. , ot, 14 00
1.,;),I l'ot, , ith Pvor.ll 000 Silver holtler,• • - ' 100
}1114.4. 101ogs 4.1, to-.0%0 ;- lVntelt (Thviswe.
0 2 ,1, 12 , 2 r..tto•tit I,tlet..2s;mther.artklen
,f.110.1S ..irrautvol lit be what, Hwy are
, . ST.II.I , FEIC.
'lt. )13114 ,otllo .;1 ' 1 , 41 Lev..rx and Le
pirlls -till I.,,ver than U... jorleog.
I; It C S B . E'L E Wit
. '-11.lpt AI lItN A IrV4,1:111/(111!TO
11)11Y .'.41;'01)11) . .STORE,.
E1G113:11 STREET,
11:.•11.00t.“ No. 49.) .
I'll I,1'li 1•~
DRY (MODS, W 1101,ES:1 LE Aril)
oNF, 1•loPYIT—eilZ11 , roll C1:111
-.4 N. • l
Rvv , •
.11 lib I T
1 14vk1i.44 4 _30' t
Ma nut S;rert, 11",,f (' , :rn Third,
0.001. d any /.1,10. [ergo or small, elpl
ter.•aM poW A.Olll t ho day of deposit to the day of with ,
The plllee Is open every Any from U n'eleek If the
, o'e . ov;Ctn nibertiooni,arot uu H. day
wet 'flume:ay evelliDge till 4 ii . t.lo,k
II!: \ I: T 1,..,11ENN eat.
SKI.FItII,IIE, Vie° Prealdont.
t . AV.)f..I. REED, Seeretary.
F. roll itte.svxter,
IP. Parry,
Fr. 11 1 .1 ., Lite,
it .Nry DiiTendi•rffor
war.l. 1, Cnrtm - ,
C. 14 ',W»l>',
Moil., 4, 3 ,11,0 till iripuonts In gll,ll daily
Tht. i111,6,1,...11t1t made In !teal Entette llurtgaggnY
Grun.l Neel* 'llllll tnrh llrxt rliit xururith•x as WO
(11.11, rT•tulrnx.
14,04 11,11511.
Sl'A I'ES. VAN, 11'1 N.; Two liusimra)
111 bpr: :I lIIIi IN,'NUMENTri WEEK:
ConiblOn,: 311 their Iteeentimprovonl.3l4—the DI, bled
3,1e11. :11eltAleon. &a.
aim DI vltiv.i V3II only be oJ.t lned 111 Mohnleonx
GE!). A. l'ItINql.:&,(30.
Manufacturers, -11iitTnliri-Mevy—W6rk.:'
• ._•tv.ti.ll,EA IWPOT:
87 Fallon Bt. .21% Y., 110 .1....;ke .rt. ehieng,),lll.
Lou, Hn+..; V. 1.7 - f`oltAirii. 0.; Paltrier A.
Wohor, rin. 1,A119, : Ph. P. Werlelia, Noe Orleeine..
The ‘tolt,.l‘ , :ont ailnitfootttr,ti by Primal A Co.. and
f..r site at 07 Volt , ta Ntreet, ~r the best In the, world,
Wn - hay., 'Lod tharer . .tu'ndeist.andr
4ly of th,lr invritn. are atfordeil at a Tory mod.
orate root.
PltlCl:r;,t)P lo,trl P.T.11 INSTIICIIENfzi
Four net 1:0 N 6101090. t?too.liol; from C to C.:1.-1 45
40,1 11.111 . 0..t,,,,,_ • tOl ,-----, -04t-
PAt'oth.l.“ 4 41.1•Me.01,if
Fit.. o , t , tvo, think!, r.‘0.1, ,In. Fto F'........ • 130
!we,. nt.
ICI1Vq• iif ROM,, E) 3 4lit Stop;
lino A`ilt n tint f Ch.{ ity• Vont Ouo Sot of itvokirc. in
Ihs / $360
PILICEii 1,1,11'0
Fir° 10t• 11,,10J00n, 05.t.1.41ng from von
st 01:Inv,1 Melo 111 , 111: do. FW r • 136
qt•tav•• ilou mod. 110. IMI
FiVO it:Mk .1 tiuya• "I• 2011
Oar fin.lllllol for inenufactUrlivzor, porfort, and from
OW bin.; P 5031111,0 hi Ow bin.lnes4, baying finlslicil
and 9.~1d ”vor 1 . 11.1)1:SAN 11.EL4,DE.
