IC3t Markets: omritAsLE PIRODVCE Reported 'rftekly for the herald by • - %Voodward d. schnsids. Ftoqut Stip l•tion,, per 01. do, Extra, (I.), Faitliti , Wite.vr per beekiei itt.e ' do . do Rye CORN OATS do. do do. do fILIWEIISREM: TlfttilTifYl4El{6,.. PIiILADELPfiIA MAILICET There;is - no eltang.t in the Fimutt market, and the demand kw export continues limited ; the only sales we hear of are 51$) bbls super fine. at *4 5 ;8110 bbls sel . t;eted do. Broad erect mills lit.s6 ittnr.:oo hlds extra at *11: We - quota superfine' at $6•374. 11'5 60. its in ,quality, there still being ..oine sellers at the former rates: the sales to the the !radii are to to a firm extent. at front 6 iii) to i 75 thr emitniwoo•choice superfine. $5 75 a 6 25 for extra, and *ti 60 a 8 per lad fituey lots as , in quality Rata: FLorte and Conx 'Meet, are quiet but settee and drnalat *4 per . bbl. There' is not .•tnuelt • WIIEAr, offering. mut buyers and sot ors are apart in thbiy.views.— Sottui.ti howeyer. have been ilispoited ttf iii lots, at -125,a 1311 e 'tor, fair: to prime reds..eldelly at the latter rate and 131 i u_d4 . 2 . 0 Joe whit o as in _qta 1111 y. 'llrE is Whin ed. and all ttffered. about bushels brought -176 s 83e ineludiag , lollll bushels Brliware, 'at 80e. ettuft,is unsettled 'and lower. the mind 'having fallen off.and, about 35014 b sh els yellow only found, buyers, in small lots. at , . 00 at 111 c, ft N. lair to prime lots, in MUM and &lost. 0 %TS are' held with, mote firmness and tlie - onty -- Mile - F7e ,, lieiti'.OTis lidtOYweliels • ....I ofiont., Jteto gOurrio>o.titents 11 • _, A le II In a we art .1 the General .ka sa allaly of the etaunrinwita.th_of.lleraMe.dvattleteentitled 11.11• t• 1 tlm tdetliql4l , l thiii C 011111 1 ,4, MVotli 2l day of July A. ii. 1:•13'.4. it is made 11(101 4 the SiLefilf of every emote within thla Co.notmt wexitlt. 1.1 give puldte Jottire of. the General Elertema. a ol In such , to-enumerate: I. Ti,., olileens to Celneted. 2. esi mato the pillow at wlkiehtlapeleeti to I,e held _ .1,2k . ..i11 If 44V 111.112 Slieni:T.,f the rounty of ;..': , ..4:uttiberlattel 'do hereby make La awn and give this pub- ITZ',..u.,dlee t. the elector+ , of the . e.watty of Cumberland that ou'rl.l r.SI/ tr. the 12th day of .letober neat au ele:tiou'wlll be held at thteeveral ehwtion tllstrn:t4 rc itabllghed be lass In acid county at a),11•11 time the, •will iota, lay ball 4 1.4 r the sevoral liereinaf•ev OA I.: Pr:ltd•)\ for Judge of the Supreme Court of , l'eunnylvania'. ON i'gltS• I s'for,Canal Conands4oner of the Common. wealth of lkenneylvania. ONE 1.61te IN to repreemt the of Cutoloer land, earry and York In tin ConArres of the United tgator.. ' TWo -PERSONS to ropreaeot the rountlea of Cumber land and Purr) in tint (Lou. of hepresentatitti , of Pennsylvania. .07.111 Pr:ltt..l:%r for ,ziscriff of CumilVrinod County. JNI p61t131 I ft 4 , Commlmloieor or ( . usliberhtiut C - rmnfy: tY for Director of the - Poor of Cumberland --Cotinty, • ON h PktlthuiN [r Auditor of (211111 aod_t 4/UIIIN. . The said.election will 1 - m held throu• ^ thoul theconnty • ma - , • . • _ the elealon In, the electi.nt district composed of the bor itt,o of Carlisle and the townships - if ...till Middle ton South — 4ldilliiton, Lower Inchloson - anti - Lower FritokfOrd. 4 . 111 be held at tlitCurt [louse 111 the ough of t'ariiide. • ' - - - - The election in the ejection district comp ised , of Lo*- er West I.iiiiiislioou.:h Conon - ship;will be liold - at the North school /louse iu Plnlulirld. Th. , eleeti 111 ht the election. &Alla coin peed of Nil - seer Sprin.t township, nlll he held at Ito public house of George Due). in llogiettown in said township. • The election in the election district •compoxed of /Isittpdon twin/hip. will be held at the house' t4iner/Y occupied by Henry Ilickertiell. In said t ,woship. 'the electioulu the election - district composed of the township of Upper • Mlen, will be held at the publis Louse occupied by J. toil Ployd, in Shimiterrishin el. • The election in the election district comp -sad of the township of LOVIOT Allen, will l•M held at the wsgon. maker ship adonis,. liunchbarirer. on Slate 11111. The election hi the election district ...imposed of Vast rennsbor .ugh township. will be held at the house now .wcuplml by It. Clay, at the •Wein end Of the Harris. burr Bridge. • the ole nlo the election dipirlet "connieseti of New Co nherlsoot. Ali! he held at the house brined). kept by Win. 11. Doh!, in the borough of .ew Cumberland. Th • 00(11 11.1 In ahe eliwtion district composed of the norms:lt of dechanicsburir. wilt be held at the pedlar hous e "(dames dcloy. In said boryiti.th. 'the eleetion iu the election district' comp sed of Monroe t orosdip. will Ile held at the patine 11,111141 of Ma noel 11.1 leer 'lnc:lumen, In said township. Ctnn ele di , in the election district comp sed of Up- Ver liickii.s.iss township will be bed-I itt• the house for• mod, oe.olpic by -(olio Hnrluan, iu scud township. Thu eletioo i t the election district innented .-f the 'borough or Newville. and tow ships 'f 1111111 i. Upper Pratilobrd, Upper West Pennsii on, and flint pert Newton toe . ..ship not included in the Leesburg election district will be h dd at the (bless mil 11 use in the The election in the elections district composts, of li .pewell township will Ise, hdd at the Aow Brick .Sehooltleuse In Newb oz. In said t •w. ship. • '1 h• elect! the election district ewe!, tad of the herr u.ditif :hippo...burg Shipp, sburg tow toitip and that part not inti..l,a. in the Leesburg election district, wilt be held at tin Council House lit the borough •TI-hipper.shurg. Thu election in the election district coutp.4..tparts of Newt. and .soutbayupton townships not embructst In the Newt ille mod Shippeoslyurg - alstricts. will be held st the house limner!y occupied hy 31afro well In Leesburg.. NOTICE I HEREBY el VEN That eery pureou except justices of the Peace who thall hold any'oillee nr appolo.tment of prom or trust wider the United Aatex or of tine State. or aiiy clij or Ineorts watts" district. whether a .11111111.4011 ed ollicer or otherwise, a aubordinsoe other or Will, is or shall be mployed under the logislaulre. oxeca,i‘e. or Judi. chary departinenta of ohm State. An" thc-thlhed :fates; .or orally city or of any ineorp.alited district: and also that any Member of Uotorress or of the 4, , tate Legiala. turn, arid "I the ...drain . Common COUrIIII of - any city, or counahal... , er ..f any incorporated district. is by law in op.able op h.ndi tut or exercising at the anon time the oat...a or, of.ladge. ilnipeet.or ‘'u clerk of any alecti.us of this 0011111,111weadtb: and that no il/Spean. judge, nr other oiliesr of mush elect+. shall be eiigihie to be there voted for. And tug said act of Assembly, untitled an act -rela Una' to the elections of this 4 * .ountonwoalth. passed Ju'. 11t511, further providesas folion a.. to nit: " • Thu the bmpeet ra and judgeli shall moot at the ' ;doge appointed for holding the tier ti.otsol the.distrldt „to .11055 ft.t.pecriely Woo* bell re cite o'clock Jr. the anriteng tribe :wend 'Tuesday ' , tefober, and each d 8111 inspaAola shall app dot ,ine clerk, who shall be a qualinet voter said district. , •• In CZ. the 1.111 , 111 WU t Willi have received the se, and er of votes forhispector shall not at, t rid •ot lb. day of the election, then th'e person who --shall-hare-road red-thoe.'Ye-dul highest huntl.er.of_rutes at the next preceding eletlott. shall act as lospector in Ids plate. ....tali i 4 41141 t he person scho shall _have r, <tared the hizitest ou.nber of r tem, for I. eipect, shall lint ;Attend, tit, proem elected ju Lm shad appoint an 1,11.11.1At1r in his place; and Ib rase the person elected Jul e shall not attend. then Ilse Inspect. r mho reeelv• eel t ,e highest number of votes shall app Int a judge In his plam. 1: any vacancy sita,ll conth.UN hf till, b o ard for sh..PA. - gd one hour after dhe Una, fixed by law for the iniettlini oftheadeitiou. the nualfled' .orers of the 1 ornship. ward or district (or whioh °incur 'shall have been Weetfd, prt . 