Qe. 'fflarhtts. EN . - VARtLISLICDupir. : • .'Reported' Weekly% foi: the' • alee:iald by Woodward & 'Schmidt FLuun. Superfine, per Md. • do. x tro, YoOidy . Itse do, • ,SrurTF. WHEAT per trowbel - RED ,-- do. do. Itse • OATS - - - CLOVEIISEED do. TIMIITIIYsE ;p do. SPRING BAULKY' WINTEti BAIT/J:IC PIIILADELPIIIA. MARKET The Fhiur market is very dull to day.there is little or no inquiry for shipment, and the sales tire Confined to the wants of the tittle. who buy sparingly at from $0 00 to *0 7t. for. standard and good supeifine: :Stu 874 a 6 20 for extra, and *6 00 a $7 per bbl. for extra . family and fancy brands, as in quality,. a stile of 100 bbds. old stook extra was made at $0 021 per bbl. Standard shipping brands are, off red at our lowest figures without. finding buyer's to ffny - extent: Of Rye Flour which is scarce about. 00 bbl 'have been sold at. $4 per bbl. Corn alsolsearce and firm, at the same price. • There is not, much Wheat offering to'dd'y;and prime lots are in some demand. at . fully former rates. stiles include' 8500' bushels of Pennsylvania and Sonthern-Ted.-atssl--28 80; mostly at the latter ride for prime Dela ware.. aflont.'looo. bushels pyime Kentucky do', at,sl'9o,ln store. 900 bushels Tennessee. on , terms kept, private. and coins white in. small I dotscat -$l-314 a 1 40. thelat ter-for kond ty. Rye is wanted at.Boc. fir old, and 70 R. 70c. for new and but little• here. Corn is in fair request. and scarce, at a further advance . With sales of 'lOOO bushels yellow, mostly Pennsylvania, at 93 a 94c in stirs inelitiling one-lot. on terms kept.prieTte; there is none afloat today. Oats are steady. with further sales of 2 , oolm , ltela Southern at 4:4 a 43e. per bushel. mostly at the former ritte. ---- 77 ' In Seeds there is more doing. awl' about, (100 btivhels Cloverneed changed - hands at $5 —4O ass 75, the latter for. prune including finale lottion terms kept. private; alma 500 bushels Timothy also sold at $2 a 2 121 prime at the latter rate ,Flaxneed ioscarce. and do nte.tic is worth $l 70 per,busbel. • Whiskey continues dull.. hbls sell 1...10w1y at • 2$ a 25c. and Drudge At 23c. . . lIAL'grIVIOII.k.MAttIKIEGT..__ == FLOUR AND Mt:AL.—Tile market ruled very dull Mai• morning for both Super and Extra ' Flour ; there were DO sales reported except.: fug 409 bblti Obit; Extra at *5 „5,' and 100 bbls common do. Super at 115 25 per bid. We quote Super it $5 59 for goiel brands Ohio and Howard street. and $5 37.1 ts 6 50 for City Mils, but we have heard of no StOCH - to' day. No alteration in the quotations of Ex• tra. No sales of Corn !deal ,nor Rye Flour reported;, prices unaltered. - RNAIN. - Receipts of. Wheat were•consitiera ..hly,larger this niernitig. afimunting to 25,000 bushels 6f which, however, only 2.500 liiidi: els was'red: and pekes of .super fine grades white Wheat.el4l heavy and, raiher lower', ts.e.. \ Whilst. red said at fu previous prices—white ,brought, '1 25a1;1 36 f r fair to good grodet, and I 10a*1 41 for prime to choice; :the latter price-liAng paid for a sing!alor iyf -- iibli W 4 - 'els'; red sold lit I. 25351 28 per IM-Ifel for good in prime: Of Cdrit 3,000 bushels offered arid sold of 78a8Octs for white. and 88s9Oets for yellow ; - and two choice lots ,yellow brought 93.cts per bushel. Of 04911,295 bushels of fered. and utos ! ly sold at 40a14 ets for thir - tii prime new Maryland—no change in l'ennsyl vaDjA. . Or It 'e 200 bushels - offered _RIO SOW DV 82 Ct+ for new western Virginia and 85 els pm:bosh-I fn • n'd Po.tnqviv..nm. . .._ . aotiet tv,enteitt7). • - ELECTION PROCLAMATION.- C 4, to an 4 by au act of the General .4a. simitoly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled an Act ref:stint; the elections of tlifs COMMO.I. wealth!' paused the ld day of July, A. D. MD. It le made the dittv of the Sheriff of overj county within this Catnuteowealth, to give public notice of the ticoond KIM:LOUP. &•,d In until notice to enumerate: 17 - ThiChtikerilictie isluted: " " • ' 2. i eslptate the phoe tit which the electi in 1,. to behold I, JAC4I,I U /11'.11AN, High !World' of the county of Cumberland. do hereby make ku own end 41ve GAO pub. lie nottleit t the electors of the county of 'Cumberland. that on TUE:WAY. the 12th day of October heat. an; ete..thot will be hold at the several election districts rts tabllshed by las In said county at which time they will rite by ballot for the Sonora! officers hereinater named, : ONE Pg1181)X for Judge ,44,the Supreme Court of • l'oom.y I van'. 0%8 l'ettB . I's for Canal CAmmlaxianer of the Common wealth of Pouneylwanla. , . 0:41i represont Abe Counties of Coml., laud, ferry and York In tht, Cuogreite of the 131 ates. TIVto /.411/3')NS to represent the counties of Cumber land end Perry lu the Muse of iteprefientatives ci • Pennsylvania. PtlitrlON for tzherlQ•of Cuuthorkod County. ONE IN for Commissioner of Cumberland Yount'. ()NJ.: t'ICItS•IS for Director of thu Poor of Cumberland Comity. O.:WON for Auditor of Cuinborland Comity Thu slid election will be held throughout the count.) as folios's: . Thu election In the ideal 01 district composed of the borott;11 of Carlisle sod the townships .1 Not th diddle tun. South lilt Beton, Lower Int:Anson and Lowe: prankf ,rd will he held at the Court il,miont in the b';e lough of Carat!. - The eleeti pn 10 the election district 1,./11w,,,K1 of Low er West Pennslenenv;ll, le herd at the North 'wheel I l'ome in Thu elucti en la the election district cominnsed of SII ever 'kern nt i.e held id tin public house (large DueY, in ill nestowin In said townehip. . - Too enaction lu the•electi no district composed of Hampden township, will lei hold et the house fortneri,, oecupted Henry illekurinulli in wild tow•eddp. The ulouti /II la the election distriet Cllll/1101i0li if tin township of Upper Allen. will he held at the pulp hausenecupled by J Floyd, Is Shepherdstow In. The election lin the election district composed .1f tln township of Lower Allen, will be held at the wag.", maker oh 'p of .1011114 111111Ch 1 / 1 11,0r• on The eleotlon la the election district eontpused of Eest Vennuaborough township. at the house now occupied by it. Clay, at the West end of the I 1311.18• bUr4 Ilridge.' 'the elect' aln thwelortlon district composed \ew Cumberland, will lab held at the house formerly kept by Wut. Wad, in the borough of Sew Cuitaberlsoil. flit election In she election district VllllllOBO4 of the , 'Borough of lieehallicsburg, will be held ut the pubil, house of James oieloy, in said borough. ,Thin, election hi Silo election . district composed of Ml/111.00 townsdip, will be held at the public hem., t Samuel Algieer, in ihurehtown. in said-township, , The elootim In the election district compssed of Ills per Dieklinson township. will be hell at the house !m -ood y-occupied by John 'human, iu said township. Tho eluctioo lit thr election dietrict s camp mud ..1 the borough of Nowvllle, and townships of Mifflin. Uppei• Frankford, Upper West Peninshoro. and that port ut Newton townahlp not Included In the Leesburg election district will be bold at the Brick School House in the (enough ti Newkille. The election •In the election dishiet ornnilesed Hopewell township will be held at doer Now Brick School House. ha Nesrh rg. in Judd towashir,, Tisu steal 41 in the election district composed of the bore niLlin of ehippenshorg. Shippooshurg township mot that part of Southampton to uship not included• In the Leesburg election district, will bo hold at tl e the borough of Shippeusburg. The election in the election district composed of parts of Newton and Southampton tortiships, not embraced . In the and Shipponsinurg alstricts, -will be held at the house formerly occupied by Wilhelm Mass wall In Leesburg. NOTICE IS lIERISBY GIVEN That every purism except justices of the Peace who shall hold Any Wilco or appolututont of profit or trust _udder the Vetted States or of this slaw. or any city or limiirporated district, a - higher a commissioned officer or otherwise, it subordinate olneer or agent, will , is or shall be employed under the logislnrive, execut ice, or Judi. slaty departments of this !gate, or the United States. or orally city or of any incorporated district; and also that any Member of Congress or of the State Letrisla., ture, and of the select or Common Coultell of any city. r etnunissioner cf any Incorporated dist, let. Is by law Incapable of holding or exercising at the same tints the ° 4 l ll;:t r e s a tr iX/us " o f Mgt' tuspuetor c t ' n ' 2 l Le r k ° t . ct r - " • judie, Orettnarolneeenrouotreteetiou — ehelt bou'enA • to. Iwthere voted fur.' • • And the mdtl of A'sgeoribly, 01i - titled an act rile tang to the elections of this tlemmonwealtls, Passed du% 2, 1056, further provides as fellows, to wit: l-Thst the inspectors. and judges shall meet 'et the place appointed for holding the elections of the district - to which they respectively, belong, before nine o'cicch .it. the morning (tithe second Tuesday le October, and Bash of said inspectors shall appoint one clerk, cr i tic, Shall be a - qualified voter oreald district. - - - In ease the person who shall have received. the sec ond blgliest number of votes for Inspector shall not •ut t nd on the day of the election. then the person %slur shall heist received the second hlghett ',umber of voted at the next pretmding election, shall act as Inspector Its his plasm. And In case the person who, shall have te calved thohLtheetAutabitr ore. tea - ftd - Taspoetlor shall , not attend, till, lorreon elected judge. shall appoint an r Inspector In his place • and -In case the person elected Judleghall not attend ' : then the Inspect..r who rood, tut h i g h es t number of votes shad appoint ajudge in his pla,e, arltany vacancy shad continue in the board forthe space of one hods efter'tlie time fixed by law for theppenlng of the election, the qualified eters of the usitip. ward or district for, which such amens 'shell nave been eleeted, present at the place of electiet , shell elect one of their number to till Such recency.. • • . • olt shall be the duty of the several assessors of each , dlstriCt to,atteud at the place of holding every, general: ,apecial• or township election: during' the whole time sold election is kept 4peib forthe purpose of plc ln j ; - firmation to the Inspeelore . epdjulpee.when odatniii to the - right of any pure raiiieorried. by thew to vote at Aids election, or mush other, natters n rest. • tlou to the assessments of co:Orgall the said leepech,re — , teettliOrottheonghell - trourttine - trttele relthro. '"No penes shall be permitted to vale at any otectbil as aforesaid. Othtir that IS white freeman 'of thease. of twenty.one piers or' more, who such have residtid in the State et least one year, end in the - election: distriet !there be tr.:um his vote nt,,least tontilaye Immediately preceding 00111 election, and within, two years Pahl a Stele or county. ten, which, shall have .been amassed at least ten 'days bettor° the election. lint is citizen pf the United States *holies praviousiv been it qualified voter of this Stott, and removed therefrom and returned, and $ . 5 . 25 - wtio shall hero resided In the election district and paid. 5.75 , 14000 46 aforesaid, elicit be entitled hi vote after mold " Jog_ iti 1111 -.State-six •montlist . Provided, That-the 6,00 white freemen,citlzons of the Unittitl States.; beta con 8.50 ti linty-000 and twenty-two years. who. has e resided In 1 30 en. election district as aforesaid. shall be entitled to , ,„ • vote although thee shall not have' pent taxes. ''.l ozu - "No person shall be r ertultted to vote whose IMMO le 111 r .,lttit rentallied 14 144 I itt of !astride Inhabitants fur. ____76__tolshed bY.the COUttliffedellerli. IA iile'es First. he. produce . a receipt 11/i the payment within two years of a Stale 4 0 ' or county tin. assessed agreeably to the 'COnstltution; 625 and give satisfactory evidence, either on his oath or Ar. 2 . 50 . nramt Inn. or the oath ur affirm:dims of another that he ~ 9 has paid audits too, or on :allure to pry:Awe-sr receipt '.'P 4itlialLmakireathio,thiipaymeet.taiireft-,-Seetturtrilloi -'7. claim a right to vote by being all doctor between the ago of twenty-one and twenty.two yenta. he shall de peso on oath or affirmation thst lie Mot ritSitled in thin Slate nt hart ono year next before his application. end ni, kit such proof or residence in the district as la requir ed by this act. and that lie does verily believe, from OM accents, given him, that ho Is of the age nforesaiti and 1 such other evidence ns is required by this net,, where upon the Millie of the person thus inintitted to vide. sheltie. iuserted in the alphabetical list by the inspec. 1 tare. mid a note Made opposite thereto by writing the' I word " tax," if he shall he admit cud to vote by meson • et - bevies paid-tax ; or the word - age,'' if he shell be ! Admitted to rots by reason of such age. shall he celled 1 out "to tho'clerim. who shell utak° the like notes en the Hats of votere.kept by them. , • I. "In alt cams whore the name of flit( person eta stiing • .t.o robots ft rind on the list furnished by the ('ommis. Menem and assessor. or his right to vote. whether ffiund ; thereon or nut. bi objected to by any qualified citiseu, • it shall be the duty of the lessiectors te.eXiindlie Rath ;'person on Oath a. to him tonlilieatiOns, and if he chillies is h aye resided Within the :qua, for one year tor snore. Ids oath shall lar sufficient proof thereof. but shell . make proof by nt least one competent wheels, who shill/ be a qualified elector: Unit be has resided in the diet riot for inure then ten dais iieitt lemiedintely pro credit's au. lit election: and snail Ides - !diesel) so earibat .hla b ton fide residence. In pursnanceorside_lawfuicall, - I log. IN In Said district, tio.d that I e did not remove Into said dist, let tor' the purpose of voting therein. 1 , '• Every person qualified Os Olives/rid, and who shell innklidue proof, If required of the residence nod' pay. mad of taxes as elitrestild, - shall be admitted to vote in the ton lishili, ward or district in which be shall reside.. -•' I finny prw.,l than prevent or-attempt-- to -prevent any efil..er tit any elect(( ii under this act free' holding Such election, cruse or thrVi , any violence to any officio.. sod, or shall interru 0r... Impreperb interfet co with hint in thu °neonate tot his duty. or shall block up the wiudow,itr avenue to airy wittdow . where the me., inay, be holding, or shall rivtously dirt orb the peace at such election, or shall one.any intimidating threats, forcu pr violence, with design to influence ult. clot or overawe any oleos.. or to prevent Ithir from ice tang or to restrain the freedem,of timbre. such masons on_concicrittrishall be tined hi any' sum-not-exceeding - 111 - Flitliffireirdiillars, nifiliniffikinitA flif. — titirtlute eel less than thrthi nor snore than twelve months. and if it shell be shown to Court. wheroilie trial orkuch offence shall leo had, that - tho p..rsto Co offtriltlitig was nt t tit resided of the city, ward. district or' township where the offence was committed, and not entitled to vide therein'. then on etilithitlelc he 01141 Ire sentenced to pay a flood' riot less than ono-lituidred nor rondo than ono thousand dollars. and Son imprisoned out less then six months nor more then two years. . 4 1f anyperson or persons shall make any bet or wa ger °p.m the resultnf any election within. the '.'ooh nionwenith. tor shell otter to make any such het or WI ger, either by verbal pi-oclaination Aborted. or by any written - 1 Whited titlvertisente -t,„ challenge or' invite soy, person to seeke sitell net Or wager, uses coin teflon Afiereuf fie or they shall forfeit and pay three times the aniettlit se bet or to be but. . "If any pepsin not by law qualified. shall 'frauds,. Willy veto at arty election of thin Commonwealth, or belles otherwim qualithtlialiall one nut of his proper dlowelet._er.4 I t pergeon• knowing the went Di curls. prillfleatlens, 8 Idier procure such persors to vote, I the pinyon offending, sail, on ednoletion, be ford-In 'any sum net exceeding ovo hundred dollars. and he imprisoned forme} term not exCeeding lir ee months. •t If tiny person shall. veto nt ttttt re the. one ele.tit,n, district. or otherwise fraudulently vote more then one. on the Sallie day. itr shell fraudulently fold end deliver to the insiouctsr two tit'kets together. with the Intent Illegally 10 Vote, or shall pnwnr afoot her to do PO. be Or they oire...n..c. owl - 01. eons !filen be fined-In any . sum tintless then fifty nor More, than five -- hundnal &oilers. and be hillitheniill for ally terns not less tints, - thre4ointllllorti than 'thelVe Ilion the, o Irene person not iillalifleil t, veto In this Cent-inn - Weithli;afrocially to leic. kescent the scats - of genial...l Aliso '1,1.1-Shall opponent - n ey -- plitre - of Auction -tor - the purp..St. of influencing the clamour qualified to vote lie shall on Conviction tiirrell nett pry any stun not ex Vending anti hundred did lars fur eVerr such idlenCe, end biclitlpels used formai tern] not exceedit et three month,' Agreeably to All'• prOtlidetis of the idatydirSt sixth, of the said act, every General end Speelal Eleelliiii slier: biruielniallietWeerf th4hnlitreridiflit - 10 - el - teir lic 11ft - forenoon. and shall continuo witlitout interruption or. elljodynment until Collin ti cloak la the evening, whet the polls stroll he closed. And tliejudres of the regime:lei, district; aforesaid,. ore by tile said act required to trend et the Clout t lions in the leoroude of Carils,e, toi the third day after th election, (being Friday,. he 1 oat day of October I the, .thil there to perform the things required "(them by bin : Tin., return Attires of :the Itepresent.ttlia district_ will meet at Carlisle, nt the time fixed by law. ~ it [vet, under my hand, nt Carliole, this loth. day or September, 1E67 - - --- LONDON CLUB H o 61,14 - 4 re m- ' ll l r t'lL re 1 , 4 ,1 . OE V‘s is *' ' 's "4 / "Vt . ,; 4 a. - ^4nttoini;lp'::l'p'er:'T s'a " I :. —Ccool Notices IT U T - OF itAItIIARA Youir, other. Ise Shelly; derensed.