ONS, we feel roulblent of dying s distortion. -
A 44 °Ur 1 11 , 111111tilli,lre•viilioel.olil by us,
'ordoolorn In MIN pert or the thdted Rotes Or Confides,
tie WAnit,gl . l.o i” Lo iivrrert In overy.reolic:4. alai ShOnig
any .rep Lire be 11,0.nry buierfl the explrellon otimo
yerr from the .I.lln ilnig rv„dy and
to Ow seine fruit .it - provided the
ujurriii-nutTroused - try - neritlent - nr-dmi.,o.
it Co. 1. PRI NOE: et co,
outs fir t lio - Falwor our in;
urluel pet Aides Mlld tOrrnH 11! tile I.lllltod Statok
ttll the
nod I
't Catil.l4--MII:TOCIli, TAMS. .t SMITH
AI Nowvlllu-W. LINN. • [wayl9'sB,
L t.stiluopy ot 110(411 and Dr. Brlnckle
has Ing.prc olously boon publislowl," thy following is now,
mrewisKy. formerly profoooor of Theo
and lir:tout:not Iledlrlun.ilr the Female Medical'
logo ..f Ponuevh nuln, nod loin Prot user Of Suivory In
' filo Aloorloon College of Ititileino, Wo.• •
Nur; 1/1511.
Mr. Joisopli K.- Hoover I inn' I.l' sour ' LIQUID
..11.1.1 it 1/ will convince thu quoin aii jti 4ili that it Is'
OFX,.I3.I;IIANY, nud rot iti (Clots pripttrlltlo3l. unlike
ninny colliers: it '.his in .i.ororhl Instances pmreil," Ser.
vli,Ll,de I» the r.nroof one entnneourforuPt Dino the
"hood, nun I baro• no liroltatlio, in einninonillog It to
those rupulrllm such on :4pplientlon,• "' ''" •
'Tory respectfully, •- ; J. F. , X, - "Metif..IJSICV: M. D.,
•• • ' ' 47tillaro St., above
iii)Vglt'S .WitliflNO't3, liB, i»clutlhig lillVßg'A
hi'l'l All • • . nd O • Is
Dr ttl.b
slid nmintain 001'11141i obaraeler, whieh Ito,, always'
1 ot ifvoi•ito.l 40.1
; rontitioe4 Nit, I otiirrulittiti until ciltt Prek , lit•
Ntannfactory; Ni... 41.- DACE
Stv'et; ,1 0 011 We ~ .11,f Ni). 1440
prompt nitwit
. .
Ifft. SANtioltD.
..,CompoundiLtntlrely from GUMS,
ri OW. li pu4ti.vrivN Ati IA
tlithlOlNt..S. :,,f,re t kat ;lets ne .1
LAT1111.7'10 ! 0011, ....111,. :101l 11 , le can:tool th.ot sit} -
other iuraieio, , I:1,00111: It in net 111113, Ovrit ti;rlc. but
- tclifVeti fhe LtVIAI to. eje,t its
morbid matter, Chen .1010 n 0111341 0111.1 1 / 1 11V0I11 1.11 car:
ry or !hut • :natter. thus accomplishing two purposer
effectually. without any of tip, palolul fueliuyn export-
uriccd in the riporat ion LllllOl4 e ITII tltTics. I t strfolgth•
tots the system ni the NllllOlllllO that he purges II; and
it - up untamai rapidity. ,„,
• _ prinelliaLregulatort„.!
functioin wit the pow- ' ' era of. the system ere
(tiny du,elnped stomach ix almost en
tirely dependent on the r healthy action al' the
Liver fir the proper r!'"1 Oral:thee of Its In tietlons
when Um stool:10i is at fault. the imwels are at
Molt, and Om whole —L I system - sufTers - hi - ronse ,-
homier . of IMO organ— /5.;7 the Liver having
ceaktal, to do its duty. .
For the lits,,,ses of Unit
Mogan, inn' of prietors 111,1110 It Ili;
1411,1.1', h, It pritall.o .it more than_L, tot ty years.
La find 0)1110 remedy cr} wherewith to rotinteraet
the many derangements to which It Is
prove that this ry, amity is at last found.,
any person troubled' with Liver Coin..
plaint in any.w 1111 t to try a.
bottle,- and eptiVletion 1.7 e• .
7911t511 morbid or, I•nd matter
from the system. sup- g In their, plat, a
healthy flow of bile. ho rating the etoinaeli.
rousing fond to digest porifyieg the blood
giving toile and Bennis to the svi.. l o mm hinely
retno,lll: the CIIIIFI3B of • 0, and elfert•
leg- a radieltl curt:. ' 41.
Into llos'e afteeenting • 'ix, sufficient to relieve
the Atonmelt and pre. vent the fund fetus ris
ing and •Miring . •. -
tine, thurat taken hefonl rotitli,c prerents
• Only pot tal . t1;11 0. 4nl • Ttitlit leutioux the
tsovels gently. and mires ei.sti‘eness,
. . . .
Ono dome taken ,alter COO oteh meal will cure Dys.
ea-One dose of tics tensponnfulsowlllalwayv
relieve 'irk Headache.
tine Imtt.le taken for Minnie obstruction r 6. j
Move,: Ott> outer, or the r di,eome, onoi o ,
0111y-1111,VAIEll 111110 , 1- ii tly 111 ires ChQty, I
$.111 , r1 n,. , ported Is a mire ente fort',,
Cholera Morbus, and a, preventive nt
'ClLolera. -
One do.n token often will preventahe recur
renco ot blllnittot at- t acke, while it re.