4Vra at the plaeoldelectlor., shall elect ono of their number to fill such taruney. • . It shall be the duty of the arn,trol 100,411.11, of 'each . district to attend at the place of bolding every general, speeiel, or township election. ditriag the ich do time said electim le kept open, for the purpose of 3,ivittg iu- Lnmation to the iiimpectors and Judges alum called 111 l in relation to the right ()laity porn in assessed them to vote at`sueleel iction. or ouch ether is alters in rela tion to the toeless emits of vo.ere its the •Iciol it ispectors or either of themeltall from time to time require. " No.perom oh be permitted to vote at sup' , resold, other than a white heelball of the ate of isentyonie veam or more who Snail have resided In the IStAte at inept 01111 Year, and in the election district where he infers Ills vote et leant toto.days Immediately preceding such election, .end within two years paid a . State or county tax, which shall have been assessed nt least you duly. beti re the election. But a citizeo of the United State') who hen previousl benne qualified voter of thin litete and removed therefrom and returned. used who chill have resided In the election district and paid taxes as at iresahl. shall b e entitled to, vote after resid ing In thin Shiite six ontbii: That. the• white freemen, citizens (I the Belted States, lint oeen ti enty 41110 and twenty-two years. who het.. resided In an election, district as sfiresald shall mititled to vote although they shell not have paid times. . "No person shall be permitted to I wise se name is not contained In the 114 of taxable I.:habitants fur. 'fished by the Commlseleeers, inlets kind' he produce a receipt for tee payment within Iwo years of ablate nr amity tax auessed agreeably' to the tlonstil and give eatisfaetury evidence. either on his oath or, af- Ormation; or the oath or affirmative (if another that lie has paid such u tax. or Oa failure to pr due a receipt' shall make suit hi the psymefit 'theleof. _lidcond..ii Ile. Claim a ri...ht to vote by ..being an elector the * t o n vtoaiLy-onte atrd - firilatT o years e a n de loupe oil oath fir atilrenition taut ho leis resided In' this Slate at !mist one year nextlbefore ble appli, at ion. nod mike such proof of residence In the district as is Nettie ed by lisle not , sod that he diet verily belle*. from the aCCAMI alr/111 blot, that he ix of the age nee...Told. mid ouch other evideni:e ax is required by this art. where. upon. the name of the, person thus admitted-to vote — Ohialditeliticrtiffrifttlie alphabetical - list - lirtlitllit'sphel sees, and emote lead., opposite thereto by writing the word tat," if he shall lie admitted to vote by reseons of havine,pattl taxi or the word age;' it' he shall be admitted to rote by ro ion of stub shall lie called out to the clerk& who filial' make the like notes ou the Bats of voters kept by t h esis. • _ ' all CVO% where the name of the person claming to reiteta f. ;and ort the list furnished by the Commis. stoners and essitsior. or his right to ride. whether tbuod thereon fir not, le °Waited' to by any qualified eiti fee. it shell lie the duty of the itiepectore 'to eximolhe Audi portion on oath n • to bin tmalificatilioe. and If he (delete five reside.l_whithethe Mate fur one year dr 'more; hie oath' 511011 be sitilieleet proof thereof but shell make pr. of lay. at least ono competent, withers who sh a ll be a qualified elector, that he' Wm melded bi the ' district formore than ten days( ties( ituntellatel3 pre eediett h ob.rtiritt. and Asia also himself' feral tine • bill lama fide reside:coin pithittettre of hie Iswtol i n g,,te ill said dietdct, a..ti that f e 'did let reeto . l.o ii to: • said dints lot for the purpeoi ot v. 1,10;,. '" Every portion' ni,ateruried mad shall ' make due prise: If required. of thi.'.resideion and Peet', noo .t • , said. (than IN. a latiataa t,,• ! • .r II . nta I the township, Or dhtriet whiell shell reolds, an y p erson ohs a prartlllanratteiiiiit to; irrveny any altleerof a , 'ine&tl• a under lists net tromi)toldfog. .1* ' eettan, nee' er:thieiten , an a vluleuee ta - an ' smelt officer. or.shall interrupt or improperly lnlerrete~ die with Mtn ht oho oacentlon of Ids duty. or shall Idochlt up thi, winduw..ur tayenno to tiny window• where .the name insy lot holding, 'or 'filtatl riotously disturb the, peace at such election, Or shall also any intimidating. threats Lieu orviolence.' , Iltheleslol to lidluenceote duly or overawe any elector or t& pntvent hint from no , . ting or to rota rain the i s reedout of chtle, ouch perattqii, nu conVielioll Shall be reedit) any sum not, exceeding, five hundred dollars. and Imprisoned fur ally time mot loss than them nor more thou twelve months. MAI 1104 shall be shown to Court.Nhere the ti rat of such offence, shall lot hod 'Ltuit •tho pre.t no offemling 1 0 05 n‘ ttr -resident of ,the oily, word. district - or township - where ,the olfente Iran. cOlilliiittod, and 'not 011tillO./ to vote theiniti. then on conviction he shall 'l.e. sentenced to pay a fhteof md, less tient ono hundred alum more thin enethituvutd dollars. 111 Id 1 n 1111111:110.1.0 not less Mob' , six months nor Mori, that two Sears. $ & 5.7 , 1 3,1i0 840 tali 1 241 • • 7' If aay - p , rson Or pqrsoos slain wake any bet or vat ger tijoiLtLre result ~f ally Moot - lon It thhl tho monwealt.h.ur shall - alter to [mike any such Let or tv9 ger. either by terhal proclanottiou -0,0,044 oe - hYja ,, Y . trnhten Or {Hatted edrortheme L challenge or Int In any person to nallo ....Jet Or Wager' 1111011 conviciloo thereof he qr they shall-fiirfeit and lilt)` three tithes the Marmot so'het or to be but.. • " . anypersott , noL by 4 14 w qualified. shell Paulin lent ly yote et any 4- 4iNtion of this Co 1111 l tone eel: lt, at being oliterWtoo d shall v. to out of hits limper diSlrlet. or if env - person keosving the went of such qualiflortloLs shall all or procure such )144 Sllll to v 1.11• the lien% ut °flown ng. Anil, on conviakon ho hoed 11 al,, step Uot rxrerdinmc t.'11:1111111111.11 111 , nsirf; 111.11 I /a2pris.o.eol r0r,01,3 torn, en •• fatly persoil shall v. to nt n'lore Ilan. one Out diet444t Or et here Ise 1 . 11111111111.1.1.1V•VIto nu le 1111 Ult. A:11111, day. or mlitti I fratllitifetitly f •hl and 44 4 11‘4•1 to thelesepeet .r two tirkets t4.s.ether.•with the intew. tllu:ally b 7 rota. er 'bill proeur aunther to 4 0 u. 11.. or. Ihey offending. shall on eon, i. ti 41 14. 1 , 111.11 it, 01011 mat reng fun firth - nor 111,0, than .• 4'llllllll 111111 be itopri.•ojed em no) term. out lens dolt litree.ooe Hit 1 . 1) 011111 t 19•1 1 1. 111,..1110. 2 5() • If:uld parson a t t • voielti tills l'onvuon wealth•a;roo/1113 LI Inlr. tascept tina saas eitiv:us.) +nail apprttr at wig pli of e1....t101i tar ft“ purrs., or hitinetlaiti.z tbe wadh e.l td. v. ta ha xhnll nn ,i 111 1 .1•111111 I .N mli mon 1114 1., d 11,:.; quo 11111.4.1 ml .I°lllllll 1i.r.1.5111'• I11;11.411.11N, /11'. 'be J.11111 . 141.1..61 (or any term .v.l ,141.1i110p thrlent , 'lol.s: to tit. pracislam. tlll,l,tyd.rsi 150111 ': or the said ma ever) lirovad'af..l pavial ler . Ina lay apana.l between the halms. or el :ht nod. le.) In 1.11 G111,10.141144111• 1 .11 , 014 , 1.1.-1 1 .111.--IC-1, 1 1 ,4 1t- 11 11.. 11.11 1. 11 " 11— " ,I,kintirll.ol..lll ill 1...11/01. In the.evel tug, till p its be 01 sad. • A oil tim3lulfas if 1111• respeelvn distriets pf.rasolu art, b. till' said net riainirod 41 stilt at L111,1.'01116.11. no In ttiu barau.rit of l'arlis 0. an Um third day utter th eketiott. hoina.Friday. 1113 1 tit day of dekal.,..] •ha and titers, to perform the t.hinsx rr plirrd 0rt1.0.11 by Inff Thu ref urn tas of Lim I...present, • tiff,. district wlii hilt at `arlisla. at Mu Om. fixed I.t --(liven - under my lutrtd,,trearll.le; = this • ltalt — tay• al Beptotuher. P 5 ..,-, LONDON ...t!t 4-.L7___\.(_CfLElß-lictito • . , 6 r GI . I 1 1 --- ID N V' ‘ .-J ie,,,v,.-, '1 ~,,,,.- ( . I ! 2 ^:^. 41,9 _AO% , ‘ l.9 h• .'!'. ' ^ ' --;,-alv4fyAmk-,--------y ..,_,,,,,,,aL1Yir-"-'-- 1 6 , • ~ , , :ss 0113 k s'*\'' 1 ',,,' Ret.TILI----‹ ‘,'\ ' s' ''' . • , .64, *,4.„ 4 /,)I, ) ) , 1 ( .t‘ •‘' '',", ''' ; '''C' • .44 hi. ~'' ‘,„akk''' •oonntqw;,, RT,P.'I ' '' I',IIANOE FOR ,\ GM) /1,. I N The Flulogerll er Il teildliou les‘ o Cnrlirle. will 14.11 iliff" ' ”lttird• f.t lists Ileoln /41"..5. Is lies m od 1•Ii 01111'1 InIKII H'Mn IM 14 Ent lorm,)111V, The entstollglte,l. 8,1,1 .44.1141 the hest I • town. m gatlNln.llon will be amin teed ths•Purehaser tin Hide fair.. I Ills to ht Ii A s Fool. to. pu-,11.1e. P. S.—.l will Milli - keep - a firt.t..ratti IIFF•11111Ulit 11/ I 0 on humrand sell as eheisilio:e•Vl till Mild:ly 11 sal/ '.N N lJ 19s 1 . 0,1111 , 011 AT K. HI ' PARIS, I LLTICEIt EN! 1411t1UNI, ;-• .661 Imo %1.)%1' Neii , York. - : - A 'nplendld - nmartlnent fir tin; nomt n Enshinionlde 1111 Ad NItI Y and 114 h /11:Y .c. nelerted Itv our owl) agant and Bah and.. lota.' near, and pric.l.l helm,' a tiler HOW., tat the Ira In: MIMI a 111,0 !VW . ..11101,f. 00.1 Heaver • 11.1V4 ...a; for 1,41,-a' no.l 116.: wear. at the li.avt...t ina,ll•ln prt.•;-s Pa , Ni, nitannoan al wit), an. hand. • Sep.ls.lsW3—ain. 3tolires. fiOti P 110 CLA 31 A I'lo N kv Iv., it is the llon.JA ‘rli:rit, (IRA I'n• • d en t n t h,' of the several Carts of I 'meu. iu the et:unties of Cumberland l'erry and .1u lota „Justice at the panels! r curls i(lyer Wed (Nought Jail lions ery said d Il a . • • M . 