— . le , rne itlt •sur. truirdlan a did. Ore; z. hits tire,mited Ids petltho ,•tlte Orph los' Court. 01 lumber) oil Couoty. uod, •ho Art ~r .1x5.,1111, of the ltilh :Writ. Inf.:l. nu to to ROT it trawl of land In 4-41.44- - r•prtui owirkhil minded by /111.11, ill - Mr. 1:11i•e17 'Jacob 31 mon no. I errs nod ctol:ttlitilllit SIM bre ttertOl more or lent w ith e 9T 'NE IbillNe4iind Stout' linok linen. there. ,eotea • urn, whieh petition the nalircourt grit t g 4 4 ale on till. p K Interested to ome.nr nt tt .reluins* Court. to he held in, 'eu vole t, the I'••t6 tiny • ' slur, A. It.. Inf.S. nod show 1`41.1-11 Wit 0 the said ord.. M tell pot lie grunted of welch rule nll the sold pot to, twit hereby I. quit , tl t. take n tire. SIANII.I. S Clerk of Oho • /rphnize . Court. Sep, I. c. OTICE. Notice is hereby _give], 1 that an application Irmo boon mole tf. Cours ICu .1m n Mons. of 'lambed:aid , otint • y. upon the +q, pleation tile Trustees, liters and Deacon.. ufth. .lerittan I utheran hurt h. of the Iheoupls of Cnrlixb' and Its r ',Jolty." to amend the. 1111110'0i the sold Co. porntion inn that on motion of Watts A: Pitri,er, At iorneYr pt the applleanta_tha_Court oriltred mak. publinhed In ono newupaper In earliMe;..thitt th , .immiiiinosits will he grunted MI the first tiny of the neat t.alet. November 8, 18f8. unlem nijortit us be ninth: nili. nuso shown to the contrary. PIIILIP Plothonntary: Qep 1 'ISIS I[ 4 I ST ATP, OF J 01)N BHEEL Y, Letters uu of tam /then sate of tearer Allen too neap. etnehrriand rount} Jemmied, hero been greeted M. the Register. or N 31.1 tonic endershiged. All persons Indebted Li' the estate are required to snake Immediate leo meld - and tie se having Oahe. to present them duly authessli voted for settlement to JOHN SIIEELY, LEVI MERKEL. Executor', of jllilll Shetly. Am. 14,7,11 OTICE.—AII persons I nn tw•ing indAteti to the tistate of Moor, n Voerin deenneed, ure hereby untitled to make pap tuutit to 31Alt ,M.•%loltltV. A,Oniui*tluti•ix. or C. P. Howlen, Attorney Carlisle 80. 8, 1858 NOTICE —An eleetiiin of o ffi cer! and manners, or - Ise I:untherlund Velley 11eIlroad ennpanv. will Lo IselOt the Olen the enuipitny; In h.mbe r oure. on 3lONDAl'sthe 14th day of OCTWIEIt nett, between the bourn of IQ A. M. end 4 P. 31. E. 31.131 DIME, I,,eeretury. Rep. 8. 1.856.-3 t. VOl'lCE.—LAterf, or Ado - ijoistrption mem the Fatah+ of May Sample, of Filthr,Sprintc township. axed.. bat. town lowed irtAlua thiln: rioc:f to the tulotoribui',"realding In older t 4 itt lug tow whip, hi whom applhattlon will bo nunitfTu any bushier. con necked with tow estate. AU!. '2A, Nk,roTicE„ Notice is hereby given, that application will la _• mu& to the next, :at. ore id% Pounsylvania. to biter the - obartar of the t`.tlifilq.E - 19:14ISIT -11- Altilfv - locuted in 'tho Itarough of farilole, rumherland Couoty, so to to Confer upon said Hank the righto tuarprivilettes or Al think of issued not to change Its nate. , to the 04111101 A BANK ; 010 4 to increase the capital Or mid Hank, _which in at present a'eventytwo Theunand DAWN with privilege of In. mooing the maw under Ito present , liarter ill 0041141311- • tired thousgnd dollars, tv too hundred thousand N, C. )lU6.4LlZlA: , ',4 , 4suita. • emirate - Juno O.' VOTICE. , :,-The subseriber, have en. 1 4 ..1 tared Into a limited nartnership. an I will tratioset hualnelet In the canto of Samuel homptim..lr. The general nature of the busbies:a In "To manufacture and conduct the liminess of making and vending PITS _PAPhlbin 411 Ito branches. , The nae hf the general partner in Samuel hempton. Jr.. who' resides tit Mount Molly Springs euniberlang County. Pa. The aggregate amount of capital contribbled by the spatial partners, Is Twenty-floe theueat.d dollar*, to the common stork. The partneri:hip will evtlllllelire ,in the icr of- August, 1868, and terminate on the lot or Jamiary. 116 I. . ga.lie EL KEMITIN, Jr. It. lIIVEr. S. :I: 31 titilt It 4114 ,' • . . , , • W. It MULLIN. . ' ' Aug. 20. 'bB-ewe. • __ . . .. . ~ , VO'fiCE.—Ntitico is . •hotreby: _that apulkultholon for:LICENBE. under the' ne,t .ef ate, Mnreh Ittso,ettol lin nunpleineutt 'mutt be Med with th e uudrrei,,ned nu er before the 2d dity otA ugunt nest, otherwise t heyyeltlAtutbn_htutro' .haty. 7; 1111 W—t a a. 1 VALUABLE: TOWN - PROPERTY . • .- - PUE'LIC SALE. ____ -. On SATURDAY', the 25th day of September, 1.858, the ' undersicauet alit sell et. the Court 'louse, in the Bor4- otigh of Carlisle. iii tl o'clock of veld tiny, that valuable __pretiorty.shueted nit the itouth-wodern corner of Moth. Street and the Public S junto, lu said Itarougli. Violet - le abnut - ISO Sitha IN Ylti.INT "on Mein Street, matt runs back r up Church Alloy: and het erected thereon a • .e. . - ----D Oflietwrie er-This.propertyllonetArthe. most ileshablo in the toen, and la admirably Pltunted for, a SIII:•T CLASS noTKL, lowN, itALI, or other Public It is n prnodoostlami"" o'nd , mnd, ---1 I i table-for anyimportard - bilineh OftrAdif.beligtoe tod i the heart of the•toorn, WO on ono of the principal ' Madness streets. Terme made k own on the day of • .sule by „ ELIZABETH GIVEN, • CADMAN v.ug, • for herself, and as Guardian of John W. Egolunder an • Order of Court. , [Sep. B..fig-t A • • ---- July 28. 1858150. • ' " %," 01 Latimator Examiner." " Lebanon CourlOr." •ln sert,to amt *1.50 and rbarge Herald COlce.. - • , A 1.1.1 AIME MILL ' I'ATE, ,r;.—The subscriberAtion; at pal &O vate sale the iIlSt Property on which ho now resider, situated In , Militia loworbip, Cumberland County, It miles west of New-, vine. and i tulles east of•Nowburg. oti the State .road leading from Norville to 'three Num. Hollow. This property Includes 45 ACRES BAND. 40 acres of witell are cleated oral in a flood state of cult 'Nation, the greater Dart being limed and under good funeer,• will, rousing staler in every field. The residue, Cr acres. hi covurod_Wltli-good timber. ' The4rnproveinettrattrwa-three-storr6lltLll-in gn.al repair. with excellent hurts and Chrppers f andan excellent run of custom. " Ate,, a :law Still. In gold order. with constant employ.. numb Titers alibis are nn the Three Square Hollow It no, with a bead of fifteen feet. 'flat oilier improvements nisi a twnedery• Ter FHA ME AND !oh; !WINE, Frame Stable, (nearly best) Carrlare House, Smoke thaw and other nereqsary out•httildings. Them is a well of excellinti water, (with a pump in it) at the dear.- a thri•ing voung . tnlClt or choler, fruit. - rho above property' wlll ho s dd so as to offoritrent in rlncentents to pirrehasers. For further romrticularn Slffllin Township Aul '5O-ti. ' - 4-- IT CONTAINS 128 ACIIIIB, • of good State Land, noon of whtrh Inn. 1.0'19 boon limed , and ail of it in in gnat slate of cultivation. About 20 /wt...v or the aliovo to won envered with good timber. Thu hoortivonionts a. good two-story WE (WED HOUSE, • a l .