Heves" all painful fel+
1t5)....M1). one Imttlein needed to 'throW nut the
of system the oyeetn of ‘()D - media. alter a. long
sick mow.
Cno bottle tnhon for anima lee rentoven all sallow- .
tlesn or onohturnl odor (root the !telt.
Otte rktte taken
_taie trnhert Iling.befoie_oraing Oren
-- tVtirtroipputite end indlies rood dieent
Our•rh,ee after repeated cores eh Ellnie Diar
rbtrp In its worst forma, while sia min er ad bow
el rontidnintx yield nitoont to the else
. .
1110 w lan deal: litres nt Lae!, •1111/4011 I s worm.;
In : then, is un skirer. safer ot spendlur remedy
In I In, its it nuv, Nils.
rlervoive In vo , uilsendlog . 1.1114..
1111411 i i 111• 1111 a preventive Ow Pe via and Wire, i
('hill triver 1111 d 1111 Fl•verm ni a 111111. m.
T} - pr. 1 4 , •prates with fort:duty, and tbous.ullsaz v
to lestlfs to its Wlll/I.ll'lful
All oho use It on. , als111.11.•11. tumultuous tv,411.11).3
to Its
Ifj, ti • - -mouth.with-1110 In igorrttor
'and swallow Wilt ' • •
IffA (tit MAIL S'IENTIFIC A1E144111, ' ltlgthiVlinY - .
and is daily tiorkin¢ ettot•s. noon! too ,trvat to
It ettros AN Irby 41,11,41 e, OVO/1 fI o 111,t 1010 hette
fit, and sokbon morn titan tow Itt , ttlo to r.itilt,l turn,re
nu,' him! of LIVER INottplattit. front (Ito
M t , or I)),tiwittAn to o iNinotoolt 11,0,11, oil of wltielt
my }hu moult of a I)lncnued LI v
Itroteln,tl . New York
earlifili, by r. 1:1,1.101r and S. IV. II kV
1.315 T ICI%.
B 1: L 111 AD OF
(103 i I'I.F.T MU:SKR C Kit
. .
, - Aid - elle Clint is goon) ii ....old not •Irro it reqiireil to
runner eoltui Cr bald:hut w•eild 1111'13 11111 - 1:1,11111 1.0-=-'
stored. or (molded with datitlru:t :nil itelilinr. but
. would hair It retiet rd, or troubied with iii•refula, scald
head, or other er111 . 19t0,• but would he cored. or with
.'irk-head 'she,. (nehrab.ita I lot -would In cured. It
will also remove all pimples' from the fare moil ,hint ,
Prof. - At'irlil't. Hair Ihistoratito will du all thin, tee circle ;
Inv and the following: '
•-.- ' - . • • • ANN Anna:: Norrindier S - ,-Itlfiti.
. t.,,, il...l...lyo n ear Sir: I_ have heard marl,
,-,r the ~ , ,,.,!..rrui ..a,,,,,, of your !lair Ili...dor:ill, ii. but
having been PO 11111•11 ellerai! I Ily litmckors, aiiih atUiek i
1114 , 4111111 h, hair dyes. Ar, , 1 1V:111.114111SPII 10 piaci, your i
liestoratite 111 the eau., ..tatettory e4li the thousand I
nod trumpeted ;p1;...1: reni...11..E,u10.11 1 tilt
)011 lli I.nwriinvii county smile mouths i4nre, when .tioi I
gave me surli'llasuraneit as induced lb.: lila' ~f )our'
Itestorat it it hr my faiolly,4lrst by tit) good elle, wh ose
'111.11.113d beisauo ran' thin and entfrely white. nail to-
fore exhausting one.ef your largo 11 ,, 11.1, , v, her hair was
restored nearly to Its iniglunl beautiful briw II ruler,
,11111 hail t1111.1.111.111111111,01.01111‘ he:toilful and glossy ui I
111, and etillrelynver the head: she v.:Wows+ to use ;
1 1:14t,
It. not. situ dy 1,14,11140 -- or Ito beautlf)ing effects upon
the.linir, lii 'because of Its healthful 111111101,00 111,011 ,
OW 111,1,1 AM, illll.. tither,. of my Coolly and friends ;
are using yourl
iiiiitorative. with the happiest efforts:
thei•ofoui, niy stoititliii,i and doubt s to re t eriet , to it s
eharneter and vaino tiro olitirvly 1,11,11 , 11: and, 1 can
and at; 1....,:t vordiall3 311 , 1couti.10;itially relionunbail its
use lc all who would hone their hair riaitoriiil (non
while or gray ilw 11,00111 ..1..1..1,1.,,,, or age,j to original
I'OlOl . H/1 , 1 1,0:1111y.1111,1 by ell 1,11.11 11(.1'111;11S who WOlllll
hat u their hair beautiful and g1.e...3. I
Very trill) and gratefully ;lours.