0001111:1‘ aid MM._ M. I'm KM!, it Court nl l iyer and Tr-nuttier and Ilenetal 3111 belle, r Gtr the trial e t mil oipttal null littler effendi, ' It. tl !lad reality of Cumberland by their [weevil's to hie rect.!. dated the ltttli of Apr11.18:04. Imo e Court of %/err tied Termltier .16111.11i.etml 'all t o 1, 0 le Mon nt 'CA111.44,1. en the A • NOVenllier. eine the ith tlity.) at It ocloeli It it foreuiroh. to cola Lime toe weeks. • N0T11 . 1 . , IS II r.ltl.llY 41111,:s to the er. . 1, lief, of •Ile Pea. e Mid Cuwlwrinra r flint 11V the raid ifrel ept 1.1 ttatialtat to Le then nail there In 'their pi, per pets. with their 'rolls. retartas, lattalslt lm a e•aat,h ntt .I and all t.ther flastetala at.. tin ' fib. to th e ir other,..ppertala . ta I dt,‘ I all flu a e tlr are Inured Lt reeort.im., ern to yr, re, ate 11,11171 , . prialaters that are vr then shall I r if, [1 , .• jai) o f - tf ...ally. aro t there tit pr: se. tit theta ,hal l I Joel. hey , . 'a. IS:S.I ASS I( ; EL'S N()71(14,1 —I lie under 1 4.111..1; 1,1;.e. 01 11,, hs d. ad of r. , ltte•t3ry 11.4,1:11.14.1 f t• 111. I,leht .0t•• redllors. civet. ,mare thnt suit 'Aso ling ehdaiw agnlt.t the unhl I cull, 1.1 , 1 thetliloesetlleinol t ni .1 tumor lode) tint to 'AO in mint 4. .1)111.\ 31.11: Il7s1; Sert..29. Ast•lrm.e. 1 4 1ST 4'l'E NlYl'Ltrr" Lorers te-Ni meat try on the h.vtote of rft,r.R tpper Alimi. deermoot hove beer: hoard 143 the trot ter 01 d rurally, to drito 11. to-ver. IT r thr RIII.IIP •o• , llntilii. All pe•rl4o. /1101111: rinfwa itgaivst flu tvtote. ore hereby notified to present them drily ou thenthorterl tor settlement, and throw Itidebied to nd, rut pieta to .1t -It. ('t) I{'l li. Etteoutorof .Ittcol. Koller, deed. OTIC II persons knowii . k. diem to Ito illdebtk'd to die I.stato of VI to. 11. Trott:, delft] .' are hereby-notified tociiiiilaflitio et o pa) meet O. the uoillordeopl. s, 17• u tit! at the l'outuilsnloiler.'l flits .1. A hNI,THOSII, Exevutor. Frp. 15. 7.5-41 t .• UT • I EsTATE op BA NIA lt A Velli:. tither, lan Shelly. clevent.eol.— :eery.. lilt tier. oiuotrollan of olohe lines. bile proa.ecittat uipJmtition 111 . , , UCundred r 4 lUurt3 tied, the. Act of Amentiol, erne, Hotta Aprllt r an r tier to well n trot et land in :diver Sprit: tea, nhtp od'uded 1.3 Nude of Sir. Ditoer. ohm+ Mid/1111d al 1 , ethera aid .14411'111a platy five apron too re or :is,. with a ET INE Ito Warr. and tioloue Bauk (tarn. thereel erected, ulooto which petition the faith I . o.Urt 1410,4 , 4 n rule on the 'ioartlo A NI/ 4 , 104 Pd to appear at the 14,1 ~"Elkhatiof.Court.Ao he helot lot Tu , the 1 Ali imp Oriole.r. A h., 1858. nod eh ow eateee att. the /0111 . 4 Her abootild not he irratoted of whielo rule -all the bald hair Lire are herehy required to, t 001... n tire. • HA Nil i. P C11(11.1 . , 1..:01 7 to. c. Clerk of the o orphans' Ofturt. Notiee ie" liereb) . • given ti ut in, nppileotloo Loa heel, in ante, to the Mint oflbognun pbac of oulnberlaiel,eoulity. upoalhe op plientlon of •• the:trustees. I,lllerx and beeee.ne of the Gremlin, I utheran I hurch. of the 'lnvalid, of t`iirllale ni•d Ite vidolty." to /*Mend the I ,Lolrter 01 the raoll'or porntlon ; aim that iql, inotioil of Hiatt , k Parker. A I Welwyn tar the appllenots. the U urt 113, olden"! mutiny to he publlallent 10 on' uewspnlier in Cnrlishe that the• inneinhnonta will be inno toil on the fint 0111,0 oext NOVpillhel . l., 10.0 Ultit . Ml,ljVi•tiori. he made ni cnuea 5110WII to the etiritniry. 1 ,1 QUM LEY. ' p I. 1i458. Pr oth•mntore. Nun c...._ All pt •milis knioxitigThrlti golven Itoli-htell to the t.ntute of %tonne tome damaged, nre lloiolty ontiGed t , make itot...llnte pli. moot to MALI' M. MOlkltl,. Ailnilnist.tittix. or C. P. II murk', Attorney Carlisle Sep 8, 1858. ItyncE.—Lijiert , Admiub6 ter. 1 1 up in the Elitate of %try ..filter tow 'whip Jer'd )11.11,. Inwa hunted in due n.rii o Law. t. the mulniertlinr, `beer Anti, town blp. t trhmu appilmth,o, will be made In any imainaaa V. • nivt.d with her °Naito. Aug. 2;,, that ahlli.satl.2ll n9ILI amo e t the nest Le. ix latur•cor l'enneylvdt.lit.• to alter the' ,tatter of Mt CAt. hi: lat. DEVOSIT BANK. locates in the lienotAs at Carlisle. r doll•erlaint I ow V. so mg to voider , opts tado.ilaillt the rift ts ti d pit lieges a a linuk of lobtle. aed tOelint,go Its Hume to Ike ritiLmi.r. hole; als.;.,t 111,41101. the eatittar I.( said Bank. •whlrti Is at prno..i.t 4 'erentylul.litruul d with - retisliw the male under its prettent charter to tee dred thousand dollars, to to 11111 l thousand dollars. N. C. td1.165h1.51 A tam lit. June U. , lEEE . . • NlYnc.=The,, _ .._:_, % klubAlll)er , have on• tend Int , a limited nartnerahlp ar I will transact Int.lnes. In the mane of ranmor Itrtopton.'.lr. Ti o gmeral 'nature of the l' ll olleto la " To lima ufieture and condor! thO bilhiliPPM or mnithar and, rending VINE 1',11 . 1 . 31 in all tip; branchos. .The. lama id the aeaoral partner Is . r.lintitel IstAnnton'.lr . who resides at !llama Wily F'prinax Climb. land rau,,ty hi. Thy naphqtate I ~,,,, %MI , I , capital eoht , lla.n.:ll I. the stir pal [Moroi 'l4 Tree', ts fly. I laotoall:d &Kara_ to the P. nano, stork Tho.pnitoersldp ~ IA eonnnenot 4., ti,. 34 of A1.4.M.t., 10141, and teiad , .at; on Ila . lid , r:' . l aowarv.r I'Bo., . . • - . t - 1•IlltIll. ICI , INt I' ION; Jr.. • r . : ~ . • : ' . , .--- :, A;1 I ' ;;.1., ti ! V IIN , .----IV. -- h - II l'1:1.1S.", _ , , !,..011131 . ' ily El; p,' - 'c'o A J..- 2 (KA .... ~ 'Mt , ~Ti*: i;l' I,yhol I' Vnlloy piut. O.NI. fl enliteiloi. )tr, .. ~ , yegviii, v /11 , 41 fit 6610 by' . '.l mat 6 166:' • • • 'You nutlerulAntul hereby nollflasall porcbulterg of root. that Ito W1.1111:11 storing the v.uttottur or ..imltm 11 e, .14,084 tll his property. loeutoti toilet; south (taut a Carllute, llumburittod county,. Pa. • 'l'ho property eonslvto fifty eilht acres of beat 1111/111- • ty tif lltrth'sfl t,.t ih analWu billa shit.) of volt' , - tottbot,. :rho Ito,proyotnAlltu are. .11111 , 1di , l1“ lIhNI ILA !..n mull •thr. -• , It IN It L•N (I 11 0 U E, • 4.1 a well of novor etillnu,o titer, 1111111111 or , , hard or tVer's variety ot.vitolro fruit. ••• 1 lir p - r.petotor bet lox molt 100 to remove ton part of he county. will sell at u moderate rice, and - on utwouoll uluthig terns I rthor p trt I•ot lan+ apply to the oVoorlett r parson — alll'ortilrfevtlotted tnt . the abOVop'roperty,or , hy-lULlvr; - - tocutrlt-Jn. Pat . . . . . . . . , ..,,,k,..:.,.ri15., 111.8 .11,. .01 the' 'I hive ,insre' IlolloW 1t,..,, wa/s1 1., 01 : .,f If 0 1 6.1 met... , ~T, Ole other boor's. ements 11111 0 Lo,lRtry •1- IL - ....,•r. fru %Nit.; AN ii I, i I tloll - ibl. Frame Ruble. of iii "(twirls . ow) rani 1 .. !I nos, Asitd;7l 41..nee • - ; . • • :col other IleelbOrllS •Olt , dlll , llngo. Slier. is.n well of ' os,elle.ll wigrr_(W. l lll.s.Suituniu_itt-ar_titalloor.--Alse, - al Ir r n 0 'm141.4..1111 1 1 1 011 le virile.. friqt - '. Tits Ohsv ' e pr ilsrh ; will be add 2 1 0,01 10 . tier ?rest In• . fin solles ' is ts pureltassisi' Tor isrtSer p i 11.•ulars sp• ply t, ''' -' `llllllO Towesliin A ill 111. 'Llf. ';'..ll C,"118". . -- ~,,.........._:__ _ . lIEJ VI.E•'• 5A1.14. , F ItS.ll. Es'.r.vri. I_ , ___lly,vietue of 101 /0 , 10 , 0 t tlio , Irp ism. ' fours or 1 1. 1.:1 11 . 1 'lnd e ••1 . 1 V. I will expo,, lll'lll,lllC it'll., 011 LllO - 1111 1 11 .11 . 11 1 • 1111'111 C . 1 . 1 411 t V the - 1111tIrM " StlirTXM II i 1 : 11 : . I NIQ, at 1I irelsek. A. M 0 for 1110 116111 of Abraham Dil• lee deressed. - ' T w I 1 , 1 itAT (t.t . r•. LIMESTONE VA 1V3113, ' situate In tae Cownsbip tit West 1 1 minsberousli. and on 11111 C. vets trek ,i 1.111 4 1,1,1 miles elistof New ' ",111e. arid to inlbei west of Varlisle. • ' Vlsiv: 1 1ontslos 1410 'terra: ninety or which Is cleared sod trill, - o .Vp cot 111.1 'III to leo. mid I. IS - 1/0011: well limed. Sta lured sod 1 . .010 :sled: the .endue Is will) timbered. The Isiproeitemots are a I[oo4 TW 0 1. ST ( )tt Y . " 1 :::,- 2 4 -- wni, iu I W : ATIIERIT 4.111/ED II l' . r i I 0 tJ .S E ; _._ . . •'l ' t 1/.1 s.. •• ••• i. 11/10 1 Ws..toti Bled and Corn CHIP .r... a.. , ,h, ori•li.ird . and oilier ImproV•iiiim,lll • 0.1101 ..1111 , 11101 71 •ii-rpe: about els'e serer of wllleh or,, 1,.... 1, u .der ',mil fence and bes loom s , sdl limed, , 1111 1 . .1 Old roltlrsted . lle re,.blue Is wll limbered. 'l'h, 11nro, an oily on this farm nre s 'TWO- s. • Hl` 1 . 1:." W.. VIII Fit 'I I.i 0981 1 II i11:G..,,,,,d ~E II oil:01 vo, said other , , sit ImOses . sllll 0 hell "2 . 