•- • Log horn. Wa,ton Shad, Corn Crib, nod other...nor:try out-6uildingB. Tiara IN in well of good water et the thew, and it thriving voting orchard ofltthlltlBl _ . ---'rho tarnin - Trolllvatit.rrlt - tlfrfftraliii; yrataTr In nearly all tho tlokla, It In wsll ndaptod ror qoek, an lar.:o p,rtlon.al-It ear bo eon varted Into mondnw. Ciroa Is conronlenr to Chnrehoo. tirboOn. Stornm and 11111 g." I.llmottono ran ho had wittilriltwo Indian for 'm1111111: llme. - • • y p.m; m wighing t0,1.w tho farm ran call on the - aubgerlr , ertiddlhg Olf,tVe prorelsei,""frie teywe wuj b e nude line ern on the day civil° by DANIEL Auz.'2s: 11i5K-at., pußla B.ox or REAL ESTATE: Ilv virtue of no order oe the Orpheus' Court of o'l , om-hand r nutty. I will expose -fo Public Sale on the remises no TIIIIIISD VT the :111th of SEPTEMBER: _l p os4i nt It, o'clock. A. Mo for the Heirs of Abraham DII ler; deceased. TWO FIRST-RATE LIMESTONE FAUNS, situate in the township - of West Perinsborough, and on the Cortodottlinnet(Creek about :2;t4; utiles east of New vitt, and 11l tulles-west of Carnal., --:-----Tdeer-t-Contains-Intearrocrulnety - of whlchls cleared anti under at 141 st and tall le tee, and has been welt 111004, 01011ure4 and cultivated: the 'esidlo., Is won • timbered. The Improvements area good • ' TWO-STE)ItY , • DOUBLE WATIIEBIMAIIDED II OUSE, ' /00.:0 .010 g10....1. new Welton Shed and Corn Crib. Bott•rate orchard and other improv.ments • - - - Snow): - Ciiit !MOP 71 acres: about sixty arms of whirls are c leared, under 0104 tent-wand hits been wall limed, .11011r011 Allll ettltleattld: the reablue Is wall timbered. The nnproyernants tat` this farm are a TWO- .. r:ATIIElt11 t. 4,111101) 80UM.% a 14004 ' — htilt• 11 trio and other out houses with a well tj ' of never-f, ling walor.' Both these farms are bounded by tile Creek. cud inljohieach nth,. • I will also at the'same tlmeand pltre, expose to pub. , lie to a rltAil' OF Wo tObt ND, 01t11111.01t lob the Nor 11 M , Motaln, entanming 53 arms. nod being about ¢ .111100 (00111 (lan alloy« fartr.s. nod which has bean dl yid into three garb of 16 acres Mt perches. 16 acres 31 p o rches and 211aer, it perches; this land Is bounded by •ieo. d. , 3r.thvo. John. Dlllur Pe:er Samuel arnold and others. amt covered with Kato.' timber, • coestll ut. oak • nd hickory. and ,sill be .14(1 separite or to.tether Itt will 111,4 •uir purehasers. partin.t title Will lie gletni to the purchaser and pos. towsien on the het of Aril. 1559. Ti,. teratt; which will 110 restonnble, will be med.. . known on the Ony of sole by SAMUEL DILLER, A lIVIIIiI 21. '5B-t s. Administrator, JACOB BOWM AN, Sh,,rllT. 4,2 FA Ar l'ltl V ATE SALE. ►*7 Thu sulmerlller iiir”ra at private sale; the farm nu ohi •Ii hn too r 0.134.1., nat.! ju West VettiirLorougb twropililp errintierlanil r`ourity. ens nill I emit of Now. rill., nu. the rind, tart tenting horn Varlitile contain 1.1. r 14 Iwun.le,l by larols of Maids—Voter , fiarri^b, lloory Imhmnh and 4ithers The land Is part lirnerrt•ore anti parr slate, all Mid, a gaol toner, and 10 111 . /h ital. of eußlvation. VP. I.npr.ventontO ronriert of a new Barn, a roo , modlnua . DWELLING 11011 FE. reeon•ly reirilred ant Improved, alit all ,other rieees:ary ont tull lines. Ali., an u,rwu,l of eill•ltChl FRUIT, and never . ..falling well of water at . ton d .r. • • For to-wn or other Inforinstlon, Inquire of the sub rerlher, reeking ou the premiers . . Ft ht . " S. 11,1; olt It ENT. L., • .0 deslrablnproperty situated on its Loather •Iteeti.ille • d eirs east h.q . , ea he building nootpled by tho Maio I 1411 ',tool. will 0 e for 051.4 or rout co in .110 Ito/. ill .rt kber next. The House has been tel eently s titted up. and water Introduced besides being ,good rlstere. Thou is alt. a STAULF: and other out-buildings at taehod and In good/m.l4ll[l.in; UNION HOUSE.-- w I:sr 111011 . STREET, CARLISIZ.,; The imtscriber. having leased the above woll.known public Immo. respecttully asks of its former patrons a continuance et their imsioim lie Is .well prepared to acemitinielitte Amin:ors rid travellers, and tilos° aho amp with him will tied his house a Pleasant temporary b Me. , bar will he provided with the ellinleesf Ildunrwo— Ilds,ohle.wlll always In forills l .ed a Ith the delicacies of the 1.1 . S011; and bia staple will be under the charge of a maul and attentive ostler. Friends, call and see 1.111111 i.. {Or yourselves. -DAVID IL GILL. July 21, ladtl. RA RE CIIANCI3, FOR A PRO-: FITAIII,It I NVICSTM subscriber, for private, reasons width (AD le, personally explained, of( fere for ash, on the MOM libeml le-tne. the entire stock 'of Bo .ke. fltatlonery. etc., (Including the good will) be lancing to Sitryork, Taylor .5 Smith, In the store on the south oast corner of the square, opposite tieller's Hat lore. ' August 111, 1.858-73 t THK .. sumoRIBERS HAVE FOR MIX 2.610 TiItiIICAND White-Pine 'Shin- , __glee, of auperior rim,' Aloo a tarp. lot of Cherry and Walutpt.,:kwe - 34 Inch in II intlieo thick: whirit they win - sell oho! ado or retail low. Moo: a to& of. May' Scaler, whl.t will he Fold low. A:teb. a new Thrtiohlint Machine te which we Invite the attentlo • of farmers, no we feel Me - polled to give n heroin. All kind, of Lumber mid Cool constantly ou hand low for each. ' .. EMMONS ("girlis', dune 27. . :,..„." JOIIN C. • Go.-voN HEILER, respectfielly Inform. Ole citlsene Al Carlisle loud vbiltilty. that he Imp removed two - donee e inth et Gliones hotel. In North flaunter street, where he is petitioned to execute all kit de or work UNBMITHI:Vg. haelif'irfayit - viit, band .a boom...snore , meat of ready 'unite hillee. Gone, Pistolot. , Locks Kaye Gun Trimmings, Ac. all of which he will call irholerale or retail. Ile elan attends reparlnto all kinds of ,Gune, Mae. Locks, tto.. gravee on Innen Copper and - Imn, monde onotres - ¢eltliC pea meirburchnned the potent right the Repeating nines and Shot GUM , . which he (dent to the public at, very low prices. Ile hive that by It• strict site, thin to tor, loess. and a desire to plane. he.will merit inv well as re mire a abate of the Wale patronage. /101-All kinds of Floe Amin mittle to order. Verner,' Aprtllll o IP6R, [sin.) 131E131JRN14.11iS' C 0 A L !TONS tilliykinia_Valley.,Nut CosJ.-a-Futietior-st-0- 00. ri2oolsing and for pip li'y • . r Anittist S,IRK It. • • TriiTifived fresh 111511 N ITO FIX I I. itjand ALColiohog, ' D. S. CROFT, Clprk ROC ..,tiitate..Bales TITO•STORY STONE :1 1; • DWELLISG .110 USE, A FARM AT PRIVATE SALE:7 Thu undersigned hereby notifies all purchasers of tines. that ho wishes daring the mummer or coming Fill to disposn'of his property. located :PA mules south• mitt of Carlisle, Cumberland county. Ps. the property consists of fifty•elght acres of best quail ty of LIM %STONE LAND, nod In a high ateiteuf culti vation. Tho impmvententa.are.,a new and canntiodlous BANK EARN. a good „l c. • ••• • DWEL NO 11 OUSE, ' a 'well of never tilling Water, and an or: chard of every varirty of choice fruit. The proprietor being anxious to remove ton distant part of the county, will sell eta moderato - price, and on accommodating terms. Far further particulars apply to the proprlotnr person. allyot his residuum on the silove property, or by'letter, to Carlirle, - Pa._ . - • MICIIAEL -FRIENE, Sr. . • • VLU A 131, P.A. It 31 00 It SALE. The subsea. trill offer Id: public. axle. on the proton..., on S A Tint') the :nth of SEPTINIIMI, 185‘. at I o'clock. I'. M.. Ida farm. alt tinted In prank ford tomttaltlp. Cumberland county . . floor and trith,ln I rolls of F ,htt's mill. awl 9 mlleeriveat of Cat- Ilslo, ou the'publ.c roast to CurUa.io. . SAMUEL lIIEFFLEBOWER I.ln. Ex. Ing 4 l't 3 times nwto,lhargo thlo For further, IttformaptsAFPV•inte;./i.'1LiT5....,,-;,-i Aug. 2',.185P-St, 13= ,Ilustness ' 4V%. 1:4 4V... NOTICE: , --Tuog. , IC BIDDLE . co ntinues' the practice of the law, in the office ffinuerlY occupied by his (ether, Wm. M. , Iliddle, E n , and more recently, by the lair firm of reurosa & Diddle, • now dissolved.' • ~_ ,Dee. 23, '57.1 . .... . . . . , -- ' C.'P. UMRICII; Attorney at Law.: .--unio on North Hanover street, n few doors south of Mass' Hotel. All business entrusted to Mtn will be promptly attended to. (April Ib. AW -NOTICE.. RF.Movet N. M. PENROSE has removed big office to the room formerly occupied by him on Male Street a •few "doors 'east-of.the-Alethoffiebblborehrwhere-humlldlwomptly. attend to all business entrusted to • August 10,'1851-. LAIV. OFFICE,LENUEL TODD gas resumed the practice Of thO Law. Mee fn Centro Square, west side, near the First Presbyterian Chinch. =LEM R. S. B. KIEFFER Office in North Uslinver gtCeit two doors from Arnoldk Bon's et ore. Otllco,hourn, monsparticulnelyfrout7 to 9 o'clock A. M. nod rr6m & to 7 o'clock, P. M. pOOI 4 OW.A.R N,IST R 0 NG- 'has - renuiv . oa bla °Mee to Centre Square west of the Court I atm; where he may be committed at any hour of the day or night. Dr. A. has had thirty years' experience in the profession. the last ten or which , have :men dere ted to the study wad practice of Homeopathy mediz • eine. .