5t)1.9310N MANN.
Fptryn {Bijou: It wan a hi/M . after I saw you at
I lonorot I ant ti: bottle of ilehtoratitafor which
you care ono an ea:11,1.11volt pont ottent In . Dettolt, and
whom I gig: it he ohnorluoloot to try It on NI , . Mottozin
halt, as tir sorest trot of Its power. It loth dolor all.
that you its,orel ono It 'wootolol o; and ol to)
family tilt fri4lll,lS. hating to Huh:tool Its tolloottol, nye,
new cosine and rrohnonnonoliont it , no , too othtrotas anti-
Clod to the'lllvoloroot consloirsation )nn clotion for it.
Aptio;very re'spertfully
L4f)1,1010A MANN
1.1 2/t, 1 of 2.
..,4 1. 1 ,1 1are to/rd Prof. 11 .1. Wood's Ilairl l itirstoratly,. and
vu admired Its wonderful elfetu. My hair •st an 1,0
rot lig. AS I prenuttutely wily. but hi the use
oY his hest/Tallvr It pa, rut/nolo] In original rotor. and..
I, have Lu doubt, prfuntneutia so.
5. , ,8111,1.611. ex-Senator, 17 S.
Prepared by 0..1, 'WOOD t PO., I I I 31arket street,
Saint book ‘llll 11.allwav, - Nett York. stud son' br
all Druggist,trul Intent Me/I1 lit, Intalsrst ;Who, by all
Fancy .4 Moods Dealets In the United. State.
.4 l'anada.
. .• . ~ ~ .... -5'2S.
For sole I!, Carlisle; by F. W.,11.1, ERSTICIi,
ELl.ltirr. and Miii;i:b4 , evsl" , ? her,
A Curd Cram Dr. James M. Jarrett
OP 'Plik:_:11611 ti, is ',UM; i.t r i 11
neetion far tho pomelitht years Mil. the above I tissue
tido. as Chlvf illlySlelall, and a Melte years courso of
steady tlev.d lon W tl in Pure of Pulmonary Con:tun:la ion
stint Its 4dinlred disensea.-together 0 lib lily unrivalled
opportunities 0101 advantage of pathresearch—
+titled lies a little by a perital vy stem of tlcalleal I !Main.
trop—has enabled too to arrive .it a deli:tit . .. threet, and
rueee.sfulsour4e of treatineoL Ihr the y e ah ea.! enth.
cal envy of all diseases of tho Throat, lames, and
liv Isle Intim,. the vaparAnd costive prop.
Vrtit , of nnsli , AneAwreAfrrti.f +O.l ressed to the disc:weal
orgatis nut the lutextutient. Ido not 101Vbal the use, of
)Lethal Inhalation, of any hied, to the ,teltittitth
genet:at treatment : and although 100114000 It a useful
:idled:tut let the proper netnaextitent of thaw. fi.srfohool
,often 1;lbtl disease, Sit I deem it very 110,01,111%1 that
earli patieot should limo the latish{- or hook goootoi,
and or-my traMps 1 la
almve diseases, nod the high eharacter of 'the - I tia:l
'tut lon over which I have so long had the honor to lam
silo, ant too well known to need any eulogy or gime
mast from ma. : At that sap:it:alma it nut :13 pi irate and
Waft sSiollllllllollda thrbulih 010011 pill:urthrel it aid
the above eliarity lots Imes long and tIl ei illy s110)100ted
Sall after tine consideration. I hare conellnital to maln
atoll arraintJtitentads will bring the benetits tit my
perienre and troaLtnetit within the reauli vf all, Mat not
.‘mthte myself, sx h,rotororo, to Ilio,o• only who enteied
the 1 Ittfriiiary,nr who were able to Visit 1110 lit icy other.
Hop herefere. that thWarraliganient epyjm,
natistartlAn. Ira!, in my tirareatiblaal brethren and the ,
puldle, I would respectfully ;11111011111T 111 011101101011,
that 1 eau lone br eattethltett pet...tally or by letter, on
nil naoll/all a/1116,0.111111 that the 1110db:11105, the /11110
101 Used bi the I ntaittitlon. prepred to stilt 1,111 hall
-trident not. I nittLina Vapors. helical l nasal's,
At., trill he thrwarded by •sprees to any part ca. the•
United etAtell or the lloutdas Tenth:—My loans of
I treattnellt hy.letter or , net follows. $lO per month
for earl: patient. u bleb will inelude leedieine smaelent
for one niont ICS Mall Ms!, and ad,.l
baling Apparatus. raynonit as lolloss: is. to I& /mid
to fix press A4ent on receipt of the leis of !oat
the balnotet , ,fli at the ospiration of the inotith, if taro
patlent-be (oared or in entirely sathdle'd with the ins
input, Patients, by glvinq In full Id...f.e* of their Cale,
and their symptoms In full. eau be tn.:111'11,1U roll by
Jotter why persona! eNallillottlon I Patients at inlind
themselves of Dr. darrett's treat:l.lot 11.33 rely 14.0 a
11110M:do and permanent relief. 114 lie ,elth ii has to
treat aeaseov er Chit ty days. Letters tor oat lie 104144'
ly Answered. For further particulars addle.