5. .. oe omen .f, ir.ix ,ogl r. if.tll Lllollolllrlllll Ilre - 10011100d . by the :rselr sod :14 tu each otto,'• '.. • - I Wiii ii, r oh Lilo 111'110 11111111111111)110O 040,, to pub lic sole. s I' 1.1 'T. lir IV 11111,1 sl/, ~.s ltivited 101 1110 - ' 1 : .rtli M roads, emit.. ino :IS sere.. tool bolo,: shout 4'l, oilier rr on the aim, fosits a ol Odell II:0111011111 1 . ' V 1.1.. int 3 thres'psrls of IS arr.'s 10 1 1 perches. Is sues =2 MEMEE .I.le'oll BOWMAN. Avon t It Alt E ell A N.O PI cult A I'llo- _ PIT Nvl•;,•rmiNT.—Tb., iber, willeb twin b.• perswitilly expliiiipied. of fern fur ',Ail, 11:1 the ini.st lilnwal ta-ms. She teed,. clock Sing etc.. the gont4 will) li, Nylor N amlth.t r qu the nbt vt i.ll the waif is tout curlier of the square, oppositirltMeh-llwt. rl l ll Sri 13.` 4 itl VAISAV . FOR SAI.V. 190 THOUSAY.I) • White Pine ebbe glen. t0r...n0v.10. wallty. Marti they will ,Nall at river ' g h e e. AI,. a lay.," ~r I harry nod Walout. from lo a l'.ehen thick Wllleli tllll3' will eel! Nigel, or rota! lOW. Almo n rult of Hay. SrYlr r whl.h Will Ii Ndd low: .VO.l. I. 150 W Wlllell we Invite ibe - nt.loollo • of farmers, no we leel db. !nivel 4. givo-n-hirgalo.---All-khola•ol-1,mohor-and Coal r..hstnotly on hand log for ensh. 1 1-1-SS 31 !1 11 [NO.-11E31(3VA C rospeotfully informs the citizens and t 'dotty that he has realm:44l tat, tags P 13 , 401 ill .orth . liato.ver ntreet a here Ile Is prepared to oseouto all Ale tis nl, work eon fleeted a ith t/W•SNI1111.11'.11. Ile has :then.), s un hand n hero ns,„ori umlit of ready tondo -.llles lima 1,04 . 414 GI, Or. nil .1 whielt Ito a ill sell wholesale or retail. Ile .also attends to manic', all Matt Clod,. Look, Ate.: eit grayoa rot Brass Copper and 11,11, meads Woven lug. also para./wed 010 patent right Mllr 1:v11.1111g 1:111. and Slt.,/ tint, which he offers to i.e pultlio nt very Pox Ile hopes that to.. a stri,t, att... , •tion to low:. iness twit a desire to please he a ill merit as well as re , valve a Plltll . o ..1 OP public patronage.. Atio- UI kinds et Fire Arms tondo to order.. Carlini.. Atoll 2'• I liha. • 13.11.1 T E'\ 1 It 31 • it ti . 62 II VIS!! ,MATS!!! Tli, u, I, wt.:nod w mill riiivetfully rtlllloll.l. t the ! I puilli,, tlvit ,11‘ , 1 . havt. purvi.uwil.l the stock, ..e...,r V.,* I Lite, WiIII.L. ' 11. 4, , .ut, .iO,, !I , Ling will einitilinn the II % 11l Sil !SCSI er , - ut the utl'iWA , .(ll In Wirt illOis strew , w 11.4.• lie. h Tit till iliewldrui.vinioni oil till, erg will ety, I h.,. v call. :01 thy teelihinfillobs .if 1.4, 4 f I 1 a s eh i• --...., 0.1.. twillunto, Thvy Ill i Ve 'JO. & ,•u1,4 ph...11 it .p.Ortm..l • . , . _ .1 . al , &A.... 1141.10, from the 1%111011-n 11 , • 1 to the ilnr•t t n- and at prl--en that WO', soil men no Will. h. , aor eye to getting the cr th of his m-mr3. $ • • Fairer 31,410 hie nosturpo.se t h:lttnera .larni-Ility and - bitch. hl those -If ..Ih,r tfie vpiu • every descrliktam"roontnntly ml 1c..1 eflirll , lel ~Xtlllllll, _ . _ JUll g A :dub imtuau.r. I(,)LJrMFi'I.IL - AND ,-(11.:41Lr; 11•NO5. Wore nwaftlod tho First Protolgiti whore and when• tyyur [boy I.rolubt. Molt Piaoo Voriffot Julio comhuiltlon nth th o hoorloot,ora of aosion. Nan York, P6lutd.'hPhha nod Ilaltino.ri, • • Revolved the Lwe th.ht prlzo blodals at tlib tan Fair. Wahaltig.ton, . The Find. l'roodota (a gold Modal) for the Leo, Mum Yon° at the blarylaed I o4tliute llaltl !lure, 185111 . ' , The First Proatima (a held I:, tor tho beet llmnd Nam/ at the Mgr Inwl. inat Rano Baltimore. Iqi7. 'rho I , lr of at tho ; ,, teto Pxir. tietroll 1 fret Premium ti r Sotto Fair. I ivhandod..lhs7 ' tho'plgos .'worti . 1.110 .itrot, nmalrnl, tolvnt. of ,oiitteitry: oitith Mow, , ,thin to,nrt; Aoit otonstriarttl with the foil woodoo and home ' thret: . Snath ur tic, ilk estate Soles FA R3l A r . 13111,VANE SALT: )lICII.IIfL BI:IES nr 'July 2e. Issfllst*. uenet..r Examiner?' '''f.oliennif Courier,‘' 1a serf. to Ilan. *1 Jo) and elrirru Iferelft 011100. " V.II.ITABI.E •A 11.1,1, I' I . 81" -A 1.... —Tito offers nt : y .,....„, 7, ••• • V11t,.111. OM dill Yr Tony tot whivit 110 now Aittetteol tow,shlp I.lstautd County, it miles west or. Ne wt 1.1116 east. of Nowlrurg. rht the State" reed tr 1111 Nlttl,lllll toThroe =Wm,. Thin ln.:pe~te Lei noes 15 All:I Ki I.N LAND. 40.l'reA wt I .11 LIT o'l • I , lod .11.11 ill a '4014 stater of cult vatlon, the arorot,,e otet Imile4 noted awl uodrr avid rune., •vith ;0 , every field. The residue, I 4 4 , It ', thither! I itr. blue sire vl then, A try'llltlST HILL. In viir. vii 11 ovt.•lleot Barre eittl . l'h pperr, nodal, t MEISEM= 313 •I • tills Jail Is 1.11111i1.11 II 4:th...11..10111 Hill., lie, trnold .Ind itliors• mnl eiivi•roil with nth • 11.1 hie!: iev. a.:.1 lilll Ito ~ /1.1 jl.prirtito or I 1.:411er 1.1 will 10 , 4 ,ult pu....11...rs • 11,10.4 titio will I,- lo.tlio porelvoier nod pll5 ..n, the 14 of Ali ti. • Ili.- t rnv whkh will hitrolFoorthle. will bo.imob, known .vo Lhv Soy of SA11111:1, nil 4r '54 • •. Q•7l. 1,1, -- F lit NI r tN' 1.1 S. N ch„ ;dor% At I.l . lfliti• pi1Y 1 3 .1111 1 .1 . 11)111 11U. 111)11 11 . 1 "einst .11nalwri - mni 1. 0.1 1 117 inlot 1 1. 1. t of sow. • 111•• 1), tii•• 01,1 t• r 'Ol 4,111,4. from on.tain 17b 1' 1 04 4 . 11. 11 , 4 I.y land, 'if It. •W .3114 i`Ptvr 1•,10 , 11, .1. 1 1111 ) 1)0ellotil and 11)11erg k port II nott and ml.it.. all r it 0.1 1r.. , And in ' 10 ° ,11 V.11.. , .1 ruAlr3ll9n,- _ . - rite imp : ~..pl,..ts r.aaart. a a new - --- -•- -- - t , 'tare a roamt , dhow ' ' ; . ~i ..2 .•‘. .• DIVEJ,f,INti !IOU: E, .i - . :, , klr4 o. .... ..,,, le r 'O,l, Ila `, villa...Nl, CI i , yar fa all, le ...4.,ry "It .o,lloi a ~. t 1.-e,a,i• I, .•;,, of '.l .10— Fa 11 I' , t 1 , 1 no 6.er lailit...; well et water at .. I , ', . - • , r , ..r 44 , Lll, III( 9.140.1 0 i11, 111.11.11ri1 . 0f the ,11b tier r • h.. proals, ::F1?1,1:11 ItV lilt. • An, IsS'ss . . times. and s'llarge this. uNrr. ill' SA E, Idler 61411 (actor ssf this Irtolti Court of u - sty. l'a will-Ins !sold, [Wont+, sit thy 'tort mow 1.1 Opt Irsrsu:lissf 4'arllKlrt. 1 . 5•80 E. tt f, Oil th sf r l . l sl er..l Cs siolook tory s.f A, sit a r P -iv ‘IIVIUND iltutto 'ln 'llso .r su ot trilel.. county of Cumlsorlated. and Stnto s`ss-I sus. 1,1 tin. sillllll, 3114 frlitill2 thlrsy foot on inn Ilia syssr sdro st. nail 'Willi: 21s , In. slopth asp Isi• int' lots of . 4 'pser MM. Es esterlek Cii,lllllll /0/1.1 154110.; Vlore i, or . oided two 1 , 111'41e II /11sissdI t per 1.1illt• ,thn flllnehswo o mos. t br pIGI •/.1 tlir 41 . 1iir111.101.1 am iberoof: a 111 t o'l 111/. first .lay of Aprll. 'sat), 7'oo II A• 111 br Zit s tql). and 111•114111C1. within • Win Inlnrrst, to 1.11 sneured by ,neat. . rII.:Z %anti I. II It St/III:1V • II Hu grilinas.ot Wllibmt I. Ileplluru. . 4 .44. I — , •,:51.4 UNION II 0 [lB iI'EST,IIIIIII STREET, CARLISLE. Th.. GO'S •ruler leasui Owl nb '•e well know' polo'''. Ito is,, reap, tooth oohs at Its r•rtnor patrions a .ati11113114.. let their rum° it. He is well ltn•ynred to at, , 10,11 ant.' ttewo,ers ana trwvollessi. and those who at , .p it l Ilia, hod lilt h .11MY a plensa'et tonitswary h 71 ix hae pr o vided with tho elioleext thhle will olwaye he for ie t with the deli..tivive of the to,o.00: 111.1111 1 under the eloirge of e Oi.rot 2t/Itt knead., C3ll 111 Id Fire 1 . .1 . • 1111 , ... 11 , A. DAVID H. 011.1. Jlll.l 1:1, 1,55. pHAL EST ATE AGENCY,-RE , MOVAL—A. L SPONPLER, REAL Ka kTE AN hYT, CON V EItANCER AND SCRIVEN t.lt. ham re. moved to Ids New (Mee on llaitt street. IMP 11.111 r west of the Cumberland Valley Hall Road Rep. t. Ile Is now permanently located. and !mobil ban,. and for sale a very large amount of Real Estate. connio.,lng . of larrint,'Of till sizes, Improved and unimproven'N 111 Prupertles: Town-Prope'rty° of every description, log [AM oho, Western Lands and Town Lots. Ih. will give Ids attention, in heretofore to the Negotiating of • Loan, Writing of Deeds, Mortgages, Wilts, Ctmtracts. and :leavening generally. • 001. " - • J. FREIrli. August. 11, IfihK-31 SIIROM d ItOFFTIi `nrll , l, .1u1,.‘ . 27 'iift =I S NM' AV x S )4 NVolkor'St (pear Iltaid way.) NI.W F^A '43 1141 , T. 4t-EIN•• .2- --- Prj?... Ueda) Mr the held Nino F.krta at the oaerlrmo. I ovtit tit!, 4. ryt.tal helmet,. New York. IMO, 1.71.1,A111 . { I I.JS.E.; IT " .1 1 .;V11, °"' 44... lu r rur dully - for it.tiortuuY, Tvg, ry Zusiites's E.arcs: Ir . . „kW' NOTICE:-;--, , Ttios.':trivi,r, iLl'couktinuoi '• proettcaof the tho'offica formally Oacuplotl b o bia fatuity Wm. •31: MkHo. Bag atilthnoto rat:01111y; by Po LIM Orin of Pounaurit Math, uow - • • • • • „ • 0 . -P. • - HUAI It LOFT, Attorney , actaw. ‘.. : 1 • 7-fmne•-•n,-North-llanover-atreetr-4-11w -doom, south of Maas', I totul. All businoso ontnitted to him will, be promptly attended to. (April lb. f AW NOTICE.