• May 20, 'b7Om. lhanneepathic Phyalclan Wad:Bargain:l: °Mee; hair liftill atrect, adjoining haxeeliM hardware store. Cachele. Match 31, G.EO. W. NEIOICII,. D. 'D. mio - Demouttrator of Operetive Fleotiotry to itie . .I:i ft u l t t s i nu re ritr. .e e ; 11!g" *f ' 1 ST./ , - Mee et Ills-residence, • ' opposite' Merlon ..flail, West Main Street, Carlisle Nor.ll. 1857. Da. 1.0.146031JS South Illenaver .street, -- ".llll*.frA next door to the Post . . • t5,..-Willtre absent from Carlisle the last ten days .1* nosh month. ' (Aug.l, ' SL GEOlt-GF Z BRETZ .._. 7 -41111-I.l° • tlaving returned to Carlisle. offers bin professions! services to the citizens generally. Office in North Pitt street, nearly opposite hip former residence Terms—Moderate. ICarlisle, March 31. '3B. Will be absent until the let of April nest. r. GEORGE -S.. SEA Ll' RIGHT, DENTIST, from the Dal •. timer,' College of Dental Surgery.. ; iftl e oMce at, the maiden ee of Ida tilothor,EastLouthe. street, three doors &low &Wont March 1850—tf. • J. C. NFIFF re4pect , "•••••• (oily Infirms the ladles and gentlemen ore trlisle. and !Holly. that oqr has re. sinned tho praetine .f Dentistry, and is prep wet to per form all operations • , 1 the teeth and gunge, led aging to his profession. Ile will lusertfull sets of teeth on gold or silver. with Angie gum teeth. or blocks. as they may prefer. Terms •neJerate. to suit the times Offieeln High street, directly oppeslte the Cumber. land Valley Dank. tfleelle. N. will be In Newrille the last ten days of every month. Jan. to, 1858.-lys DOCTOR AVE/USTI/8 R. EdIRERT, IMEITEM=I Mount-tinily - Springer. tfortnerir I'ipvttax•n) anti it, . - 4 Ms office will bo found at hie YNNldonce, Moere's 4001.. . (Aug. 0 " 'S. - W. ,HAVERSTIC.Dru,,m4st, - 7 - __North Itanorer Street, rhele;*• ,- 1 / 4 Physlclan'a preacriptionararerunk &rorpousded ijily of fresh &egg and 1111111 KfIiIFFER, Dealer . in. Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Artist., Coutsc tlimary. Simth Voir Street, Carlisle, Pa. B l ' B D E & M 11N DE Nil A LL, S . ' -BANKER . • .1 L.. • Nneth Western Land and Colleetiers Agents. -2:- Portirular attention paid to the business of non•resi dents, such as buying and sidling Real Estate, initutng money Iltl real estop" securtilea. IVIng4I . I)XVI apd looking after tbei . giVneriii interest of nob-residents., Reference., 'given if required. • ' Address, DEEM: & 311iibitNfIALL; - ' • kllnneapollo,•ltionesoti. ' July 21,1859-1 y . ,rlpo TUE PUBLIC.—The ontlersign. od belted Well known as a writer. would offer his services to'all requiring Litenorabl. Ile will frmir.h - Addreoltes, Orations, Essays' Presentaelon speeches and replies: Lines for Albums. Acrostica—prepsre matter tbr the.Press—Obituaries. and write Poetry upon any subject Address (post paid) FINLEY JOHNSON. 741 d. Feb. 17, 1858 t EAL ESTATE AGENCY I ANDREW O. . JEU rawarsox. ' E.II E T 081 PEON, Rave opened an °giro at St. Josepb, Mo., for the par 011.0 and sale of Real Estate. buying and selling Land Warrants. entering Land on Time, Surveying and Map. ping Towns, Ineation of Warrants, and making invest ments for non-residents. paying oiTase., and all Mud miss pertaining to a General Land Agency to Missouri Maness, Nebraska, and lowa. IteLOMeo nu Second Street, North of A.l l . &Attie% Banking Rouse. [July 30, 1806. EAT. ESTATE AGENCY, RE 31OVA L.— —L SPONEILER, ItICAL ESTATE AO L.FT, CON VEVA NCEII AND RCM VEN Kii,' has re! moved to his New Onke on Main street. one door west of the Cumberland Valley Bail Hood Depot. Ile Is now permanently located. and ham on hand and for sale a very large amount of 'neat Estate, consisting , 4 Farms, of all sires. looproved and Untruproved. Min Properties. Town Property of every description, Bond ing Into. also, Western Lands and Town Lots. Me will give his attention, to heretofore to the Negotiating of Loans. Writing of Deeds, Mortgagee, Wills, Contracts. and Scrivening generally. Oct. 28, 1857.—tf. W. C. ItHit:Ehf, ATTORNEY ATJAW'ANO , GENERAL AGENT Minneapolis, Minnesota liil o L u t t g_l4;e o %Va . l n it i t; ( 4:tl i o n n , to n e;l n l t tl g e . tt b ro i li y. t . lt n r . o t o i t% heal Estato and soeurlllo./. Negottoto t ode, pay taXe - , locale land warranill It, It. Hofer to tho monition of thO_Coutherbtoll County Ilar, cod to all prominent 0000 of Corllslo. Pa. (Aug47ol-ty. FRANKLIN HOUSE, ' '. South Ilaporor &rot, adjoining tho Court Howe, Car Halo, Pa. ~ dOllN...ll.olNiiiii. ,_i ' ' " Proprietor. td- Hall Coach loavon dally for Papertown. Patera burg, Yark Springs and ipainver froin Mit Ilauati:"-- CA. BIRNI3AUM, liook-binden and . IILANK•Di.MIS MANUFACTUItER.• • • Mechanicsburg, Pa. Magatlees, Newspapere, Dlbles, Blank-booke. Pass-books, Copy books.”Ae., Ac ., are rerelied and re turned. neatly bound fa one week, at moderate elms., ea. Also, paper ruled teeny desired pattern. .lan. ff, 18581 • SIMON P. SNYDER, Ohio. .. .... W, K. McKuu4st, j'esnwyhanln. • L. L . COOK, - Rhode 'lsland. cl N, L.l) lil It, ,s KLAN!), AND L. COOK, ~ Ila.akers and Dealers la Red lestaiar t • MINNEAPOLIS, . , 311noesota Territory June 3, 1&7.—1y R. H. THOMAS, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER , oar Alt etyles and patterns of Banda made to order. and t/Id Blinds ropalred In a neat and substantial:min ner, and on renaonable terms SIP Orders from CArllulo and other points abroad re lipnctfullv. , llol ted. and promptly attended to. .• .rbop di • tty opposlto tho , Unton•llotot' Wertllidu fgdert;- [Ju1y..11.248-t, . NO' 10E - TO - rAtliffllLs —:-' WANTENSI Cracker . p )lt , Otil? t. to take charge of a echo! In lb 'borough of es Cumberland. In this county, for the. winteraese ow to-whom a liberal Wary will be timid.— cur furthe parlieniars address , WM. S. PhOWELIa , .. L. -.• . . : . 1 i ..,,. - Secretary &boot hoard. July 21, 18211-3 n '-‘ • : - ~ , . p ARMERS !—Now if+ the' tittle-to g(t. 11 a new THRI.:81111110 MAMIINE and UOR 8 B. poupdt, We have a number of well made. Mnrhlnee now on hand. at the Cerlblle Ikundry nod Slarhloe Rfinp which wnwt%l nation thmi.At removal, tam.. They cowhide all 'the latest Improvement. nod are wayntoted to I. of go d matertnlnod workronnehip: . Also, CLHPN 81143,1.121 or the urantroproned con. structloo. whip h do their work rapidly and thiwoughly. Par sale et-low-prices by HUHLNE I I4IXL, - duly 21,1858. • CUMIN • • •NA COURTS "AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. FALL EXHIBITION ~01!:18611: TO DM HELD AT OARILTBI.Ii, IVERNEEIDAy ' THURSDAY AND FaIDAY. TIM. lath. 11th ANDl6lti DATWOF ocTIMSR: : • • s ,FRUITH: WATTS. • • .„....I._blornma. -- DxsucSzCifo'rr. , o.Cre'rars. . , [Atiguit 744. • New Goiido. gARaE SPIIING: . ARRIYAL . NEW YORK ANI7IIIILADELPH/A, ELEGANT NEW GOODA, AT • IREIWTZ'S SNP*. ' • - 'Splendid stock of new Blade Drelie.Bilkh-BlagulOcent Styles Fancy Drees Silks.: • , • • , RARE T.1:1, ICLEGLitillirki 1 ' French Foulard Silk., 'Chinese lailke, Satin and Striped Baregee. Valeaciae, Ducalles, Beautiful --zew:printed.thailies*:*•Ptencti - printed-" • netie, very handsome ifirits, very handsome -French Brillisnts, English French and American Frieda, Scotch, French and Doi:antic • • • • Oinghame, . Bonnets, flew • net Bibbono and • Drees Trimmings, . • • Shawin in every variety. Silk- Crape. Stella, Cashmere, ' Ac. Embroideries: very low Com. • . • pricing COLLARS. SLEE VES FLOUNC. . MOS, EDO INOS, YEILS,- -.6 a. Carpi:tinge :and Oil Clothe:* VENITIAN. I NO It AIN, ' I ••TEBBE PLY, -BRUSSELLS; COTTON" k, Brunets and Floor Oil Clothe of all' width'. LINEN GOODS. • '• A rwmplaassortment embracing all the molt cello !Waled marks. - • • ' • . Cloves and ' Hosiery for La- • : • dine, Misses an d" Children, great variety, , of kid, silk 'and Cotton • 'Blnves, Ladies 'Elegant Talsted DOMESTIC AND STA . PLE MODS: Bleached and unbleached Skirtings. Bleached and unbleached sheet ittgs. Woolen and Cotton Elennids. Corset Jeans Tickings. Cot tonides, Satinets, Tweeds, Cotton and Linen DIA. , . gem, Table Covers. Bleached and Broom &Mingo,' and an endless va riety' of other MBIM=I! In fast, this sleek of goods is vary extensive, Ahoy ouch and. romplete, having been purchased with a great deal of rare, we feel confident we can please any one who will favor us with a call. . . All candid persons who have patronised us hereto. fore. will admit. thst we hese sold the beet bargains ever purchased in Carlisle. We can assure out friends and all lovers of "Cheap Goods," that we are air well prepared as ever to offer superior inducements for their patronage.