. . .
st. .
No. 8 . 2.0.11r4 wit
ly. Cr.l Twoirch , S. Y.
P. S.—Pllynkl.4m; mud all eru vl•Itit:;; tiri., vity aril ki,
Ppotittilly In vit...,1 to rail .it. tlio Infirmary, it here tti;tVy
interesting ....0 , . 1 , be I,ll.l.ltssod, mid whelp ,tur ni.
intovED 11.13AlfATUe' Wl' Is i lib:dation vilitealeatrd sirs
0011 NI Ritell And illlipeet,d. [Sug.i'tth-titit:
• Plt,:P OM MAI.I VLY ; • .
PROP. H. U. DO. Y.A .11,,
Formerly of the' eldteyr tittuone;
• •
In unw,offertsl to the publir Ihr• the Cure tit'' all fore
•and Painful Diseases; .fee it'uniineo,,Paitt;er-SAtreues.sln.
any part ntlho-S) stem w iihournatiStus Pain in the Pack,
Breast 01 , , e 4 , 11.45, (haled Ilreasts, - Now:dela,
Sprains,. Ileadnehe, Vraiup in the Stout:tell. nr any other
Disease. that is ;•, , )PE - AMt FIT 1,, and' it Is only
nvor this chow nf tilseasel lvo 'lobs' a - I . IIII , ECT,
Tony, Ws say P eV' to: ~un'Wir . e 0:
iii,iti•el,,.uir.,rerti9.tinKh tut m 100. , J,61
say c, the puhile, Vn.f. Ito Vail was 9A yenta In bring
lug this auslioluoldthe pitpatiorit) it has over all ell '
' eat- NI. 50 routs per bottle, r , :343,!', per rent' oirtu:
tll. „till orders must Lu ottilressed ,' • „ • .
•.• . :
.1. 1). 'Solo ,t'irt. Mr U. 8,
" ; sbowlstoUtt,' MIMI'S county. '
MN by tz.' thisortitiOtt.l). 1:111,0; it ; I(mmiaii.
tolciu um! tit, all the outil ry stores thtoughtlut
N TAtic,..—••N,tioti -is - hereby 'given,.
_.:, 111i,,t Upp11,0.1.11 , 4 ilk IslCt:Nill , ,: multir 111,. net of
31,u 'Veh.l.l4ul,lm &it', Rupp' lulu, t• , -muat twilled
ilau u n.lorvlF :. $t lln or I , ofuro tlu.'2,lllity of A upfultuelr.
ot.herwlEU,llloy will Ont,be 4t.tirci:• - ' . ' . •_ •
I ' -• ' '.' ' • '• ' - ,'• ••- ' -'"D: E:.(180F1, Clerk:
„Mtift.4.'S • I ' Sbi AN
A- • r.0 , ,1nr dd. fur y:zrt r Ids 411
clavcilot, hos In, Eitlttpu, .I,qo Atrlen, a,
. t,ott „loon b:1;• vela Llo'ne yam /town'
of our IVesleeo c o ootrj—lL,,Jo i In Ilk wAy
tfitt,lnlion 6.n t {i,l; , . 1 1 15, last. disenvored. Dr.
lilt Li 55-1•111,1 - t 414rta I ludr Mk - fart that, nil
41600,r-'rtes- iron: I M 1.1:1111' TIIR II lAA
nit r Favuytly health nod life &molded njnni tide, vit
tt lien Its. various passages beyoute eltigged, and do
list 'ail lu perfeet harninny with the different lutletionli
of the body, the lolonat loses. J,t.s,;,,aglitut,,,...heriulutiti,4-bielt
causing all pains, sick,
li±,iltd_dy, musty7curt - strertpth In en
-Itittikttlt ifttr:ht allitie..ire- 11 . 1 nprited-oh.rtbd-if-natttreirt
no.t Assisted in throe/111g 511 the Stagnant
lIIIIIIbIM- Idle blnodu becoonie' choked and reasor4o net, and thus
our 11,dit tit MP' Sill Oliver Lu bourn not. flow lin.