— W. m. PEN lima rumored his °Moo to thu room rormorlyAiOuilliol by him nn %lain otrimt a fow &wa r:Lot of 00 Aliith.dist glnireli whore he will promptly' :atom, to all buillinoni iintrustiol to hint. „:_-__Ayy4not • • ' ANV OFFIOO. - -E311.71IIL• TODD `,J. hag rostantiol Elio jus . tetlce or the Law, In Centre Square; west Bldo, near tho brit Presbyterian Church. Atoll 8, Bro. - ' n n. S.. 8. - KI.EFFER Office in North 11Allovor. otroot two doors from Arnold At Son's stun, 011iet hour, morn particulorlyfrOnt 7 to U o'clock A. SI,. and frost 0 Lo 7 o'clock, P. M. Doc:rolt ARIITRONGsr had lewov oil his oaks to Contra Square' west of the Pour House: whiora hu may he consulted at any hour of th day or alabt. lIa.A .'has had thirty years , sperleue In rho profession. the last ten of which Inv° tmon' dun &Mtn the study aid practice of Ileinacopiiihiumitsli also. May 20. . , • DJ . -S. , R.A•N N Ilumorrymthin .Phystelurr, and Surrztlr.rr. rim Eritt. 11/1111 ntroot. adjolriltric baxtou'll,burdwurri Wore , • GT4'4O. .• NEIDJCII, AT. • Ti. Lau+ Pp. uw_MitratvOpurativalhintlSrv-t..-the c i k italmore Voliam. .4 . ent.ll Surgagv,^ , 111 / 1 1T.I‘k , " Office iiilllP . ii•sidence. - opposite Marlon Mall Went )Info Street, uurliale. • • 1.857. . • • Dit..I,O.LOO.A.ITS Oirlif.... - iionih Stemmer street,'`'' irliii,* . !mat door to the - Post ---. • . ••••• ' ()Mei. - • ° , . Sslllbo absent . from Carlisle the last . ton' d ays °roach month. ' n" 1 Aug. I, 'he DR. G .If, 0 G Z. I3•Ii ;T Z, ,13t14 1 'T.I7 -- • Having returned to Carnal°, ellen; his prefeeelonul eiervleox to the eltlzenn generally. °Mee In North l'ltt otruet, nearly oppoelte hle f.rtuer reeblenee Torms—goderate. tCarllxle, Nlitreb 31. '3B, be abiont until the lot of April next, ' • - .7 GEORGE S: SEA-' 7 U. _ 111(111T, DENTIST. from the Hal • tjmoro Canal, of Dental Surgery. 10.1-o(lice at the residence of his mother, East leouthio street.three,tloors below Bedford.. _March 19, 106--tf. ._.---- - . reveet. fully lid Tine the Indies and gentlemen - of l'arllde and vicinity. thud Ise tins re monied the practice of ii.pitiatri!.. awl is prop 'red to pen form all I ,puraiqup on the ii. 411 and piing, Ititioivdnyt to We' prore.i.m. 14v will Insert full sell, of teeth on gold or silver. n stride ,zuni ti li. or Ido•kit, as they may prefer.• Terms Tnoterntuta,to null gm limes. 'Mice In lll4b street, dlmtly opp.isito the Cumber land t'allev Bank. . . 4.)-Dr. N. will bo In Sow villo. tho lust -tog .Ily F ol every month. Jan. 20. 1858.-I y•.. . • . D9c . roit Aui:usrus • -Tviaderti hk l'noforsit.nal t 4 nt•v•l •ottt to the ttitlzuris Minna. Ihdly Sprlttra. (I•rost•rly Pnrrttowit), and Itx.vittl.tliy, 111 H orneo 11l bu found ttt kin roxidt,nre. , •ru's Unto!. • [Aug. '25, IS. W. FI.I.:C'EItSTI.CK, No, th ii,,,,,vor:itroot, prow;lptiAlls--4144,i11 . ; : ;ouiplUUTI;1.1 A full 4upplK (moll . Ir,Lo clunleAls. 'BB. J. Kt FAT Deider in Draus •Pe..fu 'lvry. F3iney irtl , les. rulerti Notttli .11/atto‘er Street. Caribile4pi.," B 311;',V LYE .N; I ..!k. It N K North Weatern Land awl Colleetin7 Al, rills. • l'artfeukr Atterlani p 1111 In the hunineng of ueu•rehl &lure, su in bityluz end nallluu Real Unt.nt.e..l , tnulir.f Utyy Fin reel subtle oo '6lrilieS. 1'80152 10941ng niter EllB.genrnl liezerest of umt.rdisidcinn. • I Itefbrowen ,tines If required.. Addron4, ILIEEDE & MiNDH74III.4.I:I_, IlliunespolliMiiiiaesetu. July 21,1854—1 y • • • rllO TII I'l3—The t derstp ad being welt known an a writer. would o,fer tile services le all requirliitt Literary aid. lie will furnish Addresses. Orationii, Essays Presentation speech. N and replies. Linen for AlLnins, Aernstien—preptre matter for the Prose—Ohltuarles. and write Poetly upon any sdldect Address (post paid). • . FINLEY Ji)ll*.V.SclN. Pah. 17, 185 A. Hal t 1)141 . A.L ESTATE AGENC ANDREW O. COL M. JEFF TIIOI4I.+ON K THOMPSON. - . . Wow opened •an office at lit..7neeph, Mo.. for the pur elutho and adept' Real Eatate. buying and aellunt Loud Warrants, entering Land on Time, Surveying and Map ping Towne, 'Location of Warnutte, and making inveM manta for nun-realdents. paying of Taxes. and all (TO /Pes.portnlning to a °anorak Land Agency in Miesourl Kaneas, Nebraska, and lowa. olii.olllco u •Socontr Street, North of A. T. lirsttle'i Banking Houk°. Ouly aw. ItshO. W. C. RI-lEENI; ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL - AGENT. Minneapolis, Minnesota. rrTI LL e elnl atn t rl Itt I ta r e L te.n L: e oe,t;_uv and etl Heal Hittite and aesurltloo. Scrollote loom" pay taxe. , , local* land 'carrot] tt. !tr., te. Refer to the ntentherp or the Cutuherlytd-County voile of Corllttle.'Po. CI- A. BI ItN 13,1, IJ3 - 11, Book-binder,und k-fal BLANK B.E,K ANIIFACTUItEIt. • Alet•ArinteAurg, Po • - !if uhle. Memtra-vsi - ewspapo •14.' BMUS,' - ormnic.i;64),.. , i: Sr. ' Se., are rerrived and re. tarot,' neatly honn , l in on, week. at Illidertit.O. Villtrge vs. Also. riper ruled to any &aired pattern. Jean. li, 165h.1 •' SIMON P, SNYOCII: Ohio. W. IC. I'eiiiiwYlv3,o3. Rhode litiryr3.l. S iii: D R, FA, It LA NI), ANI COOK, • Bankers and Dealers 111 Real Ensile, %JINN Hinnesolat Territory. Juno 3, 1967.—ty. R. H. THOMAS, VENITI ILINUFACTURER IlleoltaiticriouFg, Pa elsies and patterns of lido& made to order. Id :rld 11111.1 repaired to a omit and aubsraotlal meti er. and renrArealde terela • . . 4t.4- 'Mork; froze Oar Ogle and other 111.411ta abroad re Speellll3, altited %ad premptl) eitteuredto. „- st.ep • dlreetly opposite the • thlioll M UT,' %i Mehl ?goof. [July 14, '6l-t. f,, ... VOTICH TO TEACHERS. , :' • • i. 1 . • .. . worria), Teacher competent In take charge of a- actuvl to the borough of .Saw Cumlowland. hi this couutv,Tor the wiett. tussle 1. to whom n liberal eatery will he paid.— fur fu titer parliculars address , , _ SiiiCWr3ltaf:;7Bci'lli"Zilititr.d... CUMBERLAND COMMIE' AGRICULTUI3AL_ SOCIETY BALL E%HI~ITION uR 186$: TO, 1111 11111,TY: AT : OA lILISLN, S UN WEDNESitAir, •' TUUItSDAY AND FOIDAY,,,Iiin • 18th, 14th AND Ibll3 DAYS OF arTODER. • • : • •it ILFO'N.: WATTS, • - PIIESIDUIT.. • Roost FL . „.... ktecretaq: :• [Aiiguet. 114 "MlB-t. 1 ARNIERS the tiinti;to get, 4 a new THRESIIING MACIIINF and WO It $ LIOWNIt. We have a number, or:well teade %seines now -pa hend.'at the Carlisle lifdindry,,iliC Bhielalne Alton, which WA Will sell on' the most- ressonahlaterne., They, cannbine all : the', latest Improvements' end are, 'warranted to be of no , d Material and workmanship,. AIso:COHN aliNfrirEll'. nX ,the mostdruproved m u: etructlen. which do th eir work re idly and thurenshly. FOr . sale it low prices by- • • v. IlARDN1:11* l u.,:5' . .. . .. N .....n.1NTt, ki; . .N1 lilt(IIMNI 'V:: TA 111:61t; lh.. j.„t '1...1v0 A . i Aiomnt afwortinelft •or „... • 'Weil Slain S tree t, 1tr,,..1tr0i1;014111r00110.e1,44/. - cintini, luillonhA'difd, , Otraltatwic'huit i'veikletk qt Phlti gold 1. lAure4 •Vei.if • 14,; ; Ali of -whi,ll ho• win itinko oili V. ma.stirp "fiViliblo)a!sliliff!yity,' - afitt 'um reel, • e i ya.. fht.,.. t, ,t f ij4li n igilloptly. hid' the ' !HAI ilig pi • .• qII Ai:031(1M ETII;t181 it ti S'ii iCi'ft , lll4.l.:j l l ! .4 .a rl ia!" g u i lclt' ' '' l , .:.,"."." 4 '''' ', N. i, ,,,;46 11, 1;416 l'i; TLIERWOIETETtS ILI ' Itn•t ! • re4iviii, l • • 90 1 ,'"??n, l ,'? ft . z . _.._,•___ _ •_.,_.. Oa ia!ovo, at ilsai,laiikom astg fillAtrui, • • - •', .«).1t: ~ • , - • , ,• -,--,KIKIRERM.— . . .. . - New .076nnbo. ll Nim•YORE ANTTPHILADELPHIA, OP EtEdANT. Ng W. G. 0.0 Dt3, . . - • AT ,--••••• BeNTzts STORE Splendid stook Mt' new Black Prose liilki—Magtilflcon I. . Styles Fancy Dram; Bilks. - . . MOH S I ItARE ELEGANT 1!! French Foulard. Silks,- Chinese Silks, nod titriped'llarinteg. Vnlonelns. littralles ; Ileautiful now printed Chailles.Ereuuleprinted Jape. very 'handoso,no . , '• „ • American Print" eeetch, . • French and Inimostio • • ' (I Mailmen.'l uncle. iron. • net Ribbons' and • - Ur.osn T r unialligs, • • Shawle oVery variety, ,Bilk Crape. Stella. Cashmere, • • ke. Embroideries: tory low Coup prishig ell lAA Mi. 3LEEt• ES FLOES°. • rAtin, Elan NOS. VEILS, c. t`ttrpta,M, nod Oil Cloths: YEN CFI AN. 1 N It AI N; TRIUNE PLY.' CIYIVON k 114,51 P. Man:gets and Flour (ill. Cloths of all a Lithe. LINEN • • A emplete assortment embracing all the most colt Mated marks . . •. Moven and , .. , . . • nortory for lA. . • . . . d lea. ..%IIPPOP,. /I II d • . • ' . Children. mat variety ' ' ' of kid rlik and 'Cotton ' tilovex, Ladies.l.:legunt - Ty kited . • • rink )Ilea. ke. I) MRSTIC. AND STA .P 1. 1 .711 WWI: illeach.4l and unbleached Skirtio.rs, liloaehed and unbleaeheill sheet Inge. Woolen and (:otton Flannela Corset ______Artudliklinam.i.'ntfunade.u.l4atineta. To ! ff :- 1 , ittoil and Linen Ana.. . . 'nets, fable Covert+. 