• • A. W._BPSTZ... gouttplfanover Pt reot, opposite the Post Wilco. B. 4.,-KIEFFER'S IVIIOLERALE ANPBETAIL Drug, Chemical, Confectionary,' Frnit P.IRIETT STORE, i•. IIE undersigned has Just replenished his stock of T DltsloB and MEDICINES, which, having been en. lected with great care. he le satisfied are Fresh and, Pure. Physicians' prescriptiOne be promptly and faithfully attended to. - .Orders from .merehauts in the country will be filled with care and on the most reason. aide terms. All official preparations Made strictly In accordance : with the U. S. Pharmacopeia. SPICES GROUND - AND WHOLE, nook an Cinnamon, Cloves, Aispice . , Coriander, - Pepper, Ginger, Mtudard, Dating : Foga. Mashing Beds, Cream Tartar, Nutmegs, Yeast .Powder, Mace, Citum.sSweet Marjoram, Thyme, are., Ac., fresh and pure. Ile has on hang all the different Patent Medicines of the day. ' CONFECTIONARIES. Oranges, Lemens, Elge, Raisins, Currants; .Prunes, Almonds. Filberts. %Vl,Nuts, Groundnuts, Creamnuts Chestnuts, Ambrlean. German and French Candles, and, Candy Toys of ovary variety. Those wishing to make wholesale purchases No here In, supplied with tho best quality of Confectionaries and atlOwer rates than at any other house in the country. lie has alone full ale abrtment of A3IeIIICIAN,-GERMAN AND' FRENCH TONSi-,i consisting of Wood and Tin of every description. Bach as Dolls, Doll !leads.. Horses, Watrons, Birds. Moving Elnan,., Nancy Work Doses. Masks. Cords. Drums, Chairs, Whips, Trumpets, Whistles,. Dmssing Stands, kc., cwto be sold Wholesale and Retail, and in_ prices,. cotlthu le defied: • _ .F1•1.2$10/' V "' ODS: • Port. Monnales, • i'urses.--11kei - Books. Fine Pocket Cutlery. Shell and Pearl nod Cases. Needle Books, Port Folios, Cabas .tlernian, French and American China Ware, Inksta nds and tray.A Card Reeks and Baskets, Jett Breast Fins, , Ntrklets , k)kd Itings.Ownlxt Puff, Long, Side. and Back Butnipercha Combs: lialr,Clothes, Butt On. Nail and Tooth Brushes, Searing Silks, Patent Thread and Spool Cotton. Buttons. ke. Ac. Fancy Toilet and other Surma. Pearl Powilerg._Exi tracts, find quality !lair Olin, Maiming. Shaving Snaps and Creams. Tooth Paste, Oahu of n Thpagand plower., Tricrwhengua, Tooth WWII, Hair Invheiralorg,'and !lair Dye. The above have been Relented with care and will all on examination, griesk'far thningelves. ----- 1 , 019AC..C.0 AND S'EGARS. On hand the best lot:of Segani and Tobacco that has ever been brought to this town. Ilia &gars will VOW eines Om smoker on trial of the purity of the material of which they consist—lle has on hand thom only Which are imported and which he can re. ommend as such. We need not 'Teak of the true German Seger as they have already gained for themselves a reputation that they so richly deserve. Ile also keeps the common :uncle of &lam to cult the trade; Tobacco such as El. donulo. Plain Congress, Twist Plain. Fig Leaf, Caven dish, Coupe., and Fine Cut Tobacco and snuff, the best material. Feeling thankful to tdm generous public f r their Ilb oral patronage, a continuation of .the Fame Is aollcited t at our permanent %radon In South Hanover atreet, 411. rectly opposite thron'e Hotel, and neat door to Mr. C. Inhoff'e Grocery. Carlislk Juno 23, 18.5a—ly. NEW . GOODS!' NEW GOODS!!! I kavejust retorned from New York and Philo • la, and arkatow opening In lAO now store room the largest and most splendid Mock of SPRING AND SUNMENGtaRN. ever brought to Carlisle. A. magnificent lino \AI LA DIES GRESS GOODS. such an Plain and Fancy Bayadere Side Stripe Silks Elegant Black 'Silks, very low, Poll Da Chm Mrs, Grenadines, Valentin++, and lie rego Robes, Side Stripe` DeLenee, Ducally, Organdy Lawns, Brilliants, etc., etc. A full assortment of Embroidery, Elegant rollers, Codersletves,' Handkerchiefs, .Inserting, `Edgings, Fioune'ngs, etc., etc.. cheaper than ever,. Cambrics, Itarred and Striped Jaconets, Swiss Muslins, Nausooks. etc., etc. Muslim, Pickings. Checks. Gingham++, etc., of all kinds and at the very lowest notch. ' BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS„' Rucheiyan entire new assortment, ' SPRING SHAWLS, a largo assortment and very cheap, audios Stella, wool lieLeine, Thibet, Grenadine. ' Sew Clotho and Cassiruereo ale° just repast]. Cue. Amerce and other goods'for hope wear In great variety. Counterpanes, Hosiery. Gloves. Mitts, etc.. etc. 4. full and new assortment of Mahogany, Itose•acal and Walnut framed Looking OLISS.I. CARYL:MO(OOIIY 31mTmax.—Annther supply of super Imperial, Ingrain, Venetian, Hemp and Stair Carpet. Inc.u at rerYreddiwit prices. This stock has- been laid In with great ciire it the very lowest cash prima, and will be sold for Chu rash at ouch prices as will convince all that Ogilbro new store Is the place to lay out their cash to the very beet advantage. Light profits and girl.* Kelm , . • Recollect the new store lo on the railer Of, lain and Pitt streets, oppolte the Methodist Church Carlisle, April ill, 'Egbi • ' Cl/ AS. ° CI / 1'11V• NOW IS TUE TIME FOR BARGAINA L ARGE AND EXTENSIVE ARRIVA SPRING ! AND SUMMER GOODS. .At..the New Starr.. Corner oi Nollh. Ilanouer ' and LoutOer Strrets The undersigned returns thanks for the patronage bestowed upon him by thepublic, and at the /1411:10timo respectfully announce. that he has Just returned from Philadelphia, and Is now opening a new lot of SPRINtI AND SONISIEIt•DRY GOODS AND GROCEIIIKI3, con: Meting In part as follows, and which' he to determined to sell at the lowest...oh ' ' . - CUCAL CLOT HS. Chanlec, Alpacas; Dellages, Lustre., Poplins, Lawns, Mirages, itrillirmts.irkirtlng.lfrench and Scotch Oingbanie Print. 'Moves Hosiery, Cellars, Ilandkerchlefis dc. SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, In every style and quality. STAPLE AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Cloths, Ca. almerrs..Vesting. Planuela, Musline, Ticking.. Stripes. Mukha. Calicoes, Cottonades, Linen. Sheeting. Deal oars. Nankeens, Drills, Marseilles Quilts, colored and white Carpet Chain, dc., dr: Parasols and Umbrellas Alan a tarp end splendid assortment of BONNETS, HATS. CAPS, BOOTS AND 8110 ER. -- A superior lot of fresh OIIOCERISS, Teas, Coffee, Su. gar, Molasses, Rice. Spices. de., des Ila*ing aelecteil my entire stoat with the greatest care, and -the lowest nom mucks. rtan assure thy friends and the public generally. that I will do all in my paver to metre my establishment known as the '• 1115 All QUARTERS FOR RA lIG AI NS." Theo wbn wish to purcbase will 2nd it to their advantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing. I will pay the highest: inarbrk price for Butter. Eggs, Rags. Soap, and Dried Fruit. J. A. LIUMBi011; Jr. ' MOWN. April 21,1855. -1: RON—RAI ing - for —l.Cemeteryenelosurnspubliestud private groundened intidenn'inale to order At the Carlisle Foundry.' tur stook of itaillue. Verandah and Bracket patterns com. woes a brae variety of new and elegant designs which the public are invited to call and examine. Braces roe casting and putting up Railing will be promptly eaeeu• ted at tuttisfertery primes. eat- An entirely new TENllOltBil STEAK ENGINE and BA Lim now on hand, warranted to be of the best make, and will be sold at a bargainthr eseb or on short F. 131.1 . 11DNICR .1F CCi. A.:OOD INVESTMENT. = The subserlber offers Ow sale Rondo of the &rough of t sle, guaranteed and secured by a first mortgage • upon the Carlisle Om ik . Water flempamee Works-, In. sums of diOno. and SW. with couponerattsched foe the payment of the inteinat semi-annually - 'Persons des!. onus of a psrfestly rule Investment for their money and -Punotnapaymenta of-interost,wilLdo wellSo-seoure thesubendi. LEWL. TODD, Preret..of the Carlisle Oas and - Water Company.. Arionottl.tWg—if • . . MEitomarri.. TAILORi i v {Feet main threat. (oppoeite the Railroad - ogle:ad' has Net received a now and olwaant assortment of 'Clothe; Plain. Clack and Finley Caselmersoinda, variety of plain and limed Yeenines. all of ..which he will make up o're:taxon, Arefeablosable style, and on a:g.flrderog iitOtOrd to'itromptly. aid the Siting of all trail:net& anatanteed, or no sale: _ p a klan4billo ,neatly executed.. • • IVoVril Ti dt.N 0, V Hit STREET. 