pro Unit then that 'lre sleuth] keep OW:rill - Ions passages
of tine hotly hint and open. And how ple,aitant to tin
that se hove-It 111 , %!11. s.o4Ser,b/ put a inealltine ht your
- - rottielglnainely. Yittrite's loodbin Root Pills. man utiletstred
crow plaillS anti roots whirl? grow ( "round the 'noun
tainos in :itturtt*.it garden, for ,the intalth4isti re
rot Pry tit di4easta litan.• line Or the roof, from
,w bath
there l'ills lire •utatle Is it .rindoilfle. which opens tin
pores Itt:the skin, and assists Nature hi throwing, out
the liner pint. of the corrliption within., The second In
a plant which is an I , xnectio ant, that omens and un
,log,t the passal.J., to fhb longs. and thus. In a sr tithing
Manton, pet fortis its,oluty by throw hog oil
other Ittuesis from lungs by copious spilling d uie thlt . d .
is a I thirelie. 111deh Vieth ease and doubl e stro owt b
t the kidneys. thus encouraged.. they draw hares...m oun t, '
of Impurity front the tilt od, which Is then. throw i t mot
' biotin t I full 3 by" the urinary sr water patisaire, and it hkb
not hnvo . bruu discharged ill any other way. 'rho
fourth Is a lie and /western/les the taller pre!.
orties of coarser P, engage In purifying. te
! blood ; the:pat tittles of Impu d
.purity' which )'sunk
1' pass lir the oilier ltiltiela ore thus taken up and
veyell till in great ti ittiti titles by the bowels.
From }lot IS Shean that hr..3haiia'a lamau
not only tooter the stomach, but beeiiiiie
lolsial, for they 'font iris; to etreee part,
and completely rout (slit dud elealiSe the syrieni, from
, all ittipttrity. mot the life of the body ; hint Is ti t ,.
i blood. Ifeettilitto pitrfitetly consequently . ell ;
OM:nests anti path is ;liken hum] the sySthlo, tin they
avows rtlinaitt when the busty bynames Si) pli re end elear.•
'rite reasolt why people tau rot distressed when skit s ,
t '•and why sto toitity,rdie, Is Limas)' they' do 1101 }let a
inellittlite widen still inns 10 the aillicted gear, and
'rill open the sattmil passages li.r the disease to
I 11 cast Alt: hence. a large quantity ai food and Mier
w ?tor to lodged. and the_ stomach and Intestines are
O v eri le.w.litg._.t , ith. - tlit.. - etorrirPh3d - mash-t Ins
undergoing dim:inhabit.. ternittstatisn,
log Is id] the I.lloa, WlllOl, throws the inerifilittil intitter
thit.;ttgli every vein olillartery, until elf in tithes from
the body by Maros, Dr, Nittrite'S PILLS hove added to
tlittins,dves wirlitry linen Victory, by .., , ,,t or b, g
f health and happiness. • }'es,
I thous..nols who 11/111. been racked or tormented with
niekness, pain nisi atignistkrind a bore feeble frames
intro been sttorched 13; the...burning -elements of ratting
silo hove 1,01.4 ttrought, as it irere.acithl ii (t i
kstotii of the silent grave, now sttind ready is testify Clint
they a seta have been 11111111,4•1'ell dish the dead. 1111r1 it
lint been for this grotat and wonderful medicine, Yititse's
linllan hoot sitter dna or two ti ti's hod been lit
; !ten, I hey twit.r tottottisilisl, mar absoyitely suriatined, ht
witnessing their cleirittio a elftels, Net only tie they
ease awl , trengtif, se,l lake allay ail
; u kitrsv, with tlitti nh.suinh, lout tin's stirs' I. e In work
ilLthe foundation orris. disease. Si hick Is Moot
it will ito is. n lstrlally by those who use theso
t thlit they will 00 satirise mid ['Wiry, I iltipt..l
elleilly,-/s ill take its. flight, and the Iltoth
, will a aisu return, and the [tn s•
an will tlierlsintapd 1.1 . 141 A -en
your Joy s."
ile WMI , 4 n terfelt ' , iglu,' A.ll. Mot,.
All ueUttine Loth Cle A.. 1. 11'hifE A Co. i.O
eavli Al,ot, hig.lllltl.lli,r A.. 1, White .L Co. All
O, b. Are ,puri. u .•
• A. J. IC /I ITV, A s;di,
Tom treeork.
orre'r Indian Boot I.lllxn I+
ore SON l.
Ly oil dental
in llledirb4,.
em.. aro wanted In every town. lllngo Anil Windt
in OW land: Fartleß deslrlltg the agenvy will /lathe/. M 1
nlgno• rm. L•role.
lee ruins per box, fire tuxes mill be vent on, cc
eeipt or $l. pi close paid. - it2;rll4,
no ls , r role in Carlb:le by S. W. Iforechtivh.
lettirbr — tieear.iner, le any or. , ..ne_b!, eeper•
env read by 1110011 1111,, X of fir, oath's
ty i.n.'10,,o11:11 expeilenee by the undersigned
folly jest tly tbbi
lb . .. James bull, of l'obeletn. N. y., may,- , ...1 here
eureil the 'wet. deid.,reble r, sl Iy pees,. of the bewele with
lbeetbet.b•e Nile, when et'ory et her remedy lied failed
mei the iettiettt. wee 10•111 lip toCl, of
ell Lirelerete p.sbtfill eleirneter. suo II es er) elpelne,
volt rbente. letter end summer 1 have seen erntli
enie,l bi their use: I have - rored the rhetlientie,'lle,
eptleKb. the partlytie cold the epneuteplive with [hens
exvelleut plllx 310111."