111r:wiled ' ' ' - and drone drill'ngn, ' - • and 111, I.IIICHOFN VA. rioty of , d,lier articled, • - • . in fort, t.Lis 0.1. k of _ •nix hi'very extehnleo, thor •nit 01 nod romplete. barite/ boon purehated with 11 r,ll. .I .11,11 pr we , feel 14111111tPlIt wit con please any . ene sviee willfe . ror us J 010 1 .1,1,101. • whe laru petronlied its hereto ; P.re. r ill mintlt that we• have Poll 'the hest harznins ever toin•hosed in Carlisle. We ren ensure our friends and oil l o vers a 1 .• tutu we, are nn well preplred An 1711 r to offer moped. or indueemonts for their petneoete• •A. It 111.:%17: Mouth !honorer street. opposite tho Pont Office. earlisli, April 21. • B. 'KIEV rER'S 7 AND RETAIL Drug, Citomical, Confectionary,, Fruit lUtlittETl" AMORE. • ryllg unden.hmett has just replenished his sthrk'or DIWIIS and 4EI/WINES, wide') haying been so. leeted with are It rare. he Ip s.olslled ate Fresh and Pure, Physlcjans' preseriptiohs plitae.,..promptiy nod talthrollyt attended to.- ..edors troll merchants In the °wintry will heilllod with rare and ion theafmrl_reason...,. Ahle tth . as. — 111 - 411i11il preparations • elude strictly In necordanre with the U.S. Pharunnameia. . • • SPICES Ult./USD AND WllOl E, mud/ Its Chinnmeo, Alspire, Coriander. Pepper, 'Mustard. Ilnklntt soda. I) . ashlntt Soda, Cream Tartar. Nntmev,s, I'm's,. Powder %lace. ear... Sweet Marjory. Thyme. , ,te , troth 3114 p. 4,. 11., 1,4 P in, 11411.11111 the "atent Wahines the day. . • •aransres. lona ;its, Firs. Itnlelrs. eurrnota . . Prunes, A linfouls • Filler's., %V 4 aletas. I; . :reLoitriutN• %.eo r imn. ileroesu nod Prey ell and ody: r of every varlets'.tn wake whole-ale puretaisev,ents here be .0111111 A wit h the best qu silts , of - . o4lo,ll.sorrh's - a n d bluer rates - than .fa pqr=tll.T:hlw ,, tityth. , e.tvttry. 110 n full to, ~rtment of . pIrMIOVZ. (111ItM iN ANT/ rite:icic T Xl3, l'in•nf ,InZrriptinn. - 'met its 11441,1, II 11',Inn1n.• Ilinlx, Ilovlilt • Filiarvs, F:uu•y 11-or' Boxes 1101,n. ronlg. lirtmo Tr. retri. N•hixiha l i1f,.111.5. Sitio& & c ., &r., to he %old 1111 desalo awl Retail. pid In prime ^ • • . ' . • • . r.vvri• (loons - , . . . Port iloolileA, P111,./4. Porkut Ito I 'Finn Minket. .luill ;Ind _own.) .`mies 'or! llurocio Ptimrh rout Wm. I illistmuls mul trios. Ostroll knrks Amt. klmkuls. ,Intl Pink. Vue'iluts mut oils ' , nil', silo. HIM Ii ok'intf+te•rrhn Polobs. 'Mir PI Alio, II t, Butt rut. tilallr.bou Sourimi Silks, Patout Tlirund 11011 t 0 15001'` 0.011. ii.it toqs. 14'e • 01 Eli PES._, Mawr. Tollttt %tit, AkkOPI. Pearl Ptpvdttrit, trnelor-first prtlity It lir 'Hs. Pow( tlttats soul I'yttntits. u, 111 o'ntr 118111 i -of Trkoplionttitt. tooth /Ittir Itivl.torn turn, attil Itnlr Orr. l'lttt nit int, h Inn Wort Relttri 1,1 with eare 111111 will till .111 ..1111;11:1t1 . 111, a(tit.l l / 4 fur the , txttl Ye,. • • P ) t t V") S/:'')rt.g. hn•nl !•04 l tof+e•:un n'thir teen brow ail V. finis cm,. 1114 .e.r.nrii %Yin eon• irinee 1 1 1• 'ono or nn tri J of the purity of tin, lunterill of 1 1 11 1 1 V....141. 7 -11e hag on horn• only aro Will..b h at • ran re' oonneod an sit U. IVO 10....1 up. uk of the truo iiernmu Scar nn they hoer nlrrndv znined for I.llo.ll.ilyes n n.plitntlon Livit they 1;41 . 140v , lomerve. lb, nii , h , •ops the m111111..11 a. th•lo of SOt.111: 4t snit the tenth.: T•d?irce,nuch'no 'kin maroon, Tnkt .'ioln. Fl 4 tent .14tron dp.ti. Con :res., .111.1 Film Cut robneett and null. that, hero ;note , lot t" z0.p60/J,14 .r thok oral karnnago. n rontit.u.itlim u` tho , Ikoo at inir t.•r , nvnrut heath!. hi F.. 11,9" INIInVer stliVt, ll rortlr oplaNlto limo i o llotel. afitl nest tar to Mr. 11111..irs limrery• ear11414...111110 23. IS:A-1y V: NW 'GOODS ! NEIV 11()9D ;! ! . I 1,,,ve lust ref 'mood (root Now York wor delphlo. -now opeolo.• Itt_t he new store room file mrge.txml most .pletoll.l stQek of • .s/'B/N(/ S U 1111E11 1;00Ds over brouzlit, to t'orll4le. '4 ta.zetitioonf Iln.. or 1.4.- 1114 e. goal es Nato and FullOy t‘adero.Side, Ulm* 811 , 14. very low, toll De Chin fors fl•t000llftek Videnclens, and Its roue Hide .Strlpo DeLf oen. Unrolls, Urgandy 1,1.4111, etc. taxa,' men!' of linthrll/1,11. Fllotant Volhtrp. thaderolooia, lln n dkor•hlrin F•lmpn•ht:x el,. etc.. eh, op, than a.% or. Cantl,rb•x. llama! and . `trip • ii .la•• , nteth, .41101,...N1,1000%, 1.(1. 141 . Chooko illoghaina, etc., of all OnilNaail at tily,V.t ., I , West unech .V.V 11111110 s, PLOD-I:Rs, /WOWS, all 111101 . 0 .mw nue.rtinunt. Sit AWLS n 1 ir.th asslrtinent•and- Very Olean such:tit:4.43lla Thibet..ironedlue. New •.'intlis and loiere4'alse just reeeiree Can 1+14111.11. 4 and ether 11.)01Q for linva* wear in crest variety. tinnt.;..patiet;, Hosiery. aloles. Alitis 'ate. ete. A full and new assurtnient linliogany, Rose. - sod and. ul trained Lool. . . I'ASPI.TIMUI AND NIATTINif...— knottier supply of super Imperial. Ingrain. Venetian, iil , lllp and Stair Carpet. 111 . 0 at - very nalli.NNl prices. This Work has been laid its with great eare at the very lowest illsh prices, and will be wid fur ihe rash at Knell Haves ,to Wilt COTlVilleo a I that ihrlihy's new" store' Is the phiee to lay out their ...sit to the very hest atiessita!er;. Light profits and qui .I, sales. Itepolleet the new 141 , 11 . 1 is on the corner of ' tielu'and rat 10 reels, opposite the litoliotilat Church' Carlisle; ,qril :it, 'OS.:I _., 1 . 111118. 00111,11 V, NOW IS 7111.; 77.11 E FOR BARGAINS. Alt G AND EXTENSI V, E ARRIVAL 4 H , • STRING %IM ER . GOODS , . - 11 the N w Star,. evrner o No•th Min..ver and h.otther St•eels The undersigned re , are thanks for the re.trimage hehtowed upon hint by thopublie. and et the same time respectfully nominee, I. that ho hex jur is t rot urned fan t Philadelphia. and Is now opening new tot of SpitiNtl A\ D • U ‘11:11' 01:y (PO /DS AND 411IOOKRIF:S. corr. eliding in part as follows. and which he In determined . to sell nt the lowest cash prise, o UUCAI. CI, Chollies.' De.' Lathes Pribmes. Lustros, Poplins. lawns. Damps, 1 11.111i:oils rikirtine French and sentetillitorimuts Prints. Gloves, Host..., rollers. Handkerchiefs. Ac.. Ac. ASD MANTILLAS, In every style and quality. ` 4 TA - PL): A \ 11 lb lellY (NODS. Cloths:Om sinter., Vesting. Flannels. . ' V truly... Ticknor. Stripes, Cheeks Callers*, I *bttonades.,—itinetts. riheethigs. 101111. nets. `iankeerts, Den:ernes Quilts. colored and white Carpet • 'bale. ay.. AV. Parasols and the',eol o ,, Also a larse and splendid ineuctinent of BUNICETS, RATS. tlAVrt. 11.1111 . 8 AND 611.1F.1.4.• superintolot of freshil lIUCEIti ES. Tees. Coffee.' film gar, Molasses Hire Spires. he.. Ae. iiavink sei t eted my entire stork with the greatest care. and •thejoivesy cauil eeeendie. that I will do all in my p over io make my establishment known so the •• HEAD Q17A11.11189 Ilk RUM NH." . Those who wish to purchase will Midi( to their advantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing. • I will pay the highest market price for Putter. Eggs, Haas Soap. end Dried Fruit. r • J.' A. 11U11111C11, Jr. Carlisle, April 31, 1858. • . IRON It 11LING!--Jroil onnatary endbAuraa.publldand.prliAtO :intuit& and to ttr4Nr at the Cartbdo Foundry. t.tir itt Itallin27 - rorimiatrund - 107281 - 11.1 0000-0 1• pt•boot a lawn variety of new and elogant desiaite whlrh the public aro Invited in call idol oxamitait. , Ordtla for caking and putting up Railing will bit promptly °seen ted at wititjartory prioeo • r ". sg_ Au ontirtd.t 'new TEN 110118E.STEA111. ENGINE and KALI:It now on band, warranted to, be of nip -Nutt make, And will itu told nt A bargalu fur oath orp d N. GAtiDNER & • July 21, TIP. • )1... Ii ;00D IN V NT. ' -Thu - iibmalbeet.lTers roc toile Ronda of, the Blrough of Car allaranle“l and seculed.by a firer niormage Nem the ()dilate Ups L Water Compsny's Worem. its sums or 4101 1 th an. $5O. with COUIIOII6 attaehed ter life .paytnent of the Interoat,Ami ailhuatl Iv l'enamb deaf roux of us perfectly,a Ire inidletnielft for their money nod punctual_ payments of interent, will do well 10 - secure these Wida. • •• • 1.1011."tot/11, ' " • Prelet. of the Carilslo Pun anti Water Company, August If. " • ~e4~,u J int:iu„•-dope-here (OLD EXoll'iiMliNT : AT, YH zna lIIVEIi OUTDOSH, . . . )Dy ttio large arrival of Pall and Winger Goode. a{ LUIDICII 4 riAWltilWil now Skim. Eleetilaln Street, a few dors below Ilargln'e Hotel, ••. • - . ATER' GOODS,. Coniietling of Week Mika, auperior 11 - --- - • brands, - fariey lit IMO VilFititY of WIN , 01(101)I Paola Dei.riinee.l,iiiiln's . • C,ltibratiSl make Or 111111 DR. 'nil colors '.. • and quantlee. Lupine an -wool Co . • balnua Tanjore Clothe, -Poll Do Cho , vlere Morino, . 1 ATHW 000DS. CASII illiatila. A enmpleteline of .1.1 • mourning geode. to which we oancelab . li Wino aftettldn, nwilwaslnd mut Se 'very Sox thwalcalnee, Silk Warp bar , ---:; • ---;-------sren--m9urnloz---lasthurf -- Pern — giairff" - . !metros black Merlons and DeLaluee, • • lingnalt and primal Vetoes, ATOM 000118. 