2 . coNvoTtomuty, , • • C A IPI. PA . Who!halt! Rates flaubid info 100 lbs, Ouontrq 31•kolutulo 104 the pUldle gentaltllyla Ipyltod toe large isesortuient of tilolo.le crANNES; snanufeeturedl of the host materiel and warranted to othstalu no potions la their color', whlab will ho aohl . Wholesale or Retell et tow rates at the old stand of P . S - 1110X1rtans • .ow.. fPnam ~ A few door' North of thellsekle Rea* Just received a Imp assortm ent of , new FR UITS- AND NUTS • „ of the latest lutportatlons,,eonslatloi of Oroingew, Letanni, • Bablns, • • PnEaoa Was,. • Dananints, ' Ping APO.", Almonds; 'Filbert?, Nate, . Cocoa N uta, Cram ., ill of 'dark will be sold at low illicit, Able, a large ee aortment , " , TOYS AND FANCY GOODS • of every variety, Also, all the beat brands of ... SEGUES AND TOBACCO, - of American and German manufacture': Tho aubaerlbor relurus thanks for the liberal patron. age hestewed on him by the public.. and solielte a eon. &Immure of their favors. Remember the Old Stand of HUN VER.' - • andisle,-,7nn0.11) North Grover Street. • • 2, 1300K5,1 13,001t§N,,' BOOKS !.! SIIEVOCK, TAYLOR k WIPED ere sole agouti; In Franklin and Gunaberland nountles ' for the following valuable erotical ' itenton's Abridgment' of the Debate. of toupees. Price per Vol., Cloth $lOO, Shoop 3 60. , Denton'ii.Thlrty Tear's Vie ; ,comOiete s in 2 vote. Glottiss 00, Law• Shee p -$6 00. • tiorne's General Atlas of the World; Colored' !tape and bound, $6 00. -Durtonla Cyclapaeitia of - IVltandllumor. Ainarlean Eloquence; a collection of speeches ate., by the meet eminent eratore of America. with Illogra• phieal sketches and illuetrative note,. by Prank Stowe, ' now reedy. complete In to. vole. Cloth. $5 00; Library etyle. leather, $600; half call, gilt, 8 LW; holt wort:w ee, 7 . 00. • SANDERS' SCLIODL BODES Madera' Primer. ' • &mare* Spoiler. . 'Baader'' Roader, - NiVI. Handers' I . nders' Reader, No. 3. - • Sander? Reader, No. 4. - • •, • Sandell' Roeder, No. S. Random' Reader, No. 6: Sandal' nigh School Roeder, Pandora' 1411111 , 1 A. Reader. • Sanders' Speakers WholexalWand retell at SIN YOC K. TAYLOR .83111,1113 Siolodoona, elanoe, 811RVOCK,,TAY,WIt & A !Argo oupylyAl s S i cil;W o l 3 lckok , p A l r Fia;r:ln s ;tr y clii..t o n . l! Paper. "°l°P.; re S i gitlt n O k a e ltY t liilt & COME AND SHE . K E L L E It CORNER OPPOSII% TUX MMR ET 11./1.11.R. BOOTS, SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, .NEW AItRIVAL. We offer to our former customers and the public In general, a Orst rate voortment of uow gobdo, meltable for SPRING AND. UN!! ER Irg.4 R.'. unsurpassed for boauty, et vio, durability, •and cheap , noes. Our stork con.lsts of • • . . • 'FINE SILK. MOLESKIN' JUTS,' • Flo. Koceiiiii, Boys', Youths', and Childron's Saucy flats, of every color. OTIIAW 00911:1 AND CAPS, aro'duru the hoot amorteunub-ever ofTerod-in the - to/nu ty;and - trertby the attention of all. _ 1100 TS AND SHOES. of every varloty and eiyie;"Ladlos. Maim , and Chil dean's fine (Jolters. and all kinds of Chlldrou'o' fancy Shoo, - Forilelitleineu a ;rend anarottiooot of . eiery style and In fact every variety In our Ilne: Thankful to' the toitolle 6m past firora -we sollelt continiiatlnti of ~mitorli. as ww-ace...auro we eon wake It to the advantage of the purehaner. J. 11. KkUlilt: Carllale; April 2R, 1185F1.---7,-- A. 13. ..ENVING'S FiIgtNITUALE WARE-ROAMS', 1858 West High Steele!, Carll3le, Pa (Premium awarded al Ihe Cumberland Coati/ The subscriber hoe just received the most splendid assortment °rankles In Mx Ilia, over brought to this place—which he Is determined to sell at prices that de ty .competilion. Parlor,. Chamber, ladning-room, PURSITVRE. ~ Kitenen and' 011TIee 11. J. KIEFFER lErniwaelnit every article %sea by House and Motel keepers, of the most approved and titshloonlile 'design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In Helm reeeption and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Jilt frames. pictures, Ike., Sc. Purchaser. are requested to call and examine his stock, at his extensive ware.romus, West Main street. E.WINti. sir matieu - har attention given so hlliortlifi; 3 Orders from town -and country, attended to prompti) end on moderate terms. ' A. /I. k. Carlisle, May 12, 1658.-Iy. WAR S • SAXTON'S: , ARRIVAL. IMMENSE STOCK. OF UARDWAItE. The iubscrlller has joint returOed from the Eastern cities, and would call the attention of his friends and the public generally to.the large and well•eelected ae aortment of HARDWARE which be bee now on hand: consisting In part of BUILDING MATERIALS, such as Nails. Screws. Hiuges, Bella, Looks, Glass of every do scrlption and quality, such as Common, White. polished American. French, Enamelled and Double thick of all sizes, Paints. ;Ills. Varnishes. to., Ac. TOOLS—including Edge 'fools of ovary d'esrription. Sawa. Planes, Brace and Bias ; Augers. Si/oases, II tinges. Files, Rasps, Hammers, Vim, Anvil, Screw , Plates. Blacksmith. Bellows. Ac., A.l, Shoemakers and Saddlers will find a large assortment of Tools of every description. together with Ladies' and Gentlemen ' Morocco Lining. Binding, Patent and French Calf Skins, Shoe Thread..Awls,Wax, Pegn.lAsts. 'Harness Mounting, Collars, Malting, Whipstock, Doer. hair, Saddle Trees, Ac., ke. Also. Coach Makers Tools and Trimmings of all kinds. such an Ilubs..Spokes, Felloeitillafts. Bows, Floor Cloth, Canvass, Cloth, Damask, ;Fringe, lace, Moss, Axles, 'Spring &e. . . Cabinet Makers will find a large assortment of Var nishes. Oak, Walnut. and Mihottauy Veneers. Knobs of all kinds and alses, Mouldings, Rivets, Hair Cloth, Plush. Curled Hair Chair and Sofa Sponge, .ite„ Housekeepers will also find a large assortment of nI and. Forks, Itrittannia.- lbsta and 81Ivor Plated NUMB_ and Tea Spooug, Candlontleks: Traitors, ,Shovols. and Tonga, Iron and Itrain, Kettls, Tana. kc., together with Cedarriara of all kluda, such al Tubr.,Burkota, Churns. le , Bc. Agricultural Implements. embracing Plows otall kinds. cultivators. floes, dhovels, Rakes, Yorks, Chains, de. • IRON, a large sto k, comprising all kinds in'general nap 'OKI tam selling at city' wholesale prices.' c•.,.tterriember the eld stand;qtast Main street,Cadishs. April 7, 1858. - • U. SXTON. E NV F I It M . - HAM IIAT8: I lIATSII I The unde.wlgued would respertfullyannourice to the Public that they have purchased the stock, no., of the ate William 11. Trout, deed , and will continue the 111ATTINti • at the obi stand In West High street. w hole tlsy_li9po.4ll..the old customers, oth• etw wll 'give them a call. as they feel notifidetit of Irdng able to pinvse. They have now ou hand* Nilotid d assortment • AT 8, of ell descriptions, from the' coinuom Wool to iltollneet Fur and 81. k Hats, and et tutees that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money, Their silk, Moleskin and Desiver Hots, are 'unsurmissod for lightness. durability and finish, by those, of any other establishment In the county. Boys' Hato or evory deocOption coootantlyon band. call ARO Examine. Aug. 11 ]¢pB-1y GENTLEMEN'S, PURNIETING,,,StyOII,E, Patent Shoulder Seatii Shirt Manufactory TIM OLD StkriD, IYo. 700 Chearnut Strget, Philadelphia, .711ly 21, 185 P A. wiNcimatEn will give. u beretogge. hie per penal supervision of the cutting and lienuSteturingdo. pertinent*. ,Orders for hit relebmled style ofEblrtsand Collars filled at the shortest notice., • Persons desiring to , order Shirts, can be/mooned with the &mutt for mrsuniranyint. on applicationkr mall. Constantly on band, a varied sad select stock of usn• tlemen'a Foirnishing anode. Wholasals onion/ supplied on liberal tenni: --Sep: 8008 e • JUST. RECEIVER AT ; • . • LEIDICII 8 - AWY,I4III wriest re, anothei lot, of Donal*" and Sherwood'e eelli bratid kIXTIMION 'SMUTS. Aliar,liew styles'', of American Chintz. (very boa nt Iful.) and a variety of. - goods mlted thr the sicasen, Call and examine. • Aux. 25. '6B. A, .IItrIN DOW .1311A11114.1S t-'-- The a imisi, - v • v , lar;tsk. and Otinspeat wag 'titian' of Wihdow ---abadaccatilchad.nt tha new-stare of-------- .. . . ' ' 4. A. 1111 Sf AMIE Je. me,Faney Printing.dime New Boobs.' , RiItYOCK, TAYLOR k BMITICB Pll Nab Agricultural Puir 18;7.) 3, 0. CAIGLIO e; CO. OPPOSITt RIII WAIOUNOTON nOUBIR Std Ohobs, Una Yo n it L I - 000110 n 110tiflA1411.- - • -PAM 000D11,.a1P1' MOW,. to,, • • N, w, 114 1 /01101100 has Just resolved hem the ejty : • mid Is now opening aeplendldddlsnlay efVAI4tIY Warr ennoble tor the Akpromidnit Irelfdrif ONANtAI,,to 143 s ho desires - to mit the" attention of hie Mends and OA • Hie Assortment In this tine errand beshrionimill in novelty Mid elegoinro, /Arth In (pointy and prW of the *Melo, oamie4 p lease purahmers, ;$ wa by impossildeeto anumpste Ills - :11 1101i1DAY IorINCY hfrObo. fir IFfikt tomPAsserery_rerlirtydr Mies Intl& Of ttwilted_____:. thilrlistwn ne, Elagant elahsster And poreelsln I nkstands sad twyj _ - o , tneyirurirtnisrtsaitsdrethetri -- ;Mire Yonsy Ileskets,„ Wimpy Work BANN,. with sowing Instrinamtlw, • Fort•Sinnnslea, of ovary' varioty, . • Gold pens and penellin Pitnay`paper wetehte, • l'apoterfrii. And • large erdritity id ladies' limy iiefbi won wins end wafers, 0111 slut WO riding whips, elegantly Mashed, &sow far cutley,, • • l'orfunie baskets and bap, . • Brushes of eve* kind Wynn. " • llowerd's Yttrium. s of the rebuts kinds. Musical instruments, of all kinds and at all pigs, ' together with all Innumerable variety of oirtichmOrmlk ly finished and anltAble for holiday tinsmith:lo vudis be invites .pedal attention, Also, an extebelre and elegant collection if figl.l GAlf, Girt giition, comprising the redone Englishend Amerintr, ANNULS Wr ime, richly embellshed and Illustrated FOXTICAL WORKS, with CIIILDRON'A PICTOItr4I, 80 1 2 00 , fat elillilrbu offal teen, than which nothing ran pi MOM +Fproprleto or pleasing as holiday gifts, illsenortment of tlabool dlooks and &had AtAtionary Is also overbite, . and. comprisee everything Ovnd,lb ColJege and the' ;mod s . Ile also /Rodin to call the..particuler MN*. lion of Families to hii; .legant assortment of•• • LAMPS, ill.liANDObEil. de„ • • from the eNtenvive establishments of Cernelite• Miller and others of Philadelphia. eninplaing Army style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamp, for burning either Lard. Sperm•or tither's l nil, together with FlowerVeses, Fancy'ficreens. Ac. Ille assortment In this line IN us. *dueled In the lownugh. Also. yIIUITS, FANCY CONFECTIONANY—NUTS-;•Pftil‘ HICItYLD PlitllTB, Ae.. -In•every - yarlety and at am and frost such es can he confidently Teem:nem:led to his friends and 'lie little ' stock embrace; everything In the line of ?Racy Goods, with many other usefulertielve Go housekespere.which the public an as. 1,0,11111 v Invited to call and Ise during the holidays," Iletnember the Old Mond, nearly opposite th•nank North-honorer street. • MENEM ATOIIES J . kimmt. v A ItbAT CONI,VN'S old established Stand, West Main St., neatly . opposite the Cumberland Valley hove just received-a new assortment of wadies, 'ewelry. medallions. silver Ware, kr.. In addition to my former stock to wbieb invite the attenti.in of the public. The assortment ernbraces - tne -- gold and savor lover watches, Hunting fik and open cam do, gold' -Anolvira for • Ladles and Oentlenten_and--Mlver-Le• piano and quartler watebespf every vs rloty in style and price. Also tine gold Medallions. Timed-pins for and .0e Conan of every. quality. patternuild -prtZel. Geld veat..Mirb and neck dialog— (had bracelets, - rings;cuff-pine, sonde, Owe-buttons. occur., charms, de.. de. 11old and sliver thimbles, silver and pitted butter knives. feria, fable, tea, salt and rnnstaidrpmfrie of • every variety. A large assortment of gold, Alves • • ..- ~../01p" gi'. 4,.,--.7-- and common' .tooctieliv, to suit all - j. , --etgeo to tablet wa Invllo wpaelal stten.. Om. - . . A One. lot of aor,n PENN from the Wert maker; ported., cocoa. fancy boxes. aliver and pearl card caNS: gold and C 0 ,11,13 4 ,11 bracelnta, watch ehaltia, Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles usu. 4 ally kept lu Jewalry establishments, ' which I will sell low for crab. All articut war 74,7 ranted to be, what they era rapressoted. Partleulnr attention, paid as usual to WAT'I.I t EPAMINti and all work war muted. V 11031.01 Cf)snrs: - pet.:, 1857.1 AUST-it galil VE -AND • OPENINO 0. AT IVA MILK'S CIIKAI JEWELRY . Nun 'Street, Carlisle, Pa. ." - A large supply or 'Mehl% Jewelry. All- ET and Plated Wars, cirblch 1 Invite st ation. . If you ',milt 1.6 . a from Ma largest )elc nlrlocks. Watch. dewnlry. Silver and lted ware In earllel• We tuna a large assortment of Gall:Land Slbar Huns. lag and Open Casa Wlltahba to suit all Fancies an 4 Ma and Cheap Jewelry of every atyla and gnat'', In setts or by the place ea wanted, At !CAUGLVIII. Sher and Plated Walters. Cake. Fruit, Sugar. milk Card Basketa. tither. Table, Tea, Cream, Sugar, Balt. Desnert and Crean. Spoons, 185 S At NAUGLEI3. • Fine Pearl, Lava.Coral.Camao. Gloldatoos.Mosale.no routine 3loaalc, Jot Box and ill uta aoltkohaap At NAUOLE'D. • , • Diamond Breastp t ins and Fingerings, At NAlliiire. • , Gold Hunting Cnsn, Eight Day Levers; Gold Mull , log Case; Duplex; Gold Hunting, Chronometers. - At NAUGLIVB. itani, ,s y's hest. quality of Gold Pencils; Ditto Gold Pons and Silver Ilulddro, . . . ' At NAUGLE'S. Slicer and Plated ''en Setts, fieblete, Cup., Toast Racine, -Pitcher& Urns. Tureen& Tea Lolls, At NAUGLE'S. ' . . Cold No.*, Yost. Curb. Fob. and Chatlain Chain; Gold Bracelets. Lockets. Thimbles, Crowe, Charms, At NAUGLE'S!. French Time Pieces to run thriind !bur armlike, • At,NAUGLE'R.. Gold Sleeve, Teat, Collor, and Shirt Etude of all style. and truality. At NAVOLNII. Plated Forkg. Spoonii, Knives, Napkin Rings, 811vu Thlmp At NAUGLE'S. Fluthung, Accordeons, Slink Boxen--a line Tarte% At NAUGLE'S, ladies' Portmonales. Pend and Leather, Plain and, Fancy Travelling Dugs, very 1:7 tyles, cheap At NAUGLE'S. if.you Taut to have your ‘Tatchet put in good iie• pair and warranted, take them to NAUGLE:B. , ip Clock, you can get it ; At NAUGLIRI. If you want your Silver war* neatly marked at Aiwa notice, o ill' • ' If you want Ak NAUGLE'S. All goods warranted as represented, or Ma money r. funded, At NAUGLE'S Persons that wattlbsriplciaara Invited to call 1 . 1" S ALL FOR .11UNC011.110E11 1 These fellows that Mug out flags Isnd gnat so stuck fuse about the effects of the Money Panic,". -Suspension /Indite consequence?' -Great attraction" " Prices greatly reduced" and other queer "DOOM," are all talking for Ilusemon. Hut If you really want to get the north of your money, call . at tka faucily roomy and Rueensnare Store of HALBERT. on tile N. W Corpar of the Public Square and directly opposite the Cardsle Deposit Hank, in the borough of Carlßle. - Ills stock of China . , filaaa and Queenavare has )pd bean replenlaholl froth Philadelphla, and for baulky el design, quality and cheapness ' I= .I R° Esti His assortment or FAMILY GROCERIES is NA freilt,cloan and complete, suck as Java and ille Coffee, Mined Pirkela, . Roasted, - Plain do: Wercetderablre Ranee,. -4 : -.-.''''''' . llo ln t e tt r o ial or T it e l l aCk do. American do. 0 . 1: . : r ite og: . dno r Ldzy , Lo l n a ltf ,, Cat t er . p zli, J.' Corn Starch, Pepper sauce, Aire Fleur, Table salt, Baker's Coetm. . ._ Syrups and Molasses - Chocolate, - of every. quality, Preston's Eagle do. Macaroni, . RIJOARIL . . RPlCER.(irround A angrountL)' NatiDrieanv. - - Cinnamon, . . .. Porto Rico, Mace, • - - • Crumbed, Nutmeg', ' Granulated. Cloves. - Pulverised and Aispice, - Refined. P*ter and -(li nger. • . Outset —Pine apple sad New York dairy Chia*. Cranberries, Brooms and Cedarware )10 011 0 MACKEREL— l od ess il . N 05.1.2 and& Beponittor Courerikrotted Lye lin P•• - iddiial . ...lllolDlAND AND 01.00 . Arileleit that cannot Do anumarated t litit whieh thuoublic_ameordbilly t ozsmtne for tbontaolies, , , • The subwriber thankful for the serf liberal patron. age which be has revolved from the community itt Was* past, reapactfolly solicits a coulinuarra; - • . JOSEPH D, Dec. 01;1857. . • WALL PAPER 1. WALL PAP.E.R' wAu„ pArs's rox Tag mums. • A large variety of now and beautlfuF pattern!' jUit opening and will be soldrbeepor an ever at .;•. • • JOHN 1... ur th riz BON'a. . .. • , Cheap Hardware and Paprr Stong North Hanover Stride .4.Lentatlhil !mini, of WINDOW 8111ADEB•Jupil rived at '- • J; P - LYNN A PoNli Green and blue Windoi IhipernJuvt opened al - April 7, 1851.1 ' JOHN P LYON a SON. •• ...„ - •• ~ " _ •.. .. .., AcDIHRICAN , WATO}I.- , -Hiving r... relied the ageneifor the male of the "Anterites' . •.,.' it h. from the Beaton \Vete!' company,. I naiad inn. K',;:,',:ipecerune in for ~- my old Maude and 414 nubile yetieettK: ~'.', ; K', ; :, ' ,:' ally. Chet I here • tine assortment now ,opanlnp and . •:', - ready for sale In gal(' 'and !diver oases. end 'Toy. One: .2.. Mile& and .Ith retard to OM* they tan . * he heaN•to. , ,. : . -,,,,, prove that feet It leanly. tteressery Melee them et trhd , . ' Penman In Want of e correct data tom are re Reath:Ay —. .. invlted.to tall and eel our nateheL . . -. ` %.' . ,q - , :,......,-, Main Street, Carllale. Pa. =E . NIG IRON.— . TEN • TONS . ohatemai orge) PIG Mk, PAr We at the Warelto= II e. IV, MtII4IISTICS. 'At N.ASIGLY:IS At NAUGLS' ViEMCI3I!