I 11j/110h, nod lid Affeellons nf'the Ilvrr , dyspop In,
ft, Nvotory and . diattloen. Toleorli.y. sodden pdlos d
ll.monitiond ltdodie oli.trnetionq, s , :orloltic and it
loos vvro gollh , anti 111 . 11171N1e idlevtion, loathe dltidd
- Wny this ofediriuo, and now. afb.t. twenty
..yeath experintide.,niy--todliontion-orl- Inndroth's-Tllld
cbutione to inrronso. •— -
0 11S1'llUCTION.. ; - •
A. nung hely' beautiful told healthy. took cold, wit Feh
1,11. A a s.eri•nts ebstrus lion tor two pens: her health
wee hrolten deism nud.luv health departed. At length
Ilratulretler. fills wire tiled; 111 1. ‘0311111/41•F, of from two
tofu.; were taketrlit lateen Aye pet...telt:lc the usual
periml. It.•g dually tuts restored, and her health and
goad looks revaveted. •
' Ilen.idreth's are. the I est vorodfogo: they are
infallible. A lit ,I;t yeare old, for M , Ilil•. weeks
MA drts.plog: Its tither gave It tate of Ilroodretlexsu
gar contedl,llll,: the oltkt day theta tame zlo ay a Worm
.1 , 111.111! 'tithes long,' aiot,tis thick no a thlld'a linger..
The Thud was well.
A gentleman, neat' front home, was tlkPll with.plru•
rlsy ; the hillamemtien Was terrible: of cry breath
made him writhe with attune• Eight Brandreth's Pills
were siv.illowed. and earn; .41 appliedlocally: the pills
operated. slid tie• pnlu Was relieved; plenty of gruel
was lid, rli, and six more Mlle, and the second day the
patient waswitril.
These statements should Imwe weight, and prevent
the use ot palsonot, drugs, and stop the sad. practice of
11. lull
ore sold at the Principal Office, 3111
l'andl street, Ilaandreth's 11ui1ding. nt 35 cants per Fax:
and the rxme Slls7/11 . tainted, 13 cents, warranted to kepi)
us ‘Well us the plain.
IV, H. \V I DlOll, OF LA NCASTra
CITY. IVllen. hr luny Leen In sttecesslul prac t ltat
c a litituLer or 3 .1%. rolls efi his ettucatiou,nt the
best Medical Colie,te in the.Uttited litates nod halidlin
tsiterientai and practice In the diltertnit ll,pltals for
several year?, a 11101110' I , ltlll, Auulrtlrai 310111,1 i hr
slit me of New• Volk, and late 3letlisai Surgeon of thin
Pnited reties Navy. now otters himself to the public to
attend ally professional rails.
• -
The :fl.ays en hand direst foal, the
liest Lahornor e 0 Vi our country, and the Whinteal
•ia, deo,. ~ f the world.• No patent modish., prewirthed
to. - lcdleittes used only mill not
break down the courditution. Lot will renovate the bye
to.o.from all injuiles it hiss hustaitteir foal, mineral
medial urn. (lug eile . and diSeastia timid be treat•
ed upon analytical prin. Ipliro, whichla t o Limi t
and ax
certai.uhat disease Is. Its ant lire and otiliaracter re•
quire it knowledge of the cheinlealconstltuentxof every
solid and Iluid of the bunion I oily: the rhanges those
*slid! , NI d 1111111 S Ilre capable of undergoing.' To know
what medicine, to employ to curi , diseases. sequin's a
know ledge of the chemical cotedif cleats of all agents
eitipluyed to nicillehle; and it we are In p05.e.,.,,10n of
this know's...lce, it in pOe•Sibill to rue any tilse.o—mo
twitter of Nor long standing—and halve the patiWitt lu
a lisalthy and lawful', vivid oo t onha.
Melaihdoily..therritiion. or that ',tate, Or allonntlun
till'! a .11:114,10 ill Chr mind which name,, Ilernons lora-
Mg the phasureo or pert rtnitat the duties
that and fell de
stroyer nt health 1111,1 happinew , . lindermitiing the eon
' It Winn. arid - yearly carryintp - thinasantia to tin timely.
graves. van most emplo k shially la, cured. Itlieunintism,
in any form cr condit oil, elfrol.lo Or acute, Warrtillled
rumble; hlillrpsy qr NivklieN“. ill chi ilde and
stubborn rases ..t Fm.b, blseases rndlFnlly renuibrds
Salt and °lvry description of uleerationh; l'iles
1.11111: 4 1.10A110lO, DiSe.eN. w Ilia) 11.1 . 0 I.:tilled nli pri,loll,l
filiClll,..lll - 14.111 - r•Nil rimed bysty treauneitt; wha t . ti l l, -
is Oot ,
I 110 r 1) all disease', iyes.,l'eXtrtiSlWlWChtn n
0 ,5... ['ant, Ig:red-will. nt. Ilie knit', ' ..