811101 , 101 lit great 111)11111.111,11C8, Brodie, VI - .Tollet. Stella. long and plumb Ana wlc„' at vary low prises. Cloth Cloaks and .. • Woos. Fuca of all kl ode. • 41100 worth to' Jovln'acelobrated KI4 . (MVOS. Embroideries. elegant setts Collars, Untlereloevee Mande. 40-- AV 0001/13, Also. lone' and ll,ye• wear, Nutted 1 for the season Black, blue and lobwn - • Cloilie, Heaver Cloth enseltners, black --- os, Heaver Donn unoottnent, •- -- ...,,„-......_......"0, on Ma ni•aun ............- ~ 'Hid fimoy Ilatloeto, velvet cord .lee no," together with en In II untenable variety of articleselegant _ ete. 1101100111011 . 11 5111141 , 11, Caohmoro •ly tiniolted and oultAble for holiday presents, to' which Muffles Scarfs. Tine. . Fitooko. A. full he inylteo special attention. .. '.. oconortnient of ofik merlone and cotton ' Alto), an untimely° and elegant collection( • ' VOW 0001)9. Draworo and .thintershirto Standing ' • lIOLMAY filter in.fun.M. .1.1• . • . and Ily.rn:l Collarin. Versailles and Linn comprising the varloumEOglishand American ANNUALS • - en , fieonnuon • ['noisy,' of every variety.' tior.lBoB, richly. .embelished and Illustrated POETICAL , Domestic lbw to of ovary doieriintb on, WORKS. with • CHI LOREN'S PICTORIAL BOOKS, for" „,'• Sop •y Bounhets 10-4 - 11-4! 12-4, won . children (101 l noon. than which nothing ran, be more ,' rant d not. to olarink by washiog• appropriate or pleaolog esholiday gifts. • libtassortment .' Criliend 'r e lic' libtoketo. ''-- 3f School Booing and•Schnol Stationary Is 'Ono ennoldete, FLA NEIS of oil bionic aho prim' and 'ountprlsenn everything *used in College pod the " Woolen Yorlon city nod home on um --Sehotolo. lie Moo dextrin,' `to call the 'particular Weans rectum!, bleached and browitSbeetlisoo; Don of Fautilleo to Ink elegant assortment Of "lani'lltaod Plilow'enb'e Moon. of the . lot iIPS. GOLAND/LES, Ac., ' - ••• ; • beet' "'rondo to the maKket Tickinvo, , from ihc extensive eotalnlinhments nt Cornelius, Archis -. ' . I Stripes. Checks. Calicoes. at all pekoe. ' 'and otloiretiof_p_hilidelphiss-cninprinine-every-style - 01 --- , -5 1 ) doz. -11tornner - buctiokbr - iltavfincetiamber and otudy Lamps. for burning, either • N CR' 0000)) - f i f i ax ,n nttl i r o t r o - nu rl , tmk ,,,, .1 . 0z e , ,. .' ; ' , Ie g o r o o ' i . t .n y o , d . -1 - l i f a nr n d c ..itc r rzi n nz x li e ther i lt i l i ollt r n t ie r, o i t e h n e t r i w n it t t i li n 'lr n a e r'Lana . - . • rlety of h. 11164 ribborno and drone trim• eqtde.l In the Icorough. Aloe, . ' . • mines; ladles and eltlldryteo wowed FRUITS, FANCY • CON FECI7IONARY -NUTS—PRE. .- - • - • goods ouch nn Undervosts. lloodin ant I • SERVE!) FRUITS, &v.. Talmo, Callen". tlitttens, Ac. 1 In every variety and at all priees. all of which ere pure N ,, ~,- To all thentloove goodo and many nth"' I and fr e . s h such ac can Inn confidently recommended to. ' • fiIOODS. era. :r v iLe „.tr l p h u e n tzpo oti n•tl f o o n , " ( c . ofdl i t l e , ~ h ~1 ;, ,f 3;g0a and liut,tioliottil.,,,fnolyksGZ.LlA withonn e monnythor:bceear . p wil and fir"' on) to Hell kopd.'nt ex- articles useful to hownekeeporn wlalch ' _the public are ea.,- - '----. - 7, tThilinillfuw "Orrrien. peelslly Invited to coil and see &nine the holidays.— • - Lhi DICII A SAWYER. •. Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank' on' , North Wu - lover street. • ' ' • ER' GOODS Carll do, Sep. In. IRSe3 NORTII Ii (.) R STREET CONFEerioNEItY, •„CAR Ll S L E .P - A , •• • =if hplesaleltales Reduced 1;21)ex - 100 - Ms; The attention of Country M.4,.11:014 and' tho public generally is Invited tin I trge as.rtelenr of • CIIO ICE CANDIES, manufactured of the beet material nod warranted to contain no p 11.1 In their colas. which will he sold Wholesale or Retail of lo v rates air ihe old stood of . v tr. It, • NORTII 111.NI.VER STREET. CAUDILL, l's., A few doors :North of the I:m . llsta Deposit Just received at lam...assortment I „ERE'S - PR.III7'S of the. leitestluiportatious, consisting of .. . , . . , Oranges, ~ Ixanons, . •,, ' Italians, - ' • Nines - .. Fl...te. ati Di.tee.. . • `mil.., Itannas, _,,,, ...-." Alnuettle. ------ Pine Apple's, Ellberis, . ... - Cream Note, . Cocoa Nuts. he., all erwliklt will be sold at low rates. Alen, a large AO sortment. of . .. '.. , . .TOY.S AND : FANCY GOODS .' •• - • - of ovary variety. Also. tilt the boot brands of SEGAnS AX) of Amarillo] and German nomufaeture-.. The subearlbe'r rcturoW thanks for the Itheml patron• nao bentewed mi him by the public. and skits a c tlnuaticunitlielr ferors. _ Remember the Old Rend of I'. MoNVICIt, North II Toyer 5.tveet.,,,,..; 00k S BODK:i 1301K31; B TAVI,III & smrrii . are e.de amoas In Frentaln and Cullberland counties for thu Ml:wing velueble werke , Ilenten's:Abrlll.4o:lolt of' the I/ch.:tem of Congress: Price par Vol.. Cloth $lOO, Sheep a 50. • • Benton's Thirty Vey n, VI • -.complete In 2 vols. ...Cloth $5 00, burr Sheep varee's General Atlas of the W irl t Colored Sfepa and bona li $0 00. tarlistu,Aune Id, 'CA Bkirtwoveyelopsell a of Wit and Hamer. ' ' ~knierlean Eloquence: a Volleotion or .p.. ( ieheil t Lv thu Inoit emlllo.lt oritor: of Amuria., with blogra. phlcnl sketrlve. In I Illustettivu notes. by Frank Mo yr. now ready. complete In two vui.. Cloth. ai. o.l;.l.llwary style. 'matter, .10 00; half eah, - ;;Ilt, 8 00; half unmet , co, 100. . . . 13 iNDIIRS' SCR )311.1100Ka. `sudero' Patton.: Son'done Cp.llor. • ' Condone Itatdar No. 1. Condone Koller. Mn 2. , 83n4lors',11.indor t No, 3. Condone Itoodor, No. 4. Condone Itoodor, No. 5, • . Condoro' Itea-lor, V 0.5. Condone 111 oh `.chool Ihiodor. Bandone !Adhere Itoodor. Sanaa.' Spool:or, Wh dolndo end retell at :311: , VOCK. TAVl.9lret SMITH'S • Molodonna, IME! A largo supyly of •+.•lead 11.. 1 01.. wholesale aria retell . 9IUIYorK TA VL /II k SMITH'S. Pap,. Rilvelops, aY• , tote. 811 iy.001L.T1111. , 111 k SMITH. IL .1. AIEFFEn CIO E AND SEE KE I4 LE R , omyekt MUMET BOOTS, SHOES. HtTS AND CAPS, oltor to our 1,11, 'll4 otl tho plthlle In lanartl. a first tare aa, ,rt Man t of new goods. Malaga . SI'IIEVG A.VI) RU.VVER WEAR. unsurpr,rod ror he tutu.. idyl°. durability, and cheap• 11.11. Our stook rontilhts ' FINE SILK. 111LKSKIX HATS. Fine Kos.intli, 11 - ors', Y dithe. and Chlldrun'a Fancy Hata of every rotor. sTitAw H 101/4 AND CAPS, we are sure the belt awo,routint urar o Torod In the county. and worthy the atlontlon of all. BOOTS .4NI) SHOES. of ovori varloty nu l otylo. ‘lliouo& sm.l drou'o flu° dolters. and all Mods of ehlidrou's Fancy Shoos. For tiontkonen n eon t ,owlrtment of every style and finish in fact sooty variety in one line. Thlokliti to the public for past (Avon, wr wdleit contiou thin or canton no we,,.iro tom we can make It to the advantage of the purchaser: Car Mile, April 2S. 1858 A. 13. EWINWS FURNITURE-W4HE-ROOMS, 1848 West'lll)l Pa (Premium awarded at- the . Cal4erland County. Agricultural . Fair of 1857.) Th. sultscribM has jut.t receirml the mast. splendid assort...um of articles in hit line. ever itroturht to this I,l,o—which ho iteduterttil tied to sell at prices that de ly competition. ..- Parlor, 1 , - Chamber, • Dlalloge.roont, PULINITURE. ' Kilauea and .. - 011tion „ . Ilriilmteing every &Melo used by !louse and Hotel keepers, 4 Abe most approved and fashionable do'Mou and finish. lucludlug also illitts.ta fortutare It, sUtts. reeeption and Camp Chairs, Maple:sex, Wit frames, pictures. at., &c. PUrekik.l . B are requested to rail rod examine his stock. at his uMensive ware newts, West Mehl !Owed, North Nide.• A. li. riWiNti . .. l. .r Pwrticulnq ettontlen given no UMW to fuilhain; orders frets town and country, atte n ded to Inouiptly tutuon modenito Wins. A. H. H. Carlisle, iilay 18, 1858.—1 y - no it 811 S .`X TON'S ENG Aftltl V.A IMMENSK STOCK OF HARDWARE The subscriber has just returned front the Eastern cities. hud would call tho attention of his frlendw and tho publlegouerall)• to the tarts and well selected env sortment of It AIIDWA it r: which it; has now ou hand: -- consisting In part of-iIUIf.DINU lATratlAL.t, iurtr as 'a is. ;fermi. fir War. ••' , de Screws - : moans, 14rlte,,Locks. Diem; of, every de scription and quality: such an Common. W bile. Polished American. French. Enamelled and Double thick of all sixes. Paints. Ull,. Varnisties.:Ato., &e. VAS—lncluding Edge Tools of every'deseriptlon. Saws. Planes. Drama and Bata; Augurs. Squares. Duagex. Piles, Hasps. ilaminera, Vices, Anvil. Screw Plates. Blackstulthallellpwit, Ac., ' - " Phoeinakere andlladdlera iillefind - a large asSoisinaliC of Tonle of ovary description. togothcr with Latham' and. Gentlemen ' Morocco Lining. Binding. Patent , and French Calf Skins, Shoe Thnetd. Awls: Wax. Page. Laids,- ,Ifarnoss Mounting, Collars, Birthing, Whipstoek, Dues. hair. Saddle Trvis, de., ec. Also, Coach 511akers Tools and Trimmings of all kinds., such as Hubs. Spikes, Fellow,. ShAlte. Bows, Floor Cloth. Canvass. Cloth.