I , 111 tontnin 1,, lII} tillieo nil IVKI‘NI3I.AVN alld SAM/
I. \ VS. 111. ti &plod< .1. \I., to :i P.M.. 1..1 ne, , ,,n,,,,,,t,,t
yntivntoll'oni a till•tourt., and ..,,Imult: in Om. 1..1e11,
mill III•rouln lontumws 11 111 train vlsltri to any dl
S„. Mr'MlOrol• May f•t• otitlrottml by luttor, }ultt
an', hitt:castor city, Pa,
Olon1:47,,(1:I:0 1 ,r-ly
W. 11, WITMOIt 31 1).
. • Jul T) VIC All LICTED.
I'o ('.\'C Amt.' te I v . 4 I'ICTOR .10 US.
IThe efintit hot of Pills mart.}-nine .ctuen.out et
ed. No lielsmii.'oo 31ereury,' 00 odor. 011 the
heeatim. 110 lear of detertior: ''13,0 small pills a det.S;
, tasteless at. d liarsolesS us. taut, r. Full direction.. et al
given. w, that the patient Call cure hi 04:01f. at, n r tal
advice of the niont expel ictinal surgeon,
Mid nitwit 1 enter run n .with the ads - tee ol ono of little
capon WIWI' in this sjasn'ot disease.
Ire evletosiing ono dollar to lin. ho. lbd
North Seventh St, tadnly rare Thlladm'llada. 'A !Meru)
his , onn; to. tho't'rade. dour genuine iilthuum the
written violators Walton.
Dr 11 's treat neat r.ic'eArai xi,. 1\ etilaiesji &e.. in
fentlrely Alder et.t frt In file' 014101 curt. hr. W. has
rairtOl 11011(111'th. Wlll/ hat u tried-ohms without h t .oeht ,
Title treatment la es certain mo'enre n 9 th 0111) IN to
We: EllrlllFe a /4:111111. 0,1,1 11(1(IrOSSI — Iir al I el.,
1.1.1,114; II blamory of the case end nit hit p.s the
d.ty von wade the knart to metro' tint to'rroititin—=A
'11'..144CA LAME.
1055.-1 v. . .
' S X'llllil-1
ta , a et - . 11l 1.11 , i - truly littlaiaal ••0701 Fa ter-
Mil 4! , uoili-or . bennt W 4. St 4 , 11141 . sk,
lint.. you Ilia It heti n'ttlnto or Corn,.t lilt not
11;•aa1nt lillpau lousy 411.11 \tit Linn ti n t 'ye wt tad
Iltu ti (n or them 411141. y tin qUI , •It ns posalble,, •Ilien Use
p„,itets M lathy°. . . , - r • •
3:041 linen-314111.4.04/P.,4lrPiiillet. ruts., hurtis,
-spraltiy-littliaasour nla.allierwuttlOlB.llnalea t 'Airepnt.
it, min kollti'/Olint tiro. • ' • '
It is Ind . . ~aontlorful tirade,. ,
, M
your lituso lima the , HIPW lilulthatia.
, 'F Iliti ,Niat i arke.l heels Chides. (hills. 'Finales, -
' 'km AAVe /33.3; 44 4 .414114 P 114 4 . 4 11 4 ; fear. reaolly" uta's
Nlialtnii. It coats hu taeuty•ut t• eoutK t o 1 1 y '
thllllllVd4 ii llii onto tarlai , l ittitis ,, kit tea Vibe
thintitht lmHhliiill3 liliktett, hat e hylin;teato'red
health aud..iaituuttniss tutu ate unit . rejil deg lit' the'
lilessiov,s.that health Inuit ws I and thus clear reader,
it lie with you: if you tilt 1114041i11111141.HP'144 be
with atly'nf the his 'lon It bleb yi.o. !hid this
;I.luha i ont yeentneianthall use - it. preservir OR. it
'faithfully...twit so 010. yoti will hare I.4IUPP to' ht. t.•
the day tyhoo hiattue sequain'eti Fauti 's
311xtUra Pt, ua red,hy estieltister. 31u
In ro , knir hi: riltilsixi:l i so Riad Mai a-1 .
koorot, tlituxhaitt .ltha tvimll p gnjiurally. I'llce 26
and AO ' , ..Ijulh:6ll,ly. ' •
liA(11 ' 8:11 • 1
11 114, • t,
' ,
arltilimlui , aa Coal '.from 'tha Ohola atilt
qml form& by ' '
• • tt . ..,11:.%11;11:1t A V
. . .