• Damask, Fringe, Lace,. Itomei'A-elos• 'Spring itelts..to ,-.Sce • Cabinet "Makers will end a larva assortment, of Var. nishem. Oak; Walnut:and Mahogany' Vermont. "{nobs of all kinds and. Ideas. iloultiltigs.• Illvets, Bele Cloth. Curled - llair Chair and• Sofa Sponge. au', A , c; 1 Ifouseheepery will also find large 4 1tertrt !Knives and Forks, Brittannia. Allots and ire Plated Table- and-Tea Spooti,Caoriloatlcks Prili and Tonga. iroq and Itrase Undies. Prinejec., together .Cledinviare, of all kinds,: eur e ka. TUle... Mulkey, 1 Ch urna, Agrienlitiralitup • loniutitaenibratiing Plowoofell ki4 L BS,' cultivators. - Haus, Shovels.,llehol; Forks. Chains, k, Gsmprlalrlg all glitldrAlr use wiareh 1 MD MailllOAt city .wholtwale - prieviL stand. East - Male street,,Parlislu,..., ;. pill 7, , ' •, •' . Mt. received ksh MINING FLU-I I) ra J cw oobs. ==! 8111tY /MC. TA k SHIM'S NE 11' .4 1? R 1 V. 4 /., I= 1858 ip IiMMiMM Sttor Opobs, p , J4O 84,1 i A 1-. V 1 aopos RIPA f ll t MIDAYiII I FA$Cy• 000 D S, CCIFT GOOK®;' kg, - • .s, W. lIAVIEItpf O 8 Epp ,Jhilt rocoOlikrig,ls tiggito end la now opening amplatull display of Ildenvt •••• t elate& for tiro gyro/tolling Itoltday Maisano to Bbla he doslrp to ortll the attention of lila blends Mgt the • ppumla Ilia assottoonat• fn this Ilna /wows wourpafisett oataltY nod olaganco. and Loth In .luallty and price oft Argalus, 01),141411 to Ign4 Ao puronagerg, it would be impossibly to otniwonoto big • • 11014114"1 NANCY Worle. • 'N. • sottish aomprisoarary variety of ninnYartlcle of the LOONS ox,Lif situ as, . teplor' Radio Booths, Elogant alabat ter and porealala lakottandealitUP7l, - -• "miff trofro.toOttlitalahatt-eardthateore• - •:-- Away Mewls. Edney Work Hanes, with ootrlng Instruments, Bort 3fonliniso. armory variety. Gold pose and pooollt, Taney patter weights, • ' PopetorleS, and A biro, fLrloty of hullos' Nanoy114111101:1 sty, • • Motto male and wafers, Bilk nnd band purses, • , - toadies' Ming Whips, elegantly Dubbed, Ironer OD, cutler),' • Perron, Intekete and ljege, -• • Brushos of every kind - for the Boussi,Ps Portunwo of the various kinds, • linnlcal instruments, of all kinds and at all pricas, = ViTail A ' , E V I I j I. I A E '.I, S I4:AT j C E O I N V I, I I II ',N L 'S Ii n Y Ic; en ' ta A bll N eh D ed Stand, West .31alu St., nearly - oppositirthteuniberlind Valley honk. -, I hove just received a new assortment of watches, revelry. medallions silver ware, be.. In addition to my firmer stock - to which Lill Vitt, the; 4tentl ••• - •4 the public. The assortment embraces flno -.7 gold and silver Wier watches, limiting " . •,,1 . 11 and open case do, gold Anchem for ' - I,„, L :I adlesnd illentlemen and %diver be- 13. S C pines and Quartior watches of every va-.i ----' riety In style iirill - price. ... - Ala, fine gold Modelllone. Break-pine for fad ~ pliarrnill" Geo Omen of every 4iunl Ity.'lmttorn find price, old fob, veld. curb and no , lt chains. (hold bracelets, linger Hop, c utflol Ile, . studi!, koKOAUttOIIII. CITATS. Gold andrellyrr ;ffilsoblea. silver and plated butter Patron, forkeitable, tpa. malt and inuetard spoons' of" every variety. A' large aasortment of gold, ellver tuid common spoetaeles, .to suit all ogee to which we Invite opeelst/aten- A fine Int of GOLD-Pglkifl from the beet makers,, vested° eases, filmy boxes. silver and pearl card canes, • 'gold and conunqn brneelets., wati , b chains, Mantle Clocks and a 'variety of articles Mill . ally kept In Jewelry eAtablishinents. whioh I will sell low for rash,- All ankles war rm.. motel to be what they aro represented. Particular attention paid . as •uxual to 0 . WA.MII ItEPAIILINU and-all-work. war ranted, Dem. 2.3, TR117.1 • UST ECE I VED AND 'OPENINO6. - CV -• AT"I.:AUGLE'S CUBA P - .ll , Anllhiff STOKE, • • • Alain Street, Carlisle, Pa. A large oupplrof. Watches. jewelry; Si!.. eel and Plated Ware„, • •to - vrlokh halite eta 'tontine: . If you *nut to ea lect from the Jergeeli ',dock of Cloche. Watch, rf•A"' ea; Jewelry. fil/yuraud. - ,4••• Plated ware In Carlisle- . call s • -, ii 4,‘31.-;:"." ' . i kOt lalll , .. 1 7, ; . 1.41`:•1.1': , ti , j. -I'W.I:C'IV 44* 11 - , 1 e,.--1 * ,3....-.-,::tit 4, L . - i've,;; ,, i 1, , .._ . IMI , Wu bean a large asuortiount of Gold indßilyar.lllutb log and 4.)ped Case WaVhes - suit nil I.:nuclei ands Poeknts, Mine .and Cheap Jeweirrothrdif ADA and qiaality, iu aett@ urby the Wee as wautedi . • .. Silver and .Plated Walter's. Cake. Fruit, Sepal. end Cord liankets. Silver, Table, Tea, Creato i Sogar, SO, Dearer. and Ocean Sp one, • ' • • At NAUGLE'S. , • Pine Pearl, Lava. Coral, Cameo, Onldatene. Mosaic, cantina Meanie, Jut Box and Glass cotta cheap At N Atilt LE'S. Diamoud.Drovitphia and Eingethiga, • At t NAUGLEILS hunting Cast Eight Day. Levert: Gold blunt ing Cue, Duplex ; - Gold II untiug, Chrononietera • ' At. NA Bagley's best quality of Oold. Nowlin; Ditto Gold. Puns nod Silver Holders, At..IIAUGLE'S. Sliver and Matist «s Stmts. (i.d.tets, Cups, Vaal, Racks. Pitchers. Urns, Turisms, Tea diells, At .NAUGLE'B.- • Gold Nook, Vest. Curb. Fob. sod Cbstlulu Chains, Geld Bracelets. Lockets, Thimbles. Cruses. Charms, AGNAVULIM. Fronch Time Neese to run,threwsud tour weeks, At NAUGLE'S.'. .001 d Sleeve, Vest, Collar, - auctShirt Studsef all stiles and quality, • At,INAUGLE'S. Plated Forks. Spoons, Knives, Napkiu.niugs,l3llver. Thimbles, Shields, . Fldtlosa, Aceordeona, Made floors—s doe varlety,, At NAIRILE'tt. • Lodiec' Portndonalen. Pearl and Leather, Plain andi Fancy Travelling Dap? very. r lee slylas,•:ehonp At NAUOYE'S. • • If you want to hare your. Watcher.- ettt lu prod re palr and Irarratded,.tahe alum tV, • NAUGLE'S. If you want to get a Cheap, Clock, you,ran eat It At NAUGLE'S. If you want your Silver ware neatly !narked et:ebort. optic°, g ill At NA.I3Q/lIM All goods 4 warranted,as represented, or the monoy,cri Aindsd, _ . At , NAJGI4:'S Portions that want bargainti aro Invited to call st 11,E E IL AN 0 8 0: A nirge issioripent of militant. Maim from the brit "tioili.n and New York milkers, togrilier with excellent eeeond•band Pianos, cuestintlyfer NO. 86 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. Alpo. Manna A Ilamlin'eltudel Melodeone,,Organ•lti. 'edema , . nnd Otgnu•llnrwouluum. • Old Menus taken In pit payment 4.1. new ones. PIANO TUNING OR REPAIRING, . • With nil litrinitPd and Wind Instruments. will reeelve prompt attention from Mr. JOHN rrAtiZYK. who has no superior in thin department, and is one of tho• moss .relisbTutivta to Its Vetted States. 5up.2•2,11N-Iy. H. C. B. CARTER, p HILA:DELPHIA COLLEGE OF MEDICIN}I. . „ 214 spat"' Fifth St., below Walnut, =TM opon oh MONDAY, OCTOBER 11TH. 1868 The following are soihp of its etivantageot It is the only Inftitutinn In the City which furnishes lie Students with Hospital Tickets and material for ditweetluil WITHOUT CIIAIO3E. The classes 'ate examined daily ¢y the Ilmthwore,•Who take a personal interest in. the adiancement and welfare of,eter, Student. • A limited number of >lntim weir of restricted •meads will be receivetiAN bansficlariesi. paying but $lO The full course of Tickets.. In all cam's, the sous of physh claw. and of clergymen have preference. An an nuunci•nient containing every information will be, scut free. ou appileatloi to .' •- - • - - ~Enp:l3'SR-3t~ ICES • .WALL I,'S'PER!..WALLTAPF;R,'. WALL PAPE* PIA TIC UILLION. A large variety of new and beautifill .patterns Just opening and will i.e will eheaper than ever at. • • • • , • Cheap Ifardwareand'Papee Shun,: North Ibruovee Street . A beautiful variety, of WINDOW, EIIADNB just • • .1. P. LYNE 'BONI • " 'rived at ' Green and blue Window Papenduat opened et . • April 1848.1 301IN'P , 14101Ci'LlON,, ' • -r- 311 ItICAN , WATCH,, --flaying - 1k • 2 celted the ecenci tbc ;On Cat of tini Witten. from the noston %Vetch Comgcity, 1 *mit& rea,. ' • Swartllly inter itty old (dentin and the ppbtla gotnecc ally. that I have a ,thie - entortinent new opening awl Lundy perßein do geld - and silver case!, end very nu. „, etylem, end - with recer.l t can't be beat, pe,ve thatlct It In truly Imo y ire Chillit a trlelt l'ersene In want of e Cetreallln piece, are reaatattlh!li: Invited In'eallnnd 'olio Our notches.•.. ;., • W.l ) , A.. 'Matti Streit; aunt' 30,'05. . . 8 2' B . Witter, 4,1 it A(,`Eitki;: — Clakii; CU rilin t atinibele,q --, • 4.. frvkli nt - • • • K lAVetl, LW; )10 RO TONS charcoal 11—s.ro-ric-ino : N r ror-r41,-iktritie-vcaiotwaywo • W. B. ASIMILAY = THOMAS CONLY'N At NAIR; 4E% At, NALCkLE'S, =M! EBZEDIM p D.. Doan of tbo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers